Firebird Fireside Newsletter May 2012
Firebird Fireside Newsletter May 2012
Newsletter of the Firebird District, Grand Canyon Council, Boy Scouts of America MAY 2012 RECRUITMENT DAY Cub Scout Spring Round Up at Wildlife World Zoo INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2011 DISTRICT AWARDS 2 Saturday May 12, 2012 9:00 am - 3:00 pm CUB SCOUT CORNER 3 See flyer on page 6 for more details. BOY SCOUT CORNER 3 EAGLES’ NEST 3 DISTRICT REMINDERS VENTURING CORNER 4 WOOD BADGE & NYLT 4 ORDER OF THE ARROW 4 - We WILL be having Roundtable next month in June, but not in July. MARK YOUR CALENDAR 5 - Popcorn Sales is just a few months away. More details will be available at our August Roundtable. DISTRICT STAFF 5 SPRING ROUND UP AT THE ZOO FLYER 6 - Camp Geronimo has added another week of camp! Session 8 will be July 21-28. - Do you have more time than you know what to do with? We are looking for volunteers to help at the District level. If you are interested, please contact our District Chair, Vern Wolfley at FRIENDS OF SCOUTING DRIVE For more information about district events, please visit the district website. Click on Districts and select Firebird District. Firebird Fireside GREAT JOB, we are almost there! We have reached 82% of our goal. Thank you for supporting our council. Please turn in any remaining FOS contributions as soon as possible. Page 1 2011 Firebird District Recognition Evening April 13, 2012 Thank you to all those who attended and brought food to our Firebird District Recognition Evening and helped make it a success. It was a wonderful evening and we were able to recognize over 20 scout leaders in our district. We appreciate your support of our district and for all that you do in scouting. Congratulations to the 2011 award recipients! Silver Whistles Joe Fox Ryan Kritz Marc Seely Jan Weber Spark Plugs Elizabeth Fox Carol Hartwig Rachele Mikkelsons Heather Riney Lil Rodriguez Hall of Fame Linda Gillham Rayne Gray Jerome C. Herrington Ron Jarrell Duke Kritz Paul Stithem Gary Willow District Award of Merit Jace Larkin Steven Ruppenthal Jace Larkin has been a scouter in the Firebird District for over seven years. He has served as Troop Committee Chair and Chartered Organization Representative and is currently a District Commissioner. He has trained numerous Venturing leaders. Jace is Wood Badge trained and is a fox, (his wife agrees.) Steven Ruppenthal has served as a Chartered Organization Representative and has spent the last seven years as an Assistant Scoutmaster working with the 11 year old scouts. He has served as a trainer for Leader Specific Training and merit badge counselor for the District Advancement Challenge. Steve is a bear and a good ol’ bear too. Firebird Fireside ...of the Year Ann Boblett, Cub Scouter of the Year Shane Hunt, Scouter of the Year Robert Carbonneau, Commissioner of the Year Silver BeaVER Shawn Pobst For the past 21 years Shawn has played an active role in scouting in our District. He has served as Assistant Scout Master, Explorer Post Advisor, Varsity Coach, Scoutmaster, Venturing Crew Advisor, Chartered Organization Representative as well as Assistant District Commissioner and Venturing Roundtable Commissioner. Shawn has already received the Commissioner’s Key, Commissioners Arrowhead, Distinguished Commissioner, Commissioner of the Year, District Award of Merit, Adult Religious Award and his Wood Badge beads. He is also the father of two eagle scouts. In addition to scouting, Shawn has also dedicated much of his time to serving in the Phoenix West Maricopa Stake and as Bishop of the Crystal Gardens Ward. Page 2 Core Value of the Month: Health and Fitness Being personally committed to keeping our minds and bodies clean and fit. Congratulations to Firebird District’s recent Eagle Scouts! Name Unit Project Hours Christopher Bey Crew Donations to benefit 9962 Homeless Teens 135 Noah Hamstra Building a Meditation Troop Garden for Maggies 99 Place 179 Paul Lips Collard Dove Traps for Troop Adobe Mountain Wildlife 90 Center 181 Steven Rush Crew House Painting and Re9046 pairs for City of Avon- 188 Skyler Foxx Crew Disability Awareness 9992 Video 87 A Cub Scout Day and Overnight Family Camp Daniel Wing Crew Fun Run Food Drive for 9992 local food bank 106 September 28-30, 2012 Levi Willow Troop Refurbish Skyway 90 Church Landscaping 304 Zachary Franke Built Benches and Troop Hooks for Lattie Coor 99 Elementary School 209 Paul Burbank Crew Rio Vista Elementary 9076 Book Drive 109 Webelos Weekend Enjoy archery, BB Guns, crafts, nature, scoutcraft events, fishing plus so much more! June 1-2 at Camp Geronimo June 8-9 at Camp Raymond Cub-Boys at the Heard! Cub Scout Day Camp, June 2012 There are several sessions at the end of June that still have spots available. Check availability now! For complete details please visit the council website. Wild West Cubs (Camp Kaibab) Visit for complete details. Youth Leadership Breakout at Roundtable This breakout is geared to all youth, from Senior Patrol Leaders (SPLs) to scouts who have just joined and want to learn about the troop structure, the duties and responsibilities of troop positions and other aspects of scouting. Roundtable is held on the second Thursday of the month at the LDS Thomas building. Any questions, contact Ryan Kritz at Firebird Fireside Life scouts that are ready to start working on their Eagle Project should review the Eagle Rank Planning for Success guidelines on our district website. As of January 1, 2012, there is a new Eagle Workbook. If your project has not already been approved, please use the NEW workbook that is included in the Eagle Rank Planning for Success. Page 3 Hassayampa Chapter; Cocopah Clan; Wipala Wiki Lodge 432 Powder Horn October 10-13, 2012 Our district’s own Mark Sharp will be the Course Director. The Powder Horn course is designed to help the troop, team or crew by exposing older Scouts, Venturers and adult leaders to safely conducted outdoor/high adventure activities of a fun and challenging nature. Learn more about Powder Horn on the council website. At the end of April we had Vigil Weekend at R-C Scout Ranch. Congratulations to the following Vigil Candidates from our district: Avery Brown William Heilman Duke Kritz Michael Redfern Gary Willow Questions about OA? Talk to our Chapter Chief, Ryan Kritz, For up to date information on all of the OA events and to subscribe to the Tom Tom (OA newsletter,) please visit National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an intense, six day, outpost adventure, outdoor leadership training experience for youth troop leaders (like Wood Badge for scouts.) Visit the council website for more information. Our district’s own Tim Smith will be the course director for the week-long course at Camp Geronimo. 2012 Course Dates May 28 - June 2 @ Camp Geronimo July 23-27 @ R-C December 26-28/January 2-4, @ Heard Pueblo For the 21st Century Wood Badge is advanced leadership training for scout leaders. More information can be found on the council website at The upcoming course at Camp Raymond, May 28 - June 2 still has space available! 2012 Course Dates May 28-June 2 @ Camp Raymond September 3-8 @ R-C October 11-13/October 25-27 @ R-C Firebird Fireside Page 4 May 2012 4-6 OA Geronimo Ordeal 5 Trainer’s EDGE 10 Roundtable 12 Cub Scout Spring Round Up 18-20 OA R-C Ordeal 24 OA Chapter Meeting 25 Diamondbacks Scout Night 28-June 2 NYLT @ Camp Geronimo June 2012 14 Roundtable 29 Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey Scout Night Enjoy your summer campS and be safe! District Chair District Commissioner District Executive Program Chair Jim Stevens Advancement Chair Eagle Coordinator Training Chair Finance Chair Eagle Boards of Review First Thursday of each month, 6:30 pm LDS Goodyear Stake Center - 425 S. Estrella Pkwy Roundtable Second Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm (Except no Roundtable in July) LDS Thomas Building - 13277 W. Thomas Rd. Robert Carbonneau Sal Siniscalchi 602-955-7747 x 252 Membership Chair District Committee & Commissioner’s Meeting First Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm LDS Goodyear Stake Center - 425 S. Estrella Pkwy Vern Wolfley Vacant Tim Smith 623-935-6471 Robert Vehar Nicole Graybill Robert Vehar LDS Relations Chair Ricky King OA Chapter Advisor Tom Crosser 623-849-9526 Communications Chair Julie Harrison If you have information you would like posted in the newsletter or on the website, or to be added to the newsletter e-mail distribution list, please e-mail Julie at Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting Fourth Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm Scout Hut in Litchfield Park - 253 W. Fairway Dr. Firebird Fireside Page 5 Firebird Fireside Page 6
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