Indianola Community Schools


Indianola Community Schools
Indianola Community School District
Mon. Jan.
Tues. Jan.
Wed. Jan. 21
Thurs. Jan.
Fri. Jan. 23
Mon. Jan.
Tues. Jan.
Wed. Jan.
Thurs. Jan.
Fri. Jan. 30
Day #4
Day #5
Day #6
Day #1
Day #2
Day #3
Day #4
Day #5
Day #6
Day #1
Brown rice
Mixed fruit
Celery sticks
Cinnamon roll
Green beans
Hot dog
Tater tots
pork chop
Dinner roll
Mac &
Dinner roll
chip cookie
Jan. 19
Day #4
“Remember the successful attitude is the positive attitude.”
Jan. 20
Day #5
“You know you can do some things well. Concentrate and practice those things.”
Jan. 21
Day #6
“Set a short-term goal and believe you can reach it by working hard.”
Jan. 22
Day #1
“Make a choice to do your best.”
Jan. 23
Day #2
“Practice, practice, practice…at anything you wish to accomplish.”
2:00 Dismissal
Jan. 26
Day #3
“Say something positive about another person.”
Jan. 27
Day #4
“Good character traits only include good, positive statements.”
Jan. 28
Day #5
“Standing straight and tall shows your self confidence.”
Jan. 29
Day #6
“Proper exercise is good for the mind and body.”
Jan. 30
Day #1
“When exercising daily, more physical and emotional strength is a result.”
2:00 Dismissal
Parent/Teacher Conference Scheduler opens to parents- watch for email!
Looking AheadFeb. 2 – Irving PTO Meeting
Feb. 16 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:45pm
Feb. 18 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 2:30-3: 45pm
Feb. 19 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:45pm
Feb. 20 – No School / Teacher Prof. Development
Feb. 27 – Irving Dance
Mar. 2 – Music Concert 1st& 2nd grade 6:00-7:00 PM – HS Auditorium
Mar. 2 – Music Concert 3rd & 4th grade 7:30-8:30 PM – HS Auditorium
Mar. 5 – Spring pictures
Mar. 13 – 20 – Spring Break
Private party invitations are not to be distributed at school. This is
approved board policy that is documented in our Elementary
Student Handbook on page 8. Please refrain from sending party
invitations to school as it causes a disruption to the educational
environment. Thank you.
Amy Jo Naughton
Parents and Guardians,
Drop off in the morning continues to improve as we work on transitioning students into the
building. A main purpose of the renovations to Irving Elementary is to provide updated safety and
security to the building. A change from past practice is that only the main door will remain
unlocked throughout the day. This includes morning drop off times. We encourage families to
drop off their student(s) between 7:50-8:00. Teachers will greet your child outside in their
classroom line at 7:50 and begin to bring them inside at 7:55. The last classroom teacher will
enter the building at 8:00. This provides students with the opportunity to accomplish their
morning routines and be ready to learn at 8:13 when classes begin.
Parents and visitors must use the main door to enter the building and acquire a visitor’s badge
utilizing our Raptor System. This policy includes the morning drop off time and those parents
who wish to walk their child to the classroom. These procedures have been put into place with the
safety of your child in mind.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 961-9560.
Mrs. Naughton
Students, parents, employees and others doing business with or performing services for the Indianola Community School District are
hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (except students), religion, national origin, sex,
marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability in admission or access to, or treatment in, its programs and activities.
The school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (except students), religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity or disability in admission or access to, or treatment in, its hiring and employment practices. Any person having inquiries
concerning the school district's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA), § 504 or Iowa Code § 280.3 is directed to contact:
504 Coordinator
Indianola Community School District
1304 East 2 Avenue
Indianola, IA 50125
515 961-9500
who has been designated by the school district to coordinate the school district’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title
VI, Title VII, Title IX, the ADA, § 504 and Iowa Code 280.3 (2007).
PTO Meeting – Monday, January 12, 2015
Led by Josh Overton, Vice President
Minutes were read. Susan Krisko moved to approve. Tara Rehmeier seconded. Minutes were approved unanimously by the group.
Jeff Tadsen discussed various school improvement projects. Frames with student artwork have been cleaned and are ready to be re-hung
after renovations. PTO also purchased an additional twenty frames to add to the collection. Volunteers will work on these on
Wednesday, January 14 from 3:30-6:00. More volunteers are welcome. In addition, Gina has purchased 12-15 prints, including Dr. Seuss
artwork, which will be installed throughout the building to liven up and add colors to the walls. Volunteers are welcome to help the
installation on Sunday, January 18 from 12:30-???. Please bring hammers, nails, and any other picture hanging supplies.
A Community Open House will be held on Tuesday, March 3. Hours are not known yet. This will be an opportunity for the community
to come in and see the renovations. With the new artwork on the wall, Mr. Tadsen will also have the student art show still displayed. The
theme this year is “Our Time to Shine” and will be available for parents to view during parent-teacher conference week.
Treasurer’s Report – Gina listed deposits and expenses for the Lock In and Pancake Supper. Both events were successful. The Lock-in
had good participation for the first year and ideas are being discussed for a repeat of this event next year.
Committee ReportsHospitality – Teacher meal during conference week will be “breakfast for supper” on the Monday of that week. Watch for an email
requesting help.
Box Tops – Sarah Gillespie thanked parents and teachers for their support of this effort. The kids are very excited about the trophy. For
the month of December, Mr. Fitzpatrick’s class was the winner with 345 box tops. We will be receiving a check for over $1000 for our
efforts so far this year.
Old Business – none
New Business – January 22, 2015 will be another Papa Murphy’s Day.
Irving Dance/Silent Auction – Theme will be announced around February 1. Classroom basket themes have been handed out. Kamie
reminded that new items are requested and gift cards are always welcome. Basket Assembly Day will be Sunday, February 22 in the
media center. Kamie, Sarah Gillespie, and Jodi Ricketts are working on community donations.
Principal’s Report – Other than the weather, it has been a smooth start to the 2 nd semester. On January 27, 2015, all fourth grade students
will be participating in the NAEP assessments. Each student will take one portion of the test for 90 minutes that morning.
Announcements – Mrs. Ridout gave a thank you note for the goodies.
Minutes prepared by Kariann Voigts
December 9, 2014
Dear Iowa parents,
Reading is essential to your children’s success in school and in life. In Iowa, we are working to make sure all
children read well by the end of third grade, which is the pivotal time when students go from learning to read to
reading to learn.
Research shows that children’s third-grade reading skills can predict their future success, and proficient readers are
more likely to graduate from high school and earn a good living. However, nearly 1 in 4 Iowa third graders did not
meet reading expectations last year, according to state test results. We must help our students improve their reading
That’s why identifying struggling students starting in kindergarten and providing intensive intervention form the
centerpiece of a 2012 state law to improve literacy. Iowa’s new early warning system for literacy is helping
schools across the state screen students, monitor their progress, and provide reading interventions in preschool
through third grade.
Making sure parents or guardians are notified when their children need help and providing resources that families
can use at home also are part of Iowa’s 2012 law. I want to be sure you are aware of a state website where you can
find those resources:
This website includes a link to great materials provided by the Iowa Reading Research Center that will help you
understand and work with your child on specific literacy skills. You can easily find activities based on your child’s
grade level or reading skill on the center’s Family Resources page:
It is critical for us to work together early – especially in kindergarten, first and second grades – to make sure
students develop the skills they need to succeed in reading. Starting in May 2017, children who are identified as
substantially deficient in reading by the end of third grade must attend a summer reading program, or they will be
retained in third grade unless they qualify for an exception. Prevention, not retention, is what everyone wants.
Giving Iowa students a world-class education is critical in today’s knowledge-based economy, but that’s not
possible unless they can read. I look forward to working with you on this historic effort to help Iowa children read
by the end of third grade. Thank you for helping us to meet this goal.
Brad Buck, Ph.D.
Director, Iowa Department of Education
Order your 2014-2015 Irving Elementary Yearbook today!
$15.00 per copy
Please return the form that was sent home with your student with payment
in an envelope marked “Yearbook” by Thursday, February 12th, 2015 to reserve
your copy. (checks made payable to Irving PTO) Extra order forms available in the
Please contact Angie or Meg at with
any questions.
The Indianola Knights of Columbus are sponsoring their Annual Free Throw
Shooting Contest on Sunday, January 18 at 3:00 PM at Irving Elementary
School. All competitors ages 9-14 are encouraged to come and display their skill
at free throw shooting. Age is determined by the competitor’s age as of January
1, 2015. Registration will take place at the event. Plaques and medals are
awarded to first and second place winners in each age division. Each champion
qualifies to compete in the district competition at Martensdale-St. Mary Jr. /Sr.
High School in Martensdale on January 25 at 1:00 PM.
News from the Indianola Public Library
Be sure to keep Saturday, Feb. 7 open on your calendar so you can attend our annual Take Your Child to the Library Day.
From 10:00 a.m. until noon, the library will offer a variety of activities for parents and children, including game tables, crafts,
and a special story time. It will be a perfect opportunity to try out the library's new Early Learning Station, a self-contained
computer unit with numerous games and learning activities for children ages 2-8. This is just the first of many changes you
will see in the children's area in the coming months.
LEGO Club, held on the fourth Wednesday of every month, is expanding. Thanks to a generous donation, we now have
Duplos for the younger set. Lego Club is now open to children of all ages. Bring a bunch of friends who enjoy building as
much as you do, 2:30-3:15 on January 28. Children age 6 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
It isn't too late to register for one of the junior book clubs. Check out our brand new website for dates and times. Registration is available through the calendar on the website.
Indianola Youth Football League registration is now open and is available to all youth
who will be entering the 4th, 5th and 6th grade next fall, in 2015. Presently there is a
discount to early registrations, through January 31st.
Registration is done through the website, All registration is done online and is
done through either a credit card process or payment process to the league. No checks or
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Winter is fast approaching, and flu and cold season is upon us! As you may know prevention is the best way to stop these
viruses from spreading. Our goal is to keep our students healthy, and we can do this by working together.
One virus that has been in the news is enterovirus-D68 (EV-D68). Enteroviruses are one of the causes of the common cold,
along with rhinoviruses. Most people who are infected with enteroviruses have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, but
some infections can be serious. EV-D68 is presenting as a more respiratory involved illness, and children who have asthma
may have a higher risk for severe respiratory complications. For more information on EV-D68 you can go to
It is important to remember that through basic hygiene practices influenza (Flu), rhinovirus, and enteroviruses are all
preventable illnesses. Here are a few things you can do to help prevent the spread of these viruses.
Teach your child to wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
 You can set a good example by doing this yourself.
Use hand sanitizer if soap and water is not available. Always follow with soap and water as soon as it is available.
Remind your child to cover his/her nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing and dispose of the tissue
We teach them to cough or sneeze into the bend of their elbow, or to cough down into the front of their own shirt to
help keep as many germs as possible off of the hands.
Teach your child not to touch his/her mouth, nose and eyes.
Teach your child not to share personal items like drinks, food, or unwashed utensils.
Disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and shared items at least once a day.
Know the signs and symptoms.
Usually, High
Usually, Severe
Runny Nose
Sore Throat
Keep sick children at home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have fever and flu like symptoms. This is
without the aid of fever reducing medicine.
A good rule of thumb is to keep your child at home if he or she has a fever of 100 degrees or more. When
temperature is present in the morning prior to school (99.0 or greater) it will only climb higher as the day
progresses. If your child has cold or flu symptoms as well, please do not give Tylenol or Motrin to cover the
fever and send them to school. As soon as the medicine wears off, the fever will return and you will have
exposed your child’ s classmates and teachers to your child’ s illness. Also, when your child has fever,
he/she is even more at risk for other illnesses/ viral infections. There are many reasons why it is best to keep
a sick child at home. If you have any questions please contact your child’ s school nurse.
Thank you,
ICSD-District Nurses
Winter Cheer Clinic
Have fun cheering with the Indianola High School Cheerleaders!!
Pre-K to 8th Graders
Cheer Practice is Saturday, January 31st from 9-11 am in the Indianola High School East Gym
(Registration begins at 8:30 am)
* Clinic Cheerleaders will be Cheering at halftime of the Varsity Girls Basketball Game at the Indianola
High School North gym on Friday, Feb. 6th ... the game starts at 6:15 pm.
$25 (includes Cheer Clinic T-shirt and snack at practice)
Make Checks Payable to: Indianola High School Cheerleaders
Contact Coach Heather Hulen at (515)250-4774 or email if you have any questions.
Please detach and return bottom portion along with payment
Child’s Name ______________________________________Age:__________ Boy or Girl (circle)
School: ______________________________ Grade ________
Parents Name: ____________________________ Phone Number: _____________
Emergency Contact: ___________________________ Phone Number: __________
T-shirt size (circle one)
Youth XS
Youth S
Youth M
Youth L
Adult S
Adult M
Adult L
Youth XL
Adult XL
Registration Deadline: Friday, January 23, 2015
*Registration taken to school need to be in your schools main office by 1/22/2015
Registrations must be mailed to Coach Hulen by 1/22/2015
Heather Hulen, 210 West Jackson Ave., Indianola, IA. 50125
Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up Information
Dear Families:
Our student drop off/pick up procedures are designed to maintain a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal for you, our students, and our
staff. The following guidelines provide a general awareness to all involved as well as provide information that will help expedite the
Safety Rules:
Vehicles may not be left unattended in the Car Rider lane from 7:40-8:20am and 2:40-3:25pm. If you must leave
your vehicle, please use an official parking space.
Listen to school personnel for directions.
Always be on the lookout for others.
Cross only at the cross walk if you are bringing your child into the building.
There will be one lane for pick-up/drop-off on Clinton Avenue. No double and triple parking.
Students will not be allowed to go in-between cars to get to their own vehicle for drop off/pick-up.
Students will not be allowed to load and unload in the intersection of Clinton and D Street or Detroit and D Street.
Parents should not park behind the parked cars along the fence to the playground or on D Street in order to load or
unload their student(s).
In Advance of using the Clinton Street Car Rider Lane:
Obtain your Irving Car Rider Sign to display in the windshield of your car each time you pick up your child. The Car
Rider Sign may be picked up in the office on August 6th.
o What is a Car Rider Sign?
 The Car Rider Sign will be a sheet of yellow cardstock that is folded in half with the family’s last name on it as
well as grade level(s) of student(s). The family can place it on their dash or rubber band it to their visor.
2nd, 3rd
Student Arrival Directions:
All students must be supervised. Irving Elementary will provide supervision beginning at 7:50 AM.
On Clinton Street, please pull all the way to the west end of the car rider lane and unload close to the ramp.
Please have your student prepared to exit the vehicle at the appropriate time in order to keep traffic flowing.
Students may not be dropped off from the street on Detroit or D Street. Please utilize the Simpson parking lots on
the North side of Irving and have the students cross at the cross walk.
We encourage students to be IN CLASS at 8:00 AM. They are tardy at 8:13 AM.
Student Dismissal Directions:
Dismissal for bus begins at 3:03. Only bus students may be dismissed at this time.
o If you need to pick your child up early, you will need to park in an official parking place, come into the main
office and sign your child out.
Dismissal for car riders and walkers begins at 3:08.
Dismissal areaso North Door—1st Grade , 3rd grade & 5th grade
o West Door—Kindergarten, 2nd grade, & 4th grade
 Families with children in multiple grade levels may decide on one designated pick-up area. Please
notify the classroom teacher of your decision.
For pick up on Clinton Street you are encouraged to have a Car Rider Sign displayed. The sign will assist us in
expediting the process.
Please pull all the way up to the ramp area to allow us to load the maximum number of cars at one time. (All
students will come from the ramp area on the west end of the building.)
With proper flow, approximately 4-5 cars can pick up at one time, leave and then allow 4-5 more cars to pick up
near the ramp.
Other available options
There are two Simpson parking lots to the north of the building where you can make a plan to meet your child after
Parking is also available on one of the side streets in the area. You may park and walk to meet your child at school.
If your child qualifies for transportation services they may utilize the District’s busing.
The Simpson Parking lot on the South Side of Clinton IS NOT available for parents to utilize before and after school
for parking.
We ask for your focus and patience as all parents and students learn the new procedures. Please remember that traffic is always heavier at
the start of the school year, so plan your time accordingly. The Indianola Police Department will be prominent during the first week and a
half of school in order to help maintain procedures and traffic flow.
Amy Jo Naughton
Irving Elementary
Clinton Street
Car Rider Lane
Pick up
Drop of
Buses Only
D Street
Detroit Street
Simpson Parking lot
Simpson Parking lot