Global Spectrum Opportunity Assessment WiFiUS Status Report
Global Spectrum Opportunity Assessment WiFiUS Status Report
8.2.2016 Global Spectrum Opportunity Assessment WiFiUS Status Report Dennis Roberson 10 December 2015 Co-Principle Investigators and Contributors • Marja Matinmikko – VTT Technical Research Ctr • Xianfu Chen, Marko Höyhtyä, Aarne Mämmelä • Jarkko Paavola –Turku University of Applied Science • Reijo Ekman, Juhani Hallio, Juha Kalliovaara, Jani Auranen • Juha Roning – University of Oulu • Jaakko Suutala, Anna-Mari Vimpari, Jaakko Lampi • Allen MacKenzie – Virginia Tech • Ramakrishnan Kalyanaraman, Abdallah Abdallah • Dennis Roberson – Illinois Institute of Technology • Ryan Attard, Abed Arnaout, Billy Bafia, Roger Bacchus, Yupeng Dong, Eric Faurie, Yu Gu, Cindy Hood, Sohail Noor, Marriyam Qureshi, Ali Riaz, Philip Felber, Tanim Taher, Jesse Taylor, Emilie Woog, Ken Zdunek 1 8.2.2016 Research Achievements vs. Goals 1) Deployed 5 (vs. goal of 3) spectrum observatories in Finland (2 – 1 fixed and 1 mobile), at Virginia Tech (1) and at IIT (2+). Observatories based on a common platform and generating a single spectrum measurement database 2) Developed empirically validated, statistical models of spectrum utilization for different wireless application types based on this dataset 3) Mined the data using “big data” analytical techniques to discover temporal and spectral correlations and relationships not obvious using traditional approaches 4) Using models to develop temporal / spectral occupancy predictions for a variety of wireless application categories 5) Collaborators are leveraged existing national, region and international government regulatory relationships to share the research results & influence spectrum management policy with the goal of more efficient spectrum utilization RFeye based Spectrum Observatory 2 8.2.2016 WiFiUS Spectrum Observation Turku, Backpack System Mobile System “Head”, Chicago Mobile Systems, Chicago WiFiUS Spectrum Observatory Sites in Chicago Harbor Point, Chicago IIT Tower, Chicago 3 8.2.2016 WiFiUS Spectrum Observatory Sites TUAS - Turku, Finland Virginia Tech - Blacksburg, VA Spectrum Observatory Site – TUAS building - Sepänkatu 1, Turku, Finland – July 2013 4 8.2.2016 Developed / Deployed Web-based Spectrum Monitor Power Spectrum Plot for Frequency range of 1755 – 1850MHz Collected in Turku, Finland on 17 vs. 26 June, 2013 Average PSD -50 -60 -80 -90 Average PSD -100 -50 -110 -60 -120 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 Frequency (MHz) 1820 1830 1840 Power in dBm Power in dBm -70 -70 1850 -80 -90 -100 -110 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 Frequency (MHz) 1820 1830 1840 1850 5 8.2.2016 Spectrum Observatory WiFiUS Measurement Band Plan Band Freq. range (MHz) Resolution bandwidth Scan interval RF Input Port 1 30-130 78.125 kHz 10 s 1 2 130-800 39.0625 kHz 3s 1 3 650-1200 39.0625 kHz 3s 2 4 1200-3000 39.0625 kHz 3s 3 5 3000-6000 78.125 kHz 3s 4 6 8.2.2016 Average Spectrum Occupancy – Selected Bands across 5 Sites Reference Architecture: WiFiUS Observatories / Data store IIT Chicago / VT Analysis Server Capture RFEye Capture PC RFEye Capture PC RFEye RF Measurement System PC U.S. RF Measurement System RF Measurement System Turku Finland Long-Term Measurement Storage Server PC - Local Graph and Plots Web Server Internet Oulu / Turku Analysis Server Capture RFEye Capture PC RFEye PC RF Measurement System IIT IITSO Long Term Measurements Long-Term Measurement Storage Server RF Measurement System RFEye Capture PC Local Analysis Analysis Server Storage Server OS Linux Windows (Linux) Windows Windows Windows Apps • Logger • NSF Store on PC • Log file store • Upload to long term • Browser • RFeye Live • RFeye View • Roberson Analysis SW • APP.PY Web Server Measurement Format •Native RFeye • Native RFeye • Status Log files •Long term format Size in Memory •Read long term files SW Library DBase (RFeye Binary Files) (RFeye Binary Files) Mongo / dsNet (16 TBytes / 96 TB) 7 8.2.2016 WiFiUS Server System • Standard rack system • Cleversafe dsNet storage • High capacity + robustness • Dedicated analysis machine • Specifications • 2.0 GHz - 12 core Xeon Processor • 128 GB RAM • ~200 TB storage • 10 Gbit Internet connection Non-Stationary Hidden Markov Models • VTT developed applications of NonStationary Hidden Markov Models to predicting spectrum occupancy (Chen, et Al., IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, 2014). • Current results show flexibility and good predictive performance. • Ongoing work at VT to: • Reduce computational complexity of model, • test limits of model applicability (in different bands and applications), and • apply similar models to cellular network load prediction. 8 8.2.2016 Data Fusion • Spectrum data Study of Chicago long-term spectrum data (2009-) concentrating on both large-scale (whole band sweep) and more specific bands (e.g., land mobile radio and cellular bands). This has now been expanded and complemented by the global RFeye data produced through measurements at various sites in the US and Finland. • Open data Weather data ( extracting temperature, wind speed, snow depth, precipitation etc. from the weather stations near the spectrum observatories Chicago data portal ( Chicago park district events, public libraries Wi-Fi usage, & other ”smart city” datasets Mass event data: extracting mass event information (e.g. baseball, football, soccer, and athletics) near spectrum observatories and specifically on-site during the game (e.g., baseball) • Data fusion of multiple sources Pre-processing, aggregating, filtering, and synchronization of RF spectrum data, open data and game data Large-scale statistical analysis and modelling Analysis and modelling • Bayesian non-parametric models based on Gaussian process (GP) priors • Time series modeling of usage patterns: short non-periodic and longterm trends, daily, weekly, yearly seasonal effects of spectrum, weather, and other related open data • Hierarchical Bayesian linear regression analysis of spectrum (using game data) • Regression analysis of different variables correlated with spectrum • We can efficiently model multi-level structure of data and its uncertainty: different sites, frequency bands, time resolution etc. simultaneously • Implementation using R and Stan probabilistic programming language • Analysis of mass event / game data: Can we infer changes of cellular bands during mass events: spectrum measurements as response variable and game timestamps, event size, event distance from observatories, frequency band label, site label, time of day, day of week as predictors. 9 8.2.2016 Infrastructure Efforts Big Data • Implementation of parallel distributed computing environment based on R, Hadoop, and MapReduce for effective processing of largescale datasets (such as spectrum, mass events, and open datasets) • e.g. - Master thesis: Jaakko Lampi (2014) "Large-Scale Distributed Data Management and Processing Using R, Hadoop and MapReduce", Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Oulu Guidelines developed for spectrum occupancy measurements • Comprehensive survey of spectrum occupancy measurements including key concepts, objectives, phases, measurement systems, guidelines and research challenges. Significant Contributions & Achievements • Academic Achievements IIT – 2 PhDs (Tanim Taher) / 3 M.S. University of Oulu – 1 M.S. Virginia Tech – 1 M.S. (1 PhD - 2016) • Critical Government Contributions Chaired + Participation at WSRD meeting in US on spectrum measurements and presentation of U.S. and European activities. Spectrum occupancy metrics were contributed to ITU-R WP5A work on cognitive radio systems (CRS) in the land mobile service in collaboration with industry and Finnish CORE+ project including chairmanship of CRS sub-working group. On-going engagement with both the FCC and NTIA • Student exchange and visits Turku graduate student at IIT for 3 months / IIT graduate student at Turku / Oulu – 6 weeks • Met every two weeks for nearly three years! 10 8.2.2016 WiFiUS Related Research Based Papers Marja Matinmikko, Miia Mustonen, Dennis Roberson, Jarkko Paavola, Marko Höyhtyä, Seppo Yrjölä, and Juha Röning. Overview and comparison of recent spectrum sharing approaches in regulation and research: From opportunistic unlicensed access towards licensed shared access, IEEE DySPAN 2014, Washington, D.C. Marko Höyhtyä, Marja Matinmikko, Xianfu Chen, Juhani Hallio, Jani Auranen, Reijo Ekman, Juha Röning, Jan Engelberg, Juha Kalliovaara, Tanim Taher, Ali Riaz, and Dennis Roberson. Measurements and Analysis of Spectrum Occupancy in the 2.32.4 GHz band in Finland and Chicago, CrownCom 2014, Oulu, Finland Tanim Taher, Ryan Attard, Ali Riaz, Dennis Roberson, Jesse Taylor, Kenneth J Zdunek, Juhani Allio, Reijo Ekman, Jarkko Paavola, Jaakko Suutala, Juha Roning, Marja Matinmikko, Marko Hoyhtya, Allen B. MacKenzie, Global Spectrum Observatory Network Setup and Initial Findings, CrownCom 2014, Oulu, Finland Ryan Attard, Juha Kalliovaara, Tanim Taher, Jesse Taylor, Dennis Roberson, A High-performance Tiered Storage System for a Global Spectrum Observatory Network, CrownCom 2014 – WiFiUS Workshop, Oulu, Finland Miia Mustonen, Marja Matinmikko, Dennis Roberson, Seppo Yrjola, Evaluation of recent spectrum sharing models from the regulartory point of view, First International Conference on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity, 2014 Levi, Finland WiFiUS Related Research Based Articles Xianfu Chen, Honggang Zhang, Allen B. MacKenzie, and Marja Matinmikko. Predicting Spectrum Occupancies Using a Non-Stationary Hidden Markov Model, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2014 Marko Hoyhtya, Marja Matinmikko, Xianfu Chen, Juhani Hallio, Jani Auranen, Reijo Ekman, Juha Roning, Jan Engelberg, Juha Kalliovaara, Tanim Taher, Ali Riaz, Dennis Roberson, Spectrum Occupancy Measurements in the 2.3-2.4 GHz band: Guidelines for Licensed Shared Access in Finland, Cognitive Communications, 28 May 2015 Abdallah S. Abdallah, Allen B. MacKenzie, Vuk Marojevic, Roger B Bacchus, Ali Riaz, Dennis Roberson, Juha Kalliovaara, Juhani Hallio, Reijo Ekman, Detecting the Impact of Human Mega-Events on Spectrum Usage, IEEE CCNC 2016, Las Vegas, USA, January, 2016, (accepted) Marko Höyhtyä, Aarne Mämmelä, Marina Eskola, Marja Matinmikko, Juha Kalliovaara, Jaakko Ojaniemi, Jaakko Suutala, Reijo Ekman, Roger Bacchus, Dennis Roberson, Spectrum occupancy measurements: A survey and use of interference maps, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (COMST Submitted) Tanim Taher, Dennis Roberson, SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETERMING AND SHARING SPECTURM AVAILABILITY - IIT-293-P, Filed Patent, Sept 2014 11 8.2.2016 Application: Spectrum Assignment Roadmap and Dynamic Spectrum Access Dynamic Spectrum Access Selection of operating frequency, protocols, and transmission parameters dynamically in real-time based on RF environment and policy. TODAY Pre-arranged, Opportunistic Spectrum access Based on primary User characteristics Pre-arranged, dynamic Spectrum assignment based on geo-location database Static Frequency Assignment Unrestricted Opportunistic Spectrum access And Real-Time Spectrum Negotiation time Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Dynamic Frequency Selection Approaches Listen-before-talk TV Whitespace Radar Band Sharing Examples 450-470 MHz LMR Band – Chicago 2012 12 8.2.2016 Architecture View for WiFiUS Observation System Architecture View for WiFiUS Observation System 13