PDF - Spectrum Concessions


PDF - Spectrum Concessions
Issue 32
2011 Event Dates: The Woodlands Oktoberfest October 14—16 Alliance Air Show Ft. Worth, TX October 22—23 Lighting of The Doves November 19 iWOW Festival The Woodlands November 19 The Woodlands Ice Rink November 19—January 16 2012 Event Dates: Farmers Insurance Open January 23—January 29 Shell Houston Open March 26—April 1 Valero Texas Open April 16— April 22 Byron Nelson Championship May 14— May 20 The Bamboozle Music Festival May 18—May 20 Prospect Park Food & Wine Festival May 18—May 20 Crowne Plaza Invitational May 21—May 27 Houston Children’s Festival March 31— April 1 iFest Houston April 21—April 29 CVS Classic June 3—June 5th St. Jude Classic June 4—June 10 Bonnaroo Music Festival June 7—June 10 Freedom Over Texas Houston July 4 Red Hot & Blue The Woodland TX July 4 John Deere Classic July 9—July 15 Reno Tahoe Open July 30—Aug 5 October 2011
I really think it is true that good things happen to good people. This is not to say that bad things can’t happen to good people, because they do for some reason. It sure would be great if it was a given, that if you were a good person that no bad would ever come your way. On the other hand, I am also quite sure that the challenges in life make us appreciate the sunny days all that much more. Recently we just finished the Life is good Festival in Boston; the Festival is in its second year. The purpose of the event is to raise money for the Life is good Children’s Foundation and the goal this year was to raise one million dollars. Going into the week the weather for the Festival was predicted iffy at best. As the week wore on the forecast for the weekend grew more dire as two high pressure areas parked themselves to the east and west of us and just funneled low pressure, moisture and rain right at us. By Friday morning the weather people were calling for a 90% chance of heavy showers on Saturday, 70% on Sunday and the next chance of a dry day being the end of the follow‐
ing week. It rained quite a bit on Thursday and, just as predicted, pretty hard on Friday and into Friday night. But then a funny thing happened. Those high pressure areas each moved just enough to block the weather coming from the south and cap the weather from the north. The weather man told us to expect not only a dry weekend but some sunshine and temperatures in the low 80’s. It turned out to be a spectacular weather weekend for sure, that hardly anyone could have hoped for much less predicted! (I will add here that Ruben did really keep the faith and said that we would get the show in. Way to go Ruben!) Everyone with the show stayed positive, and did what they had to do during the week while hoping for the best yet preparing for the inevitable. We all had the same concern. Here is this wonderful event, with such positive energy and a great message for families, benefitting an outstanding cause and of all the events, why is this one going to get rained out? Well, good things happen to good people and somehow all the positive energy and “good vibes” pushed away the rain, those pesky clouds and allowed that sun to shine down. They raised their million dollars and that money will go to great use. It really was miraculous to have experienced. As our company goes, I would say we are very lucky in many respects. We are for sure lucky when it comes to weather and getting our outdoor events in. There was a time in the distant past that I used to really fret about the weather, but I have learned there is no amount of worry that is going to change the weather.
Continued on page 2
Hammer Down, A Way of Life! Two Great Venues,
One Great Location!!!
Call to book your party
or corporate event.
FROM THE DESK OF DAVE, continued from page 1
I am beginning to think that there may be some correlation between Karma and sunny skies from time to time. We are the lucky ones. If it rains on an event we are doing, we just tee it up the following week someplace else. I feel bad for the organizers of the event as they most times have to wait an entire year to showcase their efforts. The 2011 Life is good Festival is a great example of keeping the faith, keeping optimism in the forefront of your thoughts, and letting things take their course without worry or hesitation. I think we can all take a page from that book in our lives in general. Live a good faith based life, don’t worry about things you cannot control, and expect the best! Hey, it is a HALF FULL world out there. Live it! Peace and Grace, Dave FROM THE DESK OF MELANIE
Several years ago I was the recipient of this email…I’ll let you guess who the writer is. :) “Many think that opportunity comes knocking. Maybe it does, I am not sure. I believe something different, that opportunity arises just as sure and as regularly as the daily sunrise. I know that every day is full of new opportunities and chances. That is what makes every new day so exciting and so worthy to get up for and to experience. I think that if one waits for opportunity to knock, that they will miss most of the opportunities that every day puts in front of us. If you think about yesterday, any yesterday, you will be able to pinpoint in 90 seconds, at least 10 opportunities that the day presented for you to make a difference. I think that is awesome! That our each and every day is providing us with so many chances to make a difference, to CHANGE and AFFECT the day. We get so many more chances than just ten, they present themselves constantly and those opportunities are out there for us to take advantage of. Recognizing opportunity is one thing, ignoring opportunity is another and wallowing in the self pity and envy of others is quite another. It is up to us to recognize opportunity and to not let others derail us from what is in front of us by trying to focus us on what is behind us.” It just so happened that as I was cleaning my email boxes I came across this inspirational message. Timing is everything, isn’t it? I knew I saved this email for a reason and today I am reminded just why. We not only have the opportunity but the responsibility as human beings to make a difference to others; personally, professionally, spiritually, emotionally. I don’t know about you but I have days that I reflect on my contributions, or lack thereof, and pity myself that I didn’t jump at an opportunity to start or maybe even finish something. Either way, the only person I have disappointed is myself. That may be worse than your parents, your significant other or your kids being disappointed in you! I suppose that opportunity can be regarded in both a positive light and even a negative light, if one is of a negative mind. The power of optimism, seeing the silver lining, is much more fun than the pessimistic view. I am guilty of letting opportunity pass me by; sometimes I don’t see the opportunity at all until it is much too late, leaving me to kick myself. I am guilty of having the pessimistic view in certain circumstances but find myself working hard to challenge myself with optimism. It just feels better! I’m sure you have seen the Liberty Mutual commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMwoexR1evo) where they show a “pay it forward” attitude that is excitedly contagious! I suppose that is how I perceive this message of opportunity. Grab the chance to impact someone or a set of circumstances today! Don’t let others stand in the way of YOUR opportunity – it might not knock again and you sure don’t want to have to kick yourself later. Galatians 6:10 ~ Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers Best, Mel Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900
“The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.”— Lloyd Jones We are excited to announce our plans for Oktoberfest 2011 being held October 14th— 16th 2011 at beautiful Town Green Park located on the banks of The Woodlands Waterway, centrally located in The Woodlands, Texas. Here’s what will be happening at Oktoberfest 2011… BEER – When talking about Oktoberfest, of course you have to start with THE BEER! We will have two large “Biergartens”, and each of these will contain 9 different authentic Oktoberfest style beers on tap. “Biermaidens” in realistic Oktoberfest style clothing will assist festival patrons in purchasing beer as well as playing games such as beer pong and bean bag toss! CRAFT BEER – OK, we are not done talking about THE BEER! A new addition to the festival will be the Craft Beer Tent. We will have 11 different craft breweries on hand, and each of them will be selling two flavors of their signature beer. Inside this tent there will be a “Specialty Tasting” booth, where very unique beers will be available for sampling only. There will also be a small stage where representatives from each of the breweries will talk about their special brew. In addition to all of that, there will also be “Home Brew Demonstrations” where festival goers can learn both the art and the science of making their very own brew. To top it off, a “Blind Beer Tasting” competition will take place on Saturday and the grand prize winner will receive a very special tro‐
phy. WINE – Another new addition is the “Grape Escape Wine Tent” that will feature 18 different wines from 11 different wineries. Inside this tent, wines will be divided up into four different areas based on cost. Guests will be able to purchase samples, a glass or whole bottles of their favorite wine. FOOD – Local restaurants will showcase their specialty items in bite size portions by executive chefs. These restaurants have a chance to win prizes for best decorated booth, best food of the festival, and most creative food of the show. Each winner will receive a special plaque to feature in their restaurant throughout the year. Kim Son Café, Crescent Moon Wine Bar and Hubble and Hudson are just a few of the restaurants that will be at the festival! THE FOODIE STAGE ‐ This stage will feature chef demonstrations, cooking classes and winery demonstrations to be enjoyed by all festival patrons. A sample of some of these demonstrations will include a chef from Kim Son restaurant teaching about the “Art of the Spring Roll”, Cooking with Clive – “Become a Master Chef in 20 minutes” as well as our very own Executive Chef Jay Stone from Wicked Whisk Catering – “The Making of Chicken and Waffles” MUSIC – This year we have a wide variety of music including, Rock, Classic Rock, Jazz, Choir, German and Celtic music. This will provide a lot of fun entertainment and help to attract a larger audience. The following acts will be performing: Bourbon Street (Jazz Band), Fab 5 (Beatles Tribute Band) Das Ist Lustig (German / Oktoberfest Music), Andy and the Dreamsicles (Classic Rock), Rat Ranch (Rock), Harbor Light Choir (Gospel), and Needfire (Celtic / Irish Rock / Alternative Rock) VIP – Have we got the experience for you! There are two large VIP areas on site where VIP’s will enjoy a relaxing lounge area along with sneak peeks of food and wine on Friday before the festival opens, there will also be many different VIP perks during the weekend (including their choice of a commemorative event beer mug or wine glass) and a Sunday Morning brunch before the fes‐
tival opens. The VIP packages are valued at $150 and are currently on sale now for just $99! MARKET VENDORS ‐ As our focus has turned towards beer, wine, food and music, so has our market and shopping vendors. We have a wide variety of market vendors, from glass wine bottle art making to aging wine barrels and barrel heads, along with oil, spice and pancake mixes, to a high foaming bath bar formulated with Shiner Bock beer, organic saponified oils, sodium hydroxide, coco butter and beeswax, grilling specialty products and so much more! Continues on page 4 Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” — Albert Einstein Continued from page 3 ADVERTISING ‐ We are putting a strong emphasis on advertising for this event. We currently have a billboard up on I‐45 South, just south of Needham Road. We will also be advertising on three radio stations (Sunny 99.1, 94.5 the Buzz, and 93.7 the Arrow) during the week leading up to the event, with on‐air promotions / giveaways of VIP tickets to the event. We will also have ½ page color print ads in The Woodlands Villager and The Spring Observer newspapers on October 5th and October 12th. WEBSITE ‐ Of course, all of this information can be found on the updated website at www.OktoberfestTheWoodlands.com. We’ll see you there! Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 “Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” — Swami Sivananda Take Control of Your Attitude Your happiness is in your hands. Jim Rohn August 31, 2009 We all have tremendous potential. Each of us has the ability to put our unique human potential into action and to acquire a desired result. But the one thing that determines the level of our potential, produces the intensity of our activity and predicts the quality of the result we receive is our attitude. Attitude determines how much of the future we are allowed to see. It decides the size of our dreams and influences our determination when we are faced with new challenges. No other person on earth has dominion over our attitude. People can affect our attitude by teaching us poor thinking habits or unintentionally misinforming us, or providing us with negative sources of influence, but no one can control our attitude unless we voluntarily surrender that control. No one else “makes us angry.” We make ourselves angry when we surrender control of our attitude. What someone else may have done is irrelevant. We choose; not they. They merely put our attitude to a test. If we select a volatile attitude by becoming hostile, angry, jealous or suspicious, then we have failed the test. If we condemn ourselves by believing that we are unworthy, then again, we have failed the test. If we care at all about ourselves, then we must accept full responsibility for our own feelings. We must learn to guard against those feelings that have the capacity to lead our attitude down the wrong path, and to strengthen those feelings that can lead us confidently into a better future. If we want to receive the rewards the future holds in trust for us, then we must exercise the most important choice given to us as members of the human race by maintaining total dominion over our attitude. Our attitude is an asset, a treasure of great value that must be protected accordingly. When you have the right attitude, you can do the remarkable. When you recognize your gifts, you can change anything for yourself that you wish to change. If you don’t like how something is going for you, change it. If something isn’t enough, change it. If something doesn’t suit you; change it. If something doesn’t please you, change it. You don’t ever have to be the same after today. If you don’t like your present address, change it—you’re not a tree! Having the right attitude is an essential prerequisite for success and happiness. The right attitude is one of the fundamentals of the good life. That is why we must constantly examine our feelings about our role in the world and about our possibilities for achieving our dreams. It is our emotional nature that governs most of our daily conduct in our personal and business world. It is the emotional aspect of our experiences that determines our behavior. How we feel about life’s events is a powerful force that can either freeze us in our tracks or inspire us to take immediate action on any given day. With the right attitude, human beings can move mountains. With the wrong attitude, they can be crushed by the smallest grain of sand. Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 “Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.” — Thomas Edison On the Bookshelf: Character Building
Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success
by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan
and Al Switzler
Business Plus, 2011
The authors of Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success contend that change is a science and
therefore requires the scientific methods of observation and planning. With decades of research behind them, they
present a new perspective on the difficult, and sometimes seemingly impossible, process of changing human
behavior. Using this data, along with examples of real people struggling with common challenges, the authors offer
helpful, relevant insights on the science of transformation.
A particularly refreshing observation is their argument that changing unhealthy or ineffective habits doesn’t hinge on
willpower. When we try and fail, most of us figure we’re too weak and simply didn’t want it badly enough. The
authors call this view “tragically wrong.” Success, they argue, also depends on learning new, valuable skills and building a healthy
support system.
To initiate any transformation, the authors urge readers to treat change as an experiment in which they are both scientist and subject.
Taking a scientific trial-and-error approach rather than an approach that relies upon willpower gives you the ability to observe and
learn from your own behavior—and then to adjust your tactics and try again.
The final chapters of the book are perhaps the most clear and useful, offering actual analyses of how to change habits within the
realms of career, weight control, finances, addiction and relationships. If you’re ready to break bad habits and create new, positive
habits, this book is one you’ll want to check out.
—Kari Barlow
Noteworthy Quote:
“When it comes to personal change, you don’t have to be pushing yourself to the limit all the time. You need to focus only on a handful of moments when you’re most at risk.”
A couple things you’ll learn from this book:
► You can’t change deeply entrenched habits without a little help.
► You can interrupt impulses (aka habits) by connecting with your goal at
crucial moments.
Derailed: Five Lessons Learned from Catastrophic Failures of Leadership
by Tim Irwin, Ph.D.
Thomas Nelson Inc., 2009
In the midst of a self-absorbed, famous-for-nothing culture, Derailed sheds light on how all-too-human vulnerabilities
such as pride, entitlement and a lack of humility can destroy careers. Irwin examines the rise and fall of six top-level
CEOs whose slow-motion train wrecks caused more than career derailment. Irwin calls for all leaders to keep power
and the responsibility that accompanies it in perspective.
—Erin K. Casey
Noteworthy Quote:
“Character expressed in the form of authenticity, wisdom, humility and courage must ultimately form the substance of who we are, if
we want to have great impact.”
A couple things you’ll learn from this book:
► A mentor is not a therapist but someone to challenge us to be better.
► Humility at work means we are coachable; it has nothing to do with age or position.
Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” — Anatole France ♦ Drink Up
Thanks to designer/artist Rusty Allen, keeping cool, while looking cool and helping out the planet, has never
been easier. Allen quit his day job as an industrial designer to create the modern Gobie H2O water bottle to
combat the negative impact plastic waste is having on the planet. As the world’s first fully portable, reusable,
zero-waste, filtered water bottle, this green scheme is producing some major results. $30
♦ Make Your Mark
The next time you need to make a note, put down the paper and pen and pick up the
Boogie Board Paperless LCD Writing Tablet. Not only will you have a cool gadget to
create to-do lists and doodles, you’ll also be saving trees. You can write using the
telescoping stylus (included) or get creative using your fingernails. And erasing is as easy
as the push of a button. $40
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Spectrum will once again attend the annual “In The Pink “ of Health
Luncheon to be held on Friday October 14, 2011. In the Pink of Health is a group of inspired women who change
lives by raising funds to support breast health through Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital. 100% of funds
raised remain in Montgomery County. Let us all support this wonderful cause by wearing PINK on Wednesday
October 12, 2011. Thank you all. Peggy Kozan
Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 “Lucky or just in the right place at the right time? You decide.” ‐Dave Smalley EMPLOYEE MILESTONES
Aldo Chavez Rochelle Alley Brenda Johnson Kim Dorgan Maisie Hernandez Melanie Parker Ruben Garcia 281.363.0900 ext. 239 281.363.0900 ext. 242 mparker@spectrumfcs.com rgarcia@spectrumfcs.com 10‐11‐05 10‐12‐09 10‐14‐04 10‐19‐09 10‐31‐05 Kevin Gaw Juan Adame Adam Lassetter Jose Ventura Rebecca Alarcon Ricky Esquivel 10‐16‐75 10‐17‐64 10‐21‐79 10‐27‐79 10‐29‐85 10‐30‐58 OPERATIONS
Tony Terwilliger 281.363.0900 ext. 235 tterwilliger@spectrumfcs.com THEATRE DIVISION
Southern Division Northern Division Jay Jung Jason Reed 281.681.9415 ext. 258 617.692.0011 jjung@spectrumfcs.com jreed@spectrumfcs.com OUR MISSION:
Our goal is to exceed the client’s expectations by providing the highest quality, value‐based hospitality, delivered on time in an interesting presentation by friendly, knowledgeable hospitality professionals with pampered customer care as their primary focus. We are passionate about our work, loyal to our co‐workers and dedicated to you. OUR PURPOSE:
Our purpose is to change the lives of our associates and clients for the better. The Spectrum Connection is a publication of Spectrum Catering, Concessions & Special Events. P.O. Box 7130 The Woodlands, TX 77387 Office: 281‐363‐0900 Toll Free: 877‐567‐0900 Fax: 281‐362‐7111 www.spectrumconcessions.com spectrum@spectrumfcs.com ARTIST & TOUR CATERING
Shelley Gatchell 281.363.0900 ext. 245 sgatchell@spectrumfcs.com GOLF CATERING & CONCESSIONS
Dave Smalley Melanie Parker 281.363.0900 ext. 240 281.363.0900 ext. 239 dsmalley@spectrumfcs.com mparker@spectrumfcs.com
Jay Jung Jim Smalley 281.363.0900 ext. 258 281.363.0900 ext. 262 jjung@spectrumfcs.com jsmalley@spectrumfcs.com ACCOUNTING
Chief Financial Officer Accounts Receivable Derek Mills Peggy Kozan 281.363.0900 ext. 257 281.363.0900 ext. 253 dmills@spectrumfcs.com pkozan@spectrumfcs.com Accounts Payable Payroll/Human Resources Kim Smidlein Dianne Holmes 281.363.0900 ext. 254 281.363.0900 ext. 255 ksmidlein@spectrumfcs.com dholmes@spectrumfcs.com Hammer Down, A Way of Life! spectrum@spectrumfcs.com 1.877.567.0900 Wicked Food Group's "Fight Against Epilepsy
Friday, October 28, 2011 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM (CT)
Houston, TX
Join The Woodlands chefs Jay Stone and Jonathan James of Wicked Whisk
Catering for an evening of great food & drink for a great cause! ALL
proceeds will be donated to the Epilepsy Foundation of Texas!
"The mission of the Epilepsy Foundation is to lead the fight to stop seizures, find a cure and overcome the challenges created by epilepsy. Your
donation ensures that we continue to provide help and hope to the nearly 3
million people living with epilepsy and their families." - Epilepsy
Director of marketing
Maverick smalley
Director of catering
Adam lassetter
Executive CHEF
Our gracious host is Fifty - Two - Twenty - Six located at 5226 Elm Street
in Houston!
Our theme - "Breakfast for Dinner" - taste our one of a kind interpretations
of classics and not so classics! Ten courses paired with beer and cocktails
$70 donation per guest
Sous Chef
Jonathan james
The Menu -
Sales Executives
Croque Monsieur – petite baguette / house cured ham / gruyere / fried quail
egg / béchamel
Omelet – french style / white truffle / mushroom jam / gremolata
Mimosa - carbonated texas ruby reds / thai basil nage / lychee
Bagels & Lox – coho gravlax / hot mascarpone ice cream / bagel chip / dill
Chilaquiles – quail / serrano / blue corn crisp / dehydrated crema / tomato /
smoked queso fresco
Hash – cast iron fingerlings / crispy duck confit / maple / black pepper
crème fraiche
Mezzo - frozen yogurt lollipop
Steak & Eggs – waygu strip loin / duck egg / baby arugula / ponzu / ancho
oil / parmesan
Donut Hole – toasted hazelnut dust / nutella / raspberry freezer jam
Irish Cream Semifreddo – jameson bacon brittle / hot espresso shot