May 2007 - PHMS PTSA


May 2007 - PHMS PTSA
Perry Hall Middle School PTSA
PTSA Web site:
May 2007
In this issue:
The Stars Come Out May
Needed: Parents Willing
to Listen to Wonderful
It’s Voting Time for Perry
Hall Middle’s 2007-2008
PTSA Officers!
Free Asthma Screenings
Are Coming in May
Our Children Insert
President Bush Gives
Ports a Highway Post
Audit Committee Members Needed
PTA National Convention
and much more
PTSA Board Members
Terri Smith
1st VP:
Teri Bibeault
2nd VP:
Sharon Rogowski
John Wisniewski
Rec. Secretary:
Bonni Wittstadt
Corr. Secretary:
Kathy Case
Barb Hurn
A Message From the President
In 1984, National PTA established Teacher
Appreciation Week - the first full week in
May - to honor the dedicated men and
women who lend their passion and skills to
educating our children. This year, Teacher
Appreciation Week is May 6th through
12th. I hope everyone will take
the time to express their personal appreciation to our great
teachers right here at Perry Hall
Middle School.
Our Teacher Appreciation committee, with the aid of some students,
held a wonderful luncheon for our
teachers and staff on April 5th. Not
an easy feat to provide lunch and
entertainment for over 120 faculty,
but I understand it was great.
We are very lucky to have such wonderful
teachers, faculty and staff. Their support
goes above and beyond the classroom. Not
only can we count on our teachers to provide an excellent education for our chil-
Needed: Parents
Willing to Listen to
Wonderful Music!
Each year at the Winter and Spring
Concerts the Sunshine Committee is
looking for volunteers to help with
their projects. Recently, they have
donated more than $1500.00 to the
Johns Hopkins Pediatric Burn Unit
during the concerts. You need only
give one night or one concert series.
If you can help, please contact Diane
Gaither 410.529.4623 or Terri Smith
dren, but the PTSA relies on our teachers
to promote PTSA and activities, distribute
PTSA information, encourage student participation, and volunteer and participate in
many of our events.
The “T” in PTSA stands for
“Teacher” and they are a very
important part of our organization. I want to thank our faculty
representatives currently serving
on our board: Ms. Toni Carr, Ms.
Jackie Nelson-Becker, Ms. Karen
Hosler, and our administrative representative, Mr. Allen Zink…and
the faculty members that joined our
local unit PTSA. This year we had
76 faculty and staff join earning
PHMS PTSA a Maryland PTA
Membership Achievement Award for 20062007.
Thank you PHMS faculty and staff…you’re
The Stars Come Out
May 4th!
Like good family entertainment? Come to
the PTSA Star Search Talent Show on May
4th at 7:00 p.m. An evening of singing,
dancing, and music for only $5.00 in advance and $7.00 at the door. Tickets we be
sold during lunch.
MAY 2007
It’s Voting Time for Perry Hall Middle’s 2007-2008
PTSA Officers!
On Tuesday, May 15th, 2007 at 6:45pm, the PHMS PTSA will elect its new slate of officers, by voice vote (if no further nominations are made from the floor), for the 2007-2008 school year. We will be having a very brief General
PTSA Meeting to elect the new officers, which will occur prior to the Spring Concert. If nominations are made from
the floor, all cardholding PTSA members will be eligible to vote. The following nominations have been made and
are listed as follows.
PTSA President – Terri Smith
1st Vice President – Teri Bibeault
2nd Vice President – Sharon Rogowski
Treasurer – Dawn Puliti
Recording Secretary – Bonni Wittstadt
Corresponding Secretary – Kathy Case
Submitted by The 2006/2007 Nominating Committee:
Glenda Gilbert, Mariann Richardson (Chair), Sharon Rogowski
Free Asthma Screenings Are Coming in May
During May, adults and children with
breathing problems can find out if
they have asthma during the 11th
Annual Nationwide Asthma Screening
Program, sponsored by the American
College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). In addition to identifying people who might be at risk for
asthma, the screening program allows
those who already know they have
asthma to talk with an allergist about
their disease and learn how to keep
symptoms under control.
Allergists, working with community
physicians and allied health professionals, will conduct the free asthma
screenings at shopping malls, civic
centers, health fairs and other accessible locations throughout the country.
The screening program will also focus
on increasing awareness of asthma in
children under age 5.
As part of the screening, adults will
complete a 20-question Life Quality
(LQ) Test developed by ACAAI for the
program. Children under age 15 will
take a special test called the Kids’
Asthma Check. Another version of the
Check is available for parents of children up to age 8 to complete on their
child’s behalf. Participants also will
take a lung function test and meet
Our next PTSA Board of Directors
meeting will be on Tuesday, May 8,
2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting
with an allergist to determine if they
should seek a thorough examination
and diagnosis.
For a list of asthma screening locations and dates or to take online versions of the LQ Test and Kids’ Asthma
Check, visit the ACAAI Web site,, and click on Member
Information. Screening locations and
dates are now available at this site.
Reprinted with permission from “The
PTA Parent, April 10, 2007,” National
PTA Web site,
Article Deadline for the June/
Summer issue of the Panther Beat
is May 23, 2007. This will be the
final newsletter of this school year.
MAY 2007
PTSA Student Recognition Awards,
March 2007
PTSA Student Recognition Awards are given to Perry Hall Middle School students who have
shown outstanding achievements or efforts. Each month teachers are asked to nominate students
for this award. This month 83 students received a “red bag” award. Congratulations!
Akilah Alleyne
Tabitha Alvarez
Jezron Basbas
Sarah Bateman
Matthew Biscoe
Jordan Bowser
Dean Brooks
Catherine Butt
Brendan Callinan
Joey Carlineo
C.J. Coleman
Anna Davis
Brittany Deitrich
Allan Droter
J.P. Duic
Amanda Einsel
Brad Faulhaber
Ashley Folck
Jay Foltz
Tony Forcellese
Renee Forsythe
Benjamin Gabrielson
Justin Gallardo
Vickie Gluszcz
Danielle Goldsmith
Farheen Iqbal
Kelly Jenkins
Helena Joo
Markie Powers
Christine Priddy
Giustino Puliti
Chris Quintanilla
Zachary Rakowski
Kia Richmond
Kevin Roberts
Shykea Robinson
Adam Rutherford
Rachel Sayler
Sam Schaffer
Jessica Settan
Leroy Sharpe
Stacey Smith
Morgan Strzegowski
Hyun Suh
Conrad Sullivan
Myranda Taplette
Laura Tenbus
Nirajan Thapa
Anthony Thomas
Kenya Torsell
Erin Tyszko
Chad Uttenreither
Amanda Weber
Aaron Wilkinson
Kate Wisniewski
Shannon Joyce
Katilin Kane
Jordan Koenigsberg
Michael Koogle
Angela Kraus
Dominic LaViola
Jackie Ledwell
Nick Liberto
Diane Loegering
Zoe Martin
Ryan Maxwell
Kasey Mayfield
Erica Metheny
Elsie Mo
Paula Muturi
Ashley Nachodsky
Jon Nelson
Greg Noplos
Denise Nugyen
Jonna Nunez
Beth Olson
Ambra Palushi
Jenna Paul
Woodrow Perdue
Miguel Perzan
Michael Phair
Jacob Poetzel
Taylor Powell
Sharpening Children’s Math Skills
Over the lazy days of summer, students can forget much
of what they worked so hard to learn during the school
year. Parents can minimize this summer learning loss by
making sure their children continue to use what they’ve
learned. The following activities, suggested by faculty at
Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, can help
children practice and strengthen their math and problemsolving skills over the summer.
⇒ Track the temperature and humidity
over the summer; plot it on a chart.
⇒ When doing home improvement projects,
have your child assist with taking measurements and computing amounts of ma-
terial needed.
⇒ Challenge your child to determine the cost of gasoline
for a weekend trip.
⇒ Have your child keep a chart of how much time he or
she spends reading, watching television, doing
chores, and playing. Your child can then determine
what fraction of the day or week he or she spends on
each activity.
Reprinted with permission from the National
PTA Magazine, Our Children, “Sharpening
Children’s Math Skills,” Volume 32, April/May
2007. Page 25
MAY 2007
President Bush Gives
Ports a Highway Post
Audit Committee Members
James Ports has been appointed deputy administrator of
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration by
President Bush.
In accordance with the Bylaws, we need three volunteers
to review the financial records of Perry Hall Middle School
PTSA for the year ending June 30, 2007. No experience is
necessary. Volunteers will need to spend between 2-4
hours over the summer to certify the accuracy of the books
and records of the treasurer.
Ports, a Republican former delegate from Perry Hall,
previously served as deputy secretary of the Maryland
Department of Transportation under Governor Robert
Ehrlich. Prior to that, he served 12 years in the House of
Delegates representing the 8th District including Perry
Hall, Parkville and Overlea.
In his new role, Ports will be responsible for directing
and managing many of the agency’s programs as well as
day-to-day operations and activities. (Bryan P. Sears)
Jim Ports currently serves on PHMS PTSA Board as
Legislative Action Committee Chair.
Reprinted with permission from North East Booster,
April 9, 2007 Copyright © Patuxent
Publishing Company, 2007
Attention Volunteers
Please remember to log your volunteer hours in the
binders in the main lobby of the school. It is very important that the school get credit for all of your hard
work. Your time is submitted to Baltimore County and
our school gets recognition, so please take a moment to
add up your hours. If you can not get to the school,
please e-mail your hours to me.
Thank you for all of your time and cooperation.
Terri Sierakowski
Volunteer Coordinator
National Convention
Need new ideas? - Extra volunteers? - More Energy?
You need national convention!
Thursday, June 28 - Sunday,
July 1, 2007
Cervantes Convention Center
at America’s Center St Louis, Missouri
The Purpose of an Audit
To certify the accuracy of the books and records of the
financial officer, and
To assure the membership that the association’s resources/funds are being managed in a businesslike
manner within the regulations established for their
If you can volunteer your time in this way, please contact
Terri Smith, or 410.256.5482.
Thank you for your consideration.
Seven Oaks Elementary PTA
will be holding a BASKET BINGO on Friday, May 11 at
the Parkville American Legion Hall (2301 Putty Hill Avenue). Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and the games will begin at 7:00 p.m. Food will be available from Chick-Fil-A.
There will be 20 games of bingo. Tickets are on sale now
for only $12.00 if purchased in advance, and $15.00 at
the door, if available.
To purchase your tickets, please call Sharon at
410.529.7115 or mail your ticket request and check made
out to Seven Oaks Elementary PTA to:
Basket Bingo
Seven Oaks Elementary School PTA
9220 Seven Courts Drive
Baltimore, MD 21236
You’re Invited!
Join us and discover how to increase membership, hone
your leadership skills, or find no-hassle fund
raising ideas. Interact with PTA members
from all over the country; explore new programs, products, and exhibits; and raise
your voice on important issues affecting
PTA and all children.
Reprinted with permission from the National PTA Web site, “National
Convention”, April 2007.
MAY 2007
MAY 2007
MAY 2007
PTSA Mission
The mission of the PTSA is threefold:
To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in our
schools, in the community, and before governmental bodies and
other organizations that make decisions affecting children; and
To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and
protect their children; and
To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools
of this nation.
4300 Ebenezer Road
Perry Hall, Maryland 21236
The Purpose of the PTSA
Phone: 410.887.5100
Fax: 410.887.5152
Web site:
We’re on the Web
To promote the welfare of the children and youth in home,
school, community, and place of worship.
To raise the standards of home life.
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children
and youth.
To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of
children and youth.
To develop between educators and the general public such united
efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.
PTSA Calendar of Dates to Remember
May 2007
Friday, May 4 - Star Search Talent
Show, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 8 - PTSA Board of
Directors Meeting, 7:00 p.m. in the
meeting room
Friday, May11 - PTA Council of
Baltimore County Awards Ceremony,
7:30 p.m. at Parkville Middle School
Tuesday, May 15 - PTSA General
Membership meeting at 6:45 p.m.
(just prior to the Spring Concert) in
the PHMS meeting room.
Tuesday, May 15 - Market Day
Internet orders due by 12:00 noon
Wednesday, May 16 - Spring Concert
Thursday, May 17 - Spring Concert
Friday, May 11 - Market Day order
forms due back to school
Monday, May 21 - Market Day
Pick-up, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 12 - Nurse’s Day
Wednesday, May 23 - Panther Beat
Article submission deadline
Monday, May 14 - Spring Concert
Tuesday, May 15 - Spring Concert
Monday, May 28 - Memorial Day
Observed - Schools and Offices
June 2007
Tuesday, June 5 - PTSA Board of
Directors meeting, 7:00 p.m. in the
meeting room
Tuesday, June 5 - Market Day order forms due back to school
Thursday, June 7 - Market Day
Internet orders due
Wednesday, June 13 - Market Day
Pick-up, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
MAY 2007