A Letter from the PTSA President
A Letter from the PTSA President
A PTSA Newsletter for Ragsdale Parents, Teachers, and Students James Gibson, Principal ◊ Ragsdale Website: http://schoolcenter.guilford.k12.nc.us/education/school/school.php?sectionid=468 Betty Fields, PTSA President ◊ PTSA Website: www.ragsdaleptsa.org A Letter from the PTSA President Dear Ragsdale Families, Welcome back to another great year at Ragsdale High School. The Parent, Teacher, and Student Association is off to an enthusiastic start! PTSA advocates for all children. We are a collective voice and together we do make a difference. PTSA members have advocates hard at work at the federal, state and local levels. Your Ragsdale PTSA is a registered nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization run by volunteers. PTSA benefits everyone. Strong Schools mean stronger communities. PTSA keeps parents informed. Last year, your PTSA organized and funded the following: Teacher enrichment grants Campus enhancements Teacher appreciation month Academic incentives for students Reflections Art Program We have a busy year ahead of us and for the PTSA to be effective and truly representative of the school, everyone’s participation is essential. You may think that you cannot help or participate in the PTSA because you are not able to come to the meetings or be on campus during the workday. We want you to be a part of Ragsdale. Whether you have 30 minutes or 30 hours, your time, talents and resources are truly needed here at Ragsdale and with our PTSA. Here are some ways you can help: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Join the PTSA- dues are $6.00 per family member Payable to RHSPTSA Contact PTSA via the website www.ragsdaleptsa.org Make a tax deductible donations to RHSPTSA Attend a board meeting the 1st Monday of every month. We would love to hear your ideas Sign up to do ONE thing for Ragsdale High School- The best High School in Guilford County! We all would like to thank you for your support and for joining the PTSA. Together, we can make a difference. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Betty Fields, PTSA President Fall 2014 Ragsdale High School 1000 Lucy Ragsdale Road Jamestown, NC 27282 Phone: (336) 454-7400 Administration and Staff Front Office Mr. James Gibson, Principal Mrs. Jean Ransom, Mr. David Graves, Mrs. Arlisa Armond, Assistant Principals Mr. Brian Herndon, Athletic Director Ms. Vickie Wheeler, CDC/SPC Officer Grant, School Resource Officer Ms. Andrea Watson, School Nurse Cafeteria Ms. Kathy Andrews, Cafeteria Manager 454-7407 Attendance Office 454-7408 Guidance Office 454-7405 Volunteers Welcome!! Despite what your student may tell you, YOU ARE NEEDED AT RAGSDALE!! Contact Betty Fields or Amy Fisher at rhsptsa2013@gmail.com to learn more about how you can get involved at RHS. Earn Money for RHS! Harris Teeter’s Together in Education Simply give the cashier the school’s code to link your VIC card. You will earn money for RHS each time you shop. You must “re-link” your card each year. You may also sign up by visiting www.harristeeter.com. RHS School Code: 2879 Target’s Take Charge of Education Link your Target Visa card to the school’s code and you will earn money for RHS each time you use your card to shop at Target! Register online at www.target.com/tcoe. RHS School Code: 80071 Food Lion’s Shop and Share Each time you shop at Food Lion and use your MVP card, a portion of your total purchase will be donated to our school. You can register you MVP card by going to www.foodlion.com. Office Depot Office Depot offers a percentage of your purchase back to the school of our choice in school supplies. School code must be presented at the time of purchase. RHS School Code: 70061575 On-line Shopping Visit http://www.furtal.com/school/Ragsdale-High-School-PTSA and visit your favorite stores to shop. A percentage of purchases will be donated to our school. To learn more about RHS PTSA, visit our website at www.ragsdaleptsa.org! Page 2 Ragsdale Families Congratulations to all of the students and staff at Ragsdale High School as we have had a very successful opening to the school year. The staff never ceases to amaze me with their resilience in the face of construction and renovations. A good portion of the “A” building and the cafeteria received new heating and air renovations this summer. The other half of the building will receive the same renovations next summer. The old portion of the high school is currently under heating and air renovations this semester and will have a new dropped ceiling installed as well. The progress has been great and we look forward to finishing sometime next fall. The month of October is shaping up to be a busy one for all those involved with Ragsdale High School. Sophomores and Juniors will be involved with the PSAT and PLAN in the middle of the month as part of their preparation for the SAT and ACT. The Junior class will take the ACT at school later this year in March. The end of the month brings football Homecoming on Halloween night. We hope to see many familiar faces on our campus that evening as we crown a queen and reconnect with old friends. That same week, Ragsdale will go through a Quality Assurance Review through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. This is a process of review that schools go through every 5 years to maintain their accreditation. We will have visitors from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction on campus that week to visit our classes and talk with students and teachers. I wanted to personally thank the PTSA for all they do for Ragsdale High School. They provide special treats for teachers throughout the year, provide grants to teachers for special projects, sponsor events that raise money for the school, beautify the campus and countless other services to the school. We thank you for your continued support! Thank you, James Gibson SENIOR EXTRAVAGANZA has been a Ragsdale tradition for over 20 years. The celebration is an all-night event that is safe and alcohol free for the seniors. Extravaganza and the senior breakfast are organized by parent volunteers. Parents of freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, can come out to help and learn what you’ll need to do when your child is a senior! We will have several planning meetings to discuss this year’s Extravaganza. We will be sending e-mails and Connect Ed messages, so please plan on attending meetings and helping with this event! If you have any questions, contact Dana Bird @ Dabirds4@gmail.com How Can You Help? Supporting It Financially Donating Prizes and Merchandise Volunteering at the Event WE NEED SUPPORT FROM THE ENTIRE RAGSDALE COMMUNITY! This is an amazing evening none of us could do individually – but all of us can do it together! Please help keep this tradition ALIVE and our students safe with your time, your monetary donations, and prize/merchandise donations! Page 3 PTSA Board Meetings (6:30 pm) October 6 November 3 December 1 January 6 February 2 March 2 April 13 May 4 June 1 General PTSA Meetings September 16 (Walk the Schedule) December 8 (Concert) February 16 (Walk the Schedule) May 18 (Concert & PTSA elections) Other PTSA Events October 15 December January 10 February 18 March 18 April 11 May May June 6 (tentative) June Early Release Day – PTSA sponsored snack for staff PTSA sponsored staff holiday party Deadline for newsletter submission Early Release Day – PTSA sponsored snack for staff Early Release Day – PTSA sponsored snack for staff Deadline for newsletter submission Teacher Appreciation Month (events TBA) Senior Awards (PTSA reception) Senior Extravaganza PTSA sponsored Teacher luncheon (TBA) Page 4 Come out for fun, food, and fellowship while supporting your school! Page 5 Ragsdale High School PTSA Presents Stage Hypnotist – Herb McCandless Come see this Unpredictable Show! Ragsdale High School Arts & Athletics Building Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 7:00 PM Tickets: available online at www.ragsdaleptsa.org or contact Cindy Baggett at 336‐210‐5853. Tickets are $10.50 online. Page 6 Remind Teacher Adu Gyamfi Adu Gyamfi Adu Gyamfi Aguigui-Walton Aguigui-Walton Aguigui-Walton Bowman Bowman Bowman Cober Cober Cober Groves Groves Groves Johnson Johnson Johnson Kunz-Smith Kunz-Smith Kunz-Smith Marshall Marshall Marshall Owens Owens Owens Pendrak Pendrak Pendrak Pollock, R Pollock, R Pollock, R Porter, N Porter, N Porter, N van Thillo van Thillo Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Follow these easy steps to receive reminders: 1. Download the Remind app 3. Subscribe to teachers class by adding code below 2. Set up account 4. Receive one way communication/reminders from teachers 3. Class Code 1st block World History 2nd block World History 3rd block H World History 1st block H English II 2nd block English II 4th block H English II AP Psychology American History I H American Humanities/APUSH 3rd block Latin 1B 1st block Latin II 2nd block Latin 1A 1st block Foundations of Math II 2nd block Foundations of Math II 3rd block H Math II 1st block Algebra 2 2nd block H Precalculus 4th block H Precalculus 1st block Biology 3rd block H Biology 4th block H Biology 2nd block Math III 3rd block AP Calculus 1st block Math III 1st block Foundations of Math I 3rd block H Math III 4th block Foundations of Math I 1st block H Sci-Vis 2 3rd block H Sci-Vis 2 4th block H Sci-Vis 2 AP World History AP European History Ragsdale Peer Tutors Honors Calculus AP Statistics Math I 2nd block English I AP English III 1st block AFM 2nd block Discrete 4th block AFM msadug msadugy msaugya 1stblock1s 2ndblock2n 4thblock4t ccbdf 37acda 1b9be Latin1b 1f3df 9b86c a6968 56007 b8d67 f18597 hpcfa hpcfal kunzs kunzs3 kunzs4 blockiimat 008927 blockima cb9ff e6560 308e1 block1fh block3fh block4fs wh1215 eh1066 rpt82 hcalc apstatsrhs math1rhs mrsvanthi mrsvanth 96ecd C782dc afm4thper Page 7 Volunteers Needed Exam helpers needed Mid January and June 2014-2015 8:30 am – 1:30 pm (possibly would be finished earlier) Sign up in Ragsdale Front office or via email to catesa@gcsnc.com Donations Needed The life skills classroom is in need of the following items: Paper plates Napkins Plastic ware Shoeboxes Paper towel rolls Egg cartons Tennis balls Old sheets Water bottles Bookshelves Thank you! Page 8 The Athletic Booster Club welcomes you to another exciting year at Ragsdale High School. The mission statement of the booster club is “to support the athletic programs at Ragsdale High School which promote academics, build athletic skills, and instill sportsmanship and moral character. The Athletic Booster Club strives to support Ragsdale High School athletics physically and financially when funds are available and needs are approved according to policy. The Athletic Booster Club endeavors to support all sports equally.” The Booster Club raises funds through the sale of concessions, advertising, corporate sponsors, souvenirs, and our annual Reverse raffle. The generosity of the Ragsdale community also has a significant impact on our efforts and enables the continuing support of the athletic department’s commitment to excellence. The greatest need of the booster club at this time is to increase membership and volunteer efforts. Please visit our website at www.ragsdalebooster.com for more information on how you can make a difference in Ragsdale athletics! It’s a great day to be a Tiger! Michele Collins, President RHS Athletic Booster Club Attention Current Sophomores and Juniors Governor’s school is a 6 week summer residential program for gifted and talented high school students. The program is open to rising seniors (current juniors) in academics and performing/visual arts with exceptions made for rising juniors (current sophomores) in selected performing/visual arts areas. To learn more about Governor’s School for the summer of 2015, please see Mrs. Townsend in Counseling Office as soon as possible to learn more about application requirements/criteria. Completed applications are due to Mrs. Townsend by October 20th. Graduation Project Speech Night Date is Thursday, December 11 2014. We would like to invite parents of 9th -11th graders to serve on the judging panels to listen to speeches. Dinner will be served for the judges at 5:30PM and the evening will conclude by between 7:458:00PM. This is an excellent way to get an inside look at the components of the Graduation Project. No prior training or educational experience necessary! Please email Deanne Lowe, Curriculum Facilitator, if interested: lowed2@gcsnc.com Page 9 WorkKeys Why WorkKeys? “Workkeys is a system developed by ACT to meet the various needs of employers and job seekers. It is a proven way to identify an individual’s work related skill level as well as a way to identify candidates for promotion. The Career Readiness Certificate is a portable credential that is recognized on a national level. This is a credential that can open doors with many employers.” C. Raynard Johnson, Business Service Representative/Assessment Specialist, Office of Workforce Development, and a Ragsdale Parent WorkKeys is administered to Grade 12 students who have earned four credits in a career cluster with one being a second-level course (CTE Concentrator) in a career cluster. Assessments included are Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information. Scores across all three assessments of level 4 (Silver), level 5 (Gold) and level 6 (Platinum) are the goal with higher scores linked to better paying job opportunities, higher levels of job performance and are associated with future success in postsecondary education. (http://www.act.org/workkeys/briefs/files/EducationalPipeline.pdf) Level 4 (Silver) and above result in the student earning a National Career Readiness Certificate, a portable credential, and the new “Diploma Endorsement – Career Ready”*. Ragsdale High School is partially evaluated by the % of students at Level 4 (Silver) and above. Students can earn the National Career Readiness Certificate at no cost while in high school. The certificate is required with job application for many local and national companies: Precor, Tyco, O’Neal Steel, ConvaTec, Timco, Honda Jet, Guilford County Schools, RJ Reynolds, Lab Corp, Viking Polymers, Tiger Controls, Sherwin Williams, Ralph Lauren, High Point Regional, Eco Lab, Dow Corning and Puralator. Assessments will be given between December and February, date TBA Online test tips and practice questions @ http://www.act.org/workkeys/practice/ http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Preparing_for_the_WorkKeys_Assessments_209367_7.pdf For questions or more information, please contact Mrs. Wheeler, CDC/SPC, in the Guidance Office. Go to link on Ragsdale website: “Online Prep for ACT/SAT” Username is your student ID number; password is your birthday YearMonthDay Along top left, click on “StudyGuide for ACT” or “StudyGuide for PSAT” or “StudyGuide for SAT” Do the Step 1 overview then go to Step 3 and choose the online test practice that looks like this! Page 10 NCPTA Legislative Priorities Webinar Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014 Noon – 1 p.m. To Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5801021510444539137 North Carolina PTA believes that every child’s potential should become reality. It is this goal that has helped to shape the NCPTA advocacy and legislative priorities including sufficient funding for public schools, support for teachers and administrators, parent involvement, accountability, and health and wellness. If you are interested in learning more about these NCPTA priorities, the Association’s anticipated work to support these priorities in the upcoming 2015 General Assembly Long Session, and how you can support these efforts, join NCPTA attorney and lobbyist Ashley Perkinson for the NCPTA Legislative Priorities webinar. Ragsdale students and parents did you know students can download a free e-book app to download Ragsdale’s ebooks on your personal devices at home and on the go? The Brytewave K-12 edition app is available for iOS, Android devices with access to Google Play, Nook HD and HD+, Kindle Fire HD and HDX, and Windows/Mac. Here are the instructions Step 1: Download and install BryteWave K-12 Edition app from the App store, Google Play, or Amazon App Store. Step 2: Launch the mobile app Step 3: Enter your Username and Password Username: Student lunch number Password: Birthday Enter the Follett Shelf URL: If you are on a private/safe/secure device you can click the Stay Logged in checkbox and avoid typing in this information again http://wbb20190.follettshelf.com Step 4: Tap login Tap the Follett Shelf icon to go to Ragsdale’s shelf. Once you open a book you’ll see the option to checkout and download now. If you have any questions or need help contact Jacqueline Gronwald, Media Specialist at gronwaj@gcsnc.com Page 11 Thank you to all of our wonderful parents who have donated their time, money, and goodies for Senior Workshops, 9th Grade Orientation, Open House, and the Welcome Back Teacher Luncheon. You helped make each event a success! A Note from Vicky Wheeler: Hi! My name is Vicky Wheeler, Career Development Coordinator, here at Ragsdale High School. My job is to provide support and transition services to students taking our career-technical education classes. Almost all Ragsdale students take at least one CTE course during their high school career. The career-technical courses develop personal and professional skills as well as career exposure. I wanted to provide my teacher webpage link because it has resources that all students and parents can use to explore careers and college plans. You may want to bookmark it and check periodically as it will be updated throughout the year. http://ragsdale.gcsnc.com/pages/Ragsdale_High/Classes/29739815698126525 Did You Know? Students in the Microsoft Word/PowerPoint and Excel/Access Career & Technical Education courses have the opportunity to take industry certification tests at no cost. Senior CTE Concentrators also took the WorkKeys tests with the opportunity to earn the Career Readiness Certificate. Last school year we had the following outcomes from our Ragsdale students! We are so proud of them and look forward to many more certifications this year! Microsoft Word Certifications: 109 Microsoft PowerPoint Certifications: 175 Microsoft Word Expert Certifications: 3 Microsoft Excel Certifications: 2 National Career Readiness Certificate: 72.5% earned Silver or Above” Page 12 RHS PTSA 2013-2014 Executive Officers President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Principal: Betty Fields Amy Fisher Sara Lempp Susan Fischer Jim Gibson Standing Committees Membership: Pam Ward Vol. coordinator: Vicki Burnsides Bulletin Boards: Mary Platek Web Page: Sam Kanakanui Beautification: Katharine Byerly Donna Blizard Joy Tice Publicity: Katherine Stamey Hospitality Nancy Seay Sarah Sagerdahl Kelly Butler Reflections: Mary Platek Awards: Betty Fields Amy Fisher Business Partners: Wendy Martin Kim Hagan Teacher app wk: Nicole Apple Kelly Mantek Dinner Night out: Dana Bird Enrich. Grants: Rick Stanco Academic Incent: Angie Mangum Lynette Horkey Newsletter: Jami Adams Extravaganza Dana Bird Legislative: Fundraising: rhsptsa2013@gmail.com rhsptsa2013@gmail.com slempp@triad.rr.com sfischer@enduraproducts.com gibsonj@gcsnc.com 336-402-4700 336-420-0626 336-402-0407 336-317-7854 336-454-7400 pgward70@yahoo.com Dburns4355@aol.com amplatek@aol.com sam@netwavesolutions.com katharinebyerly@earthlink.net donnablizard@triad.rr.com joyltice@yahoo.com katstamey@triad.rr.com seaywhat7@aol.com ssagerdahl@triad.rr.com boogiep3@yahoo.com amplatek@aol.com rhsptsa2013@gmail.com rhsptsa2013@gmail.com wmartin@rhrlaw.com khagan@triad.rr.com Nicole_apple@hotmail.com kmantek@triad.rr.com Dabirds4@gmail.com rstanco@triad.rr.com manguma2002@yahoo.com horkey6@triad.rr.com j-adams@triad.rr.com Dabirds4@gmail.com 336-337-4094 336-508-7678 336-454-8112 336-317-8573 336-299-8338 336-339-7617 336-314-2857 336-317-0945 336-580-3611 336-456-7430 336-337-0565 336-454-8112 336-402-4700 336-420-0620 336-255-2695 336-707-7958 336-207-8600 336-202-7189 336-317-3451 336-454-6932 336-851-0824 336-706-0413 336-454-4636 336-317-3451 OPEN OPEN Page 13 Proposed RHS PTSA Budget for 2013-14 2012-13 Cash Carryover Balance $2,788.99 INCOME Donations - Businesses Donations -Individuals Fundraiser Prior Year Grant Income PTSA Membership Dues TOTAL INCOME 3,000.00 200.00 3,200.00 6,141.11 2,100.00 $14,641.11 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $17,430.10 EXPENSES Academic Incentives Campus Enhancements Bulletin Boards Discretionary Fund Enrichment Grants Extravanganza Family Education (programs) Hospitality Insurance Leadership Development Membership Marketing Newsletter PTA Council Dues- Banquet PTSA Membership Fees Reflections Senior Awards Night Teacher Appreciation Lowe’s Grant – Prior Year Expense TOTAL EXPENSES --800.00 50.00 100.00 1,500.00 --25.00 1,200.00 300.00 25.00 125.00 100.00 50.00 1,400.00 150.00 150.00 700.00 6,141.11 $15,651.11 Carryover to 2014-15 $2,085.32 TOTAL PLANNED EXPENSES $17,736.43 Page 14 On behalf of the Ragsdale HS PTSA, we would like to welcome everyone back to school and invite you to help us reach our goal of 400 memberships! Thanks to our Ragsdale families and community, our PTSA is starting the school year off 233 members strong! Congratulations to our $25 Sheetz gift card winners: Katyanna Cranford and Melanie Rohrbacher! We appreciate the support of all our PTSA members. Get your membership TODAY! There is NO OBLIGATION with joining. Your $6.00 membership simply supports the many PTSA programs that help our students, our teachers, and our school. If you haven’t joined, please take a moment TODAY to complete the application below and mail or return it with your child to school along with your payment. Make sure to include your mailing address and we send your cards to you. Thank you for all you do to make Ragsdale a wonderful learning environment for our children! Questions? Email us at RHSPTSA2013@gmail.com to find out more about what’s going on with the Ragsdale PTSA. Pam Ward PTSA Membership ************************************************************ PTSA Membership Application $6.00 per person ~ Everyone Can Join and Have a Voice!!! Make checks payable to RHS PTSA (Contributions are tax-deductible) Student’s Name ______________________________________________________ Total # of Memberships _________ Amount Enclosed $_____________ Member Name ____________________________________ Student Parent Faculty Other (circle one) Member Name _____________________________________ Student Parent Faculty Other (circle one) Phone: ________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________ _____ Send me email updates about PTSA events and volunteer needs at RHS Return with payment to: Ragsdale High School - PTSA Membership 1000 Lucy Ragsdale Drive Jamestown, NC 27282 Page 15 Page 16
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