Fruits Fruit = a mature ovarySometimes includes accessory parts Classifications of Basic Fruit Types (fruits may be) 1. 2. Simple Fruit = from 1 pistil of one flower, or Compound Fruit = from 2 or more pistils a. Aggregate Fruit = from several pistils of one flower, or b. Multiple Fruit = from several flowers also 1. 2. Dry, or Fleshy also 1. 2. Indehiscent, or Dehiscent Fruit types • Dry – Dehiscent – Indehiscent • Fleshy – Single-seeded – Many-seeded Pericarp = fruit wall – develops from mature ovary 3 layers of pericarp —described & used in fruit descriptions Exocarp – outermost layer Mesocarp – middle layer Endocarp – innermost layer Follicle Follicle = dry, dehiscent fruit derived from one carpel, opening along one side- usually has many seeds Asclepias milkweed follicles Columbine - follicles These follicles are in a cluster They are derived from separate carpels Capsule = dry dehiscent fruit that develops from more than one carpel Lily Capsules open in different manners—their descriptions as types reflect this also called a pyxis Pyxis – a circumscissle capsule Lid comes off & seeds dispersed Legume = dry dehiscent fruit derived from one carpel that opens along both sides, e.g., pea Legume Legume A peanut is not a nut! Silique – dry, dehiscent fruit with two valves that separate leaving placenta with a false partition (septum), e.g., mustards Silique Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s purse Money plant A silicle – shorter than a silique Nut = hard, dry, indehiscent fruit usu. with a single seed Achene = simple, dry, one-seeded, indehiscent fruit; seed attached to ovary wall at a single point, e.g., sunflower seeds SCHIZOCARP = indehiscent fruit that separates or splits into two or more one-seeded fruits e.g., maple samara (winged) Each mericarp is like an achene Caryopsis = dry, indehiscent, one-seeded fruit with seed coat fused to pericarp, e.g., grains, corn Drupe = simple fleshy fruit usu. derived from one carpel and usually one-seeded, center of fruit is a “stone” = endocarp e.g., cherry peach, apricot, plum, olive apricot peach Tomato - berry Berry – fleshy fruit with one or more carpels & several to many seeds, texture homogenous e.g., tomato, pepper, kiwi, grape Berries Berry A leathery skinned berry with many seeds each surrounded by a juicy, fleshy aril. Pepo e.g., cucumber, pumpkin, squash, etc. Pome • Fleshy, indehiscent fruit with the outer portion derived from flora parts that surround the ovary and expand with the growing fruit, cartilaginous carpels • E.g., apple, pear • These are derived from inferior ovaries & fleshy hypanthium • Look for the sepals at the top Hesperidium Fleshy fruit, from single pistil, indehiscent, with heterogeneous texture, and a firm, hard, or leathery rind, w/ several – many septa Hesperidium Red, fleshy seed integument Magnolia Raspberry Aggregate fruit = fruit developing from separate pistils in a single flower Aggregate fruit Strawberry achenes Accessory fruit -- contains extra parts other than pericarp alone, e.g., here a gynoecium with many free simple carpels, ea. an achene the receptacle enlarges-receptacle not part of gynoecium Multiple fruit • Fruit formed from several separate flowers, e.g., from the inflorescence, the combined gynoecia of many flowers • E.g., pineapple, noni, fig • Fig – specialized fruit called a syconium= individual achenes are borne on the inside of a hollowed-out receptacle or peduncle Fig Jackfruit Multiple fruits Pineapple Multiple fruit Noni Multiple fruits Multiple fruit Ginger Fruit Key Fruits simple, the product of a single pistil Fleshy and usually indehiscent Texture homogeneous, fleshy throughout………………………….…………………………………….……..…Berry Texture heterogeneous Fruit exterior a firm, hard, or leathery rind Septa present, several to many…………………………………….…………………………………………….Hesperidium Septa absent…………………………………………………………………………………………………….……Pepo Fruit exterior soft Center of fruit with a single stone which contains the seed…………………………………………………Drupe Center of fruit with papery or cartilaginous carpels………………………………………………………..…Pome Dry fruits Fruit indehiscent, usually one- to two-seeded Winged…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Samara Wingless Pericarp thin Pericarp adnate to the seed………………………………………….…………………………………………..Achene Pericarp loose and free from seed………………………………………………………………………………Nut Fruit usually dehiscent, one- to many-seeded Product of a unicarpellate ovary Dehiscing by ventral suture only…………………………………….……………………………………………Follicle Dehiscing by two longitudinal or transverse sutures Sutures longitudinal………………………………………………………………………………………………..Legume Sutures transverse…………………………………………………………………………………………….……Loment Product of a bi- or multicarpellate ovary Fruit splitting into one-seeded halves…………………………………………………………………………….Schizocarp Fruit splitting and releasing seeds Dehiscence circumscissle………………………………………………………………….………………….….Pyxis Dehiscence longitudinal…………………………………………………………………………………………..Capsule (Note: silicles & siliques are specialized types of capsules characteristic of Brassicaceae) Fruits compound, the product of two or more pistils Product of several pistils of a single gynoecium connate or coherent, usually fleshy………………………...Aggregate fruit Product of several gynoecia aggregated in one mass………..………………………..…………………………….Multiple fruit