May 2016 - Family Campers and RVers
May 2016 - Family Campers and RVers
ISA ILLINOIS CAMPER STATE ASSOCIATION MAY 2016 VOLUME 33 #2 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Well here we are at the beginning of camping season, all or most of the ‘Snow Birds’ should be back. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: ISA SEPT REGISTRATION 2 NATIONAL NEWS 3 GL REGIONAL 4 MEETING MINUTES 5 CAMPOUT REVIEW 6 COOK’S POT 6 AROUND ILLINOIS 6 CHAPTER SCHEDULES 7 MEMBER NEWS 8 RETIREES 9 CONDOLENCES C.A.M.P 10 ISA INFORMATION 11 SPONSORS 1214 DATES TO REMEMBER June 12-16—ISA Retiree Campout— Marshall-Putnam Fairground, Henry, IL On my way back from Florida to stop at the April State Campout, we stopped one night at the Rend Lake Corps of Engineers Park—the Gun Creek camping area. Boy, what a neat camping area. Most sites relatively level and spacious, nice grassy ground cover and scenery. I can see why the southern Illinois people love this Rend Lake area and you can’t beat the price. Only drawback is it’s more than mile to Wal-Mart, but who needs it. The spring State campout hosted by the Alf chapter was held at Okaw Valley campground in Brownstown. It is right at exit 68 off I-70, convenient and only 5 miles east of Vandalia. We had 12 units on the grounds, nice campground and very accommodating. Thanks to the Alf’s for a great job hosting, everyone had a good time, good food, entertainment and all. Won’t tell you what all we had,--you should have been there! State wide---looking to June for the summer State Campout, it is the one we select our games participants and other contest entries for National. June State is from the 17th to 19th at the Springfield State Fair Campground, also a very nice place. It is off I-55 at exit 100, follow the signs west to the State Fair facility. It will be hosted by a ‘trio’ from Soy City (B,P,T). Now, just before the State—the Retiree chapter will meet at Marshall-Putnam Fairgrounds in Henry, IL (IL Rt 29 & IL Rt 18) from June 12 to 15, (most will usually depart on 16th). After Retiree’s it’s only about 2 ½ hours to Springfield. Going forward to July don’t forget to register for National at Shawnee, Okla. July 24 to 29. One week later as we’re heading back it’s Great Lakes Regional time, August 4 to 7 at Hillsdale, MI Fairgrounds. So plenty of opportunities for camping at State & National events along with your own chapters. Registration form for National in Camping Today and for GL Regional in this issue as well as the June State to pre-register. At the April Board meeting it was decided to advance the hosting chapter or individuals $100 for a State campout. This is that the hosts do not have to ‘front’ or pay out of pocket and wait for reimbursement. The $100 advance is a supplement to the registration fees collected and not meant to spend the entire $100 frivolously, with the amount NOT spent to be returned to the ISA treasury. Additionally, more complete campout receipt/expense records are to be kept by the hosts and turned in to appropriate Board members. Previous records many times were rather ‘loosely’ or ‘not’ kept. And lastly, our financial documents will be updated. FROM THE STATE DIRECTORS Hello Fellow Campers, We have been camping a few times now. The April State Campout was so much fun, thanks to the Alf Chapter. We plan to join the Retirees at Henry in June., so June 17-19—ISA State Campout– we are looking forward to seeing those of you that we haven’t seen yet. Illinois State Fairgrounds, SpringWe attended the Great Lakes Regional Campvention planning meeting April 29th- May 1st in Lima, Ohio. field Campvention 2017 will be in Lima Ohio, July 9th-15th. We were able to fill more of the chair & co-chairs needJuly 24-29 —National Campvention, ed. Heart of Oklahoma Exposition CenRemember the goal we have set for Illinois is to get our membership back over 100 members. Preferably around 20% increase , which means 18 new members. So far, we have gotten 7 new families. We are hoping ter, Shawnee, OK to see more when we get the May End of the Month Report from the National Office. Aug 4-7—Great Lakes Regional, Don’t forget to hand out the Cadet Memberships to people who would get a benefit out of them and become Hillsdale County Fairgrounds, Hillsmembers of Family Campers & RV’ers. dale, MI Just a reminder to all of you to pre-register for the June State Campout. Send your registration to Donna Powell or email to let her know you are coming. Pre-registration fees were raised to $10.00 Sept 9-11—ISA State Campout— or at the gate $15.00. We have 15 sites reserved, so we need to know if you are planning to come in case we Marshall-Putnam Fairground, Henry, need to add camping site reservations. IL See the registration form on the next page for more information and mail-in form. Sept 11-15—Illinois Retiree CamSee the Dates to Remember section on this page for a list of opportunities to get out a meet FCRV members pout—Marshall-Putnam Fairground, from across the state, region, and US/Canada. We hope you can make it to at least one event. Henry, IL We attended the Great Lakes Regional Campvention planning meeting April 29th- May 1st in Lima, Ohio. July 10-14 2017—National Campven- Campvention 2017 will be in Lima Ohio, July 9th -15th . We were able to fill more of the chair, Co-chairs needed. Campvention Theme is: All Aboard! (Art work of a steam engine with the number 57 and tion, Lima, OH letters FCRV on the engine) Destination: Great Lakes Region 2017 FCRV Campvention ISA CAMPER Page 2 MESSAGE FROM THE STATE DIRECTOR (CONT) HOSPITALITY AT CAMPVENTION 2016 The Hospitality sponsored by Campvention 2017 will be requested to be towards the end of the week. We would like the help of everyone for this hospitality. We will be wearing denim or blue shorts/pants and the Campvention shirts. If you do not have a campvention shirt, just wear a plain orange shirt. They are looking into getting engineer hats and bandana scarf’s. If you have an Trian Whistle, bring it along. Continuing with the “All Aboard” theme, we will provide “Rail Mix” (aka trail mix), with the following states responsible for their mix components: Illinois: M&Ms (plain), Indiana: Goldfish, Kentucky: Cheerios, Michigan: Mini Pretzels, Ohio: Raisins and Napkins, Wisconsin: Cups. We will plan on 600 attendees to the hospitality. A simple juice will be served to drink, possibly getting donation from McDonalds for this. Your Camping Friends, Doug and Connie JUNE STATE CAMPOUT 2016 Illinois State Fairgrounds June 17-19, 2016 Springfield, IL Hosted by Soy City Campers Join us for a fun weekend in Springfield where there is always plenty to do and see. Will be having Adult Games for Campvention & For Fun, Conservation & Camping Is Poster Contest, Road Rally, Dinner Mystery Theater on Saturday Evening, and more. Address for Campground: 801 Sangamon Avenue Springfield, IL 62706 The fairgrounds is located 2 miles from Interstate I-55, Sangamon Ave exit (exit 100 B). Campground entrance at Gate #11 on Sangamon Ave. Camping Fee $25.00 per night up to age 54 - $20.00 per night age 55 & up We can an have above the ground campfires but please purchase your firewood in Springfield in order to help prevent the spread of Emerald Ash Borer. Pre-Registration Form: Your registration form must be in by June 12th Checks Payable to Donna Powell Mail to: Donna Powell P.O. Box 433 Cerro Gordo, IL 61818 or $10.00 by April 8 or $15.00 at gate (non-refundable) Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adults: ___________________________ Youth: ___________________ Teens: _________________ ISA CAMPER Page 3 NATIONAL NEWS—NATIONAL WILDLIFE GRANTS DUE MAY 20 The National Wildlife program awards grants to many worthwhile wildlife conservation projects in the U.S. and Canada. These grants may be applied for through the National Family Campers & RVers Wildlife Director. Wildlife Grants must be mailed by USPS to the National Wildlife Directors by May 20. The grant application, the organization’s proof of 501.c.3 status, and a letter from the organization must be mailed along with any other supporting documents that you feel will help the program get a better understanding about the organization. If the organization you submit is awarded a grant, it will be announced in July at National Campvention and a check will be mailed to you after Campvention so that you can make arrangements to deliver the grant to the organization. In the recent years, Alf Campers have applied for an won grants for the Wolf Sanctuary, World Bird Sanctuary and other St. Louis area wildlife rehab centers. To learn more about the wildlife program and download a copy of the Grant Application, visit the web site: UPDATE YOUR EMAIL WITH THE NATIONAL OFFICE NATIONAL ELECTIONS In order to communicate more effectively from the National Office to the members of the organization, FCRV has begun sending direct email notification of the Online Camping Today. Please email the office at to confirm your email or to add you. By emailing, there won’t be any misunderstanding of your address. Even if you think the office has your email address, a confirmation email will help enure accuracy. If you are concerned about your info getting out where you don’t want it, we assure you that FCRV does NOT share mailing lists, email addresses, etc with outside sources. Should it be determined that someone does share, the Trustees will deal with the offending individual. Please help us improve the communication of the organization by providing and/or updating your email address on file. Due to the fact that each of the National positions up for election had only one nominee, we held no formal ballot voting by the members. In order to help save money on mailing and counting ballots, the FCRV by-laws were changed so that in cases where there are not more than 1 person running for at least one position, there would be no need to hold an election by the membership. Unfortunately the organization is struggling to find volunteers at the National level. There are currently many positions open on the Executive board. If you are willing to volunteer, please read about the positions in the Camping Today and contact the respective National Officer for more information. CAMPVENTION 2016 IN SHAWNEE, OK IS COMING SOON! If you are looking for a family vacation for the parents and kids alike, then consider joining us in Shawnee, OK for this year’s Campvention. Shawnee is only an hour from Oklahoma City where the memorial commemorating the 1995 bombing of the Federal Building is located. OKC is the Capital City of Oklahoma and is also home to the Cowboy Hall of Fame & Museum, a AA baseball team, art museums, nightlife, dining and more. An hour south of Shawnee is Chickasaw National Recreation Area, operated by the National Park Service. Swimming and fishing are the attractions here. Cool down in swimming hole and relax in the shaded streams. Get away from the heat by visiting this national recreation area. Campvention offers programs and activities for everyone. The kids will be kept busy with the youth activities, the pet parade, and more. Teenagers will be off with new friends at the Teen Center with sports and activities catered to them. Adults will be kept busy with adult games, seminars, and entertainment. Family Fun Day kicks off the week on Monday, July 25th. The teens will be serving lunch for $5 which they will use to fund an off-site activity and leftover proceeds will benefit a charity. Family Fun Day will have a DJ spinning some music, a photo booth, 3-hole miniature golf, human foosball, interactive inflatable sports games, a slide for the kids (might have water), and more. Want more incentive? The trustees are bringing back the Pie Toss so come out to throw a pie at one of your favorite trustees from Illinois. That’s right. Did you know that Illinois has two trustees at the National level? Toss a pie at our National President and Illinois campground owner, Shari Weber. OR toss one at VP of Planning and Development Scott Serbousek. ISA CAMPER Page 4 ISA CAMPER Page 5 ISA GENERAL MEETING MINUTES The ISA General Meeting was held Sunday, April 17th at 10am. Duane called the meeting to order. We were led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Corina Baker, one of our Illinois youth. We welcomed our new members, Todd & Tess Perrault and family and Margie Daniels who are new members of the Alf Campers. ISA September Meeting minutes were approved as published in the ISA Camper. Corresponding Secretary Report – Rhonda passed out member list for people to review, a new one will be passed out each year in the spring. Be sure to get her your chapter information so she can keep the list up to date. VP Report - Matt is working on finishing a deal with the Illinois KOA association where they will give all FCRV members a 10% discount if they show an FCRV membership card. Details will be announced once finalized. State Director Report Thanks to the Alfs for hosting, welcome new families If you don’t receive Doug and Connie’s monthly update, give Connie your email so she can keep you updated on news from the National Office GL Regional is in Hillsdale, MI August 4-7 (Hillsdale County Fairgrounds). Illinois will host a hospitality on Friday night. Connie is looking for ideas for what we should provide. Campvention is July 25-29, in April the count was 145 registered in Shawnee, OK June state campout is at the Illinois State Fairgrounds June 17-19 – Road Rally through Springfield, finalizing Saturday evening dinner will be murder mystery Membership – Doug & Connie set goal to increase our membership by 20% which means we need 18 new members this year. Through February, we got 7 new members. Doug & Connie invited 3 new families to the June State Campout. Keep working on recruiting new members President’s report – National Campvention dates – your fees include Sunday the 24th so if you show up on Saturday don’t let them charge you for Sunday There was no wildlife report or treasurer’s report. Scholarship report - Duane reported fund total in absence of scholarship director. Beth O’Neal will be awarded a $250 scholarship at the June State Campout. Congratulations Beth. Old Business Old Sound System is still with George and we have been unable to sell it. We may have to donate it or junk it. Ruth motioned, Matt 2nd motion to purchase eagle and gold ball for flag pole and a pole stand if not found in Duane’s garage. It would cost about $100 for the Eagle and Ball. Motion carried. New Business $100 will be given to the hosting chapter ahead of campout to help supplement the campout for activities and expenses A detailed campout report will be included in meeting minutes Board is going to work on updating signature cards to have multiple names on the bank accounts and CDs to ensure security and access of the funds. Roundtable: Ed Haggerty mentioned that on the Campvention online payment they received an email that contained the debit card number and details. Scott will escalate this issue to Debbie Ludwig. Martha – really enjoyed the tour yesterday and thanks to Dave & Judy for driving Church donation was $34 donated to the Okaw Valley Campground pond fund so that they can ensure the pond continues to be home to wildlife and fish. Pete and Doug motioned to adjourn. ISA CAMPER Page 6 SPRING CAMPOUT REPORT We had a great time at the April State Campout. It was perfect weather and the campground owners at Okaw Valley were very accommodating. They recently purchased this campground and have been working hard to get it back into shape after the previous owners let it get rundown. On Friday night we gathered informally for snacks and registration and made introductions to some of the new members who joined us. We enjoyed a campfire before heading into bed. On Saturday we started the morning out with a potluck breakfast. There was a ton of delicious food and it was a great way to fill our belies before the adventures of the day. After breakfast we held the ISA Board Member and people were on their own for entertainment. We had a fishing tournament, and the kids made Camping Is posters. After lunch on our own, several of us headed into Vandalia to see the sites. We visited the Old Capital Building which was the Illinois State Capital while Abraham Lincoln was a state representative. So we walked on floor boards where he had walked. We learned that Abe and others led the campaign to move the capital to Springfield, which happened just a few years after the building was completed. We had a great tour guide and he even let us into one of the rooms that is usually locked off to give us extra information. After the old capital we walked to the National Road Museum where we learned about the first road that was paid for by the federal government. It was dirt and the transportation used were Conestoga wagons. The National Road was constructed in 1811 and ran from Cumberland, MD to Vandalia, IL. Yep, that’s right, we were at the end of the road. We returned to the campground for some rest and Italian dinner. After filling our bellies, we enjoyed a fun evening of casino games. There was no real gambling involved as everyone was given a fair share of chips to use at each of the tables. We rotated in groups from table to table and played Black Jack, 3-Card Poker, Roulette, and Hi/Lo. The games were new to many people and I think everyone enjoyed learning and playing for fun. At the end of the night we counted up the chips and the big winners were Todd Perrault and Doug Black. They each received an Alf Bacon tshirt. After casino night a few us started the State Photobook while others headed to the campfire. We held our usual membership meeting, church and said our good-byes on Sunday. We want to give a special thanks to Barb & Gary at Okaw Valley Kampground. They were very accommodating and they even became FCRV National Campground members and ISA Sponsors! So we hope you will find some time to spend a weekend with them and enjoy the history that awaits in Vandalia, IL. COOK’S POT—CAMPFIRE SPINACH DIP Ingredients Instructions 1 cup sour cream 1 8oz pkg cream cheese {room temperature} 3/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese 3/4 cup chopped, frozen spinach {drained} Optional: vegetable soup mix, bacon, garlic, mozzarella cheese, green onions, artichoke hearts etc. Mix all of the ingredients together in a container that can easily be packed to take camping. Do this prep work before you travel so that most of the mess is left and cleaned up at home. The flavors especially blend well together when combined and allowed to rest in the refrigerator for four to six hours. Create a tin foil packet by layering two pieces of aluminum foil and placing the dip mixture in the center. A few layers of foil will help to protect the dip from burning and the packet from tearing open. Roll up the ends of the foil and bake in the campfire {near the hot coals but not in the fire} for 20-25 minutes or until warm and bubbly. AROUND ILLINOIS... Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site, about 2 miles South of Petersburg and about 20 miles Northwest of Springfield, is a reconstruction of the village where Abraham Lincoln spent his early adulthood. The six years Lincoln spent in New Salem formed a turning point in his career. Although he never owned a home here, Lincoln was engaged in a variety of activities while he was at New Salem. He clerked in a store, split rails, enlisted in the Black Hawk War, served as postmaster and deputy surveyor, failed in business, and was elected to the Illinois General Assembly in 1834 and 1836 after an unsuccessful try in 1832. Twelve log houses, the Rutledge Tavern, ten workshops, stores, mills and a school where church services were held have been reproduced and furnished as they might have been in the 1830s. The furnishings, including many articles actually used by the New Salem people of Lincoln's time and others dating back to the same time period, were assembled and donated to the state by the Old Salem Lincoln League. The collection includes such earlynineteenth-century articles as wheat cradles, candle molds, cord beds, flax hackles, wood cards, dough and cornmeal chests and early American pewter. Open 9:00am to 4:00pm, Wednesday through Sunday, No admission fee, just a suggested donation of $2.00 for children, $4.00 for adults, or $10.00 for a family. Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site has a modern campground consisting of two shower buildings located within the campground. It has 200 campsites, of which 100 are electrified. The sites do not have hookups for water nor sewer, however, hydrants are available for campers to fill their storage tanks. There also exists a sewage and gray water dump station at the edge of the campground. Please do not dump gray water on the ground. Several hiking trails totaling 10 Kilometers are available at the historic site. ISA CAMPER Page 7 CHAPTER SCHEDULES DUPAGE DRIFTERS Date SOY CITY CAMPERS Campground April -29-30 May-1 Paradise Camping Resort Garden May -20-21-22 Kankakee River State Park June-10-11-12 Mendota Hills Campground June -24-25-26 Starved Rock State Park July 15-16-17 Thompson Causeway Aug-5-6-7 Indiana Dunes State Park Aug-26-27-28 Lowden State Park Sept.-16-17-18 Shabbona State Park Oct.-14-15-16 Hickory Hollow Campground Date April 15-17 May 27-30 June 17-19 July 1-4 August 12-14 Sept 9-11 Sept 23-25 October 7-9 Campground April State Campout Mahomet Sportsman’s Club June State Campout Arrowhead Acres Campground Lake Shelbyville, Bo Woods Sept State Campout Wolf Creek Weldon Springs State Park KANKAKEE VALLEY WANDERERS A-WA-WE-GO Date Date Campground April 1-3 TBD May 13-15 Ferne Clyffe State Park June 3-5 Rend Lake, Gunn Creek July 1-4 DuQuoin Fairgrounds August 5-7 Giant City State Park Sept 9-11 Devils Backbone at Grand Tower October 14-16 Pinckneyville Fairgrounds Campground March 31-April 3 Iroquois Fair Grounds May 5-8 Iroquois Fair Grounds June 2-5 KOA South June 30-July 5 Iroquois Fair Grounds August 4-7 Iroquois Fair Grounds Sept 1-6 Geneseo Campgrounds Sept 29-Oct 2 Iroquois Fair Grounds ALF CAMPERS PHEASANT RUNNERS Date Date Campground Campground April 8-10 Sangchris Lake State Park April 8-9 Monmouth City Park May 13-15 Lake of the Ozarks State Park May 13-15 Fisherman’s Corner COE May 27-30 June 10-12 TBD June 24-26 Lincoln Trail State Park Blue Springs Lake Campground, Independence, MO July 8-10 Illiniwek County Park July 15-17 Rend Lake, South Sandusky August 12-14 Geneseo Campground August 12-14 Garrisons River Resort Sept 9-11 Shady Creek COE Sept 16-18 Old Greeneville Rec Area Oct 7-9 Thomson Causeway COE Oct 14-16 Ferne Clyffe State Park November 4-6 Babler State Park (Friendsgiving) December 2-4 Pere Marquette State Park If you are interested in joining any of the other chapters at their monthly campout, email Jill ( and she will get you in touch with the right contact. And don’t forget to try to add the Illinois State Campouts to your list of campouts for the year, they are a great way to meet new friends in the state and explore more areas of Illinois. CALL US TOLL-FREE TODAY AT (888) 470-3968 TO MAKE A RESERVATION! OPEN YEAR-ROUND! ISA CAMPER Page 8 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We would like to welcome to the FCRV and ISA Family, the following new Illinoisaffiliated members. You may have met some of them at the Spring State Campout and hope to meet a few more at the June State Campout: Jean & Dennis Frierdich from Belleville, IL Tom & Connie Ollie from Swansea, IL Mike & Teri Homan from Collinsville, IL Steve & Margie Daniels from Lebanon, IL Sydney Hagen from Lebanon, IL Todd & Tess Perreault from Mascoutah, IL Steve & Lana Murray from O’Fallon, IL Brian & Terri Wilson from O’Fallon, IL Lynn & Justin Hardesty from Crestwood, MO CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO RICK’S RV Congratulations to Doug and Becky on their recent purchase of a new 5th Wheel from Ricks RV Center in Joliet Illinois. They’re enjoying camping. Doug a Becky say that everyone was very helpful at Ricks CONGRATULATIONS A-WA-WE-GO—50 YEARS! The A-Wa-We-Go Chapter out of Duqoin celebrates 50 years in 2016. Doug and Connie Black attended their chapter campout May 13-15 to give them their anniversary certificate. Congratulations to Scott,Tina and son on their recentl purchase of a new Travel Trailer from Ricks RV Center in Joliet Illinois. Talking to Scott he said both of them were very surprised on the great deal and how nice everyone was at Ricks are. Deanna Boyd the only original member of the A-Wa-We-Gos. Deanna was a teen camping with her family when The A-WA-WE-GO-Tribe was chartered April 11, 1966 ISA CAMPER Page 9 RETIREES CONDOLENCES—RUTH TEEL Ruth E. Teel Born: Dec. 20, 1920 Died: March 25, 2016 Ruth E. Teel (Striker), 95, of Du Quoin, IL, passed away at 9:10am Friday, March 25 2016. She was a school teacher for the District #300 Schools in Du Quoin from 1952 until 1981. She was a member of the First Christian Church in Du Quoin. She held several offices and was on many committees in the church. Ruth received her Masters Degree from Southern Illinois University. She was a member of the Perry County and Illinois Retired Teachers Association. Ruth was an avid bowler and camper. Also in her youth Ruth was an excellent fast pitch softball pitcher in the 40's. She was born December 20th, 1920, in Malta, IL, the daughter of John and Malena (Bue) Martinson. She married Howard Striker in 1942 at Kankakee, IL and he preceded her in death on February 18, 1983. She then married Loren Teel on November 18, 1987, at Du Quoin, IL, and he preceded her in death on December 3, 2014. She is survived by one son, Roger Striker and wife, Barbara of Okeechobee, FL; one granddaughter, Dawn Roberts and husband, Ken of San Diego, CA; one brother, Gerald Martinson of Hinckley, IL; one sister, Dorothy Challand of Libertyville, IL; and many nieces and nephews and was loved by all. She was preceded in death by her parents, her two husbands, three brothers and three sisters. ISA CAMPER Page 10 C.A.M.P—NATIONAL BIKE MONTH, JOIN THE GREAT CYCLE CHALLENGE May is National Bike Month, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to giving biking a try. Whether you bike to work or school; ride to save money or time; pump those pedals to preserve your health or the environment; or simply to explore your community, National Bike Month is an opportunity to celebrate the unique power of the bicycle and the many reasons we ride. If you don’t bike or don’t own a bike, then use this month to start! Take a visit to your local bike shop and get fitted for a nice bike. Cheap bikes at WalMart or Target might be OK for a kid, but if you really want to enjoy riding and get the health benefits from riding a bike, be sure to spend a little extra a nice one that is fitted for you in every way. After you’ve gotten your new bike or gotten the rust off your bike in May, be sure to sign up for the Great Cycle Challenge in June! This is a national fundraising event to help support children and families suffering from childhood cancer. You can sign up at ISA CAMPER Page 11 ILLINOIS STATE ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President .................................... Duane & Ruth Keegan, 957 Lois Ave, Addison, IL. 60101 Vice President ............................ Matt & Marla Mantia Recording Secretary ................... Jill Serbousek , Corresponding Secretary ............ Rhonda O’Neal, Treasurer .................................... George & Betty Helmich, 2507 Lippizan Ln. Grayslake, IL 60030 FCRV State Director .................... Doug & Connie Black, 13250 Cornthwaite Rd, Moweaqua,IL 62550 FCRV COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Conservation ............................... Jill Serbousek, D.A.S.A.T. .................................... Jill Serbousek, 1027 Winter Lake Dr. Fenton, MO 63026 Historian...................................... Jill Serbousek, Membership ................................ Micki Luensmann, Retirees ...................................... Martha Cooley, 148 W. 4th St. Coal Valley, IL 61240 CAMP ......................................... Micki Luensmann, Teen Advisor................................ Donna Powell, PO Box 433 Cerro Gordo, IL 61818 Wild Life ..................................... Michael & Deanna Boyd, 654 W. Main, DuQuoin, IL. 62832 ISA COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Advertising...................................Scott Serbousek, Chaplain .....................................Donna Powell, PO Box 433 Cerro Gordo, IL 61818 ISA Editor .....................................Jill Serbousek, Scholarship .................................Pat Taylor, 1206 N. Jackson St., Bushnell, IL 61422 Scholarship-Treasurer ................Duane & Ruth Keegan, 957 Lois, Addison, IL. 60101 Voice of the Illinois State Association Of FCRV Official Publication of the Illinois State Association of Family Campers and RVers ISSN PUBLICATION No. 01645986 EDITOR: Jill Serbousek 1027 Winter Lake Dr, Fenton, MO 63026 I, Jill Serbousek, certify that all material contained within this newsletter is used by permission and is acknowledged. Send all chapter news, items, columns, special news, and pictures to the Editors. Deadline is printed in the ISA Camper. Deadline may be extended so State Recording Secretary’s report can be published following State Campout. The ISA Camper is published 4 times a year (Feb/ March, May, August, Nov/Dec). Enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of photos. ADVERTISING Scott Serbousek, Minimum ad is $30 per year. Contact Advertising Chairman for additional rates, deadlines, format, contracts. etc., for advertising in ISA Camper. pecial rates for chapter projects. DistributiSon: Entire State of Illinois. PERMISSION TO REPRINT: Granted, provided credit is given to ISA Camper. ISA CAMPER CONTENT CONTRIBUTIONS: Welcomed and accepted; send to Editor or to columnists. ISA CAMPER is now available on the FCRV web site. Starting with August 2015 ISA will no longer be providing printed copies of the ISA Camper. It will be up to the Chapter to provide printed copies to any members who are unable to read the newsletter online. There will no longer be a subscription fee for ISA Camper. Opinions, observations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the various authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the organization. ISA Camper Article Deadlines Club reporters and anyone else who are sending articles to be printed in the ISA Camper. Please email them to: Here is a list of dates when information for each ISA Camper needs to be provided to us. Month of ISA Camper Info needed by Feb/Mar/Apr January 23 May/June/July April 18 Aug/Sept/Oct July 18 Nov/Dec/Jan Oct 18 The ISA CAMPER can be found at, Go to Newsletters, then letter I, then under Illinois go to “Get your copy of ISA CAMPER”. You will then be able to view the last 5 newsletters in PDF format. Note you will need Adobe Reader to view the files. Advertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Illinois State Association of FCRV of the product or service advertised. Members of the Illinois State Association are affiliated with the Family Campers and RVers. 4804 Transit Rd.. Bldg. 2. DePew, NY 14043. Membership in FCRV includes a subscription to “Camping Today” magazine. Dues are $30 for one year, $58 for two years and $84 for three years. Any FCRV member in good standing, who is a member-at-large in Illinois or a member of a chapter in Illinois may become member of the Illinois State Association. Send Chapter officers and ISA delegate’s names to address at the right. ISA SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Advertiser in the ISA Camper Newsletter For advertisers who are not National Commercial Members or Sponsors: To place an ad in the ISA Camper, a sponsor will be charged $20 per year or $30 for 2 years for a business card size; $40 per year or $60 for 2 years for a ¼ page; $80 per year or $120 for 2 years for ½ page; For advertisers who are National Commercial Members or Sponsors: To place an ad in the ISA Camper, a sponsor will be charged $10 per year for a business card; $20 per year for a ¼ page; $40 per year for a ½ page. Advertiser on the ISA Web Site A sponsor page exists on the Illinois State Association web site ( ISA Camper Newsletter advertisers will receive a free listing on this site with a link to their web site. For advertisers who do not have a printed ad, the cost for a link on the Illinois Web Site is $10 per year. If you have any potential sponsors, please contact Scott Serbousek at and he will provide a form. ISA CAMPER NOTE: This flyer must be printed in COLOR to receive the discount. Page 12 ISA CAMPER Page 13 Thank you To our Sponsors The advertisers on this page and the next have been kind enough to sponsor our organization by paying for an ad in our newsletter. Your fellow FCRV members have done business with these advertisers and feel they are family-friendly businesses to visit and support. If you are in the area of any of these sponsors, please stop by and tell them thank you and use their services! Do you have a business that you love to do business with ? Anyone can ask their favorite business to be an Illinois advertising sponsor. For pricing and the application form, visit the new ISA web site at or click here. We are looking for sponsors all over Illinois, so if you know of someone please contact them. Are you too shy to approach them? Contact the Illinois Commercial Membership director, Scott Serbousek ( ) and he will take it from there. 1400 Locke Dr Bourbonnais, IL 60914 (815) 933-2251 ISA CAMPER Page 14 Family Service With a Smile Since 1984 KAMPER KOMPANION RV PARK 18388 E. Frontage Rd Litchfield, IL 62056 4360 W. Jefferson Joliet, IL 60431 (815)725-4061 (217) 324-4747 Free Wi-Fi Exit 60 on I-55 E-Z off E-Z on Call Stan or Jeri Kahle: (217) 935-8442
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