Exploritorium - Falk School


Exploritorium - Falk School
AASL 2011: Get Reading @ Your Library
Presented by Linda Herward, Librarian
Falk Laboratory School
4060 Allequippa St.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Phone: 412-824-8010
Email: herward@pitt.edu
The Falk School community celebrates School Library Month as part of its Spring
Reading Initiative. During the months of April and May, reading and listening are
promoted by activities which foster a spirit of community rather than competition.
Parents, teachers, interns, staff, and students are encouraged to join in these
In his book, The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research, Stephan
Krashen states that free voluntary reading is one of the most powerful tools we
have in language instruction (1). “’In-school’ free reading studies and ‘out of
school’ self-reported free voluntary reading studies show that more reading
results in better reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, spelling and
grammatical development” (12).
The Reading Chain grows as Book Badges are added for each book read or read
aloud. The value of honest is stressed. Students watch the Reading Chain grow
as it snakes its way from light fixtures and book shelves throughout the library.
The Page Tally is updated daily and prominently displayed. The culminating
activity is The Read-In, a school wide SSR (Sustained Silent Reading). The
Totals are announced and the school community joins together to celebrate
Spring Reading Initiative
Special events are planned in April and May to celebrate “School Library Month.” These include the
Library Book Fair, Author Visit, Book Badges, Reading Chain, Page Tally, and school wide SSR ReadIn. An explanation of each is found below.
Information about these activities can also be found on the library web page at
1. The Library Book Fair: The annual Library Book Fair is held during the week of achievement
tests and spring parent conferences. This year the Fair will be held in the new library Tuesday, April
20 through Friday, April 23, 2010. The purpose of the Fair is to encourage reading of quality
children’s books while raising funds to expand the library collection. Scholastic, Inc. is the book
fair supplier with a theme this year of “Book Fair Diner: All You Can Read.” The Fair will include a
Classroom Wish List Program that allows parents to purchase books from the Fair for teachers’
classrooms, Scholastic’s “One for Books” donation program, and student gift basket free raffle. FYI
– Sales tax will be collected this year.
Volunteers will be needed to work at the Book Fair, to set-up Monday, to assist students during the
fair, and to pack-up Friday. Contact Shelley Ross, Book Fair co-chair by email at
judgesbay@yahoo.com or by phone at 412-687-0503.
Author Visit, Wednesday, April 28: Kimberly Willis Holt is the author of the novels My
Louisiana Sky, Mister and Me, Dancing in Cadillac Light, Part of Me, Keeper of the Night and the
National Book Award winner, When Zachary Beaver Comes to Town. She has written three shorter
chapter books in the Piper Reed series: Piper Reed: Navy Brat, Piper Reed: The Great Gypsy and
Piper Reed Get a Job. She is the author of two picture books, Skinny Brown Dog and Waiting for
Gregory. The daughter of a navy chief, Ms. Holt lived all over the world as a child and now resides
in West Texas with her family. This author visit is made possible in part through the generous
support of the Falk School PTA.
Several of Ms. Holt’s books will be pre-sold for autographing. Proceeds of the sale will help defray
the expenses of this special event. Information about the author visit and book sale is on the library
web site: http://tc.education.pitt.edu/library/AuthorEvents/KimberlyWillisHolt/KimberlyWillisHolt
Ordered books will be autographed and given to the students the day of Ms. Holt’s visit.
3. Book Badges: Students, parents, teachers, interns, staff, and family members are encouraged to fill
out a Book Badge for each book they read or that is read to them. Book Badges may be turned in to
the homeroom teachers or sent to Ms. Herward by way of the school office. One sheet of Book
Badges is included with this mailing. Cut badges apart. Note unpaged books usually have 32
Additional badges will be available in the library, in intermediate and primary homerooms or online
at http://tc.education.pitt.edu/library/SpringRead/BookBadges.html
4. Reading Chain: Badges will be attached to a paper chain strung about the library. The chain will
be moved to the school for the Read-In.
5. Page Tally: A cumulative ‘total pages read’ is displayed each day on the library bulletin board and
outside the school office. Total number of books read and the total number of pages read will be
announced at the end of May.
6. Read-In: A school wide SSR Read-In will be held in early June (tentative date June 2 at 9:30 am).
The entire Falk School Community will be invited to join in Sustained Silent Reading in the gym for
twenty minutes on a specified day. Parents are invited to attend. Details will follow.
March 22, 2010
Dear Parents,
In April the Falk School community will be celebrating School Library Month. Several special events
will be held in April and May: the annual Library Book Fair April 20-23, the Kimberly Willis Holt
Author Visit on April 28, and a school wide SSR Read-In (tentative date June 2 at 9:30 am). These
events are part of our annual Spring Reading Initiative to promote and celebrate reading. The
information sheet on the back of this letter gives details of each. I would like to share the rationale for
our reading promotion program and encourage your support.
In his book, The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research, Stephen Krashen tell us that free
voluntary reading is one of the most powerful tools we have in language education (p.1). “In-school
free reading studies and ‘out of school’ self-reported free voluntary reading studies show that more
reading results in better reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, spelling and grammatical
development” (p.12).
Krashen cites other research findings concerning reading and literacy.
The richer the print environment, the better the literacy development. However, a rich print environment helps
only when more reading is done. A good reading environment encourages reading (comfort and quiet).
Children read more when they listen to stories and when they discuss stories. Hearing stories has a direct
impact on literacy development. Reading itself promotes reading. Children read more when they see other
people reading. Direct encouragement to read helps if the right type of reading material is recommended (pp.
As a working parent and member of the Falk community for the past seventeen years, I know how busy
families are today. Reading aloud is a wonderful way for family members to spend quiet time together.
It can be relaxing and entertaining for all. Make this spring a time for reading!
Review the activities with your child/children. Encourage them to participate in each aspect of the
Spring Reading Initiative. Model reading for your children; fill out Book Badges for the books you
read. These will be attached to the Book Badge chain in the library along with the children’s. Ask
about the tally of pages read. Make this a truly Falk community project and we will all share in the
Linda Herward
Laurie Williams
Book Fair Diner:
All You Can Read!
Falk School Library
Tuesday – Friday, April 20-23, 2010
Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 am - 6:00 pm
Friday 8:30 – 3:00 pm
Falk School library becomes a bookstore for the Annual Library Book Fair. A wide
variety of books will be provided by Scholastic, Inc. The goal of the Book Fair is to
encourage reading and to provide financial support for the library program.
The books range in a price from about $5 to $20. Paperback and hardcover books
will be sold. Payment may be made with cash, check or credit card. Make checks
payable to FALK SCHOOL LIBRARY. State sales tax will be collected (7 %).
Students will visit the Book Fair with their classes during the school day. Parent
volunteers and the library staff will be on hand to assist them. Each student will
received a free raffle ticket for a gift basket. Parents are welcome to visit any time to
browse and buy, with or without their children. Families may consider buying one or
more books for their child’s classroom. Look for the Teacher Wish List table. Note
the Book Fair closes on Friday at 3:00 to allow time for packing up.
Join Scholastic in promoting literacy by supporting the One for Books program.
Families are encouraged to donate $1 or “loose change.” The dollars collected at Falk
will be used to purchase books from the Fair for our library. Scholastic will match the
One for Book dollars collected with a donation of books to three non-profit organizations
dedicated to helping children and families in need: Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc.,
National Center for Family Literacy and Toys for Tots.
Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your child’s home library and help Falk
School Library at the same time.
Book Fair Schedule:
8:30 - 8:45
8:45 - 9:25
9:00 – 10:00
10:10 – 11:10
11:20 – 12:20
12:20 – 6:00
MS–Gr. 5
MS – Gr. 3
Close at 3:00
Packing up
Kimberly Willis Holt
Falk School
April 28, 2010
Date received
Kimberly Willis Holt Author Visit -- Book Order Form
Parent Name: ___________________________________________ Email: ___________________________
Student Name/s___________________________________________________ Homeroom/s _____________
Phone: ___________________________ The supply of books is limited. Reserve books now.
Kimberly Willis Holt’s books are being pre-sold for autographing. Proceeds of the sale will be used to help
defray the expenses of the author visit. See book descriptions at right. For best selection, return form and
check to Ms. Herward, Library by April 8. Make check payable to Falk School Library. Books will be
distributed to the children on April 28, 2010. Order Form and book descriptions are available on the library
website. Questions contact - herward@pitt.edu or 412-624-8010
Price Each
Skinny Brown Dog (hardcover)
Please print name clearly for personal autographing. Example: Linda
@ $17.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
Waiting for Gregory (hardcover)
@ $17.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
Piper Reed: Navy Brat (hardcover)
@ $15.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
Piper Read: Navy Brat (paperback)
@ $7.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
Piper Reed: The Great Gypsy (hardcover)
@ $ 15.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
Piper Reed: The Great Gypsy (paperback)
@ $7.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
Piper Reed Gets a Job (hardcover)
@ $15.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
Dancing in the Cadillac Light (paperback)
@ $6.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
My Louisiana Sky (hardcover)
@ 18.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
My Louisiana Sky (paperback)
@ 7.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
When Zachary Beaver Comes to Town (hardcover)
@ 18.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
When Zachary Beaver Comes to Town (paperback)
@ 7.00
Autography to: _______________________________________________
_____ Total Books
Total ________
Additional Notes: