12-20-15 - Point Pleasant church of Christ
12-20-15 - Point Pleasant church of Christ
A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS! Volume 8, Issue 51 FEARLESS 2015 December 20, 2015 Family News and Notes Today’s Schedule Sunday Adult Class 1 Corinthians 3-4 ******** Sunday Morning Worship We are glad that you were able to join us this morning in worship to God. Please let us know if you have questions we can answer and also let us know how we can serve you! ***** Volunteers Needed for 2016 Sermon Topic Did Not Our Heart Burn Within Us? Speaker: Jason Carter Please consider signing up for the following volunteer opportunities for 2016. Signup sheets are on the bulletin board. Luke 24:22-32 1. Communion preparation for 2016 ********* Inside this issue: Family News & Notes 1 Upcoming Events 1 Article 2 Birthdays/Anniversaries 2 2. Hosts for youth devotionals January thru April Sunday Evening Worship Missionary/Benevolence 3 ***** I Want to be a Control Freak Guest Speaker: Buddy Baker Proverbs 3:1-10 Thank You Bible Study Plan 3 Thank you to Andy and Valerie Bailey for hosting the adult holiday party on Friday evening. Prayer Requests 3 Scheduled to Serve 4 Also thanks to Buddy and Leah Baker, Heather Glass, and the teens for their Cookies and Caroling event. BIBLE FACTs ***** Jesus Birth The Bible does not specify a date or month for the birth of Jesus. One problem with December is that it would be unusual for shepherds to be “abiding in the field” at this time of year. The normal practice was to keep the flocks in the fields from Spring to Autumn. Also, winter would likely be an especially difficult time for pregnant Mary to travel the 70 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Source ChristianAnswers.net M INISTE R Preacher Things to Know/Remember Sign Up for CYC before December 27. See the elders if you would like to have a copy of the 2016 plans or if you have questions. Great Smoky Mountain Marriage Retreat-Feb 18-20 Ladies’ Day—March 5 Spring Gospel Meeting—April 24-27, 2016 Fall Seminar—Sept 9-11, 2016 TIM DOOLEY Cell: 859-486-4215 Associate Minister JASON CARTER Cell: 859-916-4269 Elders SCOTT BOND Cell: Cell: MINISTRY OF ENCOURAGEMENT Cell: UPCOMING EVENTS January 9 TIME EVENT DETAILS Olivia McMillan/Isaac Hall Wedding @ North Lexington Church of Christ….please RSVP 513-886-2639 TRENTON MCMILLAN Team 2—Hutson, Leas, Reeves, Stewart, Tolliver DATE 513-226-6680 JOHN GLASS 859 372 0488 Deacons CONTACT Andy Bailey 859 689-1525 Trenton or Laura McMillan Buddy Baker 859 689-5867 Deric Hutson 513-238-3994 Gerry Leas 513-266-3035 Dale Reynolds 803-840-2616 Dennis Tolliver 859-341-4099 Page 2 Should a Christian Give to the “Salvation Army”? By Jason T Carter FEARLESS 2015 ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY RECORD 197 CONTRIBUTION LAST WEEK WEEK BUDGET 4700 AVERAGE 4505 Anniversaries 12/14 Jonathan/Jennifer Glass 12/14 Vickie/Carl Shreve Birthdays 12/1 12/3 12/4 12/11 12/12 12/21 12/24 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/28 12/29 12/29 12/30 Point Pleasant Church of Christ Frank Criss Al Rohner Cody Crowder Steve Davis Andy Bailey Leah Baker Trenton McMillan Savannah Rittenhouse Carol Link Cailin Cruickshank Emily Shouse Betty Kelly Bill McLaurine Dan Link We never intend to leave anybody out., but mistakes do happen..if you see mistakes/ omissions, PLEASE bring them to my attention. Thank You, Jennifer Each December, department stores are packed with holiday shoppers, bedecked with Christmas decorations, and at nearly every entrance will be a red kettle next to a person ringing a bell. The Salvation Army seems to be as much a part of the Christmas season as Santa Claus. This raises the question: “Should a Christian give to the Salvation Army?” This is a good question that should be carefully considered by every member of the Lord’s church as they decide how to use the money with which God has blessed them. William Booth (1829-1912), a New Connection Methodist minister, organized the Salvation Army in the late nineteenth century. Brother Owen D. Olbricht, in his 1972 class booklet, Studies in Denominational Doctrine Book Two, says that one of the original purposes of the Salvation Army was to “help those in poverty”, and that they “provided boarding-houses, orphanages, maternity hospitals, and settlements in the poor quarters of the city” (p. 25). However, the Salvation Army is more than just a benevolent society. It is a religion with a well-defined body of doctrine, including much error. While this denominational group holds to some of the more common errors, including total hereditary depravity and the direct operation of the Holy Spirit, there are some other religious errors that may come as a surprise to those who have never researched the group. Not only does the Salvation Army not believe baptism is necessary to salvation, they refuse to practice it. The same is true of the Lord’s Supper. “As it is the Salvation Army’s firm conviction that these ceremonies are not necessary to salvation nor essential to spiritual progress, we do not observe them” (The Salvation Army Handbook of Doctrine, p. 160). These words are a far cry from the teachings of the New Testament (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 20:7). They assert, “Water baptism was evidently not intended to be perpetually observed” (p. 163) and that the reference to the Lord’s Supper by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 “should be interpreted spiritually” (p. 165). The Salvation Army has corrupted the worship revealed in the New Testament as well. Christians are commanded to sing (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16), but the Salvation Army adds instrumental music to the worship service. Women preachers are accepted within the Salvation Army, dating back to the founder’s wife, Catherine Booth. The Scriptures clearly state that women are “not…to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man” (1 Timothy 2:12). Additionally, the Salvation Army finances its work in ways not authorized by the Scriptures, including the red kettles you find outside department stores during this time of year. In the New Testament, the church financed its work through the contributions of its members (1 Corinthians 16:2). Returning to the question, “Should a Christian give to the Salvation Army?” I would counter with the question, “Should a Christian support an organization that teaches religious error?” What saith the Scriptures? Ephesians 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” A Christian has no more business giving to the “Salvation Army” than he does to any other humanly-originated false religion or denomination. POINT PLEASANT FAMILY BLESSINGS “REJOICE WITH THOSE THAT REJOICE” Romans 12:15 We are glad to have our college students home from Freed Hardeman University! Congratulations to Olivia McMillan’s fiancée, Isaac Hall, on his graduation from FHU last weekend. THIS SECTION OF THE BULLETIN IS DEDICATED TO ANNOUNCING ANSWERED PRAYERS, PERSONAL SUCCESSES, AND SIMILAR THINGS THAT THE POINT PLEASANT FAMILY WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH EACH OTHER. PLEASE SEE JENNIFER LEAS OR SEND YOUR ANNOUNCEMENTS TO ppbulletins@gmail.com Volume 8, Issue 51 Page 3 Message from Velaphi Melangani FEARLESS 2015 POINT THE WAY YOUTH GROUP EXCERPTS FROM VELAPHI’S NEWSLETTER: One of our favourite family songs is : "Count your blessings..name them one by one". We like the song because many times it is so easy to count our problems more than we do our blessings. In Zimbabwe, one of the blessings which we are enjoying is that of preaching the Gospel unhindered in any part of the country and to all people big or small. In this country, we do not have any legislation which bars us from preaching the Gospel Truth to young people. Therefore, we always take every opportunity in our disposal in planting the eternal seed to young hearts. The month of November was for the young ones in Zimbabwe. This is the time when kindergarteners graduate to grade one. During the month in review , two schools namely Chesa and Glass Block Two invited us and I was the guest speaker at both schools. We,took the opportunity to encourage all children to study the Bible and explained the benefits of doing so. As people say : " catch them when they are still young". Feb 26-28, 2016 CYC, Gatlinburg, TN A Calendar of the kids’ scheduled activities is in the foyer. Please come out and support them whenever you can! They’ll appreciate it! In His service, Velaphi Our Prayer List worker’s toddler— recurrent cancer Sharlene (Begley) John Paul Reinersman’s father– Stg 1 Prostate Cancer CANCER PATIENTS Benni Shanklin—(J Bond Kevin Aldrich, A Bailey’s friend)—breast cancer coworker—brain tumor Bobbie Soales-friend of C Paul Anderson—uncle of Myers—brain tumor Isaac Hall (Olivia’s boyBarbara Stevens—K Crufriend)—cancer ickshank’s mother—breast George Baker (K Cruickcancer shank’s uncle) -colon canJeff Sydnor—Lena cer Wheatley’s family friend Maggie Boone—D Stewart Martha Todd– J Carter’s riend- breast cancer cousin—brain cancer Charlie Cannon (J Erin Wells—D Stewart Womacks Uncle) - bladder friend- breast cancer cancer *** Andrew Wehman—(son of Tobe Chappell (C Dooley NEW CHRISTIANS Dooley friends) - leukemia coworker grandpa)liver/lung Michelle Worley—cancer Jeannette Davis—breast spread to lungs (friend of K *** cancer (A Womacks friend) Cornett, RHills Counselor) COLLEGE STUDENTS Lori Ellis—(M CruickSandy (Womacks) - Stage 4 Ian Cruickshank shank’s aunt) *** Rachel Dooley Kenneth Luck, M Carter’s HEART PATIENTS Olivia McMillan grandfather, leukemia Mike Obst—Bond family Tyler Powers *** liver cancer Summer Turner STROKE PATIENTS Lisa Osbourne, friend of *** Ethyl Begley—Jessie’s sister Leas’, appendix cancer MILITARY in law—stroke Parker—A Carter’s coKyrk Davis NEW UPDATES John Glass’ Mother’s tests showed that her condition has not changed since the last test Donna Stewart had rotator cuff surgery last week *** .DEATH IN FAMILY Larry Beckley (aunt) Maria Carter (Relative) Steve Davis (mother) DeWight Shouse (cousin) Lena Wheatley (brother) *** BIBLE STUDIES/ GOSPEL RESPONSES Jonathan Harris (Carol Link cousin) in Syria Shawn Kleindinst—(Dooley friend) *** Ed & Georgia Deaton— Georgia broke her hip Dian Fornash—D Stewart’s sister—back surgery Sandra Gable—Link’s Susan Aragon-Stg 1 PBC daughter Bob Carney—C Dooley’s Ron Garland (Glass family)father—Alzheimer’s Norma Carter—(J Carter’s waiting for liver transplant Roger & Colleen Holsinger mother) Meniers’ Disease wintering in Florida Frank Criss—health probs Teddy Jaynes—B Kelly’s Ted Johnson nephew—Kidney problems Bill McLaurine’s sonAshley Link Alzheimer’s Carol Link Hazel Powell Dave McKitrick (J Leas Sheryl Pyles—MS@ Roserelative) - Broken back/foot dale Green Rm 212 Bill McLaurine– chipped a Chris Reitz—Lewey Body bone in his foot dementia@ Mountain Delores McLaurine—is in Crest Health South Paulette Shouse—COPD Kyle Vath—(J Carter’s *** cousin)—health problemsPERSONAL/FAMILY Family of 2 yr old, Daniel STRUGGLES Whitworth, who passed Reny Begley away unexpectedly Jordan Watson—(L StewPLEASE NOTE: We routinely art’s granddaughter) “CLEAN UP” the prayer list. If you Rob & Seanna Pugh (J Leas notice that one has been removed in error, please let us know so that brother) - family struggles we can make the correct adjustment. We certainly don’t want to Sebastian Family forget anyone who still needs our *** prayer. THANK YOU! Jennifer INJURIES/OTHER REQUESTS Dan Link— *** LONG TERM ILLNESS/SHUT-IN’S FOCUS 2014 A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS! 2 Corinthians 4:18 Point Pleasant Church of Christ 3259 Point Pleasant Road Hebron, KY 41048 Phone: 859-283-1075 What One Must Do To Be Saved TO: HEAR THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST John 20:30; Rom 10:17 BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD Rom 10:16; Acts 18:8; Heb 11:6 REPENT OF SINS Luke 13:3; 24:47; Acts 3:19; 17:30 CONFESS FAITH IN CHRIST AS GOD’S SON Matt 10:32; Acts 8:37; Rom 10:10 BE BAPTIZED (IMMERSED) IN WATER Matt 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 10:47-48; 22:16; Rom 6:1-6; Gal 3:27; Col 2:12; I Peter 3:21 We’re on the web! Find us at www.ppcofc.org CONTINUE FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH Matt 25:21, 34; 2Peter 1:1-11; Rev 2:10; I John 1:6-9 Scheduled to Serve - December 20, 2015 SUNDAY AM WORSHIP SUNDAY PM WORSHIP Announcements John Glass Announcements John Glass Song Leader Trenton McMillan Song Leader Trenton McMillan Opening Prayer Deric Hutson Opening Prayer Tim Dooley Presiding @ Lord’s Table Gerry Leas Preside at Lord’s Table Gerry Leas Assist: Gregory McMillan Assist Gregory McMillan Assist Jonathan Glass Scripture Reading Wayne Baker Assist Doug Yerkes Message Tim Dooley Scripture Reading Joshua Carter Closing Prayer John P Reinerman Message Tim Dooley Closing Prayer Wesley Baker Usher/Greeter Jonathan Glass Count Attendance Andrew Rittenhouse WEDNESDAY EVENING Announcements& Prayer John Glass Song Leader Andy Bailey Count Attendance Bob Myers Invitation Scott Bond Count Offering Buddy Baker Closing Prayer Jonathan Glass Count Offering Gerry Leas IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO SERVE, PLEASE CALL BUDDY BAKER AT 859-689-5867 or email bud- MEN SERVING IN THE AM SERVICE ARE REQUESTED TO MEET IN THE OFFICE AT 10:25. dyleahbaker@fuse.net Point Pleasant Church of Cphrist Meeting Times Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7:00 PM GOT ANNOUNCEMENTS? Contact Jennifer Leas Phone: 859-586-4332 Email: ppbulletins@gmail.com