KHS Competence 02.2012, english


KHS Competence 02.2012, english
» 34
Innofill Glass Micro:
fillers for up to 25,000 bph
» 52
From old to new:
filler upgrades made to order
Solutions for Sectors
» 64
Martens Brewery, Belgium:
the pioneers
are the future
Interview with Ball / High-tech filler technology / New packaging systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Niemeyer
»Our innovations generate unique
features – for both KHS and our
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Do you know that feeling when you realize that things are moving in the right direction, that
your plans, organization, and change processes are starting to bear fruit? Please don’t get me
wrong; I’m not basking in premature glory! However, here at KHS we’ve tackled a lot of issues
over the past year and done what we set out to do. The first big step has been taken.
In launching the eleven modules of the Fit4Future program, in the fall of 2011 we began
making long-term improvements. Intensifying customer relations and boosting our competitiveness have the utmost priority here. Our goal is to build up strong, lasting partnerships; we
aim to reach this goal through leadership in the fields of technology and services, and have
made this strategy a composite part of KHS’ corporate vision.
KHS operates on a market that is bitterly contested worldwide. Despite this, we’ve noticed
considerable improvements in our results. Incoming and existing orders are well above our ambitious targets, as are capacities. The prospects for the current year are good.
With Fit4Future we’re on the right track, as with this program we’re not just cutting costs
but also undergoing a fundamental further development and shaping our own future. We will
carry on just as consistently as we started.
»The prospects are good.«
We can demonstrate this with the current issue of KHS competence, among other things. In it
we’ll be presenting you with more innovations from our company, such as our little big machine
the Innofill Glass Micro that has been specially designed for small breweries and soft drinks bottlers and features the twin-valve control – a world innovation. Or the Innosept Asbofill ABF for
28-mm necks and the Innofill Glass filler which is now also being used in the wine, sparkling
wine, and spirits trade. Another focus of this issue is the can, that universal product which continues to be a real benchmark for KHS. Our innovations generate unique features – for both
KHS and our customers.
Why don’t you come and experience our innovative drive and most recent developments
at the upcoming Brau Beviale trade show? Brau Beviale in Nuremberg is traditionally one of the
most important beverage shows worldwide for the entire industry. Around 1,350 exhibitors and
a good 31,500 visitors are expected to attend this year. The show will take place from 13 to 15
November. Come and see for yourself – we’re looking forward to seeing you there.
I wish you an exciting read!
Best regards,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Niemeyer
The trend interview
Pure emotion
“The beverage can is packed with emotion,”
says Thomas Haensch, vice-president
for Sales, Marketing & Innovation at Ball
Packaging Europe
The can in focus
The can in focus
Main feature Page 12–31
KHS canning technology
Up to 120,000 cans per hour
The flexible machine
Seventy-seven isn’t old – at least not for the beverage
can. It first appeared on the market in 1935 as a tinplate
container weighing 100 grams. Since then it has risen
to success the world over. And it has a great future
in store. Find out what this could hold in our interview
with Ball manager Thomas Haensch. Also, three bestpractice studies illustrate how KHS customers with
vision have found out how to get the best from their cans
economically and ecologically – and regarding
proximity to the market.
Bavaria Brewery has a KHS canning line
that can process (almost) anything
The standardizers
How Carlsberg has brought its can packing
lines into line
The lucky charm
Sabeco in Vietnam now has its ninth canning
line from KHS. And not without good reason
Topic overview: innovations that will make
you more competitive
New from old:
filler upgrades to order
LED – the light of the future
How beverage plants can profit from filler
conversions. A revolutionary survey
Little big machine
The Innofill Glass Micro especially for small
breweries and soft drinks bottlers
Solutions for Sectors
Innovative LED technology is already
creating added value for companies
in many fields. Read more about the
light of the future
In-house News
The best system for the best vintages
The innovative Innofill Glass filler
now also for the wine, sparkling wine,
and spirits sector
Good Morning, Vietnam
Japanese Sapporo Group puts three KHS
turnkey lines into operation in Vietnam
Brau Beviale preview
Better Basic
The pioneers
The Innopack Kisters Basic series is now
optimized for the low capacity range
Martens Brewery, Belgium, turns technological benefits into a competitive advantage
Specifically for fruit juices
A milestone
The linear Innosept Asbofill ABF now
for 28-mm necks
Römerquelle in Austria centralizes its
activities. First step: a KHS ultraclean filler
50 years of KHS Brazil / New KHS factory
in China / KHS Press Circle / New production shop for KHS Corpoplast / Trade show
review: Mexico / 50 years at KHS / Awards
for KHS competence / KHS and the Olympics / KHS on YouTube
Market Report
Spendrups Bryggeri / JSC ›Georgian
Beer Company‹ / Brouwerij Haacht /
Molkerei Imlek / JW Lees / Lakefront
Brewery / Delta Beverages /
Coca-Cola Canners
Customer projects and KHS acceptance
tests around the globe
In Nuremberg guests to the KHS booth can
look forward to a multitude of innovations
News from KHS
A combined system for kegs
KHS competence
Efficiency is tops: HEINEKEN invests in the
KHS Innokeg Till One4Two system
Publisher’s information and
plant addresses
E motion
The can in focus / In the following interview with KHS Competence
Thomas Haensch, vice-president of Sales, Marketing & Innovation
at Ball Packaging Europe, explains how beverage companies can and
will continue to profit from the global success of the beverage can,
outlining the design options it currently has, how sustainable it can
be, and which emotions are associated with it.
KHS competence: Mr. Haensch, what do you think are
the major advantages of the beverage can?
Thomas Haensch: Cans are light and easy to transport,
can be quickly chilled, are completely impervious to light
and oxygen, and thus conserve the quality and freshness
of their contents for a particularly long period. They are
also versatile in their design, making them especially interesting as far as marketing is concerned. And they have
proved to be a sustainable lightweight. Tin cans holding
0.33 liters weigh about 22 grams today, with 0.33-liter aluminum cans weighing in at around 10 grams. What a lot
of people don’t know is that the beverage can is currently
the most frequently recycled type of beverage packaging
in the world. It’s not only 100% reusable but can also be
remanufactured with no loss of quality whatsoever. This
means that every old can can make a new one.
»Whether sight, touch, smell,
or taste – the can is able to
appeal to practically all of our
Thomas Haensch
Vice-president of Sales, Marketing & Innovation,
Ball Packaging Europe
The trend interview
In its previous few issues KHS com-
The first interviews held by
In this issue a man who knows
petence ran a series of articles enti-
KHS competence were …
“every­thing” about beverage cans
has his say:
tled “Trend Interviews” that were intended to give readers added value
… with Professor Peter Wipper-
in practice. Talks with qualified ex-
mann, one of the guiding lights in
Thomas Haensch, vice-president of
perts were designed to provide an in-
trend-related market research, on the
Sales, Marketing & Innovation at Ball
sight into future developments on
general tendencies in the beverage
Packaging Europe. A look into the
our global markets, and in the bever-
and food industries, and
future: the can in focus.
age, food, and non-food industries in
… with Fred Piercy, business director for wines and spirits at the largest global packaging company listed
on the stock exchange, Amcor Rigid
Plastics, on the trend for wine in PET
Are young people the main target group?
matte can finishes are just some of the many conceivable
We’re seeing a growth in the use of the beverage can
designs. By applying special prints, such as QR codes, con-
across all age groups. However, it’s true to say that the
sumers can also be involved in promotional activities. The
consumption of beverages in cans is highest in a young-
third area concerns the can closure. Incidentally, in 2008
er target group, and that here, too, growth is the largest.
Ball introduced the first resealable can to market. We be-
This is probably also because many ‘young’ beverages are
lieve that this finally makes us even with the many advan-
quite consciously marketed in cans. I’m thinking of ener-
tages provided by the bottle. There are other options, too,
gy drinks, for instance; over 60% of all energy drinks in Eu-
such as cans that give off a fragrance, like a cranberry fra-
rope now reach the consumer in cans. This figure is about
grance for a cranberry beverage, for instance. That’s now
10% for classic soft drinks. If you look at the beer segment,
perfectly feasible.
around 20% of all beer made in Europe is sold to the consumer cans.
Or ‘swimming capsules’ integrated into the can,
whose contents are released when the can is opened.
These could be vitamins, minerals, or other substances
Is the can not also a container that’s associated with
that are always freshly mixed into the beverage. Whether
youth, meaning an older target group can use it to show
sight, touch, smell, or taste – the can is able to appeal to
that they’ve stayed young?
practically all of our senses.
That’s right. This is just one of the many emotional sides
to the beverage can. In my option, the beverage can is
packed with emotion. Youthfulness, freedom, convenience, coolness, freshness, and being active are surely all
»The can appeals to our senses.«
included. These emotions can be made even stronger by
an individual can design that’s specifically based on the
Do you envisage an increased individualization
brand strategy of the particular company.
of the can?
The trend is clearly moving towards individual design, and
What individual design options are there?
thus differentiation and targeted brand communication.
We have a number of individual design options for the
By the way, as we’re fully aware of this trend, we’ve now
beverage can which we split into three categories. The first
set up what we call a Can School.
of these is the can’s shape and size. Besides the classic var-
All interested customers can sign up and profit from
iations we also have access to other formats, such as the
talks on the beverage can market, new marketing oppor-
sleek, slim, or handy can. The second category is the design
tunities, and the most recent technical developments,
of the can exterior. Digital printing, embossed cans, and
among other things. At this point I’d like to mention that
»We believe that the Asian market holds the
most promise for beverage can growth.«
»In the preliminary stages of
development we work with partners
such as KHS.«
Embossed design elements
you can feel make for a
truly ‘gripping’ style of can.
it’s very important for us not to go it alone when it comes
a beverage that’s usually associated more with tradition-
to new developments. In the preliminary stages of de-
al values. Bembel With Care aims to have people drinking
velopment we work with partners such as KHS, the spe-
cider from the can, with the range including cider, cider
cialist for filling and packaging technology. This enables
with cola, and a cider spritzer. Launched to market in
us to ascertain whether proposed innovations are suit-
2009, the goal of the product is to redefine German cider
able for practical use in all respects before they’re ready
or Apfelwein and move it away from its traditional image.
for market.
Bembel With Care is now listed in trade and is a fixed feature on the fashionable catering scene in the federal state
What role does the aluminum bottle play?
of Hesse. Its website focuses on lifestyle, and includes a
The aluminum bottle is an outstanding individual design
shop selling everything the cider fan could possibly desire,
option and also a fantastic way of underlining the premi-
and a photo gallery depicting fans with their Bembel With
um characteristics of a beverage. I’m convinced that it will
Care cans in various places around the globe.
have a great future in store when ways are found of further reducing its wall thickness and weight.
You’ve used an example from Germany. The German
beverage can market was and is still very much
What about beverages like wine, sparkling wine, and
affected by the obligatory deposit levied on all one-way
spirits? Can the can establish itself in these segments?
beverage packaging in 2003. Do you think a renaissance
Generally speaking, there’s not a beverage I can’t see be-
of the beverage can is possible in Germany in the
ing filled in cans. As far as wine, sparkling wine, and spirits
medium to long term?
are concerned, I think we have a great chance of reaching
After the deposit law was introduced, the German bever-
new target groups with the can. I believe that typical wine
age can market crashed by about 90% which at the time
drinkers will hardly be convinced by wine sold in cans. Yet
was really crucial.
young adults who consider wine to be more of a tradi-
However, we’re convinced that there’ll also be fur-
tional beverage may find it cool to drink wine from a can.
ther growth in Germany. In the past three years the per-
The Bembel With Care brand demonstrates that it is actu-
centage of beverage can sales in Germany went into two
ally possible to successfully gain new target groups with
digits, and in 2011 it again rose to over a billion cans for
The company
Ball Corporation headquartered in
Ball Packaging Europe is one of the
Broomfield, Colorado, was found-
leading manufacturers of bever-
ed in 1880 as a small-scale manu-
age cans and aerosol packaging in
facturer of wood-jacketed cans. It is
Europe. The company runs twelve
now a leading international packag-
beverage canning plants that em-
ing company whose core business is
ploy 2,800 people. The regional
beverage and food packaging. With
headquarters are in Ratingen, Ger-
approximately 14,500 employees
many. Yearly sales amount to ap-
and 64 sites worldwide, Ball Corpo-
proximately $2 billion (€1.5 billion).
ration realized annual sales of $8.6
billion (approximately €6.5 billion).
the first time in many years. As we see it, in the next few
in materials are just as much in focus as new printing tech-
years this figure should climb to over two billion bever-
niques and closure systems here. Individual can design will
age cans a year.
also remain an important topic. Providing our customers
with an individual consultancy service is also of prime im-
What’s canned beverage consumption like worldwide
portance. This includes giving advice on marketing and
and where do you see a particularly large potential for
innovation as well as more general services, which we al-
growth in the future?
ready provide at our research and development center.
The USA is top of the list, where the average per capita
Should our customers opt for a new type of beverage can,
consumption is 290 cans per year. This number is hard to
we fill test batches under realistic, practical conditions.
beat! In all other regions of the world we’re expecting fur-
These tests concentrate on two key issues: How does the
ther growth. In Europe we think that this growth in per-
liquid behave in the beverage can? And does the con­tainer
cent will only be in the single-digit range. In Asia, Africa,
stay neutral enough so as not to affect the taste of the
the Middle East, and South America, on the other hand,
filled product? It’s good that we have partners like KHS at
we think two-digit percentages are perfectly feasible. We
our side for these practical trials, and that we’re thus able
find that the Asian market holds the most promise at the
to provide the beverage industry with expertise that is
moment. It could draw level with the American market in
fully comprehensive in all respects. It’s precisely this which
the next few years and top the 100-billion-can mark.
will count in the future.
What measures would you like to use to secure the
beverage can as positive a future as possible?
We shall continue to drive innovation forward under the
aspect of environmentally friendliness and the added
value the beverage can is able to give the consumer. This
is firstly to make the sustainability of the beverage can
Mr. Haensch, thanks very much for
more of a foreground concern, and secondly to remain
showing us the future.
competitive with other containers on the market. Savings
The interviewer was Friederike Arndt
The can in focus
The can in focus
Page 12–31
KHS canning technology
Up to 120,000 cans per hour
Even for high-performance canning lines, turnkey supplier KHS is a global
leader. These lines are designed to output up to 120,000 cans per hour.
The graphic on the right shows the main features and advantages of the chief
KHS machines on such lines. One of the highlights is FullyEnclosed FilmPack™
technology that produces attractive, stable, large-format shrink packs.
The following pages give three best-practice examples of successful KHS canning technology at Bavaria Brewery, Carlsberg, and Sabeco Brewery.
The Innofill DVD
volumetric filler
The Innopas C
pasteurizer concept
Technical features: Electronically controlled / electromagnetic inductive flow metering /
aseptic membrane and seal technology
Advantages: For both still and carbonated beverages / top filling accuracies / especially
low-oxygen filling process / easy changeover to different can types
Technical features: Container dimensions / modular design / dynamic PU control
Advantages: Simple to transport / quick to install / optimized pasteurization /
fast reaction to new products / optional EcoBus or Economical Buffer System for energy
and water savings
Technical features: Modular design / cubic machine frame and protective hood
concept / gapless support systems for the function modules / up to four servo drives /
The Innopack Kisters
tray packer, shrink packer,
tray shrink packer,
pad shrink packer, and
wrap-around packer
new film cutting and feed system / optional fully automatic adjustment /
shrink tunnel with energy-saving gas heater
Advantages: Maximum flexibility / simple, fast, unlimited changeover /
optimum accessibility with perfect view of machine interior / extremely hygienic /
processes extremely thin films
NEW: The FullyEnclosed FilmPack™ for large-format shrink packs provides
stable and attractive secondary packaging / potential savings without trays or pads /
no displacement of containers / handles or tear-off sections possible
Technical features: Innopal ASH – Lifts pallets to respective pushoff positions /
The Innopal ASH
can depalletizer and
the Innopal PB1HS
important surfaces covered in plastic sheeting / automatic pallet liner remover for cover
frames and pallet liners
Innopal PB 1 HS – Upstream inline robot grouping / pallet elevator when split loading
plates are used
Advantages: Innopal ASH – Gentle depalletizing by removing the cans layer
by layer / Innopal PB 1 HS – Packs aligned in the minimum amount of space / gentle
loading onto pallets
The can in focus
The can in focus (I)
The flexible
The Innofill DVD volumetric filler processes cans from various
manufacturers with maximum filling accuracy and flexibility
A KHS canning line is in operation in the Netherlands that can process an entire
range of beverages and products / Bavaria Brewery, a traditional family company
in Lieshout, distributes to over 100 countries throughout the world, and has been
relying on KHS technology and service for 25 years. The new canning line is extremely
flexible and gives the client maximum quality and sustainability.
brewery invested in its first KHS pasteurizer; four are now
in operation. In 2009 the biggest order in the company’s
history went to KHS – for a turnkey canning line with a capacity of up to 75,000 cans an hour, three can depalletizers, and two new glass bulk depalletizers.
Just recently the company ordered another turnkey
t all started in 1719 with about 14,000 liters of beer per
canning line from KHS that is able fill up to 90,000 cans per
year when Laurentius Moorees founded village brew-
hour. Jan-Renier Swinkels is extremely satisfied. “We value
ery Bavaria in Lieshout in Noord-Brabant in the south of
the high quality of KHS technology and also the great flex-
the Netherlands. Production only really took off under
ibility and sustainability KHS systems give us. At the same
the management of Jan Swinkels, the company founder’s
great-grandson. The Swinkels family now runs the business in its seventh generation together with one other
partner, and as the second largest brewery in the Nether-
Beer and much more
lands it produces around six million hectoliters a year, distributing its beer brands – which include Bavaria and Hol-
time we’re profiting from a consultancy service that’s very
landia – non-alcoholic beverages, still water, and energy
hard to beat.” This includes the logistics concept KHS is cur-
drinks to more than 100 countries worldwide.
rently working on with Bavaria, for instance, that will re-
This is a great achievement for a family firm – a feat
CEO Jan-Renier Swinkels is well aware of. “We’re proud
place forklift traffic in the production shop with driverless
transport systems.
that Bavaria Brewery has stayed in the family for genera-
But let’s get back to the canning line. It’s worth hav-
tions.” The owners find “engineering design that encourag-
ing a look at the main components of this line and at the
es our pioneering spirit and allows us to react to new chal-
benefits these hold for Bavaria Brouwerij. For example,
lenges with great speed” just as important. And this is why
the line not only cans beer but also still and carbonat-
the family has relied on technology from KHS since 1987.
ed alcohol-free beverages. It also currently processes 50
The first KHS product to prove totally convincing was
different styles of a widest range of can sizes – including
Innopack Kisters packaging technology. Bavaria Brouwerij
150, 200, and 250-ml slim cans and 330, 440, and 500-ml
now operates 20 KHS packaging machines. In 2000 the
standard cans.
The can in focus
The heart of the line is the Innofill DVD with
top filling precision and an output of 90,000
cans per hour.
KHS’ turnkey canning line fills beer,
and still and carbonated alcohol-free beverages.
The benefits of the Innopal ASH depalletizing robot
+ A pusher system enclosed on four sides centers each
layer, ensuring gentle depalletizing. Plastic sheeting also
protects the product.
The benefits of the Innofill DVD volumetric filler
+ The heart of the line, the electronically controlled
Innofill DVD volumetric filler equipped with 124 filling
stations and electromagnetic inductive flow metering,
stands for top filling accuracy. The fact that Bavaria fills
various cans types is thus not an issue here.
+ Flexibility is required. The machine is thus converted
when can sizes are changed at the push of a button on
the operator panel. This saves time and boosts machine
availability. Normal format part changing is necessary only
if cans with other diameters are to be processed.
Product manager Hans van Vijfeijken and project
manager Peter Korsten agree that “The Innofill DVD is a
very flexible, extremely hygienic filling system that at the
same time gives us that so very essential low oxygen filling process. It fully meets our high expectations of prod-
+ The brewery also saves water as the system feeds the
uct quality.”
pasteurizer buffer tanks with collected rinse water.
The benefits of the EcoBus process
+ Thanks to KHS’ PU control that reliably kills germs and
stabilizes flavors, new products or new can styles can be
+ An Innopas PII SC double-deck pasteurizer based on the
quickly integrated into the pasteurizing process later in
EcoBus or Economical Buffer System handles the task of
the process which again results in maximum flexibility.
pasteurizing the filled cans. The pasteurizer works with
Hans van Vijfeijken is convinced. “On our first invest-
three buffer tanks. As these buffer tanks are designed to
ment in KHS pasteurization technology in 2000 we imme-
hold hot, warm, and cold water, both heating and cooling
diately recognized the many advantages this could give
energy can be temporarily stored and reintroduced to the
us. It was therefore only logical that we should continue
process at a later stage.
to make use of such benefits.”
Thumbnail portrait:
Bavaria Brouwerij
Site Lieshout, the Netherlands
Annual sales 6 million hectoliters
Export To over 100 countries
PortfolioBeer (such as Bavaria and Hollandia), still water,
and energy drinks
FactsSecond largest brewery in the country,
family-run company in its seventh generation
Collaboration with KHS: Since 1987
(20 packers, pasteurization technology, and canning technology with
capacities of up to 90,000 cans per hour)
The benefits of Advanced packaging technology
+ An Innopack Kisters SP Advanced shrink packer currently packs 4 to 15-can packs in six different can formations.
+ The Innopack Kisters TSP Advanced tray shrink packer
turns shrink pack formations into tray or pad shrink packs,
and processes loose cans in 50 different types of pack.
+ Operator-prompted format changeover in place of the
manual system eliminates the need for checking all areas
where adjustments may be necessary.
+ Where possible toothed belts are used for a simple design and quiet, maintenance-free operation.
+ Another major advantages include identical servo motor with integrated servo controllers, easing replacement
if maintenance is required, and reducing the stock of spare
+ The film cutting and feed system processes very thin film.
An additional antistatic system provides maximum feed
stability, even for very sensitive film types. The film cutter
with its separate servo drive works independently of the
main drive, giving a top precision cut with minimum wear
on the cutters.
The benefits of the ECO shrink tunnel
+ The ECO shrink tunnel – Bavaria opted for this innovation on both packers – operates with gas heating instead
of the conventional electric heater. Energy savings of up to
50% are possible. The usual chimney is also not required.
Project manager Korsten makes a few calculations.
“By using this concept we’re reducing our energy costs
in the long term. We also greatly appreciate the fact that
compared to the classic shrink tunnel with electric heating we’re able to cut our CO₂ emissions by around 60%.”
Jan-Renier Swinkels sums up. “All told, KHS has again
»All told, KHS has again given
us a turnkey canning line that
leaves absolutely nothing to
be desired. This system is also
in perfect accord with our
strategy of quality, flexibility,
and sustainability.«
given us a turnkey canning line that leaves absolutely
nothing to be desired. This system is also in perfect accord
Jan-Renier Swinkels
with our strategy of quality, flexibility, and sustainability.”
CEO of Bavaria Brouwerij
→ Contact
Edgar-George Petsche
KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach,
Phone: +49 (671) 852-2514
Katrin Goldhahn
KHS Austria GmbH, Wiener
Phone: +43 (2236) 62-510
The can in focus
The can in focus (II)
The standardizers
The Carlsberg Group standardizes its canning line packaging systems / The
implementation of this challenging task at three sites in Northern and Western
Europe was entrusted to KHS who supplied the design engineering, consultancy, and a whole host of services that fulfilled all requirements. The result is total
flexibility for the customer.
arlsberg knows what the beverage market wants: the best products for its money, of course, but also striking packaging that at-
tractively presents the container at the point of sale so that it makes
a lasting impression. With its recent investment in packaging technology the fourth largest brewery group in the world added yet another criteria, namely that the technical equipment should be designed so that three of the company’s main facilities can manufacture
all of the can packaging formats required in Northern and Western
­Europe and therefore flexibly distribute production orders between
the three plants.
Peter Nilsson, vice-president of Customer Supply Chain Europe at
Carlsberg, names the sites involved and outlines the results. “Standardization was a central concern of the packaging lines recently installed
The KHS Innopack Kisters SP
Advanced shrink packer: view
of the grouping station
at our production plants in Fredericia in Denmark, Kerava in Finland,
and Gjelleråsen in Norway. Together with KHS we thus worked out
a specific packaging concept. We now have identical packaging variants for these sites, giving us more flexibility and sustainable operation
while cutting costs – with absolutely top quality.”
Carlsberg’s standardization program utilizes ultramodern KHS
turnkey packaging lines comprising three components:
The can in focus
→→ the Innopack Kisters SP Advanced shrink packer,
The packaging lines are of course tailored to suit the con-
the Innopack Kisters TSP Advanced tray shrink
ditions prevalent at each individual site. Praises Nilsson,
packer, and
“KHS devised layouts for each site which took the require-
→→ the KHS Innopal PB 1 HS palletizing concept with
integrated robot grouping technology.
ments of each existing canning line into account. There
were plenty of animated discussions and comprehensive
consultancy sessions before the general concept was fin-
With these newly established packaging machines, at all
ished, without which the final result would not have been
three plants Carlsberg can either pack the finished cans in
possible.” For example, numerous tests were carried out
small-unit shrink packs of 4 to 10 cans each, and/or in tray
with the designated pack options using various packag-
or pad shrink packs. There are also other options available
ing materials at the KHS plant in Kleve. Packaging work-
(see New options for Carlsberg on page 23).
shops were also specially organized for the people at
Carlsberg, where KHS experts and specialist film manufacturers knowledgably presented their expertise. “All told,”
states Nilsson, “KHS offered us a full consultancy package
and demonstrated a field of competence that is unique
to the market, all of which the entire Carlsberg Group is
profiting from.”
Three packaging lines for
Carlsberg from KHS
In Fredericia and Gjelleråsen the packaging lines process
72,000 0.33-liter cans an hour and are installed downstream of an existing canning line. In Finland KHS packaging technology is connected to two existing canning lines
that output 72,000 and 90,000 0.33-liter cans per hour.
Practical example: the packaging system
in Fredericia
The system now up and running at the Danish plant in
Fredericia is used here as an example to illustrate the construction and operation of KHS’ packaging concept for
+ Small formations (four to ten-unit packs). Loose cans
destined for shrink packs are sent to the multiple-lane
Innopack Kisters SP Advanced shrink packer immediately after filling and pasteurization. The shrink packs then
either pass through a handle applicator and are sent
1. The FullyEnclosed FilmPack™
2.The Innopack Kisters shrink packer
3.Film wrapping
can formations
Shrink packs
Tray shrink packs
Pad shrink packs
Application of an
optional handle
can formations
Tray shrink
New options for Carlsberg
Cutting-edge KHS packaging technology is installed
downstream of existing canning lines at the three Carlsberg sites. The specific challenge for KHS was that all
packaging lines should be able to process all types of pack
at all three plants.
The chief benefits
Packaging costs are considerably reduced
(particularly for small formations).
Printed film packs are more attractive than
wrap-around packs.
The can in focus
»We now have identical packaging variants […],
giving us more flexibility and sustainable operation
while cutting costs – with absolutely top quality.«
Peter Nilsson
Vice-president of Customer Supply Chain Europe at Carlsberg
straight on to the palletizer, or they are conveyed to the
Innopack Kisters TSP Advanced tray shrink packer which
places a specified number of shrink packs in either trayand-film, pad-and-film, or film-only packs.
+ Large formations (12 to 32-unit packs). Loose cans are
transported to the Innopack Kisters TSP Advanced where
they are turned into tray, pad, or shrink packs.
+ The FullyEnclosed FilmPackTM option. KHS’ patented
FullyEnclosed FilmPackTM option is integrated into the
are with the result. We also greatly appreciate the fact that
Innopack Kisters TSP Advanced. This produces shrink
after a very fast commissioning phase for the new packag-
packs without bull’s eyes and with the following advan-
ing line KHS placed an engineer at our disposal for sev­eral
tages: shrink packs remain stable, however large, the cans
months who was able to answer any questions our em-
aren’t displaced, the packs can be safely transported by
ployees had.”
the applied carrying handle, and savings can be made as
trays and pads are no longer needed.
With such satisfaction being expressed, it comes as
no surprise to learn that KHS recently received three more
“At the moment we’re testing consumer acceptance
orders from Carlsberg for can packaging concepts for the
of the fully-enclosed film pack on the Danish market,” Nils-
plants at Okocim in Poland, Saku in Estonia, and Lübz in
son reveals. “If we get a positive response, this option can
Germany. “Standardization of our packaging technology
be quickly retrofitted at other Carlsberg sites that have re-
is by no means finished once the three new lines are in op-
cently installed KHS packaging machines.”
eration,” states vice-president Nilsson. “What we want to
+ High-performance palletizer. The Innopal PB 1 HS high-
do is provide our customers with the attractive packaging
performance palletizer is installed directly upstream of an
options they require – anytime, anywhere. And we hope
inline robot grouping station. The advantages here are
this strategy will help us come closer to our goal of being
the minimum space requirements, top precision, exact re-
the fastest growing brewery group in the world.” As al-
producibility, precise alignment, extremely gentle pack
ready said, Carlsberg knows what the market wants.
handling, easy selection of either existing layer formations
or new container and layer configurations, and the utilization of euro, half, and quarter pallets, including pallets
with wheels.
→ Contact
Volker Borngräber
KHS GmbH, Dortmund,
Niels Sogaard, project engineer, and Christian Malmstrom, project manager, both at Carlsberg in Fredericia,
are in complete agreement. “KHS has done a fine job.
We’re just as pleased with how the project has gone as we
Ralph Pohl
KHS GmbH, Dortmund,
Phone: +49 (231) 569-1669
Phone: +49 (231) 569-1383
Spotlight: innovative
Advanced technology
+ Hygienic protective hood concept
+ Improved operator viewing
+ Optimum accessibility for maintenance
+ Special concept ensures maximum hygiene
perator-prompted format changeover with an electronic display
can be optionally included
hortest possible downtimes for format changeover
(Carlsberg processes 20 varieties of pack)
xtremely thin film of up to 25 μm can be processed, saving costs
pecial film cutting and feed system for the perfect positioning
of various film widths
ole patterns automatically discharge static electricity; in conjunction
with an antistatic system, this provides maximum conveying stability even
for extremely delicate films
he film wrapping process is precision adjusted to the product height
and length
+ F ilm is cut with a servo-driven cutter
+ The FullyEnclosed FilmPack™ option can be integrated.
Thumbnail portrait: Carlsberg Group
Fourth largest brewery group worldwide
Output in 2011 119 million hectoliters
— Over 500 brand products in over 140 countries
—International premium brands: Carlsberg, Tuborg,
— Strong national brands include Ringnes (Norway),
Baltika, Kronenbourg 1664
Feldschlösschen (Switzerland), Lav (Serbia), and Wusu (China)
— 40% of Group sales attributable to Northern and Western Europe.
The can in focus
Sabeco: also taking the
booming Vietnamese beer
market by storm with
Sagota, one of the company’s
five brands.
The can in focus (III)
The lucky charm
KHS has installed the ninth high-tech canning line at Sabeco, Vietnam’s chief brewery
group / The number nine is a lucky number,
say the locals who continue to follow the
unbelievable success story of their showpiece
brewery. With the latest canning technology,
KHS has long played an integral part.
booming market usually starts with a vision. And with a visionary
who believes in his idea and puts all his energy into its implemen-
tation. For the Vietnamese beer market, this go-getter with the golden touch is called Van Thanh Liem. Like no other, Liem is something
of a pioneer; as chairman of Sabeco Trading Co. Ltd (Sabeco) he started canning beer for the first time in 2007 – on a KHS turnkey canning
line, no less. Today, the company has nine KHS canning lines with a total capacity of 230,000 0.33-liter cans per hour working in three-shift
operation throughout.
Van Thanh Liem has since become vice-president of the Vietnam
Beer Alcohol Beverage Association (VBA), and continues to be an outstanding connoisseur of the Vietnamese market for cold beer. “Our
beer market will grow particularly strongly in the future, as up to now
people in rural areas consume relatively little beer”, predicts Liem. “I see
enormous potential for growth here.” This is confirmed by the figures.
The per capita beer consumption was just 10 liters per annum at the
turn of the millennium; by 2006 it had reached 18 liters, and the current amount is 28 liters.
The can in focus
»The proportion of cans could
reach 50% by 2015. And
this means being ready for it.«
Van Thanh Liem
Vice-president of the Vietnam Beer Alcohol Beverage Association (VBA)
and former chairman of Sabeco Trading Co. Ltd (Sabeco).
The KHS Innopack SP single-column packer
packs cans in cartons.
A percentage growth in double figures is forecast. By
2025, the total beer consumption in Vietnam is expected
to be around 70 million hectoliters; today this statistic is already at approximately 25 million hectoliters. This extraordinary boom is largely thanks to canned beer. Around 30%
of beer is currently sold in cans, and more than 40 ultramodern KHS lines are running at different companies
throughout the country (including 90% of all canning systems in Vietnam).
At the center of this extraordinary happening is
Sabeco. In 1996 the company had only one brewery with
symbolize the Western lifestyle – we can treat ourselves to
an output of 160,000 hectoliters. By 2005 this had in-
something special.
creased to three breweries with a capacity of 300,000
Van Than Liem has the highest praise for KHS can-
hectoliters per year. In 2012 the group owns 27 breweries
ning lines. “We started canning using KHS technology.
with an output of 12 million hectoliters (there are around
This gave us the reliability necessary for the best quality
60 breweries in the country altogether). In addition,
beer. As we’ve had such good experience with KHS, we’ve
Sabeco has two plants for other alcoholic beverages and
remained faithful to our trusted supplier over the years.”
one for carbonated soft drinks. Sabeco produces five
The latest canning line is up and running in the Binh-Tay
brands of beer: Saigon, Saigon Export, Saigon Special,
Brewery, Ho Chi Minh City. With a capacity of up to 33,000
333, and Sagota. Containers range from 0.33, 0.355, and
cans per hour, it produces at high efficiency virtually right
0.45-liter glass bottles to 0.33-liter cans.
around the clock. “Along with outstanding KHS filling and
An interesting fact is that with the recently intro-
packaging technology, perfect service is very important
duced Sagota brand, Sabeco has quite specifically taken
to us”, says Liem. “KHS Vietnam is exemplary in this re-
a step in the direction of the premium beer sector. “Our
gard.” The reason behind this is that more than 30 KHS
main target group in the future will continue to be the
service engineers based in Vietnam are at the customer’s
middle classes with young adults”, says Liem. “However,
beck and call 24/7. In addition, if the worst comes to the
we’re also seeing an increasing demand for premium beer
worst, the local KHS agent can obtain spare parts quick-
in Vietnam.” The company also hopes to benefit from the
ly and easily.
continuing, rapidly increasing popularity of the can. “The
proportion of cans could reach 50% by 2015”, says Liem.
“And this means being ready for it.” Reasons for the boom
The special features of the new KHS canning line in
Ho Chi Minh City are:
in cans are the high level of convenience (cans are easy
1. Perfect filling system
to carry and dispose of, with no returns as with refillable
The Innofill DVD filling system ensures the highest fill-
bottles), the fact that they are tamperproof, and that they
ing accuracy, tolerates cans from different manufacturers,
The can in focus
provides aseptic membrane and sealing technology, and
them with hot melt. The system adapts to different carton
works with low foam and oxygen.
sizes quickly and easily, resulting in short changeover
2. Modern PU control
The Innopas PI SC single-deck pasteurizer with integral PU
control ensures the full flavor of the product, and reduces
times and reliable startup. Finally, the Innopack CV carton
sealer ensures flawless glue application and perfect sealing without deformation of the carton.
energy and water consumption to a minimum. “It’s most
4. Optimized palletizing
important that we reliably destroy any germs while at the
A special feature of the Innopal PBL1N1 column-type
same time retaining the full flavor stability of our quality
robot is level compensation by means of an elongated
beers," says Liem.
layer pusher extended in the direction of the full can
3. Sophisticated packaging concept
After re-inspection and coding of the cans, the Innopack
SP single-column packer packs the cans into cartons. Spe-
conveyer. This means that the layer pusher also acts as a
row pusher, setting up layer formations and palletizing
cial characteristics include outstanding accessibility, fast
5. Informative Plant Monitoring System (PMS)
format changes, and simple operation. Upstream is the
The Plant Monitoring System or PMS, a PC-assisted data
Innopack CA carton opener. This sets up folded card-
acquisition system, monitors all stations on the line.
board box blanks, folds in their bottom flaps, and glues
Fast identification of weaknesses and faults increases
Thumbnail portrait:
Vietnam’s number one brewery
Group27 plants
Output in 1996 160,000 hectoliters
Output in 2012 About 12 million hectoliters
Export To 22 countries
Main beer brands 333 and Saigon Export
Premium beer Sagota
First KHS canning line 2007
Ninth KHS canning line 2011
LEFT — The KHS Innopas
PI SC and KHS Innofill DVD
form the heart of the new
KHS turnkey canning line at
RIGHT — Reliable and
on the spot: KHS service
productivity. Seamless documentation of process values
and energy and media consumption aids quality assurance and minimizes costs. The PMS can also compare data
over long periods.
Summary: The Sabeco brewery group is extremely satisfied with the ninth KHS canning line installed at the BinhTay Brewery. The number nine not only brings luck; sometimes you also have to make your own good fortune!
→ Contact
Werner Gessner
KHS Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore
Phone: +65 (656) 09313
Tung Minh Tuan
KHS Vietnam,
Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: +84 (8) 3820-7746
Innovation Page 32–47
that will make you more competitive
The development engineers and practice-oriented customer advisors at KHS
really know what customers want / The motto is: if innovations have a
chance at KHS, then the customer must measurably profit from them, in terms
of availability, product quality, environmental friendliness, and cost,
for instance. One thing is clear: we want to create added value that gives our
customers a real competitive edge.
34 Little big machine: the new Innofill Glass Micro …
… has been specially developed for small breweries and soft drinks bottlers
… provides high-performance technology
… is hygienic, simple, flexible, durable, compact, and robust.
38 The best system for the best vintages: the Innofill Glass, now …
… for the wine, sparkling wine, and spirits sectors
… in three custom-made versions
… satisfies the highest hygienic demands.
42 Better Basic: the Innopack Kisters Basic series …
… optimizes packaging qualities in the low capacity range
… processes all kinds of containers and packs for all sectors
… is a reliable and robust technical system.
46 Specifically for fruit juices: the Innosept Asbofill ABF for 28-mm necks …
… is perfect for the fruit juice sector
… can be easily converted to 38 mm (and vice versa)
… has all the advantages of aseptic cold filling.
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competence 02.2012
A newly developed filler for smaller companies with the technology
of high-performance machines
KHS presents the Innofill Glass Micro – hygienic, simple, flexible,
durable, compact, and robust. It’s just what medium-sized breweries and
soft drinks bottlers need.
edium-sized companies can now make use of the
Innofill Glass Micro that can fill beer and soft drinks
into glass, aluminum, and even plastic bottles. How could
we describe the Innofill Glass Micro in one sentence? Perhaps as a high-quality, hygienically designed filler that’s
easy to operate and service, is extremely flexible, compact,
In addition, there are large distances between the sloped
table plate and the open bottles; fewer, sloped surfaces
The Innofill Glass Micro for a
whole range of products and
minimize the risk of contamination; lack of crev­ices pre-
and robust with a long service life, and is also economical
Bottles are transported by a stainless steel conveyor with
and environmentally friendly to boot. In other words, just
side openings. This makes manual cleaning a simple af-
what breweries and soft drinks bottlers want for their bot-
fair. An optional automatic sanitizing system with spray
tling lines. The following article provides further informa-
nozzles for critical areas is available. The feed screw drive
tion on the new Innofill Glass Micro, listing a dozen chief
is located underneath the table plate and well protected.
vents unwanted biofilm from forming. The front table is
also clearly visible from below and easy to clean, and there
is ample floor clearance.
Plus no. 2: hygienic bottle conveying
components and plus points.
Plus no. 3: servo technology in use
Plus no. 1: extra-transparent machine housing
Highly dynamic servo drives in the carousel, rinser, and
The glass or Makrolon housing provides plenty of access
front table area comply with the latest energy efficiency
for cleaning and maintenance. It also ensures that the fill-
categories and thus reduce day-to-day operating costs.
ing process can be viewed from all sides. The sloped, stain-
Joint shafts and angular gearboxes with low levels of effi-
less steel front table transports product residue, foam, and
ciency are now a thing of the past. The result? An efficient
water away from the critical hygienic areas of the filler.
use of energy and low operating and maintenance costs.
Spotlight: what the
Innofill Glass Micro can do
The new Innofill Glass Micro filler series from KHS has been specially developed to meet the requirements of medium-sized breweries and soft drinks
bottlers. Its specifications are as follows:
Glass or aluminum bottles;
plastic bottles optional
Bottle sizes 0.1 to 3.0 liters
6,000 to 25,000 bottles per hour
Size 24 to 60 filling stations
Pitches 94, 113, and 141 millimeters
Beer filling temperatures 4°C to 16°C
Soft drinks filling temperatures Up to 20°C
Filler monoblocking With one or two cappers
Optional: with a single-channel rinser
new bottle sizes only the return gas tubes have to be ex-
(one-way bottles)
changed on the filling valve. A quick-change mechanism
Machine installation/
Very short installation time thanks to the
on the lighter weight bottle guide parts enables produc-
modular/open construction and very few
tion to resume very quickly, and the height of the filler
functional units
carousel can be automatically adjusted to different bottle sizes.
Plus no. 6: easily accessible filler carousel
Easy access means that no external control elements or
cams are needed to control the filling valves; this is signif-
Plus no. 4: low-oxygen filling process
The filling system is equipped with aseptic seals, mem-
icant progress in machine hygiene, giving free access for
cleaning and disinfection.
branes, and expansion joints. The advantage of this is that
Plus no. 7: twin-valve control for the first time
no deposits and biofilms are formed when product, gas,
The twin-valve control implemented here for the first time
and CIP media are fed in. The computer-controlled, sin-
is extremely beneficial. To date a total of three pneu­matic
gle-chamber DPG-ZMS pressure filling system is used. This
switching functions, three solenoid valves, three pneu-
gives customers consistent filling quality with precise fill
matic hoses, three electronic outputs, and three sets of
levels, even during stop situations and acceleration phases,
wiring were needed per filling station. In the new process
a low-oxygen filling process, and targeted savings in CO₂
two filling valves have been combined to make one pro-
(only 230 to 250 g per hectoliter are used thanks to KHS’
cessing unit. Gas processes (evacuation and snifting) are
double- volume rinsing process).
regulated by gas control valves that are shared by two ad-
Plus no. 5: simple changeovers
jacent filling valves. This results in every second gas cylinder with all its drive elements and wiring to the filling
The operator can easily store and recall filling parameters
valve being made redundant. The product valve cylinders
for specific combinations of product and bottle on the op-
are controlled by a solenoid valve also shared by two ad-
erator panel using the product type memory. This means
jacent filling stations. This means that about 50% fewer
fast changeover; no compromise settings necessary; with
electropneumatic control units are needed, the quality
With twin-valve control the product valve
cylinders are controlled in parallel by a
solenoid valve shared by two filling stations.
come into contact with lubricants. Collector ring distributors with proven gold/gold technology ensure a low
dynamic noise and constant contact quality. Customers
thus profit from a very long, maintenance-free period of
Plus no. 11: the crown corker
The crowning elements on the KHS crown corker, triedand-tested in the high-performance range, have spacious
remains the same yet the complexity and number of parts
openings for sanitizing. Like the cork chute and sorter they
are considerably reduced, operating costs are lower, and
are included in the automatic cleaning cycle. The result is
there is much less maintenance effort required.
a robust construction with few components and ensured
Plus no. 8: compact valve manifold saves space
hygienic safety.
filler cladding have been constructed vertically. This means
Plus no. 12: components from high-performance
filling technology used
that 50% less space is required than for classic valve mani-
As a specialist for high-performance filling technology
folds, there is improved accessibility to all fittings for main-
KHS has incorporated many elements in the Innofill Glass
tenance and inspection, the media passages between
Micro that our engineers also use in our high-performance
the valve manifold and filler carousel are kept short, and
fillers. These include filling valves, lifting elements, crown-
cleaning processes are quick.
er and capper elements, closure sorters, and rinsing sta-
The fittings on the compact valve manifold next to the
Plus no. 9: simple CIP sanitizing
tions and processes, for example. The technological parameters used in the high-performance range thus also
Rinsing valves locked into place by seat bolts beneath the
apply to the Innofill Glass Micro. This opens up a number
filling valve seal these filling valves during CIP sanitizing.
of new benefits to medium-sized companies in the bev-
The advantages of CIP sanitizing are that all passages and
erage sector and helps to boost their competiveness. As
the hygienically critical inside of the centering bells can
be reliably cleaned. CIP sanitizing is also possible when
the filler is stopped; this process can be fully automated
if required. This makes filling valves easily accessible, with
smooth surfaces for optimum exterior cleaning.
Plus no. 10: low maintenance
The rotary leadthrough that feeds beverage and process
gases into the filler carousel is equipped with greaseless
sealing systems. The sealing surfaces are ceramic coated.
This means that they have a long service life and do not
→ Contact
Ludwig Clüsserath
KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach,
Phone: +49 (671) 852-2501
Michael Beisel
KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach,
Phone: +49 (671) 852-2205
Phone: +1 (262) 787-3291
Kecheng Ding
KHS USA, Inc., Waukesha, USA
Spotlight: which machines fill what
Filling process
Non-alcoholic wine
Slightly carbonated wine
Carbonated mixed wine beverages
Sparkling wine and cider
Alcohol-free sparkling wine
Carbonated products
Still products
(water, juice beverages)
(up to 11 g/l)
(up to 3.5 g/l)
The best system for
the best vintages
The wine, sparkling wine, and spirits sector can now also profit from
the new KHS Innofill Glass filler
Companies can select the most suitable version according to their
product portfolio to meet all hygienic and technological requirements,
however demanding.
Promises …
… must be kept. But every now and then this takes time
can now also profit from the above benefits, choosing one
and a certain boldness. KHS competence heralded the
of three models of the Innofill Glass. The first is the Innofill
start of a “new era” at the end of 2011 when KHS intro-
Glass DNRT filling system for the entire range of products
duced the next generation of fillers for glass bottles with
sold by the wine, sparkling wine, and spirits industry. For
its Innofill Glass filler platform, again acting as a bench-
low-oxygen filling there are processes with single or mul-
mark (see articles in the 2/2011 issue of the magazine or
tiple pre-evacuation and CO₂ purging: the Innofill Glass
at And this innovative platform has
NDRT for still, slightly carbonated products, and the Inno-
so many benefits that the companies who use it cannot
fill Glass NRT for non-carbonated beverages only. All three
fail to gain the edge over their competitors. Innofill Glass
variants have the following main features in common:
gives them high-performance technology for large filling
quantities, where consistent hygienic design and automa-
Hygienic design
tion have been given top priority in all stages of design
Smaller sloped or curved surfaces with no crevices or cor-
and construction. And KHS promised that other filling sys-
ners allow liquid and glass fragments to slide to the floor,
tems based on this revolutionary high-tech filler concept
prevent any unwanted biofilm from forming, and reduce
would follow, also and especially for smaller volumes, for
the risk of contamination. External cladding made of glass
other types of bottle, and for other products, such as wa-
or Makrolon panels makes the system transparent and ac-
ter and wine.
cessible on all sides; height-adjustable pantograph joints
Voilà! Just under a year later customers can take KHS
with aseptic sealing systems enable media to be fed hy-
at their word. The wine, sparkling wine, and spirits industry
gienically during beverage and process gas feed processes.
Gallo wine bottlers now has
eleven KHS fillers in operation,
one of which is the new
Innofill Glass DNRT system.
A fi r st :
proving successful at Gallo
Gallo Winery in California is continuously growing and recently needed two new filling systems. The specifications
for the supplier were that they had to produce a consistent machine concept, reliable service, compatible components, and a low total cost of ownership or TCO. And they did – in the form of the Innofill Glass DNRT from KHS.
Eleven KHS fillers, including five DNRT systems, are now in operation at the world’s largest wine bottling plant under family ownership.
Easy cleaning
The belt drive and servo motor for the feed screw are en-
saving up to 98% of water – shortens delivery times for
spare parts and simplifies maintenance.
cased in stainless steel, servo drives power the star wheels
and closure systems, and there are no open gear wheels,
Optional rinsing cap system
gearboxes, or lubrication in the hygiene area: with these
An automatic rinsing cap system can be integrated into
essential elements, cleaning is fast and simple.
all three filling systems. During filling the rinsing caps are
Lightweight tubular ring bowl
hidden behind metal jackets and therefore well protected
from glass fragments and product residue; they are only
As opposed to the classic rectangular ring bowl the tubu-
positioned under the filling valves when the sanitizing
lar design cuts down on the consumption of cleaning me-
process begins, with the rinsing pressure sealing the caps.
dia and water. Shorter heating and cooling periods and
This is particularly important when filling is to be carried
lower drive forces also help to save energy.
out under ultraclean conditions, such as for sensitive prod-
Faster operation
ucts like non-alcoholic wine with cold sterilants, alcoholfree, carbonated mixed wine beverages, or non-alco­holic
All format parts (which can be adjustable on request) can
sparkling wine. For this purpose all three filling systems
be changed without the need for tools, and the filling
can be monoblocked with a single-channel or two-chan-
valves secured and released using just two cap nuts; the
nel rinser that is precisely tailored to requirements. All ver-
beverage and media feeds and pneumatic supply connec-
sions can process between 10,000 and 72,000 bottles per
tions are automatic. A space-saving, compact valve mani-
hour holding from 0.1 to 3 liters. As the setup can also run
fold attached to the filler cladding makes all fittings easier
without a vacuum, all three Innofill Glass models are also
to access for maintenance and inspection.
suitable for PET bottles.
Vacuum pump modules
These adapt automatically to the prevailing operating
conditions and considerably reduce the amount of water and electricity used. The standardized pump version –
which can be supplied with ECO cooling on request,
→ Contact
Phone: +49 (671) 852-2501
Ludwig Clüsserath
KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach,
Innofill Glass:
packed with innovations
The all-rounder: the Innofill Glass DNRT
The Innofill Glass DNRT, with its operator-friendly prompting from the award-winning KHS interface with an integrated
RFID system, fills everything: wines, sparkling wines, and spirits, including non-alcoholic wine and sparkling wine, slightly
carbonated wine, and mixed wine beverages. The latest chief improvements are warm filling for sparkling wine with a
high CO₂ content, the Trinox system, and the especially gentle, hygienic filling process that takes place under ultraclean
conditions using a swirl fan gas lock. Inside each filling station a special rinsable and sterilizable sanitary room automatically protects the Trinox tube adjustment area which can be freely set to the correct fill level without involving replacement parts. Trinox technology provides accurate fill levels with standard deviations of one millimeter or less, forces excess
product back into the ring bowl using positive pressure, and also ensures that there is an optimum distance between the
beverage and the natural cork. In addition, up to three closure systems can be directly monoblocked with the filler or retrofitted at a later date. A swirl fan gas lock allows product to flow down the inside bottle walls for a low-foam, hygienic filling process; there are no spray elements that are susceptible to wear protruding into the bottle, the usual changeover of
the return gas tube is no longer necessary, and the gas lock, together with the Trinox process, ensures that the overfill returned to the ring bowl is kept to a minimum. Single or multiple pre-evacuation with CO₂ purging minimizes oxygen pickup.
Also for carbonated wine beverages: the Innofill Glass NDRT
Like the Innofill Glass NRT this filling system is a new process derived from the DNRT. Both further developments are specifically aimed at producers of wine and spirits who don’t require classic pressure filling and bottle still or slightly carbonated beverages, such as lightly carbonated wines, at filling pressures of up to 1.5 bar. NDRT is thus the ideal filling system
for retaining the natural carbon dioxide content in wine. The Trinox process also provides head space purging with CO₂ for
products that are sensitive to oxygen.
For still products: the Innofill Glass NRT
This system works with balanced pressure filling for still products only. The advantage of this is that there is no loss of flavor or alcohol common to vacuum filling systems, and no outside air is sucked into the system through the filling valves.
B ette r
Optimized packaging quality in the low-capacity range /
The Innopack Kisters Basic series has been providing a robust and reliable
technological service for many years now. Despite this,
KHS is continuously working on improving it – with great success.
asic by name but far from basic by nature: the Basic
The result is easier machine handling, increased flexibility,
series of KHS packers is such a high performer that
reduced energy consumption, and lower costs – and
it can cope with the most demanding specifications. This
therefore higher machine availability.
low-speed machine includes shrink, tray, and pad shrink
This all means that once again KHS is setting the
packers. It can process all kinds of products common to the
standard when it comes to customer orientation. For re-
beverage, food, and non-food industries, packing them
quirements that exceed the scope of the Basic concept,
into glass, metal, and/or plastic containers at a rate of 30
the Advanced series is available; this runs at 50 cycles min-
to 70 cycles per minute. Individual containers may range
imum per minute, and can be increased to up to 135 cycles
in diameter from 55 to 110 mm, and in height from 110
a minute.
to 350 mm; for product group formations, lengths of between 110 and 270 mm and widths from 200 to 540 mm
are possible.
→ Contact
KHS is setting standards
The engineers at KHS are continuously working on improving their filling and packaging machinery for the benefit of their customers. In the Innopack Kisters Basic series
this has resulted in a whole host of optimized features.
Christopher Stuhlmann
KHS GmbH, Kleve,
Phone: +49 (2821) 503-283
Karl-Heinz Klumpe
KHS GmbH, Kleve,
Phone: +49 (2821) 503-212
Single-action levers are just one
of the many improvements
to the Innopack Kisters Basic
The main improvements
to the Innopack Kisters Basic …
… Film cutter has servo drives
for perfect results
A new film cutting and feed system now processes much thinner films
of up to just 25 µm in thickness and 880 mm in width – with perfect
results. An improved vacuum system that has belts with an even finer
hole pattern also automatically dissipates any electrostatic charge; in
conjunction with an additional antistatic system, this provides maximum processing reliability. The film cutter is now also servo driven instead of being powered by the main motor and a coupling. This makes
film cutting even more accurate and means there is less wear on the
… Blanks handled with less air at less cost
… Product feed changeover times reduced
Another option is to have blanks removed from the dispenser by a vac-
Here, single-action levers replace the previous clamping levers, allow-
uum pump instead of a Venturi nozzle. This cuts down on the amount
ing short conversion with frequent format changeovers on lines with
of compressed air needed and thus reduces energy costs.
three lanes maximum. The principle here is simple; when a conversion
is made, the lever is simply turned to the new position and allowed to
lock into place. Done!
… 2
Shrink tunnel saves on energy
In the optimized heating chamber more effective ventilators are used,
improving the flow principle and permitting energy savings of up to
Less noise on the guide rails
15%. Moreover, maintenance is less frequent and the number of spare
Optional anti-drumming plates for the guide rails specifically reduce
parts required is reduced. Variable hot air nozzles can be per­fectly ad-
the noise in the container infeed area, especially with glass containers.
justed to suit the type of packaging being processed. A new, optional,
energy-saving package sinks energy consumption by up to 20%. This
features a roller shutter system at the infeed and discharge which clos-
… Servo motors make for an easier setup
loss of heat; thermal energy remains inside the tunnel hood.
es during downtimes and thus prevents thermal energy from escaping.
New insulating elements on the shrink hood prevent any unwanted
All functional units now have identical, coupled servo motors with in-
Last but not least an optional, automatic sanitizing system for the
tegrated servo controllers that are controlled by a master control in
conveyor chains makes manual cleaning in the shrink tunnel superflu-
the switch cabinet. This reduces spare part stockkeeping and drasti­
ous. This system consists of a counter-moving, stainless steel brush lo-
cally cuts down the amount of cabling needed between the control
cated underneath the chain which removes film debris and particles of
cabinets and machines.
dirt and sweeps these into a drawer. Depending on the local electricity
… More flexibility for packaging changeover
The revamped Innopack Kisters Basic has more possible variations.
Where packaging options frequently change the shrink packer can
now be turned into a tray or pad shrink packer in a process not possible until now, for example. Likewise, additional modules can also be
integrated, such as a leaflet inserter or film perforator.
… Control improved: one operating concept
for two series of machines
As the Basic and Advanced series now have identical control systems
and operator panels, machines from the various series can be easily
… Service with direct online support
Customers can now make use of the Remote Diagnostic Service (ReDiS)
if need be. ReDiS contacts the KHS ReDiS Service Center through a connection in the machine control system; in the best case the fault can
be remedied through remote analysis and online access to electronic
system components. If the problem involves mechanical components,
a KHS specialist can give the service engineer at the machine customized support and precise instructions.
rates, the gas heater in the optional Eco shrink tunnel can cut energy
costs by up to 50% compared to the electric heating system. At the
same time CO₂ emissions are reduced by up to 60% and no chimney
is needed. The shrink tunnel can also be converted to gas after it has
been installed.
… Operation much more transparent
The cubic design of the machine body makes the system more operator-friendly on many counts. Access is easier, and in the packaging area
large, see-through doors allow operators to view the interior workings
of the machine – even during production.
for fruit juices
There’s now an interesting innovation for the new generation of
aseptic linear fillers from KHS / 28-mm neck option for plastic bottle
processing on the successful Innosept Asbofill ABF.
he principle is as follows: Innosept Asbofill ABF technology manages the aseptic cold filling of non-car-
bonated, non-alcoholic beverages using the dry sterilization method. The two great advantages of this are
maximum aseptic safety and an extremely small sterile
area. While the Innosept Asbofill ABF 711 has sterile zones
of just 1.5 m³, a sterile room of only 0.9 m³ is required for
the Innosept Asbofill ABF 611 (the classic ACF wet process
takes up 65 m³ of space).
It thus comes as no surprise to learn that this new generation of aseptic linear fillers is proving successful. Companies can select one or more of the following versions:
→→ The Innosept Asbofill ABF 611 with a capacity of
12,000 0.1 to 0.75-liter bottles per hour, or
→→ The Innosept Asbofill ABF 711 with a capacity of
12,000 0.25 to 2.0-liter bottles per hour.
→→ Extra alternative: what’s known as the twin concept
which doubles the machine capacity.
and coffee – and of course for fruit juices and fruit juice
The customer decides which version is preferred. If
the company later wishes to change from the 28-mm neck
to the 38-mm neck – or vice versa – KHS can quickly con-
To date, only bottles with a neck diameter of 38 mm could
vert the machine, providing extra security. This also applies
be processed on Innosept Asbofill ABF machines. With the
to new-generation Innosept Asbofill ABF machines that
new generation KHS now makes it possible to also pro-
have already been installed.
cess 28-mm neck diameters, thus meeting the demands
The following outlines the chief technical features,
of many of its customers. In the fruit juice sector in par-
options, and benefits of the new technology – in addition
ticular bottles with necks measuring 28 mm in diameter
to the extremely small sterile zone. All details can be found
are an important option, especially in Asia. Discounters
in edition 2/2011 of KHS competence or at
throughout the world are also increasingly favoring this
size of neck for their fruit juices.
A factor which is of decisive importance for maximum
The 38-mm neck is primarily suitable for milk and yo-
aseptic safety is that bottles are conveyed through the ma-
ghurt beverages, sports drinks, near water beverages, tea
chine in just one holder. This eliminates any aseptic risks
The new generation of Innosept
Asbofill ABF machines can now
also process plastic bottles with
28-mm necks.
which can occur with conventional switching from one
If required, bottles with 38-mm necks can be closed with a
carousel to another on rotary machines.
seal in place of the screw cap. These caps or seals are also
Another option is to place a drop of liquid nitrogen in the
sterilized with H₂O₂.
head space of the filled plastic bottles to provide extra stability for the bottle material. Examples of other options,
Coming soon
which are available for the latest generation of Innosept
In the near future KHS wants to equip its machines with
Asbofill ABF machines and which can be retrofitted if re-
units for both 28 and 38-mm necks – and with short
quired, are integration of pulp nozzles into the filling
changeovers. An appropriate conversion option will be
valves, nitrogen flushing before the filling process, double
provided for new-generation Innosept Asbofill ABF ma-
filter instead of single filter units in the valve manifolds,
chines already on the market. Also planned is the devel-
and coding within the production process.
opment of an Innosept Asbofill ESL (Extended Shelf Life)
After the bottles have been sterilized with H₂O₂ they
version for still, non-alcoholic beverages in plastic bottles
are transferred to the filling station, which is separated
which are sold through the cold chain. There are thus even
from the sterilization process by a partition. The filling pro-
more interesting innovations in store for many companies.
cess, which is based on the theory of volumetric filling, is
carried out without contact by two-stage, free-flow filling valves. The process is safely concluded for all neck versions by the application of screw caps under aseptic conditions; sports caps can also be processed here if needed.
→ Contact
Stefan Muhs
KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach,
Phone: +49 (671) 852-2897
Market report
Market Report
Customer projects and KHS acceptance tests around the globe
Spendrups Bryggeri, Sweden
Innopack CSM handle applicator applies car-
The PET line outputs 22,000 bottles per hour
rying handles to packs. The product type can
on an InnoPET BloFill monoblock, compris-
be changed quickly at any time. The experts
ing an InnoPET Blomax Series IV stretch blow
from Spendrups were sustainably convinced
molder, and an Innofill DRV filler for five types
by the energy and material savings, machine
of bottle. Still and highly carbonated bever-
availability, and the recycling solution.
ages and beer are bottled. Thanks to the op-
In cooperation with turnkey contrac-
timized layout of the PET line a one-way
pendrups, the renowned family-owned
tor Bavaria Getränkemaschinen, KHS deliv-
glass line for CSDs and beer with a capacity
company founded in 1897, is Sweden‘s
ered the packaging area ranging from the
of 24,000 bph could also be installed in the
second largest brewery and one of the coun-
infeed to the packing machine up to the pal-
existing production shop. Features include
try‘s key producers of beer, soft drinks, and
letizer for the filling line already in operation.
a two-stage rinsing process that meets the
bottled water. In addition to several major lo-
The heart is a KHS Kisters TSP packaging ma-
maxi­mum demands for hygiene, a rinser/fill-
cal brands, such as Spendrups Bryggeri, Norr-
chine that runs at a capacity of 36,000 0.5-
er/capper triblock with two capping systems,
lands Guld, Mariestads, and Loka, Spendrups
li­ter PET bottles per hour. The machine oper-
a KHS Innopack Kisters TSP (tray shrink pack-
also produces Heineken beer and Schweppes
ates with a new two-lane, inline film printing
er), and a KHS Innoket 360 S labeler. The en-
for the Swedish market. And the company
system. With this packer, the focus was also on
tire setup ensures that the bottles and packs
continues to prosper. Spendrups has now
high speed, fast changeover capabilities, con-
are perfectly processed at the highest level.
commissioned KHS to install three systems all
vincing efficiency, and noticeable energy sav-
A canning line with a volumetric KHS Innofill
at once: a complete bottling system, a shrink
ings in addition to reduced costs. An Innopack
DVD filler is connected to the glass line, saving
packer for an existing canning line (both at
CSM handle applicator and a palletizer for
precious space.
the Grängesberg site), and a new packaging
packs and displays complement the packag-
area (in Hällefors).
ing area.
The management at JSC Georgian Beer
Company was convinced by the flexibility of
The bottling line, part of the reloca-
The experts from Spendrups Bryggeri
the new KHS lines, their high level of effi­
tion of production from Varby to Gränges-
were absolutely delighted with the results of
ciency despite processing many different
berg, bottles both non-refillable glass bottles
all projects. The Swedish story of Spendrups‘
product styles and bottle types, and the high
(45,000 0.33-liter and 33,000 0.5-liter bottles
success can continue.
technological specifications regarding hygiene and bottle design, all coupled with a
per hour) and non-refillable PET bottles. In addition to beer, the line is able to process mixed
terials. JSC Georgian Beer Company can now
beverages – not just classic soft drinks but also
continue to take the market by storm!
cider. The line is used to fill a very wide variety of different glass and PET bottle types
JSC Georgian Beer Company
and therefore has a very high level of auto-
Three at once
mation for optimum and fast software-supported changeover processes with a customized product-changing concept. The result is a
high degree of utilization and stable production. Incidentally, the KHS system came out on
top as the most economical in terms of con-
low consumption of energy and process ma-
hat does a company do that only
started up production in April 2012,
makes beer and CSDs, processes a whole range
sumption (e.g. water and CO₂ consumption
of diverse containers, has very little space yet
and spare part requirements) before the con-
makes the highest demands of the technol-
tract was awarded.
ogy and efficiency of the supplier? It opts for
The KHS Kisters SP shrink packer pro-
KHS! JSC Georgian Beer Company, Brewery
cesses 90,000 0.33-liter cans per hour in an
Zedazeni in Saguramo, has purchased no less
existing canning line. Spendrups relies on
that three KHS systems and will soon be oper-
the new FullyEnclosed FilmPack™ system. An
ating at the highest level of production with
its new PET, glass, and canning lines, some of
which are to run in combined operation.
Just launched to
the market: plenty
of new innovations
from Zedazeni.
Market report
Imlek Regional Dairy, Serbia
Three firsts
mlek, the largest dairy in Serbia with a 50%
conveyors. The chief benefits for the dairy are
share of the market, has three firsts to re-
improved product and safer bottling qual-
port: it’s the first dairy in the country to use an
ity. Imlek belongs to the Salford Investment
aseptic PET line and the first company in the
Fund, a company in Great Britain that is suc-
Salford Group to do so, and is using KHS tech-
cessfully introducing milk and milk products
nology for the first time. Imlek bottles milk
to market. Salford has three other dairies in
and mixed milk beverages and is now to re-
the Balkans: one in Subotica (Serbia), one in
ceive an aseptic PET line for this purpose with
Kozarska Dubica (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
Brouwerij Haacht, Belgium
a capacity of 12,000 1.5, 1.0, and 0.2-liter bot-
and one in Bitola (Macedonia).
Finest filters
tles per hour. This consists of a CIP system, KHS
Asbofill ABF 711 C filler, KHS Innocheck fill
level inspector, KHS Innopack Kisters SP 050
Basic shrink packer, and KHS Innoline bottle
rouwerij Haacht, the third largest brewer in Belgium active in its native country,
France, and the Netherlands, has taken delivery of two new filter systems from KHS, with
JW Lees, Great Britain
Lakefront Brewery, USA
which it intends to
→→ improve its filtration results,
KHS enjoys
Innofill Glass
→→ cut down on beer loss, and
→→ reduce its energy consumption.
Bearing the brewery’s complex production
program in mind, KHS has provided the following setups:
→→ an Innopro Cosmos filter system for specialty beers with a capacity of 150 hec-
akefront Brewery, a successful craft brewer based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, contin-
t was the good reputation of KHS keg tech-
ues to grow thanks to the excellent quality of
nology in Great Britain that encouraged
its beer. The previous system was no longer
the management of the traditional JW Lees
able to meet the brewery’s higher production
brewery to order a new keg line from KHS.
requirements. A KHS Innofill Glass Micro filler
The company is to receive a Transomat 1.3
is now destined to go into operation, espe-
pilsner with an output of 500 hectoliters
Duo-XL keg washer and racker with a capac-
cially developed by KHS for breweries of this
an hour (this drastically reduces en­ergy
ity of 144 50-liter kegs per hour. The line is
kind based on high-performance technology
consumption and maintenance costs
able to process kegs holding between 30 and
(see page 34). The line, produced at KHS’ USA
while yielding top-quality results).
100 liters, has a higher productivity than the
plant in Waukesha, Wisconsin, can process up
previous line, and uses significantly less en­
to 15,600 12-oz bottles per hour. Owner Russ
KHS worked on the ideal engineering concept
ergy. The family business, established in 1828
Klisch, who has known KHS for many years,
together with the technical team at Brouwerij
in Middleton in what’s now Greater Manches-
is looking forward to the many advantages
Haacht, using 3D planning in the implemen-
ter, invested in a KHS flash pasteurizer in 2011
his company can again rely on with this new
tation of part of the project.
which is running successfully.
toliters per hour (this minimizes beer
loss), and
→→ an Innopro Getra Eco filter system for
Delta Beverages, Zimbabwe
Coca-Cola Canners of South Africa
PET for the second time
Loyal partners
here is a company with a long tradition in
with UV radiation and preform ionization in
Zimbabwe that virtually everyone in the
the preform feed. The monoblocked filler is
country has heard of: Delta Beverages. The
equipped with a fully automatic valve mani-
company’s origins date back to the year 1898
fold, UV closure treatment, an automatic CIP
systems and solutions has been implement-
when the brewery was founded. Nowadays,
cap feed, and a Class 10,000 sanitary room.
ed in the company and working reliably
the company group bottles Coca-Cola prod-
Similar to the filler, the compact mixer is de-
since their installation. From time immemo-
ucts in addition to beer. Based on Delta Bever-
signed for automated CIP and beverage pro-
rial the canning specialist’s golden rule for
ages’ outstanding experience with a KHS PET
duction, and is suitable for shipment in a
Coca-Cola in South Africa has been to rely
line that was put into operation at its plant in
container. Although the KHS Kisters shrink
on a supplier with excellent technology and
Harare in 2010, the management once again
packer and KHS palletizer currently process
decided in favor of KHS as the supplier of
6 and 12-bottle, shrink-wrapped packs, they
another PET line for its Bon Accord bottling
are able to handle other future pack forma-
plant in Bulawayo.
tions as well.
KHS has been working closely with Delta
Maximum flexibility
Beverages for more than 30 years. The fact
The scope of delivery ranges from a blender
that Delta also relies repeatedly on the ex-
system, a blow molder/filler monoblock, to
pertise of local, experienced KHS service en-
a roll-fed labeler and shrink packer, up to a
gineers for line audits and overhauls indicates
palletizer. The line fills at a capacity of 12,000
the amount of trust that exists between the
2.0-liter bottles per hour and is used to bottle
two companies.
HS has enjoyed a loyal partnership with
Coca-Cola Canners of South Af­rica for
more than 15 years. A whole range of KHS
Maximum produc­tivity,
easy to operate and
maintain, and flexible
the entire range of Coca-Cola products, along
with 2.0, 0.5, and 1.0-liter bottles. The special
features include a blow molder that operates
forward-looking expertise who avoids interfaces, provides flexible, comprehensive service, stocks spare parts locally, familiarizes
and trains staff in an uncomplicated manner,
writes all programs for the lines using a common structure, installs machines and finds
faults quickly, and who can also be relied
upon to make service engineers available at
all times who know the company as well as its
own staff. In short, KHS is in demand.
Hot on the heels of a hot fill PET line (see
article in KHS competence 1/2011), the company has now ordered various components
for its Wadeville site in order to bring an
older canning line with an output of 90,000
0.33-liter cph for CSDs, non-perishable fruit
juices, and mixed beverages, up to date.
Delta Beverages: a traditional brewery in Zimbabwe.
Best value: new from old
Filler upgrades
to order
The central question when companies modernize is “Do I invest in new
machinery, or do I upgrade?” / In issue 1.2012 of KHS competence we talked
about upgrades for packaging machines. The following article outlines how
beverage companies can profit from filler conversions. The targets are higher
efficiency, more sustainability, and better product quality.
f course KHS likes to sell new filling and packaging
that have been continuously developed over many decades.
machines and complete lines! Yet in several hundred
Many of these fillers are also quite elderly; thanks to robust
cases a year KHS advises its clients to upgrade its existing
KHS construction and long service lives, it’s not unusual for
equipment rather than buy anew. It’s often well worth
these machines to clock up three decades or more. The fol-
companies continuing to trust in tried-and-tested engi-
lowing typical and practical examples list various company
neering from KHS and upgrading their filling technology
targets, providing information on the project consultancy,
so that it’s state of the art – usually with a fairly modest
handling, and implementation offered by KHS, and show-
strain on company technology, time, and budget.
ing what kind of results customers can expect.
Such undertakings are triggered by the market. Successful bottling plants have to keep up with consumer demands and the pressure of competition and thus con­stantly
search for new solutions, such as better quality products,
higher line efficiency, more environmental friendliness, or
increased ease of operation. The motives and reasons for
upgrading are many and varied. This is why KHS provides
over 100 different conversions for filling machines. After all,
there are around 4,000 KHS fillers in operation the world
over, with 120 being added to this number each and every
year; these operate on over 30 different KHS filling systems
→ Contact
Lothar Wilhelm
KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach,
Phone: +49 (671) 852-2372
Armin Wille
KHS GmbH, Dortmund,
Phone: +49 (231) 569-10284
Michael Beier
KHS GmbH, Dortmund,
Phone: +49 (231) 569-1298
In focus: service by KHS
KHS provides all manner of advice before a decision is made
to upgrade a filler or not, including:
→→ Supplying the customer with detailed information on all the benefits and/
or tasks connected with the upgrade
→→ Giving advice on all measures necessary
→→ Calculating all increases in efficiency
→→ Stipulating improvements in quality
→→ Explaining more environmentally-friendly filling processes
→→ Telling clients which upgrades are feasible and worthwhile
for the filling system in question
→→ Making recommendations, and
→→ Providing evidence of the benefits these would entail.
Once the upgrade has been specified,
→→ There is usually an on-site meeting at the bottling plant
→→ KHS Service assesses the existing filler and peripheral machines
→→ The experts stipulate which parts are necessary for the intended filler upgrade
→→ KHS manufactures the required parts in the same top quality as for new machines
→→ KHS tests parts and/or assemblies at the KHS factory, and
→→ Only delivers these to the beverage plant after testing
→→ This includes installation, consultancy, and after-sales service
→→ Everything is closely coordinated with the customer’s personnel, to whom the
KHS experts pass on their expertise.
Customer target:
to introduce new bottle types
technology. In this way an outmoded, me-
The situation: filler upgrades are ever more
converted into an electronic filling system.
important to the beverage sector and are top
The new filler turret is tested at the KHS fac-
of customer wish lists. Clients want to be able
tory prior to delivery. KHS specialists then en-
to perfectly adapt their range of products and
sure that this perfectly links in with the over-
bottles to suit new consumer demands.
all system on site.
KHS’ solution: both in theory and on its own
Customer benefits: a better quality filling
test bays KHS first checks how filling process-
process, which is faster, especially hygienic,
es can be best configured using the requested
and gentle to the product.
chanically controlled filling system can be
(or feasible) bottle designs. This provides information as to which additional equipment
procedure. If new plastic bottles are required,
Customer target:
to increase the product quality
KHS often goes on to provide advice on the
The situation: a filler upgrade could specifi-
development of the bottle shape, including
cally increase the product quality of beer in
suggested designs and packaging options.
glass bottles.
Computers simulate the contours of the con-
KHS’ solution: to integrate the double pre-
tainer; prototypes have to prove themselves
evacuation method. During pre-evacuation
on KHS lab machines.
the glass bottles are purged twice with CO₂ as
The experts at KHS then make sure that these
they are pressed against the filling valves. This
new glass and plastic bottles can be processed
is followed by final evacuation. As a result, the
the plant needs for the best individual filling
Control by the neighboring valve at the push of a
button; the filling valve remains fully functional.
product flows into a virtually pure CO₂ atmos-
on the designated filler with their given di-
phere in the bottle.
mensions, and that there are no installations
Customer benefits: the much reduced oxy­
on the filler that could hinder conversion. Ei-
gen content in the product improves its
ther information on the filling system is con-
tained in CAD documents or – especially with
older machines – the relevant data must be
clarified, KHS manufactures new, precision
Customer target:
to further improve oxygen pickup levels
format parts as for new machines, applying
The situation: the market is calling for even
top standards of quality and identical criteria.
better product quality and even longer shelf
Customer benefits: filling technology that
is specifically tailored to the bottling plant,
KHS’ solution: a foaming unit (HPI device) in-
a larger product portfolio, a more successful
tegrated into the filling system with propor-
market presence, and a lower cost of invest-
tional pressure control provides optimum
ment than for the purchase of a new machine.
pressure. The principle is as follows: hot wa-
recorded in situ. Once everything has been
ter is introduced to the product at high pressure, causing the product to foam and thereby
Customer target:
to improve the filling process
force air out of the neck area before the bot-
The situation: many bottling plants want the
stallations include a high-pressure pump with
complete filler turret replaced to achieve a
a proportional valve and motor, a heating
better filling process.
tank, an injector arm with integrated temper-
tles are capped. The scope of delivery and in-
ature monitoring, and the program that con-
KHS’ solution: in cases like these KHS renews all filling elements and their peripherals, bringing them into line with the latest
An HPI device or foaming unit included in the filling
system improves oxygen pickup values.
trols high-pressure injection according to the
speed of the filler.
competence 02.2012
Customer benefits: obtain best possible
production. The inductive flow meter (IFM)
shelf life of the product by minimizing the
can then be replaced at the end of production.
oxygen pickup in the bottle. Individual temperature regulation for maximum product
Customer benefits: disruptions in production
safety. Manual adjustment of the injector arm
can be reduced to a minimum, thus boosting
is no longer necessary. Stored, product-spe­
machine availability.
cific pro­grams can be reproduced at any time.
Customer target:
to achieve higher machine availability
for volumetric filling
Customer target:
to achieve higher machine availability
for aseptic filling
The situation: see left.
The situation: beverage companies upgrad-
KHS’ solution: the experts at KHS have rede-
ing their fillers often wish for an increase in
signed the conveyor system on older rotary
machine availability.
aseptic machines so that external guides are
KHS’ solution: a software package for volu-
no longer required and bottle clamps used
metric filling systems enables irregularities
at one filling station to be compensated for
Customer benefits: bottle control is much
by this being controlled by the neighbor-
more stable, and machine availability thus
ing valve. The relevant filling station can be
bridged by pressing a button on the touch
screen; bridging makes sure that the filling valve remains fully functional during
Customer target:
to achieve more efficiency
for PET fillers
Siemens S7 control: electronically controlled filling
systems can be converted to the state of the art.
The situation: the susceptibility to fault on
KHS’ solution: the main tasks here are to
PET fillers equipped with transfer star systems
switch over the hardware components, such
without front tables is to be lessened.
as the computer and the input and output
KHS’ solution: to integrate a new bottle in-
cards, decide which interface is best, and then
feed. The infeed plate used to date between
update the software. The function of existing
the air conveyor and infeed star is replaced
elements such as sensors and drives must also
by an extension of the air conveyor. The soft-
be checked, and if necessary these must be
ware is then adapted accordingly.
Customer benefits: less susceptibility to fault
Customer benefits: an unlimited supply of
and therefore considerably greater efficiency
spare parts is ensured for the near future. Op-
of the filling system.
erational reliability is also improved, as is the
ease of operation; in addition, operators have
access to more information on the filling pro-
Customer target:
to use up-to-the-minute control
filler upgrades required by KHS customers is
Customer target:
to improve crown corker technology
the conversion of electronic filling systems to
The situation: one popular upgrade for older,
up-to-the-minute control technology, such as
mechanically controlled beer fillers is to install
from a Siemens S5 to Siemens S7 controller.
a new turret to the crown cork capper that
Companies want maximum efficiency.
utilizes advanced, ultramodern technology.
The situation: very near the top of the list of
The new bottle infeed on PET fillers equipped with
transfer star systems without front tables boosts
cesses than was the case to date.
New crowner turrets for crown cork cappers are hygienic and easy to maintain.
efficiently met while taking the aspect of sustainability into full account.
Customer benefits: this makes bottle conveying to the filling system even faster and also
saves on rinse water.
Customer target:
to achieve greater sustainability in
The situation: upgrades that result in more
sustainable production have recently moved
into ever sharper focus.
KHS’ solution: there are many possible conversions here. For instance, beer bottlers can
In the crown cork feed the crown corks are directly
blown in by sterile air.
make considerable savings in water if they
use the KHS Eco vacuum pump. Existing vacuum pumps can be easily swapped for the
KHS’ solution: the crowning head support,
Eco version. In the Eco vacuum pump a mix-
crowning elements, crown cork feed, sorter,
ture of gas and water passes to the sealing
flushoff facility, torque dampers for the tur-
water tank. While the compressed gas is be-
ret, and all the necessary electrical compo-
ing discharged, the water passes to a heat ex-
nents and format parts are renewed. The new
changer where it is cooled. There’s therefore
crowner turret is assembled at the KHS fac­
no need to add fresh water to reduce the wa-
tory and tested on specifically configured test
ter temperature.
bays using crown corks provided by the client.
Customer benefits: as opposed to classic
Customer benefits: increased crowning qual-
pump systems the Eco vacuum pump prom-
ity, improved hygiene (microbiological prod-
ises companies water savings of around 95%.
uct safety), gentle crown cork handling,
longer crowner part service lives, shorter conversion times during product changeovers,
and easy maintenance.
Customer target:
to achieve greater sustainability
for format parts
The situation: many bottling plants wish to
Customer target:
to achieve greater sustainability
for the rinsing system
use new format parts to gain the maximum
The situation: customers can consider this
less steel, bio format parts that are much
type of conversion if not all bottles have to
more robust than parts made of plastic and
pass through the rinsing system.
have a much smaller surface area.
KHS’ solution: to integrate a rinser bypass
Customer benefits: bio format parts are
with a standard KHS front table. A transfer
lighter and faster to clean, more durable,
star is installed between the infeed and dis-
considerably reduce the amount of damage
charge stars which guides the bottles straight
caused by broken glass, and also minimize
past the rinser to the filler. This demonstrates
maintenance costs thanks to the use of sim-
how customer demands can be easily and
ple plastic wear strips.
KHS’ solution: to use newly designed, stain-
Bio format parts made of stainless steel
are extremely durable and easy to clean.
Results: these example conversions
for KHS filling systems illustrate
that KHS has the right system
whatever type of upgrade is required.
What’s more, fillers of any type
and age can be adapted to suit new
requirements. And don’t forget
that with its service locations on all
continents KHS Service is on site
fast whatever the situation – worldwide. And that’s a promise.
Solutions for sectors
The Japanese Sapporo Group expands into Vietnam / It has now invested
in a new brewery with three KHS turnkey lines for bottles, cans, and kegs.
KHS is the market leader for canning lines in Vietnam, and in the meantime
has installed around 20 canning lines at different companies in the country.
Good Morning
ietnam is waking up. It’s already the third
The prospects for the new subsidiary in South-
largest beer market in Asia after China
east Asia are also extremely promising. Today,
and Japan, with a young, growing population
the Vietnamese – with an average age of 28 –
of currently 90 million people and optimally
already drink around 25 million hectoliters of
located for exports to neighboring countries.
beer per year or 28 liters per head, and the
Could there be better conditions for invest-
high growth in the economy and population
ment for a brewery which is on the road to
expansion? Whether the answer is yes or no,
these were reasons enough for Japan’s Sapporo Breweries to found Sapporo Vietnam
Ltd. in 2009 as a joint venture with the state-
Beer consumption is
rapidly increasing
owned, Vietnamese company Vinataba (Vietnam National Tobacco Corporation).
The Innofill DVD can filler,
electronically controlled
and with 30 filling stations,
is the center of the line.
In doing so, the Japanese were able to
make double-digit annual growth forecasts
look back on the positive experience they
appear thoroughly realistic. The annual beer
have had with their first investment out-
consumption in Vietnam is expected to reach
side Japan. In 2006 they took over the Slee-
almost 70 million hectoliters by 2025.
man Brewery in Canada – and subse­quently
The prices that can be achieved here are
made Sapporo Premium the number one,
also attractive. The average cost of 100 liters of
premium Asian beer brand in North America
beer in China is currently about €25 and around
with annual growth rates running into dou-
€50 in India – yet in Vietnam approximately €60
ble digits.
are paid. In addition, the country is logistically
Solutions for sectors
Spotlight: Sapporo Breweries
1876, making it the oldest brewery group in Japan
Subsidiary of Sapporo Holdings with
→ alcoholic beverages (72% share of the turnover
on the national market, 6% on the international
→ soft drinks and food products (9%)
→ restaurants (7%), and
→ real estate (6%).
Market positioning and strategy
Fourth largest brewery in Japan with five breweries and a 12%
market share; expansion into international markets
well placed for exports to other countries in
colors of gold and black for the can design,
Southeast Asia, as the elongated coastal state
as the Vietnamese associate good quality and
borders directly on China, Laos, Cambodia, and
wealth with the color gold.
the South China Sea with the Philippines.
The KHS canning line is currently
Following a test phase with positive re-
equipped for a capacity of 18,000 0.33-li­ter or
sults all round, the company built its own
13,000 0.65-liter cans. The line also impress-
brewery in Ho Chi Minh City in 2011. At the
es with its gentle filling. The Innopal ASH de-
same time Sapporo Vietnam invested in three
KHS lines: a canning line, a refillable glass bottle line, and a keg racking line. “Both the technical systems and service quality are impressive
at KHS”, says Hirofumi Kishi, general director
of Sapporo Vietnam, justifying his decision.
Canned beer is a sign
of prosperity and
the Western lifestyle
Sapporo has great hopes, particularly
for the canning line. This is because in Vietnam canned beer is a sign of prosperity and
palletizes the cans and raises them to the re-
the Western lifestyle. Although 70% of beer is
quired position in a shaft that is enclosed on
currently sold in bottles, experts believe that
three sides. A pusher system enclosed on four
the combination of premium beer and chic
sides controls the centering of every single
cans harbors considerable growth prospects
layer during depalletizing.
in the country. By 2020 the market share of
The heart of the line is the electronically
premium beer is expected to double to 30%.
controlled Innofill DVD volumetric filler with
Among other things, the marketing depart-
30 filling stations. It allows the system to be
ment also decided on the elegant, symbolic
changed over to deal with varying cans of
A special feature at Sapporo:
the Innofill DVD fills cans from
the bottom.
the same diameter at the press of a button,
For the keg line Sapporo Vietnam opted for
saves time, and thus increases the availability
the Innokeg Till Keg Boy C2 semi-automatic
of the machine.
keg washing and racking machine, in which
The refillable glass line outputs 18,000
0.33-liter glass bottles per hour, and is de-
TOP —On the Innokeg Till Keg Boy C2 the
washing and racking stations are mounted
on a common base frame.
LEFT — The can discharge processes
18,000 0.33-liter or 13,000 0.65-liter cans
per hour.
the washing and racking stations are installed
on a common base frame.
signed to be expanded to 30,000 bottles per
Like the can, Hirofumi Kishi also sees con-
hour in a second development stage. It cur-
siderable potential for keg containers, which
rently shares the resource-saving Innopas PI
currently have a market share of only 1%.
SC pasteurizer with the canning line, as the
“One of the reasons for the low demand for
two lines still work alternately.
beer in kegs is surely that at the moment only
Apart from this, the glass line also com-
a few breweries stock this container. We in-
bines gentle filling with high flexibility:
→→ The Innopack SP single-column modular
tend to position ourselves as a pioneer with
kegs in Vietnam.” The success story continues.
packer can be freely programmed and
optimizes paths and cycle times
→→ T
he double-ended version of the
Innoclean DM bottle washer spatially
separates clean and dirty bottles; this
is particularly important in the tropics
→→ The Innofill DPG-ZMS filling system
is easy to use and maintain, can be
changed over without any problems,
and enables low-oxygen filling and
therefore the best beer quality.
→ Contact
Werner Gessner | KHS Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore
Phone: +65 (656) 09313
Tung Minh Tuan | KHS Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: +84 (8) 3820-7746
Solutions for sectors
»Vietnam could
overtake Japan on
the beer market!«
Hirofumi Kishi
General director of Sapporo Vietnam Ltd.
Interview with Hirofumi Kishi,
general director of Sapporo Vietnam Ltd.
KHS competence: Sapporo Breweries is continuing to expand – first
What do you see as the next steps?
a new plant in Canada and now in Vietnam. What’s the background
We’re taking on 150 sales representatives whose task will initially be to
on this?
establish our premium beer brand in and around Ho Chi Minh City. At
Kishi: As the first Japanese brewery group to operate its own brewery
the same time, we’ll be launching advertising campaigns for Sapporo
in Vietnam, we’re hoping for considerable success for our Sapporo Pre-
Premium in 2012 – on TV as well as in other areas. We’ll then continue
mium brand on the Vietnamese market, not least because of our pio-
to expand our sales area in Vietnam from 2013.
neering status.
With what objectives?
Vietnam really does have outstanding growth prospects thanks to its
By 2016 we can easily see Sapporo Premium becoming the most impor-
demographic and geographic situation.
tant premium beer brand on the Vietnamese market after Heineken.
In addition to all these advantages there are no cultural barriers be-
We hope to achieve sales of 1.5 million hectoliters for Sapporo Premi-
tween Japan and Vietnam; therefore nothing stands in the way of
um in 2020 ...
market growth for Sapporo Premium. If beer consumption increases
as forecast, by the end of the decade Vietnam could be Asia’s second
largest beer market and therefore ahead of Japan.
»KHS meets our expectations
in every respect«
Sapporo carried out a trial run before the actual launch. What were
the objectives here?
Above all, there were three things we wanted to find out. Firstly,
whether the taste of Sapporo Premium was accepted in Vietnam; sec-
... which will mean a great upheaval on the Vietnamese market. Are
ondly, whether the packaging was right; and thirdly, whether sales
there any further developments?
partners were willing to include Sapporo Premium in their range.
We also foresee changes concerning the distribution of container types
on the market. In our estimation, cans in particular will become more
And after that there were no half measures.
and more popular on the Vietnamese market in years to come. Canned
To ensure that our staff work in line with the Sapporo philosophy from
beer is in here, and is also given as a present on various occasions.
the very beginning, on the Vietnamese market we’ve not taken over an
existing business as is often the case but established a completely new
But that surely doesn’t exhaust Sapporo’s expansion plans in Asia?
brewing plant. We’ve launched the business here with newly appoint-
We can easily envisage building new breweries in other Southeast
ed staff who’ve been trained in the Sapporo philosophy right from the
Asian countries in the future if the demand for Sapporo Premium were
to increase.
What were the factors in favor of KHS as your partner of choice?
Ultimate product quality and sustainable operating methods are two
particularly important aspects for us. KHS meets our high expectations
in this regard in every respect. By investing exclusively in KHS technology at our brewery just outside Ho Chi Minh City, we’re ensuring high
quality for our Sapporo Premium beer in bottles, cans, and kegs from
the very start.
Mr. Kishi, thank you very much for this candid interview.
Solutions for sectors
The innovative Innofill Glass filling system
is consistently hygienic in design.
Here, the crown corker area.
Martens Brewery, Belgium, turns technological advance
into a competitive advantage / The company has trusted in
KHS systems for decades, proving itself to be an out­standing
innovator with top standards of quality, also in the B2B
sector. Martens recently invested in two pioneering developments from KHS:
+ The Innofill Glass filler series, and
+ The Innopro ECOSTAB pilot machine for regenerative
beer stabilization.
an Martens likes to make quick decisions.
were quickly convinced that this was just the
brewery. It was founded in 1758 and since
“However,” stresses the joint owner and
kind of system we’d been looking for for some
then the Martens family has demon­strated
manager of Martens Brewery in Belgium,
time.” He smiles, “We didn’t hesitate and de-
an extraordinary pioneering spirit which
“they have to be well founded.” Martens first
cided to order the pilot system immediately.
seems to run deep in the family, even up to
proved his point at Brau Beviale 2011. He and
And that was exactly the right thing to do.”
now. Both on the Belgian and international
his team of experts came to view the exhib-
beer markets the company has written sev­eral
its at the KHS booth, studying them in detail,
chapters in the history of beer in its role as pio­
making comparisons – and recognizing the
benefits of the new technology. While still at
the show Martens Brewery ordered a modern
filler for glass bottles that has a whole host
Family brewery in its
eighth generation
neer (see Spotlight: the innovators at Martens
Brewery). Says Jan Martens, “We watch the
markets as closely as possible and make sure
that we generate competitive advan­tages for
ourselves by acting fast.”
of benefits.
The development of the brewery illus-
Another example of Martens’ quick decision-making was when KHS experts visited
To understand where Martens gets his en-
trates that the family has consistently applied
the brewery in Bocholt in East Flanders and
trepreneurial energy you have to know a bit
this strategy and proved very successful in do-
happened to mention a newly developed set-
about the history of the family brewery that
ing so. In the middle of the 20th century the
up for regenerative beer stabilization which
is now in its eighth generation and run by Jan
microbrewery sold just 30,000 hectoliters of
enabled continuous operation. “We listened
and Fons Martens. Brouwerij Martens, to give
beer a year. When the eighth generation of
very carefully,” remembers Jan Martens, “and
it its proper Belgian name, is a very special
Martens took the helm at the beginning of
Solutions for sectors
the 1990s beer sales were already at around
Martens Brewery has now invested in not
300,000 hectoliters per annum. Since then
only one but two innovative KHS systems. The
sales have mushroomed. In 2003 the figure
following gives a brief rundown of these new
stood at 1.5 million hectoliters, and by 2011
this had risen to 3 million.
Martens Brewery has also long been ac-
The new KHS Innofill Glass DRS-ZMS filling
tive on the international scene and exports
system is convincing …
85% of its beer, with over one million hecto-
… with its fully optimized hygienic design
liters going to Germany alone each year. The
… with its improved filling quality that util­
company also supplies many other European
izes especially gentle, low turbulence fill-
markets and also Israel, the USA, and Australia.
Brouwerij Martens recently branched out
into Asia, acquiring shares in a modern Martens brewery near Shanghai, among other
projects. The brewery’s main areas of pro-
ing and a low oxygen pickup
… with its improved line availability thanks to
short cleaning
… with its reduced costs for maintenance, energy, water, and cleaning media.
duction are generic brands in the entry-level
»In designing new
products and packaging and by using
technical systems
we hope to gain
even more benefits, such as a boost
in efficiency and
even better product
price segment (2.8 hectoliters per year) and
The KHS Innopro ECOSTAB beer stabilizer is
contract filling.
convincing …
Martens’ success is surely attributable to
… with its continuous output 24/7 through the
the company’s great flexibility and courage
use of several redundant system components
to tread new paths. Take Aldi, for example.
… with three stabilizer modules, each with
three columns
… with its output of up to 600 hectoliters per
Flexibility and courage
to tread new paths
in that it avoids over-stabilization and
with its simple, extremely reliable, and
thorough cleaning
When Germany passed its mandatory de­posit
… with its lower cost of investment compared
law in 2002, Aldi consequently struck Martens
to horizontal mesh or gap cartridge filters,
beer sold in one-way glass bottles and cans
enabling small and medium-sized brewer-
off the list.
ies to use the new machinery
The discounter then approached its trust-
… with its reduced costs for materials in con-
ed partner Martens with the following de-
tinuous operation (only 50% of the PVPP
mands: to quickly produce a sophisticated PET
concept for beer of outstanding quality, providing large quantities with an identical price
used to date is required)
… with the ability to use any kind of PVPP material regardless of the supplier.
structure bottled in PET that is 100% recycl­
able. Together with KHS Martens reacted with
its usual dynamism, and just a few months later
was once again supplying Aldi with beer. InciJan Martens
dentally, this partnership entered its 50th year
Joint owner of Martens Brewery
in 2012.
→ Contact
Herman Miseur | KHS Benelux B. V., Breda , the Netherlands
Phone: +31 (76) 572-3234
Spotlight: the innovators at
Martens Brewery
Martens Brewery in Belgium has invested in innovative KHS
technology on a number of occasions, securing itself a pole position on the competitive beer markets of the world. Examples:
2003 Ultramodern, non-returnable KHS PET bottling line
based on an innovative, one-way PET concept is
developed for German discounter Aldi
2009 Martens is one of the first breweries worldwide
to apply InnoPET Plasmax barrier coating technology
to PET beer bottles
2010 Martens buys one of the first KHS Innocheck EBI empty
bottle inspection systems
2011 Martens orders the newly developed KHS Innofill
KHS’ new Innopro ECOSTAB system
for the regenerative stabilization of beer
permits a continuous output 24/7.
Glass filler and KHS’ Innopro ECOSTAB pilot machine
for regenerative beer stabilization.
Solutions for sectors
M ile sto n e
Römerquelle invests in a KHS ultraclean system as the first milestone
in the centralization of its activities / The Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria
subsidiary has high expectations of hygiene, quality, and environmental
friendliness. KHS has found a solution which meets all expectations
and offers many practical advantages.
LEFT — Patrick Misch, supply chain director of
Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria
BOTTOM — The new ultraclean filling line bottles
sensitive products, such as still mineral water
and near-water beverages, as well as carbonated
mineral water.
Austria’s production and logistics units have
been expediently relocated to the nearby
Austrian province of the Burgenland. Patrick
Misch, the supply chain director of Coca-­Cola
Hellenic Austria, explains, “We’re investing a
total of €40 million in Edelstal and creating
150 new jobs there.”
After all, the location has a very long tradition. People as far back as the Romans have
taken advantage of the powers of this natu-
Even the Romans
recognized the powers
of the spring
ral spring water which is still very much active. Long after the last Roman had supped
from its source the mineral water was made
available in bottles for the first time in 1948.
Since 2003, Römerquelle has been part of
e’re investing in the most up-to-
Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria which holds a ma-
date water bottling plant in Europe,”
jority interest. The group employs around
stresses Barry O’Connell, general director of
1,100 people in the country and supplies
Coca-­Cola Hellenic Austria. He is referring to
brand beverages to more than 50,000 food
the new KHS ultraclean line which is as ide-
outlets and restaurants, and therefore to
ally suited for bottling sensitive products,
around 8.4 million consumers. In addition
such as still mineral water and near-water
to international classics, such as Coca-Cola,
beverages, as for carbonated mineral water
Coca-Cola light, Fanta, and Sprite, the prod-
and soft drinks – and provides the company
uct range includes regional brands such as
with a whole range of welcome advantag-
Römerquelle and brands like Nestea which
es (see Overview: what the line offers in prac-
are bottled under license.
tice). The system was recently installed at the
plant of Hellenic subsidiary Römerquelle, the
Group with 40,000 employees
best-known Austrian mineral water brand, in
Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria is in turn a subsid-
Edels­tal in the Burgenland.
iary of the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Com-
Here, the group concentrates its pro-
pany with headquarters in Athens. With
duction and logistics activities in an area of
around 40,000 employees in a total of 28
350,000 square meters. There was previous-
countries, the overall group is the largest bot-
ly a second site in Vienna which produced
tler of Coca-Cola Company products in Eu-
other Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria brand prod-
rope and one of the most important in the
ucts. However, the successfully growing com-
world. All told, Coca-Cola Hellenic supplies
pany is unable to expand further in Austria’s
about 570 million people with approximately
capital city. The administration has therefore
two billion unit cases each year (1 unit case =
been left in Vienna, while Coca-Cola Hellenic
5.678 liters).
Solutions for sectors
RIGHT — The Innoket 360 S roll-fed labeling machine: compact design,
high process quality, robust, and user friendly.
BOTTOM — The InnoPET Blofill stretch blow molder/filler monoblock
with integrated preform sterilization.
Patrick Misch sees it this way: “As a mineral
all. The fresh brand Freche Römer, a near-wa-
win-win situation for both the company and
water bottling plant which has always had
ter product, has recently become available
the environment.”
an enterprising approach, Römerquelle ex-
under the emotion label as a children’s drink.
Römerquelle is the first company in the
cellently fits in with the innovative Coca-
Susanne Lontzen, press spokesperson for
world to put its trust in an InnoPET Blofill stretch
Cola Hellenic Group and its strategy of
Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria, explains the im-
blow molder/filler monoblock with inte­grated
being a complete supplier of non-alcoholic
mediate success of this beverage creation.
preform sterilization. “We’re pleased to be at
bev­er­ages to its markets. The company offers
“This combination of Römerquelle mild, with
the very forefront with innovative technical so-
its particularly balanced mineralized water in
its balanced mineralization and a light effer-
lutions in which we see real additional bene-
still, mild, and sparkling varieties. Consumers
vescence, with a fruity base gives young con-
fits,” says Misch. “Thanks to the brand-new pro-
hold it in high regard as a premium mineral
sumers what they want without losing sight
cess we can work even more sustainably – and
water which was awarded the Superior Taste
of parents’ expectations.”
reduce costs.” And his view of the future? “This
Award by the renowned International Taste &
line arms us for all future eventualities and en-
Quality Institute in Brussels in 2011. The mar-
Three criteria – one solution
ket share in the hospitality trade is 45%, clear-
Be that as it may, the new ultraclean system
ity which are so important for our customers.”
ly a pole position. With a market share of just
is suitable for all filling situations. Römer-
How could it be any better ...
under 15%, Römerquelle mineral water holds
quelle currently processes mineral water and
third place on the Austrian retail market.
near-water beverages in 0.33-liter, 0.5-liter,
Römerquelle is particularly successful
and 1.0-liter non-refillable PET bottles with
with the Römerquelle emotion product line,
a capacity of 28,000 bottles per hour on this
which is based on a combination of min­eral
KHS turnkey line. The task for KHS was to
water and natural fruit extracts and com­
provide quality, hygiene, and environmen-
prises eight different flavors. This enables the
tal friendliness – three criteria which the KHS
company to hold a leading position in Aus-
system quite obviously fulfils. “As a techno-
tria for near-water beverages with a market
logical leader we’re setting new standards
share of an outstanding 42%. But that’s not
with this line," says Patrick Misch. “This is a
forces the aspects of quality and sustainabil­
→ Contact
Edgar-George Petsche | KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach,
Phone: +49 (671) 852-2514
Katrin Goldhahn | KHS Austria GmbH, Wiener Neudorf
Phone: +43 (2236) 62-510
Overview: what the line offers in practice
Special features
The KHS InnoPET Blomax Series IV stretch blow molder
Sterile chamber
Preform sterilization
Saves up to 2,000 Nm³/h of sterile air and up to 400 kg/h of steam
compared with bottle sterilization
Preform heating
Bottle production
With near or shortwave infrared
The small oven and NIR save space and reduce waste;
radiation (NIR)
short heat-up reduces energy costs
Servo-motor-controlled stretching
Maximum precision during stretching enables ultra-lightweight
bottles to be produced; the variable stretching speed independent
of the machine speed enables high filler flexibility
The Innofill DRV filling system for carbonated and non-carbonated beverages
No spray elements in the bottle; high flexibility independent of
the bottle mouth; no changeovers; beverage is reliably guided to
the inside walls of the bottle which prevents excessive foaming
The Innopro Paramix C two-component blender
Blending system
Two-stage vacuum spray deaeration
Precise dosing according to recipe
Measurement technology
Product data at the press of a button
Accurate Brix and CO₂ values
The Innoket 360 S roll-fed labeling machine
Precise label cut, less downtime
Vacuum drum
Segmented, ultralight
Convenient, fast format part changeovers
Gluing roller shell
Induction heating with sensors
Precise temperature control conserves resources
Overlap correction
Simple operation
Correction can be carried out during operation
The Innopack Kisters SP 050 Basic and SP 035 Basic shrink packer
Eco shrink tunnel
Gas instead of electric heating
Saves up to 50% of energy costs; reduces CO₂ emissions by
up to 60%
The Innopal PB1(N)H palletizer
Layer centering
Automatic; all-round
Perfect layer patterns; gentle product handling; high overall
stability; quick changeovers
Drive concept
Servo motors, toothed belts,
Ultrasmooth operation; minimal wear; high availability
and robot PC control
Patrick Misch, supply chain director of Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria, sums it up when he says, “Our new KHS turnkey line does exactly what
KHS promised. It’s extremely sustainable, gives us innovative leadership and cost advantages with its many extras, and also delivers
excellent product quality. And what we also particularly like about KHS is the outstanding service. We feel we’re in the best of hands.”
Solutions for sectors
The One4Two-System
combined system
for kegs
For the first time, HEINEKEN relies on the KHS Innokeg Till
One4Two system with great success
With immediate effect, time-consuming changeovers and replacement work
on kegs with different fitting types are a thing of the past. And what’s more,
the new system is also suitable for existing KHS keg equipment.
Efficiency is the key!
t happened in Nizhny Novgorod. At this
Russian site HEINEKEN recently placed its
trust in revolutionary keg technology from
KHS at the group’s Volga Brewery – with success right down the line. The patented KHS
Innokeg Till One4Two handling head processes two different types of fitting simultaneously. This was not previously possible, calling for time-consuming changeovers from
kegs with basket fittings to kegs with flat fittings or vice versa, for example. The centering
cones and fitting plungers in both the washing and racking heads had to be changed.
Finally, additional CIP cleaning was also
Thanks to One4Two, such changeover
times and costs are now a thing of the past –
and system efficiency is significantly increased. Matthjis Dietvorst, the general manager of Volga Brewery, puts it in a nutshell:
“We’ve had a lot of positive experience with
the One4Two system. Other HEINEKEN sites
in Russia and also worldwide can now benefit
from this successful pilot project.”
Positive experience at
TOP – The Innokeg Till Transomat 3/1 Duo processes both 30 and 50-liter kegs at Volga Brewery.
BOTTOM – In the One4Two system two fitting plungers are fitted directly
inside one another.
for other brands. This had the aforementioned
The technology used in Nizhny Novgorod
The details are as follows. In Nizhny Novgorod
irritating consequence of wasting at least one
the company racks 30 and 50-liter kegs with
hour of production time in each case.
in brief:
→→ In the One4Two system two fitting
the proven Innokeg Till Transomat 3/1 Duo
Comparatively little effort was involved
keg line (up to 140 kegs per hour) using the
in the installation of the One4Two system,
latest DFC or direct flow control filling tech-
however, which immediately delighted the
nology. Advantages of this system which have
brewery managers. Step one involved replac-
already been realized include maximum rack-
ing the cleaning and racking heads. Step two
ing accuracy, great savings potential for the
was to modify the pipe system. In step three
pressurization gas, minimum amounts of
the electrical equipment was con­nected up
spray product, and extremely gentle product
to the new system. “The whole conversion
treatment. The only drawback, which relates
phase took only a few days,” praises produc-
essary centering of the keg fitting to its
generally to all HEINEKEN production facili-
tion manager Sergei Dolinskiy. “We were
ties, is that the keg containers for internation-
then able to carry on with production with in-
outer contour.
→→ T
wo pneumatic cylinders align the center-
al HEINEKEN premium beer have basket fit-
creased system efficiency. This was a step that
ing cone with the appropriate radius of
tings, whereas kegs with flat fittings are used
was really worthwhile.”
the fitting to be processed in each case.
plungers are fitted directly inside one
→→ T
he outer plunger is used for flat fittings,
the inner plunger for basket fittings.
→→ P
lunger geometries fit inside one an­
other exactly; all parts can be perfectly
rinsed and cleaned.
→→ T
wo movable half-shells ensure the nec-
Solutions for sectors
Options with two kinds of fittings
Increasing globalization, brewery takeovers, and new products in the portfolio:
more and more frequently, kegs with different fittings have to be processed from one day to the next.
Several options are available.
Change kegs
Significant changeover costs
Considerable effort
Long-term costs
Additional plunger +
centering cones
Changeover delays
Additional CIP cleaning
The One4Two system
but no
format parts
One-time investment
No changeovers
No additional
CIP cleaning
Important: The One4Two system can be easily incorporated into existing KHS keg equipment (in fully automatic lines as
well rotary or semiautomatic machines, such as the Innokeg Till Keg Boy C2).
Sergei Dolinskiy, production manager at Volga Brewery (left),
and Roman Astanin, Volga Brewery’s packaging manager,
confirm that “The One4Two-System significantly increases plant
→→ When opened, the half shells center the
dimensionally larger flat fitting; when
closed, they harmonize perfectly with
the smaller basket fitting.
→→ A
keg ID tag, such as a transponder, enables on-the-fly changeovers between
basket and flat fittings to be relayed in
advance, for instance (Volga Brewery
presorts its kegs; pressing a button on
the operating terminal is all that’s
needed to change fittings over).
→→ A
lso conceivable is installation of a laser
scanner to detect the fitting before the
washing and racking process, and provision of information relating to the respective keg to the washing and racking heads.
The highest recognition comes from Roman
Astanin, packaging manager at Volga B
­ rewery.
“This is a well thought-out system, albeit one
which requires more maintenance than before. However, the reduced change­over times
far outweigh this small additional effort.” And
Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Sterlitamak, Kaliningrad,
general manager Matthjis Dietvorst empha­
and Nizhny Novgorod. Local Volga Brewery
sizes, “As we see it, with this system, innova-
has been considerably modernized in recent
tion and simplicity go hand-in-hand”.
years, and currently produces eight different
These are decisive conclusions, and typ-
brands of beer, from HEINEKEN to nation-
ical for one of the major brewing concerns
al premium beer brands, such as Bochkarev
worldwide, with more than 125 breweries in
and Doctor Diesel. Sales of the company’s re­
over 70 countries and sales of almost 150 mil-
gional beers, such as quality brands Okskoye,
lion hectoliters. HEINEKEN brews more than
Tri Medvedya, and Okhota, are also outstand-
200 styles of beer within the group. Inciden-
ing. At the same time, with a share of 53%,
tally, the concern has become well estab-
the PET bottle is the most important contain-
lished in Eastern Europe, particularly in Rus-
er. This is followed by the glass bottle with
sia, with a market share of 12% and eight sites
25%, and the can at 17%. With increasing im-
in St Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Yekaterinburg,
portance, kegs account for 5% of production.
→ Contact
Andreas Krieg | KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach, Germany
Phone: +49 (671) 852-2647
Alexander Burenin | KHS GmbH Moscow office
Phone: +7 (495) 783 8100-1017
Special: the century of illumination
The light of the
Tiny yet attractive and efficient / In our day and age all companies face
the challenge of conserving our dwindling resources. One tiny component,
the light-emitting diode or LED, can make a big contribution here.
Its ability to save energy and CO₂ emissions alone makes it the light of the future.
This innovative technology is also creating plenty of added value in many other sectors, too.
Bring on the lights!
e’ve all seen Tower Bridge in London – at least
2012 in Poland and the Ukraine to the historic Louvre in
in pictures. During the Olympic Games in 2012
Paris, from the Empire State Building in New York to Burj
the city landmark was the focus of attention for billions
Khalifa in Dubai, from the image-boosting light designs of
of viewers around the world, the five Olympic rings sus-
industrial buildings through intelligent lighting systems in
pended between its distinctive twin towers. At night thou-
production shops to feel-good offices. LED lighting systems
sands of lamps provided a fascinating spectacle, bathing
are being used everywhere – and gradually replacing the
the bridge in a brilliant white light or in the red, white,
conventional light bulb. The advantages of these minia-
and blue of the Union Jack. This display was created by
ture beacons really are immense, and they are so versatile
an innovative technology that, like Edison’s light bulb, is
that light designers, architects, and building contractors
completely revolutionizing the lighting industry: the LED
have recognized that they are bringing about a turning
or light-emitting diode.
point in the generation and utilization of light.
LEDs are the shooting stars of our modern illuminants.
Since Thomas Alva Edison perfected the light bulb
They are conquering the world of light, from the brand-new
around 130 years ago electric light has become a fixed
stadiums erected for the European football championship
feature of our everyday lives.
Like the air we breathe, we now take electric light for
and money is thus spent on light – without generating any
granted. The extensive part of the world that has electric-
value for the company or client. On the contrary, it actually
ity has been living and working with artificial light for so
harms the environment.
long that it no longer even thinks about it. That’s a mistake. For we’re paying a huge price for it – both economically and ecologically.
The benefits of the LED (I): energy efficiency
Accordingly, the McKinsey Company estimates that if LED
According to a study carried out by the International
lamps were used in offices and industry, there would be
Energy Agency (IEA) light consumes 20% of all electricity
an annual potential saving of €4.4 billion in the Euro­pean
generated worldwide. Depending on what type of illumi-
Union alone. With prices steadily rising for our ever di­
nant is used, huge savings can be made. By way of compar-
minishing energy reserves, more and more companies are
ison, according to the present state of the art LED lamps
realizing how important it is to invest in energy effi­ciency.
have a yield of 100 to 120 lumens per watt (lm/W) and are
And they’re not waiting for stricter environmental direc-
thus much more efficient than standard light bulbs with
tives and laws to force them to switch to more efficient
10 to 15 lm/W. As a rule, more than 80% of our electricity
lighting systems; they’re acting now.
Special: the century of illumination
ABOVE – Wilkie Edge, Singapore: light design
with 546 computer-controlled LED modules
LEFT – Tower Bridge, London: thousands of LEDs
lit up for the 2012 Olympics.
LEDs in practice: United States Cold Storage. One of
The payback period for the new lighting system is less than
these is the USA’s largest cold storage and logistics com-
fifteen months.
pany, United States Cold Storage (USCS). USCS can count
LEDs in practice: Le Meridien Hotel. Another example of
a number of renowned American food producers and in-
how lighting has been optimized using LEDs is the mod-
ternational brands among their customers. In order to
ernization of the old-established Le Meridien Hotel in
reach the ambitious efficiency and sustainability targets
Rio de Janeiro. When the hotel joined the internation-
set by USCS for its new cold warehouse in Hazleton, Penn-
al Windsor hotel chain, improving sustainability and en-
sylvania, the company’s previous electricity consumption
ergy efficiency was a top priority. The modernized hotel
was recorded and analyzed with a view to future possi-
with an area of 30,000 square meters spread out across 39
ble savings. After carefully weighing the various alterna-
floors has 545 rooms, three restaurants, a spa, two pools,
tives, the project group finally decided to install an intel-
and eight conference suites.
ligent, LED-based lighting system. The team achieved the
following results:
→→ Lighting costs cut by 90%
→→ CO₂ emissions down by 93%
→→ Additional costs for air conditioning due to heat
emitted by the lights now avoided, and
→→ Maintenance costs minimized thanks to the long
LED service lives.
In developing the lighting concept for Windsor Atlântica, as the hotel is now called, the prime concern was to
use products that not only provided enough light but
also considerably reduced costs for maintenance and the
amount of electricity used. The answer was to replace all
of the 40-W light bulbs previously used with efficient 8-W
LEDs in a classic lamp design. The result is an energy saving of 80% – at the same level of illumination.
Good to know: types of lamps
Light yield
Service life
Startup time
Incandescent light bulb
Oldest type of electric lamp. Electricity heats a tungsten filament in a
750 –
15 lm/W
1,000 h
> 90 Ra
> 90 Ra
80 – 100 Ra
> 82 Ra
> 90 Ra
glass bulb vacuum that then glows.
Halogen lamp
Improved light bulb with a halogen gas mix in the glass bulb.
Fluorescent lamp
Inside the lamp, filled with mercury vapor at a low pressure, the gas
14 –
2,000 –
25 lm/W
4,000 h
50 –
8,000 –
105 lm/W
20,000 h
mixture is ionized (made conductive) by a high electrical charge at
two opposite electrodes. Fluorescent lamps contain toxic chemicals.
Energy-saving bulb
A compact fluorescent lamp or CFL. Here the electrodes are not
35 –
8,000 –
75 lm/W
15,000 h
opposite one another but slotted into a base in the shape of the light
fixture on the same side. CFLs contain toxic chemicals.
LED module
Light-emitting diodes can only be used for lighting purposes if they
80 –
40,000 –
120 lm/W
100,000 h
form a module on a printed circuit board. One special module is
what’s known as a retrofit lamp. It has the same shape as a traditional light bulb and can be used in existing light fittings.
lm/W = lumens per watt (light yield/efficiency); h = hours; Ra = color rendering quality, best value = 100.
In addition, the LEDs used generate practically no heat,
LEDs are now so developed that they can also cope with
thus reducing the ambient temperature and cutting
sophisticated lighting tasks, opening up completely new
down on the amount of air conditioning needed. Their
avenues in lighting design.” Wollinger specializes in creat-
ex­tremely long service life of 25,000 hours also means a
ing individual lighting effects for TV and film productions –
much lower expenditure for maintenance.
the atmosphere that ensures that not all colors agree in
The benefits of the LED (II):
multiple design options
the dark. He’s now being consulted by architects wanting
to create certain effects with light in single rooms or entire buildings. “Brand-specific light design” is the term ex-
Just ten years ago we were only familiar with LEDs as tiny
perts give to lighting that accentuates the appearance of
light sources for electronic displays. “In an extremely rapid
a building and communicates the brand identity as a cor-
development these miniature bulbs have practically dou-
porate message. At Wilkie Edge, a commercial complex
bled what they can do every two years,” enthuses Munich
in Singapore, brothers Jan and Tim Edler have created a
light designer Josef Maximilian Wollinger. “High-quality
symbiotic link between the billboards already integrated
Special: the century of illumination
Information and contacts
Nimbus Group
realities:united Jan Edler
Josef Maximilian Wollinger
Fraunhofer IAO
GE Deutschland
Peter Andres
Bartenbach Lichtlabor
into the façade and the actual architecture of the building. The effect they call the Architectural Advertising Amplifier (AAMP) is a constantly changing media installation
on the façade.
A matrix made up of 546 colored, computer-con-
The Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg: a building
within a building with over 160,000 LEDs
trolled LED modules transforms the entire glass front of
the office block into an irregularly shaped screen which
emulates the content of the billboard like a collage. Installed in the outer layer of the twin-walled exterior, every
single LED module projects a colored square onto the inner layer of the façade. The sunshades outside the office
windows act as a projection surface. In the evening when
people leave the office, motion sensors give the signal to
close the blinds. Step by step an area of over 800 square
as a building within a building. This is lit exclusively by LED
meters is turned into a giant, low-resolution screen. The il-
modules designed by Stuttgart lighting manufacturer
luminated square windows of the offices still in use punc-
Nimbus in collaboration with Behnisch Architekten.
tuate the digital image and let people see what’s going
Depending on requirements over 160,000 LEDs in
on inside. There is thus a dynamic interaction between the
380 quadratic lighting modules either fill the individual
architecture, use, and medium of the building, creating a
offices with an intense working light or shed weak light
choreography of light.
on certain areas to mark the way. Areas in which no one
Jan Edler sees a temporary link between art, architec-
is working simply remain dark. “The building is lit with the
ture, and advertising in his installation. “Perhaps AAMP
utmost energy efficiency, as only the luminous intensity
can contribute to the current discussion on the use of
actually required is provided," explains managing director
large-scale advertising as an undeniable part of today’s
of the Nimbus Group Dietrich Brennenstuhl.
urban reality,” he says.
Lighting can emphasize existing structures while dis-
The benefits of the LED (III): lighting quality
playing a sophisticated quality of its own, as the first build-
Light and color greatly affect how we feel. “The way in
ing in the world that has been lit entirely by LEDs since
which we have developed means that daylight makes us
2007 proves. The Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg has
more active, yet staring into a camp fire calms us down,”
been at the center of the city’s commercial activities for a
says lighting expert Wollinger. He believes that qual­
good 340 years. When the Chamber was restructured in
ity LEDs can cover this spectrum very well. “They can be
keeping with the guidelines for the preservation of his-
used in many different ways in totally diverse areas of
toric monuments, the planners included a new complex
Example calculation:
LEDs in corridors
Unlike light therapy used in medicine, the effects of ad-
Even when used in standard lighting situations, with their high lu-
equate lighting at work – either in the office, production
minous quality and efficient technology LED systems are convincing.
shop, conference hall, or cafeteria – are largely unknown.
This example shows that the slightly higher cost of investment soon
Yet it’s here that companies can exploit what is perhaps
pays off. It compares the downlighting in a corridor 20 meters long;
the greatest potential.
the downlights are fitted with CFLs (4 x 26 W) and LEDs (26 W). The
Markus Canazei, who researches the effects of light
at the famous Bartenbach LichtLabor in Aldrans in Aus-
calculation is based on ten years of operation twelve hours a day on
250 days of the year at a rate of €0.21 per kilowatt hour.
tria, thus began investigating the question of whether the
lighting concept in a production shop could increase employees’ sense of wellbeing and therefore also productivity. A one-year field study at Flextronics in Althofen, Aus-
Cost in euros
tria, proved that during months with little light personnel
showed fewer symptoms of stress and slept better when
lighting conditions were improved. Productivity also rose
by up to 5.4%.
Continuing this line of study, researchers at the
Fraunhofer IAO Institute in Stuttgart have in their LightFusionLab a facility where they can build and assess prototypes of new lighting systems. One of the ideas investigated here is the effect of dynamic LED illumination at the
Break-even point
office workplace. One example of this is Virtual Sky, a new
kind of ceiling lighting that mimics the rhythm of daylight
or of clouds passing across a blue sky. A study carried out
Years of operation
in conjunction with the Transfer Center for Neuroscience
and Learning (ZNL) in Ulm shows that user acceptance is
considerably higher in workplaces with an individual, dy-
namic form of lighting than in those with conventional,
static light. The first companies have already submitted
requests for the new Virtual Sky, chiefly for their confer-
Total cost of the system in euros
ence rooms.
The benefits of the LED (IV): future potential
LEDs provide fascinating new possible spheres of application that until recently were inconceivable. Even Peter An-
dres, light designer of the year 2012, promotes the pos-
itive effects for society and the economy. “Light has an
immediate effect. The aim is to make people feel good
wherever they are. Can I concentrate in my office, do I like
shopping at a mall, do I keep calm in a hectic airport, or
can I relax in a lounge? If I can be put in a suitable mood,
then the planning has been successful. Experience is im-
with CFLs
portant here but even more so is the willingness to try out
with LEDs
new technical setups.” The people of London at least, otherwise so attached to their traditions, have built a bridge
Initial investment (price for four lights)
to the future of lighting as we know it.
Operating costs (over ten years of operation)
Maintenance costs
Horst Kern/Jürgen Jacobs
In-house news
We look forward to seeing you!
Visit KHS at Brau Beviale 2012
in Hall 5,
Booth 127
KHS at
Brau Beviale
Best Value: competitive advantages
Once again visitors to Brau Beviale (November 13–15 in Nuremberg, Germany) can look forward to a number of innovative developments from KHS. This year the focus will be on A) the
new Innofill Glass Micro filler for medium-sized companies, and B) its new labeling technology conceived as a system of modules. In answer to the great demand last year, the experts
from KHS will also be providing detailed advice on C) the many possible upgrades available
for KHS lines and machines. Come and see us, and secure a number of competitive advan­tages
for your company!
→→ Outputs of 6,000–25,000 0.1 to 3.0-liter glass bottles per hour
→→ Specially developed for the medium-sized brewing and soft drinks industries (special version for wine,
sparkling wine, and spirits bottlers)
→→ M
any components taken from the high-capacity range
→→ Low oxygen beer filling with an extremely low CO₂ consumption
→→ Computer-controlled, single-chamber DPG-ZMS filling system provides the best hygienic conditions
→→ Twin-valve control in use for the first time makes every second gas cylinder and various electronic
components redundant
→→ Compact valve manifold takes up 50% less space.
→→ F
lexibility, individuality, process quality, reliability, operator friendliness, and a space-saving design
→→ Various labeling techniques integrated into one machine (cold glue, adhesive-pressure,
hot melt, and roll-fed labeling)
→→ C
apacity of 10,000–72,000 containers per hour
→→ For glass and plastic containers and cans containing from 0.1 to 3.0 liters
→→ Base machine consists of just a carousel and front table (former wide table construction
now redundant)
→→ H
as excellent accessibility and is quick and easy to clean
→→ Belt drives, mechanically controlled cam rotation, or VarioDrive possible.
→→ Full service package customers can profit from throughout the entire life cycle of their lines and
→→ Various upgrades right across the board of KHS’ expertise
→→ Many enhancements possible, from the processing of new bottles and packaging through
innovative filling processes, increased line and machine efficiency, improved hygiene,
and more environmentally friendliness to simplified operating concepts
→→ Original KHS spare parts are matched to each system.
In-house news
The KHS booth at Fispal 2012: over 600 guests
came to the anniversary.
50 years of KHS Brazil
Festival brasileiro
he success story spanning half a cen­
bottles hit the Latin-American market; and
beverage segments and the food and non-
tury began in 1962 (the Beatles were
in 1996 the factory was granted its ISO 9001
food industries.
just starting to conquer the world with their
certification. And throughout all this time
The number of visitors who accept-
music) when a partnership for automatic fill-
the product portfolio has been constantly
ed KHS Brazil’s invitation to its 50th birth-
ing systems was formed with Nashold S/A In-
adapted to meet the changing demands of
day party at this year’s FISPAL in São Paulo
dustria de Maquinas in Brazil. In June 2012
the market. KHS GmbH is seen as being a reli-
from 12–15 June was accordingly high.
(the lads from Liverpool have gone down in
able partner by a broad customer base across
Around 600 guests from many countries in
the annals of music history) KHS Brazil cele-
Latin America, one reason being that it re-
Latin America seized the opportunity to con-
brated its 50th anniversary. At its site in São
mained active in the country during Brazil’s
gratulate the management of KHS and their
Paulo measuring over 40,000 square meters
economic crisis.
employees and announce that they were
in area (or almost ten soccer fields) and em-
looking forward to continuing a trusting
ploying 400 people, the KHS factory chief-
High market share
ly manufactures products used in its filling,
KHS’ market share of filling and packag-
The managing directors of KHS Brazil, Al-
rinsing, process, and conveying technology.
ing technology for the beverage sector in
cides Vieira, Roberto Giampietro, Franz Beis-
Together with the other KHS plants active
Brazil is now at an impressive 35%, with
sel, and Fernando Manente, were thus op-
worldwide, it supplies local customers with
this figure at 30% for South America as a
timistic about the next few years. All expert
complete systems and a full range of services.
whole. The economic mainstay is and al-
forecasts for Brazil and the Latin-American
Several milestones have marked the way
ways has been the brewing industry, which
market also see the consumption of bever-
over the past 50 years. In 1974 all activities
accounts for 40% of sales. This is followed
ages growing. A particularly strong increase
were moved to a new site; in 1975 exports
by the soft drinks segment with 35% and
is expected for water, carbonated soft drinks,
to other countries in Latin America began;
the fruit juice business with 10%. The re-
and non-alcoholic beverages, such as health
in 1990 filling machines for returnable PET
maining 15% of sales is realized in other
and energy drinks.
CBE in China
Trade show review
New at KHS Corpoplast
Equipment Company Limited is currently
focal points were the Innofill Glass platform
tions were laid for the new 2,500 square-­meter
starting up. This is where CBE is to be manu­
recently developed by KHS and the innovative
hall, with production scheduled to start this
facturing machines powered by KHS in the
Innopro ECOSTAB beer stabilizer. While visi-
year. The company desperately needs the ex-
new AQUABLOC series that is specially tai-
tors in the high-performance bottling trade
tra space, as the growing demand worldwide
lored to the needs of Asian customers who
were primarily attracted to the Innofill Glass,
for the InnoPET Blomax Series IV stretch blow
bottle water in PET at low to medium capacity.
the Innopro ECOSTAB was of great interest to
molder recently developed by KHS Corpoplast
KHS expects great potential for the future,
medium-sized companies. As a reminder, the
has noticeably increased, keeping the order
particularly in the continuously growing wa-
Innofill Glass is heralding a new dawn of fill-
books full to bursting over the past business
ter market in Asia. Professor Dr.-Ing. Matthias
ing technology by providing even better fill-
year. By the year 2015 KHS Corpoplast aims to
Niemeyer, the CEO/CTO of KHS, summarizes.
ing quality and potential for considerable
double its 2011 production capacity through
“The new Suzhou site will meet the specific re-
reductions in cost. The Innopro ECOSTAB is
further investment.
quirements of the Asian PET market, which is
revolutionizing regenerative beer stabiliza-
showing above-average growth. At the same
tion, particularly for small and medium-sized
time, both sides will benefit from proximity to
companies with beer outputs of 400,000
the customer and short transport distances.”
hecto­liters per year or less.
ood luck! These wishes are addressed
to the new production site in Suzhou in
China, which CBE or Corpoplast Beverage
hings were busy at the KHS booth at
EXPO PACK 2012 in Mexico City, held be-
tween June 26 and 29. This year the definitive
he new production shop for KHS Corpoplast in Hamburg, Germany, is nearing
completion very fast. This April the founda-
KHS Press Circle
hen you should usually exercise caution!
glean information on the latest in final packag-
As we all know, the writing profession has
ing. The Executive Management Board of KHS
its ways of gaining information. But this time
presented technical innovations, shed light on
things were different. On the occasion of the
the development of the company, revealed its
annual KHS Press Circle the management of
sales successes, explained developments within
KHS issued an invitation to its production site in
the production network, and answered all the
Kleve, Germany. Here and at Bavaria Brewery in
questions those present wished to ask. The
nearby Lieshout in the Netherlands, a loyal KHS
journalists’ unanimous verdict was that it was
customer since 1987 with a wide range of KHS
“a very interesting event which left nothing to
filling and packaging technology in operation,
be desired as far as information is concerned.”
members of the press in the beverage, pack-
This is the kind of journalistic praise you can
aging, and food industries could quite openly
accept without any misgivings …
The new production shop at KHS Corpoplast
is as big as half a soccer field.
In-house news
50 years at KHS
a member of the KHS works council since
Helmut Weber!
1984, acting as its chairman for the last 25
years. Anniversaries like these are thus major
events. Says Weber, “It’s rather unusual in our
day and age to celebrate 50 years working for
the same company. When I look back, I made
the right decision in staying loyal to KHS all
his is a very special anniversary indeed:
these years.”
this year Helmut Weber, works council
In his eulogy Professor Dr.-Ing. Matthias
chairman at KHS GmbH and employee repre-
Niemeyer, the KHS CEO/CTO, emphasized,
sentative on the Supervisory Board at Salzgit-
“Friedrich Nietzsche once said ‘A profession is
ter AG, is celebrating 50 years of working for
the backbone of life.’ This quote suits Mr. We-
KHS. Always active, Mr. Weber took up his oc-
ber very well, as he has always been commit-
cupation as an apprentice mechanic in 1962,
ted to the wellbeing of our personnel yet has
then working for many years as a machinist
always just as clearly kept the survival of the
at the assembly plant and in filler construc-
company in his sights. And for that I would
tion in Dortmund. Helmut Weber has been
like to sincerely thank him.”
A very special anniversary (from left to right):
Anke Fischer, CFO/CHRO, Helmut Weber,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Niemeyer, CEO/CTO,
and Marc Hartmann, COO.
Awards for KHS competence
Award-winning ceremony in Berlin:
KHS competence is presented with the silver
Best of Corporate Publishing Award
in the Industry category.
ssue 2/2011 of KHS competence has been
thinkers at various agencies and compa-
given top ratings by various communica-
nies also gave KHS competence the SILVER
tions experts of renown no less than three
FOX AWARD for “extraordinary efficiency
times. At the FOX AWARDS, the first award
in development, range and quality of distri-
for efficiency in corporate publishing, the
bution, lead generation, sales impulse, and
magazine was presented with the special
brand conformity”. The overall impression –
FOX VISUALS prize for customer and em­
the pleasure and curiosity generated in using
ployee magazines. The Corporate Communi-
such media – also influences the total num-
cation Institute or CCI of the Faculty of Design
ber of points.
at Münster University of Applied Sciences as-
And finally, KHS’ customer magazine
sesses visual anchors in print media according
won a BCP silver at the Best of Corporate Pub-
to 50 different criteria which include layout,
lishing Award in the Industry category. With
the use of typography, and graphic language.
over 600 publications submitted, BCP is the
The institute also evaluates the business re-
largest corporate publishing competition in
ports issued by Germany companies for the
Europe. Since 2003 Forum Corporate Publish-
annual manager magazine competition.
ing (FCP) has been awarding the BCP to the
Out of 173 submitted media, a topnotch jury made up of scientists and practical
best company publications issued in the German-speaking parts of the world.
KHS employee was part of the Games
KHS competence
KHS GmbH, Dortmund, Germany
KHS: Matthias Damm, Manfred Rückstein; Friederike Arndt, Bonn; jj-media, Cologne;
Markenkern GmbH, Munich
HS took an active part in this year’s Olym-
Konzeption +Design, Quass von Deyen / Schneider / Voss, Cologne
pic Games in London. Farzad Tarash,
project manager at KHS Asia/Pacific in Melbourne, entered the Men’s 60 kg Freestyle
Wrestling and reached the 1/8 finals. Tarash is
the only wrestler in Australia who was able to
qualify for this discipline. The likeable sportsman says, “Taking part in the Olympic Games
has always been my goal. Looking back, the
strenuous training over the past few years has
more than paid off.” Farzad Tarash was born
into a family of wrestlers; his father was one
of the top wrestlers in his native country of
Iran. Incidentally, Mehrdad Tarash, Farzad’s
brother, only narrowly missed taking part in
the Olympics this year.
Michael Beier, Michael Beisel, Volker Borngräber, Alexander Burenin, Ludwig Clüsserath,
Kecheng Ding, Werner Gessner, Katrin Goldhahn, Karl-Heinz Klumpe, Andreas Krieg,
Herman Miseur, Stefan Muhs, Edgar-George Petsche, Ralph Pohl, Christopher Stuhlmann,
Tung Minh Tuan, Lothar Wilhelm, Armin Wille
The German version of the magazine has been translated into English, French, and Spanish by
Fachübersetzungen CP MacKusick
Photos illustrations
Timo Beylemans; Brouwerij Haacht; Foto Gronauer; GE Deutschland; Cornelis Gollhardt;
JSC ›Georgian Beer Company‹; Sylvia Niggeloh; Nimbus-Group; realities:united, Berlin;
Frank Reinhold; Jörg Schwalfenberg, shutterstock (Thampapon); Spendrups Bryggeri
This information is non-binding. Only the technical specifications of our quotes are
determinative with regard to design and scope of delivery. Subject to design modifications.
KHS Competence is published in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian.
Those interested can order further copies of the magazine at
KHS on YouTube
HS technology and engineering is now
featured in moving pictures on YouTube.
Those who access the KHS YouTube site can
gain an immediate impression of how KHS’
innovative, customized systems are imple­
mented in practice. All films also include brief,
user-oriented descriptions. With its own YouTube channel KHS is taking the important
step of embracing the social media network,
Juchostrasse 20
44143 Dortmund, Germany
Phone: +49 (231) 569-0
+49 (231) 569-1541
KHS Corpoplast GmbH
Meiendorfer Strasse 203
22145 Hamburg, Germany
Phone:+49 (40) 67907-0
Fax: +49 (40) 67907-100
Planiger Strasse 139 –147
55543 Bad Kreuznach, Germany
Phone: +49 (671) 852-0
+49 (671) 852-2411
KHS Plasmax GmbH
Meiendorfer Strasse 203
22145 Hamburg, Germany
Phone:+49 (40) 67907-364
Fax: +49 (40) 67907-353
Enzingerstrasse 139
67551 Worms, Germany
Phone: +49 (6247) 97-0
+49 (6247) 97-3300
Unit 6, Monkspath Business Park,
Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull
West Midlands B90 4NY,
Great Britain
Phone:+44 (121) 713-6900
Fax: +44 (121) 713-6935
Ruwoldtweg 14
22309 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (40) 63703-0
+49 (40) 63703-36150
Boschstrasse 1–3
47533 Kleve, Germany
Phone: +49 (2821) 503-0
+49 (2821) 503-503
880 Bahcall Court
Waukesha, WI 53186, USA
Phone:+1 (262) 797-7200
Fax: +1 (262) 797-0025
5501 N. Washington Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34243, USA
Phone:+1 (941) 359-4000
Fax: +1 (941) 359-4043
thus extending its online media presence, and
providing a virtual forum for all of its product
and company videos.
KHS Pacific Pty. Ltd.
P.O. Box 378
1–3 Freight Road
Tullamarine, Vic. 3043, Australia
Phone:+61 (393) 35-1211
Fax: +61 (393) 35-1331
KHS Asia Pte. Ltd.
199597 Singapore
Phone:+65 (6560) 9313
Fax: +65 (6560) 9910
KHS Machinery Pvt. Ltd.
Near Hirapur Chowkadi,
Vatva - Mehmdabad Highway
382435 Ahmedabad
Gujarat, India
Phone:+91 (79) 66100000
Fax: +91 (79) 66100010
30 1992-01-997/2 1012 DR