Idaho Washington Concert Chorale


Idaho Washington Concert Chorale
Idaho Washington Concert Chorale
Sponsored by Decagon Devices, Inc & VMRD/ABR, Inc.
Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Idaho, Administration Building Auditorium, Moscow, Idaho
Sat urday, December 19, 2009 at 4:00 pm
High School Auditorium, Lewiston, Idaho
Sunday, December 20, 2009 at 4:00 pm
Idaho, Administration Building Auditorium, Moscow, Idaho
President’s Welcome
This well known and most beloved part of Handel’s Messiah heralds the climax of this music
masterpiece! Welcome to our presentation of this masterwork! The Chorale is pleased to
present several arias and choruses from all three sections of “Messiah.” We hope you will enjoy
our offering to you this holiday season.
We extend our particular thanks to our sponsors for this concert: Decagon Devices, Inc.
(Gaylon and Judy Campbell) and VMRD/ABR, Inc. (Scott and Janet Adams). Their
generous donations are deeply appreciated. We also extend our thanks to the soloists and
instrumentalists participating with us in this glorious work.
“Messiah” evokes a deeper dimension of our lives. Unflinching in the face of “darkness” and
even “death,” this artful masterpiece soars with the angels and all creation with strains of “glory”
and rays of “light.” We hope the hearing again of this wonderful work will evoke in you the
mystery as well as the hope of this season of light!
Welcome to our presentation of George Frideric Handel’s Messiah – an oratorio, in three parts.
b Jack Kelly, Chorale President
Our Concert Sponsor k Decagon Devices, Inc.
Decagon Devices,a family business, was founded in 1983 in Pullman,
Washington, and now has nearly 80 employees. Decagon’s instruments have applications
in foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, biology, forestry, agronomy, and soil sciences and are
used throughout the world in universities, food laboratories, research and industrial testing
laboratories, wineries, and state and government agencies. The Wall Street Journal chose
Decagon as one of 15 “Top Small Business Workplaces, 2008”. For further information please
view their website at
Our Concert Sponsor k VMRD/ABR, Inc.
VMRD, Inc. ( began in the basement of founder Dr. Scott Adams in 1980 with
a single equine diagnostic test. Today it manufactures and sells worldwide hundreds of different
veterinary test kits and reagents for diagnosis and research of infectious and immune deficiency
diseases. Since acquiring its subsidiary, ABR, Inc. ( a virology service laboratory
in 2006, our combined employee population of family and friends in Pullman has risen to 43
Program Notes
mid August 1741 and George Frideric
Handel is fifty-six years of age. After
many failed operas, Handel has finally accepted that his
love for opera is not shared by his audience. A sizeable
libretto lay on his table from his friend Charles Jennens.
Jennens’ libretto was unique for it had no narrative feel
(except for the short excerpt from Luke in the first section),
as was custom of the day. Instead this libretto drew on
scripture from Isaiah, Haggai, the Psalms, Zachariah,
Luke and Revelatio. The mastery of the libretto created a
perfect foundation upon which Handel could create his
musical masterpiece.
The impetus for this creative work was an invitation from
the Duke of Devonshire for Handel to come to Dublin
and perform a series of subscription concerts. Handel
welcomed this opportunity to leave the city and the
music critics. He had completed the original Messiah
in an astounding twenty-four days and immediately
began work on what would become another successful
oratorio – Samson. Both works were taken with Handel
to Dublin and yet Messiah was not performed on the
original subscription concerts. The concert series was
received with such positive enthusiasm that the series
was extended for six more concerts – again without the
programming of Messiah.
It was not until March, at the discussion of a benefit concert
for Mercer’s Hospital, the Infirmary and the Prisoners of
Marshalsea, that Messiah was finally programmed. Public
announcements were posted around the city stating that a
ticket to the dress rehearsal ensured a gratis entrance to the
concert. This proved to be a highly successful advertising
campaign because the excited word of mouth from the
rehearsal brought out seven hundred attendees to the
premiere performance of Messiah on April 17, 1742.
Following the incredible Dublin premiere, Handel returned
to London and immediately slated Samson for a six-concert
run, which was extended to twelve concerts. The London
premiere was March 19, 1743 at Covent Garden on the
ninth concert of this extended series. Audience response
was mediocre. Many found fault with a “sacred” oratorio
that combined scriptures in such a haphazard way and was
not performed in a cathedral – but in a concert hall. The
lukewarm response from the Londoners motivated Handel
to postpone programming Messiah from the 1743-1744
concert season to the 1744-1745 season. Although slated
for twenty-four performances at King Albert Hall, the
season was cancelled after only six performances, due to
extreme loss of revenue. Handel’s friends rallied and, in
the end, twelve performances actually occurred. Messiah
was not performed again until 1749.
After three more revisions, Handel programmed one
performance of Messiah to be performed in Covent Garden
for the 1749-1750 season, which little documentation has
survived. However, in 1750, Handel organized and selfpromoted a concert in the same way of the Dublin premiere
performance of Messiah. Handel was a sympathetic
supporter of the Foundling Hospital, a home for orphaned
infants. The hospital had plans to unveil the new chapel
and desired a new organ. Handel offered to provide the
new organ and also perform a recital on it himself, at its
unveiling, to be followed by a performance of Messiah.
All proceeds from the concert, which would be performed
in the chapel, were to go to the Foundling Hospital –
even the soloists donated their fees to the orphanage.
With this performance a great change of tides occurred.
Messiah brought in an overflowing house on May 1, 1750
and was, according to Sir John Hawkins, “received with
universal applause.” Messiah enjoyed annual fundraising
performances, which were conducted by Handel for the
remainder of his life, for the Foundling Hospital.
Tonight, we commemorate the 10th anniversary of the
Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale as well as the 250th
anniversary of Handel’s death by performing Handel’s
masterpiece in almost its entirety. Handel composed
Messiah in three parts. The first is of the prophecy and
birth of the Messiah. Part two is the Messiah’s life on
earth, His suffering and His death. Part three is a glorious
affirmation and thanks for Christ vanquishing death.
Messiah is one of the most beloved works of all time.
It enjoys more performances each year than any other
major work. What Handel achieved in Messiah was a
wonderful blend of elegant, Italianate melody alternating
with virtuosic vocalism for the soloists and, for the chorus,
unmatched choral sonorities ranging from madrigalesque
lightness to the composer’s characteristic ceremonial
style. Across the span of 250 years, Messiah still holds
its extraordinary grip on musician and audience member
alike. It reaches us with its directness of expression and
its infinite capacity for self-renewal. It bestows on us the
special gift of aesthetic and spiritual grace.
George Frideric Handel
Announcement & Plan for Redemption by the Messiah
Sinfonia (Overture) – Festival Orchestra
Comfort ye my people – Bray Wilkins
Ev’ry valley shall be exalted – Bray Wilkins
And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed
Behold, a virgin shall conceive – Nancy Grunewald (Thursday), Sheila Converse
O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion – Nancy Grunewald (Thursday), Sheila Converse
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth – Matt Kelly (Thursday), Chris Thompson
The people that walked in darkness – Matt Kelly (Thursday), Chris Thompson
For unto us a child is born
Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) – Festival Orchestra
There were shepherds abiding in the field – Pamela Bathurst
And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them – Pamela Bathurst
And the angel said unto them – Pamela Bathurst
And suddenly there was with the angel – Pamela Bathurst
Glory to God in the highest
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion – Pamela Bathurst
Then shall the eyes of the blind – Nancy Grunewald (Thursday), Sheila Converse
He shall feed his flock – Nancy Grunewald/Mary Macey (Thursday), Sheila Converse/Pamela Bathurst
His yoke is easy, and his burthen is light
Thank you for joining us tonight!
Please turn off all cell phones, pagers & recording devices. Please refrain from using flash photography
during the show. Musical Alchemy is recording our performances.
Thursday & Saturday patrons:
Please help us reduce our printing costs by recycling your programs as you leave.
Handel’s “Messiah”
Passion: Rejection of the Messiah and defeat of the rebels
Behold the Lamb of God
He was despised and rejected of men – Cheryl Blackburn (Thursday), Sheila Converse
Surely, He hath borne our griefs
And with His stripes we are healed
All we like sheep have gone astray
All they that see him laugh him to scorn – Bray Wilkins
He trusted in God
Thy rebuke hath broken His heart – Bray Wilkins
Behold, and see if there be any sorrow – Bray Wilkins
He was cut off out of the land of the living – Bray Wilkins
But thou didst not leave his soul in hell – Pamela Bathurst
Lift up your heads, O ye gates
Unto which of the angels said he at any time – Bray Wilkins
Let all the angels of God worship Him
How beautiful are the feet – Jill Freuden (Thursday), Pamela Bathurst
He That dwelleth in heaven – Bray Wilkins
Thou shalt Break Them – Bray Wilkins
Hymn of thanks for vanquishing Death
I know that my Redeemer liveth – Pamela Bathurst
Since by man came death
Behold, I tell you a mystery – Chris Thompson
The trumpet shall sound – Chris Thompson
Then shall be brought to pass – Sheila Converse
O death, where is thy sting? – Sheila Converse & Bray Wilkins
But thanks be to God
If God be for us – Cheryl Blackburn (Thursday), Sheila Converse
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
Festival Orchestra
Violin I
Meredith Arksey, concertmistress
Jennifer Hammond
Brian Fazzari
Abbie Smith
Violin II
Rebecca Miller a
Gladys Patton
Kira Fazzari
Carol Reid
Angela Shauer a
Molly Banks
William Wharton a
Sheila Kilcoyne
a Principal
Dan Wiedeback a
Austin Becker
Tyler Chen a
Holly Blanchette
Ryan Hare
David Turnbull a
Dan Adamson
Quentin De Witt
Elena Panchenko
Pamela Bathurst is a lyric soprano who
has performed in a variety of venues. From singing
back-up for Barbara Cook, to musical theatre to opera,
Pamela has been an active performer throughout the
United States.
An A.G.M.A. and Equity member, Pamela attended
the University of Michigan for graduate work and
subsequently studied with Boris Goldovsky, Richard
Crittenden, Judith Raskin, Thomas Martin and Joan
Pamela has sung lead roles in more than 20 operas,
including: Olympia in Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Gretel
in Hansel and Gretel, Lucy in The Telephone and Little
Red in Little Red Riding Hood with the Cincinnati
Opera; Micaela and Frasquita in the Dayton Opera’s
Carmen; Sophie in the Liederkrantz Foundation’s
Werther (NYC); Norina in the Westside Opera’s Don
Pasquale (NYC); and Mabel in the Topeka Opera’s
Pirates of Penzance. She has also sung lead roles with
the Ann Arbor Comic Opera Guild, the Ann Arbor
Gilbert and Sullivan Society, the Ann Arbor Civic
Opera, Richmond Theatre Collection (NYC), and
North Country Productions (ME).
In concert, Pamela has soloed with orchestras
throughout the United States. Her repertoire includes
Bach’s Magnificat, Brahms’ Requiem, Handel’s Messiah,
Haydn’s Creation, Mahler’s Symphony No. 4, Vaughn
Williams’ Serenade to Music, and Vivaldi’s Gloria.
Pamela is presently Associate Professor of Voice at
the University of Idaho where she teaches studio voice,
Freshman Voice Studio, Vocal Pedagogy, and History
of Musical Theatre.
Sheila Kearney Converse,
a native of upstate New York, teaches Studio Voice,
Vocal Pedagogy and Women and Music. Before
joining the faculty at WSU, Ms. Converse taught
at the University of Idaho in Moscow Idaho and at
Centre College in Danville Kentucky.
She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from
Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York: a
Master of Arts in Music Therapy from New York
University, New York, NY; a Master of Music in
Vocal Performance from The University of Idaho,
Moscow, ID; and an Interdisciplinary Ph. D.
exploring gender issues in 20th Century music from
Washington State University. Her voice teachers have
included Evelyn Hertzmann, Giulio Gari, Marjorie
Lawrence, Elisabeth Parham, Leona Roberts and
Dorothy Barnes.
Among the roles Ms. Converse has sung are Carmen
in “Carmen”, Dorabella in “Cosi Fan Tutte”, Marthe in
“Faust”, the Mother in “Amahl and the Night Visitors”,
Hansel in “Hansel and Gretel”, Augusta in “The Ballad
of Baby Doe” and the Principessa in “Suor Angelica”.
She has appeared with the New Jersey Opera Young
Artist’s Quartet, The Long Beach Grand Opera, The
Opera of Central Kentucky, and Washington Opera
East. Additionally with organizations as diverse as
The Washington Idaho Symphony, The Arkansas
Symphony, The Lexington Philharmonic, she has sung
Handel’s “Messiah”, Verdi’s “Requiem”, Rossini’s “Petit
Messe Solenelle” and Mozart’s “Requiem”.
An active recitalist, her performances have included
faculty recitals at The University of Idaho and
Washington State University, a duet recital with
colleague Dr. Julie Wieck, a recital of music by women
and a lecture recital on the songs of Nadia Boulanger.
Sheila Converse is a member of The National
Association of Teachers of Singing and music director
of the United Church of Christ in Pullman, WA.
Bray Wilkins, a native of Hattiesburg,
Mississippi, received his B.A. in vocal performance
from the University of Idaho, where he is currently
pursuing a graduate degree. Wilkins returns for
his second residency with the Seattle Opera Young
Artists, after singing Lensky in Tatyana’s Letter:
Lyrical Scenes from Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin and
Lysander in Britten’s Midsummer Night’s Dream last
season. In June 2007, Wilkins made his debut with
Rochester, New York’s Mercury Opera Company as
Gaylord Ravenal in Showboat. Operatic roles include
Basilio in Mozart’s Nozze di Figaro, Rinuccio in
Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, Marco Palmieri in Sullivan’s
Gondoliers, and Frederic in Sullivan’s Pirates of
Penzance. His musical theater roles include Anthony
in Sweeney Todd and Sky Masterson in Guys and
Dolls. Wilkins, a three-time former Fellow at the
Music Academy of the West, was district winner of
the Washington, Idaho, and Montana Metropolitan
Opera National Council Auditions.
Chris Thompson, lyric baritone, earned
his D.M.A. in vocal performance from the University
of Kansas, his master of music from Loyola and his B.
Mus. from Kansas State. He has sung with San Diego
Opera, San Diego Comic Opera, Rimrock Opera,
Opera Idaho, Rogue Opera, The CoOPERAtive
Opera, Utah Festival Opera Company, New Orleans
Opera, British Youth Opera, University of Kansas
Opera, and Loyola Opera Theatre.
A strong advocate of new music, Chris has appeared
in several readings and world premières including
Guest from the Future with Nine Circles Chamber
Theatre at Lincoln Center, The Scrimshaw Violin at
An Appalachian Summer Festival, Box and Cox at
the University of Utah, and Hester Prynne at Death at
In concert, Chris has sung with the Westchester
Oratorio Society, Armor Artis, Canticum Novum,
The Louisiana Philharmonic, the Virgin Consort, St.
Jean’s Choral Society, Augustana Oratorio Society,
the Kansas City Youth Symphony, the Rogue Valley
Chorale, the University of Kansas Symphony and
Wind Ensemble, and the Fort Hays State University
Orchestra in works such as: B minor Mass (Bach),
Magnificat (Bach), St. John and St. Matthew Passions
(Bach), the Requiem masses of Brahms, Faure, and
Willan, Messiah and Judas Maccabeus (Handel), Te
Deum (Dvorak), Verspers (Monteverdi), Christmas
Oratorio (Saint-Saens), Hodie (Vaughan Williams),
African Portraits (Peterson), and Five Mystical Songs
(Vaughan Williams).
Chris is a founding member of the Quinn Arts
Players in which he has collaborated with actors and
musicians on original works by New York author
and poet Terry Quinn for the Nathaniel Hawthorne
bicentennial (2004) and premiered new music
projects based on poems from Mad for New Yorktown.
In addition, Chris made his Off-Broadway debut
as Daniel Keane in Fermat’s Last Tango (Original
Cast Recordings) and is a featured soloist on the
recently released CD of music by Joshua Rosenblum,
Impetuosities. (Albany Records)
Cheryl Blackburn, a native of the
Seattle area, has always considered singing to be
her favorite hobby. She has had the privilege of
traveling to Europe several times with various choirs,
performing in great concert halls and churches such
as the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Her love of
choral music grew significantly in college as she sang
with the Adelphian Concert Choir at the University
of Puget Sound, and her love of Baroque music
was cultivated while Cheryl performed with the
Seattle Chamber Singers under the baton of George
Shangrow. While singing with this group, Cheryl
estimates that she performed Handel’s Messiah in its
entirety nearly 30 times. After her move to Moscow,
Cheryl has enjoyed being a member of IWCC and
Chamber Choir, and is honored to have been chosen
to sing numerous solos within the group.
Jill Freuden, soprano, is the Chorale’s
Soprano Section Leader, Marketing Director, and
graphic designer and has sung with the Chorale 18
years. A graduate of the WSU School of Music, Jill
has performed as a recitalist and has appeared with the
Washington Idaho Symphony, Rendezvous Orchestra,
and Pullman Civic Theatre. She studies voice with
Chris Thompson. Jill makes her home in Pullman
where she manages the local McDonald’s and enjoys
her family and four very pampered cats.
Matt Kelly just recently moved to the
Palouse and is thoroughly enjoying his time here. A
graduate of Oakland University in Rochester, MI;
Matt has a degree in music and is loving singing with
the IWCC. For his “day” job, Matt works for the
Department of Residence Life at Washington State
University. He will also be enrolling in the Masters in
Higher Education program this winter at WSU. He
would like to give a shout-out to Karen Weathermon,
another IWCC member, who recruited him to this
phenomenal group. Enjoy the art and the music that is
Nancy Grunewald, mezzo soprano,
graduated from Washington State University in vocal
performance, and is an active recitalist. She has sung
with the IWCC since fall 2004, and has performed in
several solo capacities with the Chorale. This season,
she is very honored to sing of her Lord and Savior in
Handel’s great tribute to The Messiah.
Mary Macey, a member of the Concert
Chorale since 2002, is currently taking vocal
instruction from Dr. Chris Thompson at the
University of Idaho. She has performed in many
musical productions at Lewiston’s Civic Theatre and
played Mrs. MacAfee in Pullman Civic’s presentation
of Bye Bye Birdie. She currently teaches at Culdesac,
Idaho, where she runs an after-school drama program
and shares her enthusiasm for music with her
Michael Murphy, Artistic & Musical Director
is the Director
of Choral Activities and Assistant Professor of Music of
the Lionel Hampton School of Music at the University
of Idaho. There he conducts the Vandaleers, University
Chorus and teaches Advanced Conducting, Advanced
Choral Methods, and Studio Voice.
Dr. Murphy, a native of Wilmington, North Carolina,
received his Ph.D in Choral Conducting and Choral
Music Education from The Florida State University in
Tallahassee, Florida and Master and Bachelor degrees in
Choral Conducting and Choral Music Education from
East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina.
Dr. Murphy’s dissertation, Performance Practice of
Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Passio secundum Johannem”
– A Study of Twenty-Five Years of Recorded History as Influenced by the Historically Informed
Performance Movement was awarded a grant for dissertation research.
In 2007, Dr. Murphy made his international conducting debut in the People’s Republic of
China. He conducted choirs in concert venues such as the Forbidden City Concert Hall in
Beijing, China, the Yanshan University in Qinghuandao and Tianjin University in Tianjin.
The same year, he conducted The Florida State University Singers at the American Choral
Directors Association National Convention in Miami, Florida for the Exhibitors Concert.
Prior to his move to the University of Idaho, Professor Murphy taught all levels from
elementary to university students. His choirs consistently were recognized with distinction
earning all superior ratings at choral festivals. For eight years Dr. Murphy was fortunate to
serve as Conductor and Assistant Conductor of the Greenville Choral Society Community
Choruses. As a seasoned church musician he has led several congregations as Director of
Music. In 2001, Dr. Murphy was a recipient of the prestigious Calvin Institute of Christian
Worship grant made possible through the
generous support of the Lilly Endowment.
As an active member, Dr. Murphy has held
several leadership positions in the American
Choral Directors Association (ACDA) and
Attorney at Law
the Music Educators National Conference
(MENC). Dr. Murphy continues to serve as an
Moscow, Idaho 83843
active adjudicator and clinician for workshops,
Licensed in Washington and Idaho
festivals, honor choirs and clinics.
John h.
Chorale Member Profile
Melissa Smith (
Sop I and Chamber Choir) is in
her third year of singing with the Chorale. Graduate studies in
Biology brought Melissa to the Palouse, where she is doing PhD
research to develop protocols to screen the potential invasiveness
of horticultural imports. As part of her graduate work, Melissa
also is a teaching assistant for ecology and general biology
courses. Melissa’s interest in ecology stems from a study abroad
experience in Costa Rica while she was an undergraduate at
Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, a pivotal experience she
built upon with three years work with the National Park Service
in Glacier and Everglades National Parks. A native of Dallas,
Oregon, Melissa reports that she cannot recall a time when she
did not sing or play piano; she attended Willamette on a music
scholarship and sang in the university’s jazz and chamber choirs.
She continues her musical interests by studying voice with Chris
Thompson (one of this concert’s soloists), and she has also begun
playing guitar. The tight harmonies of jazz and madrigals are Melissa’s particular passion, along with
big spiritual pieces like those of Moses Hogan. A musical highlight was singing a Swahili piece for
Archbishop Desmond Tutu when he spoke at Willamette. Though graduate study and music fill most
of her schedule, Melissa is also a member of the Palouse Enological Society—and she is engaged to be
married to John Clark, a botanist currently working at Mary Selby botanical gardens in Florida.
Elena Panchenko, Accompanist
E lena Panchenko
is originally from Ukraine and studied at the Moscow
Conservatory where she earned her degree in piano performance,
music history and music theory. She served as the Musical
Director of the Penn State Opera for four years and performed
the debut of two new operas, including Mrs. Satan, an opera
about the life of the first woman presidential candidate, Victoria
Woodhall. Working extensively as an accompanist and church
musician, Elena has performed with groups as varied as a
children’s dance group to such well-known musicians as Francis
Orval and David Shifrin, clarinetist and Music Director of
Chamber Music at the Lincoln Center. In addition to Elena’s
duties with the chorale, she is also the Music Director at St.
James’ Episcopal Church in Pullman. Elena’s family includes her husband, Alex, WSU Math Professor
and former Ukrainian rock star (as is Elena); her son Ivan, a student at UW; and their dog, Tasha.
Chorale Donors
Sponsors, $1500 +
Decagon Devices, Inc.
Edmund O. &
Beatriz Schweitzer
David & Kathy Spencer
Angels, $1000 +
Benefactors, $500 +
Sung K. Ahn
& Miho Nam
Meredyth Goodwin
Helen Lombard
(Tupperware fundraiser)
Moscow High School
(in-kind donation)
Gordon & Dene Thomas
Patrons, $250 +
Walt & Eleanor Asbe
Franceen Hermanson
Keith & Mary Stormo
Steve & Ann Swannack
Friends, $100 +
Sandra Ristow
Ruth & Dean Vanderwall
Kathryn Anderson
Bill Voxman
Edward &
Rosemary & Barney
Margery Bennett
Cynthia & Howard Hosick
Charmaine Wellington
Laura Bracken & Edward Miller
Associates, $25 +
Shari Carter
Lois Blackburn
LTC Richard Domey &
Johna Boulafentis
Diane Gillespie
Tom & Liz Brandt
Keith & Elizabeth Brandon
Clive & Carol Gay
Gifts from the Heart, Catch Your Dream Travel
Mimi & Alex Dimitrovska
Karen Kelly
Heather Dixon
Lawrence & Jennifer
Sandy Field
Shaun & Jill Freuden
Heart of the Arts,
Jan & Jack Keller
1912 Building, Jenny
Jack Keller Combo
Sheneman & staff
(in-kind donation)
(in-kind donation)
Marvel & Howard Kimball
Jack & Karen Kelly
Monique Lillard
Holly McCollister
Mary Macey
Kirk & Laura McMichael
Sarah Marhevsky
Carmelita Nedrow
Kirk & Laura McMichael
Heather & Paul Nelson
Frances H. Norton
Gifts from the Heart by Karen K
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Jim Reece & Pat Hine
In Honor of David Spencer
Roger Spencer
Lacy Sutter
Lynn & Kay Youngblood
Janet Adams
Kathy Anderson
Susan Beamer
Hope Carpenter
Laurie Caraher
Shari Carter
Andrea Chavez
Jill Freuden
Meredyth Goodwin
Kara Johnson
Jana Joyce
Karen Kelly
Anna Larson
Monique Lillard
Helen Lombard
Lana Lynch
Heather Nelson
Ann Norton
Kari Olsen
Melissa Smith
Hannah Stiles
Lacy Sutter
Tybee Wall
Janice Willard
Cheryl Blackburn
Johna Boulafentis
Elizabeth Brandt
Judy Campbell
Jennifer Coleman
Marcia Cooke
Mimi Dimitrovska
Sandy Field
Nancy Grunewald
Judie Hanley
Tressa Hochstatter
Jan Keller
Ellen Kittell
Sarah Marhevsky
The Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale
Holly McCollister
Lindsay McIntosh
Laura McMichael
Miho Nam
Robin Ohlgren
Jan Patrick
Abby Patthoff
Cheryl Scott
Rosemary Streatfeild
Karen Weathermon
Charmaine Wellington
Carole Wells
Kevin Brackney
Tom Brandt
John Brewer
James Downes
Bill Dugger
Rick Grunewald
Chris McIntosh
Eric Nilsson
Bob Stone
Paul Adams
Allen Alstad
Walt Asbe
Doug Haines
Jack Keller
Jack Kelly
Matt Kelly
Kirk McMichael
Rich Miller
Gary Peterson
Jim Reece
David Spencer
Steve Swannack
Gordon Thomas
Leonard West
Lynn Youngblood
Cheryl Blackburn
Database Manager
& Alto Section Leader
Tom Brandt
Tenor Section Leader
Debbie Brudie
Co-House Manager
Heather Dixon
Dress Coordinator, Co-House
Jill Freuden
Soprano Section Leader &
Graphic Designer
Jan Keller
Receipts Treasurer
Box Office Manager
Mary Macey
Chorale Librarian
Sarah Marhevsky
Advertising Manager
Ann Norton
Chorale Librarian
David Spencer
Bass Section Leader
&Wreath Craftsman
Gordon Thomas
Chief Signboard Wrangler
Karen Weathermon
Press Releases & Notecards
Nominations Committee Chair
Signboard Artist
Kay Youngblood
Co-House Manager
Board of
Alice Barbut
Patron of the Arts, Moscow
Kevin Dow
Pastor, Spokane
Barbara Hayes
Patron of the Arts, Lewiston
Jack Kelly
Chorale President
Helen Lombard
Chorale Member-at-Large
Holly McCollister
Chorale Member-at-Large
Janice O’Toole
Chorale Vice-President
Jim Reece
Chorale Treasurer
Robert Staab
Patron of the Arts, Moscow
Chris Thompson
UI Faculty, Moscow
Charmaine Wellington
Chorale Secretary,
New Website & Online Tickets
Artistic &
Michael Murphy
Elena Panchenko
Sing with Us!
IWCC is an auditioned choir of community members
from the Palouse and surrounding communities.
We rehearse Monday nights at Moscow High School
from the end of August through the first week of May.
Auditions for the remainder of the 2009-10
season will be held in January 2010.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact:
Janice O’Toole,, 509.597.8917
Our Advertisers
Aitken, Schauble, Patrick, Neill, Ruff & Shirley
American West Bank
Artisans at the Dahmen Barn
At Home Designs
BookPeople of Moscow, Inc.
Clearwater Canyon
Coleman Oil/Chevron
Community Current
Cowgirl Chocolates
Creason, Moore & Dokken
Dissmore’s IGA
For Arts Sake
Gail Byers Real Estate
Helen Lombard, Tupperware
Hill’s Valley Floral
Hodgins Drug
Inland NW Broadcasting
Latah Realty
Living In The Garden
Main Street Books
Marketime Drug
McDonald’s of Pullman, Stadium Way
Meadowlark Melodies
Merry Cellars, Patrick Merry
& Kaylani Merrill
Moscow Food Coop
Musical Alchemy, Inc.,
Jeremy Krug
Neill’s Flowers & Gifts
New Garden Restaurant
John H. Norton,
Attorney at Law
One World Cafe
Pacific NW Kiwanis -Louise
Regelin, District Governor
Palouse View Dental Center
Jack R. Porter
Pullman Family Medicine
Pullman Home & Land,
Re/Max Home & Land
Riverport Brewery
Rose Creek Graphics
Sam Dial Jewelers
S&S Custom Cabinets, Inc.
St. Joseph Regional Medical Center
Sumptuous Soaps
Team Idaho Real Estate
Tokyo Seoul Sushi & Korean BBQ
Unitarian Universalist
Church of the Palouse
Ronald B. Webster
Wine Company of Moscow
Woodland Enterprises,
NW Showcase
We would like to thank the following for their
support, contributions, and assistance
Our Families
Our Season Ticket Holders
American West Bank, Uniontown
Doug & Marcia Baldwin
Caitlin & Dana Beesley
Debbie Brudie
John Byrne
Laurie Caraher
Churchyard Inn Bed & Breakfast,
Cheryl Waller
City of Colton
City of Uniontown
Sharon & Eugene Dixon
Albert & Ellen Eng
Shirley Engerbretson
First Presbyterian Church,
First United Methodist Church,
Gary Gimberling,
Lewiston High School
Carol & Chet Herbst
Jillathena Design
Jeanne Keatts
Kent & Terry Keller
Bob Leffingwell
Lewis Clark State College
Holly McCollister & Leo West
Axel & Nancy Mitthof
Moscow High School Band Dept.
Ann Norton
The Owl Southway Pharmacy
Julie Pomerenk
Pullman Presbyterian Church
Joy Pullmen
St. Boniface Church, Uniontown
Ed & Marylene Statham
Steve & Ann Swannack
Nancy Tribble
University of Idaho
Karen Weathermon
Carole Wells
Our Business Supporters
Creating memories
234 E Main Street, P.O. Box 218, Pullman, WA 99163
905 SE Main
Our Business Supporters
2009 Season n March 5 - June 28th
Thursday n Friday n Saturday n Sunday n 9:30 – 5:30
Scotty Thompson
Suzanne St. Pierre
and gifts
Fresh, fragrant, and always a Favorite
Lisa & David Lawrence
812 Main Street, Lewiston, Idaho 83501
Our Business Supporters
A Proud
Supporter of
Arts on the
Ronald B. WeBsteR
Attorney at Law
licensed in Washington and Idaho
Law Offices of Ronald B. Webster
105 W Island Street
Colfax, WA 99111
fax 509.397.3494
Creason, Moore &
Dokken, pplc
Committed to the delivery of quality legal
services throughout the region
1219 Idaho Street
P.O. Drawer 835
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
208.746.2231 fax
Theodore O. Creason
David E. Dokken
Chris J. Moore
Tod D. Geidl
Cynthia L. Mosher
Clearwater Canyon Cellars
Now featuring full
US Postal Services!
Lotto • ATM • Money Orders
Photo Finishing
Saturdays • 1-5 pm
Oct. ‘til Christmas
Tradition since 1937
1205 N Grand Avenue, Pullman
fax 509.334.7072 (map on website)
Sid’s in Store Pharmacy
Premium Local Wines
Port of Lewiston
1708 Sixth Ave. N. • Suite A
Our Business Supporters
"R$%& '$ S%""$R'
')* +&,)$-.,S)+/0'$/
1$/1*R' 1)$R,2*
2009-2010 S*,S$/
Our Business Supporters
Monday-Saturday 10-4:30
310 N Main Street
Moscow c Idaho
t our local & regional artists! c c 208.882.4767
Our Business Supporters
710 SE Bishop Blvd Pullman, WA
Amid the dramatic backdrop of the Palouse, local wineries are positioned in what is becoming
“one of the Northwest’s newest wine destinations”, as featured in Wine Press Northwest.
Enjoy Award Winning Wines
Perfect for the Holidays
Shipping to 21 States
Now offering custom wine labels
Regular tasting room hours: 1:00 - 8:00 pm · Thursday - Saturday
245 SE Paradise St. · Pullman · WA · 99163 ·
2009-2010 Season, Our 10th Anniversary!
A Chorus of Wine, Cheese & Song
Wine & Cheese Fundraiser
Saturday, April 10, 2010 a 7–9 pm
1912 Building a Moscow, ID
An American Journey
Friday, April 30, 2010 a 7:30 pm
Silverthorne Theatre, LCSC a Lewiston, ID
Sunday, May 2, 2010 a 6:00 pm
St. Boniface Catholic Church a Uniontown, WA
Louise Regelin
Pacific Northwest Kiwanis
District Governor, 2003-2004
Books, Reading
& Literacy
Moscow Kiwanis meets Thursdays at 6:45 am at University Inn/ Best Western
P. O. Box 9212
Moscow, Idaho 83843-1712
A complete, full scale jewelry
store locally owned and operated.
Featuring the most comprehensive
selection of engagement, wedding, and
anniversary rings. We do repairs,
custom made jewelry and appraisals.
Sam Dial, owner
255 E Main, Suite #101, Pullman
509.334.DIAL (3425)
Wine Company
of Moscow
The best selection of imported
wines & cheese on the Palouse!
Tuesday-Friday 12-8pm
Saturday 10-6pm
113 E Third, Moscow, Idaho 83843
Our Business Supporters
fine & folk art
to the public
Post Office Square
209 East Third
Moscow, Idaho
Open Monday – Friday 9am-6pm
Saturday 9am – 4pm
Uniontown WA
The Shop at the Barn
selling creations of more than 90 regional artisans
artisans at work in their studios
classes & workshops for all ages
music performances & dances
Thurs-Sun 10-6 509-229-3414
The Community Current
Newspaper serving the
families & business community
of St. John, Wash.
Since 1994
(509) 648-3264
Jack R. Porter
Attorney at Law
609 S. Washington, Suite 206
Moscow, Idaho 83843
(208) 882-6595
Our Business Supporters
Drug & Hearing
Something for everyone since 1890
307 South Main, Moscow, Idaho
Open Monday - Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-5, Sunday 12-5
We affirm the inherent dignity and worth
of every person.
Services on Sunday at 10:00am.
Everyone is welcome!
420 E. Second Street, Moscow ID 83843
sumptuous soaps
High quality handcrafted soaps, balms,
and cleaning supplies that are healthy and
pleasing to the senses.
Mild soothing soaps created with
vegetable oils and extra nutrients.
Find us at Lily Bee’s,
Moscow Food Co-op, & Dahmen Barn.
Kathleen Tetzlaff
980 SW Alcora Drive, Pullman
Good Luck Tonight,
from the crew & managers at the
Stadium Way McDonald’s
McDonald’s of Pullman
400 NE Stadium Way
The McDonald’s near Dissmore’s
Our Business Supporters
fine & folk art
to the public
Post Office Square
209 East Third
Moscow, Idaho
Open Monday – Friday 9am-6pm
Saturday 9am – 4pm
Uniontown WA
The Shop at the Barn
selling creations of more than 90 regional artisans
artisans at work in their studios
classes & workshops for all ages
music performances & dances
Thurs-Sun 10-6 509-229-3414
The Community Current
Newspaper serving the
families & business community
of St. John, Wash.
Since 1994
(509) 648-3264
Jack R. Porter
Attorney at Law
609 S. Washington, Suite 206
Moscow, Idaho 83843
(208) 882-6595
Our Business Supporters
Drug & Hearing
Something for everyone since 1890
307 South Main, Moscow, Idaho
Open Monday - Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-5, Sunday 12-5
We affirm the inherent dignity and worth
of every person.
Services on Sunday at 10:00am.
Everyone is welcome!
420 E. Second Street, Moscow ID 83843
sumptuous soaps
High quality handcrafted soaps, balms,
and cleaning supplies that are healthy and
pleasing to the senses.
Mild soothing soaps created with
vegetable oils and extra nutrients.
Find us at Lily Bee’s,
Moscow Food Co-op, & Dahmen Barn.
Kathleen Tetzlaff
980 SW Alcora Drive, Pullman
Good Luck Tonight,
from the crew & managers at the
Stadium Way McDonald’s
McDonald’s of Pullman
400 NE Stadium Way
The McDonald’s near Dissmore’s

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