Untitled - Out On The Town


Untitled - Out On The Town
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Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
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The Real
Deal if You
Want a True
Party Rock Band
By: Krista Doran
I got a call from Mike Vagnoni the other
night about a local band he wanted me
to feature in the next “In the Spotlight”
segment. We usually compromise on the
bands, but he was very insistent on
my covering a band managed by
Frank Kielb Entertainment called
The Dead Poets. I wanted to
feature someone else, but of course
I gave in – Mike knows the business
a lot better than I do! I am glad I
listened to him and here’s why….
I had heard of The Dead Poets
band but didn’t think I ever actually
saw them live. I was thinking and
thinking, “Where did I hear that
name?” It was driving me crazy and then
it hit me like a ton of bricks…Of course!
They are the 2008/2009 WMGK House
Band winners and just played the WMGK
Let Freedom Rock Fest on July 4th at
Cooper River Park, along with Foghat and
The Marshall Tucker Band. I went to their
Myspace page to take a look and listen to
the band and it was then that I realized I
did see them at a club last year. Unfortunately, I was out with a bunch of friends
and could only stay a few minutes and I
remember being blown away by the band
that was playing – it was The Dead Poets!
I had the opportunity to interview Bass
Player, Shawn McNulty and what a treat it
was to speak to someone so knowledgeable about the music industry and who
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
many of the
same opinions I have about
what is going on out there. Shawn was not
afraid to say to me, “we are not a pretty
band, and we are not a cookie-cutter
band,” and boy did I love that! To me,
there is nothing more boring than a live
band that plays the same worn out top 40
crapola that everyone else plays. He is of
course, exaggerating. Just because they are
not a bunch of 20-something pretty boys,
doesn’t mean they can’t rock. This is a
group of guys that work very hard at what
they do and it shows. As their manager
Frank Kielb puts it “The Dead Poets are
a very strong, highly organized and very
talented rock and roll band. They don’t do
the average club material you hear elsewhere all over the Delaware Valley. Wherever they play, they are always given return
dates, they ‘soldier on,’ they never complain
and always get the job done. The Dead
Poets definitely rock!” Keep in mind, this
is coming from a man who has been in the
music industry for over 50 years (yes, I said
50!) – Frank is definitely someone who
knows what he is talking about people!
The Dead Poets play a vast range of
music, including a dance set featuring songs
that will make even the most timid person
get up and shake their money-maker,
including an “Old School Rap” medley.
They are not afraid to play anything the
crowd asks for. You just can’t help but have
a good time with the positive energy this
band creates. And do you know what is
really cool about them? They aren’t doing
it solely for the money. They do it for the
true love of playing music. Not one mem-
has the
“I’m a rock
star” attitude. Each member is completely
approachable and friendly. As Shawn said
to me, “everyone in this band wants the
same thing – to see some cool places, meet
some cool people and play some cool
music. To top it off, we are lucky enough
to get paid to do it!” Playing live music is
not a job to these guys – they love playing
together and each member really does
bring something special to the table. The
band has actually been around for almost
eight years now but this version has been
in tact for the last two and has been the
strongest version yet. When I saw them
last year they were awesome – they had
such a cool vibe between them. Shawn
explained that they don’t even go to a
show with a pre-printed set list. As a musician myself, I know that by doing this they
are completely organized and they play
to the crowd. They look around and see
the people that are there and play what
the crowd wants to hear. They take the
time to entertain, which is something many
cover bands have forgotten how to do, or
never even bothered to learn. Shawn told
me “there are a lot of bad things going on
in the world and all we want to do is just
show everyone a good time for a couple
of hours”. The Dead Poets is truly a band
that anyone will enjoy so be sure to check
them out. The band is: Shannon Bowden
on lead vocals, Dave Cinaglia on guitar
and vocals, Rob DeSimone, guitar, keys and
vocals, John Dolceamore guitar and vocals,
Shawn McNulty, bass guitar and vocals and
Dave Ramani on drums. If you are looking
for great live music that is going to make
you forget your troubles and make you
want to get up and dance, the Dead Poets
WILL deliver. Check out their schedule
at www.myspace.com/poetrock2007 . To
book The Dead Poets, contact Frank Kielb
Entertainment at 610-325-4540 or at
Train Riders : A Philly
Area Jam Band like No
Ackerman, bass
and vocals,Vince
Perillo on keys, Kevin
By: Krista Doran
Keefe on drums and
I think that in the last few band features Tyler Purdy, guitar and
vocals. They currently
I have done, I have made it a point to
have 2 CDs done and
express how much I really enjoy local
are working on their
original music. Originality however, even
with original bands is rare nowadays. Let’s 3rd live CD. Johnny D writes
face it, its all been done! It’s difficult to do most of the songs and uses his own life
experiences as his inspiration. As Johnny
something totally original and that is why
we decided to feature local original bands puts it, “We are deeply into our music,
it’s in our hearts. Other than family and
in the OOT that are really striving to be
friends, there is nothing more important.”
different. The OOT supports local music
And speaking of original music, you
never know what you are going to find
out there. From time to time, I will head
out to an open mic night to catch some of
these local musicians. Earlier in the year,
I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of
a band at McStew’s Irish Bar in Levittown
at their open mic night, which is hosted
by Kirk from Angry Vic, every Wednesday
night. These guys were up there, jamming
their hearts out and I was really digging
it. There was such a soulful, funky vibe
throughout the place and it was completely The Groove Train Riders have been making
there because of the sound this band had their way to some of the best local rooms
for original music, including The Whiskey
created. I am speaking of course, of one
Tango in Philly and Bootleggers in NJ and
of my favorite local original bands, The
in August, they will be playing The Jam Rave
Groove Train Riders.
at The Warehouse which is located at 1600
GTR is headed up by Johnny D, who
N 5th St. in Philly. This is a 2 day Jam Band
I affectionately address as “Funk Master
Johnny,” a name I created for him, because style event that is a family friendly festival
with activities for kids and adults and of
when he plays his guitar, this guy is off
course great live entertainment!
in outer space somewhere. Their music
If you can’t check them out at The Jam
is soulful and bluesy, but has this certain
Rave, definitely catch the Groove Train
psychedelic tone to it that draws you in
Riders somewhere else, because they are
at first note. The Groove Train Riders is
an extremely engaging, original band from
definitely a jam band, and I asked Johnny
the area, and are highly deserving of your
what that meant to him and he told me,
attention if you like good music. You can
“It’s totally improvisational – every time
hear them right now by going to their
we play a song we jam and it’s always different.” GTR has been together now for 5 myspace site to hear LIVE recordings at
years and have been making great progress. www.myspace.com/groovetrainriders. Ride
The band is Johnny D – guitar and vocals, on my funky friends, ride on!
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
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Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
Amy Lordan
Gilligan’s Irish Pub
Amy Lordan is our bartender of the
month and she stands in at 5’ and has brown
hair and blue eyes.
Located at 7759 New Falls Road in Levittown, PA is the new Gilligan’s Irish Pub
and here is where you will find our bartender Amy, on Tuesdays from 3pm to 8pm ,
Thursday nights and Friday happy hour.
Amy has been a bartender for the last 3
years and she really is into her job. She is
personality plus behind the bar and knows
what her customers like.
Hobbies: Going out with her friends
and her biggest kick in life is taking her kids
down to the Jersey Shore and going to the
Favorite radio station:
Likes Q-102
Amy is a resident of Levittown, PA and has
a good amount of steady customers who
like to visit her each week at Gilligans.
BARTENDER: “I love to talk to peo-
ple and you can say I really enjoy this part of
it with the many regulars that come over to
see me each week. I remember what people
like to drink and try to give them good
service and always a friendly smile.”
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
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Around Town at Sweeney’s Summer Sizzler!
by Mike Vagnoni
On July 15th Sweeney’s hosted their annual summer sizzler and many friends came out to enjoy the atmosphere and the many specials offered. The music was just
top flight with the band PLEASE, PLEASE,ME...this band is going places for sure...”This year’s event was bigger then last year said Chris Sweeney, the staff had fun and
so did the many people that came over.” Here are some photos from the event.
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There Are Angels Among Us - At Ego Bar & Lounge
Searching for
an Angel?
what you’ll find at Ego Bar and Lounge
inside of Trump Taj Mahal. Ego just got a
little more ‘heavenly’ this summer with an
all-new edition of the girl-band The Angels,
bringing their energetic performances
every Thursday through Sunday through
September 9 beginning at 9 pm.
The Angels, produced by Dan Mulhern
and Doug Allen, took Atlantic City by
storm in the summer of 2008. The producers, in collaboration with Steve Gietka,Vice
President of Entertainment, Trump Entertainment Resorts and lead vocalist/choreographer Gina Cannuscio (Gina C.) held
several exhaustive auditions in New York
City and Atlantic City. The result yielded
an all new cast of dancer/vocalists.
In the summer of 2009, The Angels
are creating the kind of hysteria associated with national, mega-hit pop
The Angels consist of six professionally-trained female performers
who, together with two amazing musicians,
deliver their brand of exhilarating music
spanning from pop and rock, old school hip
hop and R&B to bring a sizzling energy to
club goers who are looking for something
with a unique edge. Angels can be likened
to the girl-group The Pussycat Dolls, with
their hot choreography, sexy costumes
and sensational vocals, along with some
serious live music…this is entertainment
with a lot of spice!
In addition to Gina C., The Angels
also features vocalist/dancer Daisy
Flores, and background singer/dancers, Ashle’ Worrick, Nicole
Douglas, Melanie Aguirre
and Amber Hagar.
Some of the Angels
have been seen on videos
with performers such as
Madonna, Brittany Spears,
Keisha Cole and Elton John.
“I really wanted to turn
the heat up on our return
engagement at Ego Bar &
Lounge. The choreography
is very challenging, hot and
sassy. It brings a fun, yet
sensual feel to these shows.
It’s the type of choreography you would see on the
concert stages of Madonna,
Brittany or Pink. It’s just
hot,” stated Gina C.
Open auditions for The
Angels were held this past
winter and spring both in
New York and in Atlantic
City, attracting hundreds of
applicants from as far away
as Los Angeles and Chicago
for a coveted spot. Only five were selected
to join Gina and her band, which includes
Dan Jost on guitar/vocals and Ron Segars
on percussion/vocals.
Audiences can expect a wide genre
of cover music such as 80s rock by Def
Leppard, R&B songs by Rhianna, some old
school hip hop, pop music and more during
three energetic: 50 minute sets.
“There is nothing like Ego in Atlantic
City, or anywhere else for that matter!
Ego has it all. The Angels rival the Pussycat
Dolls! Slamming DJs, club/silhouette
dancers numerous hi-tech amenities,
dancing and gaming--all in a high energy
atmosphere with superior service. My total
vision for the club’s transformation is now
complete. Trump proves once again that
we are the innovative casino company.”
commented Steve Gietka,Vice President
of Entertainment, Trump Entertainment
Talented and sexy female DJ’s such as, DJ
Hot Linh, and DJ Freezie, keep the energy
flowing during the band’s breaks. These
live entertainment shows are featured
Thursdays through Sundays, beginning at
9 pm all summer long. Every Thursday is
Service Industry Night with an emphasis
on Blackjack and drink specials including
$2.00 domestic beer and $4.00 house wine
and house cocktails.
Ego is open 24/7 with signature cocktails, and sporting over a dozen plasma
televisions around the bar. Admission to
Ego Bar and Lounge is free and features
an impressive dance floor, state-of-the-art
sound systems, comfy couches and bottle
service, with a club-like atmosphere, to
drop in for cocktails before a concert at
The Taj, celebrate a big win, or stay for the
sizzling entertainment and dance the night
*Must be 21 or older. Positive proof of identification
will be required. Subject to change or cancellation at
management’s discretion. Certain restrictions apply.
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
The Great Gig In Philadelphia: WMGK Searches
for Official Houseband
As a musician there is no
greater honor than being recognized for beautifully recreating
the best classic rock songs of
all time. While we may never
get to see the original Doors,
Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd play
live again, we can see and even
judge remakes of our favorite
classic rock hits performed
live in select venues around
Philadelphia’s Classic Rock
station 102.9 WMGK is hosting
its’ fifth annual “WMGK Official
Houseband” Competition.
Channeling their best John
Bonham,Van Zant and Slash,
hundreds of local Philadelphia
bands are vying for the coveted
title of 2009 “WMGK’s Official
The competition is well known
in the Philadelphia region
among musicians, bar-goers, restaurants and WMGK listeners.
WMGK Promotions Director,
Dan Fein says, “The Houseband
Promotion continues to get
a great response. Our jocks
love hosting the competition,
bands love performing and local
establishments enjoy taking part
in the events,”
For musicians, being named
the “WMGK
means booking
the ultimate gig.
The grand prize
includes, $1,000 in
new band equipment, two free
days of recording
time at Fifth Stone
Studios, the opportunity to play
not only countless
MGK gigs, parties
and events, but the
winning band will
also rock out at
the 2010 Let Freedom Rock Fest.
They also receive
regional exposure
and the opportunity to network
among some of
Philadelphia’s top
music notables.
Last years Official
“WMGK Houseband”, The Dead
Poets recently
shared the stage
with Foghat &
The Marshall
Tucker Band. The
Dead Poets are
currently wrapping
up their 12-month
reign as one of
greatest classic
rock cover bands.
According to Fein,
“The Dead Poets
possessed the total package, “From
beginning to end
The Dead Poets
were intense. They
had incredible
stage presence,
rhythm and vocal
The deadline for this year’s
promotion was Friday, July 17.
Days prior to the entry cutoff,
Fein had already received over
100 entries, and expected
dozens more by 5pm on Friday
afternoon. A select group of
WMGK staff members will
listen to each submission before
choosing 16 bands to advance
to the Qualifying Rounds.
Every Thursday night starting
July 30 until August 20, WGMK
will host “Official Houseband”
Qualifying Rounds in venues
surrounding Philadelphia, West
Chester and New Jersey. At
each stop four different Quarterfinalist bands will attempt to
melt faces. WMGK is judging on
stage presence, musicianship,
crowd response, and originality.
The Houseband Competition
kicks off the first quarterfinal
round at Chickies & Peter’s
on Roosevelt Blvd. The MGK
Houseband Finals will take place
on August 27, at Cavanaugh’s
Riverdeck on Columbus Blvd.
To find out more about the
Houseband Competition and
the upcoming quarterfinal
shows, tune into 102.9 FM or
visit www.WMGK.com.
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By Rob Nagy
Few jazz guitarists can lay claim to the
longevity and success that the legendary
Earl Klugh continues to enjoy. Having
released more than two dozen studio,
compilation and greatest hits albums dating back to the mid seventies, Klugh has
achieved iconic status in a jazz field that
so many artists find difficult to endure let
alone achieve commercial success. He
has sold millions of records, toured the
world, performed at the White House and
received numerous accolades from fans,
fellow artists and music critics. He was
most recently publicly acknowledged to
be one of the top sventy-five jazz guitarists of all-time according to Downbeat
Magazine. Klugh is currently on tour
through-out the U.S. promoting his 2008
Grammy nominated masterpiece “The
Spice of Life”, his first album since 2005.
Born in the mid fifties in Detroit,
Michigan, Klugh, latched onto the guitar
at the age of thirteen after seeing Chet
Atkins on the Perry Como Show. Many
years later, Klugh and Atkins would record
together appearing on several of each
other’s recordings. As Klugh continued to
progress as an artist he was able to create
his own distinctive style combining jazz,
R&B and pop establishing the foundation
for a long and successful career. In addition to his work with Atkins, Klugh would
go on to perform with George Benson,
Chick Corea and George Shearing, just
to name a few. He released his self-titled
debut in 1976 followed by subsequent albums every year through the late nineties.
In 1981 Klugh recorded the album “One
on One” with Bob James winning his first
and only Grammy award for Best Pop Instrumental Performance. “I won the very
first Grammy I was nominated for and
lost eleven times after that”, recalls Klugh.
,”It’s a great honor but the odds would be
I have to win it again but you never know.
At least I have won. If you think about it, if
I was nominated twelve times and never
won that would really be tough. But I
think coming out of the box and winning
early that kind of takes the edge off.”
Recording and touring at a feverish pace
for decades, Klugh’s personal life took
center stage when his mother suddenly
became ill. “I was making a record a year
for well over twenty years”, says Klugh”,
“Then my mom got ill in the late 90’s and
she died in ’99 so that took up quite a bit
of my time. Not the greatest time for me
on a personal note. I was still playing but
hadn’t gotten into doing another record.
I couldn’t really plan a good recording
situation. Something that I felt would be
long lasting.” Klugh is back with a new
perspective and appreciation for life that
only the passage of time and the loss of
a parent could bring. “It’s a difficult time
when you lose a loved one it changes
things around for a while”, says Klugh.
“When you’re young you take things for
granted. As you get older you really realize that you’re not immortal, you’re not
going to be here forever.You should enjoy
what you’re doing and don’t dwell on the
bad things. Look at the good side of life,
which is what I try to do every day.”
On his current album “The Spice of
Life”, Klugh has produced thirteen songs,
nine of which are original, showcasing
some of the most beautiful, emotional
and melodic compositions of his career. While it is hard to single out any
one-song, standouts include “Canadian
Sunset”, “Ocean Blue”, “Heart of My Life”,
“Morning in Rio” and “Lucy’s World”. “I
was trying to do something that was going to be more than just a guitar record”,
says Klugh. “I spent so much time doing
records of all original material, I thought
back on my earlier records and I did a lot
of original material but I also fused that
with other songs that I liked and I hadn’t
done that in a while. So I picked some
great tunes that I enjoyed and still have
nine originals on it. I thought it was a very
good mixture of musical styles and types
of music”, added Klugh. “Going from solo
pieces to orchestrated pieces to electronic pieces. I had a lot of fun working
on all of those pieces of the puzzle and
putting it together in a way that I thought
would play down really well if you just put
the CD on and sit down and listen to it
or you’re driving in your car you’d get a
good experience from it. I thought that
it was musical fun, uplifting.” In a musical
environment that continues to experience radical changes from recording
to the marketing of an artist, Klugh has
been able to stay the course and enjoy
a consistent and highly successful career.
“I’ve been very fortunate because I’ve
never succumbed” says Klugh. “If I can’t
make the record I want to make I’m not
your guy. So I’ve been very fortunate in
that way. Over the years I’ve had more
success than not. So, I found people who
were willing to go with what I was trying
to do. The delivery system for music is so
different,” added Klugh. “There’s not much
that’s in the stores anyway which kind of,
in many cases makes the old model obsolete.You make a record and there are no
stores or bins to put them in you’re left
with the Internet and alternative ways to
sales. So that’s really where it is now.”
In addition to his own career endeavors Klugh continues to branch out
hosting an annual spring concert at the
Five Star Broadmoor Hotel and Resort in
Colorado Springs called “A Weekend of
Jazz” (www.weekendofjazz.com) As the
host and a performer, Klugh has shared
the stage some of the biggest names
in jazz, which has included Joe Sample,
Chuck Mangione, Bob James, Chris Botti
and Ramsey Lewis just to name a few.
For more info on Earl Klugh go to www.
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Join us for Squirrel Murphy’s
1st Anniversary!
By Lynn Ramage’
We recently stopped in at Squirrel Murphy’s
Irish Pub located at Davisville Shopping Center
at 872 E. Street Rd. Warminster, PA and had a
nice chat with Proprietor Cindi Cavalli who
was bartending. She was very enthuasitic about
their One Year Anniversary coming up on July
25th! As we discussed the upcoming Anniversary party; Cindi explained “ Music will be with
the band “New Deal” and there will be drink
specials and plenty of
giveaways such as Phillie
Tickets, Eagles Tickets
and they will be running
Coors Promotions all
day and the Coors Girls
will be out also with
give always! Our Phillie’s
fans are very passionate!
We’re just trying to give
back to those have been
so kind and generous
here this year!”
Personally, I love this
bar; of course anything
to do with a “Squirrel” is right up my
alley anyway! I asked
Cindi how they came
up with unusual name
for the venue and she
told me “it came from
a movie character, we
wanted something Irish
and loved the Squirrel Logo and so it blended
together nicely.” The bar even has these awesome Squirrel logo t-shirts that you can pick up
for a reasonable price. The bar is very spacious
and impeccably clean, friendly and comfortable
and there is never a cover charge! For the
sports fans, there are 8 large plasma TV’s on all
the walls all around the bar! Keeping in touch
with the Irish, they carry more Irish whiskey
and beer, which is the most in that area. Out
of eight taps, three are Irish beers! There is a
secret Signature shot that only you can get at
Squirrel Murphy’s that looks just like a Guinness
and goes down so smoothly, my recommendations there! There is also an extensive beer take
out as well. With plenty of free well-lit parking,
how can you go wrong?
Cindi explained that Monday through Thursdays are their Pool leagues Every night there
is some sort of drink special going on and we’ve
reopened the kitchen and have great roast
beef sandwiches and wings as well as wraps,
pizza and delicious
appetizers.Fridays and
Saturday nights from
7-9 pm they offer half
price appetizers! From
Monday thru Thursday
8-10 pm you can get
free wings too!
They do have bands
on Saturday nights all
year round and some
of the bands that have
played there are: Unfinished Business, Stems
and Seeds, New Deal
and Lost Pint. Cindi
explained, “They are
also open to finding
some good Irish bands
to play there. The bar
also hopes to do a
Golf Outing sometime
in late September,
which should be a
lot of fun! This place has really turned around
180 degrees!” All in all you can really kick
back here, they have a great selection of music
on the jukebox of tastefully selected obscure
classics from the 60’s to the 90’s from Alabama
to Kid Rock and it’s not so loud you can’t hear
what you’re saying! There is just a very friendly,
happy bunch of people from thier 20’s to their
60’s that even Croon to the Jukebox! It’s great!
It is very apparent that all that come there have
a good time! Definitely stop out to see what
Squirrel Murphy’s is all about on July 25th!
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Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
By Psychic Perry B.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Serious conversation with a
partner could color things
differently. Scripting the
event where others are concerned is not the best idea.
Talk it out, and you will have a
better understanding. You are
not all wrong, but neither are
others concerned.
bit and you
will see things in a different
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Life comes at you fast, and
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
have to be on your toes.
You may feel a hostile take- you
what you can and
over is brewing. Friends
rest alone. It will
are being difficult, and famtake
of itself. You do not
ily is acting a bit strange as
to have the apwell. Take a good hard look proval of others.
Trust your
into yourself, and see what
you will
changes are needed. If you
do not see any then ask what in your life.
the problem is.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) All
work, and no play really never
works for Gemini. You would
like to participate in other
activities but certain responsibilities call. Try infusing the
must-dos into your life with
more fun. Make it all work
for you.
Sagittarius (Nov.22-Dec.
21) It is important to focus
on what is going on around
you now. There is nothing
wrong with making future
plans, but the here and now
is what is going on. Do not
lose sight on today, planning
for tomorrow.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) You
might want to take a serious
look at your financial situation. Each month you are
going deeper in debt. Watch
your spending, and try to
come up with a plan to lower
the debt. Perhaps not trying
to keep up with your friends
could be one solution.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan
19) You are now in a bit of
a bind, and it is frustrating a
partner. Share you economic
plan with him or her, and see
if there is an agreement on
the plan. There is still a half a
year to go, and you will need
to cover that nut. I would
not depend on the Lottery to
pull you out.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) You are
coming off much too stern
with others, and they are becoming standoffish. It would
be better to be less demanding, and you will find others
will be more cooperative.
Lighten up, and have some fun
and you will be a lot happier.
Aquarius (Jan.20-Feb 18)
If you are thinking of moving
or buying a house now would
be a good time to make your
move. A change of environment is what you need, and
a major project to keep you
out of trouble. Look for
greener pastures.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Do
not make judgments without
getting all the facts. Look
into things a little deeper, and
you will get a better understanding. A friend may be
talking out of turn, but it is
not your place to set them
straight. They will eventually
see the errors of their ways.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Being a nurturing person
there is someone close to
you that needs your help. You
have the ability to give them
a helping hand. Even though
you may be in pain yourself,
helping another will take your
mind off of your problems for
a little while.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Change is a good thing, and
can serve you well. Remember doing what you have
always done will get you what
you have always got. Try to
step outside the circle, and
look at things from a different prospective. Lighten up a
Psychic Perry B. Call 215677-4855 to speak to Perry
B. Email psyperryb@aol.
com. Perry B. is available
for private readings, groups,
organizations, and Tarot Card
parties. Call for costs and
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
Rocker Richie Scarlet
August 8th
at Whiskey Tango!
DJ Freezie (aka Chelsea
Frost) was born in PA in September of
1989, and it was obvious early on that she
had a big personality. When she was still
young, her family moved to the Jersey shore,
and in these early years, Chelsea ALWAYS
had to be the center of attention (a trait
she inherited from her father)!! Even in
elementary school, she was the class clown,
and participated in any and every school
production she could find. In her early teen
years, she attended Circus Camp, where
she studied trapeze, break dancing, and yes,
even clown classes! Later studies include 3
years of hip hop dance. All culminating in one
eclectic dynamo!
Throughout her secondary school days,
she performed in several plays and lip synced
in various talent shows in school, while constantly displaying her dance skills. In recent
years, she developed an appreciation for
classic rock music (again, from her father)
and collects classic rock vinyls, which truly
influences her mash ups.
She recently developed a love for hip hop
and dance music, and while spinning, totally
integrates dance and performance in her
show. DJ Freezie is a TOTAL performer. Her
infectious enthusiasm, beauty, style and love
of music is obvious throughout all of her
Moose On
The Loose
Original Bands,
& Local Scene
ON DISPLAY is an unstoppable
lineup of dashing good looks,
angelic voices, indestructible
strings, hip horns, and bodacious
beats. Hailing from South Jersey
and the Philadelphia area, these
eight musicians have assembled to
relinquish the tasteless conception
of popular music today and restore the credibility of the genres
they grew up with and still love.
Mourning the short-lived popular
recognition of incredible musicians
such as Reel Big Fish, The Mighty
Mighty Bosstones, No Doubt, and
Sublime, ON DISPLAY has crafted
their own brew of catchy “Rock
with Horns” with the hope of
persuading the tides of popularity
from convictions of mindless simplicity to an appreciation of music
that’s slightly more sophisticated
than simple, but overarchingly
FUN. Ladies and Gentleman, Boys
and Girls, Monsters, Madmen,
Degenerates, and Superheroes,
wherever, whenever, and in every
walk of life, We are All.... “ON
DISPLAY”. Zach Brooks - Guitar/
Tom Rice - Guitar/Vocals, Mike
Wolk - Bass Guitar, Paul Matuszak
- Drums, Justin Browne - Saxophone, Ted Blohm - Trombone,
Matt Fischer - Trombone, Ben
Mulholland - Trumpet
Page 21
Thursday Nights @
The 40/40 Club
in Atlantic City
A remarkable, extraordinary and
You’ve heard
about it, now
it. Join Sam
Lit for a
and Oldies
Dance Party
9pm-2am at
the 40/40
Club 2120
Atlantic Ave.
Summer Schedule
Every Tuesday - resident DJ - Industry Night Trump Plaza Beach Bar
Every Thursday - Jack’s Place, Avalon
Every Friday - Fieldhouse, Philly
Every Saturday - Ocean Drive
Every Sunday - Ego Lounge, Trump Taj Mahal
w/ the Angels
Booking - The Pomponio Co, 610-251-2533;
Atlantic City New Jersey Call (609)
449 4040 for more information.
Singer/lead guitarist Richie Scarlet will be performing Saturday, August 8, at the Whiskey Tango. The
multi talented Richie who has played with Ace Frehley, Sebastian Bach and Mountain has not been
down from NYC region to play this area in over a decade! Our area’s own Larry Fisher will be on
bass and Russ Wilson will be on drums.
(856) 346-3001 • 814 S. White Horse Pike • Somerdale, NJ
Page 22
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
Around Town @ ALBERT’S
by Mike Vagnoni
There is something special going on over at Albert’s Cafe each
week and this summer is one of the best ever at Albert’s Cafe
at Grant and Academy Road. The main downstairs bar area is
jammin;’ each week with hot DJ’s and of course the master of
karaoke - Mr. Harry O. Look for Miller Lite Pitchers every day
for $5.00 what a deal! .... Albert’s is all new inside with 8 big flat
screen TV’s for all sports and they now have a new bar menu so check it out this week. For more info : see their schedule in
this issue. Here are a couple of photos of some of the employees
and some of the weekly regulars who make Albert’s their #1 party
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
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Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
A Taste of Italy at La Casa Di Lucia
by Helene
La Casa Di Lucia, located at 14425 Bustleton Avenue
in Northeast Philadelphia, in the Trent Plaza Shopping
Center, has the best Italian food around-hands down!
Not only is the food favoloso (fabulous), it’s very affordable! Where else can you get home-made authentic
pasta for $8.00 Monday -Friday from 3:00-6:00pm for
their Early Bird Specials. It includes Soup or Salad, Roll &
Butter, Choice of Dessert, a Beverage and your choice of
Lasagna, Penne Vodka, Spaghetti and Meatballs, Baked Ziti,
or Mussels over Linguini. There is even more to choose
from with
prices no more
than $11.75!
The restaurant offers
other fantastic
specialty dishes
under the
regular dinner
menu too,
including Veal
dishes, Filet
Mignon, and
Seafood Platters. A real treat is their scrumptious Surf
and Turf (6 oz. Broiled Lobster Tail and 6 oz. Grilled Filet
Mignon) cooked to perfection!
La Casa Di Lucia is a “Mom & Pop” operated business.
The owners, Joe and Lucia are wonderful, friendly and
make you feel at home. It is evident by their success of
over 20 years-still accommodating many of the same
customers and their families with whom they first served.
Now they serve their children’s families and so on. And
word spreads fast. This place is busy just about all the
time too! They also offer lunch specials from 11:00am
-3:00pm which
includes sandwiches, pizza
and more! And
let’s not forget
the little ones, a
children’s menu
with prices ranging from $3.75 to
On my visit to
the restaurant,
I was greeted
warmly by both
owners in fact
they sat with my
party throughout
and made us
feel like part of
their family. We
started off with
a large appetizer,
“Lucia’s Combo”,
for just $10.95,
it included a
large portion of
Fresh Mozzarella
Cheese wrapped
in Prosciutto,
Fresh Tomatoes,
Large Black
Olives and the
best Home-made
Roasted Red
Peppers and
Grilled Hot Peppers in seasoned
olive oil; dipped
with their homemade bread---Delicious! We
tried a portion
of Chicken Francaise, which was
out of this world!
The chicken was
very tender and
the sauce was
light, lemony and
sweet. The Raviolis were cooked
perfectly and
lightly topped with
marinara sauce.
Then they served
us their very own
special Tiramisu and
Lucia’s Italian Rum
Cake ( my very
favorite!) Another
perfect ending to a
superb night out on
the town!
La Casa Di Lucia
has live entertainment five days a
week in their front
bar area and several times a year they have a special event to help benefit
Breast Cancer Research. They also offer banquet and
catering services for your special occasion-specializing
in bridal showers, christenings, funerals and parties, accommodating up to 100 guests. Catering & Party Trays
are also available for all your Holiday & Party needs! For
more information please call (215) 677-6111 and ask for
Joseph Magro. Also
check out their website at www.lacasadilucias.com. The next
time you are in the
mood for a fantastic
meal that is priced
“just right” take a
quick drive over to La
Casa Di Lucia-it’s in
the neighborhood-and
bring your appetite!
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
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Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
WMGK Captivates the 4th
with Great Classic Rock
By: Steve Trager
Each and every year we indulge ourselves with
the grand opportunity to be apart of a celebration that for many us take for granted. It’s the
pure fact of how lucky we really are in numerous ways in celebrating our nations’ birthday.
This joyous occasion brings together friends,
families, and people of all walks of life that share
one thing in common and that is the passion
for fireworks and free music. I mean seriously
who doesn’t love free concert music these
days? As we know it, concert tickets are rather
expensive even if it’s a form or entertainment
for many of us who just can’t get enough of the
live vibe of a live performance anymore. For the
past NINE consecutive years, greater media’s
WMGK has brought fourth a long list of band’s
that have long been a daily feature in rotation
amongst their vault of great classic rock the
their stage “ Let Freedom Rock Fest”. Just a few
that have graced that stage, Pat Benatar, Peter
Frampton, Cheap Trick, Kansas, and Foreigner. It
seems to get bigger and better each year. Infact,
this was perhaps the best year to date. The
weather couldn’t have been more perfect sunny
blue skies and not as humid as past events. And
not a drop of rain the entire evening which
made things even more perfect for everyone.
This year’s event had three bands of entertainment that including two headliners The
Marshall Tucker Band and Foghat, which rocked
the thousands’ in Grande attendance with their
hit makers that put
them on the map
decades ago with “
Fool For The City
“, “ All I Want to
Do” ( Is Make Love
To You ) and their
rock anthem that
could be heard
for miles “Slow
Ride”. Besides the
great night of music
shared by everyone,
the brilliant display
of the
up the
sky over
can be
appreciated by
all those
lined up
as far as
the eye
to mind,
if this years’ Freedom Fest was amazing, can
WMGK outdo themselves with the next set of
performers for the tenth anniversary? Never
under estimate the question as if it can happen
again and again. The answer is always YES.
Page 27
August 4-18 California ‘66 Revue Tour
Two premiere bands of the Los Angeles psyche- To Dream Last Night”) will be interviewed at
delic era-late ‘60s will join forces August 4-18
the tour kick-off by local director-producer,
for the California ‘66 Revue
George Manney, for his new
tour. The Electric Prunes,
documentary in production,
Love and a special tribute to
“Philly Pop Music, The Lost
Sky “Sunlight” Saxon of the
Pioneers.” James engineered
Seeds will bring the spirit of
60’s Philly Power Pop group,
Sunset Strip in the late ‘60s
Nazz second and third L.P.’s
up the East Coast and into
along with Todd Rungren’s
Canada and the Midwest.
first L.P. “Runt.” Tour
Dubbed the California ‘66
promoter Patrick Hand, in
Revue, the tour kicks off in
a statement said, “I’ve come
Philadelphia August 4th at
to think that 1966 was really
Johnny Brenda’s and ends on
the year that rock music
August 18 at the Birchmere
peaked, before the excesses
outside Washington, D.C.
of stadium venues and art
Other tour cities include
rock, and these musicians
New York, Chicago, Toronto,
were a big part of that.”
Montreal, Cleveland, Detroit,
Johnny Brenda’s
and Pittsburgh.
1201 N. Frankford Ave
Of special note, James Lowe,
lead vocalist of the Electric
Prunes (“I Had Too Much
Page 28
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
The Devon Welcomes The Many
Voices Of Joe Conklin
Flower Power Concerts Presents
A Concert for Peace & Love
form. of Three
On Thursday August 13th Philadelphia native Joe
Conklin brings his energetic one man comedy show
to The Devon Theater in Mayfair. This unique and unpredictable comedian always brings the house down
with his unlimited supply of impressions. Audiences
will laugh along with famous voices from around the
area and beyond. It’s always fun trying to see which
way he’ll go when he get’s started with a skit. The
shows are always packed and everyone leaves completely satisfied from a night of entertainment that
only Joe Conklin can deliver. In addition to his stand
up comedy he can be heard daily on one of Philly’s
highest rated morning shows 610 WIP along with
Angelo Cataldi and the Morning Guys. We arranged
to meet at The Devon to talk about his upcoming
show and his life of comedy.
got paid. When I graduated from college I had three
goals. I wanted to make 100,000 a year, I wanted to
headline at an Atlantic City casino and I wanted to do
a national voice over for McDonalds. I never got the
McDonalds gig.” Joe laughed.
I asked if anyone ever disliked an impression. “Dick
Vermeil. I came up to him before a banquet and said
hey Dick my names Joe Conklin nice to meet you.
I’m the guy that imitates you on the radio and he
said ‘Yea I’ve heard ya and you got that fricking part
down pretty good don’t yo u? Bill Bergey wants to
strangle me just about every time he see me because
I imitate him in a voice that might be construed as
a little higher pitched and maybe even fem and he
doesn’t think he sounds like that. The biggest thrill for
me is when the principals are there and I can do the
impressions right in front of them.”
Venue TUES., AUG. 4, 8 PM “A taste of Woodstock
without the mud and bad acid” – The Miami Herald ...
Tickets on sale now!
Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock as
peace, love and happiness come to the Keswick with
HIPPIEFEST 2009 on Tues., Aug. 4 at 8 PM, bringing
“It’s good to come back to Mayfair, come on out.
together rock and roll fans of all ages and generations.
It’s a Thursday night, perfect time in the summer. It’s
Now in its fourth year, the national HIPPIEFan affordable show, a family show.You have to see
“To be one of the guys on 610 WIP morning show
EST tour features some of music’s biggest names
this theater it’s totally renovated. I think it looks
it’s powerful stuff. There’s a lot of responsibility that
from the 60’s & 70’s including CHUCK NEGRON
great. We’re very excited and we’re gonna pack the
goes along with it because when you open your
formerly of Three Dog Night, FELIX CAVALIERE of
house. One can expect to see a PG13 show, a lot of mouth you’re talking to hundreds of thousand of
local stuff, things about being in the Northeast, Philly people. There’s a great deal of pleasure when you get and more. This year’s performers and their respective
sports stuff, sports in general, tons of impressions,
feedback from people. It really is a lot of fun.You want bands have amassed a collective total of over three
Cole Hamels, Meryl Reese, Andy Reid, touch on
to look for opportunities that people don’t always
dozen Top 20 singles with seven of those hitting #1 on
politics, the Mayor, the Governor, the great S enator think are opportunities. Anywhere there’s a microthe U.S. charts. HIPPIEFEST tour creator Toby Ludwig
that doesn’t know what party he wants to belong to phone you want to try and get on it. I wasn’t willing
touts “This festival is for people who weren’t around
and of course we have Chip Snapper’s Tap Room from to sacrifice everything to achieve national stardom. I
Kensington.” Joe smiled.
had a wife and kids and success is measured in differ- in the 60’s & 70’s - or were and just can’t seem to
ent ways. Sometimes when you get to the top on a
Former Three Dog Night vocalist and singer/
“I first started doing impressions when I was 7 or
national level you gotta kind of sell out on everything
8. The first one I did was Howard Cosell. I guess I al- else. Who’s to say that if I moved to Hollywood when songwriter CHUCK NEGRON says, “I’m so looking
ways wanted to do it but I didn’t know if it could ever I was 19 my life would be as full and rich as it is right forward to performing in this year’s HIPPIEFEST”.
happen. Harry Kalas was probably my favorite voice
now. I’m blessed I really have everything that I need.” Three Dog Night had 18 consecutive Top 20 hits and
to do and it was pretty jolting when he died. I’ve been Joe Smiled.
20 consecutive Top 40 hits, ultimately selling over 90
on stage my 7th and 8th grades and then again as
million albums total worldwide. Their #1’s include
a senior in High School. I started doing some open
Please visit www.joeconklin.com or www.devonthe“Mama Told Me Not To Come,” “Joy To The World”
mike nights in college. I graduated from Temple and
ater.org for tickets or further information20on one of and “Black and White”.
got a sales job at a radio station but after 6 months
Philly’s brightest stars. Thanks.
I began to do my stand up routine. The first job I
By John J. Ruppert 7-17-2009
incredible catalog of pop songs including mega-hits
ever did was the day before New Years Eve in 1984
“Good Lovin’,” “Groovin’,” and “People Got To Be
at The Capitol Plaza Hotel in Trenton, NJ. I was kind
of an extra guy, a walk up and I don’t know if I even
Hosts for
the concert
(as well
featuring Flo and
Original vocalists Mark Volman (Flo)
and Howard Kaylan (Eddie) have carried
on the music of the band since its inception.
THE TURTLES first hit the scene in 1965 with their
rendition of the Bob Dylan-penned song “It Ain’t
Me Babe,” which landed in the Top 10. But it was
the release of their 1967 hit “Happy Together” that
launched them into classic rock history and lead them
to become a HIPPIEFEST staple.
As one of the most promising British groups
of the 60’s, BADFINGER captured the attention of
Paul McCartney and became the one world-class
talent signed to the Beatles’ Apple Records label that
remained with the label. They enjoyed great success
with hit singles including “Come & Get It”, “No Matter
What”, “Day After Day” and “Baby Blue”. Members
of the band including JOEY MOLLAND played a key
role in projects associated with George Harrison such
as the hit single “It Don’t Come Easy”, the album All
Things Must Pass and at the Concert for Bangladesh.
They also worked on John Lennon’s Imagine album.
Rounding out the lineup is songwriter/multiinstrumentalist DENNY LAINE. The former MOODY
BLUES frontman/guitarist also co-founded WINGS
with Paul McCartney, contributing to the songwriting as well as providing lead & rhythm guitars, backing
vocals, keyboards, and bass to their catalogue. With
WINGS, LAINE enjoyed the biggest commercial success of his career including co-writing the smash hit
“Mull of Kintyre”. LAINE stayed on with the group until they officially disbanded in 1981 and has continued
writing and touring as a solo artist.
Tickets are $49.50 and can be ordered online
@ www.keswicktheatre.com, via Phone-Charge
(215-572-7650), in person at the Keswick box office
Mondays through Saturdays from 12 PM to 6 PM, and
all Ticketmaster outlets. For additional information
about upcoming Keswick attractions - www.keswicktheatre.com
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
Donny’s Joke Corner
sad. I think I will say a special prayer
for them tonight.’ The Indian doctor
said, ‘Good idea. I’m going to contact
my ophthalmologist colleague and see
Mike, Farrah,
and Billy Mays if there’s anything that he might be able to
After entering the do for them.’ The Chinese businessman
replied, ‘I think I’ll donate $50,000 to the
Pearly Gates, St
fire fighters union in honor of these brave
Peter welcomed
souls!’ Houl said, ‘Why the fuck can’t they
Farrah and told
her she could have play at night?
one wish granted
Obama meets a Redhead
for her long sufBarack Hussein Obama was looking for
fering. Without
hesitation she wished that all the children a call girl. He found three such girls in
in the world would be safe! Back on earth a local pub, a blonde, a brunette, and a
redhead. To the blonde he said “ I am the
at that very moment Michael Jackson
President of the Untied States. Now how
dropped dead. Then, when Michael approached the Pearly Gates, St. Peter asked much would it cost me to spend some
time with you?” She replied $200.00. To
him what he wanted. Michael said he
needed someone to make a pitch for him the brunette he asked the same question.
to God. Poor Billy Mays never knew what Her reply was $100.00. He then turned
and asked the redhead. Her reply ... “ Mr.
hit him...
President, if you can get my skirt up as high
as my taxes, my pants as low as my wages,
Sailor Kevin
get that thing of yours as hard as the times
An old retired sailor named Kevin put
on his uniform and went on down to the we’re living in, and keep it rising like the
waterfront once more for old times sake. price of gas, then it isn’t going to cost you
one damn red cent!”
He found himself a prostitute, found a
hotel, and quickly took her up to his room.
Once in bed, he was going at it as best as Cheesy One Liners
- A dyslexic man walked into a bra.
he could for a guy his age, and he asked
her “How am I doing?” “Well sailor, you’re - A man walks into a bar with a slab of
asphalt under his arm and says - “A beer
doing about three knots.” “How’s that?”
he asked. She replied, “Well ...You’re knot please, and one for the road”
hard,You’re knot in, and you’re knot getting - What do you call a fish with no eyes? A
your money back.”
- A dwarf, who was mystic recently escaped from prison. The call went out that
Houl Goes Golfing
Father Joe, an Indian doctor, a rich Chinese there was a small medium at large
businessman and Houl were waiting one
Topic of Conversation
morning for a particularly slow group
I was sitting at 3 Monkeys one night and
of golfers in front of them. Houl fumed,
a pretty good debate started as to the
‘What’s with those jerks? We’re waiting
fifteen minutes between shots!’ The Indian following fashion statements Flip Flops - Sandals - and Socks : Are any
doctor chimed in, ‘I don’t know, but I’ve
never seen such poor golf!’ The Chinese combo Ok, and if so, what? Are all sock
colors and heights Ok? Discuss amongst
businessman called out, ‘Move it, time is
yourselves ...
money!’ The Catholic priest said, ‘Here
comes the greenskeeper. Let’s have a word
with him. ‘Excuse me, sir!’ said the priest, Happy belated Birthdays go out to Sassafrass who celebrated her birthday on the
‘What’s wrong with that group ahead of
us? They’re rather slow, aren’t they?’ Old 15th, and to our dear friend Nancy from
man Frank the greenskeeper replied, ‘Oh, Currans who just celebrated her 29th
birthday on the 14th of July.
yes. That’s a group of blind fire fighters.
They lost their sight saving our clubhouse Happy Birthday girls!!
from a fire last year, so we always let them As always - Got a good one - Send it on
play for free anytime.’ The group fell silent over to DonnysJokes@yahoo.com
Have Fun!!
for a moment. Father Joe said, ‘That’s so
Page 29
Feels Like the First Time
when Foreigner takes the Tropicana stage July 31
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (July 10, 2009) – The Tropicana
Casino Resort invites you to “Say You Will” catch
classic rock favorites Foreigner live on stage in the
Tropicana Showroom at 9 p.m. on Friday, July 31,
First formed in 1976, Foreigner has sold more
than 70 million albums worldwide and scored six
consecutive albums in Billboard’s Top 10. Mick Jones’
primal guitar and Kelly Hansen’s indelible lead vocals
drive the band’s current lineup, which has been filling
arenas and winning over fans worldwide.
Their incredible roster of hits includes the hardrock anthems “Cold as Ice,” “Double Vision,” “Hot
Blooded,” “Juke Box Hero,” “Head Games” and
“Urgent.” The band is also credited with introducing
the music world to the power ballad with emotionally-charged mega-hits “Waiting for a Girl Like You,”
“I Don’t Want to Live Without You” and “I Want to
Know What Love Is.”
Fans continue to go wild for Foreigner. The band’s
new two-CD compilation “No End in Sight: The Very
Best of Foreigner” is a 32-song, career-spanning anthology. On April 16, 2009, “No End in Sight” entered
the Billboard Top 200 for the second time at #159.
During the previous week, the Foreigner catalogue
outsold those of The Stones, The Who,Van Halen,
Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers,
and over 98 percent of all Classic Rock artists. This
fall, Foreigner will release a new three disc package
that comprises ten new songs, all the original hits, and
a video.
Tickets to see Foreigner at the Tropicana are $35
to $75 and on sale now through www.ticketmaster.
com or 1-800-745-3000. Fans will be able to shop a
variety of Foreigner CDs, gear and other merchandise in the Showroom, and the band will donate 15
percent of CD sales to the United Way of Atlantic
The Tropicana Casino & Resort is a 24-hour gaming destination located on the beach and Boardwalk.
Featuring more than 2,100 rooms and suites and
home of The Quarter, a 200,000 square foot entertainment complex, Tropicana is the premier resort
in Atlantic City. With more than 20 restaurants,
25 shops, 12 bars and lounges, 2 pools, an IMAX
Theatre and a spa, Tropicana is consistently rated as
the “Must-See Attraction” in Atlantic City. For more
information, visit the new official Web site at www.
For more
and video,
be sure
to check
out the
on the Web
at www.
com/Tropicana.AC or
follow us
on Twitter
Sovereign Bank Arena
81 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08611
Call 1-800-298-4200 or log onto
www.ComcastTIX.com for ticket information
Sep 26, So You Think You Can Dance
Oct 6, WWE Smackdown & ECW Live
Nov 6, Lingerie Football: Philadelphia Passion vs. Miami Caliente
Nov 15, Lipizzaner Stallions
Nov 27, Disney Live!
Dec 11, Lingerie Football: Philadelphia Passion vs. Tampa Breeze
Page 30
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
Hypnosterical @ TRUMP MARINA in Atlantic City
Hilarious And Total Interactive Performance Featured In The SHELL
Now Through September 5th “ Where You Become The Show “ *Ya Gotta See This One!
There are no plants, no actors just
the people who get up on the stage
by their own free will. I’m tellI don’t take in that many shows
ing you, if you want to laugh till it
in Atlantic City but after checking
hurts and I saw this line in the press
out the show “Hypnosterical” on
release, bring down your family and
press night, at the Trump Marina,
really pushed my buttons to want to friends and get up on stage and you
will do the unthinkable. The show is
come back to see more. The folks
R-rated and just down right funny.
CASINO staged an upscale press
night media party and members of
This is a comedy hypnosis show.
this group of people were treated
Do you believe in hypnosis? All I can
like royalty. I was invited to check
tell you is that the star of the show
this out with my dad so we headed Joe Bocutti will make you a believer,
to Atlantic City . Endless food and
once you see him work his magic.
drink was served at the DECK at
You will see how he will take regular
the Trump Marina and then we all
people and what he says and what
headed to the Shell Theater to see
he has them doing, it will blow your
the hit show “Hypnosterical” starmind.
ring Master Hypnotist Joe Boccuti.
This show is not like anything you
The volunteers are very rapidly
put into a trance and will go from
may ever have seen on any stage
anywhere. The hot looking Boccuti standing one minute on their feet
invites the audience to participate in to laying out on the floor in a state
the show. He then positions people of hypnosis. They go out like a light
to stand in certain locations on the switch and this is what will set the
stage and sort of weeds out people show in motion. What happens
next? - it’s something you have to
he feels might not be able to place
under his spell. That is what I call it. see for yourself. I am not talking a
By Alyssa Vagnoni
hand full of people but a full stage
of just patrons that are all placed
under his hypnotic charm. What he
makes the people do that get up on
that stage...you will be talking about
this for years to come. Joe crosses
the line in every way possible with
this R-rated or I should say X-rated
show. IT is an adult comical hypnosis
blast. This show is for adults only
and I have to stress this.You must
be a least 18 years or older to see
this show.
Tickets are around $22.50 per
person and can be ordered by
Ticketmaster at: 1 800-736-1420 or
you can grab some tickets online
at: www.ticketmaster.com You can
also contact the Trump Marina Box
Office at :
1800-777-8477 or log on to www.
trumpmarina.com for special overnight packages.
Joe Boccuti and his Hypnosterical show just might be the show for
the summer of 2009 and I would
suggest you make it a point to see
this one.You will be talking up this
show for years to come.
Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, Electric Factory Box Office, Ticketmaster.
com and Charge-by-Phone 215-336-2000/ 856338-9000/ 302-984-2000.
July 29, 8:30pm: Radio 104.5 Presents The Yeah Yeah Yeahs. $25, 27*
July 30, 8:30pm: Fleet Foxes with Espers. $25, 27*
July 31, 10pm: EFC & Jamaican Dave Productions Present: Beres Hammond & Friends. $100, 40, 45*
August 6, 8:30pm: Asher Roth & Kid Cudi with B.O.B. and 88 Keys. $25, 27*
August 7, 8pm: The Big Surprise Tour – Old Crow Medicine Show with Dave Rawlings’ Machine ft.
Gillian Welch, The Felice Brothers and Justin Townes Earle. $31.50, 33*
August 13, 7:30pm: The Pretenders with Cat Power and Juliette Lewis. $49.50, 52*
September 11, 8:30pm: Clutch with Wino and Revolution Mother. $25, 27*
September 12, 8:30pm: Down with Evil Army and Weedeater. $25, 28* Key: [* = Day of Show Price]
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com
Borgata Event Center - Atlantic City, NJ:
July 17, 8pm: Love Train The Sound of Philadelphia ft.
The O’Jays, Russel Thompkins Jr & the New Stylistics,
Jerry Butler, Harold Melvin’s Bluenotes, The Delfonics,
Eddie Holman, The Jones Girls and The Intruders. $85,
65, 50
July 18, 8pm: Stone Temple Pilots with Meat Puppets.
$135, 95
July 24, 8pm: Maxwell with Chrisette Michele. SOLD
July 25, 8pm: An Evening with Jackson Browne. $75,
65, 59.50
July 30, 8pm: Katy Perry. $39.50
July 31, 8pm: Hall & Oates. $85, 65, 55
August 1, 8pm: Depeche Mode with Peter Bjorn &
August 7, 8pm: An Evening with Crosby, Stills & Nash.
$86, 76
August 8, 8pm: Steely Dan. SOLD OUT
August 14 & 15, 8pm: Jim Gaffigan. $45, 39.75 (2nd
show added)
August 21, 8pm: The Moody Blues. $65, 55
August 28, 8pm: Counting Crows with Michael Franti
& Spearhead plus Augustana. $85, 65
August 29, 8pm: The Black Crowes with Levon Helm.
$59.50, 49.50
September 4 & 5, 8pm: An Evening with Journey. $125,
September 6, 8pm: Carlos Mencia. $59.50, 49.50
September 26, 8pm: David Cook with Tonic. $45, 39.50
October 3, 8pm: Blink-182 with Asher Roth. SOLD
November 6, 8pm: Rob Thomas with OneRepublic and
Carolina Liar. $86, 66, 56
The Music Box at Borgata - Atlantic City, NJ:
July 17, 9pm: Paul Potts with special guests Neal Boyd
and Diane di Stasio. $39.50
July 18, 9pm: Dave Attell. $45, 35
July 24, 10pm: The Roots. $49.50
July 25, 9pm: Daniel Tosh. $35
July 31, 9pm: Drew Hastings, Bob Zany and Craig
Shoemaker. $35, 25
August 7, 8 & 9, 9pm: Lewis Black. $75
August 14, 9pm: Bob Saget with James Smith. $40
August 15, 9pm: Patti LuPone – The Gypsy in my Soul.
August 22, 7pm & 10pm: Frank Caliendo. $45, 40
August 28, 9pm: Dom Irrera and Jeffrey Ross. $35
August 29, 9pm: Jim Breuer. $29.50
September 5, 8pm & 11pm: Chelsea Handler. $65, 55
September 18, 9pm: Michael McDonald & Boz Scaggs.
$95, 75
September 19, 9pm: Loggins & Messina. $70, 60
September 25, 9pm: Rick Springfield. $50
Susquehanna Bank Center - Camden, NJ:
July 25, 7:30pm: Toby
Keith with special
guest Trace Adkins.
$70.75, 25, 34.75
(lawn), 20 (4-pack
lawn indiv.), 20 (2-pack
reserved indiv; $40 total | Hell Raiser Super
Saver), 25 (discount
Festival Pier:
July 25, 7pm: Radio 104.5 Presents Rise Against and
Rancid with Billy Talent. $32
August 7, 6pm: Slightly Stoopid & Snoop Dogg with
Stephen Marley and Mickey Avalon featuring Beardo.
August 8, 7pm: Incubus with The Duke Spirit. SOLD
August 9, 7pm: Jason Mraz and G. Love & Special
ticket; while supplies last)
Sauce with K’Naan. $45, 48*
July 31, 8pm: Lil Wayne with Soulja Boy,Young Jeezy,
Drake and Jeremih. $85.96, 65.96, 45.96, 29.96 (lawn) August 18, 7pm: OAR with Brett Dennen. $35
August 2, 8pm: Jackson Browne with Steve Earle. $65, August 29, 7pm: The Flaming Lips with Explosions in
the Sky and Stardeath and White Dwarfs. $39.50 (ad45, 39.50, 25 (discount ticket; while supplies last)
ditional fees may apply)
August 7, 2:15pm: Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival
August 30, 7pm: Staind with Shinedown and Chevelle.
ft. Marilyn Manson & Slayer with Killswitch Engage,
Bullet For My Valentine, Trivium, All That Remains, God $35, 38*
Forbid, Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Job for a Cowboy,
Tower Theater - Upper Darby, PA:
Black Dahlia Murder and White Chapel plus Bam
Margera as special Guest MC. $32.50, 58.75, 25 (lawn), July 28, 8pm: 102.9 MGK Presents Yes with special
guest Asia. $95, 65, 45, 33.75 (4-pack reserved indiv.;
19.75 (4-pack lawn indiv.), 25 (discount ticket; while
while supplies last)
supplies last)
July 31, 7pm: Dream Theater with Zappa Plays Zappa,
August 13, 7:30pm: Creed. $85, 55, 35, 35 (lawn), 20
Bigelf and Scale The Summit. $55, 58*, 41.25 (4-pack
(4-pack lawn indiv.)
reserved indiv.)
August 15, 7:30pm: Brad Paisley with Dierks Bentley
and Jimmy Wayne. $55.25, 25 (Discount Tickets; while August 13, 7:30pm: The Pretenders with Cat Power
supplies last), 26.50 (lawn), 24.75 (lawn 4-pack indiv.); and Juliette Lewis. $65, 49.50, 39.50
August 15, 8pm: Tori Amos. $49.50, 39.50, 34.50, 26
(No service charge at SBC on 6/5)
(4-pack reserved)
August 21, 7pm: The Allman Brothers Band and
Widespread Panic. $75, 45, 25 (discount tickets; while September 26, 8pm: Snow Patrol with Plain White T’s
supplies last), 29.50 (lawn), 22.15 (lawn 4-pack indiv.) (Presented by Radio 104.5). $40, 43*, 35, 38*, 30, 33*,
August 27, 6:30pm: Blink-182 with Weezer, Taking Back 22.50 (4-pack reserved)
October 16 & 17, 8pm: Bob Weir & RatDog. $65,
Sunday and Chester French. $69, 55, 25, 20 (lawn)
39.50, 29.50, 22.25 (4-pack reserved indiv.)
Theater of the Living Arts:
Wachovia Center:
July 17, 7pm: Q102 Presents The Veronicas with CarJuly 23 & 24, 7pm: Jonas Brothers with Jordin Sparks
ney and Theart. $16, 19*, 12 (4-pack indiv.)
and Honor Society. SOLD OUT!
July 19, 8pm:VNV Nation with War Tapes and Ayria.
August 1, 7:30pm: Keith Urban with Taylor Swift.
$20, 24*
July 23, 11pm: Honor Society – Official Jonas Brothers SOLD OUT!
After Show. $24.50, 27.50*
Wachovia Spectrum:
July 25, 9pm: Paolo Nutini with Erin McCarley and
July 21, 8pm: Green Day with The Bravery. SOLD
Matt Hires. $20, 23*
July 29, 8pm: RX Bandits & Dredg with Zechs MarOctober 28 & 30, 8pm: Pearl Jam. $77
quise. $16, 19*, 12 (4-pack indiv.)
July 30, 9pm: Xavier Rudd with Jeremy Fisher. $23, 26*
July 31, 7pm: Ace Enders & A Million Different People The Note – West Chester, PA:
July 15, 8pm: Carbon Leaf with Alternate Routes. $16,
with special guests Person L, The Gay Blades, The
Dangerous Summer and School Boy Humor. $12, 15*, 18* (21+)
July 16, 8pm: The National Rifle with The New Con9 (4-pack indiv.)
nection and The Spinsters. $8 (21+)
August 1, 9pm: Tinted Windows with Locksley and
Free Energy. $18, 21, 13.50 (4-pack indiv.) (New Date; July 17, 10pm: Simple (A Live Phish Tribute). $10, 12*
all tickets honored)
August 6, 9pm: WXPN Welcomes Donavon Franken- July 18: 4pm: Jealousy Curve & Fooling April with
Overlook and Red Wire Black Wire. $13, 15*, 20
reiter with Gary Jules. $18, 21, 13.50 (4-pack indiv.)
(discount ticket with 9:30pm show)
August 7, 9pm: Eagles of Death Metal with Rival
July 18, 9:30pm: Jealousy Curve & Fooling April with
Schools. $18, 21*, 13.50 (4-pack indiv.)
Desoto Jones and Find Clarity (formerly Clarity). $13,
August 15, 9pm: CKY with Graveyard and ASG. $22,
15*, 20 (discount ticket with 4pm show) (21+)
25*, 16.50 (4-pack indiv.)
August 16, 8pm: Our Lady Peace with Meese. $22, 25* July 21, 8pm: New Music Tuesday ft. Rob Snyder with
Parkwright and Winston’s Dog. $5 (21+)
August 21, 9pm: Collective Soul. $29.50, 33*, 22 (4July 22, 8pm: Head Automatica with Cubic Zirconia.
pack indiv)
$15, 18*
August 22, 9pm: Tarrus Riley. $25, 28*, 18.75 (4-pack
July 23, 8pm: Johnny Action Figure with The Tressells,
Stone Thrown and Disco Machine Gun. $8, 10* (21+)
September 5, 9pm: Alice In Chains. SOLD OUT!
Page 31
July 24, 9pm: Enstride with Shovelhook, Soraia, Enter
the Rooms and Ghost in the Machine. $10 (21+)
July 25, 9pm: Splintered Sunlight. $10 (21+) – New
July 28, 8pm: New Music Night ft. J.J. Sinatra with Voss,
Sherbs and Dave Vegas. $5 (21+)
July 31, 9pm: Meeting in the Aisle (A Tribute to Radiohead) with Ritual (A Tribute to Jane’s Addiction). $8,
10* (21+)
August 5, 7:30pm: The Moxy CD RELEASE with Cheap
Seats, The Scenic, Tell All and Acoustic Performance
from The Great American Soundtrack plus Stand-up
from Sean Cranston “Cranman”. $8, 10*
August 7, 9pm: Automatic Fire. $8, 10* (21+)
August 8, 9pm: Missing Palmer West with East Hundred and Andrew Lipke & The Prospects. $8, 10* (21+)
August 11, 8pm: Kevin Devine ft. Fred Maraschino (of
The Color Fred & Taking Back Sunday) and Josh Loss.
$10, 12* (18+)
August 12, 7:30pm: Sick Puppies & Hurt with The Veer
Union – Powered by Samsung mobile. $15, 17*
August 13, 9pm: Jim Rose Circus. $15 (21+)
August 14, 9pm: De La Soul: 20 Years High and Rising
Tour. $30, 33* (21+)
August 20, 8pm: Rebelution with Giant Panda Guerilla
Dub Squad and Iration. $15, 17* (18+)
August 22, 9:30pm: Hoots & Hellmouth with Sisters 3
and Mason Porter. $12, 14* (21+)
August 25, 6:45pm: Red Jumpsuit Apparatus with
Monty Are I, The Dares and Go Radio. $16.50, 18*
Mann Center for the Performing Arts:
August 8, 7:30pm: BonTaj Roulet: Bonnie Raitt & Taj
Mahal – Alone and Together. $79.25, 59.25, 39.25, 25
August 15, 7:30pm: John Legend with Special Guest
India.Arie. $110, 90, 80, 70, 25
Boardwalk Hall – Atlantic City, NJ:
August 23, 8pm: Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer
Band. $226, 156, 96, 66
Tropicana Casino – Atlantic City, NJ:
July 18, 8pm: Drake Bell. $65, 45, 35
August 8, 9pm: Sugar Ray with Fastball. $45, 35, 25
Sovereign Center – Reading, PA:
September 10, 7:30pm:Y102 Welcomes Journey with
Heart. $75, 65, 49.50
Citizens Bank Park:
July 30, & August 1, 7pm: Billy Joel and Elton John.
$55.50, 101, 181
Mark G. Etess Arena – Trump Taj Mahal (Atlantic
August 15, 4pm & 8pm: Jeff Dunham. $60.50, 50.50,
40.50 (2nd show added)
September 4, 9pm: Dane Cook. $110, 85, 50
September 5, 8pm: Dane Cook. $110, 85, 50
September 6, 8pm: Dane Cook. $110, 85, 50 (3rd
show added!)
October 17, 8pm: Ron White. $65, 55
Key: [* = Day of Show Price]
Page 32
Volume 31 Number 08 • July 22, 2009 to August 12, 2009 • www.OOTWEB.com