Unit Study
Unit Study
Becoming a Unit Study... Sara Rask Consultant, Rainbow Resource Center srask@rainbowresource.com Compiled by Rainbow Consulting Staff: Deanne Crawford Donna Krahn Gina Burmeier Janice Price Sara Rask Contact us at consultants@rainbowresource.com Unit Study PRO What is a Unit Study? It is a thematic or topical approach to teaching as opposed to the traditional by-subject approach. Rather than teach each subject separately, a unit study attempts to integrate many or all subject areas into a unified study—usually centered on a particular subject or event. Unit Study Categories 1. All Inclusive (or Complete) Covers all subjects in an organized (chronological) flow. In many cases you may need to add math, phonics, etc. (Ex: KONOS, Weaver, Trail Guide to Learning, Learning Adventures) 2. Literature Based Centered on a child’s book or series of books. (Ex: Five in A Row, Prairie Primer, Further Up Further In, On the Loose with Dr. Seuss) 3. History Based Centered on historical time or event. (Ex: History Revealed: Diana Waring) 4. Subject/Topic Based May be a science topic, event, thing, art/music. Usually not a one year curricula. There are several publishers that provide guides on a variety of topics/subjects. (Ex: Amanda Bennett Guides) Unit Study Resource List All Inclusive: Guides for Topical/Subject: KONOS (C) Weaver (C) Trail Guide to Learning (C) Sonlight (C) Learning Adventures (C) Layers of Learning (N) History Revealed: Diana Waring (C) The Civil War—by Pat Wesolowski (C) Introduction to Classical Studies—Memoria Press (C) Amanda Bennett: (C) - Adventures - Download ’n Go - Passport Geography Kym Wright (C) Galloping the Globe/Cantering the Country(C) Friends & Heroes Series (C) Literature: Unit Study P.R.O. Resources: Historical: Five in a Row (C/S) On the Loose with Dr Seuss (S) Prairie Primer (C) Further Up & Further In (C) Where the Brook & River Meet (C) Portraits of American Girlhood (C) Creating Curriculum Children’s Books (S) 1 Booster Shot Energize Your Homeschool with Unit Studies Unit Studies Made Easy Study Starters CD ROM Joy of Discovery Unit Study Daily Lesson Planner (C)-CHRISTIAN (S)-SECULAR (N)-NEUTRAL Contact us: consultants@rainbowresource.com www.rainbowresource.com Unit Study P PRO lan Your Topic R R R R Ages of your children Interests of children and mom Family dynamics Available resources and time Notes: R esearch Your Topic R R R R R Internet Library Your bookshelves Field trips People resources Notes: O rganize Your Topic R R R R S elect books, videos, and websites you will be using Determine activities to be incorporated Contact people who are knowledgeable in subject area Schedule field trips Notes: 2 Contact us: consultants@rainbowresource.com www.rainbowresource.com Unit Study Tools Websites: Activities: Videos: Field Trips: Topic: Books: 3 Contact us: consultants@rainbowresource.com People Resources: Unit Study Topic (Topic or Theme) Spelling/Vocabulary: History/Geography/Social Studies: Penmanship: Science: Writing: Math: Literature/Reading Comprehension: Music/Art: Bible/Character Lessons: P.E.: 4 Contact us: consultants@rainbowresource.com Unit Study Tools: sample Websites: Activities: - www.titanic1.org - www.titanic-titanic.com - www.onlinetitanicmuseum.com - Map route of Titanic - Study ship speed - Timeline - Morse Code - Study hypothermia - Study styles, clothes and culture of 1912 Videos: Field Trips: - Titanic (1953 version) - A Night to Remember - History Channel: Titanic the Complete Story - National Geographic Books: - Titanic - Icebergs/Glaciers - Ships - Morse Code/Samuel Morse - Biographies Contact us: consultants@rainbowresource.com Topic: Titanic - Titanic Exhibit - Ocean - US Coast Guard People Resources: - YouTube : “Survivors and what they saw” - Coast Guard or Navy personal Unit Study Topic: sample Titanic (Topic or Theme) Spelling/Vocabulary: History/Geography/Social Studies: - Nautical terminology - Hypothermia terminology - Glacier terms - Timeline - Map activities - Biographies of those on board ( Archibald Butt, Isidor Straus, Captain Edward J. Smith) - Learn Morse Code Penmanship: - Copywork: quotes from books, Bible verses Writing: - Research projects - Be a newspaper reporter and report on Titanic disaster - Compare/contrast Titanic movie with real story Literature/Reading Comprehension: - Book reports - Narration/dictation - Magic Treehouse guide & book on Titanic Music/Art: - Study life of band leader: Wallace Hartley - Draw Titanic ship and label - Draw iceberg P.E.: - Row boat/canoe one knot per hour - Energy: move to increase body temp and battle hypothermia Contact us: consultants@rainbowresource.com Science: - Hypothermia - Glaciers - Salt water vs. fresh water Math: - Calculate Titanic’s speed: convert knots to MPH - Graph answers from experiments - Number of life boats compared to number of people - Calculate number of life boats necessary for all to survive Bible/Character Lessons: - Women and children first - Leadership and responsibility - Pride - Scripture: Job 37:10 John 15:13 Song of Solomon 8:7 Acts 16:31
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Unit Study
- Biographies of those on board ( Archibald Butt,
Isidor Straus, Captain Edward J. Smith)
- Learn Morse Code