Ground transportation to Sao Jose dos Campos
Ground transportation to Sao Jose dos Campos
GroundTransportationfromSãoPaulo/GuarulhostoSãoJosédosCampos The airport nearest from Sao Jose dos Campos is the Sao Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) (, which is located about 70km away from SaoJosedosCampos.Fromthere,youcangetSaoJosedosCamposusingthefollowing groundtransportationoptions: ByTaxy YoucangetataxiservicefromGuarucoop,theonlycompanythatisallowedtooperateat airport. Just after leaving the airport, on your right, you will find a booth (see Figure bellow). By your ticket to Sao Jose dos Campos there. It will cost R$350.00 . With your ticket,gotothetaxiline,thatislocatedinfrontofthebooth. Bybus The Best and less expensive way to get São José dos Campos from São Paulo / Guarulhos International Airport is by taking a bus. It will cost R$20.00 and takes about 80 minutes. The company that provides this service is named Pássaro Marron. To take their buses, do the following: 1. IfyouarriveatTerminal3,afteryoucollectyourluggageandleavetherestrictarea,goto outside of the terminal and take the shuttle to other terminals. Leave it at Terminal 2 – EastSide(seeFigure1and2). 2. IfyouarriveatTerminal2–EastSide(seeFigure1),afteryouleavetherestrictarea,just afterthecustom,proceedtotheexitandjustafterthedoor,turnleft(seetheredstaron Figure3); 3. InthesidewalkofTerminal2-EastSide(Figure3),walktothesecondareawheretheBus Ticketsarelocated(Figure4).There,gotothePassaroMarronbooth(Figure5)andbuy yourtickettoSaoJosedosCampos(justcashareaccepted). 4. Afterthat,lookforalineofbusesparkingonthesidewalk.GotothePosition3(Figure6); 5. TakethePassaroMarronbustoSaoJosedosCampos(Figure7) 6. WhenyouarriveinSãoJosédoCamposmainbussstation,takeataxitoyourhotel.Taxis inSãoJosédosCamposarewhiteandtheyareparkinginlinejustontheleftofthebus stationexit.ItwillcostbetweenR$15.00toR$20.00. Time table: 06:50, 08:00, 09:00, 10:10, 11:30, 12:30, 13:10, 14:10, 15:00, 16:30, 17:30, 18:30, 20:00,22:00 T2–EastSide T2 PassaroMarronBooth Figure1-BussTicketlocation Figure2-TerminaltransfersignFigure3–Sidewalk Figure4–BusTicketsFigure5–PassaroMarronbooth Figure6–Busstop Figure7–PassaroMarronbus
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