January_February 2013 MCC New


January_February 2013 MCC New
January/February 2013
Volume 27 Issue #1
The Official Publication of The Maryland Chevelle Club
Muscle Car & Corvette
7th Annual Carolina Chevelle
Annual MCC Christmas
Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals
The Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals event took place on
November 17-18, 2012. It was once again held at the Donald
Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois. The last 2 years I
have been attending this show as a spectator. This year I was
fortunate enough to be able to attend as an exhibitor. I loaded up my
freshly restored ‘70 convertible, headed north to pick up my traveling
partner, Albert then headed Westbound and down on Interstate 80 for
the next 800 miles.
Presidents Report ...................2
Membership Report ................3
MCC Meeting Minutes ............4
Calendar of Events ...............13
MCC Classifieds ....................14
MCC Business Directory........16
MCC Meeting Directions .......17
January 5, 2013 at 2 PM
@ Reg Dixon’s Service Center
in Forest Hill, MD
February 2, 2013 at 2 PM
@ Thoroghbred
Transmissions in Laurel, MD
March 2, 2013 at 2 PM
@ Tom Morris’ home in
Mt Airy, MD
Cranberry Red ‘70 LS6
After a brief stop in Indiana for the night, we continued on to
Chicagoland Friday morning. The way MCACN is setup, each exhibitor
is given a move in time according to placement on the floor. Our move
in time was later in the afternoon so needless to say there was some
time to kill in the morning and early afternoon. I took this opportunity to
cross something off my “to-do” list, cross off the state of Wisconsin from
my “States I’ve visited” list. While there, we stopped for lunch at a local
Cracker Barrel in Kenosha.
After lunch it was time to head back into Chicago and get the
convertible situated on the floor. You have the option of taking the trailer
into the convention center or unload and drive the car in. I chose to
drive the car in as it is much easier. Once we had the car in place on the
show floor, a quick detailing was done to make sure it was clean for
public viewing as well as the judges.
Continued on page 8
C/O Donnie Gates
1170 Yukon Lane
Owings, MD 20136
MCC Officers
President: Donnie Gates
(410) 671-9593
Vice President: Tom Rightler
(609) 680-6540
Secretary: Debbie Knight
(410) 612-0173
Treasurer: Evelyn Gillis
(410) 768-0065
Membership: Debra Radcliffe-Borsch
(301) 854-5509
Newsletter Editors:
Tom Rightler
(609) 680-6540
Rick Eckenrode
(410) 446-8314
MCC Board of Directors
Tom Morris
(410) 627-0081
Donnie Gates
Fred Gillis
(410) 768-0065
Don Gray
(410) 671-9593
In Memory of Bob Wilcox
2 • MCCNews
President’s Report
If you missed the Christmas Party at Fred & Evelyn Gillis'
house … you missed a GOOD one! Sure is a good thing
they added on to their house, because it was pretty much
filled with 45 club members and their families. Special props
go out to Ev and Cathy Fig for planning and preparing the
food. Everything was DELICIOUS and there was more than
enough to go around. If you went home hungry from this
feast… it was your own fault! The “right” family Christmas
game has become a MCC Christmas party tradition and was
as much fun as ever. Of course Santa paid his yearly visit
with presents. I changed a few “rules” for the “steal the
package” game which went over very well. I will most likely
make a few more tweaks for next year!
If you have not heard, Chuck Hanson has made a very
difficult decision…it is time for ACES to close its doors (as of
December 31, 2012). Unbenounced to many, Chuck has
been operating ACES at a financial loss for the past 3 years,
dipping into his personal funds to keep it going. Chuck has
been a longtime friend and supporter of the MCC and I/we
will support Chuck in his decision.
You can rest assured this was not an easy decision for
Chuck to make and with these changing times, hopefully a
position we will not be put in for a LONG time. Chuck
stepped up when the NCOA announced they would no
longer exist and he had a great run for 17 years. Gosh, has
it really been that long? Who knows, maybe someone will
step up and pick up where he left off. Speaking from
experience, it is not an easy undertaking to perform.
Chuck's love for Chevelles' is in his blood and he will
continue to support our show as time and funds allow. I had
a long conversation with Chuck before he publically
announced the closing of ACES (really I don't think we've
ever had a short one), and my/our door will always be open
to him and LaRae. Thanks Chuck!
Till the next time…. Be safe and happy cruisin!
January/February 2013
Membership Report
Annual MCC Membership is $25 per year and entitles you to 9 issues of
MCCNews, the official publication of the Maryland Chevelle Club. Your annual dues
should be sent to Debra at least one month prior to your expiration date to:
Maryland Chevelle Club
C/O Debra Radcliffe-Borsch
2510 Pfefferkorn Road,
West Friendship, MD 21794
Please send payment by check or money order. We also accept PayPal...
payments should be made to mcc@mdchevelleclub.com
Happy Birthday January
10-Jan Fran Roeber
11-Jan John Utterback, Jr.
12-Jan James Francesconi
12-Jan T. Barton Kenney
14-Jan Karen Kromulis
14-Jan Vicki Verbich
16-Jan Donna Malit
17-Jan Renie Klawunder
17-Jan Bob Reiss
17-Jan Diane Vie
18-Jan Debra Arsenault
18-Jan Rosemary Felts
19-Jan John Grega
3-Jan Lonnie Bartles
3-Jan Evelyn Gillis
3-Jan Jim Zankowski
6-Jan Bruce Dardozzi
6-Jan Glenn Paine
7-Jan Rick Emelio
7-Jan Dan Glover
7-Jan Dawn Weber
8-Jan Betty Shallcross
9-Jan Ellen Bertrand
9-Jan Rebecca Bostwick
9-Jan Susan Fioravante
10-Jan Elizabeth Coberly
20-Jan Ted Wolfe
21-Jan Bobby Gessler
23-Jan Jean Greaves
24-Jan Toni Loveless
25-Jan Don Gray, Jr
25-Jan Frank Matthews
26-Jan Gerald McLean
27-Jan Dottie Bolyard
27-Jan Christina Myres
27-Jan Peter Singleton
30-Jan Mike Lenczycki
31-Jan Gloria Gaines
Happy Birthday February
3-Feb Candy Pfohl Kirker
4-Feb Terry Bolyard
4-Feb Dan Sivley
7-Feb Joyce Dardozzi
9-Feb Norman Jackson
10-Feb Linda Emelio
10-Feb Sue Hambleton
10-Feb Greg Nicholson
11-Feb Gary Arsenault
14-Feb Walt Klein
15-Feb Ann Parks
16-Feb Rick Eckenrode
16-Feb Ellen Efta
16-Feb Donnie Jones
19-Feb Thomas Morris
20-Feb Joe Bertrand
25-Feb Sharon Harris
25-Feb Ken Santoro
26-Feb Jim Klawunder
27-Feb Steve Efta
29-Feb Marylou Paine
Members Due to Renew!
856 Jamie Downing
023 William Brinkmeyer
895 Mick Pessagno
894 Earl Racine
869 James Francesconi
206 Andy Kromulis
745 Glen Real
836 Gary Arsenault
835 Jimmy Smith
229 J. Rob Bostwick
669 Kevin Kistler
741 Jake Hershey
893 Charles Price
016 John Figuracion
892 Mark Ivon
663 Bill Banwarth
147 Barry Dukes
415 Frank Matthews
January/February 2013
711 Tom Berry
834 Johnathan Hart
848 Nick Paros
Northern: Randy Moore
North East, MD
(443) 350-0775
Southern: J.J. Figuracion
Mechanicsville, MD
(240) 346-8920
Eastern: Mark Waters
Cambridge, MD
(410) 228-4702
Western: Pat McTighe
Middletown, MD
(301) 371-5071
MCC Website
MCCNews • 3
Meeting Minutes
MCC Meeting Minutes November 3, 2012
Location: Maries Diner, LaPlata, Md.
MCC on Facebook
The MCC now has a fan
page on Facebook.
Log on to
and search Maryland
Chevelle Club to view the
page, become a fan, share
pictures, info, and more!
Randy Moore’s ‘72
Chevelle Restoration
Want to read the entire 9
articles, back to back?
Attendees: Deb Knight, Tom Rightler, Donnie Gates, Leo & Pearl Paugh,
Terry & Dottie Bolyard. John & Cathy Fig, Pat McTighe, Bob &Diane
Gillespie, JJ & Kelly Fig, Greg Getz, Gail m, Smith, Evelyn & Fred Gillis,
Mark & Andrea Waters.
Treasurer Report: Given by Evelyn Gillis
Membership: Debra Radcliffe-Borsch absent at meeting. Last report 201
active MCC members.
Newsletter: Reporting Tom Rightler, The MCC newsletter is now currently
bi monthly issued.
Old Business: Debbie delivered school supplies to Edgewood
Elementary School. The MCC received a Thank You letter from
Edgewood Elementary for the school donation.
Andrea received several Thank You letters from the schools that she
donated school supplies to.
Upcoming Show - Adams Chevrolet update. MCC is looking at moving
the show from Sunday to Saturday. Don Gray is in talks with Todd Adams
and information will be forth coming.
Our show - This year will be the MCC 26th annual show. Dash plaques
will soon be done.
Want to see hundred’s of New Business: MCC Angel tree for Christmas this year we will pick 2
pictures not in the articles? families. $500.00 will go to each family. Donnie Gates will pick one family
and Andrea & Mark Waters will pick another family.
How about the reveal video? Luna Show update: Don & Debbie helped donate their time this morning
It’s all available on our
Click on the Randy
Restoration Tab on the MCC
Home Page
for the Luna car show in Edgewood, Maryland. Luna is non profit animal
rescue shelter/hospital. This was their first car show to raise money for
the animals. They take in all animals from dogs & cats to birds reptiles
and small farm animals. The only way they survive is thru donations. This
is a husband and wife team that own Luna house and everyone who
works there is all volunteers. No paid personal. Luna house takes in any
animal and they try to adopt them into good homes.
The car show today raised over $1,500.00 and all the money goes
straight to Luna house. The DJ for today's show donated his time for free.
Food and drink for today's show was donated. Starbucks donated 10
gallons of coffee for free. The show had 78 cars attend even though is
was cold as heck out today. But there was a good turn out for a first show.
Today's 50/50 winner Bob Gillespie
4 • MCCNews
January/February 2013
MCC Angel Tree
Another year has come and gone … and what a year! It's a crazy
world we live in these days, but rather than be the pessimist, we need
to look outside of the box… and become the optimist. While we can't
save the world, we can do our part to make things a little better and
help brighten someone's day. This year in the Southern Area, I wasn't
sure who we would help. I contacted a couple of local churches, who
said they would get back to me. After a couple of weeks, I had not
heard back from anyone…and then it hit me. I had recently
donated/installed a computer system at the local Woman's Shelter in
Calvert County. The woman's shelter is a safe place where women
(and their children) can go when trying to get out of an abusive
relationship. Some get out… some go back.
I contacted the manager of the facility and asked if she knew
anyone who needed a little help this year… unfortunately … OR
fortunately, depending how you look at it… there were a few. For
those that are lucky enough to get out of the relationship, the shelter
helps them by getting them into housing, counseling and even
employment. The shelter continues to monitor these families and
provide additional assistance when needed. I explained to her the
MCC Angel Tree program and expressed that we (the MCC) would like
to sponsor two of the families for Christmas. I won't go into the details
of the family situations; it would just break your heart. Instead, I will
tell you a little bit about them.
Family one consists of a Mom, two little guys, who are 5 and 7
years old. Family 2 consists of a Mom, a 9 year old girl and her
brother, who is 11. All are now in their own places, moms are working
and on their way to a better life.
I asked the Moms to provide me a list of what the children “needed”
and what they “wanted”. I like to do a mixture of both. I purchased
shirts, pants, underclothing, socks and other “necessities”. Thankfully,
the budget allowed me to also purchase a few of the things they
wanted… such as toy trucks, DVD's, games and more. This
Christmas, 4 more children will wake up to open presents, just like
many of their friends thanks to the MCC.
As a member of the MCC, even though you may not feel you have
helped directly… you played a part. Your dues, participation in our
events and donations allow us to continue to help those around us in
need. On behalf of these families and the MCC, I thank you for your
continued support!
Donnie Gates
January/February 2013
If you would like you
have your Chevelle
featured in the MCC
Newsletter, please
contact Editor
Rick Eckenrode
for more information
Hosting Future MCC
If you would like to host an
upcoming MCC meeting in
your area, send an email to
Time to go Bi-Monthly
Next Issues will be:
MCCNews • 5
7 Annual Carolina Chevelle Show
The Carolina Chevelle Association (
www.carolinachevelle.com ) held their “7th Annual
Carolina Chevelle Show” on September 29, 2012 at
Hendrick Motorsports complex in Charlotte, North
Carolina. Several Maryland Chevelle Club members
attended including Tom Rightler, J. J. Figuration,
Dottie and Terry Bolyard, Fred and Evelyn Gillis, Mark
and Andrea Waters, and Dave Krespan. The event
started off with a cook-out at the host hotel, Comfort
Suites and included free ice cream donated by Don
On Saturday there was a threat of rain but nearly
90 cars braved the weather and attended a fantastic
show. The show was held in front of the two HMS
Race Shop buildings and shops. A tour of the inside
of these buildings showed the many trophies won over
the years and well as displayed several of the race
cars driven by their drivers; Dale Earnhardt Jr., Kasey
Kahne and Jeff Gordon. Also on the premises was
the Hendrick Nascar Museum as well and Rick
Hendrick's private car collection. Unfortunately no
one was allowed to visit the private collections BUT
some lucky people were allowed admittance when
Rick Henrdick allowed the Carolina Chevelle
Association to sell, at auction, two tickets to tour the
collection with a friend and donated all the proceeds
to a local charity. The charities that the Carolina
Chevelle Association has supported for the past 5
years are Give2TheTroops ( www.give2thetroops.org )
and Club Horizon ( www.clubhorizon.org ). Boy
Scout Troop 900 provided the tasty food, drink and deserts to all the show attendees. My favorite was the
Carolina Pulled Pork sandwich!
Winners at this show included Dottie and Terry
Bolyard for their 1964 Stock Chevelle, Dave Krespan
for his 1964 Stock Chevelle, Fred and Evelyn Gillis for
their 1966 Stock Chevelle, Tom Rightler for his 1970
Stock Chevelle convertible, and Mark and Andrea
Waters for their 1972 Modified Chevelle. The
Hendrick Motorsports Pick Award went to Don Crowe
for his 1970 Stock SS 396 convertible. People's
Choice Award went to Brent Casteel and his son Evan
for a 1964 SS Custom.
6 • MCCNews
January/February 2013
7 Annual Carolina Chevelle Show
Dave Krespan
‘64 Malibu SS Convertible
Tom Rightler
‘70 SS 454 Convertible
‘65 Z16 SS
January/February 2013
Terry & Dottie Bolyard
‘64 Malibu SS
Mark & Andrea Waters
‘71 SS 454
Evelyn & Fred Gillis
‘66 SS 396
Jonathon Hart
‘72 Malibu
Jeff Helms brought these 3 rare unrestored Chevelles
‘66 L34/4 Speed SS 396
‘67 L34/4 Speed SS 396
MCCNews • 7
Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals
Once everything was finished up with the car at the convention
center, it was time to head over to the hotel to check in to clean up
and get ready for dinner. One tradition a group of us that attend the
show has is to head over to Giordano’s for some of Chicago’s
famous stuffed pizza on Friday night.
The exhibitors were allowed in an hour early before the show
was opened to the general public. I took that time to give the car a
final wipe down and get it set up into show stance. It wasn’t long
before the aisles started filling with spectators. It was noticeably
more busy this year than in the past.
Since the MCACN always likes to keep a fresh show each year, there are no repeats from the previous
year as far as cars on display. They come up with new ideas for special displays each year as well. This
year they raised the bar even more with over 60 Yenko Chevrolets, 20+ winged & aero cars, 6 1969 Trans
Am Convertibles, the 1972 W code Chevelle display, Shelby Snakepit, Classes of 62 & 72 and many more!
There has never been a more rare collection of cars under one roof!
There is no shortage of vendors either. Whether it’s
parts or supplies to finish that restoration you are
working on or a little piece of automobilia for your
collection, you will find it at MCACN. Another cool
feature of MCACN are the celebrity guests. This year,
Linda Vaughn, Miss Hurst Shifter was on hand signing
autographs with the unveiling of the 1969 Hurts/Olds
Convertible. Lynn Yenko, daughter of Don Yenko was
also in attendance in the “Meet the Mean Ones” display
with a collection of vintage Yenko memorabilia.
MCACN has everything to fill a car guy’s needs.
Whether it’s a return trip or your first time attending,
1968 Yenko Camaro restored by Muscle Car
there is always something new and unique as soon as
Restoration & Design
you walk through the door. Over the weekend, the
words “Best muscle car show in the world”, were heard many times over. This event is a must attend for
every muscle car nut. Planning for next year’s event is already underway and will feature the Class of ‘73 &
‘63. Be sure to mark the date November 23-24, 2013 for Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals V.
‘69 COPO Camaro with
Yellow Houndstooth interior
8 • MCCNews
The Trans Am Terrors
6 of 8 ‘69 T/A Convertibles
The Yenko Nova Row
January/February 2013
Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals
Tom Righter’s 70 SS 454 Convertible
These other 2 70 modified ragtops were show stoppers!
Mark Meldrum (right) and Joseph Farrow (center)
brought out their 72 W code ragtops!
A perfect pair of 1967 L78 SS 396’s
Dover White ‘69 Yenko
January/February 2013
LeMans Blue ‘69 Yenko
1969 L89 Ragtop
under restoration
Bill Werthheim owns this
‘68 Beaumont SD 396 droptop
‘70 LS6 Canadian Pilot Car
MCCNews • 9
Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals
More Yenko examples including a ‘68 Nova, ‘ 69 Camaro, and even a Corvair!
No Shortage of Oldmobile A bodies!
Heading up the AMC row a Rebel “Machine”, Hurst Scrambler, and an AMX!
Some rare cars in the Barn Find section include:
1970 Ram Air IV GTO Convertible c
10 • MCCNews
1970 Hemi Road Runner
1970 Plymouth Superbird
January/February 2013
Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals
1969 Charger 500
1969 Dodge Daytona
1970 Plymouth Superbird
No shortage of Ford Talledagas in the Aero Car Display
Bronze ‘67
Plenty of Chargers on display with this
Black ‘68 R/T
Bright Turquois ‘69
A Pair of A12 ‘69 Super Bees
January/February 2013
‘70 Plum Crazy Super Bee
MCCNews • 11
2012 MCC Christmas Party
As the club continues to grow, so does one of our
most popular events... the MCC Christmas Party.
Members were encouraged to bring along the family
and many did just that. With a whopping total of
around 60 attendees, this was one of the biggest
parties in the history of the club.
Again this year, Fred and Evelyn Gillis, aka “Mr. &
Mrs. Cupcakes” hosted the party in their home in Glen
Burnie, Maryland. Thank goodness they have quite a
large home!
The spread for us to feast on was no less than fit for
a King. Many thanks to Evelyn and Cathy Figuracion, aka “Mama Fig” for their tireless efforts preparing
such a large amount of food in a short amount of time. Nothing better than good ol’ home cooking! No
matter what your food preference, there was more than enough to please even the most finicky of eaters.
After putting a pretty good dent in the food, it was time for the first game of
the night, the “Right” Family Christmas. Pat McTighe (above) volunteered to
read the story while the rest of us struggled to keep up in passing the packages.
Every time Pat said the word “right”, we passed the present we had in hand to
the right. When Pat said the word “Left”, we pass the present in hand to the
left. When the story was complete, you got to open the present you were
holding. This game has become a “tradition” for the MCC Christmas party and
always lots of fun!
There were two guess the contents games, one for the kids and one for the
adults. Debra Radcliffe-Borsch won the adult game and Sophie Figuracion
(right) won the kids game.
After a dessert break, there was a “very short” meeting, followed by another
game. Everyone who was at the party was supplied a present and two
numbers...then the fun began. This year we played “trade” the gift and you could only open it if you were the
one doing the trading. At the end of the game, MCC President
Donnie Gates pretended there were 3 presents left over and
drew 3 additional numbers. Former President Don Gray
“won” the last present...which was actually an award in
disguise. After Don opened the present wondering what the
heck was going on, Donnie presented Don with an MCC
Appreciation Award for his service as Club
President...September 2010 - September 2012.
The party started winding down around 11 P.M. Great
Food, Great People, Great Time...What more could you ask
for? Nothing...We had it all!
12 • MCCNews
January/February 2013
Calendar of Events
January 5 - 2 pm - ? January MCC Meeting Reg Dixon's Service Center, Forest Hill, MD
January 19 - 27 - Philadelphia International Auto Show. Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia, PA
January 26 - Winter Parts Meet Cambridge, MD. More info, Call 410-228-0758
February 2 2 pm - ? February MCC Meeting Thoroughbred Transmissions , Laurel, MD
February 8 - 9 - Ground Up Open House. Ground Up Restoration Facilities, 91 Great Hill
Rd., Naugatuck, CT
March 1 - 3 - Atlantic City Classic Car Show & Auction. Atlantic City Convention Center,
Atlantic City, NJ
March 2 - 2 pm - ? March MCC Meeting Tom Morris's House, Mt. Airy, MD
March 16 - 8 am - ? K.I. Cruisers 2013 March All Clubs Breakfast KI VFD, Chester, MD $10
1610 Main St. 8 am Breakfast, 9 am meeting. Please RSVP with the number/names of
attendees and payment by March 2. More info at www.kentislandcruisers.com
April 19 - 21 - Spring Englishtown Swap Meet. Raceway Park 230 Pension Road,
Englishtown, NJ 07726. More info www.racewaypark.com
April 24 - 28 - Spring Carlisle Fairgrounds. Carlisle, PA. More info,
May 5 - 8 am - ? 11th Annual Believe In Tomorrow Benefit Car Show Adams Chevrolet
Havre De Grace, MD $15 1517 Pulaski Hwy.
May 16 - 19 - Cruisin' Ocean City Inlet, Ocean City, MD More info,
For the latest up to date show/cruise-in information, please visit www.mdchevelleclub.com and click on
Calendar of Events
January/February 2013
MCCNews • 13
Classified’s...Buy, Sell, Trade, Services
For Sale
1966 Chevelle: Fenders - left and right, SS Hood. $600
for all 3 pieces, new aftermarket metal. Email Fred Gillis
M21 4-Speed Transmission. In great condition. All ears are
intact. Includes Drive Shaft Yolk. Numbers correct for 1969.
Case Number, 3925660. Side Cover Number 3960306. Tail
Housing 3857584 GM, Muncie Code P9T17B. $800.00.
Misc.. Parts - 67-72 Chevelle Rear Coil Springs - Fit All Small
Block and 68-72 All Big Block - $65; 64-72 Chevelle Rear
Brake Drums - $100; 69-72 Chevelle Front Disk Brake Rotors $100; 64-72 Chevelle Lower Boxed Control Arms - $175; 64-67
Chevelle Rear Reinforcement Brackets - $75. Email Donnie
Gates donnieg67@aol.com
Participant's Choice Car Show Program
Tired of tabulating the Participants votes for a Participant Judged
Show MANUALLY by hand? Not only is this very tedious, but
prone to errors. I have the answer! I have developed an easy to
use “Participants Choice Car Show Program” using Microsoft
Excel. Contact Donnie Gates at donnieg69@aol.com or More
information at www.carshowprogram.com
Looking for a place in North East, MD (or within 10-15 mile
radius) to store the club trailer. We typically only need to gain
access to the trailer once or twice a year. Prefer FREE, but will
consider other possibilities. If you can help, Please contact
Donnie at mcc@mdchevelleclub.com
Need your headers, intake or exhaust coated? I'm your JetHot dealer, good prices, quick turn around. Tom Morris, Email
Computer Repairs. Looking for a new computer? Need an
upgrade, virus removed, etc. Reasonable Rates. Donnie Gates,
240-508-7874, Email donnieg67@aol.com
GM transmissions rebuilt reasonably priced. Call Martin
Hepner 410-627-6632
2011 T-Shirts - (White or Ash)
S,M,L,XL - $15 2XL - $16 Pocket T-Shirts / only Large (White
or Ash) $16 or 3XL (Ash) - $17
MCC Logo Shirts (Black, Ash or White)
S,M,L,XL $16 - 2XL & 3XL $17
2010 T-Shirts and (a few) Pocket T-Shirts - All $10.00 White
(S, 2XL, 3XL)
Ash (S,M,L,XL & 2XL)
*New” - Club Blankets - For Sale $35 each
14 • MCCNews
MCC License Plates:
These special tags are only for
Maryland vehicles and can only go on a
Maryland inspected vehicle (not replacing
historic plates)
You must be a current member of the
Maryland Chevelle Club.
You must live in the state of Maryland.
There is a one-time fee of $15.00;
renewals are the same as regular tag
MCC tags can be put on any type of car
or truck (under 10,000 pounds GVW).
MCC tag numbers are assigned in
consecutive order. There are NO
exceptions, per the Maryland Motor
Vehicle Administration.
To get the MCC tags, email Debra
Radcliffe-Borsch at
(membership@mdchevelleclub.com) to
get the proper forms. These tags DO NOT
replace historic plates.
MCC Members may advertise in this section at
NO CHARGE. Ads will run for two (2) consecutive
issues. The DEADLINE for your classified ad(s) is
the 10th of the month. Ads with an E-mail address
will be posted on our web site as well. Please
send ad(s) to Tom Rightler via E-mail at
Please note: The month at the end of your ad is
when it expires. Pictures will be used as space
January/February 2013
26 Annual Mid-Atlantic
Chevelle Show & Swap Meet
Hosted by the Maryland Chevelle Club!
Open to all 1964 - 1987 Chevelles, Malibus, Lagunas,
Beaumonts, El Caminos, & GMC Sprints
Major Chevelle Parts
Vendors On Site!
FREE General Admission!
Tunes by DJ Kra-Z
Rain or Shine!
June 29 & 30, 2013
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
North East Community Park
North East, Maryland
Chevelle Evaluations - See Our WEBSITE for details!
SUNDAY Entrants ARE Eligible for Door Prizes & Special Awards!!!
More info visit: www.mdchevelleclub.com or Email mcc@mdchevelleclub.com or call 410-257-7124
Name______________________________Phone #___________________Year______Model_______________
(SS, Malibu, Conv. etc...)
Address____________________________Exterior Color_________________Class______________________
(OR, OU, Mild Modified, Modified, etc...)
City___________________ State______ Zip_________ E-Mail _______________________________________
Chevelle Show: $35.00 (per car) ($30.00 - if pre-registered by 6/01/13) - $15 for Sunday Only Admission (not judged)
Point Evaluation: $60.00 (postmarked prior to June 01, 2013. Includes Show Registration) - PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED!
Car Corral (sell a car) - any make/model: $10.00 (per car) each day of show ($15/weekend - if pre-registered by 6/01/13)
Swap Meet (per 15’W X 20’L Space): $15.00 each day of show ($20 for both days - if pre-registered by 6/01/13)
MCC Members - One FREE Space - Sunday (ONLY)
Please make your check or money order payable to:
Total Enclosed
Maryland Chevelle Club
1752 Governor Bridge Rd.
Davidsonville, MD 21035
MCC Use only
The Maryland Chevelle Club, ACES, The Town of North East and The North East Community Park shall not be held responsible for any loss, theft,
January/February 2013
MCCNews • 15
MCC Business Directory
This space is reserved for the memory of Bob Wilcox
Ground Up Restorations
91 Great Hill Road
Naugatuck, CT 06770
These Businesses support the
Maryland Chevelle Club. They
provide quality goods and services
at a fair price. Next time you require
these services, please support them
with your business. Tell them you
saw their ad in MCCNews! Support
those who support your MCC!
16 • MCCNews
January/February 2013
Upcoming MCC Meetings
January 5, 2013...meeting starts at 3 PM
Reg Dixon Service Center
6 Colgate Drive
Forest Hill, MD 21015
Phone: 410-836-8199
From Points North of Bel Air:
· Merge onto I-95 S toward Baltimore
· Merge onto MD-24 N via exit number 77B toward
· Take the MD-24 N ramp toward Forest Hill/Rocks
· Stay straight to go onto Rock Spring Rd/MD-24/MD-924
· Continue to follow MD-24
· Turn right onto Colgate Dr
From Baltimore and Points South:
· Take US-301 North
· Rt. 301 North will turn into Rt. 3 North in Crofton
· Merge onto I-97 N towards Baltimore
· Merge onto I-895 spur N via the exit- on the left- toward
I-895/Harbor Tunnel
· I-895 SPUR N becomes Harbor Tunnel Thruway/I-895 N
(Portions toll)
· Harbor Tunnel Thruway/I-895 N becomes I-95 N
· Merge onto MD-24 N via exit number 77B toward Belair
· Take the MD-24 N ramp toward Forest Hill/Rocks
· Stay straight to go onto Rock Spring Rd/MD-24/MD-924
· Continue to follow MD-24
· Turn right onto Colgate Dr.
The Overland Route From I-83:
· Take Rt 439 towards Bel Air and follow to Rt 23
· Make a right onto Rt 23 and follow to Keene
Dodge in Jarrettsville
· Make a right onto Rt 165/23 and follow approximately 2 miles
and make a left onto Rt 23
· Follow Rt 23 to the traffic light at Rt 24 (Rock Spring Road)
and make a right
· You will see the Forest Hill Lanes on your left, then turn left
onto Colgate Dr.
February 2, 2013...meeting starts at 2 pm
Thoroughbred Transmissions (Steve Powell's Shop)
Laurel, MD
From the North
· Take I-95 South
· Take the I-95 South/Fort McHenry Tunnel exit, exit
number 62, towards Baltimore/Washington
· Merge onto I-95 S
Take the MD-216 WEST exit, exit number 35B, towards
· Merge onto MD-216 N/Scaggsville Rd
· Turn left onto MD-216/Leishear Rd
· Turn right onto MD-216/Scaggsville RD
From the South
· Capital Beltway/I-495 N/I-95 N
· Take I-95 N towards Baltimore
· Take the MD-216 West exit, exit number 35B, towards
· Merge onto MD-216 N/Scaggsville Rd
· Turn left onto MD-216/Leishear Rd
· Turn right onto MD-216/Scaggsville Rd
As there are many ways to get to the meetings, please use mapquest or yahoo to get
specific directions from your location.
January/February 2013
MCCNews • 17
Maryland Chevelle Club
C/O Tom Rightler
114 Ely Ave
Franklinville, NJ 08322
Vol. 27, Issue 1
Annual MCC Christmas Party
7th Annual Carolina Chevelle Show
Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals
January/February 2013