Innopas C
Innopas C
Innopas C Pasteurizing Technology – Safe and Effective State-of-the-Art Technology – The New Generation of Innopas C Pasteurizers 4 Pasteurizing with the New Innopas C – The Safest and Most Effective Method of Preserving 6 Innopas C – Compact Design with Maximum Flexibility 8 Easy to Transport – Quick to Install 10 Each Container is Well Underway 12 Reliable, Selective Treatment in Clean Surroundings 14 Saving Money with the Eco-Bus System 16 Regulated Temperatures and PUs Under Control 18 Intuitive Operation and Easy Data Acquisition 20 In Case You Need Assistance… 22 ReDiS – Remote Diagnostic Service – The Eyes and Ears of Your Pasteurizer 23 Innopas C Pasteurization Technology from KHS – Safety and Efficiency Right Down the Line! 3 Pasteurization Technology from KHS – Safety and Efficiency Right Down the Line! Do you want excellent pasteurizing results coupled with optimized process flows, absolute taste stability, and at the same time noticeably cut water and energy consumption costs? Then rely on KHS Innopas pasteurizing technology. It is based on decades of experience, extensive know-how, and continuous further development of proven technologies. 4 The specialists have repeatedly set milestones in the field of pasteurization. Milestones including exact zone spraying to ensure improved process quality and the Eco-Bus system that reduces fresh water and energy consumption considerably by recuperating the water at various temperature levels. The KHS PU control that ensures 100-percent product safety and unaltered product taste even during disruptions and enables the double-deck version to process different products and container types simultaneously. All these features increase not only the efficiency of your line but also the flexibility of product changeover and thus overall product design. KHS’ most recent development is the completely new modular concept of the Innopas C incorporating advantages such as a smaller footprint, faster shipping, less time required for assembly, and an innovative automatic waste discharge system that offers even more hygienic safety. Place your trust in the KHS’ vast competence potential in the field of pasteurization. Take advantage of it. Get advice from the experts 5 Pasteurizing with the New Innopas C – The Safest and Most Effective Method of Preserving If you guarantee your customers consistently high product quality coupled with maximum biological safety, Cooling Heating you should rely on the new generation of pasteurizers from KHS. Thermal treatment of sealed containers reliably kills microorganisms and eliminates recontamination. During pasteurization, the product is subjected to a defined amount of heat that is controlled by a temperature-time curve as the products pass through the pasteurizer. Knowing the temperature distribution inside containers during heating and cooling is a basic prerequisite for successful pasteurization. The Innopas C is available with capacities ranging from 5,000 to 180,000 containers per hour depending on the container size and the type of product. 6 Using the PU simulator, we are able to simulate the temperature-time behavior for each product as early as the project planning stage. For you this means assured results by simulating A tightly meshed temperature distribution grid inside the machine enables exact calculation of the thermal effects to each individual container. In addition to pasteurizing, the Innopas C can also be implemented for recooling after hot filling or for heating cold-filled beverages and other products. This is made possible by the flexible basic concept. Pasteurizer Various applications of the Innopas C concept Recooler Heater Innopas C various operating conditions. 7 Innopas C – Compact Design with Maximum Flexibility Five models of the Innopas C are available with seven The Innopas product line offers single-deck and double- different treatment widths of up to 7.2 meters and a deck models equipped with single or double-lanes. tightly meshed length grid. Each deck and each track is equipped with its own active This enables us to optimally your individual require- spray and associated PU control. ments and fulfill all of the special conditions Your benefit: possible individual treatment of prevailing in your plant. various styles of container and types of product simultaneously. Five models in conjunction with tightly meshed length and width grids make it possible to meet locally prevailing conditions perfectly. 8 Machine type Treatment width in decimeters 72 62 52 42 36 31 26 All components of each zone are clearly laid out in a group around the associated spray pump. All sidemounted instruments are very easily accessible. No servicing required underneath the machine. Exceptionally easy to operate and service. Piping and tanks are integrated in the bases of all machines. No protruding components. The result is a minimized footprint. Clearly arranged layout around the spray pumps required volume of water. Minimum energy and water consumption even when temperatures change in the individual zones. Water supplied from the center of the machine Innopas C Optimum adaptation of water tank capacities to the 9 Innopas C – Easy to Transport – Quick to Install The modular design makes it possible to assemble the pasteurizer on-site within a minimum amount of time. Installation can be completed within approximately three days. The pasteurizer is ready for operation quickly. Each module is equipped with rollers. This makes them easy to move. Only a small amount of space is required for fast installation. Due to the compact modular concept, lift trucks and Fast and easy installation forklifts can be used for final assembly of the Innopas C. Cranes are no longer necessary. This facilitates the assembly work and saves time The practical, well-thought out modularity of the new and money. Innopas C is impressive. The electrical lines of the ASI bus control and the pneu Unlike conventional concepts, all pre-assembled housing matic component supply lines are delivered to your site modules fit in normal size containers. preassembled, ready for connection. No more partial load shipping. Plug and play. Time-saving and reliable. You can expect considerably shorter shipping times and lower shipping costs. The components are preassembled at the factory The tunnel modules are rolled onto the tanks to the assembly position. The pasteurizer is ready for operation within a minimum amount of time. Innopas C The tanks and the compact piping modules form the base frame of the pasteurizer. 11 Innopas C – Each Container is Well Underway Plastic or stainless steel belts are available depending on the type of container and product. The stainless steel belts have a high tensile strength even under high-temperature conditions, are rugged, durable, maintenance-free, and are characterized by a long service life. The ideal means of conveying glass bottles. 12 The filler automatically sends a signal to the Innopas C the transition ledgers, they are particularly well suited for to change over the product and container. conveying cans and plastic bottles. An integrated center A gap is automatically created after the last container guide makes it possible for the belts to travel close to the of a particular batch is filled. Mechanical pushovers housing wall. ensure that the products are clearly separated. Optimum utilization of treatment width. Smooth production operation during product or container changeover. Stop states are detected in advance by integrating the control technology of the Innopas C in the line. Less downtime cuts energy and water consumption. Mechanical pushovers at the infeed and discharge of the machine and integration in the line control. Prerequisite for automatic product changeover without interrupting the pasteurization process. Mechanischer Überschub am Auslauf Innopas C The plastic belts are easy to install and service. Thanks to 13 Innopas C – Reliable, Selective Treatment in Clean Surroundings Stainless steel ball blasted housing and piping surfaces. Less dirt clinging to surfaces and thus improved microbiological status of the pasteurizer. The resulting use of fewer chemicals lessens the burden on the surface structure and cuts costs. KHS stainless steel ball blasted welding seam A fine strainer belt running the entire length of the machine effectively discharges all particles of dirt. A fine strainer belt running the entire length of the machine replaces conventional replaceable sieves. Any dirt is automatically discharged to a container at the drive station. Glass blasted welding seam Effective waste discharge, no strainer cleaning, no clogging of spray nozzles, greater process reliability. Open-type design of the return strand separated from the water flow. Fast and easy access. Automatic waste discharge with brushes and sprays. No manual cleaning during production. 14 The return strand separated from the water flow. Particles of dirt are not allowed to enter the filtrate zone. The Innopas C is equipped with a newly developed fullcone nozzle. A key advantage is the exceptionally accurate spraying pattern. This nozzle, more rugged than conventional nozzles, can be installed without twisting. This ensures flawless operation. A simple system of clamps makes the nozzles quick and easy to remove for maintenance. This saves time and money. Spray nozzles instead of trickling pans! Active pressure spraying on both decks. The durable plastic version of the new KHS clamp nozzle with a stainless steel clip. No spraying shadows or clogging. Reliable uniform treatment of all containers. The exact spraying pattern produced by the anti-twist mounted clamp nozzles ensure reliable and optimum water distribution Innopas C Prerequisite for consistent product quality! 15 Innopas C – Saving Money with the Eco-Bus System Central heat exchanger installed under the machine as standard The Eco-Bus system (optional) temporarily stores the The minimized use of water and energy without negatively water used in the various phases of operation in separate affecting the pasteurization results is the vision made real warm and cold water tanks at the best temperature level by the Innopas C. for each phase. For you this means noticeably lower fresh water and Using the Eco-Bus system alone cuts the fresh water energy consumption. consumption in half in practical operation. Innopas Buffer Tank System Gap In WWT Warm water tank HWT Hot water tank CWT Cold water tank The water used in the various phases of operation is stored temporarily at the best temperature level for each phase 16 Buffer tank volumes designed independent of the segment The Innopas C buffer tank system can also be used to sizes provide maximum water storage capacities. flexibly integrate the heat and cold produced by other Optimum heat recuperation utilizing the machine operational processes. base area. Greater economy throughout the entire system. 0.34 Actual Operation 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20 100% 80% 90% 70% Bottling line efficiency Competition KHS Eco-Bus * Based on Central European cost structures The Innopas C concept with its Eco-Bus system cuts operating costs considerably versus the competition Innopas C (power, water, heat) Specific costs [€/hl]* 0.32 60% 17 Innopas C – Regulated Temperatures and PUs under Control The current product temperature in each case is determined by the exact position of the container and the temperature of the spray applied at this position. The process is monitored in each zone by two parallel, separately queried temperature sensors and the measurement results are continuously compared. Sensors mounted on gates and valves ensure flawless pasteurizer operation. Due to this built-in safety, the usual hourly check of PUs The KHS PU control calculates the temperatures of all containers in their current positions in the machine based with the help of a thermograph is no longer necessary. A random check of the control is sufficient. on a dynamic heat transfer model defined for each type of container. The temperatures of the sprays are regulated throughout the entire process so that minimum tolerances are adhered to during actual operation. The efficient PU control guarantees consistently high product quality 18 The KHS PU control can be adapted to incorporate The process parameters are stored in the control for additional minimum heat retention temperature and time each product and are set automatically when the requirements equally as well as to include other PU product is selected. formulas that describe the change in taste of the product Other products and container types can be easily for example. added later. Great flexibility handling your products. High safety for uniform product quality thanks to reproducible treatment settings. the flow speed varies when connected to a line control. KHS PU regulation can also be retrofitted to The economy of the pasteurization process is existing systems. noticeably higher by connecting to a system control. Contact our Service Dept. for details. The control responds immediately to external influences Innopas C The PU control ensures perfect pasteurization results even if 19 Innopas C – Intuitive Operation and Easy Data Acquisition The Innopas C operates fully automatically. It is possible to place control terminal at the filler or labeling machine for example. The simple control of the pasteurizing process enables existing operating personnel to also supervise the pasteurizer. There is no need to station an operator at the machine. Clear visualization and easy touch screen handling. Fast overview of current process statuses. User-friendly man-machine interface for intuitive By being able to install the operator terminal panel at the filler, for example, the machine operator on duty there is able to easily monitor the pasteurization process. and safe machine operation. The clearly arranged layout of the process visualization provides a quick overview of all current operating parameters and conditions 20 You receive all product-related information at a glance The visualization includes many statistics. This means that analyses can be carried out even All information is recorded. The visualization system can also be connected to the in-house AIS. Prerequisite for subsequent analyses and quality control. Easy access to all machine areas from the outside reduces the time required for sanitizing and maintenance. A portable maintenance platform (on both sides) is available as an option. Innopas C during the ongoing production process. 21 Innopas C – Special Features – In Case You Need Assistance… Faulty valve status signal Air supply valve disrupted Valve is jammed Defective limit switch Broken wire in the circuit. (cable connections) Check air supply Have valve checked Have an electrician check limit switch and circuit Selective operator prompting for fast assistance The help system integrated in the Innopas C Simply press the ”?” button and a help text will appear showing offers you convenient assistance in correcting the cause of a malfunction and instructions on the problems shown by all malfunction how to correct the problem. indicators. The structure of the help system is as follows: 1. Message 2. Identification of the malfunction 3. Cause 4. Remedy This enables you to correct the problem quickly and efficiently. 22 ReDiS – Remote Diagnostic Service – The Eyes and Ears of Your Pasteurizer Leave the remote maintenance of the pasteurizer to the KHS ReDiS single software. By turning a key-switch to enable the software, error diagnostics and updates can be carried out online quickly and efficiently. The specialists from KHS are available immediately. No time delay waiting for a technician to arrive. All that is required for this service is an ISDN connection or broadband access to the Internet as well as a system implementation agreement. Considerable benefits involving very little effort Broadband Internet access ISDN connection Innopas C for you! 23 KHS Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Aktiengesellschaft Juchostrasse 20 D-44143 Dortmund, Germany Tel +49 (231) 569-0 Fax +49 (231) 569-1541 E-mail Planiger Strasse 139-147 D-55543 Bad Kreuznach, Germany Tel +49 (671) 852-0 Fax +49 (671) 852-2411 E-mail 30 1992-01-042/2 2 0805 HM The information contained in this brochure is non-binding. Only the technical specifications of our quotes are determinative with regard to design and scope of delivery. Subject to design modifications.
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