Kempner High School - Academy Publishing, Inc.


Kempner High School - Academy Publishing, Inc.
High School
A Message from our Principal
Anthony Indelicato
I want to thank everyone for an excellent 2013-2014 school year. We have so much to be proud of this
year- from students receiving academic and athletic awards to scholarships to team success, the recognitions
for KHS students continue. A few examples of our school, student and team success include:
• U.S. News and World Report for 2014 ranked Kempner in the top five percent of high schools in
America and awarded us a silver medal
• All 4 of our Kempner Orchestras received the coveted Sweepstakes Award- this is the first time this has
happened in the history of our Orchestra program
• our men’s and women’s soccer teams advanced to the playoffs
• track athlete advanced to the regional track meet
• KHS student advanced to the State Debate Competition
• our Health Science Technology program was again awarded the White House Silver Eagle award this year for their blood drive
collection benefitting St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
I continue to be amazed at our students as evidenced by their talent, their hard work and their character. Thank you for allowing
us to help lead your children/our students to high levels of success. Kempner continues to receive academic and extracurricular awards
because of our amazing students and the support and assistance you provide communicating to our students how vital education is to
their future success.
This is also the time of year to celebrate our seniors who have worked hard to graduate and all our other students who are
advancing to the next phase of their high school careers. Kempner is such a special place and we are already planning for next year
to be even better.
Our focus next year will be on purposefully teaching success skills to our students. We have committees that are currently
planning how this will work. It will be an ongoing process to help ensure all our students are ready to continue the success we have
had at Kempner and be prepared for life after high school.
Thank you and have a fantastic summer!
Anthony Indelicato
Asst. Principals Room Ext.
A – C Rachel Cortez
(115) #42308
Jane Hecox
D – K Matt McCabe
(115) #42333 Jane Hecox
L – P Larry Patterson (700) #42325
Marilyn Dardar
Q – Z Kyle Lovetinsky (700) #42307
Marilyn Dardar
Counselors (Rm. 701)
Renee Edwards (A-C)
Carol Crouse
Erin Swanson (D-I)
Carol Crouse
Jennifer Kipping (J-M)
Michelle Hernandez
Donna Minix (N-R) Michelle Hernandez
Kerry Jongeward (S-Z)
Michelle Hernandez Ext.
14777 Voss Road • Sugar Land, TX 77498 • PH 281-634-2300 • FX 281-634-2378
June 2014 • Volume 4 • Issue 1
Parent Pride
Best Buddies
Fundraiser Walk
The Kempner Best Buddies
participated in the Best
Buddies Walk on Saturday
March 29th. Kempner was
in the top fundraisers and
placed in third bringing in
approximately $2,800. Last
year we raised $1,065 so
the buddies almost tripled
what they did last year. In
addition to that they collected
well over 600+ signatures
for the Spread the Word to
End the Word Event (R-Word
Campaign) during March 24th
- 28th. The buddies and peer
buddies have been really
making meaningful friendships
and rounding the end of the
year for a big send off for our
2014 graduates! Thanks for
making the memories buddies.
Flock Your Friends & Family
June 2014/ Issue 1
Important Message from the School Clinic
Thanks for all of the donations of jeans. We could use sweat
pants or elastic shorts because we are having a hard time having a
perfect fit. We can also use socks! You can drop off any donations
for the Clinic at the front office.
Next school year all students will be required to have a
Meningitis vaccine. Most students already have it. Please check your
child’s vaccine records and get needed vaccines updated during
the summer. The clinic is closed during summer but records can be
dropped off at school or faxed to 281-327-2323 and they will be
checked during the summer. This will make their 1st day of school
easier to handle. Have a great restful and healthy summer.
School Nurse,
Cecilia Ross, RN, BSN
Health Science Tech Students Honored by
President Obama and Mayor of Sugar Land
for Record Breaking Blood Drives
The students of Kempner’s Health Science Technology Program have
again broken the county and school record in their Fall and Spring Blood
Drives. The students worked feverishly in organizing the county’s largest
two day drive benefitting St. Luke’s Hospital’s Heart Institute and the
surgeons of Dr. Denton Cooley. The White House has delivered to each
of them the prestigious Silver Eagle Pin and Certificate. This is the highest
civilian honor for community service students can earn and President
Obama wrote them a letter of recognition as well. In honor of this,
Mayor James Thompson and the City Council of the City of Sugar Land
on June 3rd will present each student and Dr. Indelicato a proclamation
acknowledging their work.
“Parent Pride”
June 2014
Published Four Times Per Year
Kempner High School
14777 Voss Road
Sugar Land, TX 77498
Issue #1
Support Our Sponsors
Support KHS
Parent Pride
June 2014/ Issue 1
KHS Wall of Fame
Can your family help with an important monument for
Kempner, The Wall of Fame? The Wall of Fame is a large
granite wall that recognizes Kempner Alumni that go above
and beyond to make a tremendous impact at Kempner, in
their community, industry and in the world. The wall will be
proudly displayed at the front entrance. Not only will the wall
recognize the great Kempner graduates that have walked the
halls of Kempner, it will also motivate the current students to
know that they can also achieve excellence in their future and
one day be recognized on the Wall of Fame.
Kempner High School is counting on Kempner families,
friends and local businesses to help raise the needed funds
for this great wall of alumni history. Is your family or business
able to contribute to the Wall of Fame? Every dollar counts in
reaching this great goal!
The goal for installation is this summer 2014. With your
help, this motivating Wall of Fame will be ready for all to see
when school begins next fall.
All donations of $100 or more will have their name
listed on the donor plaque beside the Wall of Fame. This is a
wonderful opportunity to have your student, family, or business
name at Kempner high school for many years to come. A big
thank you to the families that have already donated!
Last year with the support of Kempner families, local
businesses, and Kempner Clubs, we were able to create
beautiful new gardens at the front of the school with
sprinkler systems. What we can achieve when we all work
together is incredible.
Kempner 2014 Golf Team
Back row: Jake Shields, Danial Sadozai, Coach Keith Johnson, Paul McNeely
Front row: Christian Weldon, Elizabeth Liska & Olivia Palmer
Shared Dreams
Shared Dreams facilitator, Bobbie Anderson “would like
to thank the students, parents and staff for being such great
continued supporters of Shared Dreams.” She wrote, “I could
not reach the children in need in our district without so many
caring about them, like those at KHS!” Shared Dreams is a
program that provides short term assistance to Fort Bend
ISD students in need. They are assisted with clothes, shoes
and toiletries. This year, Kempner was actively involved
in supporting this program through drives and monetary
donations. Student Council, PALS, NHS and VIPS were among
those leading this support. Stay tuned next school year for
upcoming drives to continue supporting this program that
makes such a positive impact in the lives of so many of our
Fort Bend students.
Parent Pride
June 2014/ Issue 1
VIPS Needs You!
KABC Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to Julia LaVergne, Chidera
Akuchie, Christopher Rivera, and Andrew Hanne for
receiving the 2013-2014 Kempner Athletic Booster
Club Scholarships.
VIPS provides services to support the faculty, staff, parents, and most
importantly, our students in various areas as needed by Kempner High School. As
we prepare for the new school year, we ask for your support and assistance to
make sure our children have access to the best opportunities and programs. The
KHS VIPS Board has several very important positions still open that need to be
filled for next school year. We are in need of President, Vice President, Popcorn
Co-Chair, Pro-Grad Liaisons and Beautification. If you are interested and would
like more information please email Candy Mattick at
Raising Cane’s Showers Our Faculty and Staff
During Teacher Appreciation Week
Message from our neighbor, Raising Cane’s:
Raising Cane’s in Sugar Land recognizes the importance in giving back
to the community and its leaders. Every year, we give out over 1,000 Teacher
Appreciation Box Combo cards to the FBISD High School community. This year,
every Kempner High School faculty and staff member was provided with a little
“Thank You” on behalf of Raising Cane’s in Sugar Land when they were given a
Free Box Combo card during National Teacher Appreciation week. Thank you for
all of your hard work throughout the semester!
We’re already gearing up for another busy summer and fall 2014 semester.
We’re looking forward to helping make it another great semester by being
an active community partner and staying involved with Kempner athletics and
student organizations. Help us help the Kempner community by submitting any
requests online at, hovering over “Community” and clicking
“Community Request System.” We strive to be active in as many areas of the
community as we can, including Education, Feeding the Hungry, Active Lifestyles,
Pet Welfare and Business Development Entrepreneurship.
Go Cougars!
A few spots are left!
We need you!
Advertise in the Parent Pride!
This is a wonderful way
for your company
to get community recognition
and exposure,
and at the same time
help support your local schools!
Kempner High School
Parent Pride
June 2014/ Issue 1
Women’s Basketball
Tierra Roberson was named Defensive player of the Year
and was selected to the Honorable Mention Team
Senior Chidera Akuchie received the Heart Award & CoAssist Leader, was selected to the Honorable Mention Team,
and selected 2nd Team All District
Jada Felder was Co-Assist Leader
Sophomore Tiara Matthews was named Offensive Player of
the Year, Leading Rebounder & MVP and selected 1st Team
KHS Athletes of the
Lubojasky and Kriztian Cortez for
being named Female and Male
Athlete of the Year for 2013-2014!
We are looking forward to next season!
Congratulations to Assistant
Coach Matt Kirila and Head Coach Bill
Miller on being named Coaches of the
Year! Thank you for all of your hard
work and dedication to KHS Athletes.
Parent Pride
June 2014/ Issue 1
Cougars sign College Commitments
Working Hard
and Giving Back!
Chief Jackson and I are pleased to announce the Air Force has
designated Kempner JROTC as a “Designated Unit” for School Year
2013-14. This is the highest group honor given to select High Schools
throughout the nation and is based on meeting administrative suspenses,
goal management, academic performance, competitive accomplishments
and community service. This is a “Whole Program” recognition which could
not have been accomplished without everyone here working together as a
team. Thanks so much for all you do!
CMSgt Lionel Jackson and Lt Col David Graham
Kempner AFJROTC Instructors
On behalf of the Kempner Athletic Department, a big
congratulations goes to Charlie, DeeDee, Julia and Quinton for
signing a College Letter of intent to continue their education and
sports career at the collegiate level. Charles Farrugia will be
playing baseball at Lamar University. Denice (Dee-Dee) Emokpae
will be dominating the soccer fields at the University of Louisiana
at Lafayette. Quinton Thomas will be playing football at McMurry
University. Julia LaVergne will be only a stone’s throw away
playing soccer at University of St. Thomas, Houston, so keep an
eye on her schedule so you can roll through and watch her play
next season. Thank you for being a part of the Kempner Athletic
family for the last 4+ years (most of these kids having older
siblings and have been supporting Kempner athletics for about a
decade). We wish you all the best of luck and glad you all will be
continuing to represent the Kempner Cougars.
P.S. Charlie, I will forever call you Andy. I still remember
meeting you one morning your freshmen year on rodeo day
in the training room. Wearing your boots, belt buckle, and
plaid shirt…you reminded me of Woody from toy story, with
your western wear, big eyes and big warming grin and I truly
expected to find Andy on your boot. Continue to “Reach for the
sky” because your life’s possibilities are endless!
-Coach Sylvester
Orchestra Sweep’s Ratings
Cadets also proved their dedication to service through spending a few
weekends assisting at the Houston Food Bank. In one weekend, cadets assisted
with the packing and sorting of 62400 meals. Way to go cadets!
State Joint Services Physical Training Championship
Kempner’s AFJROTC made a tremendous showing in San Antonio for
the State PT meet. We truly made an impact and certainly turned a few
heads with a load of notable performances. A few feats of athleticism that
particularly stood out are listed below.
• 118 Push Ups by Warren Smite
• 102 Sit Ups by Vashon Nguyen
• A 57 second 400m run by Alex Pham
• A 1:52 flexed arm hang by Sabrina Nieto
• 21 Pull Ups by Matthew Lively
• 118 Sit Ups from Luna Azarly
• An 8ft. 7in. standing long jump by Adam Garza
Way to go Cadets, those are some impressive numbers!
Our own Kempner Orchestras, directed by Mike Wells,
competed at the UIL Region 13 Concert and Sight-Reading
Contest at Hightower HS, April 15 – 17. For the first time in the
history of KHS, all four orchestras (one symphony orchestra and
three string orchestras) received the coveted “UIL Sweepstakes
Award”! That means that all four orchestras received the top
rating of First Division (Superior) in both concert performance
and sight-reading evaluation. Congratulations to these hard
working students for representing KHS so proudly!
The Kempner Orchestra has been invited to represent
Sugar Land and Texas in Washington, D.C., on June 3 – 6 as
part of the “Festival of the States”, a national commemoration
of the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the Normandy invasion during
World War II. Members of the orchestra program will perform
two concerts in D.C that week, the second of which will be at the
World War II Memorial on the National Mall. Their program,
which is a combination musical and narrative presentation, will
include works specifically chosen for the occasion. Mr. Wells and
the Orchestra also commissioned two original compositions. One,
entitled “The Great Crusade”, was composed by renowned
composer David Kneupper and is a musical depiction of the
events of June 6, 1944. The other, entitled “To Preserve, Protect,
and Defend” by well-known educational composer Gabe
Musella, is a piece that celebrates all of the fine men who have
served as President of the United States. The orchestra will be
performing a “Sneak Preview” concert in advance of their trip.
The preview concert, which will be the same presentation as the
performances in Washington, will be held on Sunday, June 1 at
3:00 p.m. in the KHS Auditorium. There is no admission fee, and
the public is invited to attend. Please join us and experience this
truly “once-in-a-lifetime” concert.
Parent Pride
June 2014/ Issue 1
The Knowledge to Get Into College – September 10, 2014
Your quest for admission to your top-choice schools begins here! We’ll reveal the secrets
of the admissions process and show you what it takes to land a spot at your dream school.
Registration is required for this free event at:
• How to Be a Savvy College Shopper and Applicant
Smart ways to win over a “hit” list of “best-fit” schools
What colleges are really looking for in applicants?
How test scores affect admission and aid prospects: tips to “up” your scores
• Insider Scoop on Colleges
Why the most expensive school on your list may be the most affordable
• College Costs and Financial Aid
Where the money is when it comes to grants, scholarships and financial aid awards
Key facts about the FAFSA (the most important aid application you’ll need to submit)
How to get the most financial aid possible and lower college cost
Time: 7:00 pm
Date: September 10, 2014
Location: Houston Baptist University
Please Register:
As The Princeton Review’s chief
expert on higher education issues, he
directs the annual surveys of college,
business school, and law school
students upon which the well-known
Princeton Review rankings are based.
As lead author of the annual
“Best 378 Colleges” guide, Rob visits
more than 50 colleges a year and
has been a lecturer and panelist on
college admissions for audiences of
educators, parents and students.
Robert has been sourced on
college, graduate school, and career
topics by a wide range of media
from Time to The Chronicle of Higher
Education and from USA TODAY to the
Wall Street Journal. He has appeared
on ABC “Good Morning America,”
CBS “The Early Show,” and NBC
“Today” as well as several CNN and
FOX programs, National Public Radio
and network radio shows.
Kempner High School
For the Parents, Teachers and Community of
Kempner High School
Kempner High School
14777 Voss Road
Sugarland, TX 77498
Non-Profit Organization
Sugarland, TX
Permit # 27
Parent Pride
June 2014/ Issue 1
KHS Event Schedule
Project Graduation
KHS Freshman Orientation AKA “Fish Camp” will be Thursday,
August 7th from 9:00-12:00.
Spanish National Honor Society
Congratulations Ms. Cheryl Fuentes on being named the National
Chapter Sponsor of the Year for Spanish National Honor Society and
the recipient of the Martin Fierros Award!
How to Submit an Article for Publication
in the Parent Pride
If you have some news to share regarding your student’s
achievement or news regarding your club’s events please send
an email to Heidi Hutchens at or
Barbara Budny at
Our next deadline for news items is August 29, 2014! We
appreciate your support!!!!!!!
Congratulations Seniors!
Come and Celebrate with your friends and fellow classmates
all night long!
Catch the Wave
Pro-Grad Party
Saturday June 7, 2014 10:00PM – Sunday June 8, 2014 6:00AM
Kempner High School
Thank you to everyone who volunteered time and donated money
and items for our Seniors to have a safe fun party on one of the
biggest nights of their lives! For questions about donating and/or
volunteering, please contact Tammie at 281.923.9655 or Lindsay at
Academy Publishing School Newsletter Program ™ 800-644-3541
Sunday, June 1
3:00pm Washington Preview Concert
Wednesday, June 4 9:00am Graduation Cap & Gown Distribution
Thursday, June 5 8:00am Graduation Ticket Pick Up
Saturday, June 7 8:30am 2014 Graduation