About Cleansing your body
About Cleansing your body
t' I cleansed. Edqqs: . . Itow what? ( zdaL$. ( e"t...H €qt-Ldtwc. Sotrgfn-f., . < coo7t,#ies {(p); , $1 ,W-,'l,B that has become so conrmon in "When we cease the over-indulgence our lives and our our modern world, even for a short while, priorities become clearer" occasionally, and you have a tool that Do these "short while"s greatly add to your life! will to join Nancy and each No matter what your reason behind deciding you all did it! ! We want to congratulate other in fasting...you for your body: and let you know you did the following -rest systqthe digestive reguires energy! Digestirg, assimilating The food we eat actually actj-vities require a great deal of and metabolizing--these energy. ft is estimated that 658 of the body's energy must be organs after a heavy meal. directed to the digestive -allow for cleansing and detoxification of the bodycells, tissues and organs, and can detox and repair fasting foreign as well as the natural metabolic wastes toxins eliminate produced even by our healthy cells. (which are also toxins) -create pattetnsr& shine a spotlight on them a break in eating the environment in which healing can set the stage or create just how heal themselves. We have to know to Our bodies occur. "get out of the way", and this means on all levels of our being. us on all those levels. Fasting has a way of rebal-ancing -promote greater mental clarityand focus, it can become a tool improves mental clarity fasting freedom, flexibility, and energy to give you greater in your life projects you. get to things and that are important done the to -cleanse gatterrtsemotioDal and heal "stuek" fasting will change your tastes toward more natural and wholesome 7. ;' also gi-ve you a new perspective on your foods. It will to food; why and when you eat what you do., what yaur relat.ionship mental and emotional attachments are. -[ead to a feeling increasing energy of physical lightaess, leveTaddition of heavy foods into the system Without the continual (and after any major detox symptoms have passed) ' the body takes less dense, feeling. on a lighter, -promote an innet stiTlness, enhancing spiritual connectioninward, that we listen, become quiet. And we take our at,tention if you timer you with your will also allow, that. quiet quality greater your of kinship with Inner Being" a sense are wil1irg, Other ways to cLeanses of fasting are not limited to just traditional These benefits juices, but can be attained fasts like master cleanse, water r ot diets as weIIl Short term removing of gluten, through cleansing or meat can leave you having more answers about which dairy, will be less foods serve your body the best. Although the effects pronounced, as they occur over a longer time frame. But they will Fasting is an ongoing practice, that grows and be there. benefits! nore and more meaningful deepens over time, delivering days do, several You can fast one day a week as many cultures you you wanted to did this month, and even if each month aF up to you and your body. continue for a few more days...its and detox and avaiTable on eleansing There are so many tesources I suggest the foTTowing: Program for Fasting and Eating for Healt,h: A Medical Doctorrs Conquering Diseaserby JoeI Fuhrman, M.D. with Vitality The Complete Guide for Lifelong The New Detox Diet: Recipes, Menus, and Detox Plans, by Elson M. Haas, M.D. get rid of fattening The Fast Track Detox Diet3 Boost metabolism, Ann l,ouise Gittleman, PhD toxinsrby i eoming off the eleaRse Breakincr Coming off a fast requires special attention as well. Do so slow1y, easing back into regular foods but rnaking better choices about which foods and the order of re-introduction of foods, quantities, (listen and frequency to your body). Care needs to be t,aken when breaking a fast so as not to your digestive overburden system., **The best benefit of fasting is realized when a fast is broken properly. Taking it slow and easy is not only kind to your body, your new-found but aIlows YOU the opportunity to integrate clarity on your relationship to food. Perfect time to test if you are sensitive or allergic to certain foods **introduce them (do you get stuffy one at a time** with dairy, headaches with gluten, constipated with meat, bloated with bread ect.. a Duriag a fast, the body undergoes several biological changes -Enzlrmes normally produced by the digestive system have ceased to be produced(because juice is already in an easily digestive form) greatly, or have been dininished depending on the type of fast performed, so introducing food slowly allows the body time to reproduction. establish this enzlzme -When eating heavier meals digestive enzlznes can be taken prior so you don't have that "stuffed" feeling and your body is not put through t'ort'ure trying to break every morsel down. -Visit your local health food store or vitamin shoppe for good guality digestive enzymes. The protective mucus lining of the stomach may be temporarily diminished as well, making the stomach walls more vulnerable to irritation until it also returns to normal. Gentle reintroduction of foods, beginniag with the siaplest and easiest-to-digest foods, supports this process, Substances known to be irritating to the system, such as coffee and spicy foods, must be avoided (Wait at during the breaking process. Sorry Starbucks! days for re int,roduction if you decide to at all. ) f*.*t S-f Because of these biolagical ehaages, overeating imediately a fast is much worse, than overeating folTowing at any other time. -Your system needs Lime to readjust back to normal digestion and assimilation. -Not taking the proper measures can result in stomach cramping, nausea, and even vomiting. Use the following Tist your f ast s It begins introduced later. with those early on, to Break that are easiest on the system and can be and progresses to those that should be added Depending on the length of, your fast, you may go through the list in one day or up to 3 or 4 days. And you certainly don't need to just e a t e v e r yth i n g o n th e l i st, it' s a gener al guideline. Easier to fruit yogurt lettuces digest to most difficult juices a,nd vegetable raw fruitE vegetable or bone brottrs (or other living, cultured miJ.k products), unsweetened (can use pl,ain yogrurt aE a dressing and spinach and top rith fresh fruit) cooked vegetabJ.es and vegetable soups raw vegietabJ.es wel.J- cooked grains and beans nuts(soaked or raw) and eggs (non-cultured) miJ.k products meats and anything eJ.se (coffee, al-cohol etc.) Any of the first three items are good for that of a fast, that first thing you eati raw fruit and most popular. The only rule f to many different that, body notice give a heads up very simple..Sci initial "breaking" being the easiest stick to always is to eat simplydo not combine foods right aT/ray. Remember we have to give the we will be needing enzymatic action to digest so by chewinE your food weII and also keeping meals you may want to have a fruit salad for breakfast soup to have for lunch or ciinner on the and make a pureed carrot juice in water and sip You may dilut.e OJ or cranberry day. first Have a coconut water or pelligrino the day" on that throughout as much as drinking with lime or lernon" Remember you aren't before so keep water intake high (half your body weight! ) and use Maybe you lemon or lime or watermelon in water for added taste. of avocado on cucumber rounds or make a non spicy have slices guacamole for dinner and use carrots or celery sticks to eat! with some fresh fruj-t or make a smoothie Day two might also start (fresh or fxozen) and coconut water and maybe throw some of fruit in. Salads for lunch and or dinner with non sweetened yogurt If you want have some rice by itself soup may be good. vegetable a coconut nilk with sesame oil or in broth can be very dressed good if you Day three you should be feelirrg really delicioust you start into eating...maybe followed these steps to easing back or steel cooked oats..or eggs and a kale side off with fruit you Lunch can try a vegetable barley soup and maybe chili salad. Remember you worked so very hard to soup for dinner. or lentil junk don't rush back into an clear out mind and body of toxic overload. I NtgeFattlEN'TFnsltuc' nO.d-O.d-.O-.d- /1\ (:-':'/ rq! breaking a fast I4oze pointers,for your body's reactions to to these "new" 1.Pay close attention perhaps signalling a mild foods. Watch for any adverse reactions, you gone quickly. or that Feel for the have too far, too allergy and stop eating at that. point. Begin to sensation of fullness yourself to watch for that signalr so you'Il always know train nourished. when your body is fully begin with frequent small meaIs, every 2 2.When breakj-ng a fast, gradually toward larger meals with more hours or so, progressing you reach a eating routine, time in between them until "normal" such as 3 meals and 2 snacks in a day's time. This will help 3.Chew foods well. to foster. and is a good habit to add live 4.Strive raw foods are Fresh, immensely with proper digestion enzlzmes and good bacteria to your system. full of living enzymes good for your body Probioticsr or "good" bacteria, can be found not, and digestion. cultured and fermented only in piII form, but also in naturally food products, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and miso. isles of supermarketsselecti-ng fresh vegetables 5.Shop outside yogurts, cheeses, and eggs, fermented products and fruits, good bacteria like konbucha, miso, and picklesr.and containing organic meats if you choose. *Remember fragmented foods are never nourishing they just fill a void (ever each one or two potato chips? we eat way more than that ) our kitchen routines foods, to accomodate natural Once we adjust don't have to spend long hours in the kitchen. Simp1e we really recipes actually accomodate whole and natural foods quite nicely. flavors of t,hese There's an honest depth to the richness and full require a lot of fuss. true foods that doesn't