October 2006 - Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association
October 2006 - Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association
Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 1 of 12 Next GRRWNA Meeting Tuesday October 17th - 7:00 p.m. Guest Speakers Dr. Jesus Chavez, Round Rock ISD Superintendent Raymond Hartfield, president, RRISD Board of Trustees Fall elections are on Tuesday, November 7th. The most important issue for us in this election is the school bond issue. Dr. Chavez and Raymond Hartfield will be here to discuss the bond issue and answer any questions you might have. Grace Lutheran Church, Corner of Round Rock West and Bluff Drive This will be our last meeting until January, 2007. Please make every effort to attend! This is YOUR neighborhood. Head Lines: Do you have a Computer? Next Meeting … 1 Do you receive e-mails from the GRRWNA? Front Yard Fridays … 2 No? - Would You Like To? Neighborhood Markers … 4 Neighborhood Food Drive … 7 Hi-way 620 Turnaround … 5 New Farmer’s Market … 5 Open House for County Road & Parks Bond Election … 6 Blue Santa … 6 A great FREE way to learn the most up-to-date news possible about our neighborhood is to register with us. All names and e-mail addresses are for Association use ONLY. Your privacy will be protected. Register online at www.GRRWNA.org Or send in the form on the back of this newsletter got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 2 of 12 Contents Letter from President 3 Assoc. Board Members 2 GRRWN Assoc. News 4-5 Neighborhood News 5 Round Rock News CONTRIBUTIONS page 6-7 Thanks to our Sponsors 7-11 Registration form & New Member Policy 12 Contributions are VERY important to our association. Without them, we cannot fund association activities like our July 4th parade and National Night Out. We would not able to keep the neighborhood informed through flyers, newsletters and our website. It costs us $450 to print each newsletter and about $150 to get a flyer distribution ready. Keeping all residents informed of issues that affect our safety and quality of life, which also directly affects our property values, is crucial. We understand that everyone may not be able to contribute the suggested annual contribution of $25 at this time, but if you are able to contribute ANY amount, it will help. Anyone residing within our boundaries is AUTOMATICALLY a member of the association. Because we do not have mandatory dues, your contributions are VERY important in order for us to continue our work in maintaining the quality of life in our neighborhood. If you have not made a 2006 contribution to the association, please consider doing so at this time. We need your financial help to support the activities of our association. Please send checks to GRRWNA - P.O. Box 1928 - Round Rock, TX 78681 or you may use credit/debit card at http://www.grrwna.org/financial.html DON'T FORGET ABOUT "FRONT YARD FRIDAYS" Here is how it works: If you are at home on Friday evenings: *Turn off the TV; take a couple of lawn chairs out in your front yard. *Relax and talk to your neighbors, wave at people going by. *Take a couple of extra chairs out and invite a neighbor over for a soda and some conversation. *Take the grill out front and cook some hot dogs, offer one to someone you don’t know. Get to know them. *Remember, The better we get to know each other, the safer our neighborhood will be. GRRWNA OFFICERS President Mike Freeman – mike_freeman@grrwna.org Vice President Vacant Safety Officer Joy Fairchild – joyfair@austin.rr.com Information Officer Don Harris - don_harris@grrwna.org Secretaries JoAnne Blando – joanneblando@sbcglobal.net Pam Griggs – pgriggs2@austin.rr.com Treasurer Don Yenni – DYenniJr@aol.com At Large Board Members Chad Chadwell – chad_chadwell@grrwna.org Michelle Fox – michelle_fox@grrwna.org Richard King – richard_king@grrwna.org Web Site Administrator Becky Truitt – Newsletter Editor Relda Comer got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 3 of 12 Letter From the President Right out of the box, I want to apologize to everyone for the lack of updates over the past couple of months. This could be considered good news, I guess. We have no serious issues to deal with right at the moment but we must keep our eyes open. A few neighbors have contacted me regarding some localized concerns such as criminal activity, abandoned cars, trash in driveways, and so-forth. If you have any concerns, let us know. We cannot necessarily solve those problems but most of the time we can direct you to someone who can. National night out was an overwhelming success once again. What a wonderful evening. We estimate that we had somewhere between 375 and 400 participants. I want to thank all of the neighbors that decided to come out for some great music, food, fun, and most important of all, to meet more of your neighbors. I want to take a moment to thank all of the volunteers that helped to make the night a success. If I start trying to list them all I will forget some of them but you know who you are, you "table setter uppers", "food handerouters", "trash picker uppers" and so on. There are a few, however, who do need special recognition. First, thanks to Machelle Henderson who coordinated the volunteer effort. She did an awesome job so if you see her, let her know how much you appreciate her efforts. Also, I want to thank Don Yenni and Don Harris for all of their help. Without their help, the event would not have been nearly as successful as it was. Please support those who helped sponsor this event. Noel, and Kathy O'Dell of Aero-Fun Inflatables, (4225764) donated not only their equipment but their time supervising the Moonwalk and Water Slide. Please let them know how much you appreciate their contribution. I would also like to thank Express Care of Round Rock (on 620 across the street from Short Stop) for being one of the sponsors of the music. HELP! Vice president and president needed. We are still in need of a vice-president as Mike Price has moved out of the neighborhood. Also, the end of my second year as president of the association is coming up this next spring. The association by-laws include term-limits. Two years is the longest period any one person can serve in an office of the association. We need someone who wishes to serve the neighborhood to come forward and let us know that they are interested. I am willing to serve in other capacities but after 2 years of getting things organized, I need a rest. I fully plan to stay involved in other capacities but we need someone else to step up and take the wheel for a while. Please search your hearts and if you feel compelled to serve your neighborhood, let us know. Now would be a good time to start getting to know the ropes as elections are held each May. I have truly enjoyed what I do and would consider heading up things again in a couple of years but I need some time to take care of some personal and business issues that have taken a back seat for the past 2 years. Think about it! It could be your turn! Sincerely, Mike Freeman got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 4 of 12 Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association News Dora Abdouch of the Entryway Beautification Committee is power-washing one of the entrance walls on Deepwood Drive. AREA MARKERS ARE FIRST IMPRESSION OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Most modern subdivisions now welcome visitors and homeowners with elaborately manicured entrances and boulevards that distinguish their neighborhood plus add value and beauty to the area. Since Round Rock West can now be considered a mature neighborhood, it may be time to look at ourselves in the mirror and see what we can all do or contribute toward improving our overall, big-picture appearance. The GRRWN Association has formed a committee charged with the cleanup/restoration of the stone markers that indicate some of the primary entrances to our subdivision. These markers were built over 30 years ago by the early developers of our neighborhood. This new committee has been looking into the tasks of cleaning the walls, restoring the lettering where necessary, removing graffiti, developing a plan for planting bushes and/or flowering shrubs to set off our new fence/walls along McNeil Road, and hopefully creating a better first impression. The entryways being upgraded are those at McNeil and St. Williams, McNeil and Deepwood and on Lake Creek behind the High School (pictured above). Once an acceptable plan for the decoration and selection of suitable species of vegetation has been developed, it can be gradually implemented as funds and volunteer services are donated for this purpose by the neighborhood. Other projects being considered by this group are wildflower plantings along McNeil between the sidewalk and new fence as well as locations for Memorial Tree plantings. Anyone having some knowledge of gardening design, a green thumb or greenhouse, or just wishing to have input or donate drought-tolerant plants/funds for this effort please contact Don Yenni (244-2961), Don McCullough at dmccullough1@austin.rr.com , or Dora Abdouch (796-3382). Remember, we do not have mandatory maintenance dues like many newer neighborhoods, so we are depending on all of you to volunteer and help out in some manner. got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 5 of 12 Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association News continued VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR FALL FOOD DRIVE We have not officially set the date for our fall food drive but it will probably be the last week of October or the first week of November. We need a couple of people to coordinate the event. It is a minimal time commitment. Please e-mail Mike at mike_freeman@grrwna.org to volunteer. The Round Rock Area Serving Center needs our support. Neighborhood Association President's Roundtable Mayor Maxwell will hold a Neighborhood Association President's Roundtable on October 30th at 7:00 p.m. at the McConico Community Room, 301 W. Bagdad. The agenda will be sent out a week prior to the meeting. All association members are welcome to attend. Neighborhood News 620 Turnaround Approved! According to Mike Krusee's office, TXDOT has agreed to an expedited schedule that includes an accelerated NEPA approval for the environmental concerns. The project should be environmentally clear this spring and bid in the fall. Construction will take about a year. Our thanks to Cliff Jarman for the idea of using the pilot program for the NEPA approval. New Farmer's Market There is a new farmer’s market opening in Round Rock. This market is a joint project of Classroom on Wheels, a local 501(c)3 non-profit, and the Round Rock High School DECA Club, which supports entrepreneurship among students. The new RRFM will take place every Saturday from 9am-1pm in the parking lot of the old Albertson's grocery store at the intersection of IH35 and 620. Here is an example of what you will find at the market this summer: * Round Rock Honey, artisan breads * All Kinds of produce from local farms! * World-class cut flowers, teas, chocolate, and coffee * Soaps, jewelry, ceramics, and crafts This is your farmers' market. You can celebrate by coming often, and bringing a friend. Questions? Contact Classroom on Wheels at 512-322-3905, or the RRHS DECA Club at 512-464-6000. got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 6 of 12 Round Rock News INFORMATIONAL OPEN HOUSE ON COUNTY ROAD AND PARK BOND ELECTION County voters will have an opportunity this fall to decide on a bond election regarding the issuance of $250 million in general obligation bonds. Proposition 1 is for $228 million for roads and Proposition 2 is for $22 million for parks. Tuesday, Oct. 17 for Pct. 1 in the Brushy Creek MUD Community Center Maple Room, 16318 Great Oaks Drive, Round Rock, 6:30 to 8 p.m. The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2006, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Early voting starts October 23 and runs through November 3. Early voting and Election Day voting locations are available online at www.wilco.org under Elections in county departments. The last day to register to vote is October 10, 2006. All voter registration applications must be postmarked by that date. Requests for ballot by mail must be in the Elections Office by October 31, 2006. The Elections Office is located at 301 S.E. Inner Loop, Ste. 104, in Georgetown. Voter registration applications and ballot by mail applications are available in the Elections Office or on‐line at http://wcportals.wilco.org/elections/index.html#registration. For more information, contact the Elections Office at 512.943.1630 or e‐mail dstacy@wilco.org. Greetings, On Friday October 27, 2006 from 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM the Round Rock Sertoma Club will hold its annual Casino Night at the Old Settlers Pavilion in Palm Valley Park. It is a lot of fun and proceeds go to helping the Round Rock Police Department’s Operation Blue Santa. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Here’s how. First, we need employees that will be willing to help by becoming Black Jack dealers. This is a blast and you can make it fun for those playing. Many of us try to dress the part by dressing like the early day casino dealers and really cut it up with the clients. Dealers will be fed a meal and need to be there by 5:30 PM. If you can assist, please respond back to me so I can put you on a list to turn over to my contact. Second, if you think you have a lucky hand, you can participate in the casino by donating $20.00 or more to the event. With this donation you will get a meal, lots of drinks, and $10,000.00 in chips to start your fun. The money you win will be turned into tickets at the end of the night so that you can stuff the sacks for drawings of great gifts. If this interests you, come see me and I will have some tickets starting on Monday. Please consider helping out and donating some of your time to this event. Sergeant David Pierce Round Rock Police Department 615 E. Palm Valley Round Rock TX. 78664 Phone Number: (512) 218-6669 Email: dpierce@round-rock.tx.us Sertoma Club’s Annual Casino Night Proceeds to Operation Blue Santa got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 7 of 12 Round Rock News continued Dear Friends, The Serving Center needs your gently used furniture, clothing, books, household goods, and small appliances!! The Serving Center thrift stores operate with donations, and we are collecting your used furniture and clothing. In addition to the food pantry and financial assistance, clients are receiving clothing vouchers and also furniture. We average 850 families per month who are accessing services at the Serving Center. The thrift stores are also open to the public. Sales revenue supports the financial assistance programs, and clients are able to get help with rent, utilities, prescriptions, gas, transportation, and temporary lodging. By bringing your discarded clothing and furniture, you are providing assistance for those who are in-need. Donations can be delivered to 1099 E. Main Street, anytime Monday through Friday from 10 am to 4 pm, and also Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm. Arrangements can be made for receiving large deliveries or garage sales after hours. In a matter of weeks, the Serving Center will be able to pick up furniture donations. Please help us sustain a consistent level of donations, as we serve indigent families in our community, by circulating this appeal within your neighborhood or homeowner’s association. We would truly appreciate your furniture and clothing donations! Best regards, Lori Scott - Executive Director Round Rock Area Serving Center 1099 E. Main Street P.O. Box 5006, Round Rock, TX 78683 244-2431 fax 255-0913 Pet Clinic - GIRL SCOUT TROOP 208 FUND RAISER Girl Scout Troop 208 and Austin Avenue Animal Hospital are having a low-cost pet vaccination clinic on Monday, October 16, 2006 from 5-7PM at Wells Branch Elementary School. Dr. John Tarlton will be providing yearly vaccinations for dogs and cats, plus flea preventatives will be available. Rabies shots are $5, and a full series of vaccinations is only $20. A portion of the proceeds will help Girl Scout Troop 208 raise money for a trip to Europe. Thanks To Our Sponsors The Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association (GRRWNA) deeply appreciates the O'Dell's support to the National Night Out (NNO) event held at the Round Rock West Park on August 2, 2006. The O'Dell family, who reside in Round Rock West, own and operate a small business, named Aero-Fun Inflatable. This amusement company provides fun and enjoyment to many of our young children in and around the Round Rock area by supplying inflatables to their customers for special occasions. These large inflatables, such as the "Moon Walk" and "Slip and Slide" facilities are available to people that really want to celebrate a Childs birthday or some other similar event with something a little bit different and memorable, but at a fair and reasonable cost. These people contact the O'Dell's at 512-422-5764 or Aero-Fun@sbcglobal.net or visit their web site at: www.aero-funinflatables.com. On August 2, 2006 at the Round Rock West Park, the O'Dell family was gracious enough to provide two of these entertainment devices, at no cost to the GRRWNA in support of the NNO activities. The O'Dell's transported two large inflatables to the park, set-up them up, monitored the operation of the devices during the evening. When the NNO event was over, the inflatables were removed from the park. Oh by the way, remember that the temperature that afternoon and evening was in the upper 90's. The two inflatables were the hit of the evening for all of our GRRWNA neighborhood kids. In my opinion, it is families like the O'Dells that makes the Round Rock West community one of the best places to live in the State of Texas. Aero-Fun Inflatable is a small company that deserves our support. The O'Dell's provide an excellent service at a reasonable price. The GRRWNA sincerely thanks them for their hard work and their contribution to the success of the NNO event. got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 8 of 12 Thank You to Sysco! GRRWNA would like to thank Sysco for their help with National Night Out SYSCO Food Services of Austin, LP. 101 Chisholm Trail Round Rock, TX 78681 - 5098 (512) 388 - 8000 Telephone (512) 388 - 8114 FAX GRRWNA would like to send a huge Thank You to the Postal Annex for discounted printing of our newsletters got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 9 of 12 CRITICAL Round Rock ISD BOND ELECTION – November 7 (or vote early Oct. 23 – Nov. 3: see www.roundrockisd.org for early voting locations) Good schools play a key role in the economy of a community, attracting businesses & home owners to the area, and providing a skilled labor force. The bond package of four Round Rock ISD Bond Propositions on the November 7 ballot will: - Address the most urgent needs of Round Rock ISD A committee of 100+ community members studied all schools to determine the urgent needs of RRISD. - Relieve overcrowding The bonds will fund construction of 3 new elementary schools, 1 new middle school, 1 new high school, and add more classrooms to existing schools. Building new schools will redirect money otherwise needed for portables back into teachers’ salaries and classroom materials. - Repair, Renovate & Upgrade Existing Schools Timely maintenance & repairs are a good investment. - Ensure accountability through a Citizens Oversight Committee These citizens will monitor the bond funds expenditures to ensure public accountability. Cost of this bond package to taxpayers: less than $6/month based on a $170,000 home value. (NOTE: Cost of these bonds won’t affect Homeowners with an “Over 65” exemption) Please vote YES for all 4 Bond Propositions on November 7, protecting your home values & wisely investing for the future. MORE INFO: www.classrooms4kids.net or www.roundrockisd.org. Political Ad Paid for by Project Yes 2006, 307 Gladeview Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681, Judy McLeod, Treasurer. GRRWNA would like to send a huge Thank You to Dirt Cheap Signs for helping with the July 4th parade and National Night Out. • Custom LOGO Creation • Corrugated Plastic Signs • Custom Made Banners • Magnetic Vehicle Signs • Custom Vinyl Lettering www.dirtcheapsigns.com got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 10 of 12 When you support the following businesses, please find a manager and let them know you appreciate their support of our association. Hoody’s Subs 1205 Round Rock Ave R R, TX 78681-4533 (512) 244-7166 Chuy's Round Rock – (512) 255-2211 http://www.chuys.com/location.html 2320 N IH-35 at exit 254Round Rock, TX 78681 Pflugerville Dairy Queen Hao Hao www.haohaotx.com 1205 Round Rock Avenue Suite 135 across from Round Rock High School (512)388-3322 251 – 6858 1701 W Pecan St (FM 1825) Pflugerville Gino’s Pizzeria http://www.lamargarita.us/ 1701 South Mays 1530 N IH-35 in Round Rock. 388-1103 218-9922 Putt-N-Funn Zone 310 Chisholm Trail Round Rock, 78681 255-3866 www.puttnfunn.com 1112 N. IH 35, Round Rock 255-6699 http://www.gattiland-rr.com got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 10 of 12 Registration Form for the Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Name:____________________________Spouse:____________________________ e-mail:_________________________ e-mail:___________________________ Address:______________________________________Round Rock, TX 78681 Home Phone:___________________ Alternate Phone:________________________ I am available to contribute in the following areas: _serving on the board _assist in newsletter prep _help distribute flyers / newsletters _being a block captain _assist w/ membership drive _serving on planning team/committee _Nominating committee _ July 4th Parade committee _National Night Out committee _judging contests _assist with the web site _assist with one time projects I have experience that I feel would be valuable in the following areas: ______________________________________________________________________________ The Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association has adopted a new membership policy. Everyone living in the boundaries of the association is automatically a member. No longer are dues REQUIRED. That being said, the association still needs funds to operate and we are asking for a voluntary contribution from each household. These contributions fund the various activities of the neighborhood such as printing the newsletter, the July 4th parade, National Night Out activities, and many other issues that come up during the year. The suggested contribution is $25 per household. If you are unable to contribute that much or you feel the amount is to high, please at least contribute something. If you feel compelled to contribute more, please do. Keep in mind that most homeowner associations have mandatory dues of $350 or more each year. Due to our new membership restructuring, we ask that you send in your contribution for 2006 as soon as possible. We are very excited about the change and we look forward to serving all of Greater Round Rock West! Contributions can be made by either mailing a check to GRRWNA, P.O. Box 1928, Round Rock, TX 78680 or you can contribute by credit or debit card at: http://www.grrwna.org/id2.html Please include this form if you mail your contribution If you would like to make an additional contribution, you may do so on our website at www.grrwna.org. This contribution is NOT tax deductible. For more information, e-mail: info@grrwna.org got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org Greater Round Rock West News Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association Newsletter October - 2006 Page 10 of 12 got neighbors? sure you do! grrwna.org