WPA Cemetery Transcriptions
WPA Cemetery Transcriptions
+ ,. -.'1 -:• I:, ,_, ~-- l '' NEW HANOVER,COUNTY ' r· _,,, •"- i f. ' . j.' '·? ;:. -']•: ---'\ ~; '""~;"' ·::;··: ,. !?I. ·' ' ·1. " compiled by Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1937 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGTON, N. C. BIDDLE CEMETERY Historical Records· Survey Field Worker · March, 1937 Mrs. Helena Monroe Biddle Cemetery, owned by the Biddle family, contains seventeen graves, all marked, the earliest marked grave being Ronald McDougald, died May 11, 1856. The condition of cemetery is poor, all graves marked, but some of the stones have fallen and several or the graves are sunken. One section has new ranee and two new stones. To reach cemetery, leave Wilmington going·South on U. S. Highway 42i, go eight miles, take country road .on right, keeping. . straight until second crossroad, take righthand, go about a quarter mile then take righthand road again, go for about a quarter mile, then take leftliand road for about 400 yards. Cemetery is to left of road. BENTON; 'MOSES. Born Feb. 8, 1849 Diad ----, 1880 BIDDLE, A. ADRIAN Born Aug. 27, 1873 Aged 1 Year 2 Mo. 26 Days Infant son of J, T. &A. B. Biddle BIDDLE, AGNES BELLAMY Born June 14, 1845 Died May 31 1 1903 BIDDLE, JOHN A. Born Dec. 24, 1870 Died Mar. 4, 1926 BIDDLE, J. T. Born Dec. 17, 1833 Died Mar. _4, 1890 Wife of John T. Biddle Aged 56 Yrs. 2 Mos. 18 Ds • ..,. s!DDur; lELiA~AGNE:s • -- ' • Died Aug. 24, 1885 Aged 4 Yrs. 21 Ds. BIDDLE, MARSDEN BELLAMY Born July 28, 1899 Died July 5, 1900 BIDDLE; ROSA LEE Born Sept. 22, 1875 BID"DLE, THEODORE S. Born July 16, 1877 Died Jan. 2, 1911 Died May 27, 1916 BIDDLE, WILLIAM HENRY Born Mar. 11, 1898 Died July 27, 1898 Daughter of J, T. and A. B. Biddle Son of Rosa Lee & Wife of w. w. H. Biddle H. Biddle Age 38 Years, 10 Months, 11 Days -- New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. Biddle Cemetery Page Two BOWEN, CALVIN Apr. 20, 1841 Jan. 23, 1908 Father Dec. 12, 1922 Mother BO.IIEN, HETSY L. Mar. 24, 1856 MARTINDALE, HENRY Born April 11th, 1796 Died March 26th, 1874 MARTINDALE, REBECCA Died Dec. 17th, 1862 Aged 57 years McDOUGALD; RONALD Born Mar. 1, 1800 Died May 11, 1856 ZIEGLER, REBECCA ANNIE Born --- 1846 Died Jan. 25, 1900 Biddle Cemetery also contains one grave marked: INFANT (No otlier inscription on stone) compiled by Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1937 Now Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. Bryan Cemetery Historical Records Survey Field Worker Mrs. Helena Monroe March, 1937 Bryan Cemetery, owned by Richard Bryan family, contains six marked graves and twelve unmarked graves.. The earliest marked grave is Luther A. Bryan, died December 10, 1906. General condition is good. To reach cemetery, leave Wilmington going South on United States Highway 421 for four miles, turn right and follow cemetery road for about two and one-half miles, bearing to left where roads fork. BRYAN, J, M. Born June·ll, 1869'' Died July"21, 1907 · Son of BRYAN, L. A. Died Oct. 5, 1925 BRYAN; LUTHER A. Born June 15, 1906 BRYAN, )WIDY Born Sept. 29, 1882 A"': ~· Age 69 years Died Dec. 10, 1906 Died Jan. 15, 1922 COLVIN, DOVIA A. BRYAN Born Jan. 31, 1883 Died Feb. 3, 1913 «", J. 'i Aiiliie Bryan Son of W. P. &M. Bryan Wife of W. p, Bryan Wife of James Colvin There is. also one grave marked: C. M. T. (Note: No other inscription on large hand-carved wooden marker.) compiled by Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1937. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGTON, N. C. GALLOWAY. CEMETERY - HARRY C, CRAFT HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY FIELD WORKER MARCH, 1937 c.,. Galloway Cemetery, Wilmington, N. is o1vned by Thomas B. Galloway family. The earliest and only marked grave is Evangeline Fuller, died Nov. 6,·1915. There are twelve unmarked graves. The general condition _of cemetery is very poor, deep in the Woods, grown up with bushes arid large pine trees, has not been used since 1915. This cemetery is located near Winter Park, which is three and one-half miles from Wilmington. To reach it, start from the Presbyterian Church at Winter Park on the Old Wrightsville Turnpike, go towards l{arket Street Road for about two miles, turn to left opposite vineyard into the woods, following path, one-eighth mile, no road, to this cemetery. FULLER, EVANGELINE Born Dec. 3Q- 1914 Died Nov. 6- 1915 ~ . --. .... Dau. of S. F. Rader May Fuller .,-:o· .. - WORKER: Marie Fl~tcher & Margaret Farmer Compiled by the Historical Records Survey Of North Carolina NEW Rl!NOVER COUNTY N. C~ Will~INGTON, OAKDAlE CEMETERY • Location 1 Incorporated in the city limits, & may be reached by the entrance at 15th Green St. or by the entrance .at Campbell St. · BORN NAME ... ., (No name) ..... ' Lenora Ann Aaron, Benedict Wil~ings Adams, Martha, Mrs. Adams, Sterling Price Adrian, alrich Adrian, J, Louis Ahrens, ~'lilhelm B, Alderman, Alfred Alderman, Cornelia ,. Alderman, Emily Larkins Alderman, Florence Lov·e Alderman, I. T. Alderman, Irene Alderman, James Alderman, Mary Alderman, Percy Alderman, Rena Harriss Alderman, Seney, Mrs, Alderman, Susan Allen, l>veline L. Allen, James Allen, l1i ll iam Alrich, Wm. A, Altaffer, Gerard M. Altaffer, Mary R. Allright, ~ercy, Jr. July 2, 1864 no date no date July 21, •••• Aman, Rache 1 1871 1873 Apr. 12, 1792 Apr. 4, 1832 Mar. Jl8, 1826 1833 Aug. 2 8, 1828 Fe"b. 3, 1824 June 9, 1829 Oct. ll, 1835 June 31, 1911 May 22, 1855 July 26, 1887 Aman, Robert Apr. 9, 1885 A.rn.M, c. c. Amringe, Cyrus s. Van Anders, Lee A. Anderson, Alexander Anderson, Alexander Anderson, Ander REMA.RKDS July 7, 1827 July 30, 1859 Dec. 29, 1848 Apr. 25, 1867 June 11, 1833 Jan, 2, 1874 Mar. 23, 1844 1815 June 16, ,1846 1818 Dec. 14, 1863 Nov. 8, 1825 1866 Mar. 12, 1825 ' June 19, 1 836 Feb. 1, 1874 Feb. 15, 1837 no date no date Aug. 30, 1862 Jan. 24, 1894 Sept. 4, 1904 June 9, 1897 Jan. ~8, 1891 Apr. 14, 1912 1900 Apr. 26, 1911 1859 ' DeC', 15, 1908 July 17, 1908 1881 Mar. 2 9, 1885 Nov. 8, 1895 1898 1901 May 5, 1890 Mar, 15, 1886 Aug. 10, 18 95 1907 June 18, 1907 Aug. 23, 1889 Oct. 20, 1907 Dec. 1, 1901 Mar, 16, 1914 Mar. 28, 1901 Dec. 14, 1899 May 8, 1903 Oct, 2, 1862 Aug. 28, 1875 June l2, 1867 Nov. 16, 1844 Sept. 22, 1862 ' Anderson, Ann Maria Oct. 17, 1873 (only date) Anderson, Edwin alexander Dr. Anderson, Ellen I June 17, 18ib5 1843 ---.., & Mar. 11, 1894 1908 . Jewish inscription, stone very old, Born in Kirche, Germany, Died in Fayetteville, N. C, Unreadable, very old Age 45 yrs, 26 days Dau• of Alfred & Emily Alderman Wife of Percy Alderman Age 47 yrs, Dau, of c. c. & R. aman Age 12 yrs, Son of C. C, & Rachel aman Age 18 yrs. Son of L, A, & G, W, Anders Age 59 yrs, Son of John R, Anderson Age 20 yrs, Age 54 yrs. Wife of James Anderson Page 2 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery ' BORN NAME Anderson, Eliza, Mrs, Anderson, Fannie Anderson, Frances Caroline Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson. Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Apr. 29, 1844 no date no date James (Infant) no date James Sedgwick no date John ~. Jan. 4, 1801 L, Belle Dec. 16, 1864 Maggie (Infant) no date ~ry Coit 1823 Mary Howard no date Minnie no date Wm. Alexander no date ''m, J, Mar, 19, 1871 Andrews., • • • • Andrews, Lorena Murrill Applegate, Egeria u. ashe, Thomas Samue 1 ' Atkins, George Baldwin Atkinson, Eliza Bland no date 1865 Nov, 14, 1872 May 7, 1880 Nov. 27, 1838 Apr. 13, 1832 Atkinson, John Wilder Atkinson, Josepha atkinson, Robe~t Mayo Atkinson, Virginia Call no date May 29, 1830 Nov. 29, 1870 Oct. 28,' 1862 Avant, Wm, Marian Bacon, Elizabeth~ Kelton DIED REMARKS Aug, 31, 1870 Aug. 22, 1865 June 20, 1868 1897 Apr. 30, 1879 no date Feb, 18, 1849 Sept. ::zs; 1886 Aug, 8, 1875 June Oct. Jan. Feb. 18, 26, 18, 21, 1905 1896 1867 1880 no date Oct. 26, 1910 Jan, 3, 1871 Jan. 21, 1884 July 23, 1899 Oct. 26, 1831 May 21, 1912 Aug •. 23, 1862 Aug. 17, 1822 Oct. 22, 1884 Apr. 12, 1897 1824 1894 Apr. 26, 1890 Jan. 2, 1881 Bailey, • • • • no date July 8, 1890 Mar. 16, 1908 no date· Mar, 24, 1904 ·--' S,t Dec, 29, 1872 June 26, 1870 Dec, 6, 1867 Nov. 10, 1875 no date Aug. 1, 1847 May 5, 1802 Age 90 yrs, Age 13 yrs, Stone very old Age 1 yr. 11 mo, 3 days 1914 Bacon, George Fisher Bacon, Henry Bagley, Mother Bagley, Robt. Clyde Bagley, Thomas ~ayne Baker, James G, Baker, Kate M. Baker, Mamie F. Baker, lliary B, Baldwin, A. 1\1, Baldwin, Bettie Ballard, Jethro Wife of Wm, :>, Anderson Age 43 yrs, no date no date Oct, 14, 1862 July 14, 1912 no date Dec, 9, 1862 Bailey, Edward ~ar Jan, 20, 1856 Bailey, Elizabeth ann • · , 1 Rundlett . Oct. 6, 1816 Bailey, John C, ' • ' ' Sept. 8, 1818 • Bailey, J, H. Jan. ll, 1811 Bailey, ,Willie B, Jan. 24, 1861 Baker, Dr, James 1821 Age 25 yrs, Age 19 yrs, Mar. 14, Mar. 31, Aug, 6, Mar. 14, Mar, 26, '1soo' 1880 1882 1866 1890 Sept. 15, 1892 June 26, 1870 Sept. 10, 1871 July 17, 1879 no date Aug. 16, 1888 Nov. 3, 1853 Wife of F. A. Applegate Wife of Col John Wilder atkinson Son of Thomas Atkinson Wife of Thomas atkinson Son of J, 11, & E. B. atkinson Dau• of Col John Wilder & Eliza B•. Atkinson Mother of Henry Bacon, architect of Lincoln Memorial Son of John & Mary Bailey Wife of John C. Bailey Native of Norl'lay \ Born in Fayetteville, N, ~. 2nd. Lt. Co. K. Bladen guards. 18th N. C, Reg, C. S. A. Wife of A, M. Baldwin .· ..· Page 3 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery BORN DIED July July Jan, Oct, REMARKS Son of E. ~A. Baltzer Baltzer, Ernest V. Banck, Otto Banfarah, Waddell Banks, John Oct, 3, 1895 Oct, 19, 1849 no date Aug, 10, 1805 Banks, Louise no date Feb. 21, 1891 Banks, Margaret Banks, Mary Louise Banks, Thomas W, Banner, .lUlnie 1875 1871· 1888 1880 1871 1889 Apr. 2, 1875 July 4,. 1897 Barber, John W, Barber, Julie. A, Oct. 22, 1859' (only date). Oct, 26, 1862 (only date) Barclay, R, J, Barrentine, Florence Greer .. Lamb Barentine, Florence.Grier Barentine, James G,: Barker, Etta., Mrs, Barker, Rose. L. Barnes, Daniel F, . Barnes, Elizabeth Barnes, Sarah Monroe Barry, John, Capt. June 24, 1849 July 13, 1888 Wife of John Banner. Youngest de.u, of Je.s, C, & Mary :E.· Borden Age 35 yrs, Wife of John w. Barber. Age 45 yrs, Age 39 yrs, 19 days Oct. 18, 1859 Oct, 18, 1859 Mar, 9, 1898 Mar. 9; 1898 Wffe of J, J, Barrentine Yfife of J, G, Barentine 1857 1912 17, 25, 13, 22, 1901 1911 1907 1862 Age 27 yrs, Born in Stevenston Ayrshire, Scotland, came to N. C, in 1820, died of Yellow Fever, Wife of John Banks. Age 30 yrs. 10 mos. no date Sept. 6, 1883 Nov. 20, ~1855 July 9, 1855 July 28, 1857 Feb, 14, 1829 Nov. 25, 1886 Oct, 6, 1912 Mar. 5, 1918 Mar, 3, 1893 Nov, 22, 1908 'iYife of J, ll, Barnes Born in Mid le ton Co. Cork Mar. 28, 1914 !llrele.nd .Barry, John Decatur Barry, Mary S, Owen June 21, 1&39 1815 N'JB.r. 24, 1867 1874 Bass, W. R._, Capt.! .no date Aug. 15, 1824 Feb. 23, 1816 no date Oct. 27, 1857 June 17, 1853 Jan. 12,. 1877 July 14, 1882 Aug. 17, 1846 Apr. 1840 Aug. 9, 1863 Sept. 29, 1872 Sept. 12, 1870 Oct, 25, 1873 May 11, 1887 no de. te no date May 2 5, 1883 Aug. 14, 1878 Jan. 12, 1842 Jan. 12, 1842 Mar. 16, 1832 no date no date C. S. A. Mar, 14, 1862 Dec. 16, 1883 Feb. 4, 1857 July 14, 1880 llla:y 7. 1891 Sept. 18, 1905 July 3, 1883 July 17, 1900 Mar. 1871 May 21, 1911 Sept. 10, 1907 July 12, 1882 Drowned off Ft. Caswell, N.C. July 22, 1890 May 16, 1904 July 14, 1887 Age 41 yrs. Age 9 mos. 18 days Mar. tz , 1876 Nov. 13, 1913 Vault June 13, 1879 Sept, 4, 1902 Sept. 4, 1902 Feb. 24, 1904 Nov. 13, 1877 Age 3 yrs, 5 mos. 8 days Be.unian, Ellen A, Bauman, John G. Baxter, James Bear, Adolph Bear, Carrie Bear, Edgar J, Bear, Estelle Bear, Henrietta Bear, Henry Bear, Isaac Jacob Bear, Isaac M•. Bear, Jacob Bear, Julie. Bear, Julie. Bear, Marcus Bear, Merriman Bear, Meyer Bear, Morris Bear, ·simon • Bear, Simon Bear, Solomon Belden, Joe Ling -- . / Page 4 New Hanover County l'i'ilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery I BORN DIED no date no date no date Apr. 25, 1892 May 30, 1910 Aug. 18, 1818 June 16, 18fl7 no date Apr. 8, 1814 no date no date no date May 30, 1910 Dec. 2 5, 1897 June 23, 188 9 no date Nov. 14, 1868 no date no date no date Bell, Lizzie Nov. 4, 1868 no date Nov,· 8, 1911 June ~8~ 1882 • Bell, Mamie no date May 26, 1877 Bell, Mary .A •• Bell, ·Mary c. Kennedy no date Jan, 4, 1823 •June 6, 1906 June 24, 1876 Bell, Rebecca Bell, Robt,, Capt •• Dec. 26, 1826 no date Feb, 8, 1908 no d·ate Bell, S, no date May 27, 1862 Bell, Bell, S, R, Bell, Vim. , no date no date no date no date no date no date Belden, L. ~ •• Bell, Alida 1£, Bell, Bell, Bell, Beihl, Bell, Bell, Bell, Bell, ~ergt. Annie Clifford Chas, F. Etta Kershaw Hattie Ivey Prescott James James c., Dr, James Ewell, Lieut. Bell, Lillie ~anders ward . Samuel Chesley c. Eliza Eliza Mcilhenny John Dillard, M.D. John Hargrove Aug, 7, 1881 no date Oct, lB, 1907 Aug, 30, 1896 May 26, 1887 BellAmy, Kate no date July 14, 1858 Bellamy, Wm, J. H,, Dr, Bergen, Walter J, Bernard, Fannie Grainger Berna~i, Margaret White Berry, Benj, fl, Berry, Eliza Ann Usher Berry, Ellie Trammel Berry, Jefferson Berry, Lida Troy i Jan. 14, 1843 Sept. 16, 1844 Oct,. ll, 1891 no date Mar. 29, 1839 Dec. l2, 1822 1808 July 26, 1857 Apr. 5, 1861 Feb. 2 5, 1893 Dec, 1, 1909 Nov. 18, 1911 Sept, 30, 1900 Oct. G3, 1871 Oct. 31, 1878 apr. 2 3, 1889 1871 June 23, 1910 Apr. 2, 1888 apr. 21, 1894 Berry, Robert j Berry, \Vm. Augustus Bethea, Elvira • July 21, 1851 1804 no date Apr, 15, 1907 1875 Nov. 16, 1879 Bettencourt, EmanJel C, Aug. 30, 1781 June 29, 1854 . Bellamy, . Marsden l ----. I C. S. A. Dau, of Dr. James Manney. Widow of l'lin, G, Bell of Beaufort, Double stone Double stone Capt. C, S, a, Co, B, 5 V~. Inf. C, Captiain Surgeon . ~. A. Dau. of s . .P, & M. M, Bell Age 18 mos. 14 days Dau. of S. R, & M, M, Bell Age 4 mos. 20 days Died in Southport, N. " • Wife of C. F. Bell, Born in Murfreesboro, Tenn, Wife of Ivey Bell Bealls Co. 9 Va, Regt. Rev. Wa.r, Killed in action, Hanover c. H. va • Co. C, 40 Va. Inf, C. Peytons Co, ~. A. 3 Va, Regt. Rev. 1.'Var. no date no date Aug. 6, 1821 sept. 18, 1817 no date Bellamy, Bellamy, Bellamy,_ Bellamy, Bellamy, REMARKS Age 21 yrs. 10 mos. 8 das. Wife of Dr. John D. Bellamy Eldest son of J, D, & Emma Bellamy, Age 7 yrs. 7 mos 26 days Dau, of J, D, & E. M, Bellamy Age 3 weeks . Age 5 yrs, 6 mos. Wife of W. H. Bernard Wife of John H. Berry Dau, of John H. & Ellie T, Berry Wife of W. H. Bethea, 117 yrs. Age Page 5 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C. Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME Bettencourt, Mary Isabelle Bettencourt, Mary Isabelle Bettencourt, ~~m. Calhorde Bettencourt, Wm. G, Bettencourt, lim, Henry Biddle, Georgeanna Biddle, Julia l!:mma Biddle, Sarah Catharien no date no date no date no date no date Aug. 5, 1856 Jan. 21, 18 .. Dec, 12, 1863 DIED May 6, 1893 July 26, 1867 Sept. 27, 1862 June 10, 1865 Dec, 2 7, 1865 June 2, 1865 July 5, 1838 June 11, 1865 Biddle, ~~m. H. Oct. 20, 1820 Bilftalsey, Georgie (Infant son) Apr.· 12, 1878 Mar. 5, 1879 Bishop, Bishop, Bishop, Bishop, no date Oct, 81: 1841 no date Aug. 26, 1818 no date Sept. 2, 1875 no date Jan. 6, 1912 Oct, 6, 1890 Jan, 22, 1843 Dec, 2, 1798 Apr. 4, 1809 no date Mar. 17, 1838 no date Feb, 13, 1837 Nov. 17, 1913 July 8, 1902 Nov. 5, 1876 Apr. 8, 1867 Mar. 12, 1899 Oct .• 8, l856 • no date Nov, 9, 1901 Alexander Alice M. Estelle Frank A., Rev, Bishop, Geo, Roy Bishop, G, Yl, Bishop, Isabella Bishop, John Bishop, Josephine Bishop, Ruth Alexander, Mrs, Bishop, Willie ' Bissett, Catherine Watts ~Jan, REMARKS Daul of Wm. H. & Julia Biddle Dau, of W, H. & Julia Biddle Age 1 yrs. 5 mos. 29 days. Apr. 5, 1880 Infant son of Birdsey s. K, & Kate Wife of G, w, Bishop Member of N, C, Conference 1876-1912 Wife of John Bishop Wife of John Bissett. Bofn Dundee, Soot land Born Dunfermline, Scotland ·ildest son of John & Kate Bisset, Age 26 yrs, 12, 1827 no date Mar. 24, 1900 Feb, 27, 1883 Bissinger, c.• F. o; Black, Catherine Black, Samuel Black, Sarah Dec.· 31, 1839 Feb, 2, 1893 June 30, 1773 no date Mar. 17, 1893 June 23,. 1893 Mar. 20, 1851 Nov. 13, 1841 Blair, Carrie Me rri 11 Blake, annie H. Blake, Margaret Blake, Robt,· Lee Blaney, George, Major May 16, 1865 Feb, 21, 1867 no date Aug. 13, 1909 Nov. 16, 1795 Apr. 28, 1903 Sept. 20, 1905 Wife of Alonzo E. Blake Oct. 16, 1819 Age 19 yrs, Nov. 14, 1911 May 15, 1835 Born in Boxkbvy, Mass, Died in Smittiville, N. C, Major of U, s. Corps of Engineers, Age 3 9 yrs • 6 mo s, Oct, 6, 1903 Jan. 26, 1863 Nov, 19, 1886 July 9, 1864 Sept. 2 5, 1862 June 12, 1866 Oct. 9, 1855 Aug. 23, 1877 Son of Peter & Caroline Bloome June 23, 1898 Apr. 1, 1879 Age 77 yrs, Jan. 5, 1894 July 7, 1864 Age 34 yrs. Bissett, John Bisset, Laurence ' • Bland, Geo. F. Blanks; James Holmes Bloom, Annie Bloom, c. H, Bloom, H, H, Bloom, H. H. Bloom, H. .J. B1oome, Peter Andrew no date June lO, 1839 Apr, 16, 1825 Mar, 22, 1852 Sept. 28, 1858 Oct. 9, 1865 Mar. 25, 1850 July 21, 1872 Bl8ssom, Francis E, Feb. 22, 1841 no date Nov. 18, 1892 no date "' . Blumentha~ 1 Abraham Bluementhal, Gertrude Blumenthal, Jacob Wife of Samuel Balck, 75 yrs, Age Page 6 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. Oakdale Cemetery BORN NMIE .. Blumenthal, Theresa Boatwright, Mnie Boatwright, Annie • Taliaferro Boatwright, Hal Tulerton Boa~vright, James Henry Boatwright, John Boatwright, Mary 'Boatwright, Mary Elizabeth DIED REM.AR!ili no date 1872 Nov, 22, 1882 1874 1843 1888 • • 1846 1876 1868 1908 1913' 1911 1877 1873 1821 1903 July 8, 1866 1877 Nov. 13, 1870 1911 Boon, alexander Boon, Cidney Bonitz, J, lr~ H" Bordeaux, B. c•• Borden, Annie Borden, Annie Borden, Chas. Eguene Borden, Edwin Borden, Eo_win Borden, Neppie Bose, 1"1, R, May 13' 1823 1817 1820 Nov. 3, 1839 no date Jan. 17. 1863 see Apr. 23, 1861 1853 no date no date no date Boufarrah, A. S, Bounds, Chas. P., Capt. Bowden, Emma J. Bowden, Gammvell Bowden, John C. Bowden, John S, Bowden, Lemuel Henry no date Aug. 9, 1882 Apr. 8, 1815 no date Mar. 8, 1802 no date 1826 Bowddn, L. Tate Bowden, Mary Jane F. .Jacobs no date Dec. 19, 1909 C. S • A. 1891 1910 Oct. 27, · 1913 no date Eyota Tribe lfo. 5. Wife ·of Chas, I>, Borden Oct. 2, 1892 Banner, Annie, Mrs. Oct. 28, 1913 1912 May 30, 1886 Age 3 mos. 16 days Feb. 20, 1886 Nov. 9, 1865 Sister of Mrs. A, C, Heyer July 31, 1908 Age 40 yrs. July 8, 1908 Deo. 8, 1892 Apr. 30, 1844 Age 2 yrs, Mar, 2, 1875 Jan. 29, 1853 1891 Son of Susan Cmvan & Lemuel Bowden. 1st. Lieut. Co. A, 35th. Reg. N.C. Troops. C.S.A. no date Orion Lodge' 67 I. 0. o. F, Bo ls tead, Linwood Bolles, Abbie ChadboUrn Bolles, Chas, Patterson, Maj~ 1822 Bowden, Richard no date Bradley, Alfred Oweri, Dr. July 15, 1821 Bradley, AlllOre.t Apr. 2, 1864 Bradley, Amy Morris 1823 Bradley,, Chas. Wright Oct. 26, 1816 1860 Brad ley, Claude McKenzie Bradley, Eliza Francis Lippitt. Apr. 1832 Bradley, James A, Nov. 24, 1814 Bradley, James G, no date Bradley, John H, Apr. 4, 1847 Bradley, Philip E, May 22, 1849 Bradley, Richard , • July 19, 1842 .-----Bradley, Richard Jan. 31, 1811 . Age 82 yrs, Wife of John Lord Boatwright ' 1887 !f.a.y 16' 1851 Jan. 12,. 1871 Apr. 15, 1866 1904 Dec, 7, 1898 July 18, 1860 Dec. 15, 1863 Dec. 19, 1894 Sept. 28, 1862 liov. 27, 1884 May 25, 1877 Jan. 1, ,1879 Apr. 18, 1892 Wife of Dr. John H. Boatwright • Da.u. of Jane Larkins & Joseph Jacobs. W~dow.of J, A. King. 'I'Hfe of L001uel Henry Bowden Inscription "Our School Mother" Age 26 yrs, Page 7 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery NAB BORN DIED Bradley, Richard " BEadley, Richard Ashbridge Bradley, Sarah Jane Feb. 1769 no date no date Mar. 1834 1865 . Nov. l, 1898 Bradley, William G, Branch, Borden W, Branch, J. Robert Bran ton, Arne lia Bremer, Catherine Margaret Bremer,. Helena Catherine Bremer, Matthias ·Sept. 11, 1854 Jan, 3, 1892 Mar. 6, 1888 Feb, 8, 1830 Feb, 16, 1851 Apr. 28, 1835 no date REMARRS Wife of Richard Bradley Age 83 yrs, Jan. 6, 1873 Mar. 8, 1912 Jan. Dec. Nov. Feb. June 6, 1918 11, 1906 17, 1857 16, 1914 14, 1859 Age 12 days ~·. Bremer, Nicholas Brewer~ William Brickhouse, H. E,, Capt. Brickhouse, James E. Brichouse, Nancy Bridges, Elizabeth · Bridges, Frank Walters Bridges, Geo, James Bridges, Henry Bridges, Luther . Bridges, Mark Bridgers, Margaret Elizabeth Bridgers, Preston Bridgers, Robebt lufus Bridgers, Robert Rufus Brigman, Nancy Shield Nov. 14, 1830 Nov. 16,- 1884 Mar. 5, 1800 Sept. 18, 1819 May 10, 1810 Apr. 23, 1861 June 15, 1874 Aug. 31, 1868 Sept. 8, 1852 June 26, 1861 May 11, 1859 Aug. 26, 1832 Nov. 12, 1856 Dec. 1, 1854 Nov. 28, 1819 no date Brink, ·Edwin· Thorpe Brink, Mary no date no date Brinkley, Malvine 1!:, Brinkley, William . Brockett, Elizabeth Mar. 10]1:: 1818 no date no date Brooks, Willie DuBarrie Brookshire, Charity Brown, Athalia Apr. 24, 1854 Oct. 17, 1804 Sept. 17, 1790 BrOI'm, Caroline amelia Marshall Brown, Carl Morey Brown, Carrie !!:, Brown, Edward A. BrOI'm, Elizabeth 1812 1858 Aug. 17, 1848 no da.te no date BrOI'rn, Brown, Brawn, Brown, Brovm, Brown, Brown, Jan. 20, 1843 ltlfl4 1805 1872 (only date) June 1 7, 1834 1768 no date -- Elizabeth M. l!:lizabeth adair Emma Swann . George George H. James John Athalia July 28, 1867 Dec, 10, 1 904 Apr. 29, 1869 Sept. 12, 1862 Sept, 2, 1886 Nov, 5, 1864 Dec. 24, 1897 Jfdll". 1 9, 1912 Oct. 2, 1872 July 16, 1883 July 9, 1875 Aug. 29, 1907 Oct. 2, 1902 Aug, 7, 1901 Son of R. R. & M. E, Bridgers Dec, 10, 1888 Oct, 27, 1875 Dau. of Louis & Rachel Brigman .Age 58 yrs, · Apr. 29, 1887 Son of Col. & •·rs, E. R. Brink Aug, 14, 1878 Dau. of Col, & Mrs. E. R, Brink Age 20 yrs, Sept. 4, 1$80 Apr, 17, 1854 Age 54 yrs, Jan. 27, 1874 Wife of James B. Brockett Age 61 yrs, May 2 7, 1907 Wife of Dr. Chas, E. Brooks Apr. 13, 1877 Dec, 7, 1833 Dau• of Cornelius & Susan Wingate. Wife of Robt. W, Brown 1844 1889 May 4, -1887 Wife of T, A. Brovm no date C. S. A. Sept. 25, 1891 Born in Scotland, Died in Riohmodd, Va. Age 73 yrs, Jan. 31, 1911 1844 1850 Double stone Sept; 13, 1909 1813 May 31, 1890 Page 8 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery BORN Brcrv;n, John Kent Brcrvm, Kate Brown, Louis Streight Fellows Brovm, Lucie <fooster Empie Brown, Mary E. Garett Brown, N. Brown, "Our Baby" Brown, Rebecca Brown, Robt. W. Brown, Sarah Elizabeth Beebe Brown, Thomas Allen Brown, Thomas "W., Jr. Brown, Thomas. Wm. Brawn, W. G, Brown, \'lillie Brunhild, Our Baby Brunhild, Rosalia Brunjes, (Infant dau •.) Feb. 26, 1834 1878 Nov. 19, 1885 1881 no date no date no date no date no date no date June 26, 1786 Dec. 13, 1894 June 13, 1880 Dec. 25, 1867 Aug. 22, 1889 no. date June 4, 1867 Oct, 5, 1856 1819 Aug. 14, 1836 1836 1803 Dec, 25, 1828 no date no date no date May 18, 1900 1880 Brunson, Alice Sila;llbones no date Bryan, James L •. Bryant, Henry 11. Aug, 6, 1843 Bryant, Mary Nov. 26, 1853 Buchanan, Sarah Jane Feb. 21, 1828 • Bulluck,_D. A~chie, Ph. G.' July 23, 1881 · June 1, 1853 Bulluck, Davia w., M.D. 1841 Bump, Almerin P. Bunting, Isaac Smith 1871 Bunting, John Hill 1875 Bunting, Joseph'E, Feb. 19, 1818 Bunttmg, Joseph E. Aug. 22, 1862 Feb, 15, 1855 Bunting, _Justin Moore Bunting, Louise Smith 1844 Bunting, Lucy A, Apr. 25, 1888 (only Bunting, Rebecca J, Dec. 24, 1829 Bunting; Samuel R., Capt. no date Bunting, Thomas Owen 1845 Bunting, Virginia E, no date Bunting, Wni. ' Aug. 29, 1899 Burr, E. Kate no date Aug, 2, 1805 Burr, Horace Burr, Margaret Julia Jan. 8, 1845 Aug, 9, 1806 Burr, Mary Jane. Sept, 20, 1855 Burbank, Thomas, M.D. July 1, 1810 Burgwin, J, H, K. no date Burgwin, Maria,_Mrs. no dat& Burkhart, Carl F., Dr. Burkhart, Chas, (Infant) Burkheimer, Eggar Brock Burkheimer, Henry '~ DIED no date July 15, 1863 Nov. 18, 1818 Double stone Age 43 yrs. Orion No, 6 Age 43 yrs, 1898 Aug. 14, 1902 1913 1872 Apr. 28, 1888 no date 1887 May 15, 1879 May 19, 1900 Born in Nor-.vich, England Infant ·dau. of John H. & Wilhelmine Br-unjes 1914 Aug. 26, 1856 Sept. 18, 1893 C. S. A. Feb, 14, 1921 Oct. 3, 1901 Sept. 23; 1913 !fay 6, 1914 1913 1880 Son ofT, 0. & L. S, Bunting 1909 Mar. 25, 1872 Lieut. C, S. A. July 16, 1904 Son of J, E. & R. J. Bunting Aug, 8, 1906 Son of J. E. & R. J. Bunting 1885 date) Ylife of D. E. Bunting Dec. 31, 1910 "ife of J, E. Bunting Jan. 31, 1874 ...Age 54 yrs. c. S, A. 1913 Apr. 30, 1914 Age 81 yrs; June 28, 1901 Sept. 12, 1900 July 11, 1877 Jan. 12, 1914 Mar, 23, 1879 Wife of Horace Burr July 12, 1915 Feb. 7, 1847 Capt. 1st. Reg. U, S, Dragoons Oct. 9, 1848 Wife of Gee, Burgwin. Age 62 yrsl Apr. 10, 1879 Born in Horgen Switzerland. Age 33 yrs. no date July 8, 1902 Apr. 19, 1884 Born in Phila. Pn. Page 9 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. c. Oakdale Cemetery BORN Burkhcimer, John Davis Burkheimer, Lucye Waddill Burkheimer, Mary Ann Burkhcimer, Washington Burnett, Mary Burriss, Albert Thomas Burruss, Edwin E. Burruss, Edwin Elovin Burruss, Elizabeth Burtt, Samuel H, Burtt, Samuel S, Butherford, Enna Butherford, Zadie Byrne, J, A, .. Mar. 14' 1872 1872 Jan. 16, 1820 July 4, 1813 no date Nov. 24, 1891 June 8, 1829 no date July 2, 1883 1850 ·June 17, 1815 no date no date no date Calder, Athalia K, Calder, Edwin Keith Calder, Phila C, Lazarus Calder, Robe:l:t E,. Calder, Theodore Calder, l'rm, Calder, Wm. Cammarier, ·Effie Harriet Cameron, Amoret Grant Cameron, John W, Campbell, .Annie. London Campbell, Christian Fleming Campbe 11, C.· iiJ, · 1842 1873 Sept. 8, 1806 1842 1878 Jan. 28, 1792 1873 Feb, 27, 1868 Jan. 30, 1838 May 10, 1828 1854 Mar. 20, 1889 no date Canady, .Allie Canady, Irene Bell Canady, Willie Camidy, W. P., Mrs. Cannon, Samuel N• . Cannon, Sarah J. . Cantwell, Ellen L. Cantvtell, John Lucas Cantvtell, Mary' Usher Capps, Johny James Carl, Peter Simon Carman, Eliz~ ·wells Carnan, Samuel Carmichal, D. D. Carmichal, Janie Nmrthrop July 2, 1868 Aug. 30, 1870 no date no date. Feb. 21, 1805 May 12, 1833 Nov, 23, 1828 Dec. 29, 1828 no date Dec. 21, 1901 Mar. 16, 1842 1846 1841 Mar. 14, 18.35 no date Carmichael, Mary Skead no date Carpenter, Emilie Eve Carpenter, Sallie \Vallace Carrem, Francis Ann Mar. 4, 1837 see no date . '' DIED Sept. 16, 1901 1914 May 21, 1906 May 16, 1879 Aug. 4, 1858 Apr. 19, 1912 REMARKS ifife of ii. L, Burkheimer Born Penn Manor, Pa, Age 62 yrs, Son of Mr, & Mrs. J, A, Burriss. Mar. 26, 1887 lipr. 29, 1892 July 20, 1910 1913 June 22, 1895 Aug. 20, 1875 no date no date Age 4 yrs. 9 mos. Wife of Allan Buthcrford 1 yr. 7.mos. 21 days C. S. A • 1876 1901 Sept. 28, 1888 1888 1886 Dec. 20,. 1844 1875 Wife of Vincent Cammarier Feb. 20, 1908 July 12, 1885 Mar. 13, 1901 ( ?)32 Dec. 23, 1908 Nov. 16, 1892 From Broughtrty Ferry Soot~ land~ 'Chief officer Brit Steamer Orme sly. Age 36 yra-, July 2, 1868 Dau. of w. P. & M. E. Canady Sept, 8, 1877 Dau, of n, P, & M. E, Canady Jan, 9, 1875 Age 1 yr, 6 mos. 13 days Jan, 11, 1902 Died in Southport, N, C, July 3, 1882 June 4, 1914 Scpt. 18,.1875 Dec, 21, 1909 May 22, 1870 Age 13 mos. Jan. 18, 1905 Son of J, W, & H, P. Capps Sept. 3, 1905 1902 1902 Nov. 25, 1911 Oct, 26, 1908 Wife of Wallace Carmiohal Age 40 yrs, Jan. 29, 1892 Wife of D, A, Carmichael M.D., U, S. Marie Hospital Service, Age 40 yrs, 1897 Wife of Alfeed Carpenter Aug •.2, Jewett, Sallie Wallace, Mrs, no date Stone so old, can not read inscription, .:.-,. l• Page 10 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery ~-· ~ _':".~-·-- ~}. ~' ~~ ... ". BORN NAME DIED Chadbourn, •••• Nov. 4, 1886 Aug. 19, 1830 May 21, 1875 Jan. 28, 1875 Apr, 26, 1868 Dec, 31, 1867 Aug. 30, 1872 Aug. 24, 1872 May 2, 1890 Jan. 7, 1829 Oct. 13, 1860 June 12, 1860 July 25, 1909 Apr. 25, 1907 • Dec, 4, 1907 Mar. 17, 1840 no date' May 11, il.912 Nov.: 7, 1897 Nov. 17, 1864 Mar, 23, 1876 no date Feb, 23, 1861 no date no date no'date no date · no' date· no date no date Dec, 22, 1866 (only date) Dec. 5, 1911 Jan • .13, 1911 July 9, 1910 ·Oct, 29, 1869 Aug, 23, 1893 Dec. 18, 1888 Chadbourn, Abbie Chadbourn, Adelaide S, Chadbourn, Annie Chadbourn, Asenath Chadbourn, Blanche King Chadbourn, George Chadbourn, George Chadbourn, Gee, Chadbourn, Georgianna Chadbourn, Harmon Chadbourn, James Hannon Chadbourn, James Harmon Chadbourn, Joseph Chadbourn, Louise Chadbourn, Lucy A. Chadbourn, Mary Ann Chadbourn, Walter H. Chadbourn, Wm, H, Chadwick, LeRoy L., Capt. Chalmers, John J, Chapman, ~nie Simons Jan. 24, 1833 1843 1874 Sept. 20, 1885 1884 July 17, 1859 Aug. 18, 1828 1879 1864 May 25, 1887 1853 1822 1861 1876 1870 1832 1870 1841 mo date Aug, 15, 1843 N0 v, 6, 1840 Christian, Georgiana French Christian, Susan · Chasten, Jarm s Richard Chasten, John Monroe Chatterton, Elizabeth Clark, Carrie Clark, Duncan Clark, Ed. D. no date no date Nov. 19, 1851 Apr. 1, 1827 no date Oct. 16, 1875 no date no date Carr, Caroline N, Carr, Geo. H. Carr, Mary B, Carr, Susan C, Carr, Thomas B., M.D, Carr, Thomas B., Jr. Carroll, Mary C, Carroll, Mary Quinlivan Carro 11, M.ichae 1 Carter, Geo. ~v. Carter, Va, Erambert Casey, Fran~cis Cashwell, David Cashwell, Nannie M, Newby Cashwell, Susanna n, Cassidey, James Casteen, Kobert J,, Jr. Cavenaugh, Mollie Denning Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Elizabeth Frank Mary Mary Elizabeth no date no date no date no date REMARKS Age 81 yrs. Born a. t Phila., .fa. Age 45 yrs. Age 35 yrs. Age 74 yrs, Son of a, J. & L, V, Casteen Wife of -Eli Cavenaugh Son of James & Blanch Chadbourn Nov. 23, 1887 1912 1877 Feb. 7, 1888 1901 June 6, 1862 July 8, 1881 1901 1865 Aug. 4, 1887 1913 1902 1903 1877 1910 1908 1875 1912 Age 22 yrs, Apr. 5, 1871 July 13, 1909 June 4, 1901 Wife of James P. Chapman Born County Cavan Ireland Feb. 4, 1846 Age 2~yrs. 3 mos. Dec, 29, 1845 Age 33 yrs, Aug. 24, 1886 Jll1y 10, 1892 June 18, 1857 Wife of T. M. Chatterton Sept. 2, 1900 Wife of D; G, Clark Nov. 12, 1850 Age 68 yrs. Son of Duncan & Elizabeth no date Clark May 27, 1832 Age 44 yrs. June 30, 1906 Ago 4 yrs. Nov. 3, 1856 Age 55 yrs. Aug. 17, 1860 Age 7 mos. Page ll New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale ~emetery BORN NAllE Clark, Thomas S. , no date Clark, Wm, E, no-date Clawson, Marie Grace Aug, 16, 1886 1832 Clowe, Charles R. Clowe, Hannah F, 1838 Clowe, Julia ~'. May 24, 1857 Coleman, Katie Torpy Aug. 26, 1877 Coleman, Nannie ti, July 11, 1835 Collins, C, l!;, no date Collins, Janes W, Ocjj, 4, 1837 Collins, Janette Griffitte Sept. 20, l8ll Collins, Martha E, Aug. 31, 1825 Collins, Robert stuart Nov •.29, 1868 Collins,. Sarah C, Mar, 17, 1833 1870 (only date) Colville, •••• Colwell, 11m, Albert Dec. 2, 1909 Cooper, Duncan Cameron no date Cooper, Frank Stewart Cooper,· Sue A.,. Corbett, Jruoo s · Corbett, Leon L. Oct, 13, 1904 June 15, 1835 no date Aug, 3, 1875 Corbett, Mary Josephine Corbett, ·Michael J, Corbett, Susan, Mrs. Corbett, Wm, .C, Corbin, Chas, C, Cornwall, Herbert Oct, July Dec. 1865 Apr. June 21, 1899 7, 1895 31, 1810 6, 1853 20, 1882 Feb. 2, 1823 Cortjohan, Cason , Cortjohn, Elizabeth Chaison no date no date Cotchett, Lizzie Green Cotton, Eliza M, Cowan, David Cowan, Dudley Cowan, Eliza Cowan, Elizabeth Sage Cowan, Henry "· Cowart, J. H. Cowan, James ~cRee no date Cowan, Mamie ' Cowan, Martha ~•en Cowan, Mary Hill Cowan, Robt, H. Cowan, Robt. H, ~ 1828 May 8, 1835 Aug, 7, 1870 no date Oct, 1765 Jan. 22, 1862 no date no date Mar. 10, 1838 no date Apr. 27, 1801 no date DIED REMARKS Son of Duncan & Elizabeth Clark no date Son of uuncan & Elizabeth Clark July 22, 1901 Bau, of'Thomas w. & Rmrna G. Clawson 1884 1917 Feb. 1, 1906 . Mar, 15, 1905 Wife of r1. H, Coleman Apr. 29, 1892 Wife of J •. S, Coleman no date Eyota Tribe No, 5 May 1, 1 908 Feb. 22, 1892 Wife of Dennis Collins Nov. 6, 1882 Mar. 18, 1907 July 13, 1919 1'fife of James W, Collins Large monument Oct, 7, 1912 Son of R. F, & Isabelle Colwell Age 22 yrs. Born in Greenno date neck, N0 rth Brittian Aug, 9, 1905 Dec, 2 6, 1914 Born in New Castle, Ky. Jan. 16, 1889 Oct. 16, 1911 Sog of n. F, & M. N. Corbett Aug, 3, 19ll Aug. 2 9, 1896 June 14, 1878 Aue;. 15. 1895 Born in Waterford, Ireland Oct, 184: 1908 June 23, 19ll Son of J, K. & Rebecca Cornwall Jan. 14, 1891 o.·:.t. 6, 1909 Age 65 yrs. June 22, 1890 Wife of Geo, P. Cotchelbt Age 36 1fS• 1859 May 22, 1905 Mar, 11, 1885 Son of David & Sarah Cowan • Dec. 22, 1893 Wife of Robt. H. Col'lan Sept. 30, 1796 July 21, 1865 Eyota Tribe No. 3. I, 0, .R. Ivl. no date Sept. 10, 1894 Youngest son of R, H. & Eliza t;owan, Age 32 yrs, no date Child of J 0 hn & Susan ~. Cowan July 11, 1890 Dau. of J.\obt. H. & Sallie T. Cowan 1iAge 3 yrs. no date no date May 5, '1845 no date 2nd •. Lieut, vo, K. 2nd, N.C. lnf. ~p. Am. War. Page 12 New Hanover County \Yilmington, N, C, Oakdale Gem tory BORN NAME Cowan, Robt. H., Col. !rowan, Robt. H. Aug. 23, 1824 no date Cowan, Cowan, Cowan, Cowan, Craft, Aug. 2, 1807 Oct, 14, 1~74 Oct; 29, 1863 Sept. 22, 1761 Sept. 18, 1886 Sallie T. Sarah Sage Sue Thomas, Col. Edith Craft, Norman C. Craft, Sarah Aileen Craig, Andrew J, Craig, Arline May Craig, Charles William Craig, Edna E. Craig, James 'Mn." Craig, John H. Craig, Joshua c. Criag, Olive B. Croft, Geo, A, Cromwell, Oliver Cronenberg, Caroline Cronenberg, Henry Cronly, Emily· London Cronly, Jose ph.Murphy Cronly, Margaret Cronly, Michael Cronly, Sallie Taylor Cronly, 1Nillie Mar. 5, 1893 Sept. 28, 1873 May 14, 1842 no date Aug. 13, 1837 Mar. 28, 1882 · May 23, 1840 1856 Dec. 13, 1821 Jan, 15, 1829 Sept. 10, 1861 Mar. lC, 1872 1854 1856 June 28, 188 7 1888 Sept. 27, 1827 Apr. 24, 1826 no date no date Croom, Croom, Croom, Crowe, Crowe, Crowe, Cruce, Mar. 6, 1860 Mar, 7, 1858 June 19, 1913 Mar. 24, 1856 no date May 18, 1843 no date F. ·, Major James· LaF~yette James Leroy, Jr, r Emily Polk Davis' John E., Jr. John l!;nnis Samuel Cumber·, James A. Cumming, Frank no date no date Cumming, ,T. D. Cumming, Kate T, Cumming •. Lizzie no date Nov. 28, 1843 . no date Cumming, Preston Cumming, Virginia Lilly Curmning, W. A. Cummings, James Durpy Cummings, Mary Cunningham, i<'rank s. 1843 1840 Apr. 12, 1334 June lC, l 902 no date no date Currie, Estelle Currie, John K, no do.te Jy:ly 11, 1875 -- DIED Nov, 11, 1872 F 6 b, 23, 1893 REI.!A.RKS Son of Robt, H, & Eliza Cowan, Age 4 yrs. Wife of·Robt. H. Cowan ·~ Jan. 31, 1872 Oct, 14, 1866 Sept. 15, 1893 'IYife of J. McRee Cowan Apr. 5, 1835 Dee, 9, 1898 Dau. of archie & Alice Craft Feb. 5, 1895 Sept. 15, 1894 Wife of. Edward C, Craft Sept. 21, 1862 no date Age 5 mos, Apr. 22, 1890 May 17, 1911 July 11, 1914 1909 Jan, 5, 1892 Feb, 20, 1896 June 1, 1906 Nov. 8, 1874 1906 Wife of Henry Cronenberg 1914 May 14, 188. 1907 Jan. 2, 1911 Feb. 6, 1898 Dec. 21, 1913 Apr. 12, 1887 Son of Willie & Eliza Cron1~ Age 4 yrs, 7 mos. Apr. 3, 1912 Mar. 9, 1906 June 29, 1913 June 30, 1893, Wife' of John Ennis Crowe no date Age 3 yrs. 9 mos. Nov, 8, 1908 Dec. 28, 1827 Native of Eattimore, MD. Age 44 yrs. Jan. 10, 1873 Age 33 yrs. no date Son of W, "• & Kate Cumming Age 5 yrs, no date Capt. C, S. A, Feb. 7, 1913 no date Dau. of ll, A, & Kate Cumming. Age 6 yrs. 1914 1892 Oct. 26, 1886 Mar, ZO, 1904 Aug, 22, 1826 Age 35 yrs. Aug. 8, 1876 Son of Alfred & Martha Cunningham. Age.10 mos. 17 days Mar. 24, 1878 Age 7 yrs, Mar, 5, 1887 Son of s. A. & F. E. Currie Page 13 New Hanover County Wilmingtonlc N. C. Oakdale Cemetery BORN DIED Nov. 5, 1817 Apr. 5, 1846 Oct. 25, 1841 Feb. 5, 1866 no date Apr. 16 1 1801 Feb. 7, 1809 no date no date no date r no date , no date no date no date no date no date Nov. 26, 1866 Oct. 1, 1862 Oct, 11, 1883 Sept. 10, 1905 Aug. 8, 1898 Oct. 30, 1876 May 12, 1899 Jan. 7, 1892 Oct. 7, 1871 Deo. 8, 1887 Sept. 3, 1870 May 5, 1861 , July 1, 1876 June 1, 1893 Nov. 24, 1886 June 8, 1888 NAME Currie, N.urrie, Currie, Cutlar, Cutlar, Cutlar, Cutla r, Cutla r, Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, John K. Sarah E, Stephen A. Du Brutz Du Brutz Fred, Dr. Louisa Du Brutz Mariana Poisson Alicia Grnig Alice Graig Gee. Montague Henry Graig Henry Montague Joe Herring John Ruth Graig . Daggett, Eliza. ilhi tehead Daggett, James Skinner Daggett, John Daggett, Tom Daggett, wm. Thompson Daingerfield, Robel:ta French Daniel, Hattie Daniel, James G, Daniel, John Daniel, Mary Anna Daniel, Mary C. Daniel, Sarah.A, Daniels, Nathaniel G, Darby, Frank Darby, James Mar. Mar. June Nov. Jan. 1 7, 1846 8, 1880 1, 1872 25, 1884 17, 1832 May 12, 1907 Apr. 8, 1901 Apr. 1, 1873 Dec, 4, 1884 June 29, 1893 no date no date. Feb. 26, 1825 Mar. 19, 1779 no date no date Feb. 23, 1844 no date no date no date Oct. 2, 1891 JulY 27, 1865 June 30, 1902 May 11, 1857 July 20, 1866 no date May 31, 1903 June 3, 1869 1886 May 11, 1877 Darby, Margaret Dare! en, Agnes A. Oct. 31, 1823 no date May 2, 1899 June 18, 1863 Darden, J. M. no date David, Abraham July 4, 1844 David¥: Rebecca Jan. 1, 1849 Davis, Anne ~9phia Jan. 18, 1828 Davis, Champion.T. N., Cal. no date May 23, 1887 July 11, 1914 Mar. 15, 1898 Dec. 6, 1876 May 31, 1862 Oct, 6, 1908 F b. 17, 1911 Davis, Edwin Harriss Davis, Eliza Christian Nixon Davis, Eliza Moore Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Emma J. Davis, Freddy Davis, Gee. Davis, George .__.. 1829 see no date Nov, 4, 1860 no date Mar. 1, 1820 Apr. 29, 1860 HEMARKS Dau. of J. & Eunice J. Currie Age 67 yrs, Age 53 yrs, Age 14 yrs, Age 63 yrs. Age 3 yrs. Age 42 yrs, Age 46 yrs. Age 1 yr• Age 46 yrs. Age 72 yrs, Son of Wm, T, & Eliza Daggett Wife of J<;lliott Daingerfie ll Born in Charlotte Cot, Va, Age 78 yrs. Age 36 yrs. 6 days Age 34 yrs. Born in County Down, Ireland Age 53 yrs. Wife of John c. Darden. Age 30 yrs. 9 mos. 20 days Age 6 yrs. 3 mos. 23 days Who at the head of the 16th Reg, Gf N. C. fell in the Battle of Seven Pines, Va, A e 36 yrs. !; e 1902 Vlife of Champion T. N. D vis Walker, Eliza Moore, Mrs. e. no date July 22, 1912 no date Deo. 23, 1896 {only date) Age 52 yrs. Page 14 Nmv Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME Davis, Jennie navis, Josephine Davis, Junius Davis, Louis P. Davis, Margaret Y, Davis, Mary adelaide Davis, Mary Orme Davis, Mary Polk Davis, Monimia Fairfax Davis, Nicholas Nixon Davis, Rachel H, Davis, Rowlett Gill Davis, Sallie S•vann Davis, samuel Davis, Samuel J., Jr, D··vise, Maggie G, D~vidson, Robert Dawson, James M. Dawson, ~roes Dawson, John no no no no no date date date date date De De De De De --------.,__ Ro·sset, Rosset, Rosset, Ro sset, Rosset, Capt. Eliza Jane Edward Edward S;vift Louis Henry no date Aug. 23, 1863 Jan, 1862 May 24, 1889 Aug, 5, 1889 Age 10 mos. Age 35 yrs, Wife of Gao. Davis. Bau. of George Davis A~e 75 yrs, 1867 Jan. 19, 1847 Nov. 7, 1874 Dec. 27, 1837 Oct, 17, 1870 Apr, 16, 1830 Jan. '7, 1888 Aug. 1855 Nov. 22, 1827 Jan. 5, 1895 Nov, 4, 1855 Mar. 2, 1832 Apr. 26, 1861 Nov. 8, 1813 no date Oct. 16, 1888 Jan. 4, 1896 July 27, 1889 Deo. 30, 1909 Aug. 2, 1907 Nov. 29, 1913 Apr. 1873 June 8, 1895 Sept. 27, 1901 Oct, 4, 1913 Viife of 1'1, H. Davise Aug. 24, 1862 Born in Hontley Scotland Apr. 10, 1888 Son of James Dawson Deo. 26, 1882 Sept, 29, 1881 Born in Castle Da,vson, Ireland Age 80 yrs, Dec, 8, 1870 ·wife of John Dawson. A e 66 yrs, Feb, 7, 1888 Wife of James Dawson " June 7, 1854 Feb, 4, 1876 Dau. of mn, H, & Mary E. Day Oct, 15, 1862 Wife of s. s. Day June 1, 1875 ·wife of lifm, H. Day Apr. 18, 1861 Feb. 9, 1871 Oct. 7, 1877. Born in Dumfrieshire, Scotland . Age 53 yrs. Dec, 30, 1870 July 17, 1863 Lieut, C•. S. A. Fe]:). 1, 1906 Feb, 15, 1865 May 27, 1844 Oct, 12, 1877 Ap;. 4; 1891 no date Oct. 6, 1807 Jan. 28, 1842 Aug. 2 5, 1857 De Ros set, Armand. J, Mar. 9, 1864 De Rosset, Baby nodate De Rosset, Caroline Horatia no date De Rosset, Catherine Matilda REMARES 1848 no date Dawson, Lucy A, Dawson, Missouri S, June 24, 1826 Aug. 29, 1848 Dawson, Robert N•. June 2, 1866 Day, Cunthia Oct, 15, 1830 Day, Elizabelllh May 8, 1885 Day, Kate Sanders Deans, Francis Jbbnston Nov, 4, 1859 Mar, 16, 1868 Deans, Gao, Henry 1824 Deans, James Irving Deans, Virginia Deems, Theodore Disosway Delano, Philip Warland · Dempsey, Mary Joseph, · Cheval · · DePlacy, John ., De Rosset, Armand John De Rosset, Armand Lamar De Rosset, Annie DIED Sept. 10, 1913 no date Eyota Tribe No. 5 Dec, 9, 1897 Jan, 30, 1910 Mar, 26, 1862 Dau. of Wm. Lord & Caroline H. De Rosset May 27, 1874 Son of W, L, & E. S, De Rosset Feb. 5, 1855 Nov, 10, 1861 Wife of \lm, Lord De Rosset Age 30 yrs,. no date Mar, 3, 1894 no date no date Aug. 13, 1869 no date Apr.· 11, 1840 no date Oct. 23, Oct. 11, Dec. 30, Nov. 11, 1876 1869 1861 1875 W~fe of Armand J. Ve Rosset :1\:ge 63 yrs, C. S. A. 65 yrs. old Age 17 yrs, Page 15 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME De Rosset, Tallulah Low De Rosset, Thomas Child De Rosset, Wm. Lord Deumelandt, a. C, Depmelandt, Augusta Deumelandt, c. J. A. Deumelandt, 11, c. H. Devane, anna Faison Devane, Duncan J, Devane, Laura Devane, ±aura Murphy De Vane,-Lorena Dally Devane, Susan Carolina Devane, Win. Stewart, Jr. Devane, Win, Stewart Dick, wm. Alexander Dickens,- Belle Augusta June 17, 1845 Sept. 1, 1845 . Oct. 27, 1832 D9 c. 13, 1844 Dec. 24, 1870 May 21, 1836 _ Feb, 22, 1838 oat•. 8, 1851 May 1, 1834 Jan. 6, 1874 Apr. 9, 1837 Sept. 29, 1869 . Jan •. 12, 1876 Feb, 15, 1861 Mar. 24, 1828 Aug. 8, 1859 no date Dickens, Ben A. Dickinson, Alice H, Dickinson, Platt Ketchum Dickinson, 'llm. Litchfield no date Fe b. 22, 1814 Sept. 19, 1784 Aug. 26, 1910 Dicksey, Florence no date Dicksey, James Dicksey, J. IY. Dicksey, Tanita B. Dicksey, ·r,WeHie L. Dickson, J-a{i;e;'s' H., Dr. Dickson, Margaret M., Mrs, Didier, Annie J, Diels, H, G. Kathariene Dingelhoef, anna ~ophia Friederike Dingelhoef, annchen Dingelhoef, Meinhard Justus Dingelhoef, Otto Friedrich Dirschbaum, Adeline Divine, augusta Elizabeth Divine, augusta El~abeth Howle Divine, Clarence & ~larice . Divine, Georgeana Divine, Hinton Divine, James Stuart Divine, John Francis Divine, Maxine Elizabeth. Divine, Wm. Murray DIED REMARKS no date Aug. 29, 1817 no date no date 1807 1821 no date July 19, 1901 May 26, 1901 May 17, 1878 Aug. 14, 1910 Mar. <!7, 1896 Jan. 23, 1877 July 12, 1892 July 16, 1868 May 9, 19ih5 Wife of D. J. Devane Apr. 9, 1884 Jan. 16, 1891 Apr. 28, 1906 Apr. 23, 1914 \~ife 'of D. C, De Vane Nov. 20; 1904 Dec. 31, 1884 F.,b. 24, 1879 June 17, 1922 May 24, 1910 Widow of Ben A, Johnson & Robt. H. Johnson. A e 78 yrs. Jan. 23, 1857 Age 32 yrs. " Oct. 18, 1881 May 12, 1867 June 10, 1914 Son of· Thurba & Earle Dickinson Oct, 5, 1885 Wife of P. T. Dicksey, Age 32 yrs, 9 mos. 19 days Oct, 9, 1862 Age 80 yrs. Aug. 31, 1899 June 28, 1880 Apr. 28, 1876 1862 1894 May 13, 1902 Aug, 16, 1902 Mar. 9, 1838 Sept. 26, 1860 Apr. 12, 1866 Oct. 30, 1870 no date Oct, 28, 1866 Mar. 2, 1884 Wife of M, J. Dinge 1hoef Mar. 20, 1886 July 24, 1867 June 13, 1872 July 15, 1893 May 29, 1869 May 19, 1906 Wife of John uivine Dec. 10, 1896 Twins of Vina & John S, Divine Nov. 2, 1870 (only date) . Oct. 15, 1882 Son of John ~. & Vina no date Divine. Age 5 yrs. June 18, 1873 Sept. 28, 1872 Aug. 2, 1909 June 27, 1830 Dau. of Vena & John s. no date no date Divine. Age 8 mos. Aug. 7, 1896 Son of John ~. & Vina no date Divine. Age 14 mos. Oct, 9, 1862 Age 35 yrs. no date Feb. 9, 1832 Dec. 9, 1896 Page 16 New Hanover County Wilmington, N C, Oakdale CemetGry BORN NAME DIED Dix, John 11. K., Jr, Dix, Willie Sanford Dock, Claus Christian Dodson, Elias, Rev. no date no date 1821 Oct, 27, 1807 Jan. 16, 1859 no date 1901 Dec, 13, 1882 Donlan, Edwin T, • Donlan, Frank P. Donlan, John M. Donnelly, Hester Doogan, Mary Doscher, Annie G, Doscher, August W, Doscher, Beta Doscher, John D., Sr. Doscher, Meta Maria Dowling, Ann Dowling, Michael Doyle, George (Infant) Dec. 23, 1880 Mar, 17, 1876 no date Oct. 9,. 1841 no date 1875 1879 1854 1847 1823 no date no date no date no date May 11, 1911 Aug. 4, 1877 Dec, 6, 1914 May 27, 1857 1895 1881 1905 1925 1893 Jan, 21, 1910 Feb. 21, 1898 Apr. 19, 1879 Doyle, Geo. w.• Drake, Mary D. Drane,. Augusta Endicott 1858 Aug. 4, 1810 no date Drane, Henry Martin Drane, Robt, Brent, D,D, Drane, Va. Lloyd Draper, Edward Thayer Dreher, Jeremiah Daniel Dudley, Alfsed Dudley, Anna G, Dudley, Catherine ~. Dudley, Christopher Dudley, Edward Bishop Dudley, Elizabeth Dudley, J .• Dudley, John L. Dudley, Leah· Dudley, Thomas Duffy, Charles Francis Duffy, Patrick Francis. Dunbibin, Elizabeth M. Dunham,. ~liza Ann Dunham, J. :::; • Dunham, Jane Hill Gardner Dunham, John W, Dunham, Samuel W. Dunham, Thomas Dunn, Bennett Rivers Aug, 10, 1832 Jan. 9, 1800 Jan. 21, 1835 Dec. 2, 1839 May 22, 1897 no date 1855 no date no date Dec. 15, 1789 1842 no date 1846 no date no date Jari. 15, 1880 Dec. 18,' 1835 1798 'F eb. 22, 1820 1813 1819 Mar. 6, 1842 Ma.y 29, 1816 no date Sept. 15, 1849 Durham, Dawson T, Durham, J. Alston 1887 1883 (only date) 1 REMARKS Age 4 yrs. 4 days Born in Halifax Co,, Va. Converted & baptised 1832, Graduated at nm. & Mary College July 4, 1838, Ordained as a minister Sept. 1838 Son of P. & M, Donlan Son of P. & M. Donlan. Age 11 mos. Age 51 yrs. Age 65 yrs, Age 65 yrs, Infant son of G, Doyle w. & Ida. C, 1905 Dec, 24, 1893 Wife of A, G, Drake July 7, 1847 Wife of Rev, Robt. B. Drane, Age 40 yrs, Sept. 10, 1908 Oct. 14, 1862 Dec. 25, 1912 Mar. 15, 1909 Nov, 8, 1899 Jan. 5, 1858 Age 58 yrs. 1882 Jan. 15, 1852 Oct. 14, 1840 Age 65 yrs, Oct. 30, 1855 1876 no date c. s. A. 1901 Aug, 2 6, 1841 no date June 24, 1907 June 1, 1903 1868 Nov, 2, 1892 1893 1872 Jan, 27, 1889 Oct. 4, 1884 no date Age 38 yrs, Aug. 8, 1893 Born in Albemarle Co., Va. Died in Bell Point, Va, 1888 Age 14 mos. 27 days Page 17 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery DIED BORll Dyer, Elizabeth Gadsby Apr, 18, 1829 no date Dyer, Geo, R. Dyer, John Dyson, Pennelope Ann Byson, ·william Jan, July Mar. Apr. Sept. 4, Aug, 18, Jan, 15, July 10, Eckel, Ellenora Eckel, Herman Feb, ll, 1832 Feb, 22, 1824 Eckel, N~ry Agnes Eckel, Mary Augustus Ecker, Rebecc a Catherine Eiden, J, Jose ph ' Eilers, E. H. Eilers, Herman Eilers, Herman Federick Eilers, l.!atilda Eilers, l.!ary Adelaide Eilers, Rosa Eilers, W, T, Einstein, Adolph, Jr. Einstein, Simon ~llerorock, Wm, A., c~pt. Elliott, James T, Elliott, Mary F, Eliott, Sarah Grice Elliott, Wm. P, Ellis, Abby Avery Ellis, Alice !renee Ellis, Chas, Denison Ellis~ James Raymond Ellis, Nancy P, Ellis, Sarah Ellis, Sarah Shepard Elsbach, Jacob Elwell, C, J, Elwell, Delia Ann Elwell, Floria Jane Emerson, Haorace Mann Emerson, Lillie Davis 7, 1859 8, 1822 13, 1834 16, 1826 Sept. 9, 1858 May 29, 1856Aug. 27, 1843 ·Dec, 31, 1875 no date 1817 no date no date 1814 Apr. 7, 1854 no date Apr. 21, 1909 Oct, 3, 1833 no date 1858 1836 Jan, 27, 1907 1830 Mar, 8, 1827 Aug, 6, 1897 Feb, 5, 1798 July 21, 1891 1822 . Apr. 25, 1829 June 6, 1799 Sept. 29, 1846 Feb. 23, 1848 Jan, 31, 1814 Feb. 6, 1854 Nov, 26, 1859 no date REMARKS Wife of John Dyer, Dorn in Ripon Co, Y0 rkshire, England 1899 1905 Born in Belfast Ireland 1907 1892 Born in Liverpool, England July 12, 1897 Born in Columbus Co, lv,C, June 2, 1868 Born in ~eman Hanover, Hermany Oct, 30, 1862 F8 b. 21, 1906 Nov. 10, 1870 Born in Wremen, Germany Nov, 5, 1914 no date 1886 July 1, 1850 Age 4 days no date 1891 Wife of Herman Eilers Nov. 24, 1856 no date June 11, 1912 July 20, 1 911 Apr 11, 1880 The citizens of Wilmington, the several fire companies, & the Christian association of St, Pauls ~vangelical Lutheran Church have erected this monument to hhe memory of Capt. lim, .A. Ellerbrock, A native of 'lamburg, Germany who lost his life in doing service at a fire corner of Front & Dock Sts, Age 24 yrs, 24 days, 1893 1907 Feb, 5, 1910 1894 Apr, 27, 1880 Sept. 5, 1899 July 4, 1885 Oct, 22, 1909 1875 Mar, 5, 1890 June 4, 1887 Apr. 1, 1908 Apr. 23, 1912 Age 62 yrs, 2 mos. May 10, 1876 Wife of Wm, Elwell Feb, 5, 1892 Mar, 23, 1906 Uay 23, 1895 Wife of Thomas M, Emerson. Age 36 yrs, Page 18 New Hanover County \'l'iibmington, N. G. Oakdale Cemetery NA15E BORN Emerson, Neil Davis Emerson, Thomas Martin Emmett, Vi. ·T •., Major Empie, Adam, D,D,, Rev, Apr. 14, 1880 Mar, 29, 1851 no date Sept. 5, 1785 Empie, Adam no date Empie, Adam Empie, ann ~iliza Empie, 'Ellen' Caskel July 1, 1821 Apr. 20, 1798 Jan. 28, 1884 Empie, Swift Miller Empie, Virginia Gwa1t.hmery Mar. 19, 1855 no date Empie·, l~m. R, Erambert, A, J Erambert, Louis B, Erambert, ~:S.r:tha. J. Evans, Jl.delaide Evans, Henry G, Evans, Kate Evans, ~tella ldelaide Feb, 25, 1835 no date no date no date Dec. 4, 1832 l!ay 2, 1833 Nov •.19, 1852 no date Evans, Thomas Everett, Eliza G, Everett, Lila Everett, Robt. F • E. 'W. B. (very old) Ewans, "'nn Ewans, John i':Ewans, Mary F., Mrs, Ewans, vjilliam :Nov. 7, 18 24 · · no date no date 1899 no date no date no date no date no date DIED REMA.RKS Apr. 29, 1909 Son of T, & L. Emerson Nov. 25, 1913 no date C. S. A. Nov. 6, 1860 Rector of St. James Parish, 1iilming;ton, from 1811-1814, Chaplain & .Professor at West Point, N. Y., 1814-m816. Rector of St. James 18161826. Pres. of Wm. & Mary College & Rector of Bruton Barish, Williamsburg, Va. 1826-1836, From 18361853, Rector of St. James, Hichmond, Va. June 4, 1870. Child of adam & V. G, Empie Age 8 yrs. 5 days July 10, 1877 Mar. 21, 1843 Wife of Rev. Adam Empie, D,D. (only date) Dau. of A, & v•. ~mpie Age 17 yrs. Nov. 28, 1928 Son of Adam ft V. G. 'Empie June 6, 1867 Child of Adam & V. G. Empie Age 2 yrs. 10 mos, Nov. 19, 1873 July 8, 1854 Age 58 yrs. Sept. 27, 1862 Age 27 yrs. June 26, 1864 Age 51 yrs, Sept. 23, 1912 May 16, 1896 Aug. 6, 1854 June 27, 1865 Dau. ' of Thomas & Adelaide Evans. Age 1 yr. 2 mos. 11 days ' . Aug. 21, ·1906 May 24, 1883 Age 3 yrs. Apr. 19, 1872 1900 no date Age 3 yrs. no date no date Nov. 20, 1791 Age 43 yrs. Feb, .12, 1791 A e 55 yrs. " Fairchild, Mary Falconer, nm. Alexander no date s-pt. 30, 1870 Fanning;, P. W, no date Farmer, Ellen Elvira (Infant) Nov. 13, 1893 Apr. 9, 1857 Age 69 yrs. Sept. 3, 1871 Son of VI.S. A. & S. Jl, Falconer Aug. 10, 1880 Age 81 yrs. Concord Chapter No. 1. .Past Grand Master No. 1. St. John Lodge No. 1. July 31, 1894 Dau, of i1,G, & L.E. Farmer .. ...:_ Page 19 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C. Oakd9.le Cemetery '. BORN · Farmer, Ida Springer Farmer, Lilly Southerland Farmer, Lizzie I Farrow, Henry L, (Infant) Farrow, Lizzie McBrown ing Federicks, J. Fennell, Charlotte Fennell, Cha.s. B. Fernell, Olven Finan, Hubert Finan, John Fianan, John Thomas DIED May 18, 1895 Aug. 17, 1907 no date no date May 31, 18 75 Apr. 12, 1879 Jan. 26, 1888 DeiS. 4, 1856 May 11, 1892 Mar. 5, 1861 no date Fillya.w, DeLeon Fillyaw, Julia c. Fillway, Owen L. Fillya.w, St. John Finlayson, Charity Isabel Fishblake, Laura Fishbla.ke, Solomon H. Fitts; Mary Bagot, F'i t zgerald, .Ellen J. Fitzgerald, Michaill Yfm. Flanagan, Peter no date Feb. 12, 1853 Jan. 29, 1846 Dec. 16, 1825 July 8, 1811 Dei:, 27, 1849 Sept. 7, 1~62 Apr. 1, 1846 Feb, 28, 1845 Mar. 19, 1851 no da.t e no da. te no date Fla.nner, Bennet Flanner, Henry G, Flanner, Susan A. Fleet, Irvie Fleet, James Aug. 24, 1794 July 6, 1839 no date no date Deo. 30, 1827 Fleet, Jimmie Fleet, Katie Fleet, Sarah G. Folstead, .John Fordlander, t.ily Fore, Charlie Fore, Eugenia no date no date Nov, 16, Nov, 29, July 12, no date July 10, Fore, Letitiah Oct, 8, 1829 Fore, N~ie Lois Shaw Foster, Ella Foster, Flavel iiright Fowler, Alexander May 4, 1863 Apr. 16, 1873 Feb• 18, .1840 no date Fick, Fetor N., Sr. Fowler, Lavina Fowler, Nathaniel R. Fowler, Margaret A. • Feb. 20, 1898 Dau. of W. G, & L. ~. Farmer Aug. 18, 1907 Dau~ of w. G, & L. E, Fanner Jl!,ll. 3, 1883 Wife of G. i~. Farmer. Age 26 yrs. 2 mos. 21 days Oct, 7, 1910 Age 14 mos. Mar, 7, 1911 Wife of N. E, Farrow Apr. l2, 1879 July 6, 1910 Wlbfe of Owen F'ennell May 1, 1885 Oct. 15, 1894 Son of Hardy & Mamie B. Farnell July 26, 1866 Son of John & Ann Finan Oct. 3, 1862 Native of Ireland. Vied of Yellow Fever. Age 26 yrs. Oct, 2, 1862 Age 3 yrs, July 17, 1914 Jan, 2 7, 1904 Nov. 30, 1898 June 21, 1862 Feb, 15, 1902 Sept. 27, 1868 Dau,' of li!, U, & M. L. Finlayson Oct, 11, 1882 Feb, 22, 1910 Nov. 7, 1881 Wife of Charles H, Fitts Mar, 19, 1863 Age 1 yr. 1 mo. Mar. 15, 1863 Age 2 yrs, 7 mos. Sept. 16, 1862 Native of Roscarmon, Ireland Jan. 2, 1868 May 1, 1880 June 4, 1890 Wife of ilennet Flanner no date ' Age 1 yr. 12 days Feb. 21, 1876 Born in Branville, Nova Scotia A e 48 yrs. 1 mo, 21 days no dat 6 Age 1 mo. 14 days no date Age 8 yrs, 3·mos, 16 days June 28, 1910 i'life of James Fleet Nov. 28, 1870 Nov. 11, 1875 no date Age 7 mo, Stone very old Dec. 12, 1889 Dau, -of James A. & Corne lai G. ·Fore Aug. 6, 1887 "Wife of Mas. A, Foro. Age 57 yrs, 10 mos. 3 days May 9, 1885 May 25, 1873 Dec. 5, 1902 no date Age 7 mos. Child of W. G. & M. A, Fo>r1er Age 13 mos. Chtild of W. G, & no date M. n.. Fowler May 24, 1870 Age 53 yrs. 4 mos. ZO days Feb, 18, 1884 Oct. 16, 1909 Wife of Vl, G. Farder ~ 1831 1806 1872 1886 no date Fowler, Estell REMARKS no date July 27, 1814 Feb. 18, 1842 ..,., .- -::;,......, r· ·' ,~ .. ....-· ..,: -~ Page 20 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, ~. Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME .. 1, 1855 Fawler, P. RepitRn Fowler, Rowland M, Fawler, lVillie '" Apr. Dec, 31, 1844 no date Fowler, W, G, Fowler, 1"/m, G, Fowler, Zillah Foy, Daivd H, Foy, (Infant dau,) Apr~ 6, 1840 Feb. 25, 1817 no date no date Sept. 3, 1912 Fey, (I:'fant day, .) 1875 Foy, (Infant son) Dec, 10, 1879 Foy, (Infant son) Mar, 1878 Foy, (Infant son) July 7, 1883 Foy, Joseph M. Foy, Mary ,11., May 25, 1817 Fey, Thomas Fraas, Johanna Fraas, Philipp Freeman, (Infant son) no date 1833 1815 1906 Freeman, Isabella Freeman, John Horton Freeman, Sarah, Mrs, Aug. 4, 1816 Jan, 10, 1824 Feb, 14, 1800 no date Freeman, W. E., Dr. Dec, 23, 1817 Freemont, Ellen no date Freemont, Francis Murray Nov, 22, 1858 Freemont, Mary Lawrence no date Freemont, Richard Langdon Apr. 29, 1850 Freemont, Sewall L., Jr. Dec, 30, 1854 Freemont, Sewall Laurence Aug, 30, 1816 French, Baby Lou . June 12, 1886 French, Beverly Tucker June 23, 1844 French, Caledonia Maclaughin Feb. ·7, 1846 French, Callie Reed. no date French, Caroline G, no date French, Du Val. Mar. 1, 1865 French, George ·R, no date French, Gee. Hill no date French, Geo, ·R. Jan. 24, 1802 French, Georgana no date French, Harriet P ,. Feb, 7, 1835 French, James MoD, May 9, 1843 French, John T, Jan, 3, 1857 French, Mary Lou May 15, 1854 French, !fattie Boykin Aug. 6, 1845 French, Our Children , no date __....-J 0'Sie & .jillllllie DIED Mar, 10, 1903 REMARKS Age 47 yrs, 11 mos, 9 das, Mar. 21, 1892 no date Age 1 mo, Child of W. G, & M, .A., Fawler Dec. 20, 1878 Jan. ' 28, 1896 Dec, 5, 1908 Age 90 yrs, June 12, 1862 .A.ge 21 yrs, 5 mos. 15 das, Sept, 3, 1912 ·Infant dau~ of R, L, & E. A. Fay 1875 Infant dau, of J. T, & N, D. Fay Dec, 10, 1879 Infant son of J, T, & N. D, Foy Mar. 1878 Infant son of J, T. & N, D. Foy July 7, 1883 Infant son of J, T,' & N. D, Foy Apr. 1, 1861 Dec, 24, 1875 Age 54 yrs. Wife of J, M, Foy Sept. 4, 1834 Age 35 yrs, 1901 1907 Infant son of J. Yj, & A. 1906 M. Freeman July 15, 1895 Wife of Dr, W. ~. Freeman Nov. 24, 1894 Borri in Almanance Co,, N,C, Aug. 3, 1871 Born at St. Johns, Hertford Co., N, C, Feb, 23, 1879 Born in Hertford Co,, N.C. Nov. 26, 1856 Oct, Z 6, 1900 Aug. 25, 1854 July 20, 1871 Apr. 18, 1908 May 1, 1886 June 14, 1894 Nov. 23, 1900 Dec, 8, 1913 May ·13, 1897 May 25, 1856 Age 16 yrs. July 15, 1891 May 25, 1881 Son cf John & M, Lou French Aug, 3, 1885 Age 1 yr. 9 mo. 14 das, Mar. 15, 1889 Nov. 4, 1883 Nov. 2, 1800 July 22, 1900 Oct. 6, 1918 Dec. 10, 1885 '!Vife of John T, French Jan. 24, 1871 Wife of 1!, MoD. French no date Page 21 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery .,../ NAME French, Robt. Strange French, Sarah Caroline French, William Jl, French, Vim. Reed Frink, -Jessie Wingate Frink, Lorenzo, Dr, Fulton, Catherine Ann Mackay Fulton, David Fulton, <Fulton Furlong, Hannah Furlong, J. W. Furlong, Katie Furlong, Walter A, Ensi.'gn Gade, Catherine Geffert Gadsby, J. H, Galoway, Kate Street Ganey, Ann A. E. Haney, Annie Jane Taylor Ganey, B. w. Ganey, Bryant Ganey, Elmer Ganey, H. W, Ganey, .H. )V, Ganey, Nancy Ganey, Nancy Ganey, P. W. Ganey, W. B, Ganzer, Chas.-H, Ganzer, George P. Garcia, li,'manuel Gardner,.(No name) Gardner, . Matilda Willifo'rd Garrell, -Dennie Garrell, John Franklin Garrell, Martha Canse Garrell, Sallie Olivia Gaylord, Baby · Gaylord, Martha Gaylord, ·walter Gause, Ann ~liza. Gause, Ben jam in Gause, Cyrus Smith Gause, Fannie J 0 ne s Gause, Irwin Jeffords Gause, John Benjamin Gause, Martha Judith Gause, Mary Durant Gause, Mary 8effords Gause, Rosa ~eddington ~ BORN Jan. 8, 1815 July 29, 1809 Dec. 15, 1835 1843 no date Oct, 14, 1889 Sept. 9, 1821 Nov. 28, 1821 Mar, 6, 1882 May 19, 1867 \life of George French Nov. 19, 1907 1903 May 9, 1874 Age 46 yrs, (only date) Age 77 yrs. Jan. 5, 1898 Wife of David Fulton Dec. 17, 1848 1824 De a, 14, '1865 no date no date no date Dec. 22, 1861 no date REMaRKS DIED Native of Limerich (rest of markings oliberated) Aug, 30, 1897 Oct. 12, 1870 Dau. of w. :m, s. Navy no date & H, Furlong 1819 1889 no date Sept. 27, 1852 Apr. 18, 1825 no date June 6, 1837 no date Apr. 6, 1834 l'eb, 15, 1829 Feb, 15, 1829 Aug, 10, 1832 Aug, 10, 1832 Feb, 1, 1831 June 6, 1837 C. S • A. ~life of Vi, IJ 13' 1902 Galoway Oct, 24, 1827 1857 June 6, 1837 Aug, 1861 Apr. 6, 1834 May 16, 1872 Feb, 15, 1829 Aug, 10, 1832 Feb, 24i, 1898 Feb, 1, 1831 June 6, 18311 May 23, 1899 1912 1901 1860 1810 July 18, 1893 Dau, of J, F, & M, G, A~r. 4, 1841 1867 1854 1792 1795 •• July 15' 1874 Feb, 4, 1873 Nov, 12, 1846 Nov. 7, 1841 no date June 9, 1869 Nov. 7 1 1856 no date Apr. 22, 1840 Dec. 5, 1850 Jan. 31, 1856 . Deo, 7, 1829 Sept. <:4, 1843 Sept. 24, 1838 Feb, 4, 1842 July .18, 1834 Aug, 5, 1852 no date !{Jay Garrell Dec. 27' 1906 Jan, 10, 1883 Feb. 23, 1897 Wife of J, F. Garrell Oct, ·1911 Oo'jl, 23, 1911 Aug, 20, 1909 Apr. 25, 1890 Age 18 mos. Sept. 11, 1843 Dec. 11, 1853 Oct, 13, 1912 Wife of James Gause Sept. 8, 1830 May 19, 1846 Sept. 14, 1843 Sept. 14, 1843 May. 2 5, 1835 Jan. 15, 1855 Page 22 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. Oakdale Cemetery NAME BORN Gause, Sarah Gause, Wm. Drayton Genaust, Josephene Gerhardt, Henry Gerken, Anna Ehrich Gerken, G. J. Gerken, Neal Gidoen, Maggie Apr. 24, 1806 Sept. 16, 1832 Mar • .ll, 1877 Jan. 17, 1817 1827 1853 1827 1880 Gieschen, Louise Glameyer Gilbert, Ashley Gilbert, H •. D, Gilbert,. ·Frances A11g;ustus Bait Gilbert, John Felix, Capt. Gilbert, Susan E, Gilchrist, Effie Farley Gilchrist, (Infant son) Gilchrist, Wm,, Jr. Giles, Amelia R, Giles, .Ameria. Giles, Annabella, Mrs. Giles, Christian M. Giles, Eleanor B. Qile s, Eliza Morehead Giles, James· Giles, John It, Mar. 31, 1864 Dec. 20, 1848 Apr. 12, 1820 DIED July Apr. Nov. Aug. 1900 1877 1876 Nov. 25, 1844 29, 1851 8, 1879 19, 1889 REMARKS Wife of Thomas F. Gause Wife of Neal Gerken 1, 1900 Wife of H, Giedoen. Born in Syria Feb. 1, 1895 Wife· of G. L. G&esohen Apr. 17, 1885 Mar. 8, 1886 May 21, 1879 Apr. 4, 1909 Oct. 9, 1828 Oct. 17, 1884 Borii at Greemvioh, England no date Sept. 19, 1901 . Age 81 yrs, 1888 1892 1892 1892 1893. 1904 no date no date Age 10 yrs. Aug. 2, 1816 May 7, 1887 Wife of Wm. B. Giles no da te Sept. G4, 1852 Age 64 yrs, May 24, 1860 (only date) Age 50 yrs, Sept. 18, 1839 Sept. 22, 1908 Wife of Maj. R. Giles Mar. 20, 1848 Aug. 9, 1872 July 28, 1856 (only date) Age 19 yrs. no date July 5, 1867 Age 25 yrs, Major of the 63rd. Georgia Regiment Volunteers, c. s. A. Giles, Mary Augustus Jan. 8, 1848 Dec. 1 7, 1883 Giles, Norwood Nov. 10, 1846 Dec. 11, .!l899 Giles, Vlilliam Sept. 14, 1868 Age 28 yrs. no date Giles, William B,. July 12, 1812 May 3, 1883 no date no date Giles, Willie Age 5 yrs. Giles, Willie, (Infant) no date no date May 27, 1822 Mar. 20, 1901 Wife of J:(owlett J. Gill Gill, Mickey Robertson. Native of Va. Gill, 'Rowlett Jones Sept. 19, 1820 Jan. 22, 1879 Native of Va. Gillerlain, Peter J. Dec. 8, 1860 Oct. 3, 1902 Glameyer, Catherine Scharnhorst ·sept. 11,· 1831 Feb. 13, 1911 'lVife of F. Vi. Glameyer Glameyer, Henry A. May 13, 1853 May 23, 1886 Glameyer, V'lm. .; • Oct. 17, 1881 July 11, 1882 Son of H. A, & Bela t Glass, Florence Glaugherty, Bridg;et Goelet, Virginia Lane Goodman, Bernhardt Goodman, Lina Goodman, Moritz Goodman, William Gordon, Wm. J Gore, Albert . • Gore, Claude Gore, John Homer ., ·no date Jan. 25, 1863 Mar. 23, 1829 1845 Mar. 17, 1849 Oct. 24, 1847 1843 1851 .1858 July 7, 1903 Feb. 9, 1873 G~ameyer no dB.te Feb. 5, 1863 Feb. 1, 1859 1913 June 27, 1878 Age 29 yrs. 3 mos. Nov. 25, 1891 1911 1884 1895 Feb. 5, 1912 Son of Claude & Bruce Gore Dec. 10, 1904 Page 23 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery • BORN NAME Gore, Michael C, (Infant) May 9, 1891 Gore, Rachel Ann Litchfield Gore, Wm. Iredell Gorman, Thomas ". Gotthold, Doris Graefe, Igns Grafflin, Christopher L, Grafflin, WAry Elizabeth Lowe Sept, 1 9, 1833 Dec, 25, 1829 ·no date Nov, 10, 1856 Sept, 7, 1879 {only Aug, 12, 1823 Mar, 23, 1835 Graige, Cicero H., Lieut. Nov, 9, 1841 Graig, G, A, Grainger, Isaac Bates Grainger, Isaac ·Bates, Grainger, Mary McRae Grant, Cornelia E., Mrs, Grant, Elizabeth MoM, Grant, James M, • no date no date Oct, 19, 1878 no date Oct, 27, 1822 June 7, 1855 July 17, 1862 Grant, Richard H. Grant, Win, H, July 8, 1816 Feb, 2, 1866 Grapon, Annie P, no date DIED REMARKS Aug, 16, 1891 Apr, June Aug. Aug. date) Octl Jan, Son of Albert & Bessie Gore 20, 1914 27, 1903 23, 1863 Age 44 yrs, 9, 1868 Born in Furt1e Bavaira ~. 1887 Born in Ba1t., Md, 24, 1908 Wife of Christopher L. Grafflin July 9, 1864 Bied in Be1four, Va, Co, I. 3rd, N.C. Inf. Confederate States Army. Died from wound received at opottsyrania Court House, Va. May 10, 1864 ' no date I, 0. 0, F, Orient 67 Aug, 26, 1878 .Age 37 yrs, no date Age 14 mos, Oct, 4, 1879 Age 11 yrs, 5 mos. Oot, 3 0, 1885 Jan. 27, 1912 Dec. 30, 1893 Son of Richard H. & Melvina A, Grant Feb. 28, 1876 Nov, 16, 1893 Son of Richard R, & He1vina A. Grant Sept. 1862 Age 28 yrs, Died of Yellow Fever. Grapon, Marsden Green, Green, Green, Green, Green, Ann Ann Reid Caroline A, Caroline Cowan James Green, James G. Green, Rebecca West Green, Robt, Cochran Green, William Green; \"{m, Henry Green, Wm, Henry, Jr, Greenabaum, Leon IV, Greene, Chas, Greene, Emily Greene, Jane Greenhaw, Rascon, Mrs, t no date Oct, 10, 1794 1851 Jan. 21, 1803 Aug, 18, 1825 Oct. 21, 1792 Aug, 12, 1821 Sept. 16, 1909 Apr, 25, 1831 Mar, 13, 1826 1843 1877 Feb, 23, 1853 !lay 20, 1859 Dec, 17,1824 Nov, 25, 1852 no date Sept, 1862 Age 27 yrs, Died of Yellow Fever, June 3, 1842 1906 Nov, 1, 1856 Wife of James S. Green Aug, 1, 1887 Sept. 28, 1862 Mar. 31, 1876 Sept, 18, 1909 Dec, 24, 1882 Aug, 15, 1840 l'laj, Seggt, C, S, A. 1914 1895 Feb, 6, 1888 June 13, 1859 Dec, 11, 1859 Nov. 7, 1853 Dau, of Zeno I< Emily Greene j, Sept, 30, 1864 A bear of Dispatches to ' the Confederate government erected by the Ladies Memorial Association, Drowned off Fort Fisher ~rom the steamer Condor while attempting to run the Blockade, J Page 24 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery •. ,. NAME BORN DIED Greenwald, Barney Greenwald, Bertha Greenwald, Ellen Greenwald, .Jacob Gregg, Evander Mciver Gregory, Sue L. Griffin, Michael Griffin, Margaret Griffith, Julia Emma, Mrs, Groten, John E. Grot gen, W. H. Guess, Timothy Lyberian Gushing, Ale ott Mil ton , , .. Guthrie, Anna J.~ ~ no date Sept. 19, 1885 Apr, ~2, 1911 (only date) Oct, 16, 1854 May 10, 1895 Jan. 2, 1861 July 5, 1890 1909 1852 Nov, 8, 1871 July 11, 1862 Apr. 3, 1914 1834 1841 June 15, 1899 July 23, 1860 May 6, 1912 Apr. 13, 1886 Jan. 21, 1891 no date May 3, 1885 1809 1857 ' JulY 15, 1819 'Apr. 3, 1866 May 1, 1864 (only date) Haar, Henry Oct. 12 ,' 1883 Haar, Henry, Jr, .' . no date Nov. 2, 1898 no date REMARKS Age 73 yrs, Age 82 yrs. Born in County Limerick, Ireland Born in County Cavan, Ireland Age 4 yrs. 9 mos, 28 days 'Age 72 yrs, Born in Bergedorf amt. Lelianthal Hanover Cape Fear Lodge No. 2. I. 0. 0 .• F,. Haar, Metta G. Apr. 4, 1839 Haddock, Katie CromartieMa,r 18, 1871 Hahn, Julius Nov. 12, 1854 Hall, Alice Louise Nov. 15, 1887 Hall, Bruce Wright Jan, 29, 1888 Hall, Charles no date Hall, Edward P, Apr. 13, 1786 Hall, Hengevald, (Baby) no date Hall, James G, no date Hall, Jane M, Dunham, Mrs. 1846 Hall, John Sept. 30, 1815 Apr. 23, 1825 Hall, Wmrgaret Bell Hall, Margaret Tannahill ::;prunt Oct, 20, 1844 1869 Hall, Sallie James June 7, 1877 Hall, Samuel G, Hall, Samuel Green 1836 Sept. 22, 1871 Hall, ~i llie H. Hall, Wm. Rumbley Apr. 6, 1856 no date Hallett, Benj. A. no date Hallett, Emily T, Hallett, Laura V, no date July 12, 1893 Hamme, Authur Heriry Hamme, Grace Elizabeth AUg. 29, 1895 no date Hamme, Richard no date Hamlin, Albert Hanby, Adrienne Kl July 4, 1848 Hanby, John Hazard (Inn.Dt) Nov. 7, 1912 Jan. 1, l841 Hanby, John Hazard Nov. 25, 1843 Hanby, Joseph Howard Sept. 7, 1865 Hanby, Josephine E, Apr, 16, 1838 Hanby, Mary A, Nov, 14, 1831 Hancock, Enoch _ .... Mar, 4, 1903 . Born in Waackhausen Amt. Oslerhotez Hanover Oct, 3, 1892 Jan, 13, 1911 Born in Aumund Germany Jan, 28, 1904 Dau, of \'f, R, &: S, J. Hall Sept. 23, 1890 no date Son of::;, G, & M, F, Hall Deo, 5, 1863 no date Jan. 7, 1867 Age 40 yrs, 1896 Jan. 11, 1864 Oct, 11, 1862 Wife of Avon Hall Apr, 26, 1914 Mar. 6, 1888 Wife of w. R, Hall, Age 19 yrs, May 24, 1878 Son of S. G. & M, F, Hall 19ll Lodge 145, r.o.o,F. . May 26, 1872 Son of S, G, & M, F. Hall Apr, 18, 1912 Oct, 7, 1900 Age 65 yrs, Aug, 9, 1895 Wife of B, A. Hallett. Age 57 July 3, 1871 Jan, 20, 1912 Mar. 19, 1897 no date Co. G. 30 ~.C. Inf. C. S. A. Dec, 19, 1894 Aug, 23, 1913 Aug, 23, 1913 Son of L, L, & F, R, Hanby Apr. 22, 1910 Sept, 8, 1905 Nov, 26, 1912 Wife of Archie Hanby Jan. 14, 1892 May 19, 1885 Born in Otisfie1d, Maine .. , Page 26 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery NAl'E BORN DIED Hartsfield, J, M, Hartsfield, Susan Abkins Hartshorn, Charlotte E,, Mrs, Harton, Wm, Thomas Harver son, Charles Hasse, Catherine Swartz Hashagen, Henrietta Elizabeth 1850 1914 no date Mar, 22, 1825 no date July 7, 1859 Hashagen, Henry G, Oct, 16, 1831 Hashagen, Mina May Oct. 1, 1860 June 16, 1820 no date Aug. 2, 1885 Hattridge, Alexander Hattridge, Annie Hawkins, Ada' Hawkins, Clarence H, no date no date no date Sept, 11, 1889 Hawkins, Edward W. no date ! Hayden, P. H, Hayes, Frances Best Hedrick, •• •. no date 1838 1837 1802 Hedrick, C, ' Hedrick, Cythia ft. Hedrick, John J, Heide,. Emily l!:rambe:l:t Nov, 13," 1874 no date Nov, 18, 1882 Heins, John H, May 23, 1828 Heinsb~rger, 1792 Isabella Maggie ~ Heinsberger, Isabella Wallace Heinsberger, Margaret }.867 1844 Henderson, 6aroline E. Henderson,· John M, Henry, James Jan, 15, 1836 Oct, 23, 1824 no date Herbert, George F. Aug. 29, 1833 REMARI!S May 31, 1886 May 16, 1912 Sept. 9, 1859 Age 56 yrs, Age 21 Mar. 15, 1910 May 30, 1872 Wife of ·Age !19 Apr. 1, 1878 Born at yrs, Christian Hasgagen yrs, Blumenthal, GerAge 46 yrs, 5 mos. many, 16 yrs, Aug, 25, 1885 Dau, of F, ~. & M, D, Hashagen no date no date Oct. 17, 1862 Age 24 yr s. 11 mo, 17 daa Oct, 5, 1890 Son ofT, H. & E, E, Hawkins Oct, 31, 1862 Born in Onslmv Co,, N,c, Died of yellow fever, Age 45 yrs, Mar. 20, 1903 , 1911 ' 1907 1883 Dec, 6,' 187ii nci date Dec. 1, 1883 Dau, of Henry H. & M, Augusta Heide Feb, 15, 1880 Born in Bucken Prmvince Hanover Germany, Age 51 yrs, 8 m6s, 23 days. 1871 Born in Keddy County Amagh Ireland . 1901 1890 Born in Keddy County Amagh Ireland, ilafe of Philiph Heins berger July 20, 1894 Wife of J, M, Henderson June 19, 1892 Oct, 26, 1869 A seaman of the Cuban man of war. Cuba, Sept. 10, 1887 Born at Hamburg, Germany Herbst, Mary E. Herring, Annie Batson Bowen 1879 1904 Mar, 13, 1877 Herring, Julia ¥forth Herring, Julian Herring, ~ancy Bryan Sept. 22, 1864 Aug. 16, 1895 July 27, 1826 Mar, 8, 1910 Wife of Rev, R. H, Herring Aug. 27, '1895 Wife of W. G, Herring June 16, 1895 Jan, 31, 1898 Mother of Rachel W, Herring, Susan Shaw Herring, Walter S. Hewlett, James B, Feb, 14, 1836 Feb. 6, 1877 Apr. 8, 1907 Dec. 11, 1913 1886 1888 ~rsall Page 27 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery NAME Hewlett, John J.· Hewlett, Nannie c. Heyer, A. Catherine Heyer, Barbara Heyer, 1'~. c. Heyer, Frederick w. Heyer, John Casper Heyer, Margaret Elizabeth Heyer, Wilhelm'Adolph Hewlett, John W. Hewlett, Walter Jones Hiede, Catherine . Hie1, Jaines H., Major Hie de, Joseph Hiede, May Rebeca Hiede, Rudolph Highsmith, A. Hig.'>smi th, DrusciUa Highsmith, LeWis Franklin Hill, Alice_ Hill, Ann· Eliza Hill, Ann Empie Hill, Arthur J. Hill, Bessie Hill, Ella K. Hill, Emily Hill, John Hill, John Hampdon, M.D. Hill, L. A •. Hill, Mary Ann BORN 1851 1852 no date Oct. a,· 1836 no date no date Aug. 2., 1819 DIED 1896 1923 July 20, 1902 Sept. 25, 1862 May 19, 1877 June 28, 1889 !tar. 24, 1887 REMARKS ... _ -· Wife of liilhelm Adolph Heyer Sister of Geo. H. Heyer Born in Procince Hanover Germany C. S. A. Wife of John Casper Heyer Oct. 1, 1825 Jan. 27, 1911 June 12, 1833 Sept. 13, 1863 Apr. 23, 1878 ~only date) Age 35 yrs. July 2, 1845 Sept. 11, 1851 June 8, 1884 Dec. 20, 1891 Wife of hudo~ph D. Hiede Oct, Z 6, 1834 June 19, 1890 1867 Aug. 25. 1879 Son of R. E. & W, c. Hiede May 5, 1865 Sept, 12, 1S66 Dau. of ·R. E. & N. C•. Hiede May 17, 1832 June 13, 1895 Born in Denmark no date no date C. S. A. Jan. 9, 1841 July 3, 1892 Age 51 yrs. 5 mos. 24 days Nov. 14, 1900 Jan. 22, 1908 no date Jan. 5, 1791 Wife of W. H. Hill no date Sept. 28, 1895 Daul of Ann El & Dr. Win. H. H;_ll Apr. 23, 1826 Nov. 2, 1895 Nov. 23, 1871 Feb• <::5, 1799 Aug;. 20, 1898 (only date) Age 17 yrs. Dec. 12, 1851 Apr. 8, 1914 July 9, 1865 Aug. 29, 1859 Oct. 5, 1865 Apr. 3, 1863 Feb. 19, 1893 Apr. 26, 1807 May 28, 1837 sept. 5, 1872 Sept. 22, 1810 Jan. ll, 1837 Dau. of Gabriel & Mildred Holmes, Wife of John H. Rill, M.D. . ' 1826 . 1886 Mother of Geo. W. Doyle Rill, Mary Elizabeth Ylife of F ~ J. Hill. . Hill, Sarah Lillington, i"fa ters Dec. 3, 1835 Aug. 7, 1906 no date Sept. 3, 1860 Age 25 yrs. 4 mos. 5 days Hill, \Ym. Dec • 15, 1848 Jan. 18, l8&l Born at London, England. Died at lUll, l'lm. Edwin . Abbots burg, N. C~ July 26,' 1863 Sept. 27, 1833 Hindes, Elizabeth Wife of Geo, Hindes no date no date Hinton, Bessie Age 16 mos. June 15, 1879 (only date) Hinton, Joseph N. Age 39 yrs. Adj. c. S. A. Age 52 yrs. Wife of J. N. Hinton Hinton, Lizzie Feb. 8, 1896 (only date) Nov. 5, 1906 July 25, 1905 Hinton, Mary lleil June 13, 1819 Sept. 2, 1896 Hodges, David no date Dec. 18, 1879 Age 2 yrs. 5 mos. 23 days Mabel H0 dges, May 30, 1907 July 30, 1829 Hodges, Martha J. Sept. 21, 1889 Wife of vl, V'l. Holladay. A e 24 yrs, Holladay, Maggie Murchison no date ~ July 24, 1904 July25, 1905 Holloway, Wm. Lord May 31, 1885 Nov. 12, 1865 Age 19 yrs. Holmes, "-lice l)ickinson Dec. 4, 1891 Dec. 24, 1822 Holmes, Ann Hill 1862 1909 Holmes, Arthur Hill July 30, 1835 no date Vfife of J. H. Holmes. Age 27 yrs HoLmes, Caroline G. Sept. 30, 1839 Age 38 yrs, no date Holmes, IJ.ohn H. Sept. 18, 1888 Nov. 2, 1827 Holmes, John L. Age 23 yrs. 3 mos. no date Aug. ll, 1855 Holmes, John Wright ---- Page 28 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery ,• NAME BORN Holmes, Mildred Mabson no date Holmes, Holmes, Holmes, Holmes, Holmes, Holmes, Rennet, Hooper, Hooper, Mar. 31, 1824 June 11, 1853 Jan. 16, 1861 June 27, 1829 no date no date Oct, 14, 1844 Jan, 5, 1861 Nov, 27, 1834 Owen Davis Owen MoRee Pembroke Jones Sallie M, Walker JJ, Wm. White (Infant) Gee, Edward E. Wm, Lovell Horne, Eugeme Npr:qan Horne, Guilford F. H0 rne, Lucy 1i. Hotchkiss, Anna ~. Howard, Alfred G, Howard, Elizabeht Howard, Henry Howard, Henry B, Howard, Henry Bailyss Howard, Margaret A. Howard, Mary, Mrs, Hovtard, Oscar Howard, Sarah Repiton Howard, Wm. C, Howe, Cha·s, A. Howell, Andrew J, Rowell, Andrew Jackson Howe 11, John Andrew' Heme 11, Laura Har:ds Rowell, ¥ary Elizabeth July 31, 1893. Sept, 21, 1847 'Nov, 16, 1856 Sept. 27, 1867 Nov, 15, 1855 no date no date no date no date Apr. 28 , 1834 no date no date Oct, 2, 1854 no date Apr. 11, 1894 Jan. 29, 1895 Oct, 9, 1828 Jan. 14, 1867 Sept, 12, 1886 Mar, 8, 1867 Howle, Sallie ~tuart Howey, H. Howey, M, A, Howey, T, H. Hudson, James Mac Huggins, Frank Linwood Huggins, Georgia Myrtle Jan. 25, 1810 1810 1823 1853 Dec, 1, 1896 ;)une 19, 1900 no date Huggins, Huggins, Huggi!1s, Huggins, Huggins, Feb, ·28, 1901 no date· Apr. 23, 1907 Sept. 11, 1901 no date Hazel Sohonwald J. B, Janie Elise .John Cantwell Mary 11ooten Huggins, Wm. Toomer Hullen, Neicolous 1838 May 7, 1855 Huske, Katie Myers Russel, Christian Oct. 30, 1852 Oct, 11, 1831 Hutaff, Henry Dec, 6, 1834 DIED REMARKS Aug, 22, 1835 Wife of Gabriel Holmes, Age 44 yrs, Mar. 23, 1883 Jan, 19, 1910 Jail. 31, 1888 Sept. 8, 1908 Jan. 21, 1840 A e 7 mos. no date .Son of J. L, & s. H. Holmes Jan. 6, 1913 Aug. 28, 1863 Son of Geo, & Sarah J. Hooper Mar, 7, 1857 Son of Wm. & Matilda Hooper Age 22 yrs, June 20, 1899 Dec. 13, 1904 Feb, 24, 1820 (only date) Age 26 yrs, Feb, 1, 1882 nci date Age 37 yrs. no date Age 59 yrs. no date Age 63 yrs, May 3, 1851 Age 21 yrs, Apr. 7, 1911 Nov, 9, 1837 Age 86 yrs, no date Feb, 27, 1864 Nov. 14, 1863 Age 41 yrs. June 29, 1913 June 6, 1895 Son of Gertrude J, Howell June 25, 1898 May 2, 1866 May 12. 19ll Wife of Andrew J, Howell Oct, 2, 1876 Dau, of Andrew J, & Laura Howell June 17, 1889 1878 1863 1902 Apr. 24, 1900 Nov, 19,'1900 Aug, 11, 1893 Wife of G, A. Huggins, Age 22 yrs, <2 mos. 14 days Apr. 15, 1902 no date. C, S, A. July 25, 1908 Sept. 191 1901 Oct, 30, 1830 Dau, of G. A. & L. A. Huggins Age ll yrs. ·7 mos, 1871 July 19, 1893 Born in Province Of Hanover Germany Dec. 12, 1887 May 3, 1883 Born at Rupertsburg Hessen Darmstadt Germany, Age 51 yrs, 6 mos. 22 days Apr, 15, 1893 Page 29 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. · Oakdale Cemetery ·- NAME Ingram, Margaret BORN c. May 24, 1895 DIED REMARKS Jan. 21, 1900 Jackson, James Wm,, Jr. Jacobi, Baby Jacobi, Cecilia Jacobi, Eddie Jacobi, Nathaniel Jacobi, Rebecca Jacobi, Rosalie Jacobs, Wm, Nicholas James, yohn C, James, John D, James, ~. A., Mrs. James, Joshua T, James, Martha James, Mary J., Mrs, James, Thomas C, James, .Thos, c., Jr, Janney, Susan Jeffreys, Mary Caroline Jensen, Christen Jewett,. Lucy Ann Brinkley 1880 May 14, 1903 Nov. 17, 1875 Oct. 17, 1868 Jan. 21, 1828 Jan. 19, 1873 July 6, 181lo Nov. ·9, 1862 Feb. 14, 1847 Mar, 20, 1876 July 1, 1828 Feb• 3, 1839 Sept. 20, 1817 Jan. 12, 1820 Dec. 5, 1849 no date no date no date 1853 Jan. 15, 1819 1905 May 17, 1903 May 17, .Jl.881 Feb, 16, 1875 Nov, 5, 1907 Oct. 28, 1875 Jan. 3, 1900 Sept. 23, 1892 Apr. 21, 1891 Apr. 17, 1905 Dec. 7, 1909 Nov. 13, 1899 Aug. 26, 1887 July 29, 1876 Mar, 6, 1912 Mar. 11, 1897 Dec. 26, 1870 May 2, 1835 Sept, 2 5, 1894 Sept, 19, 1898 Jewett, Lucy Ovren Jewett, Sallie. Wallace July 3, 1854 Jan. 2, 1852 Jan. 8, 1896 Aug. 19, 1885 Jmvett, Samuel Dunham Jmvett, Steven Jmvett, Susan Rowena Phillips Johnson, Alexander Johnson, Annie Johnson, Edward F, Johnson, Fannie ~. Johnson, Joseph Edwin· Johnson, Lillian E, Johnson, Margaret Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Wa.rren (Infant son) Johnson, Wm, Johnston, Mary Virginia Johnston, Richard Johnston, Richard Wm. M, Johnston, Richie Jones, c. s., Rev. Jones, Clartsa J 0 nes, E. T. Jones, Eliza Jone~, Emily London Jones, Francis Oscar Mar. 7, 1879 no date Mar. 2 3, 1868 July 13, 1879 no date Oct. 11, ·1891 no date Dec, 14, 1890 Fob, 2 7, 1896 Apr. 9, 1849 June 2, 1856 Dec, ·7, 1906 Jan, 7, 1911 Apr. 9; 1833 . Jan. 25, 1881 Nov, 20, 1884 Deo, 13, 1905 Aug. 14, 1886 Nov. 11, 1865 Dec, 12, 1865 Sept. 27, 1860 Feb. 24, 1866 Apr. 14, 1906 Apr. 18, 1906 Oct. 25, 1861 May 27, 1865 Feb, ·8, 1857 Feb. 10, 1856 June 3, 1846 Apr. 6, 1847 Sept. 22, 1821 Jan. 25, 1857 May 1, 1857 Sept. 2, 1848 Dec. 23, 1837 June 6, 1910 no date July 30, 1850 Jan. 16, 1908 Apr. 3, 1874 1899 1816 no date no date June 2, 1855 ( only date) Wife of John S, .James Wife of F. M. James Age 16 yrs, 14 days l~ife of Francis Janney Age 7 mos. ·8 days Born in Norway 'llife of Stephen Jewett. ~arried Jan. 24, 1844 Dau. of Alfred Carpenter Yiife of Stephen Jewett C. S. A. Married Deo. 22, 1890, of Dr. R. D. Hewett A e 65 yrs. riffe of G. J, Johnson Wife Son of \'/, S. & H, B. Johnson Son of Richard W. Johnson Son of H, \l, & J, F, M. Wife of W, G, Jones, Age 33 yrs, Son of W, G, & M, .a, Joll!:s, Age 3 yrs, 12 days Page 30 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale vemetery BORN NAME D c, 6, 1831 Jones, Jane Vance "' JoneS, Lenora 4 "• Jones, Margaret A. Jones, Marion Jones, Mary Anna w. Jones, ·Mary Eliza Jones, Mary Pembroke Jones, Robert Collina Jones, Thomas Jacksop Jones, Troy London Jones, V'~m. ·G. ·Jordan, Elisha B, J. S. D. Judge, Agn·e s Judge, Eugene Judge, Mary Agnes Judge, Mary F, Judge, Wi-lliam J. W, W. (very old) Katz, Katz, Keen, Keen, Keen, Eliza Morris M. Emma .a. Joseph L. Mary r. '' i June 3, 1845 (only date) Mar, 27, 1859 REIlARKS Wife of Pembroke Jones, Dau, of John R, & Sarah~. lion don Age 2 mos. Child of R, J, , &. A. F, Jones • Mar. 10, 1843 May 19, 1884 Son of ~. R, & S, B, Jones May 7, 1871 Wife of Charles Lucien Jones no date July 28, 1843 no date no date Jan, 29, 1848 (only date) Child of R, J, & A, F, Jones Apr. 18, 1867 July 8, 1868 ~on of s. J, & C. N. Jones no date no date Nov, 15, 1812 Sept, 23, 1883 Age 70 yrs, Apr. 11, 1829 Jan. 20, 1905 no date no date no date no date Age 1 yr. 3 mos. no date nodate Age 11 mos, no date no date Age 9 yrs, 2 mos, no date no date Age 9 mos. no date no date Age 6 mos. no date no date no"' date no date Mar. 13, 1839 Oct, .16, 1841 June 8, 1831 Apr, 22, 1822 May 18, 1812 1880 Apr, 8, 1870 r/ife· of Morris Katz July 1, 1894 Deo, 24, 1889 May 1,18 75 1894 W1fe of W, G, T, Keen Dau. of F. V. B. &.I. J. Keith, Edwin A, Keith, Fannie ·Green Keith, Mary Ann June 7, 1817 Nov, 4, 1823 no date Kelly, E, V, Kelly, Flore J. Kelly, Hattie S, Kelly, Jennie Kelly, John James Kelly, Patrick E, Kelly, Willi.e Kelley, Cornelius M, Kenly, Emma Warfield Kennedy, Raymond Kennedy, Robert no date no date no date no date Jan. 19, 1853 Apr, 12, -1863 no date Oct, 21•, 1861 no date Sept. 20, 186 9 Feb, 17, 1832 Ketchum, Clementine Ketchum, David Ketchum~ Jennie ·Adelaide Mar. Ketchum, Jonathan, Rev• Kidder, Ann May 13, 1812 1811 -------- DlED 14, 1817 Oct, .13, 1838 Sept, 14, 1848 Yopp Jan, .15, 1901 July 27, 1886 Wife of W, "·Keith June 12, 1811 "ifife of ~dwin A. Keith Wge 24 yrs, no date no date no date no date Mar. 9, 1908 July 4, 1901 Aug. 12, 1871 July 26, 1910 Dec. 24, 1904 June 12, 1912 Deli, 13, 1889 Son of John & ~lizabeth Ann Kennedy, Born in Murfreesboro, Tenn. May 31, 1881 Apr, 18, 1893 (no month), 12, 1869 Wife of David W, Ketchum Mar. 3, 1889 1872 Wife of Comard Kidder l \ . II -· ., . NAME Page 31 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. c. Oakdale ~emetery BORN DIED Kidder, Cornard Kidder, Fredrick King, Elizabeth Ann King, F. M. King, H, -H. King, J. Francis, M.D. 1805 1847 Nov. Feb. Apr. Aug. King, J. A. King, J. J. King, John Nelson no date 1810 Nov. 29, 1872 King, King, King, King, King, Aug. 5, 1856 1815 Mar. 9, 1838 May 12, 1823 no date -Maggie Margaret ·Margaret J. Samuel·Alexander Sarah King, Susan LeRoy King, 1'1. U. Kin!;yon, Estelle L. Kinyon, Henry B. Kinyon, Lottie L. Kinyon, Margaret L. Kinyon, Mary L. Kinyon, Samuel Kinyon, Wm. A.; Capt. Klein, A. E. Klein, M. c. G, Knight, James Stratton Knight, Nellie Knohl, Emily Louise Knohl, Federich William Knohl, Henry Augustus Knohl, Mary Alvina Knott, Jennie C, Kock, John D. Kokowsky, H. Kokowsky, Lina Gerken Koons, Chas. Martin Koptjohann, Catherine ~>, Koptjohann, Diedrich Kordlander, Eliese Kouki"-s, A. Kuck, J. Henry Ruhlken, Elizabeht Kunold, Lena B:ure, Ho.ns A. Kyle, Jane - 10, 22, 30,. 29, 1885 1908 Oct. Jan. Mar. Dec. 1833 1871 1840 1832 Apr. 2, 1841 no date Feb. 17, 1888 Aug. 28, 1896 July 23, 1883 Aug. 6, 1885 Jan. 31, 1893 1 Aut,. ·8, 1887 Jan. 10,. 1860 Oct. 23, 1884 July 11, 1904 1846 no date Aug. 18, 1855 Feb. 26, 1859 Feb. 22, 1827 Dec. 23, 1856 no date Feb. 17, 1858 1854 1856 Apr. 9, 1843 no date no date July 4, 1833 1885 Dec. 23, 1898 Aug. 6, 1907 Mar. 22, 1852 June 15, 1851 no date ~ REMARKS 15, 1911 21, 1906 I. B. E. W, 6, 1916 7, 1879 Born in Beaufort, N. c. Died in New York. Sur g. C. S. A. no date V• .S. A. 1820 Sept. 9, 1912 Son of Dr. J. Francis & Susan LeRoy King Aug. 13, 1910 1884 June 2, 1904 Feb. 4, 1895 no date An Iron Cross. Inscription, "Mother" Jan. 9, 1909 Born in New York. Died in ·Warrenton, Va. Feb. 10, 1896 Orion No. 67 Apr. 1, 1907, DeB. 8, 1896 Jan. 13, 1905 Apr. 16, 1904 May 29, 1893 Mar. 18, 1888 Marl 13, 1909 July 4, 1885 Mar. 12, 1885 1879 Age 10 mos. no date Feb. 17, 1860 July 1, 1859 Feb., 1858 no date June 6, 1891 Age 27 yrs. 28 days Jan. 2, 1891 Borniin Hamburg, Germany 1877 1877 iwxm Wife of H. Kokowsky Nov. 24, 1874 Dec, 16, 1886 Age 46 yrs. 8 mos. 1 da. Apr. 22, 1895 Age 75 yrs. 5 mos. 10 days Sept. 26, 1868 l9ih2 Born in Greece Feb. 15, 1903 Son of J. H. & D. D. Kuok, Jr. Oct. 14, 1907 Nov. 24, 1918 Wife of Chas. Kunold Dec. 2 3, 1914 Jan. 6, 1856 Age 44 yrs. Page 32 New Hanover County Wilmin15ton, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery BORN lack, Mary Louisa Lamb, Geo. P.eaoock lamb, J. W, Lamb, Martha Player Lamb, Richard Jones lane, Ezekie~ Edward Lane, John B, Lane, Levin Lane, Margaret M0 ore Hill lane, Sarah E,. lane, Win, Walter Langdon, Mary Jane Halsey Langdon, Mary Elizabeth Langdon, Samue 1·· Langdon, William J\., Larkins, Linnie Florilla Larkins, Mildred .Matthews LarkinsJ 1"fln. Larkins, Wm. Timothy Latimer, Anna. Shelden Latimer, Edward Savage Latimer, Elizabeth Latimer, Elizabeth Savage Latimer, Elizabeth Savage Latimer, Herbert Russell Latimer, Robert Savage Latimer, W~lter Zebulon Latimer, Z bulon Latta, Catfierine Ralston Latta, J. C, Latta, John Robert Lawther, Isabella Lawther, Thomas A. Lawton, Margaret A. Lawton, ·Mary C, lawton, l!:li za B, Lederer, Joseph Legwin, John J. Leonard, Dula J, Leonard, R. V. Lessman, Anna Marie Lessman, August Lessman, Lessman, Lessman, Lessman, August H. Charlie E, . Helena C, Helena M. Lessman, Marie Lessman, Willie Sept. 28, 1820 May 5, 1826 Feb. 27, 185o Oct. 1841 July 31, 1888 DIED REMARKS Sept. 9, 1864 July 27, 1887 Apr. 3, 1907 , . June 1913 June 9, 1900 Son of J, w, & Ella An. Lamb nodate Dec, 17, 1858 Age 25 yrs. 3 mos. 24 days no date Nov. 7, 1890 Age 31 yrs, 10 mos. 7 days Nov. 19, 1793 June 1863 Jan. 8';: 1801 Sept, G4, 1874 Wife of Levin Lane Jan. 6, 1825 Sept. 15, 1900 Feb, 5, 1901 Aug. 15, 1831 May 10, 1799 June 7, 1883 Wife of Samuel Langdon Sept. 28, 1885 Apr. 29, 1827 Sept. 26, 1832 (only date) Age 46 yrs, Mar, 26, 1819 Dec, 16, 1862 Nov. 12, 1856 Feb• 15, 1936 1887 1813 1891 1829 Feb, 8, 1860 May 6, 1870 no date Nov •.30, 1856 Sept. 25, 1858 Aug. 27, 1901 no date June 1, 1854 no date Nov, 11, 1904 Apr. 22, 1888 May 12, 1912 no date July 11, 1887 Age 26 yrs, no date Dec ,28, 1848 no date Jan, 9, 1856 no date Nov. 11, 1 881 Age 70 yrs. 10 mos, Nov. 14, 1914 Wife of J. R, latta Jan, 15, 1839 no date no date Cape Fear Lodge No. 2. I. o. Ol F. Sept. 11, 1835 June 30, 1898 Arty. C, S, A. sept. 5, 1848 Aug. 30, 1912 Wife of Thomas A. Lawther May 16, 1848 Aug, 21, 1908 no date Oct, 8, 1862 Wife of James E. Lav.ton Age 42 yrs. nodate no date Mar. 4, 1837 Age 40 yrs, no date no date Oct, 22, 1870 Age 34 yrs, 6 mos. June 2'5, 1848 Nov. 7, 1900 Deo. 18, 1885 Mar. 21, 1906 Nov. 21, 1862 July 26, 1908 Apr, 19, 1828 Jan, 9, 1870 Wife of August Lessman, Born in Ger~ny Feb, 21, 1822 Apr. 14, 1888 Born in Aleemode, Prussia Age 66 yrs. 1 mo. 24 days no date Dec. 2, 1862 Age 1 yr. 8 mos, no date May 11, 1865 Age 1 yr. 11 mos. no date Sept. 12, 1862 Age 8 yrs. 4 mos. no date Oct, 21, 1889 Wife of August M. J~ssman Born in 01denburg,.Germany Age 63 yrs, no date May 14, 1859 Age 10 days no date Aug. 2, 1857 Page 33 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C•. Oakdale Cemetery I I / BORN !lAME Lethrop, Edard Simpson Apr. 30, 1857 Mar, 20, 1904 Leveque, Edna Leveque, Stanley May 16, 1873 no date Levy, Rosa L6Wis, G. G. no date Liebman, Louis Mar, 21, 1872 Lillington, Margaret Hill Aug, 20, 1825 Lilly, Catherine E. Buchanan Sept. 24, 1834 Lilly, Edmund ·: Sept, 2, 1832 Lilly, Jennie B, ' no date Litgen, Charlie Aug. 29, 1867 Li tgen, R, Lewis Sept. 13, 1863 Li tgen, Richard Jll.ar •. 16, 1832 Litgen, I'Y, B, Oct,• 3, 1876 Littleton, Elizabeth Ann Sept, 12, 1835 Littleton, E. J, Feb, 5, 1832 Littleton, M"ary Eliza Apr. 23, 1905 Littleton, J{jary Louise Aug. 3, 1837 Lippett, Lippitt, Lippett, Lippett, Lippitt, Lippett, Lippett, Athalia Brown Caroline Eliza Moore Jeremiah John Edward, Jr. Julia Mary Doris Lippitt, Anna Green Lippitt, Charlie Lippitt, James Wtnght Lippitt, Jane D. Lippitt, Jane Green Lippitt, Jere Lippitt, John Edward Lippitt, John Edward Lippitt, Joseph J. Lippitt, Lawrence Lippitt, Thomas B, Lippitt, Willie Lippitt, Wm, Henry Litgen, R, G, Livingston, Judith Lydia Loeb, Jacob Loeb, Theresa Loftin, Edythe Hurcumb London, Albert London, Alexander Troy London, Ann London, Emily B. Jones London, John London, John R. London, John Lord DIED REMARKS Sept. 26, 1909 Dec. 28, 1905 Dau, of S, & M. Leveque Dec, 6, 1909 Oct. 10, 1873 Wife of Solomon Levy no date Wilmington, Lodge 139 I.O.O,F. Feb. 12, 1890 Apr. 18, 1892 .June 30, 1910 ~ife of Edmund Lilly . Apr. 26, ·1909 Aug. 8, 1832 Age 14 yrs, 7 mos •. Oct. 15, 1879 Oct. 20, 1863 Apr. 9, 1905 Jan. 5, 1907 Oct. 25, 1916 Wife of E. J, Littleton Oct. 7, 1910 Nov. 17, 1906 Jan, 16, 1879 Wife of E. J. Littleton also 2 of her children Margaret Ella & Mary Agnes. no dates Dec, 28, 1837 June 1902 no date Oct. 5, 1861 Age 3 yrs, 1 mo, 6 days no date May 24, 1866 Age 57 yrs, Oct, 9, 1846 (only date) Age 56 yrs. May 15, 1865 Age 13 mos. no date Oct, 11, 1888 July :n, 1840 date Dau, of F. B. ~ M, D. Lippett no no date A,.e 9 mos, no date no date Ag~f 15 mas. no date no date July 2, 1835 Jan. 12, 1879 1901 1888 July 10, 1871 Sept. 13, 1865 Sept. 22, 1862 (only date) Age 20 ":JTS, Apr. 16, 1911 Apr. 6, 1869 Dec. 1885 Mar. 17, 1833 1862 1828 Oct, 9, 1877 July 4, 1876 May 16, 1838 Dec. 21, 1898 Age 18 yrs, Dec. 14, 1864 (only date) May 15, 1869 Dec, 13, 1826 no dat·e Eyota Tribe No, 5 no date May 31, 1896 Age 81 yrs, ~ister of Mrs. no date Frances H. IV'."tson Jan. 18, 1820 Apr. 26, 1888 French Vice Consul Dec. 24, 1823 May 16, 1864 1875 1912 1868 1869 Aug. 17, 1908 Feb• 28, 1847 May 29, 1858 Age 95 yrs, no date 1833 1897 Wife of Manger London Mar. 2, 1816 Age 18 yrs, no date Dec. 14, 1832 Age 46 yrs. 4 mos. no date Nov. 11, 1842 Son of John Rutherford & ~arah June 18, 1818 Elizabeth London f Page 14 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery '• - ..--BORN NA11E London, London, London, London, London, Manger Mary Bagot Rachel J, Troy 1Rachae 1 Jane Robert, Capt, London, Sarah London, Win, Hunter London, Willie Lord, Columbia Lord, Eliza Hill Lord, Fred Lord, Frederick J. Lord, John Lord, Wm, Ancrum Lord, wm, Lord, \'ira, Loughlin, Loughlin, C, C, albert ~1. James, Capt, DIED REMARKS -' 1812 1894 Person, Mary Bagot, Mrs, 1823 1857 Wife of Manger London Mar, 25, 1823 Dec, 11, 1857 no date 5th. U, S, Cavalry • no date Graduated U,S, Military Academy 1S73 Oct, 16, 1799 Dec. 5, 1865 1852 1853 no date June 26, 1853 May 22, 1825 Oct. 2, 1865 no date July 10, 1875 Age 82 yrs, Oct, 17, 1871 Deo, 27, 1876 Jan. 1, 1823 Jan. 9, 1890 Sept, 12, 1876 Sept, 12, 1877 Mar, 19, 1862 Son of ~•.C, & E. H, Lord, no date Age 25 yrs, Inscription"His death was occasioned by _injuries received while arduously engaged in the cause of the south, Honorable in every relation of life," lil,.y 30, 1793 June 7, 1847 Nov, 22, 1877 May 22, 1847 Mar, 1, 1912 Son of E, ti, & J, Loughlin F b. 9, 1908 e Dec, 25, 1840 May 14, 1912 Capt. Co. C, 9th, N,J, ~gls. 1861-1865, Born in Brooklyn, N, Y, Love, Chas. 1-'armele Love, Chas, ~tedman Love, Dewitt Clinton Love, J, D, Love, John Di Love, Madge Love, Sallie Low, James Hugh Low, Maria Louisa Lutterlow, ftnna McRee Lutterloh, E, J., Lutterloit, Sarah Ann Lutterloh, Sarah Caroline L. w. K. (unmarked) Aug, 14, 1870 Apr, 1, 1914 July 18, 1846 June 24, 1888 Jan, 6, 1887 May 21, 1887 Apr. 3, 1816 June 5, 1876 Jan, 31, 1885 July 1, 1885 Mar, 16, 1895 (only date Sept. 28, 1891 (only date) Dau, of Win, J, & Loue Love June 4, 1890 Nov, 12, 1817 Sept, 3, 1823 Mar, 1, 1889 Oct. 1, 1 876 Sept. 30, 1908 Feb, 24, 1824 Sept. 28, 1905 Jan, 17, 1828 July 5, 1891 Wife of l!:, J, Lutterloih Jan, 17, 1848 Aug, 31, 1851 Dau, of~. J, & S, Lutterloh no date July 18, 1857 "Our sister Lucy who. died _July 18, 1857, Age 28 yrs," MacKay, John B, no date June 19, 1872 Apr, 24, 1808 Dec, 7, 1855 1848 Mar, 22, 1826 Aug, 4, 1846 1823 no date June 23, 1888 Dec. 14, 1856 1896 May 8, 1896 Wife of D, MacMillan Aug, 2, 1847 1881 ~pr. 27, 1868 Major lst. N,C, Art. MacMillan, Douglad MacMillan, James MacMillan, J, B, MacMillan, M, A. L. Wright MacMillan, Mary Ellen MacRae, Alexander __ MacRae, Alexander ---- • Formerly of Londerry, Ireland Age 20 yrs, ' Age 72 yr1 l!age S:5 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C. Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME MacRae, li!11cRae, MacRae, MacRae, MacRae, MacRae, Archibald Caroline, Mrs. Donald Dorothy Elizabeth Henry MacRae, MacRae, MacRae, MacRae, MacRae, MacRae, MacRae, John C. Julia Julia Norton Mary Mary Savage Mary Savage Normie MacRae, Norton MacRae, Roderick MacRae, Robert B. MacRae, w. McCaleb, Archibald B, McCaleb, Mary Susan McCallum,· Archie McCallum, Eliza McCallum, lucy McCarg, Wm. D. McCartney, ·Maggie McClammy, Chas. P, McCla.mmy, Chas. W. McClammy, G, A. McClammy, Mary Eliza McCla.mmy, Sarah McCollum, Sallie Keen McCormick, James Burr Mccoy, R. H. McCoy, .Robt. Hasell McCoy, Thomas. H. .McDermott, John McDermott, Mary McDonald, A. D., Dr, REMARKS Nov. 17, no date Oct. 14, Dell. 26, no date Apr. 22, 1855 (only date) Lieut, Com. U·,S,N, Age 35 yrs, Dec, 1, 1875 Age 69 yrs, 1825 Sept, 15, 1892 1891 Jan, 5, 1901 Oct. 3, 1862 Age 33 yrs, 1863 (only date) Major 8th, Reg. N.C. T, Died at Charleston, S. C, age 34 yrs Feb. 9, 1878 (only date) Age 59 yrs, no date July 20, 1862 no date May 27, 1860 no date Mar, 25, 1890 July 24, 1852 (only date! Age 24 yrs, Dec, 11, 1851 May 10, 1896 Dau. of D. & M. L. MacRae Sept. 17, 1886 (only date) Wife of Major R •. B, MacRae Age 41 yrs, no date June 15, 1859 no date no date C, S. A. no date Dec. 28, 1864 Maj. 7th, Reg, N, C, T, Age 32 yrs, no date no date C, S. A. Sept. 1, 1812 no date no date ·' no date ·' no date May 17, 19ll July 4; 1863 Oct. 2 5, 1900 Mar. 18, 1837 Dec. 14, 1804 WJar. 15, 1851 Nov. 21, 19%2· Mar. 11, 1873 no date no date McCoy, .Allmand DIED Aug. 24, 1870 May 21, 1855 June 7, 1885 Apr. 27, 1837 Nov. 21, 1826 June 7, 1834 no date McDonald, NJary Jane McDonne 11,. • • •.• . McDonnell, ••• • Apr, 9, 1841 no date nodate McDonnell, Hugh McDougal, Anna H, Mrs. no date no date McDougal, Geo, C, no date June 9; 1857 May 5, 1896 Age 72 yrs. no date ' Son of Eliza McCallum no date Sept. 15, 1861 Age 22 yrs. July 1; 1912 Mar, 4, 19ll Wife of J. W. McCartney Jan. 16, 1901 Nov. 17, 1900 Mar, 17, 1861 July 12, 1852 Jan, 29, 1913 Sept. 8, 1875 Dau, of A. & J, McCollum Oct, 6, 1862 Son of· Jas, & Catharien McCormick, Died of yellow fever. Sept. 30, , 1862 Died of ye llovr fever, .age 6 yrs. 7 mos. June 10, 1873 Oct, 29, 1901 Mar, 7, 1905 May 18, 1902 Sept, 15, 1877 Sept. 14, 1896 Eyota Tribe No. 5 lmpd. no date Oo R, M. July 13, 1905 Wife of a, D, McDonald, M,D. Dec, 11, 1893 Age 22 yrs,. July 20, 1910 Wife of Hugh McDonnell Age 69 yrs, Sept. 29, 1881 Age 48 yrs, Aug, 11, 1874 Born in Copperstown, N. Y, . Age 73 yrs. Oct, 20, 1909 Age 83 yrs, ., ' ' NAME McDougal, James McDougall, John H. McDuffie, Eliza "Mother'' McEvoy, J. T. McEwen, Francis Lewis McEwen, Orlander Pegram McFarlane, Jonah G. Me Far lane, \'lm. M. McGary, Elizabeth McGary, James McGirt, A. G. McGirt, Lillian Andrews McGowan, James M., Capt. Mcilhenny, Margaret Dudley Mcilhenny, Thomas Cowan Afc Inhenny, •••• Page 36 New Hanover County i1ilmington, N. c. Oakdale Cemetery BORN 1845 July 2, 1854 Sept. 7, 1823 no date 1848 1840 no date no date no date no date no date Sept. 19, 1890 1838 1828 1825 no date July 4, 1834 no date no date Jan. 31, 1868 1833 1857 1827 no date no date DIED RE!flARI!S 19ib0 Sept. 30, 1906 Oct. 30, 1897 no date C. S. A. 1891 Wife of Orlander McEwen 1875 Jan. 5, 1852 Sept. 14, 1889 Oct. 18, 1841 Age 16 yrs. Jan. 17, 1851 Age 34 yrs. no date C. s. A. July 22, 1910 1903 1881 1900 no date Capt. U. S. A. Nov. l, 1857 Mcinnis, •••• !f.c Intire, Allene Sept. 27, 1890 Age 15 mos. Mcintire, Chas. Leroy Dec, 2, 1899 Age 8 yrs. 4 mos. Mar. 1, 1903 Mciver, Clara Josephine McKoy, Franconia Eliza 1tlt!9 1857 McKoy, Halling 1853 McKoy, l'im. Henry Nov. 4, 1897 A~e 82 yrs. McLaughlin, Ella McLaughlin, Robt. A. Apr. 1845 NatiVeo of Maxjland. Age 35 yrs. First teacher of the Odd Fellows School in ijilmington, McLaurin, Catherine Holmes Apr. 10, 1836 Dec. 6, 1902 McLaurin, Etta no date Nov. 25, • • • • Age 1 yr. 2 mo • 1858 1891 McLaurin, Evie Bagg May 18, 1838 McLaurin, Hugh Washington Dec. 17, 1893 Son of Neil & Jane McLaurin McLaurin, Jane no date July 9, 1849 Age 52 yrs. McLaurin, John Jan. 7, 1832 Dec. 23, 1907 Apr. 7, 1844 Apr. 21, 1898 McLaurin, Mary McLaurin, \iinnie Wilbur Sept. 16, 18lli5 {only date) Age 1 yr. 2 mo. Oct. 12, 1798 McLeod, M M. Feb. 28, 1886 McManus, Annie Smithers Sept. 9, 1904 Wife of T. S. McManus Mar. 16, 1866 Jf,ar. 27, 1851 Nov. 21; 1855 McMillan, Ann Cobb McMillan, Augusta i'{. Ortmann July 11, 1870 July 7, 1896 Wife of G. J. McMillan Jan. 14, 1824 Mar. l, 1892 McMillan, F. A. May 1, 1851 Jan. 2, 1891 Mcl.lillan, N. N. 1853 1914 McMillan, Thomas Jan. 21, 1911 Dec. 30, 1845 MoN0 rton, Ann McPherson, Susan Lane Hardin 1850 1899 Wife of Jas. Berrien McPherson Nov. 27, 1885, Age 6 yrs. 6 mos. no date McQueen, Jane Lippitt' ilD date Sept. 28, 1876 Age 3 yrs. 21 days McQueen, Maggie ', Jan. 7, · 1904 Nov. 28, 1848 McQueen, Mary Agnes 1842 1890 McRae, •••• July 19, 1900 Apr. 24, 1900 McRae, Jane June 14, 1883 Age 77 yrs. lst. mayor of no·date McRae, John l'filmington, N. c. McRary, Martha Mildred Wife of Wm. H. McRary 1834 1907 Wiggins 1886 Apr. 13, Dec. 21, 1823 McRary, w. H. Sept. !II, 1902 Sept. 16, 1849 McRee, Joseph H. ------- ., Page 37 New Hanover County Wilmington, 11. C, Oakdale Cemetery ' NAME Mc~ee, Mary Ashe McRee, R. C, Ma.cindee, •••• Macomber, Amanda Macomber, Eleanor Macomber, James Macomber, Matilda Macomber, Robt. G., Capt. Macomber, Sarah ~ssell Madden, Ellen Madden, James Madden, J{argaret Maffett, Golden R, Mahler, Margaret Mahn, Mary McKinley Mallard, Mary Burnett Mallett, Annabella Mallett, Golden Murray Mallett, Mallett, Mallett, Mallett, James Fleeming ?eter Richie . Robert Gibbs Manney, Alida M. Marks, W. H. Marshburn, A. H. Marshall, Burgess A. Martin, Adelll.ide W. Martin, Elizabeth J 0 celyn Pest on Martin, D. C. Martin, Galista Cramford Martin, Margaret Cramford Mart in, Nance Martin, Silas Hosmer Martin, Wm. A, · Maunder, Letitia Mayland, M. Luther llayer, Abraham R, Mayo, Geo. Kidder Mayo, Mary Cl!l. rk Mayo, Yfm, Eugene Mayo, l'i'm. H.;); ~y_o, Wm. Walton BORN DIED no date no date Oct. 21, 1862 no date REMAR!!l Age 61 yrs. Sgt. Maj. C. S. A. Oct. 27, 1885 (only date) no date no date no date no date no .date no date no date no date 1794 1865 1805 1901 1798 Oct. 31, 1869 From Rothranan county of Tipperany Ireland May 10, 1830 Jan. 13, 1908 Jan. l,lJ839 Nov. 19, 1907 ,May 30, 1858 ' July 12, 1873 June 7, 1901 Da~; of Karl P. B. & Meta H. Feb• 11, 1899 \ Mahler 1842 Wife of W. D. Mahn 1909 1835 1900 - June 30, 1895 Wife of Peter Mallett . May 6, 1825 Mar': 10; -1860 no date · · · Age 9 mo, 16 days. Sari of P. & A. Mallett l<lar. 28, 1856 Oct. 22, 1906 May 24, 1824 Nov. 28, 1907 1867 (only date) Son of P, & A. Mallett no date May 16, 1902 Son of Peter & Annabella Mallett. Age 48 yrs. see Bell, Alida M., Mrs. no date Feb. 11, 1865 _ Dec. 18, 1885 (only date) Age 24 yrs. 8 mos • .15 days Mar. -10, 1902 July 5, 1903 1850 1883 Jan. 17, 1850 Dec. 16, 1832 Dec. 19, 1812 no date no date Aug. 3, 1900 Oct. 30, 1862 Feb. 10; 1888 Jan. 14, 1872 Age 75 yrs. 1860· History of this grave is, the girl died while on a sea voyage with-her father & brother in 1860, -The girl was placed in a barrel of rum & brought back to ·Wilmington & buried, no date Sept. 4, 1861 Age 66 yrs, 1848 1914 no date Jan. 31, 1876 Wife of John !.launder. Native of Staton Is., N. Y, Oct. 23, 1895 (only date) Son of J. Yl & G. L. M. Mayland A e 2 yrs. 8 mos. Aug. 26, 1835 Feb. -11, 1897 Jan. 29, 1874 July 19, 1895 May 4, 1838 Feb. 12, 1922 Oct. 15, 1832 Oct. 28, 1913 Sept. 18, 1868 July 29, 1904 July 14, 1904 Feb. 16, 1903 Page 38 Nmv Hanover County Wilmington, N. c. Oakdale Cemetery NAME BORN no date Meares, Alestenia June 6, 1874 Meares, Armand DeRosset no date Meares, Catherine Douglass May 31, 1830 Meares,· ~die (Infant son) Nov. 4, 1888 Meares, Eliza Lord no date !~ares, Gaston no date Meares, Gaston, Col. no date Meares, Harriet Folger 1886 Meares, Jas, Iredell 1826 Meares, Jas, w·right Oct. 12, 1861 Meares, Magdalene DeRos set no date 1818 Meares, Thomas Davis Feb, 22, 1857 Meares, Thomas Wright Mebane, ~liza Bolles no date May 15, 1842 Mebane, Jas, Alexander Oct, 5, 1813 Meginney, Levin Aug. 30, 1822 Meginney, Valeria Brown no date Meier, Joseph no date Meir, Joseph H, M. B. P.- DIED REMAR!ffi no date Oct. 17, 1877 Aug, 4, 1904 Age 8 mos. 3 days Aug. 22, 1914 June 2, 1889 IS on of 0 • .t', & A. E, Meares Aug. 12, 1858 Age 2 yrs, 6 mos. Sept. 6, 1861 Age 8 yrs, 8 mos, July 1, 1862 Age 41 .yrs. 1887 1888 July 24, 1883 .May 31, 1866 ' Age 4 yrs. 1871 • Jan, 1, 1902 Son of Oliver P. & Ann E. Meares no date Age 3 yrs. Aug, 17, 1874 May 1881 Feb. 21, 1914 no date Co, K. ·2 N.C. Inf. Sp. Am·. Wall!, no date 1st. Sot, ao. A. 18 N.C. Inf. C. S, A. ·Melton, Francis M. Melton, Lizzie C, Melton, l'ial ter F, Mercer; anna Jane Evans Mercer, J, Bascom . Meredith, MB:ry Victoria Merritt; Fannie Poisson Merritt, Henry P. Merritt, Louise Merritt, Wm. Poisson Metts, Eliza Gl Metts, Frederick Metts, Graham Tull Metts, James E, Metts, James Isaac Metts, John M, Metts, .N.ary Ann Metts, Mary Ann Metts, Robt, CO'nan Metts, Thomas Walker Meyer, Eliza Meyland, John M. .. Miller, ann Empie Wooster Miller, Frederick C, Mi iLler, Joseph Swift Miller, Joseph Swift Milligan, Wm, ·G, Minns on, .Amandey B. M, Mitchell, Ben F. Mitchell, Charles Jones ~Mitchell, David Berry - July 2, 1892 Nov. 7, 1836 Oct. 13, 1862 (only date) Feb, 5, 1914 Oct. 21, 1868 May 15, 1822 Dec, 23, 1912 Nov. 29, 1913 Mar. 8, 1855 May 5, 1883 .June 17, 1847 1907 1874 June 4, 1867 Jan. 16, 1913 July 12, 1904 Aug. 29, 1914 1905 1896 June 7, 1859 Jan. 22, 1840 May 16, 1890 Apr. 28, 1851 May 15, 1859 Sept. 17, 1859 Jan, 7, 1809 Oct. 7, 1862 Nov. 2 5, 1874 .Aug. 22, 1870 Nov. 9, 1862 Aprl4, 1847 Jan. 16, 1866 Jan. 8, 1815 Sept, 18, 1845 Sept. 15, 1844 June 26, 1875 Feb. 12, 1872 Oct, 8, 1873 May 6, 1875 Mar, 30, 1900 Oct. 25, 1858 Nov. 3, 1912 Oct. 9, 1849 1825 June 22, 1846 Jan. 13, 1856 ·1815 no date No date Dec. 24, 1812 Mar. 2, 1852 June 185ti 1899 July 29, 1893 Feb. 24, 1858 1854 Oct. 24, 1862 Jan, 12, 1863 June 28, 1894 Dec« .12, 1913 Aug. 1905 Age 9 yrs. 7 mos. Wife of John Mercer Wife of S. L. 1\eredith Wife of Leger Meyer Born in Lumden, Germany Dau, of Cassa 11oDanie11 BORN NAME Mitchell, Franklin Harrison Mitchell,. Geo. Linwood Mitchell, Geo, William Mar. 4, 1841 July 1860 28 Sun corn moon-C,S,D.363 (?) (Common ara-Sept. Mitchell, Jane Swann(Infant dau,) 1844 Page 39 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery DIED Feb. 28, 1899 Mar, 1877 17 Corn sun moon-c.s.D.402(?) 17' 1894) 1845 Mitchell, Joseph Scott Mitchell, Louisa Arthur June 1857 Jan, ·8, 1844 Nov, 1895 Sept. 28, 1895 Mitchell, Sarah Swann Oct, 21, 1813 no date no date 1819 1852 May 27' 1851 Mar. 10, 1881 no date Dec, 22, 1883 1886 1883 May 4, 1913 Mo Rau, •• , • Moffitt, Alfred A, M ffitt, John Newland, Capt. Mghr, Anna l!:lise M0 hr, Jacob J, REMARKS Son of Jas, & Madeline Mitchell, Age 39 yrs, Dau, of B,F, & Sarah Swann Mitchell Wife of '!llnnklin H, Mitchell C, S, A. Born at Lamsted, Province Hanover, Germany Son of J, H. & Nellie Mohr Mohr; John Henry Montgomery, J, A. Montgomery, James A. Montgomery, 1nlliam Monroe, Abbie Goulding Pottle Monroe, Barbara Monroe, Catherine Monroe, James W. Feb, 12, 1910 no date Oct. 28, 1907 Nov, 12, 1877 no date July 18, 1855 Mar, 16, 1827 July 2, 1860 July 8, 1910 no date C. S, A, May 16, 1908 July 4, 1913 July 21, 1875 May 27, 1897 Nov, 20, 1916 Wife of John VI, Monroe Jan. 17, 1909 Wilmington Lodge No. 139, Mon1:11:1e, John Malson Moor, E, ·J, Nov, ·8, 1882 no date July 1, 1884 no date r.o.o.F. Son of J 0 hn lf, & C, A, Monroe Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, I. o. .0, -F, Moore, Anna D,, Mrs, Age 67 yrs, Aug, 27, 1850 no date Moore, C,, Lieut. no date May 2 5, 1905 Age 72 yrs, Nov. 27, 1887 Moore, Constance IV/ay 13' 1851 1904 1902 Moore, Eveyln V, Jan. 15, 1910 Son of J, W, & 1\!, F, Moore Aug, 2, 1909 Moore, Googler Costin Mar, 31, 1911 Dec, 3, 1873 Moore, Maggie Bass Feb. 15, 1869 no date Moore, R. s. no date Moore, R. S,, Jr. July ll, ·1884 July 19, 1888 Apr, 21, 1908 Moore, Roger, Col. Mar, 25, 1838 Moore, Va, Love Jan. 9, 1909 Moran, RobertS,, Dr, .D.D. Apr, 4, 1892 M&thodist Minister no date July 31, 1854 (only date) Native of County Dawn Ireland M0 rgan, Thomas Age 40 yrs, Jan, 26, 1837 Oct, 16, 1861 Dau, of B, D, & Julia A, Morrill, Mary E. Conklin Morrill Oct, ·2, 1918 May 21, 1894 rlorris, B. ·F. 1874 Morris, Elizabeth Johnanne Vonge 1810 ].809 1871 Morris, Richard Feb. 24, 1862 July 16, 1906 1Jife of J. E, Morris Morris, Rosa Bell Nov. 8, 1852 May 28, 1908 Morris, Wm. J. 1834 1891 Morrison, Amanda no date Aug, .3, 1869 Vfife of Geo, Morrison Age M0 rrison, Ann Turner 49 yrs, no date May 6, 1908 .-Morrison, Henrietta M0 rrison, James G, 1863 1915 .' Page 40 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery . ' ' NAME Morrison, Robert Morrison, Thomas Mote, James Bernard Morton, Paul Carrington, Rev, Mugge, Carl A. C, Mugge, Johanna Dorothea Runge Murchison, Lizzie Mayo Munds, Ann Elizabeth Cassidey Munds, Eliza Meares Munds, George Munds, James Cassidey Munds, James Dickson 1funds, James Theus, Rev, Munds, Martha. Del'Algee Muno re, . Ylm, Munson, Horase H. Munson, James Munson, John Herring Munson, Louise Munson, Louisa P, Munson, Our Baby ~ Munson, Virginia Cassiday Murphy, Benjamin F, Murphy, Benjamine P. Murphy:,C Geo. Eemvard Murpljy, Jane Murphy, Joseph Murphy, Mary Ann Murphy, Matilda Wilson Murphy, Robt. 1furphy, Robt, A. Murphy, Virginia Clark Murray, A. J. Murray, .Eli llurrin, ·Edward Muse, Estelle ·uaye M. V. w. (unmarked) Myers, Alice Graham Myers, Chas. D. Myers, Eliza Myers, Ethel P, Myers, George C. J Myers, George C., r. Myers, John 1./,Uince · Myers, Lossie DeKosset 1iyers, Louis Henry ,r· Nathari; Baby Nathan, Ruth Jeannette l!athan, Yetta Gee ile Naukirk, Vfrn. Sea vY ... ,~l BORN DIED REMARKS no date Dec. 6, 1891 1828 1901 Feb. 12, 1897 July ~. 1901 Son of J.D. & A.B. Mote Oct. 17, 1838 Feb• 28, 1902 May 29, 1844 Dec. 1, 1912 Feb. 7, 1860 July 2, 1902 Wife of Carl A. c. Mugge May 6, 1882 Jan. 18, 1885 Dec. 4, 1834 Feb • .14, 1884 no date Nov. 17, 1903 Wife of Am. Capias Munds June 11, 1856 no date Nov. 6, 1873 Oct. 15, 1874 Oct. ~6, 1855 Jan. 18, 1893 Jean, 3, 1829 May 11, 1863 Mar. 1, 1859 Aug. 22, 1913 Wife of J. Dickson Munds Dec, 7, 1896 .(only date) , Age 46 yrs. Mar. 1, 1827 Sept. 9, 1900 May 7, 1862 Oct, 8, 1876 Sept. 18, 1895 Sept. 19, 1895 Sonof J. B. & V. H. Munson Dec. 12, 1868 Oct. 7, 1876 Nov. 5, 1837 Nov. 1,· 1905 no date no date '(very old) Dec. 8, 1868 June 2 8, 1904 Wife of J 0 hn B. Munson 1851 1908 1814 1878 July 31, 1903 Born in Clinton, N, C, Oct. 19, 1877 no date Aug. 2 9, 1812 Age 37 yrs. July 14, 1881 Mar. 31, 1802 Apr. 22, 1889 Aug. 29, 1812 no date Wife of B. F, Murphy 1854 no date June 26, 1819 Agel/1 yrs. Jan. 17, 1831 Age 26 yrs. no date 1816 1907 Wife of B. F. Murphy no date C. s. A. Lodge No. 2 no date I. O. 0. ·F. Oct, 13, 1876 date Born. in Orange County, N.c. no Died in Wilmington, Age 54 Dec, 10, 1900 A e 75 yrs. no date . July 26, 1901 Dau. of F • a. "' E, B• Muse May 18, 1885 " no date no date Sept. 2, 1870 Nov. 1, 1872. Oct. 10, 1892 Nov. 10, 1834 no dati!: no date no date lJan. 3, 1895 Age 18 yrs, 6 mos. Mar. ·8, 1875 Dec. 31, 1845 Sept, 13, 1873 (no month) 14, 1842 June 27, 1912 l.!ay 29' 1886 June 28, 1909 Dec. 23, 1834 Sept. 26, 1895 Sept. 27, 1875 no date June 25, 1897 Oct. 14, 1883 Jan, 11, 1854 no date Nov. 30, 1903 Apr. 25, 1885 1913 Feb. "· ' ., . Page 41 New Hanover County Wiihmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery f BORN If.AME Naumburg, Marie .A. Nelson, Benjamin Franklin Nelson, Frances Ellen Gates Newbury, Franklin A, Nevtkirk, A, F,, Dr, Newkirk, Florie Mercer Newkirk, John Abram Jan. 9, 1892 Nov. 20, 1841 Nov. 13, 1843 Feb. 27, 1827 no date no date no date Newkirk, Mary Wi'llkings Newton, George Anna Newtori, Mary A, Elwell Newman, Henry Newman, Joseph Newman, Philip Nichols,. Elizabeth A, Niestlie, Jessie William Nixon, Elizabeth Nixon, Geo~gie r', Nixon, Nicholas. N, Nixon, Susan M, Noble, Alice J. Yarborough Noble, Stephen Williams Nolan, Barbara Nolan, James Northrop, Alice no date May 14, 1848 Mar, 26, 1843 Sept. 30, 1862 Oct. 19.l. 1810 no date Dec, 6, 1838 Dec. 20, 1888 J~r. 12, 1807 no date July 24, 1800 Jan. 4, 1830 Aug. 12, 1863 Mar, 9, 1839 no date no date no date Northrop. E. A. no date no date Oct. 12, 1855 Jan. 8, 1881 Aug, 27, 1796 Nov. 19, 1876 Apr. 18, 1838 no date Northrop, Northrop, Northrop, Northrop, Northrop,· Northrop, Northrop, Elizabeth Elizabeth Geo, D. Isaac . Kate G. )l!ary May Northrop, Robt. Laurens (Infant son) North~op, Samuel Northrop, Samuel Northrop, Samuel Groves Northrop, Susan A. P. Norwood, Beulah B. Norwood, Robt, C, H, Noyes, Harriet Dow Nunn, Our Babies, Rufus & Pearl Nutt, Henry Nutt, Louisa . ' no date Feb. 7, 1834 Jan, 1, 1868 Mar, 16, 1836 Dec, 6, 1811 July 22, 1863 Apr. 8, 1896 184i4 DIED REMARKS Feb. Nov, Aug. Jan, Jan. Dec. June 12, 1892 21, 1900 4, 1911 16, 1894 Born in East Haddam Ct. 25, 1891 13, 1896 16, 1884 Son of B, \"1, & Florence ~ewkirk Age 13 mos. 11 days Dec, 8, 1885 ·wife of Dr. A. F. Newkirk June 1 7, 1890 May 21, 1874 Wife of J, !.!, Newton Mar. 2 9, 1903 Oct, 23, 1887 Jan, 30, 1881 Native of Germany Sept. 27, 1862 July 12, 1889 Dec. 2, 1875 ~~~: i~: i~~~ A~e 6 yrs. Aug, 22, 1903 Mar. 14, 1902 Wife of M, C. s. Noble Feb. 16, 1904 Dec. 22, 1892 Nov, 21; 1895 Sept. 23, 1912 Wife of W. H. Northrop. Age 55 yrs, Nov. 24, 1834 Wilmington Lodge 139 Sept. 8, 1850 Age 11 yrs, 6 mos, July 27, 1887 Jan, 17, 1885 Oct. 13, 1862 Aug. 26, 1887 Feb. 14, 1908 Nov, 17, 1879 Wife of Harriss Northrop Age 35 yrs. no date Son of Robt, & Mary Northrop Oct. 14, 1909 Sept. 21, 1886 Jan. 12, 1886 Oct. 31, 1862 June 18, 1 906 Apr. 30, 1897 1923 Born in Seaport, !.Iaine Children of J, F. & C. s, Nunn (stone very old) no date no date June 23, 1808 June 25, 1810 Dec. 18, 1883> Jan• 20, 1881 .. 11 mos. . . ~ -~. •.• "¥ . \ . Pa@e 42 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. c. Oakdale l.:emetery I • / NAME Oakley, Daniel w. Oakley, Elizabeth Oakley, Julia D. 0 'Brien, James O'Brien, Sarah J. 0 'Donne 11, Mary O'Donell, Michaeih BORN w. · ,_ • 0 1 Donell, Patrick Mar. 14, 1815 Oct. 28, 1847 June 8, 1849 no date ·no date no date no date no date ' O'Donell, Winney no date Ohlandt, Henry 1838 Oldenbuttel, John George 1849 Oldenbuttel, Rebecca Von Oesen 1847 Oldham, •••• Aug. 3, 1840 Oldham, Blanche K.,Oibdham, Carrie Oldham, Thomas Brewer Oldham, W. P. O'Reilly, Catherine May 16, 1878 Mar. 28, 18116 Sept. 30, 1874 no date no date O'Reilly, William C. Orme, Mary L. Orrell, Delmar Emory Orrell, James B.Orrell, James Barden Orrell, Laney M. Orrell, Robert c. Orrell, Robt. Cowan Ortman, H. A. Ortmann, Annie D. Ortmann, Carolina D. no date no date no date Apr. 5, 1808 no date June 19, 1821 Feb. 22, 1846 DIED REMARKS June 7,1849 May. 24, 1848 May 20, 1850 June 26, 1916 A e :n yrs • 'Mar, 17, 1910 Wife~of Martin O'Brnen Dec. 29, 1862 Age 1 mo. Oct. 18, 1862 Son of Patrick & Mary O'DOnell •·· - . Age 5 yrs. Sept. 16, 1862 ~Native of County Galway Ireland. Age 32 yrs. Nov. 2, 1862 Age 1 yr. 8 mos. 1881 1898 1887 {unroadab le • stone broken) Wife of Alexander Oldham Ortmann, (Infant dau.) Feb. 15, 1875 Ortmann. Louis (Infant) Ortmann, Win. F. no date Nov. 19, 1836 no date May 3, 1876 Dec. 3, 1907 Son of w. Pl & Sallie P. Oldham no date C. S. A. Jan. 24, 1863 Dau. of Wm. & Barbary O'Reilly Age 7 yrs. 6 mos. Oct, 26, 1862 June 6, 1858 Age 68 yrs. no date Age 3 yrs. 7 mos. 29 days Dec. 10, 1887 Nov. 13, 1877 Age 4 yrs. 7 mos. 20 days Jan. 18, 1848 Wife of J. B. Orrell Apr. 30, 1908 no date Age 10 mos. 2 days May 15, 1905 Dec. 21, 1884 Dau. of F. !1'. & C. Ortmann Dec. 23, 1893 Wife of F. "· Ortmann. Born in LuBeck, Germany May 19, 1876 Dau. of F. W. & c. Ortmann. Age 1 yr. 3 mos. no date June 5, 1910 Born in Hereford Westphalia, Oterson, Carih . \ Otcrson, Louis Otten, Diedrich Otterbourg, Edwards Otterbourg, Helena Otterbourg, Jacob · Otter bourg, Joso ph Otterbourg, Marie Honnet Owen, Eliza M. Owen, Janes S., Gen. Owen, Martha J. Owen, Sophia Apr. 20, 1893 Apr. 18, 1891 Mar. 29, 1911 Nov. 4, 1907 Deo. 24, 1875 no date July l, 1883 Sept. 18, 1842 Prussia. 1828 Nov. 7, 1848 May 22, 1811 1896 no date Oct, 12, 1815 Dec. 25, 1847 Nov. Dec. Mar. Apr. Aug. 1788 1780 1813 1817 1841 1865 1845 1859 . ,. 11, 1861 18, 21, 30.122, 1888 1861 1869 1913 c. s. A. Page 43 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery .. NAME Paddison, Catherine Paddison, Geo. Paddison, J. V, Padrick, Celeste Parker, John A, Parker, J 0 hn H. , Parker, M. A. Alv;ay Parker, Mary Rush Parker, Wm, M. Parmele, Edgar Parmele, Edgar Goodsell Pannele,. Eva s. Parmele., Julia Bowden Parmele, Mabel Love Parmele, Mary B, Parmele,. S.arah Bailey Parsley, Anna M. Parsle.y, Anna Maria Parsley, Anna Nutt Parsley, Caroline Parsley, Ed.· H. Parsley,. Francis King Parsley, Geo, D.vis Parsley, Henry Nutt. Parsley, (In,fant son) Parsley, Jane Savage Parsley, Kather.ine Parsley, Ogden King Parsley, Oscar Parsley, Robbie Parsley, Robert Parsley, Walter Linton Paqsley, 11m. ·Murdock Patterson, William A. Payne, James Fairfax Payne, Robert Fairfax Pearsall, Grace Varden Pearsall, Norwood D. Pearsall, R''chel t'ihitfield Pearsall, S~llie v. BORN 1815 1806 Oct. 26, 1872 Nov. 20, 1893 Aug. 5, 1819 1885 no date no date no date no date 1879 no date 1884 1881 no date 1885 Dec, 29, 1814 Apr. 16, 1876 Oct, 5, 1837 Feb. 27, 1850 Aug. 23, 1845 Oct, 26, 1873 1852 1868 Aug. 15, 1883 Nov. 1891 Au:i;. 5, 1884 1886 Feb. 2 5; 1808' Apr. 8, 1860 Jan. 13, 1831 June 12, 1892 'no date Nov. 30, 1831 1848 1887 1883 1885 July 27, 1851 1878 Pearsall, SSarah Whitaker Peden, Alexander · Peden, Edgar . July 31, 1818 July 26, 1776 no date Peden, Eliza Peden, Mary Peden, Win. Nutt no date no date Aug. 24, 1813 DIED REMAR!lli Oct, 1866 Nov. 1866 Apr. 7, 1872 Son of R, P'. & M. E. Paddison Aug. 27, 1894 Dau. of D. J, & Ida, K. Padrick Apr. 1, 1875 Age 56 yrs, 1912 June 29, 1861 Wife of J. A. Parker Mar. 16, 1900 D tli, 7·, 1887 " 3, 1911 July Age 57 yrs, 1887 no date 1887 1887 Apr. 23, 1892 1887 Feb, 8, 1889 Mar. 11, 1878 Dau, of Geo. D. & K. K, Parsley May 9, 1890 Wife of @soar Parsley Aug. 26, 1851 Feb• 10, 1846 Jan, 19, 1876 Son of G. D. & K, K. Parsley 1906 1910 Aug. 16, 1883 Son of Geo. D. & K, K, Parlsey Dau. of G,o, D. & K, K. Parsley no date no date_ 'Dau. of Geo. D, & K. K, Parsley .tt no date, • Son of .Geo, D. & K, K, Parsley June 3,· 1885 Mar. 13, 1869 July 13, 1835 Deo. 8, 1897 · Apr. 6, 1865 Age 24 yrs. 6 mos. Commissioned Capt. 3rd, Regiment N,C. Infantry May 10, 1861. Lieut. Col, Oct, 3, 1863, Fell while commanding the regiment of the retreat from Petersburg. (only date) Age 37 yrs, 1898 1903 1886 1886 Mar. 18, 1901 Wife of Oscar Pearsall Dau, of Oscar &: Rachel w. 1891 Pearsall May 16, 1897 Born in Raleigh, N. C, · June 16, 1830 D o, 22, 1846 Son of Wm. & Eliza Peden, Age 1 yr. 11 mos. 12 days no date A"e 42 yrs, Aug. 6, 1837 Age 65 yrs. Nov. 22, 1895 ~ ' - Page 44 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery NAME Pedneau, E. S, Peirce, Christopher Pender, Cora Downs Pennington, Lewis P, Penny,·Blanch Louise Penny, Dallas Farrow Penny,· Katie· 'fressa Penny, · Mary Ann Penny,· Samuel H, Penny, Wm. Jefferson Perdew, Herbert G, Perdew, John n, Perdew, Mary Della BORN Dec. 27, 1868 1847 Jan, 8, 1861 Sept. 22, 1849 Feb. 27, 1891 1845 Sept. 1, 1872 Feb, 7, 1847 Apr, 10, 1853 1843 May 19, 1868 July 23, 1839 Mar, 11, 1870 Perdew, Mary lS, M~r. 24, 1846 F b, 16, 1869 Perkins, Sallie Shaw Perrin, Henry F~b. 6,-1820 Perry, Charlotte D. Gardner :(Mrs,) 1823 Atig. 30, 1866 Perry, James Fowler May 13, 1825 Person, Mary Bagot Person, Samuel J, F b. 28, 1823 Petteway, E, Q, nb da:te hl ar, 17, 1857 Petteway, Eddie Petteway, J, T, Mar, 30, 1830 Petteway, Maggie (Infant dau.) Oct, 3, 1858 Petteway, Rachae 1 May 2 7, 1809 Philyaw, James H, July 24, 1816 Philyaw, Rachel A. Apr. 11, 1831 Pickard, Eugene R., Jr, Sept, 20, 1907 Pickard, Wm, E. Nov, 22, 1855 Pickett, Fannie Mar, 16, 1890 Pickett, J. C, July 28, 1887 Pickett, Mary E, Apr. 1, 1820 Pickett, Thomas B. Pickett, W, H, Pickett, IV, H,, Jr, Pigford, E. S,, Dr, Piner, Laura B. Piner, William lialter Pitts, Nicholas Nixon Pitts, Wm, Pittman, l&l.ry Elizabeth Piver, Sarah Placzek, Isaac Platzek, ixK· Sarah Platt, Benjamin Platt, John T. Platt, Laurence Platt, Philip Player, Elizabeth A. Dec, 21, 1853 Apr. 18, 1847 no date Oct, 25, 1854 Oct, 5, 1860 no date no date Nov, 20, 1820 Jan, 28, 1846 1827 1820 no date 1873 June 15, 1833 1911 (only date) 1858 no date DIED ~ Nov, 1893 Mar, Apr. Jan, 1895 Nov, July Mar, 1900 Oct. June Feb, REMARKS 1899 12, 1906 17, 1909 21, 1913 Dau. of W. F, & Catherine Penny 21, 1874 23, 1907 Wife of B, F, Penny 12, 1899 5, 1894 11, 1898 20, 1887 Eldest dau, of J, Perdew Apr, 16, 1891 Oct, 7, 1898 Wife of Mar, 26, 1876 li, & M, l!:, ,fames Perkins 1896. Mar. 1, 1895 Apr. 25, 1851 Wife of Samuel J, Person, Dau, of John R, & Sarah E; London Oct, 30, 1869 Sept;· 21,' 1835, Mar. 1, "1859 Mar, 31, 1893 Jan, 20, 1857 Dau, of Mabra.& Susan Petteway Sept, 25, 1861 June 16, 1876 Dec, 1, 1886 May 14, 1908 Son of E, R. & D. R, Pickard June 20, 1904 Sept. 24, 1890 no date Age 8 yrs, 4 mos. Sept. 21, 1884 Born in Orange Co,, N.c. Age . 64 yrs. 5 mos, 20 days Dec. 30, 1914 Mar. 18, 1892 May 8, 1882 Age 8 mos. 11 days Jan. G3, 1907 May 6, 1899 Dau. of L. M, & l!;, Piner Jan, 6, 1906 Age 16 yrs. . De<B, 9, 1867 Infant son of Wm. & Laura Pitts Dec, 13, 1867 Dec, 23, 1887 Mar, 5, 1903 Aug. 10, 1862 Native of Poland Feb, 9, 1899 1890 July 4, 1902 1907 Mar, 24, 1892 flife of Thomas \V, Player, 67 yrs. 5 mos. 9 days Age 'I -..-:,.; \' ,, -, "~ Page 45 New Hanover County ~-lilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME Player, Maggie Player, Thomas Wright Plein, J, H, J, Plumma, John W,,. Sr, Pogue, Wm, John Poisson, IHiza Davis Poisson, Poisson, Poisson, Poisson, Poisson, Frederick Lucy Anna Mary F, Roger Cutlar Wm. no date no date . no date DIED May 27' 1844 Aug, 1, 1879 Dec. 28, 1875 rto date Apr. 19, 1861 no date Aug. 13, 1911 Apr, 18, 1906 Mar, 26,_ 1883 Apr. 16, 1836 Oct, 2, 1836 •••• 15, 1839 Sept. 12, 1869 July,11, 1838 Aug, 26,_ 1881 Jan. 23, 1884 11, 1899 e Sept. 26, 1877 Aug. 15, 1900 Pollock, Lucretia May 11, 1855 Polvolgt,.Auguste Mar. 14, 1864 Polvolgt, Auguste Apr.· 25, 1833 Po lzo lt, Herman 1827 Poppe, C, A. A. no date Porter, Elisha, Dr, no date Porter, Judson June 4_, 1860 Post, James. F;. Sept, 25, 1818 Post, Mary Arin' no date Potter, Elizabeth ·Feb' 14, 1844 Potter, F, fJ., ·J~.D. July 31,. 1836 Potter,_ Florence DeRosset ofright no date ~ I I I Dec, 24, 1892 May 3, 1867 Dec. 10, 1865 1902 Aug. 27. 1885 July 1, 1906 Mar,· 12, _1902 July 15, 1899 Jan, 23, 1900 Oct, 26, 1862 June 1, 1893 no date REMARKS Dau. of T. IV, & E, .N. Player A e 1 yr. 3 mos, 11 days ~ Age 64 yrs. 7 mos. 16 days Native of Germany. Age 35 yrs. 3 mos, 28 days Age 73 yrs, Wife of Dr. Louis Poisson, 65 yrs, Age Wife of Frederick D, ~oisson Dau. of Alfred & Emily Poisson Son of Joshua D. Poisson & Sarah J, Age 11 yrs, Age 74 yrs. 4- das, · Age 78 yrs. Wife of \Vm, F, Potter, (stone very old) Potter,_ Marion Babcock. F b, 5, 1825 Mar, 12, 1885 Potter, Samuel_F, Mar. ;n, 1838 Oct, 16, 1881 Age 43 yrs. 7 mos. Potter, Samuel -R, Oct, _22, 1811 Apr, 12, 1856 Potter,. i~m. F.otterall May 4, 1846 May 17, 18 78 Pottle, Gertrude Louise Mar, 16, 1865 (only date) Dau. of -~imon & Mary- l-'ottle. Powell, Anna L, Nov, 4, 1882 May 27, 1904 Powell, Robert no date )'ov, 1 862 -Powell, Sarah. E, no date Dec, 23, 1885 Powell, Va, L, Nov. 17, 1848 Jan, 31, 1914 Powers, Kinchen James, M,D, De_c. 22, 1848 Nov, 18,_1902 Powers, Mary J.osephine .. Oct. 11, 1864 June_ 28, 1880 Prempert, H, c., ' Oct, 20, 1826 Sept. 17, 1890 Prempert, Lizzie • July. 11, 1822 Ju1y 2, 1908 Wife of H. C. Prempert Prempert,, R. L. F .b. 22, 1860 May 22, 1903 PriCe, Annie E. Miiy 11, 1867 (only date) l7ife of W. J. Price, Age 38 yrs, Price, Charles Ambrose Apr, 15, 1851 June 8, .1886 Erected as a .testimonial of esteem • 1 & appreciation by fellow comrades in the Southern Express Co, Died in Charleston, _s, C, of injuries received at the bantee Trestle, S C, F.,b, 10, 1907 Wife of R, -,{, Price. • Price, Dulada Stockton Apr. 21, 1856 D c, 21, 1875 June 4, 1909 Son of Joseph &. Lassie "rice Price, James W tta Mar. 19, 1853 Apr. 28, 1853 Son of iV, J, & Mary J, "r ice Price, John A, 0 Mar. 3, 1874 Dec. 25, 1898 Price, Katherine K, --------- .. •· \· .~ .> Page 46 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME Price, Mary Jane· Apr. 27' 1836 Price, Matilda Applewhite Nov. 7, 1862 Price, Pirscilla Apr. 20, 1785 Price, R. R. W. May 27, 1811 Price, Richard 11.. July 20, 1820 Price, Richard Jones, M.D. Nov. 1, 1871 Price, Richard w. June 30, 1847 Price J Sarah J. Dec. 19, 1822 Price, William K. nodate Prichard, John Lamb, R v. June 6, 1811 ~ Primrose, Robert Pritchard, Pritchard, Pritchard, Pritchard, Pri tcihard, Pritchard,. Apr. 19, 1869 Charlotte no date Elizabeth July 13, 1830 Georgie Feb. 18, 1862. George Ellison Nov; 30, 1832 James H. Jan. 10, 1818 James T. no date Pritchard, Lm•rie s Tone Levering Apr. Pugh, G. W. Aug. Pugh, John Francis 1853 Pugh, John Henry· Aug. Pugh, l!ary Eliza Heaves Oct: Pulliam, ·Thuna Gold (Infant) n~ Purdy, Cyrus Quelch, Quelch, Quelch, Quelch, Quelch, Quelch, Quelch, Quince, Quince, Quince, Quince, B: Bertram, Jr. Florence Bewick Harold B. Jolui B; Lilias Maria Theodore Wilfrid Francis· Janie John B. Kate C. Katie C. Quince, ~athaniel H. Quinlivan, Ellen Carroll Quinlivan, Johanna / ---------· DIED Apr. 14, 1853 . Sept. 28, 1908 Wife of Ben J. Price "Requieseat in Peace" Oct. 17' 1866 Age 80 yrs~ July 28, 1848 D... c. 23, 1895 Born in Boston, Mass. Apr. 4, 1906 Nov. 25, 1905 Apr. 22, 1895 Apr. 28, 1875 Age 21 yrs. Nov. 13, 1862 Past. of First Baptist Church, 11fihnington for 7 yrs. Dtcring tile the New Church edifice vras projected & commenced. While city was besieged with yellow fever, he remained at his post, & v1hile ministering to the sick, his summons came. Son of Dr. John ll, & Mary T. :Primrose Jan. 14, 1864 Wife of fim, Pritchard. Age 67 yrs. May 1, 1890 Apr. 26, 1912' Apr • 24, 1900 Dec. 28, 1881 Aug. 5, 1856 Son of John & Jane~. ~ritchard. Age 4 yrs. June 9, 1902 7, 1864 2 9, 1878 (only date) 1913 22, 1861 Dec. 1, 1884 Mar. 21, 1913 16, 1836 date Sept. 11, 1892 Apr. 1, 1827 REMARK~ Dau. of W. c. & M. J. Pulliam Age 5 mos. July 28, 1857 Sept. 29, 1905 Dec. 23, 1907 Dec. 9, 1901 Sept. 23, 1903 July 26, 1901 'Son of John B. & Maria Quelch June 28, 1880 July 12, 1841 Feb. 17, 1912 Aug. 5, 1878 Sept. 5, 1886 Sept. 15, 1886 Oct. 14, 1876 Aug. 14, 1884 ".' Sept. 3, 1886 no· date July 27, 1872 no date Jan. 20, 1864 1893 1856 no date Mar. 16, 1889 Dau. of PaEker & Jane Hill ~uince Af!,e 54 yrs. no date Aug. 1857 Jan. l, 1913 Nov. 4, 1852 1904 1812 . ') Page 47 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery ; BORN !WE Mar, Quinn, Alice Lee Quinn, George P, Quinn, J, W. 2, 1640 Jan. 5, 1840 Mar. 24, 1839 Radcliffe, James D. Rndcl:i.ff, Rebecca Radcliff, Robt. S, Raftery, Jas, Fredericks Ramsden, Joseph Rankin, Katherine Harlow Rankin, Mary Louise Andrews Rankin, Robt, G, Rankin, Robt, Geo, Rankin, Robert George Rankin, ~usan Athalia Rathjeu, Martin Rathjeu, Martin, Jr. Reeves, Maggie Brmvn Reheder, Engleha.rd Rehder, Henry Rehder, Joha.nne Rehder, Johanna Rehder, llla.tilde Reichman, Felix Reichrran, Henry Reichman, Isaac Reichman, Paul Adolph Reichman, Sally Reilly, Annie 1839 Nov. 18, 1838 Feb, 15, 1836 June 27, 1910 no 'date Oct, 12, 1905 Mar. 1, 1 849 Feb. 20, 1847 Apr. 7, 1819 • Apr. 13, 1908 no date no date May 6, 1881 Jan, 29, 1876 1868 June 24, 1834 June 12, 1844 n·o date no date Sept. 14, 1830 Oct• 7, 1865 no date no date Aug. 6, 1867 ·no date Reilly, Catherine Theresa. Reilly, Ja.s. aloyisus Sept. 8, 1853 no date Reilly, James, 'Ya.jor no date DIED RE!MRKS May 9, 1891 May 14, 1893 Dec. 24, 1867 18'75 June 14, 1886 sept. 30, 1884 Apr. 5, 1914 Aug, 25, 1890 Feb, 12; 1907 Wife of Robt, S. Radcliff Age' 47 yrs, Feb• ~o. 1899 Wife of R, G, Rankin June 29, 1913 !OO:r. '26, 1865 May 8, 1908 Oct. 17, 1862 no date Son of Martin Ra.thjeu, Jr, Nov. 11, 1907 Feb. 3, 1910 1903 Feb, 22, 1913 Afar. 9, 1913 Wife of Henry Rehder Child of H, & J, Rehder no date no date Da.u. of H. & J, iRehder Sept. 14, 1877 Born in Beiberga.n Bavaria Aug. 31, 1872 Son of s. & R. Reichman Sept. 19, 1862 Sept. 9, 1890 Age 4 yrs, 5 mos. Aug. 27, 1872 July 20, 1877 Wife of Maj. James Reilly Age 47 yrs, Sept. 8, 1901 no date Son of James & Annie Reilly Age 1 yr. 5 mos. no date C. 0, D. 16 N.C. State Troops C, S. A. Reilly, James Gibbons Reilly, Reilly, Reilly, Reilly, John William John William Raphael Thos, Owen Repi ton, A. .1:\ Repi ton, S9rah E, Reston, Ann Jones Re·ston, Sarah S. Reston, Sarah Savage Reston, 17illiam no date Apr. 27, 1851 July 27, 1881 .Oct, 21, 1887 no date no date June 27, 1808 Sept. 27, 1827 no date no date Mar. 9, 1821 Dec• 13, 1876 Son of James & Annie Reilly Age 1 yr. 8 mos. May 3, 1904 July 27, 1910 Jan. 21, 18 96 no date Son of James & Annie Reilly, A.,.e 7 yrs •.1 mo. no date I. 0. 6. F, Cape Fear Lodge, No, 2 June 12, 1873 Nov, 28, 1860 'Wife of Wm, ·Reston no date Dau. of Sarah & Win, Reston. Age 11 mo. 23 days Wife of Wm. M. Reston. Age 23 yrs, no date 2 mos. Oct. 20, 1868 . Page 48 New anover County YiilrniD{!;ton, N, c. Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME Rheinste in, Frederick Rhindress, J. H. H, Rhodes, Rhodes, .C •. C. Rhodes, Eliza Rhodes, Hazel Rhodes, Isaac Bryant Rhodes, Mary E. · Rhodes, Mary W, Harton ..... Rhodes, Rebecca Riach, M, A, Riach, w, ....... Richards, ~leaner Richers, •••• ·Richers, Anna C, M, Steenken Riley, .Emma Collins Riley, ,Mary Costin Riley, Syvester Jacob Ripley, William Rittenhouse, T. D. Rivenbark, A. W, Roberts, Susan Roberts, Thomas E. Nov. 14, 1841 Nov. 11, 1890 1838 1813 1846 1893 1851 1819 Dec, 10, 1859 1864 no date Sept. ·7, 1847 no date no date no date Jan. 5, 1862 Aug. 18, 1876 Oct. 2, 1838 no date no date Fe b. 18, 1876 1868 Mar, .14, 1855 June 22, 1839 Rosenthal,. c'usta'D' Rosentahl, Nathan Rosenthal, Wrn, J .• Rotlnvell,. W, J, .Roundell, Currer Richard Rourk, John Adrain Rourk, Wm. A. Rulfs, Catherine Adeline Oct, 24, 1834 Feb. 18, 1870 July 5, 1884 no date Jan, 5, 1854 Dec. 1, 1897 no date Oct. 21, 1837 Rulfs, John F. Runge, B. H., Rev. Sept. 6, 1831 Jan, 2, 1864 ----- \fife of Lieut, John U, Rhodes Born in.Bedford Co., Va, 1907 Sept, 1, 1904 Oct. 4, 1901 Oct, 15, 1891 'IHfe of Elias Richards Born Kendal ~ngland no date Feb. 1876 1904 1865 Dec, Oct, Feb, Oct, Robinson, Frederick Sprunt Robinson, James Robinson, Peter Robinson, i'f. ll·, Rogers, Isabella Gore Rorison,.Lizzie Chadbourn Rosemann,_Caroline Rosenberger, Aaron REMA.RKS Jan, 16, 1899 {only date' 1866 1861 1867 1894 1912 1868 Sept. 17, 1883 Sept. 8, 1859 1865 1828 1823 no date no date Nov, 4, 1861 no date no date Robeson, Thomas Robeson, Thomas F, May 28, 1816 no date Robinson, C. D. no date Robinson, Elizabeth Robinson, Elizabeth White June 1831 Robinson, Frederick G, ,Jan. ·13,_ 1863 s.t DIED 20, 1896 Dau, of G. J. & M, C. Riley 16, 1857 14, '1895 2, 1906 24, 1864 Wife of Thomas E. Roberts, Age 46 yrs, Son of Thomas & Susan Roberts Age 16 yrs, May 5, 1826 July 3, 1858 no date BUota Tribe No. 5, Sept. 22, 1862 Age 68 yrs. Sept. 1903 Wife of Chas, H, Robinson Nov. 14, 1 884 Born iri Bennington, Vt. Age 41 yrs, 10 mos. Oct. 25, 1877 Nov. 9, 1883 Apr. 5, 1865. Age 24 yrs, 3 mos, 18 days Sept. 1870 Age 31 yrs. Deo. 2, 1900 Wife of L. ·B. Rogers 1897 Wife of R, B, .Rorison Mar. 2 6, 1892 Dec, 28, 1865 ·Born at Eschenan, Vfurttemberg, Germny Jan, 12, 1889 Born Fellheim Bavaria June 30, 1891 Jan. 9, 1920 no date C. S. A. July 26, 1876 Dec. 2, 1912 Aug, 17, 1858 Age 55 yrs, Dec. 16, 1903 Born at Blunenthal, Germany Wife of John F, Rulfs Aus• 13, 1911 Born at Amt, Berne Aldenburg June 15, 1895 Germny .\ ·""* ~ ··:·· •' ~ Page 49 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery . NAME BORN DIED Runge, G, H. W, Runge, (Infant dau,.) June 12, 1828 Mar, :a, 1858 July 29, 1876 Apr, 1, 1858 Runge, Johanna H, Eckel Sept, 28, 1836 Jan, 11, 1920 Mar, 23, 1857 Nov, 12, 1829 June 13, 1857 Feb, 4, 1867 Runge, J, H. 'l'iilhe 1m Runge, Johanna Schultz Sept, 5, 1860 Runge, Loudolph Runge, 1!aria Eliza June 6, 1855 Russ, Anne Matthews 1804 Russell, Caroline ~. Saunders Aug. 5, 1825 Apr. 4, 1876 Russell, D. H,, Jr. Oct, 11, 1803 Russell, Daniel L. Russell, Henry R, June 21, 1821 Nov, 27, 1830 Russell, Lucretta Ellis Apr, 16, 1826 Russell, Olivia Grist no date Rush, Julia no date no date Salzman, Ottoe Sampson, Mary Sanders, David Eduar Sanders, Marion Sanders, W, A. Sannon, Sarah E. Satchwell, s. s. Satchwell, Solomon, .Major Saunders, Henry Savage, B. F. Savage, ~dgar Thomas Oct. 19, Sept, 8, no date no date Aug. 20, no date no date Oct. 18, no date Savage, Elizabeth no date Savage, Savage, Savage, Savage, Savage, Savage, S"vage, Savage, Salz;age, Savage, Savage, Elizabeth H, Henry Henry Henry Russell Isabel Jane Parsley John Hinton Kate Louise ]\Iarina Hunter Robert Savage, Thos. 1868 1837 Dec, 7, 1841 no date Apr, 9, 1834 Me.y 11, 1865 no date July 21, 1838 Apr. 26, 1840 July 3, 1841 no date June 2, 1908 no date no date Savage, Timothy Aug. 2, l864'(only date) Savage, William no date Scarborough, Betha Adrian Oct. 11, 1879 Oct, 18, 1873 Born in ~iedenberg, Germany De.u, of J, H, W, &: Johanna Runge Wife of G, H, Runge. Born in Germany ~Yife of J, H, VI, Runge Born in 1'/remen Germany May 3, 1871 Oct. 14, 1862 1884 Nov, 14, '1845 Wife of D, L, Russell Mayil4, 1876 '. July 31, 1871 Sept. 11, 1863 July 12, 1909 Mar, 11, 1907 'Wife of D, L, Russell Dec, 8, 1869 Sept, 27, 1896 June 12, 1830 1891 1897 REMARKS M. E, B, A, No. 33 of N, Y. Wife of Col, James Sampson Age 35 yrs, Dec, 25, 1912 Dec. 7, 1905 no date Age 55 yrs, July l, 1877 Apr, 16, 1905 no date Surg. 25, N.c. Inf, c.s.A. July 22, 1858 A[;e 18 yrs. 5 mos. Oct, 23, 1872 Son of B, F; & Kate Savage no date Age 2 yrs, Jan, 11, 1858 Wife of T, Savage, Age 58 yrs, Sept. 4, 1907 Wife of John H. Savage Oct, 3, 1861 Age 61 yrs, Aug. 1, 1904 Mar, 30, 192, Aug; 25, 1856 Age 18 yrs. Aug, 6, 1916 Feb, 2, 1887 July 15, 1888 June 10, 1854 Age 18 yrs, May 14, 1838 Feb, 8, 1848 ~assed ~idshipman U, S. Navy. Died at St. Johns Porto Rico, W. I. Age 25 yrs, no date Wallace's Co, 5 Va. Regt, Rev, liar, Age 72 yrs. Mar. 25, 1902 Age 36 yrs, May 11, 1882 Dau, of R, J. & R, J, Scarborough Dec, 17, 1873 Page 50 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery _. NAME BORN Schench, Nicholas Schench, :Richard Morris. Schenck, Annie Holmes Schloss, Mary S. Burrows Schloss, Marx Schloss, Nathan Schloss, Simeon Archibald Schnibben, Emil L, Schnibben, Geo, Emil Schriever, Agnes July 28, 1837 Feb. 5, 1862 Sept. 18, 1849 · Sept. 27, 1835 Schriever, Edward D, Schriever, Elizabeth July 31, 1865 .no date Schriever, Willie Oct, 1, 1863 Scott, B. H. Scott, Zadog Oct, 15, 1848 Aug. 3ih, 18 74 Dec. 24, 1817 Nov, 4, 1855 Oct, 10, 1865 Mar. 24, 1901 Apr. 14, 1903 no date Sohulken, Catharine Elizabeth no date Schulken, Chas. no date DIED REMARKS , Feb, 26, 1876 Apr. 10, 1863 Feb, 18, 1901 June 21, 1903 ·Wife of Marx Schloss Oct, 29, 1894 Sept, 4, 1914 Dec. 2 2, 1913 Nov. 6, 1901 Mar, 28, 1904 July 20, 1869 Oe.u, of Claus & Agnes Shhriever, Age 3 yrs, 4 mo, 20 days Feb, 3, 1870 Age 23 yrs, 6 mos. 3 days July 18, 1869 De.u, of Claus~ Agnes Schriever. Age 1 yr• 3 mo. 15 days Nov, 19, 1875 Son of 0, & Agnes Schriever Age 12 yrs. 1 mo. 19 days F,b. 8, 1907 Jan, 8, 1892 Sgn of H. B. & M. S, Scott A e 17 yrs, 4 mos. 9 days Mar, 4, 1869 Wife of Henry Schulken no de. te Cape Fear Lodge No. 2. 'I. O. O. F. Schulken, Schulken, Schulken, Schulken, Schulken,· Schulken, Schulken, Schulken, Schulken, Schulken, Charles Henry June 22, 1850 Edward, Rev, Mar. 21, 1859 June 23, 1823 Engle-Hard Engelhard ~r. 23, 1866 l>ngelhard A. Apr. 27, 1895 Eugene Petteway, Jr. Nov. 14, 1902 Nov, 4, 1845 Helena R, Margaret J. Feb. 22, 1829 Oct, 21, 1820 Martin S, . Apr. 29, 1855 Martino. June 26, 1842 Seeders~ Hattie E. May 15, 1838 Seeders, Thomas Telbs no date Sellers, Ann Sellers, Ann Camille Jan, 12, 1906 no date Sellers, Edward P. Sellers, James A,· Noir. 20, 1852 Sept. 6, 1851 Shackelford, Adrian Feb, 29, 1860 Shackelford, Charles Deems Dec, 19, 1842 Shackelford, Daniel Shackelford, Eliza Catherine Oct, 25, 181H Shackelford, Ge·o. ·Lot Oct. 31, 1848 Oct. 3, 1818 Shackelforc, James July 8, 1844 Shackelford, Jas, Theodore Shackelford, Laura McKendree Sept. 10, 1823 Mar. 1867 Shackelford, Lellie D.• Jan. 11, 1858 Shackelford, Mary Evelina .Jan. 4, 1928 (only date) Shaul~ Dorothy Katherine - Shaw, Carol C, . Oct, 12, 1885 May 10, '1906 July 8, 1883 Jan, 14, 1888 Born at Blumethal Germany Oct. 26, 1909 May 18, 1896 Mar, 14, 1904 Jan. ·8, 1891 Mar, JB, 1904 Born at Vegesack, Germany Feb• 27, 1895 Jan. 9, 1869 Feb• 18, 1911 Dec. 2 2, 1903 Mar, 14, 1859 Wife of J. A, Sellers A~e 61 yrs, 7 mos, 11 days June 28, 1907 ''De.u. of L. L. & A. G, Sellers Jan, 26, 1864 Age 44 yrs, Feb, 9, 1866 Feb, 20, 1856 May 19, 1861 May 16, 1864 Aug. 7, 1863 Dec, 8, 1895 May 13, 1897 Oct, 22, 1864 Jan. 9, 1888 Mar: 1891 1859 Dau, of 1!: lla & R. 11, Shaul Age 2 yrs. 10 mos • . July 27, 1909 :>on of Rev. vvm, & Aberte. f Faison i;;)haw. Page 51 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. Oakdale Cemetery i BORN Shaw, Julia Wallace Shaw, Virginia Faison Shaw, Wm. H~ Sheehan, Joseph J. Shepard, Henrietta Shepard, Eugene Dozier Shepard, Joseph C. Shepard, Joseph H. Shepard, Katy Shepard, Laura T. Shepard, Lucretia,. Mrs. Shephard, .Mary Isabella Shepard, Thomas A., Sr. Sholar, Alexander May Sholar, E. A. Sholar, ~lizabeth Sholar, H. B. Sholar, Frank Sholar, John Sholar, ,Joseph ·vr. Sholar, Louis Linwood Short, Annie Short, Estelle (Infant) Short, Henry Bascom Short, Henry Bloont. Short, Henry Blount Short, Marietta Bag;ley Short>:,·:Ms.ry Allan Short, Olive P. Short, W,rren Eagle y Shotte r, Is a be 1 . Shraeder, .Teo. A. Shrier, Abraham Sibbett, Emily S. _ Siemers, George Silery, John N. May 4, 1837 Jan. 31, 1892 1835 F b. 14, 1871 Aug. 21, 1879 1851 Jan. 7, 1840 no date no date July 27, 1841 no date June 14, 1907 1842 Sept. 8, 1847 no date Nov. 9, 1802 Mar. 18, 1866 (only Aug. 23, 1871 no date no date Nov. 4, 1873 Dec. 17,.1888 July 26, 1857 (only Nov. 24, 1851 July 26, 1(382 Ma.r • 6, 1825 Sept. 16, 1829 Nov. 1, 1858 Mar. 25, 1896 Mayll2, 1829 no date Jan. 16, 1907 Feb• 17' 1838 June 25, 1839 F b. 13, 1824 n3 date ~ Silvy, Joseph Silvy, Maria Simkins, Elizabeth M. E. 1833 1843 no date Sinclair, T. J. Sister, Acelia no date no date DIED REMIIRKS Oct. 3, 1881 Aug. 10, 1896 Dau. of Rev. Wm. & A. Shaw 1904 Jan. 13, 1912 Aug. 23, 1903 Wife of James ::;inclair 1893 Mar. 5, 1903 Jan. 10, 1817 Age 2 mos. 24 days Oct. 26, 1870 Age 2 yrs. 3 mo. 15 days Dec. 19, 1911 Wife of Henry W. Shepard Nov. 20, 1855 Age 78 yrs. Mar. 28, 1909 Dau. of R. J. ' R. I. Shephard 1898 F b. 9, 19ll AUg. 9, 1882 Age 50 yrs. 3 mos. 10 days Aug. 12, 1874 date) Age 42 yrs. 6 mos. 20 days Oct. 22, ,1885 Son of A. !!. & s. J. Sholar July 3, 18_53 Age 69 yrs. 4 mos. Mar. 12, 1855 Age 16 yrs. 25 days May 3, 1914 Aug. 1, 1889 Infant dau. of H. B. & M. B. Sheri date I Jan, 13, 1909 May 20, 1914 Aug. 26, 1886 Nov. 30, 1872 ·wife of H. B. Short June 4, 1908 June 14, 1897 Feb. 4, 1878 no date Wife of Spencer P. Shetter June 27;1907 ' Apr. 8, 1912 May 23, 1899 Oct. 19, 1849 July 29, 1881 Son of Geo. s. Silery Age 8 de.ys 1901 1910 Aug. 19, 1908 Wife of E. Ch rk Simkins Age 85 yrs. Dec. 23, 1889 no date Sisterhood of the Good Shepherd N. Y. Skinner, Emily J. Erambert Skinner, Samuel Wallace Slick, Agnes Sloan, George, Capt. Smaw, C. T. Smead, M. J., Ph. D. Smead, Susan iVright Empie Smith, Abigail Smith, A. D. Smith, Adelaide Herring ----- - Jan. 24, 1835 Jan. 19, 1837 no date Jan. 1836 no date no date 1828 1830 no date July 3, 1864 Sept. 25, 1897 Wife of Srunuel 1'1. Skinner Nov. 5, 1907 Feb. 8, 1866 Age 16 yrs. 11 mos. 23 days Dec. 1888 C. S. A. no,·' date Eyota Tribe No. 5 Nov. 11, 1871 Age 57 yrs. 1906 Wife of M. J. Smead 1867 Wife of Wm. Smith no date Eyota Tribe No. 5. Jan. 22, 1902 Page 52 NeVI Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale l,;emetery - NAME Smith, Andrew Smith, Annie, Mrs, Smith, B, Smith, 6atherine J!cRae Smith, Daniel Smith, Daniel M. Smith, Henry C, Smith, Herbert Gordon Smith, Isabella Clayton .' Smith, Isabel Clayton , ', Smith, Joe Smith, Joseph Smith, L. B, Smith, B. E. Smith; M. E. Smith, Mary A, Smith, Mary E. Smith, Robt; A. Smith, S, L. Smith, Susan· Smith, T, B. Smith, William Smith, Wm, L. Smoot, James Gilchrist Solomon, Bertha BORN July 16, 1849 Dec. 23, 1793 no date Nov. 22, 1833 Jan. 14, l86Q Jan. 23, 1861 no date 1898 (only date) July 26,· 1821 Dec. 24, 1891 , Nov. 6, 1884 Jan. 18, ].861 No date no date no date July 17, 1834 no date no date May 13. 1907 May 4, 1876 Sept. 15, 1871 July 27, 1862 ·wife of Richard Smith May ,3, 1861 May 3, 1861 Aug. 12, 1862 Age 87 yrs. Sept. 8, 1854 Jan. 23, 1861 no date 1834 Apr. 11, 1821 May 19, 1901 no date Sept. 2, 1913 1861 Sept. 15, 1871 1899 June 2, 1887 May 31, 1902 Oct, 12, 18~ Born in Fellheim Bavaria Germany Mar. 31, 1877 Aug. 23, 1894 Dec. 28, 1902 Born in UnGstein Bavaria Germany no date 6. S. A. Nov. 11, 1906 Son of C. G, & S. G. Souther1aD no date Cape F ar Lodge No. 2. I.o.o.F Solomon, Lena Solomon, Lillian Ida Solommn, Louis Mar, 5, 1854 Dec. 3, 1883 no date Southerland, C. G, Southerland, Chauncey Graham Southerland, D. D., Lieut. n_g date F b, 16, 1906 no date Southerland, James W, Mar. 5, 1852 Southmayd, Thomas S, June 11, 1811 Souverneur, Geo, Davis June 12 , 1902 Spencer, Sarah J •. no date Spicer, ·Martha M. Aug. 14, 1800 Springer, Clara Watson Apr. 24, 1824 Springer, Frederick'Lyman Sept. 13, 1859 Springer, Jas, arthur (Infant) Aug. 19, 1910 Feb, 22, 1858 Springer, Harriet Throope Springer, James Hobart D~c. 4, 1822 Springer, Martha Rush no date no date Springer, Wilkes Parker May 27, 1877 Springer, Wm. Arthur Sprunt, •••• Sprunt, Alexander Sprunt, Hugh Hamilton -- __.Sprunt, ---- Jane Dalziel REMARKS DIED Sept. 20, 1884 Sept. 28, 1815 May 2, 1887 Sept. 26, 1823 Dec. 2, 1864 July. 11, 1895 'Dau; of Joseph & Alice Smith July 12, 1900 Son of J. D, & A. P. Smith Jan. 19, 1907 Jan. 16, 1909 Jan. 26, 1884 Apr. 11, 1895 Sept. 27, 1914 Apr. 11, 1895 Apr. 20, 1862 Age 20 yrs. 3 days c. s.~A. De6. 17, 1884 July 28, 1867 Fe b. 6, 1903 Nov. 8~ 1862 Age 33 yrs, Mar. 1, 1878 Jan. 25, 1898 June 11, 1884 Aug. 19, 1910 SOn of H. D. & H. H, Springer May 6, 1891 Nov. 19, 1890 Aug. 17, 1914 Aug. 19, 1872 Apr. 7, 1878 Infant son of J, a, & A. L. &pringer Mar. 2., 1887 First born of Jas. & Lufiia M. &prunt Apr. 11, 1884 Born near Perth Scotland Mar. 3·, 1892 Second son of Yim. H, & B, H. Sprunt July 2, 1892 Wife of Alexander Sprunt Page 53 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. c. Oakda 1e Gene tery BORN DIED Sprunt, Marion Feb. 16, 1889 Stedman, Katherine DeRossett 1840 Steenken, George Mar. 25, 1835 Steenken, John D. Aug. 16, 1868 no date · Stees, W. R. Steljes, Albert W. Apr. 18, 1911 Steljes, Diedrich June 15, 1833 Steljes, Fredrich c•. Sept. 5, 1870 Steljes, John Diedrich Oct. 26, 1872 Ste~erman, Catharina Margaret Apr. 21, 1859 Mar. 31, 1885 Sternberger, Barbara Sternberger, Edwin (Twin) Aug. 26, 1900 July 29, 1863 F b. 18, 1902 o6t. 10, 1918 Sternberger, Henry (Twin) July 6, 1901 Aug. 30, 1901 1913 July 16, 1881 June 25, 1898 no date Apr. 24, 1911 Feb. 21, 1902 June 9, 1871 Oct. 26, 1880 REMARKS Dau. of James & Lucla M. Sprunt Wife of Chariles Manly Stedman \ Eyota Tribe No. 5. Son of A. & w. E. Steljes Born in Germany Son of D. & M. Steljes Son of Diedrich & Mary Steljes Son of Solomon & Daisy T. berger S~ernberger, Aug. 26, 1900 Isadore Jacob S~ernberger, Joseph :lept. 17, 1868 July 20, 1832 Son of Solomon Sternberger & Daisy T. Apr. 11, 1911 Jan. 29, 1910 Stevenson, Elizabeth Taylor 1832 1900 Stevenson, . Isabel_Restum June 20, 1879 (Only date) Age 15 mos. Stevenson, James Chapman 1847 1907 Stevenson, Martin 1807 1865 STevenson, Mary Janet 1807 Taylor1888 Wife of Martin Taylor Stevenosn,. V®. Smith F6 b. 12, 1883 (only date) Age 3 yrs. 6 mas. StoR:ley, Buckner Mar. 13, 1780 Jan. 16, 1861 Stokley, James no date Sept. 19, 1816 Son of James & Millie Stokley Dec. 28, 1811 Stokley, James June 23, 1869 F b. 8, 1853 Age--65 yrs. no date Stokley, Rebecca no date Stokley, Robert JUne 27, 1851 A e 15 mos. 19 days Nov. 6, 1884 1", • ' Stokley, Via 1ter J. Mar. 16,_ 1856 F-b. 22, May 10, . 1910 1825 Stelter, Caroline, _Mrs. no date no date Stone, (Greek writing) May 19, 1870 Stone, B. 0. Mar. 14~ 1913 Stone, Doris annie . no date no date 1896 Stone, Ester Newman (Baby) 1891 no date no date Stone, (Infant) Mar. 25, 1876 "'nr. 26, 1901 Wife of B. D. Stone Stone, Julia Worth Apr. 30, 1862 Age 66 yrs. no date Stow, Nancy July 2 7, 1823 Jan. 24, 1877 Strange, Robt. June 17, 1834 Apr. 5, 1866 Strange, Sarah Caroline Aug. 15, 1855 Aug. 21, 1899 Strange, Thomas Wright 1909 Wife of J. H. StEauss 1832 Strauss, annie E. Smith Strauss, .tlarry Robertson 1881 1884 1887 1887 Strauss, Janie Louise 1826 1882 Strauss, John ·w·. 1879 Strauss, John ·v'filliam 1886 Wife of John w-. Strauss Strauss, Margaret 1825 1852 Oct. 23, 1823 Strauss, !Wirgaret Auf:. 29, 1852 \life of VVilliam Strauss Strauss, William H. 1849 1896 Nov. 10, 1913 \'life of W. E. ::>treeter Dec. 11, 1876 Streeter, Lucy C•. Jan. 19, 1908 Wife of s. D. Strickland Strickland, W~ry Josephine Jan. 16, 1865 ' ' ' l I Page 54 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery _/ BORN NAME Strosnider, Rosa W~redith Strunck, P, 11_, Styron, Charlotte, Mrs, Styron, Christopher W, Styron, Elizabeth Styron, George C •. Styron, Ida Styron, W, H, Sullivan, Margaret J, Sutton, Wm. Swain, Anna Sv~in, Swain. Swain, Swain, Swann, Swann, Swann, Swaim, Swann, Emanuel Viegre Luke Peyton Stephen, Capt, Susan w. Ann Sophia Eliza Frances Frederick James Moore Swann, John Swann, John Swann, John Swann, Sallie Moore • Swann, Vii lliam ' -· Sweeney, Hugh Sweeney, Margaret M, Sweet, Julia W, Stevenson Swindell, Mary A.,. Mrs, Swindell, \1m. R, Swinson, John H., Jr, Sykes, C, D. Sykes, Mary Ellen DIED REMARKS Jan. 20 1 1883 May 31, 1849 Mar. 28, 1831 Dec. 18, 1830 Sept. 1, 1854 Nov. 2 8, 1883 Oct. 5, 1875 no date Dec. 9, 1818 no date no date ,July 9, 1914 Mar, 20, 1909 Dec. 211, 1903 Feb, 15, 1868 Jan. 2, 1910 Wife of W. H. Styron Oct, 28, 1888 Son of WID, & Elizabeth ~~yron June 28, 1914 no date Cape F.,ar Lodge No. 2, I,O.O,F, Oct, 20, 1862 • Sept. 16, 1885 Age 86 yrs~ Feb. 13, 1861 Dau, of Antoine & Elsey Swain Age 2 yrs, no date Apr. 28, 1866 Age 16 yrs. Feb, 14, 1854 Dec, 29, 1893 no date Sept. 9, 1823 Mar. 13, 1777 July 23, 1849 Feb, 27, 1866 Sept. 3, 1796 Mar, 14, 1852 July 11, 1851 May 12, 1819 Feb, 3, 1873 Wife of John Swann Nov, 2, 1790 Nov. 29, 1847 • no cl.ate Nov, 5, 1852 Age 32 yrs, Apr. 21, 1783 Dec. 2 5, 1856 Nay 1821 Age 66 yrs, no date Mar. 11, J8 70 Apr. 30, 1819 Oct. 27, 1911 Age 87 yrs, no date May 20, 1835 'July 7, 1888 Jan, 17, i.902 no date 1852 1891 June 5, 1900 Wife of R, H, Sweet no date Sept. 16, 1862 (only date) Age 28 yrs • • no date Feb. 18, 1893 Age 60 yrs, Mar. 27, 1890 Dec. 19, 1911 Dec. 21, 1910 Age 75 yrs, no date May 29, 1904 (only date) Dau, of A, E. Sykes Tankard, Mary Isabel Taylor, Elizabeth A. Taylor, Jane Leary Taylor, John Taylor, John Douglas Taylor, Lieba_Simonds Taylor, Robert French Taylor, Sarah Elizabeth T, D. W. (very old) Teggett, J. E. T, Tennent, Harriet Taylor Terry, Lena Cox Terry, Mary Ide1ar Terry, ::;, H•. Thacker, Baby June 25, 1904 1802 no date no date Mar. 24, 1831 no date Mar, 3, 1896 Aug, 21, 1839 no date no date Dec. 14, 1838 May 15, 1872 Dec, l, 1876 ll:iar. 27, 1843 July 31, 1913 Thames, Mary A, Thomas, Ida Kinnie Dec. 17, 1849 no date July 6, 1900 Dau~ of W, M. & G, G, Tankard 1884 June 7, 1856 Age 76 yrs·, Oct, 9, 1913 Age 75 yrs, May 21, 1912 Aug. 2, 1908 Age 73 yrs, Sept. 26, 1913 Mar. 8, 1910 no date no date C, S, A. Feb• 14, 1905 Wife of E, S, Tennent Sept. 6, 1895 Dau, of S, H, w F, A, Terry June 23, 1877 F b, 3, 1904 July 31, 1931 Baby dau, of B. 11, &. c. F, Thacker July 6, 1911 l""'b. 28, 1907 Page 55 New Hanover County 'Wilmington, N, v, Oakdale Cemetery NAME' BORN DIED REMARKS Sept. 28, 1887 Dau. of J. S. & J. P. Thomas Mar. 10, 1901 June 24, 1913 Feb. 18, 1890 Nov. 12, 1883 Widow of William Thompson Apr. 7, 1905 Age 8 yr s. 3 mos, Aug. 3, 1904 Wife of .J. Campbe 11 Thompson Oct, 13, 1862 Son of John H. & Alice Thomposn. Age 9 yrs. July 15, 1888 Thompson, James Aug. 22, 1842 July 20, 1885 Thompson, John Wesley Dec. 15, 1843 Nov. 16, 1908 Wife of James Thompson Thompson, Lucy Ann Feb. 24, 1842 Jan. 1847 Feb, 22, 1890 Thorr.pson, Maria Katherine Mar. 2 9, 1907 Thompson, Thomas Henry June 16, 1865 Thompson, Willey no date Oct. 1, 1862 Son_of John H. & Alice Thompson 11. e 6 yrs. Thompson, William 1800 1850 Borncin Fifeshire ocotland Thompson, Isabel Costin July 13, 1907 Dau. of Rank A. & Elizabeth Nov. 19, 1906 Thompson Jan, 27' 1816 Then Suden, Edward Mar. 22, 1900 Born in Otterndor f Land Hade 1 Germany Then Suden, Sophie W. no date May 26, 1906 Born in Bucholz amt Petershagen Germany 23 D. 1891 26 D. 1866 Thornsen, c. Tiencken, J. C. W. Apr. 22, 1860 Mar. 26, 1911 no date Sept. 4, 1870 .At;e ;:,9 yrs. 6 mos. Gl pys Tienker, •••• June 22, 1876 Ticnken, Catharina Margareta Aug. 18, 1828 Tienken, (lnfant son) Mar. 28, 1857 Mar, 28, 1857 Son of C. & G. M. T. Tienken Jan~ 6, 1816 Dec. 8, 1889 Tilly, Lucy T. no date no date Eyota Tribe No. 6 Tolbert, F. A. Toler, Lina Jan. 20, 1853 Apr. 9, 1897 Wife of Thomas S. Toler Oct. 6, 1849 Feb, 14, 1889 Toms, Josephine 1883 Toomer, Wm. l'ihitfield 1886 Son of Wm, J. & Emily Toomer Apr. 24, 1877 Torpy, Athalia Sept. 25, 1899 Wife ofT. J. Torpy Dec. 6, 1896 Torpy, Wm. P.-Feb• 13, 1872 Sept. 12, 1806 Aug. 7, 1879 Wife of R, S. Townsend. Age T~•nsend, Mary J. 72 yrs. 10 mos. 26 days Feb, 12, 1842 Nov. 17, 1883 Trask, Sarah Sept. 3, 1863 Jan. 13, 1882 Trask, ~iillie L. no date Truelove, H. E. no· date Eyota Tribe No, 5. ·I.O,R.M. June 25, 1891 _ Dec. 20, 1853 Tucker, C• T • July 31, 1882 Apr. 24, 1912 Born in Devonshire England Tucker, George Tucker, Henry a. !llay 11, 1859 Sept. 16, 1899. Born in Cornwall Kngland, Died in Charlotte, N.C. llilmington Lodge No. 139, I.O.O.F. July 6, 1905 Nov. 30, 1903 Tucker, Ludlow !diller Feb, 26, 1895 Feb. 22, 1897 Son of R, D. & D. V. Tucker Tucker, Robert D,, Jr. (only date) ' Jan,' 10, 1879 Tuetubero, C. H. De€, 25, 1822 Tully, Sarah Jane Gogerly Jan. 16, 1866 Dau. of John Tully Aug. 5, 1841 Nov. 21, 1865 Son of Sarah Tully Tully, Thomas ''· Lane Apr. 29, 1815 June 7, 1898 Turlington, E. , Dec, 17, 1886 Dau. of E. & J.l. U, Turlington, Turlington! Lizzie B, Dec. '10, 1862 Age 24 yrs. 7 days. Murdered by ·w. L. Bingham. Doth deaf & dumb mutes. Body fmund 3 days latter. "W. L. Bingham has never been found, Thomas, Mary Sumner Thomas, Nary Sumner Thomas, Pride Jones Thomas, Will Geo, Thompson, Annie Thompson, David Vfesley Thompson, Fannie Gray Thompson, 0 enry Dec. 1, ll886 Jan. 27, 1819 F b, 27, 1876 e Mar. 23, 1818 Apr. 2, 1805 no date Sept. 1858 no date Page 56 New Hanover County Y(ilr.lington, N. ~,;. Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME Tur~ington, M. J • Turner, Caroline F. Turner, Frances A. · Turner, John Augustus Turner, Louis C. Turrentine, Braddie Garner Turrentine, Euguen H. July 12,· June' 28, no date' no date July 15, no dat-e Jan·. 1, DIED REMARKS 1891 (only date) Age 62 yrs. 11 mos. 2 days Dec. 5, 1872 1822 June 21, 1876 Age 52 yrs. Sept. 10, 1856 Age 6 mo. 22 days 1828 Dec. 9, 1864 Feb• 13, 1880 . Age 2 yrs. 3 mos. 14 days 1882 Oct. 3, 1887 Age 5 yrs~ 9 mos. 3 days Ulrich, Theresa Ulrich, Theresia no date Aug. 20, 1833 no date Nov. 7, 1879 Ulrich, William Ulrich, William Sept. 7, 1866 Sept. .4, 1830 Usher, James D. no date Dec. 2, 1899 Jan. 24, 1893 Born in Harbke, Gennany. 62 yrs. 4 mos. 20 days July 30, 1871 Age 49 yrs. Jan. 5, 1851 no date Jtanbokkelen, Adriana Vanbokkeihen, Adrian H. Vanbokklen,.Adrian Huibertus Vanbokkelen, Isaac Wayen Aug. 19, 1847 Dec. 3, 1854 Vanbokkelen, J. F. s., Capt. Van Buren, Authur B. Von Glahn, William C. Von Glahn, Caroline Von Glahn, Diederich Von Glahn, Henry Von Glahan, Fannie Dyer Von Glahan, John Von Kampen, Carl F. Vann, Charles Lester, Jr. Van Sickle, Anna H. Van Sickle, John,. Vick, Isadora Virginia Vick, ti. R. Vick, Washington Belfield Vick, William Reynolds?JVines, Elena Mintz Vinson, Agnes F. Vollers, Anna Elizabeth Vollers, Elizabeth Vollers, Hanke Vollers, Luke Vollers, Wm. a. no date Nov.• 19, 1873 June 4, 1860 no date Oct. 11, 1827 no date Sept. 23, 1861 lOJ.ar. 17, 1858 Sept. 5, 1852 July 10, 1905 no date no date Apr. 11, 1846 no date July 2 3, 1872 Jan. 16, 1868 .Apr. 26, 1877 May 7, 1837 May 3, 1832 Mar. 2, 1840 Oct. Jl9, 1824 Feb. 20, 1833 June 4, 1870 Waddell, Ellen ~a'lllage Waddell, ·Julia ~avage Wade, George P. Nov. 27, 1842 Feb. 7, 1834 no date ----.....__ .• Born in Durkheim Baravia, Germany Viife of Wm. Ulrich. Ar:e 46 yrs. 2 mos. 16 days ' Mar. 3, 1858 Dau. of Adrian~ Evelena Vanbokkelen no date A tribute from the Ladies Memorial Association. ±n grateful memory of his services in Confederate dead. July 13, 1848 Son of Adrian & Evelena Vanbokkelen Mar. 6, 1858 Son of Adrian H. & Eve lena Vanbokkelen no date C. S. A. Dec. 25, 1914 May 13, 1908 Mar. 22, 1903 Wife of Henry Von Glahn July 4, 1855 Born in Germany, died in Wilmington Nov. 12, 1902 Dec. 22, 1884 Wife of John Von Glahan ,June 14, 1883 July 18, 1909 Jan. 10, 1906 July 19, 1870 Age 57 yrs. July 31, 1869 Age 61 yrs. Oct. 18, 1878 Wife of Samuel w. Vick no date I. o. o. F. Wilmington Lodge, 139 July 28, 1872 Son of s. w. G. & Dora V. Vick Aug. 10, 1873 Son of i:i. i'i. & Dora Vick Dec. 19, 1913 Apr. 11, 1867 Oct. 25, 1909 Oct. 13, 1907 Apr. 11, 1904 Oct, 13, 1895 Dec. 4, 1907 Oct. 26, 1895 June 15, 1876 Sept. 25, 1862 ' Age liati ve of Ireland. Age 44 yrs. Page 57 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME no date Sept. 16, 1834 l1Jar. 22, 1799 Jan. -4, 1804 no date Mar. 16, 1851 no date Feb. 29, 1840 no date Ma~:• 29, 1805 W:add, John J, Wadell, Alfred Moore Wadell, Hugh Wadell, Susan Moore Wagner, Mary Knohl Walker; Calhoun Cald,ve 11 Walker, Caroline Mallett Walker, Eliza Walker, Eliza James Walker,_ Eliza Moore Walker, Walker, Walker, Walker, ,Eliza Morehaad Gee, D. Henry Dudley James July 16, 1831 1820 Jan, 18, 1843 Apr. 29, 1826 1835 Dec. 24, 1789 \'i"alker, James Alves Walker, John Major 1825 Dec. 10, 1741 Walker, John Walker, Johri, Lt. Col, Walker, John Moseley Walker, Joshua A, Walker, Margaret Lane Walker, Mary McRee Walker, Mary Vance Walker, Peter Mallette Walker, Thomas Davis Walker, Tommie Walker, l'lm, Wallace, Anne Middleton Walh ce, Mary Wallace, Stephen D, Ward, Cicero Hill Ward, J. M. "\"f"rd, Joe Ward, Haria Louise Ward, R•.L. Warren, Ellen Warrock, Georgia Anna Warrock, l'lm, Stewart Vfa tkins, \~in. T. W~tson, Alfred Augustin, Rt. Rev. - • Dec. 27, 1824 Apr. 6, 1833 Dec. 24, 1820 Oct~ 1, 1840 Sept. 2, 1821 Oct. 13, 1817 June 15, 1822 no date 1829 1868 Dec. 22, 1816 Oct. 24, 1814 no date Nov. 18, 1853 Sept, 13, 1889 Mar, 28, 1836 July 22, 1884 no date Sept. 29, 1844 Augl 2, 1835 Mar, 10, 1~71 no date DIED REMARKS Sept. 20, 1862 Son of Geo, P. Wade, Age 15 yrs, 17' 1912 Nov. 1, 1878 Apr. 4, 1873 Dec." 8, 1904 Age 70 yrs. 1 mo. 10 days Dec. 3, 1891 Feb. 5, 1872 Sept. 2 7, 1879 Wife od! .RDr. J. C. Walker Oct. 19, 1871 May 19, 1887 Wife of Major John Walker. Dau. of General Thomas Davis of Fayetteville Dec. 1, 1862 1865 Jan. 20, 1900 Mar. 15, 1901 Born in Douglas Lanarkshire, ~ootland "After a. frugal & industrious life, he left to the afflicted & suffering a lasting memorial of his beneficienoe in James Walker -Memorial Hospital, YHlmington, N. c." 1912 F6 b. 18, 1862 Nephew of Colonel John Walker of the American Army in the Revolutionary War. Born in Bervtick-on-Freed, England. 1891 1813 Born_at Reavley Northampton Co. England. tion of James & Ron. Annie Wodehoyse Walker. A leader of the Cape F o.r Section during Revolution Aide of: Gen. Geo. l"iashington. July 2, 1894 Dec. 22, 1882 Mar/ 31, 1905 Jan. 8, 1887 June 10, 1900 Jan. 7, 1862 J.tar. 27, 1865 no date 1865 1894 Nov. 30, 1887 Jan. 18, 1889 Dec. 22, 1843 Jan. 5, 1895 Age 41 yrs. 1 mo. 18 days 14ay 5, 1914 Dec. 22, 1910 June 27, 1886 Dec. 29, 1869 June 9, 1914 Mar. 19, 1900 July 22, 1910 l.!ar. .. 1905 On Good Fri. 1905 about the hour of the evening sacrifice God called .. \.:: ' l Page 58 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery NAME BORN DIED unto himself the soulf.of his faithful soldier & servant Rt. Rev. Alfred Augustin Watson, D.D. First Bishop of East Carolina, 1884-1905, Aged 86 yrs. ·8 mos. In the community of the Catholic Church, ' J WI!: tson, Elizabeth Watson, Frances Hofman Watson, John, Capt. Watson, John Berry Watters, Henry Gen. Watters, Go1dina Watters, John w. Watters, Mayy Etta Watters, Sainuel Paxson Watters, Sophia c• Watters, Wm, vraxm.an, H, H. Waxman, Harry Mendel Waxman, Regina Webb, Henry Webb, Henry l>dmund Webb, Kezia Rose Webb, William :5tratflord Weill, Abraham " . Weill, Amy Weill, Barbara Weill, Bertha Weill, Solomon C. Weinstein, Meier Werner, John Wescott, J, Clem Wescott, Robert D. Wessell, A. C. F, 1820 no date no date Sept. 17, 1847 1812 Apr, 1, 1852 M8.r, 4, 1804 Feb. 13, 1805 Nov. 2, 1833 no date Dec. 20, 1830 Mar. 18, 1857 May 15, 1890 Jan. 17' 1864 May 6, 1829 Apr, 12, 1868 Dec, 26, 1838 no date Oct. 1, 1831 Dec. 7, 1869 June 24, 1834 Oct. 30, 1871 May 18, 1864 no date no date Apr. 21, 1885 June 8, 1878 Mar. 17, 1850 I'! esse ll, Annie Sophia Oct. 16, 1852 Wessell, August E. Wessell, Bertha Lessman Sept, 22, 1896 no date Wessell, Chas, Henry July 11, 1904 We sse 11, Edward D. F., b, .1, 1840 Wessell, Emma • c. Aug. 5, 1861 Wessell, Emmanuel August Wessell, Gertrude Oct. ·n, 1889 no date Wessell, Leonore no date REMARKS 1913 July 30, 1889 1Vife of Rev. A. A. Watson Feb, 21, 1865 Age 66 yrs. Dec, 12, 1903 Born in Sa~isbury, Rowan Co., N.C. 1861 May 7, 1891 Apr. 14, 1836 Oct. 2, 1890 Nov, .23, 1912 Jan, 3, 1877 Age 45 yrs. Feb. 8, 1904 Oct. 6, 1897 July 6, 1891 Jan, 4, 1906 Dec, 24, 1888 Born at Stratford, England Son of "'ichard if- Mary l'febb Aug, 23, 1868 Sept. 4, 1892 Born at Stratford, England July 4, 1854 Son of H. & H. Webb, Age 1 yr, July 30, 1902 June 11, 1892 June 13, 1885 Sept. 3, 1872 Apr. 28, 1898 May 18, 1861 Age 28 yrs, Jan, 31, 1893 Age 59 yrs. Nov, 23, 1905 Mar, 4, 1914 June 23, 1897 Born in Haya Germany. Age 47 yrs, 3 mos, 6 days June 7; 1902 Wife of Charlie Wessell. Age 49 yrs, ·7 mos. 21 days May 29, 1897 Son of A. C. &: Lena \'fe sse ll July ll, 1889 Dau, of A. D. &:.A. s. Wessell Age 1 yr. 3 mos. 15 days Juty 31, 1905 Infant son of Chas. & Rosa Wessell Age 1 yr. 15 days, Oct, 7, 1905 Born in Hoya Germany, Age 65 yrs, 8 mos .• 6 days May 30, 1882 \'fife of A. D. Wessell. Married Oat, 6, 1880, (Inscription on Stone) "Over the River my darling stands ~waiting to welcome me.'' Feb. 19, 1890 Son of A. C, & Lina Wessell Dec. 12, 1900 Dau. of August D. & Annie S. Wessell Age 19 yrs. ·8 mos •. 2 days, Oct, 22, 1886 Dau. of A. D. & A!lnie S, Wessell Age 7 yrs, ·1 mo, 26 days. -....___.,,-·. :J ..-· . Page 59 New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery ' ' BORN REMARKS Wessell, Maria Feb• 19, 1813 June 15, 1882 Wessell, Marion Elise no date Aug. 8, 1887 Wessell, Wilhemina May 18, 1855 West, Emma ll, l'errin West, Henry Perrin West, S. M. Westbrook, Mary flilson Mcintire 1816 1847 1810 1891 1901 1871 no date June 20, 1899 July 29, 1909 Wife of Johan Ch, Wessell, Born in Hoya Germany. Age 69 yrs, 3 mos. 26 days, Dau,.of A. D, "'Annie s. lfessell, Age 2 yrs. ·8 mos, 19 days, "Fell asleep in Jesus" Born in Hoya Germany. Age 54 yrs, 2 mos. 11 days • Wife of G. H, Westbrook, 6 mos. Age 20 yrs, Oct, 23, "1838. Yiesterman, Henry Feb. 19, 1895 Vjhedbee, Mabel Martin June 5, 1876 Sept. 19, 1910 White, Amanda June 13, 1845 June 10, 1872 Wife of B. ·F. l!hite White, Benajmine F, Dec, 4, 1840 June 23, 1903 White, Eliza Moduffe Sept. 21, 1857 Feb. 18, 1888 Wife of Benjamin F. 11hite White, s. ~Mrs, no date May 10, 1849 Wife of Ben. White, Age 39 yrs, Jan. 2, 1834 Dec. 14, 1910 V{ife of David G, Vlhi te White, Sarah Elizabeth Whitehead, Eliza Savage Sept. ll, 1800 Mar. 29, 1888 Wife of Capt, wm. B. Whitehead ,July 4, 1865 Whitehead, Eva Nov, 15, 1892 Dau, -of W, A, & K, l; • Whitehead Nov, 23, 1872 Whitehead, James Isaac Sept. 8, 1836 lfhi tehead, Wm, Belfield, Capt. Oct. 5, 1891 Apr. 8, 1877 Born in ~orfolk, Va. Whitehead,· Wm, Alexander Feb. 10, 1835 Feb. 5, 1905 Whitwig, Katherine Davis Oct, 14,. 1836 Nov. 21, 1901 Whitwig, w. H. C, Mar. -22, 1824 Mar. 10, 1865 Sept. 25, 1884 June 5, 1912 Dau, of J, Ol. & M. J, Wigg;s Wiggs, Cora Inez Mar. 29, 1911 Wiggs, Jessie Oliver Dec. 28, 1850 Sept. 9, 1898 Dau, of J, C, ~ M, J, Wiggs Aug. 16, 1887 Wiggs, Lena Mathis W~ggs, Minnie Josephine Mathis Aug, 14, 1933 Wife of Jessie Oliver liig;gs Jan. 20, 1856 1905 1847 Wiggins, Annn M, 1840 1930 Wiggins, Rowe l!,.y 3, 1856 Dr. no date Age 30 yrs. 19 days Wilkings, Ylm, Cramford, no date do, C. 1 Virginia Res. C. S, A, Wilkinson, John Edward .no date Aug, 10, 1873 Wife of John E. Wilkinson & dau, of Oct. 7, 1858 Wilkinson; Mary Louise F. A, &: Elizabeth McMillan Mar. 12, 1902 Born in Still River, Mass, Willard, A. A. h!a.y 28, 1828 no dn te no date Son of A. A. & M. H, Will11rd Willard, Albert A, Feb, 12, 1875 Nov. 18, 1877 Willard, Albert Emerson no date Son of A, A. & M, H, Willard Willard, Andrew J. no date May 3, 1877 Apr. 15, 1912 Willard, Edwin Greer· May 24, 1895 Dec. ·9, 1825 Willard, James Adolphus June 17, 1899 -~Iillard, Joe B. Oct, <!5, 1871 July 22, 1867 Willard, John.·Gray Blount Feb. 28, 1865 May 17, 1865 June 10, 1864 Willard, Mary Bonner Oct, 15, 1915 Wife of J, A, Willard .July 21, 1836 Willard, Mary Bonner Willard, !l'.a.ry "anms Aug. 21, 1834 Aug;. 7, 1913 Wife of A, A, Hillard Stevenson Oct. 28, 1898 no date Williams, Bettie N!, no date Dec. 21, 1876 Dau. of G, W, ti Kate A. Vlillaims Williams, Blanch LeRoy Age 9 mos. Page 60 Netv Hanover County Wilmington, N, C, Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAJIE Ded!, 31, 1896 DIEm ~v illaams , Edgar Lyle Williams, Edith Williams, F. D. Williams, George W, Williams, Horace Williams, Horace c. Williams, Kate Williams, Wm. Author Williams, Walter Macrae 'U'fi ll iams, rtillie Ralph Williams, T. J • Willingliam, Mary Elizabeth Willis, Chas, E, B. Willis, Geo. Spencer Willis, Hardy Bryan June 28, 1910 Mar .• 21, 1858 Sept. 23, 1862 no date July 1910 Sept. 3, 1878 Oct, 18, 1889 June 13, 1857 Willis, Hardy Bryan Sept, 22,' 1833 Oct, 8, 1889 1877 Dec. 17. 1810 Feb. 2, 1831 no date no date Mar. 20, 1833 1885 Jan. 23, 1875 Dec. 4, 1880 Oct, 30, 1831 REMARKS Sept. 4, 1898 1913 June 23, 1863 June 22, 1899 N v, 23, 1853 Age 3 yrs, F~b. 28, 1852 Age 27 yrs. M~r. 2, 1892 Wife of George VI ililliams 1888 Mar. 8, 1912 Dec. 9, 1880 Son of E. D. & Ida J, llilliams Jan. 4, 1871 Son of H. B, & R, .11., Willis Age 10 mo, 17 days Son of ~pencer & Sarah Willis Gapt. Co, F. 3rd, Regiment C, "• A, Willis, Hardy Bryan, Jr, May lT, 1877 Sept. 23, 1898 Willis, Mary C. Bishop Aug. 27, 1845 Nov, "• 1882 Willis, Ruth Ann Dec. 11, 1835 Jan. 7, 1875 Willson, Annie Eliza Oct, 12, 1862 Mar. 12, 1888 Dau. of Wm, & Sarah J, "ill son Nov, 16, 1904 Wilson, Annie F, Mar. 19, 1845 Nov. 6, 1861 Wilson, Bellamy no date . Feb, 3, 1909 Wilson, Edwin Mendenhall July. 24, 1907 Wilson, Eliza Harriss Nov, 16, 1819 Feb. 13, 1897 Wilson, James no date Feb' 12, 1891 Age 67 yrs, Feb. 21, 1913 Wilson, John Alfred Mar, 20, 1841 May 24, 1869 Wilson, Mary Alice no date ~ Oct. 8, 1900 Wife of ,J, R, Windley Windley, Mittie • .·,. Oct. 2, 1872 · Wines, Kate C, ; no date Apr. 26, 1913 Age 83 yrs, ' no. date Wines, rYm, E,, Capt, Aug;. 26, 1853 Age 85 yrs~ . no date Vlines, Wm, Nerve. (Infant) no da.te Bro¥rn, Athalia, Mrs. Wingate, Athalia .. see Vfinn, J, VI, May 9, 1884 (only date) June 10, 1884 Age 52 yrs, 2 mos, 11 days Winton, Henry L, Mar, 2 9, 1822 Feb. 4, 1857 Wood, David J,. no date Feb. 20, 1901 Wood, Jane i1allace Dec, 2 5, 1819 Dec, 3, 1873 Wood, John C, Sept. 10, 1809 Aug, 8, 1885 Wood, liliary .11., Apr. 12, 1815 Vlood, Mary Kennedy May 29, 1848 July 12, 1932 Wife of 'l'homas F. Wood Sprunt Mar. 15, 1890 Wood, Robert B, · Mar ·~31, 1815 Aug. 22, 1892 Wood, Thomas Fanning, M,D, F b. 23, 1841 .no aate Aug. 1, 1912 Woodbury, Edgar Chas, no date Oct. 26, 1914 Wife of E. C. i1oodbury Woodbury, Mary Johnson Mar, 10, July 18, 1895 1885 \Voodward, Eunice July 30, 1919 Jan. 21, 1872 Woody, E. G, 1845 1883 Woody, Ira June 7, 1875 Aug. 26, 1893 Woody, L, C, Vet. Au,;. 23, 1876 8, 1869 Woody, }II. E, Feb, Uct. 21, 1889 20, 1830 Woolvin, J. W. ~ ....... __ __ Page 61 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery NAME BORN REMARKS DIED Dec. 1, 1895 Wife of James F, ~loolvin no date Woolvin, Kate Cooper Oct. 8, 1909 June 22, 1827 Woolvin, Mary A. .,ar. 22, 1831 Novl 22, 1885 Wooster, John Lewis Wooten, Bradley Jewett, Lieut. Oct, 12, 1876 Dec, 15, 1901 Died in Cuba Dec. 31, 1905 Aug, 18, 1881 Wooten, Mary Murphy Sept. 24, 188 9 Aug. 24, 188 Wooten, Roberta Drane Nov. 19, 1910 June 26, 1822 !forth, Barzillai, G, 1897 1831 Worth, David Gaston 1858 1857 Worth, Eunice isabella 1869 1865 Worth, Henry Baizillae 1900 1869 Worth, James Spencer June 2, 1903 Dau. of G, & E. Worth July 15, 1901 Worth, Jean 1865 1859 Worth, Jonathan 191Wife of David Worth 1830 Worth, Julia Anna 1858 1854 Worth, Louisa !YJaria Sept. 2, 1900 Dau. of George & l!:m~a C. Horth Feb. 16, 1900 Worth, Lucy Uct, l, 1827 Dec, 31, 1896 Worth, Mary E, Carter 1865 1863 Worth, Robert Gaston Nov. 1, 1862 Dec, 13, 1817 Worth,· Thomas C. 1895 Dau. of J. W. & L, B, Worthington Worthington, Lousa Blount 1816 Mar. 28, 1905 Feb. 10, 1882 Wrede, Emma Johanna July 14, 1879 May 18, 1833 Wright, Adams Empie, Dr. Nov. 27, 1887 "' · ~ Sept. 8, 1836 Wright, Ann Claypole Jna. 28, 1843 " 'July 3, 1865 Wright, Anna • May 26, 1864 ·June 2 9, 1845 Yfright, Charles T, Dec. 1895 . May 1813 Wright, Eliza ADD Oct. 23, 1869 Dec. 13, 1816 Wright, Eliza Ann Dec. 5, 1892 Wright, Florence Clayp0le Nov. 20, 1887 Sept. 28, 1883 Wife of Joshua G, Wright. Age 41 yrs Wright, Florence Moffitt no date· July 26, 1862 Apr. 13, 1836 Wright, James June 5, 1906 Nov. 26, 1869 Wright, John Moffitt Apr. 1, 1898 Jr. Feb, 7, 1871 Vlright, Joseph Granger, 1900 1840 Wright, Joshua Age 54 yrs. Sept. 30, 1863 (only date) Wright, Joshua Grainger Jan. 4, 1875 Feb, 14, 1871 Wright, Katie Fulton no date no date Wright, Lucy (Infant) Jan. 1, 1914 Apr. 10, 1870 Wright, Marion.Randolph Nov. 20, 1865 Wife of Joshua G. Wright. Age 48 yrs no date Wright, Mary A, Oct, 7, 1866 Oct. 18, 1809 Wright, Mary Allan July 1, 1861 Son of J. G. & M. A• Wright. Ago 13 mo no date Wright, raul CWIIIlron Dec. 31, 1868 Mar, 10, 1789 Wright, Rachel r~hitfield Doc, 18, 1872 Wife of Dr. Adam ~. Wright Uct. 14, 1844 Wrigh~, Sallie Fotterall Apr. 26, 1874 Jan. 22, 1838 Wright, Thomas H., Dr. Mar. 1842 Nov. 26, 1783 Wright,_ Wm. Jan. 24, 1902 May 31, 1846 Wright, 11m, A. May 14, 1878 Feb. 29, 1807 Wright, i~m. A. Dec. 2, 1848 Wright, Wm. Henry, Lieut. Oct. 14, 1819 Yarbrough, Chas. H. Mar, 22, 1908 (only date) May 18, 1931 Yarborough, i"ary Alderman Mar. 24, 1862 Feb. 13, 1882 Yarborough, Oran Mar. 2 9, 1836 Dec. 18, 1911 Yates, Alice Caroline May 15, 1845 Sept. 20, 1895 Yopp, Andrew Jackson Dec. 8, 1828 ~- Age 67 yrs. ' .; Page 62 New HanoYer County Wilmington, N. C, Oakdale Cemetery BORN NAME Yopp, authur Howard no date Yopp, Yopp, Yopp, Yopp, Yopp, E. V, B,, Lieut. Isabella J. James Lyspett Jane ~lizabeth Jane ~lizabeth June 18, 1832 Feb. 18, 1838 May 4, 1863 Jan. 31, 1834 no date ' Yopp, Yopp). Yopp, Yopp, Yopp, Yopp, Yopp, John G, Mary A, Mary Ellen Osca Beauregard Ruth Bishop Sarah H. w. J, Young, Young, Young, Young, Young, Young, Armand DeR. Armand DeR,, Jr, Cele stenia Celestinia Henry Blake ley Mary Feemont Zimrnennan, J. ti. Zoeller, August H. Zoeller, Victor Edward no date no date Nov, 19, 1851 ' Jan. 8, 1861 Sept. 27, 1858 Nov. 15, 1829 no date Aug. 31, 1814 Aug. 2, 1846 Apr. 24, 1824 no date no date no date . no date Sept, 10, 1863 Sept. 10, 1860 DIED REM.ARIG Mar. 15, 1876 Dec, llar, Feb. Dec, Aug, 20, 1892 3, 1901 4, 1909 29, .1869 11, 1887 Son of Alfred p, & Laura A, Yopp Age 2 yrs. 11 mos. 21 days · Lieut. C. S, A, Wife of F. V. B. llfopp Son of F. W, B, & I. J, Yopp Wife of ilm, J, Yopp Dau. of II, J, & J. "'· Yopp Age 21 yrs. 28 days Age 47 yrs. Age 5 1 yrs, Dau, of \"lin, J. & Jane E. Yopp Son of Wm, & Jane E. Yopp Dau, of ~'. V, B, & I. J. Yopp Aug. 10, 1842 Jan, 3, 1851 Aug. 11, 1855 Nov, 25, 1865 June 14, 1879 May 2; 1864 May 13, 1888 P. G, M, Cape Fear Lodge No.2 I, 0, 0. F. Age 64 yrs. 3 mos. Feb, 2, 1874 Jan. 7, 1870 July 18, 1883 \Vife of A. D, Young no date no date no date no date Feb, 7, 1911 Nov, 22, 1907 C. S, A, compiled by Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1937. NEW !WIOVER COUNTY WILMINGTON, N. C. ST, ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CEMETERY Historical Records Survey Field Worker April, 1937 Harry C. Craft St. Andrew's Episcopal Cemetery, owned by St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, contains 27 marked graves and 18 unmarked graves, the earliest marked grave being Julian Asher Riggs, died July 14, 1924. Condition imrnB.culate in every detail, ·winter grass planted, each lot clean and neat. Cemetery is located to rear of St, Andrew's Episcopal Church, Wrightsville Sound, on old Wrightsville Turnpike at Shell Road crossing, only point on this road that car line crosses, located about fifty yards beyond this crossing to left of road. BEAL, MARTHA BYRD Died September 16- 1932 Aged 67 Years 8 Mos 25 Days CAOANAUCH, MINNIE PHIZ Died Feb. 29 - 1936 Aged 7 Years. 7 Months- 16 Days DYSOR, ~G. Died Jan 17- 1932 Aged 75-Yrs- 9 Moe- 13 Days Garner (double stone) SAWEL W. GARNER July 25, 1877 - Dec. 28, 1933 His Wife FLORENCE AMELIA GARNER Jan. 14, 1881 GOUlD, · JAMES ROY Aug. 25- 1905 Dec. 28- !933 I:IAGENBRUCH,·LOUISE A, June 1- 1865 Jan. 6- 1934 · HATCH, INFANT July 27- 1926 Infant Son of Fred P. &: Juanita Hatch HEBRON, A. ·c. oct. 28- 1926 HUFHAM, DOSHIA MEADOWS Sept. 23- 1900 Jan. 7- 1930 Wife of L. F. Hufham. New Hanover County Wilmington, N. c. St. Andrew's Episcopal Cemetery Page Two- HUFHAM, VIRGIIUA IRENE Dau. of L. F. &: Doshia Hufham Jan 5- 1925 -- Jan 7- 1930 KEY, LUCIAN E. July lo- 1865 Dec 2- 1936 LAWHORNE, ANNIE M. Born May 17- 1877 LEE Died Feb 14- 1926 Wife of John G. Lawhorne. INFANTS (Exact inscription on stone:) Elii4A.LEE AND BESSIE LEE Born and Died July 4- 1929 McMILLIAN; ·v. R. 1902 - 1929 RIGGS, JULIAN ASHER Born May 14- 1875 Died July 14- 1924 RIGGS, MARRY JANE Born May 7- 1849 Died Oct. 23- 1927 Wife of W. M. Riggs RIGGS, WILLIAM M. Nov. 9 - 1836 June 20- 1930 ROBERTS, ELIZABETH Dec. 26- 1869 ROGE~, Feb. 3- 1929 MRS; MABLE LENA Died Feb. 2o- 1937 Age 35 Yra RUSS, VIVIAN ATHALIA Dec. 21 - 1929 Jan, 11 t 1930 Infant Daughter of Shelby &: Theima Rues SUMMERLIN, GEORGE I. 1878 -- 1927. '• TAYLOR, MARY DELLA Died August 17- 1936 Aged 43 Yrs. 5 Mos. 14 Days THOMPSON, ELLA RAY Died July 20 - 1930 Aged 9 Years- 11-Months THOMPSON, MRS, JULIA ANN No~. 3 - 1935 Aged 52 yrs 0 Days '''~- •. New Hanover County Wilmington, N. c. St. Andrew's Episcopal Cemetery TOPEL, EL!ldA Nov. 21- 1860 - Nov. 21- 1932 WEEKS, PEA1U. INEZ Died Sept. 11.- 1931 Page Three- Wife of R. A. Topel Aged 38 Years 11 Mos. 3 Days We also find the following grave, marked anly: MARTHA JANE Mar. 27- 1892 May 9- 1930 (~: Exact inscription) '.1 Worker: Compiled by the Historical Records Survey of North Carolina, 1938 Mrs. Marie Fletcher NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA ST. JAMES CEMETERY LOCATION: Corner of 4th and,Market Sts., Wilmington, N.c. - NAME ~~ Alexander, He *Allan, - DIED REMARKS No date 11.;.22-1830 Son of Doyle m d Margaret - Age 12 years small stone adjoining Farounar MaCrae. Dau. of James and Mary Allan. ·4-l-1811 8-20-1797 No date 10-21-1765 3-ll-1790 No date 10-21-1817 No date 8-22-1792 8-11-18ll lG-7-1790 3-6-1846 Baker, Mary Ae Baker, Sarah Eliza No date No date 5-5-1829 6-27-1814 Beach, Thomas He No date 9-20-1833 Beach, Robert J. No date 4-5-1835 Beach, Sarah No date 4-1-1835 Beach, Silas c. Bleackly, John Bleakly, Mary No date No date No date 7-5-1849 No date 1-6-1787 Allan, Allan, Allan, Allan, Baker, Charlotte · Isabelle Isabelle James Nancy James Ward BORN . Bontet, Ann No Borodish, Sarah No Baskins, Ann No Baskins, Ann Hoskin No Baskins, Elj.za Theressa No Baskins Bardaun Sarah No Bougall, William No Bridge, Edmond No Buccles, Nathan w. No No Byrne, Wm. c. Calder, Mary w._· No date date date date No date ll-26-1840 9-30-1807 6-17-1765 date date date date date date date 5-10-1840 3;;;15-1815 4-8-1837 7-15-1823 9-5-1829 8-2-1834 9-21-1838 Callender, (Mrs.) Mary No date Callender, (Capt.) Thomas 1754 2-26-1801 No date Isabelle his wife. Son of Abram and Sarah Ward - Age 6 years. Age 21 years - wife of Abram Baker. Son of Silas and Susan Beach. Son of Sil.as and Susan Beach - age 2 years. Dau. of Silas and Sus~ Beach. Age 42 years. . Age 9 months. Wife of John Bleakly Age 29 years. Age 84 years. E.ge 21 years. Age 41 years. Age 21 years. Age ~1 years. Wife of William Calder Age 43 years. Age 42 years. Age 75 years - In our countrys struggle for independence he sustained the part of an active patriot and live to discharge the duties of a public office in this place with fidelit Page 2 New Hanover County St. James Cemetery Wilmington, North Caolina BORN DIED ·REMARKS No date No date· No date 8-10-1811 9-23-1796 11-6.;.1792 S.on of .Carolina Carpenter. Age 37 years,. Wife of Dr. William Claypoole died at Sea. 9----1788 no date 8-20.:.1790 2-10-1818 Dau. of William Claypoole. 7.:.1841 Age 49 years. 8---1820 7-7-1805 Wife of Bartholomew Davis. No date Daughter of Col. John DeBerniere. -NAME Carpenter, Isaiaur Clark, Andrew Claypoole, Mary Claypoole, (Miss) Polly Cochran, Addison 9·28-1786 Ano date Cowan, James No date Cooke, Hannah No date Dale, Christopher H. No date Darrell, John Tacker No date Davis, Mary 10-7-1787 DeBerniere, Julia De 1.:.1785 Dickinson, Jane vance 5-5-1828 Ewans, Ann No date Ewans, John No date Evans, Margaret 11-16-1786 Edvms, Robert No date Fleming, Mary No date Foote, Jphn No date Frink, Walter No date Gantier, R. Joseph No date Gillett, Benjamin No date Glover, George Washington No date Golden, Abraham No date Goldwin, Ann No date Green, Mary No date Green, Doctor Samuel No date Greer, Harriet 2-23-1798 Harman, Annabel No date Harnett, Cornelius No date Harriss, Alice 1778 Harriss, James M. 3·27-1805 Harriss, Nehemiah No date Harriss, William 12-1796 Hanry, Roby Jan No date Hoard, Seth No date Hobbs, Eliza No date Hogan, Henrietta No date Age 57 years - wife of Capt. William Cooke. No date Wife of P. K. Dickinson. 8--1803 4-1789 Age 18 years. 4-9-1836 10-21-1837 Age 44 years. No date Age 52 years. Age 45 years. 7-22-1816 10-18-1839 Age 22 years. 9-21-1816 7-27-1837 J!!.ge .j:5. years • 6-27-1844 No date 3-1781 l-27-1815 2-l-1771 No date 8-25-1817 4-20-1781 1805 4-4---.8-28-1819 1797 8-10-192$ 12-11---No date l-17.:.1826 Who passed on at Wilmington was from Charleston, s. c. Was buried in this cemetery. Age 50 years. Wife of William Green. Practiced Surgery in Wilningtor for 20 years. Consort of w. T•. Greer. Wife of Joacob ~armro • ./Age 51 years Wife of Nehemiah Harriss Age 55 years. Age 29 years. Age 69 years. Wife of E. Hobbs. Age 22 years .• .. NAME Page 3 New Hanover County St. James Gene tery Wilmington, North Carolina -BORN DIED REMARKS Hostler, Alexander No date Howell, John No date No date Hunt, William . No date Hunt, William 1-20-1790 10.;.1791 6-7-1'75'7 No Date Age 40 years. Age 62 years'• Age 19 years. Son of Sarah,Hunt - age 19 years. Jones, Elizabeth Brice No date 1'796 Two days oid infant buried with her. Age 35 years. Jones, Louis~ No date Kellogg, Joseph 1-10-1772 King, Benjamin No da~e Kurpatrick, John No date LaBarus, Washington No date Lane. Eevin No date Dane, Samuel w. No date Larkins, William Me R. 5-25-1807 Lloyd, Colonel Thomas No date Lloyed, Richa~- No date Love, .Carolina No date Love, Jane M• No date MacRae, Forounar No date Macomber, Mitilda No date Marshal,. Lucy Jones· No date Mason, Sarah No date 'Meaes, Susan No date Meek, (Mrs.) Mary 10-1738 March, Nathan Ward No date Milne, Joseph No date Millor, M. William No date Mitchell, Catherine No date Mosely~ Ann No date 1835 '7-17-1826 8-25-1832 Age 39 yea:bs. Age 22 years. 5-8-183'7 11"21-1831 Age 23 years. 1848 Age 20 years. 8-25-1839 . 9-14-1825 8-MD-w.ccr.xx Age 48 years._ 6-1830 11-18-1844 11.:.9-1844 Age 15 months. No date ???? 1846 Daughter of Re 7-11-1'788 Age 48 years .• 1-19-1826 May ? 1'799 Age 38 years. Daughter of Edward Mosely, Age 53 years. Age 39 yea:bse Son of Robert and Margaret Muter. Age 10 years. ffige 5 years. 10-2-1818 1799 Muter, Margaret Muter, Robert Nichols, William No date No date 4-4-1793 4-13-1793 No date Catherine No date Elizabeth No date John No date Samuel Frink No date · Roberts, Bryan No date Rebeson, Letetia Ketty No date Macomber. Age 28 years. Wife of James Mason -· Age 60 yearse 10-14-1813 Age 18 years. 10-15-1806 Age 68 yea:bs. 9-10-1796 Age 25 years. 12-4-1801 Age 38 years. No date Dec. 5, 1798 Nutt, Nutt, Nutt, Nutt, s. 10-7-18;).!8 3-6-1850 Moore, Hilliary Muter,, James swan • 3-9-1818 Age 24 years. 4-29-1786 Wife of John Nutt - Age 53 yearl 12-14-1840 Age 5 yeaf's. 8-9-18m0 Age 87 years. 10-8-1835 1-10-1803 Age 8 years. Age 21 years. 11-27-1849 :c:Age 79 years. " Page 4, New Hanover County st. James Cemetery Wilmington, North ca~olima -No date BORN~ REMARKS no date ·Roberson, JohnR------ie, James No date Rounarie, Alexander No date Russell, Anne Elizabeth No date Russ·ell 1 Ann Elizabeth 12-22~1808 Age 54 years. • l0-1792 ~ No date Russell, Caroline Amelia No date Russell, Samuel No date Scott, Eli~abeth No date Simpson, Robert Henry No date Skilling, Catherine No date Skilling, .John No date Skilling, Mary No date Skilling, Sarah Nutt No date ' ;Ann Smith, No date 6-23-1847 Age 17. years. 2-26-1846 Age 54 7-2.:.1821 5-11-1830 3·6-1787 Age 3 years. Age 42 years.and wife Ann Elizabeth. Age 53 years. , 10•5-1835 &ge 3 years •. years~ date No date No date l~o No date- · 9-25-1842 Smith, Mary No date Stone, Sarah Hugh No date Sutton, (~~s.) Martha No date Sutton, Rebecca & Isabella No date Symonds, (Capt.) Ephrain No date Thomas, Godfrey 1736 John Smith Age 14 years._ 6!'!26-1795 Age 4 years. 9-10-1788 .f-51-1938 Age 74 years. 1837 Dau. of w. &.Harriet Sutton Age 2 & 4 years. ' Age 30 years. Monument errected in 1929 by the North Carolina Society of Colonial Dames of America,near this spot lies Thomas,Godfrey Born in Phil. and dlted in Wilmington - Author of the Prince of Partha. The first drama written by m American and produced upon the professional stage in the colonies. Infant son of - age 3 years. 2-9-1808 1763 ' Timanus, Philip No date Tow.nfeud,.Samuel No date Timanus, Solomm No date Unthank, Edward E. No date Urquhart, Ann No date · • Usier, James No date Van Cleef, John M. No date Also three children John, Mary Catherine. Age 82 years, also dau. of Mary Smith and wife of Capt. . 9-5-1822 '7-9--l-18-1823 Age 36 years. 11-16•1821 Age 5 years •• 12-22-1844 Age 65 years - Relict of Henry Urquhart • 2-9-1831 12-21-1826 Age 29 yea:bse Page 5 N ew Hanover County st. James Cern> tery Wilmington, North Carolina NAME -Vance 6 Mary Walker 6 Mary w. Ward, ¥ary Emma -NoBORNdate No date No date Wilkinfon, FrancesNo date Wilkins, Sarah No date Wilkins,lWinslow No date Wright, Mrs.) Ann No date Wright 6 Grainger No date Wright, Robert no date Wrighb 1 William No date DIED REMARKS Age 52 years. 4-8-1829 12-17-1821 Age 24 years. 10-19-1821 Dau. of John Ward - Age 5 years. u Wife of John Wilkinforn- Age 7-4-1788 18 years. Age 53 years. 1-24-1784 10-19.;.1837 Age 42 years. 12-25-1795 Wife of Thomas Wright. 6-5-1795 Age 2 months. 6-29-1795 Son of Mrs• Ann wright age 15 months. 17.84 Age 5 mon ths'• Supplement Nev1 Hanover County Wilmington, North Carolina St. Jame~ Cemetery -BORN -DIED REMARKS NOTE: Marker errected on the cor. of 4th and Market St.,, by the State Historical Commission Dept. of Conservation "and Developem.en·t, 1936. · . With t:txe following inscription. Sti James Chu;r.ch! , Built 1839,.near Site of Older~Church, Begun about.l75l, Graves of Cornelian Harnett and Sir. Thomas Godfrey • . Every· year hundreds of vistors come to st. James tp .see the graves of Cornelius Harnett, Revolutionary patriot and ·signer of the Declaration of Independence, and Sir rhomas Godfrey, author of the first drama ever. written by a native American and produced upon the professional, stage in the United States. ,. • compiled by Historical Records of North Carolina 1937. Survey NEW HANOVER COUNTY N. C. WINTER PARK CEMETERY W~ITNGTON, HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY FIELD WORKER MARCH, 1937 HARRY C. CRAFT The Winter Park Cemetery is located three IIJ'ld one-ha.l.f miles Northeast of Wilmington IIJ'ld one-eight-h mile North of Winter Park (suburb of Wilmington), near old Wrightsville TUrnpike one-half mile South of Winter Park baseball diamond. The cemetery is owned by the c_ommunity, is poorly kept with exception of three graves. Twenty-nine graves are marked, twenty-three wirim.rked, earliest marked grave is c. s. Lewis, Jr., died May 19, 1914. ADAMS, JAMES M., JR. Sept. 14 - 1928 June 14 - 1929 BONHAM, BETTIE C. Born.Feb. 19- 1855 BROWN, QUCESSIC March 23rd 1935 Died_ July 4- 1927 18 years 4 months 4 days BRYAN, MIRIAM Bern Nov. 6, 192.3 Diad Nov. 9, 1923 BRYAN, VERA Born Oct lQ- 1904 Died Ap,ril 14- 1924 Daughter of w. & Verd Bryan Wife of Woody BryM CURTISS, FRANK C• W. July 8 1887 May 24 1919 DYER DYER, WILLIAM HENRY 18§7 - 1932 Father DYER, EFFIE BLACHE 1865 - 1924 Mother (Double Stone) ELKS, ANNIE V Died May 1, 1916 Daughter Of 5. E. and A. L. Elks HALL, DAVID WILBUR March 23,- 1928 April 25- 19i8 ' Son of Rev. R. J. and Perl Hall HIGH (Note: Exact inscription on stone) New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. Winter Park Cemetery Page Two HIGH, DANIEL P. 1886 •. ),.925 HOKE, JOE E. 1899 -:- 1924 S.A.T.C. 1914 1918 World War HOKE, ROBERT K. 1895 - 1933 . HOKE, ROBERT L. 1864 -- 1934 . . JERNIGAN INFANT Apr •. 13· -1924 Son of L; T. 8: Lou.cenia Jarnigan - JERNINGAN, L. T. Sept. 20, 1897 Sept. 24 1 1925 JORDAN 1 JOHN J 1 JR, 1873 -- 1926. Father JORDAN, NETTIE W, 1882 -- 1930 llother LEWIS, C. S. 1 JR. Born Dec 26- 1913 Died May 19- 1914 MAULTSBY, DEVEREUX H.· Aug. 10. 1877 Nov. 5. 1929 MURRAY, ERASTUS W. Dec. 29, 1898 Jan. 21, 1923 -.' . ..:.: PETERSON, EDITH'MAE Died Sept. 2- 1922 Infant Daughter of Mr. &: Mrs'. W. R. Peterson POWELL, BRAXTON J. Mar. 3 1 1883 Sept. 6 1 1915 THOMAS, A. P. Sept. 26. 1857 Oct. 21. 1928 THOMAS, LIZZIE FRINK Jan. 26, 1864 Feb. 12, 1934 Wife of A. P. Thomas WEIJERS 1 JOSEPHUS H. F. B6rn in Netherland Aug 16- 1904 Died June 29, 1930 New Hanover County Wilmington, N. c. Winter Park Cemetery Page Three Practica.l.ly no ilif ormation on stones listed below. We are giving exact and complete inscriptions found on stones. NANNIES LITI'LE MAN AND PAPAS PRECIOUS BOY . (The: above is exact. inscription on headstone. .inscribed~ B Bn.) W.B.B.-_ (Exact inscription on stone) G. A. R. • . (Note: Exact inscription on stone) The footstone is
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