Contact August - Air Force Association Victoria


Contact August - Air Force Association Victoria
of the
ABN 96 091 342 304
President’s Report
John and Cheryl are still enjoying their extended European Holiday, so I am here again
to give you a brief update on what the Division has been doing over the last few months.
Division Representatives have attended a number of commemorative and remembrance
Reserve Forces Day
The Commencement of the First World War
Victory in the Pacific Luncheon (Battle of Milne Bay Presentation)
Vietnam Veterans’ Day
Volume 69, Issue 3
Spring, 2014
Battle for Australia
Other significant Commemorative Services
The National Council has made some changes and we are delighted to advise that our
Past President, Peter Colliver, is now Secretary of the National Council; congratulations
Peter. The Board Members are still working on the Division Strategic Plan under the guidance of John Sedunary. The plan is progressing well and the action taken will ensure the
long term viability of the Association. Accordingly, one important project has started; improvement of the website and communication to members and other interested parties.
Inside this issue:
Bendigo Branch
Planning for the Annual Pilgrimage to Point Cook is progressing well and as this is an
important year being the 100th Anniversary of the formation of the Australian Flying Corps
we hope to see many members at Point Cook in November. As advised previously, the Association will be assisting Branches to ensure as many members as possible can attend the
Pilgrimage in November.
Ballarat Branch
Bomber Command
The Care Package Program has been very successful with many complimentary responses from recipients and although the Middle East Operations are winding down, the
Association has decided to continue to send packages to Air Force personnel serving in
operations overseas. The next batch of parcels will be sent in October/November.
Earlier in the year, DVA advised that some Veterans Access Network (VAN) Offices
would be closed and VAN services would be provided through Human Services Offices in
those locations. The Assistant Commissioner DVA Victoria, John Geary assured the ExService Community that service delivery would remain at the same level. With this change
in service delivery model, anyone experiencing any issues please report the issue with supporting details to RAAFA (Vic) office.
Annual Memorial
D Day
As this report goes to print, Stan White, long term secretary of the Ballarat Branch, is
retiring from active involvement in the Branch. Stan joined the Association in 1946 and has
been secretary of Ballarat since 1988. During Stan’s tenure the Ballarat Branch has won the
Cowell Trophy for membership growth in 1997, 1998, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2013. The
Board of management thanks Stan and his wife Margaret for their outstanding contribution
to the Ballarat Branch and the Association generally; thank you Margaret and Stan.
Best wishes to you all.
Bob Brackin
RAAF ASSOCIATION VIC DIV, 24 Camberwell Road, East Hawthorn 3123 Tel: (03) 9813 4600 Facsimile: (03) 9813 4966
Page 2
Around the Branches
Despite the frigid and even snow full
weather we have had about 45
stalwarts attend each of our
meetings. In June we had Tom
Jobling tell us about the 161
Independent Reg. Sqd. who served
in Vietnam, servicing light aircraft
for the Army. We remembered D
Day with a special Memorial in the
Courier and we organised a service
at the Cenotaph. Of course this was
the month the D.V.A. decided to
close their Ballarat Office.
Firstly I wish to congratulate
Ballarat Branch on winning the Fred
Cowell Trophy – Well done.
July was interesting, a lot of virus
infection in Ballarat, and we had the
Chief Flying Instructor from the ST
Aerospace Academy speak about
their activities here in Wendouree.
There are 100 students, with plans to
expand to 160, mainly Chinese and
August and we had Neville Findlay,
Business Manager, Ballarat Christian
College speak about the history of
the College. Started in 1985 with 22
students, in 2010 it had 320 pupils.
Neville also spoke about relatives
who served in WW1, and a ex
RAAF chap shot down over France.
We have attended the Vietnam
Veterans Service last Sunday and
laid a wreath.
Now to the future, September, we
have the Battle of Britain
Commemorations on the 14th
September; need support of members
at this function. Also we have
GPCAPT Ron Grettin AM (Retd)
coming as our Guest Speaker. To
top it off, Ken Kemp will be 100, so
we will honour Ken at our Meeting.
Due to ill health, I have been obliged
to resign as Secretary of Ballarat
RAAFA, a position I have held since
1988. I must also resign from this
Group, and will arrange with
RAAFA to appoint another delegate.
As this is my last meeting thank you
to members for your support over the
years, keep up the good work.
At our June meeting we had Greg
Westhead - Post 75 as guest
speaker. Greg had his audience
enthralled with stories of his time in
the army. Sadly we did not have a
guest speaker in July. We were to
have Carl Dillon in August but Carl
was an apology. Thanks to member
Jill Steen who saved my bacon, we
had Sister Shirley and Sister
Lorraine. Sr. Shirley spoke to us of
her time teaching in Papua New
Guinea. A number of our members
spent time in PNG and found her
talk inspiring. After the meeting the
men spent time reminiscing.
I am pleased to report that we had 2
members volunteer for the first aid
course, thanks very much to them.
Members of Bendigo Branch
attended VP Day and Long Tan Day
services in Bendigo. We are
organising a trip to Benalla Museum
and also we are off to Ballarat for
their Battle of Britain
We also have proposed transport to
and from the 2015 Bendigo Anzac
Service for our members who have
not been able to attend previous
That’s all for this Report.
Glenis Gordon
Although our Branch has dwindling
numbers who are able to attend
meetings, we still continue to meet
at RAAFA on the last Tuesday of
each month.
As we no longer have a full
committee we have become more
of a social “get-together”. Any
correspondence which has come in
over the previous month, often
from Kindred Organisations, is
discussed and any further action
needed is decided on.
We had sadness in mid-June, when
we were advised by her family, that
our much-loved and long-time
member, June Muller, passed away.
We will all miss June greatly.
We send greetings and good wishes
to all our ex WAAAF who either
through distance or not being in
good health, are unable to join us for
While none of us like the idea of
WAAAF Branch needing to cease
as a separate Branch of RAAFA, we
need to consider if, when and how
we would deal with that. The
thoughts of all our member should
be taken into consideration, even if
you have not been able to come to
meetings for some time. So, we
would be pleased if you would let us
know your feelings and any ideas
you may have about our future.
Secretary – WAAAF Branch
The Reserve Forces Day’s short
march from Government House
drive to the Shrine of Remembrance
took place on Sunday the 6th of July
in what is generally referred to as
being inclement weather, but the
rain, which had been showering on
and off during the night and earlier
in the morning, eventually did the
right thing and held off until well
after the completion of the Service.
One disappointing thing which
stood out again on the day, was the
extremely low attendance which
represented the RAAF Reservists’
contingent. Hats off to those few
who made the effort and took part
yet again this year. There are many
other past reservist members out
there who should also give their
support on this one day of the year.
Volume 69, Issue 3
The ATC/AAFC Branch’s banner
has been passed on to the Benalla
Aviation Museum to become part of
the National Memorabilia
Collection. This decision was
reached by the Committee and put to
the members at our last General
Meeting on the 12th of July. The
reason behind this action was due to
the visibly increasing signs of
surface deterioration which has been
taking place over a number of years
through its being rolled up and
We had the pleasure of a visit from
Board member Carl Dillon at our
regular first Friday lunch at Box Hill
RSL on the 1st of August. One can
only hope that Carl didn’t pick up
too many bad habits from our crew
and that he enjoyed having lunch
with us.
The preparations and organising of
the combined services of the RAAF
Association’s Annual Pilgrimage to
Point Cook and the RAAF National
Servicemen’s Memorial Day to be
held on Sunday the 9th of November
are well under way and on track.
Last year was the first time that this
approach was adopted and it proved
to be very successful due to an
excellent attendance from both
Associations. We hope that this year
will prove to be as successful.
The AAFC Annual Parade took
place at Point Cook on Sunday the
31st of August. The weather was fine
and the parade this year was
preceded by an Expo which featured
Page 3
Wing Commander P. S. Isaacson AM DFC AFC DFM
J.F. McCrystal (John): State President
R.J (Bob) Brackin : Acting President
P.W. Colliver( Peter) Immediate Past President/National Vice President
C. F. (Carl) Schiller: Vice-President
R.A.K (Ron) Ledingham Vice-President
R. T. (Richard) Orr: State Treasurer
Directors: C. (Carl) Dillon ( Assistant Treasurer), T. A. (Tony) Pilli; A.R. (Alan) White;
P. (Peter) Finkelstein: Honorary Solicitor
W. J. (Bill) Belton AM: Chairman RAAFA Foundation
Catalina Ronald Kirk (98193527); ATC/AAFC Hugh Tank (9877 3424); Ballarat Stan White
(5339 2003) Bendigo Glenis Gordon (54369293); Fighter Squadrons Bill Taylor ( 98486778);
Geelong Contact RAAFA (98134600), Gippsland Contact RAAFA (98134600);
Melbourne WAAAF Jessie Reed (9802 9073); North Metropolitan Elayne Whatman
(93021048); RAAF Vietnam & Associated Veterans Rick Holmes (9317 7304);
Sunderland Squadrons Ricky Hattam (5241 3431); Williams Ted Ruddle (97482271)
stand together. This was hastily
considered and after much humming
and haring the decision was made to
give it a go. The AAFC allocated a
table to us and the exercise resulted in
our Branch obtaining two applications
which were filled out on the spot and
another five forms taken by other
AAFC members. I would like to
express my thanks to our ever helpful
Barbara Stallard for her assistance
and Alan White of the Vietnam
Veterans’ Branch for volunteering his
services and helping me on the stand
during the Expo.
of 406 Squadron, Frankston.
After the parade, the signing of the
Memorandum of Understanding
Awards presented were:
a number of various stalls and
displays which were set up in a large
marquee. Our Branch member Ross
Scanlon, 4 Wing’s WOFF (AAFC),
let me know about the Expo and put
forward the suggestion that perhaps
it might be a good promotional
opportunity for RAAFA to put a
(a) The award for the Crickmore Cup
( Drill Competition ), was won by 420
Squadron, Benalla. An apology was
received from David Crickmore who
was unable to attend this year.
(b) The RAAFA award for Squadron
of the Year went to 402 Squadron,
(c) The Stan Tayler Memorial Shield
for Most Outstanding Cadet of the
Year went to CFSGT Travis Rozario
between the RAAF Association
and No.4 Wing Australian Air
Force Cadets was carried out by
RAAFA’s Bill Belton and
WGCDR (AAFC) Elizabeth
Flanagan, Officer Commanding
No.4 Wing.
Laurie Bell.
Page 4
By: SQNLDR RAAF (Retired) Ron Ledingham Shrine Governor
The annual Victorian Memorial
Bomber Command service was held
at the Nurses Memorial Centre
(NMC) St Kilda Road Melbourne at
2 PM Sunday 1 June 2014.
All up some 100 people attended and
we all but bulked out the NMC
facility. Due to the significant
extension works being undertaken at
the Shrine of Remembrance
Melbourne, the NMC facility was
chosen as it was still in a very
central location, was equipped with a
fully integrated IT set up, was cost
effective to obtain the facility and
also had a fully serviced kitchen set
up for the after service gathering of
tea, coffee and finger food. The
NMC staff were also very helpful
and of great assistance.
Of interest, as we did not have the
traditional direct support of the
Shrine facilities, we ported all of the
service music requirements, etc to a
lap top computer and ran this
through the NMC integrated IT
network-worked well. We also
introduced specific Bomber
Command popular band music and
pictures from the Bomber Command
Memorial in London-all well
appreciated by those attending.
girls with adult escorts who held
banners and basically assisted with
seating of guests and general support
during and after the service.
The list of dignitaries was most
impressive including the Hon. Josh
Frydenberg MP, Parliamentary
Secretary to the PM who laid a
wreath before departing to Canberra.
Some 12-15 wreaths total were laid.
John Brownbill again provided the
spiritual side of the service as he did
The service was opened and
managed by Ron Ledingham which
ran very well other than a few minor
variations which did not cause any
concerns. Ron explained why we
were holding the service at the NMC
in lieu of the Shrine and also pointed
out that it was for this year only due
to the extension works current being
done at the Shrine.
There were three speakers being
Wing Commander P.S. Isaacson AM
DFC AFC DFM (key speaker),
The Shrine did provide direct
support in the form of:
SQNLDR RAAF (Retired) Ron
Ledingham Shrine Governor as the
convener of the service on behalf
of the Shrine Trustees.
Supply of 100 poppies.
Printing of a number of Order Of
Service (OOS) booklets.
Printing and distribution of a flyer
for the service particularly since it
was being held off site from the
We also received support from the
Air Cadets and had some 8 boys and
was actively sought out by many
after the service for signatures and
conversations and delivered a very
moving talk.
last year along with some relevant
background information on Bomber
The following represents the
attendees in addition to a number of
original veterans and family
members ;
Key Guest Speaker - Wing
Commander P.S.Isaacson AM DFC
Chaplain RFD KSJ
John Brownbill
Jan Charlwood - Daughter of Don
Laurie Williams - Ode
GPCAPT Terence Deeth RAAF
Jan Dimmick Poem
Bomber Command
Representative and Hon Ted
Baillieu Chairman, Victorian
ANZAC Centenary. All were very
well received. Peter in particular
Brian Smith Ceremony
Master of
GPCAPT Terence Deeth - RAAF
Representative <wreath>
Volume 69, Issue 3
Page 5
Hon Ted Baillieu - Chairman,
Victorian ANZAC
Centenary <wreath>
Bomber Command Commemoration
Day Foundation Ceremony Committee:
Robyn Bell - Association
Jan Dimmick SQDLDR Ron Ledingham
Association Victoria <wreath>
Ms Mikaela Stafrace Representing
Veteran Affairs Council
Following the service light
refreshments with hot finger food
supported by two paid catering staff
was provided. This was also very
well received and created a very
interactive and friendly opportunity
Michael Leicester
Adam Purcell
Brian Smith
Consuls and Honorary Consuls
Mrs Myriam BoisbouvierWylie
Dr George Luk
Major Mark Lisanby
the CG
Mr Tomm Paulsen
Hon Josh Frydenberg MP
Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime
Minister <wreath>
Mr John Geary Deputy Commissioner
Dept of Veteran Affairs <wreath>
Mr Ted Hayes OAM President RAF
Association <wreath>
Mrs Jeanette Kozlowski President Ex
Prisoners of War and Relatives
Association <wreath>
Mrs Mary Daly Hon
Mrs Margaret Miles War Widows
Guild of Australia <wreath>
Mrs Gail Best
Ms A.C.Fleming Air Cadets Group
Mr Warren Sapir President American
Veterans Association <wreath>
Mr Ed Bartosh Secretary
Mr Andrew Burleigh Victorian
Advisory Board Australian Red Cross
Mr Ian Harrison Legacy Victoria
Ms Michaela Stafrace Veteran Affairs
Council <wreath>
SQNLDR Chris Hayden RAAF
for people to mingle and catch up. A
veteran’s group photo(s), including
of course Peter Isaacson, and many,
many photos were taken.
The after service get together
proved to be just as important as the
service itself and is considered by all
I spoke to to be a key component and
opportunity to care and share. I was
personally approached by a number
of people who really appreciated the
service and efforts taken to pull it
together as well as other questions
and offers relating to the Shrine and
Overall a very moving and very well
attended and received service
function. The numbers were up by
about 50% on last year even though
it was held off site.
In 2015 the annual memorial service
will return to the Melbourne shrine
of Remembrance.
By Kristie Morris
To: mum
For my grandfather, for yours.
For uncles, brothers, mates.
Their wives, lovers, children.
For those who have loved and lost.
For our generation,
pasta and next.
For the digger in the pub, with
more stories than
days left on this earth.
For you. For me.
For freedom, love, p ride
and faith.
For tradition. For equality.
To save. To be saved.
For peace.
Lest we forget.
Page 6
D Day
As no interest had been evinced by local service
organizations regarding the 70th anniversary of this historic
day, Ballarat RAAFA stalwart and secretary, Stan White,
decided that it was important that recognition of the RAAF
contribution be made by the insertion of a notice in the
Ballarat Courier.
Meanwhile committee member livewire, Keith Pitman,
developed last
minute plans for
ceremony at the
Cenotaph. This
had to be
planned to
follow our
meeting and was
therefore coincidental with the timing of the dropping of the
first paratroopers.
This reflected the diversity of aircraft involved and
the distribution of Australian "Oddbods" attached to
the RAF.
In addition the death of two RANVR personnel was
ASHTON, Bruce Valentine SUBLT S54730
LCT899 and
PIRRIE, Richard SUBLT PM/V77 HMS Invicta.
Tom Roberts
03 5332 7123
Keith arranged coverage by both Newspapers and television
media and the attendance by
representatives of the relevant local
service organizations. The gathering also
included local RAAFA member 90 year
old Margaret Woods, who as a WREN
had been involved assembling the landing
craft for the invasion.
The format involved a brief outline of the
historic day, wreath laying, the Ode, Last
Post, Silent Reflection, Rouse, and after
detailing the names of those Australians who lost their
lives, a prayer by Chaplain, John Furness, and concluded
with the National Anthem.
BURGESS, Malcolm Robert FLTSGT 423176 and WARD, Roland
Gilbert PLTOFF 422326 in a 50 Squadron Lancaster,
COATES, Albert Lance PLTOFF 418808, CROFT, Barry Alan
FLTSGT 420920 and GILBERT, Leslie John FLT SGT DFM
421012 of a 299 Squadron Stirling (together with 9 of the 20
CONLEY, Ronald John FLTLT DFC 425606 of a 97 Squadron
HOWARD, George John FLTSGT 420883 in a 181 Squadron
HOWE, Grandon Raymond FLOFF 423743 in an Albemarle,
MUNDAY, Harvey Francis PLTOFF 418864 in a 149 Squadron
OXLADE, Arthur Geoffrey SLDR 400733 in a 464 Squadron
ROBERTS, Alfred Earnest, FLOFF 409775 in a 164 Squadron
2014 will be held on Sunday 9th
November 2014. at 11am
followed by a BBQ. If transport is
needed please contact Barbra at
RAAFA As Soon As Possible on
9813 4600
Page 7
The following article is from Department of Social Services
dated 8/8/2014
The Australian Government, pays for the bulk of aged
care in Australia, but as with all aged care services, you
may be asked by your service provider to contribute to the
cost of your care.
You may be wondering how much it will cost if you enter
an aged care home.
You can use our Residential Care Fee Estimator to help
you estimate what costs your age~ care home may ask you
to pay.
There are strong protections in place to ensure that care is
affordable for everyone. The Australian Government regulates the maximum costs you may have to pay. You will
never be denied the care that you need because you cannot
afford to pay.
The following members have passed away since the last
May they rest in peace.
Lest we forget
June Muller
WAAAF Branch
Jack Gauntlett
Fighter Squadrons
James Barber
Walton Lauder
Nth Metropolitan
July 2014
Alan Akers
Noel Brown
Philip Sherren
Howard Llewellyn Headquarters
Brian Saw
Contributions close 29 August 2014
Basic daily fee
A basic daily fee is used to contribute towards your dayto-day living costs such as meals, cleaning, laundry, heating and cooling. Everyone entering an aged care home can
be asked to pay this fee.
From 20 March 2014 to 19 September 2014, the maximum basic daily fee for new residents (including respite
residents) is up to $46.50 per day. This rate increases on
20 March and 20 September each year in line with
changes to the Age Pension.
How is the basic daily fee rate worked out?
For new residents, the maximum basic daily fee is 85% of
the single person rate of the basic Age Pension. From 20
March 2014 to 19 September 2014, the single rate of the
basic Age Pension is $766.00 per fortnight, and 85% of
the single rate of basic Age Pension is $65100 per fortnight or $46.50 per day. This applies even if you are a
member of a couple.
Further information on the Age Pension and a full list of
current rates is available on the Department of Human
Services website.
If you are a veteran, you may be eligible for assistance
from the Department of Veterans' Affairs. For more information, contact Department & Veterans' Affairs on 133
254 or 1800 555 254 (for regional callers).
Publication September 16 2014
Contributions close 7 November 2014
Publication 25 November 2014
Autumn 2015
Contributions close 28 February 2015
Publication March 11 2015
Winter 2015
Contributions close 30 May 2015
Publication June 17 2015
We are endeavouring to send information to
members via email more frequently than is
possible with our newsletter Contact. However,
we do not have a current email address for many
members. If you have not received a broadcast
email from us recently it means we do not have
your email address.
Please take a moment to send Barb a brief email
including your name so that we can update our
database. The email should be sent to:
Your help to update our database is appreciated.
Thank you.
Page 8
A cold winter means a warm summer so be prepared.
VV Day was well supported to hear President Lee Scully
deliver the formal history of the RAAF in Vietnam at the
“Official” VV Day service, well said Lee. The RAAFVVA
held its own Wreath laying Memorial Service at our plaque
adjacent to the Remembrance Garden. Good to see many
travelling former 2 Sqn members join us.
Padre George Ashworth OAM presided.
A little history on Padre George. He turned 90 this year but
still made the trip from Torquay by train and bus to officiate at our service. If Padre George can do it so can you.
Well done George.
The VVAA Vietnam Branch awards the annual Leslie Farren Award to the member of the
Association who displays outstanding service to the Association. This years award goes to our RAAFA Vietnam
Branch member David Taffe. David, despite having to
become a full time carer for his partner, has still been
able to provide Welfare and Advocacy services to country Victorian members of all services and conflicts. This
he has done for many years. An award truly justified.
Pic shows left to right Vice President Gareth Davis,
David Taffe, with his award and Secretary Rick Holmes
at the Heidelberg Repat Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Service on the 15th of August
2014. Leslie Farren was the first Victorian National Servicemen to be killed in Vietnam
and this award is recognised as a perpetual reminder.
Rick Holmes
Images by curtesy of
“Ballarat Courier“ on the left ;
Celebration of the achievement
the magic 100 by Ken Kemp
On the right the retirement of
Ballarat branch secretary Stan
White with Margaret.