June 2012 MCC News.cdr - Heartland Chevelle Club
June 2012 MCC News.cdr - Heartland Chevelle Club
MCC June 2012 NEWS Volume 26 Issue #4 The Official Publication of The Maryland Chevelle Club OUT & ABOUT 10th Annual Believe In Tomorrow Benefit Show Believe in Tomorrow May 6, 2012 marked the 10th Annual Believe In Benefit Show.......................1 Tomorrow Benefit Show at Adam’s Chevrolet in Havre De Grace, Maryland. We’ve made changes to this show Randy’s Restoration through the years, trying to get that right combination to get Part 7...................................9 the lot full and maximize our donation to a great cause. This year the show was opened up to all makes and models and Cruisin’ Ocean City...........12 we had a GREAT turnout... 110 cars to be exact. DEPARTMENTS MCC members arrived early to get things set up and of course our favorite DJ, KRA-Z was on hand to spin the Presidents Report.................2 Membership Report..............3 MCC Meeting Minutes...........4 Calendar of Events................5 MCC Meeting Directions.....14 MCC Classifieds..................15 MCC Business Directory.....17 NEXT MEETINGS June 16, 2012 @ Terry & Dottie Bolyard’s home in Davidsonville, MD at 1 PM (Goodie bag/pre show meeting) July Meeting TBD tunes, make announcements and do what he does... GO KRA-Z! Never a dull moment when this guy is around. The weather started off a little shaky, with scattered showers, actually a fine drizzle, in most of the surrounding area. For us coming from the south, it was a little more until just after going through the tunnel. By 10 AM, the sun was starting to peak through the clouds and the participants started pouring in, three to four at a time! At 1 PM it was Continued on page 6 Maryland Chevelle Club C/O Don Gray 1246 Splashing Brook Drive Abingdon, MD 21009 mcc@mdchevelleclub.com MCC Officers President: Don Gray (410) 671-9593 mcc@mdchevelleclub.com 1st Vice President: Jeff Barnes (410) 877-9175 Jbarnes03@verizon.net 2nd Vice President: Ray Griffin (301) 864-6827 BRN2RN72@aol.com Secretary: Debbie Knight (410) 612-0173 redcavknight@aol.com Treasurer: Evelyn Gillis (410) 768-0065 Cupcakes66@verizon.net Membership: Debra Radcliffe-Borsch (301) 854-5509 Membership@mdchevelleclub.com Newsletter Editors: Tom Rightler (609) 680-6540 BlueSS454@comcast.net Rick Eckenrode (410) 446-8314 Super.sport@cox.net President’s Report 25th Anniversary MCC Show Come on out!!! Pitch in and lend a hand!! Help out!!! Have some fun!!! Enjoy the Saturday afternoon Poker Run!! Enjoy the Saturday night Drive-In Movie at the Motel!! Enjoy the many Chevelles!!! Renew or make new friends!! Help give-a-way that 454HO Big Block!! Enjoy the SHOW!!!! Friday June 22, Saturday June 23, Sunday June 24 Want to see you there!!! MCC Board of Directors Bob Wilcox Tom Morris (410) 627-0081 Showcar402@aol.com Donnie Gates (240)508-7874 DonnieG67@aol.com Fred Gillis (410) 768-0065 Mr66SS@verizon.net 2 • MCCNews I would like to thank the members of the Maryland Chevelle Club who were so helpful when I had car issues in Ocean City last weekend. Special thanks to Don Gray for the use of his tools, Jeff Barnes for his quick thinking in getting in touch with Matt for a new battery, Randy for the multiple jump-starts, Tom for all his help on Saturday for getting and installing the voltage regulator, all others who were available that Friday evening, many thanks. It was amazing to see a club who truly pulled together when someone needed help. Special thanks to everyone for your opinions and being so helpful !!! It was really appreciated !! PS to Jay Ball - the original battery finally died !!!! Joe & Carol Douglass June 2012 Membership Report Annual MCC Membership is $25 per year and entitles you to 9 issues of MCCNews, the official publication of the Maryland Chevelle Club. Your annual dues should be sent to Deb one month prior to your expiration date to: Maryland Chevelle Club C/O Debra Radcliffe-Borsch 2510 Pfefferkorn Road, West Friendship, MD 21794 Region Representatives Please send payment by check or money order. We also accept PayPal payments to mcc@mdchevelleclub.com Happy Birthday June! 1-Jun Jonathan Hart 1-Jun Deborah Robinson 3-Jun Randy Sprecher 4-Jun Dave Krespan 5-Jun Michael Davis 6-Jun Lisa Korell 6-Jun Andrea Waters 12-Jun Brenda Kelly 13-Jun Leo Paugh, Sr. 16-Jun Jim Brady 16-Jun William Brinkmeyer 16-Jun Kevin Kistler 17-Jun Peter Stuart 21-Jun William Slater 21-Jun David Vrankin 21-Jun Roxanne Robertson 22-Jun Mark Ivon 23-Jun Bill Banwarth 24-Jun Scott Davis 25-Jun Bruce Bailey 25-Jun Joseph Miller, Jr. 26-Jun Sherri DuBois 27-Jun John Newquist 27-Jun Steve Silverman 28-Jun Don Colburn 29-Jun Dwight Garrett 29-Jun Vickie Haskins 30-Jun J. Rob Bostwick 30-Jun Charles Dean 30-Jun Michelle Thompson The following members are due to renew Bruce Bailey L. J. Brinkley Don Colburn Tim Deale Robert Donohue J. J. Figuracion Jr. Albert Galdi Jeffrey Gwinn James Hinshaw Walt Klein James Marks Mike Milligan, Sr. Sam Natoli O.J. O'Neill Lee Parks Jack Roeber Ken Sloat, Jr John Utterback, Sr. Mark Waters Richard Bernard Theodore Caldwell Sid Coleman Lewis Delafield Kevin Embury Rick Finfrock Mel Gofstein Bob Haskins Jim Hutson Mark Korell Shawn McCourry Randy Moore Greg Nicholson Glenn Paine Jim Phelps Ken Santoro Keith Sterback Gary Vie George Westry Terry Bolyard Mike Cirillo Scott Davis Francis DiGuiseppe Robert Eyler Ed Fischer Ray Griffin Martin Hepner Mark Kelly Lee Levine Dave Meehling Raymond Morris John O'Connor Thomas Paine Alan Pitts John Shinkovich John Stonko David Vrankin Samuel Wilderson New Members & Renewals 627 Jeff Barnes 48 Steve Efta 787 Robert Maguire 276 John Utterback, Jr 871 John Bartles 360 Michael Hild 503 Darwin Miller 899 900 Havre de Grace, MD Forest Hill, MD Pete Stuart Jerry McLean June 2012 552 Eric DuBois 332 Tom Madigan 662 Michael Robertson North: Jay Ball Bel Air, MD (410) 838-2286 Jball117@verizon.net South: J.J. Figuracion Mechanicsville, MD (240) 346-8920 mccsouth@gmail.com East: Mark Waters Cambridge, MD (410) 228-4702 Waters4702@verizon.net West: Pat McTighe Middletown, MD (301) 371-5071 Mff200@aol.com New MCC Website Address WWW.MDCHEVELLECLUB.COM MCCNews • 3 MCC Meeting Minutes MCC Meeting Minutes May 6th, 2012 Location: Adams Chevrolet, Havre De Grace, Md. Believe in Tomorrow show MCC on Facebook Attendees: Don & Debbie Gray, Shelly Gray, Tom Rightler, Randy Moore, Debra Radcliffe Borsch, Mark & Andrea Waters, Jim Greaves, Pete Stuart, Joe Douglas, Pat McTighe, Tim FitzMaurice, Leo Paugh, Evelyn & Fred Gillis, Donnie Gates, Tom Morris, John & Cathy Fig, JJ Fig, Jeff, Betsy & Taylor Barnes. Thank you to everyone who helped with the show. The MCC now has a fan page on Facebook. Log on to www.facebook.com and search Maryland Chevelle Club to view the page, become a fan, share pictures, info, and more! Hosting Future MCC Meetings Membership Report: Debra Radcliffe Borsch- There are 188 active MCC members. We had a new member join today. Welcome Peyton. Treasurer's Report: Evelyn Gillis Old Business: Pre registration is up from last year for our MCC show. The car show at Capital raceway with the Maryland Camaro Club will be around mid August this year. Tom Morris is the chair for this and still working on the details of this show. New Business: Our 25th MCC show, Dash plaques are done. The show T-shirts are being worked on and almost done. This year is the first year that we have a new T-shirt vendor. The club is giving away an engine for this years show. To win your vehicle and you must be on the show field to receive the engine, NO EXCEPTIONS!! A ticket will be given to each person entered in the show. You may get up to 3 tickets. One ticket for being pre-registered, one for turning in your voting ballot and one if you show up on Sunday. The club is also giving away a turbo 400 transmission for anyone who gets 100.00 or more in donation money or prizes for this years show. VOLUNTEERS are needed for this years show, whether an hour or all day!! This years show dictator is ToM Rightler. Evaluation CZAR is Jeff Barnes. If you would like to host an upcoming MCC meeting in your area, contact VP Ray Griffin for details at BRN2RN72@aol.com Our Saturday night movie this year is possibly Cars 2. The hotel has 48 rooms reserved so far for this years show. The Dachsund Rescue dogs will be at the show again this year as a vendor. Golf cart this year is being provided by Pat McTighe this year. New Southern Coordinator is now JJ Fig. Thanks JJ. The club still needs a Northern coordinator. The show for Calvert County feed the hungry will be held again this year. Donnie Gates will put this together. Next MCC meeting is June 16th, at Terry & Dottie Bolyard's home in Davidsonville Maryland. 4 • MCCNews June 2012 Calendar of Events June 7 - 9 ACES Chevell~abration 2012 Goodlettsville, TN Moss-Wright Park June 17 9 am - 2 pm 15th Annual Father's Day Show. Kent Island High School, Stevensville, MD. $10 900 Old Love Pt. Rd. More info, Call Bob at 443-496-2887 June 23-24 25th Anniversary Mid-Atlantic Chevelle Show and Swap Meet/ACES Northeast Regional. North East Community Park North East, MD June 24 8 am - 3 pm Car & Bike Show. Quality Auto Body & Collision Mechanicsville, MD $15/$2 Spectator Fee. 38592 Brett Way. To Benefit The Family of Paul Burnett. More Info. Call Jeff Edwards at 240-925-3152 July 13 - 14 9th Annual Northern Chevelle Gathering. Grand Island Holiday Inn, Grand Island, NY. 400 Falcon Court. For more info Call George Mitchell 315-587-9586 or http://www.canamchevelles.org/ August 3 - 4 10th Annual ACES Northern Regional Holiday Inn Strongsville, OH. For more info Call Carl (330) 475-9909 or Ken (330) 2857420 or http://www.northernohiochevelleclub.com FEATURE CARS WANTED!!!! If you would like you have your Chevelle featured in the MCC Newsletter, please contact Editor Tom Rightler (BlueSS454@comcast.net) For more information Cruise Nights 2012 Every Monday Night 7 pm - ? Cruise-In, Glory Days Restaurant, Bowie, MD. Off Rt. 450 (Market Place Mall). Call John at 410-672-0094. Every Tuesday Night 6 pm - 9 pm Cruise-In, Park Plaza, Severna Park, MD. At Ledo's Pizza (Ritchie Hwy) Every Tuesday Night 6 pm - ? Cruise-In, Rita's Ice, Stevensville, MD. Exit 37 Off of Rt. 50 (K-Mart Shopping Center at 301/50 & Rt. 8 at the Bay Bridge). For More info Call Bob at 410-643-4582. Apr-Oct. Every Wednesday Night 6 pm - 9 pm Cruise-In, 3 Brothers, Glen Burnie, MD. 5th Ave & Ritchie Hwy. For more info, Call 410-863-1919. 4th Thursday Each Month 5 pm - 8 pm Cruise-In Night in Downtown Elkton, MD. Main & North Streets. For more info www.elktonalliance.org (Starts April 28th). Every Friday Night 6 pm - ? Cruise-In, Lowe's of S. Belair, Abingdon, MD. 414 Constant Friendship Blvd. For more info, E-Mail Jeff at jbarnes03@verizon.net or www.lowescruise.com/ Every Saturday Night 5 pm - 9:30 pm Lost in the 50's Cruise-In, Marley Station Mall, Glen Burnie, MD Rte 2 and 100. (just down from the DMV). Starts April 3. For the latest up to date show/cruise-in information, please visit www.mdchevelleclub.com and click on the Calendar of Events June 2012 MCCNews • 5 10th Annual Believe in Tomorrow Benefit Show time to start the judging process. Again this year we sent out two teams of 3 judges to select the Top 40. With the quality of the cars on the field, this was not an easy task. We knew early on that quite a few cars that were as equally well deserving of an award, would have to go away empty handed. Nonetheless, the judges did what they were required to do and came up with the winners. In addition to the Top 40 was the Best of Show, MCC Ladies Choice, and Participants Choice and awards. This ‘65 Chevrolet Nova (above and right) was awarded the best of show award. Some really cool engineering and the quality of the work was undisputable. We would like to take a moment to recognize and thank Ron Adams, owner of Adam’s Chevrolet, for his continuous generosity of not only graciously sponsoring this show for the last 10 years (wow, a full decade!), but also for the use of his facility. If you are not aware, Ron has to move approximately 100 cars from his main lot the day before the show to other places and then move them all back again after the show...NOT a small feat! THANKS RON! This year we presented Believe In Tomorrow a check for $1902...AWESOME! With the continued success of this show, we will be back again next year, most likely the same time, same weekend. Come join us! 6 • MCCNews June 2012 10th Annual Believe in Tomorrow Benefit Show R June 2012 MCCNews • 7 10th Annual Believe in Tomorrow Benefit Show 8 • MCCNews June 2012 Randy’s 1972 Chevelle Malibu Restoration The Resurrection (Part 7) While work was being done at John Truman's shop, there was plenty of work happening simultaneously at Tom Rightler, Fred Gillis and Martin Hepner's places. On the way home from the initial tear down, Donnie met Martin Hepner off Rt. 95 to give him the transmission. Further down the road, he stopped at Fred Gillis' house to drop off the engine. Two stops... two drops. Believe it or not, at one point, this car was spread out over 4 different states… SHHH… don't tell Randy! Martin completely disassembled the transmission, hot tanked, rebuilt and then painted it. We got the transmission back from Martin and set it aside until it was time to rejoin it with the engine. We called upon Tom Morris to get us a converter. When asked about the cost, all he would say is DONE! John Fig offered to donate the tranny lines. The picture above left is of course the “before” and the picture above right is the after. Wow...what a difference! While Martin was hard at work on the transmission, Fred was busy working on the transformation of the engine. We learned that it had been rebuilt a few years back and had only racked up approximately 25K miles. Randy had mentioned to our “insider” Sid that the car never really ran that good when they put it back in from their rebuild. Fred's professional assessment was it was most likely the carburetor and it needed to be rebuilt. He called Abel Automotive Service in Baltimore, MD to see how much it would cost. Their reply...“No charge”! It just doesn't get any better than that! For the rest of the engine, June 2012 MCCNews • 9 Randy’s 1972 Chevelle Malibu Restoration Fred's overall evaluation was it only would need a little freshening up and a few parts would need replacing. Fred disassembled the engine down to a “short” block configuration and then started the “rebuilding” process. He meticulously cleaned, painted and “heat” treated each part before putting it back on. The water pump was leaking, so Fred sent it to Arthur Gould Rebuilders Inc, in Kings Park, New York. Charge? You guessed it… NONE! O.K., at this point, Donnie is working with vendors and club members to get donations (money and/or parts) and taking care of the logistics (who has what, who gave what, who is doing what, what is still needed, etc…). Martin had the transmission (we had it now), Fred has the engine, John Truman has the car and Tom R. has a few parts at his house to refurbish in his “spare” time (yeah, right), mainly the A/C system (well what there was of it), ventilation system, the dash assembly and steering column. The A/C system was in pretty bad shape, but was restored to better than new when Tom was done with it. The ventilation system (below right) wasn't feeling much love as well. The years of water leaks had taken its toll and had rusted the levers to the point that they were frozen in position. Luckily Tom had the necessary parts lying around the house and used them to put it all back together and fully functional once again. Even though the dash was one of the few parts that was still in pretty nice shape, Tom totally disassembled the dash assembly to again perform more of his magic. Each 10 • MCCNews June 2012 Randy’s 1972 Chevelle Malibu Restoration component was cleaned, checked for functionality, then repaired, painted or replaced (as necessary). The wiring harness was in dire need of repair. We decided we would replace it... in fact, we replaced all of the wiring in the car, front to back. Tom contacted his friend Scott Hughes at American Autowire. They couldn’t give us the harnesses for free (there were four of them), but they did give us a very hefty discount. The steering column was still quite functional, but desperately needed some TLC. Tom completely disassembled it, gave it a good cleaning and painting. After replacing a few worn parts, it was good as new. As you can see in the picture below, the steering wheel was pretty well worn. We could have sent it out to be refurbished, but due to time constraints, it was much faster to just replace it. We found a nice used one on Team Chevelle. Tom told the story of what we were doing and the guy we bought it from lowered the price! It seemed like just about every day either Tom R., Fred or John T. was calling Donnie to request more parts or money. It got to the point instead of saying “hello”; it was “what the HELL” do you want now? (jokingly of course). The further we got into it this beast, the more we found just simply could not be easily repaired and would have to be replaced. Thanks to the generosity of the vendors, MCC members and those who just wanted to help, we received everything that was needed. We can't say it enough… THANK YOU! June 2012 MCCNews • 11 Spring Cruisin’ Ocean City Nothing kicks off the spring car show season better than a trip to Ocean City, MD for the spring cruise. This event has continued to grow and be successful since it’s inception 22 years ago. This was the first year I decided to take my 70 SS in lieu of the Charger due to some convincing from MCC Prez Don Gray. We met up on Thursday morning in Delaware and cruised down Route 1 into Ocean City. After a quick stop at the Convention Center to pick up our credentials, we headed down to the inlet to see what was going on. The inlet was already packed, parking spots were slim. After some walking around, we headed out to unload and grab some dinner at Harborside Bar & Grille. The inlet lot was packed to the gills by 10 AM. Parking spots were far and few between. The new traffic pattern in the Inlet kept the cars moving through in a circle as opposed to passing each other in aisle. This made it less nerve racking watching passing vehicles come a little too close for comfort at times. After walking the lot, strolling the boardwalk and grabbing some lunch, we headed north to the Montego Bay Shopping Center for an informal MCC get together. Upon arrival, MCC’er Joe Douglass developed a minor issue with his 70 SS which was soon fixed with the help of some other MCC folks. After nightfall it was time to do some cruising on Coastal Highway. We eventually ended up at Mr. President’s favorite Ice Cream place, Dumsers down on 39th Street. Saturday was an absolutely picture perfect day. After another day at the Inlet, we cruised northbound to check out the action at Hooters. Normally the lot over full with cars and a sea of people. We managed to pull in the lot and get a couple parking spots as others were pulling out! There truly is something for everyone’s tastes during the spring Cruise. The ‘69 Charger featured in Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry, and the Starsky & Hutch Ford Torino 12 • MCCNews June 2012 Spring Cruisin’ Ocean City Don Gray’s ‘69 SS Tom Rightler’s ‘70 SS The Hepner’s ‘67 SS Mark Waters ‘71 SS Joe Douglass’ ‘70 SS Dave Vrankin’s Pro Street ‘71 Jeff Barnes’ 70 Nomad Wagon Bob Baxter’s ‘66 SS Gary Arsenault’s ‘67 El Camino Blown ‘66 SS owned by George Parkinson June 2012 Pro Street ‘70 SS MCCNews • 13 Upcoming Meeting Directions .. May 6, 2012 Meeting starts at 3:30 PM Adam’s Chevrolet 1517 Pulaski Highway (RT 40) Havre de Grace, MD June 16, 2012...meeting starts at 1 PM Dottie & Terry Bolyard's home at 1752 Governor Bridge Road Davidsonville, MD 21035 Phone: 410-798-4505 From the North FROM WASHINGTON AREA: · Take I-95 South to MD 155 East Exit 89 · From I-95/495 (Capital Beltway) - Take Exit #19, US-50 East, · Bear left at the top of the exit ramp toward ANNAPOLIS · Follow MD 155 to US RT 40 (Pulaski Highway) & turn right · Take Exit #16, MD-424, Davidsonville Rd., · Adam’s Chevrolet is approx. 1.5 miles on the left side DAVIDSONVILLE/CROFTON. From the South · Take I-95 North to MD 22 East Exit 85 · Bear right at the top of the exit ramp · Follow MD 22 East to RT 40 East · Adam’s Chevrolet is approx. 3 miles on the left side, You will have to make a U turn to come back on RT 40 West to get to the Adam’s parking lot From West · Take I-70 East to I-695 North · Take I-695 North to I-95 North · Take I-95 North to MD 22 East Exit 85 · Bear right at the top of the exit ramp · Follow MD 22 East to RT 40 East · Adam’s Chevrolet is approx. 3 miles on the left side, You will have to make a U turn to come back on RT 40 West to get to the Adam’s parking lot From the Eastern Shore Area · Take RT 50 West over the Bay Bridge into Annapolis · Follow RT 50 West to I-97 North · Follow I-97 North to I-895 Northt · Merge on to I-95 North · Take I-95 North to MD 22 East Exit 85 · Bear right at the top of the exit ramp · Follow MD 22 East to RT 40 East · Adam’s Chevrolet is approx. 3 miles on the left side, You will have to make a U turn to come back on RT 40 West to get to the Adam’s parking lot · The Ramp splits, take the LEFT turn onto MD-424, toward CROFTON. · Turn LEFT onto ROSSBACK RD. (First left turn after crossing over US-50.) · ROSSBACK RD. becomes PATUXENT RIVER RD. · Turn RIGHT onto GOVERNOR BRIDGE RD. (First right after going under bridge (US-50).) · Third driveway on RIGHT. (House number on mailbox.) FROM BALTIMORE AREA: · From I-97 South - Take US-50 West, from ANNAPOLIS toward WASHINGTON. · Take Exit #16, MD-424, Davidsonville Rd., DAVIDSONVILLE/CROFTON. · The Ramp splits, take the RIGHT turn onto MD-424, toward CROFTON. · Turn LEFT onto ROSSBACK RD. (Almost immediately after getting on MD-424.). · ROSSBACK RD. becomes PATUXENT RIVER RD. · Turn RIGHT onto GOVERNOR BRIDGE RD. (First right after going under bridge (US-50).) · Third driveway on RIGHT. (House number on mailbox.) FROM US-301 NORTH OR MD-3 SOUTH: · From US-301North - Turn RIGHT onto GOVERNOR BRIDGE RD. (Last light before US-50. (Next light after the Bay Sox Stadium, Home Depot, and Lowe's.) OR From MD-3 South - Turn LEFT onto GOVERNOR BRIDGE RD. (First light after crossing under US-50.) · Third driveway on LEFT after crossing one-lane bridge. (House number on mailbox.) SHOW HELP NEEDED!! ...For our 24th Annual Chevelle Show. We NEED volunteers to help with the show. If you are planning on coming and can spare an hour or two, please let us know. The more volunteers, As there are many ways to get to the meetings, please use the more we all get to enjoy the show!! If you mapquest or yahoo to get specific directions from your have a preference on where you would like to help out, let location. us know that as well. Please call Don Gray at (410) 6719593 or E-Mail mcc@mdchevelleclub.com. Thanks! 14 • MCCNews June 2012 Classified’s...Buy, Sell, Trade, Services For Sale . . 2011 T-Shirts - (White or Ash) S,M,L,XL - $15 2XL - $16 Pocket T-Shirts / only have Large (White or Ash) $16 or 3XL (Ash) - $17 MCC Logo Shirts (Black, Ash or White) S,M,L,XL $16 - 2XL & 3XL $17 2010 T-Shirts and (a few) Pocket T-Shirts - All $10.00 White (S, 2XL, 3XL) Ash (S,M,L,XL & 2XL) Services I can repair/rebuild/modify your Saginaw steering columns. Column to floor shift conversions & tilt rebuilding. I can install high beams in column just like late model GM's. More info, Chuck Greason, Email: mrheavy@comcast.net Need your headers, intake or exhaust coated? I'm your Jet-Hot dealer, good *New - Club Blankets coming up For Sale $35 each prices, quick turn around. Tom Morris, Email showcar402@aol.com MCC License Plates: These special tags are only for Maryland vehicles and can only go on a Maryland inspected vehicle (not replace historic plates) You must be a current member of the Maryland Chevelle Club. You must live in the state of Maryland. There is a one-time fee of $15.00; renewals are the same as regular tag fees. MCC tags can be put on any type of car or truck (under 10,000 pounds GVW). MCC tag numbers are assigned in consecutive order. There are NO exceptions, per the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration. Computer Repairs. Looking for a new computer? Need an upgrade, virus removed, etc. Reasonable Rates. Donnie Gates, 240-508-7874, Email donnieg67@aol.com To get the MCC tags, email Debra Radcliffe-Borsch (membership@mdchevelleclub.com) to get the proper forms. These tags DO NOT replace historic plates. Front and rear bumpers for a ‘65 Chevelle. $100 each. Lew Delafield lewisdelafield@sprintmail.com Cars for Sale I am selling my 67 chevelle Malibu project. I have owned the car for the past 15yrs. it has been garage kept .New front power disc brakes and new brake lines all around. the engine is a 78-79 sbc with 70-76 400 sbc heads. trans is a th350. Glen Real, #745 ratrod36@verizon.net June 2012 MCC Members may advertise in this section at NO CHARGE. Ads will run for two (2) consecutive issues. The DEADLINE for your classified ad(s) is the 10th of the month. Ads with an E-mail address will be posted on our web site as well. Please send ad(s) to Tom Rightler via E-mail at bluess454@comcast.net Please note: The month at the end of your ad is when it expires. Pictures will be used as space permits. MCCNews • 15 th 25 Anniversary Mid-Atlantic Chevelle Show & Swap Meet/ACES Northeast Regional Hosted by the Maryland Chevelle Club in association with ACES! Open to all 1964 - 1987 Chevelles, Malibus, Lagunas, Beaumonts, El Caminos, & GMC Sprints Major Chevelle Parts Vendors On Site! Tunes by DJ Kra-Z GM 454HO Crate Engine Giveaway!! Rain or Shine! June 23 & 24, 2012 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM North East Community Park North East, Maryland PARTICIPANT JUDGING ** SATURDAY ONLY ** FREE General Admission! Special Display of ‘64 - ‘72 Original Restored Chevelles! Chevelle Evaluations - See Our WEBSITE for details! SUNDAY Entrants ARE Eligible for Door Prizes & Special Awards!!! More info visit: www.mdchevelleclub.com or Email mcc@mdchevelleclub.com or call 410-671-9593 Name______________________________Phone #___________________Year______Model_______________ (SS, Malibu, Conv. etc...) Address____________________________Exterior Color_________________Class______________________ (OR, OU, Mild Modified, Modified, etc...) City___________________ State______ Zip_________ E-Mail _______________________________________ Chevelle Show: $35.00 (per car) ($30.00 - if pre-registered by 6/01/12) - $15 for Sunday Only Admission (not judged) Point Evaluation: $25.00 + show registration fee (postmarked prior to May 15, 2012) - PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED! Car Corral (sell a car) - any make/model: $15.00 (per car) each day of show ($25/weekend - if pre-registered by 6/01/12) Swap Meet (per 15’W X 20’L Space): $15.00 each day of show ($20 for both days - if pre-registered by 6/01/12) MCC#________ Total Enclosed $_____________ Please make your check or money order payable to: MCC Use only Maryland Chevelle Club 1246 Splashing Brook Drive Reg.#___________ Abingdon, MD 21009 The Maryland Chevelle Club, ACES, The Town of North East and The North East Community Park shall not be held responsible for any loss, theft, injury, or damage arising from any source before, during, or after this event. Signature MCC Business Directory This space will remain in memory of Bob Wilcox Ground Up Restorations 91 Great Hill Road Naugatuck, CT 06770 1-866-358-2277 Http://www.ss396.com/ June 2012 MCCNews • 17 Maryland Chevelle Club C/O Tom Rightler 114 Ely Ave Franklinville, NJ 08322 Vol. 26, Issue 4 Randy’s Restoration: Part 7 Cruisin’ Ocean City 10th Annual Believe in Tomorrow Benefit Show June 2012 NEWS MCCNEWS
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