Memorial Fountain to honor Don Duhon


Memorial Fountain to honor Don Duhon
NOVEMBER 2009 • Vol. 6, No. 2 • Scott, Louisiana
In s i d e . . .
City Beat.......................... 2
Congrés Mondial Acadie....... 3
You’re on the Internet........... 4
Business Appreciation.......... 5
Scout Popcorn Sales
End Soon.......................... 7
SBA Update..................... 11
Chief’s Dispatch /
It’s the Law!.................... 12
Memorial Fountain to honor
Don Duhon
City Council has approved a motion to erect a fountain at Scott Arboretum
honoring the memory of Don Duhon, a dedicated city worker who passed
away unexpectedly at age 53, in March, 2007. Don loved the City of Scott
and was an avid outdoors man. The City already has some funds that have
been donated for this project, but if others wish to contribute, they can
mail (P.O. Box 517 in Scott) or deliver checks payable to the City of Scott
with instructions to allocate funds to the Don Duhon memorial and post their check memo with
“Memorial Fountain” or words to that effect.
Spend your day like the “Good Ol’ Days” at
Fete de Heritage è de Scott – “Where the West Began”
Meet our new Miss Scott
and Jr. Miss Scott
(see page 6)
Contact the newsletter at:
P.O. Box 517
Scott, LA 70583
Fax: 337-234-9166
Purvis Morrison - 207-0925
Murphy Boudreaux - 235-0315
Scott still works to celebrate its heritage in a special event that combines the efforts of The Begnaud House and Le
Jumelage de Scott. Beginning on Saturday, November 7, at 10 a.m., welcomes will be said as kick-off begins with
demonstrations, games for children and adults, and special exhibits to delight history aficionados and anyone who wants to
have a good time. Isn’t that everyone?
Besides a display of old farm implements to compliment the restored
Begnaud House (circa. 1907), expect demonstrations of fiddle making,
blacksmithing and how to make boudin and cracklins! Also, there will
be old games set up for the children to learn and play, including jacks,
paper dolls, marbles, pick-up sticks and barrel of monkeys (the list goes
on). Volunteers will teach the games and the children and their parents
get to play. We say the parents, too, because the little ones have so much
more fun if mommy and/or daddy play, too. (Include grandparents, aunts
and uncles!) Talk about a bonding experience! This fits the bill.
In the afternoon, the grownups get to play some tournament games:
Fun for all ages, be sure to join the
horseshoes, bouree, checkers, dominos and BINGO! Contest entry fees
Tintamarre parade with your noise maker
will be $1.00 per person and Bingo cards, 50¢ a piece or 3/$1.00. Music
jams begin after all the winners are announced under the big tent, complete with seating (hay bales, ya’ll!) and concluding
with a Charavari on Saturday afternoon. There will be food and drinks sold to raise funds for different organizations. All this
takes place, again, on Sunday – except for the Charavari.
The Begnaud House is accepting “old time” prizes to be given away for the bingo games. Specifically, prizes like they
used to give at old church bazaars: pies, cookies, sacks of potatoes, handmade items, etc. Keep in mind, this helps put the
fun back into fundraising!
Sunday, November 8, has some other special treats in store. Learn about Tintamarre, the Canadian tradition of the
Acadian people in Caraquet New Brunswick and beyond. Bring your noise makers, pots, pans, washboards – whatever you
have handy to “claim your heritage – and the land!” Scott’s 3rd annual Tintamarre begins at approximately 9:45 a.m. Expect
to see new family flags this year. Watch for the red shirts of Le Jumelage members and other families as they gather their
groups in like attire.
As we get the entire city involved, be looking for the Acadian Flag which will be on display
throughout the main streets of Scott. Also, for those who would like to purchase YOUR family surname
yard sign, please contact The Begnaud House at 269-5155. Buy your yard sign for $12.99 or two for
$25.00. Help us to “DECORATE and CELEBRATE our heritage!”
Dear Friends,
I am happy to say that the City of Scott is doing well. We
are not experiencing fast growth, like some of our neighbors,
but we do have diversification in the recent businesses that are
locating here. For instance, I recently went to a Ribbon Cutting
Emerald Building on St. Mary St. near Subway. There was a very
good turnout, with many friends and family.
I have been talking to Cherie Gautreaux. They will be opening
GAUTREAUX’S DONUTS at 608 Westgate (Hwy 93). Cherie
said they are hoping to open on December 1st. They presently
have a donut shop in Rayne, and guess what? I am being told from
Rayne residents that not only their donuts are delicious, but so are
their “King Cakes.” Opening at just the right time, they will have
a drive-through window for convenience.
I have heard so much about THE SHED that I am anxious for
them to open. This will be a franchise barbeque place located north
of I-10 in the building that was previously the Iron Horse. The
Shed was originally started in east Mississippi. Our city engineer,
Jerry Grooms, says that it tastes so good that he has to stop every
time he goes to visit family in Alabama.
Other new and upcoming businesses include:
Rd. They are an oilfield rental business.
Caffery. Most of the time, we eat too much in south Louisiana.
Health Clubs are very beneficial.
RECOVER CARE, LLC, 206 Jacob’s Run, Ste. B – Durable
medical equipment. With a growing older population, there is
greater need for medical equipment.
The City of Scott wants to welcome all of the new businesses.
Like our residents, we want our businesses to feel free to call us at
anytime for questions, comments or suggestions.
Railway Should
Restore Sidewalks
Before Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway began working on an upgrade
of “federal” signal” gates in Scott, our city had level sidewalks approaching and
extending from the railway crossings at both sides of St. Mary Street and Alfred. Since
the installation of the signals, the sidewalk has been left with an incline of loose gravel
that has made traverse across the tracks and past the work difficult for pedestrians
and bicyclers. This is a walkway that will experience high pedestrian traffic during the
Mardi Gras season, and there
has been an ongoing effort
to get the matter resolved.
Communications have been
directed to BNSF since June.
One successful outcome
has been the removal of
the pile of broken sidewalk
removed from the area just
west of St. Aubin Park near
the railroad tracks (the park
that used be the venue for
Christmas in Scott, before the event moved to
City Hall). The concrete was “an eyesore,” not to
mention an attraction for varmints. BNSF had
the discard removed in August.
BNSF says that State or Federal funding, our
tax dollars, should be used to restore the sidewalks. Had the contract work been done
correctly, it probably would have been a lot less expensive than to go back afterwards
and fix something that should not have been left the way they did. BNSF, in their
Citizen Report of 2008, state that they “understand that it is more than going from
point A to point B.” Scott wants the railway company to make good on their claim
of citizenship and goodwill. The railroad industry, of all industries, has been very
profitable. We need the sidewalks restored and completed well before February
7, when our Mardi Gras parade rolls through Scott! Should tax dollars be used to
pay for any extra cost associated with them leaving the project incomplete?
If you have concerns, perhaps writing to Public Service Commissioner James M.
Field for Lafayette – District 2 at 1314 Walker Road, Lafayette, LA 70506 can make a
Scott Well-Represented
among CFMA Officers
New leaders of the Lafayette Chapter of the Cajun
French Music Association include Murphy Boudreaux of
Scott/President, Donna Broussard/Vice President, Connie
Thomassee/Secretary, Mercedes Hollier of Scott/Treasurer.
The board members are Eldine Benoit of Scott, Larry Benoit,
Wesley Hebert, Mike Broussard, Kenneth Landry, Willard
Lasseigne and Parliamentarian is Gerald Trahan of Scott.
Their chapter queen, Shauna Cormier, of nearby Cankton,
was selected to be the Miss Le Cajun Queen for 20092010. That’s quite an honor. Meanwhile, Mike and Cindy
Broussard were named “Family of the Year.”
Standing: Alma Bouy, Dane Domangue (of Chauvin, LA) Loretta
Young, Jenny Domangue (Chauvin) Rodney and Darlene Savoy,
Mercedes Hollier, Bill Young, Anita Kitcher, Juanita Boudreaux,
Claudette LeBlanc; Sitting: Pam and Troy Bergeron. Everyone
had a great time in Canada!
Scott Delegation enjoys
Congrés Mondial Acadie
Photo courtesy of Tom Wicker
Anita Richard Allec and her husband, Bill, from Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada were in Louisiana for the first time and stopped
by to pay a visit with Polly Richard of Scott, Louisiana. Anita and
Bill had attended a Richard International Reunion held in Fargo,
North Dakota that ended up with a spark of interest in Anita’s
Richard family.
Eleven of Scott’s citizens visited Canada during Congrès
Mondial Acadien 2009. As members of Le Jumelage, the majority
left Scott on August 8th, arriving in Memramcook on the 10th.
They spent the 14th and 15th New Brunswick, enjoying Caraquet’s
Tintamarre, and returned to Memramcook (Scott’s twin city) on
the 16th before heading home. The seeds for Congrès were sown in 1988, when the idea of
establishing a meeting of all Acadians throughout the world was
mentioned by Acadian Jean-Marie Naduau over dinner. André
Bourdreau embraced the idea and presented it at the 1988 Annual
General Meeting of the Société nationale de l’Acadie (National
Society of Acadia). The first-ever Congrès took place in New
Brunswick in 1994. Since then, the celebration has taken place
once every 5 years. In 1999, the Congrès was held in Louisiana.
Louisiana had bid for the next one, but the 2014 Congrès Mondial
Acadie will take place in Maine.
We’ve made banking simple again.
Mary G. Meche
Vice President - Branch Manager
200 Westgate Road - Scott, Louisiana
(337) 291-3422 - Fax (337) 291-3423
Scott Herald adds new Face
and Internet Site
Photo courtesy of Dennis’ wife, Pam
The Herald proudly welcomes the newest addition to its staff,
Dennis Carr. Dennis is not new to the area. He and his wife, Pam,
moved to Scott in 2003 from Apple Valley, MN.
Dennis has an interesting and diverse background. A native
of West Allis,
Wisconsin, he
spent 24 years
of active duty in
the Air Force as
an Air Operations manager.
Nine of those
years, he lived
in England, five
in Western Germany, and a year
in South Korea.
Meet Dennis Carr, our new Assistant Editor The notorious
collapse of the
and Internet Wizard.
Berlin Wall that
divided East and
West Germany occurred during his stay there. He met his wife-tobe, Pamela Holmes Blair, in the Air Force; she, too, served in the
Air Force with 20 years of active duty.
After retiring from the service, Dennis graduated from New
Hampshire College with BA degree in Human Resources and Computer Information Systems. Dennis and Pam moved from Kingston,
NH to the Twin Cities of Minnesota to be near family. After several years, “Louisiana was calling.” Dennis and Pam purchased the
Claude Hebert house and now call it home.
Both Pam and Dennis have become part of the Scott community.
Pam, who grew up in Kingston, MA, works as an Analyst for one
of the major telecommunications companies. Dennis is an instructor at Remington College. Working with “Mama” Redell Miller in
their “free time,” they helped with the staging of “Murder at Scott
Station” (the Centennial Play), the opening of the Begnaud House,
the Triangle Club Tribute and numerous other events. “We love the
community, and we love getting involved,” said Dennis. Currently,
Pam is working with others to compile a Scott Family History, and
now Dennis will have plenty of opportunities to stay involved with
The Great Scott Herald.
Dennis deserves a big thank you for setting up and publishing The
Great Scott Herald website. Look at
to see our issues online, along with pictures taken by various local photographers and links to other websites for our sponsoring
Knights Sponsor
Soccer Challenge
Last year, Blake Napolitano went all the
way to State Finals of the 2008 Knight of
Columbus Soccer Challenge. This year, the
Scott Council 7568 named five contenders
to Area level: Morgan Babineaux-age 10,
Dustin Domingue-age 11, Jacob Judice
age 10, Sarah Lanerie-age 12 and Tristin
Stelly-age 11. Morgan Babineaux and
Jacob Judice (pictured beow (L-R) with
their moms and Knight Henry Sonnier) will
compete for State, on November 15, in Baton Rouge.
Watch for our New Westgate location!
Appreciation Banquet honors Businesses
Volunteer Firefighter Matt Larriverre (R), received SBA’s
appreciation award at the Banquet. He’s pictured with Assistant
Fire Chief Troy Dickinson.
The City of Scott and the Scott Business Association (SBA) welcomed
Scott businesses and guests to the 19th Annual Scott Business Appreciation
Banquet, held at Fezzo’s III in October.
Master of Ceremonies, Chad Leger, Scott Chief of Police, led off the fun-filled
evening with a remarkable and very moving 1969 video of the late comedian,
Red Skelton, concerning the Pledge of Allegiance. Father Thomas Voorhies
gave the Invocation, and Mayor Hazel D. Myers gave the Proclamation. SBA
President Carolyn Cormier Stoute recognized volunteer firefighter Matt
Larriverre for his achievements to the City during the year.
Guest Speaker State Representative Jack Montoucet gave honor and
recognition to all the vets in the audience and thanked them for their service
to this country. He spoke of the positive changes in Louisiana, highlighting our
great people, land, food, attractions, workforce and productivity, and to the
small businesses that contribute so much to the positive economic climate.
The Business of the Year awards were presented by Mayor Myers to:
Universal Manufacturing & Sign Company (Service company on Willow),
American Windshield Glass Mirror Works (Retail operation on Westgate), and
Martin & Castille Funeral Home, Inc. (Unique business located on Alfred). A
business in each of these three categories receives recognition every year at
the banquet.
Business representatives and guests attend the annual banquet for
businesses. (L-R) Murphy Boudreaux (Scott Herald), Dot Stelly,
and Rickie Meche (Meche’s Inspection) were among the many in
Scott Crowns
New Queens
Our 2008-2009 Jr. Miss Scott Laney LaCaze and Miss Scott Meghan Dickinson (L-R)
nobly surrendered their reign to successors, Jr. Miss Scott Shea Duhon and Miss Scott
Hillary LeGros.
n September 20th, potential candidates gathered at
City Hall to interview with the judges. They all put their
best foot forward. As always, the selection process was
difficult, but the new Miss Scott and Miss Junior Scott were
chosen and these lovely young ladies were presented to
the public at the Annual Business Appreciation Banquet in
early October.
Miss Scott Hillary Renee LeGros and Junior Miss Scott
Shea Leigh Duhon rise to their places of royalty representing
the City of Scott. They will be present at many functions
and have honors such as lighting our Christmas tree at City
Hall on the evening of December 1st.
Hillary LeGros has previously reigned as Jr. Miss Scott.
The daughter of Deborah and Jerry LeGros, she is a lifelong resident of our City. Hillary graduated from Acadiana
High this year. She has been active at Sts. Peter and Paul,
where she altar-served for many years and also held offices
with the youth group. She also attended DeLaRue Dance
Centre for 14 years and spent her senior year of high school
on the Ram dance team after three years as a member of the
school’s color guard. Hillary plans to enroll at UL-Lafayette
in pursuit of a degree in Education. This year, she will be
very busy representing her City.
Thirteen-year-old Shea Duhon attends Edgar Martin
Middle School where she sings in the chorus. Her parents are
Jerry and Tammie Thibodeaux. Living in close proximity to
the Rams stadium, she enjoys watching football games and
being with her friends. Shea is in the 8th grade and looks
forward to the upcoming year, where being Miss Junior
Scott will be a position she hopes to represent well.
Congratulations Hillary and Shea! Thank you and
farewell, Meghan and Lacey.
Scott Scout Pack
grows exponentially
Cub Scout Pack 451 has recruited a total of 37 new Scouts!!! They
now have approximately 45 scouts. They recruited boys from L. Leo
Judice, Westside Elementary, Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School, Scott
Middle School, Ossun Elementary, and Carencro Heights.
Since the new school year began, the pack has attended events almost
every weekend. The members have been working on their popcorn sale
fundraiser which ends after the first week of November, so get your
order in soon if a scout has not approached you. (Their email address
is below.) The funds they raise will pay for awards, advancements, and
special project and event costs throughout the year.
These boys have been extremely active throughout the community
with no end in sight to their busy schedule. Sponsored by our local
council of the Knights of Columbus, they were a tremendous help at the
Survivor Celebration in September, assisting with the commemorative
tree-planting that took place at the event and providing special clean-up
assistance to the grounds and for the Knights of Columbus.
Eighteen of their scouts have already achieved their first rank of
Bobcat and the others are expected to do the same before circulation
of the November issue of The Herald. They participated in the UL “Fill
the Field for Scouting” Cajun football game. They toured the fire station.
Some of the 1st graders (Tiger Scouts) attended the annual Tiger Day
sponsored by the Evangeline Area Council and began working on
scrapbooks. The 2nd graders (Wolf Den Scouts) have built birdhouses
as part of their projects about wildlife conservation. The 3rd graders
(Bear Scouts) have been learning about citizenship, while the Webelos
(4th and 5th graders) are working on earning their Webelos Badge and
will spend time over the next two years preparing to cross-over from Cub
Scouts to Boy Scouts. The scouts will get an introduction to camping at
the Mountain Bayou Boy Scout Camp before November – a highlight of
their fall excursions.
To learn more about Pack 451, e-mail them at scott_pack451@ or come to one of their monthly meetings, usually on the
last Monday of the month at the KOC Hall (excluding December), next
to Scott City Hall at 6:15 p.m.
Scott Physical Therapy cuts
ribbon for new location
Russ Gunter, PT, hosted a wellattended ribbon cutting ceremony
upon officially opening his new
location on St. Mary in the Emerald
Building in late August.
Pelloquin Chiropractic
Opens by Subway
Dr. Dustin Pelloquin opened his doors with a ribbon
cutting event in mid-October. Seen here surrounded by
family, he plans to work closely with Scott Physical Therapy,
now located in the same complex. Pelloquin Chiropractic
occupies what was the receiving area of Bryson Law Firm,
which remains in the back area of the building.
Scout Master Gene Guidry and Assistant Master Jenny Meadows
have provided inspirational leadership for our local scouts.
Interested boys and their parents attended recruitment rallies
held in September.
Now Scott has two chiropractors, with Dr. Jason Stanton
located in Scott Oaks Plaza. Both will offer their professional
care to the community as do our physical therapists, Russ
Gunter and Jonathon Marino.
Scott Girls dance
Saturday Nutcracker
Dallas Brister and Katherine Lantier have made
The Nutcracker a routine performance for
their holiday season. This year, Dallas
dances as a Party Girl and Catherine
will dance the role of one of the dolls.
Two new faces make their Nutcracker
debut. Anna Lantier (Katherine’s
sister) is partnering with Dalia
Mouawad as Angels this year.
Aerin Higginbotham performs again
as one of the principal dancers; she is
the granddaughter of Verlie Sonnier and
the late Floyd Sonnier.
Given a choice, we pick the Saturday
night performance, December 12th, at the
Heymann Center.
Mastermind of
“Spaces Between Fingers”
visits Carrs
Courtesy of Penelope Blair
on and his project
is ongoing. In the process of making his way across the
nation in 30 days, he spent 1-1/2 days in Scott during the
hot month of August. Prior to his arrival, he managed to
drive through the desert at night, avoiding the scorching
temperatures in his 1995 Volvo “sans” air conditioning
and meet in Austin with a relative of the Carrs – thus
his next destination:
Scott, LA. Thanks
to Dennis and Pam,
he left with a lasting
of our City, the
memory of warm
and friendly people,
and his first-ever
Since then, he has
received about 500
returned cards with
the shared wisdom
and creative art of
people’s handprints from everywhere. Some of the
submissions can be seen online. Matt says you don’t
need to have one of his postcards to contribute – any
cardstock submission will do. Just mail it to him at The
Spaces Between Your Fingers Project, 265 Ellis Road,
Havertown, PA 19083.
The London Cottage Salon
Family Salon with an “at home” feeling
102 St. Theresa St. • Scott, LA 70538
(Off Cameron between Apollo Rd. & Scott Post Office)
Tues.-Fri. 9:00-5:30
Sat. 9:00-3:00
Pat Self, Owner
Halloween in Scott attracts Crowd
In its 4th year, Halloween in Scott continues to be a popular event in Scott. Spearheaded by Marlene and Blake Duhon the same year that Piggly Wiggly opened at Scott
Oaks Plaza, the event includes free drinks and hot dogs, a haunted house, a hayride
fueled by the local police department as drivers, open emergency vehicles for the kids
to study and the oh-so-popular costume
contest. Last year they added a dance
contest and multiple fun jumps, too.
The generosity of local vendors, citizens and organizations, like SATS, helps
make the afternoon a big success. Halloween in Scott was held the Sunday
before Halloween from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Kudos to Marlene and all those who
helped bring so much fun to our community. “I’ve always done if for the kids,”
Marlene has always said, from day one!
Hopefully, it will continue to be a highlight of October in our city.
One citizen recalls how a little girl turned in a lost diamond ring she found at the fair.
place to live thanks to the people and things like this!
At the SBA Business-AfterHours, Marcy Meche,
Acadiana High School Junior,
presented an essay in French
and English about her hopes
to gain financial sponsors
for her planned visits to
France and Canada for the
upcoming summer.
For details, call 267-7200.
Choosing a winner among all the great costumes
invariably presents a hard decision for the judges. Just
go, knowing that it happens for the fun of it.
The owner was so happy and relieved. Scott is a great
Gumbo Cooks Right
for Scott Middle
Good weather, good gumbo: it all turned out well for the school and
the 15 teams that took part in the fundraiser.
B ry s o n
law firm
“Quality & Service First Since 1972”
204 E. Amedee Dr. • Scott, LA 70583 • 337-235-2997 • 337-235-0187 Fax
105 Park West Dr. • Scott, LA 70583 • 337-261-2997 • 337-261-2987 Fax
7 & 8
*Schools of Choice “Fall Frenzie” - Cajundome Convention Center,
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Fete de Heritage é de Scott - See Page 1
Tintamarre, Scott Arboretum, 10 a.m.
*No school
Knights Open House – KOC Hall, 7 p.m.
*No school
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tree Lighting – City Hall, 6:30 p.m.
SBA Business-After-Hours, Fezzo’s III, 6 p.m.
Holiday Ballets – Heymann Center
*No school
Merry Christmas!
*No school – Happy New Year!
*No school
SBA Mardi Gras Ball – “An Evening Train Ride”
*These refer to student classes for Lafayette Parish public schools.
City Council, Every 1st Thursday - City Hall, 6 p.m.
Le Jumelage de Scott, Every 1st Wednesday - City Hall, 6 p.m.
Fire Dept. Board Meeting, Every 2nd Monday - Station 2, 7 p.m.
Scott Business Assoc. (SBA) Every 3rd Monday
(December exception) - City Hall, 6 p.m.
Acoustic Jam Session - Begnaud House, every Friday 6 p.m.
Boy Scout Pack 451 – every last Monday – KOC Hall, 6:15 p.m.
Weight-Watchers, Tuesdays - St. Martin de Porres Church, 5:30 p.m.
All the local Krewes have selected their royalty for the upcoming balls
and festivities. SBA announced their Mardi Gras king and queen in the
first week of October at the City’s Business Appreciation Banquet. Earl
Hebert and Cheryl Thibodeaux will reign over the City in 2010 as King
Alexander XIV and Queen Olivia XIV.
Krewe of Olympus announced their 2010 royalty early at a social held
at Fezzo’s and sponsored by the Kings Club. King Ares XXII is Steve
Hebert and Queen Athena XXII is Kristy Hebert (father and daughter).
Royal Dukes for 2010 will be Phil Faul, Chris Domingue, Bobby Dunn
and Brad Stutes. Royal Maids are Kynsi Sonnier, Lauren Domingue,
Alissa Sarravet and Britni Stutes. Both, Chris and Lauren Domingue
and Brad and Britni Stutes, are father and daughter couples. Court
Jesters will be Kylee Domingue and Kellie Boudreaux. Ball Captain
will be Harold Stutes and Master of Ceremonies will be Cyril Sonnier,
President of the Kings Club.
The Krewe de Red Hot Scott selected their king and queen and royal
court early in the fall. Cooper Guidroz and Marlene Duhon will reign
as King Tee Frere Pimenté III and Queen Tee Soeur Chaud III. The court
includes Royal Maids Anna Benoit, Monica Clement, Shawn Primeaux
and Jackie Richard. Royal Dukes are Carl Benoit, Rick Dubois, Ronnie
Landry and Carl Primeaux. They have a King and Queen’s Party planned
for November 21st.
Krewe of Atlantis announced their Queen Hera XIII Donna Lanclos will
be accompanied by her Royal Maids Becky Brasseaux, Cindy LeBlanc,
Pam Bergeron and Mary Dugas. Expect to see and hear more about all
the Mardi Gras royalty in the February 1 issue of the Scott Herald.
Stop by Beau Cajun Gallery at 1010 St. Mary and get your
Floyd Sonnier 2009/2010 Cajun Calendars before the holidays!
Wow!!! We are already in the fourth quarter of the year!
Your Board of Directors has been busy, but having fun.
In September, we had a Business-After-Hours at the LITE
Center. The staff gave us a very informative and interesting
tour. Those in attendance have a better understanding of
what “goes on inside the egg-shaped building” on Cajundome
Boulevard. Leroy Albarado (J & J Heating & Cooling), Kenny
Suire (Romero’s Grocery), and Fred Hoyt (Smoke & Go) stepped
up as our sponsors for this event. Thanks go to them and also
Purvis Morrison for helping to coordinate the event.
In October, the SBA assisted the City with the Business
Appreciation Banquet. At this function, the SBA honored
Firefighter Matt Larriverre. We are fortunate to have someone
of Matt’s caliber representing us on the Fire Department.
Our normally scheduled meeting takes place at City Hall,
November 16. We will have a speaker from Architect Southwest
discuss some recommendations they are making in regard
to our local schools. They have been commissioned by the
Lafayette Parish School Board to perform an overall review with
recommendations for future needs. You will NOT want to miss
this meeting. This concerns the future of our children as well
as our community.
Watch your email or fax for information on upcoming events:
Dec. 10, Christmas Party, Fezzo’s III
January 23, “An Evening Train Ride through Scott”—our theme
for the Mardi Gras Ball with black, gold, and green for the color
February 7, Scott’s Mardi Gras Parade.
Remember to “Shop Scott.” This is YOUR Scott Business
Association. You get more out of it when you get involved.
Carolyn Cormier-Stoute, President
1251 Lions Club Rd.
Scott, LA 70583
Free 7-day Pass
Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 5am-9pm • Friday 5am-8pm
Saturday 8am-4pm • Sunday 12noon-5pm
Owners: William & JennyCourville
See our specials at
Drive Thru Smoothie Window
Submitted photo
Fire Chief Chad Sonnier proudly stands by winners of the Fire
Safety poster contest.
Fire Prevention Week Draws
Children’s Interest
Scott Fire Department teamed up with Lafayette Fire Department
to promote the fire prevention message to all children in the
Scott area with a color poster contest. Middle school teens were
encouraged to submit their entries for an essay contest.
The following are winners of the coloring contest who were
recognized at a ceremony held at the Robicheaux Center in
October. Congratulations to all these fine youngsters!
Kindergarten: 1st Olivia Noel, 2nd Jade Melancon,
3rd Katelyn Boudreaux
First Grade: 1st Macy Hernandez, 2nd Katie Dempsey,
3rd Kelsey Latiolais
Second Grade: 1st Tyriann Landry, 2nd Maddie Guillot,
3rd Tiffani Francis
Third Grade: 1st Victoria Viola, 2nd Leksi Landry,
3rd Morgan Guidroz
Fire Safety Checklist:
• Install and maintain a working smoke alarm outside of every
sleep area and remember to change the battery at least once a
• Designate two escape routes from each bedroom and practice
them regularly.
• Teach everyone the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique in case
clothing catches on fire.
• Avoid storing old mattresses in the home or garage.
• Teach kids that matches, lighters and candles are tools, not
toys. If you suspect that a child is playing with fire, check under
beds and in closets for telltale signs like burned matches. Matches
and lighters should be stored in a secure drawer or cabinet.
From fire chief chad sonnier:
National Fire Prevention Week has its roots in the Great Chicago
Fire of October 9, 1871. The fire killed over 300 people, destroyed
over 17 thousand structures and left over 100 thousand homeless. Speculation since its occurrence, suggested that Mrs. O’Leary was
milking her cow when the animal kicked over a lantern, setting the
O’Leary barn on fire and starting the spectacular, yet tragic, blaze. However it began, the fire took a tragic toll, burning more than 2,000
acres in 27 hours.
Today, misuse or poor maintenance of electrical devices, careless use
of candles, smoking in bed, and children playing with matches and
lighters cause many fires. Most potential hazards can be prevented
with a little common sense. Keep flammable items at least three feet
away from heat sources, and never smoke in bed. Appliances and
electric blankets should not be operated with frayed power cords, and
never overload electrical outlets.
National Fire Prevention Week (October 4-10) attention was focused
on promoting fire safety and prevention. We should practice fire
safety all year long. Many potential hazards go undetected because
people fail to take steps to fireproof their home. Devastating burns
can be prevented by testing the water before putting a child in the
bath or wearing short or close-fitting sleeves when cooking. These
and other simple actions may be all it takes. “Stay Fire Smart! Don’t
Get Burned”, this year’s Fire Prevention Week motto focuses on burn
awareness and prevention. Please take time to review the Fire Safety
Checklist on page 11 to assure you are protecting yourself and your
entire family.
Police Chief Chad Leger welcomes three new officers to his force:
Officer Justin Dean, Officer Ben Bettevy and Officer Merlin Lavergne. These three new officers (two of which are already in the midst of their
field training) will fit right in with Chief Leger’s standard of excellence
and professionalism.
It seems like just yesterday we were cleaning up the wrapping paper
and gift boxes from Christmas last year and here we are again – already
contemplating this year’s gifts. Chief Leger is planning for the holidays
and is directing his patrol officers to be extra diligent in our residential
and commercial areas.
With the extra holiday traffic on our roads, Chief Leger is asking all
motorists to exercise particular care while driving. Chief Leger also
warns motorists against texting and talking on their cell phones while
driving, which can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of
alcohol or drugs. Chief Leger has instructed his officers, who are working
special traffic details, to be on the lookout for drivers under the influence
or those driving in a reckless manner. Help save a life, Don’t Drink and
Chiefs Leger and Sonnier and all employees at the
Scott Police Department and Volunteer Fire Fighters
wish everyone a Blessed and Happy Holiday Season!
Why do I need a lawyer to help me with my IRS problems?
By: Cary B. Bryson, Attorney - Bryson Law Firm, LLC
. . . “Why do I need a lawyer to help me with my IRS
problems?” Many of my clients ask me this question during
our initial meeting so I thought I would share my thoughts.
The simple answer is YOU DON’T! Any red-blooded
American taxpayer may represent himself before the IRS or
your professional tax preparer may assist you if he or she is
enrolled to practice before the IRS.
Yet, the issue is a little more complex. So, the more
complicated answer is YOU MIGHT still want to consider
seeking legal help – particularly where an audit is involved or
where criminal penalties may be available to the IRS (e.g., if
there are unfiled returns involved).
Then, logically the next question is “Why?”
Well, here are two really good reasons. First, if you’re
ever involved in a criminal trial with the IRS your lawyer can
not be forced to testify against you because of what is known
as the Attorney-Client Privilege. Under this protection your
lawyer doesn’t have to tell the IRS or a criminal court or anyone
anything that you have told him. Just imagine the sinking feeling
you would have in a criminal trial if you heard an IRS lawyer say
“Your honor, we would like to call the defendant’s tax preparer
to the stand”! That’s not something you would ever want to
hear. If you hire an attorney to take care of your tax problem
you would never have to hear those words.
Second, an attorney is qualified to advise clients about
bankruptcy as an option for resolving IRS problems. While this
may be an extreme way to alleviate a problem it’s certainly has
its pros and cons and it’s still the best option for some people.
But, only some tax problems can be dealt with in bankruptcy.
It depends upon the type of tax, the age of the tax and other
factors. Simply put, bankruptcy is a legal matter that should
only be carefully considered under the counsel of an attorney.
As I said, it is not necessary to have an attorney to help
you solve your IRS troubles. However, for the reasons above
and for many more, it may be
worth your while to hire one.
Having good representation
takes away the advantage
that the IRS has over you.
And, our clients tell us that it
helps them sleep better!