School - Indianola Community Schools
School - Indianola Community Schools
Indianola Community School District Mon. Dec. 6 Tues. Dec. 7 Wed. Dec. 8 Day #1 Day #2 Turkey & Gravy Mashed Potatoes Peaches Oranges Dinner Roll Dec. 6 Cannon Ball Sandwich Carrots & Dip Pears Day #1 Fri. Dec. 10 Day #3 Thurs. Dec. 9 Day #4 11:30 Dismissal No lunch Taco Corn Pineapple Apricots Chocolate Chip Cookie Mr. Rib Green Beans Fruit Cocktail Apples Day #5 Mon. Dec. 13 Day #6 Cheese Pizza Carrots Pineapple Apples No Bake Cookie Tues. Dec. 14 Day #1 Wed. Dec. 15 Day #2 Tenderloin Corn Peaches Lettuce Salad Snickerdoodle Oven Fried Chicken Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Pears Broccoli & Dip Dinner Roll Thurs Dec. 16 Day #3 Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich Green Beans Mixed Fruit Apples M&M cookie Fri. Dec. 17 Day #4 Hamburger Tater Tots Applesauce Oranges “Every person experiences both joys and hurts.” PTO Meeting 7:00PM –Sports Page Dec. 7 Day #2 “The world would be very boring if everyone looked the same. Our differences make us interesting.” Dec. 8 Day #3 “Do not be known as selfish. That will hurt your good character.” 11:30 Dismissal Dec. 9 Day #4 “Being a true friend requires dependability.” Dec. 10 Day #5 “Respect yourself. Never accept put-downs by others toward you.” Dec. 13 Day #6 “We need to think and make good choices before we act.” Dec. 14 Day #1 “To make a good choice we sometimes need to gather information first before a final decision is made.” Dec. 15 Day #2 “Your character is who you really are inside yourself.” Dec. 16 Day #3 “Good character habits help us with negative peer pressure. You can say “no” faster since your good character has become a habit.” Dec. 17 Day #4 “Courage and strength do not need a loud voice, a firm statement is better.” End of 2nd Quarter LOOKING AHEADDec. 20-31- Winter Break Jan. 3- Teacher Workday/No School Jan. 4- Classes Resume Jan. 26-11:30 Dismissal Feb. 14-1:30 Dismissal /Parent Teacher Conferences Feb. 17-No School/Parent Teacher Conferences Feb. 18-No School Please notify Central Office (961-9500) and Irving Elementary (961-9560) with any important updates to your child’s record. This would include address, court order, phone and email address. We need to be able to contact you if an emergency should arise. Thank you for helping us keep your children safe. Future PTO Meeting Dates- Monday, February 7 Monday, March 21 Monday, April 11 Monday, May 9 Monday Jan. 10, Irving PTO will be working at Pizza Ranch! Bring the family out for dinner, Irving PTO will receive a percentage of the sales and tips! Don't forget! Our next PTO meeting is Monday, December 6th at the Sports Page (back room). This will be our Holiday gathering/meeting. PTO will provide appetizers, but you're welcome to order off the menu and eat dinner during our meeting. We'll meet at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be for parents/teachers kids this time as we won't be having childcare. Thank you, hope to see you there! ~Kamie Haynes Irving Cub Scout Pack 126 received the Build with Bags Grant in the amount of $2,000. On Oct 31, they were able to take part in building the recycled plastic bag benches that were awarded to Lake Ahquabi State Park. All of the benches have engraved plaques indicating that Irving Cub Scout Pack 126 was the recipient of the awarded grant. They were the highest rank grant out of 26 that were awarded. The benches will be placed along the lake's hiking trails. In addition to this project, the scouts would like to remind everyone that recycling is a year round event, not just on earth day. Plastic bags are not biodegradability and are harmful to the environment in many ways. Ways you can help 1) use a reuseable cloth bag when shopping 2) recycle the bags at your local grocery store bin. 3) Bring your plastic bags to Irving Elementary collection box to be recycled. Storytime at Halftime – Starting this Friday night, December 3rd and again on Friday night, December 17th, we are offering Storytime at Halftime during the Varsity Girl's and Boy's Basketball games. We are offering the opportunity to have a Christmas story read to elementary children by Senior students during halftime. $1 per child, all proceeds going to Project Graduation 2011. Candy Canes will be offered. Children need to look for the High School student with the Santa hat and follow them to the weight room for Christmas stories! Iowa School Alerts The Indianola Community School District has signed up to take part in a new notification system offered by the State of Iowa called ―Iowa School Alerts.‖ This program gives parents, the media and others the opportunity to sign up to receive e-mail notifications directly when we have cancelled classes, or will be dismissing early or starting late due to weather or other factors. This service, which was developed by IT staff at the Department of Administrative Services, is free of charge to you and the school. The State funded the development of this program through the IOWAccess initiative, which seeks to bring more e-government services to the people of Iowa. And because the system is funded and operated by the state, you can be assured that your e-mail addresses will not be sold to anyone and you will not receive advertisements or spam due to enrolling in the program. Here’s how you can take advantage of this free service & sign up for e-mail alerts: 1. Click on ―Sign Up!‖ in the Main Menu at This will take you to the ―Enterprise A&A‖ screen for the State of Iowa. If you already have an account with the State (say, for another online application), there’s no need to create another one. 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to enter your name and e-mail address, and create secret questions and your password. This step involves obtaining a code from an e-mail sent to you to confirm your registration. 3. Once you have created and confirmed your account registration, you will be taken back to the School Alerts site where you can click on ―My Subscriptions‖ to add the school districts/buildings you would like to receive notices for. Once you’ve selected a school, you are asked to enter the e-mail addresses or cell phone addresses where you would like notifications sent. You can add as many e-mail addresses as you’d like! (Please note that some wireless services providers may charge you for receiving e-mails or text messages. You are responsible for those charges.) We will still make sure that local media outlets are notified when there’s a change in our classes so notices will still be made on the television and radio, but we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to be directly notified as well! If you have any questions about signing up for Iowa School Alerts, please contact the Indianola Community School District’s administration office at (961 – 9500) or e-mail The Indianola Community School District welcomes the 2011-12 Purple and Gold Preschool and kindergarten classes. If you have a child who will be four years of age (preschool) or five years of age (kindergarten) on or before September 15, 2011, please plan to attend registration on Monday, January 17, at 7:00 PM at Indianola High School. The evening will begin with an informational session in the high school auditorium followed by registration in the cafeteria directly across from the auditorium. January 24 is the make-up date if registration is postponed due to inclement weather. The Indianola Community School District has four elementary attendance centers: Emerson, Irving, Whittier and Laura Ingalls Wilder. The district offers a full-day kindergarten program. Two calendar choices—Traditional and Year-Round Education (YRE)—will be offered. The year-round program is open to all district students and is located at Irving Elementary. Information regarding both calendar options will be shared during Kindergarten registration. Purple and Gold Preschool is currently offered at Whittier Elementary. We strongly encourage all parents to attend the registration so we are able to prepare for your child’s arrival next fall. Registration packets can be picked up at Emerson, Irving, Whittier and Wilder beginning Monday, December 13, during school hours. Parents need to bring the child’s original birth certificate, a copy of immunization records and proof of dental screening and blood lead testing to registration on January 17. Parents and Guardians: Please be respectful of our bus loading zones around the building. The main buses load and unload on D Street, which is the east side of the building. We also have a bus that picks up and delivers students by the ramp on the southwest side of the building on Clinton Street. Many times when the bus is trying to pull in there are cars parked in the bus zone which makes it very difficult for the bus to maneuver into its spot. Please be aware of the School Buses Only signs and refrain from parking in those areas. We thank you all so much for your help in making sure that all children are safe during our arrival and dismissal times. Dear Parents/Guardians: For the safety of all of our students, the doors to Irving Elementary will remain locked during the school day. If you come to school during the day, please go to the main entrance on Clinton Street. The main entrance will be the only door unlocked during school hours. At the beginning of the school day, teachers will still be posted at each of the doors to allow students to enter the building till 8:10 a.m. After that time, students will need to enter through the main doors Everyone will be required to enter via the main entrance. This includes parents, community members, visitors, and volunteers. Everyone must report to the office, sign in, and receive a visitor’s badge. Everyone must sign out in the office as well upon leaving the building. School personnel have noticed that during the school day parents and non school age children have been playing on the playground during school hours. For the safety of our students, only those parents who have signed in at the office to visit their student and are wearing a visitor’s badge may be allowed on the playground during school hours. Per the student handbook (page 7) we ask that you not bring young children with you during a visit. Although this process may take more time and effort, it is designed to address concerns for the safety of our students. In the interest of safety for all of our students, please observe these procedures when you visit Irving Elementary. Mrs. Naughton-Irving Elementary Principal NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION Students, parents, employees and others doing business with or performing services for the Indianola Community School District are hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate on the basis of age (except students), race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, creed or marital status in admission or access to, or treatment in, its programs and activities. The school district does not discriminate on the basis of age (except students), race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, creed or marital status in admission or access to, or treatment in, its hiring and employment practices. Any person having inquiries concerning the school district's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), § 504 or Iowa Code § 280.3 is directed to contact: 504 Coordinator Indianola Community School District 1304 East 2nd Avenue Indianola, IA 50125 515 961-9500 who has been designated by the school district to coordinate the school district’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, the ADA, § 504 and Iowa Code 280.3 (2007). The Board of Education is responsible for locating, identifying and educating homeless children and youth found within the Indianola Community School District. A homeless child or youth of school age is defined as “one between the ages of 5 and 21 who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence.” The Indianola Community School District will make available to homeless children and youth all services and assistance including, but not limited to, compensatory education, special education, ELL, vocational courses or programs, programs for the gifted and talented, health services and food and nutrition programs on the same basis as those services provided to resident students. Please contact Brad Jermeland, Homeless Liaison, at 515-961-9500 regarding specific questions and/or issues. BOXTOPS BULLETIN Did you know that each Box Top coupon is worth a dime to Irving students? One dime may not seem like much, but it adds up to a real change. P.E. / SPORTS EQUIPMENT!! Hey there everybody! It’s time to get cutting and save those Box Tops! Box Tops for Education is a fun and easy way to help support Irving Elementary! All you have to do is clip Box Tops coupons from hundreds of family products from brands like Cheerios®, Betty Crocker®, Pillsbury®, Ziploc®, Kleenex®, Juicy Juice® and more! What do YOU need to do? Simply cut those Box Tops and turn them in! That’s it! Each room will have a collection box and students will simply deposit their coupons in the box. It really is that simple! THANK YOU for supporting Irving Elementary School!! ART SUPPLIES!! RAINY DAY RECESS GAMES!! =================== Show School Spirit & Order Your Metal Yard Sign TODAY! Measurements: 18‖H x 12.5‖W Example: I with Music attachment Name: ________________________________ Phone #: ___________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ School: ________________________________ Fee (per item) Combo (“I” yard sign & 1 Attachment) “I” yard sign Attachments – can be wording or symbols – please specify $ 35.00 $ $ 25.00 15.00 Qty Purchased Amount Enclosed Please return to your school office by: January, 7th 2011 All Proceeds Go To 2011 PROJECT GRADUATION Questions: call – 712-251-9772 or email: Circle Attachments Almost anything can be an attachment. Just Ask! 2011 IHS Show Choir Cabaret Side One, Flip Side and Sidewayz Show Choirs are joining together for the 2011 Show Choir Cabaret. This wonderful event will take place on January 27, 28 and 29. Each evening’s performance will include a delicious dinner catered by Catering Connections. The high school show choirs will be performing as part of the dinner theater/cabaret. Each groups will entertain guests with their individual routines as well as a joint song and spot-light/small group performances. Dinner seating will begin at 6:30 pm and the show will begin at 7:00. Performances will take place at the St. Thomas Aquinas Pastoral Center, located at the corner of Highway 92 West and Highway R63. You may request seating with other families/couples – we will try to honor all requests. Tables will be set for 8 people. Please make special requests (including special assistance needs) in the ―Notes‖ box. If you have any questions, please contact Carol Nelson at 360-5701. Thank you for your support of Side One, Flip Side and Sidewayz Show Choirs. Name (please print) _______________________________________ Date ___________________________ Address ________________________________________________ Senior Student ___________________ City __________________________ State ____ Zip ____________ Seller __________________________ Phone (day/cell) __________________ (evening) __________________ DATE # Tickets Thursday, January 27 Friday, January 28 Saturday, January 29 PAID: ___Cash | | | | | | Price | | | $18.00 | | | | $20.00 | | | | $20.00 | | TOTAL DUE | NOTES: TOTAL $ | | | | | | | | ___Check # _______ Menu: beef brisket, cheddar potatoes, green beans, salad, roll, dessert Box Office use only Make checks payable to IHS Show Choirs Mail to: Carol Nelson: 12817 Ford Trail South Indianola, IA 50125
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School - Indianola Community Schools
You may request seating with other families/couples – we will try to honor all requests. Tables will be set for 8 people. Please make
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