November 2012 - IBM Ring #21


November 2012 - IBM Ring #21
Caryl Fleming
Ring #21
The Fleming Flashpaper
News, Information & Current Happenings of IBM Ring 21
Recap of Meeting
Hello Everyone,
Greats of Magic
As I write this newsletter I am preparing for all the kids in their costumes to come knocking on the door for their Halloween treat. This year, as usual, I look forward to some very
creative Halloween costumes. I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween.
Calendar of Events
Prez Message
Flash Pot
Flash Points
Our installation banquet turned out to be a big success. The performance provided by
Rich Cowley was fun and entertaining. Thanks again to Rich Cowley for performing at our
banquet and also for officiating the installation of the new board. It was unfortunate that not
everyone was able to attend. Perhaps the schedule change or prior commitments interfered
with attendance, but we still had great turnout. And, of course, the food provided by Taix
was delicious, as always.
Congratulations to the new board. I look forward to working with you all this coming year.
I want to continue to encourage the participation of our members to make 2012-2013 a lot of
fun for everyone.
Our November meeting’s theme is Pick-a-Trick. Please be prepared to share a trick that
you’ve learned from any issue of the Linking Ring, or from any lecture we’ve had at a Ring
21 meeting. Regardless of where you trick comes from, please be prepared to share where
the effect came from and any history surrounding it.
Points of
• Greats of Magic
— Ade
• October Recap — Installation Banquet
• November — Pick
Pick--aTrick from a Lecture or
Linking Ring
• December — Caterred
Dinner and Collecting for
Toys for Tots
Remember our Toys for Tots campaign we are doing this year. Feel free to bring your
new, unwrapped gift or toy to the November meeting. We will be collecting toys at the December meeting, also. So please help us make this campaign even more successful than
we were last year by donating a toy to a worthy cause. And I guarantee you, it will put a
smile on a child’s face this holiday season. Isn’t that a wonderful magic trick on its own.
Let us not forget just around the corner is our December meeting and we are on schedule
to once again have our catered chicken dinner at the Bob Baker Theater. So if you plan on
being a part of the December festivities, please let us know so that we can get a head count
on how much food to get. The cost is still at a very reasonable $10 per person. If you participated last year you know that there will be plenty to eat. We will also be featuring out
seasonal magic show after our dinner.
See you at the November meeting.
Robert de La Guerra.
2012-2013 Executive Board
Members at Large
President: Robert de la Guerra (818) 269-8917
Vice-President: Wendy Sobel (310) 859-2989
Bill Turner (818) 786-5326
Jim Richardson (818) 848-1978
Secretary: Gerry Schiller (805) 499-8921
Don Kenney (818) 896-7261
Treasurer: Lois Harmeyer
(626) 358-2637
Nicolas Garcia (818) 242-6992
Sgt.-At-Arms: Matt Fields (951) 318-8618
Malena Tappan (818) 841-5745
Magic in our Neighborhood
A Great Performance Opportunity
Ring 280 would like to invite you to join us at the 2012 Festival of Trees. This is a local fundraiser
for the Santa Clarita boys and Girls Club.
The Festival of Trees takes place at the Westfield Valencia Town Center and features elaborately
decorated trees, amazing gingerbread houses, children’s crafts, and more holiday fun.
Every year IBM Ring 280 members, along with friends from Ring 21 and SAM Assembly 291, volunteer to bring magic to the Festival. We want you to be part of this fun event. Below are the dates and
times we need magicians, jugglers, face painters and balloon artists. It’s a great opportunity to get performance time as well as hang out with other magicians.
We need performers during these times: Sat. 11/10: 10am—7 pm. Sun. 11/11 12 pm—6 pm.
Mon. 11/12 11 am—7 pm. Sat. 11/17 10 am—3pm. Sun 11/20 12 pm—6 pm
If you are interested, please email Brian Hoffman at
For more information about the Festival of Trees visit:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Raul Presents: Standing Room Only a Night of Comedy Magic Variety at
FLAPPERS!! (102 E. Magnolia Blvd, Burbank (818) 845-9721)
Sunday November 4, 2012 at 9 p.m.
In the Flappers Main Room you will see appearing Arty Loon, Brian Hoffman, Cecile & Mighty,
Chris Spring, Jimmy Palombi and Raul Spring.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Remember — December is our catered dinner (please sign up and/or pay your $10 at our November meeting). Also bring a salad or dessert. And bring a toy to either the November or December meeting. We are also looking forward to having our seasonal magic show!!
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The Greats of Magic — Gerald Schiller
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A Series of Capsule Biographies of Famous Magicians
Harry Lorayne
Ade Duval
Silks, silks, silks. Probably no magician
has been more associated with silks than Ade
Duval. He even called his act: A Rhapsody in
Silk. And it was a beauty to behold.
On December 31,1898 in Cincinnati, Ohio
Adolph Amrein was born. The family soon
moved to Chicago, and it was here that two
things occurred that would shape young Adolph’s future. He was given a Mysto Magic set
as a teenager. And when he was 17 he saw the
lavish stage show of the great Howard
son as his assistant, and Harry Pierce doing the laborious job of folding and preparing the silks between
acts (a job that often took more than an hour), Ade
Duval crisscrossed the country, appearing in every
In 1931 he appeared at New York’s Palace
Theater and in 1935 he appeared at Radio City Music
Ade took his act to Europe and was a huge
success in both Paris and London, even appearing
before King George V at a private party.
After an extended series of appearances on
the continent, he returned to the U.S. again as part of
a lavish show at Radio City Music Hall. After another
European tour (with the War about to break out), he
returned to America and in 1939 he finally decided to
These two events had such a profound
effect on him that magic became the major goal retire the silk act.
of his life. With his friend Andy Blaeser the two
During the war he traveled extensively enterdeveloped an act and called themselves “The
taining troops. At that time television was becoming
Duval Brothers.” Working first in the Chicago
increasingly popular and he appeared frequently on
area, they soon hit the road (both in their twen- TV. His new signature effect was “smoking his
ties) doing the Lyceum circuit. And then work- thumb” in which he made his empty hand into an
ing for the Redpath Chautauqua Bureau. They imaginary pipe, then proceeded to put his thumb in
worked all through the Midwest doing as many his mouth and blow smoke!
as 200 one-night stands in one season. After a
In 1955 Duval was diagnosed with Parkinson’s
few years of this, Andy had had it, so Adolph
and just a year later his wife died from can(his name shortened to Ade) kept the Duval
name and continued to work the traveling performance circuits by himself as Ade Duval.
His last appearance was at the 1958 IBM Convention
in Buffalo, New York.
Ade had often closed his act by doing a
dramatic silk production, with the stage covered
He had experimental surgery that temporarily
with yards and yards of the colored cloth. Harry alleviated the shaking from the Parkinson’s but the
Blackstone and Eugene Laurant suggested that disease returned and he was forced to retire.
Ade might expand the silk production into an
Ade Duval died August 13, 1965 at the age of
entire act.
66. another of the Greats of Magic had departed
In 1928 after performing at the IBM Convention in Lima, Ohio, Ade was introduced to a
newspaper writer named Hoyt who offered to
contact his friend John Royal, who managed the
Palace Theater in Cleveland. After an audition,
he was hired to do a fifty-week tour for the prestigious Radio-Keith-Orpheum vaudeville circuit.
His act, called Rhapsody in Silk, included
many classic effects, including a Twentieth Century Silk routine, his “Blow Dye” where the
cloths changed color as he blew them through a
tube, the multilated parasol and a finale where
he produced yard upon yard of colored silks
from a small paper tube, finishing by pulling out
a 45-foot streamer!
With his new wife Gertrude Estelle Erick-
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The Flash Pot — a potpourri of news, info, postings, etc.
November Birthdays
Happy Birthday to all Ring 21 members celebrating
their birthdays in November, including Les Cooper
and Raul Fernandez.
Other magical birthdays include: Herb Zarrow,
Tobias Bamberg and Henning Nelms..
Happy Birthday to all (whether on this
plane of action or the next) from Ring 21!!
(If your birthday was missed, tell Wendy)
Just a reminder that on the evenings when we have a lecture there will
be NO raffle,Trick of the Month or
Video of the Month.
Video Library
You can see the list of videos available at the Ring 21
Please Note
November Board Meeting
(The FOURTH Thursday of the month)
November 27, 2012, Valley Village, CA
Scheduled for 7:00 pm, Tuesday, November
27, 2012 at Four ‘n 20 Pies located at 4723
Laurel Canyon Blvd., Valley Village, Ca. 91607
Phone 818 761-5128
From the Linking Ring or a
This Thursday at the Magic Castle in the
Hat n’ Hare Lounge. Please bring a trick
that you learned, or really liked from a
Linking Ring or from a lecture. If you can
perform it, great!! Please give some of
the background and where you found it.
Look forward to seeing you at the
Calendar of Events
November 1 — Pick-a-Trick from
There is NEVER taping of
any Ring 21 meeting without prior
approval from the board.
Thank you.
Westside Wizards Meeting
The Westside Wizards meet the second Tuesday
of the month, 7 pm at the Boys and Girls Club of Venice.
The address is: 2232 Lincoln Blvd. Venice
There is always an open invitation to come and join
the fun.
The next meeting is November 13.
The Caryl Fleming IBM Ring #21
Meets @ 7:00 pm first Thursday of the month
Next Meeting
September 6, 2012 7:00 P.M.
Magic Castle
7001 Franklin Avenue
Hollywood, 90028
(323) 851-3313
a lecture or Linking Ring
December 6 — Catered Dinner
and Toys for Tots Donation
January 3 — TBD
* Calendar subject to change without notice.
Facebook is the newest
way to keep in touch with everything that’s happening at Ring 21.
October Meeting
Installation Banquet
Although the evening started a little later than
planned, between traffic and debates there was a lot
going on. But little by little people began to arrive at
Taix. Everyone was interested in the raffle. Robert
had some very good prizes in the mix.
Once everyone was present and accounted for we
sat down to salad, while Robert gave some announcements, talked about the Al Lampkin lecture, which was
very well received and an update on where we will be
meeting next.
Robert shared that Milt Larsen very happily offered
the Magic Castle as the new home of Ring 21, which
was very encouraging to have such a nice place for our
upcoming meetings. Robert announced that our next
meeting will be at the Magic Castle, in the Hat ‘n Hare
Lounge, and the theme for that meeting is Pick-a-Trick
from a lecture or the Linking Ring.
Robert also talked about the December meeting,
that we are also going to be donating once again to
Toys for Tots. He instructed everyone to bring a new,
unwrapped toy to either of the next two meetings.
Then there was talk of the Magic Castle Swap meet
and maybe some people could pick up some $5 DVD’s
to add to Ring 21’s seedling DVD library.
Wendy found out that Malena Tappan’s birthday is
in October. So a very big “I’m sorry,” to Malena for
missing her birthday this year.
Bill Turner’s guests was his friend Norma. And
Mario Seki brought his brother Yamato. Wendy’s
friend Jessie Altamirano arrived just in time for dinner.
We also had a
brand new guest,
Warren Morse,
who we hope
will become a
member in the
not too distant
reminded us of
his ESP workshop on October 29th.
We then had dinner. And I think Taix is amazing
with the quality of their food. It’s always outstanding.
After dinner Robert de la Guerra gave the President’s Message. He thanked everyone for a great year.
He said that although we’ve kind of bounced around
Page 6
for our general meetings, he’s hoping we will find a
place to land soon for Ring 21.
He then talked about our Year in Review and all of
the things which we have done in the last 12 months.
We had Robert Baxt as entertainment at our 20112012 installation banquet. In November Wendy Sobel
gave a balloon lecture. December was our catered dinner and Toys for Tots donation. January the theme
was What I Got for Christmas! February was Magic to
Music. In March there was a lecture done by Gerry
Schiller. April was Impromptu Magic. May was a most
enjoyable workshop on how to make puppets which
was put on by Lois Harmeyer. June was our picnic.
July was Works in Progress (which was a lot of fun for
everyone). August was the Swap Meet and September
was a lecture by Al Lampkin.
Robert encouraged everyone to participate in the
club and to help out when we do shows.
Then Robert gave awards to everyone on the board
“As a thank you for helping me to be a better president.” Brian Hoffman was the only member of board
not present to get his plaque. And then Wendy presented Robert with a collage of the year in pictures.
We had the raffle and Steve Jennings got the much
sought-after DVD The Expert at the Card Table.
Malena Tappan won Intermission with Shawn Robison.
Jessie Altamirano won Celebration in a Bottle. Marta
de la Guerra took Crazy Candy. Nicolas Garcia won
the Magus Book I, The Magician’s Primer. And Warren
Morse walked
away with the
Jumping Knot.
The new board
was then installed
by Rich Cowley.
Then we got to
Rich Cowley’s
show entitled
“The Missing
Show” since there was
something missing from
each of the effects.
I thought Malena was a
good sport when she
helped Rich with his act.
She was the only one who
didn’t know what was happening. And the last trick
was done entirely without
words. It’s a good thing we
all know how to read.
The evening ended a little late, but it was an enjoyable time for all of Ring 21.
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Flash Points
November 1 — Pick-a-Trick from a lecture
or Linking Ring
December 6 — Catered dinner, Seasonal
Magic Show and Donation for Toys for Tots at
the Bob Baker Theater
Fleming Flashpaper
Wendy Sobel, Editor
Celebrating the enjoyment &
camaraderie of magic since 1938!
We’re on the Web!
Magic Castle
7001 Franklin Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90028
(323) 851-3313
Our November Meeting (Pick
(Pick--a-Trick from a Lecture) will be at
the World Famous Magic Castle in the Hat ‘n Hare Lounge.
The Hat ‘n Hare Lounge will be available from 6:30 on.
We are are the Magic Castle this Thursday!! November 1!! 7:00 p.m.
Once again we are taking advantage of being able to use the Magic Castle as
our meeting place.
For those of you who are not members at the Castle, there are some rules we all
need to follow. First of all, since it is a private club there is a dress code which needs to
be honored to enter the Castle. For men suits and ties, shirts with collars and dress
shoes (no casual shoes or clothes). If you don’t have a suit but have a sport jacket and
good pants, that is acceptable (no Dockers, jeans or denim). For the ladies a dress or
pantsuit outfit, again with dress shoes. There are no exceptions. Also, there is an $8
parking fee to park at the Castle if you are not a member. However, the Board has decided to reimburse the non-members $5 for parking. so we all will pay the same
amount of money, $3.
Everyone needs to check in with the front desk. Just say you’re a member of Ring
21 and they will let you in without a door charge. We will have someone from Ring 21
nearby to direct you to the Hat ‘n Hare Lounge.
We look forward to seeing you November 1st at the Magic Castle!