buckeye connection
buckeye connection
2011-2012 Ohio JCI Senate Officers: President Paul Hartmann #58202 440-777-7435 Plhhhh1@aol.com Administrative VP Gary Brooke #58420 740-689-9179 gbrooke@ columbus.rr.com Official Newsletter of the Ohio JCI Senate Recognized as one of the “Top 5” by the USJCI Senate 2010-2011 BUCKEYE CONNECTION V O L U M E 4 4 , I S S U E Treasurer Larry Dawson #55622 ldawson@ffl.net Chairman of the Board Jenny Bruner #64688 419-923-4405 jci64688@hotmail.com Newsletter Editor Karen Schoonover #57305 419-345-2890 kschoon57305@ yahoo.com Webmaster Michael Starr #68578 614-799-2843 michaelestarr@ gmail.com Web Address www.ohiojcisenate.org M A Y , J U N E , J U L Y 2 0 1 2 The Hart Beat…………………...President Paul Hartmann #58202 Spring is in the air, time for nature to be reborn, so as the Ohio JCI Senate. need to share ideas and promote the Ohio Pig Roast, Wetzel, Border Bash, the Cleveland Convention 2013 and more. We need to introduce and elect our new officers that will lead us forward. We have super and exciting awards, gifts and salutations to present at the meeting. Before our “Follow Your Heart” year can be put in the books, we have some work still to be done. We need to get as many Ohio JCI Senators to the May Year End Meeting as we can. We I would like to congratulate William R Hines Jr. of the North Canton Jaycees, for being the recipient of the “Pat Robinson Helping Hand Award”, a $500 scholarship to help further his Programming VP Charlie Eberhardt #54887 419-626-5175 chasjaycee@aol.com Secretary Holly Hartmann #51732 440-777-7435 hhagemeist@aol.com 4 educational career. Lastly, I want to thank everyone who made this Senate year so special!! Remember your head may show you the direction, but it is your heart that takes you there. Follow Your Heart Paul Hartmann #58202 44th President Ohio JCI Senate Newsletter Editor……………………………………………….Karen Schoonover #57305 Once again, another year is fast approaching its end and with that, the final newsletter for it’s current president. get as many Senators involved as possible in this organization and this is only a four times a year job! If you want more information on the responsibilities of editor, send me an email or give me a call. At the February All State, I announced that I would be running for Secretary of the Ohio JCI Senate. If any Senator would like to take over as Newsletter Editor, please let me or Gary Brooke know of your interest. We would like to Mitch and I experienced our first “Region V Spring Fling” in Indianapolis, IN, where we had a great time. Not only did we get to see old and meet new friends, we were able to visit with our grandson who lives in Covington, IN. It was also exciting to witness President Paul being awarded the “Stump Award” for the “Region V Most Outstanding State President”. Thank You to Sherry Fitzgerald for reminding me I had my camera to document the occasion (I was so excited I forgot I had it). Hope to see you at the May Year End in Columbus on the 10th & 11th! Karen Schoonover #57305 Newsletter Editor PAGE 2 2011-2012 Ohio JCI Senate Officers Area Coordinators: 1– Doug Goodwin #63994 614-213-9263 dsgoodwin@aol.com 2– TBA 3– Melissa Jones Schnipke #70590 419-453-3396 dmschnip@bright.net 4– Dana Showalter #59619 216-289-7648 Showalter-ohjc@aol.com Freshman Senators PM Jane Hider #47481 330-345-8814 mjphider@bright.net Presidential Charity PM Tracy Brooke #69445 740-215-6292 tbrooke2000@hotmail.com Jaycee Liaison Sherry Fitzgerald #68958 mrsfitz98@att.net Return the Favor Kristi Callison #69284 kcjaycee@aol.com Chaplain Scott Fitzgerald #63745 937-878-9812 Administrative VP………………………………..……..Gary Brooke #58420 W ell, here we are in the last q ua rte r of the year. I have traveled to many events for the first time. In January, I attended the National Winter Board Meeting. Atlanta was a great place to visit. Jenny Bruner gave an excellent First Timers program where I met several new friends. If you have never been to a national meeting, I strongly recommend going to one. I learned how things operate on a national level. I also earned a pin from National President Steve Sutherland. I recently attended the Region V Spring Fling in Indianapolis. I had the opportunity to meet the state presidential candidates from Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Illinois. At the February AllState I officially announced my candidacy for the position of the 45th President of the Ohio JCI Senate. I have held the office of Programming Vice President, Secretary, and Administrative Vice President. I am a Life Member, and I have been a Senator since 1998. I know I have big shoes to fill. Jenny Bruner and Paul Hartman have set the bar very high. I will strive to continue the excellent work they have done. I am looking forward to keeping Ohio one of the best in the nation. I will represent Ohio with pride wherever I travel during the year. Plan on attending our Year End Convention in May, and show your support for all of the candidates. If you have not been to a meeting in awhile, this is a great time to attend again. See you then. Thanks! On a family note: My daughter informed me that our first grandchild is going to be a GIRL! Gary Brooke, #58420 AVP Secretary………….…………………...Holly Hartmann #51732 Happy Springtime to everyone! This year’s Directory is currently being worked on.. If you have any changes to your address, e-mail address or phone numbers please let me know so the Directory can be as correct as it can be and that you will not miss an issue of this great Newsletter. If you do not have e-mail and would like a Newsletter mailed to you, please let me know also. The Buckeye Buzz is another way of learning what is going on in the Ohio JCI Senate. It is an e-mail that will go out once a month with news to share such as any events happening in your lives, sickness, deaths, marriages or births. Please get that information to Kristy Owen at logangirl1@earthlink.com by the last Sunday of the month and she will let us all know what new things are happening. Thank you for letting me serve as your Secretary this year. I really enjoyed myself. Holly Hartmann #51732 Secretary BUCKEYE CONNECTION VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 PAGE Programming VP…………….……………….…..Charlie Eberhardt #54887 The end of another Senate year. We have accomplished much this last year. We, the Senators of the Ohio JCI Senate, have moved forward in our endeavors to uphold the traditions laid before us. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your work during this past year. I want to thank you for your support of the programs of the Ohio JCI Senate and your support of me this past year. I want to thank you, the Senators, who attended the last quarterly meeting. It was great to see Senators that have not been around in awhile. If you missed it, I am sorry you missed the great experience it is to see those great individuals that help make our organization great The four Programming Managers for this year have done their work and coordinated their efforts to assure the programming areas continue. These programming areas include Freshman Senators-Jane Hider #47491, Presidential Charity- Tracy Brooke #69445, Jaycee Liaison- Sherry Fitzgerald #68958, and Return the Favor- Kristi Callison #69284. Thank you all for performing your duties to benefit this fine organiza- The following Senators made contributions to the Buckeye Connection at the February All State. From OHIO: Paul Hartmann #58202, Holly Hartmann #51732, Scott Fitzgerald #63745, Sherry Fitzgerald #68958, Karen Schoonover #57305, Mitch Schoonover #59758, Rick Cyngier #38002, Jean Geddes #68886, Bruce Geddes #35527, Marilyn Jones #63590, Roy Crawford #28447, Gary Richey #47047, Stu O’Hara #39768, Larry Popp #33320, John Krupp #30963, Dana Showalter #59619, Tracy Brooke #69445, Jon Bruner #58932, Jenny Bruner #64688, Rockne Clarke #38035, Vicky Dempsey #58206, Doug Dempsey #44206, Jane Hider #47491, Steve Swartz #37690, Karen Swartz Friendship #9, Gary Brooke #58420, Carol Alverez #62464 and Colette Bergin #68766. From INDIANA: Owen Meador #60900, and Judy Meador Friendship #12. tion. Remember your organization is hosting a National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in 2013. There is a great amount of work that will go into this event. Any amount of time and energy you can offer will always be greatly appreciated. It is the unique talents of each individual that makes an organization what it is. It is YOU that will make this organization shine during this event and all events and programs we do. I call out to you as my equal to attend the next Ohio JCI meeting where we will hold our 44th Year End Meeting and Elections. Mark your calendars for May 11 - 12 in Columbus, Ohio at Ramada Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, 4900 Sinclair Road (614-8460300). In closing please take a moment to remember those wonderful individuals we have lost in the past to another calling. Remember those individuals that cannot be with us due to illness or other personal obligations. And after all that, remember yourself and don't 3 2012-201 USJCI CANDIDATES PRESIDENT BRUCE GEDDES #35527 OHIO ADMINISTRATIVE VP LARRY BOHN #37024 MARYLAND Charlie Eberhardt #54887 National Convention 2013 The Cleveland Convention 2013 Committee is working hard to “Rock you on the North Coast”. A project of this magnitude takes a lot of planning, sponsorships and manpower. Soon we will announce our sponsor levels and in June start selling our sweepstakes tickets. If you have not volunteered yet, please contact me at 440-777-7435 or hhagemeist@aol.com or Jon Bruner at 419923-4405 or jdb58932@gmail.com. June 16, 2013 will be here before you know it! TREASURER RANDY YOUNG #46420 MINNESOTA Paul Hartmann #58202 Chairman SECRETARY BRIAN TRAUTMAN #61774 WISCONSIN PAGE 4 OHIO JCI SENATE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Chairman of the Board………...Jenny Bruner #64688 Pressure is on Gary! Soon we will install a new board for a new year. Please give them all your support. MAY 11th & 12th Ohio JCI Senate Annual Meeting & Elections Columbus, OH 18th & 19th Ohio Jaycee All State Dayton, OH Canada’s Crew Meeting London, Ontario Greetings Ohio Senators, Well we are in the homestretch and I am writing my last article as Chairman of the Board. It has been a great year. Congratulations to Paul for keeping the “Stump” award in Ohio. Great job and well deserved. Also, step up to see what you can do to help our very own Bruce Geddes as his year as National President. And we need everyone’s help to make Cleveland Convention 2013 a huge success. I hope many of you will JUNE 27-29 Illinois Picnic Savoy IL AUGUST 3rd & 4th Kentucky Bourbon Bash Bardstown, KY 24-26 August All State Hudson OH Jenny Bruner #64688 Chairman of the Board The recipient was: WILLIAM R. HINES JR. Of the North Canton Jaycees JULY 26-29 Wetzel Wetzel, OH Still ROLLLLing (Reach Out Live Laugh Love Life) President Paul Hartmann #58202 presenting the PAT ROBINSON HELPING HAND AWARD 20-23 USJCI National Convention Altamonte Springs FL 20-21 Pig Roast Convoy, OH be traveling to Florida for the year end National Convention. As First Timers chair I would love to have many from Ohio participate in the First Timer’s program. If you are attending and it is your first convention please let me know. Presidential Charity of Choice………………………………………..Tracy Brooke #69445 The end of the 20112 0 1 2 JCI year is coming to a close, and with the arrival of the Year End Meeting is the annual “Brown Bag Auction”. The Year End Meeting is scheduled for May 10th & 11th, at the Ramada Plaza Inn Convention Center on Sinclair Road in Columbus, OH. BUCKEYE Please bring an item of your choice (nice, funny, Old Jaycee, homemade, etc) in a sealed (taped or stapled) brown paper bag to the annual meeting. After the meeting the auction will take place. that is attending college. We would like to congratulate William R. Hines Jr. of the North Canton Jaycees for being the recipient of this scholarship for the 2012-2013 school year. Monies raised at the auc- Tracy Brooke #69445 tion will be split between Presidential Charity the National Kidney Choice PM Foundation and President Paul’s “PAT ROBINSON HELPING HAND AWARD” a $500 Scholarship that is awarded to an active Ohio Jaycee CONNECTION of VOLUME 44, ISSUE PAGE 4 83rd Ohio Jaycee President……………………...Carrie Hurley #69172 5 SPRING FLING 2012 Indianapolis, IN Hello! Hope that 2012 is treating you well!! I know the 2012 Ohio Jaycees have had a GREAT first quarter for 2012. I am very happy to announce that after the first 3 month of 2012 we are currently at +9 for the year! We are also working to build some of our chapters that have been struggling and also bringing the Jaycees back into areas that haven’t had chapters in years. If you know of anyone who would be willing to help us in the following areas please let me know, we are going to be very busy this spring and summer: Toledo, Greater Cincinnati, Elyria, Cuyahoga Falls/Stow O-H-I-O Brian Kling (MI) and Larry Popp (OH) In March, we had 14 Ohio Jaycees graduate from the JCI Presenter program, and are looking forward to bring a JCI Trainer to Ohio in the fall to help our members grow into better public speakers and trainers. This is part of our goals; to bring more training to our members. As I have mentioned before we are trying to focus on building our members this year and would like your help in this. If you would be interested and willing to do a training at one of our events please let Walt Smith know. I know most of you will not be at our May All-State, but I know he is already looking at trainings for August and November. Please contact Walt at ejester@hotmail.com I am looking forward to seeing many of you in Hudson August 2426 for our August All-State, where will be training and presenting awards for the first half of 2012!! Paul Hartmann giving his report Bruce Geddes (OH) and Owen Meader (IN) Please let me know if there is anything that you would like of myself or the Ohio Jaycees! 2012-2013 Ohio JCI Senate Candidates Paul & Holly Hartmann President Gary Brooke #58420 Programming VP Scott Fitzgerald #63745 Administrative VP Charlie Eberhardt #54887 Treasurer Larry Dawson #55622 Secretary Karen Schoonover #57305 Paul receiving the STUMP AWARD (Outstanding Region V State President) PAGE 6 Ohio JCI Senate Yearend Banquet and Elections HELLO SENATORS, YES, it is that time…. time to register for the 2011-2012 YEAR-END MEETING! Dig out your red shirt or dress (or go buy a new one) and FOLLOW YOUR HEART to help us CELBRATE President Paul’s wonderful year! Please remember that your Registrations are due postmarked by APRIL 30th, 2012 for the Early-bird price of $55.00 after the 30th it goes up to $65.00. (How many extra drinks could you buy with that money?). The deadline for hotel room registration is also APRIL 27, 2012. The registration form is included in this newsletter. If you have any questions PLEASE contact me by emailing me at: mrsfitz98@att.net or calling me on one of my phones: h. 937-8789812 c. 937-532-9552 Looking forward to your registrations, Sherry #68958. Fitzgerald BUCKEYE RON ROBINSON GOLF TOURNAMENT The Ron Robinson Memorial Golf Tournament is an annual activity of the Ohio JCI Senate C & E Foundation that is held at the Ohio JCI Senate Pig Roast each year. It is in memory of Ron Robinson, a former Ohio and United States JCI Senator. The Foundation will use the proceeds in its mission of awarding college scholarships to deserving high school seniors throughout the state of Ohio. The majority of income for the tournament is raised through the use of sponsorships. Individuals or businesses are welcome to participate in the sponsorship program and all donations can be used as deductions for income tax purposes since the Ohio JCI Senate C & E Foundation is a 501 c (3) entity. Schedule of Sponsorship Levels: No Golf Golf Included Major Tournament Sponsor $300 $350 Closest to the Pin/Long Drive Sponsor $150 $200 Tee/Green Sponsor $100 $150 Door Prize/Cash Donation Sponsor $50 $100 1st Tee Sponsor’s List $25 Product Donation for “Goody Bags” and Prize Table Items If you need more information you may contract Ron Kimmet #43520 at 419235-4639 golf chairman or Marilyn Jones #63590 Foundation Treasurer at mmjones@otecwb.com. We would love to have you come to the Pig Roast Treasurer………………………………...…...…..Larry Dawson #55622 Our year is rapidly coming to a close and President Paul has done a great job representing Ohio. Of course, with Holly by his side, that should be no surprise. For me, it has been an honor and a privilege to be part of the team this year. I have not been able to be as physically active as I’d like to be this past year and I regret missing a few meetings and events; however, I have been happy to assist Paul and the Ohio JCI CONNECTION Senate as best I could. In mid-May I will be having surgery to correct my spinal issues and I look forward to returning with a new vim and vigor. This is a fantastic organization filled with exceptional individuals and I am proud to be associated with you all. I know I don’t need to preach to the choir, but the potential of this organization lies in the participation of its membership. As a Senator you were honored by your Chapter for the work and dedication you showed and for the leadership you shared. I ask all of you who have not been to a JCI Senate meeting or function for several years to make an effort to reconnect. You don’t have to make a major commitment, just drop by and say hello, see what we’re doing, give us your opinion. You can still make a difference. Thank you for all you have done and for all you will do. I look forward to seeing you soon. Larry Dawson #55622 Ohio JCI Treasurer VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 PAGE ~ MAY 11-12, 2012 ~ The Ramada Plaza Hotel & Convention Center 4900 Sinclair Road @1-71 Columbus OH 43229 614-846-0300 Room Rate $84.00 + tax per night - Ask for OHIO JCI SENATE rate FOLLOW YOUR HEART APRIL 27, 2012 deadline for room registration FULL REGISTRATION $55.00 PER PERSON INCLUDES: Friday & Saturday hospitality, Saturday lunch, Saturday Year End Meeting/Elections, and Saturday Evening Banquet Wear your Red and join us to celebrate another great year for the Ohio JCI Senate! Make checks payable to: OHIO JCI SENATE Deadline for $55.00 registration: APRIL 30, 2012 / Registration AFTER 4/30/12 will be $65.00 Send completed form & payment to: Sherry Fitzgerald #68958, 1508 Wedgewood Drive, Fairborn, Ohio 45324 Home: 937-878-9812 cell: 937 532-9552 email: mrsfitz98@att.net NAME:______________________________________________ SENATE# ______________ NAME:______________________________________________ SENATE# ______________ ADDRESS_________________________________CITY_____________________________ STATE____________ZIP_________________ PHONE# _____________________________ E-MAIL_____________________________________________________________________ # of FULL REGISTRATIONS ___________@$55.00 TOTAL_____________________ # of SATURDAY LUNCH/MTG/ELECTIONS ___________@$25.00 TOTAL_____________________ # of SATURDAY NIGHT BANQUET ONLY ___________@$35.00 TOTAL_____________________ TOTAL $___________________________ 7 OHIO JCI SENATE 32nd ANNUAL PIG ROAST “CHIRSTMAS IN JULY” July 20 & 21 Community Center at Convoy, OH FRIDAY JULY 20, 2012: Hospitality 3:00-? Dinner 7:00 pm SATURDAY JULY 21, 2012: Golf Scramble 9:00 am (Site & fees to be announced) Bar Burgers Noon (Location to be announced) Hospitality 2:00 pm Dinner 6:00 pm People’s Choice Dessert Contest 7:00 pm Chinese Gift exchange will take place after dinner and introductions (Bring a $10 gift if you’re interested in participating) Hotels: (price before taxes) Holiday Inn Express $98.80 king/dbl 419-238-2600 Comfort Inn $96.99 dbl-$89.99 king 419-232-6040 Ask for Ohio JCI Senate Rate by 6-29 Buckeye Connection Holly Hartmann 26747 Fairfax Lane North Olmsted, OH 44070 18 & Older 6-17 year olds 5 & under Friday & Saturday #____ @ $30* #_____ @ $15 *$5 discount if received by July 1 FREE Friday Only #_____ @ $15 #_____ @ $10 FREE Saturday Only #_____ @ $20 #_____ @ $10 FREE Total Attending: Amount Enclosed: $ Name: Senate # Spouse: Senate # Address: City/State/Zip: Children: Number Golfing: Return registration with checks made payable to: Ohio JCI Senate Pig Roast Mail to: Doug Dempsey #44206, 24 N Westview Ave, Dayton, OH 45403