Untitled - Sheldon Brown
Untitled - Sheldon Brown
Greetings: I om pleosed to present our new line of top quolity Bridgestone bicycles. It is our stundard at Bridgestone, to take greot pride in our work. We sssureboth dealer qnd customerfine workmanship and top quolity components. It shqll be our philosophy qt all times to proudly serve our dealers and customers with our best efforts to earn snd maintoin a reputation os an industry leoder. ,{6"r- 'p;; :nu..i#i ASAHIFactory SAGAFactory KISAIFactory We would like to share with you the results of our extensive resesrch and engineering skills. Wepersonally monufacture oll of Bridgestone products in our own factories to maintain our excellence of quality ot Bridgestone levels. We know thqt you will be as proud as we ore of our new line of Bridgestone bicycles. Very sincerely, K. Ishii President Bridgestone Cycle Co., Ltd. :5c.gg f55.r: slfrr gTtfa 5rT 50 i; t z I ll Computer controlled automatic braztng macht nes Checking dim ensianal consi stency ' Ynnsttd,* -S \\ A Italian cut head lug ffi,,ff Dircct mount shifter & Allen brake anchot bolt New &Mgegone exctu. sive Self CenteringAera Dynamrcbrake (feet/m) 18a21t248 rcr Dual tone, Dark Brcwn & Golden Tan 28r 28T ZOr 52r 427 24r 21r 147 GearNumber Dual tone, FlamboyantRed & Antique Tan *Nole: Distance Trcvelled=Geat Ratio x Wheel diametet (678 mm) t 3.14 Geat Numbet = Gear Ratiox wheel diameter Q6.5 inch) A Frame Siza 1 B c D E F a Toptuh Roarcento Frontcent6 /Vhe€lbasr BB heighl Off sel Head anglt b angle 488(m/m) 535 410 588.6 992.3 281 538(Evm) 545 410 584.3 984.1 266 50 /t5 73. 740 588(m/m) 560 410 590.9 990.7 266 45 74" 74" 038(m/m) 580 410 610.7 1010.7 266 45 74" 74" 72 73'30', I Chain stay guad 32T 19T 30 GearNumber 19T 26T 26T 32T- 40 16T 50 16T 147 141 16T 19T 147 70 60 . Note. Distance Trcvelled=Gear nailo x Wheel diametet (692 mm) x 3.14 Geat Numbet = Geat Ratio x Wheel diametet (?7 inch) A F ame Size B c Toptub€ Rearcente Frontcentel D E F a BB helghl )ff 8st 535(rn/m) 550 45 6 1 1 . 8 1048.6 281.5 60 585(mtm) 570 45 615 635(m/m) 580 445 625 105'r.8 281.5 60 106'r.8 281.5 60 b ang16 71"{', 73'1s', 72. 72' 72' 72' &, Brazedon topmountshifterNew Chain hook Bndgeslane exclu stve Sell Centenng Aero Dynamtc brake Distance Travelled 9: '12 ,r 32r 28r 32r 28r 24T 15 24T (feet/m) 5 B 207 20T 't4T 16T 147 16T GearNumber * Nolel Distance Tnvetted =Gear Ratiox Wheeldiameter (676 mm) x 3.14 Geat Number = Gear Ratio x Wheel diameter (27 inch) A Frame Size B c D E Toptub( loar centar :ronl center lvhe€l bas( BBbight F a lft sel {ead angk b angle 73"1s', 4&5(m/m) 535 416 588.2 999.1 293.5 50 72" 21 435(m/m) 545 416 585.3 992.6 278.5 45 72" 73' 5&5(m/m) 560 4't6 590.9 996.8 74" 74" 635(m/m) 580 416 610.7 273.5 45 1016.8 273.5 .05 74" 74" ::i:i'#i" :i :;!::'y; " ';;;t";-iwomo setio --I -j r ifqgt-- rlt l] New Brdgeslone exclu stve Self Cenleilng Aero Dynamtc brake I ''",'"nff-* wF Centerridge tirc (feet/m) DistanceTravelled 9:'12a155 32T 28r FlamboyantBlue I F lamboyantBed 8 24T 20r GearNumber * Nolel Distance frcvelled =Gear Ratio x Wheel diametet (676 mm) x 3.14 Geat Number =Gear Ratio x Wheel diametet (27 inch) A Frame Sizg B c D E Toptub( lsarcente :ronl center Wh€el bas{ BB helght F )ff 8€ a {€ad anglc b angl€ 73'1s', 185(m/m) 535 417 588.2 10m.1 273.5 50 72" 535(m/m) 545 417 585.3 73" 74" 585(rrvm) 560 417 590.9 903.6 273.5 .15 997.8 273.5 ,f5 74" 74" 74" 74" 74' 74" 695(m/m) 580 417 610.7 1017.8 273.5 ,15 685(nvm) 625 417 oal.9 106,2.2 273.5 45 fu:W:{' tflii;;reott '!ew 8fldgeslone erc'u 5,ra Sei/ Certef,rg Aero Df.anrC btake W @ nterr@tirc DistanceTravelled I Flambyant Blue Gear Number Flambyant Red Antique Tan . Nota: Distance Trcveued =Gear Ratio x Wt1€tJldiameter (676 mm) x 3.14 Geat Num|€r = Gail Ratio x Wl1E,4Jl diametet (27 inch) i#iu;; I d' I Flambyent Blue Flamooyant Red I Antique Tan (feet/m) DistanceTravelled 8 I I 32r 28T 52r 407 24T 16T 207 147 g27 28r GearNumber *Note: Distance Trcvelled=Geat RatioI Wheel diameter (676 mm) x 3.14 Geat Numbet=Geat Ratiox Wheel diametet (27 inch) A FrameSlzo B c bp tub€ leer centel 550 425 D E F a b ,Vhe€l basc BB h€ight )tf 8€r 595 1010.1 273.5 50 7 2 n ' 73'30', for s ,"ffi''i'i#:aff F. hub with Q.R. DistanceTravelled 32T 28T 24T 20r GearNumber FlamboyantBlue * Nofe: Distance Travelled= Gear Ratio x Wheeldiametet (676 mn) \ 3.14 Geat Number=Geat Ratiox Wheel diameter (27 inch) A FrameSlzs B c D E F a Toptub( lear canto =ronl centel ,Vheel base BB height f,ft set Head angk b angrc 185(m/m) 535 425 589.1 1009 293.5 50 72" 73'30', 2 535(m/m) 545 425 587.2 1@2.2 273.5 50 72"{' 73"30', 585{m/m) 560 425 594 1009.1 273.5 50 73'30' 73"30', i35(m/m) 580 425 614.3 1029.5 273.5 50 73"30', 73'30', 1 g-i patented SC (Selfcenteting) brake with AW B(ake Pads A Frame Size 21"154tt.r-l B c D E F a b Toptub€ Rear center Fronl centel l/heel bas( BB heighl Oft sel lead angk Seatangle 560 445 609.1 1M7.2 283.4 60 72" 72" (560) 453 606.5 1052.3 276.9 60 71'30' n" n' oNE's""'\r#::i'::ll:t ol BurDctryf{:;;i lrY' Tiittthe tl Peillv Peaily White G,ffi I-.'flbl% Kffif{|\iI r tt\q!]F 1,,,1$r-'T]W ) I TheMK-I & IUIK-II- firs t ina series B l u e& C h r c m e R e c& t Chrcme Race ready, the Bridgestone MK-I & II are built with the finest quality BMX parts available today. Special features include Bridgestone's own patented SC (Self Conterins) Brake with AW Brake Pads and brazed on cable guides. The MK-I & II are a hishly competitive bike that will make you a winner. ESIOGESIONEs own patentedSC (SelfCenteilng) brcke with AW Erake Pads oI qudlity firomBRIDGESTONE- Sealedbeailng hub (MK-Il) m, stRlfs trTtREs t.lt.T. AITAIBIIt riltcslzE 1{ 21'4f 5' 21'8'6' $'21'A'E' 19'21'23'25'27' tmFnllmll BHOGESTOI{E Ch.orD f|o|y Doubb &rtt d tuune ulth T NGEChemplonlug !el. SRIDGESTONE Chrome Holy tuung. Fully lugg€d. ERIOGESTONE Chrome Moly tubing. Fully lu9g6d. BRIDGESTONE Chrome Moly tubing. Fully lugged. BRIDGESTONE Forgadvertlcaldrop oul. Brazedon Shlft lev6rmounting base,Cebleholder3on Toptube, llurter boltle studs,Chainhookon Saalslay & Tunnolcllpo on Hanger tor front & lBar Delalllou.cables. SITNTOUR Forged vertical drop oul. SUNTOUR G$ll Forged road ends. Forged road end. Brazed on Wat6r bottle sluds (2 s€ts), Chaln stay guard, Cantilever Brake pogts, aoar Carder 6y€lets, Chain hook on Chain stay Cabl€ holde.s on top tub€ & Tunnel clips on Hangor for tront & rear D€raill€ur cablos. Erazod on Shift lever mounting bas€, Cable holders on Top tub€, Waler botlle studs, Chain hook on Chain slay &Tunnel clips on Hangor tor front & rear Deraillsur cablas- Braed on Cable holders on Top lube, Water boltle studs & Tunnel clips on Hanger tor lronl & rear Derailleur cables. TilNTruRT TANGE Chromo Moly lubing with s€mi-slope crown & BRIDGESTONE forgod ends. TANGE Chrome Moly tubing with s€mi-slop€ crown & BRIDGESTONE torgod ands. TANGE HFlsnsil Hi-carboal tuting with semi-slop€ crown & BRIBGESTONE fofg€d ends. TANGE Hi-tensil Hicarbon tubing with seml-slope crown & BRlDGESTONEtorged onds. HEIIISET TANGE Falcon TANGE Falcon TANGE Falcon NIKYO25M iltf,ttrE BtR NITTO Unireciade Alloy with cloth tap€s SR Alloy randonneur with cloth tapes NITTO UniveBiade Alloy wilh cloth tap€s SR CTD Alloy with cloth tapes liltDtt sIEt NITTO Technomic A Forged Alloy SR Royal E Alloy NITTO Technomic Forged Alloy SR AH Alloy BRArcS BRIDGESTONESGA bright tinish Alloy sidepull with Q.R. Tite guide Allen anchor boll & AW sho€s. DIACOMPE Cantilavar braka BRIDGESTONESGA bright finlsh Alloy sidepull with O.R.Tire guide & AW sho€s BRIDGESTONESGA Alloy side-pullwilh 9.R. Tiro guids & AW sho€s. BRIXI IIUERS olAcoMPE#1't4G wilh rubber-pads DIA€OMPE # 162G with adiusling barels, O.R. & rubber-@s DIA€OMPE#1,14 with rubber-pads DIA€OMPE # 144 with rubbeFpads SUMIOUR Crr'dm ll FD2400 SUNTOUR (Black) BL BLGT (Black) (Black) BL SUNTOUR ARX ARX€T LD235O(Microlite) SUNTOUR (Black) BL BL€T (Black) (Slack) BL SUNTOUR PB€S GoId 14.16- Gspeed SUNTOUR Blad( 't4.16.1 9.26.321 SSp€€d SUMTOUR PB€S Blad( $46.m.24.n.32r CSpeod SUNTOUR P&6S Blad( 11.16.n.24-n.321 SSp€€d SUNTOUR SUNSHINE SUNTOUR SUNTOUR Alloy small flange wilh Q.R. 36H Alloy small flange with Q.R. 36H Alloy small llange with O.R.36H Alloy small f langewith Q.R.36H Alloy small tlange with Q.R. 36H Alloy small flange with Q.R.40H Alloy small flange wilh Q.R.36H Alloy small tlange with Q.R.36H CRAilTSET SUGINO Astqm 52x42r forg€d tT0nmqanks SUGINO Super Maxywith TA patem geffi 50x46x32T ftrged 170mm cranks SUGINO Asto.on 52x12r forg€d l7ornm dilks SR N€w Ap€x M.5DRG2 52x407 foe€d lTornmctanks mtfls MKS Sylvan Road with RR MKS Sylvan Road with RR KKT Provicllwith RR KKT Provicllwith RR Gl|ilX Gold Silver Gold Gold BRIDGESTONE 700x 25C C€nter-ridge skinside '100lbs Hitressuro wilh American Yalves. BRIDGESTONE 27 x 1Yt CenteFridge gumside S lbs Hi-pressurewith American valves. BRIDGESTONE 27 x 1r/t C€nter-ridge skinside 1@ lbs Hi-pressurewith American yalves. BRIDGESTONE 27 x 1th Center-ridge skinside lm lbs Hi{ressure with American valvss. ARAYA 7O0ctubular Alloy ARAYA 27x 1%Alloy F36H,R40H ARAYA 27x 1%Alloynarrowtype ARAYA 27x 1% Alloy narrowtype #14 U.P.C.with U.P.C.nipples Stainlgss stsel #14 wilh Brass nipples Rsar:40 spokes #14 U.P.C.with U.P.C.nipples #14 U.P.C.with U.P.C.nipples KASHIMAX VC-Super Pro Anatomicleathgr KASHIMAX VC€upar Pro Anatomic lsather KASHIMAX VCSuper Pro Anatomic leather KASHIMAx VC-Super Anatomic vinyl SR CT-Ps Alloy SB CT-PsAlloy SR CT-PsAlloy SB CT-PsAlloy Tm clipes & leather straps (Black), Alloy spoke protector & CPSC approved rellector sel. Tm clipes & leather straps (Black), Spoke protector, Water bottle with alloy cage (1 sel), F & R alloy carrier, Alloy fenders, Alloy pump & CPSC approved reflector set. Toe clipes & leather straps (Black) Alloy spoks protector & CPSC approved reflector set. Toe clipes & leather straps (Black) Spoke protecter CPSC approved reflector set. Tahoe Blue tRltEGolm (1)Dualtone,Oark&own & AntiqueTan (a Dualtone, Flamboyant Rod & GoldenTan APPBOXITITE WEIGHT 23lbs(23') 29lbs(23') sPEr|r]ElnnEs DERA|trfURs[!st Cldonell RD35m SIIIFTERqdone RTIRCTUSTER iluBs FHIIIT REIR TIRES Rtns SP(XES stDtttE SETTPIIST rccEss{tnlEs Dual ton6 Goldon Tan '& Ruby Maroon 25lbs(23") ATTAIR (1) Flamboyanl Blue (2) Flamboyanl Red 25 lbs (23") REGUTUS GIRTEI. rtt TF|&N 19' 21' 23' 25' 27' Mine?o' 19' 21'23'25' 21' Mirte 20' 1t 1lYt' BRIDGESTONE Ctromo Moly tubing. Fully lugged. BRIDGESTONE Chrome Moly lubing. Fully lugged. BRIDGESTONE Hi-tenElle Hi€arbon.Tschnart. BRIDGESTONE Hl-len3lle Hlcrrbo.r. Taarmrrt. BRDOESTO?IE Cfrrilr. fory UDhC.IIO u.ld.d. Forged road ends. Forged road ends. Road ends. 8.azed on Cable holdars on Top tube & Water bottle studs. Brazed on Cable holders on Top tube. Braed on Cable holdors on Top tub€. Braad on CaDbhold€fso.r Down tube.Uniquelorlbn rod,lubfrarna and swlnglngroermochanFm. Orlglnsl&El0n o|Jsset& b.ead o.l Clble hold€rs. ERIDGESTONE Htslensile Hicarbon luting with special crown. BRIDGESTONE Hi-tensil Hi{arbon tubing with sp€cial crown. BRIDGESTONE Hi-tensll Hi{arbon Technart. BRIDGESTONE Hl-ten3ll6 Htcarton Tochnart. TANGE TRX ChromlMoly ERIDGESTONE Daamondroad BRIDGESTONE Diamond road BRIDGESTONE BRIOGESTONE TANGE MX3 SR CP randonneur wilh cloth tap€s Alloy North{oad styl€ C.P.sts€ltouring3'risa SR Alloy gold SR AH Alloy SR @AH c.P. suGrNo AH Alloy EflDGESTONESGA Atoy sidepull with AW shoas. DIA€OMPE*5OO Alloy sidepull. BRIDGESTONESC Alloy sidepull wilh AW shoes. F ont: C.P. caliper Roar Primus C.P. band brake BRIDGESTONESC Alloy sldepull wlth AW shoes. qacoMPE#161 -th O.R. DIA.COMPE#164 with satety lever & Q.R. D|A-COMPE#131 Steel with parking brake DIA.COMPE#132 Blue / Red 9,iITOUR YX VXGT SUNTOUR Seven S€ven GT SUNTOUR u&10 Mighly.2 SUNTOUR P+6S Black 14.16.N.24.8.921 eSpo€d SUNTOUR PB€S Bled( 11.16.n.21.8.32f eSpe€d 167 SUNTOUR MF-20@ 167 Somi |elge0an9ssto€l36H Small fleng€ ste€l 36H s|nallfrangpsteel28H Fo|lsd snal frengosieel28H tK.l SITNTOURMH-1@0 Blue/ Rod SUNTOURHR50@ Blue, Bed. ilK.tl SUNSHINE sealsd bearing hubs Blue, Rsd SR sirctl,ro I sPtcA rs8 Aby randonneur wilh clolh tapes sn eoL.M PUBn0 (20M) g,{TOUR P8€ Bleck ra-16-?0.21.n.321 esgd SIITC'UR SUNTOUR 5t lmal nang€ wih O.R.36H ^lryrt|all fango wfi O.R.36H Alloy small flangs with O.B.36H sn SR Alloy small fango nuned 36H HP.UFO Blue / Red Seven GT /aT fo(gsd 17omm danks 467 Alloy tojged 165mm cranks Alloy 165mm cranks lfa)qClB 14-7 brg€d l7(lnm crar*s MKS Sylvan CR-2wilh RR SR Alloy with RR & black rubber uKs Sttv.n CR-2with RR ut(s $eel wih RR & wtils rubbor Bl,}10 Goldfranox,lth RR 8l*k Black Black Black Gold NOGESTONE V'1\ Orrter-ridge *nsiJ€ rq, rDs Itt gssure with Amerlcan valves. BFIDGESTONE 27 x 1ft Cenlerridge gumside 100lbs Hi-pressurewith American valves. BRIDGESTONE 27 x 1t/t gumside 85lbs Hi-pressure with American valves. BRIDGESTOI{E Frqil:20xlY. Bear:16xlY. wtitctde BRIDGESTONE Original tread Blue / Red skin8ide Fronl: 20 x 2.125 Rear:20 x 1.75 ^NAYA ? ' 1r. Alloy narrow type ARAYA 27 x 1y. Alloy ARAYA 27x1%Stel C.P. ARAYA Stainless sleel Front:20 x 1.75 Rear:16 x 1.75 ARAYA 7X, 20 x 1.75Alloy Gold r l4 U.C.P.with U.C.P.nipples #14 U.C.P.with U.C.P.nipples # 14U.P.C.with U.P.C.nipples #14 U.P.C.with U.P.C.nipples #14 U.P.C.with U.P.C.nipples ARIAKE nP.17 Anatomic vinyl ARIAKE 77P-17 Anaiomic vinyl KASHIMAX Hi-sottmodel black vinyl Paddedwhite vinyl touring. Kashimax 36 holes Blue / Red sa BRIDGESTONE Stainless stoel BRIDGESTONE CP BRIDGESTONE Stainless stsel AA€OXB !Qxt(!T log.d lTonmcranks sN-50x 52x407 T(s CT+6 Alloy NAGAOI(A ,w2,2W SEAT CLAT'P€UNTOUB MGI(xn Alloy BludRod Alby cenler stand, Spoke protector, 0 CPSC approved reflector set. Alloy center stand, Spoke protector, & CPSC approved rellector set. Chainguard, Fenders, Spoke reflectors & Alloy kick stand. Chairguard, Fendo|s, Baskd, B€ll, 6V 6W g€neralor, lleadliglrt, Lodq MrJdfiap6 & R€freciors. Chainguard C.P. & CPSC approved Reflector set. (l) FlamboyantBlue A) Fbmboyant Red O Antique Tan (1) Flamboyant Blue (2) Dark Brown oarkBrown (1) Pearly Green (2) Pearly White (1)Blus& Chrome (2)Red& Chromo 26rbs(23-) 28 lbs (23") 33lbs(21") /|8 lbs 23lbs =l;l loI4 *-t nolnv/= LIMITED\fIARRANTY TYARRA'{TY 1, Framss at{ lro^t fott, of BridgEtonc btcfct/t exccat lot th6a ot BilX or Cruier cat gory, xa wanantcd to b tr.' hofil &lrt'B in mn rial and no.kmrndrip tor lil.f'ifl'. lra''' tla dF/tt ol f{uchae. 2, Oi'tfllnrl *c',,/o'i!' ol *idettlote bicycl.t sxc.pt tq tro,! of BMX or Crui'r't ca|4,guy, 6 ttan&rd cquipmnt, rc ttttwrl'd to b. tr.. fion dstgf,t in maLrial ild rvor*mrrrhip for orc l1l van trom th. dat of purchara lErclud.. lrtrc'tct &at orrbt dcclct or canrrtmql. LlMlTATtOttlSArrD EXCLUSIOIIIS 1. tryttttnty it i',itcd lo, tnd tor lrlo arclu',uc. -btn fir ot, tli6 original o|rrdrafrr ol Eridgctono bicycl.r fid i, not arEignau. to rrbaquant purcha$ oJ lr,it. 2. Wtnenty do,,. notcorcJ .nV i^itJriat s7 damqu to Ntlilgcrtona bicaclaa by: a. b, c. d. Bictclc tling q tt',init|olof re,kE' Stunt or. dtirbailc riding. Utlgr r' r po*lr-propallad. yahiclo, Any odrsr mirur, $uta or nrglast. i; l[?ffi,I,fi"#v maintenanc'' o'.improp"' 3. Brlderrtonc $all not b. lilbt. for incldmtsl or oonraqurntlll dam6g6, cxcept ar ruquiird by lru in partidlar juridiction. 4. Excapt tor $! limitod wlrrlnty m.ntioncd har.in, Bridgarton. Eicycle dirclaimr all impli€d warrsntic3, CLAIMS Toqullify urd.r th! wltrrnty, dr. drfGctivs parr murt bc proront6d'to an authoriz€d Bridg63tonr bicycl€ d€aler togath€r with $1!| tac.ipt or othcr proof of dlt of purchaio rhoring :erlal oumficr. It tho claim qualif ior und€r thr tsrmr of trto wrrranty, Btidlr,tona will ,t'it3 option r.pllca or rrpair thr d6t ctivr part without chargoto th. original purcha*r. Bcpoir or r6placrmant ol dafactlva plnt or &c.3tori!t, including tabor charglr thor€forc, conrtitutsr tre role romGdyunder thii warranty. r"t,ffiiYT':"Fl* Holland, Michigan 49421 =l;l lold *= n'ol,rv/= BRIDGESTONEBICYCLE(USA),INC. 19140Vcn NessAvenue Torrcrnce,Cclilornio 90501 Phone:213-533-8761 Printed in Japan
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