Whither Katahdin? - The Appalachian Long Distance Hikers


Whither Katahdin? - The Appalachian Long Distance Hikers
The Long Distance Hiker
The Newsletter of the Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association
Vol. 25, No. 4
n We’ll return to Shippensburg, Pa., for our 34th annual Gathering. Page 5
A new volunteer has
stepped forward to handle the
program for
our 2015 Gathering. Find
out more on Page 5
n More maps, profiles and
all the latest information in
the guidebook created by
ALDHA volunteers for our
fellow hikers. Page 5
Reminiscences, photos
and a story on the workshop that looked at possible impacts from “A Walk in
the Woods.” Pages 9-15
Around & About ALDHA 3
A.T. Museum News
Meet the New Board
Meeting Minutes
List of New Members
2015 Calendar
Registration form
‘ALDHA News That Fits We Print Since 1983’
Winter 2014-15
Whither Katahdin?
Officials in Maine
are fed up with the
antics of a few
thru-hikers and
are worried for
the future
of the A.T. in
Baxter Park.
Could the
trail lose its
oried final summit?
By Bill o’Brien
When Percival Baxter created the park that
bears his name in the Maine wilderness, he
knew Mount Katahdin would always be its centerpiece, a focal point that commands the public’s attention for hundreds of miles all around.
“Buildings crumble, monuments decay, and
wealth vanishes,” the former Maine governor is
quoted as saying on a plaque that is still visible
at Katahdin Stream Campground, “but Katahdin
in all its glory forever shall remain the mountain
of the people of Maine.”
That omniscient prophecy will likely live on
as long as there is a sun. But Katahdin’s other
status as the much-revered northern end of the
legendary Appalachian Trail faces a far less certain future. The authority that rules over Baxter
State Park has raised serious issues about hosting
the A.T. and its ever-rising tide of pilgrims, to
the point that future thru-hikers may have to end
their journeys elsewhere, or face several new
hurdles just to climb the so-called “holy grail.”
Continued on Page 6
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
The Long Distance Hiker
december 2014
Vol. 25, No. 4
editor -in-Chief
Bill o’Brien
The Long Distance Hiker is published four
times each year by aldha, the appalachian long distance hikers association,
a 501(c)3 nonprofit registered in New
hampshire at 10 Benning st., PMB 224,
West lebanon, Nh 03784.
Membership is open to all. there are no
prerequisites to join. to sign up, fill out and
mail the form on Page 24, or go online to
to contact us via email, write to us at:
info@aldha.org. our home page is at
http://www.aldha.org. if you need to
contact the folks below, see the directory.
AlDHA Coordinator
kip redick
Assistant Coordinator
randy anderson
luanne anderson
Membership Secretary
robert sylvester
recording Secretary
sue spring
At-large Board Members
ron Bungay ’15
Jim chambers ’16
russell ledbetter ’16
Jim Niedbalski ’15
Peter Passalacqua ’16
Jim sample ’15
Gathering Coordinators
Betsy kane, program
kip redick, facilities
chuck Wood, campsite
outreach Coordinator
Jim sample
2015 Companion editor
robert sylvester
Bill o’Brien
Merchandise Coordinators
randy anderson
A.T. Museum representatives
Noel decavalcante
Bill o’Brien
DeADline For neXT iSSUe: FeB. 15
Mail items to newsletter@aldha.org or to
181 highland ave., Meriden, ct 06451
No copy of this newsletter may be posted online
in whole or in part without the editor’s consent.
h. deaN clark “crooked sticks”
Coordinator Kip redick plays ‘The Gathering Song’ at the Friday night opening in Williamstown.
Thanks for another great Gathering
e had a grand time in the shadow
of Graylock for our 33rd annual
Gathering. From the very early
morning on Friday, before registration had
begun, volunteers were moving around like
busy bees preparing the barn, campsites and
parking areas at Eric White’s farm.
Many of those same volunteers had assembled days before to organize and prepare for
the Gathering. Thanks to all of you who dedicated your efforts toward a successful event.
Randy Anderson (“Chuck Norris”) was this
year’s program coordinator, and his wife LuAnne (“Tigger”) was a
co-coordinator with
From ALDHA’s
coordinator him. Together they
worked throughout the
year to organize speakers, workshops seminars and more. Their unique contribution
came in the way of special videos during the
opening ceremony and a Sunday evening program that involved many talented hikers performing on stage. Thanks also to Eric White
(“Mini Mart”) for providing the camping
area and Noel DeCavalcante (“The Singing
Horseman”) for coordinating the campsite.
Thanks to Bill O’Brien (“Sprained Rice”) and
Robert Sylvester (“Sly”) for registration,
website management, newsletters and program editing/printing. Thanks to Jim Niedbalski (“High Octane”) for coordinating the
facility at Williams College and for all his efforts in mediating between ALDHA the
Williams Outing Club, the college and the
’62 Center. Special thanks to Cosmo Catalano for making our events work so well at
the ’62 Center, and to Scott Lewis and the
Williams Outing Club for sponsoring our
group. Thanks also to Ron Bungay (“Yellow
Shoes”) for coordinating the hiker fair.
Thanks again Sue Spring (“Mama Lipton”)
and Tom Evans (“Flatlander”) for countless
efforts and for the Apple Contest. Thanks to
Jim Sample (“White Sidewalls”) for running
the ALDHA Store. Thanks also Vera Hurst
(“Missing Kink”) for stepping up to judge
and organize the Photo Contest.
Our Saturday evening feature presentation
by Chris Gallaway (“Frost”) moved all of us
so deeply. His film powerfully communicated
the beauty and passion we all experienced
during our own hike. I am so glad that Bill
O’Brien met Frost at the 2013 hiker feed in
Salisbury, thus acquainting us all with this
beautiful film. I received wonderful feedback
about the film and so many of the other presentations/workshops/seminars. Thanks to all
who served as presenters. And thanks to
those who served on the work trips at the
conclusion of the Gathering.
Remember that there are some NOBOs,
SOBOs and flip-floppers out there on the
trail. There was a snowstorm as I wrote this
and much of the trail was covered. If you live
near the trail, reach out and encourage those
who are heading north or south, wherever
their place of completion might be.
Kip Redick
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
looKinG BACK on A liFe
DeVoTeD To THe TrAilS
Blurbs gleaned from emails,
ALDHA’s Facebook pages and
elsewhere about folks you know
and love from your Trail Family:
For THe neW yeAr
As the next hiking season starts,
ALDHA will be involved in several
events of note. We started off with
the Southern and Northern Rucks.
The AT Kick Off will happen on
March 6-8 at Amicalola Falls State
Park in Georgia. ALDHA’s annual
spring meeting will take place at
Bears Den on April 11, and Trail
Days will happen on May 15-17.
Come out to as many of these
events as you can.
This year we will hold the Gathering at Shippensburg University in
Pennsylvania. We had a great time
there in 2013. We continue to look
for a southern venue. Several promising locations could not be secured this
year because of home football games
and these institutions not being willing to have ALDHA at the same time.
— Kip Redick, “Hippy Kippy”
MAine SeCTion oF iAT HAS
Been GiVen A neW nAMe
On the occasion of his 80th birthday on Dec. 12, the Maine Chapter
hosted a party for Dick Anderson, visionary conservationist, leader, mentor and friend. Nearly 80 friends and
family from Dick’s long life and career in conservation attended, including former Maine Gov. Joe Brennan
who met Dick 60 years ago at the
University of Maine. Joe announced
the creation of the IAT on Earth Day
1994 with major help from Dick.
Dick was recognized for a lifetime
of achievement in conservation, wild
animal and road kill cookery, driftwood and pine cone marketing, and —
most importantly — for being the “Father of the IAT.” No one has contributed more to the IAT than Dick.
He conceived the trail and assembled
a team that built trails and campsites
over many weekends for years.
In his honor, the Maine section of
the IAT has been named the “Richard
B. Anderson Trail.” Don Hudson
gave Dick a replica of a plaque that
will be placed on a trailside boulder —
thanks in large part to the generosity
and support of Roxanne and Hannah
Quimby and Lucas St. Clair.
Dick’s birthday, by the way, was
an IAT fundraiser that raised about
$17,000. (See related item, Page 11.)
JiM saMPle
Jim Sample has found a cool way to honor both AlDHA and
the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. He was among the first
residents of Pennsylvania to take advantage of a new vanity
license plate program that financially benefits the ATC, and
for his new marker he chose our acronym. Jim is a member
of the AlDHA board and one of our biggest boosters. if you
live in the commonwealth, you too can support the trail. Visit
appalachiantrail.org, click the “Donate” tab, then the “Ways
to donate” tab and then the “Specialty license plates” tab.
MeMorieS oF GATHerinG
Will KeeP HiS MoM WArM
Don’t ask me to explain it, but my
family didn’t do our Christmas exchange of gifts until after Christmas —
and there, mixed in with all the family
photos on this blanket that a family
friend secretly had made for my
mother were two photos I snapped
with my iPhone during the 33rd Gathering in Williamstown last October.
So a nostalgic keepsake (blanket) full
of old family photos also has two pictures from the Gathering on it!! HA!!
There are a lot more photos on
there of family dating back to 1950
and through the years, but on the left
is the Tent City where ALDHA members camped in front of Mount Greylock, and there’s an orange, yellow
and red-leafed foliage shot on the
right facing away front Tent City on
Eric White’s property!
The person who made this as a surprise gift for my mother had no idea,
and included those two Gathering
photos in with the family pics. You
gotta love it!! ALDHA is part of the
family legacy now!
— Russell Ledbetter
“The Artful Dodger”
I was born in 1939 and am now
over 75 years old. I did my first backpacking trip in 1948, an overnight
hike in the Great
Smoky Mountains National Park, to the top
of Mount LeConte.
We — my dad and I —
camped in a small
backcountry campsite
between LeConte Lodge and High
Top. This campsite was closed, probably in the early 1960s.
Since this first backpacking trip,
I’ve continued to hike and backpack
on every occasion that presented itself. I now have over 500 overnight
trips to the top of LeConte, mostly
staying in the shelter, sometimes staying in the lodge. Some hikers have
completed more than 1,000 hikes to
the top of this mountain but these
were day hikes. They would walk up
and down trails to the top, sometimes
two or three times in a day. I believe I
have the record for overnight trips to
the top of Mount LeConte and I doubt
if this record will ever be broken.
I have several times hiked all the
trails of the Smokies. I have stayed at
all the backcountry campsites and
shelters. (Some of the old shelters,
campsites and trails have been closed
or relocated.) I hiked the complete
Appalachian Trail from Georgia to
Maine in 1998. I did it in six months.
My trail name is “Old Smokey.”
I have hiked many trails in the
United States and two in Japan including Mount Fuji in 1959. Completed
trails include the C&O Canal Towpath, Cumberland Trail, Natchez
Trace, Long Trail and Benton MacKaye Trail.
I have been a member of ALDHA
for several years. I am also a life
member of the Appalachian Trail
Conservancy and a member of various other hiking clubs.
I have been a volunteer in the
Smokies since 1992. I have adopted a
shelter and trail which I frequently
visit and maintain. I have plaques
from the park and other awards attesting to my volunteer efforts. I also
have a letter and pin from President
Obama thanking me for volunteering.
Because of my age I feel that my
hiking days are dwindling, but I also
feel that as long as I can walk the
trails and spend time in the backcountry I will continue to do so.
— Morgan Briggs
“Old Smokey”
The Long Distance Hiker
Winter 2014-15
Long Distance Hikers
One of ALDHA’s most anticipated annual perks
here are numerous benefits to belonging to the Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association — this
quarterly newsletter among them — but few can top
the anticipation that greets the annual Membership Directory that is published at this time of year with all the pertinent information on you and your hiking compatriots.
It is the ultimate in social networking media: A directory
that not only lists each member alphabetically by last name
but also geographically by state and town (or in some
cases, by foreign country and town) as well as by trail
name. The data listed for each member includes phone
numbers, mailing addresses, email addresses, trail names
and, in what sets this apart from all other hiking membership lists, your trail hiking resume for all to see.
This year’s booklet will be at least 44 pages long and
features a beautiful illustration on the cover by Brian
“Evac” Wing, an ALDHA member who was in the Warrior Hiker class of 2014. He also has a sketch featured on
the back of this year’s Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers’
Companion. Robert “Sly” Sylvester edited both the Companion and Directory this year.
Look for your copy via snail mail or email soon. Enjoy!
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
lined up for the
next Gathering
By KiP reDiCK
ALDHA Coordinator
The Gathering will return to Shippensburg University in 2015, very close to the halfway marker on the
Appalachian Trail. The dates will be Oct. 9-11.
We had great feedback about Shippensburg from
attendees of the Gathering held there in 2013. Workshops and the hiker fair are all in the same building —
the Ceddia Union Building. The dining hall is just
across the street, and the campsite and showers are
less than five minutes away by foot from the union.
We continue to look farther south for a good venue
for a future Gathering. All of the promising sites farther south had scheduled football games and will not
host both a home football game and the ALDHA
Gathering on the same weekend.
Shippensburg is midway between north and south,
as well as being just minutes from two I-81 exits. The
town features all the amenities such as supermarkets,
fast food, gas and lodging, but the campus is nicely
situated on the outskirts, insulated from all that hustle
and bustle. The Appalachian Trail Museum is less
than a half hour away, and we expect it will be open
extra hours to accommodate visits from Gathering attendees like it was in 2013.
The program coordinator will be Betsy Kane (see
below). If you have a proposal for a workshop or seminar, you can reach Betsy at betsykane@gmail.com.
Join us in welcoming new
program guru, Betsy Kane
By BeTSy KAne
Gathering Program Coordinator
I live in Lake Placid, N.Y., I am 31 years old, and
work as the director of Graduate Admissions at SUNY
I’m an A.T. section-hiker. I spent a cold solo month
on the trail when I was between jobs in March 2013
and hiked some of Shenendoah National Park in 2014.
I became enthralled with the A.T. when I lived in
Georgia from 2011-2013, and after doing a day hike
up Springer, knew I wanted to eventually see it all.
Though I’m limited somewhat by my career and
current proximity to the trail, I offer support, guidance
and trail magic whenever possible.
I am a member of the Adirondack Mountain Club
and the Adirondack 46ers, the group of hikers who
climb the highest peaks of upstate New York. I’m a
Saranac Lake Ultra 6er, I’ve done some long-distance
hikes in the Grand Canyon and Colorado, and am planning to finish the Northville-Placid Trail in July.
More maps, info, profiles in
Thru-Hikers’ Companion
The 2015 edition of the Thru-Hikers’
Companion has redesigned tables with several new features and 200 more data
points, all new town maps (and more of
them), annotated elevation profiles, and a
new format structure featuring four major
sections. The redesigned tables offer more
at-a-glance information for the hiker on the
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy and
ALDHA collaborate each year on the
guidebook, which is especially designed
for potential thru-hikers who want the
basic information for a five- to six-month
trek in the woods, at a reasonable price,
but also want the adventure of finding out
the extras for themselves. Section-hikers
also find it of great value in helping to plan
a trip of any length on the A.T.
The book is put together every fall
based on fact-checking research by more
than three dozen thru-hiker volunteers in
14 states, backed by the first-hand information of the trail’s volunteer and staff
maintainers and managers and extensive
info from the 2015 A.T. Data Book.
Equipment-makers’ toll-free numbers, post
office hours and other data are included.
The cost is still the same at $14.95.
The perfect companion to the Companion
Guthook’s Guides and AlDHA have teamed up
to bring you a new way to plan and carry out
your hike along the Appalachian Trail using an
app for either the iPhone or Android platform. it taps into the latest info from AlDHA’s A.T.
Thru-Hikers’ Companion and all
the technical info you will need
from actual GPS measurements of the trail by
the app’s creator, ryan linn, aka “Guthook.” A
portion of the proceeds support AlDHA’s trail
programs. Scan the Qr code above or visit
The Long Distance Hiker
Winter 2014-15
KATAHDIN: Somehow, ‘Springer to Nesuntabunt’
Continued from Page 1
On Nov. 19, the director of the Baxter State Park
Authority, Jensen Bissell, sent a 10-page letter to the
Appalachian Trail Conservancy laying out concerns
posed by the increasing number of thru-hikers entering
the park to finish, or in some cases start, their end-toend hikes of the Appalachian Trail. If it’s true that a
few bad apples ruin it for everyone, it is no more true
than on the Appalachian Trail and in particular on the
A.T. in Baxter Park. Bissell lays out a scenario of drug
and alcohol use in plain sight of families with children,
late-night partying, illegal camping, and deceitful use
of fake credentials to claim pet dogs as service animals,
thereby allowing them entry into a park that otherwise
bans pets.
The letter, which at times has the feeling of a legal
brief, makes clear that hosting the northern terminus
of the A.T. was never part of the park’s original mission, that federal authority over the A.T. ends at the
state park’s boundary line, and that the final 14.5 miles
of the trail are under Baxter State Park governance.
Deeds and other written instructions left by Percival
Baxter on how he wanted the park managed “provide
no direct reference to the A.T. or its accommodation
within the park,” Bissell notes in his opening paragraph. He goes on to detail how the number of thruhikers has risen over the years while the park’s
resources have been unable to keep pace. He flatly
states that the park has no intention of beefing up its
services to accommodate ever more thru-hikers and
makes it clear that some other arrangement will likely
be needed to preserve the integrity of the park’s primary mission, which unlike the A.T.’s purpose, he
said, is the preservation of wilderness, not recreation.
Bissell says alternative arrangements for
A.T. thru-hikers include park entry by permit
only, and, yes, the possible relocation of the
Appalachian Trail’s northern terminus so it is
no longer on Mount Katahdin.
One of the underlying themes of the letter dwells on
the problems posed by the very nature of thru-hiking,
a culture that fosters a somewhat cavalier disregard,
albeit temporary for most, of society’s rules. The Baxter State Park Authority by necessity must operate by
a set list of rules, Bissell notes, and this is in direct
conflict with the attitudes of many hikers. He cites as
examples the way some hikers avoid paying the
mandatory $10 fee for overnight camping at the
Birches campsite, the way some hikers stealth camp illegally inside the park, and the way some hikers flaunt
alcohol and marijuana use on the summit as part of
n Modern A.T. hikers exhibit a desire to
n An increase in southbounders, many of
n The use of alcohol and recreational
n A large increase in the number of thru-
travel together in large numbers, congregating on the trail in large groups even as the
park has recently joined all other land management agencies in the Northeast in limiting hiking group size beginning in 2013. (in
the park, groups are limited to 12 or fewer.)
drugs in full view at the summit. this behavior detracts from the summit experience
for other hikers on katahdin, including families with children. this inconsiderate behavior does not represent use the park supports
or encourages anywhere in the park, let
alone at Maine’s most popular peak.
n A surprisingly large increase in hikers
arriving with service dogs. a quick search
on the internet turns up at least six companies on the Web offering fake service dog
credentials and accessories available for a
fee. Following their hike in the park, hikers
have been seen hiking able-bodied, without
dogs, boasting and laughing loudly in local
establishments about how they “pulled one
over on Baxter” by using fake credentials.
two hikers were recently prosecuted, convicted and fined $260 for fake credentials.
their end-of-trail celebration, in full view of other park
visitors, despite the ban on public alcohol consumption
and all illegal drugs. (A litany of some of Bissell’s
other concerns is listed in the box above.)
response to the issues outlined by Bissell, who also sent
a copy of his letter to Wendy Janssen, the National
Park Service superintendent of the A.T. project. Ron
Tipton, executive director of the ATC, is hoping to set
up a meeting where he, Janssen, Bissell and other staff
members on both sides can discuss the issues and possibly come up with an action plan. Because of the
winter weather, that meeting is not expected
to occur until the spring.
“We’re just as concerned,” the ATC’s
New England
whom say they are avoiding the crowd
scene and overdone “trail magic” on the
south end of the trail in the spring. Many of
them are ill-prepared for the start of their
journeys despite all the information out
there, Bissell’s letter says.
hikers wishing to hike “up and over” Baxter Peak and complete their day at roaring
Brook campground. coupled with this hike
is an expectation that park staff will undertake numerous radio calls to arrange for taxi
or shuttle service on the other side of the
mountain at day’s end. some thru-hikers
have indicated they will petition to have the
white blazes extended to include knife edge
and trails beyond to chimney Pond.
n increasing numbers of thru-hikers ar-
riving late in the afternoon when the park’s
a.t. steward is done for the day, saying they
plan to hike 10 miles before nightfall but end
up camping illegally in the park.
n Continuing problem of friends and fam-
ily of finishing thru-hikers expecting to rent a
site on a weekend at the last minute.
— Jensen Bissell letter, Nov. 19, 2014
regional director, Hawk Metheny, said. “We want to
try to do what we can to work cooperatively with them
on all of this. Obviously we don’t condone any of that
kind of hiker behavior in the letter. We think that’s totally inappropriate for the entire trail as well.”
While the number of problems is bound to rise with
the higher number of thru-hikers, there is also a growing sense of hiker entitlement that has come into play,
and Metheny is not sure if the ATC alone can
reverse those attitudes.
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
doesn’t sound as exciting as ‘Springer to Katahdin’
“Hikers are needy people,” former ALDHA Coordinator Mike Wingeart is fond of observing, but finding a way to make hikers less demanding on others —
especially in an age of reduced government services —
is a dilemma for all trail-related groups, Metheny and
others noted. But Metheny pointed out that the problems cited by Bissell are by a minority of hikers.
“There are a few people ignoring the rules but the
majority are responsible, or some of them simply may
not know the rules,” he said, a view shared by many
on Whiteblaze.net, where Bissell’s letter created a buzz
this winter. Educating people about the rules should be
the joint goal of Baxter Park, ATC and others, he said.
BaXter state Park
OVERALL, REACTION BY THE TRAIL COMMUNITY has been muted, with many perhaps believing
that Bissell’s suggestion of losing Katahdin was just an
attention-grabber. The letter was mailed a month after
the Gathering in October, and neither the ALDHA
board nor the membership has had a chance to discuss
it so there is no official response yet from the group.
Others were quick to offer their personal views,
chief among them Warren Doyle, who has summited
Katahdin as a thru-hiker more times than anyone else
in history and who is no stranger to breaking rules inside Baxter Park. He was arrested once in an act of
civil disobedience within the park, preferring to sit in
jail rather than pay a fine for trespassing — his
Thoreau-like way of protesting
what he considers the absurdity of “closing” a
“You can summit Katahdin legally, and without
paying anything,” Doyle said via email. “I will continue to do so regardless of what may change.”
If it ever came to losing the A.T. inside Baxter
Park, Doyle said he would prefer having the northern
terminus of the trail on Rainbow Ledges with a lowcost lodge/camping area operated by the AMC, ATC
or MATC on Hurd Pond. But for Doyle, who is
known to get emotional when he talks about the “holy
mountain,” he will always consider mile-high Baxter
Peak the ultimate goal of an A.T. thru-hike.
He added: “As I said from my Piscataquis County
jail cell several decades ago, it is a shame that a magnificent massif like Katahdin finds itself imprisoned in
a state park like Baxter.”
Larry Luxenberg, a trail historian and president of
the Appalachian Trail Museum Society, said the loss
of Katahdin would be a disaster if it were to occur. He
hopes, however, some accommodation can be made to
keep Katahdin in the trail family, as it were.
While not the original mountain that A.T. founder
Benton MacKaye had in mind for the northern terminus (he envisioned Mount Washington for the final
hurdle), the trail builders early on saw Katahdin as the
only logical conclusion for the trail they were creating,
especially after Myron H. Avery, himself a native of
Maine, took over the trail project. The final miles of
the trail were blazed in Maine, and it was Avery himself — measuring wheel in hand — who led the expedition through the Maine Wilderness that brought the
white blazes up and over Hunt Spur, all the way to
Baxter Peak, in 1933.
“No one loved Katahdin more than Myron Avery,”
Luxenberg noted. “From the beginning of his involvement with the A.T. in the 1920s, he was adamant that
Katahdin be the northern terminus of the A.T.”
It was a decision that has since made the Appalachian Trail practically synonymous with Katahdin.
“With nearly a century of experience, Avery’s insistence on ending at Katahdin has helped to make the
A.T. the best known trail in the world,” Luxenberg
said. “The loss of Katahdin would be devastating.”
Baxter State Park, hopes to find a way to alleviate the
concerns he put forth. He is especially worried over
what he perceives as a conflict between the two management models of the ATC and the park. On one
Continued on next page
“Having Katahdin at the end
of the trail is almost like it
was a plan by the creator of
the universe.”
— Irvin “Buzz” Caverly, retired
superintendent of Baxter State Park,
as quoted by Larry Luxenberg in 1994
The Long Distance Hiker
hand, the trust that dictates use of Baxter Park clearly
ranks recreational endeavors as secondary to the protection of natural resources. The ATC, he says, is dedicated to recreation, although Tipton and Metheny say
there is more to the ATC than that. “We take our responsibility for sustainable management of the trail
very seriously,” Metheny said.
NATURAL wild state,” Percival Baxter decreed in
making his gift in 1931. It “shall forever be kept as a
sanctuary for wild beasts and birds.”
Among the “wild beasts” whose preservation is entrusted to the park authority is the Katahdin arctic butterfly, a species that exists nowhere else but around the
fragile Bigelow’s sedge meadow that makes up just 1
percent of the above-treeline Tableland on the roof of
Katahdin. This alpine meadow is, by nature, a hardy
patch of grass. It is able to withstand fierce winds, subzero cold, frequent moisture and limited sun. But being
trampled by hiker boots is not something it can easily
adjust to, and some hikers have been known to stray
from the designated path and disturb the meadows on
Katahdin’s vast Tableland. Without this sedge, the
Katahdin arctic butterfly would not survive.
“We have limited daily access to Katahdin trailheads
for 25 years,” Bissell observed in his Nov. 29 missive.
“We apply these limits in the spirit of protecting the
fragile alpine habitat on Katahdin from overuse and to
provide a sustainable level of human impact and social
experience in one of the most popular and iconic mountains in the northeast.”
But he worried that social media, hiking groups and
films like “A Walk in the Woods” and “Wild” will
help spur an ever-increasing number of thru-hikers.
The crux of the case made by Bissell and the Baxter
Park Authority was summed up in the following lines:
“From the perspective of Baxter Park, we are
concerned that the use of the A.T. within
Baxter Park is nearing, or may have surpassed, an acceptable limit for the facilities
and effort available from the park to accommodate A.T. hikers. In addition, we are concerned about the impact on the wilderness
experience for park visitors on Katahdin if
current trends continue. We do not plan on
expanding lodging availability or staffing effort for A.T. hikers. We are concerned that
any significant increase will strain the current system beyond its capacity.”
Some ATC officials are
floating the idea of an online
reservation system for thruhikers to book space in advance at the Birches
campsite, but whether that
would ease some of Bissell’s concerns remains to
be seen, especially if reservations are voluntary.
What can ALDHA do?
As peers in the thru-hiking
community, ALDHA members do pack some weight.
Educating future hikers of
the concerns of Baxter Park
officials could be a first
step. Perhaps an offshoot of
the Endangered Services
Campaign, which encourages proper behavior in trail
towns, can be aimed at behavior in places like Baxter
Park. Using the same positive reinforcement of the Endangered Services endeavor, hikers could be urged to
follow the rules of their Maine hosts just as they would
the white blazes.
A panel discussion at this fall’s Gathering that addresses these very concerns would also be in order,
perhaps with invitations for Bissell and members of the
ATC staff to take part.
“Springer to Katahdin” is the catchphrase of all
would-be northbounders starting out from Georgia in
late winter and early spring. Were the trail to end at
the conclusion of the 100 Mile Wilderness, the last true
Winter 2014-15
peak would be Nesuntabunt Mountain, not exactly a
household name. Rainbow Ledges would be the final
high point, albeit one with a tantalizing view of the
Great Mountain, Katahdin, looming on the horizon as
the most dominant feature of the landscape. If the “Big
K” were removed from the trail, that view would be
They say Katahdin Stream is filled with the tears of
thousands of thru-hikers. Perhaps in the future, it will
be the west branch of the Penobscot River filled with
hikers’ tears, and not just because their journeys are
ending, but because their journeys are ending there, at
Abol Bridge, just a few miles short — and in full glorious view — of the holy mountain we call Katahdin.
Baxter State Park forbids the use of alcohol or recreational drugs, yet many thru-hikers pack
in champagne, beer and other booze for their summit celebrations on Baxter Peak. Wardens
say some hikers also indulge in recreational drug use, often in full view of families with kids.
Below, a closeup of Bigelow’s sedge and the Katahdin
arctic butterfly, a rare species that lives nowhere else
in the world except the sedge meadow atop Katahdin.
33rd AnnUAl GATHerinG
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
SliDe SHoW on THe
GATHerinG FroM
Finally! i just now completed my slide shoW of
highlights from the GatheriNG, and uploaded it to
Youtube! i named it “Get
leaFY!” because of all the
fun we had by tossing those
handfuls of autumn leaves
up in the air in the Big
Group Portrait. (suggestion
- start it, then pause it right
away while you enjoy a cup
of coffee, to let the 6 minute
show load FUllY! otherwise the images will likely
appear quite “fuzzy.”) and
narrowing the selection
down to some 70 images
was difficult, but the show is
ready and waiting for you to
check out:
— H. Dean Clark
aka “Crooked Sticks”
Nov. 29, 2014
reACTion To
SUnriSe PHoTo
speaking of dean, he
posted a photo of the sunrise at the Gathering on
aldha’s Facebook page,
and among the comments
was this exchange:
Jerry Hebert: it was
Vera Hurst: Beautiful,
leah Sparktwofire Knapp:
Yes it was! and so was the
orDer PrinTS!
dean has made all of his
photos available for purchase online at the site,
www.digiproofs.com. the
password is aldha-2014.
Please help him finance his
aldha picture taking! ;-)
Photos BY h. deaN clark “crooked sticks”
Casting a light on the 33rd Gathering at Williamstown, Mass, at the tent site, above, and the college, below.
Wonderful Williamstown
Fond memories of our
fellowship in the fall
It seems like only yesterday but the 2014 Gathering is already several months old. Hopefully the memories of the
weekend in Williamstown will live on for a long time.
With many thanks to Scott Lewis and
the Williams Outing Club for their
sponsorship of the Gathering and
thanks to Cosmo Catalano for his
help securing the ’62 Center (and
coordinating the post-Gathering
work trip), we were able to hold all
events on the Williams College campus
even in the midst of a home football game.
Even meals were available in a campus dining hall.
Program wise, we had some new and very good workshops offered during the weekend, with hikers getting the
knack for sharing the info they pick up on their journeys and
bringing it back to the Gathering for others to follow in their
footsteps. Slide shows and other multi-media presentations
have benefited greatly from the digital revolution, where even
the smallest smart device can shoot video these days.
Continued on Page 10
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
Photos BY h. deaN clark “crooked sticks”
Greylock reservation and the highest peak in the commonwealth formed the backdrop for our tentsite at the 2014 Gathering in Massachusetts.
GATHERING: It all came together perfectly in the end
Continued from Page 9
It seems like only yesterday but the 2014 Gathering
is already several months old. Hopefully the memories
of the weekend in Williamstown will live on for a long
With many thanks to Scott Lewis and the Williams
Outing Club for their sponsorship of the Gathering and
thanks to Cosmo Catalano for his help securing the ’62
Center (and coordinating the post-Gathering work
trip), we were able to hold all events on the Williams
College campus even in the midst of a home football
game. Even meals were available in a campus dining
Program wise, we had some new and very good
workshops offered during the weekend, with hikers
getting the knack for sharing the info they pick up on
their journeys and bringing it back to the Gathering for
others to follow in their footsteps. Slide shows and
other multi-media presentations have benefited greatly
from the digital revolution, where even the smallest
smart device can shoot video these days.
In terms of other facilities, we were blessed — truly
blessed — to once again be allowed to camp on the
randy Anderson at opening.
Carmelite Fields owned by triple-crowner Eric White.
With a sweeping panoramic view of Mount Greylock,
every sunrise proved more spectacular than the one before. We lucked out this year with a minimal amount
of rain, though we could have done with a little less
wind. Our crews will work on that for next time, lol.
Classic New England fall weather with mostly clear
skies (darn that passing cloud just when the space station was zipping by overhead) made trips between venues on campus a pleasurable stroll. A nearly full moon
also helped things sparkle.
Our Saturday night contra dance attracted a decent
Sunshine and Frost on Saturday.
crowd, the campfires back at the ranch were awesome
and the Sunday evening fun and games gave participants something new to talk about at future Gatherings.
You can see a thank-you list in Kip’s Coordinator’s
Report on Page 2 but we once again want to thank our
hosts — Scott Lewis, Cosmo Catalano and Eric White
— for all they did to make us feel warm and welcome.
And all of our presenters for their diligent work in
preparing and putting on some outstanding workshops
and slide shows.
The Friday night opening proved to be another raucously fun time, with an opening night reception held
just outside the auditorium of the beautiful ’62 Center.
Saturday night we were enthralled by an early sneak
peek look at what will arguably be the greatest movie
ever made about the Appalachian Trail. (Sorry Ken
Burns, you are too late. Chris Gallaway, “Frost,” has
beaten you to it!) And who will not remember that
spontaneous Gathering moment when Frost recited the
seminal poem “Birches” by his trail-namesake, Robert
Frost. The closing line speaks to all long-distance hikers everywhere: “One could do worse than be a
swinger of birches.”
Peaches speaks Friday night.
Chipmunk takes the podium.
Winter 2014-15
PAST (AnD PreSenT)
AlDHA CoorDinATorS
Whenever we have this many in
one place at the same time, it’s
worth capturing on camera. From
left, in chronological order: Cindy
ross (1987-89), noel DeCavalcante (1995-97), Bill o’Brien
(1997-1999), Henry edwards
(1999-2001), Mark Hudson (20052007), JoJo Koby-Burley (20072010), Mike Wingeart (2010-2013),
and Kip redick (2013-present).
HonorAry liFe MeMBerS
it’s the highest honor bestowed
by AlDHA, and at the 2014 Gathering it was presented to former
coordinator JoJo Koby Burley
and former treasurer Frank Burley, seen receiving the award from
former coordinator noel DeCavalcante, at left. The other recipient
was Dick Anderson of Maine,
founder of the international
Apalachian Trail, seen receiving
his award from Coordinator Kip
redick, at right.
Posing on stage at the 2014 Gathering were members of AlDHA’s
new Search and rescue Team, all
wearing their new blaze orange
wicking T-shirts. The team, led by
former coordinator Mike Wingeart,
conducted its first mission last
year in the search for missing
hiker Geraldine largay. From left:
Mike Wingeart, Mike Davis, Tim
Van nest, Jeff Smith, Bill o’Brien,
ron Berger and Dennis Webster.
Missing from photo, but present
for the weekend, was robert
The Long Distance Hiker
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
More education,
privies and shelters
eyed for film fallout
By rUSSell leDBeTTer
“The Artful Dodger”
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Concerned ALDHA membership last fall
considered how best to prepare for an
expected major influx of new and inexperienced A.T. hikers presumably who
will hit the trail en masse in the wake of
two new Hollywood films.
A four-member ATC panel that included Ron Tipton, executive director/
CEO; Beth Critton, a land-use and environmental attorney and chair of the
ATC Stewardship Council; Hawk
Metheny, New England regional director; and Laurie Potteiger, ATC information specialist, framed what evolved
into an extended audience Q and A.
The panel discussion was one of 50
presentations held during the 33rd annual ALDHA Gathering at Williams
College last October. Discussion centered on how best to manage trail impact
on the A.T. following the December release of Reese Witherspoon’s “Wild”
and Robert Redford’s expected 2015
spring release of Bill Bryson’s “A Walk
in the Woods.”
Panelists and ALDHA members
pored over potential problems but overall consider the films to be an opportu-
nity to educate new and potential thruhikers.
“More and more people are going to
feel empowered to want to walk the
trail,” Critton said.
“A Hollywood film is likely to exponentially ramp up interest,” Metheny
Tipton said film production companies first contacted the ATC in 2007
wanting to turn Bryson’s best-selling
book into a film with Paul Newman as
the character Katz. (Newman died in
2008.) Redford’s Wildwood Productions met face-to-face with Tipton and
ATC staff during last spring with the intention of making “A Walk in the
Woods” as genuine a reflection of a
thru-hiker’s experience as possible.
“This is Robert Redford, not just
Hollywood,” Tipton said, and the ATC
was involved in “regular conversations”
throughout the making of the film.
“It was their intent to do a movie that
is authentic,” Tipton said. “They asked,
‘What is the real experience of a thruhiker? What is it like around the shelters? What are some of the more
popular hiking areas on the trail?’”
The ATC will be involved in the promotion of the film, and educational information targeting potential new hikers
FraNk Masi Via sUNdaNce
robert redford, left, and nick nolte appear in a scene from the film
version of ‘A Walk in the Woods’ by Bill Bryson.
will be a part of preview movie trailers.
The film is expected to be released in
theaters in either May or June.
In an effort to plan well ahead of the
films’ impact on the A.T. and prepare
for a surge in the number of 2016 A.T.
hikers, Tipton and the panel posed three
questions to ALDHA attendees:
n Should the ATC create a system
of voluntary registration for 2016 thruhikers? Or do they consider a mandatory
n What advance information should
the ATC or A.T. trail maintenance
clubs disseminate about the challenges
of managing hiker impacts on the trail
resulting from the movie?
n What management strategies
should the ATC consider to eliminate
the adverse impact of increased A.T.
Results of an informal survey of
ALDHA members attending the panel
had hikers favoring voluntary registration with perhaps a “Leave No Trace”
workshop as a mandatory requirement
of new hikers beginning in 2016, Tipton
Education was preferred over enforcement, audience members said, with
the suggestion of tying the 2016 Centennial celebration of the National Park
Service into an effort to reach and begin
to provide information to 2016 hikers
before they arrive on the trail.
Suggestions, including more ridge
runners, extra law enforcement personnel and new privies and shelters on the
southern end of the A.T. were also considered.
Russell Ledbetter is one of three new
members of the ALDHA board. He attended his first Gathering last fall and
this is his first story for The Long Distance Hiker.
ATC executive
Director ron Tipton gestures during a panel
discussion on
what the ATC
and AlDHA can
do to prepare for
an expected
surge in thru-hikers after the
film version of
Bill Bryson’s
book, ‘A Walk in
the Woods,’ hits theaters in 2015. Joining
him, from left, were Hawk Metheny, new
england director for the ATC; Beth Critton,
an ATC board member; and laurie Potteiger, ATC information services manager.
“crooked sticks” h. deaN clark
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
Mixed reviews for ‘A Walk in the Woods’
ToDD MCCArTHy, THe HollyWooD rePorTer: ‘‘
Rather like a fun, geriatric version of “Wild,” this long-aborning film version of Bill Bryson’s enormously genial 1998 book
“A Walk in the Woods” is a jolly good time, sparking dozens of
chuckles and a few strong laughs. Nothing special cinematically, it
still provides a welcome showcase for wonderful star turns by
Robert Redford, who also produced, and Nick Nolte.
DenniS HArVey, VArieTy:
There’s light diversion but little substance
in this tale of two grumpy old men making a
predictable hash of their effort to hike the
Appalachian Trail. The appeal of the cast names
and the equally venerable scenic vistas should lure
older audiences, though whether they’ll get out to
theaters or wait for home-format delivery is an
open question.
As they slog north, they have encounters with a
cartoonishly obnoxious younger backpacker (Kristen Schaal), take a few pratfalls, scare off some
bears, and occasionally stop to recoup at the nearest hotel. At one of the latter, Bill flirts with an attractive innkeeper (Mary Steenburgen) while
chubby chaser Katz gets in hot water pursuing a
local lass who turns out to have a very jealous husband.
niCK Allen,
darreN Michaels Via sUNdaNce
The director of ‘A Walk in the Woods,’ Ken Kwapis, photographed on the set.
DAniel FienBerG, HiTFiX:
Maybe if “Wild” hadn’t done such a solid and visually rich job
of portraying one woman’s determination to restart her life by
hiking 2,000 miles, the banal platitudes and strange visual monotony of two older guys’ determination to restart their lives by hiking 2,000 miles in “A Walk in the Woods” wouldn’t seem so subpar.
Maybe if Robert Redford hadn’t done such harrowing, committed
and honest work as a man battling nature in “All Is Lost,” Robert
Redford’s lax, barely engaged work as a man meandering through
nature in “A Walk in the Woods” wouldn’t seem so subpar.
Maybe if “A Walk in the Woods” weren’t having its world premiere
at the Sundance Film Festival, a venue that doesn’t always demand
artistic or narrative experimentation but certainly rewards the work
of risk-taking, it’s bland and peculiar artistic and narrative flatness
wouldn’t seem so subpar.
But here we are in Park City, where “A Walk in the Woods” had a
soft-premiere on Friday (January 23) morning before a gala launch
in Salt Lake City, where presumably the distance from Sundance
may make its innocuous nothingness feel less disappointing.
Surely there’s an audience out there in the world for “Grumpy Old
Outdoorsmen,” even if Robert Redford & Nick Nolte are no Matthau
& Lemmon. But there’s absolutely no way to shake the certainty that
were one of its stars not the Founder & Grand Poobah of The Festival, Sundance never would have glanced in the direction of a film as
mediocre as “A Walk in the Woods.”
A Walk in the Woods” gets a good deal of
mileage out of a well-assembled cast. A
comedic Redford is a welcome tour guide
for Bryson’s journey, and Nolte provides a neat opposite to him, albeit with his own can-do spirit that
makes him a likable lug. The two have an efficient
buddy relationship that doesn’t get bogged down in
anything artificial, and when Nolte peels back the
layers on the drunk, womanizing, chaotic Katz in
the third act, it more or less works. This goes for a
self-righteous moment in which Bryson remarks
about loving information, or when he tries to compare the trail to life. “A Walk in the Woods” moves
past these moments before they really start to get
The story never oversteps any of its emotional
bounds. Even side characters are treated with a
refreshing restraint (maybe in the wake of Day
One’s awful “The Bronze,”) and make Kristen
Schaal’s peppy super-hiker and others examples of
how colorful characters are best built from personality, not simple caricature.
Contributing to its hit-and-miss humor, “A Walk in
the Woods” has a wackiness that proves to be its
most troublesome trait, with its questionable “boys
will be boys” raunchy lunges. But as with its
schmaltzy stuff, the movie is too efficiently casual
to be bogged down in these elements, allowing its
centerpiece of Redford & Nolte to be the memory
one will take away from the film most.
— Compiled by Bill O’Brien
The Long Distance Hiker
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
Williamstown 2014
Photos by H. Dean Clark
Clockwise from top left: The Contra Dance; the ALDHA work trip;
the view from the campsite; Allison Sheiderer at Sunday night’s
game; the tenting area; registration at the barn; and the campfire.
The Long Distance Hiker
Winter 2014-15
The late Walkin’ Jim Stoltz coined this term when he did a
workshop at the 2009 Gathering where hikers could share
stories, poems, songs or other musings. Send your creative output, commentary, etc., to newsletter@aldha.org.
Thinking about an unsung trail matron
in late February 2011, the silence of late
winter and the solitude of North Georgia
permea ted the atmosphere. Very soon after leaving
Amicalola Falls State Park and all of its Sunday visitors, I came upon a crocus in bloom, a seeming gesture of hospitality given by the wilderness
community, welcoming me as a traveling visitor into
a domain not human. I wanted to enter this wild territory fully, yet not transgress the generosity of those
in whose home I was but a guest. I determined to
spend as much time away
from the human world, the
domesticated realm, as possible; to embrace this hike
as a fast from the order of
culture, a spiritual foray. I
knew it would be necessary
to exit the wild forest for
resupply. But, I had
planned ahead so that leaving the A.T. would come at
intervals of five or six
e s s ay
days. I wanted to carry
Kip RediCK
enough food so that I could
stay out in the woods as
much as possible. With this in mind, I planned to
stay in very few hostels.
The plan went very well until I reached Connecticut. While climbing back up to the ridge after a resupply in Kent, I became extremely nauseous and
light-headed. I continued to walk, all the while thinking I might fall down and pass out. This went on for
several miles til I descended from St. Johns Ledges
to the long flat stretch along the Housatonic River. I
thought the problem might be dehydration. However,
the next day the same experience occurred after
about seven miles. I walked into Falls Village and
felt overwhelmed by this physical malady, which did
not make sense as I had been focused on hydration.
As a former Marine, I leaned on the training of my
youth and stupidly pushed myself out of the village
and up Prospect Mountain. As I reached the top a
sudden realization of the seriousness of my condition
made me reconsider my plan to stay in the wild. I
needed to recover, and it would not happen if I continued with this course of action. So, I determined to
stumble four miles down the mountain and find some
lodging in Salisbury.
I read in the Companion that there were two potential places to lodge in Salisbury. However, in each
case the situation required cash. My ATM card had
just expired, and I was out of cash. I hoped for a
motel but was informed that there were no such accommodations present. I stood on the corner of Main
Street and Undermountain Road, disoriented and depressed. The man who had just told me I would not
find a hotel pointed up the road and said that Maria
kip redick
Kip enjoys the ambience of Maria’s patio with Maria, at right, and a hiker named ‘Coconut.’
McCabe lived “just there.” I had read the entry in
the Companion indicating the lodging possibilities at
Maria’s house and decided to go there even though I
had no cash.
I walked up to her back door and heard the banter
of hikers within the house. I knocked and Maria answered, beckoning me to enter. “I have room for
you,” she said in her Austrian-Italian accent. I could
hardly stand, feeling as though I might faint any moment. I indicated that I had no cash but needed a
place to rest. She immediately put her hand on by
arm and said, “Honey, you don’t need money here.
You come right in.” Maria was the human version of
the crocus that had welcomed me to the Georgia
woods. Her hospitality went into action as she pulled
me into her house. Her spirit immediately began to
calm my troubled soul.
Sitting around Maria’s kitchen table were about a
half dozen thru-hikers. Maria took me through the
kitchen and to what would become my bed for the
next three days. She slowly and patiently nursed me
back to some measure of health. Each day a new
group of hikers would check in. She would drive us
up to the laundry and an Italian restaurant. We made
a breakfast each morning in her kitchen. We shared
stories of the trail, and Maria told us about her youth
near the Dolomites of Northern Italy. Her village had
been a part of Austria before the First World War,
thus her accent. During the Second World War, as a
schoolgirl, her class wrote letters to German soldiers.
After the war she left the village and married an
American. She became a widow more than once.
After a couple of days fellowshipping with passing
hikers and Maria, I wrote in my journal, “She is
feisty but very kind and loves us hikers. Her home is
our home, a place of refuge.” Indeed, hikers have
become her extended family. She has many letters
and photographs of thru-hikers who, after finishing at
Katahdin, continue to exchange letters, emails and
photos. She has many stories about encouraging
“her” hikers to finish.
Although I did not plan to spend much time in
such places while on my thru-hike, they were a great
blessing. People like Maria offer a refreshing cultural
amenity as they open their homes and their souls to
strangers and pilgrims. We go off into the wilderness
and discover not only the goodness of nature but a
refreshing re-evaluation of culture.
I returned to Maria’s house after the Gathering at
Williams College this year. I sat with her at the same
kitchen table, and we talked about this current year’s
class of thru-hikers. She said that 150 hikers stayed
in her home in 2014. She talked of the difficulty of
cleaning the rooms now as she is beyond 85 years. I
walked around the house and remembered her hospitality. She is our grandmother. Coming off of the
trail to spend a night or two or three in her home is
to be restored by a matron of the A.T.
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
Nominees sought for A.T. Hall
GARDNERS, Pa. — Nominees for the Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame class of 2015 will be accepted through Saturday, Feb. 28, to recognize those
who have made a significant contribution toward establishing and maintaining the approximately 2,186
mile footpath that passes through 14 states from
Maine to Georgia.
“The fifth class to the Appalachian Trail Hall of
Fame will be inducted in 2015, and nominations are
open for Hall of Fame nominees,” said Larry Luxenberg, president of the Appalachian Trail Museum
Society — the organization that oversees the Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame. “Nominees should be
people who have made a significant positive contribution to the Appalachian Trail and who have unselfishly devoted their time, energy and resources
toward making the Appalachian Trail a national treasure.”
The 20 Hall of Fame inductees named in the first
four years were Myron H. Avery, Gene Espy, Ed
Garvey, Benton MacKaye, Arthur Perkins, Earl Shaffer, Emma “Grandma” Gatewood, David A Richie,
J. Frank Schairer, Jean Stephenson, William Adams
Welch, Ruth Blackburn, David Field, David Sherman, David Startzell, Everett (Eddie) Stone, A.
Rufus Morgan, Charles R. Rinaldi, Clarence S. Stein
and Pamela Underhill. These pioneers played critical
roles in building, maintaining and publicizing the Appalachian Trail, Luxenberg said.
Nomination criteria and the nominating and selection processes for the 2015 Hall of Fame are:
organizations like the
Conservancy and Appalachian Trail clubs;
longtime trail mainHALL
tainers; leaders who
promoted and proOF
tected the A.T.; hikE
ers who have made
accomplishments, and other
persons who have enriched the culture or
community of the Appalachian Trail by
their association with
it. Eligible persons
can be living or deceased.
The emphasis will
be on persons who
have made their contribution to the A.T. over a long period, whether or
not they are still active. Six individuals were elected
in the first year. The sizes of the succeeding classes
will be gradually reduced to create the maximum degree of honor and exclusivity. The first few classes
will be comprised primarily of important historical
figures (living or deceased) rather than contemporary
Eligibility and selection will be determined without
regard to race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin.
A.T. Hall of Fame Chairman
Those eligible for inclusion include anyone who
has made an exceptional and positive contribution to
the Appalachian Trail or Appalachian Trail community. This could be by leadership, inspiration, service,
achievement or innovation. This includes, without
limitation, pioneers who conceived of and developed
the trail; those who organized or directed major trail
Nominations will be solicited from throughout the
hiking and trails community. The easiest way to submit a nomination is by using the online site HERE
Nominations also may be submitted using the paper
nomination form. Copies of the form can be obtained
HERE or by requesting one from the museum. A
nominator need not be a member of any hiking organization to submit a nomination. A nominator may
only make one nomination per election cycle.
Nominators will be asked to justify their nomination in a brief statement not exceeding 200 words that
describes the nominee and why he or she fits the criteria.
Hall of Fame Committee,
An Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame Committee has
been selected by the Appalachian Trail Museum Society Board of Directors to supervise the election
process and to submit the finalists to the board. That
committee is chaired by Jim Foster, a museum volunteer and 2007 thru-hiker of the Appalachian Trail.
Other members of the committee are Noel DeCavalcante, Tom Johnson, Brian King, Gwen Loose, Larry
Luxenberg, Bill O’Brien and David Sherman (a 2013
Hall of Fame inductee).
The Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame Committee
will deliver the slate of finalists to the museum board
by March 15, 2015, for subsequent review and elections. The Appalachian Trail Museum Society Board
elected six people to the 2011 Charter Class, five to
the 2012 Class, five to the 2013 Class, and four to
the 2014 Class. Up to four inductees may be elected
to the 2015 Class
Announcement, recognition
Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame inductees will be
announced in early May and the induction ceremony
will be on Friday, June 5, 2015, at the Appalachian
Trail Hall of Fame Banquet at the Allenberry Resort
in Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania. The inductees will
be enshrined on an Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame
Wall of Honor at the Appalachian Trail Museum.
Located in Pine Grove Furnace State Park and at the
midway point of the Appalachian Trail, the museum
is across from the Pine Grove General Store on Pennsylvania Route 233.
Museum basement taking shape
By JOe haROld
A.T. Museum Manager
GARDNERS, Pa. — With the near completion of the basement renovation, the A.T. Museum is beginning to plan the children’s exhibits
and activities that will be installed there.
Museum volunteers hope to create a wonderful space where children can develop and nurture a love of hiking and the A.T. One of the things being planned
is a mini-walk of the A.T. There will be 2-sided colorful banners that would list
the states and the interesting thing found in that state during a hike. These interesting things are something that need to be developed.
The new space is going to be very cool. Any ideas are welcome and encouraged.
If anyone would like to volunteer to help with the development of the children’s
area, or any other facet of the A.T. Museum, contact Joe Harold, Museum Manager, at manager@atmuseum.org.
The Long Distance Hiker
Winter 2014-15
Meet the four folks who were elected at the last Gathering as the newest members of the ALdHA board of directors.
aT-laRGe MeMBeR
Trail name story: Before
my first section hike on the
A.T, my sister reminded me
that the stretch i was heading out to do was a difficult
one, and my response was
“no problem. i’ll bounce
over those mountains!”
So she named meTigger.
Favorite stretch of a.T.:
Wow. All of it. i love the section between Hot Springs and
erwin. i love the Smokies. Mostly i love the memorable
spots where i had great experiences with hiking friends.
First / favorite Gathering: My favorite one was my first
one, at pipestem in 2010.
What do you hope to focus on? As Treasurer, i’m mostly
focused on keeping the numbers straight!! As a board
member, i always try to remember that our organization is
all about the hikers and the trail. every decision we make
as a board should be made with that perspective.
Future for aldha? i hope we can maintain a solid financial position while contributing both dollars and hours to
educating hikers and maintaining the A.T. i see the organization focusing more on families and getting younger
members to join and get involved.
aT-laRGe MeMBeR
Trail name story: After a hiatus of
raising a family i got back to hiking
while living in the beautiful central NY
county of chenango. chenango
means “land of the bullthistle.”
Favorite stretch of a.T.: Stratton
Mountain in Vermont is where i
started hiking as a boy and still hike
regularly. i have many fond memories of this area. it is also one of the
very few trail sections i had hiked
with my dad.
First / favorite Gathering: pipestem in 2012 was my first
Gathering. it was such fun to be surrounded by some old
and many new friends.
What do you hope to focus on? communication to members and the general public is important, especially younger
hikers. ALdHA is more than just an organization meeting
once a year for The Gathering (albeit this is a great event).
i hope to make sure others know what ALdHA has to offer.
Future for aldha? in 10 years i see ALdHA as an organization that has not lost its passion for hikers and its focus
on the trail. embracing a younger generation is a critical
part of that goal. i also see an emphasis on treating the trail
with respect as its popularity continues to grow.
Trail name story: The first month of
my first thru-hike, i didn’t speak to
very many people, so an old-timer on
the trail named me “Just Jim.”
Favorite stretch of a.T.: New
Hampshire and Maine are my favorite sections of the A.T.
First / favorite Gathering: 2014
Gathering in Williamstown, Mass.
What do you hope to focus on? i
hope to focus on the ALdHA care
program, assist the board in any way
that i can, and continue helping preserve the A.T.
Future for aldha? As interest in the Appalachian Trail
grows, i am hoping that ALdHA begins to focus more time
and resources to the maintenance and upkeep of the trail
in the next 10 years.
aT-laRGe MeMBeR
Trail name story: i’d stayed out hiking longer than originally planned,
and after making it back to my car (it
was now long after dark), a very agitated policewoman greeted me by
yelling, “You almost got shot!” She
threatened to ticket me more than
$200 for being late and having an exRussell
pired liscense plate but i managed to
schmooze, charm and con my way
past any punishment, and someone i
was relating the story to later at a
shelter said it reminded him of dickens’ “The Artful dodger”
because i also was wearing an L.A. dodgers baseball cap.
Favorite stretch of a.T.: definitely Vermont (so beautiful)
really the only state on the A.T. where i’ve done any extended stretch of hiking on the A.T. of more than 10 miles
at a time. i’ve been on very short A.T. day hikes in North
carolina, Georgia and Virginia, but i really got after it in
Vermont before the Gathering last Fall in Williamstown. i’ll
be thru-hiking the A.T. beginning in March of this year.
First / favorite Gathering: The Gathering in Williamstown
this past October was my first-ever Gathering. Absolutely
loved it: meeting all the veteran A.T. hikers, Triple crowners, and lovers of the trail from everywhere.
What do you hope to focus on? Long distance hiking is
becoming more popular than ever and ALdHA has to be a
part of the implementation of managing the greater number
of people trying to enjoy the trail.
Future for aldha? A much larger membership, with
ALdHA becoming a household name by how we help people wanting to enjoy the outdoors, with a hyper-focus on
the preservation and continued enjoyment of the A.T. for
future generations.
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
Minutes of meetings
2014 aldha annual Business Meeting
– dRaFT Minutes
Sunday morning, October 11, 2014, in the ’62
Theatre Building, Williams college,
Williamstown, Mass.
The Meeting was called to order at 9:05 am by
coordinator kip redick.
Before the agenda items were addressed, the
Apple contest winners were announced by Sue
Spring and Tom evans.
Also, it was announced that the coming year will
be the final year of Bob peoples’ “Hardcore”
work week. Tee shirts reading “The Trail is
What You Make it!” were given to participants.
MOTiON: To accept the agenda as presented.
Motion made by Noel decavalcante and seconded by Jim Niedbalski. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
pHOTOS BY “crOOked STickS” H. deAN cLArk
Members of aldha listen to the
annual meeting, above, on sunday morning of the Gathering in
Williamstown, Mass., last fall.
MOTiON: To accept the draft minutes as presented. (Since the minutes of the previous
meeting were made available online, the minutes were not read at the meeting.) Motion
made by ron Bungay and seconded by Judy
Young. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
at left, a member finds a spot to
sit with an easy escape, lol.
The Welcome and coordinator’s report were
given by kip redick. The report included mention of ALdHA Shares progress, work at Waynesboro pavilion, and the new ALdHA Search
and rescue Team.
in the election of officers, LuAnne Anderson was
elected to a two-year term as Treasurer, replacing Mike Wingeart. robert Sylvester was reelected to a two-year term as Membership
in the election of at-large board members, three
candidates ran for the three open two-year positions -- including russ Ledbetter, peter passalacqua, and Jim chambers. Ledbetter was
nominated by Tom evans, seconded by Mike
Wingeart. passalacqua was nominated by LuAnne Anderson and seconded by JoJo Burley.
Jim chambers was nominated by Bob peoples
and seconded by Arthur c. Hein iii. The three
candidates were elected by unanimous vote.
The board also includes three current members
ron Bungay, Jim Sample and Jim Niedbalski,
who are in the second year of two-year terms.
The Membership Secretary report was given by
robert Sylvester, who announced there are now
1,850 ALdHA members, growing in number with
each passing year. Also, he reported there were
450 paid attendees at this year’s Gathering.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Mike
Wingeart, who reported the organization at this
time has $87,991.40 in total assets.
prior to giving the Newsletter report, Bill
O’Brien gave a “Got purple” hat to Mike
Wingeart for all he has done for the organization. The hat was made available in Williams
college merchandise.
The ALdHA Website report was given by Bill
O’Brien, who encouraged the organization to
think about not continuing to do a paper edition
of the quarterly publication.
The Museum report was given by Larry Luxenberg.
The ATc report was given by Hawk Metheny
and Laurie potteiger. Laurie reported there are
now 15,000 AT thru-hikers on record with the
location and program and facility coordinators
for the 2015 Gathering.
dave (“Gourmet dave”) Hennel thanked the
group for its support and the generous donation
to the shelter, now named the Appalachian Long
distance Hikers pavilion, in Waynesboro, VA.
resolution: Williams college: in grateful recognition of Williams college hosting our 2014
Gathering, we wish to thank the Williams Outing
club, WOc president Scott Lewis, and cosmo
catalano and the rest of the staff for their cooperation and hospitality. Motion made by dick Anderson and seconded by Henry edwards.
Unanimously approved.
The proposed 2015 Work Trip report was given
by ron Bungay.
certificates of Appreciation were given to the following people: Judy Young, LuAnne Anderson,
Mike Wingeart, Bill O’Brien, robert Sylvester,
Tom evans, Sue Spring, ron Bungay, Jim Sample, and Vera Hurst.
kip redick noted the organization needs a site
The “Walkin’ Jim” Award was given in absentia
to chuck Wood in appreciation of his strong
support for the organization and for the creation
The ALdHA Search and rescue report was
given by Mike Wingeart.
Gathering coordinators reports were solicited
from randy Anderson, Jim Niedbalski, eric
White, and Noel decavalcante. eric reported
everything went well at the camping facility on
the property he graciously makes available for
the Gathering.
recognition plaques were given to: Jim Niedbalski, randy Anderson, eric White, Noel decavalcante, kip redick, Scott Lewis, and chuck
The Long Distance Hiker
Winter 2014-15
pHOTOS BY “crOOked STickS” H. deAN cLArk
sly makes a point at the afternoon board meeting, at top, while former coordinator henry edwards speaks at the morning business meeting.
aldha 2014 Gathering sunday afternoon
Board Meeting – dRaFT MinuTes
Williams college, October 11, 2014, 3:00pm
Board Attendees: ALdHA Officers: kip redick,
coordinator; randy Anderson, Assistant coordinator; robert Sylvester, Membership Secretary;
LuAnne Anderson, Treasurer; and Sue Spring,
recording Secretary. At-large Board members:
currently in Second Year of Two-year Terms –
ron Bungay, Jim Sample, and Jim Niedbalski;
Newly-elected for Two-year Terms – russell
Ledbetter, Jim chambers, and peter passalacqua.
MeeTiNG OpeNiNG: The meeting was opened
at 3pm by coordinator kip redick.
of unique ALdHA “Metal Man” designs honoring
people who have worked hard for the organization and those who have passed on.
JoJo and Frank koby-Burley were given an
Honorary Life Membership in ALdHA in recognition of their years of support for ALdHA. dick
Anderson was given an Honorary Life Membership in ALdHA in recognition of his major role in
the development of the international Appalachian Trail.
MOTiON: To adjourn the meeting. Made by
ron Bungay and seconded by Mike Wingeart.
Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 11:10am.
respectfully submitted,
Sue Spring,
ALDHA Recording Secretary
ApprOVAL OF prOpOSed AGeNdA: MOTiON: To approve the proposed agenda as written. Motion made by Jim Sample and seconded
by randy Anderson. Unanimously approved.
NeW MeMBer iNTrOdUcTiON: Three new
at-large board members were elected for twoyear terms at the group’s general meeting earlier today. The new members are: russell
Ledbetter (“Artful dodger”); Jim chambers
(“Just Jim”); and peter passalacqua
SHeLTer iN WAYNeSBOrO, VA: dave Hennel (“Gourmet dave”) asked the board for support and funding to construct a hiker shelter in
Waynesboro, VA. MOTiON: ALdHA will allocate up to $10,000 for construction of a hiker
shelter in Waynesboro, VA. Motion made by
ron Bungay and seconded by Jim Niedbalski.
The vote was 8-2 in favor of allocating the funds
for the project. (in favor: Sample, Ledbetter,
chambers, LuAnne Anderson, Bungay, passalacqua, Spring, and randy Anderson. Op-
posed: Niedbalski and Sylvester.) dave Hennel
will initiate discussions with the city regarding
the project. Mike Wingeart will supervise construction of the shelter.
“HArdcOre” NOTe: “Baltimore Jack” Tarlin
told the group the upcoming year will mark the
last year of Bob peoples’ “Hardcore” work week,
which has been in place for more than ten
years. Tarlin requested an increase in funding
from ALdHA for the coming year – see related
information in section on ALdHA Budget Appropriations.
“cOMpANiON” repOrT: robert “Sly”
Sylvester reported he continues to work on the
profiles and maps and the tightening up of the
text. He reported the book is selling. There is
no kindle edition, but the pdf that ALdHA sells
can be viewed on kindle.
prOGrAM AreA cOOrdiNATOrS:
2015 “companion” editor: “Sly” Sylvester
2015 “directory” editor: “Sly” Sylvester
ALdHA “Brochure” editor: “Sly” Sylvester
2015 display Board editor: randy Anderson
Work crew coordinator: ron Bungay
ALdHA care coordinator: “Sly” wants to be relieved of this. Jim chambers has agreed to take
this on.
AT Services coordinators: Mark Hudson and
peter passalacqua. (This is an internet “Yahoo”
group to communicate problems along the trail,
like a “neighborhood watch.”)
2015 Gathering: program coordinator – Betsy
kane (“Sunflower”)
2015 Gathering: Facility coordinator – need
Work Trip coordinator – ron Bungay.
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
campsite coordinator – need someone.
Newsletter coordinator: Bill O’Brien.
Merchandise coordinator: randy Anderson will
work with Scott dowling (“pilgrim”).
Website coordinator: Bill O’Brien and “Sly”
Outreach coordinator: Jim Sample.
representatives to ATc Museum Board: Bill
O’Brien and Noel decavalcante.
Honorary Life Member and Final Blaze committee: Bill O’Brien, Noel decavalcante.
2015 Trail days Hiker reception: Mary parry
(“Trail Angel Mary”).
2015 ATc Biennial Hiker reception (07-20-15
at Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA):
randy and LuAnne Anderson.
Yahoo ALdHA Group: kip redick.
ALdHA “Facebook” page: Sly Sylvester and
peter passalacqua.
ALdHA “Facebook” Group : Sly Sylvester and
peter passalacqua.
Hostel Notebook Update coordinator: LuAnne
and randy Anderson.
2,000-miler certificate/patches/ceremony: kip
Southeastern Foothills coalition (Board Member?) – need someone.
Southeastern Foothills coalition Assistant –
need someone.
ALdHA Search and rescue (SAr) coordinator:
Mike Wingeart.
ALdHA Shares: randy Anderson.
prOpOSed 2014-2015 BUdGeT:
2015 Trail days reception: to be discussed at
the “spring” meeting.
Budgeted amounts for upcoming work trips:
Boundary work trips (x 2): up to $150.
rpH: up to $300.
Monday after 2015 Gathering: up to $150. MOTiON (for above three items, inclusive): To request funding for 2 boundary work trips, the
rpH work trip and the “Monday after the Gathering” work trip, as stated. Motion made by ron
Bungay and seconded by Jim Niedbalski.
Unanimously approved.
Hardcore: up to $500, for 2015 only. MOTiON:
To raise the donation to Hardcore to $500 for
the year 2015. Motion made by randy Anderson and seconded by “Sly” Sylvester. Unanimously approved.
Hostel Notebook updates: MOTiON: To request funding for the project, up to $500. Motion made by LuAnne Anderson and seconded
by “Sly” Sylvester. Unanimously approved.
display Board update: MOTiON: To request
funding for the project, up to $75. Motion made
by randy Anderson and seconded by Jim Sample. Unanimously approved.
coordinator expenses: MOTiON: To request
funding for necessary expenditures associated
with the coordinator function, up to $500. Motion made by LuAnne Anderson and seconded
by peter passalacqua. Unanimously approved.
“crOOked STickS” H. deAN cLArk
The barn at eric White’s farm, where we camped for Williamstown 2014.
Membership Secretary: MOTiON: To request
funding for necessary expenditures associated
with the Membership Secretary function, up to
$500. Motion made by Jim Sample and seconded by LuAnne Anderson. Unanimously approved.
tion for the coming year. coordinator kip
redick said the board will consider this item on
an annual basis. MOTiON: ALdHA will donate
$3,000 to the ATc kennebec river crossing
Fund for 2015. in favor: All of the board, except
for Jim Sample who voted “nay.” No abstentions. Motion approved.
ALdHA Trail Magic: MOTiON: To request funding for necessary expenditures associated with
providing ALdHA Trail Magic, up to $250. Motion made by “Sly” Sylvester and seconded by
Jim Sample. Unanimously approved.
2015 ALdHA Spring Steering committee Meeting: Bears den center, VA, April 11, 2015.
Treasurer: MOTiON: To request funding for
necessary expenditures associated with the
Treasurer function, up to $500. Motion made by
Jim Niedbalski and seconded by peter passalacqua. Unanimously approved.
“companion” promotion: MOTiON: To request
funding for necessary expenditures associated
with promoting the “companion,” up to $1,000.
Motion made by LuAnne Anderson and seconded
by randy Anderson. Unanimously approved.
Outreach coordinator: MOTiON: To request
funding for necessary expenditures associated
with the Outreach coordinator function, up to
$500. Motion made by LuAnne Anderson and
seconded by peter passalacqua. Unanimously
Northern ruck (Noruck): MOTiON: To request
funding for necessary expenditures associated
with the Noruck, up to $200. Motion made by
randy Anderson and seconded by Jim Niedbalski. Unanimously approved.
Search and rescue (SAr): MOTiON: To request funding for necessary ex[expenditures associated with the Search and rescue program
development, up to $500. Motion made by LuAnne Anderson and seconded by Jim Niedbalski. Unanimously approved.
ALdHA care: No amount budgeted. This item
will be discussed at the “spring” meeting.
keNNeBec riVer crOSSiNG FUNdiNG:
ATc New england regional coordinator Hawk
Metheny asked the board for a $1,000 contribu-
2015 Trail Festival, ALdHA project coordinators:
Soruck – “Sly” Sylvester; Noruck – Mike
Wingeart; and ATkO (Appalachian Trail kickOff)
– LuAnne and randy Anderson.
2014 ALdHA “Gathering” attendance – 450 people.
To give up to $1,000 to Williams Outing club in
appreciation for hosting the 2014 “Gathering.”
resolution proposed by Jim Niedbalski and seconded by russ Ledbetter. Unanimously approved.
To give cosmo catalano a Life Membership in
ALdHA in appreciation for his efforts at the 2014
ALdHA Gathering at Williams college. resolution proposed by Jim Niedbalski and seconded
by russ Ledbetter. Unanimously approved.
NeW cOMMiTTee eSTABLiSHed: A new
committee called the “Special project and
Fundraising committee” has been established.
russ Ledbetter will chair the committee, and
peter passalacqua will be a member of this
cLOSiNG reMArkS: Made by coordinator
kip redick.
AdJOUrNMeNT: The meeting was adjourned
at 6:03pm in a motion made by randy Anderson
and seconded by LuAnne Anderson. Unanimously approved.
respectfully submitted,
Sue Spring,
ALDHA Recording Secretary
aldha 2015 soRuck Board Meeting –
dRaFT MinuTes
Nantahala Outdoor center, Wesser, NC
January 17, 2015, 9:30am
Note: Board members agreed after the ALdHA
2014 Gathering Sunday Afternoon Board Meeting to convene for a third board meeting at the
2015 Soruck. This represents a change in the
board’s usual process of meeting just twice a
year – at the fall Gathering and again in the
Officers: kip redick, coordinator; randy Anderson, Assistant coordinator; robert Sylvester,
Membership Secretary; LuAnne Anderson,
Treasurer; and Sue Spring, recording Secretary. At-large Board members: currently in
Second Year of Two-year term – Jim Sample;
currently in First Year of Two-year terms – russell Ledbetter, Jim chambers, and peter passalacqua.
BOArd MeMBerS ABSeNT: ron Bungay and
Jim Niedbalski.
MeeTiNG cALL TO Order: The meeting was
opened at 9:37 am by coordinator kip redick.
conflict of interest Statement was circulated for
board members to sign.
coordinator kip redick established time guidelines for non-board members to speak prior to
the continuation of this meeting. Guidelines included: (1) A total of 10 minutes provided for
non-board members to speak; (2) Speakers may
speak a maximum of two minutes per person. (3)
Speakers may address the group one time only.
NON-BOArd MeMBer cOMMeNTS: (1) Jack
(“Baltimore Jack”) Tarlin asked the group to reconsider the plan approved at the 2014 ALdHA
Board meeting to fund and construct a shelter in
Waynesboro, VA. This topic was discussed later
in the meeting under Old Business. (2) “Weathercarrot” referred to the monetary arrangements
for the 2015 Gathering speaker. This topic was
addressed later in the meeting under 2015
Gathering Update.
AdOpTiON OF THe AGeNdA: recording Secretary Sue Spring asked that the proposed
agenda be modified – (1) To include a line for review and approval of the draft minutes from the
2014 Gathering Sunday Afternoon Board Meeting. These minutes were posted online for
board review in late November 2014. (2) To remove the agenda line for “Fund raising for the
Waynesboro Shelter.”(3) To add a line for the
Treasurer’s report. And (4) To remove the
agenda line for “Other Business” and to replace
it with a line “Old Business” and a line for “New
Business.” discussion of the proposed Waynesboro Shelter project to be included under Old
Business, and discussion regarding the “companion” to be included under New Business.
ApprOVAL OF prOpOSed AGeNdA: MOTiON: To approve the proposed agenda as
modified. Motion made by randy Anderson and
seconded by peter passalacqua. Unanimously
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
appalachian long distance hikers association
Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association, Inc.
Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2014
Dec 31, 14
Current Assets
TR Price
Wells Fargo Bank - Checking
Wells Fargo Bank - Savings
Wells Fargo CD
Total Checking/Savings
Total Current Assets
Opening Balance Equity
Unrestricted Net Assets
Net Income
Total Equity
nOTe: Full statements for 2014 are available at www.aldha.org
TreASUrer’S repOrT: Treasurer LuAnne
Anderson gave the Treasurer’s report, including: (1) ALdHA profit and Loss Statement for
January through december 2014; (2) ALdHA
Balance Sheet As of december 31, 2014; and
(3) ALdHA profit and Loss Budget Overview for
January through december 2015.
2015 GATHeriNG UpdATe – The 34th Annual
ALdHA Gathering is scheduled to take place at
Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, pA, October 9-11, 2015. (Board members briefly discussed the hope that the next Gathering will
take place at a more southerly location. kip
redick advised the group he has worked to
come up with a site in the south, but has not yet
found an all-round feasible location at this time.)
program coordinator: (program coordinator
Betsy kane not present at this meeting.) cam
(“Swami”) Honan will be the featured Saturday
night presentation speaker. in discussion, board
members agreed: (1) The board will pay the
speaker one fee (honorarium) only… for any
purpose the speaker chooses; (2) “Weathercarrot” will communicate the board’s information to
Betsy kane, who will relay it to “Swami;” and (3)
While the program chairperson will contact the
speaker, the board needs to approve any information relayed to the speaker.
MOTiON: There will be a $1,000 honorarium for
“Swami” as the 2015 speaker to be communicated in writing that this is to be used for travel
expenses and the presentation. The motion
was made by peter passalacqua and seconded
by russell Ledbetter. Voting in favor: LuAnne
Anderson, randy Anderson, russell Ledbetter,
peter passalacqua, Jim Sample, Sue Spring,
and robert Sylvester. Voting opposed: Jim
chambers. Motion passed.
Facility coordinator: kip redick said he is in
contact with Shippensburg and is about to submit the signed contract for the 2015 Gathering at
the college on columbus day Weekend 2015.
MOTiON: To approve the contract with Shippensburg University for the 2015 Gathering,.
The motion was made by Jim Sample and seconded by russell Ledbetter. Unanimously approved. Motion passed.
campsite coordinator: Jim Sample said he will
contact “Wood chuck” (chuck Wood), who was
campsite coordinator for the 2014 Gathering at
eric Smith’s farm for the 2014 Gathering. russell Ledbetter offered to work with Jim S. on
campsite coordination.
Work Trip coordinator: ron Bungay… not at
Soruck, no report.
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
ALdHA boards from the Noruck to the ATkO.
ALdHA Spring Board Meeting: Jim Sample
suggested that obtaining a trailer for ALdHA use
be placed on the agenda of the spring board
meeting. it was also suggested a schedule be
established for Trail days.
2015 damascus Trail days (5-15,16,17-15):
Treasurer LuAnne Anderson reported the
group’s fee was paid in december 2014 for participation in this year’s event.
duncannon Trailfest: To be discussed at the
spring board meeting. contact Mary parry
“Trailangel Mary.” Jim Sample asked to be notified of trail festivals.
ALdHA Spring Board Meeting (4-11-15): Board
members agreed to bring food items for use at
the meeting.
Mike Wingeart, who previously offered to head
up construction of the proposed ALdHA shelter
at Waynesboro, VA, sent a request to the board
to release money for the advance purchase of
lumber for this shelter. After discussing the request, a motion was made…. MOTiON: To authorize release of approved funding for the
construction of the Waynesboro VA shelter contingent upon issuance of all required permits.
Motion made by Jim Sample and seconded by
peter passalacqua. Voting in favor: LuAnne
Anderson, randy Anderson, russell Ledbetter,
peter passalacqua, Jim Sample, Sue Spring,
and robert Sylvester. Abstention: Jim chambers. Motion passed.
“crOOked STickS” H. deAN cLArk
The aldha ‘Metal Man,’ our logo cut into cast aluminum by Chuck Wood several
years ago, stands at the podium for the sunday morning annual meeting. Chuck
was recognized as the recipient of the ‘Walkin’ Jim award,’ given to a person who
continues to do outstanding service to aldha. he is the award’s second recipient.
package” and a “companion.” The care package could have in it items such as: paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent, and
shampoo. 2. Help the facility out physically in
some way. The assistance would be offered
“delicately and by request only.”
Act on ways to get the book earlier into the sellers’ hands. Sly noted there was an 8 percent increase in “companion” sales in 2014.
and WAYS TO iMpLeMeNT ALdHA cAre:
Jim explained that “ALdHA care” is an assistance program to help support low-cost and donation-only hostels. Jim spoke of two ways to
help these hostels: 1. Give the hostel a “care
Test your
memory of
the previous
issue of the
in which year
did the late
Walkin’ Jim
Stoltz thru-hike
the A.T. for his first
and only time?
NeW BUSiNeSS: The board voted unanimously to go into executive session.
2015 TrAiL FeSTiVALS UpdATe:
2015 Noruck (1-23-15): Jim Sample, Mama
Lipton and Flatlander will take ALdHA boards
and assorted supplies, food and merchandise
from the Soruck to the Noruck.
ATkO (3-6,7,8-15): Jim Sample will take
What member
of ALdHA was
recognized as
Woman of the
Year for 2014 by the
Trail dames?
Who set a
new endurance record
for the pcT
last year, in a little
over 53 days?
MeeTiNG AdJOUrNed: After coming out of
executive session, the meeting was adjourned
at 2pm. Motion by Jim Sample and seconded
by randy Anderson. Unanimously approved.
Sue Spring,
ALDHA Recording Secretary
Where did
ALdHA hold
its annual hiker feed for the
second year in a row
in 2014?
“Baltimore Jack” suggested writing a review of
the “companion” for Amazon.
MOTiON: To approve $1,000. per year for the
ALdHA care program. Motion made by Jim
Sample and seconded by robert Sylvester.
Unanimously approved.
Take a look at how the ALdHA trademark is
Jim proposed an annual ALdHA care program
budget, including estimated expenditures: care
package costs -- $320; “Spring cleaning” for one
hostel -- $200; purchase of one solar charging
unit for a hostel -- $200; and ALdHA care facilitator allowance -- $200.
Who was set
to deliver the
A.T. Museum’s
annual symposium at the 2014
participate in outdoor adventure shows, for example, Jim S. mentioned Minnesota’s Midwest
Mountaineering Outdoor Adventure exposition.
in relation to the board’s decision (at the 2014
ALdHA Gathering Sunday afternoon meeting) to
contribute $3,000 to the ATc kennebec river
canoe crossing project, the following motion was
made: MOTiON: To reconsider the amount of
funding of $3,000 for the 2015 contribution for
the operation of the kennebec river canoe
crossing project. Motion made by robert
Sylvester and seconded by Jim chambers. Voting in favor: robert Sylvester and Jim chambers. Voting against: LuAnne Anderson, randy
Anderson, russell Ledbetter, peter passalacqua, Jim Sample, and Sue Spring. Motion
do better marketing…. Jim Sample suggested
setting up a tent to sell the book separate from
the ALdHA tent at damascus Trail days.
1. 1974
iNTO THrU-HikerS’ HANdS:
relating to the vote on the above motion, it was
agreed to discuss the topic of new board member voting at the spring board meeting.
The Long Distance Hiker
Winter 2014-15
New members & returnees
check your mailing label to see if you owe dues. Mail the form on page 28 with your dues
or do it online (and pay online) at http://form.jotform.com/form/10562609918 ... Better
yet, opt for a life membership and never have to worry about your annual dues again.
new members and
renewals (that had
previously expired)
as of nov. 30:
Tony Adinolfi
Mary Aikens
Larry Anderson
Timothy & ruth
daryel Anderson
Mark Bailey
Linda Bakkar
Jack Bakkar
Amy Barker
Nancy Barlow
eric Barstow
Hollis Barton
Sue Beauchamp
david Benardello
Thomas & Brigit
dale Bolenbaugh
paul Bourguignon
Jeannie Brome
pam Buckland
Marni Bumsted
Anderson M. Bush
raphael & Merry
kassoy Bustin
cosmo catalano
Jim chambers
donna chapman &
Martin Hunley
david chirnitch
eilene cigila
ella clohisy
kelly clouser
John collins
ellen cooper
Thomas corrigan
Tyler cretti
Steve crowe
Nora cruiel
Jessica culton
carol currotto
Nicola curry
kathleen cutshall
chris & Sara davis
douglas dederick
Jeff deTroye &
Mary Ann Gorman
dave divelbliss
connie dodson
Jack donohue
Thomas dooling
peter downey
david dueck
karen edwards
Wayne ellett
Window decals
show you’re a
member of aldha
and are available
online at
aldha.org/store for
$1.50 plus postage.
They’re printed in
green on white.
Sally evans
Brian & Theresa
Harald Fraude
Bob Gabrielsen
Judy & Greg root
chris & Larissa Gallaway
chris Gilbert
richard & Anita
kyle Goulet
irma & Tom Graf
Tara Grisack
chris Groves
cheryl Hadrych
Terri Hanavan
Jackie Harbaugh
ken Harris
Michael Henrick
Jason Hobbs
peter Hoffman
Joseph Jacaruso
phyllis Jobes
Susan Joffrion
Maggie Johnson
eloise kaeck
karine kelleher
kimberly kennedy
Tom kennedy
Juliet king
d.J. kitzel
chip & Jennifer
ray kolbert
Lois kowalyk
Walter & Leslie
Mary kwart
darryl & Alison Lane
Steve Lange
Andrew Lavin
Mike Lavoe
dot Macdonald
richard Malagrifa
ray Mann
Sarah Mars
philippe Marshall
charles Mason
raphael Matto
Jonathan Mccue
Jade & Mike McFadden
diana McMenamin
Louis Monaco
Nick Moriarty
Matthew Norman
robert palermo
douglas palm
danny partin
david patrick
phil pepin
Shawn rairigh
kevin reardon
carrington rhodes
Spencer rice
edward riggs
rebecca robbins
chris rodgers
Alexis rodriguez
Art rohr
Michelle Savoie &
Mitchell Savard
Alison Scheiderer
Tom & Maria Schruefer
Timothy Scott
Lee Sheaffer
karl Smith
Allen Smith
Jocelyn Songer
erick & Steve Sprong
& pam Smith
craig Stansberry
Janet Steinert
Amy Sternheim
kaitlyn & patti Storey
richard Stowell
Brett Struttmann
Megan Thompson
earl & Margery
Topsy Turner
John & Beth Vuolo
Brian Wafford
kate Waite
James Walker
Heather Werderman
donalee White
donald Williamson
Gregory Wresilo
clark Wright
Jacob Zoll
new paid life members since the last
Thomas corrigan
Judith Gross
Greg Johnson
Brian B. king
Jonathan Mccue
Bill & diana ristom
rubén rosales
Alison Scheiderer
Andrew & LouAnn
John Wilson
donations since the
last newsletter:
Barbara Allen
Vern Anderson
kenneth & JoBeth
russell V. charest
Matt eagle
karen edwards
elton & Ada Fauber
Micheal Hanna
don Hudson
richard Hurd
Tom Logsdon
Larry Luxenberg
edward Mackey
A. Wayne Newton
Shawn rairigh
rubén rosales
Jeanette russell
kevin Sedgwick
Susan Sharkey
Jeff Taussig
Tim & Nancy Van
dennis H. Webster
Mary Webster
carlton e. Windle
Michael & Martha
chuck Wood
— Many thanks!
2015 brochure ready
for download now
One of the coolest ways you can help your
favorite hiking organization is to download a
few copies of our brochure and hand them out
to friends who may be interested in joining
The 2015 brochure has been updated and is
now available in PDF format on our website,
at www.aldha.org/pdfs/brochure.pdf.
It contains information on our various programs, from work trips to the Gathering, and
includes information on how ALDHA honors
each year’s newest class of A.T. thru-hikers
with a certificate, patch and public recognition
at the Gathering.
It also helps lure new members with a description of our annual Directory, available
only to members in good standing. The Directory lists each member as well as his/her address, phone, email, trail name and hiking
So download a copy of the brochure and
start handing them out to friends. Thanks!
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
aldha’s fourfold
statement of purpose
To represent and promote
the welfare of the
Appalachian long distance
hiking community.
To provide service in a
cooperative spirit with other
Appalachian hiking
To provide education on
the use and preservation of
Appalachian long distance
To provide opportunities for
interaction and camaraderie
within the Appalachian long
distance hiking community.
Keep in TOuCh
WiTh aldha
Visit bootsmcfarland.com to see more of Geolyn Carvin’s cartoons.
submit something
to The Long Distance Hiker.
always in need of
your photos from
aldha events.
Give the gift of a
membership in
aldha and help
our group grow.
it’s only $10 a year.
post your hiking
news, photos, etc.
search for aldha at facebook.com
questions about
programs, dues,
other issues:
coming in the spring:
at the sunday afternoon board meeting at
the Gathering, members voted to appropriate the funds necessary to build a shelter in
the hiker-friendly town park in Waynesboro,
Va. read about the plans and how you can
help be part of ALdHA history in the spring
issue of The Long Distance Hiker.
Read about the spring meeting that is set
for April 11 at Bears den Hostel in Virginia.
submit your own story and/or photos and
share with other members your artwork, an
essay or information about a trail you know
and love. Read a good trail book lately?
Write a review!
We are always looking for more stuff. Send
it to newsletter@aldha.org. Thanks!!
Appalachian Long Di ance Hikers Association
10 Benning St., PMB 224
We Lebanon, NH 03784
March 6-8 Appalachian Trail KickOff,
Amicalola Falls, Ga.
April 11
ALDHA Spring Meeting,
Bears Den Hostel, Va.
May 5-7
Shelter-building work trip 1,
digging and pouring cement
footings, Waynesboro, Va.
June 5
A.T. Hall of Fame banquet
in Boiling Springs, Pa.
July 17-24 ATC Biennial Conference,
Shenandoah University in
Winchester, Va.
Oct. 9-11
ALDHA’s 34th Gathering,
Shippensburg University
in Shippensburg, Pa.
June 23-28 Shelter-building work trip 2,
actual construction of the
new shelter,Waynesboro,Va.
May 15-17 Appalachian Trail Days,
Damascus, Va.
Key Dates to Remember
Wintertime gifts for all
who love the outdoors
Fleece vests, coffee mugs,
long-sleeved shirts, etc.
Visit the ALDHA Store at www.aldha.org/store
Winter 2014-15
The Long Distance Hiker
Mark your calendars now for the...
Columbus Day Weekend, Oct. 9-11, at
Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania
Membership and Gathering Registration
Name(s) ______________________________________________ current Member Yes q No q
date ________ / _______ / ________
Address ______________________________________________ city, State, Zip _____________________________________________________
Telephone (with area code) _______________________________ email address ____________________________________________________
Trail name(s) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Trails completed and years they were hiked _____________________________________________________________________________________
i would like to help ALdHA with: The Gathering q companion Field editor q Trail Work q publications q publicity q ALdHA care q
Memberships are $10 per family per calendar year or $200 for lifetime membership. Memberships filed after Sept. 30 will also include the following year.
Number of years _______________ x $10 per year = $_______________
Lifetime membership $200 (does not include yearly Gathering registration fees.)
Gathering preregistration is $20 per person, only $50 for families of 3 or more
Children under 13 free!
= $_______________
donations to ALdHA, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, are tax deductible.
Amount of donation: $ ______________ Total enclosed: $_______________
how would you like your aldha publications delivered?
Newsletter q pdF in email (with color) q paper (B&W)
directory q pdF in email (with color) q paper (B&W)
Go Green: PDFs reduce clutter and save money and trees.
if attending the Gathering, please mail your payment no later than sept. 15 to aldha, 10 Benning St., pMB 224, West Lebanon, NH 03784
Or, register online at https://secure.jotform.com/form/10562609918
Questions? . . . email membership@aldha.org