IT`S HIP TO CLIP - Cope Middle School


IT`S HIP TO CLIP - Cope Middle School
A Message from the Principal . . .
Greetings Cope families and students! You are holding
in your hand the Eagle Express, the best form of parent
communication that Cope Middle Sch ool has to offer. This
particularly informative newsletter is created “for parents,
by parents.” Our wonderful group of PTSA volunteers
produces this newsletter several times throughout the
year. I cannot express to you how important it is to take
the time out of your incredibly busy lives and read the
Eagle Express upon its arrival, which will coincide with
the distribution of our quarterly student report cards.
In this edition, I wish to share with you some of the ways
in which you can become involved in the Cope parent
community. We are highly fortunate to have a large,
active, and resourceful PTSA. Whether you have one hour
a week or one hour per year to donate, I encourage you
to join this active community. Becoming involved in your
child’s school can only serve to enrich their educational
experience, and keep parents connected with both the
social and academic environments that surround their
children on a daily basis.
The last Friday of (almost) every month, a large, friendly
group of parents join me for coffee and breakfast at the
PTSA-sponsored Pastry with the Principal meetings. I
encourage each of our parents to join us at least once, to
learn about the current and future happenings at Cope.
Don’t worry, I will give you a call a few days in advance to
remind you! Also, this year, our PTSA is hosting a Pastry
with the PTSA meeting on Friday, August 30. This will
be a great opportunity for you to become involved.
If you prefer joining us in an educational setting, our
PTSA sponsors four Parent Education Nights per
year here at Cope. Information regarding these Parent
Education Nights will be posted on the website and the
school calendar.
Finally, if you wish to simply lend a helping hand on
campus for student events, please review the rest of this
newsletter for further information on volunteering your
Thank you for your continued support of PTSA, and
welcome to the 2013-2014 school year!
— Kate Pearne, Principal
First Day of School (8:48 am)
6th Grade Back to School Night (6:30 pm)
(MINIMUM DAY, 12:40 Dismissal)
7th/8th Grade Back to School Night (6:30 pm)
(MINIMUM DAY, 12:40 Dismissal)
Pastry with the PTSA & Association Meeting
(9 am, Library)
NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
Parent Ed Night (6:30 pm, Library )
Pastry w/ the Principal (9 am, Staff Lounge)
& PTSA Association Meeting
MINIMUM DAY (12:40 Dismissal)
1st Quarter Report Cards &
Eagle Express Distributed to Students
Parent Ed Night (6:30 pm, Library)
Pastry w/ the Principal (9 am, Staff Lounge)
MINIMUM DAY (12:40 Dismissal)
Pizza w/the Principal &
Book Fair Open House (6:30, MPR)
14Book Fair Ends
25-29NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Recess)
NO SCHOOL (Winter Recess Begins)
Like us on Facebook!
The Cope PTSA has developed a
facebook page in order to offer another
avenue of communication with our
parent body. Stop by and like us!
Cope students are experts at collecting Box
Tops! Our first classroom competition of the
year will end on Friday, October 18. Start
clipping now! Sixth graders submit to third period teacher
and seventh and eighth graders to first period teacher.
A Message from the PTSA President on Parent Involvement...
I came to parenthood a bit later than most of my peers. Having pursued my education and career in my 20’s, I turned
to marriage and child-bearing in my 30’s. I considered myself older, wiser and a bit more cynical than the young
mothers I knew. I rolled my eyes at the thought of attending a PTA meeting, picturing a room full of Stepford Wives
or modern June Cleaver types whose great accomplishments for the day revolved around baking cookies and looking
good. I never even joined a sorority, so why would I want to subject myself to this grown-up type of peer pressure?
Fast forward a few years, and I AM older and wiser than that cynical new mom who thought she was above it all. I
never imagined that my best friends would be the mothers of my children’s classmates. I never would have predicted
how obsessed I would become with Accelerated Reader to the point that I would write the grade level, point value and
AR number in the front of every (AR) book I came across in my home or my child’s classroom. I loved going into
those elementary school classrooms to help with reading, math, collect Box Tops, hand out Mileage Club tokens or
later as (yes, PTA) treasurer, to write the checks to pay for student field trips, assemblies, family fun nights and other
student incentives.
Now at the middle school, I still love walking onto campus. Even though my son refuses to acknowledge me in front
of his friends, other kids still smile and speak to me. I value being able to recognize the teachers and staff by face as
well as name. I appreciate being informed about what is happening on campus and having the opportunity to sit in
meetings with the principals and eat pastries and ask questions. I smile when I put “PTSA” on my calendar, knowing
that while supporting school programs, I am getting to hang out with some of my favorite people. I like wearing my
Cope Eagles T-shirt. And I enjoy baking cookies and saying “Thank you” to the folks who have dedicated their careers
to protecting, educating and enriching our children. Won’t you join me?
— Beth Larivee, PTSA President
Shoparoo is a fresh new way
to raise money for Cope! No
special membership cards or
account numbers to remember! Shop
for groceries and pet products at your
favorite stores, then use your smart phone
to submit your receipt to Shoparoo.
Download the app on your smart phone or
visit for more info.
We have an awesome new assortment of
Cope spiritwear available this year!
Select from t-shirts in ladies and unisex styles,
sweatshirts, flannel pajama bottoms and more!
Just visit the website and pick your
favorite logo and style!
ptsa membership
Our annual membership drive is right around the corner! This is one of the simplest ways for you to become
involved in PTSA. As much as we need volunteers, we can’t provide our numerous PTSA-sponsored programs
and activities without funding, and it all starts with you!
Membership dues are only $10 per person, but we encourage our Cope families to consider additional donations
that will directly benefit our students. From grade level assemblies to campus improvements, PTSA vastly enhances
your child’s experience while at Cope Middle School. And you can be a part of that!
This year we are offering ALL members the opportunity to win exciting prizes, so be sure to look for membership
materials towards the end of August.
From Our New Vice Principal...
Hello Cope Eagle families! Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year. I have
already enjoyed the summer months familiarizing myself with the Cope
campus and am excited to get to know the students, parents, and staff.
A little about myself, I’m originally from the Orange County/L.A. area.
I moved and began working with the Redlands Unified School District
in 2002, at Moore Middle School. Over the last 10 years, I have worked
at Redlands East Valley High School serving as a cheerleading advisor,
English teacher (grades 9-12), Link Crew Coordinator, ASB Director and
Assistant Principal. I have two daughters who attend Cram Elementary
and my husband is the boys Athletic Director and a coach at Redlands
East Valley.
So far, I have found Cope to be an amazing place and I’m looking
forward to all my new adventures. Please feel free to visit with me as I’m
anxious to learn about Cope’s school culture and dynamics.
Go Eagles!
—Lisa Bruich, Assistant Principal
THINK Together
is an afterschool program
available to Cope students.
Space is limited.
For more information,
please call (909) 435-8797
or email
Help Wanted
Volunteering is a great way to get to
better connected with your child’s
school and feel like you are still
involved in their education, despite
their growing independence. Many
of these activities require just an
hour or two of your time once or
twice a year. Here’s an overview of
the year’s volunteer opportunities:
• Reflections (September/October)
• Book Fair (November & March)
• Read-A-Thon (February)
• Catalog Fundraiser (March/April)
• Pancake Breakfast Week (May)
• Box Tops (Ongoing)
• Campus Beautification
(Weekends, Ongoing)
• Hospitality (Ongoing)
• No Tardy Parties (Ongoing)
As you can see from this list, there
truly is something for everyone and
every schedule! If you would like
to help, please contact Volunteer
Coordinator Debbie Pry at
Reflections is a national PTA program focused on encouraging
students to explore their talents and express themselves through
dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition,
photography and visual arts. This year’s theme is “Believe, Dream,
Inspire.” Listen to the daily bulletin for more announcements
or contact for more information.
Submissions will be due at the end of September. Don’t miss your
chance to shine.
The Eagle Express is published by the Cope PTSA to provide
the parent body, staff, and students pertinent information
regarding events, activities and volunteer opportunities at Cope
Middle School. Comments, suggestions and questions are welcome and
should be submitted to Submission
does not guarantee publication. Please include a contact name and number.
E.M. Cope Middle School
1000 W. Cypress Avenue, Redlands, CA 92373
(909) 307- 5420 • (909) 307- 5436 fax •
Principal: Kate Pearne PTSA President: Beth Larivee
Eagle Express Editor: Julie Cary
Drop Off Diagram (8:15 to 8:48 am)
Cope Campus
Lane ends, please
merge with consideration
Drive Through Lane
Students should exit the car safely and use the
crosswalk to enter the school campus.
Drive Through Lane
Students should exit the car safely and use the
crosswalk to enter the school campus
Faculty, Staff & Vistor Parking
Cypress Avenue
Safe Drop Off/Pick Up Practices
Each year brings an influx of new families to Cope Middle School. We like to be sure that everyone is aware of
some simple procedures and practices to make the drop off and pick up of your student safe, simple and stressfree. Our campus opens at 8:15 am. The earlier you drop off your student, the less hectic your experience will
be. Please use the diagram above for guidelines.
School ends at 3:15 pm. If you plan on picking up your child in the school’s front parking lot, please review
the diagram below for a detailed explanation. Staff is on hand to help guide you through this process, but most
importantly, please use extreme caution while in this area. The principal will also cover these instructions at the
Back to School nights on August 28 and 29.
The crosswalk located on Cypress Avenue has a crossing guard to assist with any pedestrians crossing both
before and after school. There is also a signal to indicate when the crosswalk is in use. When driving in the area
of the school, please remember that cars must not travel through the crosswalk until it is entirely free of
pedestrians and that the speed limit is 25 miles an hour while students are present.
Pick Up Diagram (3:15 pm or later)
Cope Campus
When entering the Through
Traffic Only lane, please merge
safely and with consideration.
This is a through lane for vehicles exiting the parking lot.
Do not wait for students or pick up students while in this lane!
While waiting for your student, please stay in the south lane,
closest to Cypress. Once your student is safely in your car,
enter the Through Traffic Only lane
Faculty, Staff & Vistor Parking
Cypress Avenue