PDF - Spectrum Concessions


PDF - Spectrum Concessions
Issue 30
“All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move. “ August 2011
Here we are now in August! WOW! It is quite amazing how the year has flown by. Time does move quickly when you are busy and we sure have been busy. If you recall, 2010 was our 20th straight 2011 Event Dates: year in a row for our highest gross revenue ever; twenty straight Reno—Tahoe Open times we have managed to increase our sales over the year before. August 1—7 Amazingly enough, I am pleased to report to all of you that sometime in August our sales for 2011 will surpass our total sales Capital Hoedown Showdown for all of 2010; besting all of 2010 with still over four months to go August 11—13 in the year. Pretty cool, huh? Life is good Festival You guys all know I am not one to count the dollars, but they do represent some milestones and September 24—25 I want you all to be proud of what we are achieving as a team/family/company. So those of you with the endless renewing stacks of paper on your desk and those of you who seem to just get home in time to have another airline ticket to somewhere in your inbox, I say congratulations! You are doing it right and ringing the bell. Everyone in the company thanks you. If you are one of the many who gives up their time at night, on the weekends, and early in the mornings, know it is appreciated by all. If perhaps you notice these warriors really putting it all on the line every day, be sure to acknowledge them and thank them. Be sure to ask yourself what you can do to be more like them and lead our company. Together and only together can we achieve at our highest. One might ask how is it possible for our company to grow so much and to do it consistently year Stay connected to our Facebook after year. Interestingly enough, just a couple of weeks ago, Melanie and I were in Montreal for page for more upcoming and Cirque business reviews along with Brian Strom and Shaun Vaughn. Cirque asked point blank, exciting contest. “Why is your company so successful and what are your continued growth plans?” It was a The Spectrum Website question I was proud to answer... http://spectrumconcessions.com/ The Spectrum Store http://spectrumstore.epromo.com/ Hammer Down, A Way of Life! Continued on page 2 “RESOLVE NEVER TO QUIT,
FROM THE DESK OF DAVE, continued from page 1
...I told them that Spectrum chooses our path based upon the GOLDEN RULE which guides us to the right answers to the many questions and decisions we need to make in everyday business. I explained that we know that the PURPOSE OF OUR COMPANY is not cooking food or making money, it is TO CHANGE PEOPLES LIVES. I went on to tell them that only a portion of our new business we solicit; we allow our work to speak for us. We live life with passion and integrity. We understand that to be successful we have to stay focused on the THREE MAIN THINGS. 1. Retain current clients and build new business relationships 2. Work as cost effectively as possible 3. Deliver the highest quality goods and services in the market place Now I was on a passionate role. I told them about how we have rules when we negotiate, how we have to be fair by putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes. (If you are not familiar with the Spectrum rules of negotiation, ask me and I will send them to you.) They broke in and commented about how hard people at Spectrum work, which I proudly responded to that, “Yes, it is a source of pride and a part of our corporate culture to outwork everybody else. It is how we PUT FAMILY FIRST THE SPECTRUM WAY. It is what helps us retain our business clients.” Our hard work saves them money, takes worries off their plate and CHANGES THEIR LIVES, which in turn changes our lives and as you can see the conversation came full circle. I was proud of the presentation because I am proud of each and every one of you. You are definitely making a difference everyday and I am grateful. Those of you that have seen me lately know that I am in dire need of a haircut; there just has not been a spare moment. I want you to know that I would gladly get this shaggy again if it meant I got to spend all my time out on the road with my people doing great things. Live and work with passion and integrity and may God bless you and your family. Dave Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900
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An Angel says, 'Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.” 1. Pray 2. Go to bed on time. 3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed. 4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule or that will compromise your mental health. 5. Delegate tasks to capable others. 6. Simplify and unclutter your life. 7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.) 8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places. 9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together. 10. Take one day at a time. 11. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it. 12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases. 13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc. 14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble. 15. Do something for the ‘Kid in You’ everyday. 16. Carry a spiritually enlightening book with you to read while waiting in line. 17. Get enough rest. 18. Eat right. 19. Get organized so everything has its place. 20. Listen to a tape while driving that can help improve your quality of life. 21. Write down thoughts and inspirations. 22. Every day, find time to be alone. 23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray. 24. Make friends with Godly people. 25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand. 26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good 'Thank you Jesus ...' 27. Laugh. 28. Laugh some more! 29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all. 30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can). 31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most). 32. Sit on your ego. 33. Talk less; listen more. 34. Slow down. 35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe. 36. Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before. Best, Mel Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 New Orleans Theatre Operations...Jay Jung
It is very exciting to announce that there was a full blown press conference held at the Saenger Theatre in New Orleans with the Governor of Louisiana earlier this month as he signed off on the final papers that will now allow the renovation work to begin restoring the Saenger Theatre back to its original days of glory. This is and has been a very lengthy process, as most multimillion dollar historic renovation projects go, as it appears work will finally begin to get under way in mid‐September. The project is expected to take up to fourteen months to complete, which puts the Grand Opening right around the holidays of 2012. There are many, many moving parts to this project, but once completed it will all be worth the wait. Besides restoring all of the interior back to the original finishes, look, and paint colors, there will be a stage addition as well. The plans call for a deeper, wider, and taller stage house to be constructed. This entails demolishing the entire back wall of the building to push it back, as well as also making the stage house taller. These enlargements will now enable the Theatre to host some of the biggest and best Broadway shows running. It’s important to understand that certain Broadway shows and traveling acts require some large footprints and with the Saenger’s enlargements, they will now be able to compete for these performances!!! Things are still going very well at our other New Orleans theater, the Mahalia Jackson Theatre. The MJT will actually begin hosting the next six weeks of rehearsals for the newly touring company of The Addams Family, a Comedy Musical. This show will premiere in September at the MJT before beginning it’s road tour. Our house manager, Annettee St. Romain and her cast of characters are all doing fine in The Big Easy, and special thanks to both Jamilla and Patti for all the help and assistance they provide in keeping operations running smoothly down there. Good luck as work begins and we officially begin a new era in Theatre Operations in New Orleans. CVS 2011...Jay Jung
It was another very successful year in Rhode Island at the CVS Caremark Charity Classic. This is our 6th year heading up this tournament, and things simply continue to improve each and every year. We had a wonderful staff as most of our group were “seasoned veterans” which always makes the job that much more familiar and just seems to make everything go that much smoother. We had wonderful weather and as usual, there were rave reviews on Chef Gary’s food and offerings. Congrats again to his Kitchen team as well as all the production folks that made this event the success that it was!! I would like to extend a special appreciation to the folks coming straight out of Bonnaroo earlier that week without much time to rest up. They left Manchester on Tuesday morning to travel home, off Wednesday and then traveled to Rhode Island on Thursday to begin set up on Friday for a Sunday opening. This year there was not the usual one week delay between the two events for the folks we use that work both events. Thanks again to everyone and here’s to seeing you all back in 2012!! Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 To all: Next time you think you are sick, tired, feeling run down, feeling like you have nothing left to give, feeling like you think you need a personal day, please watch this clip from Rad Martinez “The Promise” from ESPN’s Over the Line…and think again Ruben Garcia Great news from Boston! Our own Jeff Davis was featured in The Improper Bostonian magazine as one of the 20 favorite Bartenders in Boston. After receiving numerous nominations from Karaoke regulars, and loyal patrons, Jeff is getting his much deserved recognition as a new staple in the Boston Bar scene. Well done Jeff!! http://slumz.boxden.com/f16/rad-martinez-promise-espn
Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 FROM THE LOCKER ROOM It’s time again for “ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!” As the start of the new school rapidly approaches next month, so does High School and College football. This means that Aaron and Kevin, Jim, Chris, Corina, Vicki and I are all getting ready for season openers in Conroe, The Woodlands, all of Austin and in Huntsville at Sam Houston State. It’s hard to believe, but Spectrum’s Stadium Division will begin its 4th year when our seasons all begin as early as the 2nd week in August. We will be hosting not only high school and college football games, but a host of UIL Band Bowls, band and marching competitions, soccer, rugby and baseball as well as other events the school districts drop in the various venues we host. Games and events keep everyone busy almost every weekend rolling all the way into December with hosting a lot of the high school playoff games as well. Our stadium division has turned into a very nice profit center for our company and if you have not been out to one of the games at any of our stadiums, visit with any of us to come join us for a game or two. It’s simply a blast watching these kids, listening to the marching bands, and of course the action on the field. Hope to see you at one of our games soon. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Business Text Messaging Etiquette Many of the concepts that apply to email apply to text messaging regardless of platform (Desktop, Laptop, PDA, Blackberry, iPhone, Pocket PC) and vice‐versa. The key is courtesy and clarity in your communications. You need to use Instant Messaging (IM) or Text Messaging properly with consideration for the person on the other side. •
First and foremost, always be cognizant about when and where is the most appropriate time to send a business associate a Text message. Doing so during meetings, while on the phone with another person or at activities where your attention is expected is inconsiderate — and unprofessional. There is a time and place for everything — and this applies to Texting (and checking email on portable devices) as well! Start by always asking if the person you are Texting is available and if it is a good time for them to have a Text exchange with you. I get email all the time from folks who get frustrated by others who think they should be available 24/7 or whenever they are online. If the person you want to Text is busy, ask them when they will be free. You do the same – if you are busy and are not available for a continuing Texting ses‐
sion, let the other person know and advise them when you can connect at a later time so that they can have your full attention. Practice communicating briefly and succinctly. Clarity is a skill that needs to be worked on in email in general let alone when it comes to the short messages generally used with Texting. Texting is meant for brief communications – not your manifesto on all the details you need. Nor is the Text environment an excuse to be rude or terse because you don’t want to take the time to be considerate of the other side. If the topic is that long winded or complicated, ask when would be a good time to give a call on the old fashioned telephone to discuss the topic further. Or take the time to send an email where you can be concise and courteous. With Texting there are limitations you need to be aware of long winded conversations. Texting generally allows only a limited number of characters per message. Anything that cannot be communicated effectively in short blurbs should be discussed via regular email or telephone to avoid confusion and possible misunderstandings. Use Texting for non‐critical topics or informational briefs. Serious topics are not for Texting. And you know what those are — use your discretion! Certain topics and situations require face‐to‐face meetings or at the very least a telephone call. Texting is not the place for serious topics, emotional or confrontational issues. If you are not a smooth multi‐tasker, do not continue multiple Texting sessions and leave folks hanging while you communicate with others. If you cannot give someone your full attention, schedule another time to meet or IM. Leaving others hanging while you Text with others is wasting the other person’s time and gives them the impression you do not feel their time is valuable. Take into consideration who you are communicating with to determine the acronyms and emoticons that should be used – if at all. Certainly you wouldn’t use the same with a business associate vs. a friend. You also wouldn’t use certain acronyms with your Mom who may not even know what the acronyms mean. Use your better judgment here! Although Texting is by nature a more casual environment, keep in mind the quality of your messages will reflect on your business, your perceived credibility, professionalism and tech savvy. A spelling and grammar check is imperative in any form of business communications regardless of mode used. If you are communicating with professionals; don’t communicate like a grade schooler. By following the above commonsense suggestions, your Texting activities can enhance rather than detract from your business communications Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Dave Mathews Band Caravan event in Chicago!...Dave Smalley
What a great success by the entire Spectrum Team. The DMB production team was mightily impressed by the Spectrum team. Initially they were impressed by the way we dealt with adversity, overcame hurdle after unexpected hurdle with such perceived ease, then by the transparency of our nature, integrity and operations. Finally they were blown away by the sales numbers we put up: nearly a $30 per cap for the entire event on 100,000 people. Lots of smiles and dollar signs in those folks eyes! Too numerous to mention were the supreme efforts on everyone’s part to make this event a home run. Even those who were not physically working at the event leant huge support to those of us who were there. I am constantly amazed by what we can do together. I am grateful to work with the greatest group of people. Plenty of laughs for sure that had to take the place of sleep, which there was little of. Enjoy some of Leigh Anne’s shots from DMB. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Spectrum Survival Guide (Continued)...by Chris Luersen
As my TWO avid followers will tell you, my last submission to the Connection was entitled "The Spectrum Survival Guide." This month's issue
will have absolutely nothing to do with that; however, it does have one thing in common...the word "Guide."
"Oh Lord, what's he getting into this week?" Well, here it goes. Over the past several events I have come to realize that the word "boss" can carry
some very derogatory connotations to it; and no, I am not being referred to as a "boss" on the dance floor, wakeboard, or baseball diamond (as
much as I wish that was true). However, there are times at events where we are asked to lead a crew of our local friends to carry on different
tasks. On many occasions I can recall a local friend saying something along the lines of, "I don't know!? Ask the boss man. He's in charge." Now,
I won't say that I take any offense to the term "boss," but I feel there is a negativity that is brought about it. I even looked up synonyms for "boss"
and came up with "owner," "controller," "dominator," and "dictator," none of which sound friendly!
Finally, at the John Deere Classic, I heard one of my fellow local friends say something similar to that previous statement. Here's what I had to
"Have any of y'all ever been white water rafting? Perfect. I don't want you to think of me as your "boss" but more like your white water GUIDE.
I'm here to guide you to our group's success. Feel free to ask me any questions along the way, I will be more than happy to answer them. I will do
my best to keep you safe and on the correct path to safety and success." Now, it might not have come out EXACTLY like that, just imagine more
"um's," "er's," and "likes" in those sentences and it may sound more accurate!
But my general point was that any good leader needs to guide their friends and co-workers to success in a polite and friendly way. We all know
that Spectrum's golden rule is, well, the golden rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. Nobody wants to be treated with disrespect or a hasty
attitude. Give your friends respect and they will be more likely to return the favor. In order to be successful in any career field you need to be
respected by your peers as well as your superiors.
In order to be a successful guide at your next adventure you will need to have the correct attitude. Whatever task you intend on completing, do it
to the best of your ability. Take the necessary steps, and then some.
Right now we are in Reno, Nevada for the Reno-Tahoe Open. Fortunately for us, we are staying in an amazing resort and CASINO. Tonight at
one of our family dinners the obvious topic of gambling came up. As we all went around the table discussing our tactics, it came to our attention
that none of us were taking the right attitude while at the tables. I myself realized that I can only sit at a table for a short period without becoming
bored and mindlessly throwing my money away. Others mentioned that once the LOSE a predetermined amount of money, they are done. The
man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Dave, reminded us that when it came to gambling, none of us had the right attitude. Here's what Dave had to say:
"When I sit down at a table, I have one mindset, WINNING. I will do whatever it takes to walk away from the table a winner. I will do whatever
it takes to be a winner, no matter how long." (NOTE: this conversation was not recorded so it may be slightly off!)
It got me to thinking though, if we were all to take this attitude in our everyday lives, we would be much more successful and much happier.
When guiding your next crew, complete your task at hand; no matter the speed bumps you may encounter, find ways around them. Be assertive
with your leadership skills, don't second guess your suggestions.
Now, the purpose of this article isn't to tell you not to refer to your superior's as your "boss." It is, however, to try and change your future attitudes
to your work and any other adventures you may come across. If you set your mind to something, commit to it completely. Take whatever
necessary steps to not only complete it, but go above and beyond the call of duty in order to perfect it. Take pride in everything. Be conscious of
how you are treating others, and be proud that they are showing you the mutual respect that I know every Spectrum so truly deserves.
I wish everyone, especially my two devoted readers, great success in work and personal areas. Maybe changing your attitude towards leadership
will be that next little thing that gets you to that next level of success and happiness.
Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 “Lucky or just in the right place at the right time? You decide.” ‐Dave Smalley EMPLOYEE MILESTONES
Dianne Holmes Joe Martinez Aaron Wilkinson Jena Taylor William Gilchriest Melanie Parker Ruben Garcia 281.363.0900 ext. 239 281.363.0900 ext. 242 mparker@spectrumfcs.com rgarcia@spectrumfcs.com 8‐1‐99 8‐13‐01 8‐15‐09 8‐23‐10 8‐28‐08 Joe Martinez Felipe Organes Paul Lever Dianne Holmes Ruben Garcia Jamie Dartez William Gilchriest Jason Reed Debbie Keyser Rachel Ingham Josh Murray Ryan Underwood 8‐3‐69 8‐4‐69 8‐8‐68 8‐17‐50 8‐17‐59 8‐19‐66 8‐20‐84 8‐22‐76 8‐23‐64 8‐28‐83 8‐25‐77 8‐31‐74 OUR MISSION:
Our goal is to exceed the client’s expectations by providing the highest quality, value‐based hospitality, delivered on time in an interesting presentation by friendly, knowledgeable hospitality professionals with pampered customer care as their primary focus. We are passionate about our work, loyal to our co‐workers and dedicated to you. OUR PURPOSE:
Our purpose is to change the lives of our associates and clients for the better. The Spectrum Connection is a publication of Spectrum Catering, Concessions & Special Events. P.O. Box 7130 The Woodlands, TX 77387 Office: 281‐363‐0900 Toll Free: 877‐567‐0900 Fax: 281‐362‐7111 www.spectrumconcessions.com spectrum@spectrumfcs.com OPERATIONS
Tony Terwilliger 281.363.0900 ext. 235 tterwilliger@spectrumfcs.com THEATRE DIVISION
Southern Division Northern Division Jay Jung Jason Reed 281.681.9415 ext. 258 617.692.0011 jjung@spectrumfcs.com jreed@spectrumfcs.com ARTIST & TOUR CATERING
Shelley Gatchell 281.363.0900 ext. 245 sgatchell@spectrumfcs.com GOLF CATERING & CONCESSIONS
Dave Smalley Melanie Parker 281.363.0900 ext. 240 281.363.0900 ext. 239 dsmalley@spectrumfcs.com mparker@spectrumfcs.com
Jay Jung Jim Smalley 281.363.0900 ext. 258 281.363.0900 ext. 262 jjung@spectrumfcs.com jsmalley@spectrumfcs.com ACCOUNTING
Chief Financial Officer Accounts Receivable Derek Mills Peggy Kozan 281.363.0900 ext. 257 281.363.0900 ext. 253 dmills@spectrumfcs.com pkozan@spectrumfcs.com Accounts Payable Payroll/Human Resources Kim Smidlein Dianne Holmes 281.363.0900 ext. 254 281.363.0900 ext. 255 ksmidlein@spectrumfcs.com dholmes@spectrumfcs.com Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 

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