alley baggett thread
alley baggett thread
F I K § T E D I T I O N . — 45tJi y e a r o f P n M i c a t i o i i . PLANTERS' & MERCHANTS' ^ STATE RIGHTS i i s FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD Being the seceiid after Leap Year. ^nXf 2n"iJ of cSoutijecn Kutfepcntrnue. CALCULATED r O E T H E M E R I D I A N OF CAROLINA & G E O H a i A , j CONTAINING T h e u s u a l A s t r o n o m i c a l C a l c u l a t i o n s , w i t h t h e T i m e of High Water, and a New Tide Tabl^. BY SAMUEL H. WEIGHT, A. M.; M. D. TO WHICH ARE ANNEXED AIsi>, The HcbrowCalendar for the year 5622; and the days oltserved as jhe Principal Festivals and Fasts by tlie Protestant Kpi^cojiu) Church. THE EXECUTIVE OFFICERS &c. of the Confederate States Government. The Chief Officers of t h e S t a t e of South-Carolina a n d of the City of Charlestoii, Sec, &c. With,the T'Ties of holding Courts in Soutli-Carolina and Georgia, ^nd other general Information ; with a GARD.ENKE'8 CALK^DAR, (condensed) for each month, at the bead of the page, &c. THE OALOITLATIOWS AHB MADE TO A P P A R E N T T I M E , AND THE TIDES FOR CHARLESTON BAH. CHARLESTON, S . C Printed, Published and Sold, WHOJ.F.SHT.K &. EuTAit By A. E. MILLER, No. 3 State Street. And Sold by the Book.'sellers generally thronghont the State. •u the llth of LIBRARY OF t Charleston, Size, 16.88 til Dec. 10th' tar until OcSept. 18th. s:^Ojl.WWJlWMUllMI."JlUilUilMlMkU.llluJIMMI|.UIIl.u.i^, KEITH M. READ CONFEDERATE COLLECTION III! • Nllllll'd miifiirtfififiifiiiiiirifiiiiiiiirtfiiiifiii'ifi'iii'iifitinfiiiiiii'iiii'iiWff May May June June Nov. 2.5 29 19 15 30 23 5 6575 ate State^ rember. I will meet . E . Gibbes, Ur, 1-. i", f o r c & e r r U a b r i e l Manigault, E s q . D r . A . G. M a c k ^ ' . Committee on Accounts.—Chs. H . Simonton, C h a i r m a n ; R. N . Gourdin, E . C . J o n e s , Dr. A. G . M a c k e y , R . C. Gilchrist, J a c o b C o h e n , and W m . S . Elliott. A n n i v e r s a r y second Tue!3day in .Tune- Mercantile l,ibrary Association. PrcsidetU—-E. H . Frost. Vice President—J. B Desauswire — a - > ^ Trustees—J H Holmes, A. M. Lee, C . Williman, j r . W m E H a v n e Robert Mure, W m . Th.iyer. Corresponding Sec'ry., J a m e s Conne'r ' Recording Secretary.—R C Chapman. Librarian and Treasurer—Bt»crene Esdra. Apprentices L<ibrary Society, President—Dr. Joseph Johnson. V. President—Hon. W D I'ort Trus/.ees—W. D. DeSaussine, J . W. C a l d w e l l , W m . Le'bbv G w " B r a w n . J A . J . Burke, A. H . D u n k i . i . J . H S t e i n m e v e r , W m Tl,a-Jl^ C. B Cochran. B. E . Carroll, T P L o c k w o o d . ' ^^^"^ Librarian Sec. 6f Trea. R . J e n n i n g s . Astronomical Ciiaractcrs £xpiainc<l. At head of the page, for each calendar month, will be found a figure, repreaeuling the dign of the Zodiac, into which the Sun enters during the month, according to the seasons, which begins with I'isces, theFishus, on the 20ih of March, the Vernal Equinox, ©Sun, D Moon, Signs of the Planets, Sfc, | ¥ H e r s c h e l , 2^ J u p i t e r , [^ S a t u r n , $ Mars, 2 Venus, ^ Mercury, d Conjunction, or having the same Longitude or Right Ascension. a Quadrature, or differing 90° in " " " 8 Opposition, or " 180° in " " " Q, T h e ascending node. W the descending node. T H E T W E L V E SIGNS OF T H E ZODIAC, And those parts of the Body which they are supposed to govern, added. Commonly called the Anatomy of Man's Body. Autumn Signs. Spring Signs. Feet. 1. J£ Pisces. 2. T Aries. Head 8f Face. Neck. 3. « T a u r u s . Summer Signs., 4. n Gemini. 5. ^ Cancer. 6. SL L e o . 7. m Virgo. 8. =^ L i b r a . 9. tn, Scorpio. Winter Bowels. Reins. Secrets. Sig7is. Arms. 10. / Sagitarius. Thighs. Breast.ll. V3 Capricoinus. Knees. Heart.l2. ^ Aquarius. Licgs. T o KNO w WHERE THE SIGN IS.—First find the day of the month, and aguiust it, iu the 7th column, stands the sign the moon is in ; then finding the sign here, it shows the part of the body it is supposed to govern. NOTES TO T H E READKR. CLOCK TIME A N D A P P A R E N T T I M E . 1st.—There are two kinds of time used in common Almanacs for the Sun's rising and setting: one is clock-time, and the other is sun-time, or apparent time. Clocktime is always correct; but apparent time varies every day, and is alternately too " fast" or too "slow" of the clock. This Almanac is calculated in AppartrA-Time, and is iji accordance with the old method. Almanacs in apparent time are known by the Sun's rising and setting when added, being equal to l^ hours; and at the time of its crossing the equator the rising and setting is at 6 o'clock. Such Almanacs arc old fashioned, and are coming into disuse. They are not correct according to true time, and can bo made so only by adding the amount the Sun is slow of the clock, and subtracting when it is "fast." The Sun has not, since it was created, risen or set at six o'clock when it was at the equinoxes. And w h y ! Because it does not come to the meridian at 12 o'clock at that time, a fact that is true for nearly every day in tlie year. The old idea that it is 12 o'clock when the shadow is at the noon-mark, is a mistaken one; and if timepieces be set at 12 at those times they will not be correct, except on the 15th of April and June, September 1st, and December 24th. Noon and 12 o'clock are not the same. The irregularity of the Sun's motions causes the two kinds of time, arid, in consequence of this variation, no dependence can be placed on the Sun for true time without knqwjng inhen it is in the meridian. This information we give for this "Aiiinanac.' JSee the Sun in Meridian, at the head of each Calendar page. 2d.—THE rising, and setting of a star, may be carried several days backwards,by adding, or forwards, by subtracting four minutes per day, 3d.—As Ike days end at midnight, the rising, ami setting of the Moon when after that time, will be found in the morning of the succeediriiar day, &c: 4th.—The times given for High Water are for that tide which succeeds the Moon's passage over the Meridian, and is computed from the United States' Coast Survey Tide Tables, and are correct OThe winds will vary the tides. Latitude of St. Michael's Church, • 32''4G' 3 3 " N o n h . Longitude do do TS" 57' 27" West. T H E SEASONS. Vernal Equinox, March 20, 3h 25m ev. I Autumnal Equinox, Sep. 23, 2h 8m mo. Summer Solstice, June 21, Oh Dim mo. | Winter Solstice, P e c . 31, Sh 3m ov. r?^ Calendar of Fasts, Festivals and Other DayS; FOR THE YEAR 5 6 2 2 , (Being their o m p l e t o L e a p Year, contaiuinff 385 l u n a r calculation,) and part of the y e a r ,5'o-23 correspoii ,ing with t h e solar year of our Loi'd lSii-2T h e anniversaries m a r k e d w i t h a n asterisk (*) are to be strictly ob.sei-ved—Levit. ch. 23. Bo Title of the Fasts When they J a n . Days of the fall and Festivals. Beshallach month. Yithro Thuisday Januaiy 2 Roshodei Snbat •Mishpatim Kri. &. Sat Ro.shode.s A d a r " 31 Fell. 1 Terumah Mn-ch 2-3 Roshode.s Veadar S u n & Alon Feb. Totaveh Thursday " 13 F a s t of Esther (( 15 Ki Tissa Sunday ]fi f u r i m (: oo Vayakol \loadiiy 17 .Shu.shan P u r i m .March 1 I'eku. (Shek.) April 1 Roshodes Nissan Tuesday a 8 Va: i k i a T u e & Wed 15-16 *Pa-sov!n' H 15 Tzav (Zach ) 21-22 ' 7 t h and 8th day of " 22 Shemi. (Par.) Mon & T u e the Feast a 29 T a z . (Hiich.) >Ved & ' r h u " 30 May 1 Rosliode.'J Yiar Wednesday April .5 Metzorang May 14 Pessiih Seiii •* 12 Ac. Mo. ( H a . ) .^uniiay 1 J3 of Honier (( 26 Kedoshim Fridiiy 3U •fosliodes Sivan .VI ay 3 Em or June 4-5 " of W e e k s oi11 10 B e h i r Wed & r h u Pentecost 17 Becliuckotay (( Roshodes T a m u s Sat & Sui (1 24 Bamiulear Tuesday July v> F a s t of i-'amus 11 31 .Nasso Monday 28 Rosliodes .^b .June 7 Beliaiigaloth. I'ishabeab ( b u r n i n g August 14 Shelach L e e . of t h e T e m p l e ) T u e s d a y a 21 Korach 26-27 Roshodes E l u l Tue & Wed 28 I h u k a t h Septem. 25-2b *Rosh-hashan (new 5 Balak Year) T h u r & Fri J u l y 12 P i n e c h a s Sunday " 28 F a s t of Gedaliah " 19 October 4 *Kipur (Atonement " 26 Massay Saturday Day) August 2 D e b a r i m 9 1 0 *Succoth ( F e a s t of 9 Vaetchan. t h e T a b e r n a c l e ) T h u r & Fri 16 A y k e b 15 H o s a n n a Raba(feast ." 23 R e a y of Psalms) VVednesday " 30 Shophetim 16-17 *8th a n d 9th d a y of 6 KiTotzay T h u r & Fri ept. the F e a s t 13 K i - T a h b o 24-2.5 Roshode.s H e s h v a n F r i & Sat " 20 Nitza Vaye. Novcm. 23 Roshodes Kislev Sunday " 27 H a a z e n u December 17 H a u u c a Wednesday -Mon & T u e Octo. 18 Bexeshit^,.^^ I ^ " 22-23 Ito.shodes Tebet. " 20 Noach ^ " Nov. 1 Lech-Lecha AN.VEXEU IS A 8 Vuyera TABL.K 15 Chay^ Sarah g h o w i n g the P a r a s h o t h (portions of the P e n t a 22 Toledoth teuch,) which are read in t h e Synagp.gue un the 29 V a y e t z a y Saturdays d u r i n g this year. W h e i 5 r F e s t i v a l s Dec. 6 Vayishlach h o w e v e r , fall on a S a t u r d a y , the r e g u h i r Pa13 Vayesheb t a s h a is not read, b u t t h e appropriate portion -^0 Micketz for that p a r t i c u l a r Fea.?t. 27 Vayiggash 4 > "• I . J A N U A R Y , begins on Wednesday, hath 31 days. 1862.1 y~- V Sow peas, s^jinach, luttuoe,©aboages, radishes, pars\ ley, beets, carrots, salsaly, parsnips, turnips, asparatm i»i 1 inwnfriilPS gus. Plant horse radish, Irish Potatoes. 'I'ransplant cabbages and luttuce. REMARKS.—The best flP^S^^^fw WSBSKK^'^^ variety of peas for this month, are the early frame \ KtF ••..^»-,— V and Bishops, for an early crop, and drawf marrow> ran im»IMIiyiSwffti>/'^ tat and drawl' g;reen imperial for a succession. T h e luttuces, cabbages and radishes should be protected> the last may be sown between rows ot carrots, or spinach. Celery earthed. Endive tied up. Dress artichoke and asparagus beds. 1 visfe^T ^^Si First Q 7tb, 5h Full © 15th, 8h Last Q 23d; i h New D 29th, 9h 28m 36m 18m 32m Sun on Meridian after 12even. iC-o' ^C^C^ DO {l oJ S^ -S*C^ -O' ^O- W' ^ O- ' •<f'W^ h-' i -._ even.! 1— h-» t - i f— K-' H-" morn. W t 0 ^ 3 ^ - ' ^ — O C O < ! C i O i l O g O i i f ^ t O C n CB even. t ( s . K - . | t i . O i d < ! i — i < i 0 5 C O i n o i 0 0 ^ 7 •• | J 1 1 1 ©dec T) iMooniHWa. Aspects,Weather,&c,l^'^'' P""^ M W ^ irises |sets. Soml' r i R . S.IH. M. I 1 w Circumcision. Cold.l 3 4 57 22 ;.;y / 6 36, 8 24 9 2 th ^ stationary 7 3 4 57 22 54 '•/3 7 43; 9 8 46 '9 48 3 fr Changalfe. 7 3 4 57 22 48 9 46!l0 31 Clears. 7 3 4 57 22 42 4 sa 5 S 2d Sun. after Christ. 7 2 4 58 22 35 10 4411 15 6 m Epiphany. 11 39 11 58 1 7 2 4 58 22 28 Mdder with 7 1 4 59'22 20 5£ Morn Morn. 7 tu 8 w Bat. N.Orleans 1815. 7 1 4 59122 12 0 35 0 46 9 \\^ Star of the West fircd into. 7 1 4 5922 4 T 1 29 1 36 2 23 2 30 10 fr jMississippi seceds '61 7 0 5 0'21 55 3 19 3 26 11 ga 'Alabama &. Florida seceds '6K 7 0 5 l'21 46 12 S 1st Sun. af. Epiph. 6 59 5 1 21* 36 a 4 12 4 24 13m 2) highest. 5 2 5 16 6 59 5 2 2 1 26 14jtu 5 51 6 8: sunshine. 6 58 5 2|ai 15 n D rise 6 50 ISiw New expect a change 6 58 5 321 4 16th tvi'thrain. 6 57 5 3 20 53 S 6 11 7 34 7 11 S 19 17fr Bat. Cowpens 1781. 6 56 5 420 41 18 sa 8 13 8 59 c'tdd and 6 56 5 4120 20 19 I 2d S. aft. Epiph. 6 55 5 5 20 16 a 9 14 9 37 20 m ( Georgia seceds '61 6.54 5 6 2 0 3 10 17 10 18 21 tu fi-^ezing. 6 54 5 619 50 m 11 22 11 6 22 \v © e W Morn. 11 57 1 S brightest. 6 53 5 7 19 36 | 2 3 th [en'61 6 52 5 8 19 22 =2^ 0 29 JEv.56 1 1 38 2 5 i 24 •fr Augusta Sirsenel tak- 6 51 5 8 19 8 •.t5 sa O o n v . S t P a u l . J low 6 51 5 9 18 SSjTn 2 45 3 l 6 1 26 S 3d S a E p . Louisiana 6 50 5 10 18 38{ 3 48 4 26 27 m seceded '61 6 49 5 10 18 23 / 4 48 5 30 ;iS8 tu 5 39 6 25 ' Becomes 6 48 5 11 18 7 29 w S CaroUn& State Flag adopted 6 48 5 12 17 51 /3 J sets 7 12 6 2.7 7 58 I 30 th clear and cold 6 47 -> 13 ir 34 7 29 8 39 1 31. fr A suUdeH f:hange\& 46 5 14 17 18 AAAl s • ' "—B. ,- fiir rsa 11. F E B E U A R Y , begins Saturday, hath 28 days. 1862. Sow pes, spinaach, luttuce, cabbage, radish, corn, beets, carrots, salsafy, parsnips, turnips, thyme, sage and other herbs. Plant Irish potatoes. Transplant cabbages and luttuces. REMARKS.—The same varieties of peas may be sown in this raoath, as were directed for the last. T h e principle crop of beets and carrots should now be sown. T h e common varieties of spinach should be sown in small quantities once in ten days, as it soon runs to seed. \ Sun on Meridian after 12, First Q 6th, 2h Full © 14 th, l i b Last Q 21st, 8h N e w D 28th, l i b 52m 47m 52m 30m even, morn. morn; morn. COOl{OCOG5tOO<i*.h-'lr n " I— I— I— r— r—. i— i— r— r ^ i^i_*i_i ^stow^Sl-l01 rf^o^,t^Oioco>-'cn>;i^>fc. Sun I Sun © d e c rises, sets. South 6 46:5 13 17° 1 4b S. a f . E p . & P u r . 6 4 5 5 15 16 43 fB.V.M 6 44^5 16 16 26 Southern Couf.M.'16 6 43;5 17 16 & [Race week 6 42:5 18 15 50 T 6 41 5 19 15 31 ]) in apogee. [in Charleston, 6 4 0 5 20 15 13 Changeable. 6 4 0 5 20 14 54 5th S after Epiphany 6 39'5 21 14 34 Lio frov. Govmt. Con. Sta: 1861 6 38'5 22 14 15 11 5 's gr. elong. East. 6 37:5 23 13 55 12 2d?? P.E.-Conv, 6 36;5 24 13 33 13 meets, 6 36!5 24 13 15 14 St. Valentine 6 3 5 5 25 12 55 15 sa Wet weather. 6 3 4 5 26 12 34 16 S Septuagesima S. 6 33 5 27 12 14 17 m 5 station ary. Rain or 6 32 28 11 53 18 tu Pr.Davi.s inaugurat'd 6 31 29 11 31 19 J i n perigee. snow. 6 30 30 11 10 20 O e . . ^ Heavy frost.6 29 31 10 49 21 28 32 10 27 22 Washington b . '32. 27 33 10 5 23 Sexagesi. Sun. 26 34 9 43 24 St.Mathias. Like rain 26 34 9 21 J 2f>tu 9 inf. d 0 25 35 8 59 26 Clears mild 6 24 36 8 36 27 and 6 23 37 8 14 2« pleasant. 6 22 38 7 51 MW ~1 2 3 4 5 ..6 7 8 9 Aspects, Weather, &c n a Moon. HWa R. S H. M. 8 28 '9 17 9 26 9 53 10 22 10 33 11 18 11 17 Morn. Morn. 0 14 0 4 1 8 0 54 2 5 54 2 53 50 3 43 51 48 4 23 41 5 10 27 5 48 7 ]> rise 51 7 4 8 9 8 33 9 14 9 14 10 20 9 56 11 28 10 48 Morn 11 42 0 36 Ev.56 1 41 57 2 40 8 3 33 1.') 4 18 14 6 4 58 5 33 49 D sets 8 26 Sundays after Ember Days, are the stated times for^Ordination. T h e Dioce.san C o n v e n t i o n of t h e P . E . C h u r c h • i n S o u t h - C a r o l i n a , meets thig y e a r a t C h a r l e s t o n S. C , on W e d n e s d a y t h e 12th of F e b . i ;in. M A R C H , begins oa Saturday, hath 31 days, 1862. Sow carrots, Ijcets, Swiss chard, parsnips, salsaTyj cabbages, spinach, turnips, leeks, tomatoes, peppers radisJ»es, luttuce amd Guina squarsh. Plant cucumbers, okra, squashes, melons, snap beans, cushaws, sewee btans. New Zealand spinach. Transplant tomatoes, peppers, Guina squash, cabbages and lut"''^i ^ tuce. REMARKS — T h e above vegetables should be got in as early as possible. Carrots sliould be sown plentifully Luttuce separately. Radishes should be sown every three weeks. Irish potatoes ghiould not be planted later than this moiitfc. First Q 8th, F u l l © 15th, Last Q 22d, New J) 30th, Sun on Meridian after 12. Oh 2m ev«n. c^^^s^slOl-'l-'^-'l-» a l l h 58m even. ^ - ' 0 0 O ^ ^ S ^ a a C 0 O <5 *.. hJ r - . ^— h-* I—* 4h 30m even. rf^rfi.OiOi<!005ooi—'^^^^ 2h SSai morn. 00 OJ ga <iMoon Oi I—' if:». to Sunto S~.iu nCO ©dec HWa M W Aspects, Weather,&c rises. sets. South PI R. S, H. M. 7 12 8 6 sa % 20 5 40 7028 S Qui quag. S, 19 5 41 7 5 K 8 10 8 45 Cloudy with IS 5 42 6 42 9 21 9 m much wind. 17 5 43 6 19 9 58 tu 10 w Ash Wednesd, te 16 5 44 5 56 T 10 57|lO 411 6 155 45 11 5 1 1 1 :8 th J in apogee, 33 fr [/ihrt^ Um^ded. 6 14 5 46 Morn, Morn. 10 8 12 5 48 4 46 0 44 0 20 [ sa B highest. 34 " 1 7 I 9 S 1st Sunday in Lent. 6 11 5 49 4 23 1$ 8 Q 6 105 50 59 rr 21 16 10 m Nowfmr 6 9 5 51 36 3 18 l i t u ^ station. 12 43 6 8 5 52 15 12 w Ember day. 49 19 8 13 th V 8 Q and milder.6 7 5 53 25 53 6 65 54 56 14 fr Ember day. I 5 55 6 ti rise 40 15 sa Ember day. 38 5 56 6 6 57 21 16 S 2d S. iu Lent. 5 57 1 14 8 7 7 17 m St. Patrick, a change. 6 J perigee. 6 18 tu 54 2 5 58 0 50 TTE 9 17 19 w Begining of Spring 6 m 0 27 10 26j 9 40 6 0 20 th ©enters?^ 0 0 3 11 3410 55 Showers. 5 59 21 fr ]) lowest. 34 1N.20 5 58 22 sa 2 0 43 35Ev,40 m 0 S9 23 S 3d Sunday in Lent. 57 3 7 49 t24m Milder and 5 56 4 31 17 63 25 tu Annunciation B.V.M 5 55 54 5 58 55 26 w 5 great elongationW 5 54 18 V3 6 34 50 27 th n j' btt:*.t m pleasant.5 53 41 7 6 38 28 fr /)> titM^Secomcs more 5 52 5 36 2© 29 sa settled. 5 51 28 29 7 1 2 9 ^OS i t h S . i n L e n t . 5 50 6 10 51 ]) sets 7 33 3llm iOalhoun died 1850 5 49 6 11 15 K 7 46 8 31 a sd IV. ^ A P R I L , begins on Tuesday, hath_30 days. 1862. ___^ Sow cairots, beets, salsafy, turnips, cabbages, caulliflowers, brocoli, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, luttuce, celery, leeks. Plant okra, snap-beans, seweebeans, squashes, cucumbers, cusna-.vs, melons. Transplant cabbages, tomatoes, peppers, Guinea squashes. Prick out celery. REMARKS.—-Carrots for summer and autumn, should besown this month. Cucumbers, squashes and melons, if they have been neglected or destroyed, may now be sown. T h e same remark applies to beets, sailsafy, parsnips aad turmips. L u t t u c e s are uncertain ; Green glazed cabbage o i i y , to be set out this and the succeeding months. Sun on Meridian after 12. 6h 53m morn, o o o ( a i 8 0 « 3 a s < : o o < ! r f a . i 9h 43m morn, Ov Oi Oi o> Oi E, Oh 44m morn, < ^ < l « 4 C O ' y ? r t • - o ^ - ' ^ ^ ^ s o J ^s cn ^^ 6h 8 m even. ce CO o o t(^ ^5 50 Oi <f to w Moon H W a Sun Sun ©dec Aspects,Weather,&c. .g.^g sets. North R. S H. M. 4^38 12 icitK.5 T 8 35 51 9 brightest. vexy5 47 13 5 1 30 9 42 SCaro ratifies New Con. 1861 g ^ g 14 5 24 12 10 35 59 and gr0wing\5 45 16 5 47 11 26 50 weather. 5 44 16 6 10 Morn 5th S u n d a y in Lent. 436 17 6 32 0 14 Morn. a sudden 426 18 6 55 57 0 42 46 1 40 change with!\5 416 19 7 17 14 2 39 406 20, 7 40 49 3 35 39 21 8 2 23 4 31 38 22 8 24 55 5 22 C 6th Sun. in Lent. 37 23 8 46| 32 6 10 •? T a k i n g of F o r t 36 24 9 HE 35 25 9 29 ( Sumter, 1861. D rise 6 55 another 346 26 9 51 8 7 7 45 5 in perigee, change. 336 26 10 12 9- 18 8 37 Virginia seceded '61 32 27 10 33 m10 25 9 29 Good F r i d a y . 31 28 10 54 11 25 10 24 Bat. Lexington ' 7 5 . 30 29 11 15 Morn. 11 26 Easter Sun. O e. T 306 30 11 35 0 15 Ev.27 E a s t . M ) Great risingf 31 11 56 57 30 E^St. T . ] f *%^"fth §9 6 32 12 16 Y3 36 29 28 a. r< for U-S Plaff 33 12 36 8 24^ 27 St.George. iggi 38 15 26 34 12 56 St. Mark, Bat. Cam- 25 35 13 16 3 9 den 1781. 24 36 13 35 H 47 35 1st Sun. after E a s t e r 23 37 13 54 26 10 Unsettled 23 37 14 13 4 J) sets perhaps rain. 22 38 14 32 44 7 36 Washington inaug. '89 21 39 14 50 T 9 30 26 First Q 7th, F u l l © 14th, Last Q 21st, New]) 28th, M W T tu 2w 3 th 4 fr 5 sa 6:s 7|m 8tu 9|w 10th lllfr 12:sa lajs 14'm 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 n a begins on Thursday, hath 31 days. 1862, Sow cabbages, beets, savoys, carrots, turnips, cauliflowers, brocoli, celery, radislieg. Plant snap- beans.. Transplant cabbages. Prick out celery. REMA RKS . There is not much probability of either beets, parsnips, carrots, turnipssucceedingatthisseason,especially the last, yet if wanted, a few may be ventured—under very favorable circumstances they may succeed. If carrots be sown, the ground should be shaded and kept moist, and this protection continued for some time after they are up, or tlijgy will be killed by sun. First Q 6th, lOh 5m F u l l © 13th, 5h 41m Last Q 20th, lOh 20m New]) 28th, lOh 7m even. even. morn. morn. M W Aspects, Weather. &c 1 th St. Philip &St. James -12 fr 1> in apogee. 3 ss Tennessee seceds '61 ' 4 S 2d Sun. after Easter 5 m Bonaparte died 1821. pleasant. 6 tu Fair with cool 7w mornings 8 lb » for some a time. OHIO sa Blockade com'enced. 11 S S d S . a f t e r E . [10.'61 Now a 12 m 13 tu D in perigee, change 14Jw. y stationary. with 15;th ^ lowest. rain, 16 fr ' thunder 17isa and lightning, 18's 4th S. after Easter. Like for a 19 N.Carolina seceds'61 20 0 eb. storm. 21 Much wind 22 and unsettled. 23,fr iiisa 25 S Rogatiofl Sunday 26 m 27 tu > Rogation days J in apogee S8w ) 29 th Ascension day. D highest. 3 0 fr Changeable. 31 sa Sun on Meridian, after 11. co^^^^^^]-'l-l|-'^-' i. l - '\QOO\ C O t ^r 0< tl O OtlDOOl >0 C l 0OlO O<l ;t rt*ii Ot-> i 1 I ^O^GiCiCiOiCiOiCiCiCO ^oo1Co^SH-l i-i-Mcocfl oc5<l^s^^Cl01000lOl Sun I Sun ©dec I J) Moon H W a I VL J U N E , begins on Sunday, hath 30 days. 1862 Sow cauliflowers, brocoli, cabbages, carrots, tomatoes. Plant snap-beans, okra. Transplant celery, cabbages, leeks. Prick out cauliflowers, brocoli and celery. REMARKS.—This month is generally very dry and hot, and all of the crops recommended to be sown now, r^ust be protected from the sun, most of them should have been sown in April, and it is only in case of failure, or omission that they should be now sown. Sun on Meridian after 11. First Q 5 th, 9h 24m Full © 12th, Oh 58m Last Q 18th, 9h 53m New D 27th, I h 35m morn. morn. even. morn. coto^s^^l-'l-'^-'l-' o 00 oi to 50 Oi CO o -a ita. I CT en Oi Oi Oi Oi co^^^-ol-'OrPocooo-a<J oi to oi ~jGotah-'it^ix>~jco Moon H W a Sun Srtn ©dec M W Aspects, Weather, &c. rises, sets. North R. S. H. M. Sun. after Ascension. 59 22 5' 10 12 10 8 Very hot and 59 22 13 |10 48 10 52 dry. *|tu 11 21 11 33 59 22.20 Sultry and 58 4w 11 52 Morn. 22 28 unsettled. 5 th 58 Morn. 0 27 22 34 6 fr ^ great elong. E . 58 0 24 22 41 19 7 sa ^ n O Perhaps rain. 57 0 57 22 52 15 57 8 S Whit Sunday. 22 58 rrg 1 33 18 9 m Whit Mon. J) in perig. 57 2 15 22 2 20 10 tu Vict, at Bethel C . ' 6 1 . 56 23 6 3 S 22 II w St.Barnabas. ]) eclips 56 23 10 3 59 22 [visible. E m . d. 56 12 th 23 17 D rise 19 Warmivith 56 13 fr E m . d. 23 19 8 43 8 15 rain. 56 14 sa Ember day. 23 22 9 29 9 8 55 15 S T r i n i t y Sunday. 23 24 10 9 9 54 16 m Pres. Polk died 1849. 55 23 25]-^? 10 42 10 43 55 17 tu Bat. B . H i l l . 1775. 23 26] 11 13 11 32 55 18 w Waterloo, 1815. 10 43 Ev.20 55 19 th '^ stationary. 23 27| Morn. 1 7 *f20 fr Q, Vict, crowned '37. 4 55 23 27 5^ 0 15 2 21 sa © e n n . ©furth.Nor. 55 23 26 0 47 54 22 S 1st S. aft. Trinity. 55 23 25 1 21 47 summer has set in 23 m 55 23 24 T 2 , 0 40 24 tu St. J o h n B. > in apoge 55 23 25 2 42 31 •25 w Bishop Gadsden died 1852, 55 23 22' « 3 27 6 18 Thunder and 55 26 th 23 19 4 17 6 59 lightning. 27 fr 55 23 17 D sets 7 42 28 sa Bat. Fort Moul. 1776. 56 23 13 8 12 8 25 29 S 2 S. a. Trin. St.Peter. 56 23 14 8 50 5 [Clay died 1852. 56 30 m 23 10 9 42 45 To find the length of any day in the year, simply multiply the time of the Sun's setting by 2. ILs n a n VII. J U L Y , begins on Tuesday, hath 31 days. 1862. Sow early Dutch turnips, ruta bagn, carrots, parsnips, cabbages, cauliflowers, brocoli, endive, radishes, spinach. Plant snap-beans, Irish potatoes, melons. 'I'ransplant cabbages, celery, cauliflowers, brocoli, tomatoes, and leeks. REMARKS —A lew carrots, parsnips, spinach or radishes, should be sown, and while young, should be protected irom the sun. T h e early Dutch turnips, should be sown in small quantities towards the last of the month. T h e Irish potatoes will be fit for use in October, and tomatoes when the spring sown crop ceases. Sun on Meridian after 12. i even. t o ^ 3 ^ s ^ o l - ' l - » l - ' ^ - ' morn. l-'oo<:n^s«3Gltoo<fl^l-^| morn. aiosoioioioioioiii^if^co Ol rfi- t o CO even. > t aI—. | -I—' ' ( 0 < t t O C O i 4 ^ 0 i O t O opl. M Sun Sun ©dec 1> IMoonHWa Aspects, Weather, &c. M W rises. sets. North P I R . S H M. ©in apogee.' Warm 56 4 23° 6' 9 5 uTTi with showers. 56 4 23 2 10 26 11 6 ^ inf. d O 3 22 57 SI JO 58 11 53 57 F I R S T I n d e p e n d . '76 3 22 52 11 32 Morn. 57 sacrejd for its martrys 3 22 47 TTEMorn 0 46 57 3d S. after Trinity. 3 22 41 57 0 10 1 45 '"''pv k'i^^._^^\Unsettled 58 2 22 35 0 54 2 51 9 22 28 ^.. I.. ..J., Jwith rain. 58 1 44 4 0 2 22 21 "l 2 44 0 10 9 D in perigee. P t . T a y 58 1 22 13 3 50 6 13 .10 6-/,'- [lor died 1850. 59 Dry and sultry. 59 1 22 51 D rise 7 '5 11 Changeable 0 21 37 0 8 1 7 58 12 0 21 49 V3 8 39 8 46 0 13 4th S. a. Trin. S stationary. with 1 59 21 40 14 9 12 9 29 thunder and ligJifing 1 59 21 30 15 9 44 10 11 16 Hegira begins 622. 2 58 21 21 10 16 10 55 very unsettled. 17 2 58 21 11 10 4b 11 40 18 Battle BullRun.lSGl 3 57 21 0 ^ U 21 Ev.28 19 (5th S. a. Trinity. 3 57 21 49 11 57 1 19 20 ) Congress met Richmond '61 4 56 20 38 Morn, 2 14 21 Vic. of Manassas P l a 4 66 20 27 0 3S 3 13 22 ]) in apogee, fins '61 5 55 20 15 1 23 4 9 D highest. 23 6 54 20 3 11 5 3 o ? gr. el. W 24 6 54 19 50 4 5 53 3 Dog 25 St. J a m e s . 7 53 19 37 6 38 0 n 4 26 5 r ^ ^ r : 3 a y s begin. 7 53 19 24 5 sets 7 51 52 19 11 27 6 t h ' S . ^ . T r i n . ^ 25 7 58 iu^,6' 51 18 57 28 f) 8 38 29 •Ljt-t'" '*"' Cool change 10 50 18 43 SI 30 9 16 30 '•it. ^'MxMuL.1 with East 10 50 18 28 2 9 54 31 116 49 18 14 10 38 35 m First Q 4th, Full © l l t h , Last Q 18tli, New D 26th, 5h 8h llh 3h 31m 19m 24m 46m VIII. , AUGUST, begins on Friday, 31 days. 1862. :. V Sow peas, early Dutch and other varieties of turnips, r^ta baga, onions, cabbages, cauliflowers, brocoli, black Spanish radishes, radishes,carrots,beets, parsnips, salsafy, luttuce and endive, i snapbeans. Transplant cabbages, cauliflowers, brocoli, celery, ruta baga and endive. REMARKS.'—Not much can be expected from peas sown.jn this month, as they will be very much crippled by the high winds and rain. T h e beets and spinach are liable to the attacks of the worms, which destroy their leaves, they may be very fine. S un oil Merit iian after 12 |_. even. C < 3 I O t O l O I - J f — 1—"h-' even. i - ^ c o o i e o t o o 5 C o o ~ - 5 r f ^ i - ' I P morn. O h - i i — t O C O t f ^ r f ^ O i O i t n C T i to CO to • morn. G 0 t 0 Ct n0 rf^ Oh)i.t001OiO( ^ Sun ©decI D Moon H W a Aspects, Weather, &c. M'W Ji^hl..,., • .^{{ti .'•/,:i.,(^r^,j'f>ff...... risps. SftS. North|P] R. S H. M. <' Commences,) J 2 6 48:17059 S 10 IC 11 27 - 1 Ir fair and hot. •> 12 6 48; 17 43 10 51 Morn. 2 sa -) 13 6 47 17 28 Si 11 38 0 24 - . 3 S 7tb S. aft. Trinity. Morn. 1 29 4 m Col. H a y n e a Martyr 5 14 6 46 17 12 [1781. ,5 15 6 4.5 16 56 0 3.1 2 39 - 5 tu Slowest. C Bp. Dohon died 1817. 1 33 3 51 ' 6 w \ Vict, at Hang. Rock, 1780. 5 16 6 4416 39 7 Ih T) in perigee. Sultry.,') 16 6 44 16 23 =^ 2 40 5 0 5 17 6 43 !6 6 - 8 fr 3 50 6 0 9 sa Bat. at Oak Hill, '61. 5 18 6 42 \5 48 ni ]) rise 6 47 7 8 7 35 10 S 8th Sun. aft. Trinity. 5 19 6 41 15 31 1 11 iji,. 10 Lyon s d.efeat at .5 20 6 40 15 13 / 7 41 8 21 12 tu ^"Springfield M. '61. 5 206 40 14 55 8 14 9 0 Changeable. 5 216 39 14 37 YS 8 45 9 39 13 w 'Now perhaps .5 22 6 38 14 19 9 20 10 18 14 th, "' fain. 5 23 6 37 14 0 .vw 9 56 11 3 15 fr 16 sa Bat. at Camden 1780. 5 24 6 36 13 41 10 35 11 50 17 S 9th Sun. aft. Trinity. 5 2.5 6 35 13 22 11 18 Ev.43 Cool 5 26 6 34 13 3 X Morn. 1 38 18 m ]) perigee. change. -y 26;6 34 12 43 19 tu 0 5 2 38 20 w Bat. in Mexico 1847. ,5 2716 33 12 23 T 0 55 3 37 Stormy and .•) 286 32 12 3 21 til- 0ei?L. 1 49 4 33 unsettled. .5 29 6 31 11 43 22 fr2 45 5 23 23 sa 3 3 0 6 30 U 23 « 3 44 6 11 24 S 10S.a.T.| St.Barthol. 5 316 29 U 2 4 42 6 49 25 m Bp. Bowen d. 1839. 5 3 2 6 28 10 42 J) sets 7 29 Like for 5 336 27 10 21 26 tu 7 3 8 11 much 5 34 6 26 10 0 27 w 7 31 8 50 28 th Hatteras taken 1861. 5 35 6 25 9 39 8 13 9 33 29 fr wet if damp weather. Ty 366 24 9 17 8 52 10 17 Cioudy. ,5 37 6 23 8 56 30 sa • . 9 38 11 12 l l t h Sun. aft. Trin. 5 38 6 22 8 34 TIE 10 29 Morn. 31 S I First Q, 2nd, F u l l © 9th, Last Q 17th, New ]) 25th, llh 4h 4h 4h 37m 34m 28m 12m m. . - ' ..'/..c •'• 1 n s a IX. S E P T E M B E R , begins Monday, hath30 days. 1862. Sow early Dutch and other varieties of turnips, ruta baga, beets, Swiss chard, mangle wurlzle, carrots, parsnips, salsafy, luttuce, spinach, cabbages, (En-lish seed,) onions, radishes, endive. Plant snap-beai.s. Transplant ruta bagas, cabbages, cauliflowers, brocoli, celery, luttuce, leeks, endive. REMARKS.—In this month, the principal crops of turnips, beets, carrots, parsn ps, &c., should be sown, as they will acquire sufl[icient strength to withstand the cold weather before the winter sets in. When thining o u t ^ M u j u t a baga, the plants should be reserved and transplanted out into t h j ^ ^ f a c e s , where they have failed. First Q. 1st, F u l l © 8th, Last Q 15th, New J) 23d, First Q 30th, 4h £>8m morn. Sun on Meridian after 11. co^o^3^s — — I-' i^ 2h 39m morn. O QO ^-i to O CO O <f ili. t— I p l l h 3m even. o o t - i t o w o i a s ^ i Q o CO r 3h 36m even. lOh 51m morn. O i C o t o c o i j i - ^ ' O i O i c n r f ^ VI 050g>'gitOOO>-'tOtOCO © dec Moon U VVa Aspects,Weather,&c.| . , \oi-tli W R. S. H . .M. M i^ ' rises, sets. j) perigee. Cool and, 5 39 6 21 8^12' 11 25 0 13 1 '^ stationa. unsettled. 5 39 6 21 7 51 ni Morn 19 \'2 . 0 29 29 31 • •^•-.,. a/^5:*fe«A.4o 20 6 19 36 3 41 Ih . ilLot ci^^'L Clears ' 41 ' ' 43 4 45 42 18 6 44 5 fr 1st Congress 177.4. 43 17 6 22 1^ 50 41 sa Dog days end. 16 59 44 54 27 S 12th S. aft. Trinity. 37 4.5 15 ]) rise 6 m Bat. Eutaw 1781 rain. '^^ 41 6 44 46 14 9 tu If d ^ . 49 51 ^ 18 8 30 10 w Bat. on L a k e Erie '13 47 13 29 Fair. 53 9 9 48 12 11 ih 6 II 32 9 46 fr vtitvuc cool weather, 49 ^ 1 3 sa C.<.ji- perhaps frost. 50 10 3 43 T 9 1410 29 9 3 20 9 5811 18 -14 S J l 3 t h 51 — F m apogee. 10 47 Ev.U 8 57 52 '•> 415 cool nights 53 33 7 11 40 1 9 16 Ember d a y . and 546 6 10 Morn. 2 4 17 47 U 0 3.) 3 2 ^ d 0. 7nornings 5 18 55 24 Ember day. Expect 56 19 1 30 3 55 4 0 Emb. day. another 57 20 2 29 4 48 3 21 3 26 5 36 i 14th S. aft.Trinity. 58 2 0 37 22 ( St.Matthew. 4 28 6 20 1 0 14 59 ¥ 2 3 tu- -0 e.fiE. Autum begins. 0 So. 9 SI J sets 7 1 0 24 change. 1 .5 59 0 32 6 11 7 44 25 6 49 8 30 56 2 58 26 7 35 9 17 Unsettled 19 3 57 27 43 8 25 10 6 4 56 28 15th S. af. Trinity. 6 9 21 11 14 5 55 St. Mich. & All Arigl 29 fTl 10 24 Morn. 6 5 54 t u j ^ lowest. 53 11 29 0 6 7 5 53 It X . O C T O B E R , begins on Wednesday, hath 31 days. 1862. Sow cabbages, luttuce, carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, spinach, salsafy, parsnips, ruta baga. Transplant cabbages, cauliflowers, brocoli, onions, lut. tuce, leeks and endive. REMARKS.—If any of the crops recommended above have not been sown, they should not be neglected longer, most of them may be yet sown with considerable advantage. The artichokes should in this month be attended to, the suckers removed, and manure given. Strawberries should be set out in this month. Meridian after 11. Full © Last Q New ]) First Q 7th, 15th, 23d, 29th, 3h 6h 2h 5h 28m 23m 18m 25m even. even. morn. even. x<:^^ Ol CO © < I Pt^ .'— I P C0t0h(^i^tf»OiO<f^CZ)«0 i£..Cni—iCO COh-' i(i.rf^to >fi.coocotc<ic:)i—'^?to<i Aspects, Weather, &c, U 6 Q Cool nights and mornings. ? gr. elong. E . 16th Sun. aft. Trinity. S 8 Q. Frosty. Bat. at King's Mount. [1780. Very unsettled, with wind and 5 runs high. rain 17dt S. aft. Trinity, " i n apogee. , cCd:--!; ... Cloudy. Bank Panic 1857. RaidatH'sFer'y 1859 Burgoyne sur. 1777. St. L u k e . rain ISibSun. aft. Trinity [Cornwallis sur. '81. Clears pleasant. 0 enters =^. ]) in perigee. Fair D lowest. 19thSun. aft. Trinity, !?inf. d 0 . St, Sim. and St. J u d e . perhaps a change with rain.\6 Sun X L N O V E M B E R , begins Saturday, hath 30 days. 1862. Sow peas, cabbages, radishes, carrots, spinach, turnips, parsnips, luttuce, beets, salsafy. Plant mazagon and Windsor beans. Transplant cabbages, luttuce, onions, and leeks. REMARKS.—The crops, sown about the commencement of this month, and a general crop towards the last, though it is best to defer this until the next month. T h e drawf marrowfat and dwarf gefe^lHmperial, are the best varieties for the sowing. T h e asparagus beds should now be dressed, and a good supply of manure given. " Full© 6th, Last Q . 14th, N e w J> 21st, First Q.28t,h, 7h 05 Oh 4h 30m 51m 45m 43m morn. even. even. morn. Sun on Meridian after 11 ^l« CO t o to CO H-' l-. l-i O00int0C005C00<!M^ ooco~.ja5<inrfi-tp-.;i.cococc tni-'i-'tOCOtntO Cn*^*' OltOCOl— O i O O O O O l O t O t O m Sun j Sun i © dec ? DMoon 11 WM M Tvrl Aspects, Weather, &c rises.' sets. South PI R. S. H. M. All Saint's day. 6 38:5 22 14031 39 2 53 20th Sun. aft. Trinity 6 39 5 21 38 48 14 50 .2 Foggy and 6 40 20 15 9 5^ 36 39 3 ? stationary. |6 41 19 15 27 34 27 4 42 18 46 T unsettled\6 15 30 11 5 great change 6 43 17 16 4 t)th 49 ]) rise with rain. 6 43 16 16 21 31 7fr 5 48 , , 6, 44 15 16 39 6 34 8 16 8'sa ])high89t. 14 17 56 7 27 8 57 4f-9|s 21st Sun. aft. TMntty 6 45 46 13 17 13 17 9 37 J) in apogee n 89 10 Om 10 19 Becomes clear 6 47 12 17 30 11 6 6 48 11 17 46 0 gr. elorie. ^x^x,^. W 11 53 11 Metoric showers in 6 49 11 18 2 11 5SEV.41 ['33-'37. Cold. 6 50 10 18 18 6 51 9 18 33 a tMorn. 34 18 48 6 9 0 55 l6S^22d'iSun. aft. Ti 51 28 . nn. Cloudy and 6 52 23 8 19 3 55 17 m G 53 21 7 19 18 nE 59 18tu }},^X^^^^hangeable. '^h-H Ui^00i-aps frost6 53 19 17 5 7 19 32 6 0 enters ill. 14 14 53 6 19 45 20 5 Change with 6 54 5 19 59 21 J sets 2 J) in perigee. fair 6 55 5 20 12 m 5 55 22 4 20 24 7 3 8 56 23iS 23d Sun. aft. Trinity. 6 55 'h'±^hw^'>~ weather. 6 56 24 3 20 37 8 12 9 46 6 57 25 3 20 48 9 28 10 42 6 57 26 2 21 0 V3 10 23 U 35 Another wet^day 6 27 11 32 Morn. 58 2 21 11 21 22 6 0 29 28 Morn. 58 1 C Advent Sunday, 6 59 0 33 1 42 1 21 32 and 29sa < ols ( St. Andrew's day. 6 6915 1 21 42 ^ 1 22 2 17 .T X I I . D E C E M B E R , begins Monday, hath 31 days. 1862.. Sow peas, spinach, radishes, carrots, salsafy, luttuce, cabbages, beets, parsnips. Plant Irish potatoes, mazagon and Windsor beans. Transplant cabbages, luttuce and onions. REMARKS.—Any of the varieties of peas may be sown jji this month. T h e Irish potatoes will come up so early as to have their tops destroyed by frosts, but they will not be injured materially, if a t all, by this. All seed sown during this month, except spinach, peas and beans, must be protected during the cold weather. Sun on Meridian after 11. Full© 6th, 2h LastQ 14th, 5h New ]) .20th, l l h FirstQ. 27th, 6h 18m 14m 45m 25m morn. morn. even. even. W l O f O t O l — ' I — ' — i-i I I—'ODOlt0001COO<!it^l-' ^ ^ Ol Ol Ol t i lyi Oi 1^ to 00 < ! Ol tp.. CO I-' o h^ to Oi 0 \ j < l 0 CO Ot 00 < i Sun Sun ©dec ]) jlMoor II W a Aspects,Weather, &c. M W rises sets. South PIR. S H. ,M. Days 10 hours long. 7 0 1 0 2]o"5 2 29 41 Hazy,! 2 1 0 22 0 3 26 4 4 unsettled-^ 1 59 22 9 T 4 22 4 56 3 and cold. 7 2 59 22 17 4 5 16 5 44 D highest. J7 2 58 22 25 D rise 6 28 5 .!> eclipsed visible. [7 2 58 22 32 6 5 19 7 10 2d Sunday in Advent. 7 3 58 22 39 7 6 11 7 52 [ 1) in apogee.7 3 57 22 45 8 7 5 8 32 like for 7 3 57 22 51 9 7 58 9 15 Snoto. 7 3 57 22 57 10 8 53 9 51 Milder.^ 4 57 23 2 11 9 49 10 33 12 fr ( Washington, d.'99. 7 4 56 23 6 10 45 14 17 13 sa I E v . of Chari'n '82. |7 4 56 23 li 11 42 Ev. 1 14 S^-^ 3d Sun.'in Advent. 7 4 56 23 14 Morn. 0 52 f* 'f -'perhaps rainll 4 56 23 17 TIE 0 41 1 45 15 "'^^"^Now cold aMdl 5 56 23 20 16 1 44 2 45 Ember day. 7 5 55 23 22 17 2 50 3 47 Disagreeable. 7 5 55 23 24 1 3 58 4 53 ) E m b e r [18607 5 55 23 26 fn 5 8 5 55 19 ) days. So.Ca.Seced7 5 55 23 26 20 1) sets 6 51 4thS. inAdv. S t . T h o , 7 5 55 23 27 21 7 47 7 49 Beginning of Winter 7 ,5 55 23 27 22 7 0 8 43 0 e n t . / , ??inf. d 0 . 7 5 55 23 26 ]^ 8 II 9 31 23 © and clock Agree. |7 5 55 23 25 24 9 IS 10 17 25 Christmas. F.Sumter 7 5 55 23 24 10 22 11 7 St. Stephen, occupied 7 5 55 23 22 26 11 23 U 55 27 St.Jo.Ev.|F.Mottltrie7 4 55 23 19 Morn. Morn. 28 •n H o l y l n n o c . [ 1 8 6 0 . 7 4 56 22 16 3£ 0 22 0 46 29 l\ S. a. Christmas. |7 4 56 23 13 1 19 1 38 Stormy 7 4 56 23 9 T 2 16 2 35 30 change.^ 414 56l23 5 31 3 12 3 29 n a ——17——•- - ——f f Odvernnient of tlie Confederate States of America. EXECUTIVE. President—Jefferson Davis, of Mississipipi. Salary JS.'j.'OOO pr. an. Vice-President—Alex. H. Stephens, of Georgia. Salary, $6,000 " Private Secretary to the Pre.sident—Capt. R. Josselyn, of Missip. D E P A R T M E N T OF STATE. R. M-. T. liunter, Secretary of State. Wm M Browne, Assistant, Secretary of State. P P-Dandridge, Chief Cl«rk. WmJBromwell, Clerk and Distrib-uting Agent. D E P A R T M E N T OF JUSTICE. Attorney General' Wade Keyes, acting Attorney General. Jltles St. Martin, Chief Clerk, James M Matthews, Law Clerk. District Judges—A. G. Magrath, for South-Carolina. Edward J. Harden, for Georgia. O. A. Lochrane, for Georgia, at Macon. William"G. Jones, for Alabama. WHliam Lanier Harris, for Mississippi. Thomas J. Semnaes, forLoviisiaiia. Joseph Hemphill, for Texas. Jesse J. Finley, for Florida. M cQniu Mcintosh, Admiralty, :it Key-West. Patent Office—Eufus E. Eodes, Commissioner J no. S. C. Danner, Chief Clerk. 3 under clerks. Office of S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of P u b l i c Printing—Geo. E. W. Nelson, Superintendent. E G Dill, Clerk. R. M Smith, Pttb, Printer. T R E A S U R Y DEPARTMENT. C Gk Memminger, Secret-ary of the Treasury. P Clayton,'tSeci'etary of the Treasury. H. D. Capers, Chief Clerk and DLsbursin,g Agent. Clerks, J W Anderson, S S Simmon.s, J A Crawford, and E E Atkinson, Treasurer's Office—E C Elmore, Treasurer. 1' T Green, Chief clerk or Teller, Troasurer'.s office. M F Govan, Clerk. T Taylor, clerk. Comptroller's Office—Lewis Cruger, Comptroller. .\ J Clark, Chief Clerk; Clerks, Samuel Melvin, Jno. Otl, HSparnick, W L Corbin, and A L Edwards. R e g i s t e r ' s Office—F C Jones, Acting Eegister uiid Chief clerk. Clerks, C C Thayer, Geo Pall, A L Ferguson, S W Hampton, J W Woolfoid, E C Caldwell, II H Goodloe, R McRae, F Fillet, sen. and S Duncan. FirstAuditor'sOffice—B Baker, IstAitditor. W W Lester, Chief clerk ; Clerks, J W Robertson, A Eoane, A L Moise, Ed Old, D W Archer, Lewis L Devin, J. Heart. Second Auditor's Office—W H S Taylor, 2d Auditor. S H Nash, Chief clerk 2d Auditor. Clerks, D L Dawson, J Calnot, A Ellery. Light House Bureau—T B Martin, acting. W A R DEPARTMENT. J. P. Benjamin^ acting Secretary of War. A T Bled.soe, Chief of Bureau of War. J B Jones, Clerk in Secretary's office. Clerk.s, P B Robinson, jr., J H Wagnon, John Tyler, jun, J E Peebles, J Jones, Julien Frazier, Charles Gookin, T B \\ ilkinsoh. Quarter Master General's Office—Col. A C Myer.s, Quarter Mastery General. Capt. A H Seldon, Assistant Qu Ma Gcii. John F Whit-i field, acting Assistant Q M. 0 Bull, Assistant Q .VI Department ofForage and Lumber. W L Bailey, chief clerk Q M General. GeoB Saint Clair, clerk do. T P Alston, do. S F Sutherland do. Chs. k^iiii^—.^ iisaiSiiiiiaCiiiaiis;,v .r. -fm ,.,..^H Abbot, do. AV A Rind, do- Thos W graves do. T H W r ^ g h v ' Book-keeper. Ed. Kuig, Assistant do. J C Redwood, do. John" A Moaby and John Hodkin, clerks. ^ , . , . „ , . , .. ^ C o m m i s s a r y General's Office—Lieut. Col. L B Northrop, Commissary General. S B Brewer, clerk to com, gen. J S Robinson, jun. and Richard Seott, clerks. ,. ^ „ „ „ A d j u t a n t a n d I n s p e c t o r G e n e r a l s Office-Gen. bamuel Coopei% Adjutant aud Inspector General. Lieut. Col. B H Chilton, 1st Asst. Adj & Insp Gen. Capt. John Withers, 2d Asst. Adj & Lisp. Gen. 1st Lieut Y D Groner, and 2d Lieut C H Forsyth, detailed for duty in the office- Clerks, H C Wall, E E Portlock, C H Wade. A c t : A d j : G e n e r a l atEichmtfiid, George Deas. O r d n a n c e diffice—Major J Gorgas, Ordnance Oflicer. Capt S Stanley, of Artillery, Paymaster. Lieut R Talley, of Artillery,Draught.sman : J M Marshall, clerk ; G S Sawyer. Storekeeper ; L Gibbon, captain of Artillery ; Clerks, S M Pearce, John K Martin, F Herbert, G A Pearce, W S Dro^'oner, A G Brerizer. Sitrgeon G e n e r a l ' s Office—D 0 DeLeon, Surgeon General. C. H. Smith, M D. Assistant Surgeon General. S G Capers, M D , clerk to Surgeon General 5 Wm Duxbury, D. do. Office of I n d i a n Affairs—David Hubbard, Commissioner. Lieut. S, S Scott, Clerk in Indian Bureau. N A V Y DEPARTMENT. R. S. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy. E M Tidball, Chief clerk Clerks, W P Hilliard. Z P Moses C N Farmell, Theo. Garnet. Office of O r d n a n c e & H y d r o g r a p h y , Construction and Repair, and Yards and Dock,?—D. N, Ingraham, in charge of office. George Minor, Assist. Inspector of Ordnance. J P MeCorklo, clerk. Office of O r d e r s & Detail, E q u i p m e n t of V e s s e l s , RecAuting, Courts iMartial, and Courts of Inquiry—L. Rus.seau, in charge of office. James S Jones, clerk. Office of M e d i c i n e & Surgery—W. A. Spot.-; wood, M D. in'charo-e of office. F . Doyle, clerk. ° Office of P r o v i s i o n s a n d Clothing, <a;c.—John DeBree, in cTiaro-e of office. T C DeLeon, clerk. " POST-OFFICE D E P A R T M E N T . J o h n H Regan, Postmaster Gcnei-al. 11 St. Geo. Offutt, Chief thirty-two others as Clerks W H E R E THE OFFICES A R E SITUATED, In Richmond. The Custom House is situated on Bank Street, between 10th & l l t h 'I'he President's Office can be found in the Custom House 2d siorv' first stairs to the right in entry. > ~ • j, The Secretary of the Treasury can be found in the 2d story of the Custom House, in front part of building. 2d stairs to the right The Offices of Comptroller, Register, and Treasurer, can be' found on the first floor of the Custom House. Persons will find the si-'ns on the doors. The State Department is in the 2d story 2d stairs'in the front part of the building. ' The Department of War, Quartermaster General, Adjutant and luspector General can be found on the first floorof Mechanic s Institute which IS situated on 9th Street, between Main and Franklin Streets' (See Signs.) The Ordnance Department is on the 2d floor but may be n m )ved to the first. The Commissary General's Office in 1st story — =19 Bureau of Chief Euginer of the Army in 4th story. The Navy Department is in the 2d story of the Mechanic's Institute, right hand side. The Light House Bureau, is in the 4th story of the same building. The Patent Office is in the 3d story. The Second Auditor of the Trea.sury, is in the same building. The Surgeon of the Navy, can be found in the Mechanic's Institute. The Surgeon General, first floor, right hand side, the same building. The Medical Purveyor can be found in Franklin Street, between 12th and 13th. The Post Office Department is situatsd in Goddin's Hall, corner of Bank and 11th Streets. . The First Auditor of the Treasury, is in the .same building. The Attorney General's, and Superintendent of Public Printing offices are sitaated in 2d story, left hand side, Mechanic's In.stituto, The City Post Office is situated 3 doors above the Mechanic's Institute. Open daily (exceptSunday) from 8 a.m. to 5 p. m. The Government Offices open at 9 a. m. and close at 3 p . m . Persons are notified not to enter offices without addressing the Messengers. No persons received in offices, on or without business, after 3 o'clock, P, M. Please read the signs over the doors. ?1 5 ^ ° V 0 L U N T E E R S wishing to be transported to their Companies can do so by calling at the Quartermaster's Department in the Blues' Hall, on Bank Street, between 9th and iOth Streets. O F F I C E R S of the C O N F E D E R A T E G O V E R N M E N T in several of the States. SOUTH-CAROLINA. Hon. A. G. Magrath, Judge, residence in Charleston. Henry Y Gray, a e r i , " .James Conner, Attorney. C Richardson Miles, acting, D. H. Hamilton, Marshal, J B Irvine, jr. acting. Commissiouers—Geo. W Egleston, & Eobt. C Gilchrist, Charlestoa. O. E. Townes, Greenville. Commissioner—Wm H Grimball, Charleston. Receivers—John Y Stock aad John W Caldwell, Charleston. W J DeTreville, for Beaufort, Colleton and Orangeburg Districts. S. J Townsend, for Darlington, Marlboro', Chesterfield and Lancaster. R E Frazer, for Georgetown, Marion, Willjajasbtirg and Horry. .John Bausket, Columbia—for Richland and Lexington. J. R Aiken, for Fairfield, Kershaw and Sumter. J. SRy^tt, for BarnwoU, Edgefield and Abbeville. E P Lake, for dewberry. Union aud Chester. J C Elford, for Greenville, Spartanburg and York. J B Sitton, for Anderson, Picbiens aad Laurens. GEORGIA. Hon. Edward J Harden, Judge, residing in Savannah. J. C Nichols, Attorney, " " Wra H Hunt, Clerk, for the Northern District Charles S Henry, for the Southern District. ——^ • Marshal, at Savannah Reeeieers—James T Nesbit, of Bibb, for th« Southern Distrct James C Daniel, of De Kalb, for the Northern District. FLORIDA. Hon. Jesse J Finley, Judge, at Mariana. Attorney. Clerk, E B Blackburn, Marshal for the Northern District. Colketors—3 B Baldwin, Key West. Paul Arnau, St. Augiwtine.— Ths. Ledwith, Jacksonville. F . Livingston, Fernandina Surveyor—George Lucas for Pilacka. I ——^ 30 : = ALABAMA. Hon. Wm G Jones, Judge, Alfred H Moses, Marshal, at Montgomery. Collector, Joseph Sierra, for Pensacola. N. Baker, for Apalachicola. Surveyor, A J Decatei-j for Bay Port. Reiceivers ^ Members of the Confederate Congress, Which met at Montgomery, Alabama, on the 10th of February, 1861— and afterwards adjourned to Richmond, Virginia, and met oa the 20th day of July, --.^ H O W E L L COBB, President. , Virgiiua. W C Eives, J W Breckborough, R M T Hunter W R Staples, James A Seddon, William B, Preston, John Tyer, W m H Macfarland, R A Pryor, Thomas 8 Brook, R E Scotf; James M Mason, C W Russell, Robert Johnston, Walter Preston, North Carolina. George'Davis, W W Avery, W N H Smith, Thomas Rnffin, T McDowell, A W Venable, J M Morehead, R C Puryear, Burton Craig, E A Davidson, S J HOOPER, Secretary. C M Memminger, Wm P Miles, T J Withers, W W Boyce, Georgia. Robert Toombs, Howell Cobb, T Foreman, Martin J Crawford, Eugenius A Nisbit, Benj. H Hill, A R Wright, T E R Cobb, A H Kenan, A H Stephens. Alabama. R W Walker, R H Smith, J L M Curry, VV P Chilton, S F Hale, Colin J McRae, John Gill Shorter, H C Jones, Nich. Davis, jr. Iiouisiana. J Perkins, jr. A DeClouet, D F Kenner, E Sparrow. H Marshall, MississippL W P Harris, W Brooek, J A Orr, A M Clayton, W S Barry, J T Harrison, J A P Campbell, i [ [ Arkansas. Robt. W Johnson, Albert Rust, H F Thomasson, A H Garland, W VV Watkins, Texas. J Hemphill, W B. Ochiltree, W S Oldham, T N Wall, J Gregg, L T Wigfall, Florida. Jackson Morton, South-Carolina. G T Ward, Robert B Rhett, J B Owens, B W Barnwell, Tennessee. Annexed since. L M Keitt, J Chesnut, jr. A New Congress, to 36 elected throughoiit he Confederate States' to assemble at Richmon d, on the 18th Feb, 186 2. The Electors for Presiident and Vice-Preside at are to meet in their respective States on th e 1st Wednesday in De cember 1861, and then proceed to vote for President and Vice Presiderit. The Votes ar? sent tc the Richmond to be c ounted when the New Congress assembles, =--=- :^J Times and P l a c e s of Holding S U P E R I O R * S N F E K I O R C O U K T S O F CJEOKCflA, Corrected for Miller's Almanac for 186:^1. Counties.! Sitperior Courts. | Inferior Cotirts. jCo. Towns. 1st Mondaj' March and Sept.' 1st Monday June and Dec Holmesville 2d Monday May and Nov. Tues aft. 1st Mon Jan. July Newton 4th " F e b . and Aug. 3d Jlonday May and Nov Milledgeville 4th " April and Oct. Ist " F e b . and Aug. Monday after Super Court Berrien 2d " J a n aud July Nashville ii! Irwin. 2d Monday May and Nov. l a s t " Bibb F e b . 4 Mon Aug 2d " Doc and June Brooks 3d " F e b and Aug Macon Day after 3d Mou. Apl. and Jan and June Bryan Eden Mon. aft. L i b e r t y Court Nov 4th " Friday aft. 3d Mon. Mar. 1st " Feb and July Bulloch Statesboro' and Friday aft. 4th Mon. Oct 2d Monday May and Nov. 1st " Jan and July Burke Waynesboro 2d Jan and July March and Sept. 2d " Butts Jackson 4th May and Nov 3d " May and Nov. Calhoun Morgan 3d Jan aud June Jeflersontoh April and Oct. 1st " Camden 2d June and Dec Carapbellton Feb and August 3d " Campbell June and Dec Carrollton 1st April and Oct. 4th " Carroll May and Nov Cassville 2d March and Sept. 4th " Cass Jan and July 2d 4th " May and Nov. Catoosa Ringgold Feb and July Savannah 2d 3d " Jan. aud fllay. Chatham F e b . and Aug. Cusseta May and Nov. 3d " Chattahoochee 3d May and Nov Summerville 1st March aud Sept. 4th " Chattooga June and Dec Canton 1st 2d " do do Cherokee F e b aud Sept. T r a d e r s Hill 2d April and Oct. 1st " Charlton April and Oct Watkinsville 1st Feb.,2dMon.Au. 4th " Clark Jan and July 4th 4th " March and Sept. Clay Fort Gaines F e b a n d July Jouesboro' 1st May and Nov. 1st " Clayton Jan and July 4th March and Sept. 3d " Clinch Magnolia June and Dec Marietta 3d do do 3d " Cobb May and Nov. 2d do do 1st " Coffee Douglas Fob and July Appling 1st do do 1st " Columbia last in May, and Jan and July Colquitt Moultrie Monday after 4th Mon. Nov, 1st Ist " March aud Sept.. 1st " June and Dec Newnan Coweta J a n aud July 1st " do do 3d " Crawford Knoxville 1st " M a r c h a n d S e p t Trenton 4th " May and Nov. Dade 2d. " iFeb. and Aug. 1st " J u n e and Dec Dawsonville Dawson 4th " April aud Oct. 2d " J a n and July Decatur Bainbridge 4th " do do 3d " Jan and July DeKalb Decatur 1st " do do 3d " June and Dec Vienna Dooly 1st " June .and Dec. 1st " M a r c h a n d S e p t Albany Dougherty 1st " April and Oct. 3d " J u n e and Dec Blakely Early Mon. aft. 4th Mon. Mar. Sept. Mon. after Inf. Ct. in Clinch Echols Mon. aft. 4th Mon.March & Effingham Springfield 2d Mon.after 4th Mon. Oct 2d Monday F e b and July 2d Monday March and Sept. 3d " Jan and July Elbert Elberton do do 4th Emanuel do do 1st " Paris Fannin do do 2d May and Oct. 2d " Morganton Fayette J a n and June Fayetteville 2d March and Sept, 2d " Floyd April and Oct Rome 3d J a n . & 1st Mon July 2d " Forsyth do do 3d F e b . and Aug. 3d " Cumifling 3d Franklin Jan and July April aud Oct. 4th " Carnesville Fulton June and Dec Atlanta 1st do d o 3d " Gilmer J a n . I Mon July Elijay May and Oct. 3d " 1st Glascock F e b . and Aug. 4th " May and Nov Gibson 3d Glynn April and Oct. 2d " J a n , and June BrunsA'ick 4th Greene J u n e a u d Dec Greensboro* 8d March and Sept. 2d " Gordon J a n . and July Calhoun Ist April and Oct. 4th " Gwinnett June and Dee Lawrenceville Ut Mar. & 2d Sept. Ist " Habersham J a n and July Clarkesville Sd April and Oct, 2d " Hall Gainesville do do 3d March and Sept 4th " Hancock F e b . and Aug Sparta 2d April and Oct. let " Haralsoa J a n . and July Tallapoosa 3d do ' do 2d " Hniria Hamilton do do 3d do do 2d " Hart Juno and Dec. Hartwell 3d March and S e p t 3d " Heard J a n . a n d j n l y . Franklin 3d April and Oct. 2d " Appling Baker Baldwia Banks 02= :=a r'SUPERIOR ——99 W'i & INFERIOR COURTS in Georgia, Continued Counties. | Superior Courts. | Inferior Courts. [CcTowns. 3 I Monday April and S e p t 4th 4th " do do 4th T h s a f t e r S u p Court Telfair 4th 4th Mon F e b . and Aug. 2d 4th 4th " April and Oct 3d 3d " do do 2d 2d *' June and Dec 4th 3d " April and Oct 1st •id '• do do 4tli 4th " March a * i I c p t . 3d Mon.Apr.Mon.»/.tM.No. 2d 4th Monday April *nd Oct. Ut 1st " Juno and Dec. I.St 3d 4th " Jan. and July 3d " March and Sept. 1st 1st " do do 2d Ist Monday March and Sept. 3d Tues. aft. 2d Mon. Apr. and Mcintosh i Thursday aft. 4th Mon. Nov, 3d 4th Merriwether 3d Monday Feb. and Aug. 4th 2d " Apl. and Oct. Miller 1st 1st " June and Nov Milton Mitchell 2d " May and Nov. 4th 4th " F e b . and Aug. 2d ^fonroe T h u r s . aft. 2d Mon, Mar.and Montgomery J Thursday after 3d Mon. Oct. Ist ^lorgan I s t M o n d a y M a r c h a n d Sept. „. iu Murray 3d " April and Oct. 3d Muscogee 4th " May and Sept. 2d Newton 3d " March and Sept 4th Oglethorpe 3d " April and Oct. 4th I*anlding 4th " F e b . and Aug. Sd Pickens 2d " March and Sept. 3d Pierce T h b e f r e l s t M o n . Mar, Sep, 2d Pike lstMon,Apr.& M. Oc. 1st Polk 4tfa Monday April and (.(ct. -Ith Pulaski 31 " do do 4th Putnam 3d " March and Sept. 3d Quitman 3d " May and Nov. 2d Rabun 1 M . A p r . & W e d . a f IMon.O. 1st Randolph IstMondayMay and Nov. 1st Richmond 4th " Jan. and June, ' s t Schley 4th " April and Oct. 4th Scriven 2d " do do 2d Spalding 3d " May and Nov. 3d Stewart 3d " April and Oct. 1st Sumter 2d " do do 3d Talbot 3d " March and Sept. 3d Taliaferro 4th " F e b . and Aug. Ut Tatnall 3d " Mar. & 4 M.Oct. 2d Taylor 1st " April and Oct. 2d Terrell 4th " May and Nov. 4th Telfair F r . after Courts in Wilcox 4th Thomas 1st Monday June and Dec. 4th Towns 4th " May and Oct. 3d Troup 3d '• May and Nov. 1st Twiggs 4th " March and Sept. 4th Union 3d " MayiindOct 4th Upson U t '* May and Nov. 1st Walker Mon. bef. 1 Mon Mar & S e p t 1st Walton 2 & 3 Mon. F e b & 3 do Aug 3d Ware 3d " March and Sept. 3d Warren Ist " April and Oct. 2d Washington 2d " Mar and Sept. 4th Wayne T h . after 3d Mon. Apl. Oct. 2d Webster 2d Monday Mar. and Sept. 2d White 4th " do do . 4 t h Wilcox 4th " April and October 2d Wilkes 4th Monday March and Sept. U t Wilkinson 1st " April and Oct. 2d Whitfield 4th " do do Ist Worth 3d " do do 1st Henry Hou.ston Irwin Jackson Jasper Jefferson Johnson Jones Laurens Liberty Lincoln Lowndes Lunipkiu Macon Madison Marion Monday Feb. and Aug. McDonough Perry Jan and July J a n . Ut Mo. July Irwinville J a n . and July Jefferson ' Monticello do do Louiiville do do April and Oct. J a n . and July Clinton J a n . and Dec Dublin Starkesville Jan and July Hinesville Jan aud July Lincoln ton F e b and July Troupville F e b and Aug J u n e and Dec Dahlonega F e b and J u l y Oglethorpe Danielsville Jan and July May and Nov Buena Vista Jan and J u n e Darien April and Oct March and Sept F e b and Sept. Feb. and Aug, June and Dec M't Vernou June and Dec Madison Spring Place Jan and July Mar and Sept Columbus June and Dec Covington Lexington Jan and June June and Dec Dallas Jasper Jan and July June and Dec. Blackshear Zebulon do do Cedar Town do do Jan, 1 Mon July Hawkinsville June and Dec. Eatonton F e b and Aug jGeorgetown Jan and July Clayton F e b . and August Cuthbert June and Dec Augusta Jan and Aug. Ellaville Jan and July Sylvauia F e b and Aag iUriffin F e b and June Lumpkin Jan and July Americus J u n e and Dec Talbotton do do Crawfordville F e b and Aug Reedsville do do Butler do do Dawson J a n and Julj^ Jacksonville F e b and Aug Thomasville J u n e and Dec Hiwassee Feb and Aug LaGrange Jan and July Marion J u n e and Dec Blaircville F e b and Aug Thomaston May and Dec LaFayette May and Nov Monroe J u n e and Dec Ware.sboro* F e b and Aug Warrenton J a n and July Sandersville do do Waynesville June aud Dec Preston June and Dec Mount Yonah Jan and July Abbeville May and Nov Washington J a n and July Irwington Dalton do do. J u n e and Dec. Isabella F e b and Aug " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Greenville Colquitt .ilpharetta Camilla Forsyth — 9-*^ SUPREME COURT OP GEORGIA. Districts, Judicial Circuits.^ Place. ut Eastern, Middle and Brunswick Savannah 2nd i Macon, South-Western, ChattaMacon coochee and Pataula Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge, Che. Atalaiita 3rd rokee & Tallapoosa 4th Athens Western and Northern 5th Milledgeville Ocniulgee and Southern 1 Time. 3d monday Jan. & June 4th " " 3d" 4th monday March and 2d monday Aug. 4th mouday May&Nov, l2d Return day Out 20 days before Court. j ^ ^ A l l sums under $50 Magistrates Court. Coiiiiiiissioncrs of Deeds in Soiitli-Caroliiia, Appointed by the Governors of other States. M A I N E — T r i s t r a m T u p p e r , E d w i n Heriot. N . H A M P S H I R E . — J S Woodman, G W Egleston,S J H u l l , F L E o u y . P E N N S Y L V A N I A — S . J . Hull. F . L Roux, "_ MA.SSACHUSETTS.—PeterOliver, A h r . J a c k s o n , j r . S..1. Hull, Lewi.s F . Robinson, Thos. F a r r C a p e r s . E H O D E I S L A N D . N e w J e r s e y and Ohio, S J H u l l . CoNNF.CTicuTT—G. W . E g l e s t o n , S. .1. H u l l . F L Roux, N E W - Y O R K . — G e o r g e W . Egleston. L F . Robertson, W A . Pringle, S .1 H u l l . H . P . Walker, V.J. Tobia.s. M A R Y L A N D — I s a a c Davega, S J H u l l . H . P . W a l k e r , , \tRGiNiA.—C. B . N o r t h r o p , L F . Robinson, S J H u l l . H . P . W a l k e r , and V. J. Tobias. N . C A R O L I N A — H C K i n g . S J Htill. F L Roiix,V. J . T o b i a s . M M C o h e n GEORGIA.7—A. H . B r o w n , E H e n o t , Isaac Davega, W m . A. Quingley, S T H u l l . H . P . W a l k e r , F L Roux, V. J . Tobias, M M. C o h e n . F L O R I D A . — W C . H e r i o t , L . M.Robinson, J as. M Baxter, B . H e r i o t . W m . A . Quingley. S J Hull, H . P . W a l k e r , F L Roux, L O U I S I A N A . — H . " P . W a l k e r , J a c o b Williman, S J H u l l , V. J . T o b i a s . M I S S I S S I P P I . — H . P . W alker, L . F . Robinson, S J H u l l . V. J . Tobias. MISSOURI.—F- L. Eoux. S J Hull. A L A B A M A . — W . B. Heriot, H P i n c k . W a l k e r , S H Brodie, S. J . H u l l , F . L . Roux T E N N E S S E E — F L (Roux, S. J . H u l l , V. J . Tobias, K E N T U C K E Y — S J . H u l l , F L Roux, V J . Tobias. INDIA.VNA—B. H e r i o t , S J . Hull. M I C H I G A N — G . W- Egleston, I L L I N O I S . — B . F . Rutledge, S J H u l l . A R K A N S A S — H . Pink. W a l k e r . S J . Hull. T E X A S — S H Hull. C A L I F O R N I A . — J n o E Rivers, § J HuU, V J Tobias, Kdwin Heriot. Coniiiiissiouei's of Deeds In otiicr States, By appointment of Ihe Legislature 4* Oovernor of South-Carolina. For Maine—James O'Donnell, at Portland. For New-Hampshire—G. W . W o o d m a n , a t Dover. For Massachusetts—N. T . L e o n a r d , a t H a m p d e n , G. R i g g s , C . B . F. A d a m s , at Boston For Rhode-Island—H«nry Mtirtin, at Providence. For New-York.—J.Charles Bushnell, J o h n Livingston, Joseph C. L a w r e n c e , T . C. Cailicot, Lebbeus Cliapman, j r . , H e n r y 0 . Banks, J o s e p h B . Norris, Thomaa A . Richmond, W . M. Underbill, W m Cox Du.seubury, C l a r e n c e C . Mitchell, Alden J . H a l e , E . G, B u r n h a m , H . A . W a t k i n s o n , W a s h i a g t o n Murray, Sylvester L a y , L e w i s L Glover, M V B WileoKsoB, B F Corey, j r . , T L Thornwell. W H Stodg i l l . T h o s Vernon, Horace Andrews, W m P Converse, Wm J A Fuller, Oliver H o l d e a , Lewis Hurst, John J Searing, J o h n McKillop, Benjamin E a n k i n , all residing in N . Y o r k city. J o h n Berry at WilliaraBbur,g. ^ H r~=^;~=^=^ -24 '\ •• For Ohio—William Birney, at Cinncinati. For New-Jersey.—Gprdon L. Ford, at Morristovirn, Moses R. King, Essex County. For Peymsylvania.—John H. Frisk, A. DeKalb Farr, John C. Bullett, Ed.Wilcox, J Broadhead, Ed. Shippen, Geo. Erely, C R Hawes, Wm. Hey ward Drayton, Frank M Etting, Robert Hutchinson, Joshua Spearing, at Philadelphia. For Maryland.—Geo. Witnian, Wm. S Bryan, Jabez D Pratt, at Baltimore. G C Thomas, Thomas B King, at H^ashington city. For Virginia—lA-Ai-cison Robertson, at Norfolk; W-M Fulton, at Richmond. JainesK. Lee, H G Cannon, at Richmond. For Nor'.h-Carolina—David Fulton, at AVilmington. John J, Shaver, at Salisbury. William Allen, at Norwood. For Ke.:itucky.—B.F.Graves, at Lexington. C.L.Thomasson, Louisv'l. For Tennessee.—H. F. Hill, at Memphis. J C Bureh, Chatanooga. For Georgia.—Levy S Russell, at Savannah. Dayid Reid, at Macon, W W. Arnold, at Zebulon. W. G. Pierce at • W. R. Stansellat . Glynn CO.; J B Hayne, Burke co. John A Cordray, Fort Gaines, .los. Felt, at Savannah, Roijert B Rhett, ——. Claiborn Snead, Augusta. N. M Clark, R. W Denton, B G Moses, at Columbus. Jas. JVI. Tyson, East-Florida.—J. M. & Robert Baker, at Jacksonville; W C Downing, Tallahas.soe. R B Ives, at AlligatorSouth Florida.—JM Taylor, at Ocala. For Alabama.—Greenberry GaiTett, at Summerfield, George Conway Sidney F. Douglas, at Mobile. Mathew Lyon, at CaiTollton. Thomas Harrison, and R A Cololough, at Montgomery. S A Hale, at Livingston. E McCaa. at Demopolis. Mississippi.—D. B. Clayton, at Red Banks ; Geo. West, aud James M. Antry, at Holly Springs : D. Williams, at Columbus ; John R Harris, at Lovk^ndes county; A Pollard, Monro county. For Louisiana.—0 B.Beverly,A C Ainsworth,G.Raresides. N.Bradner Smith, Wm. Shannon, S. B. Davis, Wm Mena'^-an, John P. Phillips, aud W H Peters, at New-Orleans. R. Y. Buckner, J . M. Landruin, at Shroveport. For Texas—^Vfm- R. Baker, at Houston; Jos. W. Hampton, at Austin. Oalifornia.—Lewis Blaniling, Gregory Fall, Peter della Torre, A. G. Randal, S W Moore, Alex. Boyd, Charles J Brenham, F J Thibault, at St. Francisco. W R Price, Wm. Rabe, Lewis W Sloat, R H Stanley, at Sacramento. Wisconsin.—J C Starkweather, at Milwauke. Arkansas-G D Boyston. Michigan.—James B. Witherall, at Detroit. Minnesota.—Geo. H Ingraham, jr. at St. Paul's county, Ramsay. - ' '-B Charleston Gas l<ig:Iit Company. Presirfent, John Schnierle. Secretary if Cashier, So\\nKneT\ot. Directors—Wenry Gourdin, John F . Blacklock, A. J. W h i t e , E M Beach, James Rose, W C Bee, G A PerdLxaries South-Carolina, Historical Society. J a m e s L. Petigru, P r e s i d e n t — D r . James Mouitrie, U t Vice.President—Wm. H. Trescott. 2d Vice-President—Win. James Rivers, Corresponding Secretary—F. A. Porcher, Recording Secretary—A. H . Wazyck, Treasurer. Curators—O Hammond, G S Bryan, R Yeadon, Dr J E Hollnook, Dr—. 11 R Carrol, J W Hayne. Palmetto liyceum. Edwin Heriot, President Treasurer. Recording S e c r e t a r y — M . W H e a t h , Magnolia Cemetery, near the City of Charleston. E D W A B D S E B R I N G , President. DiRscTORs—W. H. Dukes, W D Porter, F . Richards, W W a l k e r . N G Rey nolds, jun. S E C R E T A R Y — W H H Derwort. J t ^ O F F I C E , Apprentice's Library Hall, Meeting.street. Keeper of Cemetery, D McDonald. Sexton, J P Aliey, Residence, 62 Queen-street '25 • : i ^ City Government of ColuEibia. Mayor, J H Boatwright. Aldermen, Ward N o l , R D Senn, J S Guignard, A M Hunt—No. 2, W H Casson, O Z Bates, J N Feaster—No. 3, D PMcDouald, W T Water, John McKcnzie—No. 4, J A Kennedy, E Hope, S E Capers City Physician and Register, Dr T J Goodwyn. City Clerk If Assessor, D B Miller. City Attorney,-D BDeS-dxissure. City Surveyor, T.C.-Vaal. City Printer, C P Phclam. Chief of P O H M , John Burdell. Policemen—-'SI Grinstead, Thomas J(arrison J M Sill, J M Coker.B Brazil, Jas W Rose, N Daniels, J Starling, W Daniels, H McMillan, W C Strickland, Th P Rose. Superintendent of Water ?fVr/£», Richard Tozor. Keeper of City Clock, G Diercks Keeper of City Stales, John McCammon. Tovi'^n C o u n c i l s ABBEVILLE—/«te»rfa»«, Dr. John F Livingston. Wardens, Benj P Hughes, James A Allen,, A J Lithgoe, John W h i t e . AIKEN—Intendant, John F Cutler. Wardens, John Mosely, E H A Oakley, Wm T Jones, I M Hendricks. ANDERSON Intendant, J P Reid. Wardens, E. F, Murrah, J. B Clark, Dr. P. A. Whilhite. Stephen flfcCulley. BARNWELL—i?i««Mrfa»(t, Capt. J. S. Brown. Wardens, J T Aldrich, J A Bellinger, W H Duncan, Dr. S B Graham. BEAUFORT—/ntCMrffflwt, Edmund Rhett. Wardens, Dr. F. M. Stuart, D. L. Thomson, J. H. Nash, J. E.Talhird, W . H . S n e d i k e r , .M. L. Montague. Clerli of Council If Tax Cultcctor of the Toicn, John M. Baker. Chief of the Police, and Capt. of the Guard, E. J. Durban. BLUFFTON—/Btcndaiie. Paul H Seabrook. Wardens, M J Kirk, Goo Chisolm, R R Pope, F H Verdier. BLACKVILLE—Jwtendaret, James Kclley. Wardens, Dr. H G Hagood, Dr. B. F Peoples, J D Mount. Daniel Jowell. CAMDEN—filtcjtrfajji, Jos B Kershaw. Wardens, L .M Candless, J W Doby, J j M Gayle, J V Lvles. Magistrates, W R T.ivlor. W L Depa.~.>. CHEViAW—Intendant, R A Kendall. Wardens, J M Throadgill, H P Lynch, A Race, D B McArn. • CHESTER—77ttcniaMt, J JMcLure. Wardens, C S Brice, A Q Duuovant, John McKee, Jr., J L Agurs. COKESBURY—/Jifendant, F A Conner. Wardens, Charles Smith, J C Williams, E Watson, E Hodges. CONWAYBOllO—Znicndojit, Jos J Richwood. Wardens, i )S, Wessen, Dr J H Norman, Samuel Bell, Alex Elliott. DARLINGTON—/wtCMdanf, M H Huggins. Wardens, A T Dargan, C M Jones, J W J Floyd, Joseph Frank. EDGEFIELD—Intendant, Cicero Adams. Wardens, John Moloy, J A Dozicr, W R H u d s o n , F L Smith. ' GEORGETOWN—/ntcBdant, J W Howard. Wardens, S S Fraser,A Morgan, , A J Richardson, S Sampson. I GREENVILLE-Zjitendamt, C J Elford. Wardens, i^i UcVixc'csoa, John Greer, B F Cleveland, D Hooke, Alex. McBee, N. Whitiinore. I HAMBURG—/«tc«rfa7(«, W . W. Sale. Wardens, J W Stokes, R McDonald, . R M Owens, E J Buekminster, Wm Hill, M A Ramson. j LAURENSVILLE—/m««mda«t, D^ J A Barksdale. Wardens, S Fleming, R P , T o d d , J M S h o c k l e y , A W T e a g u e , J S Hicks. LANCASTER—/M«e»rfan<,S BMassey. Wardens, John D Wylie, W L Howe, J H W Stevens, JohnM Crocket. i LOWNDESVILLE—/Kte«(ZaMt, S B Massey. Wardens, R E Atkinson, J M Crocket, Felix McLauren, Wm. Stevens. MARLBORO—intcndaw*, Thos. Gordon. Wardens,T S Robertson, H B MtCharter, O R. Thompson, D Campbell. MARION—Intendant, C Graham. Wardens, J P Y'oujig, DrMulllngs, J C McClenagan, V Little. MOUNT PLEASANT—/«te«d«»i«. Dr. Joshua Toomcr: Wardens, A. Lacoslc, R. T. Morrison, David Bailey, Samuel Kingman, Dr. E. Dawson, H. Cranston. David Bailey,Cteri, Treasurer If Solicitor. Philip M Pepper, Marshal, MOULTRIEVILLE—7Mt«jtdfl7it, Henry C . K i n g . Wardens, Edward Frost, Francis Lance, Capt. C. H. Simonton, Robt. Johnston, P. G. Fitzsimous. NEWBERRY—/BfeTidant, W G Mayes. Wardens, VV W McMorris, C H Kingsmore, James Crawford. J. Gaunt. ORANGEBURG—/ntcn<2ant, W T McKewn. Wardens, James Caunon, Jos P Harley. Thad C Andrews, John Marchant. PENDLETON—/nfendoBt, W J Knaff. Wardens—E B Benson, W H O Gail|Iard, E M Croft, James Hunter. F1CKEN9—Intendant, R. A.Thompson. Wardens, Wicklife, L. C. Craig Hadden, E. E. Alexander. ' SUMMERVILLE—/Btendant, Rov. R. J. Limehouse. Wardens, T. B. Miles, M H Hutchinson, P K Cobttrn, J J Guerrard. ,r,!=^r.^.,s^^^,=,^,^26. -2 ^=f=^ SUMTER—/flte7^da»t, T . B . F r a s e r . Wardens, L . B. H a n k s , N . C r a n e , J , T . Solomons, M. L . L a f a r . ^ SPARTANBURG—/ntenrfojit, J. Earl Bomar; Wardens, J. Maxwell, J . M. Best, W . H. Trimmer, Charles Thompson. TIMMONSVILLE—Intendant, Rev W M Bockington. Wardens, D r J E Bird, D A WcEachorn, Dr John Norwood, Jeste Keith, UNION'VILI/E—Intendant, R Macbeth. Wardcns,'VVm Steen, B D Cuip, J. Kaiser, Thomas McNally. WALHALLA—/»t«<!«da»tf, John H OstendprflT. Wardens, A E Norman, J G C Kruse. G H Korber. WALTERBORO'—/»teM(fo»t, C Baring F a r m e r . Wardens, E Witsell, L Sanders, J S Glover, B S R i v e r s , R L Fraser. J D Edwards WINNSBORO'—/nt«K(f«nt, Thos J o r d a n . Wardens, Dr. W E Aiken, D Campbell, C Cathcart, VV. B. Creight WILLISTON—//.te»«/oJi(, Dr W W Smith. Wardens, H e n r y Smith, J E Wood ward, T W Youngblood, A J Weathersbee. YORKVILLE—/«<eMdant, Dr. ^ J Barron, Wardeiis, Richard H a r e . W D McCorckle, R P Smiih. Dr. J. B. Aliison. Trustees of tlie Soutli-Caroliua Colleg^e. i By an act of the Legislature, passed December, 1825—The Board of Trustees of i the South-Carolina College, consists of the Governor of the State, the Lieutenant (iovernor; the President of the Senate, the S p e a k e r of the House of Representatives, the Chairman of Com. of Education, of the Senate and of the House of Representatives; the Chancellors in Equity, the Judges of t h e Courts of Law, together with twenty gentlemen to be elected by joint ballot of the Senate and House of Repre.'.entativcs, to contine iu office four y e a r s : the following gentlemen were elected in December 1857 : J. II. Means, Rev.J H Thoruwell Rob't. W . Barnwell, J a m e s L . Petigru, T . N . Dawkius, F. J . Moses, VVm. F . Drsaussurc. James Farrow, T C.Perrin, J.vlzard Middleton, O. G .ftleniminger, J. II. Adams, R, F W.-Vlliton, B. F . P e r r y , J. A. Ingli..!, S. McAliley, Thomas Smitli, J o h n L. Manning, John S.Preston, | John Buchanan. FACULTY A. B. Long.-itrnet, LL. D. President, and Professor of Mntbemntic^ A' Astronomy. M. LaBord", M ; D . , Professor of Metaphysics, Lo'gic and Physiology. Rov. J. L. Reynolds, Professor of Roman Literature, Dr. John Li:Conte, Professor of Natural and Mechanical Philosophy, A c . Rev. R. W . Barnwell, Jr., Professor of Sacred Literature and the Champlaincy. VVm. J. Rivers, A. fli., Professor of Greev Liter.'iture. Joseph LctNuite, M. D., Professor of Chemistry, GcOlogy, Mineralogy. Charleh S. V'enable, Prnft's^or of Mathematics and Astronomy VV. B. Sleaus, Librarian &Treasurer. | John Black, Bursar. ) VV. B Broom. Marshall. Medical Colleg-e of the State of So. Carolina. •l'h(» AUIIUHI Course of Lectuies in this Institution will coininence on the second Monday in November, on the following branches: Emer'ttus Professor of Anatomy:—Jehu B. Holbrook, M. D.; Prof, of .i.iitlinny—Francis T. Miles, M. D.; ef Physiology—Jamai Mdiltrie, M. O.; of Surgery—J. Chi.solm, M. D.; of the inst'ilules^ /'rnciice of .Mtdicint—E. Geddings, M. D ; of.Haler'aMedira—Henry K. Frost, M. 1).; of Ob-iletrim—Thos G. Priolenu. M. D . ; of Chemistry, .... . . M . D.; Demonstrator of Anatomy—SamTLogaDi M 0.; Assistant Demonstrator of Anatoiny—F. L. Parker, M. D. Clinical Lectnrn.« at t h e R o p e r and Marine Hospitals, twice a w e e k , by the Phy«iciiius of the Insititutious. T h e Auatoniical Rooms will be opened early in October, and dissections conducted daily by the Demonstrator. H E N R Y R . F R O S T , M. D., Deati. Medical S o c i e t y ef South-Caiolinaj ~" J. D. Cain, M. D. President; J P Chazal, M. D. Vice-President; F . Lejau Parker, M. D., Secretary; G. E Trescot, M.D., TrffflSMrer;' B. H. Kellers, M. D., Librarian. Book Committee—Drs. H. W. DeSaussure, J. P, Jervey, J. Moultrie, Trustees of the Roper Hospital—I. D. Cain (ex-officio.) Drs. I M. Campbell, E. Horlheck, James Moultrie, T. G Prioleau, W. T. Wragg, J. P Jervey, H. W. DeSaussure, F. S. Miles. Attending Physicians—Drs.Henry Jervey and Dr.— Horlbeck Dr. J. F . Prioleau, Physician to Roper Hospital. Consulting Physician—Dr. H. Wintlirop. Consulting Surgeon, Dr. 11 E Geddings. Dr. R. A. Kinloch, Surgeon. = g L - . 27; COUBTS OF LiAW AND A P P E A L S IN So. Ca• JGDGES OF T H E COURT OP APPEALS. J O H N BELTON O ' N E A L L , Chief J u s t i c e . 1 JOB JOHNSTON and Associate Justices. T o hold their sessions twice at Columbia and twice at Charleston, a t such periods as they may themselves fix, except t h a t the said Court shall not hear appeals in Columbia from any Circuit whilst the Courts thereof are in session from which appeals would go to Columbia, nor in Charleston whil-it the Circuit Courts are in session from which appeals would go to Charleston, unless offered from Charleston. COURT O F S E S S I O N S A N D COMMON P L E A S . D . L,. W A R D L A W , T . J. WITHERS, J. N . WHITNKR, L.AW JUDGES. T . W - GLOVER, KOBERT M U N R O . TIMES OF SITTING FOR EACH CIRCUIT. Return Day—Fifteen days before the setting of each Court. C H A R L E S T O N C I R C U I T . — I . W . HAYNE, Jittor'y. Gen. At Charleston.2d Mon. in Jan. 6 wk'slAt G e o r g e t o w n . . . .3d Mon. in April 4th . . April6 " .. 4Moiiaft 31VIonin Oct 3d . . June 6 « I S O U T H E R N CIRCUIT.—JosiAH B. P E R R Y , Solicitor. At Edgefield.1st Mon. in Mar. &,Oet At Colleton at, )J22d d tvfon. a l t . 4 t h M o n Barnwell.3d Walterboro J in March and Oct. Beaufort a t > 1st Mon. aft. 4th Mon Orangeburg.3d Mon. aft. 4th Mon. Gilisonville J in March and Oct. in March and Oct. M I D D L E CIRCTTIT, SIMEON FAIR, Solicitor. At Richland.1st Mon in Mar. k Oct At S u m t e r . . . . 2 d Mon alt. 4th Mon in March and October. Newbery.3d " Manning..3d Mon. aft. 4th Mon. Lexington, 4 t h " in October. Kershaw. .1st " aft. 4th Mon in March and October. E A S T E R N C I R C U I T , H . M C I V E R , Solicitor.At Chesterfield. 1st Mon in Mar.&. Oct Williamsburg, } 2d.Mon a f t . 4 t h M o n . Marlboro', a t 7 „ , a t Kingstee, J in March and Oct Bennettsville J Horry at ? 3d Mon aft 4th Mon Darlington. 3d Conwayboro' J in March and Oct. Marion 4th W E S T E R N C I R C U I T , J . P . R E I D , Solicitor. At Abbeville. Ut Mon in Mar. StOct. At Spartanburg.1st iVlon aft. 4th Mon Anderson ,2d " " in March and October. Pickens...3d " " Laurens 2d Mon aft 4th Mon in March and Oct. Greenville.4lh " " N O R T H E R N C I R C U I T , C. D . MELTON, Solicitor. At U n i o n . . . 1 s t Mon in Mar. &. Oct.jAt Chester..4th Mon in Mar. k Oct. York 2d " " " *airficld..l»t " aft. 4th Mon in i..ancaster.3d " "• " I March and October. I^= NOTICE.—The Circuit Court o f Equity for Charleston District, now held by l a w , on the first Monday in June in eacii y e i r , shill be held by one of t h e Chancellors, in rotation, a t suah lime as may be appointed by the Chancellor presiding at the preceeding term. CITY COURT O F CHARI^ESTON. Recorder, Hon. W M . ALSTON PRINGLE. T o be holden in the City Hall on the 1st Monday in January, April, July, and October—to sit one week. T h e Recorder t o hold a, weekly Bxaminin^ Court, on Thursday at t h e City Hall. --J Ls : !rg=^2 8 = Courts o f Equity of S o u t h - C a r o l i n a . CHANCELLORS. B E N J ' . F . D H N K I N , J . P . C A R R O L L , J O H N A. INGCTS- State Reporter, J . S. G. Richardson,— Clerks, John Waties & T . J . Gantt. Ji >T»^ - w ^ N M ffir* ^ >-! ^ w * J - ' p H i« ^ ' . S- • • • "L, SJ": h- • L '..» B Sd , . , _ =H o ^ L ' , . 5 " ; . «" •-. o 5s s CO J ^f— M f - i . l . f f - Q J ^ ^ ass's r S " m £ 1 CD •t CT. m IE rt-v< p* ,C O t? » 'a o o 3 S rjtii Circuit. P 5th Circuit 4th Cir^-'t l&ii re -^ " ' o- 2 n » S« Cb OR: P o ^*" Vj OJ 3 CD 2 ^ 05 ^ " CD ! ? f ^ 3 c» " a ^ R'3 QSCU O pO-P-B C f i , 2B ° .. . ' &S W ID flJ 65 -• .• . • . • . • CT l-{ L.U 5 SO O O 3 !" a, 3.S T."* o o 3 P. O O Q - CD O^ p.. 0 , 3 O P. ~ ^ P .E p ~. CT' O J CD t Z i ^ C » I - . CD re j S C^l ' " CD CD ^ ?O ? " • K > ^ c „ t O « m ^CT CD"-!! CD 3 3 3 5 D. o CH » 2.? 3 ^ ' - I " S o g CD '^i a •a hrt c T c^ ... B- a . P J o O "T. h-. CT C» P-CT O B V! 3 C^ „ P re t5 O CD 3=2 .1 o. 5-2 p n rfig_ p ^ " ^ K, p .^ CD CT ^ p L_^ fcj. C: a - & =^M S- " "• "^ o s- !=- 3 ,:3 ta " o a p . a'< s" P hi °1 J" CJ p = *" fi3 ._, PJ CT 3 " b1. D . C • .. o = 3 W. '".: CD 3' .. -. s ^ c^- 5 ? ^ 3 er-o? o CT ._. O o c .r .+- . • 2d Cir't. IstCir. ill*11 o- K" o g o o CD ^ 3 tr' r-t- CD «) 3 ' t « ' * 3 i-h ct re a.23C5'T)EohScls^hpocposQ5pkt3kQosote S.a « 5. a . s ^"3 S S S5 ?S' o S- 3d Circuit. c+ ( - ^ r ^ < r ^ ( c^ - ^ < e-r - ^ r (-r ^ n -r•rr ^nr ^^ cC- T^ eC-T^ •r cr - ^CeT - ^e-r < ^ r^r< -C-T ^ ^ 7C.^ * eC - •T . Q • 3 a 3 CT w CD o- <-•• 5 ? tfl 3 • <2.0 2 5= §1 p s: 3 a.fro !" S Z " 3 O-"^ ! ^ » " 5 s p5: 3 OV! " „ . p 3 a c r CD «• " 1 . CT P CD E ' 0 « ^ , ^ . rqrj - o o g. S o o ir«" P .^^« 2. ?• <t w o C 3 CD cn tA 05 p.. ^ 8 ,^ tcwwP p. p. a. en p p p . v^ P. C T r ^ a . P - C T C T C T e T C T c T C T c T C T ? ? £ - e c =-1 3-3' t,a--3-a-a-3-B-a-3-s- *li c 3 CD I T h e Chancellcws, by consent of parties, may hear causes a t Chambers, and hold Special Courts in a:ny of t h e Districts, when deemed necessary; Mm Civil a n d Military Omcers o f S o u t l i - C a r o l i n a . Governor and Commander in Chief—Francis W Pickens. Lieut. Governor, W. W . Harllee. | See.of State, Isaac H Means. Surveyor Gen—-W. Mi R . H u n t . Comptroller Gen.—T. J.Pickens Treasurers\ 1" ^ . " ' ' ' ^ ^ " " v , ^ / , " * ^ ' ? ' ^ ^ a l . I in Columbja, H . G. Charles. S T A F F OF MILITIA. ..Adjutant and Inspector General—Brigadier Gen. K. G. M Dunovant Quarter-Master General—Col Beaufort T . W a t t s . Judge-Jidvocate Genera?—Lieut Col. Thos. Frost. Commissary General of Purchases—Lieut. Col. Fred. J . Shaffer Commissary Gen. of Issues.—C. Richardson Miles. Puymaster-General—Lieut Col. P a r k e r Ravenel, Jipothecary General—Dr. Henry Boylston. Physician and Surgeon General—V. K.W Gibbes. Civil OfSicers for the district o f Claarleston Dr gault, Samuel G Barker. Commissioners of the Poor—Dr David Gei<;er, S. T . Robinson C Bradley, Dr. W m Yates, H. H . Williams' Commissioners of Public Buildings.—C. M. F u r m a n , Chaiiman : John Schnierle and W m . H. Houston, ot St. Philip and S t . Michael'p • E M. Clark J John Harleston, of S t . John's Berkley. ' Commissioners to approve Bonds of Public Officers. - H e n r y Gourdin C . M . Furman, James Rose, S. S. F a r r a r and John H. Honour. ' Jlssessorforthe ParishesofSt. Philip and St.Michael—Jas. S.Johnson. Port Physician—-Wm. C. Ravenel, tVl.D. J5ecAeaZor—J.DraytonFord! Physician and Surgeonfor the Goat—Alfred Raoul, M. D . Jlrsnal Keeper—in Charleston, F W Capers. Powder Receiver Sr Keeper of the State Magazines—Steedm&n Yeadon Inspector of Flour—E. C. T h a r i n . jDepwi^—Robert C. MoClure. ' Inspectors of Naval •Stores— Geo. Smith and J Price Bee F o r e i g n Coaisuls ISessdesit era Charleston, S. c"r Great Britain—Robert B u n c h , C o n s u l , 21 MeetiiJg st. H . P . W a l k er, Vice C o n s u l , office 24 Broad-st. France—M D u r a n d de St.Andre, 38 Droad-st. Russia—E. H Barnwell, Spain—Francisco Miinoz R a m o n Moncada, No. 20 L a w R a n s e . Portugal—Eugene Esdra, E a s t Bay^ corner of Broad-st. Netherlands—Daniel L e s c s n e , 73 Kast B a y . Belgium—Charles E . S t e w a r t , South A t l a n t i c W h a r f . Austria— Prussia—W. PI. T r a p m a n , 20 E a s t B a y . Hamburg—Churlea \Mtte. Bremen—J. L H . T h i e r m a n Vandcrhort's w h t . Denmark— Sweden and Norway—C. O- W i t t e , Hanover—GO. Baurmipster, 98 E a s t Bay Luhec—G. E . K a n h a r d t . Oldenburg—Charles T. L o w n d e s , 37 E a s t B a y Mecklenburg— Consul . Sardinia—Edward L. 'I'renholm, C e n t r a l whf. Rome—Edward Motett, Adder's N. whf. Two Sic'dies—John H Holmes, V O. Boyce & Co.'s whf. Switzerland—Henry Meyer, 20 E a s t B a y . Mexico—F. M o n t a n e r y .Morey, Brown & Co.'s whf. Buenos Ayres—-Motte A . P r i n g l e , Southern whf. Peru— ==a---^-----==^=-rin-TTT==D =5=a ^ M e m b e r s o f t h e liegislatiirc o f South-Caroliiea. ftleets aninsally on the 4lh Monday in Novemher~ W . fr. Porter, PrRsident of the Senate—Win E Martin, Clerk. James Simons, Speakerof House of Rep.—3. T. Sloan. Clerk. Senators. Representatives. Districts, l'ari.5hes. H Buist, M.P.O'Conner, J M Eason, Chs. T Lowndes, Geo M Coffin, D Hamsay, Jas. Sinioiie, VV G DeSaussure, C H Simonton, H T Peake, R B Rhett, jr. R S Duryca, W . W h a l e y , J.Johuson,jr.,G A Trenholm, J. J. Lucas, Jolia Cunniui^hani, J. J. Pope, Yeadon, and John E Carew. I Richard Mftrtimore W Venning, TlisM W a g n e r Christ Church Simons Lucas, jr. St. Tho. If St. D. I K F i i n n a n , II T Moriison, St. Jas. Santee A Mazyck J J Wiliianis S \V Pahmer St. Stephens P C Kirk St Jiihns Berkley Sand.W Barker St James, G C J C M c K e w n M C Conijor J t s M Mikell, Will 1 Kull St .Andrews St Johns' CoVton Ed B Bryan, E V VVhaley, St Geo', Dorcler JI T Appleby, 'r J Slurray, C R Boyle R E ICIliot, St Pauls VVllO'Biyan, Carlos T r a c y , HG Sheridan Si HarlhoJomews N. H e y w a r d , St. Philip If St. Michaels H D Lesesne VV D I'orter "rince Williams J E DeLoach Edniuiid Khett. at Helena V W Fickliiig, S( Ltdces W G Roberts, St Pclers m All St's, Wa'maw Cha.s Alston, jr. Peter VangliS, >.r., R. Dczier, J J i K r - a d . P C J Wei,to!i, pr Geo. Winyaw B H W i l s o n . St Mai. ? Orange Parish do Abbeville Atidnrso'n, /^Chester Chesterfield Clarendon, LJ Darlington 0 [g Kilgefield ^ Fairfield Greenville > ixHorry (Kingston) '^Kershaw V^Lancasier Daurens j j Lexington ul Marion (Liberty) mm Marlboro' ^Newberry Picheus, ^ Richland ^Spartanburg Sumter,^ Union mtliamsburgk York W m J Gooding, S Klliott. j r . John H Screven, Joseph M L a w t o n . GooD Keitt J A Kellar, T. J. Glover, -^. D. F r e d t ' r i c k . VVCDavi^, J N C n r r h r a n , S McGowan, W J Lcinax, U M Harper, C S Maiiison, W A Yayue, John V Moore J W H a r r i .'>4 HFWI.itiicr. [Aldrich. J D Allen J J Ryan, C I Stevens,—Whntstonr, A P Sam aicAliley, J S V\il.-on, W T Gihnore, C B Jones, J W Blakeiiev i l l a n R M.acfaiian, W L T Prince, J P Richardson, jr., S W Nelson, T P Lide, J C Blackwell. J M Timmons, R L Hart Js. H . Jenning.s M C Butler. T G Lamar, Till. W a t s o n ^ W S Mohley, M W G a r r y , J (juattelhauiii, Ed. G. Palmer, II B Boylston.TVVWoodward.BMcCaiil.'i, D Hoke, J P Hillhouse. 3 M Sullivan, T E Ware 3 W Stokes, F . J . Sessions, C R Sarvis A H Boy kin, W m W Shannon,! J M Desaussnre. Dixon Barnes VVm Black, Jolin Williams, H N Carter, S J Craig, Geo. Anderson, VVDSimpson f James H W a r e , John H Counts, J C Hope W R Johnson R G Howard, W S Mullias,D W Bcthea, Charles I r h y , W J Cook, W Henegan, A C Gailington, J H Wlllinmss. Js. Lipscomb, C H Suber, < Z PPulliain, J C •Miller, Rob. Maxwell, Elaiii M Sharp, { M. Hendricks E F . Bo<d;ter, Allen J Green, J.G Gibocs, W . Hampton,) J P Adams, Gal). Cannon 7 O E Edwards. W M Foster. Jag. Farrow, J. Winsniith, B F . Bates, F J Moses r B Eraser, J S K e n n e d y , J S Bradley Robt. Bonty, W H Wallace. A W.TIiompsoii,R Schick S J Montgome'y S . M Brockington. S D M Byrd. e r y , J Rawlinson, W C Black, R G McCaw,5 T JJ LWo wMiller, J P Marshall •I r- = = j .•^1 r= — — Civil Officers o f Soutli-Carollna. -it 5-S s ciS HS- ^-'ffla on t-i W ^ a 3 2 = - i O CO - (C » B S „. ji. p • P'• 3PS Ss c? S 3 H -' s 2 1 § * 3§^ .'^ 2 » ^ 2 g a 5 S = 3 IT 1^'-1" to 1! * - r ^ O id CO •=5< 'T' a CD O e-t- -- O w> m o §— .s^ap "§3 - . . - , CD S t i l l ? 3 » » 'j; - 5rDo.=i 5 g-S.- 2 . B f^ £ . a.! " 2- q o p." a o ?! a-~ <ih< CO O Q ' ^ - ' O <^ © cs ^ ^ ffi W =-' -sJ t o 0» , h., CD "" O 5 ' 3 CC 09 ' i° «^ -" 6 O-0'2. «' »* — O SO 2.S S O - = ." S B- Ck « s-5 5^f F g I "2. ffi w s mOCO " 5 CD O 3 » 05 2. «» F 2 •» s • ^ C T3 t^< l»1 tC! o*»i tq b O Q O ta ti.. k k Sf a ' ""S3 .; i.i:a"^4-"S. I s a i l ' s ' =-*S 3 >•!»«-H S Ct o B — 0- o 0 i 3O ST •—' ^ _ ? - b». . • .*! g S- 05 S i* B- ?f|pf|t s g |f|-«|J.H||||.| = >T) 2S 3 ' 00 ' • ""•S! . £Q. £ - 3. o <•§ (TO s a W =^ " Oq M- Ct R 5. O CB ST « t I" 5 = 3- 3 =^2 !• -8 o g-a"e ft« •" 2 •» 9> ta -i^ goon > f ^ ^ 'JOS-CJ' n. B X o o r M e a r i j» '^ a* -* cp p 23 a " —5 C" Coftjl>i Co Ci Si-' Cl O I •*• O H 5 = ; j "fl g i cj gi cj ^ Cfl Co Cp Vi B- > -iS. 9 5 o J 1 lilt? Hi S S " 2 =• ff -• e ..T - . O -t sa Magistrates for Charleston Wistrict. APPOINTED BY THE LEGISLATURE IN D E C . 1860, TO SERVE 4 YEARS. Corrected by the Clerk of the Court. Judicial Magistrates—J F Beckman, H W Schroder, C E Kanapeuxt G W Egleston, W D H Kirkwood, G W Dingle, 'J'hos P Loekwood, Wm Rhett, fto hold JWagistrates' Courts within the City of Charleston, (or the trial of all Criminal Cases, relating to persons of color, and for the trial of all causes, small and mean, relating to matters of debt or other demand, arising from contract, to the amount of $ 2 0 ; and also to all cases of domestic attachment and distress warrants for rent.3 Fo-r S t . Philips and S t . iVIichaels—A A Allemoag, J a s . F Burke, Tfeeo. G Barker, James O Beckman, E W Bonnetheau, C R Brewster, Alex H Brown, George Buist, Henry Buist, Jas B Campbell, Jas Conner, Wilmot G DeSaussure, J P DeVeaux, A H Dunkin, E W E d g e r t o n , Wm S Elliott, James M Eason, N a t . Field, Thomas Frost, James B Gardner, D C Gibson, R C Gilchrist, Geo S Hacker, S D Hutson, Charles IngWsby, Wm. Jervey, Henry C King, A St John L a n c e , Fleetwood E a n n e a n , Henry D Lesesne, Arthur P Lining, Samuel Lord, jr.^ James l..owndes, Charles Macbeth, Robert Ma«beth, 'J'hos. W Malone, J a m e s W M a y , John J Middleton, Abraham Koise, C B Northrop, M P O'Connor, W m Y Paxton, W m BI Peronneau, W m K Perkins, J J Pettigrew, John Phillips, J J Pope, jr.., Philip J Porcher, W D Porter, J N Purse, Davi3 Ramsay, E Prioleau Ravenel, John E Rivers, Edward J Rivers. B D Roper, B H Rutledge, Thos R y a n , S Aug Sanders, John Schnierle, Thomas \ Simons, Ches H Simonton, R W Seymour, L W S p r a t t , Stephen 'I'homas, W m . Whaley, Jacob W i ! l i m a n , H E Young. F o r S t . John's, Berkley—Sanlord W Barker, S W Barker, Edwin DuBose, Lewis Simons, P G Suowden, John S W h i t e . F o r S t Stephen's Parish—Petei P Bunneau, ioha S Palmer, W M Porcher, J F Smith. For S t . James', Goose Creek—Rev. Daniel M Breaker, J J Browning, Thomas M Creighton, J B Earnest, Chas VV Graves, Thomas B Symmes, VVm Whaley, D McCants Winter, Nelson Joyner. For Christ Church Parish—W F Blakely, N a t h a n L e g a r e , Henry S T e w . T H Calvert, Moultrieville. F o i S t . Andrew's Parish—Dr. George Haig, R T Morrison, W Horace Rivers» F o i S t . T k o m a s and S t . Dennis—Simon Lucas, jr. For S t . J a m e s ' , Santee—A J McClellan. State Constables for the Parislies of St Pliilip and St. Michael. Jolin Barry, I D Twohill, | C'Ostich, P O'Connell, | M Levy, | J " W Johnson, M Maguire, [ Benj Bross, | T ManaLam. Notaries i n Charleston District. I^pTAose marked thus [*] were appointed ly the Governor for iyears. S Alexander, John D Alexander, T h o s Aimar, A A AUemong, R A Allston, W m Allenhatrdt, E d T B u r d e l l , Theodore G Barker, E B Bryan, '' Jas M Bee, Geo W Bee, John Bell Bee, A W Black, E W Bounetheau, Jenkins Browning, J W Brownfield, T A Broughton, J Ballard, J F Beckman, Benj Bross, F M Burdell, D Bailey, Francis |Berry, William G; Benson, H Buist, L N Bahr, Kinsey Buiden, j r . , *I S KBennett, W S Brewster, Lewellen Bunch, Angus. E Cohen, Melvin P Cohen, jJohn F Corrie, T P Chandler, John Cheesl)orough, S Champlin, J C Cochran, W m Clarkson, jr., * W L Daggett, L D DeSaussure, H H Deleon, C E R Drayton, G W Dingle, W D B Dingle, A H Dunkin, Eugene Esdra, Jas A Duffu«, R DeTreville, Zimmerman Davis, E J Dawson, Hy G Duffus, Wm H H Derwart, G W Egleston, Thomas R Eelesl on, J R Emery, John W E v a n s , Evan E d w a i d s , *Albert Elfe, jr., W B Foster, F A Ford, J Drayton Ford, W S Fraser, Chas E B Flagg, J Du Gue Ferguson, Cha« P F r a zer, R C Gilchrist, Fisher G a d s d e n , ' T h o s F Gadsden, T J G a n t t , Richard G a n t t , H Goldsmith, John Greato'n, C Gunther, Alex P Gray, James •*ia—«»—^"^^ ' I ia«a*iiw"ii •• " • III! I i^j ^mn^^mr t ii 1 niiiiiiHiaw MHiii — iiBiiiii»igi_i; R Gready, J P Gibbes,* E F Hughes, C h F Hanekel, W B Heriot, Ed win HeriotjATHarby, Isaac E Hertz, T S Heyward, J C Hoff. S J Hull, J R . Horsey, R W Hume, J L Honour, M E Hutchiris, John B l r v i n g , Wm H Inglesby, Ghas Inglesby, T W Johnson, James S Johnson, Lewis Jervey, S. H King, C EKanapaux, J V Kanaiiaux, J Kingman, S Kingman, SSepli. D Kirk, W D H Kirkwood, B P Lalane, F Lanneau, Henry Laurens, W P Lea, sr., Thos P Lockwood, jr., Nath'l Levin, Moses Levy, Geo W Logan, R A Long, Chs Lining, JC Lawton, D Lcckie, W Y Leitch, Wm Laval, MFMoiluny, Hutson Lee, BLMcCall, JohnCMartin, JohnTMilligan, Robert Matbelh, A Moise, Benj Mathews, Alex H Mazyck, C Richaidson Miles, J A Michel, J D Miller, T W Mordecai, H Morris, S H Mortimer, E McCrady, Ed McCrady, jr., L J Moses, J H Murrell, W M Muckinluss, J P McCall, Jas W May, E P Milliken, *Wm Mellard, Wm E Mikell, *J WMoses, *Olias J Macbeth, ^WD McMillan, *R GMcClure, FNip.son, J Norton J Northrop, Z B Oakes, Jas F O'Hear, J J Parker, James Paine, Edw W Petit, William Perry, R Wotherspoon Perry, John E Phillips, H L Pinckney, Ch J Porcher, Wm A Plane, Wm H Perkins, James Price, Isaac S Ridded, J F Roberts, F L Roux, D L LaRoche, W^m Roberts, Alexander Robertson, B D Roper, J M Righton, J S Riggs, Jr., B H Rutledge, *A Rouraillat,*E P Ravenel, Lewis J, Grinike Rhelt, John S Small, Henry Seabrook, G M'D. Stoll, Jacob K Sass, Seth Spsncer, Jas R Simonton, Jas Salvo, Joseph Samson, F Sehouboe, Hamilton Slawson, Thomas Smith, James Smith, G C Smith, W P Shingler, Harris Simons, Wm Simons, T s : Y Simons, C H Simonton, * T E Strohtr, *S C Turner, Wm Thayer, Jas H Taylor, Wm Teppe, E C Tharin, J C McTliouron, J E Tobin, V J,Tobias, Henry Trescor, G E Tresrot, E De Treville, Wm J De Treviile, N Tylee, U E Vincent, Ufferhardi, Abbott B White, *F J Winkler, *J B Wilson, J G Wilk.e, J A Wagner, K J White, Thos R Waring, Jabez J R Westcoat, Chas P L Westendmff, Theo A .JVhitney, James M Wilson, VV M Wilson, H Pinckney Walker, Henry Willis, Jr., P H Waring, Jacob Williman, J Williamson, V\ VV Wilbur, VV C Waterbury, B J Whaley, Win Whalty, Jos. M, Jer Yates, jr. A" Ed Dunn, B G Heriot,'G F Kinsey, A H Lucas,! Mordtcai, A Mazyck, "~" STATE MILlTAItY SCHOOLS. BOARD OF VISITERS.—The Governor of the Statefor the time being, and the following Gentlemen— , J. Jones, Chairman ; D. F Jamison, J . H. Means, Col. I. D. Wilson, and R. G. M. Dunovant, Adjutant and Inspector General. OFFICERS & PROFESSORS CITAUEL ACADEMY—Charleston. ' Major H. 1). Kenedy, Superint-end't, and Professcr of Civil and Military Engineering; J. P. Thomas, Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Letters; N. W. Armstrong, Prof, of Mathematics and Astronomy; VVm. Hume, Professor of Experimental Philosophy ; VV. H. Wright, Teacher of French. Dr. H. Bovlston, Surgeon. W. H. Wri<rht Bursar. AlisENAL ACADEMY—COLUMBIA. Capt. J. B. White, Superintendent, and Principal Profes.«or ; 1st Lieut J. P. Thomas,1st Professor • , .2d Professor ; 2d Lieut H . S. Thompson, 3d Prof, of Mathematics ; J. B. Patrick, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Or. A. W Kennedy, Surgeon. High School of Charleston. ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, AND UNDER ITS DIRECTION. The Supervisors consist of the Mayor, for the time bcin^', four Aldeimeii, and six Trustees, to be annually elected by Council. The Board elect the Principal Teacher and Assistant Teachers, and a Clerk and Treasurer. Price of tuition, $4U por aim. It is also endowed by Council with $1000per annum, to form a permuacut fund. B O A R D OF S U P E R V I S o n S . The Hon. Charles Macbeth, Mayor, (ex officio member) Mitchell King, LLD., Chairman of the Board : R. Lebby.M. D.G VV Williams, Esq. E. W. tdgerton, Esq. W. H. Gilliland, Esq. Aldermen of the City— Rich. Yeadon, Esq., L. A. Fraiiipton, M.D., E.B.White, Esq., Hon. W. D.Porter, and Gcoi^re S. Bryan, Esq. Trustees from the Charleston College.—E. Prioleau Ravenel, Clerk & Treasurer. • . T. . . . • Board of Instructors—Henry M. Bruns, L. L. D., Principal ; Lovicfc P. Miller, 1st Assistant ; W R Kingman,2d Assistant; J E Burke, .id Assistant. H. P. Feugas, Esq. French Master ; ,f. A. Pelot, Writing Master. r — -^ 4J.1. ' "" ' " -•" •!!!!! P O S T - O F F I C E — C H A B L , E S T O N , S. C . A L F R E D H U G B t t , P o s t M a s t e r — E V A N E D W A R D S , Assistant. DELIVERED. CLOSES. MAILS. 9 A. M. 12 M. Northern, 4 P.M. 51- P . M. & 5i P . M. 9 A. M. Western, 4 P..M, 9 A. M. Savannah, and P'lorida, 4 P.M. 5 A.M. and Si P . M 9 A. M. Columbia. 4 P . M. 5 A. M. Camden, 5 A,M. and 5V P.M, t.'amden (.'Sunday, Tuesday and Friday,) 9 A. M. Lartre otficcj, oiiGrecnviUe &. CharlotteRR. 5 P . M. 3 P M. Sm.tll Otficcs on do. do. do. Lar(fe OiBces on N. E. &. Wil.&Ma. R R'» 1 P. M. Small do. '• " " " " 10 P M. Odices on Charleston &.Savannah R K, d A M . North and South Santee, IladdroU's and •i P M. Tues & F r i . 9 A . M S u u . & T h u r 32 Mile-House MaiU 2 P M on F r i d a y . 9 A M Sunday. Echuw Mail, RATES OF POSTAGE. Single Lottorx, pre-paid, under 500 miles, 5 cents ; over 500 miles, 10 cents. Half ounce a single letter, every a<lditional half ouiicean additional rate Letters dropped for delivery at same otiice, 2 c t s . Advertised letters 2ct8. Penny Post delivery to and from Post oflicc, 2 cts. JYetospapers from office of publication, not exceeding 3 oz. witliin-tlie State where published. Monthly, 3 cts p e r q u a r t e r , or 1 cent fer eack iiumber. Somimontlily, (Jets per quarter, I cent for each number. An additional cent for every ounce, beyond the first 1^ ounces. Bimonthly or Ciuurterly, 1 cent an ounce. \n a l l c a i c i , tile posta;^e to paid in advance at the oilice of tlie Surjscribers. VVitiiout tlie Stute wliere pulilislied, double the above rates will he required. Bills aud receipts for payment of the same, may be enclosed to subscribers. Excliau'.'es between newspaper publishers go free. Books b o u n d o r unbournl, if not more tliau 4 lbs. wt. each. 2 ct. per oz Ciistoni-Iffoiisc i n C h a r l e s t o n . Collector, W F Colcock. Sub-Treasurer, B. C. Pressley. Deputy Collector, Thomas D. J e r v e v . Registry and Export Abstract Clerk, Collector's Clerk, Nathauiul Levin. IiJiport .ibstraci Clerk, Richard I i . Bacot. Naval Officer, Jrdin Laurens. Surveyor, Myer Jacobs. Measurer, Ganfer and Weigher, William Currell. Store-Keeper, It. G. Stone. .Appraiser, Arthur F . Flolines. Inspectors, W . H. Dawson, E. W . W a l t e r , J . L . Duvant, J . C n d w o r l h . Messenger Chri»topher Nelson. Office Hours.—From 9 till 2 o'clock, the year round. Census of the City o f Charleston. T h e followino' is a Synopsis of t h e C e n s u s of 18G1, m a d e b y F r e d e r ick A. Ford, E s q : W h i t e I n h a b i t a n t s , 26,96D—.Slaves, 17.e5.5—Free colored, 3.78-5 Total—48,409 W h i t e m a l e s , 13,139—females. 18.830. N u m b e r I'f families, .5,092, s h o w i n g n e a r l y 5.3 to e a c h family. I Wards. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6. No. 7 No. 8 Totals White. 2,681 3,102 4,.522 5,92(! 2.739 3.476 1,924 2,599 26,969 Slave. 1,578 3,137 2,221 4.365 2,m 2,381 609 1,253 17,655 Free col. 121 Itil 370 815 S53 760 201 504 Total. 4,380 6,4i;0 7,113 11,106 5,703 6,617 2.734 4,3.56 3,785 48,409 POLICE OF T H E CITY OF CHAKLESTON. HON. C H A R L E S M A C B E T H , iV/n^(?r. ALDERMEN. W a r d N o . 1. W m . Ravenel No. 2, E . W . E d g e r t o n , B e n j . L u c a s , .\o ;•*, W m 11. Gilliland, W m . K i r k w o o d , J o h n Kenifick. No. 4, H t i g h R . B a n k s , Geo. W . W i l l i a m s , J . H . Steinmeyer, A. J . Moses H e n r y Cobia. N o . 5, J . K. Robinson, O. J . Chafee. No. 6, W i l l i a m H u m e , W i l l i a m L Trenholm. No. 7, E . H . E o d g e r s , No. 8, J o h n S. R i g g s , Deputy Eschealof, F . A . F o r d . Clerk of Conniil. John R. Horsey Coroner for St.Phil. 4. St. Michaels Recorder, Hon W . Alston P r i n g l e R W Burnham. Clerk of the Cily Court, H Pinckney W a l k e r . Surreyor Lower Wards,3. A . Y a t e s .Iltorney, W m . D . P o r t e r , H years Surveyor U- Wards, J L Branch. Messenger of Coanril 4" Keeper of sheriff-, the City Hull, S,-c. W . H . Siriilh TVeoswer, A. C a m p b e l l , Keeper nf St. Mithiiel's Clock, W. Clerk to Treasurer ,^. T h o m a s , j r . M. Rouse. fni/iiirer i,- j-,ssessur, D. C. Gibson, Sitp'm P Cemetery.S D 15rowne. Assistant Assessor, C V. F r a z e r . Uiahonr-Mitsler.&.C.Twnet.— Apothecary, J R VVillberger Deputy Harbour Mast. U.S. P a r k e r and Alexander Robertson Keener Lazare/M T h o s . M'iMillan. „ . - , „ , Port Wnrneiis, Wm. K u n h a r d t , H . S . L e b b y , W m . Bird, E d w . E. H e w e s and C h s . L i n i n g . BOARD O F H E A L T H . — H o n . Charles Macbeth, Mayor, Chairman. According to a n Ordinance of Council, t h e C h a i r m a n of each Ward is a Member of tho Board, Dr. G S. F e l s e r , City Registrar :ind City Vaccinator Physicians of the Poor {7. 14^—Eastern Division,Dr. J . Dickson Bruns Western Division, D r . S . L. Lockwood. Port Physician—Dt. W C . Ravenel. CiYu/Hxpector—R. S . R . C h r i e t z b e r g . , Street Gontractors—^N-M'd No. I, W m . No. 2, J a s . Jic&iun No.:j. P a t r i c k C o l l i n s , ."^'o. -1, W m . Moraii U p p e r Wards—.lames Melvin. Keeper of the Tidal Drains—Stephen Welch. PttWic GarrfMier—Thomas Darcy. , T* i n POLICE. —H. S. Bass, C a p t . Main Guard H o u s e , 1st Lieut J. B . W i l s o n ; 2d J o l m F . W a l k e r , 3rd.C J F Caldwell. O r d e r l y Sergeant, G. H . H u m m e l . „ , , ^, Upper W a r d s Guard House—1st Lieut. Tlios. C. Strother, Commanaing; P.d. S i m o n s , 2 d ; C, B . S i g w a l d , 3d. Orderly Sergeant, Stratton. BOARD O F F I R E - M A S T E R S . M H . Nathan, Chief of the Fire Department. F.. Forfjeand, \st Assistant; J . L e g a r e Yates. 2 n d ; C . P . Aimar, 3rd. R. S . D u r y e a , Chairman of t h e Board and President of ih& Eagle; E . I . S w e r g a n , Chairman pro t e m . T. ,x r^ > S Y T u p p e r . P r e s ' t Vigilant C o m p a n y ; E S D u r y e a , Pres t Eagle; P r e s ' t PAtEKW; T S Hefl'ron, Pres't CAar/es/on ; E F Sweg a n , Pres't jEtita; F H W h i t n e y , P r e s d e n t Marion; J H J u u g b l u t h . P r e s ' t German; R . D - W h i t e , P r e s ' t P««7«''<?o ; H . W Kinsman, P r e s t Hope; .1 .1 Lalar. Pres.IVa«At77S'/^OH; S F E d g e r t o n , P r e s . Axe-Company; B . IM. Strobel, Clerkof Board and Superintendent of Engines. T h e r e are besides 10 City Engines, managed b y respectable v\'hite mon and other managers to the elevating bidder, and hook ladder truck. CO.VIMISSIONEKS and O F F I C E R S of C I T Y I N S T I T U T I O N S . O F M A R K E T — G M F u r m a n , C h a i r m a n ; D r . I . M . C a m p b e l l , Thos. F . Capers, James Bancroft, F J Poreher, Samuel H a r t , sen., F Lanneau, A 11 I'alt, Dr. Wm Hume, W m Lebby, George H . Ingraham, J o h n Y. Stofk, VV S l J . IVlazyck. Chie t Clerk of the Markets, Kobert Macbeth ;—Assistant Clerk Center Markets, James A Murray ;—Assistant Clerk and Clerk of W e ' g h t s and Measures, Jas.Smith. Assistant Clerk for Upper Market, A. Putiloy. P i b i i c Weigher, at M a r k e t Scales, J . P Gailiard. Robt. Brodie, for Scale on Calhoun-street. O F WORK H O U S E — T . L . W e b b , C. Y. Richardson, Fredrick Richards, G . N . Reynolds, jr. Albert Elfe, !)• G Wayne, Arch'd. McKinzie, A. H . Brown, S . S . Howell, E . J. Dawson, and ttie Mayor, ex officio. Ma.ster, Wm W i t h e r s . Physician, D r W m C R a v e n e l . Op ORPHAN HOUSE—Henry A. DeSaussure, C h a i r m a n ; George Buist, Geo. M . Coffin, D r . James iVloultrje, William C. Bee, C G . Memminger, Dr. Benj. Huger, W . J . B e n n e t t , W m . H . Houston, W H . Gilliland, John H. Honour, James 'I upper. O F F I C E R S — S t e w a r d , John S. Small ; Matron Mrs Ann S m a l l ; Principal of the School, Miss Agnes K. Irving ; Sewing Mistrtss, M r s . Mary Manno—A.ssistant Teachers, Miss M a r y Rayburn, S. T a r r a n t , Miss A. Yates, Miss Ellen K i n g . Nur.^es—Mrs. L W . M u i r , M r s . E . Owens, Mrs. E . Griffith, M r s . ' L Roberts, M r s . M c C a r t n y ; Mrs Hendersonj Mrs. 8. A. Weinges, Miss Jane Mcfndo, Miss , \ . Bernheim. Hospital Nurse—Mrs. H nnah Hayes. Laundres—v/Virs. Eliza Ingraham. P^ngineer, B. F Stroble ; Porter, D. Filzgibon. Physician to the Orphan-House—Dr. W m . H . Huger. O r POOR HOUSE—Dr. John L Dawson, Chairman ; P J Barbot, pro teni ; Dr. H W DeSasussure, Secretary & Treasurer ; H . Manigault, T D Eason, John M Greer, Joseph Dawson, Dr J . P . Chazal, Fed. J Pclzer, Jos. A Saunders, E . H L o c k ^ H W Peronneau. Master of Poor House, James W h i t e ; Matron, M r s . Elizabeth White. Physician—Dr. W C Ravenel O P THE HOUSE OF CORRECTION—Mazyck Street—Hon. C Macbeth, and .-Vldermen, Lucas, Kirkwood, Rigas and Drummond compose the board. Master of the House, Joseph IPoulnot. O F MARINE HOSPITAL—.•Vltx Gordon, Chairman ; J . F . Schirmer, Geo. Kinloch, Robert Mure, Rev. VV B. Yates, A. F . Ravenel, VV Y Leitch. .Steward, John W . Evans. Physician, Dr. F Peyie Porcher. O F PILOTAGE—Tristram Tupper, Joseph Prevost, Daniel Lesesne, T S Budd, S . Mowry, jr. James VVelsman, J H T a y l o r . SHIRRAS' DISPENSARY. W a r d No. 1, George S. Bryan, A. E . Miller. No 2, Michael Lazarus, Robert R Bee. N o . 3, J . J . McCarter, J . H. Schriner. N o . 4, John F . Blacklock, K. L . Simons, Jacob K. Sass, Richard Yeadon. Physicans to the Shirras' Dispensary—Dr. Peter Porcher, for the west en and Dr. J o h n L Ancrum for the Eastern Division of the city. Trustees ex offieio-^Tlie President of the S t . Andrew's Society, the President of the Medical Society, and the Mayor of the city. AKIN H O S P I T A L . Trustees—The Mayor, ex officio, and Aldermen Gilliland, Drummond. Williams and Kenifick. Measurers of Wood &• Lumlier.—Edward E . P r i t c h a r d , C . S. J e n k i n s , L E Stopplcbein. J L C o u r t e n a y , Inspectors of Timber,—L E Stopplebein, F d . E . P r i t c h a r d , C . S . J e n kins, Guagers of Liquors.— C h s . F . L e v y , C l a r e n c e L e v y . Inspectors of Naval Stores—Geo S m i t h a n d J P r i c e B e e . WewYorlc &. N.Orlcans lYEa^^netic T e l e g r a p l i L.iite The only direct Southern Line—con nectin!.r with the Eastern Lines—continuous from the month of the MU-^i.ssippi to Halifax in NovaScotia. OFFICE in Charleston—BIIOAD STREET, near Church-street. tL-^j^^-^r^^ , . —sa=; •37- T H E 'H BANKS Are open for transacting Business every day, (Sundays, Public Fasts, Thanksgiving Days, Christmas Day, and the Fourth of July, excepted,) from 9 o'clock in the nioruing,till 2 o'clock in the afternoon. B a n k of Cliaiieston, Soutli-Carolina. * Capital $3,160,000. J . K. SASS, President. DIRECTORS. Henry Gourdin, G. A . T r e n h o l m , A l e x a n d e r Xobertson, W m . H Gilliland, Ch. T . Lowndes, VV B P r i n g l e . W. A. Wardiaw, W. M. Lawton. D a n ' l . Lesesne. A. G R O S E , W.C.Courtney. i J . Cheesborough. Cashier, J . Cheesborough, 2d B. Keeper do. T . C . H a r l e s t o n Assistant Cashier, Chs. L. E d w a r d s Trnnsfcr Clerk, R. S . Bruns. First Teller. J . B . Phillips. Collertiori C7eri, George Reid. Second Teller, William T h a y e r Foreign Ex. Clerk, T . M. Hasell. Third Teller, H . T . T h o m p s o n . Assistant Clerk, J. Norton. Assorting Teller, I L B . Walpole Cash Boolc-kteper, H . E . W a l p o l e . Discount Clerk, P e t e r B . L a l a n e Out-Door Clerk, S. A. Robinson. Is/B.firee/ier.Per./^c.L.M.Phillips Porter, VV M.Wilson. 2rf n. Keeper do. J . F- W. W a l t e r . Notary, P e t e r B . L a l a n e . UtB.Keeper Pub. ^ c . T . A. H o n o u r fto/ict/or, J a m e s L Petigru CT Offers of new business every day—Transfer of Stock every day B a n k of South-Carolina. Capital $1,000,000 G e o . B. R E I D , Presideni. OIRBCTORS. G. J . Chafee. William B i r n i e , | George Buist. R. M . B u t l e r , TiionMSMiddleton. ' A.P.Caldwell, F. Lanneau, William M c B u r n e y | A.S.Johnston. F. C . B l n m . IL Cobia, I G W . Williams Ca.iliier W m . C. B r e e s e ; Teller, W W . S t . A m a n d ; Book-Keeper, W . G . G l b b s ; Dtscuunt Clerk 4- Bill Book-Keeper, W.S.Caldwell: Cash iBook-Keeper, B . B . Lining ; CnlUMoii Sr I'ransfcr Clerk, A . Gordon ; Oul-Duor Clerk and Porlecl.O. Beckman. A'-olnry, A. W . Black ; Solicitor, H e n r y Buist. 13" Offers for new business every day—Regular Discount day Thursday. Transfer of Stock, every day. State Bank, C a p i t a l $1,000,000. EDWARD SEBRIKS, President. DIRECTORS. T G. Bndd. I C . Kerrison. J a m e s H. L a d s n n , W- C . B e e . J- W . C a l d w e l l , George iM. C o l l i n , A. R . T a f t . Hiram Dewing. H . A Desaussure, S. Y, T u p p e r , I R. M u r e , _ , Benjamin __ ^._ Cashier, M L e e ; Ul Teller, John Bell Bee : 2d Teller, A. R h e t t ; Hook Keeprr, F . G. C a r t ; Disconnl and Trnnifer Clerk, L e w i s J e r v e y ; Assistant Clerk, T h o s . S. L e e . CoUecl.ion Clerk and Cash BookKeeper, J o h u M c P Creighton Out door-Clerk and .Votary, .1 • M. B e e . Solicitor. W . G DeSaussure, CT Offers of new business every day—of Renewals on Wednesday. Transfer of Stock every d^y but Wednesday and Thursday. Union Bank. Capital $1,000,000. W B . Smja, WPresident. m . H . Heyward. .1. A . W i n t h r o p , I .1. O . C r a n e , W . St. J . M a a y c k , Chas. N Hubert. J. D. Kirkpatrick, -M. King, J o h n B . D e s a u s s u r e , L e w i s D,Mow ry, Williams Middleton, Joseph L . Tobias, Cfl*/Jttr, W D Clantsy; Te//er, T h o s . F r o s t ; Discount Clerk, atid Ao/nriy, H e n r y D: A l e x a n d e r ; CoUeclion Cier/f, T h e o d o r e D . Smith; Boo* "fifeeper, B . H . Barfield. Offers considered daily. r ^ ^ The Board meets on Thursday, at 11 o'clock. Stock transferred every day. ____, V^ P l a n t e r s ' a n d i^leclianics' B a n k . Capital $1,000,000. D A N I E L UAVJTNEI., Presidents .A. S . Willington, C T . Mitchell. S . T . Robin.son. WiliiaiM R a v e n e l , J . K. Robinson, J . D . Aiken, J . J . McCarter, Charles D. C a r r , B. L . Kerrison, S. G. Barker, J . Ellison A d g e r , W m . M. Martin: C«s/Mer, C. H . . S t e v e n s ; Tellers, Geo F Kinloch, W . E . Ha.skcll Book-Keeper, R o b e r t H . K i n g m a n ; Oucojin^and Transfer Cltrk, Saml K i n g m a n ; Book Keeper Public Offices and Institutions, a n d A'otnry, E. T . H u g h e s ;" Collection Clerk and Cash Book Keeper, F . IM. JMitchell; 0!t<-Z>ooj-C/eWi;,W. W . W h i l d e n . .SoZtcifor, E d w a r d M c C r a d y . C T Offering Day for Discount, W e d n e s d a y ; Answers given OB T h u r s d a y . Offers also considered every d a y . Transfer of Stock e v e r y d a y . South-Western feail-Koad B a n k , Capital $872,475. JAMES ROSE, President I S. Colien, W J. Grayson, P.. O'Neill. W . Davidson, P. J . Porcher, H.Hall. E. H. Locke. W m . A Pringle, Z. B . O a k e s , James G Holmes J . C. C o c h r a n , W . G . Magrath. Cashier, i. C . Cochran ; Paying a n d Receiving Teller, E d w a r d N. F u l l e r ; Book Keeper, i. R . R u t l e d g e ; Discount, Exchange and Transfer Clerk, L . 0 . H e n d r i c k s ; Assistant Sf Collection Clerk, J n . M. liaileston; Out-door Clerk, Thos. Gadsden, J r . Solicitor, W . A. P r i n s l e . Notary. L. 0 . H e n d r i c k s O " Offering Day for Discount, W e d n e s d a y ; Discount D a y on T h u r s d a y , and answers given t h e same day. Kills of E x c h a n g e and business p a p e r not intended for renewal, discounted e v e r y d a y . Transfer of Stock e v e r y ilny. Farmers & Exchange B a u k of Charleston. Capital $1,000,000. J . S . DAVIRS, PresideiU P. E . Fraser, H . Mi.s.srooii, K. E . Scriven, J . C. Farrow, A. L . Tobias, H. F . Strohecker, Simoon H y d e , W m . Whaley, C. B. S i m s , W m . Cadow, W m . Eobb, S. N . H a r t . Cashier, M. D . S t r o b e ) ; Teller, li F M o i s e Book-keeper, G. D . Gonner, Discount Clerk, J B F r a s e r ; Out-door Clerk Sf Notary, G W Logan. Regular Discount Day—Thuisday. Offers received daily. People's B a n k of Charleston. C a p i t a l $1 000,000. DONAI.D L . M C K A Y , W . I L Houston, J a s . 8. Gibbes, I President F . J . Porcher H . G. Loper, T S. H e y w a r d . C . H . West, A McKenzie, Andrew McDowell, E.H.Rodgers, J. F . G r e e n , J . H . Honour. J . B . Lalitte. C'«.5Wer, H e n r y G . L o p e r ; L. F . Robertson, Teller; G. F . Kinsey, Book-keeper; W . Y Leitch, Discount, Collr.clion and Exchange Clerk; I. F . Roberts, Book Keeper Public Ledger, 8fc. ; Octavius W i l k i e , Assistant and Out-door Clerk; W Y. Leitch, Notary: C. H . Simonton, Solicitor. Olfijrs for Discount, received daily. B a n k of t h e State of South-Carolina. C . iVL FuitMA."*, President T h o m a s Ryan. W W a l t a r Smith 0 . J . Colcock. JP.Uevaux, P . O . Gailiard E . W.MStrshall, W C.Dukes, C. V Chamberlain, H . B Dolterer, W . F McMillan, C . F Hanckle, J. H . Steinmeyer. < ashier. T . R . W a r i n g ; Itl Teller, W K T a b e r ; id Teller, L . J M y e r s ; M Ttlter, W W S a l e ; Mh Teller, J H B a g g e t t ; Exchange Clerk J i> A l e x a n d e r ; Book Ixeeptr, F M B u r d e l l ; IHsrcvvl Clr-rk, J o h n W i t s e l l ; CoUeclion Clerk, Jnhn I I . H o n o u r , J r . ; Cash Book-Keeper, Harris Simons; Ass't Cteik, Thos. Lining'. Oul-door Clerk .?• Notary. A VV Dnffus. i C New Business Daily by Committee,—Board meets Wednesday Li; .a Braneii B a n k State of So. C , at Columbia. JOHN F I S H E R , President. Directors—J.J. Chappeli, Frank Hampton, John M. Allen, H. B. Green, A. R. Taylor, J. Meighan, C. A. Bedell,E. R. Fisher, Jas. U. Adams, Ma.Yey Gregg, W Reynohls, Thos. W. Radcliffe, John Wallace. Cashier, J. L . C l a r k ; Teller, ^ L L . Brown; Discount 4- Collection Clerk, Na(h. Ramsay. Book-keeper 4- Out-door clerk, E Ii Goodwyn. Offering Oays^—Mondays. Disco ant Days—Thursdays. Branch B a n k of State of So. Caro. at Camden. C. J , SHAN^oN, President. , Directors—A. D. Jones, W m . Kennedy, L L Whitaker, Wtn. A. Ancrum, L H Deas, J 11 Dye, E. VV. Bonney, John Cantey. l/'asAier-J. VV Doby;/)iicoitrit Cleik, Jesse S Nettles. • Assistant Clerk, William Douglas Anderson. Branch Bank of the State of S. C. at Abbeville. ANDREW SIMONDS, President. Directors—James A Norwood, John White, Joseph'T Moore, John A Weir. Gashier, John H Wardiaw. Book-keeper, F M Mitchell. B a n k of Camden, Sonth-Carolina. Capital $400,000. W E. Jonnsot^. President. Directors.—VV D . M'Dowail, B. Perkins, John Workman iJ. B. Johnson, Wm. M. Shannon. Cashier,-W.H.-R. Workman, Teller, N . D. Baxley. Book-Keeper, Wm. A. Graham. ' Commercial Bank of Columbia, S. C. Capital $300,000. J . A.CRAWFORD, Presideni. -Directors—Andrew WaUace, T B. Clarkson, K. Bryce, Col. Wm. Wallace, , Richard Sondiey, A. Crawford, C. R. Bryce, H. Muller,J. I. Gracey, W F . DeSaussure. Cas/tier, Edwin J. Scott. ^ss(. Cas/tter, Henry E. Scott. Teller, S.,0. Talley. Discount Clerk, S. E. Capers. Book-keeper, H.F. Keuffer. ;. GlFering Days—Tuesdays. Discount Days—Wednesdays. Exchange Bank of Columbia, S. C. Capital $500,000. B . M. JOHNSON, President. Directors—Wm. A. Scarborough, J. Caldwoll, E.Anderson, E. J. Arthur, H. C. Bronson, Dr. A.W.Kennedy, P.W. Chick, J P Southern, T J. KobertsoK, B. Reily, Wm Johnson, James Milling. CasAier, Jsse Drafts. A.]Laughlin, Teller. Discount Clerk, John &. Scott. Book-Keeper, Jacob Levin. Bank of Chester, So, Ca. Capital $300,000. GEO. S. CAMERON, Pressien^. ' Directors—R N Hemphill, N R Eaves, VV A Walker, C Caldwell. W H Gill. A B Springs, Jas.HemphiU, S- McAliley, Jas. J McClure, S W Mobley, C D Melton, J H Adams. CasAier, John A. Bradley. Teller, J. L.Hiirria. P Eomare.Book-keper. Bank of Newberry, So. Ca. Capital $500,000 B. D. Boyn, President. Directors.—n. F . Atwood, Jas. M. Baxter, Joseph Caldwell, Jacob H. Wells, John L. Young, R. L. McCaughrin; John W Simpson, S. K. Todd, .lohn S. Benwick, Jas. A. Eenwick, J. P. Kinard, Andw. Turner. Cashier, W. H. C. Dudley. Teller, L . G. Rees. Planters' Bank of Fairfield, So. Ca. I Capital $500,000. J . H. Rws, President. Directors—JtiB. R Aiken, Jas B. McCants, Wm H Robertson J L . Caldwell, James A McCrorey, John Simonton, Wm Brice, David McDowell, S Jackson, Jacob Feaster, O. Woodward. Cashier, H. L. Elliott. Teller, J. S. Stewart It : ..--^ 40 = ^i Merchants' B a n k o f South>Carolina, Clieravt^. Capital $400,000. VVM. GODFREY President. Directors.—Allan McFarlan, Caleb Corker. G. W. McIver, Henry McIver, J. F . Matheson, Alex. McQueen. Casliier —J. F. Matheson. B a n k of Georgetown, South-Carolina. Capital $200,000. J. G. HENNING, President. W R. F . Prior, I H. D. Smith, I 0 . J. Atkinson, B.H.Wilson. j W. W. Walker, J R . B Fraser. CasAier.R. B. Fraser. Teller, VV. J. Howard. B a n k o f Hamburg:, South-Carolina. Capital $500,000. J . W. STOKES, President. _ G. W Garmany, .L M. Stokes, J . J. Howard. Cashier, A, C. DeOottes ; Teller and Notary Public, Augustus C DeCottes; Discount Clerk and Accountant, VV B. Newill. ICr Offering Days, Tuesdays. Exchange discounted every day. Charleston I n s u r a n c e a n d Trust C o m p a n y . No. 8 Broad-street. Capital, 500,000 Dollars. President, J H. Honour. I>irector«, Geo. Gibbon, William C. Dukes, James VV^elsman, C. M. Furman, W H Houston, A.Wallace, Jas, Bancroft, Joseph Prevost, Chs. T . Mitchell, J. W. Caldwell, O. J. Chafee, Charles Kerri*>n, S. H. Mortimer, A. O. Andrews. Secretary and Treasurer, J. L. Honour. Assistant Secretary, and Inspector, Capt. Westendorf Out-Door Clerk, Capt. JohnGreaton. Solicitor, , South-Carolina Insurance Company, 109 East-Bay. Capital, 250,000 Dollars. President, A. L. Tobias. Directors—Henry Cobia, M. C. Mordecai, 0 . H. West. Elias M Beach, W A. Wardiaw, Lewis Mowry. Secretary, Geo. H. Walter. Inspec. 4" Out-Door Clerk, G F Trescot. Solicitor, Firenians' Insurance Company. No 10, Broad-street. Capital, 200,000 Dollars. President, Samuel Y. Tupper. Directors, VVm. Kirkwood, K. W . Edgerton, George M. Coffin, R. VV. Bacot, F. J. Porcher, R. M.Butler. Secretary and Treasurer, C. D. Barbot. Solicitor, W^ D. DeSaussnre. Inspector, C. W. Getty. E l m o r e Mutual I n s u r a n c e Company. No. 20 Broad-street. Capital, |250,000. President, W. M. Martin. Direetors—3. Legare Yates, George W. Williams, William C Bee, S. N. Hart, John B. Lafitte. William C. Courtney,A. S. Johnston, Henry Buist, J a s . M Wilson, Go. M Locke, J . Reid Boylston. Hugh R. Banks, E. L. Adams, C. V. Chamberlain. Secretary and Treasurer, Joseph Whilden. Charleston C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e . President, Aug. O. Andrews. 1st Vice-President, J.Y Blacklock 2(iJ^ice-Pre«(/e/i/7Williain Ravenel, Sec. S^ 7Vea'r. Virginius J Tobias CoTOmi//eeo/-4/);>en/«—G. A. Trenholm Henry Gourdin, Tristram Tupper, Wm. M. Lawton, T. Huchet. H . MV- C O N N E R &, C O ' s B A W K I N O H O U S E . No. 13, B R O A D - S T R E E T , C H A R L E S T O N . Checks at Sight, on the North, South, &.c. CoUetions made on the principal Cities in the United States. Apply as above. Charleston Saving^s Institution. ^^ Office, 81 Meeting-street, opposite the Institute Hall. 0 3 ' O p e n every d a y ( e x c e p t Sundays) from 9 t o 2 o'clock, and oil S a t u r d a y nights from t h e first to t h e last city b e l l . President, C H A R L E S IT. W E S T ; Vice-President, J O S . PREVOST. Treasurer HE.NRY S . G R I G G S ; Assistunt,S.W.FiSHER; HE.NBV M TOVEY, Receiving t e l l e r ; Secretary, Jacob F . SCHIRMER; W D PORTER, Solicitor. TRUSTEES, George Kinloch, John W Caldwell, J a m e s M Caldwell, Jas. Bancroft, s e n . S S Howell. Jo.'eph J o h n s o n , ~ ' T. Tupper, G e o r g e N Reynolds F . Lanneau, IWm. Ravenell, 3 H Honour. H. R . B a n k s , R o b e r t R . Bee S.J.Wagner, C. B. Cochran, 1 J. M. Wilson Board of Investmeatr—President, Vice-President, Secretary, George Kinloch, J. W . Caldwell, J. M. Caldwell, S. S. Howell, James Bancroft. Applications for Loans must be left w i t h t h e Secretary. P a l m e t t o Saving^s Institution. Office N. E. Room of the Apprentices' Library one door South of Horlbeck's Building Alley. Meeting-street, O p e n d a i l y from 9 t o 2 o ' c l o c k , a n d S a t u r d a y from first t o l a s t City B e l l . J. D . A I K E N , President. P. J.' BARBOT, Sec'ry. Tuos. RYAN, Vice-Pres't. P . A. AVKILIIE, Treasurer. T R t r s T E E s ^ E d w . Mottet, D r . Robert Lebby, A . C u n n i n g h a m , Archibald M c K e n z i e , J o h n W - B r o w n f i e l d , H . E . V i n c e n t . A. J . C r e w s , A l e x a n d e r O w e n s , W m . M a t h i e s s e n , H . A . D u e , VVm. H . H o u s t o n , J o h n F . C i N e i l " , Jas. W h i t e , M . W . S t . A m a n d . E . Poincignon, J . H . KalbM. P . O ' C O N N O R , Solicitor. South-Carolina Railroad. P L A C E O F D E P A R T U R E F O R P A S S E N G E R S — i m e Street. From Charleston to Augusta, (Geo.) via Hamburg and Aiken, 136 miles. From Charleston to Columbia, via. Branchville, KtO miles. *• ** to Canden, " " 142 miles. Cnanectsiit KingviUe with the Wilmington If Manchester Road. Paisenger traiusjeave Charleston for Augusta, Ga. Columlda and Ciimdcn, S. C. and all intermeoi»t*e stations, daily. And Arrive at Charleston at 3 P . M . Also, laave daily for Aui.'u.«ta and intermediate puiiits at G.30 P . M . " " for Columbia " " at 8.13 P. itl. Th<( Trains arrive daily from Augusta, at 4.30 A. M. '• " from Columbia, at 2 30 A. M. T h e r e is accommodation T r a i n s for Summerville. at t.\?, A M and 2.2.') & 5 P M. PresidsBt, John Cildwell. Directors, A^uAtevi Wallace, Alfred Hupor, .Iiime> Rose, C. M. Furman, C. J. Shannon. L . J . Pattersoji, C. R . Itryce, G. A. Trenliolm. H. Gourdin, W . C . Dukes, A.Simond.^, B. H . R i c e , C . T.Mitchell. J . R . Emery, Auditor. Secretary. Henry T . P e a k e , Gen, Superin-l. Agents and other Officers, too numerous for insertion here. North-Eastern Rail Ro^il Company. This Ro.". 1 extends from Charleston to Darlington 103 miles, is cnunected with the Wilmington and Manchester Road 2 miles East of Florence, (HO milenfroin Wilniiugton) at which point it joins with the Choraw and Darlington Road President, A. F. Ravenel. Engineer If Superintendent, S . S . Solomons. Directors, Hon. Chas. Macbeth, Hon. Mitchell King, Col. Allan McFa; !• ii. John Ravenel, John R Dukes, E . S e b r i n g , Esqs Secretary If Treasurer, C VVilliman. A Passenger train leaves the Depot iu Chapel-street, every day at 1 11 P . M., and 2 P . M . Leave Florence at 2 40 A. M., a n d l 2 2 0 P . M . A train leaves Charleston on Tuesdays and Fridays at 630 A.M., and returns Wednesdaysand S a t u r d a y s a t ? P. M. F o r Cheraw & Darlington R R take the 1 P . M. from Charleston. F o r Wilniintton and Stations on Wilmington & Jlanchester R R , east Florence. All the trains make direct connections. Oeorg^etoMm Railroad, So. Ca. President, Dr. A. AL Forster. Directors, C. J . Atkinson. P. C. J . Weston, Charles Alston, son. S . W Ronguie, W J Howard, and W W W a l k e r . Charleston a n d S a v a n n a h ' R a i l Road. This Road has been located from Ashley R i v e r , below New Brid.;e, via Rantoul's to Saltkeicher River, near the Bridge—thence down to Savannah. Length 102 miles. President, Tlios. F . Drayton Directors, in Charleston, the Mayor, Charles Macbeth, Otis Mill.', W F Colcock, W m E Martin, Geo W Williams, f M Wagner, ', 'V I'o'tei, 'liniry G.iurdin Edjnund R h e t t , J t j Steinmeyer.aud iji .Savannah, W li Ifodgtc • uid Richard B Bradly. Scc'y If Treasurer, VVm. H . S » i n t o n . Chief Engineer, E d w a r d Manigault. Leaves Ciiarleston Daily (e;;cept S u n d a j ) at 10.30 A. M. Arrive at Savannah at .5 P iM. Leavfs Savannah at 7 A M. Connecting at Station 10! (Junction) with Mail T r a i n from Macon, on Central Railroad, arrives at Charleston, at 1 -10 P M. H S. Haines, Enginer aud Superintendent. Solicitor.-C H. Simonton. O F F I C E , 31 Broad-street. Wilmington a n d Manchester Rail R o a d . Presiden-t, T h o s . D . W a l k e r , Engineer If Superintendent, L.S.Fremont. Tlfis Road connects with the North Eastern R R, the Cheraw aud Darlington R. Road, and the Camden aitd Columbia Branch of the S o u t h Carolina R R. Leave Charlestoii at 11 P M, ami 2 P M., arrives at Fl .rence at 6.15 A M. and 6.30 P M. Leave Wilmington atO A M. and 8.15 P . M., arrives at Charleston at 5.45 P. M. aud at S A M . C l i e r a w a n d I>arling:ton R . R . Extends from a point on tile Wilnnnffton aud Manchester Road, 2 miles East of Florence, and ruii> 40 miles on t!in tJreat Peedee River to Cheraw. By the 7 30 A M Train from Wilmington, and the 5.45 train from Kii\i^ville, Passengers are conveyed to Cheraw and DarliriL'ton. PresWenf, Allan .McFarlan. £M^wce?, C. S. W . Syfan. J - H . ^ l c l v e r . Sec.lfTr. OrecBiiv'iilc a n d C o l u m b i a R a i l r o t v d . From Columbia to (rrecnville, 113 miles—with Blanches to Abbeville If Anderson. This Road connects with the Road from Charleston, also from Charlotte, from Spartanburg and Uuiou, and Laurens R. R. Pr<!»irfcK£, Thos. C. Perriii. Directors, S 1! O'Neall, Simeon F a i r , Robt. Stewart, J N Wliitner, C.Smith, J P Reid, V. McBee, Daniel Blake, T h o s M Cox, J o h n M Allen. C. G. Memminger, J. F . Livingston. Auditor If Treasurer, 3 P Southern. Gen. Superintendent at Columbia, E . F . Rawoth. Leaves Columbia, at 7.} A M. Arrives, at 1^ P. M . Leaves Grnenrille at C.Jo A M Arrives at Columbia at 4,30 P M, Charlotte & South-Carolina Rail R o a d . Double doily connections are made with the South-Carolina R a i l Road at Coluinliia, and with the Wilmington and Weldou Rail Road at W e l d o n . T h e Jinil Train iciives Columbia rfaiiy at i) A M. Leaves Charlotte at 5.30 P . M., Italoigh at 5.20 A Mr Arrives at Weldon at 11.30 A M. ; Leaves Weldon at 11.10 P. M ,- Raleigh 5 A . M . ; Charlotte, at 8,30 P . M . Arrives at Columbia at 4.30 A. M. Through tickets may be had at Colnnibia, Augusta, Weldon and Charleston,for cither p'ucc, and at Columbia for GoUlsboro, N . C President, Win Johnston. Directors, A R T a y l o r , Dr. John Fisher, i' ^Vland; W R Robertson,Theo. S DuBose, Fairfield ; Saml. McAlliley.H C Brawley,Chester; A It S|iring», York ; Win. Johnston, A B David.->on, J H W h i t e , North Carolina; John C^Ialdwell, Charleston. G«». Superintendent, T J Sumner. Sec. If Treasurer,C Bouknight. liaurens Rail Road. President, J " h n W . Simpson. Superintendent ,B. S. Jones. Sec'y. &• Treasurer, Samuel Barksdale. T h e r e are Agents .at Jalappn, Martin's de|>ot, and Clinton. Connectswith the Grceiivillo Road at Newberry. By this Road passengers are carried from Columbia to Glenn Springs and Spartanburg C / / .Leave Columbia a t 7 A . M ; arrive at L a u r e n s at 1 o'clock, at Glenn Springs at G, and Spartanburg at 0 P . M. same d a y . Spartanhurg- & U n i o n R. R . T h i s Road is 76 miles from Alston, by Uniouville, to Spartanburg. PrcjtrfCTit, Thos. B . J e t e r . /3trectnr», Simpson Bobo, S. N. Evans, Govan Miles, J. W.Miller, T . N . Dawkius, W . J . K c e u a n , D. Goudelock, E . Scaife, J. L. Young, W . 3. Alston, J o h n Drummond. P e n d l e t o n R. R . i n S o u t h - C a r o l i n a . P r e s i d e n t , R F Simpson. Directors, 3 S Lorton, E B Benson, R A Maxwell. W H D Gailiard A P Calhoun, J R Sitton, W m Van W y c k , J T Sloan, Geo. Seaborn, John Maxwell, 1 T L a t t a . See. & Treasurer, Thomas M W a g n e r . r . Kin^^^'s M o u n t a i n R a i l R o a d . This Roud connects with the Charlotte Road at Chester C. H . and the S. C. Road at Columbia,also the W i l m i n g t o n * Manchester, and thus, by Branchville, to Charleston or Angnsta. T h e Cars leave Yorkville every morning at 8 A. M., reaching Chester, (25 miles,) at 9 A . M . Returning, leaves Che.ster at half-past 1 o'clock, (after the Columbia and Chai lotte trans arrive)—reaching Yorkville at 3 P M. President, W m . E . R o s e Directors, S. G. H e m p h i l l , W m A Latta, H . F . Adicks, J, L. Miller, R. S. Moore, J. S. Ryan, Ii. S. Wheeler, E. A. Crenshaw. B i n e Ri3lg:c R . R . froirt A n d e r s o n via t h e R a b u n G a p T o K N O X V I L L E , (Ten.) 187 miles ; where it connects with the East Tennessee and Virginia Roads, and also with the proposed Road to Cincinnati. The Blue Ridge R R is also intended to connect Anderson with the Nashville and Chattanooga aud the Memphis and Charleston R Road at Chattanooga, distant about 240 miles from Anderson. President, Hon. Ed. Frost. Directors, The Mayor of Charleston, H Gourdin, C T Lowndes, (J A Trenholm. C M Furman, Robert Ad.'or, 'V C Dukes, R. Yeadou. Seer. If Treasurer, W H Peronneau. Engineer, Maj. W . Gwynn. M e m p h i s aMd C h a r l e s t o n K. R . Connecting at Stevenson with the Nasliville and Chatanooga R R, 272 miles, and extending via. Huntsville, Decatur to Memphis. President, Samuel T a t e ; Sccretary, George Robertson. Nashville a n d Chataiioog:a R a i l R o a d . President, 7 K Stevenson. Chief Engineer, .1.11. Grant. This Uoad is 151 mileslong, and is intended! to connect with the Blue Ridge Road, and thus complete the connection between Charleston. Nashville and Memphis. P8tS>Sic ScSiooSs of t h e City of C h a r l e s t o n . Board of Commissioners. , Chairman W m . C. Bee, W J . Bennett, G. S. Bryan, G. Buist, W . G. DeSau.s5ure, C. M. F u r man, Wni. Jervey. Win. Lebby, Hon. A. G. Magrath, Hon. W . A. Pringle, F . Richards, John Russell, i'l. Montague Grimke. Secretary. Girls' High and Nvrnial School, St. Philip's-st., below Wentworth. Commis-iioners, C. G. Memminger, W . J Bennett, Hon. A. G. Magrath, C. M. Furman. Principal—Fred'k A S a w y e r ; Assistants, Miss Anna C Brackctt. Miss Caroline Price, Miss Isabel Otis. St. Philip's-street School. Conimio.^ioners—C G Memminger, W J Bennett, C M Furman, W m J e r v e y . Principal—J. D. Geddings. Male Dcfjartinent.—Vice Principal, P . F . Smith, U t Assistant, .Mif,^ Mary M Clarke; 2d, Miss K S H a p p o l d t ; 3d, Mis.s Caroline C Harbors ; 4tli, Robt. W Chase. Female Department.—Principal, Miss O S E d m o n d s . Vice Principal, [Miss S B Scott. 1st A.ssistant, Miss E S Johnson; 2d, Miss R S Albergottie; 3d, Miss M E Gready ; ton; 4th,Miss A R Simon ; 5th Miss Julia Jl Ewaii. Primary biipartiiient — Principal, Miss Eniilio W . Edmonds. Vice Principal, Mrs. Marion Whitehead. 1st Assistant, Aliss O Pansin; 2d, Miss E L Snares; 3(1, Miss M E Cantwell; 4th, Miss P Pausiu; Sth, Mis.- C A Michel; 6th, ftjios A T Cudworih ; 7th, E. C Jones. Friend-street School. Commissiouprs—Hon. A G Magrath, Geo Buist. Hon. W A Pringle, Wni C Bee. Principal—R S Fielden. Male Department—Vice Principal, H P .•Vrcher. 1st Assistant, Miss E J Watson; 2d, C O Martin ; 3d, Miss E M Rotureau ; 4th, Miss Famale Department.—, Miss S E T h u r t o n . Vice Principal, Miss M J Holmes. 1st Assistant, M O Carter; 2 J , Mijs C L Robertson;; 3d, Miss Mary E Schirmer; 4th, Miss Elizabeth Mousseau, Priin.try Department.—Principal, Miss L A Smith. Vice Principal, Mrs. J J Cunningham. 1st Assistant, iMiss Julia V Roach ; 2d, Miss S E Biiiglcy ; 3d, Miss S A Cleapor; 4tli, .Miss Ann Archer ; Sth Miss J Rouinillat ; 6th, Miss T Chupein ; 7tli, Miss A n i a Dra^e. School No. 1,, near Line.—Commissioner, George S Bryan. Principal, E T h a y e r ; Assistant, Miss E C Cleapor. School No. 2, South-street, East end —Commissioner, William Lebby. Principal, John A Blum; Assistant. Mrs. C M Hussev school No. 3, Anson-street. rear of St. Stephen's Chapel—Commissioner.Frederick Richards. Priiicipa_rMiss Septima M. W a r d ; Assistant, Miss S L Dickinson. School No. 4, Meeting-sreet.—Commissioners, John Russell, W . G. DeSaussure. Principal, Mrs. Isabella Blair; 1st Assissanl, Miss Anna C Eason. 2d, Miss Georgiana C Withers. T h e College of Charleston. UNDER THE PROTECTION AND SUPPORT OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Aud endowed by the late Elias Horry with a Professorship of $10,000. The College is managed by a Board of 21 Trustees, the Mayor and Recorder of the City, for the time being, are ex-otficio members, and three Aldermen to be elected by Council annually. An annual meeting of the Trustees is held on the3d Wednesday in October, at the College, to electa President of the Boarad of Trustees, aud such other olllccrs as maybe deemed necessary. The Faculty to consist of a President, and such Professors, as may be appointed by the Trustees, neither of whom can hold the office of Trustee. OFFIOEKS A N D MEMCERS OF THE HOARD OF THUSTEES. Hon. MITCHELL KING, President. DANIEL RAVENEL, Esq., Vice-President, JACOB WILLIMAN, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. BOARD OF TRUSTEES—Hon. Mitchell King, Daniel Ravenel, Esq., Hon. W. A, Pringle, Hon. Chas. Macbeth, Wm Ravenel, L. Bowie, Hugh R. Banks,Rev. C. Hanekel, D. D.,WiUiam Jervey, Esq., Richard Yeadon, Esq., Jas. L. Petigru, Esq., Hon, Henry D. Lesesne, Hon. W. P.Milss, Charles M. Furman, Esq., H A. DeSaussure, Esq., Edward B. White, Esq., Alouzo J. White, Esq.,lion. W. D. Porter, Dr. L. A. Frampton, and George S. Bryan, Esq. STANDING CoMMiTrEE,—Mitchell King, Esq., Chairman; Henry A. DeSaussure, Esq., Daniel Ravenel, Esq,, lion. Chas. Macbeth, Richard Yeadon, Esq. FACULTY.—N. R. MTddleton, L.L.D. President, Prof, of Logic. Political Economy, and the Evidences of Christianity and Horry Professor of Moral, Intellectual and Political Philosophy:—William Hawkeswortli, A. M. Professor of Latni and Greek Languages and Literature, and of Roman &. Greek Antiquities;—Lewis R. Gibbes, M. D., Professor of Mathematics, Chemistry, & c. &c.;—John McCrady, A.M Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Geometry, Algebra, &c.;^Frederick A. Porcher, Professor of History, Ancient and Modern ; Rhetoric, Belles Letters, English Composition & Elocution;—F. S. Holmes, Professor of Zoology, in all its branches; Geology and Palasontolagy, and Curator of the Museum;—Kev. James W. Miles, A. M. Professor of Intellectual Philosophy and Greek Literature, and Librarian to the Cflleie Library. Lewis R Gibbes, M. D. Secretay to the Faculty. Lunatic Assylum—Coinmbia, S. C. REGENTS—Andrew Wallace, Esq, President 5 James U Adams, Thos B. Clarkscn, R H G lodwyn, M Laborde, M. D., Rev- J I., Reynolds, Charles P e l h a m , W m K Talley, William Wallace. J W Parker, M D , Superintendant and Physician. A A Sylvester, Assistant Physician 5 Rev. E B Hort, Chaplain and Secrclary ; Mrs. Emily M c C a r t I a , Matron. Requsites for Admission—A Certificate from t w o P h y s i c i a n s and a Magistrate, that Ihe applicant is insane, an epilictic, or an idigt. A coose history of the case and the medical treatment to which the patient has been subjected ; T h e rates vary from ^ 2 5 0 to $700 per annum, payable ill half yearly instalments in advance. A bond, with approved security, living; the S t a t e , to secure the res^ular payment of the dues, is required. T h e charge " lor personsof color the same as paupers. It will be seen by reference to the Report ol the Physician and Superintendent, t h a t the year opened with 194p^t!ints;88 pay-patients, and 106 paupers; and of these, 99 weie males, and 95 females. 69 have keen received in the course ol the year, and the who!e number which has been under treatment, is 263. 37 have been discla-.ged cured, 8 removed in an improved St.'-tc,and 26 have died. Most ot the dead had been long in a stale of incurable disease, with broken dowi. eonstitutmiis, and their speedy death was anticipated. On the 5 h inst., there were 192 patients; of this number, 104 were paupers, and 88 pay-patients; 86 males, and 106 fepiales. A. E. M I L L E E, P R I N T E R AND P U B L I S H E R , No. 3 , State-Street, W h e r e he will b e r e a d y to e x e c u t e any w o r k iu his b u s i n e s s , and to receive Orders for his Almanac for 1862,—The price of w h i c h , this y e a r will b e eight dollars per 100, $ 1 . 2 5 per doz. and 15 cts single. "T"''-^ j ^—-~i~^—^1 -"•"^ ~" 46 e..^»t=s»Qa^grpangig:==»«r,i^(I zarxiw Txi>£ •I?ABXIB. Prepared expressly for Miller's Planters' 4- Merchants' Almanac. ; The following Table exhibits t^e intervals of time respectively, which ( are to be applied to the time of High Water at Charleston Bar, to find \ ;thetitne of High Water at the places named. AUthe gi-ven times are to ! j be added, excepting those to which the letter S is prefixed, which are i ' t o be subtracted. V j*Amboy [ Amelia Soiind, "Baltimore, \*Boston, /'Bridgeport, ;*Brun,swick, N J \*Cape Fear,... Hatteras, ;* . . Henlopen,J • • • ', . . Henry j .. Lookout,.... I . . May ; . . • St. Mary pFairfield, Con ;'*FloridaKeys I Frederica, Geo Georgetown Bar, f*Hampton Roads • Mobile Point, Montaug Point, \*New-Haven j*New London, 'Newport, H. M. ! 1 0 S 4 3 1 0 2 *New-York, 54 Norfolk,..* 40 *Norwich, C o n 14 Pensacola,; 58 *Philadelphia 52 Plymouth 6 *Portland, 48 *Portsmouth, 28 *Providence, 38 Q.iiebec, 34 Richmond, 15 Rhode Island, 0 * Sagg Harbour, 45 *Sandy H o o k , . . . , . 22 j Savannah,. 56 j St. Augustine, 30 j St. Mary's Bar, Bay, 24; Cape 18) River 3 ![ 3 j.Sunbury 15 Tybee Bar,. •• 32 Wilmington, N. C. 1 • • • .-S 1 0 1 1 1 3 ..1 0 S..0 1 7 0 . ^ . . .4 7'...2 0 H. 1 I 3 0 .S. . . 5 4 4 ....4 1 0 8 S ..0 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 i M. i 0 0; 43 < 49f 55\ Oi 12/ lOl 12 42 20 45 39 16 41 0 0 0 0, 54 0 5Q o \j The actual rise of the Tides depends on the strength and direction. U * of the wind, and it not unfrequently happens that a Tide which would, | i^independently of these, have been small, is higher than another, other- .-I 11) wise much greater. But when a Tide which arrives when the Sun and' (J Z Moon are in favorable position for producing a great elevation, is still -s 9. further inci'eased by a very strong wind, the rise of the water will bo ? fluncommonly great, sufficient perhaps, to causedamage. _ | W The interval called the Establishment of the Port, is the time which' { t elapses between the southing of the Moon and the High Water, at a 1 ivthno when the Sun and Moon are both South at tho .same time. Now | | I'as the Establishment of the Port, if it were known, would enable us vl pproximatio for New York, used as the Establishment of the Charleston. 7h 2m., «fec. ; The Tab e above, is corrected from the Official Tide Table, published' b v A l< Bfiche Superintendent United States Coast Survey. B^t inlvthos'- ports.'or placos, indicated by an astrick(*) are corrected.—: The others remain as they haye been for s long time, and are supposed to be nearly correct, SAMUEL H. WRIGHT, .^.sS^Bi!!?-^ 0 9 ' t ? ' ' ^ ' 3 3 < ? ^ S 5 f S4 ^Flfgg^'X'^^l CHARLTON H. BIRD, SUCCESSOR TO JOHN S. B I S B & Co. At the Sig:n o f the Oold 395 ijv THE: 935 BEjvn or KIJVG STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Has constantly on hand a general assortment of the follewing Goods, for sale at as low prices as can be obtained in the city :— Wl Wi W SI EPAULETTES, SWOEDS, BELTS, SASHES, AND ^ HORSE EQUIPMENTS, LOOKIISra CLASSES, RICH GILT, MANTLE P I E R S . . PIGTUHE ERAMES, Rich Gilt, Ornamental and Plain for Portt aits, &c., made to order at the shortest notice. Looking-Glass Plates of all sizes fitted to Frames. G I L D I N G AND REGILDING. Picture and Looking-Glass Frames Re-gilt, aud made equal to new. To suit all ages and sights. Pebbles and Periscopie Glasses fitted to frames. SURVEYOR'S I1¥STRIIMEI¥TS, Thermometers, Barometers, Telescopes and Microscopes. Also, a choice collection of S n g ' r a v i n g ' S , which will be offered at low Cash Prices. N. B. Persons at a distance can be supplied through the mail with SPECTACLES to suit their sight, by giving their age. Ag-ent for the E u r e k a S^eiviiigr M a e h i n e s . All orders from the Country attended to with dispatch. ^1 a ^ W H O L E S A L E AND R E T A I L CASH ^ DRY GOODS STOEE. pj -o— W e would call particular attention following to the ^ ISrOTICE. Our business will be hereafter conducted i^ strictly on Cash Principles. r^ Our whole stock of Goods is marked down, g in accordance with the C a s h S y s t e m , with J very small advances on O o s t P r l c e S . f Our unsurpassed facilities for purchasing Goods at the very lowest market prices, enable us to sell t them Cheap for Cash. I Piiimiiii iisii ^ will, as heretofore, receive our especial attention. W e will .sell only for Cash, or City acceptance, at ^ 30 or 60 days, thus enable us to sell for small Tr< profits. FOGARTIES & STILLMAN, No. 25'y K»ng*street, Corner Wentworth-strect. I'iiiif 811 i If iiiiai, Charleston, Cotton Osnaburgs of various brands, Do. do. for Picking Sheets, .Brown raid Bleached Shirting of all widths, Eoglisis and American Long Cloths, desiiTibie brands, ')|«lBrown and Bleached .Jeans, ^HlFIothen Duck for Boat-sails, Awnings, «&c. Bleached Pillow-case Cotton, 6-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, l i - 4 , 12-4; Bleached and BroVn Cotton Sheetings of the most approved brands, Indigo Blue Drill and Blue Denims, Plaid aud vStriped Homespun for servants, Cotton Bed-Ticking, Cottoiiades of all descriptions, Georgia Nankeen, Doiri8stic Ginghams. l|iBfBrov*'n and Bleached Cotton Flaimels, Iproii Checks. ?' »> Cotton Table Covers, all sizes. Worsted do. do. do. Cloth do. do, do. Embossed do. do. do. 8-4 Turkey Red, Plaid and Striped Cotton Tabling. 8-4 and 10-4 Worsted Tabling, various colors. Colured Doylies. Marseilles Q.uilts, a.ll sizes. No. 257 KING-ST., CORNER OF W E N T W O R T H . igol CISH DRY 800DS HOUSE, South-Carolina. SILK GOODS Black Gro de Rhine of all widths, Do. Poult de Sole. Do. Rep Sdks, Black Barathea. Do. Satin de Chine. !)o. and colored Plaid and Brocade Silks Rich light colored Silks for evening dresses Plaid Stripe and Fig'd Silks. Black and white Watered Silks. Do. White and col'd Marcelines. Canton Crapes, Moire Antiques. Black and colored Silk Velvets. India Wash Silks. Rich Flounced Silk Robes. "If SHAWLS, MANTILLAS ANO CLOAKS. Canton Crape, white and black. Broche, Cashmere and Saxony Shawls, Plaid Wool Shawls, all sizes and prices. Bay State Shawls, Lt^ng and Sqitare. Gents' Traveling Shawls. Grenadine andBeregeShawls and Mantillas. In Mantillas and Cloaks, we shall be cojistantly supplied in the newest styles, and all variety of materials suited to the Season, and the taste of the people. W» It) '^^ . No. 257 KING-ST., CORNER OF WENTWORTH. 2 | S'j5'i^sS«ii^'2S'* sfes^gp^^'jgfeiSS^s^-^i^^s^lK FOGARTIES & STILLMAN, Charleston, S. C. .J 'ii-, 'i Shirting Linens of Richardson's and other good brands in Fronting, Family and Eztra. 7-8, 4-4, 9-8, 5-4, and 6-4 Pillow Linens. 10-4, 11-4, and 12-4 Irish and Bai-nsley IJnen Sh(!etings, Ri'sian Sheetings. 5-H, 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, B . E . Diapers. aScotch Diapers and Huckabacks. Medical Huckabacks. Flax Osnaburgs, Dowlas and Crash. 5-8 and 3-4 Long Lawns. >tli 5-8, 2-4 and 4-4, Damask Napkins. Table Doylie.s—brown and bleached. >. Bathing Towels. Diaper do. aJ !5( Huckaback do. for Medical purposes. M' Glass Cloth. White, Brown and Fancy Linens. Blnok D'Ete at all prices. i: is ii II Ranisey's and Lubin's Powder. e 0 Trisopherous, Kathearon, as Balm of a Thousand Flowers. Cologne, Lavender, Verbena, Geranium and Bay W a t e r . Lubin's Extracts, Hair Oil, Indellible Ink. Windsor, French, Castile and Ball Soaps. Transparent Soap in bars, Shaving Soap, &c. No. 257 KING-ST., CORNER OF WENTWORTH. i^:^^!'?&&T^^=TS^;^^Sti, CASH DRY GOODS HOU South-Carolina. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &c. French and English Black Cloths, Do. do. Colored, Pilot and Beaver Cloths, Pelisse Cloths for Cloaks, Servants' Cloths, French Black Cassimeres and Doe Skias, Plain and Fancy colored Cassimeres, Do. do. Plaid Tweeds and Erminets for children, Grey Flannels for Sacks, Kentucky Jeans, all colors, Goats' H a i r Camlets for Cloaks, Moleskin and Corduroy, for Riding P a n t s . H Plaid and Striped Satteens, White do. Blouse Linens for Sacks, Valencia, Cashmere and Marseilles Vestings, Light Brocade Vestings for evening wear, Silk and Satin Vestings, at! White and Brown Linen Drills. -9! O 'M Ladies' and Gents' Kid Gloves. Do. do. Driving do. Do. do. Cashmere do. Do. do. Fleecy L, Silk Gloves. Do. do. Silk do. Do. do. Thread do. Do. do, Buck Gauntlets. Ladies' Black Lace Mitts and Gloves. Every variety of Children's Gloves. No. 257 KING-ST., COIINER OF WENTWORTH. f iiaif sii i If iiiiaa, Chaiieston, SLIDRIES SUITED TO ALL SEASONS. I! is •C Flax Thread, all colors, Spool Cotton, white and colored, French, 3Ioravian and Dg. Cotton. Ball Cotton, Needles, Button Moulds, Linen and Cotton Tapcs*and Braids, Hooks and Eyes, English and American Pins, Silk and Linen, Lacets, Silk and Worsted Braids, Sewing Silks, Silk, Lasting, Gilt, Plated, Bone, Pearl, Agate, Lace and Linen Buttons, Side, Fine and I)ressing Combs, Tuck Combs, India Rubber Round Combs, and Pocket Combs, •Si Hair, Nail, Tooth and Clothes Brushes, Gents' and Boys' Silk Hdk'fs., Cravats, > Stocks, Ties, &:e. 3 H Gents' and Boys' Suspenders. SB Fans, Thimbles, J e t Bracelets, Fancy Work M Boxes, Powder-PufFs, Pin-eushins, Whale >ft Bones, Oil Silk, Oil Cloths for Tables, Cotton Cord, Twilled Cotton Tape. » Plain Sarsnet Ribbons, Ribbon Wire, MATERIALS FOR CURTAINS. Furniture Dimity, all prices. Do. Chintses, newest style. Embroidered Curtain Muslins. Colored Worsted Damasks. Do. Watered Moreens. Plain, Printed and Red Cambrics. Cords and Tassels. No. 2.57 KING-ST., CORNER OF WENTWORTH. ©fj © CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE, South-Carolina. Ladies, Cotton Hose, white, brown, black and colored. Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose, white and black. Do. R a w Silk Hose, black. Do. Merino do. do. and white. L . Wool do. do, do. tu Do, Gents' Cotton 1-2 do. white, brown, grey. Do. do. do. Merino feet. Do. Thread 1-2 do. white and brown. H Silk do. black. fi Do. Do. L . Wool do. white and colored. M Merino do. do. do. "«! Do. do. do. brown and col'd^( Boys' Cotton H Do. Merino do. do. and colored. Misses' Cotton Hose, white, brown and col'd. Do. Merino do. do. and colored. Child's 1-2 and 3-4 Hose, fancy. H Tlie Cheapest Hos-iery in tJte City. © Gents' Merino and L. Wool Shirts. Do. Cotton Shirts. Do, Silk do. Do. Merino and Cotton Drawers. Ladies' do. Vests. Do. Gauze do. Do. Silk do. Boys' and Misses' Merino Vests. i r i 5 7 KINa-ST.. CORNER OF WENTWORTH. | ^iinifiis Charleston, EMBROIDERIES. Muslin and Cambric Worked Collars. Do. do. do. Under Sleeves, French and Scotch do. Muslin Collars aud Under Sleeves, in setts. Lace Collars, Chemisets and Sleeves. Lace Capes and Berthas. Embroidered L. C. HJk'fs. Hem Stitched do. do. Sheer Bordered do. do. Cambric Edgings and Insertings. SWISS i •0 do, do. H (S « M Plain and Figured Bobinets. Wash Blonde. Cambric and Swiss Worked Bands and > Flouncings, Black Lace Veils, H English Thread Laces and Edgings. ft Lisle Thread and Imitation Val. Laces and > Edgings. Wide Cotton Lace for trimming Pavillions. Linen Braid Edgings^. White and Black Blonde Laces and Edgings, 0 Our entire stock of Embroideries is sold extremely low. No. 257 KING-ST., CORNER OF WENTWORTH. iX CASH DRY- GOODS HOUSE, { South-Carolina. French and English Black Bombazines. Black Grenadines and Crape Marets. Plain and Printed Tissues. Black Bereges. Mourning Printed Muslins. Do. Ginghams and Calicoes, Black Alpacas a n d M . de Laines. Mourning de Laines. Parametta and Coburg Cloths. 6-4 Black French Cashmeres and Merinos. )»^ English, Italian and H a t Crapes. Black Lace Veils and Hdk'fs. Mourning Black Silks. >[ Black Sinchews and Marcelines. M Black and White Crape Collars. Mourning Muslin and Cambric Collars and HI Sleeves. R 'A Silk and Linen Lustres. M. .a ft Black Cotton Crape. >i Mourning L. C. Hdk'fs. r Ma ^' ©!* © © X ©• I No. 257.KING-ST., CORNER OF W E N T W O R T H . I riiiif ill i 31 iiiiii, I Charleston, ce X H H © I? White, black and Slate Crinolines. Cotton Cambrics, all prices. Cambric Muslins, do. Mull do. do. Nainsook do. do. 4-4 and 6-4 Swiss Muslins. Plaid and Striped Cambrics. ft Do. do. Muslins. 8-4 real French do. H Bishop's Lawns. White and colored Organdies. Furniture Dimity, X White Brilliants. Pin Cord do. Dotted and Figured Swiss Muslins. Sackarilla St. Gall do. do. Illusions and Bobinets. 3Iargeilles Toilet Covers and Tidies. Victoria and Corded Skirts. Mohair and Grass do. Gents', Ladies' and Childn's. L.C. Hdk'fs. Hoop Skirts—of all kinds for Ladies and children—including Thomas's Crown, In-. desstructible. Corrugated and &c., and the Belle of the South. 1 1 'II »i|| Colored Muslins—newest designs. Plain and Printed col'd Bareges and Tissues, Colored Grenadines. Muslin, Barege and Grenadine Robes. No- 257 KING-ST., CORNER OP WENTWORTH. Sfei^Sii^SfeS3^aS^eSlfe:!^SS5^23feS^SaS^, CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE, South-Carolina. FLANNELS. Welsh,E'nglish and American white Flannels, White Ballardvale. 5-4 and 6-4 Saxony Flannels. White Silk Flannels. ^ X\. Welsh and American Gauze Flannels. White Shaker Flannels. ft/ Do. Anti-Rheumatic Flannels. X Colored Silesian Flannels for Sacks. Scarlet Flannels, plain and twilled. S! Blue and Grey Ells. fi Green and Yellow Flannels. X White and Red Domestic. X(i ix IK Ivi 'H .»^ '© M\m SEASON AND HOT SUN. lasMMiia Sim mumM. Holland Buggy Umbrellas of the most approved make. Cotton Umbrellas. Scotch Gingham Umbrellas. Holland do. Silk Umbrellas—24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, and 36 inches. > w © ©I AND mi 'te.1 \mw 'iii 'y%iii iHiffl IBP *fii ' S Q I?i all Sizes, Styles and Qualities, SUITED TO T H E SEASONS. No. 257 KING-ST., CORNER OF WENTWORTH. I FOGARTIES & STILLMAN, Charleston, S. C. PLANTATION GOODS. White and Grey Plains. Schley's Geo. do. English Kerseys and do. Cotton Osnaburgs. 4-4 do. for picking sheets. Plain and Plaid Linseys. Blue and Grey Ells. Brown and Bleached Homespuns. Comforts^ Allendale Quilts. Marseilles Quilts. Colored Knotted Counterpanes. e Plantation Buttons and Thread. Head and Pocket Cotton Hdk'fs. Heavy Grey Mixed Shirts. Do. Satinets and K. Jeans. Blue Denimes and Indigo Drills. )fi Stripe and Plaid Homespun and J e a n s . Heavy Cottotn Duck, Brown and Bleached. Servants' extra heavy Bleached Shirting. • « 'H 33 L A. IST K E T S . Whitney, Bath and American Blankets, in all qualities. © London Duffle Blankets. White and Grey Twilled Blankets. Point and Mackinaw do. Buggy and Saddle do. Colored Blankets, super quality for traveling House Rugs and Knotted Counterpanes. Crib Blankets. No. 257 KING-ST., CORNER OF WENTWORTH. i( THE Hi-T HALL." DRESS HAT DEPARTMENT. T h e finest Dress Black H a t s . .. .. Beautiful Dress Black H a t s , :-... . . . -'-,.. ^4 $3 SOFT HAT DEPARTMEIVT. Pearl, D r a b , Slate, Gray, Black, Brown, Mode, Black and other Soft F r e n c h Hats, prices 50c, $1,00, 1,50, 2,50, and $4,00. ,.CAP DEPARTMEJVT. Men's Youtlrs and Infant's Caps. Also, Infant's F a n c y Trimmed Beaver H a t s . Boys' good Cloth Caps,. . . .50c and $1,00 PLiAIVTATION D E P A R T M E a f T . Wool and Glazed H a t s by the dozen, cheap. Caps for Negroes, by the dozen, cheap. W e charge nothing for boxes or drayage. STEELE & CO'S " HAT HALL," 2 3 1 Kiing-stree^ CHARLESTON, S C MIILEB'S mq ill mm For the Year
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