ACADEMIC INTEGRITY SERVICE 2015 / 2016 Dr Marie ASHWIN * S’ouvrir aux mondes de demain, depuis 1871. Objectives of the session • • • • • • Plagiarism in the news The Charter The Academic Integrity team (SIA) Some figures How to avoid plagiarising Resources available Plagiarism in the news … Fareed Zakaria journalist with CNN and in July 2012 Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toulouse shaken by plagiarism case “Isabel Marant is committing a plagiarism because the Etoile spring-summer 2015 collection contains the graphical elements specific to the Tlahuitoltepec blouse, a design which has transcended borders, and is not a novel creation as is affirmed by the designer.” A THIRD GERMAN MINISTER ACCUSED OF PLAGIARISM … Ursula von der Leyen Defence Minister accused of plagiarising her doctoral thesis in 1990 (28/09/2015) Annette Schavan Minister for Education and Research resigned on the 9 February 2013 Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg Defence Minister resigned on 1 March 2011 The judgement stated that the two works (the film and the book) were not « substantially » alike, even though they were both based upon the war in Bosnia-Hersegovina. « In the Land of Blood and Honey » « Au Pays du Sang et du Miel » Alain Minc was found guilty on 2 July for plagiarising 47 passages of a biography on Bousquet 47 repetitions of 308 identified citations Similarities in the wording and construction of sentences « S'il n'a pas servilement copié les extraits de la biographie [...], Alain Minc a manifestement reproduit, en cherchant à modifier a minima les phrases, le plus souvent en résumant des passages et en changeant quelques mots ou expressions » La juge, Marie Salord, la présidente du tribunal de grande instance de Paris Source : Accessed 8 juillet 2013 PLAGIARISM OR PARODY ? « We did not ask for the artist’s permission as we consider it a parody » - statement from Dieudonné’s legal representative Artist: Ken Barthelmey Academic Integrity Charter EM Normandie wants to emphasise its policy on academic integrity and to promote the following values : honesty, trust, justice, respect, responsibility. To respect intellectual honesty in academic work that contributes to the quality of the diploma, the level of trust and thereputation of EM Normandie. Commitment of everybody : faculty, administrative staff, students and companies. 3 actions : information, control, penalties. Academic Integrity Charter (p1) « EM Normandie, as an institution of Higher Education, undertakes to institute, foster, and develop academic integrity among all students, administration staff and members of faculty. This undertaking is upheld by means of continuous information, prevention, and control operations directed at the various target publics, leading whenever necessary to disciplinary measures in the event of a breach of the rules of academic integrity. There is zero-tolerance towards proven cases of cheating, fraud or plagiarism. EM Normandie considers such acts to be a challenge to the equity which it must guarantee for all. » School regulations The charter references the two internal documents to emphasis and explain the importance of academic integrity Règlement de scolarité : p 5 et 22 Internal regulations : p 8 You can find the documents on Schoolbox Where are these documents available The webpage of the SIA - The ‘Guide de rédaction des références bibliographiques de l’EM Normandie’ which shows you how to present different types of bibliographic details - Definition of FRAUD Fraud is defined as an act to try and gain advantage over third party by any form of dupery. Some examples : “Falsification of data; Using a substitute person to undertake, in full or part, an examination or other assessment item; Making contact or colluding with another person, contrary to instructions, during an examination or other assessment item; Bringing material or device(s) into an examination or other assessment item other than such as may be specified for that assessment item; Making use of computer software or other material and device(s) during an examination or other assessment item other than such as may be specified for that assessment item; and Contract cheating or having another writer compete for tender to produce an essay or assignment and then submitting the work as one’s own.” Definition of PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is defined as a form of fraud whereby one will claim authorship, whether in full or in part, in letter or spirit, for a written document originally produced by a third party. A few examples in the context of academic work: – To copy the work of another student ; – To copy entirely or in part a written document without quoting the source ; – To make use of another author’s ideas without mentioning the source. The Academic Integrity Service (SIA) The School set up the SIA in order to promote academic integrity at EM Normandie : – Prevention and information – Control – Penalties Dr Marie ASHWIN is the Academic Integrity Officer for the School How is this done ? Information / prevention : – Presentations – Librarians – Documents – Page on website Control Penalties – If any form of academic dishonesty (fraud or plagiarism) is found to have occurred, the Academic Integrity Service is in charge of procedures and instruction. Some statistics Penalties since September 2011 : – Probation – 5 students. – Failure to course/module and new work to produce with minimum grade – 12 students. – Exclusion from the school for a period of one week – 4 students – Exclusion from the program for a year – 4 students – Definitive exclusion from EM Normandie – 2 student After Prevention comes Control Why ? – EM Normandie in its wishes to promote academic integrity has acquired an electronic tool which detects similarities in the academic work of students – This electronic software is a tool to prevent plagiarism. – To promote academic integrity and to improve faculty process evaluation Plagiarism detection techniques The School uses the Turnitin site to check work A student may also be examined on the details of the work they have produced Other resources : Turnitin Turnitin provides a report showing the Similarity Index, it does not measure plagiarism These reports are carefully reviewed by the teaching staff and/or Dr Marie ASHWIN who can be contacted in her office in Caen(B100) or by email at How can you avoid plagiarism ? Always cite your sources !!! Follow these few simple principles will help you avoid the risk of plagiarising someone else’s work. Quotation “A direct quotation uses the exact words of an authority and must be identified in your paper with quotation marks and parenthetical documentation.” Quotations rules Insert quotation with quotation marks Respect punctuation If omission of part of the text, use three dots in square brackets […] Document bibliographical source of quotation : – Reference in brackets (Name, Date, Page) An example Quotation with reference details in brackets : « An Academic Integrity Policy is viewed by the School as the best method of guaranteeing the reputation of the institution, its staff, students and their qualifications.» (Forster, 2008). Q: Is this correct ? An example Quotation with reference details in brackets : « An Academic Integrity Policy is viewed by the School as the best method of guaranteeing the reputation of the institution, its staff, students and their qualifications.» (Forster, 2008). Q: Is this correct ? A: No. The page number is not shown. (Forster, 2008, p26) Paraphrasing Rewriting ideas from a source in different words without changing its original meaning A paraphrase must identify the sources Source : California State University Sanctions Any student found guilty of fraud or plagiarism will be liable to the following penalty (this list is not exhaustive): – Probation ; – Failure of course / modules concerned ; – Obligation to pass 3 to 6 extra credits ; – Suspension ; – Expulsion PLEASE NOTE : The disciplinary committee makes the final decision on penalties Thank your for your attention ! Any questions ? Bibliography Forster, Peter (2008) La déontologie académique de l’Ecole de Management de Normandie. Traduit de l’anglais par Sonia Rogoff et Annie Bader, Working Paper. Service des affaires juridiques (2009) Règlement sur les infractions de nature académique [en ligne] Université de Québec à Montréal. Disponible sur : [ df], (consulté le 1er septembre 2010). Université de Montréal [aucune date] Intégrité fraude et plagiat [en ligne] Université de Montréal. Disponible sur : [], (consulté le 1er septembre 2010). MIKA - TALK ABOUT YOU / “Sara perche ti amo” DAILY MOTION CLIPS