January February March 2015


January February March 2015
It has been a true honor to serve as the
council president for two years, and to
serve Scouting among the finest
volunteers in the country. During my
term, I have seen first-hand the
importance of how Scouting shapes the
lives of our youth and how effective and
passionate the leaders are who deliver the
program. With all of the changes we
have experienced in Scouting, the Middle
Tennessee Council continues to keep the
safety and quality of our programs for Scouts at the forefront of
our mission.
I am pleased to share with you just a few accomplishments: we
again have improved our funding in almost every category in
2013 and 2014; we have completed the development of Latimer
High Adventure Reservation; and camping participation has
continued to grow in 2014. To all a job well done!
As we begin a new Scouting year, I would like to remind all
volunteers that every Scout deserves a trained leader. Training
helps a leader understand their commitment while offering best
practice methods for a solid program to keep youth engaged. I
would like to extend my congratulations to all the units and
districts for their performance in Journey to Excellence. Because
of your efforts, the council again was able to achieve the Gold
distinction in JTE.
Finally, I would like to wish both Larry Brown, the seventh Scout
executive of the Middle Tennessee Council, and J.B. Baker,
President-Elect, my very best. Larry comes to us from an
extensive professional Scouting background and J.B. has been
heavily involved with the Middle Tennessee Council on the
executive board and committee, camping programs, Exploring
and Friends of Scouting. Under their leadership, I look forward
to seeing what new heights the Middle Tennessee Council will
In looking back on 2014, we have to
acknowledge that throughout the year the
Middle Tennessee Council was presented
with a number of opportunities that
allowed us to broaden our perspectives and
begin to think of new ways to achieve our
Our efforts to improve our council’s Youth
Protection Training percentage, energize
our recruiting efforts, grow our
membership, strive to retain existing youth in all programs and
endeavor to streamline the recharter process are excellent
examples of the work that continues here in Middle Tennessee. I
know we are all up to these challenges and that change, which is
not always welcome, can be a good thing.
Your commissioner corps continues to educate itself and broaden
impact at the unit level. The Middle Tennessee Council
Commissioner Conference, held on November 1, is a good
example of our efforts to absorb all the change around us. Sherry
McGugin, Council Venturing Chair, did a presentation on
Venturing Program changes and Sherry Smothermon-Short,
Philmont 411 Conference attendee, covered Cub Scout Program
changes for the entire conference class of 92 commissioners and
professional staff.
Next up, we have our College of Commissioner Science on
February 28, 2015. Chris Smith, from Dan Beard District, will
be serving as our Dean. We are excited about the new course
offerings Chris has lined up as we continue to learn about how to
reach out to all units – packs, troops and crews. Hope to see you
One final ….fun topic…before I close. Council Jamboree was a
blast! A tad “arctic” at times, but great fun and it was wonderful
to talk with, and get to know, some truly great leaders out and
about during the day on Saturday. You too are doing great
things….thank you….for everything.
Yours in Scouting,
Gail Plucker
Council Commissioner
Lee Beaman
Council President
About the cover:
The first Vietnamese-American Scouting unit in the Middle Tennessee Council, Unit 6114, began in the summer of 2014. Since its
inception, the unit has grown to eighteen Cub and Boy Scouts with eight adults leading the group. Unit 6114 meets twice a month.
They recently participated with the Council Jamboree, Tennessee Titans game community service project, and local campouts. Unit
6114 is growing rapidly with a strong emphasis on combining Vietnamese with American Scouting tradition. In December, the Scouts
learned about orienteering as featured on the cover of this issue of Jet Trails.
Council Calendar
Executive Committee
couNciL oFFicERS
SPEciaL PRojEctS
Lee A. Beaman
chaiRmaN oF thE BoaRd
Joe Russell
couNciL commiSSioNER
Gail Plucker
Dr. E. James Burton
Andrew W. Byrd
Ray Capp
Greg Pope
diStRict oPERatioNS
Summer Bryan
tRuStEE / chaiRmaN
Waymon L. Hickman
Harvey Church
Samuel J. Belk
PRogRam chaiRS
John Pearce
Carolyn Yates
Jim Felch
diStRict oPERatioNS
Craig Salazar
Justin D. Crosslin
Ward Wilson
Aubrey “Trey” Harwell
hEaLth aNd SaFEty
John Garland
Nicole Dunigan
LatimER PRogRam
Greg Cashion
John Harney
Johnny Stites
PaRiSh PRogRam
George Stadler
Tony Turner
BoxwELL PRogRam
Ken Weaver
Roy Alexander
gRimES caNoE BaSE PRogRam
high advENtuRE PRogRam
Steve Blackmon
Don Miller
John Harding
Teresa Kingery
Kenyon DuPre
Clay Bright
Scout ExEcutivE
Larry Brown
Office, Scout Shops and Camps Closed
Staff Development Conference
Cub Camp Kickoff
LDS Relations Committee Meeting
Summer Camp Kick Off
Klondike Derby - Latimer Reservation
Exploring Midnight Ski Trip - Paoli Peaks
Office, Scout Shops and Camps Closed - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Catholic Committee On Scouting
Nashville Patron Luncheon Table Host Orientation
Commissioner Leadership Summit
Council Annual Business Meeting
Nashville Patron Luncheon Table Host Orientation
New Board Orientation
Council Key 3
District Committee Training
Health and Safety Committee Meeting
Day Camp Admin Meeting
Scouting For Food
Scouting Anniversary
High Adventure Meeting
FOS Conference Call #1
Finance Committee Meeting
Protestant Relationships Committee Meeting
Catholic Committee on Scouting
Commissioner Cabinet Meeting
Silver Beaver Selection Committee Meeting
Report To State
College of Commissioner Science
Camp Card Sale Start
Nashville Patron Event
Order of Arrow University
FOS Conference Call #2
Cub Scout Day Camp School
Catholic Committee On Scouting
Commissioner Cabinet Meeting
Grimes Canoe Base Opens
Rappelling Training Weekend
Executive Committee Meeting
FOS Conference Call #3
Office, Scout Shops Closed
Audit Committee Meeting
Venturing Rendezvous
Executive Board Meeting
Catholic Committee On Scouting
Commissioner Cabinet Meeting
Staff Developement Conference
Rappelling Training Weekend
Camp Card Sale End Date
Eagle Volunteer Reception
cENtRaL aREa
J.B. Baker
MG Max Haston
Want to be a better youth leader? Join us for the
2015 University of Scouting, presented by the
Middle Tennessee Council on Saturday, March 14,
2015 from 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. at Holy Family
Catholic Church, 9100 Crockett Road, Brentwood.
Online available at council website
www.mtcbsa.org under “Upcoming Events”.
For more information, contact Mark Dunlap at
madunlap@mtcbsa.org or 615-305-7597 or David
Oyster at 615-418-6952.
As part of a nationwide service project our local Scouting
units have teamed up to collect food on Saturday,
February 14, 2015. Food donations will go to Second
Harvest Food Bank and their local agencies here in your
community. This is a great way for your unit to receive
JTE points for community service and for your Scouts to
receive a patch for their efforts.
Scouts all over Middle Tennessee participated in the 2014
Scouting For Food Drive, making it a great success with
71 Scout Units, 1104 Scouts and 754 Adults collecting
more than 25,400 food items for distribution by various
food banks throughout Middle Tennessee. We are hoping
to double those numbers in 2015. Go online to register
your unit at www.mtcbsa.org. For further information,
please call 615-383-9724. Thank you, Middle Tennessee
Scouts and Adults, for being a part of this very worthy
Family and friends are invited to join in this celebration. A special guest
speaker will be announced at a later date. Past speakers include Senator
Lamar Alexander; Senator Bill Frist; Congressman Jim Cooper; Walter
Overton, General Manager of LP Field; Kevin Carter, formerly with the
Miami Dolphins; astronauts Dr. Drew Gaffney and Hoot Gibson; Coach
Ed Temple; Rear Admiral Vinson Smith and Brigadier General William
B. Hickman.
As an Eagle Scout in 2014, you are invited to attend as a special guest of
the council for this event. The mentor process will be different this year;
we will have a table mentor who will host the table. Contact Tricia
Cashon at 615-383-9724*237 or email at advancement@mtcbsa.org with
additional questions. We also require a recent photo of you to be used
during the presentation.
This event is a great honor for all of our Eagle Scouts, and we hope you
will mark your calendar to attend.
What a great weekend that over 7,000 Scouts, Parents and Leaders experienced on October 3-5.
It started out a little wet, but turned out to be a beautiful fall weekend with a little chill in the air.
Following the opening ceremony on Saturday, the Cub Scouts headed off to over eighty different
activities. Those included bike safety, crafts, pinewood derby, rain gutter regatta, and many
more. The Boy Scouts enjoyed Scout skill areas along with archery competition. The highlight
of the activities on Saturday were all the static displays from the Tennessee National Guard.
Tanks, trucks, communication systems, climbing walls are just a few of the events. Other static
displays were throughout the Jamboree and the one which got a lot of attention was the reptile
guy with the big snakes. Also, the World War II display of equipment drew a great deal of
attention as well. Our thanks to all of the ones that came to set up displays or activities for the
On Saturday evening the Jamboree participants were entertained by the arena show skits and the
performance by the Mann Sisters. The end of the show was the ever popular laser light show.
What a huge treat!
Our thanks to MG Max Haston and the over 150 volunteers to put on this great event. After
months of planning, their efforts truly paid off for those in attendance. The next Council
Jamboree will be held in 2018.
We hope that all commissioners have plans to join us on Saturday, February 28th for the 2015
College of Commissioner Science. The event is being held at Lake Providence Missionary
Baptist Church on Nolensville Road in Nashville.
Our Dean for the college is Chris Smith, from Dan Beard District. He has lined up a great course
selection, and we have Diane Thornton from Scouting University serving as our keynote speaker for
this event.
You can register for the event on the council-webpage www.mtcbsa.org and click Upcoming Events. The college is an all day event
and lunch is part of your registration fees.
Come enjoy the day with your fellow commissioners and work on your Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degrees in Commissioner
Service. We also offer Continuing Education and a Roundtable tract. There’s something for everyone!
Over 300 mid-state business leaders attended the 14th Annual BSA Extravaganza, held
November 20 at LP Field’s Westside Stadium Club. This sports facility was transformed into an
elegant setting for a gala event featuring a delicious cocktail supper, live music and fabulous live
and silent auctions. The 2014 theme was “Lighting the Future” which generated over $62,000 in
support of Scouting. The auction boasted over 300 items including trips to South of France,
Wyoming, Silverthorne, Colorado, Golf at Chattanooga’s Honors Course, private dinners by The
Sunset Grill and Capers Catering, Barrett Firearms tour, and many other unique items.
Special Thanks to Wanda and Bob Carpenter for serving as the Extravaganza’s Platinum Sponsor.
Our Silver Sponsors were Corrections Corporation of America and Hospital Corporation of
America. Bronze Sponsors include Bob Gessler and Jason Pharris, Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney, Crosslin Associates, LP Building Products, and US Bank, N.A. Troop Sponsors
included: Andrew Byrd, TVV Capital, Angela and Craig Becker, Avenue Bank, Barron
Construction, LLC, Bridgestone Americas, Carolyn Yates, Pinnacle Asset Management/Raymond
James, Chappell Smith and Associates, Cumberland Pharmaceuticals, DGLF, Giarratana
Development, Kraft CPA’s, PLLC, Steve and Laura Morris, Mutual of America, Pam and Phil
Pfeffer, Pinnacle Financial Partners, Regions Bank, Smith Cashion and Orr, Susan and Luke
Gregory and The Honorable William H. Frist, M.D, In Kind Sponsor was Leading Edge
Greg and Beth Cashion co-chaired the Extravaganza and led a very active committee that secured
a wide array of support for the Extravaganza in the form of sponsorship, participant registration
and live and silent auction items. Special thanks to all who supported this unique event
benefitting our Scouting Program.
Visit our flicker page at https://www.flickr.com/photos/mtcbsa for photos.
Cub Resident Camp
Webelos Resident Camp
WHO CAN ATTEND: All Scouts who
will be attending 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade in
the Fall of 2015 and are accompanied by
parent or guardian. There will be NO
program activities for Webelos Scouts at
Cub Scout Resident Camp. A one-to-one
ratio of boy to adult is encouraged.
However, a ratio of one adult for every four
Scouts is acceptable. Please note there
MUST be a minimum of two adults with
each group of four or more.
WHO CAN ATTEND: All Scouts who
will be entering 4th or 5th grade in the Fall
of 2015 and are accompanied by parent,
guardian or adult Leader may attend
Webelos Resident Camp. There will be NO
program activities for Cub Scouts at
Webelos Resident Camp. A one-to-one ratio
of boy to adult is encouraged. However, a
ratio of one adult for every four Scouts is
acceptable. Please note there MUST be a
minimum of two adults with each group of
four or more.
SESSION DATES: Scouts and parents
have the opportunity to attend one of four
sessions in 2015. Each session starts at
11:00 a.m. on Friday and ends at 1:00 p.m.
on Sunday. Space is limited to the first 285
participants per session.
Session 1: June 12 - 14
Session 2: June 19 - 21
Session 3: June 26 – 28
Session 4: July 10 - 12
t $105.00 per Scout
t $20.00 discount if registered by
April 10, 2015
t $40.00 per adult and sibling
t A deposit of $30.00 per Scout is due by
April 10, 2015, to reserve a
participation slot.
t Each Scout will receive a participation
patch as a part of their fee. Siblings
may attend but there will not be a
specific program provided for them.
The cost per sibling is $40.00.
SESSION DATES: Scouts and parents
have the opportunity to attend one of four
sessions in 2015. Each session starts at
11:00 a.m. on Monday and ends at 10:30
a.m. on Thursday. Space is limited to the
first 285 participants per session.
Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3:
Session 4:
June 8 - 11
June 15 - 18
June 22 – 25
July 6 - 9
t $130.00 per Scout
t $20.00 discount if registered by
April 10, 2015
t $40.00 per adult and sibling
t A deposit of $30.00 per Scout is due by
April 10, 2015, to reserve a
participation slot.
t Each Scout will receive a participation
patch as a part of their fee. Siblings
may attend but there will not be a
specific program provided for them.
The cost per sibling is $40.00.
Campership Application Due April 7, 2015.
Day Camp
Summertime is right around the corner and
it’s time to start thinking about how you’d
like to spend your days. Would you like to
spend your summer vacation indoors with
nothing to do? Or would you rather get to
spend a week outside, no cords attached,
enjoying the Cubcraft Unplugged Day
Camp that we have in store for 2015?
Each district will host its own week-long
Day Camp sometime between the first week
of June and the last week of July. The camp
will include activities like archery, BB gun
shooting, water activities, sports, Scout
skills, and other Cubcraft Unplugged
themed activities throughout the week.
This year we are hoping to take what is
usually an indoor activity, and show the
boys creative ways to have fun outside
while learning some fun skills along the
way. All of the specific details for each
district, along with registration are available
on our website at www.mtcbsa.org .
Be sure to get registered by the
Early Bird Deadline and pay only
$65 for the week!
The people of Nashville lined
Broadway from 1st Avenue to 14th
Avenue November 11 to see the
Veterans Day Parade. The Veterans
Day Parade is a dynamic way for lay
people to pay tribute and say “Thank
you” to those who serve and those
who died to protect the citizens of this
great nation. There were many Boy
Scouts, Cub Scouts, Venturers, and
Sea Scouts representing and marching
for the Middle Tennessee Council.
Thank you to all Scouts and Scout
leaders for leading the charge and
showing our young men what it means
to say “Thank you”.
This year’s first Commissioner
Conference was a big success! Council
Commissioner, Gail Plucker, put
together the event to make sure that all
of our Unit Commissioners were
provided with the information that they
needed to be ready to kick off 2015
with the new Commissioner Tools.
They provided different classes to better
prepare the leaders for the year to come
and to teach them the ins-and-outs of
the new system available. The
conference had close to 100 people who
devoted their Saturday to the day-long
training held at the Brentwood United
Methodist Church. Our commissioners
were a wonderful bunch of volunteers
who came ready and willing to learn
what new programs were in store for
them for the upcoming year, and some
creative ways to pass along the
important information to our other
units. They discussed things like
roundtable topics, administration
information, and the new computer
system that is being used to help
commissioners keep track of their units.
All of these classes were led by
enthusiastic volunteers who were able
to share their knowledge with the group
and help to put everyone ahead of the
New Merit Badges and
Programs for 2015:
New Merit Badges:
Game Design, Orienteering, American
Heritage and American Culture,
Scouting Heritage, Insect Study
and an additional Cooking
Online registration will open in early spring.
Information on how this process works will be sent
to the person listed on the site reservation form.
Cost for Summer Camp:
In Council – Early Bird $225, Regular $255
Out of Council - Early Bird $250, Regular $280
Important Dates to Remember:
February and March 2015
*Review Camp Plans and Notify parent of dates
*Arrange Adult Leadership
*Distribute information to parents at
Troop Camp Promotion Night
April 7, 2015
*Early Bird Deposit due
*Campership Deadline
June and July 2015
*Ten Day Out Meetings
*Deadline for Payments due
Successful—Prosperous—Triumphant—Flourishing—Advancing …these
are the best words to describe the modus operandum of the Eagle Quest Initiative. Since last year,
seven more Scouts (11 Scouts all together) who, for some reason or another, dropped the BSA program,
were recruited back to Scouting again. The Scouts participated in more than 25 weekend outings (that
is more than the one a month suggested by the program). As a troop, the EQ accomplished about 100
hours of community service. Every Scout in the initiative earned a rank toward obtaining the ultimate
rank: The Eagle rank.
The youth were exposed to and worked on more than 15 merit badges. All the Scouts learned the
skills of swimming and passed the BSA swim test thanks to the focused effort this past summer. The
Eaglets participated in summer and winter residential camps; some attended the NYLT at Latimer
this year. Popcorn selling was another activity the boys participated in as a way to pay for the
expenses of the trips. With all these activities, it is easy for one to lose track of the real purpose of
the BSA program, which is to instill values in young people and, in others ways, prepare them to
make ethical choices over their lifetime in achieving their full potential.
District Top Sellers
Black Fox
Dan Beard
David Crockett
Duck River
Elk River
Highland Rim
James E West
Natchez Trace
Trail of Tears
Upper Cumberland
Walton Trail
Ryan McCormick
Cameron Morgan
Nathaniel Smith
Daylen Fisher
Philip Thompson
Michael Lanier
Nicholas Gressel
Mychal Bonds
Matthew Armstrong
Noah Sittig
Hayden Brown
Caleb VanCleve
Zach Fox
Cameron Bradley
James Ray
Xander Svendsen
Council Top Seller
Pack 423
Troop 413
Pack 509
Troop 249
Pack 462
Pack 352
Troop 402
Troop 1204
Troop 458
Pack 21
Pack 169
Pack 151
Pack 341
Pack 355
Troop 246
Pack 459
Zach Fox
PACK 341
The annual 2014 BSA Golf Classic took place October 7th at the
Gaylord Springs Golf Links. Ward Wilson, Regional President
for US Bank, chaired this year’s BSA Golf Classic for a second
year, and led an enthusiastic committee in assembling a great
event. The tournament boasted a full compliment of 37 teams.
Each participant received an attractive participant package
including lunch from Chick-fil-A, awards dinner sponsored by
Steve and Larry Powell at Powell Catering, TaylorMade Adidas
gift card and a great “goodie bag” thanks to our good friends at
Five Star Food Service. Thanks to the outstanding team effort by
our committee and the generous support of our sponsors and
players, this year’s event will provide $41,000 in support of the
Scouting program in Middle Tennessee Council.
Life Scout Sponsors
Corrections Corporation of America
Brasfield & Gorrie
Star Scout Sponsors
Best One Tire & Service
Division 2 Constructors
Gerdau Ameristeel
Grand Avenue Transportation
Lattimore, Black, Morgan & Cain
Richards and Richards
Triumph Aerostructures, LLC
United Parcel Service
US Bank
VF Imagewear
1st Class Scout Sponsors
Alexander Metals
Baker Donelson
Brentview Realty
Ernst & Young
Gaylord Entertainment
Gerdau Ameristeel
Grand Ave Worldwide
Grand Fire Protection
John Pearce
Mrs. Tavie Washburn (2)
Lifeway Christian Stores (2)
Merryman-Farr, LLC
Overdeer Foundation
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Precision Walls
RD & Associates
SunTrust Bank
Tennessee Hospital Association
Tom Fields Wealth Management
Vaco Systems
Wasco and Better Block
Our 12th annual Boy Scout Sporting Clays Fun Shoot held
on September 27, 2014, at the Tennessee Clay Target
Complex was an outstanding success! All total, we had 190
shooters, 70 of which were boys and girls who competed on
sponsored youth teams.
A special thanks to our event sponsor, Piedmont Natural Gas,
with Keith Napier as our Chair! Accurate Energetic Systems,
LLC again served as our shell sponsor. Thanks also to:
Sysco Nashville provided breakfast and ribs for lunch
Hunt Brothers Pizza – pizza throughout the day
MV Culinary cooked the ribs onsite
Other lunch contributors: Chairmans Foods,
Hobson’s (subsidiary of Choice Food Group), Coca-Cola,
Shoney’s of Dickson
Pictured above from left to right: Marshal Nye, Braden
Eutsler, Kody Okert, Jack Adamson, Sid Salazar, and
Shannon Harris.
One of the many activities at the OA Fall Fellowship
in September is the election of the next year’s officers.
After a grueling day of campaigning, hand shaking,
and silly questions, we are proud to present your new
2015 OA Lodge Officers. Jack Adamson will take the
reins as your new Chief, and we know that Jack has
great plans for the Lodge this coming year. Please
congratulate Jack, and ask him how you can be of
service to the Lodge in 2015.
Elected this year are:
Bradon Eutsler as Vice Chief of Service
Kody Okert as Vice Chief of Activities
Sid Salazar as Vice Chief of Training
Shannon Harris as Secretary
Marshal Nye returning as Lodge Treasurer
In other OA news, this year marks the very special 100
year anniversary of the Order of the Arrow! This is a
great year to get involved or re-energized about the
OA. In addition to our Lodge’s events and activities,
many of our Arrowmen are looking forward to
attending NOAC (National Order of the Arrow
Conference) in August. NOAC is always amazing, but
this year is bound to be crazy awesome! In fact all
14,000 seats sold out almost immediately. Something
that everyone will get a chance to see this year is the
ArrowTour. ArrowTour is a group of Arrowmen, and
their mobile museum designed to bring the excitement
of the centennial anniversary to every Scout across the
Country. They will have displays, games, activities,
and fun! ArrowTour is scheduled to be at Camp
Boxwell on Monday, June 22. Don’t miss out! Come,
participate, and get involved. We make service look
The Middle Tennessee Council is pleased to announce the selection of the
incoming Scout Executive, as well as a Director of Field Services and Director of
Finance Services.
Larry Brown – Scout Executive
Larry began his Scouting career in 1986 as a District Executive in the Suwannee River Area Council
in Tallahassee, FL. He moved on to the Gulf Ridge Council in Tampa, FL in 1990 where he served as
a Senior District Executive and Field Director. He then went on to become the Director of Field
Service in 1999 at the Blue Ridge Council in Greenville, SC, and later Scout Executive with the
Indian Waters Council in Columbia, SC in 2004. He was promoted to Southern Region Area Director
in 2008, and most recently served as the Scout Executive for the Great Smoky Mountain Council in
Knoxville, TN.
Growing up, Larry was a Scout in Enterprise, Alabama where he thrived in the camping atmosphere.
He spent many summers working Boy Scout camp which led to his decision to become a professional Scouter. He was also a talented
basketball player eventually going on to play for the 1985 Division II National Championship basketball team at Jacksonville State.
Larry is married to Carol and has two daughters Lauren (25) and Madalyn (18).
He is looking forward to working “hand and hand” with staff and volunteers to grow Scouting participation and continuing the legacy of
Scouting in the Middle Tennessee Council.
Vance Lackey – Director of Field Services
Vance has been a part of professional Scouting for 20 years, now serving in his fifth council. These
councils include the Coastal Empire Council, Indian Waters Council, Okefenokee Area Council and
the Coastal Georgia Council. Within these councils his roles have continued to advance including
positions as District Executive, Field Director, Program Director, Assistant Scout Executive, Camp
Director and Scout Executive.
Vance has reached Brotherhood of the Order of the Arrow, earned his Woodbadge Beads and served in
many roles in Scout camping programs. Vance has been married to his wife Tracy for more than 13
years and has a son, Hamp, who is 11 years old and a daughter, Bailey, who is 9 years old.
Kevin McMurrian – Director of Finance Services
Kevin started his 16 year career with the BSA in the Istrouma
Area Council in Baton Rouge, Louisiana serving as a district
executive and senior district executive in two districts while
performing many council responsibilities. In 2004, Kevin was promoted to district director and field
director with the Suwannee River Area Council located in Tallahassee, Florida. In November 2008,
he became Scout Executive of the Calcasieu Area Council located in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Kevin McMurrian is an Eagle Scout, Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow, three bead
Woodbadger and has over 25 years vested in the program as a youth, adult leader and as a
commissioned professional. Kevin has been married to Katrina for seven years.
Black Fox - Serving warren, white, dekalb and van Buren counties
Cherokee - Serving goodlettsville, joelton, hendersonville, inglewood and madison
A New Year!
Another great year in The Black Fox District! Anticipating a new year, I encourage you to
keep training up-to-date and attend all posible roundtable and district events. A few things
can make a world of difference for our youth.
district chairman
Karen Spivey
district commissioner
Jim Carden
Senior district Executive
Mark Lytle
Scouting for Food
Many district children are susceptible to hunger. The BSA Scouting for Food effort is a great
way to work with communities to help many in need. It also teaches our youth the
importance of serving others. Scouting for Food distribution day is in February 2015.
Register your unit and partner with others to stock area food banks. Make a big difference!
Nine Years Later
Eagle Candidate Jonathan Kelly of Sparta, Troop 128,
and his dad, Tom, discovered during work on Jonathan’s
Eagle project at Burgess Falls State Park that Ranger
Nathaniel Garrison was an Eagle Scout. He earned his
Eagle rank years ago, but never received it!
Unbeknownst to him, the Kelly’s secured
paperwork/materials to present the Eagle to Nathaniel
during Jonathan’s Court of Honor. Nathaniel was
invited to the Eagle Court of Honor and awarded Eagle
as well as Jonathan. Nine years and two days after
Nathaniel earned Eagle Scout, his certificate and medal
were presented to him - the first official act of the new
Eagle Scout, Jonathan Kelly!
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
30-2/1 winter camporee
Pinewood Derby Coming Soon!
Gentlemen start your engines! It’s that time of year again. Start building your cars and
weighing them in. The 2015 Cherokee District Pinewood Derby will be held at 10 a.m. on
March 21, 2015, at Madison Church of Christ. Please note this year’s participant
requirements are as follows: all pack winners for speed 1st-4th and best design cars 1st,
2nd, and 3rd. May the best car win!
Volunteers Welcome!!
If there are any adult leaders or parents willing to volunteer their time on the district level,
please contact your District Executive for more information. We can always use the help in
making the Cherokee District succeed!
Popcorn Cubs Hard at Work
As the popcorn season comes to a close, there is one particular Cub Pack that seemed to go
above and beyond to sell popcorn. The Cubs of Pack 1322, out of Station Camp
Elementary, were at Hendersonville Sam’s Club promoting the product to everyone. All in
all, the entire pack ended up with $22,000 in popcorn sales this
to Pack 1322 and
the top three
sellers, Grayson
Heyboer, John
Porter Hunt, and
Tyler Crist, for
doing your good
Summer campkickoff
camp card kickoff
Friends of Scouting dinner
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district Pinewood derby
district committee meeting
commssioner Staff meeting
district chairman
Tod Burnham
district commissioner
Dave Lannom
district Executive
Bryan Ellis
commissioner Staff meeting
district Roundtable
oa chapter meeting
district Leadership Summit
annual Business meeting
district Banquet
committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district Roundtable
oa chapter meeting
committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
oa chapter meeting
university of Scouting
district Pinewood derby
district commissioner meeting
district committee meeting
district Banquet
district commissioner meeting
district committee meeting
Scouting for Food
district commissioner meeting
Pinewood derby
district committee meeting
district chairman
district commissioner
Linda Stinson
district Executive
district committee meeting
oa chapter meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district Banquet
district committee meeting
oa chapter meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
Cogioba District Banquet
The District Banquet is being held January
29, 2015, at the First Church of the Nazarene,
150 Richview Road in Clarksville. This is a time where we say thank you to those who
have volunteered and put in numerous hours of work in shaping our youth. It is also a
time to come together and thank each other for the hard work put in as volunteers.
Cogioba Spring Camporee
Spring Camporee this year will be held on April 24-26 at Camp Wildcat Hollow in
Russellville, KY. There is a fee of $8 per registration. Chuck Weber is heading the
committee, so if you have any
questions you can contact him at
Eagle76BSA@Aol.com. The theme
this year is The Dark Ages! The OA
has worked hard on getting
everything set and ready. We look
forward to seeing you there!
Congratulations on another great popcorn season. John Deharde did a great job leading the
charge as District Popcorn Chair, and thank you to all the volunteers that pitched in. This
2014 sale grew by 3% over 2013, and that will benefit many Scouts and the units. Whether
your unit is big or small, your participation in popcorn season builds confidence among
Scouts, teaches them responsibility, and promotes the Scouting movement as a whole. Be on
the lookout for new camp card partnerships in 2015.
Pinewood Derby
As you are likely already in the midst of Pinewood Derby car building, make sure to keep
your eye on the prize! The top racers from each pack will get to compete in the annual
Pinewood Derby district race on April 11th, and we are most grateful to our friends at Saint
Edwards School for hosting our event! Good luck racing and we hope to see you in April!!!
Thank you
Dan Beard district would like to say thank you to our volunteers. You are the glue that holds
things together, and the people that make things go. Thank you for taking time to do what
you do, and thank you for the many hours you will give in the future.
district committee meeting
oa chapter meeting
Pinewood derby
commissioner Staff meeting
Pack 6114 had great time at
Council Jamboree
Troop 275 had
great hike at Virgin
Falls State Natural
Park on November
1. The Scouts hiked
about nine miles,
enjoying and
learning about
how altitude
affects whether
precitation is
frozen or liquid.
Dan Beard - Serving Southeast Nashville
Cogioba Christmas Parade
We hope everyone had a great Holiday! Our
Scouts had a great time participating in the
local Christmas Parade, spreading cheer and
singing carols. Over the holiday, we also had
units prepare food packages for those in need
and give back to the shelters.
Cogioba - Serving Fort campbell, houston, montgomery and Stewart counties
district chairman
Bill Jones
district commissioner
Chrisie Moore
district Executive
Grace Vasquez
David Crockett - Serving giles, Lawrence, Lincoln and wayne counties
Duck River - Serving Lewis, marshall, maury and Perry counties
Welcome and Congratulations to the David
Crockett District Chair
Michael Warden has agreed to take on the responsibility of
David Crockett’s District Chair. You may be wondering who is
this Mr. Warden? Through his own words, here’s a brief insight
into our fearless new leader.
district chairman
Michael Warden
district commissioner
Jake Jones
district Executive
Kalsey Butler
“I’ve lived and worked in Tennessee all of my life. I’ve served
in the Army for eight years and the Tennessee National Guard
for six. I’m married with two children. My wife, children and I
live in Fayetteville, Tennessee where they all attend school.
I attended the University of Tennessee and received a Bachelor’s
Degree in Mechanical Engineering. I work as a systems engineer in Huntsville, Alabama
for Boeing on the Ground-based Mid-course Defense missile system.
I recently ran, unsuccessfully, for the House of Representatives, 4th district. I have always
believed that it is everyone’s duty to serve in one fashion or another. That is why I have
accepted this responsibility.”
We look forward to welcoming him to our David
Crockett Family.
District Leaders Banquet
Come one, Come all, to our celebration of the leaders in
our district on Tuesday, March 3, at 7 p.m. at First
UMC, Pulaski. We’ll have food and fellowship that you
won’t want to miss.
We don’t say it enough, but thanks to every single
person who supports Scouting. You guys make the world a brighter place for our young men
and women. On behalf of them - Thanks!
For updates check out our Facebook page
at david crockett district-middle
tennessee council Boy Scouts of america
Zombie Family Fun Day
October was a busy month for Scouts in Duck River! On October
18, we held our first Zombie Family Fun Day. A lot of Scouts
came in Halloween costumes! It was a fun-filled day where
families were able to play kickball, go on a hike, paint pumpkins,
shoot bows and arrows, play carnival games, and enjoy hot dogs
and Halloween candy. There was even an obstacle course!
Another highlight was that various organizations joined us, such
as the fire department, police department, ambulance service, and
the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency. They brought their
trucks, cars and trailers to let the Scouts climb thru and learn
about what they do.
district chairman
Ed Lancaster
district commissioner
Douglas Chapman
district Executive
Anna Ingram
Thank you to all the volunteers who came out and made this event possible. We look forward
to more of these events in the future.
50th Anniversary for Pack 352
On October 28, there was a another, different
celebration. Chapel Hill Pack 352 celebrated
their 50th anniversary! Families, Scouts,
community members, and volunteers all
gathered over a wonderful meal to tell stories,
celebrate current Scouts, and to show their
excitement that Scouting is still so strong in
their community. Ron Turpin, MTCBSA
Latimer Director, spoke to the Scouts about his
Scouting story, and why Scouting is such a wonderful thing. Ronnie Headley, Cubmaster,
closed out the celebration by handing out awards that the Cub Scouts had earned. We are so
proud of the history in Scouting that lives on in Chapel Hill.
district Banquet
Pinewood derby
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
oa chapter meeting
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
oa chapter meeting
Patron Event
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
oa chapter meeting
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
district Banquet
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
17-18 midnight Ski adventure
No Events Planned
avid college Fair
New District Leaders
Welcome to Committee Members-at-Large and District Chair Elaine Posanka, a well-known
Scouting advocate in Middle Tennessee, who serves by organizing/leading Cub-N-Family
weekends, as well as Summer Day Camps. We salute Elaine for her can-do attitude, and for
serving as our first female District Chair.
Winter Camporee
Winter Camporee, according to Camping Chair
Shelia Taylor, will provide an action-packed
weekend January 17-18, 2015!
Triplets Earn Eagle
It’s rare enough to see a boy earn the rank of
Eagle, but triplets? Chase, Jared, and Heath
Bobier earned the rank of Eagle Scout
November 21, 2014 at Living Stones
Community Church in Shelbyville. The boys participate in Troop 390 and plan on starting at
MTSU in the Fall. We are excited to have these Scouts, we wish them the best!
Welcome back Vanderbilt Law Post!
A team of six current Vanderbilt law students
wait anxiously for high school students to
attend their Exploring orientation about the
different areas of law. The law students spoke
to the high school students to let them know
not to become too frantic about law school, to
follow their dreams as an undergraduate
student, and then pursue the possibility of
becoming a lawyer.
Christopher Mair, the advisor of the law post, explained to the students that it is great to have
an idea of what career they may want to pursue, but not necessary to choose a career path
now. Christopher and a team of mentors advised the students to use the college years to
explore many different courses of study and career options. The students listened carefully
about the importance of developing good study habits that will
help prepare them for greater college performance, a significant
factor in law school admission.
The students learned the importance of developing strong
writing skills, which will assist them in passing the bar
examination, which every law graduate must pass to practice
law. Students will have an opportunity to learn about
researching relevant law, preparing written memos, and briefs.
Orientation closed with the reminder to students that success in
law is more contingent on strong, persuasive writing than on
persuasive speaking.
Exploring - Serving davidson and williamson counties
district chairman
Steve Blackmon
district commissioner
Denise Bentley
district Executive
Adult Leader Banquet
District adult leader and Eagle Scout
Recognition Banquet will be held Saturday,
February 7, 2015, at First United Methodist
Church in Tullahoma. Good food, fellowship,
and Scout Spirit will make this one of the bestattended annual district events. The 2014 class
of Eagle Scouts will be honored with a
slideshow highlighting their individual Eagle
projects. Watch your e-mail for details.
Elk River - Serving Bedford, coffee, Franklin and moore counties
district chairman
Elaine Posanka
district commissioner
Greg Gressel
district Executive
Philip Heikkinen
Hermitage - Serving donelson, hermitage, mt. juliet and gladeville
Highland Rim - Serving cheatham, dickson, hickman and humphreys counties
Hermitage WOC
If there is dew on the ground and a
chance of frost, it must be time for the
Hermitage District WOC…Webelos
Outdoor Challenge! As usual, Troop
911 puts together a great event for the
Webs in the Hermitage District. WOC
gives the Webelos a chance to see the
District Boy Scout Troops camping at
one location. This year’s event was at Camp Boxwell, on the Percy Dempsey Range. The
Webelos get to camp with one of the Troops overnight, but they get to participate with all
the Troops during planned events on Saturday. These events include cooking, knot tying, and
several other Scouting skills. WOC is a great way for the Webelos to narrow their focus on
what Troop they might like to join. Thanks Troop 911.
Pop Goes the Kernel?
We set a district record in popcorn sales this year. We
almost reached $58,000 in “Show and Sell,” which is a
22% increase over last year. WAY TO GO
HERMITAGE! Thank you, Michael Craig for being the
Popcorn promoter. Mike made announcements and sent
emails to make everyone aware of the sale, and
encouraged them to sell more than they sold last year.
The Hermitage Key 3 really appreciates Mike’s efforts,
as well as the efforts of all the people who sold
popcorn for their units. THANKS!
district chairman
Yancy Belcher
district commissioner
Karen Bengston
district Executive
Kenneth Ray
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
volunteer Banquet
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
Highland Rim Happenings
WOW, have we been busy! Highland
Rim held a very successful Adult
Leader Training Day in October. Sam
Hall, our District Training Chair,
coordinated the event. We did
BALOO training, SM Specific
training, Cub Master Specific training
and Den Leader training. It was a
beautiful Saturday and we all had a
FUN time: learning, cooking, eating,
getting to know each other better and making new friends.
Highland Rim Is Recruiting New Unit Commissioners
We are looking for ONE hat commissioners, meaning that their primary duty will be serving
as a Unit Commissioner. We have recruited and trained 7 new UC’s and they have all made
their first unit visit.
Troop 641 of Charlotte Add Another Eagle To The Ranks
One, Stevie Boyd, deserves special
recognition due to the fantastic nature of his
Eagle Project. He made a 45-minute movie
about the history of the Charlotte, TN area.
The movie is first class and compares to any
documentary that you would see on TV. The
movie is called, “All Roads lead to Charlotte”
was premiered at the Roxie Theater in
Dickson. Stevie is with Troop 641 in
district chairman
Don Emery
district commissioner
Ray Crouch, Sr.
district Executive
Ben Hoover
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
oa chapter meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
oa chapter meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
oa chapter meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
key 3 meeting
district committee meeting
annual Business meeting
10 indoor Raingutter Regatta
17-18 Predators Sleepover
key 3 meeting
district committee meeting
21-22 climb Nashville overnight
Biking With Pack 40
Pack 40 spent a fun-filled Saturday with Walk/Bike Nashville doing activities such as
Helmet Fitting, Bicycle maintenance, balance and handling exercises, traffic skills obstacle
course, bicycle safety checks and much more. Once the boys completed the course, the
boys, parents and siblings rode three miles on the Harpeth Greenway.
Troop 11 Visits Historic Civil War
Battle Ground
Troop 11, from Christ The King Catholic
Church, had a great time visiting the Shiloh
National Military Park. Fun was had by the
entire Troop as they learned about the two
day battle that took place nine miles south of
Savannah, TN. The trip included a seven mile
hike that followed the progress of the first day
of the battle, and a visit to a Native American
Indian burial ground overlooking the
Tennessee River.
Nashboro goes camping
Fall fun continues for Scouts in Nashboro as our Cub Scouts came together for a District
Camporee to Cubworld at Boxwell
Reservation, overnight, under the October
moon. The day and night was filled with
adventure for many first time campers as they
engaged in various activities ranging from
fishing and archery to running an obstacle
course. The opening and closing ceremonies
of raising and lowering the flag allowed the
Scouts to honor and appreciate this timehonored tradition of Scouting. The units that
participated in this fun-filled day were Packs
219, 90, 169, 1548, and 17. Thanks to our District Camping Chairman, Aaron Painter, for
planning another wonderful activity. There will be many
more to come. Check out the Nashboro District Calendar
for all district activities.
district committee meeting
Leader Specific training
13-15 webelos-Ree
14 cuBoo
21 cub Scout kite day
27-29 Scout challenge camporee
Nashboro and Native Americans
The weather was perfect on October 18, 2014 when the
Wolf Den from Pack 615 attended the Tennessee State Pow
Wow at Long Hunter State Park sponsored by the NAIA,
Native American Indian Association of Tennessee. The
Scouts had an amazing time as they learned about Native
American culture, ate the food, engaged in arts and craft
activities, listened to live music, and watched the Native
American Dancers perform in beautiful, colorful outfits.
Nashboro - Serving North, East and downtown Nashville
district chairman
Howard Gentry
district commissioner
Alicia Riggans
district Executive
Dwanna Hughes
multicultural Program coordinator
Oscar Ramirez
Troop 1914 Music Fest
Troop 1914, which started in March of this year, had
its first annual San Gennaro Music Fest at the
Cathedral of the Incarnation in September. The
celebration marks the 100th anniversary of the
church’s existence. The Troop stepped up and found a
dunk tank, and the boys staffed it all weekend long.
They raised hundreds of dollars for the church, and
had a ball doing it.
James E. West - Serving Southwest Nashville
district chairman
Howard Harris
district commissioner
John Conger
district director
Mark Dunlap
Natchez Trace - Serving williamson county
Trail of Tears - Serving cannon and Rutherford counties
Leadership Training in Natchez Trace
The Trace believes in trained leaders! The last weekend
in October was a training extravaganza. The offerings
included OLS, OWLS, BALOO and Den Chief training.
Thirty eight Boy Scout Leaders from various districts
participated in OLS training. The staff, led by Brian
Hughes, was unbelievable, with over 200 years of
Scouting experience. The participants learned how to
tie knots, use an axe, perform first aid, identify various
plants and animals, and many other Scouting skills everything needed to take a young man from joining a
troop all the way through first class.
There were sixteen Cub leaders taking part in the
BALOO training, led by John Kimball. A BALOOtrained person is required when a Pack goes camping.
These leaders learned how to bake bread in a cardboard
box, cook hobo meals, first aid, and program planning. Their packs will definitely benefit
from this training and getting the boys outdoors!
Five young men went through the Den Chief training. A Den Chief is a Boy Scout that goes
back to help a den in a Cub Scout Pack. Den Chiefs are a great help in the Pack. It is a
proven fact that boys learn better from other boys than they do from adults.
District Leadership Banquet
Our District Leadership Banquet is coming up on January 24, 2015. This is to show our
appreciation for all the great adult volunteers in the Trace. Please make sure you send in all
of your adult recognition awards to John Kimball at JOHN.KIMBALL@cgsadmin.com.
Please send any other awards, such as the Summertime Pack award, to Bobby Powell @
rpowell@mtcbsa.org. Look forward to seeing you all there!
district chairman
Paul Kleine-Kracht
district commissioner
Gene Poe
district Executive
Bobby Powell
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meetig
oa chapter meeting
district Banquet
district committee meeting
district commissioner meeting
Patron FoS Event
oa chapter meeting
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
oa chapter meeting
27-29 wilderness First aid
Go See It!
Our Trail of Tears Cub Scout Packs have been staying busy lately with some great
opportunities to get involved in the community. They got to visit our local fire station, learn
some basic first aid skills, and tour an ambulance. They also had the Nashville Zoo bring
lots of fun critters to visit a pack meeting, and even got a chance to participate in
orientation flights at the airport! Our boys and our volunteers have been having a great time
learning the ins and outs of these facilities throughout Rutherford County. Our fun is going
to continue through the winter months as well, as we prepare for our Winter Camporee at
the end of January!
Spring Camporee
The weekend of March 20-22, 2015 is going to be a busy and exciting one for everyone in
the Trail of Tears District! This year’s Spring Camporee will be our Cub and Family
Weekend at Boxwell Reservation, along with our Webelos Crossover, Pinewood Derby, and
OA Tap out! So be sure to mark it on your calendar. We look forward to having you come
out to enjoy the weekend with us!
district chairman
Ed Arning
district commissioner
Dr. Gore Ervin
district Executive
Mary Jared
annual district Business meeting
22 district committee meeting
23-25 winter camporee at camp tubb
district Roundtable
district committee meeting
merit Badge university at mtSu
district Roundtable
district Banquet
20-22 Spring camporee
cub and Family
webelos crossover
Pinewood derby
oa tap out
26 district committee meeting
Eagle Board of Review
cub & Boy Scout Roundtable
commissioner Staff meeting
13 oa meeting
22 district committee meeting
23-24 cub Scout Lock in
commissioner Staff meeting
cub camp kick off
Boy Scout Roundtable
oa meeting
district committee meeting
Eagle Board of Review
commissioner Staff meeting
cub & Boy Scout Roundtable
oa meeting
district Banquet
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee /Roundtable
Space derby
ttu merit Badge university
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
cub camp kick off
district Banquet
district commissioner meeting
Pinewood derby
university of Scouting
cumberland merit Badge university
district committee/Roundtable
District Banquet
Please reserve the evening of March 17th on your
calendar, when we will hold the 2015 UC District
Banquet. The District Banquet is a huge
meal/celebration for adult leaders in
our District. We will be presenting
awards, eating, laughing, and sharing
good times. If you or any leader in
your unit has earned a training knot,
you need to get the proper paperwork
submitted, to be recognized at the
banquet. If your Pack has earned the
Summertime Pack award, complete
that paperwork, for Pack recognition.
Come celebrate with us!
Space Derby
Heading into the New Year, Cub Scouts will be
a little “spaced out” as they compete to win the
Space Derby. “Houston” has cleared launches
on January 17, 2015, at Sam Houston
Elementary school, Pack 435 hosting. Over the
holidays, Scouts assemble their rocket kits;
designing, painting, and decorating their rockets
in anticipation of the race.
Blue and Gold Banquets/District
February is possibly the busiest month as Scouts and leaders prepare for Scout Sundays
(observed the first or second Sunday) at different churches and celebrate Cub Scout
advancements at Blue and Gold Banquets. Registered leaders will also celebrate their
achievements at the District Banquet to be held at 6:00 PM, February 21 at Cumberland
Presbyterian Church in Lebanon. Pack 148 is hosting.
Pinewood Derby
With the arrival of spring, Cub Scouts renew their
hopes that from their little block of pinewood, they
will hone the fastest or the best looking car in the
District. The computerized racetrack for the Pinewood
Derby will be set up at South Side Elementary School,
March 7, 2015, where Pack 495 will host, and racing
will take place throughout the day. What an exciting
event for the entire family!
Walton Trail - Serving macon, Smith, trousdale counties, Lebanon and watertown
district chairman
Pete Williston
district commissioner
Watson Ambruster
district Executive
Jason Flannery
Ten Commandment Hike
On Saturday, November 22, over 100 Upper
Cumberland Scouts and Scouters undertook a nearly 9mile hike through the heart of Cookeville, visiting
various churches, hearing about what makes each
unique. The Ten Commandments Hike is an aspect of
our District’s Religious Relationships Committee, led
by Steve Leddy, District Chaplain. Steve helped each
church prepare a presentation to cover one of the Ten
Commandments while the Scouts visited their location.
A great experience, and everyone had a great time and
learned a lot! Thank you, Steve!
Upper Cumberland - Serving clay, jackson, overton and Putnam counties
district chairman
Dr. Charles Womack
district commissioner
Dan Fenlon
district director
Jeremy Belk
Warioto - Serving Robertson and Sumner counties
Retired and Replaced Old Glory
Cub Scout Pack 459 recently replaced the tattered
American flag at Heritage Elementary School.
Heritage Elementary school is the Charter
Organization for this unit, as well as the host for
Roundtables. The Scouts participated in a flag
ceremony, and will retire the old flag at an upcoming
campfire. Thanks to the community for all the
support for Scouting.
It’s Hard to Keep up with Pack 426
Cub Pack 426 in Gallatin had a Raingutter Regatta this
year. All the boys were given a boat when they paid
their yearly dues. They decorated, and had gutters
donated to by Sumner Roofing for the event. Everyone
had a blast. This event will definitely become a
tradition, something will be include in future events
Pack 426 also participated in the Trunk or Treat with
Newton Nissan at Halloween. Raingutters were
provided so that children could race, and the Boy Scouts had their go carts. A fun time
resulted, with over 7,000 children present watching what the Cub Scouts do to have fun.
district chairman
Tim Hale
district commissioner
Cindy Ham
district Executive
Joe Marion
district committee meeting
commissioner Staff meeting
district committee meeting
20-22 winter camporee
23 commissioner Staff meeting
district Banquet
district committee meeting
Special Activities
We had our Bobcat Awards and Special Awards Ceremony in November, December we
made cards for the elderly, took them to Nursing Homes all over Gallatin and taped a
Christmas wish to their doors. We also distributed personal hygiene bags for the homeless
Unit Marketing Award of Excellence
Submit Your Community Service Projects & Win!
Has your unit completed a service project you would like to tell us about? The Middle Tennessee Council will be selecting a
Community Service Project of the Quarter.
Please submit:
i A brief description of the project including how many Scouts participated, and where the project took place.
i Who benefited from the work.
i Photos (preferably a link to photos online).
i Any coverage you receive from media about your project.
Quarterly Winners will receive a $25.00 gift certificate to the Scout Shop.
Black Fox
thomas kelly austin iii
jason joseph alexander
Nicholas allen christie
carter Norris davidson
michael Stephen Fox
micah Shane hampton
Parker thomas Smythe
Samuel a trenner
Steven joseph cohorst
gerald Bernard green iii
Nathaniel Scott Parris
Nicholas alan Robinson
christopher j. talbot
jonathan david thomack
Dan Beard
jackson Ryan Brown
xavier Elijah cunningham
David Crockett
calvin Bartlett alcorn
dillon keith Burton
jesse Lee Franklin
Richard garrett Simons
Duck River
joseph christian howell
caleb alan Lindsey
Bryson Boyd mouser
jaden Robert tolman
Elk River
ian douglas allish
jared morgan Bobier
hunter Bailey champion
james Lewis colbert
ian thomas kaferle
tanner keith Reese
trevor douglas Reese
Noah michael Springer
austin Slate Burgess
daniel Lawson johnson
alexander Nash Parker
Highland Rim
Stephen a. Boyle, iii
justin Randolph Byrne
cameron joseph collie
michael Ryan hancock
isaac james hasley
daniel Lee honea
cody dawson hughes
Luke mitchell
morgan jefferson Smith
James E. West
Brian tyler akers
joshua michael asbell
Brett michael Benson
joshua william Betts
carus Franklin duBose
john david hill
troop 0175
Rotary club of Sparta
troop 0157
troop 0413
troop 0406
troop 0182
troop 0182
troop 0075
troop 0200
St. timothy Lutheran church
First Baptist church of hendersonville
good Shepard united methodist church
First Baptist church of goodlettsville
First Baptist church of goodlettsville
hendersonville First umc
connell memorial umc
troop 0365
troop 0500
troop 0365
troop 0365
troop 0101
troop 0365
Sango united methodist church
First Presbyterian church
Sango united methodist church
Sango united methodist church
army aviation association america
Sango united methodist church
troop 0210
troop 0621
St Edwards church k of c council 9586
Lake Providence Baptist church
troop 0461
troop 0466
troop 0463
troop 0264
Prospect Baptist church
green River Baptist church
First united methodist church of Pulaski
henryville united methodist church
troop 0154
troop 1855
troop 1529
troop 1529
highland chapel union church
Rippavilla Plantation
LdS church-Spring hill ward-Franklin Stake
LdS church-Spring hill ward-Franklin Stake
troop 0185
troop 0390
troop 0332
troop 0332
troop 0142
troop 0332
troop 0332
troop 0185
cumberland Presbyterian church
Shelbyville optimist club
hillsboro united methodist church
hillsboro united methodist church
First christian church of tullahoma
hillsboro united methodist church
hillsboro united methodist church
cumberland Presbyterian church
troop 0263
troop 0054
troop 1204
hermitage Presbyterian church
american Legion Post 88
St. Stephen catholic community
troop 0641
troop 0096
troop 0593
troop 0085
troop 2011
troop 0002
troop 0002
troop 0085
troop 0593
charlotte-Fagan united methodist church
Burns volunteer Fire dept
St. james Episcopal church
montgomery Bell State Park
First Baptist church-dickson
united methodist church of waverly
united methodist church of waverly
montgomery Bell State Park
St. james Episcopal church
troop 0041
troop 0017
troop 0325
troop 0055
troop 0017
troop 0093
holy trinity Lutheran church
Blakemore united methodist church
LdS church-green hills ward-Nashville Stake
christ Presbyterian church
Blakemore united methodist church
Forest hills united methodist church
alex Steven jolly
troop 0087
christopher j. jones ii
troop 0624
Edward a. Landstreet
troop 0031
Brett kilpatrick miller
troop 0087
john james Pagonis
troop 0011
Raymond L. Pennington, iv troop 1913
john c. Smith mccaw
troop 0087
john Nessell Sonday
troop 0031
graham james Stoker
troop 0017
Simpson Bobo tanner v troop 0092
Natchez Trace
gregory joseph Bonvissuto troop 0747
daniel Robert Brawner
troop 0086
Evan andrew Brock
troop 0444
isaac gray coulter
troop 0001
joshua darrell Flake
troop 0515
miller caldwell garrett
troop 0137
jesse david hamilton
troop 0008
Neal Bramlette hawkins troop 0130
hunter magnus hays
troop 0399
Philip Benjamin hoyt
Stanley john josten
hayden alexander karr
joshua michael king
troop 0008
troop 0131
troop 0001
troop 0399
jefferson david Lecates, jr. troop 0086
justin Robert masters
troop 0226
daren joseph may
troop 0563
charles Blakeman Neville troop 0747
Raymond L. Pennington, iv troop 1913
jeffrey alexander Rein
troop 0008
andrew allen Salazar
troop 0135
justin timothy wood
troop 0130
Trail of Tears
Nash haywood Binkley
troop 0374
Noah Steven Feathers
troop 0422
Ricardo a. deLeon guzman troop 0374
connor Neill hurley
troop 0456
daniel Brian james
troop 0416
james Nicholas mays
troop 0374
Luke michael mcconnell troop 0456
caden Stuart Pennington troop 0842
chandler Blake Sewell
jeremy adam Siler
chase andrew Smith
daryl Ernest Smith, iii
xzavier khalil thompson
troop 0374
troop 0398
troop 0197
troop 0197
troop 0389
austin Blake winters
troop 0340
Upper Cumberland
james michael Paris
troop 0412
Walton Trail
jalen drew Fish
mason kent mobley
caleb j Ross
Spencer william white
isaac william Reff
Belle meade united methodist church
Bellevue united methodist church
St georges Episcopal church
Belle meade united methodist church
christ the king Parish council
knights of columbus council #544
Belle meade united methodist church
St georges Episcopal church
Blakemore united methodist church
woodmont christian church
otter creek church of christ
East Brentwood Presbyterian church
Bethlehem united methodist church
Brentwood united methodist church
LdS church-Fairview Branch-Franklin Stake
Fourth avenue church of christ
Episcopal church of the good Shepherd
Berrys chapel church of christ
LdS church - Franklin 1st
ward-Nashville Stake
Episcopal church of the good Shepherd
First umc of Franklin
Brentwood united methodist church
LdS church - Franklin 1st
ward-Nashville Stake
East Brentwood Presbyterian church
St matthew catholic church
LdS church-thompson Station
ward 1-Franklin Stake
otter creek church of christ
LdS church - Franklin Stake - 3rd ward
Episcopal church of the good Shepherd
First Presbyterian church of Franklin
Berrys chapel church of christ
Blackman united methodist church
vFw Post 8422-Smyrna
Blackman united methodist church
North Boulevard church of christ
First Baptist church of murfreesboro
Blackman united methodist church
North Boulevard church of christ
LdS church - murfreesboro
ward - murfreesboro Stake
Blackman united methodist church
St marks umc mens club
Fellowship united methodist church
Fellowship united methodist church
LdS church - Rock Springs
ward - murfreesboro Stake
First umc of Lavergne
LdS church - cookeville
ward - mcminnville Stake
troop 0127
troop 0643
troop 0206
troop 0127
Rd tippett truckline
First umc of Lebanon
Friendship christian School
Rd tippett truckline
troop 0144
First methodist church of Springfield
Middle Tennessee Council (615) 383-9724
Boy Scouts of America, 3414 Hillsboro Pike
PO Box 150409, Nashville, TN 37215