
Issue 28
“You never conquer the mountain,
you only conquer yourself.”
May 2011
Jim Whitaker Getting even generally has a somewhat negative connotation. “Oh, I’m going to get even with that guy”, one might hear. I would say it is a mostly true statement that getting even is seen in a negative light, 2011 Event Dates: but in reality, getting even is really a common human emotional trait. It just so happens that there seems to be more negative actions taken Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial notice of then positive ones. As any regular reader of the Spectrum May 16 – May 22 Connection is aware, the Golden Rule is a core value of our company HP Byron Nelson and our lifestyle. We are working hard to walk the walk, each May 23 – May 29 moment of each day, of doing unto others as we would have them do Fed Ex St. Jude Classic unto us. June 6 – June 12 Bonnaroo Music Festival Recently I asked Derek to arrange for a passel of $25 gift cards that we could give as gifts to our June 9—June 12 vendors as a token of our appreciation of their good work and support. Missie then designed a CVS Caremark Charity Classic custom made thank you card and envelope to make it a nice little package. So we tried out our June 19 — June 21 idea to thank our vendors with this small token of appreciation, complete with a hand written John Deere Classic July 4 — July 10 note. As many of you know, we get to work with outstanding professional vendors who support Viking Classic us, so it was not a problem at all to find people doing things that certainly deserved July 11— July 17 recognition. We offered our gift with a sincere handshake and thank you. The results were both pleasing and a bit remarkable. Obviously each recipient was happy and felt honored that we would recognize them for their contributions to our success. What was a bit remarkable was the fact that each had a feeling inside them that they had to get even with us…in a good way. They continually went even farther above and beyond than before to somehow validate to themselves our faith and notice of them. Stay connected to our Facebook I learned that it is the same human nature to be on an emotional even playing field with your page for more upcoming and counterparts whether it is a negative or a positive. We as human beings just seem to not be able exciting contest. to help ourselves in this respect of getting even. Really good news for us, if we are taking good The Spectrum Website care of our vendors. Bad news for those who disrespect others or take advantage of the http://spectrumconcessions.com/ relationship. This is just one more example of how doing the right thing is rewarded. So please do something unexpectedly nice for your vendors and recognize their contributions to our The Spectrum Store business. After all, we really have the same goals, which is to please the customer, increase sales http://spectrumstore.epromo.com/ and in the end sell more stuff. It just makes sense to work together. Create that feeling with your vendor; make them want to “get even” with you in a positive way. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! Two Great Venues,
One Great Location!!!
Call to book your party
or corporate event.
FROM THE DESK OF DAVE, continued from page 1
We are walking the walk in our company when it comes to creating good feelings. Many who read this have been recipients of unasked for increases in pay, a surprise bonus or trip. We have instituted our birthday program where children of our associates get a birthday card with a crisp $5 bill on their birthday. Sharing a positive work environment is crucial to the continued success of our company. It is what sets us apart from others and allows longevity of employment. We continue to work to find more ways to “Pay It Forward” if you will, allowing everyone in our company a chance to…get even. In closing, please use this lesson outlined above in your daily life. Create a scenario in the lives of those around you where you are surprising them, honoring them with random acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. I can assure you that just as fast as someone used to want to get even with you for that “other” reason they will be just as quick to pay it back to you in a good way. I promise you that you and those around you will be all the better for it and who knows, maybe they will pay it forward to someone else. This is just one more way we can keep putting our family first the Spectrum Way. I am very hopeful that this does find your family happy and well and living life to its fullest. We have much to be thankful for, not the least of it is each other. Wishing you Peace and Grace, Dave It is with great pleasure that we introduce Sandra Bell as our new Sales Associate. Sandra comes recommended to us through a dear friend and after interviewing her, well she has tremendous hospitality experience and a lot of talent. Sandra most recently worked for Aramark at Minute Maid Park (go Astros!!) and has great knowledge of the catering and event industry. She is already knee deep in new business and has big plans to grow our local revenue. It is an exciting time for our company to be associated with Sandra. If you have exciting news from your department to share, well Sandra is your girl. Sandra is taking a big role in updating Spectrum’s Facebook page (be sure to invite all of your Facebook friends to our page) on a regular basis and helps to blog too…so send your good news her way! Please help me to welcome Sandra to our team! Her email address is sbell@spectrumfcs.com. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900
I am sure that we have all heard the phrase “don’t take “it” for granted” countless times; whatever “it” may be. I know I have. I also know that I try hard to be grateful and appreciative of the people in my life, the wonderful life I enjoy and the experiences that I have every day. As many of you know, Ashley Parker passed away just a couple of weeks ago. While I do not feel it nec‐
essary to share the details of this tragic mistake, I want to use the Spectrum Connection as a platform to remind us that life is precious and we have a responsibility to each other to pay attention to the needs and actions of those around us. While Ashley clearly felt that she had no other option, I find myself an‐
gry that she made the choice she did when so many people, many of you, loved and befriended her un‐
conditionally. Ashley took her life into her own hands and made a selfish decision that has left a trail of not only heartbreak but unanswered questions that leave her family and friends never to be the same. I ask myself over and over “if I could have only talked to her”, “if I would have kept that lunch date with her”, “if I had only one more time to hug her and tell her I love her”. I have come to the conclusion that doing any of these things would not have changed the outcome one single bit; people make choices and she made hers. There is no way to reason through it and there is no one to blame but her; even as much as I loved her I sure wish I could give her a swift kick in the butt to say “what were you thinking”. Maybe this all sounds harsh, it’s not meant to, I loved her, and she was my step‐daughter. I suppose I share this with you because we can all make a difference in someone’s life every single day. We can’t stop people from going down the path they choose. But, we can and should stop long enough to be really good listeners, give hugs and handshakes, make simple meaningful gestures that turn someone’s bad day into a better day. We all move at such a rapid pace that it is hard to stop long enough to pick up the phone to call a friend for no other reason than to say hello, to send a quick “thinking about you today” note, share a laugh…make a differ‐
ence. Have no regrets because you do not know what the next minute, next hour, next day or next year will bring. I have no re‐
grets, nothing left unsaid with Ashley; I am only very sorry that she was in a place she felt that she had no way out. Thank you for allowing me to stand on my soap box for this edition of the Spectrum Connection. Thank you all for the hugs, thoughts, tears and most of all your friendships; through thick and thin it is a blessing to me to know that I have such dear friends and co‐workers who make a difference in my life…every single day. RIP Ashley Brooke Parker. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Cirque du Soleil 'Quidam' cooking a circus act by Sophie Brickman,
Chronicle Staff Writer
Imagine you have to host the dinner party from hell. A hundred exhausted people who have been living out of duffel bags for months are due to arrive in a few hours. Half are performers ‐ singers, acrobats, body builders ‐ many of whom have quirky or bizarre eating habits, like dousing everything in mayonnaise and ketchup. You have been awake since the wee hours of the morning because your kitchen ‐ the oven, meat slicer, cappuccino machine ‐ has to be moved from a large trailer into what is essentially a huge barn with a single electrical outlet. Oh, and you have to cook for the same crowd over and over, packing up and moving every week. Such are the lives of the cooks of Cirque du Soleil's "Quidam" tour. The show, produced by the Canadian circus company, arrived at the Cow Palace on Wednesday. It focuses on a young girl who dreams up a fantasy world populated by characters such as the Magritte‐esque headless Quidam, who carries a bowler hat and represents the impersonal nature of modern society. By contrast, Brian Strom, the show's food‐service director, aims to bring a personal touch to the often grueling lives of the cast and crew by giving them three meals a day, plus snacks, come hell and, on a particularly rain‐soaked Thursday a few weeks ago, high water. This was day one of the "Quidam" performances at San Jose's HP Pavilion. Four days before, the tour had been in Everett, Wash., and before that, Canada. "It's not a job; it's a lifestyle," says Strom, 28, taking a rare break in the arena's backstage cafeteria. "But everyone on this tour becomes family." As if on cue, a techie came in complaining of an upset stomach. Strom jumped up to get him a Tums and some soda. The food service team ‐ Strom and four cooks ‐ had been awake since 1 a.m. Although the tour usually has a full day to construct the elaborate set and get settled before its first performance, the San Jose Sharks had played a hockey game the night before, and ice still ringed the floor. Complete setup, which takes at least 10 hours, had begun just 12 hours before performers would arrive to warm up. Read more: Click here for the full article form the San Francisco Chronicle Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Cirque du Soleil: Ovo...from wine me, dine me (in Cincinnatti)
So every blog and its brother is writing about Cirque du Soleil’s dress rehearsal that a lot of us attended last night. And I’m sure there will be more– this is just as much as I’ve seen so far in my reader today. You’re asking yourself, I’m sure, “Great. Julie got to go to a cool show. What the heck does that have to do with food?” Two words, my friends: Tapis Rouge. I took my mom. And if I hadn’t taken my mom, I would have seriously considered going back and taking her with Tapis Rouge access. It’s essentially their VIP lounge in a tent (and if I hadn’t seen the tent, I’d just think I was in a swanky lounge. They do amazing things with tents, these folks). You’re greeted with champagne and lots of hors d’oeuvres that are really quite good. Highlights include: • passed lobster and crab wontons • passed shrimp, scampi‐style with a bloody mary sauce– you eat the shrimp and squirt the sauce in your mouth. Fun. • passed, individual, tiny mugs of butternut squash soup • passed spoons of tuna sashimi • sweet‐and‐sour chicken on a skewer wrapped in cotton candy. Really. It sounds weird, but it works brisket sandwiches with choice of sauce Lots of food– lots– and lots of champagne flowing. There was a dedicated gift shop (of course) and dedicated bathrooms and parking, too. At intermission, more champagne was served, and lots of desserts– cupcakes, smoothies, a white chocolate fountain (with individual cups of molten chocolate, so no double‐dipping liability) with fresh fruit– very fun. You get premium seats as well. The price, admittedly, is high– between $175‐250 per person. However, Mother’s Day is coming up, and who better to spend on than Mom (or the mother figure in your life)? Mom loved it– she’d never been to a Cirque show before, and had never done anything resembling a VIP event. She had a blast. So, I suppose, this is wine me, dine me Mom approved– and next time Cirque comes to town, I’ll definitely splurge on Tapis tickets and take Mom again. If you don’t want to splurge on Tapis tickets, they’re doing a special– a family of four for $107, which is a pretty good deal. OVO runs April 21 through May 15 at Coney Island. Thank you to Cirque for providing Mom and me with the tickets. To read the whole article click here. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 With the onslaught of rain across the upper mid west our Cirque OVO team has set their toques aside, put on their galoshes and started bailing water. However the show must go on... Good morning. Hope that you had a nice Easter long weekend. Our update on show cancellations as of tonight is: Friday, April 22nd 8pm Saturday, April 23rd 4pm 8pm Sunday, April 24th 1pm 5pm Tuesday, April 26th 8pm Wednesday, April 27th 8pm Our VPs will have conversations today on the prognosis for the rest of the week and run (after this week, there are only two weeks left and we were only able to put on two shows so far). I am sharing some aerial photos from this morning. The river level is expected to rise overnight Monday about two feet from what is depicted. To orient you: Picture 1 From the west. The road on the left is the main approach from the highway. Horses were removed from racetrack couple days ago. Picture 2 From the east. Box office at top of photo is now in our “remote” lot, which is on relatively high ground (as is the Big Top). Picture 3 From the north. Hard to distinguish where Ohio River bank now starts. Water is creeping from both back and front of site. Please know that we are all okay, although exhausted as we were still in transfer mode and some Tech Ops staff have not had a day off from April 5th until today. No one is remaining on site any longer as of this morning to safeguard equipment as the access to evacuate is impassable to vehicles. In addition, more storms are forecast everyday until Wednesday. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Proud Parents of a newly minted US Marine...Jay Jung
I know we are not used to seeing much of these types of articles in the Spectrum Connection, but please let me brag on my oldest son for just a moment. Chase, our 20 year old son, just graduated from the United States Marine Corps Boot Camp this past weekend. Chase completed an extensive thirteen week Boot Camp course in San Diego and has been on a ten day leave since then. He reports back to San Diego 4/26 for a thirty day Combat Training exercise and then will proceed onto either 29 Palms, California, Meridian, Mississippi, or Pensacola, Florida. He will then begin his training in electronics and avionics. This training will take between 16 and 25 weeks and then who knows where he goes from there. Both Julie and I would like to extend our appreciation for all the thoughts, prayers, letters, cards and concerns so many of everyone has shared with both Chase and us while going through his Basic Training. As anyone can imagine, it’s a very tough time, and we’re proud our son came through it with flying colors. Thanks again to everyone; I send Chase’s appreciation as well. The Tail End of the Sam Houston State University Bearkat Season...Jay Jung
The Sam Houston baseball and softball seasons are coming to a close quickly and it’s been a very nice season. We actually have a busy weekend with both a softball and baseball tournament against SE Louisiana and then we will host a UIL High School track meet that next Monday and Tuesday. Following that we will host the Southland Conference Championship Tournament Thursday through Saturday, which will be 10 games in 3 days. This will certainly be a wonderful way to close our season! We have had numerous compliments, comments and very positive feedback from both the University, students and the Athletic Department of how wonderful all the changes to the menu, service and quality of the food has been since Spectrum has taken over. I have been very fortunate to have hired some great students that have made the games and season even that much more enjoyable. It has been very refreshing to work with such young, energetic college students that are just glad to be making some money for beer and food. (Hope you are laughing!) Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 “Don’t Be Me” A Golf Tournament Survival Guide...Colin Chapman
Welcome to Spectrum! You just walked into something that is going to be a ton of fun, and probably the longest marathon of work you could imagine without whips and pyramids being involved. Doing a good job is important, survival is the goal. So here are a few little pointers from a fresh face coming out to the anonymous arrivals. 1. The questions you ask are great, the ones you never thought to ask will kill you. Sounds funny huh? You will walk away and wonder “why did I never think to ask at what point can I leave?” along with dozens of others…that one being paramount. You will be afraid to leave. Until you see someone else going, even though you did everything and double checked, even if you checked to see if your neighbor was ok, you will walk in circles looking for what you missed. If you are done, GO! I unfortunately did not hear anyone say this until Saturday, by then…way to late. 2. Being tired is cumulative. If you are 100% on Tuesday setting up, you will be starting at 90% Wednesday. Keep doing the math to Sunday. Every military in the world, SWAT, CIA, ETC., will tell you the toughest things to train are to think when tired. You are going to be tired. If you know you have to do 10 things before you open tomorrow, write them down. You will forget four. Also keep in mind everyone else is just as tired, except they have done this numerous times. They are on auto pilot to a certain extent; your button is broken. Making notes, asking for help, skipping that after work beer…whatever works best for you to keep going and not make silly mistakes, do it. 3. Make friends! Mine were Patrick and January. They helped me a ton when they could. Jim and Ruben are your bestest buddies ever. They have a completely different level of autopilot than most. Keep in mind, there is a huge amount of staff at these for a reason. Your pride/ego/
ignorance will tell you not to ask for help; ask, just make certain to say thank you though because it is only Thursday! 4. Dave’s patience is not infinite!!! I had an 18 year old rookie runner we nicknamed Scooter. Scooter fell in love with the radio, and could not read his own handwriting. My name was on the radio 50x more than even Dave’s. Trust me when I tell you Dave can send a disapproving look thru a radio. It’s freakish. You do not want it. Answers should be short and direct and preferably “Yes/No/I am on it”. Even when you know that does not really cover the circumstances, even if you know there is a great explanation waiting in your brain. Channel 7 is a lonely place with a ton of listeners. 5. Eat something. I lost 15 pounds in 6 days. I do not have 15 pounds to throw around. By the time you realize you forgot to eat, there is no eat‐
ing. Refer back to section 2 to know how this adds to the whole affair. And drink a lot of water. Forgetting your health does not excuse a thing. Forgetting Mel’s IPod in your venue removes most excuses for the next 2 days. 6. BUY SHOES BEFORE THIS STARTS. If the most comfortable shoes you ever wore are $200 and you are holding on a check, borrow money and buy the shoes. If you think your old ones will hold out and can’t justify the expense, buy the shoes. Spend as much on inserts! On Friday I felt my arch support deflate. I got out late and figured I would be fine for Saturday. By noon Saturday I was limping, by 2 p.m. I had nine blisters, by closing I was walking on the ridge of one foot and my big toe on the other looked like Quasimodo looking for some bells. I was the driver for others who were in a big hurry to go home and I laughed like a mad scientist all the way to Academy. Can’t walk can’t manage, can’t manage and the world will know. 7. Make certain you have some people in your venue who have done this before. I did, it was my Chef. Otherwise I was the all rookie team. Big whoops. I brought in a former manager who did not mention that she never had to do a festival or anything like it until we started. You are the leader but having someone there, especially on Sunday, will save you a lot of head scratching. If you do not know anyone, call Jamie, send him flowers, whatever it takes, but get a little experience around you. It is almost as important as having a ton of muscle in the group! 8. Laugh. Sounds silly? Keeping your smile, keeping things light will keep your sanity at times. My tent became the Muppet Show tent. We all took Muppet names. I was Kermit, my chefs were the Swedish Chef and Beaker, my service bar was Fozzie…get it? We laughed. No matter how rude someone was, we had a private joke keeping us smiling. When we were handed 150 people kicked out of an all inclusive tent and given 20 shell bucks to spend with us, we kept smiling as they complained. People will always look for reasons to ruin other people’s days; you have to choose to allow it. We didn’t which is really why I survived. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 FEATURED RECIPE Indonesian Beef Satay With Peanut Sauce… from Family Fun Magazine
Satay is an excellent dish for introducing kids to the flavors of the East. These skewers of grilled marinated beef and the spicy‐sweet peanut dipping sauce have kid appeal from every angle. Slices of cucumber ‐‐ also delicious dunked in the peanut sauce ‐‐ and jasmine rice complete the meal. Ingredients •
SATAY: 1 pound skirt or flank steak, trimmed 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons reduced‐sodium soy sauce 1 tablespoon Asian fish sauce 2 teaspoons dark brown sugar 2 garlic cloves, minced 1/2 teaspoon curry powder 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper 16 (9‐inch) bamboo skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes PEANUT SAUCE: 1 tablespoon canola oil 1/4 cup minced shallots 2 garlic cloves, minced 3/4 teaspoon Thai red curry paste (we used Thai Kitchen brand) 1/3 cup creamy peanut butter 2 tablespoons hoisin sauce 2 teaspoons dark brown sugar 2/3 cup water 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice Instructions 1. To make the satay: If using skirt steak, cut the meat crosswise into 4 pieces, each about 4 inches long. Slice each piece across the grain into 4 strips 1 inch wide. Lightly pound the strips to flatten them. If using flank steak, halve the meat lengthwise, then thinly slice it across the grain into 30 to 40 1/4‐inch strips. (Tip: Partially freezing the meat for 45 minutes makes it easier to slice). 2. Whisk the lime juice, soy sauce, fish sauce, dark brown sugar, garlic, curry powder, and crushed red pepper in a medium bowl. Add the steak and toss gently. Cover and set aside at room temperature for 30 minutes. 3. Prepare your grill or heat a grill pan to medium‐high. Lightly oil the grates or pan. 4. Thread 1 piece of skirt steak, or 2 to 3 pieces of flank steak, onto the skewers, stretching each piece taut to maximize contact with the grill. 5. Grill the skewers until the steak is seared and just cooked through, about 2 minutes per side. Serve with the Peanut Sauce. Serves 4. SAFETY NOTE: If you plan to eat right off the skewer, be sure to use bamboo (not metal) to avoid burns. 6. To make the peanut sauce: Heat the oil in a small saucepan. Add the shallots, garlic, and Thai red curry paste and sauté over medium‐low heat until the shallots and garlic are just tender and fragrant, about 3 minutes. 7. Stir in the peanut butter, hoisin sauce, dark brown sugar, and water. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 1 minute. Stir in the lime juice and let the sauce cool slightly. Serve warm or at room temperature. Makes 1 2/3 cups Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Thank You for ALL your hard work...Ruben Garcia
I would like to thank some of our Spectrum team members that worked through Easter Weekend. They installed the following items at the International Festival plus quite a bit more. It’s just too much to list but here is the heart of the items they installed: 12x12x3 stage on a hill 79‐10x10’s 4x28x1 stage 53‐10x20’s 16x16x1 stage 9‐10x30’s 60x44x5 stage 2‐10x40’s 4‐4x20 ramps 5‐10x50’s 12x8 stage 8‐20x20’s 32x24 stage 1‐20x30 300 plus 55 gallon water barrels to secure tents 8x8 drum riser 12x16x3 stage 500 sheets of plywood 12x12x3 stage 214 stakes to secure the tents 24x32x1 stage 32x24x3 stage 6x24x1 stage 12x12 stage 8x8 stage 32x32x3 stage 32x16 stage 12x16x3 stage 24x16x1 stage 12x12 stage Staging was 588, 4’x’4 squares, 500 ft of handrail, all 12x12 stage 12x12x3 stage I urge you all to please go to the i‐fest and see how hard this team worked. It is truly amazing the volume of items that we own that was installed by our team!!! Thank you Eduardo, Felipe, Jose V., Victor, Walter, Mike R., William, Santos, Nacho, Rene, Margarito, Cesar, Oscar, Juan, Valentine, Jose A., and Alberto. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 TOP 10 2011 FOOD TRENDS…
In the food business, everyone’s looking for the “next” this, or the “new” that. Here are the foods and flavors we see making noise in the new year. 1. Small Pies. Pie, of course, has been around forever, but 2011 could be the Year of the Pie. Some are already calling it the “next cupcake.” We say, yes, pies will be hot in the coming year, but look for smaller pies to make it big—in both sweet and savory varieties. 2. Sausage. Look for a leaner, better quality sausage, sourced locally at farmers markets, to take on the role as the “new bacon.” Home butchery and the charcuterie trend that has led to renewed interest in cured meats are additional factors here as well. 3. Nutmeg. Researchers have discovered that nutmeg’s reputation as an aphrodisiac—especially for women—has some merit. Need we say more? 4. Moonshine. Moonshine has gone legit. Tennessee’s first legal moonshine distillery opened this summer, and the clear corn whiskey hooch can now be found in many liquor stores and even purchased online. It still packs a wallop. 5. Gourmet Ice Pops. Ice pops in exotic flavors like bacon, mango chile, and peanut butter are the latest to get the artisanal treatment. They’re known as paletas in Mexico. Watch for them to go mainstream north of the border in 2011. 6. Grits. Could this old southern favorite become the “new grain”? We see it moving beyond the breakfast menu and above the Mason‐Dixon Line. 7. Sweet Potatoes. These super‐nutritious tubers will be orange‐hot in 2011. They’ll be especially molten as the alternative, better‐for‐you french fry. 8. Fin fish. We are still discovering so much about the benefits of fish. After all, it wasn't that long ago that we found out about Omega 3's, and we know that obtaining these nutrients directly from food is the best way to get them into our system. We're banking on more acceptance of farmed fish as it becomes more important to have a good supply of this lean protein. 9. Cupuaçu fruit. This is quite possibly the next superfruit, following in the footsteps of the acai fruit. Both are from the Brazilian rainforest. Cupuaçu has a number of antioxidants and minerals, and is considered a natural source of energy. We tasted it in a Brazilian candy that had us craving more. Speaking of candy, you might also watch for Brigadeiro. This sweet Brazilian candy is made by mixing sweetened condensed milk, butter and cocoa powder. It's usually rolled into a ball and coated in granulated sugar, but it can also take on other flavors. It's the national truffle of Brazil. Look for it to come to our shores in 2011. 10. Beans. The lowly legume will step up to the spotlight in 2011, as a great source of protein and a versatile ingredient in appetizers like white bean & rosemary bruschetta. And, yes, it’s still awesome in chili. To read more about food trends in 2011 click here. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 "INNOVATION DISTINGUISHES
Life Rules which Work at Work...Leigh-Anne McQuitty
1. Do your job! Do your job well. Find out what it is to do a good job, then do it! Do your job so well that when people think of a job well done, they will think of you. 2. Before you embark on any enterprise, do your research. 3. Read, read, read, and read some more. 4. Review rules 1, 2 and 3. 5. Treat other as you wish to be treated. Speak to them as you wish to be spoken to. 6. Do not assume that people understand what you have said that you have made yourself clear; that they are obligated to understand you. You are in a public service position. It is your obligation to help others to understand by your choice of words and your nonverbal cues. 7. Smile! Charm is an important tool of your work. Enthusiasm is contagious. 8. Do not respond to anger with anger or frustration, but instead maintain your poise, and respond with understanding and patience. 9. Be a winner not a whiner. 10. An educated man or woman must be a person of ethics and morality and must speak well, seek the truth, be knowledgeable, write with depth and clarity and think critically. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 THE HOUSTON CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL 2011 The largest children’s festival in the United States
was a spectacular Spectrum success!...Lynn Alexander
The Houston Children’s Festival, the largest children’s festival in the United States, took place April 9th and 10th in downtown Houston, and attracted an attendance of over 45,500 people. Presented by Baker Hughes, the festival has now raised over $4.4 million for its non‐profit partner, Child Advocates, Inc. Recently tagged “One of the World’s 300 Unmissable Events” by Frommer’s Travel Guides, the twenty‐third annual event continues to be a family favorite. Special attractions for the 2011 festival included the personal appearances of Sterling Knight, star of Disney’s Sonny with a Chance, as well as Roshon Fegan, star of Disney’s new hit, Shake it Up. Saturday fun included the personal appearance of Chris and Martin Kratt, stars of Wild Kratts, HoustonPBS’ popular adventure show. Celebrities also included NBA legend, Robert Horry and Houston Texan Kevin Walter. Sesame Street’s Rosita and Nick Jr’s Dora, the Explorer and Diego rounded off the fun. The Houston Children’s Festival also included six stages of music and entertainment and more than 300 exciting activities, music, crafts, exhibits, participatory games, sports and rides. The non‐stop fun continued all week‐end in ten exciting, interactive Family Adventure Areas including the Baker Hughes Circus Town, H‐E‐B Healthy Kids Kingdom, featuring Child Advocates, Inc., Sterling McCall Toyota Family Fun Zone, presented by AutoTrader.com, Apache Super Science World, McDonald’s Family Fitness Zone, Green Mountain Energy Company’s Green Zone, ESPN Sports Zone, Best Buy Jump, Jive and Jam Zone, El Paso Energy Tile Making Corner and the BBVA Compass NBA "Team. Works. on Tour(SM)." The outstanding Spectrum Team produced all aspects of the festival including operations, sponsorships, entertainment, advertising and marketing, food and beverage operations, volunteers and markets. Spectrum also provided and coordinated all tents, tables, chairs, staging and scaffolding. The Festival Division also gave the general look of the festival an exciting make‐over with newly de‐
signed, colorful signage for all admission, coupon and beverage booths, as well as new banners for all food vendors. The 2012 Houston Children’s Festival is set for March 31st and April 1st. A big hats off to everyone on the Spectrum Team who joined together to produce “the largest children’s festival in the United States!” See you next year! Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 The Woman Who Never Sleeps
By Cameron Montgomery
The woman who works as hard as two, No time for sleep, there's work to do! Work at sunrise, work at sunset She gets all her work done with a shirt full of sweat. Up the next morning at light of a new day If work was a giant she will be sure that it's slayed. Whatever it takes to get the job done, She's the boss that's twice as laborious as anyone. Someone says when will you sleep? She replies there's no time, But she never complains through the strenuous grind. Hopefully one day she takes a vacation But until then she will be working earnestly at her occupation. Spectrum 401(K) Plan
The Spectrum 401(K) plan is currently valued at over $800,000 with 37 participating employees. The next open enrollment date for eligible employees will be July 1, 2011. This is also the date you can choose to make changes in your percentage of salary contributed to the plan. I have had a few participants ask about increasing their biweekly contributions because they are so happy with the growth of their funds. Any full‐time Spectrum employee who has reached the age of 21 and who has at least one year of service with the company is eligible to participate. Please come visit me in Human Resources or email me at dholmes@spectrumfcs.com if you are interested in learning more about the 401(K) plan. A Special Thanks
Melanie and Ricky were kind enough to treat my family to an evening of Tapis Rouge and a fantastic Ovo show. We had a fabulous time and were treated like royalty! As you can see the girls were so excited to get on the road and head to the show! Thank you guys for such a memorable evening! Chef Jay, Honey, Pearl, Emma and Hana Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 “Lucky or just in the right place at the right time? You decide.” ‐Dave Smalley EMPLOYEE MILESTONES
Shelley Gatchell Ricky Esquivel Georgetta Zwiers Helen Gonzales Annette St. Romain Gile Haskins Juan Adame Tai Hernandez Beth Harp Jena Taylor Melanie Parker Ruben Garcia 281.363.0900 ext. 239 281.363.0900 ext. 242 mparker@spectrumfcs.com rgarcia@spectrumfcs.com 5‐01‐97 5‐01‐00 5‐01‐01 5‐03‐95 5‐04‐10 5‐04‐09 5‐14‐01 5‐03‐76 5‐10‐63 5‐28‐81 OPERATIONS
Tony Terwilliger 281.363.0900 ext. 235 tterwilliger@spectrumfcs.com THEATRE DIVISION
Southern Division Northern Division Jay Jung Jason Reed 281.681.9415 ext. 258 617.692.0011 jjung@spectrumfcs.com jreed@spectrumfcs.com OUR MISSION:
Our goal is to exceed the client’s expectations by providing the highest quality, value‐based hospitality, delivered on time in an interesting presentation by friendly, knowledgeable hospitality professionals with pampered customer care as their primary focus. We are passionate about our work, loyal to our co‐workers and dedicated to you. OUR PURPOSE:
Our purpose is to change the lives of our associates and clients for the better. The Spectrum Connection is a publication of Spectrum Catering, Concessions & Special Events. P.O. Box 7130 The Woodlands, TX 77387 Office: 281‐363‐0900 Toll Free: 877‐567‐0900 Fax: 281‐362‐7111 www.spectrumconcessions.com spectrum@spectrumfcs.com ARTIST & TOUR CATERING
Shelley Gatchell 281.363.0900 ext. 245 sgatchell@spectrumfcs.com GOLF CATERING & CONCESSIONS
Dave Smalley Melanie Parker 281.363.0900 ext. 240 281.363.0900 ext. 239 dsmalley@spectrumfcs.com mparker@spectrumfcs.com
Jay Jung Jim Smalley 281.363.0900 ext. 258 281.363.0900 ext. 262 jjung@spectrumfcs.com jsmalley@spectrumfcs.com ACCOUNTING
Chief Financial Officer Accounts Receivable Derek Mills Peggy Kozan 281.363.0900 ext. 257 281.363.0900 ext. 253 dmills@spectrumfcs.com pkozan@spectrumfcs.com Accounts Payable Payroll/Human Resources Kim Smidlein Dianne Holmes 281.363.0900 ext. 254 281.363.0900 ext. 255 ksmidlein@spectrumfcs.com dholmes@spectrumfcs.com Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 

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