Gospel Campaign and Outreach Ministry at Jog Falls - Indien


Gospel Campaign and Outreach Ministry at Jog Falls - Indien
Section of the
gathering at the
special gospel
meeting at Jog
Falls area of
Shimoga District.
Year in His
Karnataka Village Ministries along
with local Brethren Assemblies of
Shimoga District organized a
Special Gospel Campaign at Jog
Falls area with Bro. Ratnaiah and
team from 13th through 19th April
2015. KSM team joined with them
along with the local volunteers in
this ministry. With Gospels, tracks
and New Testaments they reached
every home in the village called
Kargal in the Jog Falls area. They
also shared the
gospel to the
tourists each
day who come
to visit Jog Falls.
Students from
Karnataka Bible
Institute also
actively took
part in this
o u t r e a c h
Gospel Campaign and Outreach
Ministry at Jog Falls
APRIL 2015 / MAY 2015
KSM volunteers
Kotian, Mr. Prasanna Kumar and
Bro. N. A. Paul participated in this
ministry program. Dr. Prabhudas,
chairman of KSM, Bro. N. A. Paul
and other servants of God brought
God’s message in the evening
meetings. On the last day, that is on
Sunday, the 19th of April, Rev. B. D.
Immanuel, Executive Director of
KSM brought God’s message at
Zion Brethren
Assembly. This
strengthened the
c h u r c h
and benefited
them spiritually.
On the final day
KSM team
presenting special
song during the
gospel meeting at
Brethren Assembly
Rev. B. D. Immanuel, whom the Lord used to
start KSM, was an ex-foster-child of KNH. He
was with OM (Operation Mobilization) where
the Lord broke him and moulded him for His
ministry. On 19th May 1966, the Lord saved
him and called him to His ministry. He had
initial Bible training at UBS (Union Biblical
Seminary) with the sponsorship of Mr. H. T.
Sangliana and Back-to-the-Bible Broadcasting.
The Lord laid on his heart a strong desire to
take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to his own
people in Karnataka. By His Grace, the ministry
of KSM took birth on September 10th, 1983.
The Lord had laid this burden upon a number of
God’s people, God’s servants and led them to
launch this evangelistic program and provided
everything that was needed for this new
ministry. Objectives of KSM ministry are:
To take the Gospel to the people in Karnataka
and follow-up in cooperation with the local
churches and assemblies.
Planting groups of believers and adding them
to the local church.
Establishing medical and community
development services in slums and prisons.
Conduct revival meetings and evangelistic
camps with the cooperation and working
through local churches.
KSM is not officially associated with any
denominational church. However, it seeks to have
close fellowship with all churches and Christian
organizations with similar activities. It believes that
the churches are the backbone of the ministry for
evangelism. “This is of the Lord’s doing and it is
marvelous in our eyes” – Psalm 118:23.
Gospel Campaign
From the Executive Director
Building Bridges
Cheerful Giver
Medical Camp
Visit to Chikballapur Prison
Praise God for ... Pray & Share ...
Published by:
KSM Hospital, KSM Mission Centre, Kothanur Narayanapura, Bangalore 560077
Phone: 28465900 email: immanuelbd@gmail.com
Layout: JF Soans Printed at: SM Prints, Bangalore 560030
APR / MAY 2015
(Above) Rev. B. D. Immanuel preaching on
Sunday the 19th April at the Brethren
Assembly Church at Jog falls.
(Above right) Dr. Prabhu Das presenting
God’s message during the special gospel
meetings held at Jog Falls.
fellowship meal and concluded the
one week program and returned
back to our respective homes.
Along with KSM team, Mr.
Ratnaiah and team, Zion Brethren
Assembly church elder Bro. Israel K
Paul, local churches and people
from other parts of Karnataka (like
Belgaum, Shimoga, Bhadravathi,
Contd. on page 6
(Left &
Sections of
on the last
day of the
meeting on
Sunday the
19th April
at Brethren
APR / MAY 2015
From the
Executive Director’s Desk
What makes Jesus Christ
Dear prayer partners, supporting
In these last days God spoke
uniquely through His son who was
with Him when He created the
universe. By this He reconciled the
world to Himself, and the Son now sits
at the right hand of the majesty on high,
superior to the angels (Heb 1:4). The
familiar words of John 3:16 tells us –
whoever believes in Him should not
perish but have eternal life.
One missionary writer wrote, “The
uniqueness of Christ is not something
that we claim on behalf of Christ; but it
is the claim which He made for Himself.
Christ himself said, “I am the
way, the truth and the life; no
man cometh unto the Father
but by Me”.
Jesus Christ is a Unique
Person: Dr. J. T. Seamonds
tells this story about Sadhu
Sunder Singh, a sikh who
experienced Jesus and His
salvation and became one of
India’s greatest follower of
Jesus Christ. One day a
comparative religions, an
agnostic, interviewed the
Sadhu, with the intention of
showing him his mistake in
renouncing another faith for
Christ. He asked, “What have you
found in Christianity that you did not
have in your old religion?” The Sadhu
answered, “I have Christ”. Yes I know,
the professor replied somewhat
impatiently, but what particular
principles or doctrines have you found
that you did not have before? Sunder
Singh replied “The particular thing I
have found is Christ.
Jesus Christ’s Unique Resurrection:
If you read the sacred books of the East
you will nowhere find it said of the
founder of any great ethnic religion
what the Bible affirms of Christ, that
He, a sinless man, was made sin for the
lost world. Nor will you find it written
of Zoroaster, Confucius, Buddha or
Mohammed that after death they rose
Dr. Shanthi Samuel examining a
child patient at KSM slum clinic.
APR / MAY 2015
Nurse Tejeswini
dressing the wounded
hand of a child with
Lalitha Prasad, and
KSM staff helping. His
father is seen beside
again to vindicate
their claim. Among
all the graves in the
world only one grave
is empty that is of
Jesus Christ. It is a
historical fact that no
one can deny.
The two great
facts – the sinless life of Christ and His
resurrection establish the uniqueness of
the gospel in contrast to the religions of
the world. The great philosophers like
Socrates, used to argue for the
immortality of the soul. Jesus did not
argue. He simply raised the dead, and
rose up from the dead Himself as
evidence and proclaimed that because
He lives, we too shall live. The early
Christians went everywhere testifying
to the resurrection. It was the basic
theme of apostolic preaching. Peter at
Pentecost proclaimed, “you crucified
Him, but God raised Him up”. His
opponents had no answer.
The resurrection of Christ is just one
sample of God’s power. If you ever had
doubts, remember the resurrection. It is
one of the things that makes the
Christian life so exciting. The gospel is
unique because of the uniqueness of
One reason for the universal appeal
of Christ is that He was not an
American or a European. In the wisdom
of God, He was born in Asia, in a tiny
APR / MAY 2015
country that forms a land bridge
between three continents. He learned to
walk in Africa. By race and human
ancestry He was neither white nor
black. The color of His skin was the
almond-colored descendants of Shem.
With respect to time and place, color
and race, His position will always
remain central in history and life of
mankind. He was born midway between
East and West and He might be Savior
of both.
Those of us who have children thank
God for the life-transforming power of
Jesus Christ taken place in them. Jesus
Christ is God’s final message to
mankind. There will be no other. In this
rests the finality of Christ for the
salvation of lost men. The risen and
victorious Christ declares: “ I am the
Alpha and the Omega the first and the
last, the beginning and the end.” - Rev
22:13. In other words, while Jesus is the
Alpha and the Omega of God’s divine
alphabet, we believers are the other
letters of the alphabet that God uses to
communicate His message to the
What a great heart for the State of
Karnataka of India we had! KSM staff and
I want to thank you from the bottom of
our hearts for your participation in the
Lord’s Ministry through KSM by sending
financial support and upholding us in
your prayers.
Together we can do great things for
God! When you are our support and
prayer partners, you are a part of all
that the Lord’s Ministry that happens
through KSM including taking the
lifesaving Gospel to the people in
villages, slums, cities and to the
prisoners in prisons in the state of
Karnataka; standing by us having the
“House of Hope” in reaching for those
who are yet to hear the Gospel and make
decision for the Lord in order to be saved
from the bondage of sin and eternal
damnation; supporting all the five
different ministries of KSM all over
Karnataka, taking the Gospel into
prisons, slums, hospitals and to the
shut-ins. We need prayer support all the
time. KSM provides opportunities to the
believers, volunteers from different
denominational backgrounds. I want to
plead with you to be faithful supporters
of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
and to your earmarked pledges for the
Lord’s Ministry through KSM. When
you are faithful to God, He will be
faithful to you!
I also request you to pray for the
medical, community development,
evangelistic programmes and also for
KSM office staff. We need this “prayer
covering”. When we are on the front
lines to carry the Gospel-preaching
mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, we
come under great attacks and get
discouraged. But we have a great and
powerful weapon of prayer. Let us
exercise it regularly and be victorious to
move forward for the Lord.
Yours in Christ Mission
Rev. B. D. Immanuel
Outreach Ministry at Jog Falls
(from page 3)
Mandya, Mysore and Bangalore
city) also joined in this ministry of
gospel meetings. All the programs
and gospel meetings went on very
well and many were reached with
the gospel message. Pray that the
gospel may penetrate many a hearts
and they may come to the saving
knowledge of Christ.
All praise and glory be to our
– Bro. N. A. Paul
After the Sunday service
Rev. B. D. Immanuel praying for a school
teacher who made decision for the Lord.
APR / MAY 2015
Building Bridges and Breaking Barriers
Barriers are part of an organization’s
growth but it is how you overcome
them by building bridges. The last
month had been quite a testing
month at the Senior Citizens Home
where Hope Springs has its regular
medical camps. When we reached
the location we came to know that
half the inmates at the home was
unwell. Thankfully our volunteer
doctor was able to step in and give
them the required treatment. One
of them even had to be put on drips
as she was severely dehydrated.
She was able to gain some strength
after some time and was able to eat.
She had not eaten for almost a
We just want to thank God for
opening doors for us to help them
in whatever way possible. The Home
has been very appreciative of us
since we started going there last
February. Over the last one month
we also have been trying to create
awareness about our projects and
encouraging individuals to become
a part of it in whatever way possible,
even if it is through the skills and
talents one possesses that can
benefit someone or through
financial support. We want to
encourage individuals who are
passionate to serve to become
partners with us.
You can express your thoughts
– Kevin Immanuel
Cheerful Giver
strengthen the Lord’s ministry
through KSM.
God indeed honors the giver for
His ministry by rewarding him or
her and the families adequately.
Today the Lord has given us
precious gifts of men, women and
children who share lovingly,
faithfully, liberally and sacrificially
to meet the needs of Lord’s
Ministry through KSM. Let us
remember “Whatever we have
done in the Lord’s name will never
be in vain.” - I Cor. 15:58. “Give, and
it will be given to you “. - Luke 6:38.
God loves a cheerful giver! Over the
past 32 years or more several of our
friends have donated substantially
for the ministries of KSM. Prominent
among them are a number of God’s
people and families from Bangalore,
Mysore, Mangalore, Bidar, Belgaum,
Mumbai and other places. They
showed their gratitude to the Lord
for the Lord’s ministry through KSM
by remembering manifold blessings
that the Lord showered upon them
and their families who in turn
APR / MAY 2015
Free Medical Services Camp
for the rural poor at
Shambhuvanahalli of Bangalore Dist.
KSM Medical Team
joined hands with
the Assembly of God
Church of Ejipura,
Bangalore to conduct
a primary health care
services camp at
with the help of three
Bangalore Baptist
Hospital. This was
held on Saturday the
14th of March. The
team travelled by
from KSM Centre to pick up
medical team members including
Dr. Luke, Dr. Arnab, and Dr. Shiny
from Bangalore Baptist Hospital.
Our journey started towards
Dr. Luke from Bangalore Baptist Hospital
examining patients at the camp.
Dr. Arnab from Bangalore Baptist Hospital
examining patients at the free medical camp
at Shambhuvanahalli of Bangalore Dist.
Shambhuvanahalli Medical Camp
place. The Assembly of God church
pastor and his people had visited
the village a couple of days earlier to
inform the village
people of medical
camp. They also
found out before
hand about the
health care needs
of the people in
that village. This
helped the team
to be prepared
with the right
stock of medicines
to be taken to the
APR / MAY 2015
The medical
team and the
village about
9.45 a.m. where
the organizers
from Assembly
of God Church
were waiting.
The organizers
had made all
p h y s i c a l
arrangements as
needed by the
leader of the A .
G. Church Mr. Geo Jose introduced
KSM and Hope Springs medical
team and volunteers and 3 doctors
from Bangalore Baptist Hospital and
shared about their church. Before
starting medical checkups, Mr. Jose
asked one of his pastors to pray for
the success of the medical camp and
for many villagers to be benefitted
through this ministry.
Patients who gathered registered
their names with Mrs. Naomi
Kotian and Mrs. Arpita Prakash
from KSM and Hope Springs at the
registration counter. On checking
each patient for the illnesses and by
interacting with the patients,
doctors realized that there were a
number of infant deaths in the
village especially due to the diseases
like tuberculosis, diphtheria,
pertussis (whooping cough),
tetanus, poliomyelitis and measles.
These are diseases caused mainly
due to malnutrition, which can
cause disability, morbidity and
death. Tuberculosis and ubiquitous
APR / MAY 2015
Dr. Shinny from Bangalore Baptist
Hospital examining patients at the camp.
diseases are found in almost every
village. It could be prevented by
BCG vaccination, diphtheria,
pertussis (whooping cough) tetanus
(DPT) by a combined vaccine called
Triple Antigen. Poliomyelitis causes
morbidity and disability and
occasionally death. These are
preventable diseases. Village people
attach a sentiment to measles.
Vaccination prevents measles.
It is said that “Immunization is
recognized as one of the most
powerful and cost effective weapons
against diseases”. Three doctors in
the medical camp prescribed
medicines to each patient examined.
They were then issued free
medicines by nurses at the KSM
Ambulance. There were a number of
children with scabies, abscess,
diabetes and hypertension. One
child with web-hand was asked to
come to the Bangalore Baptist
Hospital for reconstructive surgery.
Some patients with blood sugar
levels of 400 and above were
unaware of it. They were given
appropriate medication and were
advised to control their diet.
We counselled 79 village patients
who attended this medical camp
about nutrition, hygiene, health in
addition to treating many of them
for specific ailments. Complicated
cases were referred to hospitals in
Bangalore city with relevant
facilities. We asked some of the
patients why they do not go to
Government primary health centers
which may be functioning in their
village. Majority of the patients
responded saying that quality of
service in these health centers was
very poor.
It is important that the quality of
the health service rendered by
medical staff depend on several
factors like their accessibility to
patients, regular and adequate
supply of drugs and the rapport
they build in the community. There
is a great demand for medicines for
common ailments and iron and folic
acid tablets. Irregular and
inadequate supply of drugs have
been the common complaint in
these villages. The reason for people
not availing Government health
services is that they have to wait for
a long time in these places to receive
any medical help. Sometimes they
are turned back without treatment
because of non-availability of proper
equipment. Moreover, there is also
no privacy during medical
particularly of women and many of
the Government health centres do
not have lady medical doctors on
embarrassed to get examined by
male medical personnel.
Another important reason for the
village patients not to visit
Government hospitals is because
they feel they are not properly
examined nor they are given
required medicines. Therefore many
village patients
Christian Health
The medical
staff at KSM are
eager to render
medical service
to all patients
who come from
Patients from
registering their
names at the
APR / MAY 2015
far and near for treatment at their
clinic. KSM’s mobile clinic caters to
the people in the villages and slums
and it continues to grow. The foot
fall of patients are slowly and surely
increasing in both the clinics at KSM
Centre and Koramangala slum and
also at the mobile clinic at villages
and prisons. The following are the
categories of the medical cases dealt
with at the camp.
Hyper Tension (High BP)
– Dr. Luke
In-charge of Bangalore Baptist
Hospital Community Development
Medical Program in Rural Areas
Of Bangalore District.
It is indeed my pleasure to write
about the medical camp that was
conducted at Shambhuvanahalli a
village near Bannerghatta, in
Bangalore on Saturday 14th March
On behalf of Pentecostal Young
People Association (PYPA), IPC
APR / MAY 2015
South Centre Bangalore, I extend
our sincere gratitude to the full team
of KSM and Hope Springs for their
wonderful cooperation, effort and
hard work for the successful
completion of the free medical camp
that PYPA planned to conduct.
We have received very good
community. The Medical Camp
helped more than eighty families of
the village. The Panchayath
members welcomed the voluntary
work and invited us to conduct such
camps often. It was a very good
experience for the PYPA council
also, as we were planning the
charity work for the public. It was a
challenging responsibility. We thank
KSM and Hope Springs for taking
up our request and conducting the
medical camp with meticulous
Special thanks to the doctors,
nurses and administrators for their
effort and the attitude of sincere
service during the camp. We look
forward for such opportunities in
the future as well.
– Geo Jose (Secretary)
PYPA South Centre, Bangalore
A free medical health checkup was
held for the residents of
Shambhuvanahalli, Bangalore by
KSM and Hope Springs in
association with PYPA. The three
volunteer doctors from Baptist
Hospital, Bangalore Dr. Luke, Dr.
Shiny and Dr. Arnab took part at
this village camp at 10 AM with
KSM and Hope Springs team. Free
Mrs. Beulah
Immanuel, nurse
Jaya and Arpita
from Hope Springs
at the registration
physical examinations along with
free blood sugar tests, blood
pressure tests were conducted with
free medicines
KSM and Hope
Around 79
villagers were
examined at the
D o c t o r s
prescribed them
v a r i o u s
consultation. The families in village
contd. on page 15
It is common to see school dropout
girls and housewives from the
Koramangala slum and from the
villages around KSM Mission Centre
at Kothanur Narayanapura in
depressed and in poor living
conditions. Most of them are not
gainfully employed and with the
prices of household items sky
racketing, it is difficult for them to
make both ends meet. Often the
men folk in their families do not
earn enough or they spend their
earnings in drinking. Women are
often beaten by their drunken
husbands. To check such atrocities
KSM has been working towards
improving the living conditions and
bring hope to their lives making
them self sufficient. Many girls and
women taken this opportunity and
come forward to do tailoring
training at KSM Mission Centre and
at Koramangala slum clinic. Thus
KSM aims to bring about a social,
economic and ethical change
among these people.
KSM offers 8-month tailoring
training course which enable these
underprivileged girls and women to
be employed in garment factories
nearby or be self- employed. KSM
tailoring training department is
proud of the completion of a
number of trainees from these two
tailoring centers.
– Lalitha Prasad
Tailoring Teacher.
APR / MAY 2015
Visit to Chikballapur Prison
On 11th April,
2015, I joined
with the staff
and volunteers
of KSM on one
of their regular
visits to the
prison. This was
my first visit to a
prison and I
want to thank
Immanuel for letting me join their
prison ministry team.
KSM prison ministry team gathered for
prayer at KSM Centre before leaving for
Bangalore Central Prison.
up several of the team
members on the way.
volunteer for 14 yrs. in
the Prison Ministry, was
our leader and also he
drove the Ambulance
which took us to the
prison. We arrived at the
prison at 11 am.
KSM prison ministry
team presenting
gospel songs before
sharing the gospel to
the women prisoners
We started at
about 9.30 am from
the campus of KSM
with a word of
prayer. We picked
APR / MAY 2015
We were 10 of us,
5 women and 5 men.
At the entrance the
mobile phones and
marked the visitor’s
stamp on our hands.
Herman and Vijay set
up the mike system
and led the group in a
few Kannada songs.
In the audience there
(Above) Bro.
Naveen Chandra
sharing the gospel
to men prisoners at
the Open Air Jail.
(Left) After the
prison ministry
programme, KSM
team with the lady
superintendent in
front of Tumkur
District Women’s
Prison. (Below) Dr.
examining patients
at Kolar Dist.
were about 80 men
listening attentively to the
songs and at the end there
was a round of applause
by them.
This was followed by a
time of sharing the gospel
by Mr. William, a veteran
in the Prison Ministry. At
the conclusion when he
asked how many would
like to believe in Christ,
several hands went up.
After closing in prayer,
APR / MAY 2015
Mr. William met and
prayed with quite a
decision for Christ.
Then the meeting
broke up for the
conducted by Dr.
Shanti. She was
assisted by Naomi,
Angelika, Jaya and
doctor checked more
than 70 patients and Dr. Rohit from Chikballapur CSI Hospital examining a prison
the nurses gave patient at Bangalore Open Air Jail.
inmates looked very
happy at being
treated. The presence
of the Lord was
meeting. The inmates
were happy to hear
the songs and the
preaching of the
prayers. We believe
that the Spirit of God would have prisoners that they would know the
peace and righteousness of God.
touched many lives that day.
– Rev. Noel Kotian
We returned with prayers in our
Secretary of EFI, South India
hearts for the salvation of the
Medical Camp (from page 12)
needed serious guidance with
counselling on health and hygiene.
A particular family with three kids
was suffering with many health
issues because of lack of proper
hygiene. Doctors advised the basic
hygiene practices to the family
along with physical examination
and prescribing medication. They
APR / MAY 2015
were very satisfied and happy with
this free medical camp.
Camp was successfully organized
under the guidance of Kevin
Immanuel and Mrs. Beulah
Immanuel, Mrs. Naomi Kotian, Mrs.
Jaya Isravel, Mrs. Teju, Ms. Angelika.
Mrs. Arpita Prakash supported in the
coordination of the camp.
– Mrs. Arpita Prakash
Praise God for ...
The growing prison ministry in 7
prisons - Bangalore Central
Prison, Bangalore Open Air Jail,
Chickkaballapur and Tumkur
Women’s Prison, Tumkur,
Chintamani and Kolar prisons
for men.
For those whom we have reached
with the Gospel and for seekers
in these 7 prisons.
For KSM medical ministry in both
Koramangala slum and KSM
Centre clinic.
Patients who come to the clinics to
be healed and also to be
reached through the Gospel.
For the mobile clinic in Muslim
hostels and schools through the
medical ministry and the love of
God to be planted in these
children’s life.
For Hope Springs ministry in the old
age home.
For Hope Springs social work in
different villages.
For the needed funds for Hope
Springs ministry.
For the KSM tailoring training
program for young girls and
women in slums and villages
around KSM Centre.
For the health and well-being of
KSM staff and their families.
For the volunteers in the challenging
evangelistic, medical and prison
KSM prayer partners and supporters
to be actively involved in the
KSM ministry.
Cooperation and involvement of
local churches and its leaders in
different ministries of KSM.
Pray and Share ...
The needed funds to support all the
5 ministries of KSM.
To make up the 25% shortage in
the monthly support funds
during the last two years.
For the 33rd anniversary special
Gospel meeting to be held in an
appropriate place and the dates
to be fixed.
Pray for all the KSM Board
members and their families. For
His guidance in all the programs
that will bring blessings in the
lives of people.
For the vision and mission of
founder Rev. B. D. Immanuel
enabling the 5 different
ministries to move forward with
his leadership.
For the good health to Miss
Angelika from Germany who is
with KSM till June.
For Rev. B. D. Immanuel’s health.
For Hope Springs upcoming projects
in rural areas.
For Hope Springs upcoming fund
raising events.
For more supporters needed for
KSM and Hope Springs
For all the foreign supporters and
their families.
For the “Hilfe fur Bruder”
international organization and
their ministries.