Here - The Times


Here - The Times
Embrace your
inner geek: and
get coding today
As technology becomes central to our lives, computer
coding is the new literacy. Follow these simple steps and
become part of the revolution, says Eleanor Mills
omputers are embedded in our
lives. We spend an average of eight hours
a day in front of screens, and we are
seeing technology revolutionise the
economy, whether it’s AirBnB changing
the way we go on holiday, or Uber
shaking up the taxi industry.
Technology is key to all our of futures,
yet only a handful of us understand the
language that makes computers work.
This week – finally - computer coding
becomes part of the national curriculum
in schools, so what better time to
introduce all Sunday Times readers to the
basics of coding and give kids a head start.
Don’t be put off by the idea that it is too
difficult – everyone can discover their
inner geek. Today, we provide you with a
step-by-step guide to how create your
own app. It really is possible to learn how
to do it by following the instructions over
the next few pages. Decoded, who have
provided the materials, teach these steps
to professionals every day (at a cost of
£700 per person). I was lucky enough to
do their course with a group of women
including supermodel Lily Cole and
Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts this
year. The column I wrote describing the
experience received so much feedback we
decided to open the experience up to our
readers, made possible through Decoded’s
new set of online tools, called,
which they’ve developed to enable anyone
to be come a digital creator.
Kathryn Parsons, chief executive and
co-founder of Decoded, says: “We
desperately need digital creators - talent
– for the UK to be a global player in tech.
Coding is the new building block for the
world. There are lots of intelligent,
energetic young people out there but only
a fraction of them are learning to code on
the web. It is great that the UK is
introducing coding to the curriculum but
bringing coding alive is essential, not just
in the classroom but by parents sitting
down with their kids and learning
together. Whether you are six or 60 this
has a place in everyone’s lives. Coding is
the new literacy.”
She is right – enjoy making your app.
Next week we will show you how to
extend it, add more tools and make it
even better.
We’re going to build an
app. We’re sure you’ll
have lots of ideas for
apps you’d like to make.
To keep things as simple
as possible, we’re going
to build an app together.
“It is great that the uk is
introducing coding to the
curriculum but bringing coding
alive is essential, not just in the
classroom but by parents
sitting down with their kids and
learning together. We’ve created to enable anyone,
whether you are six or 60, to
join the digital revolution!”
the brieF
The planning process is absolutely vital when building an app.
If you just sit down and start sketching it’s possible to explore
multiple options for what your app could do and look like.
There are many tools for making basic prototypes.
But nothing beats a pencil and paper. The key thing is to get
the idea out of your head and into a medium where you can
play around with it. A huge part of the development process is
Googling, reading, thinking, sketching.
Let’s get to it.
C. Add the score
Wireframes are basic
designs that are useful
for planning the user
experience before a single
line of code is written.
Originally, wireframes
tended to be long lists
of specifications and
page elements but today
they are often visual
representations of the app
or website that is going to
be built.
If you’re thinking of
commissioning an
application, or working
with a developer, providing
a wireframe (however
sketchy!) is a good
starting point
A. As a list
D. Finish
B. One by one
Build a multi-platform
app that lets you set
quizzes for your friends.
Kathryn Parsons, chief executive of Decoded
We will start by wireframing the app. This will
involve sketches and a basic plan of what it will do.
It would be nice to
display a running
score. Let’s mock
that up.
We’ll then work on defining the content
and setting up our page.
With our basic content in place, we
can focus on the design of our app.
Once it looks right, we can turn our attention
to the behaviour. How do we ask questions?
How do we keep score?
For our purposes, let’s
display the questions one
by one. It’s simpler and
more focused.
Once they’ve finished
the quiz, how about we
let them share their
results on Facebook to
challenge their friends?
We now know what we need to build and what
it’s going to look like. let’s dive into the hTml Â
“When somebody has learnt how to program a
computer … you’re joining a group of people who can
do incredible things. They can make the computer do
anything they can imagine.”
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the web
Every web page and many of the apps you know and love
use HTML. It allows us to tell the browser what everything
is – our logos, paragraphs, any images, videos and so on.
HTML is a universal language – it is understood by every
browser, and all smartphones, including iPhones and
Android, can run apps coded using HTML.
To create your app, you’ll need to use our Playto editor.
To load up the editor:
Open an up-to-date browser (we recommend Firefox or Google
Navigate to
Login using one of the options provided
Create a new project in the Playto Editor
Replace the hello world text with the name of your app.
We’re going to call ours iQz.
We need to tell the browser this is our heading, so we wrap it in
an <h1> tag:
Next we need to put in a list of questions and answers:
<p>What is the capital of Russia?
<span class="correct">Moscow</span>
Here we have one question inside a <p> element, and then we
have two options. Both options are put inside <span> elements.
The correct one we give a “class” of correct. This means that later
on we can do things like check if the user got it right
Let’s put some more questions in. Whatever you do, don’t copy
us! Think of your own quiz to test your friends :)
<p>What is the capital of Russia?
<span class="correct">Moscow</span>
What noise do cows make?
more structure. All html pages are made up of two sections: the
<head> for information about the page, and the <body> for
content the user sees. The content we’ve already written will
therefore go in the body:
html: the
language oF
HTML, which stands
for HyperText Markup
Language, was developed
by the inventor of the web,
Sir Tim Berners Lee in
The original idea behind
HTML was to write an
open set of rules so
that any browser could
interpret a piece of
content and know where
there were paragraphs,
headings, lists and so on.
Sir Tim’s idea was to allow
the transfer of information
between different
computers, and so HTML
is purely a language of
The fact that HTML is
a “markup language”
means that rather
than writing rules
and instructions for a
computer, we are simply
“marking up” content
with tags.
<span class="correct">Moo</span>
<span class="correct">Oui</span>
What is the meaning of life?
<span class="correct">42</span>
<span>No idea</span>
Great. If you preview your app in the browser (by clicking “View
App”) you will notice that there’s no title in the tab at the top. We
need to give the app its own name, which means adding in a bit
an eVolVing
Today, HTML is constantly
evolving and developing
as new features come
out. If you use a browser
like Chrome updates will
happen in the background,
meaning that you’ll
always have the latest
Create a new file by clicking on the plus icon in the left-hand bar.
Name it “style.css” all lowercase.
We will need to change the colour of our <h1> now.
We’ve set ours to white.
CSS works by targeting HTML elements and giving them a list of
style instructions. If you think about it, any particular part of a
design could be described by how it looks. This is what we do with
CSS. You say things like: I want my <h1> to be big, bold, red and
Looking at our wireframe, we want to only display one question at a
time. Using JavaScript later on, we can show or hide different
questions based on where they are. So for now, let’s hide all the
questions, and then just display the first one:
h1 {
font-size: 48px;
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
What is the capital of Russia?
text-align: center;
<span class="correct">Moscow</span>
Refresh your page now - your title should be displaying. You now
have the bare bones of your app up and running. That wasn’t too
hard, was it?!
The indentation is purely there to show us as coders what’s
where. The browser ignores “white space”. It does look neater,
doesn’t it? It’s up to you, but we like to keep our code nice’n’tidy.
Lastly for now, let’s put in something to hold our score:
the separation
oF concerns
You’ll notice that with
just HTML your web-app
won’t look that exciting.
This is because we haven’t
included any design yet.
In web development we
talk about the idea of the
“separation of concerns”,
which means having
separate languages and
files for content, design
and interactivity.
We’ve used an <em> element (which means it is emphasised) with
two spans in it – one to hold the running score, the other the total
number of questions. For now we’ve just made up the numbers;
we will populate these from the JavaScript later on.
CSS stands for Cascading
Style Sheets. It was
developed by Håkon Wium
Lie and Bert Bos in the
early 1990s.
Fundamentally, CSS
gives developers the
ability to breathe life into
HTML - colours, borders,
backgrounds and more.
We’ll be showing you a
variety of CSS commands.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
color: white;
Attributes are pieces of
information about an
element on a page. In
this case our “correct”
attribute is used to tell the
browser which answer is
correct. What’s great is
that unless our user looks
at the source code, they
won’t be able to see which
answer has been marked
as correct.
background: red;
font-family: Helvetica;
max-width: 500px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
text-align: center;
p {
display: none;
p:nth-of-type(1) {
display: block;
nth-of-type(n) is what’s called a pseudo-selector; it allows you to
get one of a specified group of elements.
Please note, the authors had to Google “targeting first paragraph with
CSS” as it’s not something we’d done before! As a coder, you’re not
expected to know all the answers. Search engines are always right
there – it doesn’t make sense trying to remember all the commands,
and we’re all learning all the time!
body {
font-weight: bold;
We start by targeting all paragraphs and setting their display property
to “none”. Then, we target just the first question and set its display
property to “block”, which is CSS’s way of saying “show”.
the importance
oF cases
You may have seen
that whether you type
in upper or lower case
matters sometimes when
you’re coding, but not all
the time. It’s normally
best practice to keep
everything lowercase
when you are coding in
HTML and CSS to make
sure you can always
reference files and
extra step:
If you’re feeling brave,
why not add a custom font
to your web app. Google
has a great tool called
“Google Fonts” which
allows you to import a font
directly into your page.
Just Google it!
h1 {
We need to tell the browser to read our CSS file. It doesn’t
magically know it’s there. When the browser loads the app, it
downloads just one file: our index.html. So, it’s important we tell
it to read any new files we use, and we do this in the <head> of our
Let’s change the background to a nice bold colour. we’re going to
use the <body> tag to set some base styles in our style.css
Your score is
It hasn’t worked, has it?
Great! Our heading should now be big, bold, red and centred!
We use the <link> element to point to our new file. We tell the
browser it’s a stylesheet and use the “href” attribute to give it the
location of our file.
We’ve added in a message to give people that will be hidden
until the end of the quiz
<span class=“score”>0</span>
We use colons at the end of the style property we want to set, and
semi-colons at the end of each line to tell the browser we’ve
css: the
oF Design
<p id=“final”>That’s the end of the quiz!</p>
What is the French for "yes"?
When HTML was
created there were other
competing markup
languages. One of the
reasons why HTML has
become so ubiquitous
across the world is
because Sir Tim decided to
make it completely open.
This means that if you
right click on any page on
the web and select “view
page source” you will be
able to see the raw HTML
that makes up the page.
a raDically open
HTML on its own is boring. Everything is black and white.
You might find this bleak minimalism appealing… we don’t –
our app needs to come alive! CSS is the language of style and
design. We use it to tell the browser what HTML elements
should look like. By specifying design properties like height,
width, colour and background, we can take our unstyled HTML
and create a user interface that is beautiful and intuitive.
You should now have just one question showing. Let’s style up the
answer boxes by targeting the <spans> inside the <p>s and making
them big and bold. Let’s also make the paragraphs a bit bigger and
make them bold as well. We’ve already done this for the heading, so
this bit should be a doddle :)
p {
display: none;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 24px;
p:nth-of-type(1) {
display: block;
p span {
be as
creatiVe as
you like
Once you understand
the principle of CSS you
can add as many rules
for each bit of the page
as you like. What’s great
too is that they’re all
interchangeable, so if you
know how to change the
font-size of a heading,
you can change the fontsize of a paragraph (or
anything else you like!)
First, open your web-app in
full screen view (just click the
“view your app” button in the
top right corner), and then
right click anywhere in your
web-app. Select “inspect
element” from the menu and
a bar should pop up. This is a
developer tool designed for
bug fixing! If you click on
“console”, you should be able
to see if there are any errors
on your page. On the left
hand side you’ll see a
description of the error, and
on the right hand side you’ll
see the file where the error is,
a colon and a number. This is
the line number where your
error is coming from.
Inevitably it won't always
work. If you get an error
message go back through
and check every line and
comma very carefully. Then
check the detail of your error
message for clues. If that
doesn't work, help is at hand
at our forum key in your question and
everything will be ok
To make your app go to
“CSS enables me not only to design
beautiful and flexible interfaces, but also
allows the re-use of design patterns. It
saves time and helps to keep designs
consistent across projects.”
Jonas Haefele, designer
display: block;
text-align: center;
padding: 10px;
Extra step:
COlours in CSS
There are a set number
of “word colours” that
have already been defined
by developers, but if you
want to truly customise
your design you’ll need to
pick your own.
To do this, you can go
to, and
you’ll see that each colour
has an R, G and B value
(standing for red, green,
blue). Just select a colour
you like, and then copy the
RGB colours to your CSS.
For example, you might
change your heading
colour to a lovely shade
of pink:
h1 {
color: rgb(222,
38, 210);
If you’d like to have a bit
of transparency in your
colour, you can also give it
an “alpha” value between
0 and 1, with 0 being
completely transparent
and 1 being completely
margin: 10px;
border: 1px white solid;
Padding is the space around the inside of an element,
between the content and the border. Margin is the
space around the outside. We’ve used “p span” as we
only want to target <spans> that are inside
Wouldn’t it be nice if the buttons changed when you
hovered over them? We can do this by defining an
extra list of styles for when it’s hovered over (with
“:hover” being another pseudo-selector!)
p span {
It’s all well and good
having a beautifully
designed page. But if it
doesn’t do anything,
it’s a bit pointless.
JavaScript is a programming language. It enables us to tell the app to
respond to certain events, compute certain calculations, and essentially
do the things we want it to do. In our case, this is to behave like an
interactive quiz that asks a series of questions and saves the score. But
you can do anything you can imagine using a programming language.
The only limit is the speed of your hardware and your own imagination!
All programming languages are made of the same three ideas:
Variables fl Data
Functions fl Actions
Logic fl Decisions
zVariables are the bits of information the program is concerned with.
z Functions are predefined sections of code that do a certain thing.
z Logic is the decisions the code needs to make at any given time.
border: 1px white solid;
Let’s do this together.
p span:hover {
cursor: pointer;
Finally, let’s style up our score box. We want it to
appear at the bottom of the page and stick there:
em {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
font-size: 30px;
We’ll need a score. We’ll need to know what question we’re on. We will
also need to know the total number of questions. Can you think of any
others? I can’t!
We will need to:
z determine whether the user has
answered the question correctly
z increment the score
z move to the next question
<script src="//
<script src="quiz.js"></script>
The Language
of Interactivity
JavaScript is the only
programming language
that can be used in web
browsers. It’s great to use
it whenever we need to
write rules or instructions.
For our web-app, we
want to be able to record
people's scores, and also
tell whether they got the
question right or wrong.
We’ll need to save some
variables (pieces of data),
test these variables with
some logic and then
depending on the logic,
run some functions.
var questionNumber = 1;
To keep a check on what question our user is on. We’ll then use this line:
var score = 0;
To check what our user’s score is. We now need a function to show the relevant
question, so that when our user is on questionNumber, they’ll only see the first
To define a function, we write the following line:
function showQuestion(question) {
Everything within the function goes between the curly brackets. The (question)
bit of the function is the argument - or an input, which will allow us to tell the
function what question our user is on.
Once we’ve defined the function, we need to hide all of the questions and
then only show the question that the user is on. To do this, we need to add two
lines inside our function, so that it looks like this.
function showQuestion(question) {
$("p:nth-of-type("+ question + ")").show();
Let’s get cracking.
Create a new file called quiz.js. We need to tell the browser to read it.
Unlike CSS, we generally do this from the bottom of the HTML page; this
is so browsers can read the HTML and CSS first, which means the app
will load faster:
$('span').click(function() {
width: 100%;
background: red;
<script src="quiz.js"></script>
Now that our JS file is connected, let’s do a little test to see if it’s
working. If you write the following in your quiz.js file, a pop up box
should appear:
alert(“Hello World!”);
If you didn’t, double-check your script is connected properly, and make
sure your browser is not blocking popups.
Once you’re happy that your showQuestion function works, you can delete the
above line.
Now this function is set up, we can create a function that will run when our
user clicks on an answer. Like before, we set up a function, but this time we use
jQuery to detect when a user clicks on a span.
Make sure your file
name is all lowercase.
Refresh your page to
make sure it’s updated.
Ensure that you have
no spaces between
the word alert and the
opening bracket.
Still stuck? Ask a
friend to look over it
with you. Fixing things
is half the fun!
$('span').click(function() {
The Power of
if ($(this).hasClass("correct")) {
jQuery is a JavaScript
library written originally
by John Resig. A library is
a collection of pre-written
code that we can access.
That’s it! The last thing we’ve got to do is just run the showQuestion function
when the user first loads the page. To do this we just use a really simple line:
Now we’ve got the jQuery library connected we can start to write the variables
we need to get our quiz to work. At the top of your quiz.js file, we need to define
the following variable. We’ll use this line:
We’re using the jQuery show and hide functions to hide all of the question
paragraphs and then show only the question that the user is on.
Why not have a go at testing the function now by calling it for the first
question? Type the below and see what happens!
Now that we’ve checked if our user got the question right or not, we need to
show them the next question. We can do this by adding one to our question
number variable, and then running the showQuestion function that we’ve
already created. </html>
z What logical decisions might we make?
z “if user clicked on a span with a class of correct, increment the score
and move to the next question”
z if there are no more questions, show the facebook share button
z Note how logic makes use of our functions and variables. Logic is the
glue that holds a program together.
padding: 10px 0px 20px 0px;
We’ve given it the same background colour as the
rest of the page. This means that if your questions are
very long, they will scroll behind the score. The
instruction for padding is the equivalent of writing:
padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 0px;
padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 0px; You
can put them all on one line to save time.
It’s always helpful to break down your desired outcome into the
variables, the functions and the bits of logic we’ll need to write.
h1 {
color: rgba(222,
38, 210, 0.8);
Let’s delete the alert now we know it’s working. As well as including our
JavaScript file, we’ll also need to include a link to jQuery, which will allow us to
use code developed by other developers to supercharge our web app.
To include jQuery, Google ‘jQuery CDN’ and look for a line similar to the
below. Head back to your index.html file, and insert the line at the bottom of
your HTML file, before you link to quiz.js. This will link to a version of jQuery
hosted on a Content Delivery Network.
Network (CDN)
A content delivery network
is an idea meaning that
a file or service is hosted
on computers around the
world, so that wherever
your users are they’ll be
able to access the file
quickly and easily
Oh! One more thing. The last thing we need to do in our showQuestion function
is check that the user hasn’t finished the quiz. If they have, we want to show
them the final screen. To do this, we’ll use our first piece of logic. We can get
jQuery to detect if the next question exists. If it does, we’ll show that question.
If it doesn’t, we can assume that the user is at the end of the quiz and show
them the final screen.
function showQuestion(question) {
if ($("p:nth-of-type("+ question + ")").length > 0){
$("p:nth-of-type("+ question + ")").show();
else {
Casing You may be wondering
why we call our variables
and functions names like
questionNumber. It’s
because when you have
long function names it’s
easier to read them when
the first letter of each
word (apart from the first)
is capitalised. Look at this
for an example:
Now we’ve pieced all the code together, your quiz.js should look like this:
var questionNumber = 1;
var score = 0;
function showQuestion(question) {
if ($("p:nth-of-type("+ question + ")").length > 0){
$("p:nth-of-type("+ question + ")").show();
else {
$('span').click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("correct")) {
When a user clicks on an answer, the first thing we want to do is detect if the
user is correct or not. We can use some logic to do this. It will be an “if”
statement that will check if the answer has the class “correct”. If it does we’ll
add 1 to the user’s score using JavaScript’s ++ command. Once this is done we
can update the score to show the user how many questions they’ve got right.
$('span').click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("correct")) {
The nth-of-type selector
allows us to select an
element and detect what
order it is on the page.
This means that we’re
able to give our users the
quiz questions one by one,
rather than all at once.
If you click “view your app” you should now have a fully functioning quiz
application! We used jQuery for our programming, but if you’d like to see how
you’d write this program without jQuery check out our website.
Build your own app with
The Sunday Times and then share
it with us to be in with a chance of
spending the day in the newsroom
with our digital team. We’re looking
for the most imaginative apps that
show you’ve gone beyond our guides
to produce a unique, interesting and
– most importantly – functional app.
#STCodeComp to be in with a chance of winning.
The competition will be judged by both The Sunday Times and Decoded,
so this could be your opportunity to be recognised by the best!
Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more details