F10D.FCAC_Packet 6.25.15 - Solano County Water Agency
F10D.FCAC_Packet 6.25.15 - Solano County Water Agency
SOLANO COUNTY WATER AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Announcement DATE: Thursday, June 25, 2015 TIME: 5:00 p.m. (Earlier start time!) PLACE: SCWA/SID Parking Lot 810 Vaca Valley Parkway, Vacaville AGENDA 1. Introductions and Public Comment. 2. Approval of Agenda. 3. Approval of Minutes of April 23, 2015 meeting. 4. Appoint new Vice Chairman of FCAC. With Rolf Ohlemutz retiring, Vice Chairman Terry Riddle will take over as Chairman, and a new Vice Chairman is needed. 5. Bus tour of City of Napa downtown Flood Control Improvements. Sandwiches will be provided to FCAC members on the bus. The public is welcome in the van if space allows, but advance notice MUST be provided to Jeff Barich. Please RVSP to Jeff ASAP at JBarich@scwa2.com or (707) 455-1109. 6. Remaining 2015 meeting date: December 3. If you have any questions, contact Jeff Barich at JBarich@scwa2.com or (707) 455-1109. F10D.FCAC_Agenda (ID 158481).doc 810 Vaca Valley Parkway, Suite 203 Vacaville, CA 95688 Phone (707) 451-6090 FAX (707) 451-6099 www.scwa2.com SOLANO COUNTY WATER AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: April 23, 2015 Introductions and Public Comment: Chairman Rolf Ohlemutz called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. There was no public comment. Approval of Agenda: The Agenda for the meeting was unanimously approved. Approval of Minutes of December 4, 2014: The Minutes from the December 4, 2014 meeting were unanimously approved. Ethics Training Requirements/Status: Jeff Barich informed the Committee that Mark Holdener (absent) needs to renew his Ethics Training certification. Update on Small Sized Projects: Jeff Barich informed the committee that no movement had been made on any of the Small Grant Projects since the last meeting. He also noted that the item on the table for the Collinsville Levee District had been cancelled altogether. On the day of the scheduled initial site inspection, the Collinsville Levee District called and cancelled all plans. Update on Medium Sized Projects: David Okita talked about the pre-feasibility study that was conducted for the potential Rio Vista floodwall project. SCWA and the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA) jointly funded this pre-feasibility study. This pre-feasibility study showed that it may be too expensive to protect Rio Vista in its entirety, but it may be possible to protect the current development in Rio Vista. This will lead to SCWA and SAFCA to apply for a feasiblity study, on behalf of Rio Vista, once funding opportunities are announced. The City of Rio Vista does not currently have the money to match our funds, but that will be dealt with when the time comes. Representatives from Solano County and the Judicial Council of California presented on a flooding issue in the Fairfield Justice Campus. They discussed where the flooding was coming from, and the amount of damage that comes from the flooding. They presented three (3) different studies that have been done in the past few years to address this flooding issue. The studies showed that protecting only the worst-off buildings would help and would be relatively affordable. They also looked at a broader, watershed-scale approach, and this is still in the planning stage, as it is currently much too expensive to be implemented. There was much discussion as to how the flooding could possibly be remediated, and what options the County and Courts could consider. FCAC Participation in SCWA Strategic Plan: David told the Committee that SCWA is working on a new Strategic Plan to help guide the Agency. The current Strategic Plan is outdated, and Thomas Pate is heading a working group to implement a new Plan The Agency is looking for representation from all areas in which the Agency works, to prioritize and determine what needs to be done in the future of SCWA. Rolf was contacted to be a part of the new SCWA Strategic Plan working group to represent the FCAC. However, Rolf is retiring in a week, so will no longer be a part of this working group. The Committee voiced that they do want representation on this working group, and unanimously voted for the new Committee chair, Terry Riddle, to take that spot in the working group. Jeff Barich will make sure that Terry Riddle gets the necessary meeting information for the Strategic Plan working group meeting on May 4, 2015. Budget for FY 2015-2016: David Okita discussed each line item in the proposed flood control budget for FY 2015-2016. The proposed budget was unanimously approved, and will be recommended to the SCWA Board of Directors. Discussion of Field Trip Locations for June 25 th Meeting: Jeff Barich suggested to the Committee to take the June field trip to downtown Napa, to have a look at the newly completed flood control facilities that Napa has implemented. There was some discussion as to possibly scheduling the meeting for an earlier time (rather than 6:00pm) to avoid traffic. Jeff Barich will coordinate with the new Committee Chair, Terry Riddle, to schedule the trip. 2015 Meeting Dates: The remaining scheduled meeting dates in 2015 are June 25 th (field trip) and December 3rd. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Flood Control Advisory Committee is scheduled for Thursday, June 25, 2015 at an earlier time still to be determined at the SCWA office. Committee Members Attending: Steve Chappell Terry Connolly Charles Karnopp Paul Lum Laura Peters Rolf Ohlemutz Terry Riddle Ronald Koehne Committee Members Absent: Ron Campbell Jim Daniels Mark Holdener SCWA Staff: David Okita Jeff Barich F10D.FCAC_Minutes04232015 (ID 156962).docx FCAC Tour – June 25, 2015 Arrival Time Location 5:00 PM SCWA Office – 810 Vaca Valley Parkway, Vacaville 6:00 PM Oxbow Public Market – 610 1st Street, Napa 8:30 PM (approx.) SCWA Office – 810 Vaca Valley Parkway, Vacaville The Napa River/Napa Creek N Napa Creek Project Pedestrian Bridge Completed 2013 Arroyo Drive Extension Flood Protection Project Culvert under Pearl and Main Streets Floodwall and Promenade Hatt to First Completed The City of Napa Project involves about seven miles of the Napa River, from Highway 29 at the Butler Bridge on the south to Trancas Street on the North. Napa Creek improvements extend for about one mile, from the Creek mouth at the Napa River upstream to Jefferson Street. The geomorphic design (changing the shape of the earth) reduces flood water levels through the use of riverbank terracing and reconnecting the River to its historic floodplain. Removing or replacing bridges that impede flood flows and the creation of the dry bypass channels at River and Creek oxbows are other key features of the design. Structures in red removed for Creek bank terracing Pedestrian Bridge - Completed Oxbow Restoration/ Floodwall To be Completed Ave Schedules are subject to change. Eastside Terracing Kennedy Park to Third Street Completed St n Lincol Imola Ave South Wetlands Opportunity Area Completed Floodwall/Levee and Pump Station North of Oxbow To be Completed Trancas Floodwalls and Pump Station Westside To be Completed Floodwalls and Pump Station Eastside To be Completed Railroad realignment Kennedy Park to 8th Street Completed Creek flows E-SE to River Bypass Excavation and Floodwalls Under Construction 2014-15 Maxwell Bridge replacement Completed Highw a y 29 Bypass Culvert Railroad Bridges over River and Bypass Channel Completed 2012 New Bridges Completed N Napa River Dry Bypass – Napa River Flood Protection k ee Cr Future Channel Pedestrian Bridge Tie in to Existing Pathway Wall Access 8’ ADA Access Path RIVER LANDING Interim Channel Future Flood Wall Apartment Building Kin stry Stre et 15’ Vegetation-Free Zone with Perennial Grass (No Shrubs Trees, Etc.)(Typ.) Stepped Energy Dissipator Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM)with Mowed and Irrigated Turf Grass (Typ.) e Low Flow Channel Future Flood Wall col Ave nu pa Na Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) with Unmowed Seasonal Native Coastal Grass, Trees and Understory (Typ.) TOWN GREEN Pathway May Be Relocated in Future When Low Flow Channel is Moved to Future Location Sos Movie Theater SOSCOL GREEN Pathway Extends to Join Existing Mc VALLEY BOTTOM GREEN Fut Stat ure Pum ion p CHINA POINT NATURAL AREA Flood Wall 12’ Pathway Train Depot Napa River Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM) with Native Salt Marsh Plantings (Typ.) Adjustable Rock Toe (Typ.) 8’ China Point Pathway Gravel 12’ Pathway (Typ.) Vehicle Turnaround Flood Wall China Point Overlook Concrete Under Bridges (Typ.) ADA River Access Firs t St ree t Lights Mounted on Flood Wall (Typ.) Flood Gates and Gateway Column with Lights Existing Pathway Flood Wall e col Ave nu Maintenance Access Existing Sidewalk Parking 0 40 Scale in Feet ES010611133505SEA File Name: Napa_Dry_Bypass_Plan_View_v7.ai /08 sep 11 12’ Pathway (Typ.) Oxbow Public Market Sos Napa River Rock Slope Protection (Typ.) Benches (Typ.) Energy Dissipation Blocks (Typ.) Mc Kin stry Stre et 8’ ADA Access Path 80 &