5/22/16 - Saint Gabriel and Good Samaritan Catholic Churches


5/22/16 - Saint Gabriel and Good Samaritan Catholic Churches
Saint Gabriel and Good Samaritan Parishes
Rev. Eric Ayers
Rev. Mr. Armando deLeon Deacon
Rev. Mr. Roy Smith
Rev. Mr. Jerry Wyngaard
Lisa Gorton
Director of Parish Formation
Carole Peters
Youth & Young Adult
Formation Coordinator
Faith Grubbs
Domestic Church
Resource Assistant
Roni Pfrang
Children’s Formation Coordinator
Therese Venti
Parish Business Manager
Mary Feldman
Office Assistant
Maria Estremera
Suzanne Maerz
Music Minister
Pastoral Council
Laura Lincoln
Finance Council
Terry Bowes
Stewardship Team
Nancy Wilson
RCIA (Becoming Catholic) Lisa Gorton, 639-6712
Ellie Wargo
Saint Gabriel
Catholic Church
Good Samaritan
Catholic Church
8901 Winterpock Rd
Chesterfield, VA 23832
13441 Patrick Henry
Amelia, VA 23002
Liturgy Schedule
St. Gabriel
Wednesday Mass—9:00 a.m.
Friday Mass—9:00 a.m.
Saturday Mass—5:30 p.m.
Sunday Masses—9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Holy Days—9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
Good Samaritan
Saturday Mass—4:00 p.m.
First Sunday of the Month—4:00 p.m. (Hispanic)
Parish Office:
Tele: 804-639-6712
Fax: 804-639-6591
Church: 804-639-4102
Office Hours: Mon.-Thu.: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Fri.: 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Anointing of the Sick
This sacrament is best celebrated outside a hospital
setting. It takes place in the chapel before or after Mass or
at home. Contact the parish office for arrangements or
call the office number (639-6712) in emergencies.
Ministry to the Sick
Let the parish know when a fellow parishioner is seriously
ill. The person who is ill, or a family member, should
make arrangements for home or hospital visits, or for
prayer remembrances.
This sacrament is celebrated either with the assembly at mass or
in a private setting on designated dates throughout the year. In
anticipation of the birth of their child, it is recommended
parents contact the parish office SIX MONTHS IN
ADVANCE for sacramental preparation prior to the
celebration of baptism.
If you would like Confession, please approach Father
Ayers after the 5:30 pm mass on Saturday or after the
11:00 am mass on Sunday.
Weddings cannot be scheduled before a couple meets with
the pastor or a Deacon. Couples should contact the parish
office for an appointment at least one year in advance of
their proposed wedding.
The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
May 22, 2016
This Week’s Calendar
Sunday, May 22
8:15a.m. Rosary
9:00a.m. Mass
11:00a.m. Mass
11:00a.m. Rite of Full Reception
Monday, May 23
No Parish Activities
Tuesday, May 24
10:00a.m. Golden Angels
7:00p.m. Bible Study
7:30p.m. Fishermen
Please pray for the sick of St. Gabriel & Good
Samaritan churches: Names will appear for a month
after notification; Resubmit if needed
John Bartle
Mary Bartle
Joe Capriglione
Marie Homan
Aidan Keatts
Kevin Koch
Monica Marinacci
John Richard Norment
George & Mary Sasara
Stephan Valcourt
Linda Young
Wednesday, May 25
9:00a.m. Mass
7:00p.m. Migrant Ministry
7:00p.m. Music Rehearsal
Thursday, May 26
8:30a.m. Richmond Friends of the Homeless
9:30a.m. Centering Prayer
Friday, May 27
9:00a.m. Mass
9:45a.m. Bible Study
10:00a.m. Praying Hands
Saturday, May 28
11:00a.m. First Communion Mass
5:30p.m. Mass
Sunday, May 29
8:15a.m. Rosary
9:00a.m. Mass
11:00a.m. Mass
For the full parish calendar—
go to saintgabriel.org—
click on “Events: Parish Calendar”
Please pray for those service members of St. Gabriel &
Good Samaritan churches currently deployed:
Nick Cocucio, John T. Diem SCPO U.S. Navy,
Harrington, Lt. Jason Herres, PVT Duke Hopper,
CPT Jennifer Lebron, LCDR Eric Lockett,
Alex McGrath, Channing Noel, ET3 Daniel Parker,
Snowden, CW4 John R. Stryker, Maj. Brian Wirtz,
Angie Valohahes and Charles Vinch
Mass Intentions
Wed., May 25th
Fri., May 27th
Sat., May 28th
Sat., May 28th
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Steven Cron
For the Parish
Jack Stachowiak
For the Parish
(Good Samaritan)
Sat., May 28th
Sun., May 29th
Sun., May 29th
Sabbath Sunday:
Food Weekend:
Baptism Class:
5:30 p.m. For the Parish`
9:00 a.m. Frances Smolko
11:00 a.m. Janet Joyce
May 29th
June 4th & 5th
June 18th & June 19th
July 14th & 21st
Register at the office or Online
The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
May 22, 2016
DID YOU KNOW… you can take home holy water
for use in your Domestic Church? Bring a clean
container and stop by when the parish office is open or
after each of the masses to let the office staff (if during
the week) or the prayer leader for your mass know.
They can fill the container in the sacristy for you.
Financial Information for Weekend of May 15, 2016
Envelopes E-Giving
Last Yr
Actual 2015-16
Actual 2014-2015
Shop with Sr. Gabriella’s Holy Scrip! It’s convenient,
costs nothing extra, and benefits St. Gabriel’s
Parish. Purchase gift cards at face value and St. Gabriel’s
earns a percentage of your purchase. It is a simple way to
support your parish. Some of the cards we have on hand
are Martins, Food Lion, Panera, TGI Fridays, Chipotle,
Wawa, Lowe’s, Walmart, Target, Kohl’s, just to name a
few. If we don’t have what you are looking for we can
order it.
8th Annual Joe Poh Golf Tournament
Friday, August 19th 2016
Birkdale Golf and Country Club
Scrip is located at the Welcome Table in the Commons
and is open after all Masses. This is our parish’s only
year-round fundraiser, please be a part of it.
Shotgun Start 9:00am
We want to thank you in advance for your participation!
Continental Breakfast prior to the
beginning of the tournament
Lunch Immediately following the
More information to come!
The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
Wine and Cheese Social
Sat., June 11
“Good company, good wine, good
welcome can make good people.”
~ William Shakespeare
So bring a bottle of wine and/or some appetizers to
share after the 5:30 p.m. Mass and enjoy with your
fellow parishioners.
We welcomed the following to the
Table of the Lord on Saturday, May 21, 2016
as they received their First Holy Communion:
Jackson Abig
Griffin Aktalay
Kiersten Annis
Brandon Bond
Jayden Corliss
Caroline Criste
Abigail Flores
Troy Greene
Charles Grimm
Amelia Kaufman
Carter Kraska
Caroline Kuhn
Rachel Menninger
Gianna Micco
Jack Micco
Ryan Samuels
Alexander Steinbacher
Katherine Swineford
Landon Treadway
Anthony Verunac
Theodore Voorhies
Mariella Wise
May 22, 2016
May is the month to
Register Your Children for
2016-17 Formation Year!
Formation (Religious Education)
and Sacramental Preparation
registration for the 2016-17 has
begun! Registration will continue until
June 19, 2016; dur ing this time you may fill out
registration forms that can be downloaded from our
website www.saintgabriel.org, picked up in the
stands behind the Children and Youth Formation
Table in the church commons, or at the parish
office. You may return forms with fees to the St.
Gabriel drop slot in the church commons welcome
table, mail them to our office or stop by our office
(operating hours – Monday through Thursday
8:30am – 3:30pm, Friday 8:30am –1:30pm).
NOTE: Following J une 20th a $20 late fee per child
will be added to their fees to cover additional
shipping costs for books and materials for the child.
A letter has gone home to each household with
children and youth of formation age with additional
information, and if you have any questions or
concerns, please contact the parish office.
Consider Helping: We are also in need of 18 adults
to help out as catechists. You do not need a theology
degree–just a love of the faith to share with the
children. We resource you with all the curriculum
and collaborate on lesson plans in a team format.
Contact the office to find out more.
St. Anthony’s Bread—Sun., June 12
Looking for a grassroots way to teach
social responsibility to your children?
St. Anthony’s Bread is a great entry
level outreach program for the family following the
11am Mass. On June 12 at 12:15 p.m., meet in the
kitchen and join the volunteers to help make bag
lunches of PB&J sandwiches and snacks for the
homeless. No sign up required.
High School Youth Who Have Been Confirmed!
Confirmation Peer applications are available on the
Youth Ministry Table. You must be in high school,
have received the sacrament and be an active
ministry participant in the monthly Youth Mass, or
be willing to be trained and then serve in ministry
for the Youth Masses. Fourteen peers will be
chosen. Deadline to apply is June 1st.
The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
Helping Hands-Sat., June 11
Where parishioners are helped by youth
and help them in turn. How it
works...our youth meet at the church and
then go to a parishioner’s home to do a
job that needs done. Or do you have a neighbor that
needs tasks done at their home? Any donation will
go toward Dresser Building (chests of drawers that
our youth build and donate to Caritas).
NEEDS: We r eally need par ishioner s with jobs
to be done along with Virtus-trained adult
chaperones, and middle school age youth and older
interested in this ministry. Sign up online or at the
clipboard at the Youth Ministry Table in the
Commons if you would like to help OR are in need
of help.
Vacation Bible School 2016!
Save the date for this year’s VBS,
“CaveQuest”! Our adventure starts
June 27 and runs through July 1,
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Registration starts
after Masses on June 4. We need 3 adult volunteers
to be station leaders, as well as adults and youth to
be crew leaders and station help. Please contact
Roni Pfrang at the office to volunteer or for more
Youth Ministry Father’s Day
Carwash June 19
From 8am to 1pm – youth will
wash cars during the 9am and
11am Mass fueled by donuts and pizza. Donations
accepted and will be used for dresser building for
Caritas Furniture Bank. To sign up to help, go to the
Youth Ministry table in the Commons or email
carole.peters@saintgabriel.org. If you would like
your car washed during mass, there will be
designated spaces set aside in the parking lot, near
the church office.
Youth Mass on Saturday, June 25 at
5:30 p.m.
All parishioners are welcome to attend
this mass where our youth serve in the
liturgical ministries.
May 22, 2016
Year of Mercy Holy Door Pilgrimage
During this Year of Mercy the Diocese of Richmond invites you to take a pilgrimage to the Holy
Doors at the Cathedral of Sacred Heart, Richmond;
and the Basilica of St. Mary of the Immaculate
Conception, Norfolk on Saturday, June 25, 2016,
9:00am – 8:00pm. Join other pilgrims for a day of
prayer and reflection that will be led by Deacon
Charles Williams and Deacon Frank Nelson. The
cost of $15 includes transportation and meals. We
will depart from the Pastoral Center at 9:00am.
Please register online at www.regonline.com/
holydoorpilg. Learn more about the Year of Mercy
at www.cdryearofmercy.org. Please contact Pam
Harris, obc@richmonddiocese.org or
(804) 622-5262 if you have any questions.
Catholic Diocese of Richmond
Opportunity for parishioners to join a pilgrimage
to the Holy Land
Fr. Walter Lewis of St. John Neumann Catholic
Church in Powhatan is organizing a pilgrimage to
the Holy Land for January, 2017. Fr. Kevin Irwin,
professor at Catholic University will accompany the
group as a scholar-on-tour. This is an extraordinary
time of the year to travel to the Holy Land. Crowds
are much thinner, allowing groups to have more
access and time at places of great historical and
religious significance. The program includes
accommodations at 4-star hotels, including the
historic and enchanting Notre Dame Center in
Jerusalem. If you’ve ever wanted to go the Holy
Land, this is a unique and unparalleled opportunity
to join two great pastoral leaders for a thoughtful
and rich program. Visit the following website for
program details and registration:
www.travelillume.com/trc/yzp or call Illume at
800-368-6757 x 128.
The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
May 22, 2016
Total offertory for weekend ending: May 15, 2016:
We are in need of more readers, greeters, gift bearers, and collection counters. Please see Jerry if you are
Deacon Jerry is looking for a cantor.
Choir practice is the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5pm.
Mark your May calendars:
* Rosary: Every Saturday in May beginning at 3:15, the rosary will be said prior to Mass.
We will have a crowning of Mary on May 28.
* May 24: Eucharistic Minister Training
If you are interested in bringing refreshments for our weekly cake and coffee after Mass, please see Jennifer.
We are planning a parish yard sale for June or July. Please put aside things for it as you are doing your spring
Next food pantry collection: June 4th
Mass Intention for May 21st at 4:00 p.m.: For the Parish
Misa el primer domingo de cada mes a las 4:00 p.m. Celebración de la palabra los siguientes domingos
con el diacono Armando.
Noche de Oración el 3 de junio a las 6:30 en la Iglesia. Si trae un invitado nuevo recibirá un obsequio.
Retiro de parejas el 4 de junio de 8:30 a 3:00 p.m. $25 Centro Comboni Sisters Mission,
1307 Lakeside Ave., Henrico, VA 23228. Tenemos fondos para ayudarles con el costo.
Primera Comunión el domingo 5 de junio a las 4:00 p.m.
Necesitamos personas que nos ayuden con las clases para los sacramentos que
comienzan en el otoño. El entrenamiento es en julio. Favor de inscribirse lo antes
Ya estamos inscribiendo a los interesados en la preparación para la Confirmación.
Jóvenes en grados 10,11 y 12.
The Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity
May 22, 2016