
89 Fletcher Street
Kennebunk, ME 04043
Telephone: 207-985-1110
Web address:
February/March 2015
A Note from the P rincipal
We look forward to seeing you at parent teacher conferences on March 11 (3:00 – 5:30 PM) and March 12 (3:00 – 8:00
PM). These conferences will provide you with an opportunity to meet with your son’s or daughter’s current teachers prior
to course registration for next year. They can give you guidance in terms of the courses and/or levels that will benefit
your student during the 2015-2016 school year. Once again, we will use the on-line sign-up procedure, which has worked
so well in the past. The process for signing up for these conferences is explained later in this newsletter.
Although we are in the midst of a cold and snowy winter, spring is on the horizon. And with spring will come events to
celebrate student and teacher achievements. From “Fiddler on the Roof” to the Art Exhibit, Winter Sports’ Awards, and
Spirit Week, the KHS community will once again gather together for valued traditions. The exact dates and times of these
events can be found on the school’s calendar at
Kennebunk High School students have excelled in a variety of ways during recent months. They have been recognized
with awards in robotics, girls’ swimming, debate and Model UN. The KHS Visual Arts Department received word recently
that a number of our students are receiving Scholastic Arts Awards. More details about these awards and the participants
are included in this newsletter.
The Kennebunk High School faculty and staff continue to maintain high academic standards for all students and support
those students by providing extra help before, during, and after school, as well as through guided study halls. The
learning center for all students thrives under the direction of Mrs. Kimball and Mrs. Mooney, and KHS PM offers another
option for extra help. The guidance counselors are meeting with freshmen in small groups this year to talk about making
the most of their high school experiences. We are especially grateful for the academic support offered by coaches under
the leadership of our Athletic Director, Joseph Schwartzman. The efforts of Assistant Principals, Mr. Lewia and Mr.
Sullivan, to help students find appropriate pathways to graduation has not gone unnoticed.
We are pleased to announce that we will once again offer two York County Community College classes on the KHS campus
during the fall semester. Interested juniors and seniors will be able to enroll in U.S. History, and seniors will have the
option of enrolling in English 101. These courses will be offered after school at a minimal cost to students and will provide
dual credit meaning that the courses will count at KHS and will be transferrable to many colleges. An AP Physics class is
being added to enhance our STEM program, and multiple sections of the semester class in financial literacy will be
available for juniors and seniors to meet increased demands for the course.
We appreciate the support that we receive from parents and the greater community. Please continue to stay involved to
help us provide the best possible educational experience for each of our students.
Susan Cressey, Principal
2015-2016 Course Registration
We have begun the process of registering for courses for the upcoming academic year 2015-2016. On Monday, March 2
and Tuesday, March 3 guidance counselors will visit Social Studies classes to present an overview of course selections and
registration. Counselors will stress to students the importance of their being actively involved in this process which takes
place throughout the month of March.
All students will receive a “future planning” sheet to outline their high school plan. To assist students in grades 10 and 11
with their course selections, counselors will distribute copies of transcripts to students. Students should review these
documents to assess their current status, in regard to credit earned and/or needed for graduation.
Over a period of several weeks, students will receive academic counseling from advisors, classroom teachers, guidance
counselors, and administrators. Each department has created an on-line video to describe the various courses of study
that they offer. These videos will be posted on the KHS website. For course descriptions and pre-requisites, students
should review the Program of Studies which will also be posted online on the KHS website after February vacation.
Students must make thoughtfully planned decisions so we can provide them with a master schedule that reflects the true
needs of our students.
On February 26th the Biddeford Regional Center of Technology will present its offerings to sophomores and juniors. From
March 9th - 20th, classroom teachers will discuss the courses that their particular department offers. This is a great time for
students to ask clarifying questions about the various courses available to them.
March 16th-20th, students will complete the course registration worksheet and obtain teacher recommendations and
The PowerSchool registration portal will be open March 23rd -27th and all 9th, 10th and 11th grade students will input their
course selections during Advisory.
P arent-Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held at Kennebunk High School on Wednesday, March 11 from 3:00 - 5:30 PM
and on Thursday, March 12 from 3:00 - 8:00 PM.
We are again utilizing our on-line scheduling system where you, as parents or guardians, will be able to schedule your own
conference times. We are suggesting that you schedule appointments with up to four teachers. The easy to follow, stepby-step instructions are below.
If you have any questions or are in need of assistance in scheduling your conferences please do not hesitate to call Mary
Emmons in the main office, 985-1110, ext. 213.
The Parent Conference Scheduling Portal will open on Tuesday, February 24.
1. Go to
2. It is important to know who your student’s teachers are. You can refer to PowerSchool for current grades and
3. Carefully read the notice on the opening page.
4. Scroll down the page to find the teacher with whom you would like to schedule a conference. Click on the teacher name
to start the scheduler.
5. In the resulting page available times are indicated in blue. Unavailable times are marked with an X. Click on the
available time you would like to schedule keeping at least 10 minutes between appointments for travel time as well as
part-time teacher availability (see below).
Bonnie Bushnell
John DeSimone
Lisa Farrell
Martha Foley
Mary Kimball
3:00 – 6:30
3:00 – 4:30
3:00 - 6:30
3:00 – 6:30
3:00 – 6:30
Melissa Luetje
Jen Mooney
Valerie Reid
Anne Rodier
Linda Ruskoski
3:00 – 6:30
3:00 – 6:30
3:00 – 6:30
3:00 – 6:30
3:00 – 6:30
6. Please fill out fields labeled, Your Name, Student’s Name, and Your Email. Enter the confirmation code in the Enter Text
field. Choose Confirm Booking when you are finished. You will repeat this process for each teacher you wish to schedule.
7. You will see a confirmation page of your appointment. You will also receive an email notification of the appointment (as
well as a reminder email one day prior to the event). If you would like to schedule another event, click the here link on the
confirmation page. If you have completed scheduling your appointments you are all set.
8. Refer back to your email account for sent confirmations.
Pictures from last spring's prom are needed. These may include those taken before, during and after the prom by
parents. Yearbook also needs pictures of all students in the summer at their jobs or just hanging out with their
friends. Finally, pictures of seniors are needed for the Throwback section; these are photos of seniors when they were in
grade school through middle school.
This is the opportunity for parents to help with this year's yearbook! Please email digital pictures to
or send real pictures to him at school. He will scan the pictures in and get them right back to parents and/or students.
College N ew s
Congratulations to Alyssa Weigle, who has been offered an athletic scholarship to play D-II soccer for New York Institute
of Technology (NYIT) located in Old Westbury on Long Island.
L-R: KHS Athletic Director Joe Schwartzman; Alyssa Weigle’s father, Darrin Weigle; Weigle’s mother, Lisa Weigle;
Alyssa Weigle; and KHS girls’ soccer coach, John Dolan.
M odel United Nations
The following students received awards at the Model U.N. Conference at MIT during the weekend of February 6th:
Best Delegates: Caleb Eickmann and Jansen Manahan
Outstanding Delegate: Kaitlyn Anderson
Honorable Mention: Will Blastos
K HS Debate Team
Junior Beth Carroll placed 6th in the House at the Maine State Debate Championships at Lewiston High School on
Saturday, February 7th.
K HS Girls’ Sw im Team
The KHS girls' swim team won the South Southwestern Championship on Saturday, February 7. Marshall Lowery came
in first place in the 200 IM and the 100 Backstroke; Olivia Hammer-Grant was first in the 200 free; and the KHS team
of Olivia Hammer-Grant, Britta Brown, Fiona Harms, and Marshall Lowery won the 400 FR. On Tuesday,
February 17, they placed third at states. Congratulations to Marshall Lowery, Class A State Champion, in the 200 IM
and 100 Backstroke.
K HS R obotics Team
The KHS Robotics Team won the "Think Award" for their engineering notebook in the design process. Their engineering
notebook focused on the design and build stages of the robot and exemplified their journey as student engineers.
Although most of the students are in their first year of robotics, they have exceeded expectations with three awards this
Left to Right: Daniel Shipman, Taylor Rossics, Cameron Munro, Ryan McNeilly, Monica Powers
Ex citing New s from the K HS Visual Arts Departm ent
Scholastic Arts Awards 2015
The Kennebunk High School Art Department is proud of all our students who submitted work into the Regional Scholastic
Arts Awards Competition. The following students from Kennebunk High School earned recognition from Scholastic Arts!
The Award Ceremony was February 14th at Maine College of Art.
Nominated for American Visions Award
Gabrielle White, Grade 11: Jewelry –“Mixed Metal Cuff Bracelet”
Gold Key Awards
Gold Key winners are entered into the National Scholastic Arts competition!
Gabrielle White, Grade 11: Jewelry- “Mixed Metal Cuff Bracelet”
Will Bayha, Grade 9: Photography- “Slot Canyon”
Silver Key Awards
Stephanie Ayotte, Grade 11: Drawing –“A Forbidden Connection”
Chloe Leonard, Grade 9: Photography – “Self Portrait”
Leah Payne, Grade 10: Drawing –“I know My Lipstick’s Here”
Honorable Mention Awards
Katie Bauld, Grade 12: Drawing- “Candy Observation”
Will Bayha, Grade 9: Photography- “Anole”
Will Bayha, Grade 9: Photography- “Tropical Sunset”
Chloe Leonard, Grade 9: Digital Art – “Take Me Home”
Chloe Leonard, Grade 9: Photography – “Bring on the Night”
Leah Payne, Grade 10: Painting “A Painting of Paint”
Leah Payne, Grade 10 –Painting “Life’s Too Short to Make your Bed”
Please check out the links below to see all award-winning artwork especially our KHS Students, on MECA's website. There
are online galleries for all recognized winners; Honorable Mention, Silver Key and Gold Key.
Gold Key:
Silver Key:
Honorable Mentions:
MLTI Screen Saver Challenge
We are very proud of the many students who submitted work to the MLTI Screensaver contest. The artwork of two of our
KHS students was selected!
Student Name: Carlyn Davis
Title: “In A "Perfect" World”
Grade: 9 Medium: Digital Art
Student Name: Will Blastos
Title: “An Eye for An Eye”
Grade: 9 Medium: Digital Art
K ennebunk High School Annual Student Art Show
Thursday March 5
5-7 PM
In the Art Wing of KHS
This art show is an all-inclusive show and proudly show cases artw ork from all art classes taught at
K ennebunk High School. Refreshm ents w ill be served. W e hope you can join us!
VP A Boosters N eed Your Help!
The Visual & Performing Arts Boosters are in need of assistance with concessions for the upcoming musical "Fiddler on the
Roof". Cases of water are especially needed. Our cast, crew and audience need to stay hydrated! You can bring cases of
water to the main office with a sign that states "Musical" on them. Show dates are listed below. Thank you for your help.
Fiddler on the R oof
• Feb. 27, 28 & March 6, 7 @ 7PM
• March 1 & 8 @ 2:00PM
• Alexander Economos Auditorium
• All tickets are $9
• Online ticket reservations are available at or you can follow the link HERE.
• If you have questions about the musical, please call 985-1110
ext. 3141.
K enne-Funk Jazz Band
On Feb. 10, the Kenne-Funk Jazz Band traveled to York HS to
compete in the District 1 Jazz Festival. The ensemble performed
three numbers for this festival: "Shiny Stockings," "My Funny
Valentine," and "Birdland." The twenty-member group was
adjudicated by two professional judges on their artistic and technical
merit. This is the third year they have competed in this festival and
this year was their highest score point away from a Gold
level rating!
Gold rated solos were awarded to:
Hunter Nelson, trumpet
Jett Tachibana, alto sax
Tim Moyer, alto sax
Isaac Vaccaro, tenor sax
David Behrens, percussion
Best of luck to Kenne-Funk as they travel to South Portland High
School for the state competition on March 13 & 14!
District I M usic Festival
On Jan. 23, twenty-one musicians represented KHS at the
District 1 Music Festival at Noble High School. These students
auditioned for slots in various musical ensembles and were
selected based on their performance. Although the concert was
snowed out, the high school musicians had a wonderful one-day
festival experience.
Row 1 L-R: Sienna Roberge, Allie Morgan, Lucas Deely,
Gabe Vesenka, Maia Mulcahy, Nathan Ladd
Row 2 L-R: Rosie Crimp, Liesl Quigley, Emily McPike,
Caleb Eickmann, Zanna Spinney, Tim Moyer, Erin
Harrington, Piper Kingston, Ellie Spinney, Shae
Kingston, Sara Mallory, Beth Carroll, Ben Walker-Dubay,
Mackenzie Lewia, David Behrens
"P ennies for P atients"
KHS will be participating in the "Pennies for Patients" fundraiser through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society from
February 23- March 13. Our goal is to raise $2,000 for the fundraiser. Students can donate through their advisories,
but donations may also be made online for KHS HERE.
W inter Sports Aw ards N ight
The 2014-2015 Winter Sports Awards Night will be held on Wednesday, March 11th, 6:30 PM. This is a CHANGE from
March 10th.
Am erican R ed Cross Blood Drive
The KHS Student Council is sponsoring an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday March 11th, in Gym A. We
are looking for at least 100 students/faculty members to participate in this event. Donors must be 17 years of age or older
or 16 with parental consent. In addition to donors, we will also need volunteers. Your blood can help save the lives of
people in need!
New s from the Guidance Departm ent
9th Grade Students
During December and January, the guidance counselors met with freshmen in small groups during advisory times to talk
about making the most of their high school experience. Please continue to encourage your student to make an individual
appointment with his/her counselor prior to the end of the school year. Counselors are looking forward to getting to know
10th Grade Students
On Thursday, February 26th, representatives from Biddeford Regional Center of Technology will come to KHS to
present information on programs available to all incoming juniors. Interested students can pick up application materials
that day. Sophomores are encouraged to talk to their counselor and consider their options for courses and pathways while
at KHS, as well as career and college exploration. Sophomores will be meeting in small groups with their guidance
counselors later this spring to be introduced to various college and career exploration tools.
11th Grade Students
All juniors took the Accuplacer exam at KHS on February 4th. Students will receive score reports in March. This test
assesses college readiness in math and English and will be useful for any student seeking to enroll in dual enrollment
community college courses next year. In addition, the results will help guide students in their selection of senior year
courses at KHS.
On Thursday, February 26th, representatives from Biddeford Regional Center of Technology will come to KHS to
present information on programs available to incoming juniors. Any interested seniors should attend this presentation in
the auditorium during advisory. Application materials will be available at this session.
Any junior who is considering applying to four-year colleges is encouraged to take either the SAT or ACT
test this spring, and to take it again in the fall. Information about registering for these tests was sent home
recently in a separate mailing to parents of juniors. In order to prepare for the SAT test, we encourage
students to use their PSAT score reports and booklets to help prepare for the upcoming testing. The website offers students free test preparation.
Counselors have been meeting with juniors and their parents to begin the process of post-secondary planning. If you
would like to schedule a meeting, please contact the Guidance Office. In addition to these individual meetings, the
counselors will be meeting with juniors in small groups during advisory in late February and March to talk about postsecondary research and planning. On Friday, May 1st, there is a NEACAC College Fair at Thornton Academy where
students can meet with college admission representatives. Students will be given an opportunity to sign up for this event
through the Guidance Department.
12th Grade Students
Please continue discussions with your guidance counselor regarding post-secondary planning and continue to notify your
counselor of your responses from colleges. The local scholarship packet will be distributed to all seniors during advisory the
first week of April. Completed applications will be due in Guidance on Tuesday, April 28th. Please refer to the
senior memos on the RSU 21 website for additional scholarship opportunities.
Alternative Education P rogram
Boys’ alternative education would like to welcome Wyatt Zuke. Wyatt is currently a sophomore and has brought a great
work ethic to the program as well as his experience in construction. Instructor Ed Sharood looks forward to helping Wyatt
prepare for his welding vocational work next year.
Two seniors graduated in January. Austin Cole was accepted into the alternative education program in the spring
semester of his junior year with 16.5 credits; he was failing just about every class that he was taking at that point. Austin
was quickly accepted by the team and began helping out wherever he could. He had to overcome many obstacles both in
and outside of school to get himself ready to graduate. Austin learned how to communicate well with others and to
advocate for himself. He learned the strength and value of teamwork, but most of all, he learned self-control and
Austin intends to go through Southern Maine Community College’s Certificate program in the fall to become a heavy
equipment operator. In the interim, he has transitioned from part-time status to full time at the job that he has held for
close to two years. Austin has been working his way up the line in the kitchen at Sebago Brewing Company and plans to
continue there until he finishes his course work at SMCC.
The other alternative education graduate was Harry Fay. Harry was accepted into
the program in the spring semester of his sophomore year with 6.5 credits. He had
just failed everything except metalsmithing, a class where he could work with his
hands. Harry is one of the last three original members of this now two-year-old
program. He started alternative education with no idea of how it was going to go,
but he was hopeful that it would be the right fit for him. Harry quickly moved into
a leadership role; as school became fun again, his appetite for knowledge
L-R: Austin Cole and Harry Fay
Early in the program, Harry completed drivers’ education and become certified as
an open water scuba diver. In addition to learning the value of patience and
determination, Harry has acquired and fine-tuned his carpentry skills. He has
worked outside of school doing landscaping, property maintenance, and
carpentry. Harry was hired by Portland Builders and started February 2nd in the
carpentry division of their apprentice program. Austin Cole and Harry Fay are to
be congratulated for a job well done!! Both boys are career and college ready.
In other news, alternative education continues its restoration work of the administrative offices at the Seashore Trolley
Museum. Each student has assumed the role of a project manager for current and upcoming projects. They will be
responsible for overseeing all aspects of their project from start to finish. Current projects include: an all-natural
playground and human foosball course at the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust, an ADA compliant ramp for the
Kennebunk Fish and Game Clubhouse, a garden shed, and a wheelchair accessible raised bed to be constructed and
installed at the Park Street School Apartments for the Seacoast Garden Club, and an athletic shed for the boys’ and girls’
lacrosse and soccer teams at the high school.
Thank you to all the community partners for the support they continue to provide and to two KHS teachers. Health
teacher, Jill Lamontagne, has volunteered to work one block a week to talk to the boys about health areas of
interest. Bonnie Bushnell has extended her Co-op and Apprenticeship programs to both the boys’ and girls’ alternative
programs. Students will learn about financial literacy as well as a plethora of skills related to career and job placement
The alternative education program is always looking for volunteers, organizations, and community partners to share and
broaden the scope of educational opportunities for students. Anyone with ideas, concepts, or projects feel free to contact
Ed Sharood at the high school.
Senior Auction
The Project Graduation Committee met throughout the summer to plan an action- packed, engaging and safe night of
celebration for the Class of 2015. The class has been actively and successfully raising money for three years, but there is
still work to do. As you might imagine, plans being formulated for Project Graduation require a significant financial
commitment. To that end, there will be a number of fundraising events held over the next few months.
The Senior Auction, the Senior Class’ largest fundraising event of the year, is going to be held on Monday, March 9 at
6:30 pm. (Please note the snow date is Tuesday, March 10.)
Seniors are still looking to collect items and donations and need your help!
In the past,
*Business owners have donated gift certificates, services, tickets to sporting events and merchandise. We are looking for
volunteers who are willing to approach businesses to request donations
*Artists and crafters have donated jewelry, paintings and crafts
*Parents have teamed up to create gift baskets
*Parents have donated gift cards, time-share or vacation homes, tickets to sports events and made cash contributions
*Parents have volunteered on the afternoon and night of the event
Thank you to those of you who have contacted the auction committee and donated items to the auction. Strong support is
needed from each parent of the Class of 2015. Please consider your contribution to the Senior Auction today. Call or
email with any questions.
Thank you in advance,
Class of 2015 Senior Auction Committee
Melanie Shmalo
Irene Richard
Adult Education of the K ennebunks & Arundel
SAT Test Prep Seminar
High school juniors are encouraged to attend this ZAPS test-preparation session to help them achieve the best-possible
scores on their exams. Learn tips for improvement in all sub-tests, pratice strategies to eliminate incorrect answer
selections, take shortened practice tests that mirror the actual tests, reduce test anxiety and gain confidence. Late spring
2015 SAT test dates are May 2 and June 6. Register at or call 877-927-7378.
Monday, March 23 AND Tuesday, March 24, 6:45 - 9:15, two classes. Fee: $ 89.99.
Boating Safety - Sponsored by U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Learn basic seamanship and safe boating; this 8-week session is approved in all states, (NH certification is available).
Boating terms, trailering tips; techniques for launching/hauling; required safety equipment; boat handling; essential
navigation rules; the buoy system; emergency procedures; basic knots and line handling will all be covered.
8 Wednesdays starting February 25, 6:00-8:00 pm. Fee: $ 114.
Dance with your Star
No prior experience is necessary. It's an evening to learn new steps and practice old favorites; it's also great exercise.
Dance is focused on ballroom dancing and will include waltz, fox trot, and East Coast swing. You'll be ready for the next
wedding, reunion or any romantic occasion.
6 Wednesdays starting March 4, 6:30-:30. Fee: $89/couple.
W here Are They N ow ?
Please send info on recent KHS graduates to Susan Cressey at or call her at 985-1110, ext. 214.
Alec Buchina was named to the fall 2014 dean’s list at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY where he is majoring in
video/television and linguistics.
Nicola Menapace, a hospitality business major, was named to the dean’s list for the fall 2014 semester at Southern
New Hampshire University in Manchester, NH.
Matthew Upham was named to the dean’s list at Worcester Polytechnic Institute where he is majoring in Industrial
Taylor Vaughan has been called by the All Hands disaster relief program to head up and create a system to find the
missing people in Malawi, Africa. She will also be in charge of creating work crews and training them so they can start
rebuilding their villages.
Nicco DeLorenzo and Colby Kingston were named to the fall semester dean’s list at Colgate University.
Matthew Inglis was named to the dean’s list for the fall semester at Washington and Lee University in Lexington,
Jesse Larkin graduated from Husson University’s radio broadcasting program.
Emileigh Durrell, an early childhood major at Champlain College, has been named to the dean’s list for the fall
Elyse Oosterman was named to the fall semester dean’s list at The College of Saint Rose where she is majoring in
Katherine Cotton was named to the fall semester dean’s list at Nichols College where she is majoring in sport
Ben Wilson was named to the fall semester dean’s list at Bates College.
Emily Kessel, a psychology major, has been named to the fall semester dean’s list at Stonehill College.
Christopher Merriam has been named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Vermont where he is
majoring in mechanical engineering.
Nicholas Ames, Jennifer Davis, Jedd Dill, Lauren Errico, Nicholas Haritos, Leah Malitsky, Nathan Ruel,
Hannah Sirois, and William Bauld were named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Maine in Orono.
Melissa Ferris, Megan Hall, Benjamin Johnson, and Natasha Staples were named to the dean’s list for the fall
semester at the University of New England.