Macquarie Park Forum


Macquarie Park Forum
Macquarie Park Forum
5 May 2016
Macquarie Shopping Centre
• Welcome
• Strategic Review of Macquarie Park– Presentation by
Department of Planning & Environment
• Macquarie Shopping Centre development proposal –
Presentation by AMPCapital
• Macquarie Park Car Parking Review
• Night Time Economy Study Update
• Macquarie Park Infrastructure Upgrades
• Macquarie Park Special Levy Projects
• Connect Macquarie Park +North Ryde
• General Business
Strategic Review in Macquarie Park
Macquarie Shopping Centre
Macquarie Park Car Parking
Commercial car parking rates + Onstreet car parking fees to be reviewed
Information Sessions
• City of Ryde delivered two information sessions on 10
March 2016 to explain proposed changes to on and offstreet car parking in Macquarie Park
• The information sessions were promoted to business
owners and tenants … 20 business representatives
The main focus of the discussions
was the proposed on-street car
parking changes
What we Heard …
While the majority of participants preferred car parking rates remain
unchanged, there was an acknowledgment that:
• Traffic congestion must be addressed
• All day car parking cap needs to be removed
• Existing car parking rates in Macquarie Park are lower than
comparable commercial centres
• A staged implementation to increases in parking fees would give the
business community time to adjust and respond
• Fee increases should ideally be linked to public transport
improvements/ hypothecating of funds should be considered
• Short-term parking opportunities need to be expanded
Next Steps
• Report will be provided to Council in June 2016
• Key elements being considered include:
- removal of the all day parking cap
- staging the increase in the car parking fees
- exploring ways to increase the availability of
short term parking in the precinct
Night Time Economy Study
• Selective quotation process is currently underway … closing 23 May
• Aim to have consultant on board by mid June … to complete study
by 30 September 2016
Focus of the study:
• Start the discussion with key stakeholders
• Quantify the existing night time experience;
• Identify opportunities to develop frameworks
and strategies to support a night time economy.
Infrastructure Upgrades 2015-16
PAMP upgrades
Plassey Rd connection to National Park
Shared Path signage and line marking
Delhi Road
PAMP Upgrades
Plassey Road
Shared Path – signage/ marking
Extension of bike path along Khartoum Rd to commence mid –May 2016
Delhi Road upgrade
2016- 17 MPSL Projects
Upgrade of Lane Cove Road ( Waterloo to Talavera Rd)
Installation of Multi-function Poles
By 30 June 2017
Design Phase
Planting embellishment along Waterloo Road ( between
Lane Cove and Khartoum Roads)
By 30 June 2017
Continue Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan
(PAMP Stage 3) projects TBC
By 30 June 2017
Intersection /Signals upgrade at Waterloo Rd / Khartoum
Develop a Macquarie Park public art and spaces plan
By 30 June 2017
Implement Macquarie Park marketing and branding plan
Ongoing funding
Continue to support Transport Management Association
(Connect Macquarie Park + North Ryde)
On going funding
Transport Management Association Update
General Business
• Central Park update
• Economic Development Coordinator starts
23 May
• Next Meeting 4 August 2016 (Venue TBA)