

I N D O N E S I A N N E W S - D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1 , V O L . X I V/ 1 2
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year 2012
Sincere wishes from all staff of the
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
in Belgrad e - Serbia
Ambassador’s Note
December 2011
Distinguished readers,
As we bid farewell to year 2011 and embark on a new year 2012, as well as completing
the first year of my mandate as the Indonesian Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia,
we are pleased to present to you the first special edition of Embassy’s monthly bulletin
“Equator” that beside the news about Indonesia during the month of December also
contains the summary of the entire main activities and achievements of our Embassy
during the year of 2011.
The year 2011 has been a successful and significant year in many fields. Starting on
January 2011, Indonesia has assumed the ASEAN Chairmanship that celebrated the 44th
anniversary last August, and has committed to lead the regional grouping under the
theme “ASEAN Community in a Global Community of Nations”, which has shown Indonesia’s determination to be
engaged, proactive and use the ASEAN platform to enhance ASEAN’s profile in the global arena. In this frame
of determination and commitment, Indonesia has successfully hosted the 19th ASEAN Summit last November.
This year was also marked with jubilee of 50th anniversary of Non Aligned Movement and the 55th anniversary of
diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Serbia. Throughout 2011, Indonesia accorded particular attention to
enhancing its relations with other countries based of the principles of partnership, equality and mutual benefit.
Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade has also been very committed and active, and successfully completed the
year of 2011 with many important goals. The close and friendly relation between Indonesia and Serbia was again
proven through the highest official visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to Belgrade on
the occasion of 50 years of NAM, and the visits of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense of the Republic
of Serbia to Indonesia that in total has resulted six signed agreements and MoU on the economic, defense and
education cooperation. The good foundation that was established in 2011 made us even more focused and
dedicated to continue with big steps of ‘thousand miles’ in 2012. Our agenda remains active, focused and
dedicated for better cooperation and achievements between Indonesia and Serbia. We are determined that in
the year 2012, we will work even harder and become of greater service to our beloved country Indonesia.
Last, but not least, on this occasion, on behalf of all staff members of Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade, and on
my own behalf, allow me to extend our best wishes for a New Year 2012. Srecna Nova Godina !
Semuel Samson
President: Indonesia must actively help solve global problems
RI successfully organized two international events in 2011
RI demonstrates stronger commitment to nuke-free world
UN appreciates RI`s contributions to int`l peace-keeping missions
RI expected to reach investment grade next year
RI leading in creative economy
Bandung to hosted “Road to Indonesia Coffee Festival”
President attends national Christmas day event
RI applauded for ratifying nuclear test ban treaty
Past year marked by intense RI-UNESCO engagement
Adorable jewels thoughout the ages
Indonesian Friendship Park at elementary school “Dragan Lukić”
Fastron expedition welcomed in Belgrade
Indonesian Embassy participated in IWC Charity Bazaar
Interview with the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia
to the Republic of Serbia
H.E. Semuel Samson
Ariana Yulianti
Eko Himawan
Col. Agoes Joesni
Indah Mekawati
Yudi Tetra Mulya
Eni Diponegoro
Friedo Hubert
Prima Setiani
Dono Legowo
Published by:
Social & Culture Section
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
Bulevar kneza Aleksandra
Karadjordjevića 18
11040 Belgrade - Serbia
Ph. 3674062, 3635666
Fax. 3672984, 3574239
From religious beliefs to revelry indulgence, Lombok’s captivating
culture attracts a traveler with all its spells and bounds. Bau Nyale Festival
is the most celebrated ritual among the Lombok Festivals & Events that
are held in its southern lying beaches. It calls for the unison of moon,
wind and tide that brings along colorful sea worms known as Nyales or
eels that serve both their fortune as well as their feast principles.
EQUATOR is a compilation of news taken from National News Agency (ANTARA) and other news sources from Indonesia. The contents does
not reflect particular policy or position of the Embassy of the Republic Indonesia and its beholders. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
takes the privilege to sort out news material taken from the above mentioned sources and presented in accordance with the coverage of the
materials (political & security, economy, social & culture and international relation issues).
President: Indonesia must actively
help solve global problems
Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono said because of the complexity
of today`s global problems Indonesia must
actively take part in efforts to solve them
lest it lose out or become a victim of their
“Food will be a determining issue
with regard to our future. We in Indonesia must do something actively
and concretely. It will be wrong and
we will only lose if we do nothing and
are passive under the present circumstances. We must not only be alert but
must also be active,” President said
Speaking at a gathering with farmers
and representatives of farmer groups and
stakeholders of national food resilience at
the Presidential Palace on December 6, 2011,
the President said if Indonesia only grumbled and complained, it will not be able to
do anything to deal with global problems
that could affect life in the country.
“What has now become issues such as
food and energy problems and drought
in Africa and several other countries, plant
diseases and other aspects of climate
change have indeed disrupted the pattern
of agriculture,” he said.
He said the current economic crisis in
Europe and fear over rising world oil prices
should become a warning to all elements
of the nation to take anticipatory measures
so that their impact would not disrupt the
country`s economy and national life. “Food
will be a determining issue with regard to
our future. We in Indonesia must do something actively and concretely. It will be
wrong and we will only lose if we do nothing and are passive under the present circumstances. We must not only be alert but
must also be active,” he said.
Besides the food issue, President Yudhoyono also saw potential problems with
regard to the threat of world crude price increases due to a number of problems. “The
price of crude is now US$100 per barrel after
peaking at US$145 per barrel in 2008. Now
a global crisis is happening again triggered
by the financial crisis in Europe but strangely
the price of oil remains (at US$100),” he said.
He said a lot of factors affect the world
crude price “such as speculation by global
traders, geo-politics and increasing tension
in Iran and North Africa which have all cre4 Equator - December 2011
ated uncertainty in the world crude price.”
He said producers certainly always wish
to profit as much as possible and so they
like if the price is high. In the current era
states often lose to multi-national corporations and this is the weakness of the global
capitalist system, he said.
Therefore, the President called on all
parties especially policy makers in the food
and energy sectors in the country to keep
monitoring developments at global level
so that they would not be wrong when
taking a decision at national or local levels.
Earlier in the day, the President presented awards to local leaders and community
members who contributed in an outstanding way to the national food resilience
campaign launched by the government.
Sixteen people received food resilience awards, seven food resilience pioneer awards and 25 food resilience creative
technology user awards. Several provincial
governors attended the event such as Sultan Hamengkubuwono X of Yogyakarta,
Bibit Waluyo of Central Java along with a
number of district heads from other regions. Cabinet ministers who attended the
ceremony were Agriculture Minister Suswono, Minister/State Secretary Sudi Silalahi
and Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto.
Minister Suswono said in his speech
that the awards presentation had been
done since 1979 and in 2001 the criteria
had been expanded to cover not only
productivity but also food resilience service, technology use and food resilience
Sixteen recipients in the food resilience
development category include Governor
Bibit Waluyo, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono
X, Riau Governor HM Rusli Zainal and South
Sulawesi Governor Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
Among district heads that recieved
awards were Hasyim Afandi, the District
Head of Temanggung, Central Java, Amri
Tambunan, the District Head of Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, H.A Sutomo, the
District Head of Sopeng, South Sulawesi,
and Sumantri, the District Head of Magetan, East Java.
Village heads who recieved the awards
were Budi Utomo from Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Mustika Sanggana from Tampumea, South Sulawesi, Amrizal from
Kandang Baru, West Sumatra, Diding
Wahyudin from Cipakem, Kuningan, West
Java and Noto Siswanto from Karanggintung, Banyumas, Central Java.
Food resilience pioneer awards were
handed to Julius Elseos Louhenapessy of
Pattimura University, Nur Azizah of Depok,
Dalikem of Triwidadi, Bantul, Yogyakarta,
Ambarwati Hernawan of Tangerang,
Banten, Agus Saptana Dharmawah of
Bantaeng, South Sulawesi, Mustopa of Semarang and Lumbung Pangan Bumi Asri
Group from Ogan Komering Ulu.
Other recipients included 13 others
in the category of food relience service
and 20 others in the category of food
resilience creative technology use. “They
have all shown extraordinary achievements. They will all receive `Adi Karya
Pangan Nusantara` awards,” he said. The
total number of award recipients was 61
individuals and a group.
Yudhoyono proposes cooperation
in five sectors with Germany
Jakarta - President Susilo Yudhoyono has proposed cooperation in
five fields with Germany, namely investment and trade, health, education,
defense and environmentally-friendly
energy cooperation.
German investment in Indonesia
currently totaled around 300 million US
dollars, the Head of State said in a joint
press conference with visiting German
President Christian Wulff, at Merdeka
Palace on December 1, 2011.
“However, the amount could be increased further,” Yudhoyono said. Yudhoyono invited Germany to become a
strategic partner for the projects of the
Indonesian Economic Development
Expansion and Acceleration Masterplan (MP3EI).
He also expressed his hope for the
transfer of health technology from
Germany. He also hoped that more
Indonesian young people could have
opportunities to study technologies in
The President said Indonesia wanted to have long-term cooperation
in defense with Germany, especially
concerning joint production and investment. Wulff said that the bilateral
cooperation between Germany and
Indonesia would continue.
Germany was interested in establishing cooperation with Indonesia
in the sector of energy friendly to the
environment, he said. “Indonesia is the
lung of the world, and we very much
hope that Indonesia manages its forest
properly,” he said.
He said his country offered around
400 scholarships for Indonesians to
study in Germany.
The state visit of Wulff marked the
preparations for the commemoration
of the 60th anniversary of bilateral
cooperation between Indonesia and
Germany in 2012. For that occasion,
Yudhoyono invited German Chancellor
Angela Markel to visit Indonesia next
In the evening, Yudhoyono hostes a
state banquet for his German counterpart at State Palace.
During his state visit from November 30 to December 2, Wulff was also
scheduled to attend a Business Forum
with the German community in Indonesia, and give a public lecture at the
University of Indonesia (UI).
He also met Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR)
Taufik Kiemas and former President BJ
Habibie, as well as several prominent
figures, men of culture, and members
of Indonesia`s civil society.
RI successfully organized two
international events in 2011
Jakarta - Indonesia successfully organized two international events this year,
namely the 26th South East Asia (SEA)
Games and the 19th ASEAN Summit and
Related Summits, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said. “It`s not easy for a
country to hold two international events
simultaneously. It could be very risky
that both could have failed. We should
take a note, we successfully organized
the two events,” Yudhoyono said on
December 5, 2011, in a gathering with
medal-winning athletes, members of
the organizing committees of the 26th
SEA Games and the 19th ASEAN Summit
and Related Summits.
The Head of State expressed his gratitude to all parties contributing to the
success of the two events. The county`s
success was thanks to good coordination and hard work, he said. “Failure is
not an option,” he said, adding that one
must not think of being failed. Other
countries would have seen Indonesia as
incapable if the implementation of the
two events had failed.
Yudhoyono asked all parties to continue working hard and learn from past
experiences because Indonesia would
host an APEC Summit in 2013.
The President received reports respectively from Sports and Youth Affairs
Minister Andi Malarangeng representing
the organizing committee of the 26th
SEA Games, and Minister/State Secretary
Sudi Silalahi representing the organizing
committee of the 19th Summit and Related Summits.
The 26th SEA Games was organized
in Palembang (South Sumatra Province)
and Jakarta from November 11 to 22,
2011, and participated in by athletes
from 11 countries.
Overall, the Indonesian contingent
has achieved its target of grabbing at
least 150 gold medals and secured first
position as the overall champion for the
first time since 1997.
The 19th ASEAN Summit, the Sixth
East Asia Summit (EAS) and other related
summits were organized in Nusa Dua,
Bali, from November 13 to 19, 2011.
Equator - December 2011 5
RI demonstrates stronger
commitment to nuke-free world
Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono when speaking at an International Defense Dialog in March 2011
said a real push towards nuclear disarmament by the nuclear powers has
given a good reason for the world to be
optimistic in looking at the future.
In the Southeast Asian region,
the Minister said, Indonesia as the
ASEAN Chair 2011 had been able
to conduct negotiations with five
nuclear weapon states (together
referred to as the P5 group namely the United States, Russia,
the United Kingdom, France and
China), about the formation of a
South East Asia Nuclear-WeaponFree Zone
This year, Indonesia has demonstrated a stronger commitment to promoting a peaceful world which is free
from nuclear threats by ratifying the
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
The country has also actively advocated nuclear disarmament in various
regional fora, especially in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
and NAM (Non-Aligned Movement).
The Indonesian House of Representatives passed legislation officially endorsing the CTBT on December 6, 2011.
The CTBT bans all nuclear explosions in
all environments for military or civilian
purposes. According to the preparatory Commission for Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
(CTBTO), 182 countries have signed the
treaty, of which 156 have also ratified
The CTBT`s stringent entry-intoforce provision prescribes that all 44
designated nuclear technology holder
countries, which include Indonesia,
must sign and ratify the treaty in order
to make it law.
Indonesia is the 36th country that
have ratified the treaty. Eight countries
still have to ratify it, namely China, the
Democratic People`s Republic of Korea
(DPRK), Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan and the United States. Indonesia`s
step is expected to have a domino effect in that it would encourage the
eight countries that have not yet rati6 Equator - December 2011
fied the treaty to follow suit.
Welcoming Indonesia`s move, US
President Barack Obama said that the
treaty`s ratification by Indonesia provided a strong example of the positive leadership role the country could
play in the global effort to prevent the
spread of nuclear weapons. “The United
States remains fully committed to pursuing ratification of the Test Ban Treaty
and will continue to engage members
of the Senate on the importance of this
Treaty to US security,” Obama added.
Indonesia`s Foreign Affairs Minister Marty said in late November 2011
the Government would during its attendance at regional and multilateral
events continue to promote wider international adherence to the nuclear
test ban treaty.
In the Southeast Asian region, the
Minister said, Indonesia as the ASEAN
Chair 2011 had been able to conduct
negotiations with five nuclear weapon
states (together referred to as the P5
group - namely the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and
China), about the formation of a South
East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone.
“With the finalization of negotiations between ASEAN and the five nuclear weapon states, we have the assurance that the 600 million population of
the Southeast Asia region will be freed
from nuclear weapon threats,” he said.
On the sidelines of the 19th ASEAN
Summit and Related Summits in Bali,
November 2011, Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and
Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto said
there was progress regarding ASEAN`s
efforts to get the P5, to respect and
make a commitment not to violate the
Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free
Zone Treaty (SEANWFZ). “After a hiatus of 10 years , negotiations about the
P5 acceding to the SEANWFZ were resumed this year,” he said.
In his opening speech in the 19th
ASEAN Summit, President Yudhoyono
urged the P5 to immediately sign the
protocol of Southeast Asian NuclearWeapon-Free Zone Treaty (SEANWFZ).
“We have to take advantage of this
precious momentum to have the the
SEANWFZ protocol signed as soon as
possible,” he said.
The SEANWFZ treaty was signed
by all ASEAN members in 1995 and
came into force in 1997. It expresses the
region`s desire to contribute towards
general and complete nuclear disarmament and the promotion of international peace and security.
Indonesia is the Chair of the Commission for SEANWFZ in 2011, and also
the Coordinator of the NAM`s Working
Group on Disarmament.
The NAM was founded in Belgrade,
on September 1-6, 1961. The First Summit Conference was attended by 25
countries, namely Afghanistan, Algeria,
Yemen, Myanmar, Cambodia, Srilanka,
Congo, Cuba, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia,
Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iraq,
Lebanon, Mali, Morocco, Nepal, Saudi
Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia
and Yugoslavia.
On the final day of its 16th Ministerial Meeting in Bali, in May 2011, the NAM
member nations issued a Statement on
“the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons” calling for the nuclear weapon
disarmament for the sake of preserving
world peace.
The NAM Ministers in the Bali meeting reiterated their deep concern over
the nuclear weapons threat to humanity, and therefore, the total banning of
nuclear weapons in the world was a
priority of NAM. “The Ministers, in the
framework of the 50th Anniversary of
the Non-Aligned Movement, declared
their firm commitment to work for convening a high level international conference to identify ways and means of
eliminating nuclear weapons at the earliest possible date, with the objective
of an agreement on a phased program
for the complete elimination of nuclear
weapons with a specified framework
of time, to prohibit their development,
production, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer, use of threat of use, and
to provide for their destruction,” the
NAM Bali statement stated.
President Yudhoyono in his opening
speech at the NAM meeting expressed
the country`s wish to see a future without
nuclear weapons. “We work very hard to
advance a vision of a world of zero nuclear weapons,” the President said.
UN appreciates RI`s contributions to
international peace-keeping missions
Jakarta - The United Nations appreciates Indonesia`s contributions to UN
peace-keeping missions in a number of
Since 1957 Indonesia has sent
24,284 military personnel to carry out UN missions. In response,
President Yudhoyono said the
facility was aimed at creating TNI
(military) personnel who were
prepared and capable to serve in
UN peace missions
“We are grateful and appreciate
Indonesia`s contributions to UN Peace
Keeping Missions,” Director for UN
Peace Keeping Mission Operations
Herve Ladsous said in a teleconference
with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Sentul, Bogor, West
Java, on December 19, 2011.
The conference was held in connection with the opening of the Peace
Keeping Education and Training Center
at the Indonesian “Santi Dharma” Peace
and Security Center Compound by
President Yudhoyono that day.
Flanked by Indonesian Ambassador
to the UN, Hasan Kleib, Ladsous said he
welcomed the establishment of the facility by Indonesia to better prepare its
military personnel for carrying out UN
“Congratulations on the establishment of the peace keeping education
and training center which will better
support preparations for military personnel to be assigned for UN peace missions any where,” he said.
Ladsous said Indonesia`s role in the
UN Peace Keeping Missions had been
proven well and given pride such as in
Lebanon and Congo. In view of that, he
said he hoped Indonesia could continue
playing a role in UN peace missions.
Since 1957 Indonesia has sent
24,284 military personnel to carry out
UN missions. In response, President
Yudhoyono said the facility was aimed
at creating TNI (military) personnel who
were prepared and capable to serve in
UN peace missions. “And Indonesia will
continue playing a role and support UN
peace missions anywhere,” he said.
Flanked by Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro and TNI Commander
Admiral Agus Suhartono as well as
several cabinet ministers President
Yudhoyono on the occasion also ex-
changed words with the commander
of the UN peace mission in Congo (Monusco) General Chander Prakash.
Prakash spoke about the history of
the establishment of a UN Peace Mission in Congo and developments in the
security situation in the region in connection with the implementation of
general elections in that country.
President Yudhoyono also talked
with the Chief of the TNI Engineers
Task Force Konga XX-H/Monusco, Lt
Col Widiyanto regarding the tasks of
the TNI contingent in the UN Mission in
He also talked with the Deputy
Commander of the UN Peace Mission
in South Lebanon (UNIFIL), Brigadier
General Santi Bonfanti and the commander of the Garuda Contingent, Col.
Darmawan Bakti regarding peace keeping mission in Lebanon and the task of
the TNI contingent in the region.
The last person he talked with was
the Deputy Commander of the UN
Peace Mission in Haiti (Minustah) Felicio
de Los Santos and the Commander of
Indonesian Konga XXXII-A Colonel Winarno in connection with UN mission in
Haiti and the TNI`s role in the region.
Equator - December 2011 7
RI expected to reach investment
grade next year
Jakarta - Indonesia is likely to see a
significant increase in foreign investment after it has reached “investment
grade” which is expected to happen
three to six months from now, the Head
of a businessmen`s group said.
“According to our calculations, and
information from analysts and researchers, Indonesia will reach `investment
grade` three to six months from now,”
Airlangga Hartarto, Chairman of the Indonesian Issuers Association (AEI), said
on December 6, 2011.
However, the benefits of the investment grade status would be much
reduced by the business climate in Europe and the US which could obstruct
the flow of investment to Indonesia.
“With Indonesia having investment
grade status, investors would assume
the risks of investment in Indonesia to
be good. But unfortunately, the business climate in Europe and the US next
year will probably still be bad,” he said.
Airlangga was confident Indonesia
would earn the investment grade qualification in the near future. “Thus it will
significantly increase foreign investment, and then we will get out of the
crisis,” he said.
Meanwhile, international rating
agency Fitch Ratings said it would
consider raising Indonesia`s rank to
“investment grade” over a period of at
least 12 months because the required
calculations were quite complex. “We
are still considering raising Indonesia to
`investment grade` status over a period
of 12-18 months. That`s because the
`credit rating` requires quite compli-
cated calculations, not just one factor
alone. There are several factors to consider for Indonesia,” said Head of Sovereign Ratings Asia Pacific Fitch Andrew
The first factor to consider was the
inflation rate until the end of the year.
According to Andrew, Bank Indonesia
should be able to hold the inflation
steady. Besides, infrastructure must
also be a concern because it referred to
government policies requiring immediate action.
“Foreign participation in the bond
market also needs to be based on considerations of Indonesia`s performance
during the 2008 crisis. Indonesia was
quite strong in dealing with the crisis,”
said Andrew.
ASEAN-Latin American Business
Forum to be held next February
Jakarta - The Third ASEAN-Latin
American Business Forum 2012 will be
held in Jakarta, February 23-24, 2012,
the ASEAN Foundation said in a press
statement on December 19, 2011.
ASEAN Foundation`s commitment
to support ASEAN community
building by promoting greater
awareness of ASEAN, people-topeople interaction, and close collaboration among the business
sector, civil society, academia and
other stakeholders on ASEAN
ASEAN Foundation Executive Director Dr. Makarim Wibisono discussed
about the preparations for the Forum
when receiving a visit from Brazilian
Ambassador to Indonesia Paulo Alberto
Da Silveira Soares at the ASEAN Foundation recently.
In the meeting, Ambassador Soares
said that the Forum were expected to
help flourish ASEAN and Latin American business activities, especially on
trade and investment.
He hoped to see seminars, work8 Equator - December 2011
shops and activities between ASEAN
and Latin American business stakeholders to happen in 2012 in areas not only in
the business sector but also transfer of
knowledge on issues on environment,
food safety and renewable resources.
Dr. Makarim Wibisono concurred to
the idea of realizing the commitments
that will transpire during the Forum into
concrete actions to develop trade and
business in ASEAN and Latin America
as well as activities that will help solve
global problems for both regions.
He reiterated ASEAN Foundation`s
commitment to support ASEAN community building by promoting greater
awareness of ASEAN, people-to-people
interaction, and close collaboration
among the business sector, civil society, academia and other stakeholders
Both Dr. Makarim Wibisono and Ambassador Soares believed that the Forum will pave the way for a more promising and outward looking partnership
between ASEAN and Latin America.
The Forum is the last leg of a threepart project of the ASEAN Foundation
partnering with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) which was officiated in 2009.
The project is intended to promote
the transfer of knowledge between
Southeast Asia and Latin American
countries on trade and investment
and enhance collaboration between
the two regions through inter-regional
partnership and linkages.
It specifically aims to raise awareness on trade and investment potentials
through exchange of knowledge and
to encourage resource mobilization to
support new initiatives addressing critical needs in enhancing economic ties
between the two regions.
The first workshop on Prospects of
Economic Relations between Southeast Asia and Latin America was held
on 12 October 2009 in Jakarta, and the
second workshop has been modified
and expanded into a bigger conference
entitled ASEAN-Latin Business Forum
2010, held on 18 November 2010 in
Bangkok, Thailand.
RI leading in creative economy
Jakarta - Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Mari Elka Pangestu said
Indonesia was the most leading country
in the development of creative economy which was expected to contribute
11 percent to the national economy up
to 2014.
“Indonesia includes 14 national economic aspects in its creative economic
sector. China and South Korea only
include four aspects,” Minister Mari E.
Pangestu said in a seminar on December 7, 2011.
She said that Indonesia was the first
country to have a ministry which handled creative economy, a sector whose
main basis was human resources that
had unlimited sustainability, unlike oth-
er industries whose basis was natural
The Minister said that creative
economy was closely related to
the tourism industry because various tourism mainstay products
were produced by creative economy starting from handicraft to
culinary products
The Minister said that creative economy was closely related to the tourism
industry because various tourism mainstay products were produced by creative economy starting from handicraft
to culinary products.
Creative economy is expected to
reinforce national economy strength
in the face of the impact of the European and the United States economic
meltdown. “During the 2008 economic
crisis, tourism was one of the sectors
which were not affected by the economic down turns,” the Minister said.
In 2010 the creative economic sector contributed 7.2 percent to national
economy and the Government has now
prepared various steps to boost its development so that it would contribute
over 10 percent in 2014. The growth of
creative economy in 2006-2009 was recorded at 2.9 percent per annum.
Equator - December 2011 9
Tourism can serve as economic
safety belt
Jakarta - Tourism and Creative
Economy Minister Mari Elka Pangestu
said the tourism sector and domestic
market had the potentials to serve as a
safety belt for national economy in the
face of global economic meltdown.
“Indonesian tourism is not vulnerable
to economic crisis so that the tourism
sector and domestic market can serve as
a safety belt for national economy,” the
minister said on December 7, 2011.
She was speaking to a seminar on
“Tourism Outlook 2012” organized by
ANTARA National News Agency with a
theme of optimizing the creative economic sector for the tourism industry in
“We do not have to be worried
about our tourism because we have
huge tourism potentials. Indonesia is
the largest archipelagic country and
has the world`s fourth largest population of 237 million,” the Minister said.
She said that Indonesia stretched
5,120 km from the East to the West and
1,760 km from the North to the South.
“We have eight World Cultural Heritage
Sites which has the potentials to serve
as host for international festivals and
exhibitions, as well as strong creative
industries,” the Minister said.
The Tourism and Creative Economy
Ministry has set a target of 8 million
foreign tourist arrivals up to the end of
this year.
Bandung hosted
“Road to Indonesia Coffee Festival”
Bandung, West Java - Bandung, West
Java`s provincial capital, has hosted a
Road to Indonesia Coffee Festival on
December 23, 2011, as a precursor to an
Indonesian Coffee Festival in Bali next
year, the event`s initiator said.
Bandung was chosen to host the
Indonesian Coffee Festival`s preevent because of its history in
coffee cultivation and trade that
had brought it high prestige
“Bandung which was the first region
in Indonesia to host ​coffee plantations
will have the honor of hosting the Road
to Indonesia Coffee Festival,” Yanthi
Tambunan said on December 14.
Meanwhile, the Indonesian Coffee
Festival will be held in Bali in early 2012.
The festival was expected to be a heaven for coffee lovers in Indonesia.
According to Yanthi, Bandung was
chosen to host the Indonesian Coffee
Festival`s pre-event because of its history in coffee cultivation and trade that
had brought it high prestige.
Bandung also played a significance
role in the development of coffee in Indonesia because the first coffee plantations in Indonesia were established in
the Bandung region by Peter Eugelhard
during the Dutch colonial period, Coffee grown in the Bandung region later
became known world-wide as Java Coffee, she said.
Based on this history, Bandung
which has a cold climate, had a great
10 Equator - December 2011
potentials for coffee business both
packaged coffee and coffee treats in
cafes. “The Road to Indonesia Coffee
Festival will educate the public about
coffee,” Yanthi said.
Indonesia is currently the world`s
biggest coffee producer after Brazil
and Vietnam. Indonesia`s current coffee production stands at 200 thousand
tons per year.
Ideally with this high production
Indonesia no longer needed to import
coffee. With growth of 10 percent of the
local production, it would be sufficient
to meet the domestic needs, Yanthi
“Indonesia`s coffee export potential
is still large including to Japan, Germany,
Italy, UK and U.S. However, usually the
coffee exported comes back to Indonesia under a foreign label,” she said.
The current upswing in the coffee
price was related from the rainy season.
The coffee price in the market was now
around Rp80.000 per kilogram.
President invites Hakka Chinese
bizmen to invest in MP3EI projects
Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono held a meeting with representatives of Asia`s Hakka Chinese community and asked them to participate
in MP3EI (Economic Development Acceleration and Expansion Master Plan)
“I invite you first as business players
in Indonesia who certainly wish to serve
your own country in an exemplary way
by investing in areas you yourselves
choose and think are the best for you,”
the President said at the meeting with
the Association of Prosperous Hakka Indonesians (PHIS) at Hall D of the Jakarta
Exhibition Arena on December 21, 2011.
He said foreign investors were expected to come to Indonesia in larger
numbers in the days ahead but before
that happened he wished to offer existing investment opportunities to domestic business players first.
President Yudhoyono asked around
5,000 invitees who attended the gathering not to miss the momentum to
create various new opportunities.
Through economic mechanisms,
he said, businesses could also help
improve the welfare of the Indonesian
people by reducing poverty and unemployment. “Do not wait. To those
who can invest, mobilize businesses,
let us cooperate to invest, develop the
economy so that all people can enjoy
the benefits,” he said.
PHIS`s Chief Patron Murdaya Poo in
his speech called on the Hakka Chinese
community numbering around six million to invest in the country.
“Hakka community as economic
players, please hurry, use your savings
to invest in Indonesia. Do not worry
about the imperfect regulations or bureaucrats,” he said.
President Yudhoyono in the company of First Lady Ani Yudhoyono said
Hakka Chinese had the same rights and
obligations as other Indonesian citizens.
Therefore, he called on them to
participate in maintaining security and
order as well as political and social stability for the sake of a better life for the
Putera Sampoerna receives US
government award
Nusa Dua, Bali - Putera Sampoerna
as the founder of Putera Sampoerna
Foundation receives a “Peace Through
Commerce Medal Award 2011” from
the International Trade Administration
of the US Department of Trade.
The award was given for Putera Sampoerna`s active efforts
to increase international trade
between the US and Indonesia
through cooperation in the field
of high learning education
“Each recipient of the award is a
leader in his/her field in promoting
trade. He/she has not only supported
economic growth but also overcome
cultural barriers,” he said.
Putera Sampoerna when expressing his gratefulness for the award said
“I am flattered to be among great figures in the world to receive the award.”
He said high learning education is
a long-term investment for a country`s
future economy. A country`s bargain-
ing power will depend upon provision
of education for its future generation,
he said.
He said education is also one of
efforts to deepen the relations that
have existed between countries which
will certainly help increase economic
growth. “I hope this cooperation will
help develop the younger generation,
increase economic growth and create
world-class education,” he said.
“The award was given for Putera
Sampoerna`s active efforts to increase
international trade between the US and
Indonesia through cooperation in the
field of high learning education,” US
Deputy Trade Secretary Fransisco J. Sanchez said on the sidelines of the award
presentation on December 12, 2011.
He said Putera Sampoerna is one of
the eight persons chosen from across
the world such as China, Hong Kong,
Germany, the US and Australia.
Sanchez said the award was given to
individuals, groups and organizations
that had promoted and developed export initiatives, innovative approaches
and US trade.
Equator - December 2011 11
President attends national Christmas
day event
Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono attended a function to
celebrate Christmas Day at the Jakarta
Convention Hall on December 27, 2011,
and his remarks on the occasion called
for increased tolerance and solidarity.
He said in his speech at the event
that tolerance and solidarity are the key
to the success of development.
The Head of State said the good
national conditions in terms of
economy, politics and social life
had to be welcomed with gratefulness through the Christmas
“All people must be made aware of
the principles of humanism and tolerance to settle all problems. Right now
we are in the middle of a development
process in which solidarity among the
nation`s components is needed regardless of their identities, whether they are
Christians, Moslems, Confucianists, Buddhists or Hindus. They all have equal responsibility,” he said.
The Head of State said the good national conditions in terms of economy,
politics and social life had to be welcomed with gratefulness through the
Christmas commemoration.
“In this way we can also help build
harmony among nations in the world. I
would also ask Christians in the country
to be always grateful for the progress
we have made as nation and to improve
achievement of things that have not yet
been achieved. Make Christmas Day a
light that gives optimism, positive thinking and conviction,” he said.
“Let us also meet the new year with
hope. Let us create stable political conditions, good economic and social conditions,” he said. “All mistakes and inappropriateness in the life of the nation
and community must not happen again
next year. With faith, hope and passion
let us build Indonesia to be more peaceful, just and prosperous,” he said.
On the occasion he also conveyed
the regards of First Lady Any Yudhoyono
who was unable to attend the event due
to illness. “Mrs Ani who has so far always
come to the religious commemoration
events like tonight is unable to attend
12 Equator - December 2011
because she is undergoing treatment
in a hospital. She sends her regards,” he
said. The function was also attended by
Vice President Boediono, Mrs Herawati
Boediono, Cabinet ministers and other
high ranking officials.
Women also determine national
progress, President said
“I am optimistic that the women
of Indonesia are able to become
forerunners in numerous successful development programs,” the
President said
Jakarta - The women of Indonesia play
an important role in various sectors and
also determine the progress of the nation,
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Speaking at a function to mark the
peak event of the 83th National Mothers`
Day at Balai Kartini in South Jakarta on
22 December 2011, the President said the
women should also have a wider access to
improving their capability.
“By understanding the process and
direction of the women movement, we
know that the struggle of women remains
relevant to date in their effort to improve
the life of the nation,” the President said.
The Head of State pointed out that
the role of women in the field of education, and the tree planting and tree keeping movement should highly be appreciated. Therefore the President noted that
the women should continue to step up
their role in various fields which at present
needed a serious attention.
“I am optimistic that the women of Indonesia are able to become forerunners in
numerous successful development programs,” the President said.
He also encouraged the women to play
their role in keeping clean the environment. “We have to keep our environment
clean, because if it is dirty, it will affect our
hearts and minds as well. Therefore, together let us make our environment and
our country clean,” the President said.
Indonesia to host World Stamps
Jakarta - Indonesia will host a World
Stamps Championship and Exhibition
from June 18-24, 2012, at the Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesian Philatelists
Association Chairman Lt Gen (Ret) R Soeyono said on December 19, 2011.
“The World Stamps Championship
and Exhibition 2012 will be participated
in by philatelists from 70 world philately
federations and more than 100 stamp
dealers all over the world,” Soeyono
He said 65 philately federations from
Asia Pacific countries namely China, Japan, Australia, Britain, France, Germany,
the United States, Canada, Brazil, South
Africa, Egypt, and Congo have confirmed
their participation in the stamps championship and exhibition in Indonesia.
Indonesia has hosted four similar
events, namely Indopex 93 in Surabaya,
East Java; Jakarta 95 in Jakarta; Indonesia 96 in Bandung, West Java; and Jakarta
2008 in Jakarta.
Themed “Bridging To The World Of
Peace Through Stamps” the event was intended to step up the world`s philatelists
friendship, to create world peace, and to
advance philately in various aspects.
“”The World Stamps Championship
and Exhibition 2012 will be conducted to
observe the 485th anniversary of Jakarta,
the 67th anniversary of the state philosophy of Pancasila, and to hail the 67th anniversary of Indonesian Independence
Day,” he said.
Equator - December 2011 13
RI applauded for ratifying nuclear
test ban treaty by Fardah
Jakarta - Fifteen years after the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
(CTBT) was opened for signature, Indonesia has finally ratified the treaty, a
decision that has been applauded by
world leaders who said it helped the
world move closer to end nuclear tests.
“Indonesia has always vigorously
supported the CTBT and was among
the first to sign when the Treaty was
opened for signature on 24 September
1996. However, as a matter of principle,
it deferred the ratification process on
the principle that states that possessed
nuclear weapons should commit to the
Treaty ahead of anyone else,” the Indonesian Foreign Ministry said in a statement recently.
The country`s House of Representatives (DPR) on December 6, 2011, passed
legislation officially endorsing the CTBT
that bans all nuclear explosions in all environments for military or civilian purposes.
“Members of all factions in the parliament have agreed to ratify the CTBT,”
House Deputy Speaker Priyo Budi Santoso said in a plenary session that was
also attended by Foreign Affairs Minister
Marty Natalegawa and Head of Preparatory Commission for Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
(CTBTO) Tibor Toth who had flown in
from Vienna, Austria, to witness the historic moment.
Marty said the House`s endorsement
would strengthen Indonesia`s stance in
supporting the non proliferation and total eradication of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons,
and Indonesia would henceforth make
efforts to persuade other countries to
ratify the CTBT. Indonesia`s endorsement of the Treaty will receive official
recognition when it is presented to the
United Nations.
The CTBT bans any nuclear explosion
for military or civil purposes, and establishes a complex verification system to
monitor compliance. When complete
there will be 337 facilities monitoring
the planet, underground, the oceans
and the atmosphere for any sign of a
nuclear explosion.
According to CTBO, 182 countries
have signed the treaty, of which 156
14 Equator - December 2011
have also ratified it. The CTBT`s stringent
entry-into-force provision proscribes
that all 44 designated nuclear technology holder countries must sign and ratify
the treaty in order to make it law.
With Indonesia`s ratification, 36
have now done so. The eight countries
that still have to ratify it are China, the
Democratic People`s Republic of Korea
(DPRK), Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan
and the United States.
“Indonesia has always vigorously supported the CTBT and was
among the first to sign when the
Treaty was opened for signature
on 24 September 1996. However,
as a matter of principle, it deferred the ratification process on
the principle that states that possessed nuclear weapons should
commit to the Treaty ahead of
anyone else,” the Indonesian foreign ministry said in a statement
The Vienna-based CTBTO was established to implement the treaty but
pending its entry into force, the organization had the status of a so called Preparatory Commission.
Toth congratulated Indonesia`s parliamentarians for bringing the CTBT
“a significant step closer to becoming
global law.” “By this historic decision,
the gap keeping the Treaty from entering into force has been narrowed down
to eight countries,” he said.
The ratification of the CTBT by Indonesia has been applauded by a number
of countries including the United States,
Turkey, Mexico, Japan, the European
Union, Australia, Germany, France, Austria, Britain, New Zealand and Sweden.
US President Barack Obama said in
a statement issued by the White House
on 6 December 2011 that the ratification provided a strong example of the
positive leadership role Indonesia could
play in the global effort to prevent the
spread of nuclear weapons.
“The United States remains fully
committed to pursuing ratification of
the Test Ban Treaty and will continue to
engage members of the Senate on the
importance of this Treaty to US securi-
ty,” Obama added.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
in her statement thanked President
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the
Government of Indonesia for their leadership in this global effort to reinforce
the nuclear nonproliferation regime.
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin
Rudd Rudd said in a statement that “This
decision further attests to Indonesia`s
strong practical commitment to disarmament and will lend new impetus to
efforts to universalise the CTBT, especially given Indonesia`s role as the NonAligned Movement`s Coordinator for
Australia hosts 21 monitoring facilities, the third-largest number of any
state in the world, and supports the
CTBT Organization in developing onsite inspection and verification procedures.
Praising Indonesia`s action on the
CTBT, UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon said “My message is clear: Do not
wait for others to move first. Take the
initiative. Lead. The time for waiting has
passed.” Ban encouraged all states that
have not yet done so to sign and ratify
the treaty.
Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the European Union for
Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and
Vice-President of the Commission, also
issued a statement saying “With its ratification, Indonesia confirmed its commitment to the objective of eliminating
all nuclear test explosions worldwide.”
The entry into force of the CTBT is
a major objective on the multilateral
agenda, and remains a strategic priority
for the European Union as an essential
element of advancing nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, she said.
German Foreign Minister Guido
Westerwelle called Indonesia`s decision
“a further advance” that “will help pave
the way for the Treaty to finally enter
into force”.
According to Westerwelle, the approval of the Treaty by Indonesia`s Parliament showed that “all over the world
the importance of nuclear disarmament
and arms control is increasingly recognized.”
Germany acceded to the CTBT in
1998. With annual funding in the order
of seven million euro, the German Government is the third largest contributor
to the CTBTO.
The Mexican Government applauded the decision of the Indonesian Parliament and said it would contribute to a
nuclear-weapon-free world.
The Mexican Government, which
ratified the CTBT on October 5, 1999,
Indonesia has been actively pushing for a world free of nuclear
weapons at various regional and
international fora such as the
United Nations, the Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM), and ASEAN
urged the countries that have not yet
endorsed or adhered to the treaty to do
so as soon as possible so that the CTBT
can enter into force around the world.
Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt
welcomed Indonesia`s CTBT endorsement and said “With this fine example
of political leadership and international
engagement by Indonesia, the CTBT
moves yet one step further towards entry into force. This is indeed good news
for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in all its aspects as well as for
regional and international security.”
Appreciation also came from British Foreign Secretary William Hague
who said “I congratulate the Indonesian
Government for ratifying the CTBT, the
156th country to do so. This is a significant step towards the Treaty`s entry into
force and to a global ban on nuclear
weapon test explosions. I now call on
the remaining eight states that need to
ratify the treaty for it to enter into force
to do so. I hope the Indonesian example
of a change of direction in policy on the
CTBT after 15 years will send a positive
signal to them.”
The CTBT provides for a system capable of detecting nuclear explosions
anywhere in the world, either in the atmosphere, underwater or underground,
and is made up of 321 stations for seismic, hydroacoustic and infrasound monitoring, and 16 radionuclide laboratories.
Indonesia currently hosts six of the
seismic stations which are part of the
CTBT`s global alarm system monitoring
the planet for any evidence of nuclear
The seismic stations are crucial for a
country like Indonesia, which is prone to
natural disasters, because the stations`
seismic data also provide warnings
about tsunamis and volcanic eruptions,
and can be used for other civil and scientific applications.
Indonesia has been actively pushing
for a world free of nuclear weapons at
various regional and international fora
such as the United Nations, the NonAligned Movement (NAM) and ASEAN.
Marty had announcement that his
country intended to ratify the CTBT at
the opening of the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
(NPT) in New York on May 3, 2010.
Indonesia`s step is expected to generate a domino effect inspiring the eight
countries which have not yet shown
their intention to ratify the Treaty.
Equator - December 2011 15
Indonesia successfully takes ASEAN
to greater height by Fardah
Jakarta - When Indonesia assumed
the ASEAN Chairmanship in January 2011,
ASEAN Secretary General Dr Surin Pitsuwan expressed optimism that the country
could take ASEAN to a greater height.
“Indonesia has weight, international
legitimacy and global appeal to draw
tremendous support and attention from
around the world to the ASEAN community building efforts that we are all engaging in now,” Dr Surin said as quoted on the
official website of the ASEAN Secretariat
early this year.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
was committed to leading the regional
grouping meaningfully under his chairmanship themed “ASEAN Community in a
Global Community of Nations”. The theme
implied Indonesia`s determination to be
engaged, proactively and use the ASEAN
platform to enhance ASEAN`s profile in
the global arena.
“I do not want just the success of organizing the ASEAN Summits, related
Summits and Ministerial Meetings,” said
the President last January, adding that he
wanted to make sure that his ASEAN chairmanship must produce significant and
concrete outcomes.
Indonesia was in 1967 one of the
founders of the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) which now groups
Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam.
With hard work and the support of various parties, especially Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa, and cooperation
from other ASEAN member countries, Indonesia played its chairmanship role so well
that there is now wide acknowledgement it
has succeeded in bringing ASEAN to a higher level of progress and achievement.
Commendations came from among
others UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
who praised the Indonesian leadership
in ASEAN in advancing and expanding
regional cooperation through the sixth
summit of East Asia with 18 countries participating.
“I really appreciate the leadership of
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as
ASEAN Chairman through the summit,
which the substance to promote and expand regional cooperation,” said Ban Kimoon in a special interview with ANTARA
16 Equator - December 2011
in Nusa Dua, Bali, on the sidelines of the
19th ASEAN Summit and related Summits,
November 2011.
The long journey of ASEAN regional
cooperation which then was expanded
with ASEAN +3 Summit and East Asia
Summit brought together 18 countries
with a total population of 3.7 billion is an
achievement, he said.
Ban Ki-moon presented President Yudhoyono a “Global Champion of Disaster
Risk Reduction” award from the United Nations on the occasion. “The East Asia Summit (EAS) is now one of the largest regional
cooperation forums in the world. I am
proud to see this as a reality,” he added.
The long journey of ASEAN regional
cooperation which then was expanded with ASEAN +3 Summit and
East Asia Summit brought together
18 countries with a total population
of 3.7 billion is an achievement
The EAS has expanded from a 16- to
an 18-country grouping, with the formal
invitation to the Russian Federation and
the United States, who seek to engage
more closely with the region. The inclusion of the US and Russia in the EAS was
proposed by Indonesia in order to achieve
a dynamic equilibrium, Marty Natalegawa
once explained.
US President Barack Obama for the
first time joined the sixth EAS which was
attended also by the leaders of Indonesia,
Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore,
Thailand, the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, China, Australia,
Japan, South Korea, India, New Zealand,
Russia and the United States.
Obama congratulated Indonesia on its
chairmanship of ASEAN and the EAS and
the country`s efforts to promote regional
security, nuclear non-proliferation, and
disarmament; and commitment to making democracy and human rights platforms for ASEAN`s development.
“Finally, I convey to President Yudhoyono our appreciation of Indonesia`s regional leadership, which has helped us to
achieve real progress on issues like disaster
relief, maritime security, and nonproliferation. And I thank him for Indonesia`s efforts
to promote democracy and human rights,
and advance security and peace,” Obama
said in a statement issued after a bilateral
meeting with Yudhoyono on the sidelines
of the sixth EAS, in Bali, Nov 18, 2011.
Singapore`s Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam in an interview with Channel
NewsAsia, recently, said ASEAN had progressed well under the strong and able
leadership of Indonesia.
“In the Thai-Cambodian dispute, Indonesia, as Chair of ASEAN, together with the
other ASEAN countries, played a very useful role and the role that Indonesia played
was mentioned by the International Court
of Justice,” said Shanmugam, adding that
Indonesia as the ASEAN Chair 2011 had
done well.
Specifically Dr Surin Pitsuwan mentioned to Tempo recently that Minister
Marty Natalegawa should get credit for
purposefully changing how ASEAN is
viewed today by its member states. “Do
not underestimate the powers of Indonesia”, the ASEAN Secretary General said,
adding that. “Indonesia did splendidly”, on
the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit in Bali.
He recalled that initially ASEAN had
been seen as a regional bloc constricted
by its non-interference policy. But, following Indonesia`s chairmanship, ASEAN has
transformed significantly into a regional
grouping whose members can come to
the table and expect to resolve disputes
and expand economic collaboration.
Another appreciation, according to
Tempo, came from Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak who praised Indonesia`s
role as ASEAN chair in drawing superpowers to attend the EAS. Najib said that President Obama, “would not waste” his time
coming all the way here if he did not see
any value in it. Neither would the President
of China.
On a separate occasion, on November
28, 2011, UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights Navi Pillay commended Indonesia`s
“very positive” approach to human rights
during its 2011 chairmanship of ASEAN and
ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on
Human Rights (AICHR), and its vice-chairmanship of a second human rights body,
the ASEAN Commission for Women and
This year, Indonesia hosted the 18th
ASEAN Summit in Jakarta in May, and the
19th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits
in Bali, November 14-19. Previously, ASEAN
Summits had been held in this country in
1979 and 2003.
In 1976, when Indonesia chaired ASEAN, member states produced the Bali
Concord I, which was based on the Treaty
of Amity and Cooperation (TAC). It laid out
the rules of the game for ASEAN and also
for other powers that wanted to engage
in any form of cooperation with ASEAN. In
2003, ASEAN produced the Bali Concord II,
which initiated the ASEAN Economic Community.
And this year, the Bali Declaration on
ASEAN Community in a Global Community of Nations or the Bali Concord III was
adopted during the 19th ASEAN Summit,
to support its greater role globally.
The Bali Concord III was signed by the
ten ASEAN leaders, namely Cambodian
Prime Minister Hun Sen, Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah of Brunei Darussalam, Laos Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong, President
of Myanmar Thein Sein, Malaysian Prime
Minister Dato Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul
Razak, Filipino President Benigno Aquino
III, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien
Loong, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen
Tan Dun and President Yudhoyono.
The Summit also adopted Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership between ASEAN and the United Nations.
President Yudhoyono mentioned nine
main achievements made during the 19th
ASEAN Summits and Related Summits.
The achievements were producing
concrete measures to strengthen the three
pillars of ASEAN community; strengthening regional economic growth; assuming a
pivotal role in building a more efficient and
effective architecture for regional cooperation; maintaining South East Asia regional
stability and security; strengthening the
role of ASEAN globally; promoting joint
efforts to strengthen the economy of East
Asia (East region); boosting joint efforts to
develop platform and real action to address food, water, and energy security as
well as climate change; advocating joint
efforts to address non-traditional security challenges: natural disasters, terrorism,
transnational crimes; and forging joint efforts to maintain peace, security and stability and order of East Asian region.
During its ASEAN chairmanship 2011,
Indonesia managed to play a role as a
peacemaker in the Cambodia-Thailand
conflict over the Preah Vihear temple.
Indonesia and other ASEAN member
countries collectively have also played a
role in encouraging the Myanmar government to open up its political system and
introduce other reforms more quickly.
Given the positive democratic developments in Myanmar, the Bali summit
approved Myanmar`s proposal to assume
the ASEAN chair in 2014.
Another significant achievement
made during Indonesia`s chairmanship
was progress in the implementation of the
2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), including the recent adoption of the Guidelines
for the Implementation of the DOC.
“ASEAN now has become a more mature organization able to create stability
and security in the region while also improving its economy and people-to-people relations. With such an asset, I believe
ASEAN can contribute positively to the
global community,” President Yudhyono
as the ASEAN Chair 2011 said in his opening speech in the Bali Summit.
The Indonesian President handed
over the country’s position as the ASEAN
Chair to Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia at the closing ceremony of the
19th ASEAN Summit.
According to Minister Marty, the hard
work of ASEAN countries had successfully
resulted in the improving security, peace,
stability of ASEAN making the Southeast
Asia region far from conflicts.
“In the midst of difficult domestic
situation faced by several member countries, ASEAN has been able to make progress in a number of areas,” said Marty in
Bali on November 16, 2011.
Equator - December 2011 17
Past year marked by intense
RI-UNESCO engagement
Jakarta - The year 2011 has been
quite special for Indonesia and UNESCO as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono spoke at a UNESCO meeting
in Paris, UNESCO Director General Irina
Bokova visited Indonesia, and Aceh`s
Saman dance was recognized as a world
cultural heritage.
President Yudhoyono was invited to
the special session of the 36th UNESCO
General Conference to mark the 10th
anniversary of the declaration of universal cultural diversity because UNESCO
considered the country to be an example of cultural diversity that eventually
became a source of strength.
Indonesia is a unique laboratory for
the country`s cultural diversity, a member of the Administrative Group of the
International Bureau of Education (IBE)
Council of UNESCO Arief Rachman said
last November.
He said Indonesia has more than
500 tribes with more than 700 ethnic
languages in more than 17,000 islands,
and therefore UNESCO had invited the
President to present his views on the
development and preservation of the
country`s cultural diversity.
In his speech at the UNESCO Headquarters in November 2011, Yudhoyono
called on all parties in the world to join
Indonesia in creating a new approach to
the development of multicultural life.
He said a new approach must be
found to develop understanding over
cultural diversity and differences. “The
previous paradigm of `I and you` should
now be changed into `we`,” he said.
Yudhoyono expressed appreciation
to UNESCO that has helped Indonesia
protect and develop its cultures including its recognition of the country`s heritages such as Batik textile, Kris dagger
and its assistance for the maintenance
of Borobudur and Prambanan temples.
UNESCO Chief Irina praised Indonesia for its capability in preserving its
cultural diversity in view of that fact that
the nation consists of a lot of different
ethnic groups, local languages and local
cultures. “I expressed my appreciation
to Indonesia, a country with cultural diversity,” she said in Paris.
After the Paris conference, Irina
made her first official visit to Indonesia
18 Equator - December 2011
from November 19 to 25, 2011, during
which she went through a quite hectic
She among other things visited the
World Heritage site of Borobudur in
Magelang, Central Java, Bali Island and
When visiting Borobudur Temple on
November 19, Irina, a Bulgarian senior
diplomat who was elected as UNESCO
Director General in 2009 for four years,
planted a bodhi tree, laid a stone and
rewarded community workers in a ceremony to mark the end of a nearly twoyear cleaning operation at the Buddhist
temple following the eruption of Mount
Merapi in 2010.
In 2012, Indonesia plans to nominate Noken traditional bag from
Papua, a Balinese dance, and the
Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature
Park (TMII), and Sasando traditional music instrument of East
Nusa Tenggara to be included in
the UNESCO`s list of intangible
world cultural heritage
“The 2010 eruptions tell a story of destruction -- but, together, we are writing
a new tale, one of resilience and unity,”
she said.
Built by a king of the Sailendra dynasty between AD 750 and 842, the
temple was restored with UNESCO`s
help in the 1970s.
Irina later officially opened the Sixth
Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held in Bali,
from November 22 to 29, 2011.
During the week-long meeting, the
Committee finally managed to select 11
items to be added to the List of Intangible Heritage in Need of Urgent safeguarding, 19 others were inscribed on
the Representative List, and five Best
Safeguarding Practices were selected.
Aceh`s Saman dance, well-known
abroad as “Thousand hands” dance,
was one of the 11 items inscribed in
UNESCO`s List of Intangible Cultural
Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.
In Bali, Irina also visited four sites
constituting a cultural landscape of Bali
which have been proposed by the Indonesian Government for inscription onto
the UNESCO World Heritage list.
She later visited the Tsunami Early
Warning Centre (InaTEWS) at the Meteorological, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) office in Jakarta
on November 24, to see firsthand how
the center operates. Irina said through
the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission (IOC), UNESCO would continue to support the global coordination
of tsunami early warning systems.
UNESCO is working with the Centre
and other Indonesian partners to train
teachers and students about how to react and to help each other when a warning is issued. When schools have such
standard operating procedures in place,
many lives can be saved.
Throughout her visit, she also met
with senior government officials including with Coordinating Minister
for People`s Welfare Agung Laksono,
Education and Culture Minister Mohammad Nuh, and Minister of Tourism and
Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu,
to discuss UNESCO`s cooperation with
In October 2011, Indonesia has supported UNESCO`s decision to accept
Palestine as a full member last October,
which has caused the UN body to lose
financial contribution from the United
States which is against the Palestinian
membership in the UN organization.
As UNESCO is financially experiencing difficult times, the Indonesian government has pledged $10 million to
support the activities of UNESCO.
The Director-General expressed her
gratitude for this significant and timely
contribution, affirming that it would
support UNESCO`s core activities, including the preservation of heritage,
capacity building and improving the
quality of education.
Previously, Indonesia`s cultural heritage which have included in UNESCO`s
Representative List of the Intangible
Cultural Heritage of Humanity are Angklung bamboo music instrument (2010),
Batik traditional textile (2009); Kris blade
and Wayang Puppet Theatre (2008).
Borobudur Temple was inscribed
on the World Cultural Heritage List in
1991, together with Prambanan Temple
compounds. In 1996, UNESCO included
Sangiran Early Man Site in Solo, Central
Java, where the first hominid fossil was
discovered during excavations from
1936 to 1941, in the same list.
As for Indonesian natural sites, the
World Heritage List has inscribed Komodo National Park (1991), Lorentz National
Park (1999), Tropical Rainforest Heritage
of Sumatra (2004) and Ujung Kulon National Park (1991) .
In 2012, Indonesia plans to nominate
Noken traditional bag from Papua, a
Balinese dance, and the Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park (TMII), and
Sasando traditional music instrument
of East Nusa Tenggara to be included
in the UNESCO`s list of intangible world
cultural heritage.
Balinese dances and the other Indonesian cultural features have been
proposed as UNESCO`s Best Practices in
Indigenous Knowledge.
Besides, since 2007, Bali has proposed
four sites to be inscribed in UNESCO`s
World Heritage List. The four sites are
respectively lake Batur located in Bangli
District, Ayun Park Temple at Mengwi
sub district, Badung District, Catur Angga Batukaru covering Lake Buyan, Lake
Tamblingan, Mt Batukaru and terraced
rice field in Tabanan District, and Pakerisan river basin in Gianyar District.
If Bali successfully meets all the
requirements, the four places will be
named as “Bali Cultural Landscape Subak System”, because the four sites philosophically are integrated and connected especially in the “subak” traditional
management process for irrigation.
UNESCO will consider the four sites
proposed by the Bali Province to be included onto the World Heritage list in
May 2012, Ketut Suastika, the Head of
the Bali Provincial Tourism office, said in
Denpasar, Bali, recently.
UNESCO was also expected to
designate the Wakatobi National
Marine Park in Southeast Sulawesi
as World`s Biosphere Reserve
On October 13-17, 2011, a International Council on Monuments and
Sites(ICOMOS)` team led by Augusto Villanon had visited the four places in Bali
for an evaluation as nominees of the
World Heritage Sites.
Apart from Bali, other regions such
as Jambi Province on Sumatra Island
also want to join the UNESCO World
Heritage List. “We will propose two tourist objects as our priority program to
UNESCO and obtain world recognition,
namely the Muarojambi temple and the
Geopark in Merangin,” said the Jambi
Culture and Tourism Office`s spokesperson, Heri Suroso, last June.
The Merangin Geopark is a remnant
of fossils that were formed as a result
of a sedimentation by molten magma
coming out of the earth`s bowels 150
million to 299 million years ago.
The Buddhist Muarojambi Temple
is an eight temple-like structures built
around the 14th century.
Archaeologists conclude that the
site was the center of Old Jambi, the
capital of ancient Malay kingdom which
reigned supreme about ten centuries
ago. Muara Jambi temple complex covers an area of 12 km2, along the side of
Batanghari river.
Songket traditional woven clothes
of South Sumatra has been considered
to be registered for consideration in
the UNESCO List. “Yes, indeed we want
Songket to be registered (to UNESCO)
like Batik, and we will do it,” Minister
Mari Elka Pangestu.
UNESCO was also expected to designate the Wakatobi National Marine
Park in Southeast Sulawesi as World`s
Biosphere Reserve.
Sasando traditional music instrument
Wakatobi National Marine Park
Songket traditional woven
Equator - December 2011 19
Indonesia’s best export products
Adorable jewels thoughout the ages
Indonesia, for sure, is the biggest producer of South Sea Pearls in the world. It is
estimated that around 124,810 hectares of
Indonesian equatorial seas provide suitable
habitats for Pinctada Maxima, the oysters
producing the majestic pearls. With such a
huge potential area for pearling activities,
Indonesia has the potential to produce at
least 20 tons of pearl per year. Indonesia,
with its more than 17,000 lush tropical islands, of which around 3,000 are inhabited,
is the largest archipelago country in the
world. The chain of islands extends 4,500 kilometers West to East and 2,000 kilometers
North to South. Situated southeast of the
Asian mainland and north and northwest
of Australia, this string of emeralds is cast
between the Indian and the Pacific oceans.
These factors have created a highly diverse
environment that is rich in natural resources
(oil, iron, gold, tin, nickel) as well as in terms
of both terrestrial and marine biodiversity.
Indonesia boasts 95,181 kilometers of
coastline which is among the longest in the
world. As such, Indonesia is endowed with
the richest marine coastal sea-beds biota.
Many kinds of crustaceans such as lobsters,
crabs, and shrimps as well as various types
of mollusks, such as clams and oysters are
among Indonesia’s major fishery products.
Indonesia is also a major producer of nonedible fishery products called pearls, thanks
to the pristine marine environment which
provides the best possible environment for
pearl-producing oysters. Indonesia is the
biggest producer of South Sea Pearls in the
world market
In order to appreciate the special distinctions of the South Sea Pearls, for which
Indonesia is the leading producer, one can
assess their beauty in terms of luster, color,
size, shape and surface quality.In terms of
luster, South Sea pearls, both natural and
cultured, have a very distinct appearance.
Due to their unique natural luster, they exhibit a gentle inner glow which is noticeably
different from the surface shine of other
pearls. It is sometimes described as comparing the glow of candle-light with that of
a fluorescent light. Occasionally, pearls of
very fine quality will exhibit a phenomenon
known as orient. This is the combination of
20 Equator - December 2011
a translucent luster with subtle reflections
of color.
The most popular colors of South Sea
pearls are white or white with various colored overtones. Overtones can be almost
any color of the rainbow, and are derived
from the natural colors of the nacre of the
South Sea pearl oyster. When combined
with a translucent intense luster, they create the effect known as “orient”. Colors
that are dominantly found include, Silver,
Pink White, White Rose, Golden White, Gold
Cream, Champagne and Imperial Gold. Imperial gold color is the rarest of all. This majestic color is produced only by the oysters
cultivated in Indonesian waters.South Sea
cultured pearls dominate the pearl world in
size, and are generally between 10mm and
15 millimeters.
When bigger sizes are found, rarer
pearls above 16 millimeters and occasionally in excess of 20 millimeters are highly
prized by connoisseurs. If beauty is in the
eye of the beholder, then South Sea Pearls
offer a myriad of opportunities of beauty to
Indonesia produces South Sea Pearls that
are cultivated from Pinctada
Maxima, the largest species of oyster. As
an archipelago with a pristine environment,
Indonesia provides the optimum environment for Pinctada Maxima to produce high
quality pearls. Indonesia’s Pinctada Maxima
produce pearls with more than a dozen of
color shades. The rarest and most valuable
pearls produced are the ones with gold and
silver colors. A range of delicate shades,
among others, silver, champagne, brilliant
white, pink and gold, with the Imperial Gold
Pearl as the most magnificent of all pearls.
The Imperial Gold Color Pearl produced
by oysters cultivated in pristine Indonesian
waters is in reality the Queen of South Sea
Pearl. behold, as no two pearls are exactly
the same. Due to the thickness of their nacre, South Sea cultured pearls are found in
an exciting variety of shapes. Pearl nacre is a
beautiful matrix of calcium carbonate crystals and special substances produced by the
oyster. This matrix is laid down in perfectly
formed microscopic tiles, layer upon layer.
The thickness of the pearl is determined
by the number of layers, and the thickness
of each layer. The appearance of the nacre
will be determined by whether the calcium
crystals are “flat” or “prismatic”, by the per-
fection with which the tiles are laid, and by
the fineness and number of layers of tiles.
The effect on the pearl’s beauty depends
on the degree of visibility of these perfections. This surface quality of the pearl is described as the pearl’s complexion.Although
shape does not affect the quality of a pearl,
the demand for particular shapes does
have a bearing on value. For convenience,
South Sea cultured pearls are graded into
these seven shape categories. Several categories are further divided into numerous
sub-categories: 1) Round; 2) Semi-Round; 3)
Baroque; 4) Semi-Baroque; 5) Drop; 6) Circle;
7) Button.
The trial tests of pearl culture in Indonesia started in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi as
from 1921 by a group of Japanese experts
led by Dr. M. Fujita, a leading researcher in
pearl cultivation. The venture was financed
by the Mitsubishi Corporation from Japan.
The test culture was using the Golden Pearl
Oyster (Pinctada Maxima Jameson) collected from the Arafura Sea, specifically
around the Aru Islands Group. After seven
years of trial and error, the test culture finally succeeded in producing rounded pearls
with attractive colors and luster. Thereafter, the sponsor, Mitsubishi Corporation,
established the South Sea Pearl Corp. Ltd.
(Nanyo Shinju Kabushiki Kaisha) which was
operating the pearl farming business. The
operation ended in 1941 due to the World
War II.
In 1958, the trial test activities for pearl
culture were resumed by Indonesian researchers and experts from the Indonesian
Center for Marine Fishery. The efforts were
then continued by the Indonesian Research
Center for Marine Fishery as from 1962. The
trial tests for pearl culture of Pinctada Margaritifera were conducted in the Gulf of Jakarta and in Semayang Island, Riau Islands
Group. The Research Center also tested the
pearl culture of Pinctada Lentiginosa in the
Kalabahi Gulf, Alor, East Nusa Tenggara.
The tests did not come out as expected.
As from 1960, pearl culture activities
were started using wild Pinctada Maxima
oysters collected from their natural habitat.
From 1990s onwards, pearl farming started
using adult oysters reared from hatcheries.
Jl. Jati Padang Baru Blok D1-A
Jakarta Selatan
Telp : (021) 7804361
Fax : (021) 7801674
CP : Rajendra Nasution
Jl. Pemuda No. 26 Mataram
Nusa Tenggara Barat
Telp : (0370) 641740
Fax : (0370) 634410
CP : Nursia C. Latumahina
Jl. Gedong Panjang No. 2-BD
Jakarta Barat 11240
Telp : (021) 6918204 - 05,
(0374) 44641
Fax : (021) 6918206, (0374) 44641
Cp : Ahasveros Soumokil
Jl.Urip Sumoharjo No. 166
Makasar 90232
Telp : (0411) 452670 - 71
Fax : (0411) 452460
CP : Harold Tandra
Gedung Bidakara Lt 6
Jl. Gatot Subroto
Kav. 71-73 , Jakarta Selatan 12760
Telp : (021) 83793260
Fax : (021) 83793258
CP : Syamsoelbahri
Jl. Raya Pluit Samudera No. 7
Jakarta Utara 14450
Telp : (021) 6692962, (021) 6346115
Fax : (021) 6622910, (021) 6346117
Pasir Hitam Desa Morus Pulau
Waegio Barat
Kab. Raja Empat Papua
CP : Richard Sinaya
Jl. Raya Pluit Samudera No. 7
Jakarta Utara 14450
Telp : (021) 6692962, (021) 6346115
Fax : (021) 6622910, (021) 6346117
Pasir Hitam Desa Morus Pulau
Waegio Barat
Kab. Raja Empat Papua
CP : Richard Sinaya
Jl. Gedong Panjang No. 2-BD
Jakarta Barat 11240
Telp : (021) 6918204 - 05
Fax : (021) 6918206
Jl. Dobo Kab. Maluku Tenggara
Telp: (0917) 21088
Fax: (0917) 21088
CP: Korneles Teb
Jl. Pemuda No. 245 Kolaka
Sulawesi Tenggara
Telp : (0405) 22410
Fax : (0405) 22410
Jl. A. Yani No. 42 C-D Kendari
Telp : (0401) 395886
Fax : (0401) 395889
CP : Herlina Vitus Horens
Jl. Waru No. 26 Rawamangun
Jakarta Timur 13220
Telp : (021) 4700409
Fax : (021) 4892282
CP : R.P. Poernomo
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 136
Nusa Tenggara Timur 85119
Telp : (0380) 83270
Fax : (0380) 831044
CP : Tony Pitoby
Jl. Tirtayasa III/8 Jakarta Selatan
Telp : (021) 7265477
Fax : (021) 7232311
CP : Indira Hartato
Jl. Ikan Mujair No. 14 Surabaya
Jawa Timur
Telp : (031) 3559271
Fax : (031) 3559036
CP : Benny Gunawan
To promote Indonesian pearls, a series of integrated activities have been organized, among others,
promotional exhibition both within the country and
overseas, pearl auctions and trade fairs. The Indonesian
Government through the Ministry of trade encourage
and support pearl businessmen to actively participate
in international trade fairs in jewelry so as to penetrate
the world market. On top of those, the Indonesian Government has also established the Annual Indonesian
Pearl Auction in Surabaya started as from 2007. This
annual event is organized jointly by the Government
through the Ministry of Fishery and Marine Affairs in
coordination with Asbumi (Indonesian Pearl Culture
At production stage, the Indonesian Government
through the Ministry of Fishery and Marine Affairs supports the pearling industries through research and development activities with regards to breeding of high
quality oysters and improvement in pearling activities.
The Government also provides high quality feeds for
spats to pearl farming business, on top of providing
technical training on grafting and farming management. As the guidelines for the activities to develop
the pearling industries, the Government promulgated
the Presidental Act No.32/1990 on The Management
of Pearl Cultivation Areas which regulates spatial arrangements that specify boundaries to ensure the environmental conditions that are conducive for pearling
The Government facilitated the establishment of
Asbumi (Indonesian Pearl Culture Association) as the
intermediary with the pearling business. As an independent entity, the organization’s overall objective is
to collectively improve the quality of Indonesian pearls
in order to have a strengthened position in the world
As the biggest producer of South Sea Pearl, Indonesia recorded production figure of 12 tons in 2005.
This figure is expected to increase to 18 tons by 2009.
Indonesian cultured South Sea pearls are produced in
the following areas: 1) the waters surrounding Bali; (2)
Nusa Tenggara (Lombok and Sumbawa); (3) Sulawesi
(Celebes); (4) Maluku (Moluccas) islands, and in 5) Papua
Province. Bali’s pearl farms are located in the calm waters off the island’s north-western coast, in the Buleleng
District, near Gerokgak. Nusa Tenggara is the biggest
producer of high quality South Sea Pearls in Indonesia.
There are several pearl farms in the West Nusa Tenggara region of Lombok, known for its “golden pearls”
from the Gold-Lipped oyster. Lombok has over 24
active pearl farms, on or near Sekotong’s ten islands,
on southwestern tip of Lombok. Pearls produced by
pearl farms in Nusa Tenggara increased from 689 kilograms in 2001 to 1,800 kilograms in 2005 and around
2,000 kilograms in 2006. In 2009, total pearl production is expected to reach 2.8 tons.
Equator - December 011 21
Lombok - the island of pearls
With divine beaches, the majestic Mt
Rinjani and spectacular marine life to
discover, the island of Lombok in West
Nusa Tenggara has no shortage of attractions both in and out of the water.
It’s little wonder then that Lombok is
the most popular destination in West
Nusa Tenggara.
Come here to surf the massive breaks
on the south coast. Challenge yourself
with a trek up steep volcanic peaks. Hire
a bike and cycle through lush evergreen
rice paddies. Whichever way you choose
to spend your time you won’t be disappointed with the spectacular natural
beauty on offer here.
Best known resort area on the island
is Senggigi, a township positioned on a
sweeping bay that provides magnificent
views of a blood red sunset over neighboring Bali. The view of this spectacular
sunset is best enjoyed relaxing with a
drink at one of the seafront restaurants
or on a hill overlooking the bay.
Other visitors to Lombok choose to
spend their time on one of the three
Gili islands, - Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno
and Gili Air - secluded tropical islands of
stunning beaches, a short 20 minutes
boat ride from Senggigi.
Located immediately east of Bali, the
island of Lombok is separated by a deep
trench that divides the Asian continental shelf from the Australian shelf. Biologist Alfred Wallace was the first to notice
in the 19th century that Lombok’s flora
and fauna differed from those on the
western islands of the Indonesian archipelago. Since then the Wallace Line was
drawn from the Lombok Straits northwards up the Makassar Straits – separat-
ing Kalimantan from Sulawesi - , and on
to the South China Sea.
Capital of Lombok and the West Nusa
Tenggara province is the city of Mataram, which, in fact merges the towns of
Ampenan, Mataram, Cakranegara and
Bertais, that were once individual kingdoms and townships. As from 1st. October 2011, the new Lombok International
Airport has started operations located
in the south of Lombok, 40 km. southeast of Mataram, replacing the former
Selaparang airport at Ampenan.
In the 16th century Lombok came to
be ruled by the kingdom of Karangasem
of east Bali and the town of Cakranegara
became the home of the crown prince
of Karangasem. Because of the Balinese conquest over the indigenous Sa-
sak people, a large part of Lombok has
marked Balinese historic and cultural
heritage, especially around the city of
But, even before the arrival of the Balinese, an Islamic priest from Java, known
as Sunan Giri had already proselyted a
large part of the local Sasak population
to Islam, and who until now adhere to
what is called the Wektu Telu – or the
three times for daily prayers, differing
from the 5 times obligatory prayers in
Islam. Wektu Telu is a religion unique to
the Sasak on Lombok that blends Islam
with old traditions and beliefs.
Today Lombok is also home to a
minority of Hindu Balinese, as well as
smaller numbers of Chinese, Javanese,
Bugis and Arabs.
Lombok highlights
Mount Rinjani or Gunung Rinjani is an
active volcano in Indonesia on the island
of Lombok. Administratively the mountain
is in the Regency of North Lombok.
It rises to 3,726 metres (12,224 ft), making it
the second highest volcano in Indonesia.
On the top of the volcano is a 6 km by 8.5
km caldera, which is filled partially by the
crater lake known as Segara Anak (Child of
the Sea). This lake is approximately 2000
metres above sea level and estimated at
being around 200 metres deep, and the
caldera also contains hot springs.
22 Equator - December 2011
Lombok highlights
The mighty Rinjani mountain of Gunung Rinjani is a massive volcano which
towers over the island of Lombok. A climb
to the top is one of the most exhilarating
experiences you can have in Indonesia. At
3,726 meters tall, Gunung Rinjani is the
second highest mountain in Indonesia.
The climb to the top may not be easy but
it’s worth it, and is widely regarded as one
of the best views in the country.
Part of the famous ‘ring of fire’ this
mountain also holds spiritual significance
for the local people. It’s thought that the
name Rinjani comes from an old Javanese term for ‘God’. Around the slopes
of Rinjani there are lush forests sprinkled
with waterfalls and surrounded by stunning scenery.
Within the mountain is a crescent
shaped lake, the breathtaking Segara
Anak which is about 6km across at its widest point. This lake of sulfur is located 600
meters below the crater rim. Rising from
the waters of this lake is a new volcano,
Mt. Baru, which is a result of a series of
eruptions during the 1990’s. Segara Anak
is a spiritual place. The Balinese come
here each year and perform a ceremony
called pekelan where jewelry is placed in
the lake as an offering to the mountain
spirit. The Wetu Telu people also regard
the lake as holy and come here to pray on
full moon nights.
Mt Rinjani lies within the Gunung
Rinjani National Park. The park covers
41,330 hectares and sits inside a major biogeographical transition zone (Wallacea).
This is where the tropical flora and fauna
of South East Asia meets that of Australasia. This National Park was established
in 1997 and is one of over 40 throughout
For visitors, the three-day Rinjani trek
route from Senaru to the crater rim, down
to the Crater Lake then on to Sembalun
Lawang, is considered one of the best
treks in South East Asia. More adventurous trekkers may want to head all the
way to the summit of the volcano. This is
best reached from Sembalun Lawang and
takes four days, finishing up in Senaru.
Gili Trawangan
is the largest of
Lombok’s Gili
Islands and the
only one to rise
significantly above
sea level. Measuring
3 km long and 2
km wide, it has
a population of
around 700.
Beachside dining
is very popular
in Lombok.
The attractive
beaches and
romantic sunsets
all contribute to
Lombok’s status
as beach getaway,
usually in Mataram
or Senggigi.
Lombok pearl
is freshwater
pearl cultured in
Lombok Island.
They are almost
as beautiful and
as popular as
natural or cultured
saltwater pearls.
If you’re not
afraid of fiery hot
chili, try some
of the special
Lombok dishes.
Ayam Taliwang
is a spicy dish of
fried or grilled
chicken with a
hot chili sauce
and side dishes of
Equator - December 2011 23
Embassy News
Indonesian Friendship Park at
elementary school “Dragan Lukić”
On 8 December 2011, the Ambassador of Indonesia for Serbia, Mr. Semuel Samson has inaugurated the opening of “Friendship Park” at the Dragan Lukic Elementary School, in New Belgrade. The project of Friendship Park was accomplished by the
collaboration of the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade with environmental social organization “Ekovolonteri” in Belgrade, as well
as cooperation from the Municipality of New Belgrade.
The Friendship Park project was initiated by Ekovolonteri based on the idea to establish cooperation between Foreign Embassies in Serbia with the local community through public schools, and in the same time campaign the students of the school
the importance of living environment. The opening of the Friendship Park was marked with plantation of Evergreen tree by the
Ambassador and the President of Municipality of New Belgrade, Mr. Nenad Milenkovic. The opening was then continued by presentation from the Ambassador on the subject of Indonesia to the students and teacher of the Dragan Lukic Elementary School.
The school currently is attended by more than 300 students and around 50 teaching staffs and was a pride for the Municipality,
since the Dragan Lukic school was built in period of only 100 days.
24 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News
Equator - December 2011 25
Embassy News
Fastron expedition welcomed in
On December 9, 2011, the Embassy in Belgrade accepted the arrival of Euro-Asia Expedition Team Fastron Metro TV in Serbia. The
team previously had visited Sofia, Bulgaria for two days and continued on their way to Italy through Serbia, Hungary and Austria. Expedition team was greeted by staff in the area Kalotina Embassy Belgrade, in Serbia-Bulgaria border door, to continue the journey to
Belgrade, Serbia.
The expedition was conducted to promote Indonesia to the world, especially to the countries in the Silk Road route crossings. The
Silk Road refers to a historical network of interlinking trade routes across the Afro-Eurasian landmass that connected East, South, and
Western Asia with the Mediterranean and European world. The expedition team has traveled from Indonesia to Serbia using 4 Toyota
Fortuner 4x4 vehicle, in which the engines are made in Indonesia, through various field trips including through a blizzard without a
heater in the car and using ordinary tire made by PT. Gajah Tunggal, an expedition what most people considered impossible.
The expedition team consists of 13 men and 1 woman, consist of experienced car racers, doctors, as well as metro TV Indonesia journalist and camera person. The expedition team had the opportunity to be interviewed on the morning program at Studio B television, and
then left for Toyota Center Belgrade to hold a press conference. At the Press conference, the team was greeted by Japanese Ambassador
to Serbia, H.E. Mr. Toshio Tsunozaki as well as Director of Toyota Serbia, Mr. Boban Radojicic. After the press conference, expedition team
continued their journey around the city of Belgrade and visits some places that have historical value, especially regarding the conduct of
the conference of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Belgrade, including the Houses of Parliament and the Presidential Palace of Serbia.
Continuing their journey, the expedition team stopped in downtown Belgrade, Knez Mihajlova precisely on the road, which is a special area for pedestrians, until the location of the relics of the Turkish fortress, Kalemegdan fortress. The team had the honor of the police
and with the Belgrade city government granted special permission to bring vehicles to enter and expedition team cars were parked in
the pedestrian zone. This incident gives additional interest to the public, where the four cars and a team photo shoot expeditions were
targeted by the public, compliments and questions, including an interview with Radio Television Serbia - RTS.
Embassy in Belgrade the next day off the team’s departure to Budapest, Hungary which was preceded by lunch together as a thanksgiving and prayer for the success of the team in order to complete the mission until the finish line in Venice, Italy.
26 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News
Equator - December 2011 27
Embassy News
Indonesian Embassy participated in
IWC Charity Bazaar
In order to raise funds for charitable social mission in Serbia, Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade along with the Civil Servant Wife
Association (DWP) participated in the annual International Women’s Club (IWC) Charity Bazaar 11th in 2011 which held on December 4, 2011, located in Hall 3 Sajam Fair, Belgrade. Bazaar this year was followed by some 39 countries through their accredited embassy in Serbia. Participants Bazaar in 2011 increased compared to the Bazaar in 2010, followed about 34 representatives of state.
Specifically in order to commemorate Indonesia Chairmanship in ASEAN for 2011, according to the theme carried to bring
ASEAN to the global community, Indonesia this year along with the three representatives of ASEAN countries in Serbia, namely
Myanmar, Malaysia and the Philippines, agreed to open the stand together in one area with 4 stand-up format form a large square,
thus forming a unity of ASEAN countries in Serbia. Booth Unitary ASEAN countries have attracted the attention of the committee,
participating countries and visitors because it provides a good example of cooperation and mutual support among the representatives of friendly countries. At the Bazaar, Indonesian stand and the ASEAN countries stand attracted much attention of visitors, in
addition to its strategic location in the packaging and ASEAN, also because of the unique and beautiful decoration that are colorful,
combining elements of Aceh, Java and Bali, unique designs of the souvenirs, beauty of the batik clothes, batik souvenirs, as well as
the Indonesian traditional cuisines at the stand such as Nasi Goreng, Satay, Pastel, Lapis Legit, etc.
During the event that was fulfilled with joy and charity spirit, there were also many cultural performances from several countries.
This year, Indonesian Embassy has presented the Balinese dance performed by members of Embassy’s dance school and then after was
presented Javanese Mask Dance that was performed by Japanese cultural dance group as the contribution of the Embassy of Japan.
28 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News
Equator - December 2011 29
Embassy News
Indonesian Embassy granted “Amfora”
award from the magazine YU Travel
On December 6, 2011, the Ambassador of Indonesia for Serbia, Mr.
Semuel Samson, and Embassy staff have attended the annual awards
ceremony conferring the gold trophy “Amfora” given to the Embassy in
Belgrade, the Cuban Embassy and the Embassy of Turkey, which is held
by Yu Travel Magazine in Belgrade, Serbia.
The award is given to the three Foreign Representatives based on
research and assessment of Yu’s Travel Magazine with the perpetrators
of tourism in Serbia, has had significant achievements in the tourism
promotion activities of each state in the country of accreditation Serbia,
as evidenced by the increasing number of travelers to countries from
Serbia and the region surrounding the listed travel agencies. As well as
an appreciation for them (friendly country) that has helped it the name
of Serbia in their respective countries by providing complete and good
information about Serbia to the public in their respective countries.
On receipt of the award, the Ambassador expressed his gratitude and
deep appreciation to Yu’s Travel Magazine and other tourism actors in
Serbia who has also provided support to the Embassy in Belgrade in every
tourism promotion activities undertaken by the Embassy. On occasion,
the ambassador also expressed regarding the success of cooperation
between Panorama Kontiki Tours and travel in package tour 28 days
running around Indonesia, which for the first time - in October - November
2011 ago - has been followed by 13 (thirteen) citizens of Serbia. With that
success, the Ambassador to encourage other tourism agencies in Serbia
to be able to make similar innovations, considering that Indonesia has
more than 13,000 islands that each have a uniqueness, which would be
very interesting to be explored further by foreign travelers as follow up of
the Amfora Award, on December 7, 2011, the Ambassador of Indonesia for Serbia, Mr. Semuel Samson, held a meeting with
the Director of Kontiki travel, Mr. Slobodan Micic. During the meeting, the Ambassador conveyed his congratulations and
appreciation for the successful realization of Kontiki travel within 28 days of package tours around Indonesia, which the tour
has visited the island of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Papua and Bali, for 28 days, travel about 36,000
miles, doing 17 times transit of plane. During the meeting with the participants of the 28 days tour, the participants has
expressed their satisfactory, fascination, as well as admiration of Indonesia. They were very fascinated, especially in each of
the islands cultures they saw during the tour, which are different from one island to another. Along the tour, the participants
has the chance to experience by themselves, funeral procession, traditional wedding procession as well as some of the local
cuisines provided by the local people.
The success of the 28 days tour program is an achievement and served as a good start in increasing the level of tourist
from Serbia to Indonesia. Mr. Micic said that one factor that led to reduced levels of tourists from Serbia to Indonesia is due
to the factor of the high price of airline tickets and factor of some natural disasters that occurred in Indonesia a few years
ago. However, current flow of tourists from Serbia to Indonesia has gradually increased again, and Kontiki has designed a
package of new tours to Indonesia, which will be launched in late 2011, as well as several other tour packages to Indonesia
and neighboring countries which will be launched in January, February and April 2012.
30 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News
Wantannas delegation visited Serbia
Starting from 12 to 15 December 2011 the
delegation of the National Resilience Council of the
Republic of Indonesia (Wantannas) visited Serbia.
The delegation consisted of Brigadier General Dwi
Soeprapto and Brigadier General TSL Toruan.
The purpose of the visit of Wantannas to Serbia was
to perform a Comparative Study on Disintegration
problem that happened in Serbia.
The Programs of the delegation of Wantannas
were to make courtesy calls, among others, to the
Serbian Government officials, the Friendship Groups
of the Indonesian-Serbian in the Serbian Parliament,
Senior Journalist of the News Agency Tanjug, Serbian
religious leaders, representatives of minority ethnic
groups at the Serbian Parliament, as well as to
professor of the Faculty of Political Science.
Third traditional blood donation of the
Indonesian Embassy
On December 7, 2011, the staff of
Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade and
their spouses has marked the 12th
Anniversary of the Dharma Wanita
Persatuan (DWP) organization by
organizing the blood donation in
the premises of Serbian Red Cross in
Belgrade. This was the third donation
by the staff of Indonesian Embassy
that started since December 2010 and
that has become one of routin social
activities of Indonesian Embassy
every December on the ocassion of
anniversary of DWP and every August
on the ocassion of Independence
Day of the Republic of Indonesia.
Equator - December 2011 31
8 December 2011
Otvoren Park prijateljstva OŠ “Dragan Lukić” i Ambasade Indonezije
Park prijateljstva Osnovne škole “Dragn Lukić i Ambasade Indonezije otvoren je danas na Bežanijskoj kosi uz prisustvo
Gorana Trivana, gradskog sekretara za zaštitu životne sredine, Samjuela Samsona, indonežanskog ambasadora, i Nenada
Milenkovića, predsednika opštine Novi Beograd.
U parku prijteljstva zasađeno 10 sadnica
Trivan je nakon otvaranja parka obišao stalnu izložbu fotografija
posvećenu Indoneziji i u dvorištu škole zasadio deset stabala sa
pomenutim gostima i predsednikom Udruženja građana „Ekolog”
Milošem Markovicem.
– Ovo je dobra prilika da pokažemo koliko je zaštita životne
sredine i kulturološka stvar. Danas su se ove dve oblasti povezale u
širenju međusobnog prijateljstva, kako među ljudima tako i među
državama. Verujem da će stabla koja smo posadili biti spomenici
prijateljstva sa Indonezijom, kao i naše zajedničke težnje da nam
životna sredina bude još lepša. Radujemo se činjenici da mnoge
ambasade žele da se priključe ovom projektu, što je ubedljiv dokaz
da Beograd zaštitom životne sredine pokazuje da je širok, kosmopolitski grad – rekao je Goran Trivan.
Samjuel Samson je izrazio veliko zadovoljstvo što se park prijateljstva nalazi u dvorištu prelepe škole, izgrađene za samo 100
dana, i najavio da je izložba posvećena Indoneziji samo početak, budući da bi u parku trebalo da budu predstavljene i druge
nacije. Na taj način će buduće generacije biti poučavane da uspostavljaju prijateljstva širom sveta.
Učenik petog razreda Nenad obećao je da će sa drugovima zalivati zasađena stabla i brinuti o izložbenim panoima.
– Najbolja zaštita životne sredine je da se ne kidaju grančice sa ovih stabala i ne gazi trava oko njih. Ako to naučimo nećemo
morati da gledamo kako naša deca sade nova i ponovo uređuju ovaj park – rekao je njegov drug Jovan Ranković.
Projekat „Parkovi prijateljstva” realizuje se uz finansijsku podršku grada Beograda.
11 December 2011
Indonežanska ekspedicija prolazi kroz Srbiju
Indonežanska ekspedicija, koja je krenula iz glavnog grada Indonezije, Džakarte, 17. avgusta je stigla u Srbiju 9. decembra.
Ekspedicija koristi Toyota vozila, pa je prigodna lokacija za predstavljanje ove ekspedicje bio Toyota Beograd prodajni salon.
U prodajnom salonu Toyota Beograd, 10. decembra 2011, imali smo priliku da vidimo 14-članu indonežansku ekspedicija.
Ekspedicija je krenula iz Džakarte 17. avgusta, a cilj ekspedicije
koja nosi zvaničan naziv „Indonesia Euro Asia Expedition Tour”
je da promoviše Indoneziju u svih 23 zemlje, koje će ekspedicija
proći tokom 90-dnevnog putovanja.
Ekspedicija obeležava 66 godina postojanja države Indonezija,
a realizuje je turistička agencija „Yepe”, koja je specijalizovna za
avanturističke ture. Članovi ekspedicije (13 muškaraca i jedna
žena) su pratili put poznatog istraživača Marka Pola i po planu
bi trebalo da prevale preko 27.000km. Cilj ekspedicije je u Italiji, a
Srbija je jedna od završnih etapa putovanja.
Ekspedicija koristi četiri Toyota vozila Fortuner, koja su, kako je
vođa ekspedicije izjavio, sa lakoćom savladala sve prepreke na
koje su tokom preko 20.000 pređenih kilometara naišli. Toyota Fortuner vozila sa 4x4 pogonom su pogonjena 2,7 litarskim
benzinskim agregatima za koje je vođa ekspedicije, Bucek Depp, naglasio da su sa lakoćom radile čak i kada im je na raspolaganju
bilo gorivo veoma lošeg kvaliteta (80 oktana, kako Dep navodi). Kompanija Pertamina Fastron je generalni sponzor ekspedicije
i lubrikanti ove kompanije su korišćeni u svim sistemima vozila, pa je ova ekspedicija pored kulturnog karaktera imala i
marketinški i istraživački aspekt za indonežansku naftnu kompaniju.
Indonežansku ekspediciju je pored medija, zaposlenih u Toyota Srbija, članova ambasade Indonezije, dočekao i ambasador
Japana u Srbiji, Tošio Cunozaki. Prisutnima se prvo obratio direktor Toyota Srbija, Boban Radoičić, a nakon njega je prisutne
pozdravio i japanski ambasador, Tošio Cunozaki.
Indonežanska ekspedicija i ostali prisutni su zatim imali priliku da pogledaju neke od srpskih tradicionalnih igara u izvedbi
beogradskog KUD “Dimitrije Tucović”. Ekspedicija će obići Beograd i neke od značajnih kulturnih spomenika u Srbiji tokom
narednih dana, pre nego nastavi put ka krajnjoj destinaciji - Italiji.
32 Equator - December 2011
of International
Written by Administrator
Wednesday, 21 December 2011 13:14 Wednesday, 21 December 2011
An evening
Evening of International
Cuisine at the
White Palace,
13th December,
was An
of International
at the White
13thBelgrade, December, was
by the Royal
hosted by the Prince
Highnesses Crown Alexander II and dinner
Katherine. A Highnesses
II and
The traditional
of international
traditional dinner of Wednesday
international was
on Wednesday
14th December, cuisine
was also
held on
in the
again in the White Palace.
December 2011
IWC Charity Bazaar
Written by Administrator
Wednesday, 21 December 2011 13:15 -
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Many embassies
witha stand
a stand
at the
at the
TheThe eventevent was organized
the International
Women’s Club
that tookClub place took
in Belgrade
- Hall 5, Fair on December
organized by the International Women’s place in Belgrade - Hall 5, 4th.
on Guests at
year’s bazaar
were provided
with bazaar countless
to buycountless beautiful opportunities gifts and tasteto food and
4th. Guests
at this year’s
were provided with drinks
buy beautiful gifts and taste food and drinks from all over the world, many of them served
by ambassadors.
16 Decembar 2011
BEOGRAD - Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Indonezije dodeliće u 2012. godini stipendije za učenje
indonežanske kulture i umetnosti kandidatima iz Srbije, saopšteno je iz Ambasade Indonezije u Beogradu.
Program Stipendije za indonežansku umetnost i kulturu (IACS), sprovodi se od 2003. godine i u njemu su
učestvovale države jugozapadnog pacifičkog dijaloga - Australija, Novi Zeland, Papua Nova Gvineja, Filipini, Timor Leste i domaćin Indonezija.
“Imajući na umu dobre i dugogodišnje odnose između Indonezije i Srbije od vremena Jugoslavije i u cilju
promovisanja kontakata između ljudi dve države, vlada Indonezije odnosno ministarstvo spoljnih poslova
Republike Indonezije ponudiće program IACS za 2012. Srbiji”, navodi se u saopštenju.
Stipendijama, koje se daju na period tri meseca, počevši od 31. marta do 13. jula 2012. godine, obuhvaćeni
su mesečna nadoknada u iznosu od 150 evra, školarina, karta, smeštaj i zdravstveno osiguranje.
Učesnici programa biće smešteni u Bandungu (Zapadna Java), Denpasaru (Bali), Makasaru (Južni Sulavezi),
Solu (Centralna Java) ili Surbaji (Istočna Java).
Rok za podnošenje prijava je 20. februar 2012 u Ambasadi Indonezije u Beogradu, dodaje se u saopštenju.
Equator - December 2011 33
Photo News
Annual Traditional International Cuisine Dinner in Honour of the Diplomatic Corps hosted by
HRH Crown Prince Aleksander and HRH Crown Princess Katherine
Reception on the ocassion of HM Emperor of Japan Birthday
Reception on the ocassion of National Day of Finland
Reception on the ocassion of 40th Anniverssary of
Uni Emirates Arab
Reception on the ocassion of Armed Force Day of
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reception on the ocassion of Armed Forces Day of Ukraine
34 Equator - December 2011
At the opening of Exhibition “Through Australian Eyes: Australian
Civilian Work in Afghanistan”
Photo News
At the cultural performance by the Japanese cultural group at the residence of Japanese Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Toshio Tsunozaki
Courtesy visit to the Apostolic Nuncio of Holy See,
Archbishop Orlando Antonini
Courtesy visit to the Ambassador of Portugal,
H.E. Mr. Caetano Luís Pequito De Almeida Sampaio
Dinner to bid farewell to Charge Affaires a.i. of Malaysia,
Mr. Amizal Fadzli Bin Rajali
Courtesy visit to the Ambassador of Denmark,
H.E. Mrs. Mette Kjuel Nielsen
Dinner hosted by the Ambassador of Netherland,
H.E. Mr. Laurent Louis Stokvis
Charity Dinner invited by Director of Belhospice, Zoran Purkovic
Equator - December 2011 35
Photo News
At the cocktail hosted by the President of Serbian Chamber
of Commerce, Mr. Milos Bugarin
With the Director of Ice Cream Factory, Mr. Radosav Komadinic
Meeting with the leaders of Islamic Community of Serbia,
Mr. Adem Zilkic and Mr. Muhamed Jusufspahic
Meeting with tha football trainer Mr. Miodrag Babic
36 Equator - December 2011
Meeting the owner of Eurosalon, Mr. Branislav Stojanovic
Convention of Socialist Democratic Party in Belgrade
Interview with student of Phsychology from Belgrade University
Meeting with the technical assistance team from Indonesia
Photo News
Dinner with the Wantannas delegation at the Ambassador’s residence
Dinner with the Prof. Predrag Simic and Wantannas delegation
Fastron team in front of the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade
Fastron expedition at the Ambassador’s residence before continuing the trip to Hungary
Equator - December 2011 37
Summary 2011
We are just few steps ahead...
38 Equator - December 2011
Summary 2011
Equator - December 2011 39
Summary 2011
Interview with the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia
to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Semuel Samson
How is the perspective of the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Serbia
with regard to their role and position in the regional and international affairs ?
Indonesia has a significant position in the international relation and in the multilateral fora
due to its role in the important international and regional organizations such as NAM, OIC,
ASEAN, G20, APEC, the D-8 Group (a Group of developing countries), Group of 77 with
China, while according to the World Bank’ extrapolation, by the year 2020 Indonesia will be
an industrialized country and the fifth largest economy in the world. On the other side, Serbia
has a significant role too in the region of South East Europe and is the biggest country among
the ex Yugoslav republics in the sense of natural resources, manpower and strategic position.
The relations between our two countries go back a long way in the past, from the Asia-Africa
Conference in Bandung in 1955 and particularly after the First Summit of NAM in Belgrade
in 1961, whose 50 years anniversary has been celebrated in Belgrade last September this year.
Being both members of the Non-Aligned Movement, our two countries had been cooperating
closely on many vital issues of common concern in the bilateral and multilateral fora. However,
the disintegration of Yugoslavia had its own repercussion to our bilateral cooperation.
Now we have indeed excellent bilateral relation particularly in the political domain. Such a
close relation can be witnessed through various and rich bilateral activities this year – 2011
when we had more than 15 exchange of bilateral visits and the signing of 6 bilateral cooperation,
three in the economic field, one in the military field and two in the field of education. The
first Indonesia-Serbia Bilateral Interfaith Dialogue (ISBID), which has been held in Belgrade
last April, will be continued with the Second ISBID to be held in Indonesia in April 2012.
Such rich activities should be followed in other domains particularly in the economic one. We
cannot say that, at present, we are happy to witness the state of our bilateral cooperation in
the fields of trade, tourism, socio and culture and even in the military cooperation.
Serbia and Indonesia have many similarities, among other things, the two countries are the multi ethnic and multi religious
ones. How is the prospect of the solution of Kosovo’s issue from Indonesia’s viewpoint ?
As multi-ethnic and multi religious countries, Indonesia and Serbia face similar challenges in the endeavour to achieve respective
development goals, to enhance the living standards of their people and but also to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state.
With regard to the Kosovo issue, from the beginning Indonesia supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia.
The solution of the Kosovo issue should be based on the principle of peaceful solution and compromise, which respects to the legitimate and
interest of both side and accepted by the two sides.
We are convinced that the principle of dialogue, consultation and respect to the legitimate interest of each side, the avoidance of the use
of force for the stability of every side and the stability of the region for the sake of prosperity of the peoples of all sides, will serve all of us in
good stead. The development and economic dynamism may be said to be the fruit of peace. The desire to perpetuate this dynamism should
motivate the countries of the region to nurture this still fragile peace and make it durable. It will not be easy, since the region is by no means
free of tension and the anxiety of potential conflict. We hope that reconciliation in the region can be reached so that a stable relationship
among the countries in the region can be expected and can be evolved in the years ahead. We believe that the democratic Serbia, who bases
its struggle on its constitution, the principle of the will of its people and the principle of good neighbourly relation, will be able to reach a
proper and fair solution.
What is the main objective that is bestowed to you by the Indonesian Government ?
The improvement in our economic performance is an objective that is contained and has been duly placed in the main tasks and functions
of representatives and the Head of Mission as one tool in achieving national development goals through the development of economic
cooperation in the dimensions of bilateral, regional and international levels. In this era of globalization and the dynamics of an increasingly
interconnected world, economic issues increasingly dominate the relations between countries in the world. It is increasingly felt at this
time where the Western world is experiencing an economic crisis, economic growth has matured (tends to saturation) and high economic
costs. In order to overcome the slowdown and stagnation that occurs in these markets, diversion of attention or efforts are required to find
an alternative to new markets through the development strategy of non-traditional markets that are dynamic, capable of (comparative or
competitive) and are constantly evolving, such as Serbia.
What is your policy in managing activities for the achievement of the above-mentioned goal ?
In line with the things mentioned above, we have consciously put the question of economic development cooperation as a Key Performance
Indicator of the Embassy in Belgrade as set forth in the Strategic Plan of the Indonesia Embassy in Belgrade from 2011 to 2013. The
Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade patterns of activities (both within the scope of internal and external), are deliberately put to be a productive
representative to produce concrete achievements through new breakthroughs, the development of working culture “directly involved” or
“hands on”, “business unusual”, pro-active, full of initiative, courage to act, performance-oriented, dare to be responsible, stick to the rules
and leader’s policy, as well as carry out the inherent functional supervision.
With the management that you are applying, what are the results in 2011 ?
For the year 2011, in the economic sphere, the Embassy has achieved some very positive results. As I mentioned before, we managed to sign 3
bilateral Agreements in the field of economic cooperation, promotion and the protection of investment and the avoidance of double taxation.
Furthermore, the visit of business delegation of both countries are significantly increase in quality, when the Indonesian Vice Minister of
40 Equator - December 2011
Summary 2011
Trade accompanied by the Indonesian Eximbank, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and some companies such as Sinar
Mas Group, BT Cocoa and Indofood represented by Indo Serbia Food, attended the 78th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad. To
balance that, some Serbian business people were attending the Trade Expo in Indonesia, where some business prospects are being discussed.
In the field of bilateral trade exchanges, we saw some significant result in the increasing trade volume of 22% in 2011.
What is the next strategic event for the Embassy ?
In order to maximize the efforts and activities of the Embassy, the optimal shape of support in the spirit of Indonesia Incorporated of various
stakeholders, and business interests in Indonesia, are needed since the Embassy has its own limitations. For the next participation at the
79th International Agricultural Fair in May 2012 in Novi Sad, we are inviting an active participation from various Indonesian stakeholders
and business communities in Indonesia. With the spirit of Indonesia Incorporated, as we have done during last year’s Fair, we are convince
that the Indonesian participation this year will be more dynamic and successful for the foundation of Indonesia’s status as an overseas
partner for 2013.
With the basis that we have, as I mentioned above, I am sure that in the near future, there will be an increase in “P to P” and “B to B”
contact. To further promote those expectations, we are trying to expand the visa regime existed today, to also include a free visa for all
passport holders, besides the holder of official and diplomatic passports. To further promote “B to B” contact, we are intensifying the effort of
promoting the potentials of both countries, inviting the Indonesian business communities and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce to visit
and explore the market of Serbia and the region (that include 800 million people through Serbian preferential and free trade arrangements
with other countries), and on the other hand to invite Serbian business people and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce to visit Indonesia and
to make Indonesia as a foothold to enter ASEAN and Asian markets.
In the year of 2011, the Embassy activities especially in the socio cultural section are increasing double than the years before,
what is the reason for this? And what is the aim of those activities ?
After I arrived here in Serbia in November 2010, I immediately did a market research on Serbia’s potentials and compare it to the Embassy
work program. Serbia as a land-locked country, hold various kinds of potentials, such as its strategic location geographically as it borders
directly with many other countries such as Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and many others. With such a position, I
am sure I can make Serbia as a “hub” to enter the market to its other neighbors.
For the year of 2012, the Embassy will still continue its mission to strengthen the relationship between Indonesia and Serbia, especially
through social and cultural. Why? That is because we believe that a good relationship must be started at the basic level, “people to people
contact”, that is, the society in their daily life. After we gain a good understanding among the society, then we can continue in the higher level,
that is the policy maker level.
The Embassy will hold many activities in the field of socio cultural, such as participation in the International Fair of Tourism, Indonesian
musical performance, promotion of Indonesia tourism through “Wonderful Indonesia”, the Embassy will also hold Indonesian culinary
week, etc. In the field of education, in cooperation with Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, the Embassy
will promote art and cultural scholarship, Darmasiswa scholarship and KNB scholarship for master program. We will also starting to
implement the cooperation that has been established between the University of Belgrade with Pajadjaran University in Bandung and
Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta in the form of an exchange of students, professors, researchers, as well as conduct joint
seminars, etc. Moreover, on the year 2012 the Embassy will continue on the work of establishing cooperation in the field of sport between
Indonesia and Serbia that was left off in 2011. Serbia as the country of world’s no. 1 tennis player, Novak Djokovic, has left its mark in the
world of sport. Beside tennis, Serbia has also proven the quality of its athletes in the International world of sports, such as in the handball
sport, water polo, football, and many more.
How is the current condition of the Military Cooperation between Indonesia and Serbia ?
The cooperation between Indonesia-Serbia during my mandate as an Ambassador in Serbia is entering the period where the MoU between
Indonesia-Serbia was signed in September 2011 in Jakarta. This historical momentum has giving both sides a “legal umbrella” of many
possibilities of Defence cooperation such as: Transfer Technology, Exchange of Military personnel, Exchange of the Intelligence Information,
and other field of Defence that can be explored. The signing of MoU has open opportunities and advantages to Indonesia in some fields,
such as: Indonesia will receive technology that can be used to advance the Strategic Defence Industry, which is in line with the policy of the
House of the Representative of the Republic of Indonesia as a policy maker. Serbia has the technology, with NATO’s and Russian standard,
so the Defence Armed Forces of Indonesia (TNI) can have an alternative of Defence System with a good standard and quality but at the
same time at a competitive price than the other country in the region. Many things can be learned from Serbia, especially about the history
of conflicts that happen recently. Indonesia can take it as a “lesson learnt” and do a preventive strategy to face the same problem if persists
in Indonesia.
MoU that was signed in 2011 should take a good impact in the field of economy, politic and defence. In the political field, it can be seen
shortly by the support to each other in the International forum on some issues. In the economic field, by the increasing of the exchange
personnel and transfer of technology, it will enhance also the capabilities of the personnel and the defence systems that can be offered to other
countries. Serbia has the technology while Indonesia has the capabilities and resources to make it. This collaboration will bring both sides
to be one of a key player in term of Defence Technology.
Your Excellency, what is your last message ?
I am convinced Indonesia and Serbia can further improve their partnership relationship into the future, because since the beginning
of the relationship of both nation and country has been built on a foundation of strong base, namely based on principles of mutual
understanding, mutual respect and mutual help or support. We do hope in 2012 exposure to the two peoples and countries in perspective
“G to G”, “B to B” and “P to P” will be more real, measurable, quality, sustainable, strategic and long-term. I think this is the right way to
give a price to the quality friendships that last long, full of romance and friendly.
I would like to use this opportunity to convey a thank you to the various parties in Serbia and in Indonesia which has involved helping the
success of various activities and programs of the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade in 2011, I do hope they will continue to give the same
support given there will be an increased in activities and programs in 2012 and the years to come, hvala lepo – terima kasih !
Equator - December 2011 41
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
January 2011
Presenting Credentials to the President of the
Republic of Serbia
Indonesian Ambassador to Serbia Semuel Samson has presented the Letter of Credentials to the President of the Republic of Serbia,
His Excellency Mr. Boris Tadić on January 21, 2011, in Belgrade. After the handing of the Credentials, the Indonesian Ambassador was
received by the Serbian President to discuss issues of mutual concern that should be reached in the future which has proceeded in a
very cordially sphere. After ceremony, the Ambassador has layed a wreath in Avala monument to honour the failed heroes for liberty.
42 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
January 2011
Indonesian School in Belgrade launched
distance-learning program
The Indonesian School in Belgrade that
has been established in 1967, has started from
January 17, 2011, a new on-line study program
for all Indonesian pupils in the region who are
interested to follow the study program from
several subjects. To this new program has
applied 31 new pupils from Sofia (Bulgaria),
Bucharest (Romania), Budapest (Hungaria),
Bratislava (Slovak Republic), Prague (Czech
Republic) and Wien (Austria).
Today, there are fifteen Indonesian schools
registered in the world and three among
them are in Europe; Belgrade, Moscow and
The Hagues. Through the Indonesian School
in Belgrade has studied many generations
and many of them has now become succesful
people in their fields.
The Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade
believes this new program of studies will
increase in the future and gain more new
pupils from many other countries.
Equator - December 2011 43
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
February 2011
Indonesia promotes tourism destinations
at the 33rd International Fair of Tourism in
The close connection of historical
background and common mentality of
Serbia’s and Indonesia community has
become the driving factor to increased
economic cooperation, particularly the
development of the tourism sector. It was
announced by Ambassador to the Republic
of Serbia Mr. Semuel Samson, in connection
with the participation of Indonesia in the
33rd International Fair of Tourism, held in
Belgrade, Serbia, on 24- 27
February 2011.
The exhibition was followed by nearly
900 exhibitors from 43 countries, which
rose 30 percent from a year ago. Indonesia
has been a regular participant to this Fair
for the past 8 years. Ambassador Samuel
Samson, said these bases is what distinguish
the importance of seeing the Serbian
market as access for the development of
Indonesian tourism, where a positive image
of Indonesia is created by the close history
Indonesian Embassy’s participation to
this Fair brings a more significant impact
with the presence of Representative
from Indonesia’s national tour operator
“Panorama Tours” which already establishes
its business in Serbia for the past 6 years.
Also, the presence of delegation from
Indonesia’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism
has helped collect important assets that
could be achieved for further promotion of
Indonesia in this region.
The Fair was opened the Deputy
Minister of Economy and Development
Zone, Goran Petkovic who pledge Serbia’s
special theme
of tourism promotion of Danube River
as river uniting Europe, a meeting point of
various nations and cultures. Petkovic said
that tourism in Serbia increasingly active,
as evidenced by the increasing number of
foreign tourists, which does not happen last
year in many countries, due to the crisis.
According to Serbian tourism strategy
in 2011, the Danube strategy is believed to
be more actively supported by the visa-free
countries and the development of tourism
facilities in Serbia. Apart from the global
crisis that hit the tourism sector in 2010
where it is most felt by the Serbia, this year’s
exhibition still invites more participants.
44 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
February 2011
Increase participants to this Fair was
resulted as part of the visa exemption which
allows a lot of visitors in different countries
to visit Serbia, the enactment of new
flight routes, the modernization of roads,
construction of inns and hotels and other
tourism facilities in Serbia due to the EU
integration process. Tourism exhibition in
Belgrade is considered to provide a greater
impact than a similar exhibition took
place in Central Europe and the Balkans.
Panorama Tours is present and working
with local partners in Belgrade during the
exhibition and explore cooperation with
several other travel agents.
In order to facilitate and give more shape
and a real commitment in private sector
development efforts, the Embassy held a
meeting to-face with representatives from
local travel agents who become partners
Panorama Tours and other travel in order
to explore some broader cooperation. The
meeting was guided by the Ambassador
who conveys commitment to assist
the private sector in obtaining a more
significant tourism market. In this context,
cooperation that has been established by
Panorama and travel agents in Serbia able
to provide increased flow of tourists from
Serbia and the European Central / Eastern
Indonesia. Serbia’s strategic position
in Central Europe and its access are an
important reason in developing national
airlines cooperation of both countries in
order to get further benefits in arranging
tourism sectors. The Indonesian market
is showing its potential from year to year
and always have its selling and private
sector felt that its potential that should be
This year, Indonesia booth carries
a theme of Aquatourism and displays
various tourist destinations of aquamarine
activities in Bunaken, Wakatobi, Raja
Ampat, Gili Islands and others. During
the Fair, the embassy has distributed
questionnaires to the visitors who come to
know about Indonesia and who had visited
Indonesia. Of 289 questionnaires filled, 42
people claim they have been to Indonesia,
247 people have never been to Indonesia
but would like to go to Indonesia, while 69
people did not know about Indonesia.
During the exhibition, the alumnus
Darmasiswa Embassy of Serbia to help
promote tourism destination areas of
Indonesia in telling their experiences and
attract visitors.
Equator - December 2011 45
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
March 2011
Annual meeting of Serbia and Indonesia
Friendship Association “Nusantara”
On the ocassion of Annual Meeting of Serbia-Indonesia Friendship Association “Nusantara” on March 24, 2011, at the Indonesian
Embassy in Belgrade, the Ambassador Semuel Samson had the honour to open the meeting and delivered a speech. The Ambassador
Semuel Samson extend the members of the Association his gratitude for the support and inputs of the Association to the Indonesian
Embassy all of these years. Also, he stated that the year 2011 will be a significant year for Indonesia and Serbia based on exellent
relations and cooperation over 50 years, which will be marked with several important events and activities. The Ambassador has
extended the members of the Association that the role of them are also important in the effort of increasing the bilateral cooperation
between Indonesia and Serbia, especially this year, when the Non Aligned Movement will mark its 50th year Anniversary in Indonesia
on May and in Serbia on September 2011.
46 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
March 2011
RI’s national paragliding team won medals
in Vršac
Indonesia paragliding athletes won
significant victories in the “Paragliding
Accuracy World Cup - PGAWC” in Vrsac,
Serbia, from March 25 to 27 March 2011.
This world championship in Serbia is the
third series of the 6 series championship
in 2011. The 1st series was held in Trakai,
Lithuania (11-13 February 2011), the 2nd
series in Austria (18-20 March 2011), the 3rd
series in Serbia (25-27 March 2011), the 4th
series in Indonesia (3-5 June 2011), The 5th
series in Malaysia (10-12 June 2011), and the
last series will be held in Germany (19-21
September 2011).
Indonesian Paragliding Team Manager,
Gendon Subandono said Indonesia
Paragliding team plans to follow the
entire series available in 2011 in order to
obtain and retain his world paragliding
come as first, second, and third winner in
this championship. In group category, the
Indonesian team which is divided into two
teams, won first place (Eagle Team) and
third place (Garuda Team). First ranked
female athlete to this world championship
is Milawati Sirin (score 106), Ifa Kurniawati
(score 616), and Lis Andriana (score 730). For
group category, Indonesia managed to put
the Eagles Team at first and third place in
the world. Eagles Team consists of Johnny
Effendi, Nana Sunarya, Nor Effendi Ichsan,
and Hening Paradigma. As for the Garuda
Team consists of Thomas Widyananto,
Revelation Yudha, Dede Misbah, and Dede
Supratman. Second place was taken by
Bulgaria team.
Championship Landing Category is
participated by 104 participants from 13
countries, namely Slovenia, the Czech
Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary, Indonesia,
Romania, Serbia, Lithuania, Montenegro,
Macedonia, Slovakia, Croatia, and England.
Indonesia team consisted of 18 male
athletes, 8 female athletes, and 4 team
official, making overall total of 30 athletes.
This team follows the national team
selection process for Indonesia paragliding
to the SEA Games 2011, and expected
to repeat the success of paragliding as
the Asean Beach Games I / 2008, which
contributed 7 gold from total 23 gold
The arrival of Indonesian paragliding
team to Serbia to attend the championship
has become one of Indonesia promotional
activities. The victory of the team also
received coverage in local media, especially
Sportski Zurnal, and other print media as Blic.
Indonesian Ambassador in his
speech, both on arrival and departure
convey to the team that the success and
achievements that have been obtained
in the championship in Serbia and Austria
should be used as boosters for success in
the upcoming championship. Indonesian
Ambassador stressed the need for the
resurrection of the sport at international
level in order to provide the new image
and identity of Indonesia sport.
Ambassador Semuel Samson submit
appeals and referrals for continued effort
in improving human resources in sport,
especially in paragliding, so that Indonesia
would be victorious through this sport and
assist for the awakening of other sports
in various international championships.
This is among the reasons why the
composition of Indonesian athletes of
paragliding team came in large number,
to reach the maximum achievement. If
the same maximum concentration could
be given for various other sports, it is
expected that similar things could apply
equally to the increasing achievement
of sport in the country. Ambassador and
staff of the Embassy also participate at the
championship in Vrsac.
Equator - December 2011 47
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
April 2011
1st Indonesia-Serbia Bilateral Interfaith Dialogue
On the 6-10 April 2011 the Indonesia-Serbia
Bilateral Interfaith Dialogue had been organized
in Belgrade, Serbia. The activities in the dialogue
includes i.a. seminars, courtesy visits to the Minister of
Serbian Government
Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Religion and the Diaspora
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Religion and the Diaspora of Serbia and the members
of the Republic of Serbia
Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia
of the Serbian Parliament who are incorporated in the
Indonesia-SerbiaParliamentary Friendship Group; Press
1st Indonesia - Serbia Bilateral
Conference; Meeting with the leaders of the Muslim
Community of Serbia as well as Rector of the University
Interfaith Dialogue (ISBID)
of Belgrade and the signing of the MOU between the
two institutions with Islamic State University of Syarif
Hidayatullah in Jakarta; public lecture at the Faculty of
Theology, University of Belgrade; and meeting with
the Indonesian community in Belgrade.
Belgrade, 6-10 April 2011
The Indonesia Delegation consisting of the Director
Palace of Serbia
General for Information and Public Diplomacy of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Andri Hadi;
Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion of Indonesia, Bahrul Hayat, Ph.D; Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for the
Republic of Serbia, Semuel Samson and Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat (Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah) as the resource person/
Speaker; Prof. Dr. I Made Titib (Rector of the Hindu Dharma Institute, Denpasar, Bali); Abdul Fatah Muchit (Head of the Center of
Religious Harmonization); Pastor Dr. Margaretha Hendriks-Ririmasse ( Proffesor/lecturer, Christian University in Ambon, Maluku);
Father Dr. Heru Prakosa (Professor at the Faculty of Theology University of Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Java); Adolfina Koamesakh
(Representative of Orthodox Church in Medan, Sumatera) and Trias Kuncahyono (Deputy Editor and Chief of KOMPAS daily).
Before the program began, Indonesian Delegation paid a courtesy visit to the Minister of Religion and Diaspora of Serbia, Mr.
Srdjan Sreckovic. Mr. Srdjan Sreckovic expressed his appreciation for the implementation of the event. According to him, both
countries have an important role in encouraging the universal values contained in the Non Alignment Movement. Depart from
the spirit; hopefully the interfaith dialogue between the two countries can also promote the inter-civilization harmony. On the
ocassion, the Director General of IPD expressed the hope that this activity will not be a mere dialogue, but to become a dialogue
to strengthen the cooperation between civil societies of the two countries.
On the 7 April 2011, the Inter-Religious Dialogue took place at the Palace of Serbia, a historical building which is also the venue
of the first Non-Aligned Summit in 1961. More than 200 people attended the event, consisting of Government officials of Serbia;
Leading figures from various religions in Serbia including the highest leadership of the Orthodox Church, Patriarch Irinej who
is very influential among both communities and Government of Serbia; Academic circle; Media; Diplomatic Corps and SerbiaIndonesia Friendship Association “Nusantara”. The theme was “Building collaborative Communities: Strengthening civil society
and Inter-Religious Cooperation for Development”.
The activities began with a welcome reception and opening speech by the Minister of Religion and the Diaspora of Serbia, Mr. Srdjan
Sreckovic who explained that the Indonesia-Serbia Bilateral Interfaith Dialogue is very important especially considering the structure of
the Indonesian society that is Islam majority and Serbia that is of Orthodox majority so it is possible to exchange knowledge between the
two countries about how to manage the diversity well. This dialogue became a field to perform a variety of cooperation in various fields.
Minister Sreckovic also specifically mentioned about the possibility of cooperation in the field of halal products. Relationships betweeen
Indonesia and Serbia that have existed so far are believed to speed up and simplify the cooperation between the two countries.
48 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
April 2011
Equator - December 2011 49
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
May 2011
Indonesia participated at 78th International
Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad
From 14 – 21 May 2011, the Indonesian
Embassy in Belgrade attended the 78th
International Agricultural Fair in Novi
Sad, Serbia. The Embassy’s Participation
in this Fair is a manifestation of the
mission as stated in the Indonesian
Embassy Strategic Plan 2011 - 2013,
namely to increase bilateral ties with
Serbia in all fields, especially economic
and trade and also the manifestation of
a very close and warm bilateral relations
between Indonesia and Serbia. To further
strengthen our bilateral economic
and trade cooperation, the Embassy
made several strategic, comprehensive,
integrative and concrete steps in the
level of G to G, B to B and P to P.
In order to describe the mission, a
major concept that consists of various
stages needed in drawing a roadmap
as guidance in the implementation
of activities to achieve an increase of
economic and trade bilateral relations.
Those initial stages are: An approach
to policyholders and interests and the
business communities, in both Serbia
and Indonesia; The visits to the ports of
Koper in Slovenia and Rijeka in Croatia.
The initial stages are designed to achieve
strategic purposes as a foothold in such
as: To realize a common perception; The
creation of a favorable business climate;
Brings about the relevant parties on both
sides and mapping the entrances for
Indonesian commodities and products
to Serbia and the region. The next
concrete stage of various approaches
mentioned above is by promoting the
potential of both countries that are
complementary and not in competition.
Since both countries are an “agricultural
countries”, the 78th International
Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, Serbia is a
very significant event for the purpose.
The Embassy’s participation during 2011
Agricultural Fair was the second time in
a row and considered as the only Asian
countries with direct participation.
The participation are intended to
bring about the Indonesian business
people to see directly the potential
market of Serbia, the Balkan region,
Central and East European, to promote
the finest Indonesian agricultural
commodities and products and to
50 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
May 2011
encourage closer cooperation between companies to companies through the facilitation of both Chambers of Commerce. To
be able in bringing direct participation of the Indonesian business people, the Indonesian booth should be different compares
to the last year booth. The booth should be: More business attractive and friendly; Informative and eye catching; A clear message
of the themes and design; Featuring a minimalist design but modern and functional; The laying order of images and lighting,
and spatial planning which dominated by white color in the background should reflect the concept mentioned above.
Dissemination of strategic information on the various steps that have been and going to implemented and its significant
manifestations through the participation in the Fair, to the Indonesian stakeholders and business communities, is a next
strategic stage that should be guarded closely. Activities during this stage are concentrated in the distribution of letters and
working visit to Jakarta in order to have direct contact with the Indonesian stakeholders and business communities. The main
purposes of this stage are: To supply information to the Indonesian stakeholders and business communities on the real potential
of Serbia, the Balkan, Central and East European market; To convince the seriousness of the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade in
facilitating both needs and offers; To urge the participation of the Indonesian stakeholders and business communities at the Fair
and to inform about the readiness of the Serbian business communities in expanding economic and trade relations with their
Indonesian counterpart.
Further thought needs to be specifically categorized the commodities and products that are going to be display in the
booth so as not to deviate from the target and remain within the main strategy lines. Products and commodities that appear
on the Indonesian booth this time are commodities and products superior in terms of production rank in the world. The main
intention in categorizing the agricultural commodities and products are: To selectively choose the finest Indonesian agricultural
commodities and products; To selectively choose the Indonesian agricultural commodities and products that have potential
market in Serbia, the Balkan, Central and East Europe; To selectively choose the finest Indonesian agricultural commodities and
products those are competitive in the world market.
The results of active communication, strategic approaches and efforts, some Indonesian key actors in the agricultural field,
such as the Sinar Mas Group, BT Cocoa and Indo Serbia Food attended the Fair. The presence of the Vice Minister of Trade, Mr.
Mahendra Siregar, who accompanied by the Director of Agriculture and Forestry Products Export, Ministry of Trade, Indonesia
Eximbank, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the representatives of Indonesian businesspersons from
Sinar Mas Group, BT Cocoa and Indo Serbia Food, adds weight to the participation of Indonesia at the Agricultural Fair 2011.
During the presence of the Indonesian Vice Minister of Trade, various meetings and discussions with relevant parties of
Serbia are arrange with the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management; the Serbian Chamber of Commerce;
the City Council and the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Novi Sad and the Institute for Field and Vegetables Crops, NS
Seme, before visiting the Indonesian booth. These strategic moves are design to: Get the Serbian and Indonesian policy holders
more acquainted; Field visits and review of the Serbian major business-related and cut and shorten the contact point between
entrepreneurs of both parties. With the general theme “Remarkable Indonesia Products” and the above activities, the Indonesian
booth won an award for the stand with the best Visualization Identity.
During the field tour after the opening of the Fair, H.E. Mr. Boris Tadic, the President of Serbia, stop by the Indonesian booth
and have a discussion with the Indonesian Ambassador and the Indonesian business people who attended the Fair. The visit is a
reflection of a close relation between Indonesia and Serbia and a commitment in enhancing bilateral future cooperation.
The participation of the Embassy at the 78th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad is not the end of a process, but
should be followed-up to gain maximum benefits for both Indonesia and Serbia. Subsequent stages for the Embassy after
participating at the Fair are: To
encourage and facilitate the initial
business contact between the
Serbian and Indonesian business
communities; To nurture until both
parties find a common solution that
are mutually benefiting; Urging
the policy stakeholders either in
Serbia or Indonesia to support
and gives favourable business
climate in order to intensify
business to business contact
amongst Serbia and Indonesia;
Urging a direct participation of the
Indonesian companies in the next
International Agricultural Fair, as a
logical expectation for a better and
comprehensive attendance of the
Indonesian business communities;
Acting as a facilitator for the success
of an Indonesian booth in the spirit
of “Indonesian Incorporated”.
Equator - December 2011 51
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
June 2011
Humanitarian performance “Aceh in Belgrade”
On 26th of December 2004, tsunami hit the
westernmost part of Indonesia, in the province
of Aceh. Tsunami had struck and devastated the
province and killed hundreds and thousands of
people in Aceh itself and a quarter of a million
people in 13 countries. Today, six years has passed,
Aceh province has made a remarkable recovery.
Rebuilding had been impressive in Aceh thanks
to the help of the international communities.
In sharing this development, the performance
was held on 24 June 2011 in Kolarac Foundation
in Belgrade, to prove that courage and strength
is the winning element in this life. We are proud
to present you the performer “Sanggar Tari Cut
Nyak Dhien” from the province of Aceh. This
cultural group has hold their tour in Balkan
region from June to July 2011 and had a chance
to perform in Belgrade within the cooperation of
the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Belgrade, Belgrade City Assembly and Ilija M. Kolarac Foundation. Therefore, we would
like to convey our utmost appreciation and thanks to Mayor of Belgrade for his support in making tonight’s performance a true
gathering and particularly to Kolarac who has helped us provide the venue for organizing the event.
Cultural Group “Cut Nyak Dhien” is a traditional Acehnese dance group that has existed for more than 30 years and has been
invited and performed all over the world. As the heart of Serbia, Belgrade has its privilege for many visits of international musical
and dance group. “Sanggar Tari Cut Nyak Dhien” also use their opportunity here to perform in one of the most vibrant city in Balkan.
The performance is dedicated to spread a new message of Aceh, about hope, courage and strength which has save this province
from the great effect of natural disaster. The performance was dedicated as a humanitarian effort to raise donations for organization
Ashinaga in Japan and Red Cross of Serbia.
52 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
July 2011
Activities facing the celebration of the 66th
Independence of the Republic of Indonesia
On the ocassion of the forthcoming 66th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the month of July was
marked with several sport and social activities that was participated by all Indonesians living in Belgrade, friends of Indonesia, members
of the Friendship Association of Indonesian and Serbia “Nusantara” and members of the Embassies from the ASEAN countries. Every
year, just a few weeks before the 17 of August, in Indonesia and also abroad, the Indonesian citizens celebrate the most important
national day of Indonesia through many creative and unique activities, all in the spirit of unity and togetherness.
This year, in respect to the Ramadhan in
the month of August, Indonesian Embassy in
Belgrade has organized the activities a month
earlier through six activities and those were
the tournaments in badminton and table
tennis, domino cards, bowling, folk’s festive
and blood donation.
The last, but the biggest activity, on
the ocassion of 66th Anniversary of the
Independence of the Republic of Indonesia,
was the Folk’s Festive (Pesta Rakyat) that
has been the culmination of all the activities
during the month of July. The Folk’s Festive
gathered around over 180 people, beside
the staff of the Indonesian Embassy and
Indonesian community and their families,
the event was participated also by many
close friends of Indonesia as well as from
the Embassies from ASEAN countries. After
the warming up session, the ‘Fun Walk’ was
started with Ambassador’s releasing the
red and white balloon with the text “I LOVE
INDONESIA” up to the sky.
As the main part of the program was the
celebration of the Indonesian Children’s Day
that is commemorate every year on 23rd
of July. The Indonesian Ambassador has
gathered with over 70 children and had the
‘question and answer’ game which has been
very attractive to the children and has gain their
attention very closely. After this gathering with
Ambassador, the Indonesian Children’s Day
was marked with special children’s program
with clown and magician, later followed with
fun games such as eating the donats on the
string, entering the pencil to the bottle, etc.
At the end of the children’s program, all the
children has received the presents.
Equator - December 2011 53
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
August 2011
First ASEAN flag raised on the ocassion of the
44th Anniversary of ASEAN
Based on the guidelines for ASEAN flag
rising, the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade,
on August 8, 2011, has held a hoisting of
the ASEAN flag and followed by a simple
reception. ASEAN flag hoisting took place
at 09.00, held in the courtyard of the
Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade as the host
(refer to the chairmanship of Indonesia in
ASEAN), accompanied by representatives of
ASEAN in Belgrade (Myanmar, Malaysia and
the Philippines). The event was attended
by invitees from the ASEAN dialogue
partners (China, Japan, Republic of Korea,
India, Pakistan, and Russia); international
organizations (UN Office in Belgrade and
UNDP Belgrade Office), Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Serbia and the news media.
The event was followed by a
brief remark from the Indonesian
Ambassador to Serbia, on behalf of ASEAN
representatives in Belgrade. In his remark,
the Indonesian Ambassador to Serbia
pointed out that according to the theme
of the ASEAN Community in the Global
Community of Nations, it is an appropriate
time to propagate the vision, purposes,
accomplishment and values of ASEAN to
various stake holders and communities
in the accredited countries and the
celebration of ASEAN Day is the first pole
which has strategic values for Serbia and
ASEAN as well. After a joint photo session,
the event was followed by a reception,
featuring varieties of simple special ASEAN
snacks to the invitees.
The ASEAN Day Celebration in Belgrade,
received a warm appreciation from various
communities (Diplomatic, Foreign Ministry
and the Serbian media) since it was the first
to be held in Serbia. It will be a stepping
stone among the representatives of ASEAN
countries in Belgrade, to further promote
various subject about ASEAN in line with
ASEAN’s “reaching out” goal-oriented. The
initiation about ASEAN, which is a region with
approximately 600 million populations and
a dynamically growing economy, providing
an opportunity for Serbia to utilize it. As for
ASEAN, Serbia has a strategic position with
its various agreements / trade arrangements
with various countries / regional organizations
(CEFTA, EU, U.S., Russia and Turkey) that should
be developed as an entry point of various
ASEAN products and services to Europe.
54 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
August 2011
Celebration of Eid ul-Fitr 1432 H at the
premises of Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade
On 30th August 2011, muslims all over the world celebrate Eid Ul-Fitr 1432H. Eid ul-Fitr, as a muslim holiday for celebration
of conclusion of 30 days of fasting from dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadhan. Before the celebration of Eid Ul-Fitr,
Muslims all over the world are oblige to fast from dawn to sunset. During the fasting, muslims are not allowed to eat, drink,
vomit on purposely, and having sexual activities. The fasting is as a mean of people’s obedience towards God and also as a
way to restrain oneself from bad deeds. According to the Hadits, observing the Ramadhan is not an obligatory for children,
expecting and brestfeeding mothers, as well as elderly people, as for menstruating women, it is forbidden to undergo fasting
during Ramadhan, and they will have to fast on the other day. During the holy month of Ramadhan, Muslims are expected to
put more effort into following the teachings of Islam and to avoid carry out any bad deeds. The fasting itself is said as an effort
to pure one’s heart and soul from sins and as a reminder for the people to the existence of the afterlife.
On this occasion, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia also celebrate Eid ul-Fitr in the Embassy and in the Ambassador
residence. The celebration began with the Eid prayer that took place at the Embassy’s “Pancasila” hall. The prayer that consist of
two units (raka’ah) was attended by around 30 jama’ah, consist of muslims that reside in Belgrade as well as the Embassy staff
and Indonesian citizens reside in Belgrade.
In the afternoon, the Embassy held an “Open House” at the Ambassador residence to celebrate Eid ul-Fitr that was attended
by around 100 guests, consist of Indonesian citizens reside in Serbia, Indonesia-Serbia friendship association “Nusantara”,
Darmasiswa scholarship students, muslim friends of the Embassy, as well as citizens of Serbia. On the occasion, the Ambassador
convey Eid ul-Fitr greetings for muslims in Serbia and call for the harmony of interfaith between the people in Serbia that has
been very well tied to be maintained for the years to come. The “Open House” also received covers from the media in Serbia,
among others are Studio B and RTS, who also made a short interview with the Ambassador and the Embassy staff regarding the
celebration of Eid ul-Fitr.
Equator - December 2011 55
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
August 2011
66th Anniversary of
Independence of the Republic of Indonesia
On 17th August 2011, the Republic of
Indonesia celebrates its Independence
Day. The celebration is marked with a flag
ceremony to honor the independence
patriots that has fought for Indonesia
independence in the past. The flag
ceremony is conducted in each part of
Indonesia territory and in all of Indonesia
representatives abroad. The Proclamation
of the Independence of the Republic of
Indonesia was done by first Indonesian
President and Vice President, Soekarno
and M. Hatta on 17 August 1945 and the
Proclamation reading was attended by
roughly 1000 people and broadcasted
by medias throughout Indonesia
archipelago. The Proclamation at street
Pegangsaan Timur no. 56 in Jakarta was
heard throughout the country because
the text was secretly broadcasted by
Indonesian radio using the transmitters
of the Jakarta Hoso Kyoku radio station.
An English translation of the Proclamation
was broadcasted overseas.
Pancasila (five principals) became
Indonesia’s ideological and philosophical
basis, and on 18 August 1945, the 1945
Constitution (Undang-Undang Dasar
1945) was adopted as the basic law of
The proclamation has an important
meaning for Indonesians, it is the peak of
Indonesia’s struggle movement against
colonialism that has lasted for many years.
With its independence, Indonesia has the
right to determine its own territory, its own
rights and dignity and also give freedom
for its people from colonialism that has
bind them for many generations.
After Soekarno and M.Hatta proclaimed
Indonesia’s Independence, the first flag
raising ceremony was held. The first
Indonesian national flag “Bendera Pusaka”
was sewn by Soekarno’s wife, Fatmawati. It
was hoisted on a short bamboo staff by a
group led by Captain Latief Hendaningrat;
after its hoisting, the gathered crowd sang
“Indonesia Raya”. The “Bendera Pusaka”
consists of two bands, red at the top and
white at the bottom, at a scale of 2:3. The
red stands for bravery, while the white
stands for purity.
Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade
celebrate the 66th anniversary of
56 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
August 2011
Indonesia’s Independence by flag
raising ceremony in the morning, with
attendance by all Indonesian Embassy
staff, Indonesian citizens reside in Serbia,
Indonesia-Serbia Friendship Association
“Nusantara”, friends of Indonesia and
media. The ceremony was conducted
in solemn and smooth, in memory of all
fallen heroes that have given their lives
for the future generations in Indonesia.
This year, the ceremony was
conducted by the Assistant of the
Indonesian Defense Attache to Serbia,
and the flag raising, reading the text
of the Proclamation of Independence,
preamble of the Constituion 1945 and
the prayer was delivered by the youth of
Indonesian community living in Serbia,
as the symbol and massage of trust to
the young generations that will continue
the fight and bring the prosperity to the
country in the spirit of independence.
On the occasion, the Ambassador of
the Republic of Indonesia in his address
to the Indonesian citizens in Serbia stated
the importance to always uphold their
nationality, honour the independence
patriots and to maintain the good
relationship between Indonesia and
Serbia. The Ambassador in his speech
also convey his hope that the celebration
of Indonesia Independence Day will
encourage the Indonesian people to
maintain hard work and stand together in
order to solve the hardships that may lay
ahead. In the 66 years of Independence,
Indonesia is now able to emerge as the
world third biggest democracy country
and also claimed as one of the emerging
economy country in the world.
After the flag raising ceremony,
the Ambassador Semuel Samson
and spouse, as well as the staff of the
Indonesian Embassy with spouses, have
received congratulations from all the
attendance of the ceremony. Despite the
very hot weather on that day and fasting
month of Ramadan, the atmosphere
before, during and after the ceremony
was very solemn and in the atmosphere
of unity. On the same day, the lowering
flag ceremony was held in the evening
and after the sunset the Indonesian
Ambassador Semuel Samson has hosted
the Iftar for all Ambassadors from the
Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC), Serbian Ministry of Religion and
Diapora, religious leaders in Serbia, and
all Indonesian community in Belgrade.
Equator - December 2011 57
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
September 2011
Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Dr R.M. Marty
M. Natalegawa in Belgrade on the ocassion
of 50 years of NAM
The anniversary of the 50 years of the
Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) has
been commemorated on 5-6 September
2011 in Belgrade, Serbia, with attendance
of the Ministers of the country members,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Dr. R.M. Marty
M. Natalegawa, as well as guest countries,
representatives from the ex-members of
Yugoslavia (Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia
and Bosnia and Herzegovina).
NAM is a group of states not related/
aligned formally with or against any major
power bloc. It was founded in 1961, by its
founding fathers namely Josip Broz Tito,
President of Yugoslavia, Soekarno, first
President of the Republic of Indonesia,
Jawaharlal Nehru, First Prime Minister
of India, Gamal Abdel Nasser, second
President of Egypt and Kwame Nkrumah,
first President of Ghana.
The purpose of NAM is to ensure the
territorial integrity and security of
non-aligned states to struggle against
imperialism, colonialism, racism and all
forms of foreign aggression, occupation,
domination, interference as well as against
great power and bloc politics. As of 2011,
NAM had 120 members and 17 observer
NAM’s establishment in 1961 was based
on the Bandung Conference in 1955, hosted
by the first President of the Republic of
Indonesia, Soekarno, with attendance of
leaders from the Asia-Africa countries.
From there, the founding fathers of NAM
constructed NAM’s five principles:
a. Mutual respect for each other’s
territorial integrity and sovereignty
b. Mutual non-aggression
c. Mutual non-interference in
domestic affairs
d. Equally and mutual benefit
e. Peaceful co-existence
The 50 years commemoration of
NAM was marked with a commemorative
meeting in Belgrade, opened by the
Chairman of the NAM, Minister of Foreign
Affairs of Egypt, H.E. Mr. Mohamed Kemel
Amr, in the Serbia Parliament. In his speech,
H. E. Mr. Mohamed Kemel Amr convey that
58 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
in addition to the aspirations and interests from the country members, the role of NAM as a body is still very important, especially
as a channel body for the member countries to deliver their aspirations in politic, economy, humanity issues as well as in social and
culture to the international world.
On this occasion, President of the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Boris Tadic convey his contentment and hopes for the continuation
of the NAM in the years to come, and clarify that ever since its establishment in 1961, NAM has successful in its purpose to fight
against monopoly of force and act of aggression as well as imperialism in the world. Even though Serbia currently is only an observer
country in the NAM, but Serbia shared NAM main purpose to eradicate all forms of colonialism in the world. The President stated
also his excitement for the commemorative event since there are quite a number of states that attend the meeting, which indicate
the strong bound between NAM members, and proven the members still have not forgotten the role of the city of Belgrade in the
history of NAM. The meeting of 50 years commemoration of NAM took place in the Serbia National Assembly, which was the very
same place and meeting room where the first NAM meeting was held in 1961 in Belgrade.
In the opening of the event, H.E. Dr. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa stated the importance for NAM to maintain its role and contribution
towards the international society. In this case, the Minister remind the people on the statement from the President of the Republic of
Indonesia, Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on the opening of the NAM last meeting on Bali, among others are:
a. NAM must be a net contributor to a culture of global peace and security.
For this occur, NAM must make every effort to ensure that individual countries within NAM are more peaceful, more secure, and
more stable, and based on these national and regional efforts and realities, NAM can contribute to the peace making in the world
at large. NAM should be a force that advocates inclusion rather than exclusion,where nations work in concert to address common
challenges, and where conflicts are resolved through dialogues and diplomacy rather than through the use or threat of force, in
short, NAM must strive for common security for all.
b. NAM must be a net contributor to political development, to the promotion of democracy and to the advancement of good
governance. For that purpose, NAM should be a global force that is truly cognizant of the calls for democracy, and join hands with the
other elements of the International community to strengthen respect for democratic values.
c. NAM must be a net contributor to equitable prosperity, where no nation will be left behind.
The recent economic and financial crisis in many develop countries demonstrates a greater opportunity for countries within the NAM
to contribute to global prosperity. As NAM is the largest grouping of countries in the world, growing prosperity within NAM members will
automatically manifest to global prosperity. In this regard, a genuine partnership between the develop and developing world must be
established, where each must do their part to ensure equitable, strong, sustainable and balance growth of the members economy.
The commemorative meeting that was held on 5-6 September 2011 has reached conclusions, that NAM in the future must
actively participate in the dialogues and cooperation between states and its counterpart to help in solving international disputes
that may occurred. The member countries also clarify the important meaning of Belgrade as a historical city not only as a place
where the first NAM conference was held, but also as an important partner that has actively supported the movement in maintaining
world peace as well as eradication of apartheid politic in the world.
In between the commemorative meeting with the delegations, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Dr. R.M.
Marty M. Natalegawa met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Vuk Jeremic, and had a courtesy call to the
President of the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Boris Tadic. In the meeting, has been carried signing of Agreement in the Promotion and Protection
of Investment between Indonesia and Serbia, an agreement in the field of economy to promote cooperation and to protect the cooperation in
the field of investment. The agreement regulates among others the administration for protection and equal treatment for third-party investors,
and compensation in terms of force majeure. The agreement is expected to attracted investors from Indonesia and Serbia to invest.
Equator - December 2011 59
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
September 2011
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of Indonesia gathered with Indonesian
community in the premises of Embassy
On the occasion of 50 years commemoration of the Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) in Belgrade, Serbia, the Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Dr. RM. Marty M. Natalegawa along with the members of Indonesian delegations, had the
opportunity to meet and greet the Indonesian citizens reside in Serbia as well as members of the Friendship Association of Indonesia
and Serbia “Nusantara” at the Ambassador residence in Belgrade.
The visit of the Minister has been a long waited visit by the Embassy, since the last visit by Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs to
Belgrade was in 1989 during the 9th Non Aligned Summit by late former Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Ali Alatas.
In his speech, the Minister convey to the attendance that ever since the first NAM conference in 1961 in Belgrade, the relationship
between Indonesia and Serbia has always been a good and friendly relationship. The Minister stated of the importance to strengthen
and increase the relationship between Indonesia and Serbia through the “people to people contact” and for that reason, the existence
of Friendship Association “Nusantara” and the Indonesian School in Belgrade are one of the main pillars that support the Embassy’s
activities in increasing the relationship between Indonesia and Serbia in general.
The meeting was attended by more than 50 people, and on the occasion, the attendances had the opportunity to hold a discussion
in person with the Minister and the Ambassador. Those present on the occasion was very satisfied and pleased with the event and
convey their wish to be able to had another dialogue with the Minister on his future visit to Belgrade.
60 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
September 2011
Official visit of Serbian Minister of Defense
H.E. Mr. Dragan Šutanovac to Indonesia
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Serbia have
agreed to boost bilateral relations especially in the field of defense, by the signing
the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the respective Minister of Defense
H.E. Mr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro and H.E. Mr. Dragan Sutanovac on 13th of September
2011 at the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta. The bilateral
cooperation has actually been established since the early days of the independence
of Indonesia which was marked by the signing of cooperative agreement on military
procurement from Yugoslavia, by the Chief of Land Forces of Indonesian National
Defense Forces (TNI) Gen. A. Yani on June 22, 1959. The cooperation was developed
into the field of education (Seskoad), ship building like KRI “Ki Hajar Dewantoro”,
military medical cooperation, education, R & D and so forth.
It is written in the Memorandum of Understanding, that the two countries
agreed to enhance the cooperation in the field of defense industries, educational
exchanges and training from the level of military academy, staff and command,
Master untill PhD level, and the military medical personnel as well. The agreement,
itself is a renewal of the same draft that has been signed on January 19, 2005, by
Mr. Pavle Jankovic, Assitant Minister for Defense Policy, the Minister of Defense on
behalf of the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Montenegro and Major General
Aqlani Maza, Director General for Fasilities America for Defense, the Department
of Defense on behalf of the Government of Republic of Indonesia.
The momentum of signing of the MoU was witnessed by some prominent
figures from both Ministries of Defense, from Indonesian side were the Secretary
General, Lieutenant General Herryanto Eris, S.Ip., MA, Special Staff of the Minister
of Defence for International Cooperation Mr.Soemadi DM Brotodiningrat, Director
of the International Cooperation of the Directorate General for Defence Strategy
of the Ministry of Defence, Brig. Gen.Suhendar Brigadier, BC, Rear Admiral Ir.
A. Djonie Gallaran, MM and Brigadier General Asrin. From the Serbian side was
Brigadier General Dr. Mladen Vuruna, Head of the Serbian Military Academy.
The MoU emphasized on the efforts of both countries to enhance the defense
cooperation in terms of Strategic Policy Defense, Procurement, Defense Industries
cooperation, Education and Training as well as other cooperation.
After the working visit to the Minister of Defense at the Ministry of Defense
headquaters, the delegation of the Republic of Serbia proceeded a courtesy call
to the Coordinating Minister of Politics, Law and Security, visiting the University
of Defense, PT. Pindad, PT. Dirgantara Indonesia in Bandung and the Ministry
of Religious Affairs. On September 15, 2011, the delegation visited the military
hospital and some workshops for creating positive synergies between the two
countries in the field of defense industry.
Equator - December 2011 61
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
September 2011
Diplomatic reception on the ocassion of 66th
Anniversary of the Independence of the
Republic of Indonesia
As part of the celebration of the 66th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian Embassy
has held a Diplomatic reception on 8 September 2011, at the Crystal Ballroom of Hyatt Regency in Belgrade.
The reception was attended by more than 450 guests, consist of Diplomatic corps, officials from the Government of the
Republic of Serbia, mayors, businessmen, media and Indonesian citizen reside in Serbia, along with the Friendship Association
of Indonesia and Serbia “Nusantara”.
In honoring the 50 years commemoration of the Non-Alignment Movement and 55 years of relation between Indonesia and
Serbia, the Embassy also held a photo exhibition with the theme of “Soekarno in Belgrade” at the gallery of the Crystal Ballroom
of the Hyatt Regency Belgrade. The reception was enlivened by performance of Balinese dance “Gabor” by the Embassy dance
students and gamelan songs, presented by Gamelan group of the Embassy.
The reception was attended also by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Dragan Sutanovac, and the
Minister without Portfolio, H.E. Mr. Sulejman Ugljanin.
62 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
September 2011
Culinary Days ‘Taste of Indonesia’ in Belgrade
The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, in cooperation with the Ministry of
Tourism and Creative Economy (previously Ministry of Culture and Tourism) and in
cooperation with the Hyatt Regency Belgrade, has organized Indonesian Culinary
Week on 5-15 September 2011. The opening of the event was marked with the press
conference by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for Serbia, H.E. Mr. Semuel
Samson. The press conference was opened with Balinese dancing by the dance
students of the Embassy, that received a marvelous applause from the attendants.
On the event of Indonesian Culinary Week, 2 (two) Chefs from Hyatt Regency
Bandung, West Java, Mr. Deddy Prihardywarman and Mr. Agus Saepudin, were especially
assigned as the main Chefs for the event. As the main Chefs, they are responsible for the
cuisine served during the culinary week as well as to train and share their knowledge
to the Chef and Hyatt Regency staff regarding Indonesian cuisine. On the 6 September
2011, after the press conference, the Indonesian Ambassador has hosted also a “Chef’s
Table” night, served as a special farewell dinner for the Ambassador of the Republic
of Korea that was also attendant by the Ambassadors of India, Mexico, Switzerland,
Germany and Portugal, as well as Hyatt Regency Belgrade sales manager.
The culinary week was a success, where many Serbian that came to the event stated
their satisfaction and complements on the great taste of the cuisines served. Many of them
had the opportunity meet the Chef and to ask on the recipe of the cuisine served and
complement the Chefs for their well done job. The culinary week attracted not only the
attention of the Serbian people, but as well as the delegations from the attending country
on the 50 years Commemoration of Non-Aligned Countries that was held in Belgrade
on 5-6 September 2011. The visitors among others are delegations from the Asian and
African countries, especially from Brunei Darussalam and the Middle East countries.
During their time in Belgrade, the Chefs were also assigned to prepare the Indonesian
cuisine served during the Embassy Diplomatic Reception that took place at the
Crystal Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Belgrade, on 8 September 2011. The Chefs also
participated in the cooking class organized by the Embassy Women’s Union “Dharma
Wanita Persatuan” for the members of International Women’s Club in Serbia. On the
cooking class, the Chefs had the opportunity to demonstrate about the cooking method
for Nasi Goreng and Sum-sum porridge.
Equator - December 2011 63
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
October 2011
Celebration of 66th Indonesian National
Armed Forces Day
On October 5, 2011, in Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade, the Ambassador Semuel
Samson has led a ceremony to mark the 66th Anniversary of the Indonesian National
Defense Forces (TNI) that was attended by all the staff of the Embassy, Dharma Wanita
Persatuan members and Indonesian community in Serbia. This year`s ceremony to mark
the 66th Anniversary of TNI was themed “With Integrity and Professionalism, TNI with
National Components are ready to Maintain and Uphold the Sovereignty and Integrity
of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)”. After the successful ceremony,
the Ambassador had the honour to deliver the peak of the ‘Tumpeng’ to one of the local
staff at the Indonesian Defense office in Belgrade, Mrs. Mira Šekarić.
In the frame of this anniversary, on October 18, 2011, the Indonesian Embassy has
organized the “Mini Shooting Competition” and cocktail party in Partizan Shooting Club in
Belgrade, that was attended by the many officials from the Serbian Government, Ministry
of Defense and Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, representatives of
the Serbian military industry, Head of Diplomatic Missions and their Defense Attaches,
International Organizations and other respected counterparts.
This year, the celebration of the Anniversary of the Indonesian National Defense Forces
was marked in different way and was responded very positive by all the participants. The
competition was in shooting using pistol CZ-999 and cal. 9 mm bullets, in two rounds
of disciplines. The first was the round target of 50x50 cm at distance of 15 meters with 3
sighting shots and 5 bullets precise hit fire with the limit of one minute per round. The
second, was the rapid fire at the round target from 15 meters with time limits of 3 seconds
for each round and with 5 bullets.
The excitement was overflowed during the competition, many of the participants
had the experience in shooting but there were also many of them who just wanted to
try for the first time. While others were enjoying the cocktail, Indonesian snacks and live
music in the outdoor area of the Partizan Shooting Club.
After three hours of individual shootings and pleasant music as well, the committee
of judges from the Partizan Club announced the winners. The first prize was won by Mr.
Aleksandar Djenić from the Serbian Ministry of Interior Affairs with 93 points, the second
prize by Mr. Branislav Vukadinović with 90 points also from the Serbian Ministry of Interior
Affairs and the third prize by Mr. Šandor Horvarth with 89 points from OSCE Mission. The
special prize for the best beginner category among ladies was won by Mrs. Julie Rice,
spouse of Air Attache from Embassy of USA, who gain the one year free membership at
the Partizan Shooting Club.
The shooting competition was sponsored by two respected Serbian companies,
the manufacturer of firearms and artillery “ZASTAVA Arms” from Kragujevac that has
provided one pistol CZ-999 for the first prize winner, and ammunition factory “PRVI
PARTIZAN” from Uzice who provided 9 mm cal. ammunitions for the rest of the winners.
64 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News - Summary 2011
November 2011
Panel discussion “Serbia - Indonesia:
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”
To mark 55 years of relation between
Indonesia and Serbia, Friendship Association
of Serbia and Indonesia “Nusantara“ in
cooperation with the Indonesian Embassy
in Belgrade, has held a panel discussion on
November 9, 2011 in Belgrade, by raising the
topic of “Serbia-Indonesia: Yesterday, Today
and Tomorrow”.
The speaker on the panel discussion
was Indonesian Ambassador to Serbia, H.E.
Mr. Semuel Samson, Assistant Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia,
Director General of Multilateral Affairs, H.E.
Dr Vuk Zugic, Adviser to the President of
the Serbian Chamber of Commerce for
international cooperation, Mrs. Milanka
Stojakovic, Professor at the Faculty of
Philosophy University of Belgrade, Prof.
Dr. Ljubodrag Dimić, political analyst and
Deputy Editor of Politika daily, Mr. Slobodan
Samardžija, conducted by moderator Dr
Aleksandar Raković, Senior Adviser to the
Ministry of Religion and Diaspora of the
Republic of Serbia.
In the presentation of the Ambassador
Semuel Samson was stated that relations
between Indonesia and Serbia so far has
been going very well, close, with mutual
support between the two countries as
the founding fathers of the Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM) and entering the “new
era” of relation that are more concrete and
In the political field, in general, IndonesiaSerbia never misses to provide mutual
support in various aspects interests of both
countries in international forum, while in the
field of economics and development, there
are many development projects in Indonesia
in the 1950s to the 1980s undertaken by
various institutions and the business of
Yugoslavia, which now continues in various
economic fields such as trade and military
Speaking at a forum discussion, Assistant
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, H.E.
Dr Vuk Zugic said that Indonesia is an
important partner for Serbia, it is supported
by the population of Indonesia in about 240
million people, geography, vast territories
and natural resources owned by Indonesia.
These factors have made the IndonesiaSerbia relations as important relationships
and mutually beneficial for both parties.
Equator - December 2011 65
Summary 2011 - Embassy News
This is evident in the 50th anniversary of NAM held in Belgrade on last September and in Bali on last May, which in that
periode Indonesia and Serbia has signed six agreements and MoU on the economic, defense and education cooperation.
Besides the political and economic fields, cooperation in the field of education always worked well and has increased every
year, which is reflected through the increasing number of participants Darmasiswa scholarship, Indonesian Art and Culture
scholarship program and master studies program KNB and “World in Serbia” program.
The panel discussion received a good reception from the people of Serbia, as seen from the density of the number of
participants who attended the panel discussion, so many of them have to stand because of places available were full. This event
has gain many positive respond from the public as well as from many respected media in Serbia.
66 Equator - December 2011
Embassy’s Meetings- Summary 2011
January - December 2011
The 2010-2013 is the year of the revival of Indonesian –
and the Balkans relationship, particularly Serbian bilateral
relationship. To keep up with the agenda, the Head of Mission
lead the weekly meeting with all head of sections, every
Monday and Friday.
In this occasion, apart from reporting each section weekly
agenda and achievement, it is also a forum to discuss general
matters or programmes of the Embassy. This coordination
meeting what drives the Embassy to stay focus on track and
adapt to change of condition and situation in achieving the
Embassy’s goal, mutually benefit for Indonesia and Serbia.
Equator - December 2011 67
Summary 2011 - Embassy’s ceremonies
January - December 2011
The Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade hold ceremonial gathering every Monday first week of the month in the Pancasila Room
in the Embassy. The ceremonial gathering is intended to boost the unification and the spirit of nationalism of the Embassy staffs,
through the reading of Pancasila, the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian Youth Pledge
and prayer. Each of the Embassy staff take turns every month to be the officer reading them in the monthly ceremonial gathering.
Furthermore in the ceremonial gathering Head of the Mission has the opportunity to share with the Embassy staffs, the
programme that will be carry out in that month, enabling all staff to participate in every programmers in their own capacity.
There is also element of fun and education, where staffs are given the chance to learn different Indonesian and Serbian songs
for each month, to be sung in the monthly ceremonial gathering.
68 Equator - December 2011
Embassy’s religious events - Summary 2011
January - December 2011
During the year 2011, several religious events was held in Belgrade, the local religious festives as well as Indonesian that was held at
the premises of the Embassy. One of the ocassion was the celebration of Saint Sava Day served by Serbian Patriarch His Holiness Irinej
that was followed with solemn luncheon together with the highest officials of Serbian Orthodox Church. During the year, there are also
several religoius festives celebrated at the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade, and those were the celebration of Eid ul-Fitr 1432 H and Eid
ul-Adha 1432 H with the members of the OIC and ASEAN Embassies as well as with Indonesian community in Belgrade.
To accommodate Embassies that are situated further from the mosque but a lot closer to the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade,
it has been a tradition that some of the personnel of the Muslim country Embassies do the Friday prayer with the Indonesian
community and staff in the Embassy. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Belgrade, situated in Dedinje, is a distinct
big building looking over Partizan Stadium. One of the largest room in the Embassy is the Pancasila Room, where most of the
ceremonial events take place in the Embassy, including the Friday prayer.
Equator - December 2011 69
Summary 2011 - Courtesy Calls
January - December 2011
Courtesy Call to the President of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mr. Boris Tadić after the ceremony of Credentials
With the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia,
H.E. Mr. Vuk Jeremić
Courtesy Call to the Speaker of the National Assembly of Serbia,
H.E. Dr. Slavica Djukić Dejanović
Courtesy Call to the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Serbia,
H.E. Mr. Dragan Šutanovac
Courtesy Call to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of the
Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Rasim Ljajić
Courtesy Call to the Minister of Trade and Services of the
Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Slobodan Milosavljević (before the reshuffle)
Courtesy Call to the Minister of Minister of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and
Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Dušan Petrović
70 Equator - December 2011
Courtesy Calls - Summary 2011
Courtesy Call to the Minister of Religion and the Diaspora of the
Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Srdjan Srečković
Courtesy Call to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia,
H.E. Mr. Mirko Cvetković
Courtesy Call to the former Minister of Religion of the Republic
of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Bogoljub Šijaković (before the reshuffle)
Courtesy Call to the Minister of Environment, Mining and Spatial
Planning of the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Oliver Dulić
Courtesy Call to the Minister of Youth and Sport of the
Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mrs. Snežana Samardžić Marković
Coutesy Call to the Minister of Culture, Media and Information of
the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Predrag Markovic
Courtesy Call to the Minister for Kosovo and Metohija of the
Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Goran Bogdanović
Courtesy Call to the former Minister of Minister of Agriculture of
the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Saša Dragin (before the reshuffle)
Courtesy Call to the State Secretary for tourism of the Ministry of
Economy and Regional Development, Dr. Goran Petkovic
Equator - December 2011 71
Summary 2011 - Courtesy Calls
Courtesy Call to the President of the Parliamentary Friendship Group of Serbia and Indonesia, Mr. Meho Omerović
Courtesy Call to the Governor of the National Bank of Serbia,
Mr. Dejan Šoškić
Courtesy Call to the Mayor of Novi Sad, Mr. Igor Pavličić
Courtesy Call to the President of the Serbian Chamber of
Commerce, Mr. Miloš Bugarin
Courtesy Call to the President of Regional Chamber of Commerce
of Vojvodina Province, Mr. Dragan Lukač
72 Equator - December 2011
Courtesy Calls - Summary 2011
Courtesy Call to the HRH Crown Prince Aleksander Karadjordjević and HRH Crown Princess Katherine
Courtesy Call to the His Holiness Patriarch of Serbian
Orthodox Church Irinej
With the Mufti of Islamic Community of Serbia, Mr. Adem Zilkić
Courtesy Call to the Director of Radio Television of Serbia (RTS),
Mr. Nikola Mirkov
Courtesy Call to the Chief Editor of daily “Politika”,
Mr. Dragan Bujošević
Courtesy Call to the editors of daily “Danas”
Courtesy Call to the Deputy Director of “Studio B”,
Mr. Nemanja Vranjkovic
Equator - December 2011 73
Summary 2011 - Meetings in Indonesia
Courtesy visit to the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Prof. Dr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro
Meeting withDeputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of
Indonesia, Lieutenant General Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin
Meeting with Governor of National Defense Institute of the
Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr Budi Susilo Soepandji
Meeting with the Chief of Indonesian Navy Forces,
Admiral Soeparno
Meeting with Chief of Intelligence Strategic Agency,
Rear Admiral Soleman B. Ponto
Meeting with the Deputy Minister of Trade of the Republic of
Indonesia, Mr. Mahendra Siregar
Meeting with the Deputy Minister of National Education of the
Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr Fasli Djalal
74 Equator - December 2011
Meetings in Indonesia - Summary 2011
Meeting with the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Suryadharma Alie on the ocassion
of offcial visit of Serbian Minister of Defense to Indonesia
Vice Governor of the West Java province, Mr. H. Dede Jusuf
Meeting with Rector of Padjadjaran University,
Prof. Dr Ganjar Kurnia
Meeting the Secretary of the Bandung Mayor’s office,
Mr. H. Edi Siswadi
Serbian Defense Minister meeting the Deputy Director
Meeting with Chairman of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce,
Mr. Suryo Bambang Sulisto
Meeting with CEO of Sinar Mas Group, Mr. Franky Widjaja
Equator - December 2011 75
Summary 2011 - Meetings in Indonesia
Courtesy visit to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Courtesy visit to the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia
Bilateral meeting between the Defense Ministries of the Republic Indonesia and the Republic of Serbia
76 Equator - December 2011
Meetings in Indonesia - Summary 2011
The visit of the Serbian Defense Minister to the Indonesian Defense University in Jakarta
Visit to the military industry company PT PINDAD
Test shooting of Serbian Minister of Defense at PT PINDAD
Meeting with Director Aircraft Services of PT Dirgantara Indonesia,
Mr. Budiwuraskito
Meeting with Director of the Agency for Agriculture Research
and Development of PT Sang Hyang Seri
Meeting with Director of International Cooperation of Indonesian
National Department of Education and SEAMOLEC
Meeting with Secretary General of Indonesia’s Olympic
Committee and associates
Equator - December 2011 77
Embassy News
With spirit of togetherness of ASEAN and NAM
toward the better future !
78 Equator - December 2011
Embassy News
In t he spirit of
66 years of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia
55 years of friendship between Indonesia and Serbia
50 years of Non Aligned Movement
Equator - December 2011
44 years of ASEAN