Thursday July 21, 2016 - Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority
Thursday July 21, 2016 - Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority
SAUGEEN VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY AUTHORITY MEETING Thursday, July 21, 2016 7:00 pm PLEASE NOTE START TIME OF MEETING AGENDA 1. Adoption of Agenda 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 3. Approval of Minutes of Authority Meeting – May 26, 2016 – attached 4. Matters arising from the Minutes a. Environmental Bill of Rights Registry – Wayne Brohman – attached 5. Correspondence – attached. 6. Reports a. Finance Report – attached b. Program Report – attached c. Source Water Protection – attached d. Planning & Regulations Actions Items – Wayne Brohman – attached 7. New Business a. Fifty Metre Screening Area – Erik Downing – attached b. Planning & Regulations Policy Document – Wayne Brohman c. Brockton Motion, May 24th, 2016 – Dan Gieruszak – attached d. Hydro Generation Proposals – Wayne Brohman 8. Other Business a. Planning & Regulations Customer Service Survey update – Wayne Brohman b. Conservation Authorities Act Review – Wayne Brohman – attached c. News Articles – attached Adjournment Agenda SAUGEEN VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY MINUTES Conservation through Cooperation MEETING: DATE: TIME: LOCATION: Authority Thursday, May 26, 2016 7:00 pm Administration Office, Formosa CHAIR: Luke Charbonneau MEMBERS PRESENT: John Bell, Robert Buckle, Barbara Dobreen, Kevin Eccles, Brian Gamble, Wilf Gamble, Dan Gieruszak, Stewart Halliday, Steve McCabe MEMBERS ABSENT WITH REGRET: Maureen Couture, Dan Kerr, Sue Paterson, Mike Smith, Andrew White OTHERS PRESENT: Wayne Brohman, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Gary Senior, Sr. Manager, Flood Warning & Land Management Shannon Wood, Manager, Communications Les McKay, Manager, Information Technology Erik Downing, Manager, Environmental Planning & Regulations Michelle Gallant, Regulations Officer Janice Hagan, Recording Secretary Member of the Press CALL TO ORDER & CHAIR’S WELCOME Chair Luke Charbonneau called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 1. Adoption of the Agenda A request to amend the agenda was moved by Dan Gieruszak, seconded by Steve McCabe, to include Planning & Regulations Policy Document, Consultant Hiring under New Business. MOTION #G16-49 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Robert Buckle THAT the agenda be adopted as amended. Carried Authority Meeting – May 26, 2016 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest No persons declared a pecuniary interest relative to any item on the agenda. 3. Minutes of the Authority Meeting – March 31, 2016 MOTION #G16-50 Moved by Dan Gieruszak Seconded by Stewart Halliday THAT the minutes of the Authority meeting, held on March 31, 2016 be adopted as circulated. Carried 4. Presentations a. April Flood Event Gary Senior gave a PowerPoint presentation to highlight the information in his April Flood Event report. He explained that the flooding which took place April 1st, 2016 in the Township of Chatsworth was caused by significant rainfall, not a snow melt. He reviewed the watershed conditions prior to the flood and the historical issues in the area. Gary provided information on SVCA’s response to the event which was declared a State of Emergency by the Township of Chatsworth. Chair Charbonneau expressed gratitude to all SVCA staff and Mr. Senior as Lead, who put in extra time and effort during the flood event. This event has demonstrated why there is a Flood Warning program in place – to save lives and keep damage at a minimum. b. Saugeen Bluffs Campground Update Shannon Wood updated the Authority on progress of the Saugeen Bluffs Horse Campground. She told the members that of the nineteen recommendations in the Marketing Plan, thirteen have already been implemented. This includes the following: - Eighteen horse corrals have been built on nine campsites - The store has been renovated and is now being managed by a local grocer. - Three bunkies and two camping trailers have been purchased and are available for rental - The road sign has been re-designed and updated - Social media sites have been created and are regularly updated with current news - Wi-Fi has been installed in three locations on the campground - The washroom counters in the shower building have been upgraded, and the interior/exterior of the buildings have been cleaned up. - The Sutherland Centre has been updated and one room has been converted to a games room Items yet to be completed include the construction of the horse event ring (in progress), and conversion of the wading pool into a splash pad. The services of a local septic company are available, rather than SVCA purchasing equipment. 2 Authority Meeting – May 26, 2016 The Authority members thanked Shannon for the amount of work that had gone into the implementation of the Saugeen Bluffs Marketing/Business plan in such a short amount of time. Chair Luke Charbonneau congratulated SVCA staff on the work completed so far. He would like to make sure that a letter of gratitude is sent from the Authority to the volunteers to thank them for all of their efforts. Shannon Wood left the meeting at 8:17pm c. File Tracking System update Les McKay updated the Authority Members on the progress of the file tracking system that he is building for use by the Planning & Regulation staff. The new system will use the Access database program which Les demonstrated to the Members. Two part time staff are digitizing historical records, which will be incorporated into the new system. The system will be designed to access data from MPAC, however the data is often outdated. The Chair told SVCA staff the Members should be able to assist with a resolution to the problem. Les will be working towards having part of the file tracking system working in the next month. A coffee break was called at 8:47pm. Les McKay left the meeting. Chair Luke Charbonneau called the meeting back to order at 8:55pm. 5. Matters arising from the Minutes a. Gay Lea Foods Co-Operative Ltd. Update General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Wayne Brohman told the Authority that he and Erik Downing, Manager, Environmental Planning & Regulations, had met with the Municipality of South Bruce on April 25th to discuss the option of a two-zone policy in Teeswater in order to give more options for expansion at the Gay Lea Foods plant. South Bruce has agreed to retain SVCA as the project manager in acquiring proposals for new mapping and has requested that an RFP be prepared. South Bruce Council has approved the terms of reference for the required new mapping. Mr. Buckle reported that Gay Lea Foods has agreed to pay half the cost up to $20,000. He stressed the urgency in completing this project quickly. MOTION #G16-51 Moved by Kevin Eccles Seconded by Wilf Gamble THAT, due to the urgent nature of the Teeswater flood plain mapping project, the Authority grants the Executive Committee authority to approve the Teeswater Flood Plain Mapping Project 2016; and further THAT the Executive Committee is granted authority to approve the consultant and project cost for that project. Carried 3 Authority Meeting – May 26, 2016 b. Huron Kinloss/Pine River Watershed The GM/S-T reviewed the submitted report on the request by Authority Member Wilf Gamble, Deputy Mayor of the Twp of Huron-Kinloss, to transfer the jurisdiction of the Pine River Watershed from SVCA to MVCA. He explained that if this transfer were to take place, SVCA would have a reduction in the general levy amount from Huron/Kinloss of approximately $94,000 which would see an increase in levy payments of 6% for the other 14 municipalities. After discussion the Members decided to table the discussion, until a motion is brought forward by Mr. Gamble. 6. - - 7. Correspondence Copy of Letter from Mark Turner, Clerk, Municipality of West Grey, written to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and to Premier Kathleen Wynne, regarding the Phragmites issue was noted and filed Letter from Eleanor McMahon, Parliamentary Assistant, MNRF, regarding the 2nd phase of the Conservation Authorities Act review. Mr. Brohman told the Authority that he plans to be in attendance at the next meeting on June 9th, 2016. Five priority areas for improvement have been identified for discussion which are presented on the MNRF website. This letter was noted and filed. Letter from Dave Burritt, Coordinator, Surface Water Monitoring Centre, MNRF, was noted and filed. Resolution from the Municipality of Brockton in reply to the South Bruce Community and Business Association, regarding response times to development requests and applications was noted and filed. Letter from the Township of Huron-Kinloss concerning the motion from the South Bruce Community and Business Association regarding SVCA response times to development requests and applications was noted and filed. Reports a. Finance Report Wayne Brohman reviewed the highlights of the Finance Report. MOTION #G16-52 Moved by John Bell Seconded by Steve McCabe THAT the Financial Report to March 31, 2016 be accepted as distributed and further; THAT the Accounts Payable, totaling $235,248.90 be approved as distributed. Carried 4 Authority Meeting – May 26, 2016 b. Program Report MOTION #G16-53 Moved by Dan Gieruszak Seconded by Robert Buckle THAT the Program Report be adopted as presented. Carried c. Planning and Regulations Action Items The GM/S-T highlighted the updated items on this document. The Executive Committee brought forward their motion recommending that Planning Solutions (Karen Wianecki) be hired as the consultant to prepare the Planning & Regulations Policy document at the tendered amount of $20,000 plus $150/hr for public consultation. The Members desire to work closely with Planning Solutions to draft a plan that is not generic but is structured specifically to SVCA. MOTION #G16-54 Moved by Dan Gieruszak Seconded by Robert Buckle THAT the Planning & Regulation Policy Development proposal received from Planning Solutions be accepted for the amount tendered; and further THAT SVCA staff be directed to commence working with Planning Solutions on development of the Policy document. Carried d. Fish Stocking Report Gary Senior reviewed the submitted Fish Stocking report. He assured the members that all Ontario laws regarding fishing were to be observed on Conservation Area lands and that enforcement is the responsibility of MNRF Conservation officers. MOTION #G16-55 Moved by John Bell Seconded by Stewart Halliday THAT the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority extends its appreciation to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for stocking fish at the Allan Park, Durham, and Bell’s Lake Conservation Areas under the Urban Fishing Initiative. Carried Gary Senior left the meeting at 9:50pm. 5 Authority Meeting – May 26, 2016 e. Conservation Ontario Council Meeting The GM/S-T reviewed the report regarding the Conservation Ontario Council meeting. He highlighted the discussion surrounding the Agricultural community and noted that Conservation Ontario is developing a guide to assist CA’s in improved relationship with the Agricultural community in the area of issuing permits. 8. New Business a. Agricultural Advisory Committee – Huron County, Wellington County, & Christian Farmers Federation MOTION #G16-56 Moved by Robert Buckle Seconded by Stewart Halliday THAT Adam Garniss, Bob Zettel and Gord Flewwelling be appointed to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for 2016. Carried b. Environmental Bill of Rights Registry The Authority members would like to defer discussion on this report until another meeting. c. Valard Construction Sulphur Spring Lease Wayne Brohman presented a map of the Sulphur Spring area showing the eight acre parcel of property that Valard Construction has leased from SVCA since 2009. Valard is requesting to extend the term for two to three more years. After discussion, the following motion was passed: MOTION #G16-57 Moved by Wilf Gamble Seconded by Brian Gamble THAT SVCA staff be directed to enter into a three year lease arrangement with Valard Construction. 9. Other Business a. Planning & Regulations Customer Service Survey Update The GM/S-T reviewed the Survey results and pointed out that there have been 49 responses to date. b. News Articles The GM/S-T submitted articles from local newspapers regarding the SVCA for the purpose of keeping the Authority members up to date on current events. There were no questions related to the news articles. A coffee break was called at 10:10pm. 6 Authority Meeting – May 26, 2016 Chair Luke Charbonneau called the meeting back to order at 10:15pm. Erik Downing and Michelle Gallant entered the meeting. 10. Closed session – Violation Matter MOTION #G16-58 Moved by Steve McCabe Seconded by Barbara Dobreen THAT the Authority Members move to Closed Session, In Camera, to discuss a legal matter; and further THAT Wayne Brohman, Erik Downing, Michelle Gallant and Janice Hagan remain in the meeting. Carried MOTION #G16-62 Moved by Steve McCabe Seconded by Barbara Dobreen THAT the Authority adjourn from closed Session, In camera, and rise and report. Carried Only those items identified on the agenda were discussed in Closed Session. There were no actions to report from the Closed Session, In Camera. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 pm on motion of Dan Gieruszak. __________________________________ Luke Charbonneau Chair _________________________________ Janice Hagan Recording Secretary 7 Agenda 1078 Bruce Road 12, P.O. Box 150, Formosa ON Canada N0G 1W0 Tel 519-367-3040, Fax 519-367-3041,, Report to: Authority Members, Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority From: Wayne Brohman, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Date: July 21, 2016 Subject: Environmental Bill of Rights Registry Background: The Environmental Registry is a website that contains public notices about environmental matters proposed by all government ministries covered by Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights (“EBR”). The public notices contain information about proposed new laws, policies, regulations and programs or proposals to change or eliminate existing ones. The website provides the public with the opportunity to provide comments on the notices. Conservation Ontario (“CO”): CO circulates relevant EBR notices to all Conservation Authorities. For issues that may affect a number of CAs, CO will ask CAs to submit comments to CO and CO will then consolidate those responses and submit comments to the EBR. Examples of recent EBRs that were circulated by CO include: • • • • • • • • Excess Soil Management Policy Framework Cap and Trade Program Design Options Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Economy Act 2016 Conservation Authorities Act Discussion Paper Aggregate Resources Act Policy Framework Ontario Trails Act 2015 Smart Growth for Our Communities Act 2015 Short Term Water Takings SVCA and EBRs: Not all EBRs are of interest to SVCA. For example, EBRs that deal with the Oakridges Moraine or with the Niagara Escarpment would not be and SVCA staff would not consider commenting on those. There are some EBRs that would be of some interest to SVCA but other CAs would have more interest and more expertise in the issue and SVCA staff in most cases would not provide comments. Then there are EBRs that are directly relevant to SVCA’s operations and staff would provide comments on those. The comments provided by staff are indicated as being the views of staff as distinct from the Authority (Board). It has not been the practice of staff to bring EBRs to the attention of the Authority unless the issue is of wide ranging significance to the Authority as was the case with the Conservation Authorities Act review. Authority’s Direction: SVCA staff are looking for direction from Authority Members with respect to how much involvement Authority members want in the EBR process. Involvement could range from the current situation, which is really no involvement except where an EBR has wide ranging significance to the Authority, to being informed of all EBRs, to having input and final say in all EBRs. Some things to consider include: • • • There will be times when the response deadline for comments does not align with Authority meeting dates. Should staff continue to submit comments without those comments being subject to Authority review and/or approval? How to handle a potential situation where Authority comments differ from proposed staff comments. Watershed Member Municipalities Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands, Town of Hanover, Township of Howick, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, Municipality of South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, Town of Minto, Township of Wellington North, Town of Saugeen Shores, Township of Southgate, Municipality of West Grey Agenda -----Original Message----From: Bill McCauley [] Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 6:09 PM To: Wayne Brohman <w.brohman@SVCA.ON.CA> Cc: Paul Elston <p.elston@SVCA.ON.CA>; Mollie Kuchma <>; Lynda McCauley <> Subject: Construction Permit Hello Mr. Brohman, I am writing a letter to express my appreciation for the work done by Paul Elston on our recent application for a permit to complete a small addition and renovation to our cottage. We bought the property in Kincardine about 2 years ago and as part of the offer we needed the SVCA to give us an opinion as to whether or not the property was "developable". Paul was able to accomodate our unreasonable timelines and give us an opinion that, given certain conditions, the SVCA may be able to support some development. We had originally thought we would wait a few years to take on the project but for various reasons we decided to move forward sooner. We met with Paul at your offices in Formosa last August and had a very productive conversation where he was able to help us to understand the process involved in applying for a permit. Along with the assistance of Mollie Kuchma from Bruce County, we were able to get zoning approval in March to alter our exisiting, non-conforming structure. Paul sent us a list of required documentation. We sent it to him and he reviewed it. After a few minor questions, he asked us to submit the permit application and fee and within a week of doing that we had our permit. I have to say that when we were discussing our project with "locals" we received a lot of negative feedback about dealing with the SVCA. Many people said that it was near "impossible" to get approvals. I am happy to say that we had the polar opposite experience. We will be sure to try to debunk that myth when talking to others about our experience. Thanks to Paul's efficient and knowledgable approach to dealing with us I can honestly say that we are 100% satisfied with our experience. Bill and Lynda McCauley 15 Harvey Lane, Kincardine. WA (Bill) McCauley MD, MHPE, FRCPC Medical Advisor Practice Assessment & Enhancement Department | Quality Management Division College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Phone: (416) 967-2600 ext 434 | Toll Free: 1-800-268-7096 ext 434| Fax: (416) 967-2605 | Email:<> Agenda 1078 Bruce Road 12, P.O. Box 150, Formosa ON Canada N0G 1W0 Tel 519-367-3040, Fax 519-367-3041,, REPORT #6a MEMO TO: SVCA Board of Directors DATE: July 21, 2016 FROM: Laura Molson, Manager, Accounting SUBJECT: Financial Reports Please find attached the financial report for the period ending May 31, 2016. Also attached is the April & May 2016 cheque list for your review. Recommendation: THAT the Financial Report to May 31, 2016 be accepted as distributed and further; THAT the Accounts Payable, totaling $482,818.80 be approved as distributed. Watershed Member Municipalities Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands, Town of Hanover, Township of Howick, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, Municipality of South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, Town of Minto, Township of Wellington North, Town of Saugeen Shores, Township of Southgate, Municipality of West Grey Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Financial Report General Levy Programs & Capital Projects May 31, 2016 (Unaudited) Program Administration Revenue Approved Budget 437,554 Expenses Budget % Actual/ YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD 182,315 185,221 102% Approved Budget 437,554 Budget % Actual/ YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD 177,358 168,948 95% Surplus/ (Deficit) 16,273 Flood Control 197,791 78,330 78,171 100% 197,791 80,697 73,699 91% 4,472 133,038 104,208 55,430 43,420 55,288 43,745 100% 101% 133,038 104,208 50,142 38,541 48,697 36,372 97% 94% 6,591 7,373 Environmental Planning & Regulations 570,598 226,465 251,563 111% 570,598 237,677 235,706 99% 15,857 Information Technology & GIS 162,915 67,880 68,531 101% 162,915 68,293 68,387 100% 144 221,154 85,682 89,225 32,810 88,658 36,431 99% 111% 221,154 85,682 97,401 40,305 93,429 33,674 96% 84% (4,771) 2,757 155,257 56,912 63,685 23,710 63,095 23,836 99% 101% 155,257 56,912 55,280 28,785 45,751 22,937 83% 80% 17,344 899 7,100 10,000 2,142,209 2,958 4,167 870,395 2,958 4,167 901,664 100% 100% 104% 7,100 10,000 2,142,209 1,500 3,850 879,829 1,086 5,538 834,224 72% 144% 95% 1,872 (1,371) 67,440 Flood Warning System Water Management Flood Control Structures Water Quality Community Relations Information Education Land Management Non-Revenue Parks & Lands Property (General) Capital Projects Recreational Properties Administrative Projects Total - General Levy Programs & Capital Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Financial Report Non-General Levy Programs and Capital Projects May 31, 2016 (Unaudited) Program Approved Budget Revenue Budget YTD Actual YTD % Actual/ Budget YTD Approved Budget Expenses Budget YTD Actual YTD % Actual/ Budget YTD Surplus/ (Deficit) Land Management Revenue Parks: Brucedale C. A. Durham C. A. Saugeen Bluffs C.A. Rental Properties Agricultural Lands Motor Pool 72,125 183,000 196,500 5,350 11,400 247,000 61,400 124,900 106,900 2,230 2,230 155,450 50,757 131,741 120,133 2,233 2,260 45,300 83% 105% 112% 100% 101% 29% 54,086 199,449 202,306 6,650 6,425 229,482 17,489 58,435 61,775 2,330 3,270 161,985 19,055 42,885 90,104 1,445 1,575 44,119 109% 73% 146% 62% 48% 27% 31,702 88,856 30,029 788 685 1,181 190,000 219,500 20,000 135,200 0 48,841 0% 36% 186,494 216,904 70,940 155,540 69,811 157,019 98% 101% (69,811) (108,178) 40,000 17,000 0 0 100 0 144 - 0% 144% 0% 40,000 17,000 0 12,000 100 0 144 - 0% 144% 0% - 0 0 9,893 0% 0 0 0% 9,893 1,181,875 608,410 411,302 68% 1,158,796 543,864 426,157 78% (14,855) 2,142,209 1,181,875 3,324,084 870,395 608,410 1,478,805 901,664 411,302 1,312,966 104% 68% 89% 2,142,209 1,158,796 3,301,005 879,829 543,864 1,423,693 834,224 426,157 1,260,381 95% 78% 89% 67,440 (14,855) 52,585 Forest Management Authority Forests Grey Bruce Forestry Services Capital Projects Water Management Recreational Properties Administrative Projects Interest Earned Total-Non General Levy & Capital Programs - Summary Total - General Levy Programs & Capital Total-Non General Levy & Capital Programs Budget YTD surplus/(deficit) 55,112 (2,527) Cheques for Approval April, May 2016 Cheque Number 78727 78728 78729 78730 78731 78732 78733 78734 78735 78736 78737 78738 78739 78740 78741 78742 78743 78744 78745 78746 78747 78748 78749 78750 78751 78752 78753 78754 78755 78756 78757 78758 78759 78760 78761 78762 78763 78764 78765 78766 78767 78768 78769 78770 78771 78772 78773 78774 78775 78776 78777 78778 78779 78780 78781 78782 78783 78784 78785 78786 78787 78788 78789 78790 78791 78792 78793 78794 78795 78796 Vendor Caralynn Kamerman Barry Skinn Ron Kaufman Gary Senior Gord Brown Ian McCormick Jim Penner Municipality of Brockton Municipality of Kincardine Municipality of South Bruce Municipality of West Grey Town of Saugeen Shores Town of South Bruce Peninsula Township of Huron-Kinloss Ron Schmidt Barry Skinn Barry Skinn Chapman's Ice Cream APC Auto Parts Centres Allen's Home Building Centre Shaun Anthony Arthur Chrysler Sales and Leasing Battery Pro Blyth Printing Inc. Catherine Billings Buddsteel Archiectural Products Ltd. Canadian Fire & Flood Carquest Corporate Express CRS Contractors Rental Supply Davidson-Hill Elevator Inc. Desco Plumbing & Heating Erik Downing Gillespie's Office Solutions Hanover Home Hardware Jo-Anne Harbinson Hudson's Auto Centre Ltd. Bruce Martin Les Mckay McLeans Home Hardware New-Life Mills North Wellington Co-op Paisley Home Hardware Pineneedle Farms Purolator Courier SGS Canada Inc. Sign Up Signs Skyway Printing Sloan's Nursery and Christmas Trees Sun Media Technical Standards & Safety Authority Thinq Technologies Toshiba Finance UPI Energy Waste Management WSP Canada Inc. Xerox Canada Ltd. Buffett Taylor Municipality of Kincardine Heather Clarke Caralynn Kamerman Love's Sweetness Petty Cash Scott McGill Websmart Inc. Solinst ComPsych Canada Ltd. Jamieson Car & Truck Rental Shookie's Mechanical Ron Kaufman Description Gate Float & Petty Cash-Brucedale CA Float for Park Float for Park Mileage - Floodwarning Catering for Stewardship workshop Staff Travel - GLASI AFS Cell phone batteries Property taxes-May Property taxes-May Property taxes-May Property taxes-May Property taxes-May Property taxes-May Property taxes-May Snow Removal - March/April Work Boots - Durham CA Additional Float for Park Ice Cream-Durham CA Maintenance Supplies/Equipment Maintenance Horse Campground - Supplies Staff travel Vehicle Lease - April Vehicle Maintenance Annual Report Printing Bluffs Volunteer Food/Bluffs Horse camp Park Maintenance - Brucedale Formosa Office Cleaning Vehicle Maintenance/Maintenance Supplies Office Supplies/Health & Safety Health & Safety Elevator Maintenance, Phone Charges - Formosa Supplies for Brucedale/Parks Staff travel Photocopier Charges Sulphur Spring/Maintenance/Park Supplies Staff Travel - GLASI AFS Vehicle Maintenance Uniform work pants Staff Travel Parks supplies Fish food Supplies for Maintenance Shop/Sulphur Spring Park Maintenance - Bluffs Nursery Stock Purchases Courier - Water Quality/Community Relations Water sample analysis/Parks Sampling Pay By Phone Signage Arbour Day Tree forms Landscape stock program Advertising Indoor Yard Sale/ GLASI Workshop AFS Elevating Devices License - Formosa Office Server storage disks/Monitors Copier Lease Payment Vehicle Fuel Waste Disposal P&R Peer Review Fee, Hydrology-gravel pitt Photocopy Charges Benefits-May Garbage Bag Tags Brucedale CA Planning & Regs Policy Consultation Brucedale Refund Stewardship Supplies Education expense, Bluffs Development expense Refund for Workshop Web site Leveloggers for Water Quality (PGMN) AFS Employee Assistance Program Vehicle Rental Transport Sheds Bluffs/Sulphur Spring Additional Floats for Park Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 300.00 100.00 100.00 1,789.20 598.90 79.99 57.95 503.00 1,717.00 1,938.00 5,775.00 954.00 206.00 608.00 239.67 67.80 100.00 489.24 83.42 9,779.45 11.70 720.60 67.80 2,175.41 109.38 67.80 768.34 168.39 677.34 44.01 503.98 202.08 119.25 195.66 222.37 101.25 1,202.32 118.63 245.45 148.22 49.95 125.04 781.15 6,837.63 120.04 1,474.65 254.25 77.97 11,529.39 134.12 105.00 4,058.68 298.90 3,120.53 123.52 2,486.00 296.77 9,465.45 200.00 339.00 150.00 150.00 204.70 15.00 1,695.00 1,566.27 623.49 2,188.76 678.00 200.00 Cheques for Approval April, May 2016 Cheque Number 78797 78798 78799 78800 78801 78802 78803 78804 78805 78806 78807 78808 78809 78810 78811 78812 78813 78814 78815 78816 78817 78818 78819 78820 78821 78822 78823 78824 78825 78826 78827 78828 78829 78830 78831 78832 78833 78834 78835 78836 78837 78838 78839 78840 78841 78842 78843 78844 78845 78846 78847 78848 78849 78850 78851 78852 78853 78854 78855 78856 78857 78858 78859 78860 78861 78862 78863 78864 78865 78866 Vendor L-Wood Landscape H.R. Whiteley PhD Baker Forestry Services Camis APC Auto Parts Centres Allen's Home Building Centre Arctic Glacier Canada Inc. Arthur Chrysler Sales and Leasing Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Listowel Banner Bester Forest Products Ltd. Blackburn Radio Bob's Glass & Mirror Ltd. Catherine Billings Bruce Telecom Canadian Fire & Flood Canadian TODS Ltd. Jamieson Car & Truck Rental Carson Supply Carquest Saugeen Valley Carpet & Tile Coca-Cola Collins Barrow Conservation Ontario Corporate Express Eric Cox Sanitation Equipment and Supplies Cox Signs Limited Erik Downing Durham Electric Eastern Ontario Model Forest Foxton Fuels Limited Freiburger Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. Michelle Gallant Gillespie's Office Solutions Greenland International Consulting Ltd. Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Hanover Chrysler Hanover Home Hardware Troys Heating and Cooling Herald Newspaper Corp. Hudson's Auto Centre Ltd. Huron Tractor Ltd. Hwy 4 Truck Service Ltd. J. C. Welding Kitsupply Klemmer Lumber Ltd. Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation Steve Mackie Marcc Apparel & Promotions McLeans Home Hardware Miller's Septic Pumping Morry's Trailer Sales National Leasing North Wellington Co-op Mike Oberle Ontario Bluewater Guide Barnies Organics Freshmart Paisley Home Hardware Jim Penner Petty Cash Praxair Products Inc. Premier Equipment Ltd. Purolator Courier Quality Seeds Ltd. Reliance Printing Robert's Farm Equipment Saugeen Valley Conservation Foundation SGS Canada Inc. Sign Up Signs Description Posts & Rails for Corrals Saugeen Bluffs Peer Review - Tier 3 Water Study SWP Lockerby Project - Treeplanting Camis Annual Licensing Durham/Bluffs CA maintenance Horse Campground - Supplies Ice for Bluffs/Brucedale CA Vehicle Lease/Rental CACIS Conference AFS GLASI Ad AFS Campfire Wood - Brucedale Advertising - Stewardship Saugeen Bluffs Maintenance - Shower Blding Bluffs Supplies Bluffs Phone Formosa Office Cleaning Brucedale & Bluffs Signage Contract Vehicle Rental (split with GSCA) Bluffs Horse ring Vehicle Maintenance/Maintenance Supplies Resource Centre/Bluffs Store Upgrades Store Supplies - Durham CA Final Billing for Audit 2016 CA Levy - 2nd installment Office Supplies/Health & Safety Sanitary & Paper Supplies - Park/Office Bluffs CA/PARKS -Signs Staff Travel Electrical Service Call - Durham campground FSC certification Furnace Fuel - Maintenance Shop Bluffs Maintenance Staff Travel Photocopier Charges Consulting for FloodPlain Mapping Arbour Day Supplies Vehicle Maintenance Sulphur Spring/Maintenance/Park Supplies Tree Planting cooler repairs Subscription Renewals Vehicle Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Vehicle Maintenance Construction of utility trailer Sanitary & Paper Supplies - Park/Office Firewood - Bluffs/Durham CA Is the Coast Clear Conference Saugeen Bluffs Signs 2016 Staff Uniforms & Safety Vests/Jackets Parks supplies Bluffs/Brucedale Septic pumping Durham CA Park Maintenance Copier Lease Supplies for Maintenance Shop/Sulphur Spring Planning/Regs travel/Vehicle Supplies Bluewater Guide Listing Bluffs Store Purchases Bluffs Volunteer Expenses Park Maintenance - Bluffs Arbour Day Expenses Supplies-Water Mgmt/Water Quality/Education programs Cylinder Lease Equipment parts-Durham CA Courier - Admin/SWP Clover seed for treeplanting Park Supplies -Survey Cards Tractor Rental/Equipment Maintenance Memorial Trees Surface water analysis/Parks Signage - Saugeen Bluffs/Glasi AFS Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 359.34 750.00 1,622.11 7,910.00 498.17 2,136.61 295.10 1,378.60 452.73 52.55 536.75 452.00 162.90 22.04 440.64 682.97 691.56 312.70 573.99 38.79 5,202.05 291.11 3,785.50 12,088.00 436.48 3,481.45 60.12 83.70 968.81 9,634.38 725.13 39.87 31.95 82.32 3,390.00 1,417.16 9.59 1,674.98 341.26 79.99 143.45 567.04 925.02 7,853.50 595.52 1,779.75 500.00 3,085.00 3,070.24 432.17 2,169.60 55.34 184.00 626.36 37.24 169.50 449.74 376.12 1,117.34 120.89 78.35 186.73 53.94 84.41 823.50 152.49 3,074.01 180.00 1,845.74 816.43 Cheques for Approval April, May 2016 Cheque Number 78867 78868 78869 78870 78871 78872 78873 78874 78875 78876 78877 78878 78879 78880 78881 78882 78883 78884 78885 78886 78887 78888 78889 78890 78891 78892 78893 78894 78895 78896 78897 78898 78899 78900 78901 Vendor Somerville Nurseries Inc. Superior Road Products Tirecraft Kinfarm Tire Ltd UPI Energy Walkerton Herald Times Waste Management Tori Waugh Waynes Electric Weiler's Cleaning Service Ltd. Xerox Canada Ltd. Buffett Taylor Luke Charbonneau Municipality of Arran-Elderslie Jerry Tremblay Jo-Anne Harbinson Jim Penner Stephanie Rowley Tom Nugent Township of Southgate Wilf Hinsperger Robert Rudow Barry Randall Bryan McIntosh Cedar Crest Trout Farm City of Guelph First Canada ULC First Canada ULC Square Deal Neil's T.V. & Appliances Thompson Bros. Furniture Ltd. Grey Bruce Sustainability Network Ross E Young Bus Lines Troys Heating and Cooling Dave McDonald Ron McManus SWP Source Water Protection AFS Alternate Funding Source Description Stock - Arbour Day & Nursery Stock Dust control Vehicle Maintenance Vehicle Repairs Vehicle Fuel Campground Advertising Waste Disposal Staff Travel/Speaker Expense - GLASI AFS Treeplanting Cooler Motor Carpet Cleaning Bluffs - Trailers Photocopier Charges Benefits-June Authority Member Travel Expense Property Taxes-June Bluffs Refund Staff Travel Staff Lunch - Tree Planting Staff Travel Brucedale Refund Property taxes-June PA system rental GLASI - AFS Replacement hose-Durham CA Saugeen River Cleanup CACIS2016- Accommodations/Supplies AFS Fish Stock CACIS2016-Bus Rental AFS Wonders of Wetland Program Busing AFS Penetangore Watershed Busing Sutherland Centre Dishwasher Saugeen Bluffs Bunkies - Mattresses GB Sus Career Works Project AFS Busing to Lockerby Dam Equipment Maintenance Saugeen Bluffs Maintenance Bluffs Grand Opening Total: Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 81,689.69 3,089.78 57.57 51.75 3,776.14 265.55 1,140.71 361.50 88.77 331.54 413.78 9,524.45 25.32 727.00 33.00 59.25 45.00 15.30 1,500.00 678.00 25.00 18.65 99.50 689.31 93.75 226.00 444.73 90.40 281.37 1,118.70 10,000.00 80.00 202.38 56.36 100.00 294,852.96 Internet Payments for Approval April, May 2016 Trans Vendor Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Mobility Bell Mobility Bell Mobility Bruce Telecom Hurontel Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Minister of Finance OMERS Pitney Bowes Receiver General Board Tagline Horse Camping/Bluffs Maint./VolunteerExp./Vehicle Fuel Annual Fee Vehicle Fuel/Volunteer Exp./ArbourDay Supplies Park Supplies/FW Supplies/Coffee Fund Vehicle Fuel Health & Safety Annual Fee Vehicle Fuel Director Refreshments Lunch Meeting/Staff Travel Health & Safety/Bluffs Supplies Conservation University/Staff Travel/Glasi Expense (AFS) Gift for Speaker/Staff/Walkerton Rain Garden (AFS)/Fuel Job Ad - Stewardship/GLASI Lunch (AFS)/Meeting Supplies Tree Planting Supplies/Health & Safety/Vehicle Maint./Fuel Staff Travel - GLASI (AFS) Bluffs CA Phone 7206 Durham CA Phone 2074 Flood Warning Gauges/Middle Dam 1533 Shop Phone 2711 Sulphur Spring CA Raingauge 2968 Parks Internet 8482 WQ Gauges 5273 WQ Gauges 7243 Parks/Floodwarning Phones Ripley Gauge Aberdeen Gauge - 5470 Beatty Gauge - 4823 Bluffs Line Meter - 5717 Brucedale CA - 8427 Brucedale CA - 0623 Brucedale CA - 1605 Brucedale CA - 1959 Brucedale street light 6852 Cedarville Gauge -5447 Durham CA - 0074 Durham Gauge - 4203 Durham CA Hydro Sites - 0260 Durham Middle Dam - 6749 Durham Storage Barn - 5383 Formosa Office - 9903 Greenock Gauge - 2404 Hanover Gauge - 6632 McBeath Gauge - 5496 Mount Forest Gauge - 6864 Neustadt Gauge 1633 Paisley Pumping Station - 8982 Priceville Gauge - 3783 Scone Gauge 6343 Sulphur Spring CA - 3712 Sulphur Spring CA-park only - 5780 Varney CA - 2306 March Remittance March Remittance Equipment Lease Income Tax, EI, CPP - April 2 TransAmount $ 2,440.49 $ 12.00 $ 812.78 $ 245.48 $ 22.50 $ 720.94 $ 12.00 $ 80.00 $ 7.99 $ 40.62 $ 450.85 $ 1,926.00 $ 203.31 $ 274.95 $ 236.75 $ 30.26 $ 20.34 $ 112.82 $ 1,406.13 $ 239.34 $ 112.48 $ 90.40 $ 39.55 $ 33.90 $ 375.20 $ 51.78 $ 34.50 $ 34.47 $ 251.37 $ 79.82 $ 34.47 $ 60.14 $ 118.53 $ 35.22 $ 34.59 $ 95.29 $ 94.56 $ 34.47 $ 64.91 $ 35.85 $ 1,753.08 $ 34.47 $ 34.48 $ 34.47 $ 35.99 $ 44.14 $ 160.71 $ 34.50 $ 34.47 $ 496.93 $ 184.98 $ 34.99 $ 2,813.25 $ 21,342.34 $ 276.99 $ 18,292.39 Internet Payments for Approval April, May 2016 Trans Vendor Receiver General Receiver General Telus Union Gas Wightman Telecom WSIB Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Mobility Bell Mobility Bell Mobility Bruce Telecom Hurontel Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Board Tagline April Remittance Income Tax, EI, CPP - April 16 Cell phones Formosa Office Phones/Fax/Internet March Remittance Cloud Subscription Fee/Webhosting fee Shop Supplies/Tools/Tree Planting Equipment for rain garden (AFS)/Biomonitoring/WQ/Stewardship Tree Planting Supplies/Equipment/Tractor Rental/Vehicle Maintenance Brokerage Fees/GLASI (AFS)/ CPA Membership Dues Bluffs Supplies/Vehicle Maintenance Meeting Supplies/Planning Tools/ Coastal Zone Conference Summer Staff Training/Lunch 'nLearn/Authority Meeting Expense Lunch for CACIS Meeting (AFS) Store Supplies - Durham CA/Vehicle Fuel/Maintenance/Durham Day Use Staff Travel/education outreach materials - GLASI (AFS) Bird Food/Equipment Maintenance Coastal Zone Canada Conference Brucedale/Bluffs CA supplies/FW Supplies/Bluffs Corrals Staff Travel/Wonders of Wetland Program (AFS)/Stewardship Wonders of Wetland Program (AFS)/Conservation Education Supplies Tree planting & Forestry Supplies/Vehicle Fuel Domain Hosting/Cloud Subscription Fee/Web Hosting Fee Bluffs -Volunteers/Maintenance/Horse Camp/Advertising Bluffs CA Phone 7206 Durham CA Phone 2074 Flood Warning Gauges/Middle Dam 1533 Shop Phone 2711 Sulphur Spring CA Raingauge 2968 Parks Internet 8482 WQ Gauges 5273 WQ Gauges 7243 Parks/Floodwarning Phones Ripley Gauge Aberdeen Gauge - 5470 Beatty Gauge - 4823 Bluffs Line Meter - 5717 Brucedale CA - 0623 Brucedale CA - 1605 Brucedale CA - 8427 Brucedale CA - 1959 Brucedale street light 6852 Cedarville Gauge -5447 Durham CA - 0074 Durham CA Hydro Sites - 0260 Durham Gauge - 4203 Durham Hydro Sites - 4474 Durham Hydro Sites - 4474 Durham Middle Dam - 6749 Durham Storage Barn - 5383 Formosa Office - 9903 Greenock Gauge - 2404 Hanover Gauge - 6632 McBeath Gauge - 5496 Neustadt Gauge 1633 TransAmount $ 5,267.55 $ 16,043.97 $ 1,370.57 $ 156.12 $ 1,012.95 $ 3,918.81 $ 207.87 $ 789.07 $ 696.32 $ 4,121.42 $ 1,866.14 $ 187.12 $ 350.45 $ 196.39 $ 237.07 $ 395.09 $ 132.20 $ 88.07 $ 325.00 $ 69.77 $ 167.48 $ 108.33 $ 249.74 $ 251.86 $ 1,356.55 $ 31.55 $ 113.41 $ 1,406.13 $ 237.59 $ 112.48 $ 90.40 $ 39.55 $ 33.90 $ 380.90 $ 51.78 $ 34.53 $ 34.48 $ 2,505.62 $ 103.36 $ 322.73 $ 483.64 $ 341.61 $ 35.67 $ 34.89 $ 315.78 $ 34.49 $ 56.06 $ 38.33 $ 38.41 $ 65.10 $ 47.36 $ 1,515.52 $ 34.47 $ 34.47 $ 35.82 $ 37.88 Internet Payments for Approval April, May 2016 Trans Vendor Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Hydro One Minister of Finance OMERS Receiver General Receiver General Receiver General Telus Union Gas Wightman Telecom WSIB Xplornet Royal Bank Visa Royal Bank Visa Hydro One Board Tagline Paisley Pumping Station - 8982 Priceville Gauge - 3783 Scone Gauge 6343 Sulphur Spring CA - 3712 Sulphur Spring CA-park only - 5780 Varney CA - 2306 April Remittance April Remittance Income Tax, EI, CPP - April 30 May Remittance Income Tax, EI, CPP - May 14 Cell phones Formosa Office Phones/Fax/Internet April Remittance Internet Service - Parks Parking fee tests/Board supplies/Fuel/Staff Travel/Postage Meter Ink Advertising - SBCA/Volunteers/H&S Meeting/Bluffs Horse Camp Mount Forest Gauge - 6864 TransAmount $ 34.47 $ 34.47 $ 34.47 $ 529.04 $ 146.24 $ 34.47 $ 2,542.59 $ 29,467.06 $ 16,723.77 $ 8,186.15 $ 16,968.85 $ 1,100.20 $ 75.78 $ 955.15 $ 3,755.22 $ 219.18 $ 270.38 $ 2,023.18 $ 36.19 $ 187,965.84 Visa Transactions over $100 since last meeting Vendor Canadian Horse Journal Canadian Tire The Source Home Depot Paisley Home Hardware Walkerton Home Hardware Tim Hortons UPI Energy Canadian Tire Lake Huron Rod & Gun Ltd. Lake Huron Rod & Gun Ltd. Credit Valley Conservation kingbridge Conference Centre Boreal Science Microsoft Online Canadian Tire Universal Field Supplies Wildco Commercial Alcohols Canadian Tire Stayner Rental Ltd. Boreal Science CPA Ontario Coastal Zone Canada Conference Landstra Catering Ultramar TSC Stores Coastal Zone Canada Conference National Grocers Wholesale Club Microsoft Online Canadian Tire Facebook Pitney Bowes The Rider Paisley Home Hardware Canadian Tire Greenhawk Equestrian Supplies Freshmart Description Ad for Horse Camping Saugeen Bluffs Maintenance Community Relations Supplies Saugeen Bluffs Maintenance Saugeen Bluffs Maintenance - Shower Blding Saugeen Bluffs Maintenance - Shower Blding Arbour Day Supplies Vehicle Fuel Flood Warning Supplies Health & Safety Health & Safety Conservation University Staff Travel GLASI Expense (AFS) Microsoft Cloud Subscription Fee Shop Tools Tree Planting Supplies Biomonitoring supplies Biomonitoring Supplies Tree Planting Supplies Tractor Rental GLASI Expense (AFS) CPA Membership dues Coastal Zone Canada Conference Lunch for CACIS Meeting (AFS) Vehicle Fuel Education outreach materials GLASI (AFS) Coastal Zone Canada Conference Wonders of wetland program (AFS) Microsoft Cloud Subscription Fee Saugeen Bluffs - Riding Event Ring Advertising-Bluffs Campground Postage Meter Ink Advertising - Saugeen Bluffs Saugeen Bluffs Maintenance Saugeen Bluffs Bunkies Vacuum Saugeen Bluffs Horse Camp Saugeen Bluffs -Volunteers Amount $ 197.75 $ 237.29 $ 492.32 $ 154.69 $ 122.42 $ 103.87 $ 154.16 $ 107.50 $ 180.79 $ 720.94 $ 360.47 $ 1,395.55 $ 179.66 $ 331.20 $ 193.23 $ 180.79 $ 425.70 $ 169.28 $ 292.56 $ 130.98 $ 3,826.80 $ 734.30 $ 1,084.80 $ 325.00 $ 237.07 $ 108.01 $ 120.31 $ 325.00 $ 100.37 $ 193.23 $ 152.81 $ 192.38 $ 135.58 $ 135.60 $ 103.94 $ 111.28 $ 847.24 $ 143.18 Agenda 1078 Bruce Road 12, P.O. Box 150, Formosa ON Canada N0G 1W0 Tel 519-367-3040, Fax 519-367-3041,, Report #6b Program Reports Conservation Education Spring programming is all wrapped up for this year and it was a busy season with over 2,000 young people participating in the DEER and WREN programming alone this spring. Bookings continue to fill for the summer with various camps and recreation departments. Looking ahead to the fall just a few dates remain open. DEER Bruce Power, in partnership with education staff from Saugeen Conservation, provides one full day of free conservation education programs including bussing to all 64 schools in the Bluewater District and Bruce Grey Catholic District School Boards. This spring was busy with 32 days of programming taking place at the three different locations: Sulphur Spring Conservation Area, Bruce Power Visitors’ Centre and Inglis Falls Conservation Area. Schools participating this spring included: Dawnview Public School (Hanover), Highpoint Elementary School (Dundalk), Mother Teresa School (Walkerton), Normanby Community School (Ayton), Sacred Heart School (Mildmay), St. Anthony’s School (Kincardine), Chesley District Community School, John Diefenbaker Secondary School (Hanover), St. Vincent-Euphrasia School (Meaford), Holy Family School (Hanover), Sacred Heart High School (Walkerton), Huron Heights Elementary School (Kincardine), Osprey Central School (Maxwell), St. Basil’s School (Owen Sound), Peninsula Shores District School (Wiarton), Bruce Peninsula District School (Lion’s Head), Kincardine Township-Tiverton Public School, Hillcrest Elementary School (Owen Sound), Dundalk Proton Community School, Egremont Community School (Holstein), Elgin Market Public School (Kincardine), Amabel Sauble Community School (Sauble Beach), Alexandra Community School (Owen Sound), and Keppel Sarawak Elementary School (Owen Sound). All fall dates are already scheduled and assigned for this year. WREN Many schools and community youth groups use our programming to encourage youth to get outside and to learn with hands-on curriculum and badge work. March Break programming brought out the Hanover Recreation Department’s children’s day camp for a half day while participants from the Southwestern Ontario Region’s Rotary Exchange Students were scheduled for another half day program with snowshoeing, winter survival, games with a cookout to round out their visits. A number of schools participated in year-end trips to Sulphur Spring Conservation Area involving students from Immaculate Conception School (Formosa) and Paisley Central School in activities ranging from forest studies to wildlife viewing and feeding to games to help celebrate spring. Guides and Brownies from the Palmerston area earned a number of badges during a one day program at Sulphur Spring in late May. Clients from Community Living, Hanover participated in a general nature hike at Sulphur Spring and assisted in trail clean up for a half day this spring as well. The summer schedule promises to be busy with several groups scheduled either at Sulphur Spring C.A. or other locations for hands-on investigations into our natural world. Watershed Member Municipalities Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands, Town of Hanover, Township of Howick, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, Municipality of South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, Town of Minto, Township of Wellington North, Town of Saugeen Shores, Township of Southgate, Municipality of West Grey Flood Waters and You Student Safety Program While the snow never amounted to much this winter interest in the Flood Waters and You Student Safety Program was still popular with 1,600 students participating in the programming that took place this March and April. This number represents 47 forty-five minute presentations to the 65 classes at the following schools: Dawnview Public School (Hanover), Spruce Ridge Community School (Durham), St. Peter’s & St. Paul’s School (Durham), Port Elgin-Saugeen Shores School (Port Elgin), Holy Family School (Hanover), Kincardine TownshipTiverton Public School and Hillcrest Central Public School (Teeswater). Plans are underway to bring the program to the Ag-Vice Safety Day next week in Teeswater as well. Saugeen Conservation Award Each year we award a trophy to the grade seven or eight student’s watershed project that best portrays the wise use of our soil, forest or water resources while competing at the Bluewater Regional Science and Technology Fair in early spring. There were many at the fair that day in competition for the award but Megan Becker of Holy Family School with her project “Going Green” shone above the others. Megan was presented the engraved trophy at a school assembly this spring which will go on display at her school until next year’s fair. She also received a keeper plaque to commemorate her efforts. Earth Week Very popular again this year with all 24 spaces available for Saugeen Conservation’s Earth Week Programming filled within a matter of hours of posting. Watershed elementary teachers can choose from six different 1-hour programs featuring such topics as shrinking our environmental footprint, focus on forests, endangered species, environmental games, water and invasive species. There were forty-two classes participating this year from Osprey Central School, (Maxwell), St. Peter’s & St. Paul’s School (Durham), Kincardine Township-Tiverton Public School, St. Anthony’s School (Kincardine), Ripley Huron Community School, Spruce Ridge Community School (Durham) and Hanover Heights Community School. Representing 1,044 students from Kindergarten to grade Eight. Funding for the 2016 Earth Week programs was covered again this year through the generous donation of $2,500 from Enbridge. The World of Trees This is the 6th year for this endeavour focusing on grade 3 curriculum and highlighting trees and the Grey Sauble Conservation’s arboretum at their administration centre property. Education staff from Saugeen coordinated the project again for 2016 which saw 160 Owen Sound area school students over two days in early May. Grey Bruce Children’s Water Festival The 15th Annual Grey Bruce Children’s Water Festival took place in Chesley mid-May. Over 1,500 grade 4 students in Grey and Bruce participated in the program which focuses on water issues ranging from water science to technology to protection and conservation to changing attitudes. The 47 different hands-on activities were hosted by over 360 secondary school students, industry representatives, and volunteers. Wonders of the Wetland As part of Enbridge’s 5 year commitment to the environment and support for the phragmites control project at Brucedale Conservation Area, an educational day for local grade 4 students occurred in June in 2015. Enbridge sponsored another educational “Wonders of the Wetland” day for 2016; this year it took place on Thursday June 2 at Brucedale Conservation Area. Organization of the project, including the educational day is done as a joint effort between Saugeen Conservation and the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation. Over 75 grade four students participated in the hands-on learning program about our valuable wetlands. Youth Outdoor EXPO This year marks the 10th year of this endeavour bringing a host of different outdoor type organizations together for a day of fun for kids – the idea is to introduce young people to some outdoor activities that they can enjoy in the area ranging from fishing to hiking to bird-watching to critter catching to target shooting. This year’s free Youth Expo took place at the Sydenham Sportsmen’s Club on Saturday June 4th with full registration of over 60 participants. Funding for this amazing project is provided though Sydenham Sportsmen’s Club, OFAH and Stewardship Grey Bruce. Summer Nature Day Camps Registration is taking place for our Wild Encounters day camp to be held at Sulphur Spring Conservation Area the week August 22-26. This camp is presented in partnership with Hanover Parks and Recreation who provide all of the marketing, advertising and registration while we provide the programming and staff. Registration is open to youth aged 8 to 12. Contact the conservation education coordinator for more details. Meetings: Saugeen Field Naturalists Grey Bruce Children’s Water Education Council – annual general meeting Grey Bruce Children’s Water Festival - organizing committee meeting GLASI (Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative) – Education and Outreach meeting Flood Warning On June 27th the Sr. Manager attended a ‘Water Day’ at the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. This workshop was attended by staff from the Southwestern Ontario Authorities, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, with the theme being stream gauge operations. All three groups operate stream gauges and the workshop provided a good forum to discuss issues of mutual interest. The Sr. Manager provided a guided tour of Williamsford for this year’s first Conservation Tour arranged by Communications staff. The theme was the significant flood that occurred in that community in April. An intake pipe extension was installed by staff at the Mount Forest stream gauge on the South Saugeen River, to overcome a problem of river sediment blocking the original pipe. Land Management The pond at the Varney Conservation Area has been cleaned out and fresh sand placed on the bottom, to improve conditions for recreational swimmers. The work was completed by Cedarwell Excavating Ltd. who also offset part of their cost as a donation to the Authority. A new display kiosk has been erected by Grey County Tourism at McGowan Falls at the Durham Conservation Area. This project is a partnership between the County and SVCA and is one of many promotional and informative kiosks put up by the County at waterfalls throughout the County. The kiosk is located on the south side of the Main Saugeen River just slightly downstream of the falls. Water Management, Stewardship Services Mildmay Hamel and Markdale Rotary Park Dam The Municipality of South Bruce received three tenders relating to the Hamel dam decommissioning in Mildmay, all tenders were under $78,000. The SVCA is still awaiting decision from Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnership Program (RFCPP) as to whether the two application that were submitted on our behalf have been funded. In addition, GSS Engineering has submitted the application information to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for the required permit under the Lakes Rivers Improvement Act for the dam removal. Lockerby Dam Site Reservoir Planting and Rehabilitation A successful tree and shrub planting was executed in the morning of May 25 by Jo-Anne Harbinson and Donna Lacey at the Lockerby dam site. There were about 30 students from Paisley Central School to help with the planting on a very hot day. In addition, volunteers from the Lake Huron Fishing Club joined us at Lockerby and planted trees and shrubs. The LHFC provided the students an overview of their club and outlined volunteer opportunities for them in the area if interested in the river systems and fishing. Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation Jo-Anne Harbinson assisted with the set up and registration at the Coastal Centre’s biennial conference “Is the Coast Clear?” held in Port Elgin at the Unifor Family Education Centre. Attendance was great with over 160 attending the conference, key note address was Dr. Dianne Saxe the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. SVCA had a display at the conference. The theme for this year was Coast Watchers – Observing our coast and responding to challenges. The Coastal Centre recently hired an Executive Director, Matt Hoy. Matt started at the Coastal Centre on July 4th. The new Executive Director brings to the Coastal Centre, strong financial and governance experience, a municipal government background, facilitation and media relations expertise, and a history of community support and fundraising. SVCA continues to work with the Coastal Centre and their staff on various projects specifically the Brucedale Phragmites removal project and the proposed Coastal Action Plan that is in the early stages of development. Wonders of Wetlands - Brucedale In partnership with Enbridge, Jo-Anne Harbinson and Nancy Griffin worked with the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation (LHCCC) on the delivery of the Wonders of Wetlands program held at Brucedale on June 2, 2016. About 70 students from St. Anthony’s and Elgin Market schools in Kincardine and parent helpers came out to Brucedale for the day. Through interactive, hands on stations the students learned about the Lake Huron coast line, associated wetlands and invasive species pressures of Phragmites. Enbridge provided the funding support for the day as well as staff to work some of the stations. Meeting with Dr. Dianne Saxe, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Jo-Anne Harbinson and Wayne Brohman met with Dr. Dianne Saxe at Brucedale Conservation Area on May 27 as arranged by Lisa Thompson MPP and including Ian MacRobbie from Enbridge and Les Nichols, Bruce County Federation of Agriculture. The intent of the meeting was to show the work that has been done at Brucedale CA to combat the invasive plant Phragmites. This work has been funded by Enbridge in connection with our partnership with the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation. It was stressed to Dr. Saxe that the challenge for removing the Phragmites is that Ontario does not have an approved herbicide that can be used over water. With the higher lake levels this year much of the Phragmites is in standing water and the workers are having to cut below the water line to drown the plant out and cut off oxygen to the roots as part of the removal efforts. However, if an over water herbicide, such as what is being used in the United States were approved in Canada it would be a much more efficient job of combating the plant. The hope is to make Dr. Saxe and Lisa Thompson aware of the work done, and financial commitments by the lakeshore municipalities and industries such as Bruce Power and Enbridge. If the approval of the herbicide could be accelerated in any way, it would be beneficial to the Lake Huron coastal ecosystem and inland areas, to get ahead of this fast growing and wide spreading invasive plant. Youth Expo 2016 Jo-Anne Harbinson in partnership with Nancy Griffin held the Youth Expo on June 4th at the Sydenham Sportsman Association’s outdoor property. There were 64 youth in attendance to learn about various outdoor activities from archery, to rifle shooting to learning about invertebrates in the water and how to use a compass and map. This program is offered free to youth ages 10 to 17 and is supported by the Sydenham Sportsman Association membership, OMNRF, Stewardship Grey Bruce, Grey Sauble CA and Saugeen Conservation. Stewardship Meeting with Bruce Power SVCA staff (Jo-Anne and Shaun) met with Francis Chua from Bruce Power to discuss fish habitat projects and options within the SVCA’s watershed for improvement. Francis is looking to continue our partnership and considering various projects on an ongoing basis. Discussions focused on erosion control projects, cattle exclusion fencing projects and instream rehabilitation all that will look at an increase in fish habitat. SVCA staff will work together to determine acceptable projects to present to Bruce Power for consideration. Meetings: Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation Penetangore Watershed Group Pine River Watershed Initiative Network Pine River’s 250,000th Tree Planting Ceremony Stewardship Grey Bruce Grey Bruce Sustainability Network Bruce County Soil and Crop Mystery Tour Grey Bruce Sustainability Network Grey Bruce ALUS Meeting SVCA, GSCA and NBP Source Water Protection FarmSmart Expo Field Day 2016 Ridgetown College, Diagnostic Day for Pests Bruce County Plowing Match 2016 Meeting Ontario Biomass Producers Meeting Water Quality Program Four of this year’s eight surface water sampling runs for the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) have been completed. Surface water data coming back from the lab are continually entered into the Water Quality Database as it becomes available. In addition, grab and storm event samples continue to be taken at the ISCO (automated water sampler) site in support of the Rural Stormwater Management Model (RSWMM), and the Water Quality Specialist (WQS) continues to download and process data from the meteorological and flow-based data loggers at this site in support of the Model. Biomonitoring, or benthic invertebrate sampling, was completed in early June in support of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network (OBBN). Samples were collected at ten different locations throughout the watershed, ranging from the headwaters to the lake fringe tributaries of Lake Huron. This program looks at variances in invertebrate populations from year-to-year to assess the health of the watercourse from a biological lens. The collected samples are currently being sorted to the family taxonomic level by the WQS. Summer maintenance was completed on all 22 Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) wells in early July. This involves taking manual level measurements, downloading leveloggers and meteorological data loggers, clearing debris from rain gauges, and swapping or fixing faulty equipment. Two of four maintenance runs have now been completed for 2016. SVCA received a new water quality sonde (approximate value of $8,500) from MOECC to replace the YSI 6 series sonde. The new Pro DSS has an optical dissolved oxygen sensor, pH sensor, turbidity sensor and conductivity sensor. The WQS attended training in Toronto at the MOECC office. In addition, Shaun Anthony has been working with Bruce Power staff to develop a list of potential project sites for future aquatic restoration work. This has involved aerial (GIS) surveys, landowner mail outs, site visits, and coordinating with contractors Walkerton Rain Garden – Partnership with Brockton, Walkerton Horticultural Society and SVCA The WQS and Brockton staff have now completed a rain garden project at the Walkerton Heritage Water Garden. This project was funded by the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund and demonstrates principles of Low Impact Development – green infrastructure designs for increasing permeability of our landscapes and decreasing stormwater runoff. Around 30 youth from a local school were involved with the project and an interpretive sign will be installed this fall detailing LID concepts. Meetings/Events: Wonders of Wetlands – Brucedale YSI ProDSS training – MOECC (Toronto) Agricultural Outreach Coordinator - Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Incentive (GLASI) Program Tori Waugh, SVCA Agriculture Outreach Coordinator, has been very busy over the last few months and established a total of ninety-three stakeholder relationships and manages these using client relationship management software. These contacts are invaluable to the continued development of this program. SVCA Cover Crop Incentive Program The SVCA’s Cover Crop Incentive Program application period closed May 27th. The current focus for the community outreach component of the program is to arrange for our participation in various agricultural community events and to move forward with the successful applicants of our cover crops incentive program to implement their projects. Twenty five applications were received of which twelve will be funded at a total expenditure of $15,000. GLASI Education Outreach A meeting was held June 29th between, Tori Waugh, Jo-Anne Harbinson, Nancy Griffin, Bruce Davidson, Barry Randall (GB SusNET) and Andrew Barrie (OMAFRA) to further discuss a high school module and its application to AgriWORKS and the agricultural high skills major at Chesley Community School. This effort is being partnered with the Grey Bruce Sustainability Network (GB SusNET) and their Career WORKS series including input from OMAFRA. The hope is to have a program ready for the 2016-2017 school year. Coffee Crops and Donuts, Tailgate Workshop Series This Project is proceeding on schedule, meeting/exceeding deliverables with a positive budget variance. Staff have submitted an Interim Report to Ontario Soil and Crops Improvement Association for Year 2 of the funding. Tori Waugh continues to develop positive and productive relationships with the local agricultural community. The current focus for the tailgate workshop series- Coffee, Crops and Donuts is developing marketing plan, flyers, making final arrangements, media packages, landowner packages and preparing supplies for the upcoming 9 workshops to be held over the months of July, August and September. Topics of the workshops are: cover crops, controlled traffic, P cycling, fertility strategies, No-till management, berms, water storage/soil retention and pollinator health. Below is an outline of the dates, locations and topics of the demo sites and workshops. Authority members were emailed the flyers promoting these workshops that will be open to the public. 12-Jul-16 18-Jul-16 21-Jul-16 Week of 1-Aug-16 18-Aug-16 Week of 22-Aug-2016 30-Aug-16 2-Sep-16 12-Sep-16 Week of 26-Sept-2016 Osprey Mildmay Ayton Ripley Chesley Chepstow Chesley Bruce Cty. Plowing Match Garvey Glen Carlsruhe Pollinator Health Precision Ag, soil sampling & fertility management Cover crops Cover crops Manure in the strip till & farming w/ drones Controlled drainage project Cover crops into corn & soy into green Equipment for GLASI BMPs Cover crops and berms Cover crops Cover Crop Demonstration Sites The current focus for the cover crop demonstration site project is monitoring and communicating each site’s progress. The SVCA has exceeded program expectations by setting up ten demonstration sites of the targeted five required. All necessary arrangements have been made with demonstration site partners and all necessary information has been included in their participant packages. Some seed sponsorship has been negotiated with Speare Seeds, Maple Seeds and Quality Seeds. Demo signs have been posted at each demonstration site. The ten demo sites are looking at demonstrating cover crops seeded after wheat & corn and soy plantings as well as into living cover crops. To track the development of the demo sites, Tori Waugh monitors and documents the sites on a regular basis. The majority of demonstration site participants have finalized their cover crop trial plans in collaboration with the SVCA and the participants’ preferred Certified Crop Advisors. Forestry Report The tree planting season for 2016 was the busiest in over four years. A total of 98,100 trees were planted by Authority crews across the watershed. Of this amount, 95,440 trees were planted as new projects for thirteen landowners. Authority crews also replanted a 2011 planting site where there was a significant loss of growing stock, requiring 2000 trees to be replanted. There was one other planting project where the landowner requested Authority assistance in planting about 660 trees on his property. In addition to the above tree planting, the Authority assisted the Pine River Watershed Initiative Network in acquiring almost 23,000 trees for their own volunteer based planting program. There was also 11,325 trees provided to private landowners to do their own planting. The Schmidt Lake Trails will receive additional work this year with minor improvements to the main trail as well as two short boardwalk sections to connect the Schmidt Lake Lookout Trail with the main trail. A parking area will be created and the existing boardwalk to the Lookout replaced with a wider boardwalk. The final project will be the creation and placement of trail maps at trail junctions and the holding of an open house to acquaint the general public with the new trail system. The Emerald Ash Borer treatment season will soon be upon us, starting in the last week of July. This will be our 4th year of providing treatments with many clients having their second year re-treatment this year. Forestry Staff attended a refresher course on TreeAzin Injections for EAB control during the first part of July. The general consensus is that the insect population is still growing in the Grey-Bruce area. Administration As directed by Authority Motion #G16-57 at the May Authority meeting, an agreement was signed between SVCA and Valard Construction to extend their Sulphur Spring lease by three years to June 30, 2019. The important legal matter of Gilmor v. Nottawasaga Valley CA is continuing through the appeal process. Motions to allow Conservation Ontario, the Attorney General of Ontario on behalf of MNRF and the Ontario Landowner’s Association to have intervener status were heard on July 14th. It is expected that the appeal will be heard in early fall with a decision possible by late 2016 but more likely early 2017. Authority member Dan Giersuzak and Wayne Brohman attended the Conservation Ontario council meeting on June 27th. The main topics covered were: • Ontario’s new 5 year Climate Change Action Plan ( see Conservation Ontario report of June 16 attached) • Gilmor v. Nottawasaga legal matter update • Conservation Authorities Act Review • Section 28 Offences: initiative to get MNRF regulatory approval to allow trained CA staff to issue offence tickets for minor violations as another tool to address compliance and enforcement issues Pay by phone signage was installed at the Sulphur Spring and Allan Park parks in early June. Parking fees are $5 per day or $30 for the season as approved previously by the Authority. To date revenues have been very minimal. There has been no enforcement initiative although additional signage has been installed. Renovations to the basement of the Resource Centre have commenced in order to turn it into useable space for the Foundation for its ongoing activities. The new Digital Terrain Model software and hardware has been installed and is operational. Staff training will occur in July. This is an exciting acquisition as SVCA strives to make the best use of new technology to efficiently fulfil its mandate and provide improved service to the public. This new technology will used extensively in the Planning & Regulations department and also by Forestry, Flood Warning, and Water Management staff. Agricultural Advisory Committee The Agricultural Advisory Committee held its inaugural meeting on June 13th. Six of the ten appointed members were in attendance including Mike Smith and John Bell representing SVCA. The agricultural members were provided with an information package containing the Committee’s Terms of Reference, SVCA Administration Resolutions, Conservation Authorities Act, Regulation 169/06 and the SVCA 2016 Annual Report. The first order of business was the election of the Chair and Vice Chair positions for 2016. Following the election procedures set out in the SVCA Administration Resolutions, John Bell was appointed as Chair and Ken Bridge, representing Bruce County Federation of Agriculture, was appointed Vice Chair. It was decided that two meetings would be scheduled for the remainder of 2016 on September 12 and December 12. The selection of the 11th committee member from the agricultural community was discussed but a decision was deferred until the next meeting. There was a discussion on restrictions on development in flood plains led by the GM/S-T. Suggestions for future agenda topics were: municipal ditches, stewardship programs targeting the agricultural community, Bill 100 and Phragmites. Teeswater Flood Plain Mapping Project By the deadline of June 15 proposals were received from all eight consultants that were provided with the Terms of Reference for this project. On June 21 the Executive Committee met with staff to review the proposals. The committee endorsed staff’s recommendation that the proposal from MMM Group was the preferred proposal. On June 28 the GM/S-T attended at the South Bruce council meeting to present the recommendation and answer questions. At that meeting council unanimously passed a motion authorizing SVCA, as Project Manager, to retain MMM Group to perform the mapping project at the proposal price of $20,532.50. The project is now underway with an expected completion time of the end of September. Environmental Planning & Regulations Meetings attended and Other Department Work and Updates: May 27, 2016 five EPR staff attended “Is the Coast Clear?” Conference in Port Elgin for training and shoreline updates specific to Lake Huron. EPR comment to Bruce County Master Drainage Plan around CAW property in Port Elgin June 3, 2016. Manager, Environmental Planning and Regulations and Environmental Planning Coordinator attended Coastal Zone Conference Toronto associated with training of Coastal Issues and processes June 14, 2016. SVCA Executive Committee call in meeting June 21, 2016 – Policy Document, Teeswater Mapping, Screening Area. Search warrant executed by Regulations Officer and Manager, Environmental Planning and Regulations July 8, 2016. South Bruce OPP assisted. Meeting of Environmental Planning Coordinator and Manager of Environmental Planning and Regulations with Saugeen Shores Staff, Bruce County Staff, and Developer on Saugeen Shores matter July 11, 2016. Environmental Planning Coordinator Meeting with below water aggregate extraction pit proposal July 12, 2016. Environmental Planners keeping up with planning act applications and doing all they can to keep up with Regulatory and purchase inquires. Regulations Staff getting many violations reported (2010 vs 2015 air photos as people are trolling air photos and sending in reports), mostly focusing on active works and active inquires and permit applications by necessity. Entire Department mobilized to edit Draft Policy Document. Permits Issued on pace with 2015 statistics in spite of 2015 being inflated with Renewable Energy Act permits on two major projects by this time. General inquiry activity for the four months ended June 30th, is up 31% from the same period last year. Manager, Environmental Planning and Regulations has prepared McCullough Lake mapping compared to April 1, 2016 flood. Lots of changes to mapping on eastern lake side. Paul Elston has geodetically referenced the flood elevation for use immediately. Mapping is forthcoming in rough draft. Meetings with IT and GIS on Mapping and System improvements ongoing. Customer Service Surveys continuing to come in for Permits and General Inquire Responses. 2-5% negative in 62 response. Includes people whom we approached as violation files (resolutions). ‘Timelines’ 15% negative, and ‘Appeal process’ 60% negative/room for more information sharing (appeal process not needed if positive comment so does not come up often, included in handout every client gets upon start of file with us but client unaware). The following Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses permits have been approved by authorized Authority staff since May 26, 2016. 16-120 Irene Gingrich Egremont 44493 Southgate Road 4, Roll No.: 420706000605900, Lot 22, Part Lot 23, Concession 6, Geographic Township of Egremont, Township of Southgate. Construction of an approximate 120 foot (east-west) by 60 foot (north-south) bunker silo addition to the north side of the existing barn, an approximate 40 foot (east-west) by 35 foot (north-south) barn addition to the southeast side of the existing barn, enlarging of and grading towards the south of the existing barnyard area, demolition of an existing vertical silo on the southeast side of the existing barn, filling and grading on the east side of the existing barnyard wall, and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-114 Kristen Bernard and Trevor Grubb Town of Kincardine/Kincardine 662 McGaw Drive/Lot 8, Plan 3M 208 Construction of a new deck approximately 36.23 sq. metres (390 sq. feet) in size, irregular in shape including related works such as 2 stairway areas and finished grading Regulated Area 16-113 Jerry and Valerie Arthur Minto/Minto 6717 Hwy. 89, Part Lot 1, Concession A, Geographic Township of Minto, Town of Minto. 2066 Square foot detached dwelling and sewage disposal system. Regulated Area 16-112 Mark Gancevich Huron 98 Bruce Beach Road, Part Lot 42 Concession A, Lot 98 Plan 343, Parts 1 and 2 Plan 3R6273, Roll No.: 410716000811300Geographic Township of Huron, Township of Huron-Kinloss Construction of an approximate 35 foot (east-west) by 20 foot (north-south) detached garage, to the east of the existing dwelling and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-111 Zachary and Beckie Botma Sullivan/Chatsworth 190 McCullough Lake Drive/Block B, Plan 437 Construction of a permanent deck 3.05 metres (10 feet) by 4.88 metres (16 feet) in size as part of a seasonal docking facility (which includes a hinged gangway approximately 1.83 metres (6 feet) by 6.10 metres (20 feet) from the permanent deck to a floating dock approximately 3.05 metres (10 feet) by 6.10 metres (20 feet)); the hand removal of the portion of the permanent dock and all dock support posts that remained in the lake after the flood event in April of 2016; related minor grading as required around the permanent deck; and restoration of areas disturbed by construction activities. Watercourse 16-107 David and Jaclita Hubbs Walkerton 30 Johnson Blvd, Lot 56 to 57 Plan 463, Roll No.: 410436000217000 Construction of an approximate 14 foot (east-west) by 20 foot (north-south) carport on the north-east side of the existing garage. Regulated Area 16-106 Chad & Amy Harwood Kincardine 54 Sandpiper Lane, Part Lot 28, Concession A, Part 1 and 2, RP 3R9579. Construction of a Single Detached Dwelling. Regulated Area 16-105 Mervin and Mary Bearinger Minto 6315 Highway 89, Roll No.: 234100000312200, Lot 17 Concession 14, Township of Minto. Construction of a 50 foot east-west by 24 foot north-south addition to the west side of the existing barn, construction of an 80 foot north-south by 20 foot east-west pit silo to the west side of the existing pit silos, construction of an approximate 115 foot north-south by 15 foot east-west concrete pad to the west side of the proposed pit silo and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-104 Wayne and Roseanne Illman Sullivan 195825 Conc. 5B, Part Lots 20, 21, Concession 5B Stone Path, Patio, and Related Landscaping. Regulated Area 16-103 Claudio Gatti and Doriana Schiavi Glenelg 413597 Baseline Road, Part Lots 1-2 Concession 1NDR, Roll No.: 420522000118900. Construction of an approximate 339 square metre addition to existing dwelling, a 126 square metre swimming pool, a 30 square metre detached accessory building, and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-102 William and Lynda McCauley Twp. Kincardine/Kincardine 15 Harvey Lane/Part of Lot 32, Concession A Renovation of an existing single detached dwelling, construction of a 44.3 sq. metre (477.3 sq. feet) addition to the dwelling, construction of a 15.7 sq. metre (169.5 sq. feet) covered porch and construction of a 37.9 sq. metre (408.2 sq. feet) uncovered deck all on a concrete sonotube foundation; construction of a new private sewage disposal system; and related excavation, filling, grading, restoration and removal of all excess excavated material off site. Regulated Area 16-100 Leslie Paul and Tammy Young Greenock/Brockton L2098 Concession 14, Lot 10, Concession 15. Pond Removal/ Wetland Remediation Regulated Area. Watercourse 16-099 Heather Briggs, Mary Lynne Buffet and Joyce Luke Southampton/Saugeen Shore 3 Beausoleil Road/Lot 2, Plan 3M-194. Construction of a new 235.5 sq. metre (2,535 sq. feet) single detached dwelling (with a basement) including an attached garage, a covered porch, an open deck and related works such as excavation, filling, site grading and drainage, and restoration. Regulated Area 16-098 Municipality of Kincardine. Twp Kincardine/Kincardine Sideroad 5, Concession 10 Replacement of the existing 7.6 metre length of 1.828 metre span by 1.066 metre rise corrugated steel pipe arch culvert under Sideroad 5 with a new 12 metre length of 1,600mm diameter polymer coated corrugated steel pipe culvert including 150mm to 200mm diameter rock rip-rap protection with erosion control matting at each end of the culvert and related works such as temporary cofferdams, dewatering as may be necessary and removal of all excess excavated material from the site. Regulated Area 16-097 William Fawcett Southampton/Saugeen Shore 44 Grey Street/Part Lot 11 E/S Grey Street, Part 2 of Plan 3R 640. Construction of a 229 sq. metre (2,468 sq. feet) single detached dwelling (with a crawlspace) including open and covered porches and related works such as excavation, filling, site grading and drainage, and restoration Regulated Area 16-096 Tibor and Margaret Bizony Saugeen/Saugeen Shores Part Lot 51, Lake Range/Lot 4, Plan 468 WARK Construction of a new 331 sq. metre (3,563 sq. feet) single detached dwelling (with a basement) including open and covered porches and related works such as excavation, filling, site grading and drainage, and restoration. Regulated Area 16-095 Fisherman's Cove Kinloss/Huron-Kinloss 13 Southline Avenue, RR4 Kincardine,Lot 25 3SDR KINL. 1500 foot Walking/Nature Trail within PSW. Regulated Area 16-094 Cindy and Jason Hinsperger Brant /Brockton 999 Concession 10, Lot 9 Concession 10, Cargill Inground Pool and Decking. Regulated Area 16-093 Michael Reinhardt Culross/SouthBruce 10 Sideroad 20 APart Lot 20 Con 7 Demo of porch and mud room and the construction of a 904 square foot addition and attached garage. Regulated Area 16-092 Steve & Jodi Ostrowski Kincardine Township 177 Birchwood Avenue, Lot 3 Plan 828, Roll No.: 410821000500403 Construction of an approximate 15.5 foot (north-south) by 12 foot (east-west) irregular shaped upper deck addition to existing upper deck on the west side of the existing dwelling. Regulated Area 16-091 Loreen Freiburger Sullivan/Twp. Chatsworth 262 McCullough Lake Drive/Part Lot 21, Concession 4/ Part 1, Plan 393 and Part 1, Plan 511 Demolition of the existing deck on the west side of the existing dwelling, repair of the dwelling’s concrete block foundation walls, construction of a new 3.66 metre (12 feet) by 7.32 metre (24 feet) enclosed deck on a concrete sonotube foundation with a 2.97 sq. metre (32 sq. feet) wooden porch with stairway on a concrete sonotube foundation, construction of a second storey 4.32 metre (14.2 feet) by 7.37 metre (24.2 feet) storage area on the existing detached garage along with a wooden stairway including related excavation, filling, grading and restoration. Regulated Area 16-090 Municipality of South Bruce Mildmay/South Bruce Highway 9 (Elora Street) Mildmay Con D, Part Lot 25 Removal of Hamel Dam on Otter Creek. Watercourse 16-089 Cleon Weber Egremont/Southgate 043765 Southgate Road 04, Part Lot 6, Concession 6, Roll No.: 42070600051100177. South Rankin Street. Construction of an approximate 30 foot (east-west) by 50 foot (north-south) accessory building to be located to the west of the existing dwelling and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-088 Jarrod Muma Southampton/Saugeen Shore 77 South Rankin Street Demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a new 77 sq. metre (829 sq. feet) single detached dwelling including a crawlspace under the southerly portion of the proposed dwelling, two attached covered porches, one 1.82 metres (6 feet) by 7.32 metres (24 feet) in size along the southerly side of the proposed dwelling and the other 3.66 metres (12 feet) by 3.96 metres (13 feet) in size at the north-easterly corner of the proposed dwelling, fortification of the existing concrete block wall along the northerly side of the proposed dwelling and related rough and finished grading. Regulated Area 16-087 Daniel Jou Glenelg 414526 Baseline RoadLot 21, Concession 3 EGR Creation of a groundwater fed pond, the creation of a surface water diversion channel, and to undertake related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area; Watercourse 16-086 Ruth Schlacht Normanby 112924 Grey Rd. 3Part Lot 15, Concession 18 Emergency sewage disposal system replacement. Regulated Area 16-085 Mar-Weld Holdings Inc. Osprey/ Grey Highlands 248209 Osprey-Melancthon Townline Lots 30-31 Con 3 SDR Removing fill in the form of gravel from Lot 32, Con 3 SDR and placing it in an area around the farmhouse on Lot 31 Con 3 SDR Regulated Area 16-084 Ian Bowers Southampton Part Lot 24, E Victoria Part 2 on RP 3R-9331 Single Detached Dwelling, attached garage, covered porch, screened porch and deck, and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-083 John & Natercia Carvalhais Saugeen Lot 2 of Plan 468, Miramichi Bay Road, Geographic Township of Saugeen, Town of Saugeen Shores. The construction of a new 288.18 square metre dwelling with full basement, rear deck, and attached garage; and, related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-082 Jim Lumby Bentinck Part Lot, Con 2; Being Lot 9 of 42T-78058, Municipally known as 112 Scott's Hill Rd, Geographic Township of Bentinck, Municipality of West Grey. The construction of a 191 square metre dwelling with full basement, deck, and attached garage; new sewage disposal system; and, related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-081 Municipality of Kincardine Twn.Kincardine/Kincardine Kincardine Marina 236 Harbour Street/Pt. Lot 10, Plan 77, Pts. 1-5, 7 of Plan 3R-7165. Construction of a new precast concrete block retaining wall including the removal of existing wall and related works such as placement of sediment/erosion control measures, excavation, removal of all excess fill material from the site, drainage, filling, regrading and restoration. Regulated Area 16-080 Municipality of Brockton Greenock/Brockton Ernewein Municipal Drain, Lots 7/8 Con 5/6 Watercourse cleanout and culvert installation for new municipal drain petition. Watercourse 16-079 Gerald & Ruth Koesleg MintoTwp. / Town of Minto 6153 Normanby-Minto Townline, Roll No.: 234100000318460, Part Lot 19, Concession 18 Construction of an approximate 1250 square foot addition (including attached garage) to the east side of the existing dwelling, and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-078 Barry's Construction and Insulation Ltd. Hanover Part Lots 3, 4, and 5, RP/ 347 and Lot 40, R.P. 800(Harris Pine Estates Subdivision, File No. 42T-2005-03. Construction of sanitary and storm sewer systems and a pedestrian trail associated with the proposed Harris Pine Estates Subdivision (File No. 42T-2005-03). Regulated Area 16-077 Joan Hillary Kinight in Trust Huron/Huron-Kinloss 67 Davey's Lane Lot 67 Plan 343 A, 1236 square building foot print cottage which includes a covered deck and a covered porch to replace an existing cottage. Regulated Area 16-076 Nigel Hope Walkerton 12 Spitzig Ave. 140 sq. ft. shed. Regulated Area 16-075 Township of Wellington North West Luther Structure 2058 and Structure 2028, Road crossing on Sideroad 13, West Luther Municipal Drain 26, Lots 12 and 13, Con 14. Replacement of a concrete culvert with a 2700mm CSP Culvert on Structure 2058 and the replacement of an open footed concrete box culvert with a 5000mm span and 1800mm height box or open footed culvert on Structure 2028. Watercourse 16-073 Township of Huron-Kinloss Huron/Huron-Kinloss Nesbitt Municipal Drain Lot 40, Con 4 Pt Lot 22 & 23, Con A. Replacement of existing 3.75 m span wooden box culvert with a corrugated steel arch 3890mmx2690mmx14 m. culvert. Watercourse 16-071 Meghan Fry Kincardine Twp. 280 Victoria Street (Inverhuron), Roll No.: 410821000513100, Lot 9 Plan 445. Removal of an existing sewage disposal system and installation of new sewage disposal system to the east side of the existing dwelling, and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-070 Luke and Kim Johns Brant /Brockton850 Marl Lake Road #8. The reconstruction of an existing deck, the reconstruction of an existing retaining wall and a replacement septic system. Regulated Area 16-065 County of BruceSaugeen/Saugeen Shores 850 Marl Lake Road #8. Replacement of the existing 16.5 metre length of 2,060mm span by 1,520mm rise corrugated steel pipe arch culvert under Bruce Road 40 with a new twin pipe installation consisting of two - 24 metre lengths of 1,500mm diameter polymer coated corrugated steel pipe culvert including 250mm diameter rock rip-rap protection with geotextile underlay at each end of the culverts and related works such as temporary cofferdams, dewatering as may be necessary, removal of all excess excavated material from the site and restoration. Watercourse 16-064 Ron and Wilma Lehman Arthur/Wellington North, 7681 Highway 89, North Half Lot 1, Concession 4, Arthur Township, Roll No.: 234900000808850 Construction of 104 foot by 50 foot addition to north side of an existing barn, 100 foot by 30 foot concrete pad for manure on the south side of the existing barn, and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area 16-063 Town of Saugeen Shores Port Elgin/Saugeen Shores 581 Upper Avenue/PT Park Lot 11, PT Lot 12, Plan 111; Part Lot 39, Lake Range. Dredging a portion of the existing pond at the fish hatchery location in Port Elgin approximately 45 metres (150 feet) in length by 9.1 metres by (30 feet) in width by 0.9 metres (3 feet) in depth in the northwesterly portion of the pond, including the temporary deposition of excavated material to the northeast of the existing building until it has dried sufficiently to haul it to the landfill and placing of appropriate sediment/erosion protection measures for both the dredging and temporary storage location. Watercourse 16-057 County of BruceElderslie/Arran-Elderslie County Road 40, Lot 30, Concession A Replacement of the existing 26.5 metre length of 3,480mm span by 2,210mm rise corrugated steel pipe arch culvert under Bruce Road 40 with a new 35.72 metre length of 3,000mm diameter polymer coated corrugated steel pipe culvert including 250mm diameter rock rip-rap protection with geotextile underlay at each end of the culvert and related works such as temporary cofferdams, dewatering as may be necessary, removal of all excess excavated material from the site and restoration Watercourse. 16-056 Piller Farms Ltd.Arthur/Wellington North South Part Lot 5, Con 4, Roll No. 234900000809700 Bottom cleanout of approximately 1500 feet of Bell's Creek and culvert removals. Watercourse 16-051 James McLaughlin Egremont/Southgate Part Lots 27, Con 15 Resolution of culvert violations and the installation of a new culvert to cross a tributary of the Beatty Saugeen River to include the widening of an existing laneway, the installation of a diverted watercourse and culvert already installed and the future installation of a culvert in the original bed. Also includes two equalization culverts already installed. Watercourse 16-050 Bruce County Brockton Bruce County Road 4, Con NDR Lot 65 to Con NDR Lot 34. Installation of a fibre optic telecommunications network. Regulated Area May 2014 July 2016 Saugeen Conservation Saugeen Conservation COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS Program Report Program Report Camping...with your horse! Hikes, Presentations and Tours During the months of March and April communications and park staff, as well as volunteers, and the Bruce County Innovation Program assisted with numerous park improvements as well as the development of a horse campground at Saugeen Bluffs Conservation Area. The park looks great and people from all over Ontario are coming with their horses to camp, take to the trails and enjoy the local area. If you are interested in having staff make a presentation to a local interest group, municipality or organization, please do not hesitate to ask! We love to get the word out about Saugeen Conservation! Social Media IPM - 2016 Staff from Maitland Valley, Grand River and Saugeen Conservation Authorities continue to work together in developing the cooperative conservation exhibit for the 2016 IPM in Harriston. A floorplan has already been developed and work is underway on various features of the exhibit. The IPM will take place east of Harriston from September 20 24th. If you’re interested in helping us out, please let us know! We’ve Got a New Look! Check out our new website! Although it’s still under construction in many respects, the new site has a fresh new look and is now mobile friendly. The previous website was over 15 years old and certainly in need of updating. Please be patient, however as we continue to work out the bugs! COMMUNICATIONS Program Report page 2 The Memorial Grove Ceremony The 2016 Summer Publications The Communication’s Department assists the Foundation throughout the year with a number of conservation programs and fundraisers. On June 26th, the SVCF hosted its annual Memorial Grove Ceremony. Hundreds of individuals come out to witness the ceremonial tree planting in memory of a loved one. It’s the job of the Communications Department to promote all of SVCA’s programs and services. This includes the design and production of yers, programs, displays, logos, signage, advertising, reports, guidebooks and so much more! Welcome Summer Students! Staff from the Communications Department were thrilled to get the approval for three summer students through the Canada Summer Jobs Program. The students will be organizing and implementing interpretive programs at SVCA’s Camping Parks adding more service for the dollar. The students will be focussing on local natural history, activities and species at risk. Walkerton River Clean-up On Saturday, May 14 staff participated in a clean-up of the Saugeen River in Walkerton. There was a great turn-out, especially for a wet, cold day! Agenda REPORT #6c TO: SAUGEEN VALLEY CONSERVATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS DATE: July 21, 2016 SUBJECT: DRINKING WATER SOURCE PROTECTION & RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICE REPORT Administration: An updated workplan/budget for 2016/2017 was approved by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) April 13, 2016 with a total program budget of $297,140. This includes $30,000 funding to conduct a technical study to delineate vulnerable areas around a new municipal drinking water well in the community of Ripley located in the Township of HuronKinloss. Staffing complement approved: 2.6 full-time equivalent (FTE) for Drinking Water Source Protection program work (0.8 Project Manager, 0.8 Program Supervisor, 0.6 Communications, 0.2 GIS Specialist, and 0.2 Administrative Assistant). Risk Management Office staffing includes 2.4 FTE with a total budget of approximately $210,000. Amended Source Protection Plan: The amended Source Protection Plan was submitted to the MOECC for review on May 2, 2016. Based on the submission of the proposed amendments related to the events-based area work (to address fuel storage threats), the Ministry has provided Source Protection Municipal Implementation Funding (SPMIF) to newly affected municipalities; Meaford, Owen Sound and Saugeen Shores. Risk Management Office Update: Signed Agreements have been received from the following 12 municipalities to conduct risk management services on their behalf: South Bruce West Grey Brockton Kincardine Grey Highlands Saugeen Shores South Bruce Peninsula Arran-Elderslie Town of the Blue Mountains Georgian Bluffs Chatsworth Meaford 1 SVCA Board of Directors Meeting – Drinking Water Source Protection Program Report We have started threats verification work in South Bruce, West Grey, Arran-Elderslie, Kincardine, Town of the Blue Mountains, Georgian Bluffs and Grey Highlands with letters sent to all affected landowners. We continue to stage the distribution of letters to manage the number of calls that are received by this office following mail-outs. Municipal Implementation Meetings (Planning Staff): Meetings have been held with municipal staff regarding Risk Management Office requirements and preparations for implementation of the Source Protection Plan which comes into effect on July 1st, 2016. Kincardine & Grey County Town of Blue Mountains Arran-Elderslie South Bruce & Saugeen Valley Conservation Brockton & Bruce County Meaford Grey Highlands, West Grey & Grey Sauble Conservation Georgian Bluffs South Bruce Peninsula May 2, 2016 May 3, 2016 May 4, 2016 May 5, 2016 May 10, 2016 May 11, 2016 May 12, 2016 May 25, 2016 May 30, 2016 Respectfully submitted, Carl Seider Project Manager Drinking Water Source Protection / Risk Management Official 2 SVCA Board of Directors Meeting – Drinking Water Source Protection Program Report Planning & Regulations Department Review Action Items Authority Approved - July 23, 2015 Updated July 2016 Action Item High Priority: 1. Planning & Regulations Policy Document 2. File Tracking System Short Term: 3. Printer and file cabinets 4. Mapping Working Group Description Actions Taken Agenda Status Prepare a draft Policy document for Board review Policy from another CA has been reviewed and edited to shape it to SVCA needs. First draft presented at January 2016 Authority Meeting. Plan presented to Executive Committee March 22, 2016. RFP for preparation of Policy document & public consultation went out April 29 with May 19 response deadline. Planning Solutions selected as consultant. Completion target is October 31st. On going A robust accurate tracking system accessible to numerous users P&R Mgr & IT Mgr continue to work on design and development. A preliminary template for file data input has been developed & tested. Data base design is almost complete. Work on dashboard is in progress. Presentation at Feb & May Authority meetings. Transition from legacy database has commenced. On going Obtain a printer for the main floor. Provide cabinets for individual work stations Printer was installed in Sept. File cabinets are in place. Completed Comprised of SVCA staff & municipal representatives; goal to improve mapping in priority areas of the watershed Meetings held Aug 25, Sept 29, Nov 3 and Dec 15. Seeking info on mapping costs, potential trial areas and funding opportunities. Teeswater mapping project is expected to act as an example for other municipalities with respect to cost & timing. Will convene next meeting once Teeswater project is completed. On going Planning & Regulations Department Review Action Items Authority Approved - July 23, 2015 Updated July 2016 5. Customer Feedback Survey Prepare an anonymous customer survey for Board approval Survey commenced November 2. Updates given at each Authority meeting. Completed 6. Zoning Comments Cease providing zoning comments in correspondence to applicants Zoning comments were eliminated by July 31, 2015 Completed 7. Bruce County Memorandum of Agreement Work with Bruce County to arrive at a new updated MoA On going 8. Appeal process to be better communicated to applicants Make applicants aware of the appeal process should they be dissatisfied with a decision of the P&R Dept. Draft Agreement prepared by County is under review. Planning Act review involvement is under discussion. Completion of this item is delayed until P&R Policy document is completed. Customer survey asks if customer was advised of the appeal process. Updated P&R Information sheet advises applicants that there is an appeal process. 9. Staff Promotion Where warranted staff to be promoted up the salary grid steps in their respective job range Review completed by GM and P&R Mgr for budget. Completed Continue staff training in CSR & communications Most recent training date was Dec 2, 2014 Not yet started Data storage & retrieval needs improvement; old paper files and data to be converted to digital form Ensure job relevant training continues Part time scanning position started January 2016. A second part time position started in May. Ongoing 3 staff attended training at Latornell in November; Gary S. provided training session in November, December, and January. Regulations officer attended a one week course in March. Risk Management Training held May 5. Drainage training for two staff in June. Two staff attended Coastal training. On going Longer Term: 10. Customer relations & communications training 11. Conversion of paper files to digital form 12. Continue Staff training On going Agenda 1078 Bruce Road 12, P.O. Box 150, Formosa ON Canada N0G 1W0 Tel 519-367-3040, Fax 519-367-3041,, DATE: July 21, 2016 TO: SVCA Authority Members FROM: Erik Downing, Manager, Environmental Planning and Regulations RE: Environmental Planning and Regulations 50 metre Screening Area Review of Completed Files This report is to follow-up questions from the Authority Members associated with the Environmental Planning and Regulations department’s 50 metre screening area review of completed files that is ongoing. The Environmental Planning and Regulations department’s Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation, Ontario Regulation 169/06, as amended relies on the SVCA’s Hazard Land Mapping to determine where the SVCA may have a regulatory interest in our rural areas. As this mapping was not produced in support of the 2006 Regulation’s initial approval, but was the most accurate map available, an additional 50 metre Screening Area has been applied to its boundaries to indicate the area within which SVCA’s Regulation may apply. Municipal staff, and proponents looking to do works in the SVCA’s jurisdictional area, rely on this 50 metre screening mapping to determine if an SVCA review is necessary for their project. Works that are proposed within the area are referred to the SVCA for review so that the actual regulated Area can be determined. Works that are outside of the screening area do not need to contact the SVCA for review. The SVCA does not Regulate 50 metres from any rural area features and our Regulation does not mention this 50 metre process so it is at the discretion of the SVCA whether 50, 100, or 10 metres etc. is the most appropriate screening area associated with our Hazard mapping. This 50 metre screening area is included in the online mapping the SVCA produced and distributed spring of 2015. The only deviation from the 50 metre screening area is in rural area where there are Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSW) which have a 120 metre Regulated Area (and screening area) applied to their perimeter. The following stats do not include these PSW matters or statistics. The Authority has asked SVCA staff to monitor the applicability and appropriateness of this 50 metre screening area to determine if a reduced offset would be more appropriate and save the SVCA from reviewing unnecessary works. SVCA staff began monitoring this item in summer of 2015 and as of July 14, 2016 the following data has been collected and prepared for consideration. Watershed Member Municipalities Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands, Town of Hanover, Township of Howick, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, Municipality of South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, Town of Minto, Township of Wellington North, Town of Saugeen Shores, Township of Southgate, Municipality of West Grey Completed files reporting where 50 metre process applies: 50 metre Screening Area is too large on average by: Number of files where screening area limit is within 20 metres of Regulated Area: Number of files where screening area limit is within 10 metres of Regulated Area: Number of Files where screening area too small: 126 29.1 Metres 41 (32.5%) 3 (2.4%) 2 (1.6%) Therefore, while the SVCA staff recognize on average that the 50 metre screening area from the SVCA hazard Land Mapping is too large when detailed review is initiated, the 50 metre offset is capturing the bulk of files the SVCA needs to review (very small percentage missed). Reducing the size of the screening area given the 29.1m average of being oversized when compared against the actual Regulated Area may be a consideration of the Authority. The Authority may consider a 20 or 10 metre reduction, or other, in the screening area so staff did prepare some stats to what the 126 files would look like if one of those options had been already applied (i.e. 50 metres becomes 30 metres or 40 metres). What the Authority will notice is that reducing the screening area increases the number of proponents that would have reviewed the SVCA’s screening area, confirmed they were outside of it, and proceeded to commit a violation. SVCA staff are wanting to avoid any increases in potential violations for people who are trying to do the right thing. There is a pronounced difference in the potential violations between the 20 metre reduction and 10 metre reduction SVCA staff note. In the opinion of SVCA staff one additional avoidable violation is too many, especially when the proponent was trying to do the right thing. Staff time lost to that violation would undo any workload timeline gains realized from the reduction in screening area and the related workload elsewhere SVCA staff would suggest. Notable as well is that these stats are also only based on files where the difference between the Regulated Area and the Screening Area was very obvious to a third party reviewer (Summer Student). There are many more SVCA files that are not included here as the more complicated this issues the less likely the file is included in these stats. Staff are also aware of two Regulated landform types that are often missed by the Hazard Land mapping: Valleys, and Meander Belt Allowances of watercourses. In these instances the 50 metre screening area applied to the potentially small floodplain or watercourse in the centre of the Valley or Meander Belt gives the public/ Municipality at least a chance to anticipate SVCA involvement compared to not being aware and committing a violation. As the ‘Three Dimensional’ mapping program at the SVCA comes online there will be more mapping improvement opportunities and SVCA staff are excited to see if this process could remove the need for this screening process entirely or at least increase the accuracy of the SVCA ‘s Hazard land mapping given current interests therefore reducing need for large screening area. Yours Sincerely, Erik Downing Manager, Environmental Planning and Regulations Saugeen Conservation ED/ Agenda Agenda 1078 Bruce Road 12, P.O. Box 150, Formosa ON Canada N0G 1W0 Tel 519-367-3040, Fax 519-367-3041,, Report to: Authority Members, Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority From: Wayne Brohman, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Date: July 21, 2016 Subject: Conservation Authorities Review Act By a report dated June 20, 2016 Authority Members were given a summary of the five priority areas for improvement of the Act as identified by MNRF. That report also provided a summary of topics covered at the London workshop on June 9th. The five priority areas identified by MNRF are: • Strengthening oversight and accountability • Increasing clarity and consistency • Improving collaboration and engagement • Modernizing funding mechanisms • Enhancing flexibility for the province Conservation Ontario has identified five key messages as follows: 1. Conservation Authorities do not have a “core mandate” focused solely on natural hazards management. The CA Act stipulates a very broad mandate for Conservation Authorities and states that CAs “undertake watershed-based programs and activities deemed vital to the health of their watersheds and residents”. 2. Conservation Authorities are the delivery agents for Integrated Watershed Management. IWM is an approach that manages the impacts of human activities on important natural resources in order to protect them and ensure their sustainability. 3. Conservation Authorities need to work at an “inter-ministerial” rather than just one ministry. This recognizes that Conservation Authorities’ programs and services benefit many ministries and help to address multiple provincial priorities. Ongoing sustainable funding needs to come from multiple ministries. 4. Multiple options such as shared CA services or CA restructuring should be looked at in order to improve the capacity and consistency of Conservation Authorities. Varying financial capacity among Conservation Authorities impacts the programs and services that are available on a province—wide basis. 5. Conservation Authorities are committed to improving service delivery standards with appropriate resources. MNRF is accepting feedback on this round of consultation until September 9, 2016. The Authority needs to consider whether it wishes to submit comments separate from those of Conservation Ontario. Watershed Member Municipalities Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands, Town of Hanover, Township of Howick, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, Municipality of South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, Town of Minto, Township of Wellington North, Town of Saugeen Shores, Township of Southgate, Municipality of West Grey Chair Charbonneau has submitted the following comment to Conservation Ontario with respect to a preliminary proposed letter drafted by CO to MNRF about the CA Act review: “General Comment on the use of the term 'Conservation Authority Boards of Directors" in the draft letter. Throughout the draft letter, reference is made to Conservation Authority 'Boards of Directors'. It must be understood that this term is a colloquialism that has no basis in the legislation establishing CAs. Using this term to refer to assembled Authority Members is, in my view, inadvisable in general and particularly so in the present context. It is important, as part of this process, for CO to work to foster a broader understanding of the basic governance structure of Conservation Authorities in Ontario (among provincial officials, members of the public and among Conservation Authority Members themselves). The repeated reference to "CA Boards" in this letter runs counter to this imperative. The Province and the public need to be fully aware that Authority Members, as appointed by municipalities and assembled in a properly convened meeting, are the Conservation Authority. To call the Authority Members, so assembled, a 'Board of Directors' rhetorically diminishes their role and promotes misconceptions about what a Conservation Authority is. In my experience, established practice has minimized the legislatively prescribed role of the appointed Authority Members in a practical sense. This has occurred in the context of CA staff playing a role akin to a municipal administration - a governance structure not conceived of or supported by the Act. The conception of the assembled Authority Members as a Board of Directors rather than a Conservation Authority plays into this approach to CA administration and therefore strays from the apparent intent of the Act. I am not aware that it is the intent of CO to request that the Province amend the Act to reconstitute assembled Authority Members as Boards of Directors. As such, I would suggest that the position letter be redrafted to appropriately refer to assembled Authority Members as Conservation Authorities. This should be done for clarity and to avoid any confusion as to CO's intent. I think that it would look poorly on us to suggest various legislative reforms to CA governance while simultaneously misrepresenting the existing governance structure as described in the CA Act in the way that the draft letter does. Thank you for considering these comments. I am available to provide any clarification as needed.” Luke Charbonneau Chair, Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Agenda Kincardine News, May 26, 2016 Walkerton Herald Times, May 26, 2016 Walkerton Herald Times, June 2, 2016 Kincardine News, June 2, 2016 Kincardine News, June 2, 2016 Shoreline Beacon, June 14, 2016 The Post, June 16, 2016 The Post, June 23, 2016 Mildmay Town Crier, June 23, 2016 Next Story Article rank 8 Jul 2016 The Sun Times (Owen Sound) ROB GOWAN SUN TIMES STAFF Flood damage $2 million Report on Chatsworth infrastructure does not include damage to private property The damage to the Township of Chatsworth’s infrastructure from flooding in April has been pegged at close to $2 million. JAMES MASTERS/SUN TIMES A larg e s ig n and co ncrete b arricad es b lo ck acces s to a b rid g e o n the 8th s id e ro ad jus t s o uth o f McCullo ug h Lake in Chats w o rth To w ns hip . The b rid g e has b een clo s ed s ince it w as d am ag ed b y f lo o d w aters o n A p ril 1. At its Tuesday meeting Chatsworth council received an assessment from the consultant firm WSP Canada Inc. detailing the estimated costs for the repairs of the township’s damaged roadways, culverts and bridges from the flooding earlier this year in the Williams Lake, Williamsford and McCullough Lake areas. The report estimated the cost of the damage to its roadways at just under $960,000, and 18 damaged bridges and culverts at almost $420,000. The consultants also recommended the complete replacement of the Craig’s Bridge on Sideroad 8, south of McCullough Lake at a cost of just under $620,000. Chatsworth’s roads superintendent Brad Thake said Thursday morning the figures were expected to be high given the extent of damage from the waters and the amount of work, time and effort that crews have put in to bring the municipality’s infrastructure back. “It was a heavy impact flood,” Thake said. “The widespread damage was kind of unexpected, how far it travelled inland from the water.” The report has been prepared as part of the municipality’s emergency funding request to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Thake said the figures are already before the province for review. “We are hoping the province sees the financial impact to our infrastructure related to the flood,” Thake said. “We really hope they see how much and how widespread the damages were and how much the repairs and the ongoing repairs will be and what they will cost Chatsworth as a whole.” Thake said the financial burden is huge on a municipality the size of Chatsworth, whose total annual budget is under $8 million. “For bigger municipalities or bigger areas, a figure like this isn’t detrimental to them,” said Thake. “For us it is huge and would be quite a tax burden.” On April 1 the municipality was hit with what the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority has deemed was likely a 1-in200-year flood after heavy rains caused the North Saugeen River to spill its banks. The township had received about 148 millimetres or 5.8 inches of rain in just over a week. The flooding hit the central part of the municipality along the river the hardest, affecting 15 to 18 homes and two businesses in Williamsford, about 40 cottages at McCullough Lake and a number of properties at Williams Lake. A home in Williamsford had to be demolished in early May. The waters spilled over Highway 6, leading to its closure for about two days. Mayor Bob Pringle declared a state of emergency for the entire municipality and it remained in effect for 11 days. No injuries were reported as a result of the flooding. The flooding caused washouts, erosion and other damage to many of the municipality’s roads, bridges and culverts. Town staff completed emergency work that allowed them to reopen many of the affected roadways, but many remained closed for days. But Craig’s Bridge was deemed unsafe for vehicles as the two rows of piers in the watercourse had moved. The bridge remains closed. There was also significant damage in the area where the West Back Line intersects with Side Road 70 in the southeast corner of the township. The township installed an emergency drain to prevent the complete flooding of three residences and the flooding resulted in the complete washout of roads in the area. An MTO inspection team confirmed that the significant damage caused to the roads would require their complete reconstruction, according to the WSP report. Thake said one road in the area was just finally reopened a couple of weeks ago. The program the municipality is applying for funding under is known as Municipal Disaster Recovery Assistance. It is one of two new programs introduced earlier this year, replacing the province’s Disaster Relief Assistance Program. “The province has been very cooperative and very supportive,” said Thake. “It is a case setting precedent as this is the new program under the provincial government. “As much as we didn’t want to be the Guinea pigs per se, everybody has played a key role and so far we have gotten through it.” The second new provincial program provides disaster recovery assistance to homeowners, small owner-operated businesses, farmers and not-for-profit organizations affected by the flooding. The program covers emergency expenses, repairs or replacement of essential property. According to Ministry of Municipal Affairs spokesperson Conrad Spezowka, as of Wednesday 11 claims had been received. The final date to submit an application is Aug. 6. Information about the program, including guidelines and application forms, is available at Applicants can also call 1-844-780-8925 for information. This article was shared by a user of PressReader - an online source of publications from around the world. PressReader contains copyrighted material, trademarks and other proprietary information. Receipt of this article should not be interpreted as grant of any licenses express or implied, to the intellectual property of PressReader or publishers of publications presented. PressReader – Connecting People Through News PressReader, 200-13111 Vanier Place, Richmond BC V6V 2J1, Canada Phone: +1 604 278 4604 © 2003-2016 NewspaperDirect Inc. dba PressReader. All rights reserved. Terms of Use: Privacy Policy: Cont'd Owen Sound Sun Times, July 9, 2016 The Post, July 16, 2016 The Post, July 14, 2016