Lecture Capture - Instructional Technology Services


Lecture Capture - Instructional Technology Services
What We Do
Lecture Capture
Lecture Capture
Lecture capture is technology that allows instructors to record what happens in
their classrooms and make it available digitally. The term is used to describe
a wide array of software, system capabilities, and hardware options. ITS uses
Camtasia Relay and Mediasite software and hardware based systems that are
linked to Blackboard.
To learn more
Features for instructors include:
Other Information about
Camtasia Relay
Kao Saechao
Camtasia Relay publishes the
finished recordings to external
systems that are only linked to
Blackboard, eliminating the need to
worry about file size when recording.
Other Information about Mediasite
Rich Bakken
Mediasite is currently available in
AH 2108, SHW 012 and GMCS 333.
This service records both audio and
video of the room as well as shown
content on the Smart classroom
computer systems. Mediasite
merges these feeds together into
one simultaneous file that can be
referenced at a later time through
Blackboard. This service is currently
available by request and must be
scheduled in the space. Contact
ITS at the numbers listed
for more information.
w Software that can be installed on
any computer
w Capture of activity on the computer
screen as well as the presenter’s audio
w Wireless audio recording
w Instructor controlled recording on
the computer
w Camtasia Relay publishes to many
locations including Blackboard and
iTunes U
w Publishes in multiple formats such
as .mp3, .mp4, Flash and Quicktime
Digital Media
Systems Specialist
Media Production
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Blackboard : Online learning management system
Blackboard is an easy-to-use online learning and course management
system. Using Blackboard’s simple interface, instructors can create
opportunities for greater interaction among students, course content, and
themselves, extending the learning environment beyond the classroom.
Login at http://blackboard.sdsu.edu
Help Desk
Features for instructors include:
What if I need help?
w Send announcements and email
Instructional Technology Services
supports Blackboard with a variety
of hands-on workshops, one-on-one
training sessions, a phone and email
Help Desk, and an extensive online
help site.
The Blackboard Users
Group (BUG) provides
opportunities for instructors to informally share
ideas and techniques,
learn new skills, and
network with their peers.
w Share files and links
w Hold threaded discussions, create
blogs wikis and journals
w Administer online quizzes,
surveys, assignments, and
course gradebooks
w Provide multimedia resources
… And so much more.
Who uses Blackboard?
Hundreds of SDSU faculty use
Blackboard to enhance classroom
instruction, and increasingly, as a
primary learning environment for
hybrid and distance education
courses. Nearly every SDSU student
uses Blackboard each semester and
the response has been overwhelmingly
positive. Many faculty say that they
are using Blackboard specifically at
the request of their students.
Contact the Help Desk by email at
bbhelp@sdsu.edu or by phone at
The Help site has technical and
pedagogical tips, tutorials and stepby-step guides, and a schedule of
upcoming workshops and user group
meetings. Click on the “Help” icon
from within Blackboard or go to
How do I get started?
Complete information on how to begin
using Blackboard can be found at
It is recommended that faculty
new to Blackboard view our online
Blackboard Basics Tutorial:
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Collaborate within Blackboard
Collaborate is a web conferencing
system that offers the ability to hold
synchronous (live/real time) virtual class
sessions, group meetings, office hours,
or guest presentations online with audio,
video, text, images, and multimedia
materials. Participant interaction occurs
through text chat, audio discussion,
and polls including yes/no, and multiple
choice. Live sessions and pre-recorded
lectures can be archived for on-demand
playback by students, thus freeing class
time for other types of interaction.
What support is available for
Collaborate at SDSU?
The ITS Instructor Help site at:
html provides links with instructions and
tutorials for using Collaborate.
Also see: http://www.blackboard.com
click ‘Collaborate’
Collaborate has 24/7 personal
technical support available
for all users, including faculty,
staff, and students at
or call toll-free, 877.382.2293.
ITS regularly conducts training
sessions on the use of Collaborate.
See: http://its.sdsu.edu/events
for a schedule and registration.
Faculty may also contact the ITS
Blackboard Help Desk to schedule
a consultation with one of our
specialists. Both options include
training materials and a safe
“sandbox” environment to explore
the Collaborate technologies.
To learn more contact:
Blackboard Help Desk
Jon Rizzo
619. 594.4867
Linda Woods
Students can participate in a
Collaborate session for mobile
iOS devices. Support for Android
devices is coming soon.
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Respondus® (test creation/editing)
Respondus is a Windows-based application that allows you to import exam, quiz and
survey items created in Microsoft Word into Blackboard without having to copy and paste
individual lines of text. The application runs on your local computer rather than online
in Blackboard so that you can work offline until you’re ready to publish the items to
Blackboard. It supports up to 15 question types, allows you to embed graphics, audio
and video, and allows you to insert mathematical and scientific symbols.
Why use Respondus?
This application will save you a
tremendous amount of time creating
tests, quizzes and/or surveys for
Blackboard. With some simple formatting
in Word, you can easily create test items,
import them to Respondus, preview
them, and publish them as pools of
questions or ready to go tests.
Can I use Respondus if I have a Mac?
Yes, Respondus will run on newer Mac
computers that can also run a Windows
operating system (check with your
computer support person if you’re
unsure about this capability).
How do I get Respondus?
ITS contributes to a CSU Consortium
License for Respondus. Faculty and staff
at SDSU may install Respondus and use
the campus-wide license to activate
the product. Contact the Blackboard
Instructor Help Desk at 619.594.3485
or email bbhelp@sdsu.edu. You will be
Help Desk
sent instructions on how to download
and install Respondus from the CSU
Consortium web site. The campus-wide
license does not apply to trial versions–
install the application according to the
CSU directions.
What support is available for
The Respondus website, http://www.
shtml, includes a quickstart guide,
demo movies, webinars, and access
to thousands of publisher test banks
of preformatted test items. Email
the Blackboard Help Desk at bbhelp
@sdsu.edu to request installation
instructions and a step-by-step guide
to getting started with Respondus.
Exam formatted in Microsoft Word
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Respondus LDB
Respondus® LockDown Browser
The LockDown Browser is a specialized web browser that works with the
Blackboard test tool to help prevent online test-takers from accessing applications
and websites on their computers as well as printing and copying the test while
the test is running. To view a demonstration video on how it works, go to
and click on “Using with Blackboard Learn.”
Why require the LockDown Browser?
In addition to the benefits described above,
the LockDown Browser has proven to be
an excellent way to mitigate Blackboard
test crashes. When using the LockDown
Browser, students no longer have access
to normal browser features which can
potentially crash a test (e.g. resizing a
window, refreshing the page, switching
to another application). Students are
locked in to the test until they submit it
for grading.
Faculty members requiring assistance
with Respondus LockDown Browser may
contact the Blackboard Help Desk at
bbhelp@sdsu.edu or 619.594.3485.
How do you and students use it?
To implement the browser for a particular
test, go to the Control Panel in Blackboard,
select Course Tools, and then Respondus
LockDown Browser. From there, you’ll see
a list of tests you’ve already created. Click
the Settings button to set up a particular
test to require the LockDown Browser.
Help Desk
Students may take a test requiring the
LockDown Browser on computers at
the Student Computing Center on the
second floor of the Love Library. Students
experiencing issues with this program
on their own computer may be referred
to the Student Computing Center (SCC)
or they may call the SCC Help Desk at
Students will have to download and
install the SDSU-specific version of the
LockDown Browser and install it on
their personal computer. To download
the browser, have students go to:
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
UDL: Universal Design and Accessibility
ITS can help you create or convert and share course materials online in
accessible formats for students with disabilities, and help you teach more
effectively using Universal Design for Learning principles.
What is Universal Design for Learning?
"Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a
research-based framework for designing
curricula—that is, educational goals,
methods, materials, and assessments—
that enable all individuals to gain
knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm
for learning. This is accomplished by
simultaneously providing rich supports
for learning and reducing barriers to
the curriculum, while maintaining high
achievement standards for all students."
(source: CAST.org).
Thus, UDL is not about altering
standards, but rather providing multiple
paths by which learners may acquire
and demonstrate mastery of learning
Jon Rizzo
What is Accessibility?
Federal law and CSU policy provides that
no qualified individual with a disability
be denied access to or participation in
services, programs, and activities at
San Diego State University. Instructional
materials that are not accessible can
actually impede student learning.
Instructional materials in electronic form
such as Microsoft Office documents,
PDF documents, videos, online tutorials,
and podcasts can be made accessible to
students with disabilities. For example,
a deaf student would need written
transcripts of recorded lecture (audio)
Instructional Materials
Design Specialist
outcomes. For example, a student for
whom English is a second language
would benefit from the ability to both
hear and read lecture content through
podcasts with transcripts, and from
the option of presenting projects orally
or in written form.
Details about accessibility
requirements and UDL at SDSU can be
seen at: http://access.sdsu.edu
What assistance does ITS provide?
w Evaluation of course materials
and media
w Training on creation of accessible
w Assistance finding accessible media
w Recommendations for infusing UDL
principles in your course
w Assistance working with video
and audio materials that need
transcripts or captioning
w Techniques for working with diverse
learners and diverse learning styles
How do I get started?
Contact Jon Rizzo, Instructional
Materials Design Specialist, to learn
about upcoming accessibility and
UDL events sponsored by ITS or for
a personal consultation.
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Clickers: Classroom Response Systems
What are “clickers?”
Why use response systems?
“Clickers” (aka classroom response
systems) enable more interaction between
students and
faculty in
situations. In
Spring 2011,
after much
research and
a selection
process that
included input
from faculty and
students, SDSU
standardized on
the “i>clicker”
product line
offered by
MacMillan New
Ventures. There
are currently
two solutions
in use at SDSU:
traditional hand-held remotes which
transmit student responses to an RF
receiver and i>clickerGO which
allows students to respond using their
mobile phone, tablet, or laptop via a
web connection.
Asking questions and involving students
in actively processing information
presents logistical challenges in large
lecture halls. Even in smaller classes,
students are often reluctant to ask
questions or participate in discussions,
making it difficult for instructors to know
what students are thinking. Classroom
response systems are a technology
designed to help instructors overcome
these challenges and engage students
in more effective learning.
Faculty can use the system to present
questions at any time during an
instructional session. The responses from
students provide immediate assessment of
the students’ understanding and mastery
of the subject matter. Other uses include
taking attendance, monitoring participation,
facilitating group activities, and more.
What support is available for
i>clicker response systems at SDSU?
Students may purchase discounted
hand-held clickers in the SDSU
bookstore and use them in any class
where required by faculty. Providing
the faculty member has agreed to allow
i>clickerGO usage in the classroom,
discounted i>clickerGO activation codes
can also be purchased at the Bookstore.
The necessary software and a receiver
with a USB connection are free to any
interested faculty member.
To learn more
Faculty Instructional
Technology Consultant
Linda Woods
ITS Faculty-In-Residence
Dr. Mark Laumakis
Faculty Support
Phil Denman
ITS and Aztec Shops host luncheons
each semester to foster collaboration
among faculty who use the i>clicker
solutions. Faculty share tips, problems,
ideas, and build a community of users
to establish “best practices”.
ITS consultants are available to
provide assistance to faculty using
the i>clicker system. The Student
Computing Center assists students.
Please email the Blackboard HelpDesk at
bbhelp@sdsu.edu for more information.
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Help prevent plagiarism by using Turnitin through Blackboard.
What Turnitin can do
How comparisons work
wWith Originality Check, faculty
w Faculty creates a Turnitin assignment
and students submit papers to be
compared against information on
the Internet and within Turnitin’s
database to determine if the paper
improperly duplicates information
already contained in another author’s
w Help students to have their papers
checked to see if they are properly
citing their sources.
w Provide links to Internet sources of
matching text, allowing an opportunity
to discuss the credibility of Internet
sources that have been included in a
w Build up an institutional and
worldwide database to provide
assurance to students that others
cannot misuse their intellectual
w With GradeMark, a faculty can edit
and grade student papers online by
adding comments (including voice
and text), pointing out grammar
and punctuation errors, evaluating
the paper against quantitative and
qualitative rubrics, and entering a
grade that is automatically saved into
Blackboard’s GradeCenter.
wWith PeerMark, a faculty can create
within his/her Blackboard course.
w Faculty or students submit papers
FIT Center Coordinator
SDSU Turnitin
Carol Tohsaku
through Blackboard.
w Turnitin compares the paper with
information on the Internet and/or
in the Turnitin database, resulting in
an originality report for each paper.
w Faculty can allow each student to
view his/her own report displaying
matching text as an aid during the
student revision process.
w Faculty may use comparisons
in providing feedback or having
discussions with students during
the writing process.
w Faculty may use comparisons as a
final check when assigning grades
to papers.
Find out more
To organize a custom workshop for your
department, or for more information,
contact Carol Tohsaku at ctohsaku@
mail.sdsu.edu or call 619.594.2203.
ITS offers just-in-time Turnitin
coaching in the FIT (Faculty
Instructional Technology) Center,
AH 1109.
and manage PeerMark assignments
that allow students to read, review
and evaluate papers submitted by
their classmates.
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
FIT Center
FIT: Faculty Instructional Technology Center
Faculty have a campus destination when seeking a comfortable place
FIT Center
to work alone or in collaboration with others—the Faculty Instructional
AH 1109
Technology (FIT) Center in AH-1109.
The FIT Center supports faculty looking
for technology resources and assistance
while creating materials for instructional
use, professional presentations, and nonfunded research and publication. The FIT
Center also serves as a hub for faculty
to meet individually or in small groups
with each other, ITS staff, librarians, and
representatives of the Center for Teaching
and Learning.
Designed for Collaboration
Comfortable furniture grouped around
small tables, booths, and lounge chairs
provide several reconfigurable seating and
meeting options to choose from. Feel free
to bring coffee and a snack when you use
the FIT Center!
In addition to the ITS staff who are always
available to assist FIT Center users, a daily
rotation of expert consultants from ITS and
elsewhere (including fellow instructors) will
facilitate hands-on informal workgroups on
a variety of technologies and techniques
directly related to teaching and learning.
include Microsoft Office software, web
browsers, and other software designed
to enhance faculty productivity. With
ParSCORE and scanning, faculty can
grade students’ tests and print a variety
of reports. ParSCORE grades can be
easily uploaded into the Blackboard
Grade Center. PC laptops are also
available for checkout and use in the FIT
Center. The FIT Center includes a full
Smart Classroom podium and projection
screen to provide both a practice/
training opportunity and a venue for
faculty development demonstrations
and presentations.
Need Assistance?
An instructional technology consultant
is available at the new FIT (Faculty
Instructional Technology) Center in
AH-1109 from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm
(Monday through Thursday) and
from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (Friday) for
instructional design and technology
FIT Center
Carol Tohsaku
Fall and
Spring Term
8:00 AM–5:30 PM
8:00 AM– 4:30 PM
Summer Term
and Semester
Break Hours:
8:00 AM– 4:30 PM
What’s Available?
The FIT Center includes large-monitor
computers that can run as Windows
or Mac, and are connected to printers
and the SDSU network. The computers
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Course Redesign for Hybrid/Online Courses
Online learning activities can be either synchronous (live/real-time) or asynchronous
(not real time). Synchronous activities can include live online sessions in the Wimba
Classroom (located within Blackboard), which permits the use of audio, text chat,
PowerPoint presentations, web site sharing, and desktop application sharing between
the instructor and the students. Typical asynchronous activities include pre-recorded
lectures delivered via Camtasia Relay, online readings, discussion board activities
in Blackboard, quizzes, and assignments. Emergent web 2.0 technologies, such as
wikis and blogs, provide further options for online learning.
To learn more about
course redesign
for hybrid/online
courses, schedule
a consultation, or
request additional
information, please
What is a hybrid course?
ITS Faculty in Residence
A hybrid course employs blended
learning strategies combining in-person
and online activities. Hybrid/blended
courses combine the benefits of face-toface interaction and the power of online
learning activities in the context of the
same course. SDSU Senate Policy defines
courses as hybrid in which 20-50% of
in-person meetings are replaced with
online activity, and requires that they
are so designated in the official course
What is an online course?
A fully online course has no in-person
meetings. Online courses have become
increasingly popular with students,
as these courses offer flexibility and
convenience in the form of “learning on
demand.” SDSU Senate Policy defines
courses as distance education in
which over 50% of in-person meetings
are replaced with online activity, and
requires that they are so designated in
the official course schedule.
What services does ITS offer to assist
in course redesign for hybrid/online
ITS provides one-to-one, small group,
and departmental assistance in the
development of engaging, highly
interactive courses, whether those
courses are offered in a hybrid/
blended format or fully online. ITS
professionals often start by helping
faculty redesign their syllabi, focusing
on student learning outcomes that can
be achieved successfully in an online
learning environment. This pedagogical
focus provides a context for hands-on
technical training. Additionally, ITS is
an important contributor to the SDSU
Course Design Institute (CDI) along with
the Center for Teaching and Learning;
People, Information, and Communication
Technologies; Library and Information
Access; and the Department of
Educational Technology.
Mark A. Laumakis
Faculty Support
Phil Denman
What evaluation tools are available for
assessing the effectiveness of hybrid/
online courses?
ITS encourages a spirit of inquiry in
faculty who develop hybrid/online
courses, seeking to measure and share
the impact of course redesign efforts
on student learning. ITS employs a
Faculty in Residence, a psychology
instructor who has pioneered hybrid/
online teaching techniques, particularly
in large-enrollment courses.
ITS has also developed an Evaluation
Toolkit to help faculty assess various
elements important to the success
of hybrid/online courses
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
ITS offers faculty and staff the ability to digitize audio and videos through the
FIT center. Faculty may have media digitized only when titles are unavailable
FIT Center
AH 1109
through the SDSU Library or Media Center, or if specifically older types of media
(i.e. VHS, 16mm, etc) are only available for use.
Faculty may visit the FIT Center at any
time to drop off their media and fill out the
digitizing request form. At this time, the
request form is only available in-person
in the FIT Center. Faculty should expect a
7–10 business day turnaround for media
to be digitized. This time frame may be
longer in some cases due to scheduling
and staff availability.
In order to facilitate a successful
teaching/learning experience with
this unique mode of instructional
support, ITS provides an orientation to the digitizing process, overview of copyright requirements,
and instructional and technical
support for integrating digitized
media into Blackboard.
For more information
ITS currently provides this service free of
charge. ITS will not be held liable for any
loss or damage to the materials submitted,
even through negligence or other fault of
our department or staff.
How do I request media digitizing
from ITS?
Media Production
and Special Events
All applicable checkout terms with
SDSU Library Services still apply in each
circumstance. Contact the SDSU Library
and Media Center for specific questions
concerning media checkout.
Digitizing request forms are available directly from the ITS FIT Center. More information on digitizing
can be found on the ITS website:
please contact:
Digital Media
Systems Specialist
Kao Saechao
Rich Bakken
What do I need to know about digitizing
and copyright?
Anyone requesting media to be digitized
must acknowledge that all materials
being presented to ITS for digitizing are
not, to his/her knowledge, protected by
copyrights owned by another person. If
the materials are protected, the person
making the digitizing request must have
obtained the permission of the copyright
owner to make copies of said materials
prior to digitizing by ITS.
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Video Production
The video production area of ITS is dedicated to producing quality
products for faculty and staff, whether in the studio or on location.
Cost recovery fees will vary depending on the production.
Services include:
Location Services
w Video to support instruction
w Video for internet streaming
Our location services are available in
the most common video formats
w Research documentation
w Interiors or exteriors, on-campus
w Lecture series/guest speakers
Video Producer:
Polly Card
or off-campus
w Professional lighting and sound
Media Production
w Graphic Animation
Rich Bakken
w Educational videos/series for
We edit the video you shoot or the
video we shoot for you
w Panel discussions
broadcast or public dissemination
w Promotional videos for colleges,
departments and funded entities
Studio Services
The studio can be set up for
one, two or three cameras
w Our three-camera studio offers a
dedicated space for almost any
production, whether it’s one lecturer,
a panel discussion or an audience/
class taping.
w The studio offers a “green screen”
for placing a speaker in almost any
w Each studio camera is equipped with
a TelePrompter to help create a more
professional on-camera presentation.
w Post-production is via our broadcast
quality, non-linear, computer editing
systems (Final Cut Pro)
w Output can be to DVCam, Mini-DV,
SVHS, VHS, HDV, HDTV or down
converted to 4x3 format
w Export to motion files and image
sequences in various aspect ratios
for web, podcasts and more
w Graphics and animation for titles,
credits and demonstrations
w Author DVDs
w Audio recording*
w Wireless microphones are available
to allow on-camera presenters
the freedom to move around,
unencumbered by audio cables.
w Professional lighting grid with
dimmers and state-of-the-art sound
boards help you look and sound
your best.
*Not all audio formats available.
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Graphics Services
ITS Graphics Services provides technical expertise and creative skill to support
faculty and staff with the development of materials for instruction, research
AH 1128
and publication.
Graphic design services
available to faculty and staff:
Graphic Designers
w Computer graphics and
Melodie Tune
w Brochures, catalogs,
manuals and newsletters
w Graphs, charts, maps,
diagrams, schematics and
technical drawings
w Logos, symbols and
Monika Lemp
identity marks
w Announcements, invitations,
banners, posters and flyers
w Web site interface design
and graphics
w Displays and exhibits
w Large format printing
w Poster session
w PowerPoint presentations
w Graphics for printed and
online teaching materials
w Traditional media
illustrations (pen and ink,
colored pencil, etc.)
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
CODEC: Teaching with Video Conferencing
ITS maintains classrooms and a seminar room for transmission of live two-way
interactive video and audio. Faculty may teach students at SDSU and at one or
more remote sites (IVC, other CSU campuses, and elsewhere) simultaneously
from one of these rooms. Videoconferencing also provides opportunities for
Coordinator of
Learning Spaces
Rudy Arias
participation in seminars, meetings and discussions with professional colleagues
at IVC and other CSU campuses or at state, national and international sites.
ITS Facilities and Equipment
SDSU’s videoconferencing facilities not
only provide for transmission of video
and audio of the instructor and his/her
audiovisual materials, but also contain
specialized cameras and microphones
to allow students at SDSU to be easily
seen and heard by participants on the
“far side” of the videoconference.
Students use “push-to-talk”
microphones which also cue the
videoconferencing operator or automated
video cameras to zoom in on the student
who is speaking, so that their image may
be transmitted along with their voice to
the distant participants.
What if I need help?
ITS provides an operator for all videoconferencing events and classes to
ensure that the experience is smooth.
How does teaching via videoconference
differ from regular instruction?
Teaching via videoconference requires
additional consideration of several
pedagogical and technical factors.
Designing activities to incorporate distant
participants, designing PowerPoint
and other visual materials to transmit
successfully, and even the instructors’
choice of clothing all have an impact
on the success of videoconferenced
classes and events. In order to facilitate
a successful teaching/learning
experience with this unique mode of
instruction, ITS provides an orientation
to the facility and equipment, guidelines
for success, and instructional and
technical support for those using it.
Classroom Capacity
AH-2108............ 150
SSW-2667........... 40
SSW-2649........... 20
AH1113F.............. 10
How do I request access to
videoconferencing facilities?
Request forms are available for both
instructional and non-instructional
requested video conferences—these
are available on the ITS web site at:
When requesting a videoconference
with a new site, ITS needs at least a
week’s advance notice in order to set
up a test connection prior to the event
to ensure the interoperability of the
equipment and networks at both ends.
Charges may apply for video
conferences that are non-instructionally
related. For more information please
contact Rich Bakken at rbakken@mail.
sdsu.edu or 594-2047.
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Learning Spaces
Technology-Enhanced Learning Spaces
ITS designs, installs, and maintains instructional technologies in fullyequipped Smart Classrooms as well as traditional classrooms with audio
visual systems. ITS also provides training and support for faculty and other
support staff to ensure that the technological capabilities are fully utilized
for enhanced teaching and learning.
A Smart Classroom is equipped with:
Smart Classrooms @ SDSU
w An instructor podium with a Mac and/
The evolution of Smart Classrooms
began in the large lecture halls of SDSU
in 1995. As faculty became aware of
the potential for Smart Classrooms to
enhance teaching and learning, they
began to request conversion of smaller
rooms to Smart Classrooms. Podiums
were redesigned to accommodate
smaller rooms and ADA standards.
Technology changes over time have
also resulted in new generations of
Smart Classroom systems. As of fall
2012, SDSU has more than 172 Smart
Classrooms, approximately 95% of
centrally-scheduled learning spaces
on campus.
or PC computer and display
Multi-media projector for large screen
Selected rooms equipped with DVD/
Blu-ray player
Visual presenter (document camera)
for transparency, slide, print, and 3-D
object projection
Electrical, network, and presentation
system connections for laptop/tablet
Phone and lighting controls within
arm’s reach of podium whenever
Visual (quick start) guides for using
system components
Selected rooms are equipped with
a public address system with
wireless microphone
Selected rooms are equipped
with closed captioning
Traditional classrooms include:
w VHS/DVD player
w Television with closed-circuit,
cable TV connection
w Overhead projector
Learning Spaces
Coordinator of
Learning Spaces
Rudy Arias
Smart Classroom
User Support and Training
ITS Checkout Counter
ITS supports classroom technologies
and their users in several ways:
w Documentation available in each
room and online
w Training sessions held each
semester and on demand
w Technical support with a response
time not exceeding 15 minutes
w Continual maintenance and upgrades
A current list of Smart Classroom
training workshops is available
at http://its.sdsu.edu/spaces/
A current list of SDSU’s Smart
Classrooms is available at
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
Checkout Policies
w 7 to 10 business days
w Specialty equipment (laptops, projectors) is 7 business days
w Auxiliary equipment (cables, screens, microphone stands, etc)
is 10 business days
w Renewal policy:
Maximum of two consecutive renewals before gear must be returned
w All approved requests for long term checkout are for a maximum of one
semester (plus a winter/summer if approved) and require department
chair approval
w Deadline for winter or spring return is two weeks prior to start of new term
w Repeat requests will be considered two weeks into the following semester
Faculty are encouraged to request equipment from their department or build
equipment costs into grant-funded projects if equipment is needed on a
continual basis or longer than a semester
If equipment is late, users are notified using a 3-tiered system:
w 1st late notice via phone or email after one week
w 2nd late notice via phone or email after an additional week, along with
notification to the user’s department chair
w 3rd late notice – written late notice sent to user, also sent to Director of
ITS and department chair, notifying of suspension of checkout privileges
Checkout Counter
The ITS Checkout
Counter is here to
help with temporary
and limited equipment
needs (e.g. teaching
in a space that is
non-smart, faculty/
staff meetings, etc)
supporting statefunded instruction
and research.
Our resources are
limited and not
intended to provide
for ongoing needs in
lieu of department or
college equipment
and support.
Our demand is
increasing and we
must be in a position
to serve as many
faculty as possible.
Checkout Counter
AH 1129
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Checkout Counter
Checkout Counter
At the ITS Checkout Counter, you can reserve and checkout audio/visual
Checkout Counter
equipment for campus use in support of the instructional program.
AH 1129
7:30 AM–4:00 PM
Video/Television equipment
Video cassette recorders and players
DVD players and VHS players
VHS camcorders
Digital still camera
Digital video camcorders
Flip cameras
Projection equipment
Video/data projectors
16mm motion picture projectors
35mm slide projectors
Overhead projectors
Portable screens
Video/data document projectors
Sound equipment
CD/cassette players
Cassette tape recorders
Record players
Public address systems
Computer presentation equipment
Mac laptops
Windows laptops
Video/data projectors
(for PC or Mac computers)
Document projectors
Loan information
Standard loan time is as follows
(subject to availability):
Computers: 7-working days
Video/data projectors: 7-working days
Digital cameras/camcorders:
7- working days
Other equipment: 10-working days
Reservations for equipment can be made
either by phone or in person during operating
hours or by email (checkout@mail.sdsu.edu).
Extended loans are only available on a
special pre-approval basis. An Extended
Loan Form may be found on the ITS
web site at http://its.sdsu.edu/checkout
Fee schedule
To determine charges for equipment
rental and services, go to the Fee Schedule
at http://its.sdsu.edu/checkout
To learn more about fee status, please call
619.594.5691. Rates are subject to change
without notice.
For more information
To learn more, please contact the
Checkout Counter at 619.594.5691
or email us at checkout@mail.sdsu.edu
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Fee Schedule: Checkout Counter
Fee Schedule
Adams Humanities, Rm 1129
ITS resources are primarily for support of state-funded instruction and research.
Fees may apply when equipment is checked out for other purposes.
Camcorder (VHS)
16mm Film Projector 50.00
Digital Video Camcorder
35mm Slide Projector 50.00
Digital Still Camera
35mm Slide to Video Converter 75.00
VCR or DVD Player
Audio Cassette Recorder/Player
Video Data Projector
Document Camera
CD/Audio Cassette Recorder/Player 35.00
Laptop Computer
Portable Public Address System Tablet Computer
Overhead Projector 35.00
Distribution AMP
Accessories (Screens, Portable Stands, 25.00
PowerPoint Clickers
Speakers, Tripods, etc.) Cassette/CD/AM-FM Radio Boombox
Analog/Digital Video Converter
Smart Classroom Equipment
225.00/per day
Includes video data projection system with Internet ready
Mac and/or PC computer, document camera, DVD/VHS
player, and capability to connect external laptop or audio
device. Includes public address system and assistive
listening device in large lecture halls.
For reservations call 619.594.5691
Prices vary
Call for quote
Video Conference Systems
Includes two-way interactive video and audio
communication with Mac and/or PC computer,
document camera, and VHS/DVD player.
Room capacities:
• AH 2108 seats 150;
• SSW2649 seats 22;
• SSW2667 seats 40;
• AH1113 seats 10.
*Fees waived for events that support an active SDSU course.
(two hour minimum)
134.00/per hour
(equipment only)
Staff labor varies
For reservations call 619.594.2358
FA 2014
What We Do
CDI: Course Design Institute
The Course Design Institute (CDI) provides opportunities for faculty to
meet with peers from different disciplines to work on the development of
hybrid and online courses. In working with colleagues outside their usual
circles, faculty members focus less on content development, placing greater
emphasis on pedagogy.
SDSU received a large grant from Qualcomm in 2004 that was used for six
years to incentivize summer institute participation and broader dissemination
of outcomes for faculty looking to use technology to enhance instruction.
Over those years, the People, Information & Communication Technologies
(pICT) program developed a significant cohort of faculty who have become
online education “champions” on campus.
CDI Contact:
ITS Faculty in Residence
Mark A. Laumakis
Faculty Support
Phil Denman
Many of these faculty have gone on to develop fully online courses with
support from the provost’s office (course release time) – specifically aimed
at boosting summer options for students to enroll in high-demand courses.
Curriculum reform and improving w
Increase access to courses
Serve a generation brought up
on the Internet
Address space constraints
Investigate adaptive technologies
learning outcomes
Approach/design rationale:
Faculty engaging with other
faculty during the design and
evaluation process
Faculty need lots of examples
Faculty need to know WIFM –
What’s in it for me?
SDSU is an early tester, but late
adopter of emerging technology
(slow is pro)
SDSU is taking a strategic approach toward online education by focusing on courses with biggest impact and potential to inform timeto-degree, graduation rates, etc.
The annual CDI provides a
replicable process that will
allow us to sustain momentum
Leverage technology to increase student learning outcomes
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
TOP: The Teaching Online Primer
This newly developed online guide is a self-paced approach for instructors preparing
to develop and teach a hybrid or fully online course at SDSU. TOP leverages online
learning best practices that are grounded in research on teaching and learning. In
this on-demand, Blackboard-based experience, participants take part in an SDSU
Professional Learning Community made up of ITS faculty fellows with extensive online
teaching experience, as well as strategic stakeholders from the Center for Teaching
& Learning, the Department of Educational Technology, Library & Information Access,
and Student Disability Services.
Faculty members gain skills and accelerate their professional growth by interacting
with other faculty with more expertise in teaching online. TOP focuses on the fewest,
most widely accessible (ITS-supported) tools and resources. TOP also provides the
architecture for peer-to-peer support and collaboration whereby faculty participants
can give and receive help (e.g., via live chat, discussion board, ad hoc meetings, etc.)
ITS plays a pivotal role by aggregating and curating online teaching effectiveness
resources that are shared freely and accessible independent of time or location.
ITS also sponsors, hosts, or facilitates access to open educational resources for
faculty developing online and hybrid courses.
TOP Contact:
ITS Faculty Director
of Online Education
Dr. Robert Hoffman
Faculty Support
Phil Denman
Approach/design strategies:
Where is the “person?” Becoming a “real” person is an important element of TOP
because it’s important for students to get a sense of the instructor’s personality
and expectations in an online course
Faculty will consider how students “hear the voice” and “see the face” of the online instructor
Community building strategies e.g.,
– Student video assignment (ask students to introduce themselves and to include a word-cloud or quote that focuses on a personal aspect)
– Blogs as place for collecting student work
– Wikis as proxy for in-class presentations
– Journal as place for student reflection
– Asynchronous class lounge where students can help one another before
elevating questions to the instructor
Formative and summative assessment and measurement of teaching effectiveness
to inform iterative, continuous improvement efforts
Faculty recognition programs and active scholarship of teaching and learning
Examples/links: TOP is currently available for access upon request via Blackboard
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Blackboard Mobile Learn
Blackboard Mobile Learn
Blackboard Mobile Learn brings two-way teaching and learning to mobile devices
and gives access to course information. Designed specifically for the iOS ®,
Android ™ and BlackBerry ®, mobile platforms, students can check grades
and assignments, view documents, create discussion and blog posts, and much
more. Instructors can post announcements, upload content to courses,
and comment on Discussions, Blogs, Journals.
Blackboard Mobile Learn Features:
See https://www.blackboard.com/
Features.aspx for more about features.
1. Visit the app store and search
for Blackboard Mobile Learn
Blackboard Mobile has been running
as a pilot at SDSU since Spring
2012. In that time, over 18,000
unique users, many of them on iOS
devices, have taken advantage of
Blackboard Mobile’s features.
For more
or training,
please contact:
Mobile Learn
Help Desk
bbhelp@sdsu edu
Students, educators, and staff
can download the app through
the App Store and Google Play or
by scanning the codes below:
2. Download and install the app
3. Search for your school “CSU San Diego”
4. Login using your regular Blackboard username
and password
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Instructional Technologies and Resources
ITS consultants offer year-round training to SDSU faculty on instructional technologies and strategies. Training can
be delivered in hands-on workshops, one-on-one consultations, or web conferencing. Browse offerings and register
for workshops at http://its.sdsu.edu/events or contact us at the FIT Center 619.594.6348.
Instructional Technologies
Instructional Resources
The Blackboard learning management system helps faculty
manage and deliver content as well as maintain student
grades. Blackboard’s tools enable collaborative work among
and between you and your students. We offer training in
Blackboard basics and advanced features such as Discussion
Board, Blogs, Wikis, Rubrics, Assessment and Mobile Access.
Course Design Institute
ITS works closely with the SDSU Course Design Institute
to prepare faculty for teaching online or hybrid courses.
ITS professionals assist in defining learning outcomes,
creating syllabi, and structuring content for online delivery.
i>clicker is an audience response system that helps
increase student engagement, encourage participation
and attendance, and administer assessments.
Lecture Capture
Camtasia Relay software allows instructors to capture the
activity on a computer screen with audio narration and
publish it as digital video in Blackboard or the web. You can
record a live lecture, or create simple e-learning modules.
Respondus and Respondus Lock Down Browser
Respondus software moves tests, surveys, and pools in and
out of Blackboard. Create or edit tests with MS Word and
then upload to Blackboard with Respondus. Respondus Lock
Down Browser provides a stable test environment in which
students are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or
access other applications, reducing the number of test-reset
requests from students who claim their test crashed or froze.
TurnItIn (TII)
TurnItIn is a plagiarism prevention tool for comparing student’s
written work to a huge database of documents. TII is
embedded into Blackboard; creating, accessing, and grading
papers is as easy as a regular Blackboard assignment. TII
includes an easy method for peer review and rubric integration.
Web Conferencing
Web conferencing offers the ability to hold and archive class
sessions, group meetings, office hours, or guest presentations
online with audio, video, text, images, and multimedia.
Interact with your students via text chat, audio discussion,
shared whiteboard, application sharing, and polls.
Faculty Instructional Technology (FIT) Center
Whether working alone or with others, the FIT Center
supports faculty use of Windows or Mac computers,
software, printers, scanners, ParSCORE, and more. An
instructional consultant is always available to assist.
Contact us at 619.594.6348.
Media Production Services
ITS Graphics Services provides technical expertise
and creative skill to support faculty and staff with the
development of materials for instruction, research and
The video production area of ITS is dedicated to producing
quality products for faculty and staff, whether in the studio
or on location.
Universal Design and Accessibility (UDL)
ITS can help you create or convert course materials into
accessible formats and help you teach more effectively
using Universal Design principles. Federal law and CSU
policy require making materials available to all students
regardless of disability.
ITS Workshop Schedule and Registration
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
ITS Learning Stories YouTube Channel
ITS Learning Stories is a collection of short online videos about pedagogical
innovations and effective practices for teaching, both online and face-to-face.
SDSU faculty in a variety of departments demonstrate teaching and learning
strategies they’ve invented or adapted and find particularly helpful for promoting
student learning. Where instructional technologies are involved, they point
to appropriate how-to resources. Check out ITS Learning Stories at
https://www.youtube.com/user/SDSUITS including:
Social Media in the Classroom
Amy Schmitz Weiss shares strategies for using Twitter,
Facebook, and Storify in your class activities to maximize
participation and engagement.
YouTube Contact:
ITS Faculty Director
of Online Education
Dr. Robert Hoffman
Faculty Support
Phil Denman
Turnitin for teaching writing
SDSU Rhetoric & Writing Studies instructor Katie Hughes tells
how she uses Turnitin for providing quality feedback to help
students write better papers.
Drawing on and annotating your slides in Collaborate
SDSU Engineering instructor Ken Arnold demonstrates a digital
writing and drawing pad to clarify points in both his on line and
face-to-face classes.
Managing email in large enrollment classes
Exercise and Nutrition instructor Kelly Lane and graduate
assistant Lorraine Daly demonstrate strategies for handling
email in classes with hundreds of students.
Engaging presentations
In this extended example, Psychology professor Mark Laumakis
demonstrates a dozen simple techniques for engaging students
in online presentations.
Online courses: What they look like
SDSU faculty in a variety of fields show-and-tell about
their online courses – what worked and what didn’t!
We’re ready to help.
FA 2014
What We Do
Learning Research Studios
Learning Research Studios (LRS)
ITS promotes active, collaborative, student-centered teaching activities with two LRS learning
spaces that offer flexible classroom design and leading-edge technologies. With these
innovations as context, faculty can reinvigorate their pedagogy to develop courses that
best support student learning outcomes.
The design of the Learning Research Studios emphasizes team-based learning and collaboration,
adaptable to small group work as well as larger class activities, with moveable and
re-configurable tables and chairs. The current spaces serve small classes (up to 45 students).
Teaching in the LRS brings with it the opportunity for scholarship that explores the relationship
of teaching and learning in these innovative spaces to the enhancement of student success.
To this end, faculty who teach in the LRS are encouraged to ask their students to participate
in a post-occupancy survey, as well as to complete a survey themselves. Research and
publishing opportunities are associated with these activities as well.
For more information,
presentation or
training, please
Dr. James P. Frazee
Technology Features:
Two internal computers (Mac /PC)
HD displays for collaborative environment
DVD/Blu-Ray media player and connectivity for external devices (tablet, laptop, MP3 player, etc.)
Wireless keyboard/mouse
AV control system via a wall-mounted
touch panel or iPad app
Large interactive, touch-sensitive display (Smartboard)
Ceiling-mounted document camera
Matrix switching with wireless display of audio
and/or video from single user to any or all room display screens/speakers
RF-enabled ‘medallion’ for automated
instructor room-movement video tracking
Projector and screen
SDSU lecture-capture system
Internal computer & laptop connections
for each student work station
LRS spaces are mobile-friendly; one of
the two spaces offers the use of 40 iPads
with the ability to wirelessly stream audio/
video to any one or all of the five HD
displays positioned around the room. The
other LRS space includes five built-in
computers and large HD displays to
promote collaboration and sharing of
information. The stations also contain
multiple charger and electrical outlets.
In addition, the rooms include traditional
and ultra lightweight movable dry-erase
boards that are small enough to use in
collaborative clusters for brainstorming.
We’re ready to help.
SP 2015/Feb2