IV. Party contacts in Europe
IV. Party contacts in Europe
IV. Party contacts in Europe Here you find contacts to parties all over Europe. They will help you to find the names of candidates standing for the elections and the manifestos of these parties on European policies. The second row shows the European political group at the EP that the party is affiliated to. You will find the names and lists of candidates that were known at time of publication. However, many parties hadn’t decided on their candidates yet, most of them will do so in March. We will constantly update this list and make it available on our website: www.act4europe.org. Please note that document links to party candidates and their contact details are based on information that these parties provided in reply to our request. Some gave us complete lists and in order to make those lists accessible to you, we have put them “non-alive” on our web site (ie. you cannot find them by browsing our site, only by typing in the concrete link given in the table). By making this information available we certainly do NOT wish to promote particular parties or candidates’ interestes. The lists are for information purposes of NGOs in the countries. We will be updating and extending the lists as they come in. Please note furthermore, that the order of the parties does not reflect necessarily their importance or political weight in the Member States. It was established according to the size of the political groups in the current European Parliament – beginning with the biggest group EPP-ED and ending with parties that are not affiliated to any of these European political groups. For most of the countries we give the contacts of the liaison officers of national Parliaments and the EP information office. Especially the EP’s national information offices are quite happy to provide information on the candidates’ list of your country. Do not hesitate to contact them. Finally, some general addresses can be useful for your research towards national parties: Governments online: Links to governments, Parliaments and political parties http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/ Wikipedia Encyclopedia: List of parties in Europe http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Europe And the official website of the European Parliament on the elections: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/elections.html 1 1. Belgium (24 MEPs) ............................................................................................... 3 2. Cyprus (Republic) (6 MEPs) ................................................................................... 7 3. Czech Republic (24 MEPs) ..................................................................................... 9 4. Denmark (14 MEPs) ............................................................................................13 5. Germany (99 MEPs) ............................................................................................17 6. Estonia (6 MEPs).................................................................................................19 7. Greece (24 MEPs) ...............................................................................................22 8. Spain (54 MEPs) .................................................................................................25 9. France (78 MEPs) ................................................................................................27 10. Hungary (24 MEPs)............................................................................................32 11. Ireland (13 MEPs)..............................................................................................34 12. Italy (78 MEPs) .................................................................................................36 13. Latvia (9 MEPs) .................................................................................................42 14. Lithuania (13 MEPs)...........................................................................................45 15. Luxembourg (6 MEPs) ........................................................................................48 16. Malta (5 MEPs)..................................................................................................50 17. Netherlands (27 MEPs) .......................................................................................52 18. Austria (18 MEPs)..............................................................................................55 19. Poland (54 MEPs) ..............................................................................................57 20. Portugal (24 MEPs) ............................................................................................60 21. Slovakia (14 MEPs)............................................................................................63 22. Slovenia (7 MEPs) .............................................................................................66 23. Finland (14 MEPs) .............................................................................................69 24. Sweden (19 MEPs).............................................................................................72 25. United Kingdom (78 MEPs) .................................................................................75 26. Candidate Countries ..........................................................................................79 2 1. Belgium (24 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Chambre des représentants M. Robert MYTTENAERE Secrétaire adjoint Palais de la Nation, Place de la Nation 2 B – 1008 BRUXELLES Tel: +32-2-549 80 98 Fax: +32-2-512 65 33 EP Information Office Rue Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles Tel: +32 / (0)2 284 20 05 Fax: +32 / (0)2 230 75 55 epbrussels@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.eu.int/brussels National Parliament: http://www.dekamer.be/kvvcr/choose_language.cfm Liste entière des candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/en/yourvoice/be/candidates.html PARTY CDH Centre démocrate humaniste EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS 41,rue des deux églises 1000 Bruxelles Tel: (0032) 2 238 01 11 Fax: (0032) 2 238 01 29 info@lecdh.be http://www.lecdh.be/ CANDIDATES 1. Joëlle Milquet 2. Marcel Crochet 3. Catherine Doyen-Fonck 4. Vanessa Matz 5. Fabienne Manandise 6. Hamza Fassi-Fihri 7. Marie-Paule LeboutteDetelle pour plus d’informations : http://act4europe.horus.be/ module/FileLib/CandidatesEP 04BcdH.xls CD&V ChristenDemocratisch & Vlaams Wetstraat 89B 1000 Brussel Tel: (0032) 2 238 38 11 Fax: (0032) 2 230 43 60 http://www.cdenv.be 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jean-Luc DEHAENE Marianne THYSSEN Ivo BELET Jacques VAN OUTRIVE Marie DE CLERCK Hilde VAN DE WERF Jeroen VANDEN BERGHE 3 MCC Mouvement des citoyens pour le changement CSP Christlich Soziale Partei PS Parti socialiste 50, rue de la vallée 1000 Bruxelles Tel: (0032) 2 642 29 99 Fax: (0032) 2 642 29 90 info@lemcc.be http://www.lemcc.be/ Fait partie du MR – voir liste ci-dessous. Kaperberg 6, 4700 Eupen Tel: (0032) 2 238 38 11 Fax: (0032) 2 230 43 60 CSP-Fraktion@rdg.be http://www.csp-dg.be/ 1. Mathieu GROSCH 13 Boulevard de l’Empereur 1000 Bruxelles Tél: (0032) 2 548 32 11 Fax: (0032) 2 548 33 80 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Elio DI RUPO Véronique DE KEYSER Alain HUTCHINSON Olga ZRIHEN Joël CORDIER Muriel TARGNION Carmen MADRID Grasmarkt 105/37, 1000 Brussel Tel: +32 2 552 02 00 info@s-p-a.be www.sp.be 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mia DE VITS Anne VAN LANCKER Saïd EL KHADRAOUI Ludwig VANDENHOVE Jan DHAENE Nelly MAES Peter CORENS Melsensstraat 34 1000 Brussel Tel: (0032) 2/549 00 20 Fax: (0032) 2/512 60 25 vld@vld.be www.vld.be 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Guy Verhofstadt Karel De Gucht Annemie Neyts Roland Duchâtelet Dewi Van de Vyver Geert Messiaen Sofie Staelraeve Groupe au Parlement Européen: http://www.dpsb.be/ info@ps.be http://www.ps.be/index.cfm SP.A sociaal progressief alternatief VLD Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten 4 Belgium… MR Mouvement Réformateur GROEN! 41, rue de Naples 1050 Bruxelles Tel: (0032) 2/500 35 11 Fax: (0032) 2/500 35 00 International Relations: Francis Burstin francis.burstin@mr.be mr@mr.be www.mr.be Sergeant De Bruynestraat 78-82 1070 Brussels Tel: (0032) 2-219 19 19 Fax: (0032) 2-223 10 90 info@agalev.be www.groen.be au Parlement européen: Tel. (0032) 2-284 72 79, Fax: (0032) 2-284 92 79 fractie.europa@groen.be ECOLO Espace Kegeljan avenue de la Marlagne, 52 B-5000 Namur Tel: (0032) 81-22 78 71 Fax: (0032) 81-23 06 03 ecolo.sf@ecolo.be info@ecolo.be http://www.ecolo.be Eurodéputée: Monica Frassoni Tel: +32 2 284 9932 monica.frassoni@ecolo.be SPIRIT Vrije Democraten Woeringenstraat 19-21 1000 Brussel Tel.: +32 2 513 20 63 Fax: +32 2 512 85 75 info@meerspirit.be http://www.meerspirit.be/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Louis MICHEL (PRL) Gérard Deprez (MCC) Frédérique RIES (PRL) Sabine LARUELLE Philippe MONFILS Günsel ELMAS Latifa AÏT-BAALA 1. Bart STAES (www.bartstaes.be) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tinne VAN der STRAETEN Meryem KAÇAR Helder SWARTELÉ Hugo VAN DIENDEREN Veerle DECLERCQ Relinde BAETEN 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Pierre Jonckheer Isabelle Durant José Daras Nermin Kumanova Jacopo Moccia Béatrice Clementz Josy Dubié Tous les candidats et leurs coordonnées sur : http://act4europe.horus.be/ module/FileLib/CandidatesEP 04BECOLO.doc Liste conjointe avec SP.A 5 FN Front National 1. Daniel FERET 2. Audrey RORIVE 3. Emanuele LICARI - Clos du Parnasse 12/8 1050 Ixelles Secrétaire Générale Jacqueline MERVEILLE Tél. : (0032) 81 74 25 72 fn@frontnational.be www.frontnational.be Liste conjointe avec MR - 127, Chaussée de Charleroi, 1060 Bruxelles Tel: (0032) 2.538.83.20 Fax : (0032) 2.539.36.50 fdf@fdf.be www.fdf.be - Madouplein 8 bus 9 1210 Brussel T: + 32 2 219.60.09 F: + 32 2 217.52.75 info@vlaamsblok.be www.vlaamsblok.be 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FDF Front Démocratique des Francophones Vlaams Blok Frank VANHECKE Philip CLAEYS Marie-Rose MOREL Hilde DE LOBEL Francis VAN DEN EYNDE Guy DHAESELEER Lieve VAN DEN BERGHE 6 2. Cyprus (Republic) (6 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Mr Tasos GEORGIOU J. Nehru Avenue CY-1402 NICOSIA Tel: +357-2240 7355 Fax: +357-2240 7445 EP Information Office N/A National Parliament: http://www.parliament.cy/ Information on Candidates (soon) on: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/en/yourvoice/cy/index.html PARTY DISY Dimokratikos Synagermos (Democratic Rally) KISOS Socialistiko Komma Kyprou (Social Democrats) EDI Enomeni Dimokrates (United Democrats) EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES 25 Pindarou Street, P.O. Box 25305, 1308 Nicosia Tel: +357 22 883000 Fax: +357 22 753821 International Secretary: Manthos Mavromatis disy@disy.org.cy, epikinonia@disy.org.cy http://www.disy.org.cy/ 40 Vironos Avenue P.O.Box 21064 1096 Nicosia Tel.: +357 22670121/22, 22678617 Fax: +357 22678894 socialdimokrates@cytanet.com.cy http://www.kisos.org/ 8, Lasonos Street PO Box 3494 1080 Nicosia Tel: +357 2/ 663 030 Fax: +357 2/ 664 747 International relations: Andreas LADAS www.edi.org.cy contact@edi.org.cy 7 AKEL Ezekias Papaioannou str., PO Box 1827 1513 Nicosia Tel: +357 276 11 21 Fax: +357 276 15 74 interbureau@akel.org.cy www.akel.org.cy Anorthotikon Komma Ergazemenou Laou (Progressive Party of Working People) P.O.Box 29682 1722 Nicosia 169 Athalassas Ave., 2024 Nicosia Cyprus Green Party DIKO (Democrats) International Secretary: Melina MENELAOU ph. : +357-22518 787 fax : +357-22512 710 greenpar@cytanet.com.cy http://www.cyprus-green-party.org/ - Tel: +357 22666002 Fax: +357 22666488 president@diko.org.cy diko@diko.org.cy http://www.diko.org.cy 8 3. Czech Republic (24 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Mr Ludvik KUMMER Snemovni 4 CZ-11826 PRAGUE Tel: +4202-5717 4276 Fax: +4202-539 905 EP Information Office Rytírská 31 CZ-110 00 Praha 1 Tel: +420 / (0)2 / 21 61 01 27 Fax: +420 / (0)2 / 21 61 01 28 eppraha@europarl.eu.int National Parliament: http://www.psp.cz/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/cs/yourvoice/cz/candidates.html PARTY KDU-CSL Krestanská a Demokratická Unie – Ceskoslovensk á Strana Lidova ODS Obcanská Demokratická Strana EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Karlovo náměstí 5 CZ-128 01 Praha 2 Tel: +420 2 24923871 Fax: +420 2 24917630 CANDIDATES Find the candidates at: http://www.kdu.cz/default.asp?p age=51&IDR=10217&id_rok= International Secretary: Ludek KUDLACEK E-mail: inter.office@kdu.cz http://www.kdu.cz/ Sněmovní 3 CZ-110 00 Praha 1 Tel: +420 2 57534920, 01, 02 Fax: +420 2 57530378 hk@ods.cz http://www.ods.cz/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jan ZAHRADIL Petr DUCHON Miroslav OUZSKY Hynek FAJMON Nina SKOTTOVA IVO STREJCEK Oldrich VLASAK 9 US-DEU Unie Svobody/ Demokratická Unie Malostranské náměstí 266/5 CZ-118 00 Praha 1 Tel: +420 2 57011411 Fax: +420 2 57530102 info@unie.cz http://www.unie.cz/ 1. Helena ROEGNEROVA (Ind.) 2. Pavel SVOBODA (US-DEU) 3. Jirina NOVAKOVA (ODA) 4. Svatopluk KARASEK (US-DEU) 5. Tereza BRDECKOVA (Ind.) 6. Josef SCHYMECZEK (Ind.) 7. Karel KUENHL (US-DEU) 8. Blanka MISCONIOVA (ODA) 9. Alena STERBOVA (US-DEU) 10. Martin Jan STRANSKY (CZ) (list together with ODA, and others) Lidovy dum, Hybernska 7, 110 00 Praha 1 CSSD Ceská Strana Sociálne Demokratická ODA International Secretary: Vladimir Müller tel: +420 224226222 fax:+420 296 522 150 Vmuller@socdem.cz http://www.cssd.cz/ Ustrednl Secretariat Stefankova 21, 150 00 Praha 5 Tel: +420 2 57 32 70 72 Fax: +420 2 57 32 70 72 usek@oda.cz www.oda.cz 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Libor ROUCEK Richard FALBR Milan EKERT Petr LACHNIT Bohumil FISER Olga SEHNALOVA Anna CURDOVA Frantisek MEZIHORAK Jan HAMACEK list together with US-DEU 10 KSCM Komunistická Strana Cech a Moravy Politických veznu 9, 111 21 Prague 1 Czech Republic Tel: + 42(0)2 22 89 71 11 Fax:+ 42(0)2 22 89 72 07 Miloslav RANSDORF Vladimir REMEK Jaromír KOHLICEK Jiri MASTALKA Věra FLASAROVA Daniel STROZ Zdenek KLANICA International Department: tel.: + 4202 22 89 74 28 fax: + 4202 22 89 72 07 or + 4202 22 89 74 49, leftnews@kscm.cz www.kscm.cz/ Celostátni vÿbor Murmanská 13 100 00 Praha 10 Czech Republic Ph=fax : + 420-2-7273 7592 Strana Zelených 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Jakub PATOCKA 2. Jana ULBRYCHOVA 3. Frank BOLDT 4. Olga LOMOVA 5. Miroslav ZIMA International Affairs: Ondrej LISKA Off: Poštovská 8/D, Brno 602 00 ondrej.liska@zeleni.net Ph.: +420 542214270 Mobile:+ 420 777 140077 info@stranazelenych.cz www.stranazelenych.cz 11 Independent candidates (AMONGST OTHERS): SN/ED (SDRUZENI NEZAVISLYCH a EVROPSTI DEMOKRATE) 1. Jozef ZIELENIEC (ED) 2. Jana HYBASKOVA (Ind.) 3. Jana MACAKOVA (SN) NS/ČSNS (NARODNI STRANA a ČESKA STRANA NARODNE SOCIALNI) 1. Petra EDELMANNOVA 2. Milan KNIZAK 3. Zdenek HANZELKA N - NEZAVISLI 1. Vladimir ZELEZNY 2. Jana BOBOSIKOVA 3. Hana HOLECKOVA 12 4. Denmark (14 MEPs) Liaison Officer: European Parliament Mr Morten KNUDSEN European Parliament ATR 1 K 60 2, rue d'Ardenne B - 1047 BRUSSELS Tel: +32 2 284 4233 or +32 2 280 4197 Fax: +32 2 230 0144 Liaison Officer: National Parliament Folketinget Mr Peter Juul LARSEN Folketinget Christiansborg DK - 1240 KØBENHAVN K Tel: +45 3 337 55 00 Fax: +45 3 337 33 30 EP Information Office Christian IX's Gade 2,2 DK-1111 København Tel: +45 / 33 14 33 77 Fax: +45 / 33 15 08 05 epkobenhavn@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.dk National Parliament: http://www.folketinget.dk/ Complete lists of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/da/yourvoice/dk/candidates.html PARTY KF Det Konservative Folkeparti EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Den Konservative Informations- og Pressetjeneste Christiansborg 1240 København K Tlf. +45 33 37 43 88 Fax +45 33 93 14 31 info@konservative.dk www.konservative.dk CANDIDATES Gitte Seeberg Christian Rovsing Kent Kirk Søren Møller Kristian Kolind Anne-Louise Eppler Lis Randa Further details: http://www.konservati ve.dk/modules.php?op =modload&name=new s&file=article&sid=127 2 13 KRF Kristeligt Folkeparti, Denmark Christiansborg 1240 København K Tel.: + 45 33 37 49 99 Fax: + 45 33 37 49 98 E-mail: krf@ft.dk http://www.kd.dk/ EU issues: Jakob From Høeg jfh@kd.dk 2 Thorvaldsensvej 1780 Copenhagen V Tel.: + 45 31 39 15 22 Fax: + 45 31 39 40 30 SD Socialdemokraterne Jakob From Høeg Tove Videbæk Henrik Pedersen Jonas Norgaard Mortensen Ingrid Feldbæk Wredstrøm All contact details on: http://act4europe.horus.b e/module/FileLib/Candidat esEP04DKKD.doc 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Henrik Dam Kristensen Britta Thomsen Christel Schaldemose Dan JØRGENSEN International Secretary: Anne-Sofie Allarp anne_sofie_allarp@net.dialog.dk partikontoret@net.dialog.dk www.socialdemokratiet.dk http://www.eu-guiden.net/ Det Radikale Venstre Christiansborg 1240 København K Telefon: +45 3337 4747 Fax: +45 3313 7251 radikale@radikale.dk http://www.drv.dk/ 1) Andreas Samuelsen 2) Camilla Hersom 3) Johannes Lebech European Elections: Andreas Samuelsen +45 33374758 rvansa@ft.dk www.anderssamuelsen.dk/ 14 Denmark… VENSTRE EU-konsulent Martin Ruby Larsen Christiansborg 1240 Kbh. K Tlf: +45 3337 4574 e-mail: vmarl@ft.dk International Secretary: Niels Kirkegaard, Tlf. K: +45 4580 2233 nk@venstre.dk www.venstre.dk SF Socialistisk Folkeparti Christiansborg 1240 Copenhagen K Tel.: + 45 33 37 44 91 Fax: + 45 33 14 70 10 sf@sf.dk www.sf.dk 1) Karin Riis-Jørgensen 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Anne E. Jensen Niels Busk Karsten Madsen Ole B. Sørensen Ellen Trane Nørby Contact details of these persons under: http://act4europe.horus.b e/module/FileLib/Candidat esEP04DKVenstre.doc 1) 2) 3) 4) Margrete Auken Pernille Frahm Rachid El Mousti Sanne Schroll Member of European Parliament: Ms. Pernille FRAHM Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9238 National Secretary: Kenneth PEDERSEN kenneth@groenne.dk De Grønne (Greens) Foreign Affairs Spokesperson: Jean Rene BENDIX THIERRY Bispeparken 30, 2.tv., 2400 Copenhagen NV Ph: +45 35 85 48 43 jean@groenne.dk 15 DF Danske Folkepartie Juni Bevægelsen (June Movement) Folkebevaegelsen Christiansborg 1240 København K Tel.: + 45 33 37 51 99 Fax: + 45 33 37 51 91 E-mail: df@ft.dk www.danskfolkeparti.dk DF and EU issues: http://www.danskfolkeparti.d k/sw/frontend/show.asp?pare nt=3248&menu_parent=&left menu_parent=&layout=2 1) Mogens Camre 2) Ulla Dahlerup 3) Kenneth Kristensen Kronprinsensgade 2 1114 København K Tlf.: +45 33 93 00 46 Fax: +45 33 93 30 67 http://www.j.dk/ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Sigurdsgade 39A 2200Copenhagen N Tlf: +45 35821800 Ole Krarup Ditte Staun Karina Rohr Sørensen www.folkebevaegelsen.dk/ Enhedsliste/ De RødGrønne - Studiestræde 24, 1 DK-1455 Copenhagen K Tel. +45 33 93 33 24, Fax +45 33 32 03 72 landskontoret@enhedslisten.d k http://www.enhedslisten.dk/ Jens-Peter Bonde Hanne Dahl Bent Hindrup Andersen Trine Pertou Mach Finn Andersen More information on: http://www.folkebevaegel sen.dk/visartikel.php?arti kelnr=793 supporting Juni Bevægelsen / Folkebevaegelsen ; no own candidates 16 5. Germany (99 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Bundestag EP Information Office Frau Sylvia HARTLEIF Platz der Republik D - 11011 BERLIN Tel: +49-30-227 39068 Fax: +49-30-227 30171 Unter den Linden 78 D-10117 Berlin Tel: +49 / (0)30 / 2280 – 1000 Fax:+49 / (0)30 / 2280 – 1111 epberlin@europarl.eu.int epmuenchen@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.de National Parliament: www.bundestag.de Unter der angegebenen Adresse des Bundewahlleiters werden in Kürze die kompletten Listen zur Verfügung stehen. PARTY CDU Christlich Demokratische Union CSU Christlich Soziale Union EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES Klingelhöferstraße 8 10785 Berlin Tel: 030 – 220 70 0 Fax: 030 – 220 70 111 www.cdu-csu-ep.de/ aussenpolitik@cdu.de redaktion@cdu.de www.cdu.de CDU/CSU im EP: www.cdu-csu-ep.de/ Liste verfuegbar unter: http://www.bundeswahlleiter.de/ wahlen/kandeuwahl04.htm Franz Josef Strauß-Haus Nymphenburger Str. 64 80335 München Telefon: (089) 12 43- 0 Telefax: (089) 12 43- 299 info@csu-bayern.de www.csu.de http://www.csueuropagruppe.de/ Aktuelle EP Abgeordnete: http://www.csueuropagruppe.de/ http://www.cdu-csu-ep.de/ oder: act4europe.horus.be/module/File Lib/CandidatesEP04D.doc Kandidaten: http://www.bundeswahlleiter.de/ wahlen/kandeuwahl04.htm oder: http://act4europe.horus.be/mod ule/FileLib/CandidatesEP04D.doc 17 SPD Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands PDS Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus Bündnis 90 / Die GRÜNEN FDP Freie Demokratische Partei Willy-Brandt-Haus Wilhelmstraße 141 D-10963 Berlin Tel.: 030-25991-0 http://europakampa.de/ser vlet/PB/menu/1/index.html www.spd.de Kandidaten unter: http://europakampa.de/servlet/P B/menu/1483034/index.html Kleine Alexanderstraße 28 10178 Berlin Telefon: (030) 24 009-0 Telefax: (030) 24 110 46 bundesgeschaeftsstelle@pd s-online.de 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Bundesgeschäftsstelle Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 1 10115 Berlin Postanschrift: Postfach 040609, 10063 Berlin Tel.: 030 - 284420 Fax: 030 - 28442210 info@gruene.de http://www.gruene.de/ 1) Rebecca Harms 2) Daniel Cohn-Bendit 3) Heide Rühle 4) Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf 5) Angelika Beer 6) Cem Oezdemir 7) Gisela Kallenbach 8) Frithjof Schmidt 9) Hiltrud Beyer 10) Michael Cramer 11) Elisabeth Schroedter 12) Milan Horacek Bundesgeschäftsstelle Thomas-Dehler-Haus Reinhardtstraße 14 10117 Berlin Telefon: 030 - 284 95 80 fdp-point: Tel: 030 - 28 49 58 20 Fax: 030 - 28 49 58 22 fdp-point@fdp.de http://www.bundeswahlleiter.de/ wahlen/kandeuwahl04.htm oder: http://act4europe.horus.be/mod ule/FileLib/CandidatesEP04D.doc Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann Helmuth Markov Gabriele Zimmer Tobias Pflueger Sahra Wagenknecht André Brie Feleknas Uca Helmut Scholz oder: http://act4europe.horus.be/mod ule/FileLib/CandidatesEP04D.doc 18 6. Estonia (6 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Riikikogu Mrs Häidi KOLLE Lossi plats 1a EE-15165 TALLINN Tel: +372 6 316 397 Fax: +372 6 316 394 National Parliament: http://www.riigikogu.ee/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/et/yourvoice/ee/candidates.html PARTY Isamaaliit Res Publica Rahvaerakond Mõõdukad (Estonian Social Democratic Party) EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES Wismari 11 10136 Tallinn Tel: +372 66 91070 Fax: +372 66 91071 isamaaliit@isamaaliit.ee www.isamaaliit.ee 1. 2. 3. 4. Tunne; KELAM Erki; NOOL Mart; LAAR Peeter; TULVISTE Hobujaama 12/ Narva mnt. 9E Tallinn 10151 tel: + 372 6 109 244 fax: + 372 6 109 243 respublica@respublica.ee www.respublica.ee 1. 2. 3. 4. Urmas; REINSALU Ene; ERGMA Eiki; BERG Marko; MIHKELSON Pärnu mnt. 41 a, 10119 Talinn Tel: +372 (0) 6440 071 Faks: +372(0) 6440 071 1. 2. 3. 4. Toomas Hendrik Ilves Marianne Mikko Katrin Saks Eiki Nestor International Secretary: Marit Valge marit.valge@sotsdem.ee www.sotsdem.ee 19 ESDTP Eesti Sotsiaaldemoraatlik Tööpartei Eesti Rohelised Eesti Keskerakond Reformirakond Eestimaa Rahvaliit Secretary of International Affairs Sirje Kingsepp Tel: +372 55 689 230 e-mail: esdtp@hot.ee http://www.esdtp.ee/ 1. Tiit; TOOMSALU 2. Sirje; KINGSEPP 3. Nikolai; KULIKOV P.O.Box 1521 10402 Tallinn Estonia Tel/Faks: +372-6-413 402 roheline@online.ee http://www.roheline.ee Toom-Rüütli 3/5 Tallinn 10130 Tel. +372 6273 460 mart@keskerakond.ee www.keskerakond.ee 1. 2. 3. 4. Vilja; SAVISAAR Enn; EESMAA Siiri; OVIIR Mart; VIISITAMM Tõnismägi 3a - 15, Tallinn 10119 Tel: +372 (0)6 408 740 Faks:+372 (0)6 408 741 info@reform.ee http://www.reform.ee/ 1. 2. 3. 4. Toomas;SAVI Signe; KIVI Rein; LANG Andrus; ANSIP Pärnu mnt. 30-6, Tallinn, 10141 Tel/Faks: +372 (0)644 8578 1. Janno Reiljan 2. Maimu Berg 3. Elmar-Johannes Truu 4. Vladimir Maslov Agu Uudelepp Communication Manager agu@erl.ee erl@erl.ee 20 Estonia… EKRP Eesti Kritklik Rahvapartei EDP Eesti Demokraatlik Partei Ahtri tn 12 10151, Tallinn tuba 501 Tel: +372 62 61 433 Faks: +372 62 61 431 ekrp@ekrp.ee - - Contact Persons: Aldo Vinkel Tel: +372(0)5045760 aldo@ekrp.ee Arne Kuum Tel: +372(0)56650550 kuum@ekrp.ee Tallinn 10611 Telliskivi 22-1 Tel:+372 50 83 617; +372 53 424 780 demokraadid@hot.ee 21 7. Greece (24 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Vouli ton Ellinon Mrs Maria APOSTOLOU Syndagma Square G - 10021 ATHENES Tel: +30 1 369 2181 Fax: +30 1 369 2190 EP Information Office 8 Leof. Amalias GR-105 57 Athinai Tel: +30 / 210 327 89 00 Fax: +30 / 210 331 15 40 epathinai@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.gr National Parliament: http://www.parliament.gr/ PARTY EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS 18 Rigillis Street 10674 Athens Tel: +30 210 729 00 71-9 ND Nea Dimokratia (New Demcracy) PASOK Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (Panhellenic Socialist Movement) International Relations & EU Affairs Stisihoru 8, Athens Tel: +30210/7253579 Fax: +30210/7236017 ir@nd.gr http://www.neadimokratia.gr/ Charilaou Trikoupi Athens 106 80 General Office: Tel: +30 3644.148/ 3609.636 FAX: +30 3603879 CANDIDATES Announced for May 04. Rodi Kratsa Antonio Trakatellis Giorgios Dimitrakopulos Ioannis Averoff Ioannis Marinos to be confirmed ! Costas Simitos Nikos Papandreou to be confirmed ! European Affairs: Giorgios Katiforis Tel: +30 3247.141/ 3247.629 FAX: +30 3247.596 pasok@pasok.gr http://www.pasok.gr/gr/ 22 Greece… DIKKI Dimokratiko Kinoniko Kinima (Democratic Social Movement) KKE Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (Communist Party) SYN Synaspismos tis Aristeras kai tis Proodou (Coalition of Left and Progress) Ecologoi – Prasinoi Halkokondili 9 106 77 Athens Tel: +30 (0)1 380 1712 Fax: +30 (0)1 383 9047 dikki@otenet.gr http://www.dikki.gr 145 Leof.Irakliou 142 31 Nea Ionia-Athens Tel: (+30) 210 2592111 Fax: (+30) 210 2592298 cpg@int.kke.gr www.kke.gr 1 Eleftherias Square, 105 53 Athens, Tel: +30 210-3378400 Fax:+30 210-3219914 & 210-3217003 International Relations Department: e-mail: intrelations@syn.gr http://www.syn.gr/ 31, Koloktroni Str. 10562 Athens 51, Filippou Str. 54631 Thessaloniki ph=fax: +30-210-324 10 01 +30 2310 222503 International Affairs: Areti AGRAFIOTOU Ph: 30 210 2011146 ecogreen@otenet.gr www.ecogreens.gr 23 Hellenic Front - 11 Kolokotroni 10562 ATHENS Tel: +30 1 3251054 Fax: +30 1 3251521 elliniko@metopo.gr http://www.metopo.gr/ - STEPHANOU DRAGOUMI 11 PO BOX 51 53100 FLORINA Tel: + 385 45044 Tel/ Fax: + 385 46548 rainbow@florina.org http://www.florina.org/ Vinozhito (Rainbow, Macedonians in Greece) 24 8. Spain (54 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Congreso de los Diputados Sra. Dña. Sylvia MARTÍ Floridablanca s/n E - 28014 MADRID Tel: +34 91 390 6344 Fax: +34 91 390 6172 EP Information Office Paseo de la Castellana, 46 E-28046 Madrid Tel: +34 / 91 436 47 47 Fax: +34 / 91 578 31 71 (Documentación) Fax: +34 / 91 577 13 65 epmadrid@europarl.eu.int epbarcelona@europarl.eu.int www.europarl.es National Parliament: http://www.congreso.es/ PARTY PP Partido Popular UDC Unio Democràtica de Catalunya EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Calle Genova 13, 28004 Madrid Tel: +34 91 557 73 00 Fax: +34 91 308 70 42 atencion@pp.es http://www.pp.es/ Carrer del Carme, 11 08911 Badalona Tel: +34 93 464 11 36 Fax: +34 93 384 45 24 www.uniodemocratica.org CANDIDATES Information on www.europarl.es Information on www.europarl.es Plaça de la Vila, 7 2on 08911 Badalona Tel: +34 93 384 59 12 Fax: +34 93 384 45 24 Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya Contact for European Affairs: Carles Gasòliba (MEP) cgasoliba@europarl.eu.int Tel. 32 2 284 53 68 Fax 32 2 284 93 68 www.convergencia.org Information on www.europarl.es 25 Calle Ferraz 68-70 28008 Madrid Tel: +34 91 582 04 44 Fax: +34 91 582 05 25 PSOE Secretaria International: Manuel Marin internacional@psoe.es Partido Socialista Obrero Español Information on www.europarl.es http://www.psoe-pe.org/ Delegación en el PE: PSEdelegES@europarl.eu.int IU-Federal, Olimpo 35 28043 Madrid Tel: +34 917227500 FAX: +34 913880405 org.federal@izquirda-unida.es www.izquierda-unida.es IU Izquierda Unida Eurodiputado Josu Ortuondo Telf:0032 2 284526 Fax: 0032 2 2849267 jortuondo@europarl.eu.int www.eaj-pnv.com EAJ – PNV Partido Nacional Vasco c/Navellos, 9 - 2ƒ E-46003 Valencia ph/fax.:+34-96 392 13 14 ph. : +34 629 81 75 81 verdes@verdes.es http://www.verdes.es Los Verdes Information on www.europarl.es Information on www.europarl.es Information on www.europarl.es International Secretary: David HAMMERSTEIN Ph. +34 96 3912782 Mobile: +34 600266743 internacional@verdes.es ERC Esquerra Republia de Catalunya - info@esquerra.org www.esquerra.org Information on www.europarl.es 26 9. France (78 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Assemblée Nationale Mme Isabelle ORIZET 233 boulevard Saint-Germain F - 75007 PARIS Tel: +33 1 40 63 86 11 Fax: +33 1 40 63 86 46 EP Information Office 288, boulevard St-Germain, F-75341 Paris Cedex 07 Tel: +33 / (0)1 40 63 40 00 Fax: +33 / (0)1 45 51 52 53 epparis@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.eu.int/paris epstrasbourg@europarl.eu.int epmarseille@europarl.eu.int National Parliament: http://www.assemblee-nat.fr/ Liste complète des candidats : http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/fr/yourvoice/fr/candidates.html PARTY EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS 55 rue de la Boëtie 75384 Paris Cédex 08 Tél : +33 www.u-m-p.org UMP Union pour un Mouvement Populaire CANDIDATES Ouest : Roselyne Bachelot Nord : Tokia Saïfi Ile de France : Patrick Gaubert Sud Ouest : Alain Lamassoure Sud Est : Francoise Grossetête Est : Jospeh Daul Centre : Brice Hortefeux DOM/TOM : Margie Sudre (voir lien ci-dessus aussi). 27 UDF Union pour la démocratie francaise 133 bis, rue de l’université, 75007 Paris Tel: +33 1 53 59 20 00 Fax: +33 1 53 59 20 59 http://www.udf.org/ Voir lien ci-dessus. 10 rue de Solférino 75333 Paris Cedex 07 Tél : +33 1 45 56 77 00 Fax : +33 1 47 05 15 78 www.parti-socialiste.fr (Premières deux places des listes) Secrétarait international: Régis Passérieux interps@parti-socialiste.fr PS Parti Socialiste Il de France : Harlem Désir Prevenche Berès Ouest : Bernard Poignant Bernadette Vergnault Est Pierre Moscovici Adeline Hazan Sud Ouest : Kader Arif Béatrice Patrie Sud-Est : Michel Rocard Martine Roure Centre : Cathérine Guy-Quint André Laigniel Nord : Henri Weber Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (voir lien ci-dessus aussi). PCF Parti Communiste Francais 2, Place du Colonel Fabien 75940 Paris - Cedex 19 Tel: +33 1 4040 1212 Fax: +33 1 4040 1356 europe@pcf.fr elections@pcf.fr www.pcf.fr/ Voir lien ci-dessus. 28 France… MRC Mouvement Républicain et Citoyen LCR Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire Lutte ouvrière Parti: 9, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière, 75009 Paris Tél. : 01 44 83 83 00 Fax : 01 44 83 83 10 www.mrc-france.org/ contact@mrc-france.org Eurodéputé: Michel-Ange SCARBONCHI Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9493 mscarbonchi@europarl.eu.int www.michel-scarbonchi.net Parti: lcr@lcr-rouge.org http://www.lcr-rouge.org/ Voir lien ci-dessus. Eurodéputée: Roseline Vachetta Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9497 Parti: BP 233 75865 PARIS CEDEX 18 Tél: + 33 1 48 43 65 58 http://www.lutte-ouvriere.org/ election@lutte-ouvriere.org Eurodéputée: Arlette Laguiller Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9222 alaguiller@europarl.eu.int 29 PRG Parti Radical de Gauche Les Verts Parti: 13, rue Duroc 75007 PARIS Tél. +33 1 45 66 67 68 Voir lien ci-dessus. Eurodéputé: Michel J.M. Dary Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9791 Service Elections Secrétariat National des Verts 25 rue mélingue 75019 Paris Tél: +33 1 53 19 53 41 Fax: +33 1 42 01 08 01 Trouver tous les candidates par circonscription sur: http://lesverts.org/article.php 3?id_article=947 campagne.europe@les-verts.org www.les-verts.org Le Rassemblement pour la France et l’indépendance de l’Europe CPNT Chasse, Pêche, Nature, Traditions 129, avenue Général de Gaulle 92521 Neuilly sur Seine cedex tél : (33) 1 55 62 24 24 fax : (33) 1 55 62 24 44 infos@charles-pasqua.com http://www.rpf-ie.org/ Parti: Centre d'Affaires Praxis 245, boulevard de la Paix 64000 PAU Tél : (33) 05 59 14 71 71 Fax: (33) 05 59 14 71 72 cpnt@cpnt.asso.fr www.cpnt.asso.fr/ Voir lien ci-dessus. Eurodéputés sur: www.cpnt.asso.fr/Elus.htm# 30 MPF Mouvement Pour la France - Parti: 35, Avenue de la Motte-Picquet, 75007 Paris Tél : 01-44-42-02-42 Fax: 01-44-42-02-43 mpf@mpf-villiers.org www.mpf-villiers.org Voir lien ci-dessus. Eurodéputé: Georges BERTHU Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9699 gberthu@europarl.eu.int FN Front National - Parti: 4 rue Vauguyon 92210 Saint-Cloud Tél: + 33 elections@frontnational.com http://www.frontnational.com/ Eurodéputée: Marie-France STIRBOIS Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9720 Tête des listes: Est : Bruno Gollnisch, Nord : Carl Lang, Ouest : Samuel Maréchal, Sud Ouest : J.-C. Martinez Sud Est : Jean-Marie Le Pen Centre : Jean Verdon, Ile de France : Marine Le Pen 31 10. Hungary (24 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Mr Zoltán HORVÁTH Kossuth Lajos tér 1-3 HU-1357 BUDAPEST Tel: +36-1-441 4235 Fax: +36-1-441 4183 EP Information Office Országház Kossuth Lajos tr 1-3 H-1357 Budapest Tel: +36 / 1 441 66 02 Fax: +36 / 1 441 66 03 epbudapest@europarl.eu.int National Parliament: www.parlament.hu Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/hu/yourvoice/hu/candidates.html (soon) PARTY FIDESZ Magyar Polgári Szövetség MDF Magyar Demokrata Fórum EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES SLendvai u.28, Budapest,H-1062 Tel: +36 1 4756100 Fax: +36 1 4756115 demokraciakozpont@fidesz.hu http://www.fidesz.hu/ Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 73, 1026 Budapest Tel: +36 1 2252280 Fax: +36 1 2252290 info@mdf.hu http://www.mdf.hu/ http://www.eu.mdf.hu/ 32 MSZP Magyar Szocialista Párt SZDSZ A Magyar liberális párt Köztársaság tér 26 H-1091 Budapest Tel: +36 1 210 00 10/46 Fax: +36 1 210 00 68 1) Laszlo Kovack 2) Gyula Horn Intenrational Secretary: Alexandra Dobolyi info@mszp.hu www.mszp.hu Gizella u. 36 1143 Budapest Tel: +36 1 223 20 50 1) Gábor Demszky International Secretary: Tel: +36 30 4665095 Fax: +36 1 221 05 79 szdsz@szdsz.hu www.szdsz.hu 33 11. Ireland (13 MEPs) Liaison Officer: European Parliament Mr Kevin LEYDON European Parliament ATR 1K37 2, rue d'Ardenne B - 1047 BRUXELLES Tel: +32 2 28 42038 Liaison Officer: National Parliament Dail Eireann – Seanad Eireann Mr Jim MULKERRINS Houses of the Oireachtas Leinster House, Kildare Street IRL - DUBLIN 2 Tel: +353 1 618 3746 Fax: +353 1 618 4123 EP Information Office European Union House 43, Molesworth Street IRL Dublin 2 Tel: +353 / (0)1 605 79 00 Fax: +353 / (0)1 605 79 99 epdublin@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.ie National Parliament: http://www.irlgov.ie/oireachtas/frame.htm Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/en/yourvoice/ie/candidates.html PARTY Fine Gael (Family of the Irish) EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS 51 Upper Mount Street, Dublin Tel: +353 1 619 84 44 Fax: +353 1 662 50 46 finegael@finegael.ie http://www.finegael.com/ 17 Ely Place Dublin 2 Tel:+353 1 6784700 Fax:+353 1 6612640 Labour Party Proinsias De Rossa MEP Spokesperson on European Affairs Tel: +353 1 6789740 Fax: +353 1 6789737 pderossa@europarl.eu.int www.labour.ie CANDIDATES Candidates on: www.finegael.ie/fine-gaelMeps.cfm/level/page/aID/19 1/CatName/MEPs_and_Euro pean_Election_Candidates.ht ml Ivana Bacik (Dublin) Hugh Baxter (West) Peter Cassells (East) Proinsias De Rossa (Dublin) Brendan Ryan (South) More info on : http ://www.labour.ie/people /results.tmpl ?startat=1&_m ax=10&_eqCANDIDATEEUROPEANdata=T 34 25, South Frederick Street IRL – Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 679 43 99 Fax: +353 1 679 47 57 progdems@iol.ie www.progressivedemocrats.ie PD Progressive Democrats 5a Upper Fownes Street Dublin 2 Ireland ph.: 353-1-679 00 12 fax: 353-1-679 71 68 International Secretary: Tommy SIMPSON 3 Hampstead Ave, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 Ph: + 353 1 882 1400 Ph (Home): +353 1 837 4673 Fax: 353 1 679 7168 tsimpson@ireland.com info@greenparty.ie www.greenparty.ie Comhaontas Glas (Green Party) Fianna Fáil (The Republican Party) Sinn Féin - Dublin Patricia McKenna East Cllr. Mary White South Chris O’Leary Information on these candidates: http://www.greenparty.ie/Ca ndidates/locals/candidatelho me.htm Fianna Fáil HQ 65-66 Lwr Mount Street Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 6761551 Fax: +353 1 6785690 info@fiannafail.ie http://www.fiannafail.ie/ Eoin Ryan (Dublin) Royston Brady (Dublin) Sean O’Neachtain (West) Jim McDaid (West) Brian Crowley (South) Gerry Collins (South) Sinn Féin 44 Parnell Square Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: +353 1 8726100 +353 1 8726932 Fax: +353 1 8733441 sfadmin@eircom.net http://sinnfein.ie/ EU candidate: Mary Lou McDonald (Dublin) John Dwyer (East) Pearse Doherty (West) David Cullinane (South) Bairbre de Brun (North) More information on European elections and manifesto: http://www.sinnfein.ie/ele ctions/European_union 35 Ireland… The Socialist Party - Dublin Office 141 Thomas Street, Dublin 8 Tel: +353 1 6772686 Fax: +353 1 6772592 info@socialistparty.net http://www.socialistparty.net/ 1 candidate: Joe Higgins (Dublin Constituency) TD 155 Briarwood Close, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15 6183038 (o) 8201753 (h) Independent / Other Candidates: Rosemary “Dana” Scallon (West) Tel: (32) 2 2845570 Fax: (32) 2 2849570 dscallon@europarl.eu.int Marian Harkin (West) Pat Cox (South, currently European Parliament’s President). Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9363 pcox@europarl.eu.int pcoxmep@eircom.net 36 12. Italy (78 MEPs) Liaison Officer: European Parliament Dssa Rita PALANZA, M. Gianfranco NERI, M. Sebastiano FIUME GARELLI Parlement européen ATR 1K 14 2, rue d'Ardenne B-1047 BRUXELLES Tel: +32-2-284 2469 Liaison Officer: National Parliament Camera dei Diputati Dssa Rita PALANZA Via del Seminario, 76 I - 00186 ROMA Tel: +39 06 67609507 Fax: +39 06 6794083 EP Information Office Via IV Novembre, 149 I-00187 Roma Tel: +39 / 06 699 501 Fax: +39 / 06 699 502 00 eproma@europarl.eu.int epmilano@europarl.eu.int National Parliament: http://www.camera.it/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/it/yourvoice/it/candidates.html The center-left parties decided to present a united (“Prodi”) list called “Uniti nell’Ulivo – Per l’Europe” (united in the olive tree, center-left coalition for Europe). The list will be made up of the Democrats of the Left (DS), the SDI (Italian Social Democrats), UDEUR, Federazione dei Verdi, Comunisti italiani and the European Republicans. They are expected to join the same group in the European Parliament. PARTY FI Forza Italia (Go on Italy) EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Via Dell'Umilta, 36, I - 00187 Roma Tel: +39 06 67 3 11 Fax:+39 06 69 94 13 15 Forza Italia abroad: fiallestero@forzait.org http://www.forza-italia.it/ CANDIDATES 1) Silvio Berlusconi Find other candidates here: http://www.elections200 4.eu.int/epelection/sites/en/yourvoi ce/it/candidates.html 37 Italy… PPI Partito Popolare Italiano (Italian People’s Party) SVP Südtiroler Volkspartei (South Tyrol People’s Party) PP Partito pensionati (Pensioners’ Party) UDC Unione dei Democratici Cristiani e Democratici di Centro (Christian Democrats) UDEUR Popolari per l’Europa (Democratic Union for Europe) DS Democratici di Sinistra (Democrats of the Left) Piazza del Gesù 46, I – 00186 Roma Tel: +39 06 69 95 91 Fax: +39 06 92 3 04+ eduilio@tin.it http://www.popolari.it/ Brennerstr. 7AI 39100 Bozen Tel: +39 471 304 000 Fax: +39 471 98 14 73 Presse@SVPartei.org http://www.svpartei.org/ Piazza Risorgimento, 14 24128 Bergamo Tel: +39 035-253487 Fax: +39 035-4326799 info@partitopensionati.it http://www.partitopensionati.it/ Find candidates here: http://www.elections200 4.eu.int/epelection/sites/en/yourvoi ce/it/candidates.html Via Due Macelli 66, I – 00187 Roma Tel: +39 066 979 100 http://www.udc-camera.it/ Largo Arenula, 34 – 00186 ROMA Tel: +39 06 68 42 41 Fax: +39 06 68 89 28 16 udeur@udeur.org http://www.udeur.org/ Direzione Nazionale Via Nazionale, 75 00184 Roma tel. +39 067111 – Fax +39 06792085 International Secretary: Marina Sereni esteri@democraticidisinistra.it http://www.dsonline.it/ 1) Achille Ochetto Find other candidates here: http://www.elections200 4.eu.int/epelection/sites/en/yourvoi ce/it/candidates.html 38 Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina 26, 00186 Roma Socialisti Democratici I DEM I Democratici "la Margherita" (Liberals) Repubblican i Europei (former PRI) Italia Dei ValoriLista Di Pietro (Liberals) Tel: +39 06 6878688 Fax: +39 06 68307659 socialisti@socialisti.org http://www.socialisti.org/ Piazzi SS. Apostoli 73 I-00187 Roma Tel: +39 0669 53 22 04 Fax: +39 0669 781 764 sandra@democraticiperlulivo.it www.democraticiperlulivo.it International relations: Andrea PAPINI Segretario Nazionale: Luciana Sbarbati (MEP) Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9910 lsbarbati@europarl.eu.int Partito Corso Vittorio Emanuele 326 I-00186 Roma Tel: +39 06/683 40 37 Fax: +39 06/689 30 02 http://www.movimentorepubblicanieuro pei.org/ Via Milano 14, 21052 Busto Arsizio Sede Nazionale: Via dei Prefetti 17, 00186 Roma Tel: +39 03 31 62 44 12 or +39 06 6 84 07 21 Fax: +39 0331 62 47 83 or +39 06 6 81 32 711 segreteria@antoniodipietro.it www.antoniodipietro.it Find candidates here: http://www.electio ns2004.eu.int/epelection/sites/en/y ourvoice/it/candida tes.html 1) Antonio di Pietro Find other candidates here: http://www.electio ns2004.eu.int/epelection/sites/en/y ourvoice/it/candida tes.html Comitato per le Elezioni Europee: via Ca' Savorgnan 40, 30172 Mestre International relations: Massimo BERNACCONI Tel. +420-2-22101330 (office) +420-602585991 (mobile) massimobernacconi@orizzontinuovi.org 39 Italy… RI Rinnovamento Italiano (Liberals) PRC Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (Communists) PdCI Partito dei Comunisti Italiani (Communists) Direzione Nazionale Via Di Ripetta 142 I-00186 Roma Tel: +39 0668 80 83 80 Fax: +39 0668 80 84 80 informa@rinnovamento.it www.rinnovamento.it International relations: Italo TANONI Via del Policlinico, 131 00161 Roma Tel: +39 06 441 821 Fax: +39 06 442 392 esteri.prc@rifondazione.it http://www.rifondazione.it Piazza Augusto Imperatore, 26 00186 Roma - Italia Tel +39 0667062170 Fax +39 06 67063615 direzione@comunisti-italiani.org http://www.comunisti-italiani.it Find candidates here: http://www.electio ns2004.eu.int/epelection/sites/en/y ourvoice/it/candida tes.html Via Salandra 6 00187 Roma Tel: 39-06-420 30 61 Fax : 39-06-4200 4600 Federazione dei Verdi AN Alleanza Nazionale Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Paolo BERGAMASCHI Via Manfrassina 104, I-46019 Viadana (MN) Ph: 32 2 284 20 19 Fax: 32 2 230 78 37 pbergamaschi@europarl.eu.int federazione@verdi.it http://www.verdi.it Delegazione di An presso l'Ufficio di informazione per l'Italia Via IV Novembre 149, ROMA Tel: +39 06/6780906 Fax: +39 06/69950200 www.alleanzanazionale.it Delegation in European Parliament: www.an-patto-europa.it 1) Gianfranco Fini Find other candidates here: http://www.electio ns2004.eu.int/epelection/sites/en/y ourvoice/it/candida tes.html 40 Lista Emma Bonino Lega Nord (Northern League) - Gruppo Radicali Lista Emma Bonino Via Alfieri, 19 10121 TORINO Tel. +39 402 Fax: +39 radicalipiemonte@hotmail.com http://www.grupporadicalipiemonte.it/ - Segreteria Federale Lega Nord: segreteria.federale@leganord.org http://www.leganord.org/ Find candidates here: http://www.electio ns2004.eu.int/epelection/sites/en/y ourvoice/it/candida tes.html 41 13. Latvia (9 MEPs) Liaison Officer: European Parliament Mr Ilmars SOLIMS Mrs Inese KRISKANE European Parliament ATR 1K 87 B-1047 BRUSSELS Tel: +32-2-28 43312 Liaison Officer: National Parliament Saeima Mr Guntars LAZDINS 11 Jékaba Iela LV - 1811 - RIGA Tel. +371 708 7324 Fax: +371 708 7366 National Parliament: http://www.saeima.lv/ Information on European elections on: http://web.cvk.lv/pub/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/lv/yourvoice/lv/candidates.html PARTY TP Tautas Partija (People’s Party) JL Jaunais Laiks (New Era Party) EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Basteja boulv. 1, korpuss 2, Riga, LV-1050 Tel: +371 7508808 Fax: +371 7508684 CANDIDATES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rihards PIKS Vineta MUIZNIECE Aleksandrs KIRSTEINS Vaira PAEGLE Andrejs KRASTINS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Valdis DOMBROVSKIS Liene LIEPINA Aldis KUSKIS Ainars LATKOVSKIS Valdis KRASTINS Arno Pjatkins, press secretary Tel.: +371 651 6160 arno@tautaspartija.lv) http://www.tp.lv Torna Str. 4 – 3b, Riga, LV-1050 Tel: +371 7205472 Fax: +371 7205473 birojs@jaunaislaiks.lv http://www.jaunaislaiks.lv 42 LPP Latvijas Pirma Partija (Latvia First) LSDSP Latvijas Socialdemokratu Strandnieku Partija LC Latvijas Cels (Latvia’s Way) Centriska Partija (Farmer’s Union) LSP (Latvian Socialist Party) Kungu Str. 8, Riga, LV-1050 Tel: +371 7226070 Fax: +371 7226831 lpp@lpp.lv http://www.lpp.lv Rīga, Aldaru 8, Tel. +371 7 356 581, Tel./fax+371 7 356 588 Konferenču zāle tel. +371 7 356 595 lsdsp@lis.lv http://www.lsdsp.lv/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Juris BOJARS Janis ADAMSONS Dainis IVANS Janis DINEVICS Uldis BERZINS Jauniela 25/29 Riga LV1050 Tel: +371.7224162 +371.7216210 Fax: +371.7821121 lc@lc.lv http://www.lc.lv/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Georgs ANDREJEVS Andris BERZINS Karina PETERSONE Inese BIRZNIECE Romualds RAZUKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Martijans BEKASOVS Olegs DENISOVS Filips STROGANOVS Olga VEIDINA Gita FROLOVA Biroja vadītājs: Bruno Treimanis tālr. +371 7323628, +371 7027163 mob.+371 6551874 lzs@latnet.lv www.lzs.lv/base.php Burtnieku Iela 23 LV-1006 Tel/Fax: +37 17 55 55 35 Email: LSP@saeima.lv 43 Latvia… LZP Latvija Zala Partija (Greens) LNNK Tēvzemei un Brīvībai (Fatherland and Freedom) Kalnciema iela 30, Riga, LV 1046 Tālr: +371 7614272, fakss: +371 7614272 birojs@zp.lv www.zp.lv Joint list with ZZS and LZS: Kalēju iela 10, Riga LV – 1050 tālr. +371 7220131 fax. +371 7216762 tb@tb.lv http://www.tb.lv/ International Relations: Janis Tomels tomels@saeima.lv 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Baiba RIVZA (LZS) 2. Andris BERZINS (ZZS) 3. Raimonds VEJONIS (LZP) 4. Maris SLOKENBERGS (LZS) 5. Viesturs SILENIEKS (LZP) Guntars KRASTS Roberts ZILE Ģirts Valdis KRISTOVSKIS Einārs CILINSKIS Inese VAIDERE 44 14. Lithuania (13 MEPs) Liaison Officer: European Parliament Mrs Ruta BENEVICIUTE European Parliament ATR 1K 16 B-1047 BRUSSELS Tel: +32-2-28 43776 Liaison Officer: National Parliament Seimas Mr Aurimas ANDRULIS Adviser, European Affairs Committee Gediminas Ave. 53 LT – 2002 VILNIUS Tel: +370-5 239 67 62 Fax: +370-5 239 64 09 National Parliament: http://www.lrs.lt/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/lt/yourvoice/lt/index.html PARTY LKD Lietuvos krikscionys demokratai TS-LK Tevynes sajungaLietuvos Konservatoriai LSDP Lietuvos Socialdemokratu Partija EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES Pylimo 36/2, 2001 Vilnius Tel: +370 2 626126, +370 2 626128 Fax: +370 5 2127387 lkdp@takas.lt http://www.lkdp.lt 1. Kazys Jaunutis BOBELIS 2. Albertas ŠIMĖNAS 3. Jonas ŠIMĖNAS 4. Julius BEINORTAS 5. Algirdas SAUDARGAS 6. Viktoras PETKUS Gedimino av. 15, Vilnius, LT-2000 Tel: +37 052 396663 Fax: +37 052 396017 1. Vytautas LANDSBERGIS 2. Audrius AŽUBALIS 3. Algirdas AVIŽIENIS 4. Emanuelis ZINGERIS 5. Laima ANDRIKIENĖ 6. Kęstutis MASIULIS Sekretoriatas Tel./faks. +370 (5) 2615703, (5) 2615736 sekretoriatas@tsajunga.lt http://www.tslk.lt B. Radvilaitės g. 1, Vilnius Tel.: +370 (5) 2613907, 2613118, faks: +370 (5) 2615420, info@lsdp.lt http://www.lsdp.lt/ 1. Vincas Justas PALECKIS 2. Gediminas KIRKILAS 3. Irena ŠIAULIENĖ 45 Lithuania… Gedimino pr.10/1, Vilnius Tel: +370 5 210 7600 Fax: +370 5 210 7602 International Relations Secretary: Laura Pliusnius (mobile) +370 5 2396 748 laura.pliusnis@lrs.lt www.nsajunga.lt Naujosios sajunga Literatu G.8 2001 Vilnius Tel : 00 370 2 22 40 95 Fax : 00 370 2 22 37 90 LCS Liberalų ir Centro Sajunga http://www.lcs.lt/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Antanas VALIONIS Vilija BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ Algirdas MONKEVIČIUS Kęstutis KUZMICKAS Eduardas ŠABLINSKAS Vaclov STANKEVIČ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Eugenijus GENTVILAS Margarita STARKEVIČIŪTĖ Regimantas ČIUPAILA Vidmantas ADOMONIS Jonas ČEKUOLIS Vincas LAURUTIS (website under construction at the time of drafting the toolkit) Atsakingasis sekretorius Remigijus Ačas Gedimino pr.10/1, Vilnius tel./fax. 00 370 8 5 269 16 18 liberaldemokratai@ldp.lt www.ldp.lt LDP Liberalų Demokratų Partija LLS Lietuvos Liberalu Sajunga - Vilniaus g. 22/1 2600 Vilnius tel. +370-2 31 32 64; 31 32 65 fax.+370-2 79 19 10 lls@lls.lt http://www.lls.lt/ - Partijos būstinė yra Vilniuje, Odminių g. 5 Tel: +370 (8 5) 212 68 76 Fax:+370 (8 5) 212 68 80 info@nks.lt http://www.nks.lt/ NKS Nuosaikiuju Konservatoriu Sajunga 1. Eugenijus MALDEIKIS 2. Rolandas PAVILIONIS (ind) 3. Jonas LIONGINAS 4. Eimundas SAVICKAS 5. Aleksandras POPLAVSKI 6. Kęstutis SKAMARAKAS 46 Socialdemokratija 2000 TLP Tevynes Liaudies Partija - Vilniaus g. 22, tel. +370 (8 5) 2609486 www.socdem2000.lt - Basanavičiaus g. 16/5, Vilnius Tel.: 8-299 05062 info@tlp.lt http://www.tlp.lt/ 47 15. Luxembourg (6 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Chambre des députés EP Information Office Mme Isabel BARRA 19, rue du Marché-aux-Herbes L – 1728 LUXEMBOURG Tel: 00352 466 966310 Fax: 00352 466 966304 Bâtiment Schuman Place de l’Europe L-2929 Luxembourg Tel: +352 / 4300 22597 Fax: +352 / 4300 22457 epluxembourg@europarl.eu.int National Parliament: http://www.chd.lu/default.jsp Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/fr/yourvoice/lu/candidates.html PARTY CSV Parti ChrétienSocial du Luxembourg LSAP Luxemburger Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei (Socialist Worker’s Party) EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES 4, rue de l’Eau B.P. 826 L-2018 Luxembourg Tel: (0035) 2 225 73 11 Fax: (0035) 2 47 27 16 csv@csv.lu http://www.csv.lu/ 1) Jean-Claude Juncker 2) Francois Biltgen 3) Fernand Boden 4) Luc Frieden 5) Norbert Haupert … 9) Vivian Reading (currently Commssioner) 37, rue du St. Esprit L-1475 Luxembourg Tél.: (+352) 45 65 73-1 Fax.: (+352) 45 65 75 info@lsap.lu http://www.lsap.lu/ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Jean Asselbron Alex Bodry Mady Delvaux-Stehres Mars di Bartolomeo Lydie Err 48 Secrétariat du DP 51, rue de Strasbourg L-2561 Luxembourg Tel : +352 22 10 21 Fax : +352 22 10 13 http://www.dp.lu/ DP Demokratesch Partei 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Polfer Lydie Berger Eugène Bettel Xavier Bettendorf Niki Brasseur Anne Membre du Parlement Européen: Colette Flesch cflesch@dp.lu Déi Lénk (The Left) Déi Gréng (The Greens) ADR Aktiounskomitee fir Demokratie a Rentegerechteg keet - BP 817, rue Notre-Dame 8 L-2018 Luxembourg Tel: +352 26 20 20 72 Fax: +352 26 20 20 73 Email: sekretariat@dei-lenk.lu http://www.dei-lenk.lu 1) Giuseppina Amendola-Panza 2) Serge Urbany 3) André Hoffmann B.P. 454 2014 Luxembourg ph.: +352-46 37 40 fax: +352-46 37 43 International Secretary: Christian BOMB Ph: 352 46 37 40 25 Fax: 352 46 37 43 cbomb@chd.lu greng@greng.lu http://www.greng.lu Turmes Claude Reuter-Angelsberg Dagmar Bausch François Braz Felix Gira Camille Huss Jean Kox Henri 9, rue de la Loge L-1945 Luxembourg Tel. +352 46 37 42 Fax +352 46 37 45 adr@chd.lu 1) 2) 3) 4) More on: http://act4europe.horus.be/ module/FileLib/CandidatesE P04LUXdeigreng.pdf Gaston Gybérien Jean Colombera Fernand Greisen Jacques-Yves Henckes 49 16. Malta (5 MEPs) Mrs Paula ABELA The Palace VALLETTA Tel: +356-239 874 Fax: +356-242 552 Liaison Officer: National Parliament EP Information Office 280, Republic Street VLT 04 Valletta Tel: +356 / 21 23 50 75 Fax: +356 / 21 22 75 80 epvalletta@europarl.eu.int National Parliament: http://www.parliament.gov.mt/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/mt/yourvoice/mt/candidates.html PARTY PN Partit Nazzjonalista MLP Partit Laburista Alternattiva Demokratika EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES Dar Centrali, Trig Herbert Ganado, Pieta Malta Tel: +356 21 243641 Fax: +356 21 243640 Secretary General: Joe Saliba jsaliba@pn.org.mt http://www.pn.org.mt/ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Simon Busuttil Davis Casa Joanna Drake Michael Falzon Joe Friggieri Ian Spiteri Bailey Triq Milend Hamrun HMR 02 Tel: +356 21 24 99 00 Fax: +356 21 24 42 04 Secretary General: Jason Micallef jason.micallef@mlp.org.mt mlp@mlp.org.mt http://www.mlp.org.mt/ 1) 2) 3) 4) John Attard Montalto Glenn Beddingfield Louis Grech Joseph Muscat 10 Triq Manwel Dimech Sliema, Malta Tel: 356 21 255330 International Issues: Ralph CASSAR racas@waldonet.net.mt www.alternattiva.org.mt Arnold Cassola arnold.cassola@alternatti va.org.mt www.arnoldcassola.com 50 Malta... Independent: John Zammit (Journalist) Emmy Bezzina: Divorce Movement 51 17. Netherlands (27 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Tweede Kamer Mrs Christianne MATTIJSSEN P.B. 20018 NL – 2500 EA DEN HAAG Tel: +31 70 318 2018 Fax: +31 70 318 3435 EP Information Office Korte Vijverberg, 6 NL-2513 AB Den Haag Tel: +31 / (0)70 362 49 41 Fax: +31 / (0)70 364 70 01 epdenhaag@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.eu.int/denhaag National Parliament: http://www.tweede-kamer.nl/ List of all candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/nl/yourvoice/nl/candidates.html PARTY CDA Christen Democratisch Appèl PVDA Partij van de Arbeid EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES Dr. Kuyperstraat 5 NL – 2514 BA Den Haag Tel: +31 70 342 48 88 Fax: +31 70 364 34 17 Fractie in European Partliament: Tel: +32 2 284 22 30 Fax: +32 2 230 61 09 Eslootweg@europarl.eu.int http://www.cda.nl/ 1) Camiel Eurlings 2) Maria Martens 3) Albert-Jan Maat 4) Corien WortmannKool 5) Bert Doorn 6) Lambert van Nistelrooij 7) Joop Post 8) Ria Oomen-Ruijtens 9) Bartho Pronk 10) Esther De Lange Bezoekadres: Herengracht 54 1015 BN Amsterdam Postadres Postbus 1310 1000 BH Amsterdam Tel: +31 20-5512155 Fax: +31 20-5512250 Informatie@pvda.nl pvda@pvda.nl http://pvda.nl/ 1. Max; VAN DEN BERG 2. Jan Marinus; WIERSMA 3. Edith; MASTENBROEK 4. Dorette; CORBEY 5. Thijs; BERMAN 6. Ieke; VAN DEN BURG 7. Lily; JACOBS 8. Emine; BOZKURT 9. Jan; CREMERS 10. Gerrit; VALK 52 Netherlands… VVD Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie D66 Democraten 66 Algemeen secretariaat Postbus 30836 2500 GV Den Haag Tel: +31 70-361 30 61 Fax: +31 70-360 82 76 International Relation Secretary: int.sec@vvd.nl www.vvd.nl Noordwal, 10 NL-2513 EA Den Haag PO Box 660 2501 CR Den Haag Postal address: Postbus 660, 2501 CR Den Haag Tel: +31 70-3566066 Fax: +31 70-3641917 International Relation Secretary: Emily VAN DE VIJVER e.v.d.vijver@d66.nl + 31 (0)70 35 66 029 + 31 (0)6 506 33 122 1) Jules Maaten 2) Jan Mulder 3) Toine Mandres 4) Jaenine Plaaschaert 5) Herman Vermeer 6) Marianne KallenMorren 7) Han Ten Broeke 8) Aly Wisse-Maat More on: http://www.vvd.nl/index 2.asp?ParentItemID=3&I temID=557&SelectedIte mID=590 1. Sophie; IN T VELD 2. Johanna; BOOGERDQUAAK 3. Margriet; DE JONG 4. Bob; VAN DEN BOS 5. Suzanne; DEKKER 6. Simone; FILIPPINI 7. Unico; VAN KOOTEN 8. Robert; VAN LENTE 9. Jasper; DIEKEMA 10. Bas; VAN DROOGE http://www.democrats.nl/ Vijverhofstraat 65, 3032 SC Rotterdam Tel +31 (0)10 243 5555 Fax +31(0)10 243 5566 SP Socialistische Partij Eurofractie: T +32 2 284 74 92 F +32 2 284 94 92 eurofractie@sp.nl sp@sp.nl www.sp.nl/nieuws/euronieuws/ 1. Erik ; MEIJER 2. René; ROOVERS 3. Kartika; LIOTARD 4. Jasper; VAN DIJK 5. Frank; FUTSELAAR 6. Rosita; VAN GIJLSWIJK 7. Serdar; DOSKY 8. Clara; BLAAUW 9. Bob; RUERS 10. Chandra; JANKIE 53 Postbus 8008 NL -3503 RA Utrecht ph. : 31-30-239 99 00 fax : 31-30-230 03 42 International Secretary: Ans ZWERVER contact: Annie van de Pas Ph: 0031 30 239 99 32 avdpas@groenlinks.nl international@groenlinks.nl www.groenlinks.nl GL Groene Links Postadres Eurofractie: Postbus 23529 3001 KM Rotterdam Tel: +31 10 - 4140534 Fax: +31 10 - 4141501 info@eurofractie.nl http://www.eurofractie.nl/ http://www.christenunie.nl/ CU Christen Unie Laan van Meerdervoort 165 2517 AZ Den Haag Tel: +31 70-3029060 fax. +31 70 365 59 59 voorlichting@sgp.nl http://www.sgp.nl/ http://www.eurofractie.nl/ SGP Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij LPF Lijst Pim Fortuyn - Albert Plesmanweg 43 M 3088 GB Rotterdam Tel. +31 900 – 400 4500 Fax +31 10 – 789 1141 info@lijstpimfortuyn.nl www.lijstpimfortuyn.nl 1. Kathalijne; BUITENWEG 2. Joost; LAGENDIJK 3. Alexander; DE ROO 4. Ingrid; VISSERENHAMAKERS 5. Dogan; GÖK 6. Bas; EICKHOUT 7. Jolanda; TERPSTRA 8. Marije; CORNELISSEN 9. Richard; WOUTERS 10. Karin; VERBAKEN Kandidatenlijst Eurofractie ChristenUnie/SGP 1. Hans Blokland (CU) 2. Bas Belder (SGP) 3. Peter van Dalen (CU) 4. Chris Janse (SGP) 5. Rijk van Dam (CU) 6. Evert-Jan Brouwer (SGP) 7. Hans van Dijk (CU) 8. Jan Verboom (SGP) 9. Ruud van Eijle (CU) 10. Ton de Jong (SGP) 1. Jens; VAN DER VORM-DE RIJKE 2. Sven; SPAARGAREN 3. Harry; SMULDERS 54 18. Austria (18 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Nationalrat Mag. Gerhard KOLLER Dr. Karl Renner-Ring 3 A - 1017 WIEN Tel: +43 1 40110 2644 Fax: +43 1 40110 2536 EP Information Office Kärntner Ring 5-7, A-1010 Wien Tel: +43 / (0)1 516 17-0 Fax: +43 / (0)1 513 25 15 epwien@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.at National Parliament: http://www.parlament.gv.at/ Generelle Informationen zu den Europawahlen: www.bmi.gv.at/wahlen Bundesministerium für Inneres, Abteilung III/6 Postfach 100, A-1014 Wien Tel: +43 –1-53126/2464 wahl@mail.bmi.gv.at PARTY EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Lichtenfelsgasse 7, A - 1010 Wien, Tel: (0043)1 401 26-0 Fax: (0043)140 126329 ÖVP Österreichische Volkspartei Delegationsleiterin im EP: Ursula Stenzel ustenzel@europarl.eu.int Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9766 CANDIDATES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ursula ; STENZEL Othmar; KARAS Reinhard; RACK Agnes; SCHIERHUBER Paul; RÜBIG Richard; SEEBER Hubert; PIRKER Ulrike; FUNTAN Erwin; SCHRANZ anfrage@oevp.at http://www.oevp.at 55 Mag. Christoph Pollinger Medien und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Europabüro der SPÖ Schenkenstrasse 8/5, 1017 Wien Tel: +43/1-40110/3610, Fax: +43/1-40110/3737 www.spe.at SPÖ Sozialdemokrati sche Partei Österreichs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hannes;SWOBODA Maria; BERGER Herbert; BÖSCH Christa; PRETS Harald; ETTL Karin; SCHEELE Jörg; Leichtfried Gertraud; KNOLL Wolfgang; BULFON Delegationsleiter im EP: Hannes Swoboda jswoboda@europarl.eu.int Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9716 www.hannes-swoboda.at Lindengasse 40 1070 Wien Tel: +43 1 521 25 200 Fax: +43 1 526 91 10 www.europa.gruene.at Kandidaten: 1) Johannes Voggenhuber 2) Eva Lichtenberger Bürokontakte: http://www.europa.gruene.at /team/buero.php Die Grünen Delegationsleiter im EP: Johannes Voggenhuber jvoggenhuber@europarl.eu.int tel. 00 32 2 284 5272 fax. 00 32 2 284 9272 FPÖ Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs - Bundesgeschäftsstelle: Eßlinggasse 14-16/Mezzanin, 1010 Wien Tel: +43 1 512 35 35, Fax: +43 1512 35 35 9 E-mail: bgst@fpoe.at 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hans;KRONBERGER Franz; GROSSMANN Andreas; MÖLZER Heike; TRAMMER Willi; BRAUNEDER Delegationsleiterin im EP: Daniela Raschhofer draschhofer@europarl.eu.int Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9717 56 19. Poland (54 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Sejm Mr Leszek KIENIEWICZ Ul. Wiejska 4/6 Kancelaria sejmu PL-00-902 WARSAW Tel: +48 22-694 2323 Fax: +48 22-625 4529 EP Information Office Biuro informacyjne Parlamentu Europejskiego Warszawskie Centrum Finansowe ul. Emilii Plater 53, 19 pitro 00-113 Warszawa Tel: +48 / 22 / 520 66 55 Fax: +48 / 22 / 520 66 59 epwarszawa@europarl.eu.int National Parliament: http://www.sejm.gov.pl/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/pl/yourvoice/pl/index.html PARTY SKL Stronnictwo Konserwatywno Ludowe (People’s Conservative Party) RS Ruch Społeczny (Social Movement) EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Pl. Dąbrowskiego 5, 00-065 Warsaw, Poland Tel: +48 22 8278442 Fax: +48 22 8278441 International Secretary: Czeslaw Bielecki prezes@skl-rnp.pl biuro@skl-rnp.pl http://www.skl-rnp.pl/ Ul. Marszałkowska 77/99, 00683 Warsaw, Poland Marszałkowska Tel: +48 22 6221139 Fax: +48 22 5562674 Chairperson: Krzystof Tchórzewski krzysztof@piesiewicz.home.pl http://www.piesiewicz.pl CANDIDATES Please refer to: http://www.elections200 4.eu.int/epelection/sites/pl/yourvoic e/pl/candidates.html 57 PiS Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc (Law and Justice) PSL Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (Polish Peasants Party) PO Platforma Obywatelska (Citizens’ Platform) SLD Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (Democratic Left Alliance) Nowogrodzka St. 84/86 02-018 Warszawa tel.: +48/22/ 6215035 fax: +48/22/ 6216767 biuro.organizacyjne@pis.org.p l Head of the domestic International Affairs Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski tel.: +48/22/ 6997119 fax: +48/22/ 6216767 sprawy.zagraniczne@pis.org.p l http://www.kp.pis.org.pl/ Please refer to: http://www.elections2004.e u.int/epelection/sites/pl/yourvoice/p l/candidates.html Ul. Grzybowska 4, 00-131, Warszawa Tel: +48 22 6206020 Fax: +48 22 6543583 International Relations: Janusz Dobrosz psl@psl.org.pl http://www.psl.org.pl ul. Andersa 21, 00-159 Warszawa Tel: +48 22 6357879, 8315507 Fax: +48 22 8315507 Dyrektor Biura: Jan Dziubecki e-mail: jan@dziubecki.pl http://www.platforma.org ul. Rozbrat 44 A 00-419 Warszawa redakcja@sld.org.pl http://www.sld.org.pl/ Find whole list at: http://www.platforma.org/? sub=aktualnosci&ID=321 Please refer to: http://www.elections2004.e u.int/epelection/sites/pl/yourvoice/p l/candidates.html 58 Poland… ul. Lwowskiej 5 lok. 3a, 00-660 Warszawa tel. 825 53 94, 825 94 25 e-mail: sdpl.wybory@onet.pl www.sdlp.org.pl SDLP SOCJALDEMOKRA CJA POLSKI Nowogrodzka 4, 00-513 Warszawa Tel: +48 22 628 5859 biuro@uniapracy.org.pl http://www.uniapracy.org.pl/ UP Unia Pracy (Labour Union) Marszalkowska 77/79, PL-Warszawa 00-683 Tel: +48 22 827 50 47 Fax: +48 22 827 78 51 uw@uw.org.pl www.uw.org.pl UW Unia Wolnosci (Freedom Union) - ul. Hoża 9 00-528 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 622 36 48 fax +48 (22) 622 31 38 lpr@op.pl http://www.lpr.pl/ - Warszawa 00-920 ul. Nowy Świat 18-20 tel. (0-22) 826 10 43 e-mail: kpnwa@poczta.onet.pl lion.transprojekt.krakow.pl/sk/ - al. Jerozolimskie 30 00-024 Warszawa tel.: +48 22 625 04 72 fax: +48 22 625 04 77 samoobrona@samoobrona.org.pl http://www.samoobrona.org.pl/ LPR Liga Polskich Rodzin (Family League) KPN Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej Samoobrona Rzeczypospolite j Polskiej (Self-defence of the Republic of Poland) Please refer to: http://www.elections20 04.eu.int/epelection/sites/pl/yourvoi ce/pl/candidates.html 59 20. Portugal (24 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Assembleia da Republica Mrs Ana FRAGA Palacio de São Bento P - 1296 LISBOA Cedex Tel: +351 21 391 9739 Fax: +351 21 391 7438 EP Information Office Centro Europeu Jean Monnet Largo Jean Monnet, 1-6 P-1269-070 Lisboa Tel: +351 / 21 350 49 00 Fax: +351 / 21 354 00 04 eplisboa@europarl.eu.int http://www.parleurop.pt National Parliament: http://www.parlamento.pt/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/pt/yourvoice/pt/index.html PARTY PSD Partido Social Democrata (Social Democrtats) EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Morada : R. de São Caetano, 9 1249-087 Lisboa Tel: +351 213 952 140 Fax: +351 213 976 967 Relações Públicas Tel : +351 213 963 489 Fax :+351 213 976 967 psd@psd.pt http://www.psd.pt/ CANDIDATES LISTE COMMUNE – « FORÇA Portugal » avec PP : 1. João de DEUS PINHEIRO (PPDPSD) 2. Vasco GRAÇA MOURA (PPDPSD) 3. Assunção ESTEVES (PPD-PSD) 4. Luis QUEIRÓ (CDS-PP) 5. José SILVA PENEDA (PPD-PSD) 6. Sérgio MARQUES (PPD-PSD) 7. Duarte FREITAS (PPD-PSD) 8. Carlos COELHO (PPD-PSD) 9. José RIBEIRO E CASTRO (CDSPP) 10. Pedro DUARTE (PPD-PSD) 11. Regina BASTOS (PPD-PSD) 12. José Manuel FERNANDES (PPD-PSD) 60 PS Partido Socialista PCP Partido Comunista Português PEV Os Verdes PP Partido Popular Largo do Rato, 2 1269-143 Lisboa Tel:+351 21.382.20.00 Fax: +351 21.382.20.22 rel_int@ps.pt http://www.ps.pt/work/ Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, 1 1699 Lisboa - Codex Tel +351 (0)1 793 6272 Fax +351 (0)1 796 9162 Deputados no Parlamento Europeu: p.europeu.lx@pcp.pt pcp@mail.telepac.pt http://www.pcp.pt Rua da Boavista, n.º 83-3º Drt. 1200-066 Lisboa Ph: +351 21 396 0291 +351 21 396 0308 Fax: +351 21 396 0424 1. António SOUSA FRANCO 2. António COSTA 3. Ana GOMES 4. Francisco ASSIS 5. Elisa FERREIRA 6. Paulo CASACA 7. Sérgio SOUSA PINTO 8. Fausto CORREIA 9. Edite ESTRELA 10. Capoulas SANTOS 11. Jamila MADEIRA 12. Emanuel Jardim FERNANDES Liste commune: 1. Ilda FIGUEIREDO (PCP) 2. Sérgio RIBEIRO (PCP) 3. Odete SANTOS (PCP) 4. Heloísa APOLÓNIA (PEV) 5. Pedro GUERREIRO (PCP) 6. Edgar SILVA (PCP) 7. Vanda SANTOS (PCP) 8. Arménio CARLOS (PCP) 9. Rui NAMORADO ROSA (PCP) 10. José SARAMAGO (PCP) International Contact: Manuela CUNHA (Contact at party office) international@osverdes.pt osverdes@mail.telepac.pt http://www.osverdes.pt http://www.partidopopular.pt/ Website under construction at the date of drafting the toolkit LISTE COMMUNE – « FORÇA PORTUGAL » voir PSD 61 BE Bloco de Esquerda - Av. Almirante Reis, n.º 131, 2º andar Lisboa Tel: +351 21 351 05 10 Fax: +351 21 351 05 19 http://www.bloco.org/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Miguel PORTAS Violante SARAMAGO MATOS João SEMEDO Diana ANDRINGA Pedro SOARES 62 21. Slovakia (14 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Mrs Jarmila NOVAKOVA 1, Mudronova SK-81280 BRATISLAVA Tel: +421-7-5934 1481 Fax: +421-7-5441 5324 EP Information Office Informacná kancelária Európskeho parlamentu Zupné námestie 12 SK-811 03 Bratislava Tel: +421 / (0)2 / 54 64 11 67 Mobile: +421 / (0)908 502 183 Fax: +421 / (0)2 / 54 64 11 65 epbratislava@europarl.eu.int National Parliament: http://www.nrsr.sk/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/sk/yourvoice/sk/candidates.html PARTY SDKU Slovenska Demokraticka a Kretanska Unia KDH Kretansko Demokraticke Hnutie EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Ružinovská 28, 821 03 Bratislava Tel.: +421-2 43414102 - 05 Fax: +421-2- 43414106 sdku@sdkuonline.sk Internationl Secretary: Štefan Škultety skultety@sdkuonline.sk Foreign Policy Department: Tel: +421 2 4820 1725 www.sdkuonline.sk Žabotova 2, 811 04 Bratislava Tel. č.: +421-2/524 92 541 6 kdhba@isternet.sk Foreign Policy Department: Pavol Kossey Tel: +421-2-526 24 671 Fax: +421-2-52496313 www.kdh.sk CANDIDATES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Peter STASTNY Milan GALA Zita PLESTINSKA Jan HURNY Viliam NOVOTNY Tomas GALBAVY Viera MARKOVA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Anna ZABORSKA Miroslav MIKOLASIK Jan HUDACKY Jan VANCO Jan MOROVIC Timotej MISTINA Pavol KOSSEY 63 Cajakova 8, 811 05 Bratislava, Tel: +421 2 524 97 684 Fax: +421-2-524 95 791 smk@smk.sk, press@smk.sk SMK-MKP Strana Madarskej Koalicie – Magyar Loalicio Partja SMER International Secretary: Gabriel Klenovics Tel.:+421 2 524 95 546 mobile: +421 905 828 898 Fax: +421 2 5249 5264 Foreign Policy Department: Tel: +421-2-5249 7684 klenovics@smk.sk www.mkp.sk Súmračná 27 821 02 Bratislava Tel / Fax: +421-2-43426297 General Secretary: Ing. František Határ tajomnik@strana-smer.sk Drobného 27 841 01 Bratislava Tel.: 02/692 029 19 Fax: 02/692 029 20 ano@ano-aliancia.sk ANO Aliancia Noveho Obcana Vice-Chairman, responsible for Foreign Affairs: Katarína Glončáková-Golev Podpredsedníčka pre zahraničné vzťahy Tel: +421-2-69 20 29 12 mobil:+421-904 700 634 fax:+421-2-69 20 29 20 katarina@ano-aliancia.sk www.ano-aliancia.sk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Edit BAUER Jozsef BERENYI Arpad DUKA – ZOLYOMI Gabor KLENOVICS Peter TOTH Attila LANCZ Gyuala SLOVAK List with SDL, SDSS and SZS: 1. Monika BENOVA (SMER) 2. Milos KOTEREC 3. Vladimir MANKA (SDL) 4. Boris ZALA (SMER) 5. Bohumil HANZEL (SMER) 6. Juraj BLANAR (SMER) 7. Jaroslav RIHA (SDSS) 8. Andrea ZAHUMENSKA (SZS) 1. Jozef HERIBAN 2. Eva CERNA 3. Katarina GLONCAKOVA – GOLEV 4. Ivan RADOSA 5. Iveta HENZELYOVA 6. Peter MATULA 7. Maria SIMKOVA 64 Slovakia… Ústredný výbor, Hattalova ul. 12A, 831 03 Bratislava, tel./fax: +421-2-44372540 tel.: +421-2-44644102/03 sekr@kss.sk www.kss.sk KSS Komunisticka Strana Slovenska Sienkiewiczova ul.4 811 09 Bratislava ph. : 421-2-52 92 32 31 fax : 421-2-52 96 48 48 szs@greenparty.sk www.greenparty.sk Strana Zelenych na Slovensku Hanulova 5/b 841 01 Bratislava tel.: +421 2 64 288 312 fax: +421 2 64287 567 ludovaunia@ludovaunia.sk http://www.ludovaunia.sk LU Lundová Únia HZDS Hnutie za Demokraticke Slovensko - Tomasikova 32/A 830 00 Bratislava Viliam Veteska, Vice-Chairman for Foreign Relations Tel: +421-2-48 220 209 Fax: +421-2-48 220 229 veteska@hzds.sk www.hzds.sk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Karol FAJNOR Jan HUSAR Karol ONDRIA Michal ZOZULAK Anna BILIOSKA Eva VAVAKOVA Lubica KLENIAROVA Andrea Zahumenska (see joint list with SMER) 1. Olga KELTOSOVA 2. Rudolf ZIAK 1. Sergej KOZLIK 2. Peter BAKO 65 22. Slovenia (7 MEPs) Liaison Officer: National Parliament Mrs Barbara REFLAK Subiceva, 4 SLO-1000 LJUBLJANA Tel: +386-1-478 9507 Fax: +386-1-426 3509 EP Information Office Informacijska pisarna Evropskega parlamenta Dalmatinova 4 SL-1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 / (0)1 / 430 16 85 Fax: +386 / (0)1 / 438 23 60 National Parliament: http://www.dz-rs.si/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/sl/yourvoice/si/index.html PARTY SLS Slovenska Ljudska Stranka SDS Slovenska Demokratska Strana EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES Bethovnova ulica 4 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 241 88 20 Fax:+386 1 251 17 41 tajnistvo@sls.si www.sls.sj 1. 2. 3. 4. Franci BUT Bojan ŠROT Nataša KAVAŠ PUC Dr. Andrej UMEK Komenskega 11 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 4345 450 Fax: +386 1 4345 452 tajnistvo@sds.si www.sds.si 1) 2) 3) 4) Dr. Mihael BREJC Barbara MEDVED SPILETIC Milan OROZEN ADAMIC Matjaz SINKOVEC 66 Slovenia… Cankarjeva cesta 11 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 241 66 50 Fax: +386 1 241 66 70 N.Si Nova Slovenija ZLSD Zdruzena lista socialnih democratov 1) 2) 3) 4) Alojz Peterle, Ljudmila Novak, Anton Kokalj, Magdalena Šverciz Maribora, Mednarodni tajnik / International Secretary: Zvonko Bergant Tel.: + 386 1 241 66 64 Fax: + 386 1 241 66 70 GSM: + 386 40 728 320 zvonko.bergant@nsi.si tajnistvo@nsi.si www.nsi.si Levstikova 15 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 42 54 222 Fax: +386 1 47 89 866 International Secretary: Natasa Kovac inter.sec@zlsd.si office@zlsd.si www.zlsd.si LDS Liberalna democracija slovenije Trg Republike 3 1000 Ljubljana PP 1714 Tel: +386 1 23 12 659 +386 20 2000 Fax: +386 1 425 61 50 +386 1 476 30 17 Foreign Secretary: Mateja Demsic international@lds.si lds@lds.si www.lds.si Together with DeSUS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jelko KACIN Mojca DRČAR MURKO Roman JAKIČ Vinko GOLOBEC Majda ŠIRCA Mima JAUŠOVEC 67 DeSUS Democraticna Stranka Upokojencev Slovenije - Pavel Brglez, generalni sekretar Cankarjevo nabrezje 7 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 439 73 50 +386 1 425 07 11 (home) Fax: +386 1 431 41 13 see LDS (predsednik Anton ROUS) desus@siol.net www.desus.si SNS Slovenksa Nacionalna Stranka SMS Stranka Mladih Slovenije - - SNS Maribor Kardeljeva cesta 60 tel./fax.: +386 2 331 63 87 Mobitel (Sašo Peče): +386 41 684-217 maribor@sns-mb.org www.sns-mb.org/ Rimska cesta 8 1000 Ljbljana Tel: +386 1 421 14 00 Fax: +386 1 421 00 01 Campaign coordinator for EU elections: Vanja Rezonja vanjar@sms.si 1. 2. 3. 4. Alenka PAULIN Bogomir VNUČEC Melita CIMERMAN Borut AMBROŽIČ info@sms.si www.sms.si 68 23. Finland (14 MEPs) Liaison Officer: European Parliament Ms Sarita KAUKAOJA European Parliament ATR 1 K 62 2, rue d'Ardenne B - 1047 BRUSSELS Tel: +32 2 284 4231 Fax: +32 2 230 4843 Liaison Officer: National Parliament Eduskunta Mr Pekka NURMINEN Eduskunta FIN - 00102 HELSINKI Tel: +358 9 4322065 Fax: +358 9 4322069 EP Information Office Pohjoisesplanadi 31 PL 26 FIN-00131 Helsinki Tel: +358 / (0)9 622 04 50 Fax: +358 / (0)9 622 26 10 ephelsinki@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.fi National Parliament: http://www.eduskunta.fi/ List of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/fi/yourvoice/fi/candidates.html PARTY KOK Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition) EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B, FIN - 00100 Helsinki Tel: (0035) 89 693 81 Fax: (0035) 89 694 37 36 http://www.kokoomus.fi/ CANDIDATES 1. Viivi; AVELLAN 2. Seppo; HUHTA 3. Ville; ITÄLÄ 4. Juha; KANKKUNEN 5. Piia-Noora; KAUPPI 6. Pirjo; KEMPPIVIRTANEN 7. Riikka; KERVINEN EU election statement: http://www.kokoomus.fi/e nglish/eu_election.php 69 Finnland… KD Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats) SDP Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Poulue (Social Democrats) Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party) VAS Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance) Karjalankatu 2 C 7 krs. , SF - 00520 Helsinki, Tel: +358 9 348 822 00 Fax: +358 9 348 822 28 www.kristillisdemokraatit.fi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sauli; AHVENJÄRVI Ville; AUVINEN Lasse; HEIKKILÄ Anna-Kaisa; IMMONEN Jouko; JÄÄSKELÄINEN Bjarne; KALLIS Tuula; KARHULA Saariniemenkatu 6 00530 Helsinki Tel: +358 9 478 988 Fax: +358 9 712 752 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Nesrin; CAN Mikko; ELO Maria; GUZENINA Ulpu; IIVARI Päivi; JÄRVINEN Antero; KEKKONEN Kimmo; KILJUNEN Apollonkatu, 11a FIN– 00100 Helsinki Parliament Group 00102 Eduskunta Tel: (358) 9 751 44 231 Fax: (358) 9 751 44 230 International relations: Satu MÄKI satu.maki@keskusta.fi puoluetoimisto@keskusta.fi www.keskusta.fi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Anneli; JÄÄTTEENMÄKI Johanna; KENTALA Lauri; KONTRO Laura; KULKAS Harriet; LONKA Antti; MYKKÄNEN Pekka; MYLLYMÄKI Siltasaarenkatu 6, 7 kerros 00530 HELSINKI Tel: +358 977 47 41 Fax: +358 977 47 42 00 Secretary for International Affairs Pekka Ristelä, pekka.ristela@vasemmistolii tto.fi Tel: +358 9 77474 300 Fax: +358 9 77474 200 vas@vasemmistoliitto.fi http://www.vasemmistoliitto .fi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pekka; BUTTLER Jaana; HAAPASALO Jan-Mikael; HAKOMÄKI Antti; HOLOPAINEN Anne; HUOTARI Inna; ILIVITZKY Niina; KIVIAHO International Secretary: Tuula Lampinen tuula.lampinen@sdp.fi http://www.sdp.fi/ More information and addresses at http://act4europe.horus.be/ module/FileLib/CandidatesEP 04SFLeftAllianceEN.xls (Change EN for SF to have Finnish version) 70 Finnland… Vihreä Liitto (Green League of Finland) SFP – RKP Svenska Folkpartiet Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue (Swedish People's Party) Perussuomal aiset/Sannfin ländarna True Finns - Fredrikinkatu 33 A FIN-00120 Helsinki Tel.: +358-9-58 60 41 60 Fax : +358-9-58 60 41 61 International Secretary: Panu LATURI Ph: +358 9 58604165 Fax: +358 9 5860 4161 mobile: +358 50 520 8337 panu@vihrealiitto.fi vihreat@VihreaLiitto.fi http://www.vihrealiitto.fi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Simonkatu 8 A, Pl 430, 00101 Helsinki, Tel: +358 9-693 070 Fax:+358 9-693 1968 Secretary of International Affairs Mrs. Satu Rönnqvist Tel: +358 9-693 07 242 satu.ronnqvist@sfp.fi info@sfp.f http://www.sfp.fi/page/1/ 1. Jarl; AHLBECK 2. Annika; AHLSKOG 3. Ann-Mari; AUDASWILLMAN 4. Laura; FINNE-ELONEN 5. Tom; GULLBERG 6. Barbara; HEINONEN 7. Sebastian; HIELM Mannerheimintie 40 B 56, 00100 Helsinki Tel: +358 9-454 0411 Fax. +358 9-454 0466 peruss@perussuomalaiset.fi http://www.perussuomalaiset.fi / 1. Ari; HALME 2. Harri; LINDELL 3. Aaro; MIKKONEN Uma; AALTONEN Umayya; ABU-HANNA Minna; BJÖRKMAN Satu; HASSI Jehki; HÄRKÖNEN Timo; JUURIKKALA Jussi; KAUHANEN 71 24. Sweden (19 MEPs) Liaison Officer: European Parliament Mr Bengt OHLSSON European Parliament ATR 1 K 67 2, rue d'Ardenne B - 1047 BRUSSELS Tel: +32 2 284 2380 Liaison Officer: National Parliament Riksdagen Mrs Ingrid LAREN MARKLUND Riksdagen S - 100 12 STOCKHOLM Tel: +46 8 7864305 Fax: +46 8 7866163 EP Information Office Nybrogatan 11, 3 tr S-114 39 Stockholm Tel: +46 / (0)8 562 444 55 Fax: +46 / (0)8 562 444 99 info@europarl.se http://www.europarl.se National Parliament: http://www.riksdagen.se/ Complete list of candidates: http://www.elections2004.eu.int/ep-election/sites/sv/yourvoice/se/index.html PARTY Moderata Samlingspartiet KD Kristdemokraterna Christian Democrats EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS CANDIDATES Schönfeldts gränd 2, Box 2080 103 12 Stockholm Tel. +46 8 676 80 00 Fax: +46 8 21 61 23 info@moderat.se www.moderat.se 1) Gunnar Hökmark 2) Charlotte Cederschiöld 3) Anna Ibrisagic 4) Christofer Fjelner 5) Pia Kinhult 6. Peder Wachtmeister 7. Lisbeth GrönfeldtBergmann 8. Carl Fredrik Graf Box 3337 Målargatan 7, S10367 Stockholm Tel: (0046) 8 723 25 00 Fax: (0046) 8 723 25 10 info@kristdemokraterna.se www.kristdemokraterna.se 1) Anders Wijkman 2) Helena Halldorf Romero 3) Lennart Sacrédeus 4) Désirée Pethrus Engström 5) Holger Gustafsson 6) Lisbeth Rydefjärd 7) Jakob Forssmed 8) Annelie Enochson More on: http://www.kristdemokrater na.se/pressmeddelande.asp? Article_Id=9502 72 Sweden… Besöksadress: Sveavägen 68 i Stockholm Postadress: 105 60 Stockholm E Tel: +46 8-700 26 00 Fax: +46 8-20 42 57 Socialdemokraterna Folkpartiet (Liberals) Internationell Sekreterare Ann Linde Tel: +46 8-700 26 73 +46 70-662 91 03 ann.linde@sap.se info@sap.se www.socialdemokraterna.se Drottninggatan 97 11383 Stockolm BOX 6508 SE11385 Tel: +46 8 509 11600 Fax:+46 8 509 11660 International Relation Secretary: Ms Susann Torgerson, susann.torgerson@liberal.se 1) Inger Segelström, Stockholm 2) Jan Andersson, Skåne 3) Ewa Hedkvist Petersen, Norrbotten 4) Göran Färm, Östergötland 5) Monica Green, Skaraborg 6) Hans Karlsson, Örebro län 7) Åsa Westlund, Stockholms län 8) Ibrahim Baylan, Västerbotten 9) Angelica Rage, Värmland 10) Widar Andersson, Dalarna 11) Lise-Lotte Lenberg, Göteborg More on: http://act4europe.horus.be/m odule/FileLib/CandidatesEP04 SESocialdem.doc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cecilia MALMSTRÖM Olle SCHMIDT Maria CARLSHAMRE Bijan FAHIMI Amelie TARSCHYS Lennart ROHDIN Maria ÅSENIUS Lars JACOBSSON info@liberal.se www.folkpartiet.se Centerpartiet (Centre Party) Besöksadress: Stora Nygatan 4, Gamla Stan, 111 27 STOCKHOLM Adress: Box 2200 103 15 Stockholm Tel: +46 8-617 38 00 Fax: +46 8-617 38 10 International relations: Mila EKLUND mila.eklund@riksdagen.se centerpartiet@centerpartiet. se 1. Lena Ek, Valdemarsvik 2. Kristina Jonäng, Uddevalla 3. Hans Lindqvist, Värmdö 4. Fredrick Federley, Kungsör 5. Linda Ylivainio, Övertorneå 6. Leif Zetterberg, Bålsta 7. Veera Arak, Göteborg 8. Pär Granstedt, Mölnbo 9. Margareta Andersson, Åseda 10. Ilan Sadé, Lund More information on: http://www.centerpartiet.se/t emplates/Infosida____27887. asp 73 Vänster Partiet (The Left Party) Miljöpartiet de Gröna 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Parliament Office Riksdagen 100 12 Stockholm Secretary: ph. : 46-8-786 57 42 fax : 46-8-786 53 75 magnus.lindgren@riksdagen .se 1) Carl Schlyter 2) Eva Göes 3) Ulf Holm 4) Yvonne Ruwaida 5. Gunvor G Ericson 6. Valter Mutt Jonas SJÖSTEDT Eva-Britt SVENSSON Jens HOLM Mona-Lisa NORRMAN Mussie EPHREM Helen ENGHOLM Alain RODRIGUEZ-GARCIA Liza Boethius EU Affairs Officer: Ulf HOLM, MP Swedish Parliament, S-10012 Stockholm, Sweden Ph: 46 8 7864546 Fax: 46 8 7865375 ulf.holm@riksdagen.se http://www.mp.se (Green Party) Junilistan Partiklansliet, Box 12660 (Kungsgatan, 84) 11293 Stockholm Tel: +46 (0)8 654 08 20 Fax: +46 (0)8 653 23 85 partikansliet@vansterpartiet .se http://www.vansterpartiet.s e - Box 16 280 S - 103 25 Stockholm Tel: +46 8-230 111,232 111 info@junilistan.nu www.junilistan.nu 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Nils Lundgren Lars Wohlin Helen Goudin K.G. Svenon Görel Flyckt 74 25. United Kingdom (78 MEPs) Mr Nick WALKER European Parliament ATR 1 K 64 2, rue d'Ardenne B - 1047 BRUSSELS Tel: +32 2 284 3703 Liaison Officer: European Parliament Mr Dorian GERHOLD Clerk of the European Scrutiny Committee 7 Millbank UK - LONDON SW1P 3JA Tel: +44 207 219 5467 Fax: +44 207 219 2509 Liaison Officer: National Parliament House of Commons Mrs Jacqy SHARPE Principal Clerk of the Overseas Office Tel: +44 20 7219 33 14 EP Information Office 2, Queen Anne's Gate, UK-London SW1H 9AA Tel: +44 / (0)20 7227 4300 Fax: +44 / (0)20 7227 4302 eplondon@europarl.eu.int epedinburgh@europarl.eu.int http://www.europarl.org.uk National Parliament: http://www.parliament.uk/ For a detailed list of candidates for the different constituencies please refer to http://www.europecounts.org.uk/your_candidate/ or http://www.elections2004.eu.int/epelection/sites/en/yourvoice/uk/candidates.html PARTY Conservatives EUROPEAN POLITICAL GROUP CONTACT DETAILS 32 Smith Square, London SW1P 3HH Tel (General): (+44)20 7222 1994 Tel (Information campaign): (+44) 20 7222 3702 Fax: 020 7222 2501 meps@conservatives.com Conservative MEPs: www.conservatives.com/ep_h ome.cfm CANDIDATES List of Candidates: http://www.conservatives. com/people/eurocandidate s.cfm (please refer to above mentioned links) 75 UUP Ulster Unionist Party Labour SDLP Social Democratic and Labour Party Northern Ireland LD Liberal Democrats Cunningham House, 429 Hollywood road, Belfast BT4 2 LN, UK Tel: (0044) 28 9076 5500 Fax: (0044) 28 9076 9419 uup@uup.org www.uup.org Jim Nicholson (for more information (please refer to above mentioned links) European Parliamentary Labour Party 2 Queen Anne's Gate LONDON SW1H 9AA Tel: 020 7222 1719 Fax: 020 7233 1365 info@eurolabour.org.uk www.eplp.org.uk (please refer to above mentioned links) Head Office: 121 Ormeau Road Belfast BT7 1SH Tel: 02890 247700 Fax: 02890 236699 www.sdlp.ie/international/ine urope.shtm Martin Morgan 4 Cowley Street, London, SW1P 3NB, Great Britain Tel: +44 20 7222 7999 Fax: +44 20 7799 2170 info@libdems.org.uk List of candidates: www.libdems.org.uk/index .cfm/page.euroresults/sect ion.home www.libdems.org.uk/index.cf m/page.europe/section.home (please refer as well to above mentioned links) 76 United Kingdom… Green Party 1 A Waterlow Road London N19 5NJ Tel: +44 207 272 44 74 Fax: ++4 207 272 66 53 office@greenparty.org.uk http://www.greenparty.org.uk/ MEP Caroline Lucas: Tel: +44 20 7407 6281 MEP Jean Lambert Tel: +44 20 7407 6269 SNP Scottish National Party PCYMRU Plaid Cymru Party of Wales Scottish Green Party Party: 107 McDonald Road Edinburgh EH7 4NW Tel: +44 131 525 8900 Fax: +44 131 525 8901 snp.hq@snp.org www.snp.org MEP Ian Hudghton 8 Old Glamis Road DUNDEE DD3 8HP Tel: +44 1382 623200 Fax: +44 1382 903205 ihudghton@europarl.eu.int Ty Gwynfor, 18 Park Grove, Cardiff, CF10 3BN, Wales Tel: +44 (0)29 2064 6000; Fax: +44 (0)29 2064 6001 post@plaidcymru.org www.plaidcymru.org MEP Jill Evans 3 Hill Street, Haverfordwest, SA61 1QQ Tel: +44 (0) 1437 779042 Fax: +44 (0)1437 779048 Fax: +32 (0)2 284 9103 PO Box 14080 Edinburgh EH10 6YG ph=fax : 44-131-478 78 96 info@scottishgreens.org.uk www.scottishgreens.org.uk (please refer to above mentioned links) Jillian Evans John Blakwood Ian Hudgthon Alyn Smith 77 Election office: Bridgeman House 54 Broadwick St London W1F 7AH Tel: +44 (20) 7434 4559 Fax: +44 (20) 7439 4659 election@ukip.org www.independence.org.uk UKIP UK Independence Party DUP Democratic Unionist Party Northern Ireland Alliance Party Scottish Socialist Party Sinn Fein - - - - 91 Dundela Avenue Belfast BT4 3BU MEP Ian Paisley The Parsonage 17 Cyprus Avenue BELFAST BT5 5NT Tel: +44 2890 458900/454255 Fax: +44 2890 457783 +32 (0)2 284 9194 www.dup.org.uk/DupEurope.ht ml List of Candidates: http://www.independence. org.uk/index.php?menu=el ections&page=electionstop Jim Allister Alliance Party of Northern Ireland 88 University Street BELFAST, BT7 1HE Tel: +44 28 9032 4274 Fax: +44 28 9033 3147 alliance@allianceparty.org www.allianceparty.org (please refer to above mentioned links) Glasgow Office: 73, Robertson St. Glasgow G2 8QD tel: +44 141-221-7714 fax: +44 141-221-7715 ssp.glasgow@btconnect.com www.scottishsocialistparty.org Please refer to Ireland section (page 64) Candidate for Northern Ireland: Bairbre de Brún 78 26. Candidate Countries Bulgaria Liaison Officer: National Parliament Mrs Zlatina KHRISTOVA 1 Kniaz Alexander Batenberg Square BG-1169 SOFIA Tel: +359-2-987 3888 Fax: +359-2-987 5503 National Parliament: http://www.parliament.bg/ Romania Liaison Officer: National Parliament Mr Ciprian MATEI Palace of the Parliament Calea 13 Septembrie nr.1, sector 5 RO - BUCURESTI Tel: +4 021 4021435 Fax: +4 021 3126600 National Parliament: http://www.cdep.ro/ Turkey Liaison Officer: National Parliament Mr Ercan ATAK Expert/Advisor on European Union Affairs Turkey-EU JPC TBMM Bakanliklaar 06543 ANKARA Tel: +90-312-420 5425 Fax: +90-312-420 5437 National Parliament: http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/ 79