#3 Blessed Sacrament Placentia 2013 March
#3 Blessed Sacrament Placentia 2013 March
THE BETHLEHEM Hebrew for “House of Bread” MARCH 2013 E-Mail: bsacrament@sbcglobal.net Web site: http://www.bsacramentchurch.org/ Finding a Grateful Heart One of the invitations of our life with God is to acknowledge that place of wonder, reverence and thanksgiving to the Lord for the graces in our life. Perhaps your Lenten journey could include asking the Lord to help you connect with a deeper sense of gratitude for how God has been with you in the times of suffering, struggle and difficulty. Here are some thoughts from G.K Chesterton in The Autobiography: “I invented a rudimentary and makeshift mystical theory of my own. It was substantially this; that even mere existence, reduced to its most primary limits, was extraordinary enough to be exciting. Anything was magnificent compared with nothing. Even if the very daylight were a dream, it was a day-dream; it was not a nightmare. The mere fact that one could wave one’s arms and legs about…showed that it had not the mere paralysis of a nightmare. OF if it was a nightmare, it was an enjoyable nightmare…No man knows how much he is an optimist, even when he calls himself a pessimist, because he has not really measured the depths of his debt to whatever created him and enabled him to call himself anything. At the back of our brains, so to speak, there was a forgotten blaze or burst of astonishment at our own existence. The object of the artistic and spiritual life was to dig for this submerged sunrise of wonder; so that a man sitting in a chair might suddenly understand that he was actually alive, and be happy.” Psalm 103:1-5 teaches us about being satisfied with the Good: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits---Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Continued on page 2 2nd Annual Blessed Sacrament Church Youth Camp Friday, May 3—Sunday May 5, 2013 Thousand Pines Christian Camp and Conference Center NEXT BETHLEHEM DEADLINE Wednesday, March 20, 2013 It is the bounden duty and service of the people of this parish, being part of the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church, to worship God as he has revealed himself in Jesus Christ, to become saints, and to make disciples of all people. All youth, age 10-18, are invited! There will be great games, fun, food, fellowship, music and Bible study. We will be returning to Thousand Pines Camp, near Crestline, for a second year, and staying at the “Ponderosa Camp” there. Costs for youth are minimal (we don’t want anyone to hesitate because of price)—only $59 for the entire weekend! Parents are also invited, but the group meetings will be constructed for our youth. Please invite guests! This is a great opportunity for outreach and building our youth community. Continued from page 1 For more information, contact Steve Classen <sclasse@pacbell.net> or Ashley Nick <ashley.n.nick@gmail.com>. Let us pray: Lord, I confess that too often I see the glass as half empty instead of half full. I see problems instead of potential, obstacles instead of opportunities. Give me eyes to see the miracle of life within me and all around me. Give me eyes to perceive the grace of every human face, to marvel at the movement of my limbs, to wonder at the wind. This day, Lord, let me be amazed at this precious gift of life you have loaned me. …… Volunteer – Live Better, Healthier, and Longer How would you like to feel better, be healthier, and live longer? One way seems to be – Volunteer! A number of studies (“The Health Benefits of Volunteering: A Review of Recent Research,” www.nationalservice.org) show that those who Lenten Action: In your journal or on a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle of a page, splitting the page into two columns. On the left side, make a list of things for which you are grateful. As God brings new blessings to your mind during the week, add to your list. In the right hand column, comment on these blessings, recording your thoughts of amazement, wonder and joy. volunteer benefit not only the organization or cause they support, but also their own health and vitality. Those who volunteer gain not only the satisfaction of contributing to a worthwhile cause; they also gain self-esteem, gratification, social interaction, and health benefits. The above referenced report states, “… that volunteers have greater longevity, higher functional ability, lower rates of depression and less incidence of heart disease.” That is a pretty good return on investment, right? Faithfully, Father Brad Karelius, Interim Pastor Credit: Lent and Easter Wisdom from G. K. Chesterton, published by the Center for the Study of C. S. Lewis and Friends. 2 H.I.S. House does have a paid staff including the Director, Administrative Assistant, and Case Workers, but all the rest of the work is accomplished by – Volunteers. Charity’s Closet is run completely by volunteers, and you can’t believe the number of hours of volunteer effort that are given each year – as well as the amount of money provided to support the H.I.S. House operation. SUMMARY OF ATTENDANCE & GIVING ATTENDANCE Average Sunday Attendance: 8:00 Average Sunday Attendance: 10:15 Average Sunday Attendance: TOTAL GIVING Average Weekly Number of Contributions Average Weekly % of Parishioners Contributing (of 127 distributed pledge envelopes) Total Average Weekly Contributions Average Weekly Variance From Budget (Budget= $4238) Monthly/YTD Variance From Budget Our cadre of dedicated workers have forged new friendships, maintained high social interactions, and basically enjoyed what they were doing. Why else would they be there? Everyone has something to offer. It could be an area of expertise in marketing, merchandise display, accounting, collectibles, or simply a joy of working with people. Needs include workers at Charity’s Closet, people with trucks to help transport donated furniture or deliveries of unneeded items to Goodwill, people to answer the phone at the shelter, people to work on resident events at the shelter, people to be mentors to the residents, etc., etc., etc. Whatever your talents, you would be welcomed into the family of volunteers that allow Charity’s Closet and H.I.S. House to function. In return you would become healthier, happier, more fun to be with, longer lived, better looking, and famous. OK – maybe not ALL of these, but you get the idea. JAN YTD As Of 2-10-2013 26 26 58 58 84 84 27 29 21% 23% $2,801.69 $3,928.78 ($1,179.53) ($309.22) ($5,746.24) ($1,856.31) ANALYSIS: This chart shows the average Sunday attendance by service. It also shows the average number of contributions, percent of contributions (based on 127 pledge envelopes) and average amount of contributions for the month of January. The Year To Date (YTD) column factors in the first two weeks of February to arrive at YTD averages. What isn’t shown on this chart (but will be shown next month) is a dramatic increase in the number and amount of contributions in the second week of February which accounts for the YTD totals being much closer to budget than they were for the month of January. The budget calls for total average weekly contributions of $4,238.00 per week. If you now feel the urge to get up off the couch, get involved, get healthier, and have a good time doing it, call the shelter (714) 993-5774 or Charity’s Closet (714) 993-4687 to join the community of volunteers. You’ll be glad you did! Blessings, Allen Sypherd, Past Chair H.I.S. House Board 3 THE CHARLES WILLIAMS READING GROUP . . . . . . invites you to come and explore the writings, times and colleagues of Charles Williams, poet. For more than a year and a half, the Charles Williams Reading Group has been meeting, and exploring together. Our Mr. Williams was a contemporary of Mr. Lewis, Mr. Tolkien, and many other well known writers and poets – and, during the Second War, a visitor to the Inklings. He considered many of the same issues and ideas, but always from a starkly different, spiritual and almost self-educated direction. During our time together, we have been ‘reading in a circle’ (reading contemporaneous works that ‘talk’ with the Williams texts) to help understand not only ‘English’ prose of the early 20th century (not at all ‘American’!) but the context and ethos so that we can better understand “what Mr. Williams was on about”! (For those of you who may not know, Mr. Williams wrote 7 novels, at least 4 volumes of published poetry, three books of theology, perhaps a dozen published plays; this on top of whatever else he was asked (and paid) for by way of biography, introductions to others’ books, periodical essays, articles and reviews, and huge numbers of personal letters.) Currently we are beginning The Descent of the Dove, subtitled ‘a History of the Work of the Holy Spirit in the Church.’ We meet the first and third Tuesdays, usually at the home of Eliot Harry, at about 7:15 for tea, biscuits, and conversation! Please contact either Eliot Harry (heharry@att.net) or S. Emily Evans (matthew633@mindspring.com) for information and/or directions. We’d enjoy your companionship on this adventure! FR. BRAD KARELIUS, INTERIM PRIEST JEFF GREEN, SENIOR WARDEN JOHN TIFFIN, JUNIOR WARDEN MARCY RATCLIFF, OFFICE MANAGER MARION & THEO HETHERINGTON, REPORTERS JAY DUFFIELD, EDITOR – jayd@roadrunner.com 4 BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH WOULD LIKE TO THANK THESE BUSINESSES FOR MAKING OUR NEWSLETTER POSSIBLE Margo's Flowers YORBA LINDA PLUMBING CO. • Garbage Disposals • Water Heaters • Sink Lines Cleared 1280 N. 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Lic. #289 www.cmpublications.com Yorba Linda Since 1976 714-777-2692 Lic.#1304 For information, please call (951) 776-0601 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1314 North Angelina Drive Placentia, California 92870-3442 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED THE BETHLEHEM Phone: (714) 528-2995 Fax: (714) 528-2997 E-Mail: bsacrament@sbcglobal.net Web site: http://www.bsacramentchurch.org/