Spring/Summer 2016 Newsletter


Spring/Summer 2016 Newsletter
Issue 12 | Spring 2016
New Video: UI Health Patients Andy &Wayne Bohlmann
In March, IMD Guest
home, her kidney condiHouse started production required her to be
tion of a new video,
on dialysis.
which tells the story of
Andy and Wayne began
guests Andrea (Andy)
doing in-home dialysis,
and Wayne Bohlmann.
which was an improveThe Bohlmanns were
ment over going to a ditransplant patients from
alysis center. But to get
University of Illinois
their lives back, Andy
Hospital and Health Scineeded a transplant.
ences System (UI Health)
They were pleased to
who stayed at the Guest
learn that Wayne could
House during January
be a donor because
of 2016. They are retired
Wayne and Andy Bohlmann enjoying an adventure.
transplants from live
teachers who live in Wisconsin. Energetic and adventurous, travel has always
donors have a higher degree of success and because
been an important part of their lives.
they would not need to go on a kidney waiting list.
However, transplant centers in Milwaukee told them the
Unfortunately, Andy contracted a rare autoimmune
procedure would be too risky.
disease in which antibodies attacked her kidneys. Her
They looked for other options in the Midwest that
symptoms appeared while she and Wayne were on
would be willing to perform the procedure. They chose
vacation in Central America. At first, the couple sought
UI Health because the hospital was able to complete
treatment in Nicaragua. When Andrea did not feel betsurgery sooner than other options, and because IMD
ter, they realized she needed a higher level of care than
Guest House was available to them. Had the Guest
they could receive locally.
House not existed, they would have been forced to wait
They went to Puerto Rico, where she was hospitalized
longer for a different transplant center.
immediately. After nine days in the hospital there, she
As you will see from the upcoming video, the transplant at
was healthy enough to travel home to the Milwaukee
UI Health was a success and Andy is thriving. She and
area via air ambulance. She spent an additional 18
Wayne are getting back to the retirement and travel that
days in the hospital, then some time in a clinic before
they want. You’ll receive an e-mail link to the new video
she could return home. Even though she was finally
shortly, so be on the lookout! •
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
IMD Guest House Expands to Serve Veterans
Seeking a Road Home
Architectural rendering of dedicated Day Room for Road Home IOP participants staying at IMD Guest House.
At the start of 2016, IMD Guest House expanded capacity to extend service to a new
guest population: military veterans and their
families. The Guest House opened 10 new
units to host veterans receiving treatment
through the Road Home Program at the
Rush Center for Veterans and Their Families.
Rush Road Home treats veterans with PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and /or Military Sexual Trauma
(MST). Rush University Medical Center was selected by
Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) as one of four worldrenowned academic medical centers to take part in the
Warrior Care Network (WCN). The other centers are at
Emory / Atlanta, Mass General / Boston, and UCLA.
IMD Guest House hosts participants in the Rush Road
Home Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). The IOP
provides treatment six days per week, for three weeks,
to cohorts of 10 veterans. Veterans are permitted to
bring a caregiver who also participates in
treatment, which includes individual therapy,
group therapy, physical fitness, nutrition,
mindfulness, group outings and more.
To help reinforce the sense of teamwork
within each cohort, the Guest House Veterans rooms are located together on the 4th
floor of our facility. In addition to opening
the 10 new units for Rush Road Home, IMD
Guest House is also opening a Day Room, dedicated
for the use of program participants and caregivers.
The Day Room will be furnished courtesy of a generous
grant from the Rush Woman’s Board, is designed
to host group meetings, other programming and
unstructured activity.
IMD Guest House is running a fundraising campaign
to support its service to veterans. Please click here
if you would like to donate. •
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
Volunteer Vince Shavers’ Ongoing Journey
It is amazing how a surprise reunion and an impromptu
luncheon can change your life.
Some people would say Vince Shavers has had great
luck in his life – friends who care, and a chance encounter which has allowed him to bring much comfort
to many people. Others
would say that needing a
kidney transplant is not
great luck. Vince would
say he is a very lucky
person and ready to help
others who see a difficult
journey ahead of them.
Vince learned that the supportive, safe and affordable environment that his Angel Crew provided to him
is exactly what IMD Guest House provides to people
needing to travel to Chicago for transplants, cancer
treatment, or treatment of another serious medical condition. He determined that just as his Angel Crew had
given so much to him,
he would give back
the same generosity
and support by volunteering at IMD Guest
Vince has become
a “Super Volunteer”
Prior to receiving his
at the Guest House.
transplant, Vince acTwice a week he brings
cepted an invitation for
his effervescent style
dinner with a childhood
of support to the
friend. Knowing that
guests. While helping
Vince was about to go
with many of the daily
through a kidney transtasks, he is always
plant, his friend turned
ready to give words
the dinner into a reunion
of encouragement to
with many childhood
guests as they begin
friends. These friends
their own journey. He
Volunteers Vince Shavers and Allie Vernasco enjoying the IMD Guest
would become Vince’s
makes sure they know
House Holiday Dinner
Angel Crew providing the
he is okay and they
support he has needed and a safe affordable place
will be too. He is giving back while still continuing
to go through the journey of a kidney transplant.
on his journey.
One afternoon, a member of Vince’s Angel Crew
Volunteering at IMD Guest House can mean cooking
invited him to a Rotary Club Luncheon. It was an ima dinner or helping with tasks. It can also be part of a
promptu invitation, and the luncheon speaker just hapjourney. It’s the type of journey that brings hope and
pened to be our own Michael Mayse, Executive Direcsupport to our guests, and brings Vince a sense of
tor of IMD Guest House. It was there that Vince learned
giving back to society in the most important way —
about the Guest House for the first time. Though Vince
helping others in a time of great crisis.
would not become a guest, he was about to go through
a kidney transplant at the University of Illinois Hospital
If you are interested in more information about
and Health Sciences System, right next door to the
volunteering, please contact Jan Kroeschell at
Guest House.
jank@imdguesthouse.org •
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
— 4—
Events and
Volunteer Honor Roll:
November 2015 - April 2016
ACO Commercial
Albums of Hope
Friday 4/22
Sponsor: Rush Road
Home volunteers
Wednesday 4/27
Grab ‘n Go Breakfast
Volunteers needed,
orange juice & fruit
Thursday 4/28
Sponsor: Appirio
Tuesday 5/3
Cookie Baker
Wednesday 5/4
Sponsor needed
Saturday 5/6
Mini Manicures
Sponsor: Simply From
The Heart volunteers
All Saints Greek Orthodox
Church of Joliet
Rush Hospital – Patient
Special Services
Rush University
– Health
Bakers: Carolyn,
David, June,
Linda, Margaret,
Nicole, and the
Coustan, Portnoy
and theVecchione
Scafuri Bakery
The Great
American Bagel
UIC Association
Volunteers from Target with guest Hannan providing a
of Pre-Medical
Volunteers: Amira,
Arti, Biancha,
Connie, Gunja, Hannah &
UIC Delta Epsilon Mu – Psi
Friends, Jeannine, Leslie and
UIC Gold Humanism Honor
Bubba Gump Shrimpossibles
City Church of ChicagoSelfless Saturday volunteers
UIC Muslim Student
Clearbrook CHOICE
CPS - Shoop Academy
Volunteers form Girl Scout
Troop 40650 making snacks
Future Iota Leaders
Girl Scout Troop #40650
Grab ‘n Go Breakfast
Volunteers needed,
yogurt & fruit
Guest Greeters: Vince
Shavers and Mary Fox
Sponsor: Road Home
Rush Hospital – Bone
Marrow Transplant staff
Greek Orthodox
Church ofChicago
Tuesday 5/10
Wednesday 5/11
Knitting Volunteers: Kathy
Simmons, Rachel Krause and
Tiffany Kim
IMDGH Junior Board
ISMIE Mutual
Insurance Company
Sat. 5/14
Josephinum Academy
Cookie Bakers
Volunteers needed
Junior League of Chicago –
ACE members
Meal Maker Volunteers:
Adam, Alyssa, Ardie, Beth,
Colleen, Gail, Jade, Jane,
Joanie, John, Mike, Rachel,
Ted, and Tiffany
UIC Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy
UIC Pre-Pharmacy Club
UIC Society of Future
UIC Student Nurses
New Hope Academy
UIC Dept. of International
Services - Trade Winds
New Life Church – New
Unite For Cancer
Project: Vision
Resurrection University
Nursing Alumni
Upshot Marketing
Walter Payton High School –
Best Buddies
Wells Fargo
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
Board News
IMD Guest House is
proud to welcome two
new Board Members:
Jane Reich, who helped found
IMD Guest House in 1999, is back
for her second stint on the Board.
Jane works at the Rush University
Cancer Center as a Financial Project
Coordinator, where she is a tireless
advocate for IMD Guest House. She
is a fixture at the Golf Outing and
Wine Tasting events, and a regular
volunteer in the Community Room.
In fact, she is the first recipient and
namesake of the annual Jane Reich
Volunteer Award, which recognizes
outstanding volunteer service to
IMD Guest House by an individual.
Jane has generously agreed to
serve on the Development and Wine
Tasting Committees.
Gene Yau came to IMD Guest
House through the Social Enterprise Initiative at the Booth School
of Business at University of Chicago. A 2006 Booth graduate, Gene
is a health care vanguard offering
16+ years’ life science expertise in
strategy, business development,
corporate venture capital, commercialization, transaction execution,
and corporate advisory. Gene is an
Associate Director, Corporate Development at Astellas Pharma, and
his unique mix of academics across
science (MS, Northwestern and BS,
University of Illinois at ChampaignUrbana) and business (MBA), make
him a great asset to the Board.
Gene has generously agreed to
serve on the Development and
Golf Committees.
on new committee
Jarold Anderson assumes
chairmanship of the Operations
Committee. Jerry is a long-running
Board member, who brings a
wealth of leadership experience in
the non-profit world, having served
as CEO of Gift of Life Organ Transplant Center. He’s also a member of
the Wine Committee.
Joel Karman joins the Executive
Committee, after three years of
chairing the Golf Outing Committee, and leading that event to successive record years. The Associate Hospital Director, University of
Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences
System, Joel represents UI Health
on the IMD Guest House Board
and is an energetic supporter of the
Guest House.
Welcome to new
Booth Board Fellows:
IMD Guest House is grateful
to have the assistance of two
Board Fellows from the Social
Enterprise Initiative at the Booth
School of Business at the University of Chicago.
Meng-Yang Chen is completing
his MBA while work full-time as a
Senior Systems Engineer / Renal
Home Therapies at Baxter
International Inc.
Anny Chou is completing her
MBA while working full-time as a
Senior Associate at Koya Leadership Partners, the executive search
firm that focuses exclusively on
the nonprofit sector.
Thank you and a
fond goodbye to
Board members
who are rolling off:
Jonathan Frydman
Jake Garfinkel
Avi Lev
Jr. Board News
Congratulations to our
2016 Jr. Board Officers:
David Cades - President
Laura Elkayam - Vice President
Robert Giachetti - Secretary
Thank you to our first class of
officers for their service!
If you are interested in more
information about the Jr. Board,
please reach out to Robin Chan
at robinc@imdguesthouse.org •
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
Around the House
2015 Final Results –
IMD Guest House Helped More
People Than Ever Before:
nights of service
up 33% compared
to 2014
of guests received
financial assistance
from Comfort Fund
occupancy up 6%
from previous year
average nightly
Q1 Results – The Guest House is onpace for another record-setting year
• 2654 nights of service
• 241 families served
New Staff Promotions
Congratulations to Robin Chan for her promotion to
Director of Operations. Robin joined the Guest House
staff in 2011 while she
was still a student at
University of Illinois
Chicago. She became
a fulltime employee in
2012. In her five years
at IMD Guest House,
Robin has served as
Development Assistant,
Guest Relations Manager
and House Manager.
Congratulations to
Chiquita Edwards on her promotion to House
Coordinator. Chiquita started at the Guest House in
2013 while studying at
the University of Illinois
at Chicago. She became
a fulltime employee in
2014 and has been a
key player in allowing
the Guest House to
expand it service hours
and providing customer
service to our families.
Congratulations, Chiquita!
• Average stay: 10.83 nights
• Median visit: 3.00 nights
• $31.21: average nightly subsidy
With Sympathy
Our deepest condolences
to the families of the following individuals that
recently passed away:
son of Linda Burns
Manuel Rivera
Guadalupe Gomez
Andrew Sommer
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
Rush Housestaff Ball Moves to
Chicago Athletic Association Hotel
The Rush Housestaff revelling at the 2015 event
On May 7th, the Rush University Medical Center Housestaff will hold their annual party at the Chicago Athletic
Association Hotel. Attendees will enjoy an open bar,
hors d’ouvres, raffle and more in this landmark location.
Proceeds will benefit the IMD Guest House service to
the Rush Road Home program. Thanks to Alex Behar,
this year’s Rush Committee lead, for all of his help.
Jr. Board Selects
Bucktown 5K for
Social Fundraising
After a successful social fundraising event
focused on the Bucktown 5K in 2015, the Jr.
Board is going back to Bucktown again this year.
Each runner will get complimentary running gear
with the IMD Guest House logo and a customized fundraising website. The Jr. Board hopes
to raise $5,000, and to increase the number of
runners at this year’s event.
Jr. Board runners at the 2015 Bucktown 5K (left to right): Robin Chan
(staff), Joanie Vernasco, Kyle Garner, Joel Karman (Board), Robert
Giachetti, David Cades, Mimi Clarke.
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Celebrates
Generous Donations of Time
On April 14, IMD Guest House held our
first off-site Volunteer Appreciation Dinner,
at Mars Gallery, on Fulton Market Street.
Approximately 50 volunteers attended
and enjoyed a delicious dinner donated
by Olive Garden and Scafuri Bakery. We
were thrilled to have our founder and
tireless volunteer herself, present the first
Jane Reich Volunteer Award to deserving
recipient, Margaret Ervin. A consistent
and dedicated volunteer, Margaret has
been with us for over two years and helps
out with our twice monthly Grab ‘n Go
Breakfasts. Margaret originally came to
us through a volunteer opportunity with
her church, Notre Dame de Chicago
Parish, located in the neighborhood.
Margaret took the initiative to contact
local businesses and has since created
a wonderful partnership with Scafuri
Bakery on Taylor Street. Margaret takes
several buses to pick up donated pastries
and bring them to our early morning
breakfasts. She is warm and friendly to
our guests, kindly offering to make them
a cup of coffee and fill a Goody Bag with
treats for their day at the hospital. In
addition, ACO Commercial was recognized
as Corporate Volunteer Group of the Year
and UIC Phi Delta Chi pharmacy fraternity
received the Service Volunteer Group of
the Year Award.
Special thanks to Barbara Gazdik at Mars
Gallery; Keith Brennan, General Manager
at Hawkeye’s Bar & Grill; Brent Mulvey,
Restaurant Manager at Olive Garden in
Avondale; and Potbelly’s on Taylor St.
Special thanks also to staff members
Robin Chan, Jan Kroeschell, and Chrissey
Celebrating the Jane Reich Volunteer Award, Left to Right: Jane Reich
(Board), Jan Kroeschell (Staff) and award-winner Margaret Ervin
Victoria Ramos, prelate for the
UIC Phi Delta Chi pharmacy
fraternity, with the Service
Volunteer Group Award
Teresa Rodriguez (left) and Linda Hattar
of ACO Commercial, with the Corporate
Volunteer Award – not pictured: George
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
VIP Event Commemorates
IMD Guest House’s 10th Anniversary
On February 24, IMD Guest House held a special
VIP Open House to celebrate 10 years of serving
families. The Guest House welcomed leaders from
hospital partners, current and past board members,
major donors, members of the community that serves
veterans, and elected officials, including Cook County
Board President Toni Preckwinkle. Attendees enjoyed
appetizers, soft drinks and wine, a tour of the Guest
Left to Right: Robin Chan (staff), Doll Smith and Krystal Walker
Left to Right: Susan Teggatz, Joel Karman (Board) and
Khari Reed
House and the 10th Anniversary video, featuring the
story of the first guests ever to stay at IMD Guest
House: the Cleanthous Family.
Special thanks to Board members who helped organize
the event, Paola Cieslak, Joel Karman and Lisa Saul.
Also, a special thanks to UIC Campus Housing for
making the facility look its best.
Michael Mayse (staff) and Hon. Toni Preckwinkle
Left to Right: Rachel Krause, Janet Helman, and
Jan Kroeschell (staff)
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
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Get Ready
for Golf
Preparation has started for the IMD
Guest House 2016 Golf Outing. We’ll
be back at Cog Hill on August 4th and
will have 144 golfers participate in the
scramble, with a shotgun start at noon.
Medex is returning as Title and Cart
Sponsor again this year, and we will
see a combination of new and returning sponsors and players.
The 2016 Golf Outing Committee,
co-chaired by Matt Manning and Mary
Sabatino, aims to repeat or exceed last
year’s record-setting proceeds. Thanks
to all the Committee members: David
Cades, Rafal Dobek, Adam Helman
(staff), Scott LaCrosse, Mike Mayse
(staff), Lai Shaan Smith (staff), Paul
Smith, Tony Spangenberg, and Gene
Yau. Please click here to visit the Golf
Outing website.
Committee Co-Chairs Matt Manning and Mary Sabatino show their
form driving at last year’s Golf Outing.
Medex foursome at the 2015 outing
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org
— 11 —
Red and White Moves to a New Location
and a New Night
The 2016 wine tasting, Red and White on Wednesday Night, will take place on October 26th. After three
great years at Carnivale, the event is moving to Galleria
Marchetti at 825 West Erie. The move will allow more
people to attend and an opportunity to increase funds
raised. We are pleased to welcome back Committee
Co-Chairs Guck Gavzer, Sarah Grady, and Jodi Portnoy
for another year. We are also grateful to the other Committee members: Jerry Anderson, Paola Cieslak, Adam
Helman (staff), Mike Mayse (staff), Jessica Morris, Jane
Reich, Stephen Ross, Lai Shaan Smith (staff), Prashant
Srivastava, Gail Straus and Joanie Vernasco.
We’re excited about Galleria Marchetti
Support IMD Guest
House with a donation
to the Comfort Fund
The Comfort Fund provides financial assistance to guests and
ensures that nobody is turned away for financial reasons.
1933 W. Polk Street, SSR #214, Chicago, IL 60612 | 312-996-1167 | www.imdguesthouse.org