Issue no. 10 - Colegio de Chihuahua
Issue no. 10 - Colegio de Chihuahua
The BackPacker Issue 10 / March 2013 / Week 2 The Origin of Our Nations Symbol by Natalia Peniche On the 24th of February eve r y ye a r, t h e re i s a celebration for the Mexican flag. Also known as “Pendón Trigrante”, The Mexican Flag is one of the three most significant symbols for our nation. It is made up of 3 stripes: green, white, and red. These colors originated from the colors of the flag of the “Ejército de las Tres Garantías o Trigarante”. They have represented different things along the years because of the changes our country has gone through. Green originally represented the Independence from Spain; white was for the Catholic faith and finally red signified the union between lorem ipsum met set Europeans anddolor Americans. quam nunc parum 2009 When Mexico endured the G u e r ra de Re f o r m a an d politics were separated from religion, the meanings of the fl a g ’ s c o l o r s c h a n g e d . Nowadays, Green represents hope, White the union of Mexican people, and red the blood shed by the nation’s heroes. Another element of our flag is the emblem located in the middle of the white band. It pictures an Eagle standing upon a cactus holding a snake in its beak and it is inspired on the culmination of the Mexicas pilgrimage to establish their c i t y “ Te n o c h t i t l a n ” , n ow known as Mexico City. The Mexicas had a legend that said that when they were to encounter an eagle perched on a cactus with a snake in it’s peak was were they should establish their biggest city. They Mexicas found this symbol 200 years later on a small island in the middle of the Lake Texcoco. President Lázaro Cardenas established Flag Day in our country in the year of 1937. The date was c hosen to celebrate the “Plan de Iguala” or “Plan of the Three Guarantees” signed a century before, on February 24, 1821. This Plan was based in three principles: Religion, Independence and unity, values that were represented in the flag’s colors. I think Flag Day is a very impor tant obser vance for Mexico and we should celebrate it with pride and honor because it stands for everything our heroes had to go through in order to give us an independent nation. It should also inspire us to continue defending freedom, democracy, and justice for our country. Welcome to a world through Glass; Google glasses. by Lorena Garrido features using voice activated controls. These features include: • Recording video –just Those Supersonics car toon moments are now turning real! Project glass is a program run by Google in whic h t hey research and develop a head mounted display (HMD) shaped like eyeglasses, with the name of Google Glass. This product will be able to display information, interact with the internet and will have voice command. Google Glass will be using the Google android operating system. The first Google Glass demo r e s e m b l e s normal eyeglasses where the lens is replaced by a head up display. In the future, new designs may allow integration of the display into people's normal eyewear. This product will be available to the United States developers for $1500 being delivered in early 2013, while the consumer version is rumored to be available by the end of 2013 start of 2 014 f o r under $1500. The voice command is said to have m u l t i p l e say Ok Glass: Record Video • Taking a picture –just say Ok Glass: Take Picture • Search – just say Ok Glass: Search… (search query) • Get directions – just say Ok Glass: Get Directions To… These and more features will be available to the Google Glass. At the moment no new information has been put out about the Project Glass, but keep an eye on future Backpacker Issues for more information on these wonderful artifacts that will for sure change humanity. 10 Random Facts of the Week 1. A man once spent $12,000 to build the world’s greatest treehouse. 2. Cats spend about 70% of their lives asleep. 3. Jellyfish and lobsters are considered biologically immortal. They don’t age and will never die unless they are killed. 4. There is a cruise ship named “The World” where residents live permanently and travel around the globe. 5. Orange juice tastes bad af ter brushing your teeth because toothpaste blocks your sweet taste receptors due t o a f oaming agent t hat changes the shape of your tongue cells. 6. There is a book published titled “Everything Man Knows a b o u t Wo m e n ” a n d h a s a ro u n d a h u n d re d b l a n k pages. 7. You can buy GPS shoes that w i l l g u i d e yo u h o m e by clicking your heels. 8. If a cockroach touches a human, it will run away to clean itself. 9. In 1990 in the Republic of Singapore, a child was born and named Batman Bin Superman. 10. Ronald Wayne, Apple cofounder, sold his share of the company for $500, thinking Apple wouldn’t be successful. Now it’s worth more than $22 billion. The best p a r a surrealist a r t i s t : Remedios Varo by Daniela Ochoa She was born in Spain close to Girona, on December 16th 1908. At age 16 she started studying at Academia de San Fernando de Madrid. During the Spanish Civil War, she fled to Paris where she w a s i n fl u e n c e d b y t h e surrealist movement, where she became a member of the art group “Logicohobiste” where she met her husband, the french surrealist poet, Oscar Dominguez. In 1941, Varo fled to Mexico City due to the Nazi occupation in France. She remained in Mexico for the rest of her life where she met a lot of people including Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. The most influential relationship was to the Austrian, Walter Gruen, who believed fiercely in Varo and supported all her artwork. Life in Mexico W h i l e i n M e x i c o , Va r o befriended with two European refugees Leonora Carrigton and Kati Horna. Carrington and Varo read and discussed books on alchemy, witchcraft, m a g i c , m y t h o l o g y, a n d Kabbalah. They also shared their dreams and moved in to their first home together. In Mexico, she was influenced by pre-Columbian art. Varo’s imagination started flourishing greatly while living in Mexico City, which resulted in a series of disturbing and confusing paintings, but all the work she made started getting attention from the greatest painters in Mexico. Varo passed away due to a heart attack in 1963. This painting was actioned by Guren for $574,000, and gave the money to Varo’s mother. “Woman Leaving the Psychoanalyst's Office” (1960) In this paintings Varo plays with psychoanalytic theories about women and the process of individuation. ! A lot of people compare her to Frida Kahlo, many say that she isn’t even a Mexican artist since she was originally from Spain. But most of her paintings remain in Mexico City. Walter Gruen owns 39 of her paintings. Remedios Varo is my favorite artist and painter. She has amazing paintings. They give me the impression of looking into someone else’s dream. Here are the most recognized of her paintings: “Breaking the Vicious Circle” (1962) This is my personal favorite “Still life Reviving” (1963) Varo creates this image of a still life that has come to life as if by magic. The fruit floats above the table and orbits around the flame of the ! c a n d l e symbolizing a solar system. The fruit b e c o m e planets, the fl a m e becomes a Sun. This was her last painting. ! Get to Know Us IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY ANIMAL AS A PET WHAT WOULD IT BE? Lorena: A puppy and a baby chimpanzee. Jesus: A wolf and a sperm whale. Patty: An elephant. Dany: A white owl. Sergio: A penguin and a kangaroo. Natalia: A gorilla. You Know What Grinds My Gears by Sergio Melendez Everyone has that one thing that bothers them more than it should; that’s what we call a pet peeve. While many people have pet peeves, some may not know how to deal with these little annoyances. Though they are often bothersome to those who have them, they have to learn to overcome these frustrations. Here are some of my pet peeves. 1. They way my mom constantly needs to know what I’m doing. Everywhere I go, no matter what I’m doing, she must know what I’m up to. Even when I’m doing the most innocent of things, like reading a book, she’ll be all up on my business. It gets me annoyed because it distracts me from what I’m doing. 2. When a teacher erases something on the board, but still leaves a little mark untouched. Seriously, if you’re up there might as well take everything up. ERASE IT! 3. When people yawn and don’t cover their mouths, and plus they moan. This is not only very annoying, it’s nasty and appalling to see the inside of someone’ mouth. 4. Having to wait a whole week to watch the next episode of your favorite TV show. This one is pretty self-explanatory. It might raise the excitement, but one week? That’s just too much. 5. Walking in line, and being stuck behind a group of people who walk as slow as a turtle and take up the whole hallway. This is especially tiresome when I’m in a hurry, like going to lunch, but can’t go faster than the people in front. 6. People who try to sing a song without knowing the lyrics. Yeah that’s right people who sing Gangam Style, I’m talking about you. 7. The annoying obnoxious beeping after a microwave’s timer reaches zero. I know it’s useful because it tells us when our food is done, but couldn’t they replace it with a voice just stating that the food is ready. Maybe Morgan Freeman should be that voice. 8. Opening a bag of chips only to realize in disappointment that it’s half full. Quote of the Week “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” - R a l p h Wa l d o Emerson, American poet, essayist and lecturer (1803 1882). 9. Being rushed by my mom, and when I’m finally done, she’s busy getting ready. I’m doing the best I can to get ready quickly and when I’m done, guess what? My mom still has to take a shower, go on Facebook, sweep the floor and write a biography on Thomas Edison. 10. Having too much tomato sauce on my pizza. This is just wrong. It should be a crime, the crust to ingredients to tomato sauce is completely ruined. 11. Having earphones in my pocket and when I take them out, they’re all tangled up. How does that even happen? Do they magically come alive and move around when I’m not looking? 12. When the chargers of my electronic devices are three prong plugs, but my houses only have for two prongs. I currently live in a house like this and it’s really annoying. I have to buy a cheater plug for every outlet in the house. Frank Sinatra; A Biography by Patricia Ochoa Bor n as an only c hild, Francis Albert Sinatra to Italian immigrants Natalia Della and Antonio Martina Sinatra in Hoboken, New Jersey, December 12, 1915 would never imagine his memorable career and life. Sinatra loved music, it was his passion ever since he was very young, but he only knew it by sound and never learned how to read it. Nevertheless, it has always been his passion, and in the early 1930s, when he was just a teenager, he was expelled from high school because he was a bit of a rebel and started pursuing his musical career by singing at nightclubs and in several competitions. It was when he, and his band members, “The Hoboken Four”, won a competition that lead them to be invited to sing a local radio station. There, Sinatra started to gain popularity and caught the eye of Harry James, bandleader of Harry James and the Music Makers; with he recorded his first song; “All or Nothing at All” but when first released, the record sold very few copies. But when the record was rereleased in the 1950s, it sold millions of copies. Around the year 1940, he was invited by Tommy Dorsey to join The Dorsey Band and was in the band for about two ver y successful years. He decided to leave t he Dorsey Band to start his solo career. I n J a n u a r y 194 2 , h e recorded his first solo record, instantly gaining fame as the king of the bobbysoxers. Between the years of 1943 and 1946, 17 of his songs were charted at top 10 hits in those same years, and was also when he adopted the name “The Voice”, and was also called “Ol’ Blue Eyes” because of his outstanding eye color. His career took an unfortunate turn due to hemorrhaging in his vocal cords in the 1950s. He started pursuing an acting career which led him to regain fandom when he won an Oscar for best supporting actor for his outstanding performance in the movie “From Here to Eternity.” Later that year, he signed with Capitol Records and released many successful records including “Come Fly with Me” and “I’ve Got You under my Skin”. Later, he left Capitol to establish his own record company called “Reprise”, which Warner Bro. later bought. In the 60s he played as a main attraction at the Caesars Pa l a c e i n L a s Vegas and founded the famous “Rat Pack” that was joined by other f a m o u s entertainers like Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, Pe t e r L a w f o r d and Joey Bishop; and won several Grammy for his songs such as “Stranger in the Night.” In 1967, he released his most recognized song “My Way.” In 1979, he recorded the song “Theme from New York, New York” with Tonny Bennet and is always played when the New York Yankees play at their stadium in NYC. On June 13, 1971 at a concert in Hollywood, at the age of 55 he announced his retirement, bringing to an end his 36 year career in show business, but ended his brief retirement in 1973 when he released an album titled “Ol’ Blue Eyes is Back”, which was a great success. He released many albums throughout his long career; he won 11 Grammys and was nominated over 30 times for his work. He won over 40 other awards throughout his entire career. Sinatra was awarded t he “Legend Award” at t he Grammys in 1994, where Bono from the band “CU2” introduced him. He gave his last live performance in February of 1995 at a private event; his closing song was “The Best is Yet to Come”. Sinatra passed May 14, 1998 of a heart attack and now rests in California where his tombstone reads The Best is Yet To Come, but there is no doubt that he still lives in every one of his songs. SILVER I try to calm down, ease my breathing, but it’s impossible now. A story by Jesus Lopez I’m shaken and wounded, beaten and stunned. The atmosphere pushes me to the floor, gravity playing with my body, my head burns and then I hear the noise. I look around; try to find the origin of the grunt, but the only sound I find is my own thirsty thrusting heart. The noise, not possibly steps, the repetition way too rapid; trotting? Maybe so. Perhaps rescue comes. I turn around twice, but I don’t see. Something, there must be something! Nothing. All black, just darkness engulfing this world, engulfing me, holding on to my lungs. Rescue, it must come, it must hurry, it must find its way in this darkness. It must, rescue me. It must find me somehow in the middle of the dark for I hear it nearby. With each bump I hear, the sound of the rescue gets quicker. Anxious, But where is it? I feel it; it’s here, but where? I’m hurting, again, and the pain is too strong this time. While the rescue keeps on coming, my body and I take the fall, not being able to bare the pain, which continues on, pushing against my senses. Stand up! My body won’t move, I shiver and twitch involuntarily, but when I order myself to move, there’s nothing. Legs and arms stuck and neck immobile. Help! I scream with desperation though no sound comes out from my parched throat. Rescue is now closer than before, I feel a dim droplet of hope rise from inside my heart. The noise, slows down, it is now with me, ready to help me, ready to take me away from here. The noise now dims entirely as tranquility overflows through me, some pain escaping. I stand up. Starting my search for any type of light to guide me; I sigh, for there, again, is only darkness. I shake my arms and legs, draining the pain left out of me. A light, I find it. A dim light at first. Then it grows and grows, glowing right in front of me. Near? Far? But there it shines, salvation, the end of my grief. I walk to it, each step I take I feel swifter, softer and more peaceful than ever. I am lifted, or else that’s what I feel, by the shine’s secure grip. I glance deeper into the brightness of white… and my heart, it races. I extend my arm and reach out to touch the white wall of dust in front. Near? Far? I feel the stir, I feel it flow, not like any other pleasure ever felt before. Pure, divine, simple. Intrigued by the enigma of the touch, my soul steps into the silver. A leak of happiness, a stream of joy, one strong hold, and a hug. I close my eyes, and fall into a long serene sleep. Green Tips of the Week • Check out your bathroom. Use low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets. • Bring your own bags to the grocery store. Given a choice between plastic and paper, opt for paper. • Turn off your car if you are going to be idle for more than one minute Paleolithic Diet by Natalia Peniche Why not go bac k to the nutritional form that people had in the Paleolithic era? This period was about 2.5 million years and ended around 10,000 years ago. The Paleolithic diet, also known as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet and hunter-gatherer diet, is a modern nutritional plan based on the apparent ancient diet of wild plants and animals that different human-like species habitually consumed during this period. How does the Paleolithic Diet works? While doing the Paleolithic Diet, you take advantage of all the beneficial nutrients of the food allowed in this nutritional plan, • • Higher protein intake. • Lower carbohydrate intake and lower glycemic index. • • • Grass-produced meats Moderate to higher fat i n t a ke d o m i n a t e d b y monounsaturated • Fish/seafood • Fresh fruits and veggies • Eggs • Nuts and seeds • Healthful o i l s (Olive, walnut, fl a x s e e d , macadamia, avocado, coconut) and polyunsaturated fats with balanced Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats. Higher potassium and lower sodium intake. • Higher intake of, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant phytochemicals. When you fully follow t he Paleolithic Diet you may: like fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and seafood, which are: s o l u b l e fi b e r , a n t i o x i d a n t vitamins, phytoc hemicals, omega-3 and monounsaturated fats, and low-glycemic carbohydrates. All these nutrients promote good health and reduce the probability of gaining weight or having cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and other health problems. The following are seven basic characteristics of hunter-gatherer diets that will help to improve your health, reduce your risk of chronic disease, and lose weight. • Eat: • Net dietary alkaline load that balances dietary acid. • What can I eat and what do I have to avoid doing t he Paleolithic Diet? Higher fiber intake. • • Enjoy a longer, healthier, more active life Don’t eat: • Cereal grains Reduce your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes • Legumes (including peanuts) • Dairy Lose weight if you are overweight • Refined sugar • Potatoes • Processed foods • Salt • Refined vegetable___? Improve your athletic performance • Slow or reverse progression of an autoimmune disease • Im prove or eliminate acne • Sleep better and have more energy throughout the day • Improve your m e n t a l outlook and clarity Did you know? More facts for everyone! * Cold weather makes fingernails grow faster. * Only humans cry because of feelings. * Twelve people have walked on the moon. * New Zealand is free of heartworm disease and rabies. * Buttermilk does not contain any butter. * Almonds are members of the rose flower family. * It takes about 7 minutes for the average person to fall asleep. Lent and Holy Week by Lorena Garrido It’s that time of the year again! Lent is celebrated by the Catholic religion, representing the 40 days Jesus Christ spent in the wilderness, fighting the temptation of Satan. Lent lasts 40 days, not including Sundays; and it begins on Ash Wednesday, ending on the first day of Holy Week. For most Christians, Lent is a time of repentance1, fasting2 and preparation for the coming of Easter. It is a time of individual reflection in which we analyze our defects and try to improve on them. Today, Christians focus on their relationship with God; often choosing to give up something or to volunteer and give of themselves to others. Sundays in Lent are not counted in the forty days because each Sunday represents a "mini-Easter," it being a joyful anticipation of the Resurrection. What is the most important thing during Lent? The most important thing during Lent is that you “Become.” What does it mean to “Become”? Becoming is changing, taking away the evil, what offends God. Becoming is also trying to be better every day at everything you do. Each year, God gives you Lent as a special time for three purposes: * T h e r e a r e 31, 5 57, 6 0 0 seconds in a year. A leap year has 31,622,400 seconds. 1) Repent of your sins * Four out of five people over 100 years old are women. 3) Becoming. * The average person laughs 15 times per day. Hahaha! 2) Do penance. At the end of Lent, Catholics celebrate Holy Week; when we remember the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, the day we remember when Jesus entered Jerusalem and all the people praised him as King. This day, Catholics take palms to the Church, like the Jews did in Jesus’ time, so they can be blessed. Joke of the Week What is Mozart doing right now? De-composing BA - DUM - TSS On Thursday of Holy Week, we remember the day that Christ had the Last Supper with his apostles. This dinner is important because Jesus knew he was dying, he wanted to do something to stay forever with his men. After the Last Supper, Jesus went to pray to a mountain. There, he was taken prisoner. Then, he was interrogated, beat, crowned with thorns and finally nailed to a cross and died. After his death, Jesus was buried and, on the third day, he rose again. This Sunday, resurrection is the most important day of Holy Week; it’s the day of most joy for us Catholics. (Continues onto next page) (Continued from last page) I leave you with the quote so you can reflect on it during this period of time. "Take up your cross and follow Jesus, and you will enter eternal life. If you die with Him, you will also live with Him, and if you share His suffering, you will also share His glory." Food Worth an Eye by Sergio Melendez Would you spend $100 on a hotdog? What about a grand for some eggs? Talk about putting your money where your mouth is, huh? Despite the economic downturn in our society, many people are still buying outrageously expensive dishes like the recession never happened. Some are exotic delicacies, while others are just straight-up cuisine, like a hotdog, with rare spices and ingredients. Here are three of the most expensive dishes. 1. The Zillion Dollar Frittata ($1,000): This absurdly expensive dish consists of a mixture of omelet lobster and 10 ounces of segruva caviar. It is served in the Le Parker Meridien Hotel in Ney York City. Although yes, it is quite an expensive dish, you’ll be getting your money’s worth out of it since caviar is rolled as one of the most expensive things in the world. If you ever go to NYC, and have a thousand dollars to cough up, try it. They say that this dish will make your taste buds golden. 2. The Frrrozen Haute Chocolate ($25,000): What would you do with $25,000? Buy a new car? Pay for six months at Harvard? Instead, how about some really fancy chocolate? The Frrrozen Haute Chocolate is a sundae that contains a blend of 28 cocoas, 14 of which are the most expensive in the world. It is decorated with edible gold and served in a goblet lined with edible gold. As if that weren’t enough, it also comes with an 18 karat gold bracelet with one karat of diamonds in the bottom of the sundae. So you can eat the sundae in style, you will receive a golden spoon decorated in white and chocolate diamonds. And yes you can take all that home. 3. White Truffles ($1,350-$2,700 per kilogram): The most expensive mushroom in the world is this little sucker found in Europe, more specifically, northern Italy. It can reach 12cm in diameter and weigh up to 500 grams. The reason why they’re so expensive is because they’re rare, and are only available for a few months each year and must be found by special pigs. The taste is absolutely exquisite, but it can’t be explained by words. But still, that’s still an awful amount of money to pay for some little fungus. Riddle of the Week What has a head, a tail, is brown and has no legs? Answer to last weeks riddle: The letter N My Top Movies from My Childhood by Jesus Lopez As we grow up, there are many factors that make up who we are; these include our family, our friends, our schools, and also the entertainment that we are exposed to at an early age. In the category of entertainment, we can find story books, which our parents read to us before going to sleep, the music that we listened before even understanding the lyrics, and also the movies that we were shown at an advanced age. For me, more than the stories and the music, the movies were the one member of entertainment that affected me more on the way I saw things while growing up. The movies my parents let me watch were not only entertaining, but for some reason I also learned from them. Here are the top movies that I watched before I turned into a teenager. I’m also including the reasons why I liked them and how they changed my points of view and opinions while growing up. 1. Anastasia This was, and still is, my favorite movie of all time. It tells the story of a lost girl looking for a home, and a villain that seeks revenge with the help of a curse. I don’t really relate to the story, but for some reason I love it! I think it’s mostly because of the music, which caught my attention since the very beginning. I still sing the songs every once in a while, remembering the lyrics word by word. Also the history behind the movie’s plot line is of my interest since I was very young. I actually began to read about Rasputin, the story’s antagonist, since I was very young. Nowadays I know most of Gregory Rasputin’s life story, which in the movie is depicted incorrectly. I have learned many things from these movies, like knowing that revenge is never the best option, you should never give up on hope, and that family will always be there when you need them. However, I guess the biggest lesson I learned (which want’s even part of the actual movie’s plot line) is that you shouldn’t make prejudgments about anybody. 2. The Day After Tomorrow The first time I watched this movie, I was maybe ten years old, I saw it with my entire family. This movie kind of changed my life by teaching me that a person can make a huge change in the world. The story is quite interesting, for it tells the story of a terrible disaster caused by nature, which is kind of realistic. It was the fi r s t m o v i e I watched that included disaster scenes on a massive level, and I really enjoyed them. I love the characters because of the bravery and perseverance that they kept facing what could be considered the end of life as they know it. Since the first time I watched the movie I was with my entire family dur ing wint er, I alwa ys remember that day when I watch it. It brings back many happy moments that I have shared with them, and plus the movie is also a reminder that hope shouldn’t ever be lost. 3. Star Wars Star Wars is, and has always been, my trauma. The first time I watched it I was probably 9 years old, Episode One: The Phantom Menace and it was that movie that began my obsession. Right af ter t hat, I watched the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth movies, and I loved them all! When the second movie came out, I remember buying the DVD immediately and watching it five times in a row on the same day. Then the third movie came out and I was devastated, knowing that it was the last one. I still don’t know for sure why I love the movies so much, maybe it has something to do with the many themes combined in the story. The whole story of the saga includes romance, action, hope, war, friendship and many betrayals. It has taught me many of the lessons I still use in my life, like “Do or do not, there is no try.” Yoda is my Master for Life and Chewbacca my imaginary best friend, and this is not an exaggeration. Like I said before, movies may sometimes get to become part of our life. There are many reasons why they might affect us, either because of memories or because of the lessons taught. They can switch the way we see things or even show us a universe that we never thought existed. Best Song to Workout to by Daniela Ochoa Have you ever gone to the gym listening to the most turn off songs to workout? Well today is your lucky day, because I’m going to give you the ten most rated songs to workout to, and my personal playlist! Why you should listen to music while you workout? Music can have the positive effect of helping you to train longer and harder by allowing you to concentrate on the rhythm of your workout rather than on the difficulty of your exercises. The most popular genres to listen to while working out is R&B and Electronic because this genres have the fastest rhythm and get you pumped and in the mood to workout. I prefer trance/electronic music. This is a “rhythm and blues” (R&B) playlist: "Find Your Love" - Drake "Got Your Back" - T.I., featuring Keri Hilson "Check It Out" - and Nicki Minaj "2012 (It Ain't the End)" - Jay Sean, featuring Nicki Minaj "Midnight Hour" - Talib Kweli and Hi-Tek, featuring Estelle "In My Head" - Jason Derulo "Who Dat" - J. Cole "Club Can't Handle Me" - Flo Rida, featuring David Guetta "Not Afraid" - Eminem "DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love Again" - Usher, featuring Pitbull This is an electronic playlist: “Ultra Festival 2012 (live)” - Avicii “Cracks” - Freestylers “Heartbreaker Remix” - Wolfgang Gartner “Act Like You Know” - Nero “A msterdamn” - Afrojack “Touch Me in the Morning” - Afrojack “Bring it on” - Goose “California Dreaming remix” - Benny Benassi “& Down” - Boys Noize “Stay Crunchy” - Ronald Jenkees My favorite album to workout with is “Alive 2007” by Daft Punk, and it’s what I usually listen to when I do intense and short workouts. Finally, these are my top ten songs to workout with: “Unforgivable” - Armin van Buuren “I Dare You (Live from Washington State)” Shinedown “Take Me Out” - Franz Ferdinand “Someday” - Nickelback “MoneyGrabber” - Fitz & The Tantrums “I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’ ” - Scissor Sisters “Break My Fall (Radio Edit)” - Tiesto & BT “Bulletproof” - La Roux “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” - Green Day “Sky Falls Down” - OceanLab I hope you find these three playlists useful for your workouts! Don’t forget to email us with any questions, suggestions or comments about “ The BackPacker” See you here next week!