Ragsdale Review - Ragsdale High School
Ragsdale Review - Ragsdale High School
Ragsdale Review A PTSA Newsletter for Ragsdale Parents, Teachers and Students Spring 2013 Dr. Kathryn M. Rogers, Principal • Ragsdale Website: http://schoolcenter.guilford.k12.nc.us/education/school/school.php?sectionid=40 • (336) 454-7400 Rebecca Scheffer, PTSA President • PTSA Website: www.ragsdaleptsa.org Ragsdale High School 1000 Lucy Ragsdale Road Jamestown, NC 27282 Phone: (336) 454-7400 Administration and Staff Dr. Kathryn M. Rogers, Principal 454-7400 Mrs. Jean Ranson, Mr. David Graves, Mrs. Arlisa Armond Assistant Principals 454-7400 Mr. Brian Herndon, Athletic Director 474-7400 RHS Hospitality Committee Leslie Baity and Nancy Seay March Report The Hospitality Committee hosted a snack for the staff on March 13 during early release staff training in the school cafeteria. Thanks to our wonderful parents who generously prepared food for the event. We also prepared Saint Patrick’s Day mailbox treats saying “We are LUCKY to Have YOU at RHS”. The snack bags were adorned with shamrocks filled with gold nuggets of chocolate and rainbow Skittles. The staff responded with thanks and said that they do feel appreciated with our generous treats. Thanks again to our staff! Ms. Vickie Wheeler CDC/SPC 454-7400 Officer Grant, School Resource Officer 454-7400 Mrs. Jais Surratt, School Nurse 454-7400 Ms. Kathy Andrews, Cafeteria Manager 454-7407 Front Office Mrs. Tina Porter, Treasurer Mrs. Karen LeCompte, Secretary Ms. Leslie Garrison, Secretary 454-7400 Attendance Office Mrs. Lindsey Bradley, Secretary 454-7408 Guidance Office 454-7405 1 VS Cancer Rarely does one find a crowd cheering for both teams equally, but that happened Friday, April 12, at Ragsdale High School. After a fiercely competitive baseball game between South West High School and Ragsdale High School, the crowd of close to 200 hung around, to cheer on the young men in green and the young men in royal blue as they shaved their heads in support of the VS CANCER and the fight against childhood cancer. In the preceding weeks, the Ragsdale Varsity and JV players, as well as the Southwest Varsity players took on the task of setting up a donor page, sending out emails to ask for donations, then vowing to shave their head if they reached their personal fundraising goal. Four hair stylists, Jennifer Johnson and Dallas Hill from Adams Farm Leon’s and Kim Wiggs and Eric Jones from Jones and Company in Archdale donated their time and expertise to shave over 60 heads in just under two hours. There was a positive energy in the air, as Chase Jones, former childhood cancer patient and Founder and CEO of VS CANCER stated, “it was special what happened here tonight.” “I know it was my hometown and my high school, but this was just amazing.” He was correct, it was amazing and the money kept pouring in as the hair was coming off. The Ragsdale players raised $8,042.00 and the Southwest High School players raised $1899.00. The Jamestown Middle School baseball team also jumped in to help and raised $110.00 in just one day! Everyone was so into the event that both coaches, a couple of dads, and even an athlete or two from other sports teams jumped in the barber chair. It was special to watch a friendly rivalry between two teams of talented baseball players, a community supporting the cause of fighting childhood cancer, and a lot of laughter, cheering and school spirit. Now these new haircuts might make it a little challenging to get a prom date, but hopefully these young men, and our community, will have wonderful memories of being with hairless friends, on a hairy baseball field, fighting for children with cancer. A SPECIAL night indeed! 2 News you Can Use Ragsdale Career Fair a Success! Considering a career in engineering? Ever thought about becoming a landscape architect, health care professional or crime scene investigator? On Thursday, March 28th, Ragsdale hosted its first school-wide career fair with over 40 different career areas participating. The career fair provided students with an opportunity to meet career representatives, ask questions, and examine equipment as well as investigate some careers they may not have been aware. Additionally, area colleges provided representatives to discuss majors and the application process. All students were able to attend the fair. Vicky Wheeler, Career Development Coordinator, planned and hosted the event. Mrs. Wheeler commented, “The career fair was an awesome event! Teachers and staff prepared students well to attend. Career representatives commented on how well behaved students were.” A special thanks is extended to the FBLA and ROTC students who acted as Ragsdale ambassadors and escorts for the career role models. Thank you also to the Ragsdale PTSA Hospitality Committee for providing a continental breakfast for the career representatives. Music Performance Adjudication This past March, two of the Ragsdale honors choirs participated in a statewide music contest called Music Performance Adjudication (MPA) where the students were judged on their performance and musical ability. Rhythm & Rhapsody received a superior rating in performance and a superior rating in sight reading. Honors Women’s Choir received an excellent rating in performance and a superior rating in sight reading. I am so proud of my groups for their self-discipline and their dedication to chorus! Jessica Glime Morgan Josey Glover, Education Reporter, for the News and Record Choral Director 3 News you Can Use Good News on the Curriculum Front! ◊ Ragsdale High School participated in the first ever local TEDx event that was held in Greensboro. Using technology in the new media center, the talks were viewed by students and teachers via a live stream connection. Students generated feedback about what their dreams for the future are on the “Imagine when…” cards that will become part of an art installation project in Winston-Salem called Imagination Installation. ◊ The Spring Graduation Project Speech Night took place on April 25th with 120 community members volunteering to serve on the judging panels, 163 students working hard to prepare speeches, and 65 faculty members working behind the scenes to make sure the evening flows smoothly. ◊ Thanks to a PTSA grant teachers, students, and judges had a new set of stopwatches to use in timing the 8-10 minute long presentations. UNCG TeamQuest Alicia Brown received a $1,000 grant from the Cone Health Foundation to bring UNCG TeamQuest, and adventure based counseling group based out of UNCG, out to Ragsdale’s campus to work with our teen mothers and one supportive adult from each of their families. They will spend the morning participating in activities that facilitate dialogue between the student and the supportive adult, which will hopefully allow them to deepen their understanding of what each sees as the challenges and the strengths of their relationships. 4 Ragsdale Student Family Comes Together Teacher Andrea Cooper incorporated a cross-curriculum of activities and hands on learning experiences in all of her classes to help support The Hawkins’ Family. ◊ Entrepreneurship I students planned and executed a successful campaign to raise funds for the Hawkins family. They created 2 banners and a large Class of 2013 Senior Card for Hawkins. They also applied their entrepreneurial skills learned in class to market and manage each other in the cafeteria during all 4 lunches. ◊ Multimedia Webpage Design students created the beautiful stickers for students to wear. ◊ Derrick Nguyen (10th grader) wrote a beautiful poem (below) for the family. Through their efforts and the rest of the Ragsdale Student Family, teachers, cafeteria staff, and maintenance staff, we were able to raise over $250 for the Hawkins Family!!! LIFE Life is like a bunch of fireflies On and off, On and Off We never be close to these lights Until the day when all the lights are gone When the crying sets in When the night sky darkens Forgive the one who stepped on the fireflies Forgive the givers of disrespect For the y live in darkness Light don’t forsaken But light don’t remind you To be close to the light that use to exist To keep the light inside The stars, the heart, the mind They witness the light And use the light to grow A new Eden, a new hope A new person No matter what mistake No matter what flaw No matter how short that life is It immortalize He walk, we notice, We change For grief without change Is a world without light A future without the greatness that wouldn’t come without him. - Derrick Nguyen, Ragsdale Student 5
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