- Asean Affairs


- Asean Affairs
ur Planet
Tuesday, 3rd August 2010
The Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur
Level 1, Sapphire Room
The Delegation of the European
Union to Malaysia
Official Hotel Partner
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
ur Planet
Save Our Planet Malaysia
Tuesday, 3rd August 2010
The Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur
ASEANAFFAIRS –The only global publication from Southeast Asia.
Strategic Partner:
Swarup Roy, Founder & CEO of AseanAffairs
YB DATO’ SRI PETER CHIN, Minister of Energy, Green Technology & Water, Malaysia
YB TAN SRI RAFIDAH AZIZ, MP, Advisor & Patron, The Malaysia-Europe Forum (MEF) & former Minister
of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia
H.E. VINCENT PIKET, Ambassador & Head of Delegation, European Union Delegation To Malaysia
TONY NOVAK, Country General Manager, Emerson (Thailand) Ltd
STEVE MCCOY, Founder & Principal, Counterpoint Consulting Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
PROFESSOR SAID IRANDOUST, PH.D., President & CEO, AIT (Asian Institute of Technology), Bangkok
NIRAJ SHARAN, Chairman, Aura Inc. & Aura Energy – US, Italy & India
SEITLE S. DHILLION, Vice President & Head of Oil & Gas Division, Siemens Malaysia
M.R. CHANDRAN, Advisor to the Executive Board, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Malaysia
GURMIT SINGH, Director, Centre for Environment, Technology and Development (CETDEM) and CAN-SEA
Regional Coordinator, Malaysia
HERBERT DITTMAR, Managing Director, Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
THOMAS BRANDT, Head of the Environment Energy and Green Tech Committee, EU-Malaysia Chamber of
Commerce & Industry, EUMCCI
HANS GUTTMAN, Coordinator The Wetlands Alliance, AIT (Asian Institute of Technology), Bangkok
SHAYNE HEFFERNAN, Founder, Heffernan Group & Ebeling Heffernan, Bahamas
DATO DR. ACHIM G. DEJA, TIMA GmbH President / CEO, Wachtberg-Pech, Germany, Member of UN
Global Compact, Signatory UNGC Caring for Climate / UN Water mandate
Moderators & MC:
SHAFIZAN JOHARI, Business Reporter, Anchor Bisnes Awani, Astro Awani, Malaysia
STEVE MCCOY, Founder & Principal, Counterpoint Consulting Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
JAIME ZULKIFLI, Director, Clarus Communications, Malaysia
Official Hotel Partner:
Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur
Co – hosts:
Emerson (Thailand) Ltd
Heffernan Group & Ebeling Heffernan, Bahama
The Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia
Siemens Malaysia
Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Complete presentations (text and Video) available at www.AseanAffairs.com/events/save_our_planet_malaysia
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
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ur Planet
Table of Contents
Asean Affairs Events
Supported By
Biography of Speakers
Welcome Address
Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
What can we do to save our planet - 10 Simple Tips
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
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Asean Affairs Events
Asean Leadership Forums (Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur)
Chairman of Asean 2009 and Thai Prime Minister Abhisit
Vejjajiva delivering the keynote address at the sixth Asean
Leadership Forum, 19th June 2009, Bangkok.
S. Roy with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (left)
at the seventh Asean Leadership Forum, 5th April 2010,
Kuala Lumpur.
Save Our Planet 1
12th March 2010, The Radisson Hotel, Bangkok
Left: Panelists of the first session: COPENHAGEN Climate Change Summit and its Implications of Save Our Planet 1,
12th March 2010 meeting.
Front left, Mr. Dominikus von Pescatore, Senior Bayer Representative for Country Group North ASEAN and Managing Director
of Bayer Thai Co., Ltd., Dr. Michael Nobel, Founder, the Nobel Charitable Trust, Dr. Hanns Schumacher, Ambassador of the
Federal Republic of Germany to Thailand, Dr. Raphael L’Hoest, Counsellor for Economic Affairs German Embassy, Bangkok.
Back left, Swarup Roy, Founder & CEO of AseanAffairs, Mr. David Oberhuber, Country Director Thailand of GTZ, Mom Luang
Rajadarasri Jayankura, Chairwoman of Asean Affairs, Stuart Scott, Director, The Climate Summit, USA.,
Right: Speakers and Delegates at the cocktail party after the conference.
Save Our Planet 2
25th March 2010, The Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok
Panelists passionately debate the leading role businesses have to
take in the fight against climate change.
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
A packed hall of participants at SOP 2 is engrossed in learning how they can individually contribute to mitigating
climate change.
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A message from the founder of Asean Affairs
The Save Our Plant Forums were started by
Swarup Roy, Founder of Asean Affairs-the
Global Publication of Southeast Asia. The
conferences started in March 2010 in
Bangkok and continue in Malaysia,
Singapore, India, Vietnam and China,
culminating in a megaconference in 2011 in
New York City.
It is now apparent to many that the task of
implementing measures to combat climate
deterioration falls on the private sector,
including companies and individuals. To
accomplish this, shared solutions need to be
produced. The goal of Save Our Planet
conferences is to develop and define these
practical solutions.
Speakers and Participants
Among the speakers and participants that
have appeared at the Save Our Planet
Conferences have been: Dr. Michael Nobel
of the Nobel Charitable Trust, Dr. Haans
Schumacher, German Ambassador to
Thailand; Dominikus von Pescatore of
Bayer, David Oberhuber from German
Technical Cooperation, Tony Novak of
Emerson, Sumit Phokrel of the Asian
Development Bank and Shayne Heffernan
from Ebeling Heffernan.
Corporate partners
The Save Our Planet concept has attracted
a wide range of partners including: Bayer,
Biersdorf, Ebeling Heffernan, Emerson,
PTT Public Company-Thailand, the German
government through its local embassies,
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
Potential partners looking to support the
Save Our Planet initiative are: the US$29
billion dollar Birla Group, the French energy
giant US$110 billion GDF Suez Group, the
Hinduja Foundation of Switzerland and
London, and the heads of state of Asean and
European countries.
Save Our Planet Foundation
The creation of the Save Our Planet
Foundation as a nonprofit organization to
fight climate change is another goal. The
foundation would support innovations in
technology, processes and methods across
Asia and fund start-up companies to fight
climate change. The foundation would
create various mechanisms to achieve these
goals, one of them launching an “Asian
Green Awards” for the best innovations and
companies involved in the eco-economy.
Final report to the United Nations
At the conclusion of the New York Save
Our Planet megaconference in New York
in 2011, a comprehensive report will be
produced and submitted to the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
anticipating that this report would be
viewed as major Asian contribution to the
climate crisis issue.
We seek your support to Save Our Home
and Our Planet.
Email me at roy@aseanaffairs.com
Swarup Roy
ur Planet
11.00 am
Arrival & Registration
11.30 am
1.00 pm
Master of Ceremonies welcomes
Jaime Zulkifli
Clarus Communications (Malaysia)
Swarup Roy
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
‘Join us to Save Our Only Home’
1.15 pm
Session 1 – ‘Governments as Change
Agents – An Uphill Task’
Asean governments, including
Malaysia, have not been effective
leaders in combating climate change.
How can they reverse course and lead?
1.15 – 1.40 pm
YB Dato’ Sri Peter Chin
Minister of Energy, Green Technology &
Water, Malaysia
‘Building a Green Malaysia: Challenges
& Opportunities’
(Keynote Address)
1.40 – 2.00 pm
YB Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, MP
Advisor & Patron, the Malaysia-Europe
Forum (MEF) & former Minister of
International Trade & Industry, Malaysia
‘Building a Green ASEAN: Challenges &
2.00 – 2.15 pm
H.E. Vincent Piket
Ambassador & Head of Delegation,
The Delegation of the European Union
to Malaysia
‘Post-Copenhagen - The Road Ahead’
Panel Discussion: 2.15 – 2.45 pm
YB Dato’ Sri Peter Chin
YB Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, MP
H.E. Vincent Piket
Swarup Roy
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
2.50 pm
Session 2 – ‘Companies As Change
Agents: Leading The Way’
The capitalist system has left the
world’s largest carbon footprint. How
can it reverse course and maintain
2.50 – 3.15 pm
Tony Novak
Country General Manager
Emerson (Thailand) Ltd
‘Energy and Emerson’s Impact on The
Carbon Footprint’
3.15 – 3.35 pm
Steve McCoy
Founder & Principal
Counterpoint Consulting Sdn Bhd,
‘Transition 21: What should business
in the 21st century look like, why, and
how do we get there?’
3.35 – 3.50 pm
Professor Said Irandoust
President &CEO
AIT (Asian Institute of Technology),
‘Companies leading the way: Green
Jobs of tomorrow’
3.50 - 4.05 pm
Niraj Sharan
Aura Inc. & Aura Energy – US, Italy &
‘Smart & Responsible Energy
5.40 – 5.55 pm
Hans Guttman
Coordinator The Wetlands Alliance
AIT (Asian Institute of Technology),
‘Engaging in the new Eco-Economy beyond mere compliance and for public
Panel Discussion: 4.05 – 4.35 pm
Tony Novak
Steve McCoy
Said Irandoust
Niraj Sharan
Steve McCoy
Founder & Principal
Counterpoint Consulting Sdn Bhd,
Shafizan Johari
Business Reporter, Anchor Bisnes Awani
Astro Awani Malaysia
6.30 pm
Session 4 – ‘Financing The Fight
Against Climate Change’
It’s all about the money and who
is going to finance the war against
climate change, corporations or
4.35 - 4.55 pm
Coffee break
4.55 pm
Session 3 – ‘The Sustainable
Are corporations only interested in
complying with social, environmental
and energy requirements or can they
go beyond mere compliance and move
toward combating effective climate
4.55 – 5.15 pm
Seitle S. Dhillion
Vice President & Head of Oil & Gas
Siemens Malaysia
‘Answers that will save our Planet’
5.15 – 5.25 pm
M.R. Chandran
Advisor to the Executive Board
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
(RSPO), Malaysia
‘Agriculture Commodities &
5.25 – 5.40 pm
Gurmit Singh
Centre for Environment, Technology and
Development (CETDEM) and CAN-SEA
Regional Coordinator, Malaysia
‘Energy Efficiency in an individual
house setting: A Malaysian Case Study’
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
Panel Discussion: 6.05 - 6.30 pm
Seitle S. Dhillion
M.R. Chandran
Gurmit Singh
Hans Guttman
Herbert Dittmar
Managing Director
Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Thomas Brandt
Head of the Environment Energy and
Green Tech Committee
EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce &
Industry, EUMCCI
6.30 - 6.45 pm
Shayne Heffernan
Heffernan Group & Ebeling Heffernan,
‘The What and How of attracting
‘Green’ investments’
6.45 – 7.00 pm
Closing Address
Dato Dr. Achim G. Deja
TIMA GmbH President / CEO,
Wachtberg-Pech, Germany
Member of UN Global Compact
Signatory UNGC Caring for Climate / UN
Water mandate
‘From Pollution to Solution; Companies
who are the chief polluters should seize
the moment to build the momentum
towards the $Trillion green business’
7.00 pm onwards
Networking Reception, Sultan Lounge,
Mandarin Oriental
Courtesy: Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn
This programme is correct as of 28th July 2010
The organizers reserve the right to amend the
ur Planet
Supported By
Sponsors and partners of Save Our Planet-Malaysia L-R: Swarup Roy, Founder and CEO of Asean Affairs, Pierre Barthes, General
Manager, Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur, Seitle S. Dhillion, Vice President and Head of Oil and Gas Division, Siemens Malaysia,
Herbert Dittmar, Managing Director, Bayer-Malaysia, Peter Chin, Malaysia’s Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Tony
Novak, Country General Manager, Emerson-Thailand, Rafidah Aziz, Former Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia,
H.E. Vincent Piket, Ambassador and Head of European Union Delegation to Malaysia, Natasha Zulkifli, Executive Director, Malaysia
Europe Forum and Shayne Heffernan, Founder, Heffernan Group and Ebeling Heffernan (Bahamas).
EMERSON (NYSE: EMR) is a diversified global manufacturing and technology company offering a wide range of
products and services in the areas of process management,
climate technologies, network power, storage solutions, professional tools, appliance solutions, motor technologies, and
industrial automation. Recognized widely for its engineering capabilities and management excellence, Emerson has
approximately 129,000 employees and 250 manufacturing
locations worldwide.
EBELING HEFFERNAN (EH) is a public markets Consultancy Company formed by two experienced stock market
analysts, each of whom founded and currently operate two
venture capital companies in the USA and Hong Kong. EH
showcases its client’s products and services throughout Asia
and invests in innovative businesses, the latest technology,
novel pharmaceuticals and new markets.
The Delegation of the European
Union to Malaysia
MALAYSIA The Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia was established in 2003. As the diplomatic mission of the
European Union, its task is to promote closer ties with Malaysia by providing an efficient and reliable communication
channel between the Malaysian government and the EU.
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
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Supported By
SIEMENS Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating
in three core sectors of industry, energy and healthcare.
The company has around 430,000 employees (in continuing
operations) working to develop and manufacture products, design and install complex systems and projects, and
tailor a wide range of solutions for individual requirements.
For more than 160 years, Siemens has stood for technical
achievements, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality. In fiscal 2009, Siemens had a revenue of €76.7 billion
and a net income of €2.5 billion.
BAYER CO. (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in health care, nutrition and
high-tech materials, headquartered in Leverkusen, Germany
and employs 108,000 people worldwide. Bayer’s first subsidiary was established in Malaysia in 1972. The new Bayer Co.
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd combining all of Bayer Malaysia operations was started July 1, 2009. Herbert Dittmar is Managing
Director and Country Head of Bayer Crop Science, Malaysia.
Official Hotel Partner
Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur enjoys a prime location in
the heart of Kuala Lumpur City Centre.
Having 643 guestrooms and nine restaurants and bars, guests
can enjoy an array of international and local cuisine while
staying in the hotel. The conference and banqueting facilities
features one of the largest pillarless Grand Ballrooms, and
function rooms that are supported with a range of audiovisual equipment.
Those looking to relax can do so at The Spa or the Vitality
Club that has an outdoor swimming pool, aerobics studio,
tennis and squash courts, Jacuzzi, sauna and steam rooms,
and a fully equipped gymnasium.
Strategic Partner
MALAYSIA EUROPE FORUM The Malaysia-Europe Forum (MEF) aims to promote Malaysia in Europe and vice
versa through the exchange of views, furthering of mutual
interests and enhancement of links between and among
European and Malaysian business leaders, professionals,
scientists, academics and humanitarians at a nongovernmental level.
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
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Founder & CEO
Swarup Roy is the Founder and Publisher of ASEANAFFAIRS, the first and only global publication of Southeast
Asia. He was born Dec.16, 1969 in India and holds a bachelor’s degree in physics and an MBA.
ASEANAFFAIRS media is an independent voice of Southeast Asia that represents the views and aspirations of
the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and provides a window on the widely diversified region
of more than 560 million people, and a bridge linking ASEAN to the world and vice versa.
From 2002 until 2006, Roy was President of Business Day, Thailand’s only English language daily business newspaper. It was during this time he discovered the need for an independent media dedicated to Asean for there
was none. His strong interest in the region led him to focus on Southeast Asia, by committing all his resources
to establish ASEANAFFAIRS. First, the online information portal followed by the print edition. Now in its fourth
year of publication, GOOGLE ranks the daily online edition of www.aseanaffairs.com #1 under the News and
Media category of Southeast Asia ahead of CNN.com/Southeast Asia. The bimonthly print magazine is distributed in more than 35 countries (North America, 22 countries in Europe and Asia).
Local, regional and global events organized by ASEANAFFAIRS aim to bring the stakeholders and participants
on a common platform to interact and find solutions to the challenges facing Southeast Asia/Asia along with its
major trading partners such as the European Union, USA, Japan, China, South Korea and India. The sixth Asean
Leadership Forum organised by ASEAN AFFAIRS was held in Bangkok on the 19th of June 2009. The keynote
address delivered by the Prime Minister of Thailand; Mr. Abihist Vejjajiva and the event was a huge success. The
seventh Asean Leadership Forum was held in Kuala Lumpur, organised by ASEAN AFFAIRS and Asli of Malaysia (5th April, 2010), the keynote address was delivered by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, and the
first Asean Transformational Leadership Award was presented to Prime Minister Najib by Roy.
Roy is a highly sought after speaker and moderator at international forums and panels. In October 2009, Berlin
(Germany), Roy chaired the first session of the Asia-Pacific Weeks organized by the German Government every
two years. In February 2009, he was the moderator at the Asean Summit, and in December 2009 he was the
speaker/moderator at the fifth Asia Economic Summit in Singapore. This year 2010, in Zurich (Switzerland),
he spoke and chaired key sessions at the pre-Davos, Horasis meeting on 26th January. Then at the Global India
Business Meet in Madrid, Spain (June 2010). Asean Affairs was the media partner of the event and Mr. Roy
chaired the session on “Sustainable Corporations”.
His company, TIME INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISES CO LTD, is based in Bangkok, Thailand, with plans to open offices in North America, Europe, and India within the next few years.
He has more than 15 years of corporate and management experience. He started his career in 1993 with one of
India’s leading MNC’s Shaw Wallace & Co; Ltd.
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
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Biography of Speakers
Minister of Energy
Green Technology & Water, Malaysia
Peter Chin is currently Minister of Energy, Green Technology and
Water for Malaysia. He was born Aug. 31, 1945 and has served as an
MP in the Malaysia Parliament since 1990 and in various government
positions since 1986. He started his public career in 1984 as chairman of the Miri Municipal Council, Sarawak, and has served as a
Federal Deputy in three federal departments. He served as a Minister of the Plantation Industries and Commodities from 2004 until
April 2009, when he assumed his present post. A barrister by training, he is married and has three children.
Advisor & Patron
The Malaysia-Europe Forum (MEF) & former Minister of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia
Rafidah Aziz was born in Perak, Malaysia Nov. 4, 1943. She obtained
her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in economics from University
of Malaya and went on to teach there between 1966 and 1976 on
the faculty of Economics and Administration. In 1974, she was appointed a senator and two years later was appointed Parliamentary
Secretary to the Ministry of Public Enterprises. In 1977, she was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance, a post she held for three years.
Her first appointment as a cabinet member of the Malaysian government was in 1980 when she was given the portfolio of the Ministry
of Public Enterprises. In 1987, she was made the Minister of Trade &
Industry, a precursor to the present Ministry of International Trade
& Industry. Tan Sri Rafidah went on to become the world’s longest
serving trade minister, serving in the Malaysian Cabinet until 2008.
Ambassador & Head of Delegation
European Union Delegation To Malaysia
Vincent Piket joined the European Commission in1992. From 1998
he was posted in Slovenia when the country negotiated its accession
to the EU. He served there as Acting Head of Delegation as well. In
2001 he became Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to the Russian
Federation, where he covered all areas of EU-Russia cooperation.
In 2008 he was appointed Head of the EU Delegation to Malaysia.
He holds a doctoral degree in English language and literature from
Nijmegen University.
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Biography of Speakers
Country General Manager
Emerson (Thailand) Ltd
Novak set up his presentation with the fact that if civilization’s future hinges on one issue - other than
global pandemic or war - that issue is energy. He said we’ve built a civilization dependent on hydrocarbon based energy for its growth and pointed out that the laws of thermodynamics teach us current
levels of energy input are required simply to maintain equilibrium but the ability to continue input at
current levels is questionable. Supplies are more difficult to find, extract, and process than ever before.
In the industrialized world there are 10 calories of hydrocarbon energy involved in the production of
every calorie of food.
And, the use of hydrocarbon based energy impacts climate change which in turn threatens water as
well as food production required to meet the growing demands of an ever increasing global population.
He said geologists continue to debate peak oil theory but a critical point about which there is no
longer a debate is that we are consuming oil at a faster rate than the rate at which we are adding new
reserves. While no combination of currently available alternative energy sources alone is sufficient to
significantly offset the hydrocarbon component of the energy complex, accelerated development of alternative energy sources together with an intense focus on energy efficiency are essential components
of solutions that are currently being brought to bear and that will be increasingly important in future.
Among those solutions currently being deployed to achieve greater energy efficiency are those based
on advanced digital technologies developed and manufactured by Emerson.
Founder & Principal
Counterpoint Consulting Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
Steve McCoy is Founder and Principal of Counterpoint, a consultancy firm providing support
services on sustainability for the Corporate, Government and Nonprofit sectors. Academically,
Steve read medicine, music and theology (not at the same time!) at London and Cambridge.
Immediately prior to this, Steve was the CEO of the Force of Nature Aid Foundation working in
the long-term recovery of communities affected by natural disasters.
President & CEO
AIT (Asian Institute of Technology), Bangkok
Said Irandoust,Ph.D., a Swedish national, is currently President of the Asian Institute of Technology
(AIT), which is based in Thailand with affiliated centers in Vietnam and Indonesia. He was born in
1960 in Tabriz in the province of Azerbaijan in northwest Iran. He moved to Sweden in 1979 as an
exchange student. He earned a master’s degree in chemical engineering at Chalmers in 1984 and a
doctorate in 1989.
Aura Inc. & Aura Energy – US, Italy & India
Niraj Sharan is the Founder, Chairman & CEO of Aura Inc & Aura Energy that has operations in
the United States, India and Italy. Aura provides manufacturing, system integration and technology
consulting to the oil and gas, power and petchem industries. He serves on the Government of India
Technology team for Water and is a speaker at various international summits and is recipient of
many awards on corporate leadership.
Business Reporter, Anchor Bisnes Awani
Astro Awani Malaysia
Shafizan Johari is a new generation journalist/ anchor introduced to the local broadcasting industry
by Astro Awani. He joined the 24-hours news and information channel fresh from graduation as a
business journalist in July 2008. His drive, talents and thirst for knowledge earned him an additional
responsibility by being also trusted to anchor Bisnes Awani news show since February 2009.
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
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Biography of Speakers
Vice President & Head of Oil & Gas Division
Siemens Malaysia
Prakash Chandran is the President and CEO of Siemens Malaysia, and the Executive Vice
President and Head of Siemens Energy Sector, ASEAN Cluster. A successful business
group manager with extensive experience in power; and oil and gas, Prakash made his
entry to a flourishing career in energy after obtaining his bachelor’s degree in technology
(electrical engineering) with a First Class Distinction from the University of Kerala in 1985.
Advisor to the Executive Board
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Malaysia
He is a 50-year veteran of the agro-commodities industry. He served for 35 years and
retired as director and head of plantations of Franco-Belgian multi-national, Socfin Company Berhad. He was the start-up Chief Executive of the Malaysia Palm Oil Association
(MPOA), a private sector entity tasked with the function of balancing the needs and interests of the Malaysian plantation industry.
Centre for Environment, Technology and Development (CETDEM) and CAN-SEA Regional Coordinator, Malaysia
Gurmit Singh has been an environmental activist in Malaysia since 1974. Currently he is
Chairman of the Centre for Environment, Technology & Development, Malaysia [CETDEM]
having served as its founder Executive Director for 22 years. He received the Langkawi
Award in 1993 from the Malaysian government. Gurmit graduated in electrical engineering
in 1970 from the University of Malaya.
Managing Director
Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Mr. Herbert Dittmar, Managing Director of Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. is a 21-year veteran at the Bayer Group, a global enterprise of more than 30 billion euros in yearly sales
with core competencies in Health Care, Nutrition, and High Tech Materials. Before Bayer,
he worked with the consumer goods group Henkel KGaA (Germany/US) between 1981and
1989. A native of Germany, Mr.Dittmar holds a master’s degree in international business
from the University of South Carolina, USA.
Head of the Environment Energy and Green Tech Committee
EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce & Industry, EUMCCI
Thomas Brandt is an economist and the author of three books. He is the representative
of the Schleswig Holstein Business Center WTSH, Malaysia, the representative Malaysia
DAW, German Asian Business Circle Chairman/Founding and a member of EEGT, EUCommittee for “Environment, Energy and Green Technology and has served as deputy
general manager of the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce. He has made about 100
presentations on management topics and Asian markets.
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Biography of Speakers
Coordinator The Wetlands Alliance
AIT (Asian Institute of Technology), Bangkok
Hans Guttman was born in Sweden but has been working in Southeast Asia for the last
20 years. His background is in aquatic resources and rural development with a focus on
sustainability. His is interested in providing inroads for the private sector in rural development. He is currently coordinating partners in the Wetlands Alliance, in the Lower Mekong
countries promoting poverty reduction through capacity development.
Heffernan Group & Ebeling Heffernan, Bahamas
Shayne Heffernan has more than 25 years of trading experience in Asia and hands-on
experience in venture capital. He has been involved in several start-ups that have been
capitalized at more than US$500 million and one that reached US$1 billion. He has managed and overseen start-ups in mining, shipping, technology and financial services and has
been a frequent traveler to Asia.
TIMA GmbH President / CEO, Wachtberg-Pech, Germany
Member of UN Global Compact
Signatory UNGC Caring for Climate / UN Water mandate
Achim G. Deja, Ph.D., is currently TIMA GmbH President / and CEO, Wachtberg-Pech, Germany. He was born in Koblenz, Germany in 1948 and received his doctorate at the Technical University (RWTH) Aachen, faculty of mining and metallurgical engineering. He also
has an MBA. Since 1996, he has been President (CEO) of TIMA GmbH.
Clarus Communications, Malaysia
Jaime Zulkifli’s career has seen her involved in a cross-section of industries in Malaysia,
the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Her background is in communications, with a focus
on project management. She is especially interested in stakeholder engagement initiatives,
which strategically utilise platforms such as conferences, roundtables, campaigns and
launches. She recently launched Clarus Communications to assist companies with their
corporate and marketing communications and materials.
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
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Welcome Address
‘Join us to Save Our Only Home’
Mr. Swarup Roy, Founder and CEO of Asean Affairs
Swarup Roy, Founder & CEO of Asean Affairs delivering the welcome address.
Your Excellencies, YB Dato’ Sri Peter Chin,
Minister of Energy, Green Technology & Water of
YB Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, MP Advisor & Patron,
the Malaysia-Europe Forum (MEF) & former Minister of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia,
H.E. Vincent Piket Ambassador & Head of Delegation, The Delegation of the European Union to
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Partners, colleagues and friends, welcome to the Asean
Affairs Business Council’s third Save Our Planet
I thank their Excellencies for their support in the
cause of saving the planet and agreeing to speak at
this event today in spite of their busy schedules.
Copenhagen Climate summit of Dec 2009. With the
intense interest on the “Green Technologies” of the
near future and our world’s obsession with carbon
based fuels these series of conferences have been
created to debate Climate Change and what Asean
can do to prevent and mitigate this vital challenge
of our times. The conferences started in March 2010
in Bangkok and continues in Malaysia, Singapore,
India, Vietnam and China, culminating in a mega
conference in 2011 in New York City.
I launched The Save Our Plant Forums in the beginning of this year in response to the failure of the
The Concept
It is now apparent to many that the task of implementing measures to combat climate deterioration
falls on the private sector, including companies and
individuals. To accomplish this, shared solutions
need to be produced. The goal of Save Our Planet
conferences is to develop and define these practical
Participants of Save Our Planet-Malaysia, 3rd August 2010
Participants of Save Our Planet-Malaysia, 3rd August 2010
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
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Speakers and Participants
Among the speakers and participants that have
appeared at the Save Our Planet Conferences have
been: Dr. Michael Nobel of the Nobel Charitable
Trust, German Ambassador to Thailand; Dominikus
von Pescatore ofBayer, David Oberhuber from German Technical Cooperation, Tony Novak of Emerson, Sumit Phokrel of the Asian Development Bank
and Shayne Heffernan from Ebeling Heffernan.
Some of them have joined us as speakers and supporters here today in SOP-Malaysia. I thank them for
their support for the SOP series across Asia.
Corporate partners
The Save Our Planet Forums has attracted a wide
range of partners including: Bayer, Biersdorf,
Ebeling Heffernan, Emerson, PTT Public CompanyThailand, the German government through its local
embassies, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
and Potential partners looking to support the Save
Our Planet initiative are: the US$29 billion dollar
Birla Group, the French energy giant US$110 billion
GDF Suez Group, the Hinduja Foundation of Switzerland and London, and the heads of state of Asean
and European countries.
Save Our Planet Foundation
The creation of the Save Our Planet Foundation as
a nonprofit organization to fight climate change is
another goal. The foundation would support innovations in technology, processes and methods across
Asia and fund startup companies to fight climate
change. The foundation would create various mechanisms to achieve these goals, one of them launching an “Asian Green Awards” for the best innovations and companies involved in the eco-economy.
Final report to the United Nations
At the conclusion of the New York Save Our Planet
mega conference in New York in 2011, a comprehensive report will be produced and submitted to the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
anticipating that this report would be viewed as
major Asian contribution to the climate crisis issue.
We seek your support to Save Our Home and Our
Planet. E-mail me at roy@aseanaffairs.com.
I would like to thank all the distinguished speakers
and moderators for their enthusiastic support.
My deepest gratitude to our valued sponsors:
Emerson, Ebeling Effernan, SIEMENS (Malaysia),
The Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia,
BAYER (Malaysia), The Mandarin Oriental and Perception Management International.
Last but not the least, The Malaysia Europe Forum
has been a dream partner for us and Tan Sri Rafidah
Aziz is the Advisor & Patron of the Malaysia-Europe
Forum (MEF). The Executive Director of MEF, Ms
Natasha Zulkifli has worked with us tirelessly to
make this event happen and my deepest and sincerest gratitude to her and her team and for her exceptional professionalism and passion for excellence.
And to all the participants, I thank you all. This
event would not have been possible without you.
Thank you for coming. I urge you all to participate
intensely, take notes and ask questions during the
panel discussions.
The Save Our Planet conference series seeks to
enlighten leaders in business and governments of
Southeast Asia to the outcome of the Copenhagen
Climate Conference, create awareness of our growing carbon footprint, and find sustainable solutions
for individuals, businesses, civic society and governments to contribute towards saving our planet from
catastrophic consequences before it is too late.
Today we will hear from 19 distinguished speakers
and moderators in Save Our Planet-Malaysia. Our
endeavour has been to engage the private sector
more than government or agencies, we need the
private sector to join us in this endeavour. So you
will hear from them today what they are doing to
mitigate the effects of climate change.
What we need today is action on the part of us allindividuals, organizations, companies, societies –the
time to sit on the fences is over. We have to take
action to SAVE OUR PLANET.
I will look forward to your continuing support and
welcoming you at our next events.
Wide angle view of Save Our Planet-Malaysia, 3rd August 2010.
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Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
Audience members sit absorbed by one of the panel discussions.
A total of 200 leaders from business, government,
think tanks, embassies, chambers of commerce and
media in Malaysia attended The Save Our Planet
Forum that concluded in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday,
3rd August 2010 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
Save Our Planet is a global series of forums focusing on meeting the challenges of global warming
and reducing man’s carbon footprints. The first two
Save Our Planet Forums were held in Bangkok.
Future events are planned in Singapore, Hanoi,
Jakarta (across Asean), India and a Save Our Planet
megaconference in New York City next year. The
Save Our Planet forums are organized by the Asean
Affairs Business Council.
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
The Save Our Planet Forum in Malaysia was keynoted by Peter Chin, Malaysia’s Minister of Energy,
Green Technology and Water and Rafidah Aziz,
former Minister of International Trade and Industry
for Malaysia. The event attracted experts from all
over the globe to interact and suggest solutions to
the environmental challenges facing Malaysia and
Asean countries.
AseanAffairs Founder and CEO, Swarup Roy,
opened the event by giving the history of the Save
Our Planet forums and stressed the importance of
the private sector in addressing climate deterioration issues.
Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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Session 1-Governments as Change Agents-An Uphill Task
YB Dato’ Sri Peter Chin, Minister of Energy, Green Technology & Water, Malaysia.
In the first session, keynoter Peter Chin emphasized that energy efficiency and conservation play a
role in Malaysia’s current New Economic Model.
He noted that reducing energy sector emissions was
the top priority of Malaysian government as there
had been a 55 percent increase in greenhouse gases
between 1994 and 2000. Chin also observed that
Malaysia’s per capita CO2 emissions were 7.1 tons
per capita as opposed to the 2.6 ton per capita rate
of other nations in the Asia-Pacific region.
He said there would be a heavy reliance on solar
energy and biomass to create energy and more jobs
with the goal of a “valid mix of energy resources.”
The minister said that nuclear energy may be an option for Malaysia after 2020.
Peter Chin, Minister of Energy, Green Technology &
Water, Malaysia
YB Dato’ Sri Peter Chin, Minister of Energy, Green Technology
& Water, Malaysia.
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Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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YB Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz make an emphatic point as she answers a question from the audience.
Former minister Rafidah Aziz said in her address
that it was important for “governments to realize
that they were not only stakeholders of a country
but the planet,” and said many “can’t get beyond
She listed Malaysia’s unique environmental problems: seasonal haze, much of it drifting in from
burning peat in Indonesia and the need to preserve
the rich biodiversity of Borneo. Aziz also suggested
that the Asean community should establish codes
of practice recognized by the world community for
various economic activities such as plantations and
benchmarks for emissions and waste treatment.
She observed that pockets of poverty remain in
Asean, “who cares about carbon footprints, if they
have no shoes” and urged the audience to make the
“green agenda part of everyday life.”
YB Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, MP Advisor & Patron, the Malaysia-Europe
Forum (MEF) & former Minister of International Trade & Industry,
YB Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, MP Advisor & Patron , the MalaysiaEurope Forum (MEF) & former Minister of International Trade
& Industry, Malaysia
YB Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, MP Advisor & Patron, the Malaysia-Europe Forum
(MEF) & former Minister of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia.
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Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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European Union Ambassador to Malaysia Vincent
Piket stressed that Malaysia could benefit from
European experience in the sustainable energy
sector and that global accord on combating climate change still needed to be reached.
The ambassador said it was important to mobilize public opinion in Malaysia to invest in green
In that regard he singled out Brazil, China and
India for “hiding behind the developing country
label” and suggested that they do have a role in
combating climate change and expressed the view
that the EU felt that multilateral cooperation was
H.E. Vincent Piket, Ambassador & Head of Delegation, The
Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia.
H.E.Vincent Piket, Ambassador & Head of Delegation, The
Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia.
An audience member poses a question to one of the
expert panels.
Panel Discussion 1 from left, Swarup Roy, Founder & CEO of Asean Affairs, YB Dato’ Sri Peter Chin, Minister of Energy, Green
Technology & Water, Malaysia, YB Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, MP Advisor & Patron , the Malaysia-Europe Forum (MEF) & former
Minister of International Trade & Industry, Malaysia, H.E. Vincent Piket, Ambassador & Head of Delegation, The Delegation of the
European Union to Malaysia.
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Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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Session 2-Companies as Change Agents: Leading the Way
Tony Novak, Country General Manager, Emerson
(Thailand) Ltd.
Steve McCoy, Founder & Principal, Counterpoint Consulting
Sdn Bhd, Malaysia.
This session, moderated by anchorman, Shafizan
Johari, of Bisnes Awani, featured two representatives of environmentally conscious companies, a
sustainability consultant and an academic leader addressing the role of the private sector in the climate
change battle.
Emerson produces a wide range of products and has
introduced digital “predictive intelligence technology” in the nuclear energy field to increase efficiency
and make nuclear energy safer.
Tony Novak, country general manager for Thailand
for the Emerson company spoke on his company’s
impact on the carbon footprint.
Among Emerson’s consumer products, Novak noted
that a system has been developed by the company
using its Insinkerator home garbage disposal unit.
The unit links to a plant that turns the disposed garbage into methane and fertilizer.
Novak set up his presentation with the fact that it
required 10 calories of hydrocarbon to produce one
calorie of food. He also noted that the critical point
of oil production will be reached in 2013, when less
oil is being produced than is being held in reserve
Sustainability consultant Steve McCoy of Counterpoint noted that companies must make the transition
to the 21st century while maintaining profitability.
He cited the book, “Confessions of a Radical Industrialist” by Ray Evans as a prototypical example of
how companies can reach this goal.
He said the future of the planet rested on technologies in the fields of logistics, materials and energy
to reduce world energy requirements by 25 to 45
Among the interesting environmental facts that must
be reversed through more efficient technology McCoy cited the need for 136 liters of water to produce
one cup of coffee.
Steve McCoy, Founder & Principal, Counterpoint Consulting Sdn Bhd, Malaysia.
Shafizan Johari, Business Reporter, Anchor Bisnes Awani,
Astro Awani Malaysia.
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Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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Professor Said Irandoust, President & CEO, AIT (Asian
Institute of Technology), Bangkok.
Niraj Sharan, Chairman, Aura Inc. & Aura Energy
- US, Italy & India.
Professor Said Irandoust, President and CEO
of the Asian Institute of Technology, emphasized
sustainable business management and the role of
companies to measure, target, reduce GHG and then
communicate as an avenue to create green jobs.
dressed “Smart and Responsible Energy Management” and posed the question, “Are companies
leading the way?”
Niraj Sharan, chairman of Aura and Aura Energy,
with operations in the U.S., Italy and India, ad-
He stressed the importance of improving clean technology for fossil fuels.
In the ensuing discussion, carbon trading was opposed by Novak as a poor way to combat emissions.
Panel Discussion 2, from left Shafizan Johari Business Reporter, Anchor Bisnes Awani Astro Awani Malaysia, Steve McCoy, Founder
& Principal, Counterpoint Consulting Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, Tony Novak, Country General Manager, Emerson (Thailand) Ltd, Professor
Said Irandoust, President & CEO, AIT (Asian Institute of Technology), Bangkok, Niraj Sharan, Chairman, Aura Inc. & Aura Energy
- US, Italy & India.
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Session 3 – The Sustainable Corporation
Seitle S. Dhillion, Vice President & Head of Oil & Gas Division,
Siemens Malaysia
M.R. Chandran, Advisor to the Executive Board, Roundtable on
Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Malaysia.
Seitle S. Dhillion, Vice President & Head of Oil &
Gas Division, Siemens Malaysia, detailed his company’s role in developing energy-efficient cities as
most of the world’s population will be living in cities
in the 21st century.
Chandran said, “Mother Mature doesn’t do bailouts”
and observed that China and South Korea were the
only countries that had drawn up plans for renewable energy to account for 50 percent of future
energy needs. Agriculture had to either expand its
acreage in the only remaining untapped areas: the
Congo, Amazon or Borneo or increase yields in
existing regions.
He concluded, “The days of cheap food are over.”
M. R. Chandran, advisor to the executive board
of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Malaysia,
admitted that his subject, agriculture, has not been
widely discussed in green technology debate, but he
pointed out that the world’s people could not survive
without food.
He observed that the free capitalist market system
had fall be the wayside with the collapse of the recent financial system. More importantly, that system
had failed because of the inability to address:
Climate change and global warming, environmentally sustainable energy, water security, maternal
heath care, primary education and rising unemployment and the greatest failure, abatement of poverty.
He stressed a new model was needed based on low
carbon yields and greater energy efficiency.
M.R. Chandran, Advisor to the Executive Board, Roundtable
on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Malaysia.
M.R. Chandran, Advisor to the Executive Board,
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Malaysia.
He said the in the future the planet needed a program to be based on economic prosperity, environmental regeneration and social equity and that
companies needed to make a profit to support the
world population.
Nicholas Stern as quoted
by M.R. Chandran, Advisor to the Executive Board, Roundtable on
Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Malaysia.
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
Gurmit Singh, Director, Centre for Environment, Technology
and Development (CETDEM) and CAN-SEA Regional
Coordinator, Malaysia.
Gurmit Singh, director of the Centre for Environment, Technology and Development and CAN-SEA
regional coordinator, Malaysia, described “Energy
Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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These projects are mushroom growing in Thailand
and honey and crab raising in Cambodia.
The projects are environmentally sound and provide
employment and income to rural residents. The
Wetlands Alliance is a consortium of 40 agencies
that support the project and fund the projects as
governments do not have the funds to invest in the
The four presenters were joined by Steve McCoy,
Herbert Ditmmar, managing director of Bayer
Malaysia and Thomas Brandt, head of the environmental energy and green tech committee of the EUMalaysia Chamber of Commerce.
The discussion focused on the two issues of population growth and excessive consumption, need and
Hans Guttman, Coordinator The Wetlands Alliance AIT (Asian
Institute of Technology) Thailand.
efficiency in an individual house setting: a Malaysian
case study.”
Singh reinvented his two-story home over a threeyear period incorporating sustainable energy lifestyles, green technology and energy auditing.
To accomplish this, the most important step was insulating the roof, installing a solar panel on the roof,
using aluminum louvers to reflect outside heat and
installing rainwater collection tanks.
No air conditioning is used in the home as windows
are opened at night to let in cool air and closed during the daytime to repel the heat.
Thomas Brandt noted that if people in developing countries wanted to “eat like Americans” four
more planets the same size as planet Earth would be
He also mentioned that governments needed to
supply companies with a framework to grow and innovate in the new century and that mere government
policies were not enough.
Gurmit Singh stated that as an oil and gas producing
country, Malaysia had grown complacent in becoming energy-efficient and other Asean countries were
moving forward faster than Malaysia.
The renovation effort resulted in substantially reduced energy usage.
Hanns Guttman, coordinator of the Wetlands Alliance at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand,
outlined the projects that the alliance has fostered in
Thailand and Cambodia.
Herbert Dittmar, Managing Director, Bayer Co.
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
Thomas Brandt, Head of the Environment Energy and Green
Tech Committee.
Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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Panel Discussion 3, from left Thomas Brandt, Head of the Environment Energy and Green Tech Committee, Gurmit Singh, Director,
Centre for Environment, Technology and Development (CETDEM) and CAN-SEA Regional Coordinator, Malaysia, M.R. Chandran,
Advisor to the Executive Board, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Malaysia, Steve McCoy, Founder & Principal,
Counterpoint Consulting Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, Seitle S. Dhillion, Vice President & Head of Oil & Gas Division, Siemens Malaysia,
Hans Guttman, Coordinator The Wetlands Alliance AIT (Asian Institute of Technology) Thailand, Herbert Dittmar, Managing
Director, Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
Speaking at SOP Malaysia were from left: Thomas Brandt, Head of the Environment Energy and Green Tech Committee, Gurmit
Singh, Director, Centre for Environment, Technology and Development (CETDEM) and CAN-SEA Regional Coordinator, Malaysia,
M.R. Chandran, Advisor to the Executive Board, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Malaysia, Swarup Roy, Founder &
CEO, Asean Affairs, Seitle S. Dhillion, Vice President & Head of Oil & Gas Division, Siemens Malaysia, Steve McCoy, Founder &
Principal, Counterpoint Consulting Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, Hans Guttman, Coordinator The Wetlands Alliance AIT (Asian Institute of
Technology) Thailand, Herbert Dittmar, Managing Director, Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
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Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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Section 4-Financing the Fight
against Climate Change
Shayne Heffernan, founder of Heffernan Group
and Ebeling Heffernan outlined “The What and How
of Attracting Green Investments.”
Heffernan outlined the concepts that need to be
included in a business plan, including honesty and
“where does the money go, who spends it and where
does it go.”
He noted that the plan involved a premium for the
first investors as well as an exit strategy for the
The presentation was directed toward venture capital undertakings not involving government funding.
Shayne Heffernan, Founder, Heffernan Group & Ebeling
Heffernan, Bahamas
Closing address-“From Pollution to
Solution: Companies who are the
chief polluters should seize the moment to build momentum towards
the $Trillion green business”
Summing up the Save Our Planet-Malaysia program,
Dr. Achim F. Deja. TIMA President/CEO, Wachtberg-Pech, Germany, said the new technology will
impact all existing supply and value chains.
Deja advised that companies should accept the new
challenges of global warming not only for moral and
humanitarian reasons but for profit as well.
Dato Dr. Achim G. Deja, TIMA GmbH President/ CEO,
Wachtberg-Pech, Germany.
From left: Shayne Heffernan, Founder, Heffernan Group & Ebeling Heffernan, Bahamas, Swarup Roy, Founder & CEO, Asean Affairs,
Dato Dr. Achim G. Deja, TIMA GmbH President/ CEO, Wachtberg-Pech, Germany.
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Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
Save Our Planet-Malaysia Report
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ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
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Abang Abdul Rahman Hamid
Abdullah Bawa Chafe
Abu Bakar Koyakutty
Ah Huat Yong
Aidatul Akmar Shahar
Alessandro Paolicchi
Head of Clinical Laboratory Services
Director - Europe Section
Head of Section -Trade and Economic
Manager - Corp Cpmms & Public Relations
Business Development Manager
Global Doctors Hospital & Glogal Allergy Centre
University of Malaya
TopRank Corporation Sdn Bhd
NOTA ASIA (M) Sdn Bhd.
The Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia
Exquisite Impression Sdn Bhd
Managing Director
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
CEO / Executive Director
Director , FTA Division
Uniko Calcium Carbonate Industry Sdn Bhd
University Of Malaya
FELDA Bulkers Sdn Bhd
Emerson Process Management
Lee Hishamuddin Allen & Gledhill
Malaysian Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Watt Euro-Drive (M) Sdn Bhd
Insulflex corp Sdn Bhd
ThyssenKrupp AG
Alfian Basir
Andora Fredericks
Anthony Umann
Annuar Marzuki Abd Aziz
Ariivazhagan Supramaniam
Arne Lawrenz
Audrey Poh
Ayame Suzuki
Azman Ahmad
Bala Subramaniam Chinappan
Bee Hong Ooi
Carlo Allaria
Carol Ong
Che Mazni Che Wook
Chin Chye Quah
Dieter G. Ziulkowski
Eadon Ching Ten Song
Elisabeth Hoffberger
Eliza Cherry Chong
Ernst Roder-Messel
Esther Chia
Farah Wahidah Ab Rafik
Farzana Zahir
Felicia Tan
Francisca Shaik
Frank Steinleitner
Frank Van De Craen
Franz Schroeder
Fuee Chew Shee
Gheorghe Vlad
Gopinath Sekhar
Haji Naim Haji Mohamad
Hans Guttman
Hazimah Abu Hassan
Herbert Dittmar
Hj. Zakaria Hashim
Hood Osman
HT Tong
Hui Tee Tong
I.M Zulkifli
Jaime Yong
James Beltran
James Alfred
Group Rep of ThyssenKrupp AG for
Managing Director
Counsellor for Economic Commercial
and Environment Affairs
Senior Manager, Media Sales
Manager - Investment
Head of Corporate Communication
Manager - Client Services
Commercial Counsellor
Vice President
Chairman International Affairs Bureau
Managing Director
Executive Chairman
Manager - Investment
Commercial Advisor- Danish Trade
Deputy Chairman
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
Sekhar Research Innovations Sdn Bhd
Pertubuhan Amal Seri Sinar
Economic Counsellor
Blue Horus Solutions Sdn Bhd
KasehDia Sdn Bhd
NAWEM- National Association of Women Entrepeneurs
of Malaysia
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Publicitas International Sdn Bhd
Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd
High Commission of the Republic of Maldives
Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
KasehDia Sdn Bhd
Sekhar Research Innovations Sdn Bhd
Belgian Embassy
Austrian Embassy
The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
Embassy of Romania
Sekhar Research Innovations Sdn Bhd
AJA EQS Certification Malaysia
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Zakaria-Lee & Partners Sdn. Bhd.
Kontena Nasional
Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd
AFAS International
Danish Embassy
Melewar Holdings
The Chartered Institute of Marketing Malaysia
ur Planet
Jan A. Soer
Janet Looi
Jason Leong
Jeremy Green
Jit Hoo Tan
Joanne Lim
Johanna Ezreen Othman
Deputy Head of Mission
Executive Director
Managing Director
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Paddy Schubert Consultants Sdn Bhd
Quantum Capital, UK
Travcheq Travel Sdn Bhd
Green Sentral
Malaysia Airlines
Johannes Stumtner
Jose Ramon Baranano
Joseph Leong Tet Soon
Jothimani K. Muniandy
Kah Yen Yeong
Kalanithi Nesaretnam
Kam Huan Cheah
Karen Koh
Katarina Mad
Kazi Abdul Manan
Khadijah Md. Khalid
Khatijah Othman
Kim Lan Chew
Kok Boon Lim
KT Bushan Rai
Kyoichi Nagata
Laurent Lemarchand
Lokman Razani Abdul Razak
Luciana Penna
Maria Isabel Rendon
Marie Anderson
Marina Muhammad Kenis
Martha Octavia
Mary Lopez
Matthew Bevier
Max Say
Mazian Raja Idris
Megat Mizan Nicholas Denney
Michael C H Wong
Mike Ghasemi
Mikey Tai
Mikhail Paul Galea V. Abdullah
Milan Lajciak
Mohamad Zaki
Mohd Azrin
Mohd Annas Mohd Nor
Mohd Nuruddin Abd Manap
Mohd Radzi Mansor
Mohd Safuan Mohd Zairi
Mohd Taib Wahab
Mohd.Rosly Selamat
Muhammad Sashitharan Abdullah
Manager - Government & Industry
Ambassador Of Spain
GBP International
Embassy of Spain
Head- CSR
Executive - Trade Promo & Marketing
Director-Product Development &
Advisory Services Division
Assistant Manager, Corporte Communication
Public Relations III
Executive Director
Bursa Malaysia Berhad
MTC - Malaysian Timber Council
Special Assistant
GBP International
Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association
General Manager
Chargé d'Affaires
Mizuho Corporate bank Ltd
Embassy of France
Pro-Temp Vice President
Gold Vois Sdn Bhd
Malaysian Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Honorary Consul
High Commissioner
Kuwait Finance House
Morgan Samuels
Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI)
Gold Vois Sdn Bhd
K&N Kenanga Holdings
Oriental Eminence Resources Sdn bhd
Plusxpert Sdn Bhd
Centre for Public Policy Studies
Embassy of Malta
Embassy of the Slovak Republic
Maldives High Commission
Special Advisor
Genting Energy
Head- Shared Services & Outsourcing
Kumpulan FIMA Berhad
MSC Malaysia
Sustainable Tourism Conference
Senior Client Consultant
VP, Business Partnerships
Deputy President / CEO
Managing Director
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
Malaysian Timber Council
Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Palau Visitors Authority
Law & Lawyers
International Institute of Public Policy & Management
Gold Vois
ur Planet
Muru Loganathan
Naim Mohamad
Nasaruddin Mohd Zaini
Nik Abdul Majid Mohd Kamil
Climate Change Officer
Senior Strategic Business Development Manager
Third Secretary - Energy, Environment & Climate Change
British High Commission Kuala Lumpur
NM Management Services Sdn Bhd
Yellow Pages
HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad
Manager - Business Development
Managing Director
Iskandar Coast Sdn Bhd
Claus Communications
Nina Cinkole
Norhayati Napiah
Nursoraya Abd Rahman
Oliver Hunter
Olivia Lopez
Paola Roncolini
Paul Kelleher
Peter Brokenshire
Peter Wyss
Poh Keow Tong
Regina Fabiny
Rian Aznani
Robert Andrzejcyk
Rohit Behl
Rozita Puteh
Rubiah Bakar
S K Pang
Said Irandoust
Samantha Tan
Samsinar Johari
Sekhar Krishnan
Shahrin Zainuddin
Shamini Bhaskaran
Sharifah Noor Asyikin Syed
Shee Fuee Chew
Sheriffah Noor Khamseah AlIdid
Seitle Singh Dhillion
Simon Leong
Susan S.C Cheah
Suzana Shahari
Suzana Mohkeri
Syed Abdillah Tan Sri Dato Seri
Syed Abbas Alhabshee
Tan Sri Ahmad Al Farra
Thomas Brandt
Timo Karmakallio
Tony Thang
Vanaja Dhanan
Vanitha Mani T
Willi Kramheller
Wimal Nisanka
Yazit Yusuff
Yoong Tong Teck
Yuen May Choo
Zaki Abdul Aziz Daud
European Union
Trade Commissioner
Italian Trade Commission
Asian Institute of technology (Thailand)
General Manager
Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Data Tech Sdn Bhd
Sime Darby Berhad
Managing Director
Leisure Guide Publishing Sdn Bhd
Institutional Relations Manager
Embassy of France in Malaysia
First Secretary -Economic Affairs
Embassy of the Repulic of Poland
Manager - Marketing Operations
BASF Petronas Chemicals
Masters Student
University Sains Islam Malaysia
Manager - Investment
Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd
Executive Officer
Malaysian Wood Industries Association
Asian Institute of technology (Thailand)
Reporter - Bernama Economic Service Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia
Action Asia Resources
Executive Vice President - Group
Sime Darby Berhad
Corporate Services
OBM Technic Sdn Bhd
Executive - Corporate Communication Exquisite Impression Sdn Bhd
NOTA ASIA (M) Sdn Bhd.
Vice President
Special Officer to the Director
VP - Head of Oil & Gas
Managing Director
Coordinator - Outreach & Partnerships Programme
The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
Nuklear Malaysia
Siemens Malaysia
ADC Resources Sdn Bhd
The Sunway Group
Innopeak (M) Sdn Bhd
Global Environment Center
Bumi Wangsa Sdn Bhd
General Manager
Business Partner
Deputy Head Of Mission / Counsellor
Business Development Consultant
Conference Producer
Head - Islamic Banking
Deputy Director-General (R&D)
Senior GM
ASEANAFFAIRS.COM Save Our Planet Malaysia Report
Mobilis Street Sdn Bhd
Embassy of Finland
AFAS International
Green Sentral
GBP International
Exquisite Impression Sdn Bhd
OSK Investment Bank Berhad
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
UEM Environment Sdn Bhd
ur Planet
10 Simple Tips
It is now widely accepted that global warming is occurring and human behavior is the major
factor-too many people using too many natural resources to heat up the planet. Here are
some down-to-earth practical suggestions from AseanAffairs that we can use on a daily
basis to help our planet and lead healthier lives.
1) Use Low-flow shower heads - they reduce water consumption.
2) Use the new energy-efficient light bulbs or compact fluorescent lamps. They look different, but they save electricity. A global switch to energy-saving bulbs would reduce an
equivalent of 470 million tons of CO2.
3) Unplug unused appliances. Approximately 95 percent of the energy used in electronic
appliances can be saved by unplugging them.
4) When purchasing new appliance, try to purchase energy-saving ones.
5) Cleaning or replacing filters on air conditioners makes them work better and can save
350 pounds of CO2 emissions a year.
6) Set air conditioner temperatures at a minimum temperature of 25 degrees C.
7) Use rechargeable batteries, they can reduce your carbon footprint by 1,000 pounds over
the life of the batteries.
8) Keeping your auto in good operating condition through regular maintenance checks can increase the engine’s efficiency by 10 percent.
9) Use reusable cloth bags instead of plastic ones when shopping.
10)At work save paper by using e-mails instead of paper.
AseanAffairs hopes that these tips prove useful. One of the readers of AseanAffairs has
written a nice article about solar power that can be found at: http://www.aseanaffairs.com/
We would like your feedback on Save Our Planet –Malaysia as well as any suggestions
for the Save Our Planet Forums. Some of your feedback, comments and letters will be
published on our website and magazine and Save Our Planet reports. Feedback to us at:
sop@aseanaffairs.com. We hope to hear from you.
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It’s not just the future of the whale that today lies
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we can cherish. The choice is ours.”
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